Turn health benefits and harms. Turn - the benefits and harms of an unusual plant. What is the value of berries ...

The thorn is a small thorny shrub. This plant is called blackthorn, prickly plum, and also thorny. It belongs to the genus Plums of the Rose family.

The name goes back to the Proto-Slavic root and translates as "thorn". Blackthorn was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. But his general fame is associated with biblical legends. The crown of Christ was woven from the branches of thorns.

The habitat of prickly plum is mainly located in temperate zones. These are steppes, forest-steppes, forests. Wild thorn often forms impenetrable thickets. In the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Crimea, the shrub grows at an altitude of up to 1500 meters. In addition, it can be found in Western European countries, in Western Siberia, in Asia, areas of the Mediterranean basin, in the northern part of the African continent. Prickly plum is valuable for its healing properties and is used in cooking.

Botanical description of blackthorn

The thorn plant is a tall shrub, the height of which reaches 3 - 5 meters. Some of its species are low trees up to 5 meters tall. Branches grow in a horizontal direction. They are covered with numerous sharp and thick spikes.

The shape of the matte, dark green leaves of the plant is obovate or elliptical, with a serrated edge. The leaves are about 5 centimeters long.

Blackthorn plum is very beautiful during flowering, when the shrub is covered with a cap of white flowers even before the leaves appear. They exude a bitter aroma of almonds and attract many bees that collect its nectar and pollen. Therefore, the plant is considered honey-bearing. The start time of flowering depends on the region where the thorn grows. The shrub may bloom in April or May.

Blackthorn wood is very strong and hard, has a reddish-brown tint. It is used for the manufacture of small turning and joinery products. The roots of the plant go deep into the soil by 1 meter and are densely branched, so that they go far beyond the crown projection.

The turn is a winter-hardy and drought-resistant shrub. Gardeners speak of it as an unpretentious plant, which is easy to care for. It is often used as a rootstock for plum and apricot, planted on crumbling slopes to strengthen the soil, and also creates hedges. To decorate the garden, it is recommended to plant terry, red-leaved, purple varieties of blackthorn.

prickly plum berries

The blackthorn berry is called a single-bone. In most varieties, their shape is round, up to 15 mm in diameter. The color of the fruit is blue-black, with a waxy coating. Inside they are green, the flesh does not separate from a single wrinkled bone.

The ripening of prickly plum berries, as well as the appearance of flowers, depends on the region of growth and falls on August or September, while they remain on a shrub or tree throughout the winter months, until the onset of spring. The taste of thorns is tart and sour. The astringency of fruits after frost decreases, so that they acquire a more pleasant taste and become edible.

The chemical composition of berries

The composition of blackthorn berries varies depending on the geography of its growth, but the main components are invariably:

  • pectin;
  • sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins A, group B, PP, E, ascorbic acid;
  • trace elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium;
  • essential oils.

The nutritional value

The energy value of prickly plum fruits is on average 50 - 53 kcal per 100 grams. Protein content - 1.5 grams, fat - 0.3 grams, carbohydrates - 9.4 grams.

In addition, blackthorn berries include water, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids, alimentary fiber, ash and starch.

Useful and medicinal properties of blackthorn

Healing, medicinal properties most plants are enclosed in their separate parts: fruits, leaves, roots. Blackthorn is an amazing creation of nature, since the benefits of blackthorn lie in its berries, and in leaves, flowers, roots, and even bark.

Application of thorn flowers

The collection of flowers is carried out in the midst of flowering. They are dried in ventilated, dark places, stored in closed containers and are most often used to make decoctions and teas. Blackthorn flowers are useful for:

  • liver cleansing;
  • breeding toxic substances from the body;
  • normalization metabolic processes;
  • blood purification;
  • increased diuresis;
  • treatment of chronic constipation;
  • relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat.

To prepare a healing decoction, 25 grams of dried blackthorn flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted for 10-15 minutes.

The use of fruits

Berries are consumed fresh and dried, and they are also used to make preserves and jams. Useful properties of blackthorn fruits are especially valuable in the following cases:

  • with dysentery, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, constipation, nausea and other gastrointestinal problems;
  • in the treatment of diseases of the liver and kidneys, for example, in urolithiasis;
  • with avitaminosis;
  • with cystitis;
  • with flatulence and slagging of the body;
  • with insomnia and irritability.

In addition, thorn plum helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, which reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathologies. Berries activate immune defense body, strengthen the gums and prevent prostate inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of berries

There are no serious contraindications to the use of thorns in food. However, the harm of the turn can be felt by people with diseases. gastrointestinal tract: hyperacidity stomach, gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach.

It is important to know that you can use only the ripe pulp of the thorns, pitted. They contain a powerful poison. For this reason, canned tren fruits with stones should not be stored for more than a year, since toxic substances from the stones eventually penetrate into the edible pulp. The same applies to the preparation of decoctions. Berries should not be left in water for a long time, otherwise the harmful components from the seeds will dissolve in the broth. Such a drink is dangerous to human health. Use fresh berries and dishes from the pulp of thorns without stones do no harm.

Caution should be taken with blackthorn berries for those who are prone to allergic reactions. Another feature of blackthorn fruits is that they stain teeth in Blue colour, which is completely washed off only after a few days.

It is not contraindicated for expectant mothers and children to use thorns. Moreover, the berry is useful for pregnant women suffering from toxicosis and bouts of nausea.

Proper collection and storage of berries

The ripening period of thorny plums is from July to August. One fruiting bush can produce up to 15 kilograms of berries, which are well preserved during transportation and are distinguished by their keeping quality.

But you can start harvesting thorns only after the onset of the first frost, until this time the thorns are inedible. It is worth choosing elastic, strong berries, without inclusions of rot, cracks and sores. Damaged fruits are unsuitable for processing.

To keep the benefits of thorns for a long time, it can be subjected to minimal heat treatment. Store berries frozen or dried. In this form they healing properties remain unchanged throughout the year. And fresh fruits must be consumed within 10 days.

Prickly, nondescript-looking thorn bushes are actually a source of healthy fruits. Skillful housewives cook from them healing decoctions, sweet blanks and sauces for various dishes. Blackthorn fruits will appeal to those who know how to properly collect and store them. And decorative living thorn hedges delight the eye from the beginning of spring until late autumn.


Blackthorn (blackthorn, prickly plum) is a shrub with a height of 3.5 to 4.5 m. The trunk is covered with thorns, grows in the steppes, forests, near lakes and rivers. Distinguish between a wild plant and adapted for cultivation in summer cottages, garden plots.

The fruits are small, dark in color, sour in taste. The composition contains vitamins, amino acids, essential oils. Used in jams, compotes and other varieties.

About how garden and wild thorns are useful for the body and human health, about the benefits and harms of berries for various categories people (including those with diabetes), as well as contraindications to its use, you will learn by reading our material.

How to choose a good product and check its quality

When buying wild or garden thorn pay attention to their condition. They should not be too elastic, but you should not take too soft, they will quickly deteriorate.

For the same reason, do not acquire damaged fruits. The turn can be wormy, there's nothing wrong with that.

It ripens in late August - early September, if sold in early August, the fruits are still unripe. The garden turn is larger than the wild turn, sweeter. Ripe pulp is difficult to separate from the stone.

Bones should not be consumed: they contain substances that cause severe poisoning.

Composition, caloric content, nutritional value, fruit glycemic index

The composition includes the following components:

  • Tannins.
  • Vitamins A, E, PP, C, B.
  • Monosaccharides.
  • Essential oils.
  • Pectin.
  • Cellulose.
  • Alimentary fiber.

Also present are calcium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, sodium, magnesium. Caloric content is low - from 50 to 55 kcal.

If you cook compote, you get about 100 kcal per 100 g, maybe less or more, depending on the amount of added sugar.

People with diabetes are allowed to eat the fruit. The glycemic index is 30 units. But it is better to consult with your doctor additionally.

Features of influence on the human body

Eating prickly plums in reasonable amounts is beneficial for the body.

Allowed to be taken by pregnant women, women during lactation. Harm appears when a large amount is eaten or the fruits were originally spoiled.

The negative impact, regardless of who uses the product (adults, children, the elderly or pregnant) is the likelihood of disturbances in the work of the stomach.

Teeth stained dark blue It will only take a few days to get rid of it completely.

Possible set excess weight, if the fruits are used as a component of jam, marmalade and other types of preservation with the addition a large number Sahara.

At certain diseases the possibility of consumption is determined by the attending physician, based on the severity of the case.

What is useful for men and women

Fruits have the following beneficial properties:

  • restore normal work intestines, contribute to the normalization of microflora;
  • remove toxic substances from the body;
  • improve sleep, reduce excitability, irritability;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • eliminate sore gums.

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels. Decrease in women during menstruation pain. In men, it normalizes the activity of the prostate gland.

Shrub flowers cleanse the liver, eliminate skin problems, have a diuretic property, increase sweating. Reduce discomfort with exacerbation of neuralgia, restore metabolic processes.

A decoction of the shoots reduces fever, eliminates inflammation, is used in the treatment colds.

For the health of pregnant and lactating

The fruits are useful for toxicosis. Unwanted Consequences occur if a woman is allergic to the components. When any unpleasant symptoms stop taking.

It is better to consult a doctor before eating fruits or other parts of the shrub: he will determine all the risks and give his recommendations.

Useful properties for children

It is allowed to drink compotes, eat jam. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, teas and decoctions based on flowers are used.

Is it harmful in old age

Adding fruits, decoctions, teas based on flowers, bark or thorn branches to the diet improves health. Frequent problems in the elderly there are disturbances in the functioning of the heart, heart rhythm.

Blackthorn reduces high blood pressure, restores the walls blood vessels. Reduces negative manifestations glaucoma, retinopathy. Possible manifestation of an allergy.

Special categories

Prickly plum can cause allergies in any category of people(from children to the elderly). If it appears, take anti-allergic pills, if the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

The fruits have glycemic index, equal to 30 units. The turn will not harm people with diabetes.

Potential danger and contraindications

From dangerous signs it is worth noting the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Use is contraindicated for people with the following problems:

  • Gastritis.
  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.

For such people it is special diet aimed at preventing the development of the disease.

Before eating, the fruits are washed with running water, moved, strongly wormy and spoiled are thrown away.

It is better to consume in the afternoon or in the evening, in the morning - it is undesirable (digestion is possible). It is used mainly boiled, the flowers and bark are brewed as a tea.

Application in cooking

In cooking ripe fruit blackthorn is used for cooking jams, compotes, jams, decoctions. Exist different recipes.


One way to make jam looks like this:

  • Rinse 1 kg of prickly plum, remove the seeds.
  • Boil syrup from 1-1.5 kg of sugar and 200-400 ml of water.
  • Add fruits to the syrup, bring to a boil, remove from heat.

Cool to room temperature, boil again until fully cooked, periodically stirring the jam with a spoon.
Arrange in sterilized glass jars, cork with tin lids.


To prepare compote, you need to take:

  • 200-300 g of blackthorn;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Add fruit to the water citric acid, bring to a boil, add sugar, wait for it to boil again, cook for another 20-25 minutes. Then strain, cool, pour into jars for the winter or drink in the coming days.

AT folk medicine used to treat various diseases, reduce inflammatory processes.

A decoction of the fruit is useful for rheumatism, gout, cystitis.

To prepare it, take 2 tablespoons dried fruits, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. 10 minutes simmer on low heat, filter. Take 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.

The infusion is used in diseases of the liver, kidneys, allows you to get rid of skin diseases, acne.

2 tablespoons of flowers and leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 8-10 hours. Filter, use 50 ml 3 times a day.

Before use, you should consult with your doctor in order to avoid the appearance negative consequences. Traditional medicine recipes will not replace traditional treatment.

Several Yet interesting facts You will learn about the healing properties of wild thorns from this video:

In cosmetology

The fruits are used to moisturize and nourish the skin. For cooking nourishing mask crush 3-5 fruits, add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 5 drops lemon juice.

All ingredients are mixed, the mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off warm water.

To moisturize the skin you need:

  • crushed fruits (3-5 pieces);
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

Mix everything, apply on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water. The composition is used to eliminate high fat content, heals minor wounds, removes redness of the skin, acne.

Blackthorn is widely used in conservation, cooking, and cosmetology. Included in the recipes of traditional medicine.

Strengthens the body, improves immunity. AT rare cases an allergy appears, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, use is prohibited, in other cases, the turn will only benefit.

In contact with

Blackthorn is a shrub that is mainly distributed in the western part of Siberia, the Lower Volga region and Europe. It is called sour plum, prickly plum, goatberry, blackthorn, blackthorn and oat plum. The plant is a branched tree growing up to four meters. It has small spikes. And its fruits are small black or dark blue berries covered with a waxy coating. Plums taste astringent and sour. The not very pleasant taste and aroma is compensated by the benefits of the turn, which we will discuss further in our article.

How to eat them?

Prickly plum berries knit the mouth quite strongly. Many people even say that eating them raw and fresh generally impossible. The same persons who are adherents of culinary processing herbal products, it is advised to cook a variety of jams, preserves, fillings for rolls and pies from fruits. The taste of blackthorn grated with sugar comes out very interesting: it is not as sweet as that of a blackthorn, but not as sharp as that of a fresh blackthorn. But for the preparation of remedies used in traditional medicine, only those berries that have just been plucked from the bush are used.

Turn for folk remedies

How useful the turn is, few people know. After all, this plant in our open spaces is a rare guest, and therefore even its very name is not known to everyone. But still, those who understand different herbs, ants and berries actively use oatmeal plums for various diseases. Its fruits are effective in non-specific colitis, toxic infections, dysentery and food poisoning. At gastrointestinal disorders and giardiasis recommend drinking juice made from black berries. In this case, he shows his antibacterial action. It is also an aid in various skin diseases. The turn, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below, is a special berry. It all depends on how and under what circumstances it is used. Blackthorn shrub flowers regulate metabolism, therefore, they help in the treatment of skin ailments that depend on violations in this process. AT this case flowers have a mild laxative effect.

Other useful properties

The turn (the benefits and harms are described in the review), or rather, its flowers, is good raw material to create a tincture with diaphoretic and diuretic properties. In addition, this remedy is recommended for people suffering from hypertension. If you suffer from constipation chronic nature, then you can try using blackthorn leaves. They have a laxative and diuretic effect. Infusion from this part of the shrub - aid in inflammatory processes oral cavity. And a decoction of the green parts of the blackthorn promotes recovery from nephritis, cystitis, skin inflammation. If the epidermis contains obsolete purulent ulcers and wounds, poultices and compresses of prickly plum leaves will help get rid of them in just a few days. What is more useful than the turn is that the infusion based on its flowers and leaves is used for inflammation Bladder and kidneys.

Harm and contraindications

About side effects and contraindications to the use of the turn, the opinions of experts differed slightly. So, some argue that the harm of the turn is negligible. It doesn't exist at all. But other sources speak of the impossibility of accelerating the metabolism as a result of the use of alcohol-based tinctures and shrub flowers. Some diuretics and coumarins, which contribute to weight loss, pass into this remedy. Also, if you drink a similar tincture on an empty stomach, the body will react with diarrhea. And this also leads to weight loss. If, however, to accept alcohol tincture for several months or even weeks, metabolism will be disturbed, dehydration will begin in the body and Tern will appear, contraindications to the use of which are practically absent, can cause different kind allergic reactions. They are also possible on the pollen of a flowering shrub.

Delicious and fragrant jam

The turn (the benefits and harms are described above) is an excellent product for making jam, the taste of which, unfortunately, is not known to all gourmets. To produce such a dish, only berries and sugar are needed, although some recipes recommend adding water as well. So, to make jam, you should soak the fruit for a while in water. After that, the plums must be washed with a flowing liquid. Bones can be removed, or you can not take them out. It all depends on taste preferences who will eventually consume this Now you should put whole berries or their halves in a saucepan. Next - fill the blackthorn with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave the container until the plums release the juice. The result is a syrup. The container, along with its contents, is put on fire and brought to a boil. It is not recommended to boil jam for a long time, because a large amount will be lost. useful elements. The finished hot brew should be poured into jars and carefully sealed.

Positive qualities of sweetness

The benefits of which are invaluable, it has an excellent astringent effect, so it is advised to use it for gastrointestinal disorders. These include dysentery, origin, ulcerative colitis and candidiasis. Jam also has an antiseptic, diuretic and fixative effect. It perfectly increases appetite.

Another way to make jam

You can cook jam from goat berries with the addition of dogwood. Blackthorn berries, the benefits of which will not be diminished by this, will in this case have an even more refined flavor. To prepare yummy, you will need 400 grams of sugar and 200 grams of the above fruits. We put all the products in a bowl and fill them with water. There should be enough liquid to dissolve the sugar in it. Then cook the composition over low heat until it is completely cooked. In this case, the jam should be stirred and freed from foam. We take out the prepared fruits from the syrup and put them in pre-washed containers. We boil the syrup and still hot bays into berries. Now leave the jars until they cool, then cover them with lids or paper.

Therapeutic use of thorns

Juice obtained from the fruits of prickly plum is used for inflammatory bowel processes and for some skin ailments. And if the leaves and berries of this shrub are thoroughly fried, then they can completely replace coffee.

The turn (the benefits and harms of which are indicated in our description) is suitable for a decoction that is used for whites. To prepare it, you need to take five grams of the root or bark of a shrub, brew in 200 milliliters of boiling water. The liquid should be 30 minutes in a water bath. Drink the medicine three times a day after meals, 1/3 cup. By diluting the decoction by half with water, douching can also be done.

Medicinal is also an infusion based on black thorn flowers. Forty grams of leaves or flowers are poured into one glass boiled water room temperature and insist ten hours, then filter. This liquid is used for diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys, colds, constipation, metabolic disorders. Drink the medicine four times a day before meals, 50 milliliters.

If a person suffers from edema and kidney ailments, he is often prescribed an infusion of the leaves of the blackthorn bush. Immediately after the plant has faded, it is necessary to collect its young leaves. They are brewed with boiling water, like regular tea. Take one glass three times a day. The drug acts as a diuretic.

Take this invaluable gift of nature in moderation, and it will not harm you! On the contrary, it will charge the body with energy, vitamins and cheerfulness. Be healthy!

The benefits of blackthorn and homemade recipes

At present, few people pay attention to such a special fruit as the turn. It is called prickly plum, blackthorn, goatberry and oat plum. He has long been an inhabitant of household and suburban areas. Very few appreciate small fruits with a tart-sour taste, giving it absolutely no nutritional value.

And in vain, because the fruits of the blackthorn have a lot of useful properties, and dishes prepared with its fruits have a special taste and aroma. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of the turn, as well as give some interesting homemade recipes, based on which you can cook different "snacks".

Outwardly, the fruits of the blackthorn are very tiny, like the fruits of the gooseberry. They are dark blue in color and dense, white coating above. Separating the pulp from the stone, even in a ripe fruit, is quite difficult. On the palate, blackthorn fruits are sour and astringent. Therefore, such, at first glance, deceptive properties repel food lovers. It would seem that it is good? - The answer lies, deep inside the fruits themselves - in a useful composition.

Blackthorn berries are advised to be used by pregnant girls and children. And all because the fruits are quite useful. True, it cannot be said unequivocally that they are especially rich in vitamins or minerals. The turn contains tannins and organic acids, essential oils and a fairly concentrated number flavonoids. These substances are the basis of the beneficial properties of the turn.

Like many dark berries - blueberries, currants or blueberries, blackthorn fruits contain vitamin C and antioxidants. The benefits of vitamin C for the body are obvious. As for antioxidants, or rather anthocyanin, it is responsible in the berry for its dark color. This substance promotes antifungal and bactericidal cleansing, so this antioxidant will also be extremely useful for the body.

Also, anthocyanin is a component of many medical drugs and biological additives. For example, it is often used as part of means for the prevention and improvement of vision. Gradually accumulating in the body and the retina, anthocyanin reduces the fragility of blood vessels, and also helps to restore eye pressure. Thus, the turn is useful for glaucoma and high eye fatigue, as well as for myopia and its development.

The benefits of the turn are also manifested in biological action vitamin "R". This vitamin enters the body strengthens small vessels and helps to thin the blood, helping to improve the peripheral blood supply. Take a closer look at your legs and arms - if you saw on the body spider veins or other vein problems, start using turn to improve the situation.

Eating fresh sloes is somewhat difficult and specific. It is unlikely that someone may like fresh fruit. However, like the fruits of mountain ash or persimmon, the taste of blackthorn appears after freezing. On the basis of the turn, you can cook compote, make jam or jam. Products obtained from it will not only be tasty, but also extremely useful.

So, blackthorn is beneficial for the process of digestion and the development of giardiasis. Berries help reduce nausea, help cleanse toxins, help with diarrhea (unlike plums, which have laxative properties). Turn is one of the few folk remedies, which helps in the period of intestinal upset.

Useful properties of the turn are observed in inflammatory and infectious diseases. The use of fruits contributes to the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mouth, with stomatitis, sores and other diseases of the oral cavity. Blackthorn is like a natural antibiotic, it helps to cope with these problems.

And, of course, the turn is useful for colds. Drinking hot tea with blackthorn jam will help reduce the temperature and help the body strengthen its defenses. During edema and urinary infections, with the development of kidney diseases, blackthorn berries help in their prevention.

Harm and contraindications of the turn

Attention! Blackthorn bones contain especially toxic substance- glycoside. Therefore, when rolling up jam or other preservation, it is strictly forbidden to store it for more than 1 year. harmful substance from the seeds, after a while it begins to flow into the product.

Special contraindications or other harmful properties in blackthorn fruits, is not observed. The only thing, as in other products, is not to be abused. Eating fresh berries can lead to indigestion, and processed foods can cause unwanted weight gain.

Collection and storage of the turn

Blackthorn fruits are harvested in autumn. For storage, they are poured into a wooden container, covered with a damp piece of cloth and put away in the cellar. Before storage, the turn should be sorted out from debris, soft and rotten berries. Next, scatter on a baking sheet lined with newspaper or put in a wooden box. However, in this case, the fruits are best consumed within a month. You can dry the fruits in the sun or under a roof, using them in winter to make compote or jelly.

homemade sloe recipes

Among the recipes for making sloes, there are a variety of dishes and drinks. Jams, jams, juices, jelly and syrups - all these products are very tasty and healthy for your body.

Blackthorn juice

The turn is sorted out, washed, placed in a juice cooker along with sugar (100 g of sugar per 1 kg of fruit). The resulting juice is poured into jars, sterilized; hermetically sealed and cooled.

Thorn syrup

Crush well-ripened fruits, place in a vessel and pour the same volume of hot (80 °) water. Close the lid and let stand like this for two days to separate: juice. Strain through a strong bag. The resulting juice gives a precipitate, then strain it again through a sieve covered with gauze. For 1 liter of juice, add 1.5 kg of sugar, which is dissolved by stirring for a long time. In the syrup prepared in this way for a long time vitamin C is preserved.

When using the syrup, dilute it with water in the ratio: for 1 kg of syrup - 5-7 liters of water.

You can increase the acidity of the syrup by adding lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in a small amount of water.

Blackthorn compote

Sort the fruits according to the degree of maturity, remove the leaves, spoiled fruits, rinse in cold water. At the same time, prepare a sugar syrup of 50% concentration (610 g of water and 610 g of sugar per 1 kg of sloes).

Dip the sorted and washed fruits for 5 minutes in boiling sugar syrup, remove from heat and let cool. Then remove the turn from the syrup and place tightly in jars. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the fruits.

Cover jars with lacquered lids, sterilize at 100°C, seal hermetically and refrigerate. Sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 l for 12-15 minutes, jars with a capacity of 1 l - 15-20 minutes.

Blackthorn jam

Wash the ripe fruits, let the water drain, place the turn in a juice cooker and blanch with steam until softened. Rub the fruits through a sieve, put the puree into an enamel bowl along with the juice, heat to a boil over low heat with stirring and add sugar in parts (1 kg per 1 kg of puree).

Pack the hot, boiled jam in jars, cover with lacquered lids and cork. Put the jars upside down, cool to 40-45 ° and turn upside down with lids.

More about useful products:


Blackthorn (aka blackthorn) is a plant representative of the Rosaceae family. It is represented mainly by a small shrub, less often by a tree. The height of the turn can reach 8 m. There are thorns on the branches. Irregularly shaped leaves - either elliptical or ovate, but reversed. The flowers of the shrub are always small and usually white color. Flowering time - end of April - first half of May. The turn bears fruit with small odnokostyanki, the color of which is dark purple. On top of the fruit there is a barely noticeable wax coating.

Mostly the turn grows in the territory Western Europe, in Mediterranean countries. In our country, in Western Siberia and also in the Caucasus.

Blackthorn fruits are rich in glucose and fructose (up to 9.0%), acids (up to 3.0%). They taste sour. They ripen late - in mid-autumn. The turn easily tolerates even the most severe winters, as well as droughts. Through crossing with homemade plum, the turn grows in the Volga region, while it is very plentiful and bears large fruits.

The turn is an excellent honey plant. Up to 30 kg of ready-to-eat fruits can be harvested from 1 ha, which is a very high productivity. Before eating, it is advisable to freeze and thaw, or let it lie down for several days in a place protected from the sun at room temperature.

Turn harvesting and storage

The fruits of the blackthorn begin to ripen in early autumn, but they are harvested in the second decade of October. Fresh fruits are very unpleasant in taste due to the large amount of tannins in them. The most pleasant time for harvesting fruits is the first frost. Due to impact low temperatures tannins are destroyed, and the berries become sweet and sour in taste. After harvesting the fruits, it is advisable to dry them in the first week. This can be done as in vivo on the outdoors, but in warm time or in ovens at very low temperatures.

The collection of shrub flowers must be carried out during the budding period. As a rule, this is the beginning or middle of August. Leaves are best collected during the flowering period - this is June-July. It is advisable to collect young shoots of blackthorn at the end of May, and they need to be dried in an open and preferably ventilated area. The roots of the turn should be dug in September-October and dried in the air or in an oven.

All components of the shrub in question can be stored for 1 year, with the exception of the roots. Their shelf life is 3 years. It is advisable to store all dried components at room temperature in a place protected from the sun. This is best done in glass jars or cloth bags.

Application in everyday life

The most common way to use thorns in everyday life is to create a hedge. In addition, this shrub is a very good decorative element in the garden.

The healing properties of the turn

All parts of this shrub, including fruits, have medicinal properties. Let's look at their benefits first.

  1. Blackthorn fruits have astringent properties, which allows you to quickly and reliably get rid of diarrhea, while greatly improving the digestion process. In addition, fruits in any form are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The fruits also have an antiseptic effect. Therefore, they are often recommended in the presence of various viruses, bacteria, worms and other harmful microflora in the body.
  3. Tern is an excellent diuretic, which allows not only to eliminate ailments in diseases genitourinary system but also speed up the process of metabolism (metabolism).
  4. The fruits of the blackthorn are especially useful during the recovery period after past illnesses. They significantly improve appetite, and also contribute to normal digestion.
  5. Fruits in any form are useful in dysentery, since in this case they have complex impact on the human body.
  6. It is possible to cure candidiasis with the help of fruits and preparations based on them within 5-7 days of intensive consumption.
  7. In case of food poisoning, it is enough to eat several fruits, including dried ones, in order to significantly reduce the consequences, as well as the symptoms of its course.

Consider some of the medicinal properties of thorn flowers

  1. Decoctions and infusions based on dried thorn flowers are often used as a laxative. This will cleanse the intestines, thereby preventing the occurrence of other adverse effects.
  2. Preparations based on the flowers of this shrub are used as a diaphoretic. This allows you to improve metabolism, reduce body temperature in the presence of inflammatory processes.
  3. These drugs can calm the central nervous system, especially during depression, psychosis and other mental manifestations.

Medicinal properties of thorn leaves

  • On their basis, you can make a decoction or infusion, which is used as an external agent for healing wounds of various origins (falls, rubbing, etc.).

Blackthorn bark and roots are also useful

  • Decoctions based on them are an excellent antipyretic that can be used even by young children.

The use of thorns in folk medicine

Today there are several dozen various recipes, which use various components of the shrub in question. Let's take a look at some of the most popular ones.

A decoction of the bark of thorns for the treatment of leucorrhoea in women and girls

It is necessary to take 5 g of crushed dry sloe bark and pour 200 ml of boiled water. To put on water bath for 30 minutes, then remove, cool and strain. The resulting decoction should be consumed 50 ml 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals. Douching will also be helpful. To do this, just 10-15 ml 2-3 times a day is enough, while always in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 days, after which a break for 2 days. Repeat until the leucorrhea completely disappears, and also as a prophylactic.

An infusion based on thorn flowers as a laxative

You need 1 tbsp. Place the flowers of this shrub in a glass, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a saucer and leave for at least 50 minutes. Cool, strain and consume immediately. The specified dose is sufficient to obtain a laxative effect for a man weighing 80-85 kg for 30-60 minutes. The great news is the single action of this remedy.

Infusion of blackthorn flowers from gastritis

You need 3 tbsp. pour dry crushed sloe leaves into a glass, pour boiled warm water to the top, cover with a saucer and insist all night. In the morning, use 75 ml, and the rest of the infusion is divided into 2-3 doses and taken throughout the day at regular intervals. The procedure must be repeated until complete cure. This infusion can reduce the time of illness by 40-50%.

Blackthorn leaf tea for kidney disease

When brewing tea in a teapot, add 2 tsp. dry thorn leaves. It is enough to drink 2 glasses of such tea a day to reduce to a minimum negative symptoms diseases of the genitourinary system. Use within 30 days will allow you to forget about kidney problems for a long time. After a month of taking, it is advisable to take a break for 1 week. You can repeat several cycles.

Steamed blackthorn leaves for healing wounds and various ulcers

It is necessary to place 2 tbsp. dry leaves of this shrub glass jar, pour 1 liter of boiling water, then close the lid. After the infusion has cooled to room temperature, steamed leaves should be applied to a gauze bandage and applied to wounds and ulcers. The remaining liquid can be drunk as an immuno-strengthening agent, 50 ml 2-3 times a day, especially during periods of an increase in the number of colds. You can store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Root decoction for dysentery

You need 4 tbsp. put the dry roots of this shrub in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and simmer over low heat with the lid open until the amount of liquid is halved. After that, remove from heat, cover with a lid and let cool. Then strain and place in the refrigerator. Use every day 30 ml 5-6 times a day until recovery. Then, after a break of 1 week, repeat the cycle as a prophylactic.

The use of thorn leaves to reduce fever

Collect fresh leaves thorns, wrinkle a lot and attach to the head on the forehead, temples and back of the head. Helps reduce high temperatures.


The turn is not poisonous plant, so the only contraindication may be individual intolerance to some components. Considering increased amount tannins, it is not advisable to take pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. Children under 5 years of age should avoid taking fresh or dried fruits, because. digestive problems may occur. This can manifest itself in constipation and other problems with the intestines.

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