The most medicinal plant. Information about the activities of the team. most beneficial herbs

Since ancient times, people have used plants to treat their body. About 5000 years ago, the facts were documented by the Sumerians medical use plants such as thyme and laurel. Today, the use of plants for the treatment of diseases is widespread among most cultures. Did you know that many vegetable medicines can be found right in your garden? Check out the list of some plants that have medicinal properties.

10. Dandelion

Dandelion can be used as a diuretic. It also contains potassium, which is flushed out of the body during excessive trips to the toilet. It can be used topically to treat eczema and internally to prevent arthritis, and intestinal disorders. Also, dandelion leaves regulate blood sugar levels.

9. Rosemary

Rosemary, native to the Mediterranean region, is part of the Lamiaceae family. A recent study showed that rosemary carnosic acids may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. The oil in its flowers has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

8. Lavender

Lavender is well known for its fragrance and is also anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. AT Ancient Greece, Rome and the Middle East, lavender was used as an antiseptic. For centuries, it has also been used to treat anxiety, migraines, insomnia and depression.

7. Aloe Vera

The clear juice from aloe leaves has been used for centuries to treat burns, cuts, and skin infections. Experts note that the plant has properties that reduce skin inflammation. Aloe vera can also help with heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome.

Thyme is often used for indigestion. It is also used as an antibiotic and has been used for centuries to heal wounds, and as an anti-fungal agent.

5. Celery

Animal studies have shown that celery seed extract normalizes blood pressure and has a sedative, anticonvulsant effect. It can also be successfully used as a diuretic and in the treatment of psoriasis.

Scientists from the USA note that sunflower leaf tea has astringent, diuretic, expectorant properties and can be used to treat all types of colds. Due to the ability to extract toxic, radioactive substances from the soil, sunflower was used in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident.

Mint is known to be soothing. headache, reduces skin irritation, relieves nausea, helps with diarrhea and flatulence. Some studies have shown that it also has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Preparations made from mint leaves can relieve breast congestion.

Catnip is not just a natural elixir of happiness for cats. Chewing catnip leaves can help with toothache. It also increases sweating, which helps reduce fever. Catnip is known for its mild sedative effect on the nervous system person. Some people use catnip oil as an insect repellent. Studies show that the oil repels mosquitoes 10 times more effectively than special means from the store.

The ancient Greeks used basil leaves to treat scorpion stings, and the ancient Romans used them to relieve flatulence, poisoning, and to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. In India, basil is used to treat stress, diabetes and even asthma. Studies have shown that it has antiviral and antitumor properties.

Author's note: Just like prescription drugs, plants can cause adverse side effects. Before self-medicating or taking any medication, including plant origin be sure to consult your doctor.

The number of useful medicinal plants is incalculable - in addition to the well-known, widespread everywhere, each country has its own, growing exclusively in this area. Speaking about the most famous medicinal plants, aloe, yarrow, St. John's wort and calendula are most often remembered. All of them have medicinal properties and are widely used for the preparation of medicines.

For centuries, people have used plants to treat diseases. There are many of them: calamus, thyme, licorice root, ginseng, mustard, fir and many others. They were collected in forests and meadows or grown specially. People knew at what time of the year and at what time of day they should collect medicinal herbs so that they would not lose their properties. Many modern medicines appeared thanks to plants, after it became known which substances in them help get rid of diseases.

Useful medicinal plants: aloe, elecampane and St. John's wort

Succulent, that is, a plant that can accumulate and retain fluid in itself. Therefore, its leaves are thick and fleshy, and the pulp is divided into separate cells containing moisture reserves, which the plant uses gradually during a drought. Aloe grows in Africa, in Madagascar, on the Arabian Peninsula. Now it is grown in Europe as a house plant. Aloe juice is very useful, it helps with the healing of wounds, burns and generally has a great effect on the skin. No wonder aloe juice is part of many creams.

In each medicinal herb contains at least one substance with medicinal properties. It is often unevenly distributed over tissues and parts. medicinal herbs. Therefore, when collecting the most useful medicinal plants, you need to know where useful elements, and in what period of plant development their concentration is maximum.

Elecampane helps the work of the respiratory and digestive organs. The drug alaptop, which is obtained from it, heals ulcers.

Such a well-known medicinal plant as St. John's wort, or St. John's wort, grows everywhere. It is named so for the color of its leaves, where light and dark iron spots alternate. Decoctions and infusions of St. John's wort help with diseases digestive tract, with tonsillitis, headaches and many other ailments.

The most famous medicinal plant is yarrow

The yarrow is so named due to its numerous pinnate leaves. For medical purposes, flower heads are used. Yarrow stops the blood, helps in the treatment of inflammation and allergies.

The oldest of the medical treatises that have come down to us - a Sumerian clay tablet - dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. There are 15 recipes based on medicinal herbs. The most famous medicinal plant yarrow is also one of the components of potions. Doctors of Ancient Sumer used fir, pine, mustard, thyme, plum fruits, pears, figs and many other plants for treatment.

Beautiful medicinal plant - calendula

Calendula, or marigold, is both decorative and healing flower. Preparations from this beautiful medicinal plant treat burns, wounds, fistulas, rinse the mouth and throat, and stomatitis.

You will need

  • For the first experience in phytotherapy, you will need dry herbs. They can be collected and dried on their own or bought at a pharmacy.


The plantain is big. Since childhood, known to everyone as a remedy for cuts and insect bites. Fresh, clean, slightly crushed leaves can be applied to wounds. Plantain is also effective for the treatment inflammatory diseases skin. Inside plantain is used for bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis and nephritis. Psyllium seeds are used to treat infertility, with cracked nipples in nursing mothers, as well as conjunctivitis.


Vegetable raw materials should be collected only in ecologically clean areas, remote from roads, housing and industrial enterprises.

Useful advice

Even medicinal plants can have contraindications. Before you start taking herbal remedies, consult with your doctor.


  • Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Tip 2: Borago or borage: cultivation and beneficial properties

borage grass(borago) - a little-known spicy-aromatic vitamin culture. Only advanced gardeners know her well. Meanwhile, borage has so many virtues that it is included in the diet of astronauts. By nutritional properties borage is not inferior to such common greens as lettuce, dill and parsley.

Borago belongs to the borage family and is popularly known as, which received it for its strong aroma. fresh cucumber. The name borage is found in medicinal books. Cucumber grass is an annual early ripening cold-resistant plant, completely unpretentious to growing conditions. It will grow on any soil, on the sunny side and in partial shade. The best of their nutritional and healing qualities borago will show on the lands loose and fertile.

How to grow borage herb?

The technique of growing borage is very simple, even a child can handle it. Seeds are sown in early spring days, starting from April at several times, as a conveyor crop. When sown in early April, the greens are ready in mid-May. Strong friendly shoots appear after 5-9 days. The depth of seeding into the soil is from 2..2.5 cm to 3..4 cm, if the soil is light or sandy. Between plants leave a distance of 8..15 cm, between rows - 30...45 cm.

The plants are distinguished by good vigor at moderate temperatures and well-drained soil. In hot weather, the borago shoots quickly and throws out a flower stalk. Therefore, in dry weather, plants need watering. Borage care consists of loosening, weeding and watering. Remove cucumber greens as young leaves grow. Aging leaves are coarser and tasteless. Leaves are used until the plants shoot. To obtain young greenery, repeated crops are carried out, skipping the top of summer, that is, the hottest time of the summer season.

What do you eat cucumber grass with?

Borage leaves are pubescent, so it’s better not to cut them into dishes, but to crush them, as our grandmothers did, flavoring salads, cold soups, okroshka, vinaigrettes, sauces, gravies, marinades, vinegars with fragrant cucumber dressing. Cold fruit drinks are flavored with fresh flowers. Cakes are decorated with candied flowers. Dried flowers improve the taste of baked goods.

What is nutritious and healing power borago?

Plants have a wide nutritional composition. In them in in large numbers there are vitamins organic acids, essential oil, tannins and mucous substances, sugars, carotene, minerals. AT medicinal purposes borage has been used since ancient times for low body tone and melancholy. The entire aerial part of plants is used in folk medicine. An infusion of flowers and leaves is drunk with neurosis of the heart and nervous disorders, with rheumatic pains in the joints and muscles, with gout, with metabolic disorders. The herb is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, emollient and enveloping drug.

Traditional "female" herbs have a positive effect on the functions of the organs of the female genital area, relieve inflammatory processes and reduce the risk of neoplasms various etiologies. Herbs are able to eliminate the cause of the disease, if it is caused by a lack of a particular substance. Natural Ingredients herbal teas help to overcome the disease and stabilize the cycle of a woman, if applied with knowledge of the properties of plants.

main feature herbs and phytotherapy for women's health - they do not cause irreversible changes that are not characteristic of healthy body, adjusting the work internal organs naturally.

  • upland uterus- analgesic, antitumor, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect female grass. The collection has a stimulating effect on the immune system and improves reproductive capacity female body, relieves inflammation of the ovaries, obstruction of the tubes, prevents adhesive processes.
  • red brush is a natural hormone with pronounced adaptogenic properties. In women, grass eliminates endocrine disorders, ailments during menstruation, normalizes metabolism, is widely used to treat myomas and fibromyomas of the uterus, endometriosis, polyps and cervical erosion, cysts, mastopathy, is used for menopause and tumors (breast, uterus, etc.).
  • Cimicifuga- the rhizomes of the plant are widely used for women's health in negative manifestations menopause. A powerful phytoestrogen for women's health, regulating the balance of estrogens and stimulating their active production. Puts in order the nervous system, eliminates anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, lowers blood pressure.
  • Common cuff- has a healing effect on the female body. In herbal medicine for women, the herb is used for gynecological diseases: infertility, leucorrhea, violation menstrual cycle, inflammation. herbal collection reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, has a hemostatic property.
  • Salt-loving iris- recommended for women with infertility, inflammatory diseases, metabolic processes, used to treat rashes, manifestations of allergic etymology on the skin.
  • cyanosis blue- beautiful sedative. The herb is used for insomnia, various mental disorders, reduces reflex excitability. The herb has the function of reducing a woman's reaction to stressful situations.

Additional important properties collection of herbs for women's health - increasing anti-stress resistance, stabilizing pressure, regulating blood sugar levels.

Our "herbalist" is 14 of the most useful herbs on which you can rely on full description valuable properties and a list of contraindications.


This plant of the succulent genus was first discovered in the countries of South Africa and Arabia. During the journey of the Russian ship to South Africa, one of the crew members caught an unknown tropical fever, and he had to be left on the shore. Literally a month later, another team found the sailor in the same place ─ he looked much better. It turned out that in the jungle he found a tropical plant that looked like a shrub and chewed its leaves (rather from hunger), and then noticed that his health began to improve significantly. So, according to unofficial data, aloe came to Russia.

More than 200 are known in nature. different types aloe, but the most common in our country is aloe tree or agave. As a rule, two are obtained from its leaves. useful product- juice and gel. The first is more often used in medicine, the second - in cosmetology. Aloe juice contains useful trace elements: manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, bromine, vanadium, iron, iodine, silver, fluorine, silicon, zinc and many others.

strengthens the immune system
purifies the blood
treats diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems
has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect
treats eye diseases
enhances the secretions of the digestive glands
normalizes cholesterol levels
accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers
treats diseases in the gynecological field
relieves inflammation from the gums

Aloe juice should not be consumed when oncological diseases, possible allergic reactions, uterine bleeding and pregnancy (only with the permission of the attending physician).


it perennial Araliaceae family grows mainly in mountainous areas, and most often it can be found in the Far East, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Altai, Siberia. China is recognized as the birthplace of the plant, and the pronunciation of its name is borrowed from the Chinese language (although in the original ginseng is written in two words and is translated as "the root of life"). The most useful part ginseng is indeed a root, shaped like a small human figure (in this regard, ginseng is sometimes translated from the same Chinese as “root man”).

has an anti-inflammatory effect
affects carbohydrate metabolism

improves visual performance
increases the body's endurance and its resistance to stress, infections, changes in external temperatures, etc.
equalizes blood pressure in hypotension
lowers cholesterol levels
activates adrenal function
stimulates blood circulation in the brain
speeds up fat metabolism
promotes rapid healing wounds and ulcers

In cases of self-medication with uncontrolled intake of drugs containing ginseng, the state of health may worsen up to fatal poisonings so it's best to consult your doctor before taking it. Ginseng is completely contraindicated in the development of acute infectious diseases, with increased blood pressure, pregnancy.


In nature, there are about 30 different types of Eleutherococcus, but only one is used in medicine - Eleutherococcus senticosus. This species is a shrub, with branching, thorny trunks (plant trunks can reach 4 meters in height) and fruits in the form of black berries. Eleutherococcus belongs to the Araliaceae family, like ginseng, and, accordingly, has properties similar to it. For this reason, it is often used in overwork as a tonic. By the way, Eleutherococcus is included in classic composition Russian drink "Baikal".

tones up
increases efficiency
relieves chronic fatigue
regulates the nervous system
helps lower blood sugar levels
helps in the prevention of cancer
has a calming effect on the eyes, favorably affects vision in general
improves appetite
increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases
helps with radiation and poisoning
contributes to the treatment of stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity
useful for restoring the menstrual cycle and infertility
increases male sexual activity

Eleutherococcus is not recommended for use with chronic insomnia, high blood pressure, fever, pregnancy, increased nervous excitability, as well as children under 12 years of age.


Tussilágo or "cashlegon" is the Latin name for this plant. “Mother and Stepmother” is more of a Russian folk interpretation, based on the leaves of the plant, slippery on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The plant belongs to the aster family (composites), and its main useful property─ treatment of cough and other bronchodilators. Coltsfoot contains alkaloids that have antibacterial action, and inulin, which improves the quality of assimilation of food and improves digestion.

improves the secretion of gastric juice
decoction of the plant relieves muscle and joint pain
helps with inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, acne)
helps with excessive sweating of the feet
contributes to the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases (angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis)
helps with dental problems(periodontal disease, gum disease)
treats bronchodilators


Salvia ( Latin name sage) - large genus shrub plants. By the way, as for the original name of sage, it comes from Latin word salvere (from Latin "to be healthy"). Descriptions of the use of this plant have remained in the records of many Greek and Roman physicians. Hippocrates, in particular, called sage the "sacred herb".

About 700 species of salvia have been recorded worldwide. However, in medical purposes, in theory, only 100 of them are used, but in practice, known for their medicinal properties of sage species, only 2 - meadow sage (wild) and medicinal sage (specially grown in gardens and orchards). For treatment, mainly sage leaves are used: decoctions, tinctures, oils and ointments are prepared from them. AT fresh sage leaves are used only externally. The leaves contain vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, resinous and tannins, natural antioxidants.

helps with treatment skin diseases, external wounds, ulcers, tumors
has anti-inflammatory properties
has a general strengthening effect on the body
limits sweating
helps with diarrhea
contributes to the prevention of arthritis and the treatment of frostbite
has antiseptic and antispasmodic effects
effective in prevention and treatment diabetes and women's diseases
helps improve memory
has a strengthening effect on the hair (slows down the process of baldness in men)

Women should not use sage during breastfeeding, as it helps to reduce lactation (however, when the time comes to wean the child from breast milk, sage, on the contrary, will be useful)


His original name and the unfortunate popularity among children is due to the stinging hairs that cover its stems and leaves. In theory, we all know from early childhood that you can’t touch nettles with your hands, because you can get burned or “sprinkled”, however, in practice, the benefits of nettles significantly exceed its malicious ability to “sting” everyone (except for the nettle tree, originally from New Zealand, touching which not only burns, but is, in principle, life-threatening).

In Russia, you can find only two types of nettle - stinging nettle and stinging nettle. Nettle contains carotene (there is more of it than in carrots and sorrel), vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nickel, sodium, copper, titanium, manganese, boron, iodine, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2 and PP, and in terms of vitamin C content, nettle surpasses even lemon. Nettle is often used for cooking various decoctions for medicinal purposes, but its leaves can also significantly brighten up the taste of many soups in cooking.

purifies the blood
increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood
contributes to the treatment of skin diseases (boils, acne, eczema)
has a hemostatic and healing effect
helps female body recover faster after childbirth
facilitates PMS symptoms and menopause
helps to increase tone of cardio-vascular system improves heart function
helps in the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, relieving muscle pain
can be applied to hair and scalp care, reduce hair loss
improves performance digestive system, gives choleretic and laxative action
normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus

Nettle is contraindicated in pregnancy, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis.

Ginkgo biloba

The main places of origin of ginkgo biloba are Japan and Southeast Asia. It existed on our earth in the Mesozoic era. Ginkgo biloba has long been one of the main preparations of Asian medicine, and today it is successfully used both in the West and in Russia as a means to improve memory and prolong youth. The composition of the extract from the leaves of ginkgo biloba includes more than 40 biologically active compounds. This plant also has its own unique components ─ bilobalides and ginkgolides (to which it owes its unusual name), and it is they that largely determine its special pharmacological activity.

stimulates mental activity
improves concentration, mental clarity and memory
slows down development senile dementia and brain aging processes
relieves dizziness and headaches
fights depression
stimulates responsiveness and performance
eliminates feelings of restlessness, anxiety and irritability
stimulates sexual activity
improves sleep

Women should not use ginkgo biloba extract during pregnancy.


Kombucha or, as it is called in Russia, tea mushroom─ this is a symbiosis of vinegar sticks and yeast fungi. Kombucha came to us in the 20th century through Transbaikalia straight from China. In everyday life and folk medicine, both in Russia and in the pioneering countries of kombucha (China, Japan, India), not the mushroom itself is used, but its infusion. In Japan, geisha drank an infusion of kombucha for weight loss, rinsed their hair with it, removed dark spots and even warts on the skin. In India, infusion of kombucha was used to fix paints on fabrics. In China and Russia, it is also drunk as an invigorating and excellent thirst-quenching drink. Kombucha does well with medical tasks, as it contains many healing components (alkaloids, vitamins, enzymes, glycosides, aromatic substances, as well as sugar, acetic acid and alcohol).

strengthens the immune system
has antibacterial and antiviral effects
helps in the treatment of runny nose, tonsillitis, bacterial disinterria
tones up
relieves mental fatigue
restores the microflora of the stomach after taking strong drugs

because of high content Kombucha sugar may not be useful for people suffering from fungal diseases, obesity, diabetes.


A perennial plant of the legume family, whose homeland is China, has a high nutritional value, in connection with which it is often used for digestive disorders. The composition of the plant includes isoflavones and flavones (substances that regulate hormonal activity in women), saponins (substances that block the absorption of cholesterol) and chlorophyll, which helps to cleanse the entire body. Alfalfa also contains minerals (iron, zinc, potassium, calcium) and acids (citric, malic, ascorbic, fumaric, oxalic).

cleanses the body
helps women's health(for menopause, breastfeeding)
helps in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, pyelonephritis
stops nasal bleeding
promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys
helps stimulate hair growth
relieves redness and swelling


Leuzea grows high in the mountains. Most Famous places, where you can pick a bouquet of leuzea ─ Altai, Sayans, mountains of Kazakhstan. In the people, this plant is often called "maral root", and all because in autumn the deer-marals living in some mountainous regions dig up and eat its roots. Actually, thanks to them, the usefulness of Leuzea was once discovered.

For biostimulants concentrated in the root of Leuzea, the plant is also often called a natural anabolic (a substance that gives energy, increases endurance, promotes quick recovery muscles). So leuzea root can often be found in popular sports supplements.

improves blood composition
stimulates the vital processes of the body
promotes vasodilation, thereby regulating blood pressure
increases hemoglobin levels
has a tonic and restorative effect
treats apathy, depression
increases efficiency
lowers blood sugar levels
May help fight alcoholism and impotence

Leuzea root is contraindicated for epilepsy, arrhythmias, sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, increased nervous excitability, chronic diseases liver and kidneys, acute period infectious diseases.


More ancient Greek philosopher Xenophanes wrote about her in his writings. Over the entire history of the existence of wormwood, about 400 of its species have been bred. There are about 180 species in our country, of which the most popular is wormwood. The plant is a straight stem about 1.5 meters high with leaves and yellow (sometimes reddish) flowers. In the stems and leaves of wormwood, a lot of useful substances and essential oils. In addition, carotene, ascorbic acid, potassium salts, malic and succinic acid. By the way, another popular type of wormwood is tarragon, which you definitely know as tarragon. Wormwood is an ingredient in absinthe and some other vermouths.

stimulates the vital activity of the body
gives the body tone
has cleansing properties
fights pyogenic infections
has anthelmintic action
helps in the treatment of eczema, bronchial asthma and rheumatism
used for rinsing the mouth with an unpleasant odor


Horsetail ─ perennial herbaceous plant, known to many gardeners as a difficult to eradicate weed. Horsetail reproduces by spores, looks like a mini-tree and looks a bit like a ponytail (horsetail is a derivative of "tail"). As befits a weed, horsetail does not have its historical homeland, it is only known in different countries, depending on the climate, its height varies. For example, in Russia it reaches no more than 1-1.5 meters, but in South America you can also find a 12-meter plant. Horsetail contains many useful substances and elements ─ vitamin C, flavonoids, potassium salts, silicic acid salts, bitterness, saponins, carotene, resins and tannins.

stops bleeding
heals wounds and ulcers
has a strong diuretic effect
has antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects
treats diarrhea
treats eczema, ringworm and dermatitis
recommended for tuberculosis prevention
useful for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism

The use of horsetail is contraindicated in pregnancy, nephrosis and nephritis.


This perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family usually grows in wastelands, hence its name. The motherwort distribution area is very extensive: it can be found in Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus, Western Siberia. The most common type of plant is the motherwort. It is his solution that soothes stressful situations and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Of all known soothing herbs, motherwort has the most strong impact: it contains flavonol glycosides, essential oil, saponins, stachidrine alkaloid, tannins and carotene.

contributes to the treatment of neuroses, heart diseases
helps with gastrointestinal disorders
has a beneficial effect on sleep and menstrual disorders
heals wounds and burns
applies to early stages hypertension

Motherwort is contraindicated during pregnancy, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, gastric ulcer, erosive gastritis.


Echinacea is a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family. In nature, there are only 9 types of echinacea, and the most studied is Echinacea purpurea, which is used for medicinal purposes. His appearance echinacea resembles a chamomile (only the petals are of a different color), and you probably often come across it in nature. Stems, flowers, leaves and rhizomes with roots are used as medicinal raw materials. All parts of echinacea contain polysaccharides, essential oil, caffeic acid esters (echinacoside), glycosides, resins, betaine, organic acids (cerutic, palmitic, coffee, linoleic, oleic, as well as phytosterols, phenolic compounds, phenolic acids, tannins, polyenes and alkaloids). Echinacea is a powerful herbal antibiotic.

has an immunostimulating effect
increases the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases (due to caffeic acid)
has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
helps with burns, furunculosis, wounds, abscesses, urticaria, insect and snake bites, eczema, herpes and other skin diseases
used for diseases caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiation, chronic inflammatory processes
helps in the treatment of polyarthritis, rheumatism, gynecological disorders, prostatitis, upper respiratory tract disease

In the presence of acute stage of the above diseases, before using these plants and their derivatives, you should consult a doctor. For children under 12 years old, these plants, with rare exceptions, are not recommended.

People are part of nature. Since ancient times, they have learned to use its gifts and, first of all, plants. Some of them they ate, others were used in construction or at home, and still others were used for medicinal purposes. It is about these natural healers will be discussed in this report.

How did people know that plants heal?

Watching animals, ancient people noticed that they various diseases look for medicinal roots or herbs. So people began to learn about the healing properties of plants. Our ancestors collected this knowledge bit by bit and passed it on from generation to generation. Those who knew the secrets of herbs and flowers were called herbalists or healers. They collected plants, made them healing fees who treated the sick for their ailments.

Rosehip is a medicinal plant that contains a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances. From its berries are prepared healing decoctions.

From ancient times to the present day

For millennia different nations collected information about medicinal plants. This ancient knowledge, which has survived to this day, is used in modern medicine and pharmaceuticals.

During the excavations of the Sumerian city, a tablet was found that is three thousand years old. It describes 15 recipes using plants that can heal from various ailments.

The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus and other peoples widely used herbal preparations for the treatment of diseases. Later, scientists around the world, including in our country, studied healing properties herbs and flowers.

Today, books have been published that describe hundreds of valuable plants and thousands of recipes that can heal from various diseases.

How many useful plants in the world

Around 320,000 plants grow worldwide, but only 21,000 of them are medicinal and used in medicine. The territory of Russia is vast and it is found great amount various kinds representatives of the flora, including medicinal ones, which are conditionally divided into two categories:

  1. Official medicinal plants- there are about 300 of them in our country. Their properties are well studied, and they are used for the production of medicines
  2. medicinal plants traditional medicine. They are little studied, but they are widely used by healers and herbalists.

Chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water and used for treatment colds, for stomach pain and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

In the twenty-first century, science has made a huge step forward. Created medications from various diseases. But doctors and pharmacists are still studying the properties meadow grasses, wild flowers, trees and shrubs, because natural resources inexhaustible. Humanity is waiting for many more great discoveries.

About healing properties

There is one parable. The philosopher sent his student to the forest for completely useless grass. But the student could not complete the tasks of his teacher. Because every blade of grass is useful for something.

Healing properties have different parts of plants. In some, useful substances accumulate in the leaves, in others - in the roots, in others - in fruits or flowers. You need to know what parts to use in medicine. The period of collection of medicinal raw materials is also very important so that useful substances are accumulated. maximum amount. So, the roots are dug up in the fall, the bark is harvested in the spring, the flowers - during the flowering period, the leaves - at the beginning of summer, and the fruits - during the ripening period.

Tea from lemon balm leaves calms the nervous system, helps with diseases of the stomach, heart disease.

Also very it is important to prepare correctly collected material to keep all the valuable substances. It is necessary to dry the prepared raw materials in the shade so that moisture, dirt and dust do not get on it.

About application

Nature has given people wild medicines, but it is important to know how to use them correctly. Healing decoctions and tinctures are made from some plants, others are used for compresses and rubbing, juice is extracted from some or ointments are made. As in the treatment of tablets, it is important here exact dosages and the required duration.

Linden flowers will help with colds, berries and raspberry leaves will bring down the temperature, plantain leaves will heal wounds, oak bark will help with gum problems.

Thyme (thyme) is prescribed for oral administration, inhalations and rinses are done for sore throat, bronchitis and other diseases.

Protection of Nature

Many medicinal plants are on the verge of extinction. This is due to the change in ecology and the reduction of wild forests and steppes. Such species are listed in the Red Book. It included some types of birch and oak, marshmallow, water lily, valerian, elecampane, wild rosemary and other representatives of the flora. It is very important to protect the priceless riches of nature, which not only feeds people and animals, but also heals them.

The surrounding world is rich and varied. It has everything for a person to live. full life. But this world needs to be studied and protected.

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