Backache meadow (sleep grass) medicinal properties, description. plant sleep grass

Open lumbago, which is popularly called sleep-grass, is a perennial herbaceous plant kind of Backache from In late April or early May, immediately after the snow cover melts, you can see fabulously beautiful plant-primrose. With white, yellow, brown-red and purple petals of delicate flowers, lumbago announces the coming spring.

External attractiveness

A plant with flowers with six pointed petals of purple or lilac color is an open lumbago. Its root system is vertical, multi-headed. In the lower part of the stem, basal, pinnately dissected leaves are formed, and thin and long simple stem leaves grow together at the bases. Both those and others are covered with a light fluff. In each individual plant, one large flower is formed at the top of the stem, resembling an erect or lowered bell in shape.


Wild grass has interesting features - open lumbago. The description of the species indicates that favorable conditions it grows to a height of up to 25 centimeters, each year growing from a powerful dark brown root. Root leaves on long petioles grow after flowering, and die off in autumn. The erect stem is also covered with soft, downy hairs.

Sleep-grass flowers have numerous yellow stamens and pistils with long fluffy columns up to 5 centimeters in length. Outside, the petals are densely covered with down. Tender heads bloom either before the appearance of leaves, or simultaneously with them. The spring plant blooms in April and May, forming oblong and strongly hairy fruits at the end of the season, which give the appearance a special decorative effect.

Spread of lumbago

Open backache - sleep-grass - prefers soddy-podzolic soils, characteristic of sparse pine forests, as well as mixed pine-birch and pine-oak forests. Flowers grow on slopes and in thickets of berry bushes, on mosses and grass litter. Shooting glades can be found in the meadows and steppes of the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East. In addition, the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis species is Europe, Asia, North America.

Types of lumbago

The genus contains approximately 40 different types growing in cold, temperate, subtropical regions northern hemisphere. Most of(26 species of the genus Pulsatilla) are observed on the territory of the republics of the former Soviet Union, including open lumbago, which grows in Central and in the south of Western Siberia.

In light pine forests and on the edges there are Turchaninov's backache, spring, meadow. On the high vast plateaus and peaks of the Crimean mountains, as well as in the cracks of the rocks of mountain ranges Central Europe you can find the view of the Crimean. Most varieties of sleep-grass are listed in the Red Book of subjects Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Estonia. These include open lumbago. The Red Book prohibits the destruction of the population of a rare plant that is threatened with extinction.

The following types of backache are known: alpine, ayan, spring, mountain, yellowing, golden, bell-shaped, Crimean, meadow, ordinary and many others. Primary colors: white, yellow, red, blue-violet, lilac.

Favorable for lumbago opened

The open lumbago, the photo of which is presented below, has a fairly wide range of distribution. spring plant feels equally good both in a moderately humid climate and in more arid places. gentle purple flowers germinate not only on rich soils, but can also be content with poor, unmoistened ones. Particularly sensitive to light and especially need sunlight in the spring, during the flowering period.

Botanical description of sleep grass

The open lumbago is suitable for rubbing the squeezed green juice on inflamed rheumatic joints. Still fresh juice heals from glaucoma. Another species - drooping lumbago, growing in the east of the country - has found its application in Chinese medicine. Decoctions of mature rhizomes are used as a hemostatic and astringent.

Naturally, before you use the miraculous properties of lumbago, you need to get professional advice from a doctor. There are certain contraindications associated with the fact that the plant is poisonous. In particular, in the presence of diseases such as gastritis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nephritis. Medicinal fee carried out during the flowering period of sleep-grass, which lasts from April to May.

Since all types of lumbago have an incredibly attractive appearance, they organically look in group landscape plantings and will be an excellent decoration for lawns, alpine slides and park areas. And for those who wish to dig up for their garden a rare and forbidden wild-growing instance of the open flower, there will be useful information that adult lumbago does not tolerate transplantation.

In ancient times, sleep-grass was considered the personification of a victorious weapon, and spearheads were smeared with its juice in order to drive away evil power. And the wounds received in battles were healed with the help of this plant.


Pulsatílla patens is a perennial herb from the Ranunculaceae family, with a thick vertical or oblique rhizome and a short erect stem covered with soft hairs. Root leaves are located on long petioles. They appear later than flowers and wither in autumn. Sleep-grass has a "veil", which is formed from three leaves that have grown together at the base. The flowers are solitary, dark purple, shaped like garden tulips. The fruit is a multi-nutlet with oblong columns. The open lumbago blooms in April-May and bears fruit during the summer. Propagated by seeds, which are carried by the wind over considerable distances.

The distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis plant captures the entire territory of Europe (with the exception of Western), Asia, Canada and North America. Sleep-grass is found in many countries former USSR, in the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East. The favorite habitat of the lumbago is dry deciduous and coniferous forests.

This plant has long been used for magical and ritual rites. The shot was used as a talisman against evil eye, and the dried flower was kept to attract wealth. It was believed that if a person fell asleep in sleep-grass, he could become the owner of the gift of foresight. Experienced hunters claimed that bears get tipsy from the roots of sleep-grass. Artists from the flowers of the lumbago received green paint. This herb has been used folk medicine. Plants were rubbed with fresh juice during "painful suffering." Sleep-grass facilitated labor pains, bathed in its infusion with various rashes on the skin. In Yakutia, scabies was treated with ointment from the lumbago. In some regions, sleep-grass was considered the surest remedy for the treatment of sexual impotence.

Nowadays, sleep-grass is cultivated as a decoration for flower beds. In Bashkiria, horses suffering from glanders are treated with this plant. In early spring, before the leaves appear, this grass is eaten by sheep and goats. In summer, the plant becomes extremely poisonous to people and livestock. AT medicinal purposes collect and dry the aerial part of sleep-grass. Dried grass loses its toxic properties only 4-5 months after storage, only then can it be used.

Chemical composition

The leaves of the lumbago contain anemonic acid, essential oils, saponins, resins, alkaloids, tannins, micro and macro elements, and vitamins.

Medicinal properties of sleep grass

It has been established that sleep-grass can have antimicrobial and antimycotic effects. She possesses sedative effect, reduces arterial pressure slows down the heart rate and respiration. AT official medicine this plant is not used.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of sleep grass are given for headaches, neuroses, hysterical fits, insomnia. Outwardly, an infusion of herbs is used for pain in the joints, pyoderma, fungal skin lesions, and scabies. It is believed that a decoction of the herb in small doses helps with diseases of the lungs and weakness of the anterior abdominal wall. At articular rheumatism inside use a tincture of sleep-grass, it is also rubbed into the affected joints. In Chinese folk medicine, amoebic and bacillary dysentery. Homeopaths use sleep grass as an effective venotonic.

Contraindications and side effects

The fresh plant is poisonous due to the content of anemonin, causing inflammation skin and mucous membranes. On contact with the skin, a reaction occurs according to the type chemical burn I-II degree. When ingested, symptoms of damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and renal epithelium develop. The plant is not used during pregnancy, pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, gastritis and hepatitis.

touching flowering amazing plant lumbago in early spring deserves attention from gardeners. Fearless flowers are not afraid of spring frosts, they are considered true primroses.

Backache (Pulsatilla) - more often called sleep-grass or snow tulips. With snowdrops, the name is associated with early flowering. Flowering is coming as soon as the snow melted.

Sleep-grass is also a non-random name, the plant is poisonously capable of catching drowsiness. It is believed that the flower is afraid devilry. According to beliefs, it has a legend from biblical times, when the devil was an angel. Fleeing from the wrath of the Creator, the devil dodged the arrow and fell through the ground. The arrow shot through the flower and endowed it with special power.

Thanks to breeders, the hybrids of this plant grown on plots. There are about 40 varieties.

The stem of the flower is straight, with villi. It blooms in large buds, looks like tulips. Appearing from the soil -
rushes up. Reaches 30 cm. Depending on the variety, the color has its own shades from white-golden to purple.

Blooms from April to May. The withered bud lengthens, nuts are formed inside.
Despite the fact that the varieties of this flower have Russian origin. It is not often possible to meet him at the dachas.

This is due to the fact that the plant is listed in the Red Book. Meadow lumbago growing on sunny slopes are under protection.

Plant distribution area - where it can grow

plant of the ranunculus family wild nature more often found in Siberia, the Caucasus and the Urals. In Altai, there is a center for speciation of the genus Pulsatilla created by scientists. The most popular species are ordinary, red, Crimean. Scientists are doing research working to preserve the primrose.

Blooming in early spring, they grow in the Leningrad region, the Baikal region and the Far East.
It grows on soddy-podzolic soils in pine, oak and birch forests. Its habitat is lingonberry, mossy, heather slopes.

light-loving plant loves open areas. Gardeners produce cultivation in spacious areas where there is enough shade or partial shade.

Perfectly coexists with perennials in alpine hills and rockeries.

Is it possible to grow in the country?

Cultivated species are successfully grown by gardeners. Attempts to grow a plant from wild flower seeds not always successful. Even if the primrose grows.

Due to mutation and the absence of wild nature conditions, Backache will have a slightly different look:

  • open flowers may be small
  • the shade of the buds will differ from the mother
  • flowering may not occur for a long time

Not every of the varieties offered for sale takes root. If you buy seed, germination and successful growth is not always guaranteed. You need to select according to the description, taking into account the characteristics of the climate.

Need to create proper care, then it will be able to adapt to country conditions.

Features of planting and care in the open field

Plant hard to transplant. In summer cottages, it is propagated mainly by seeds. Unfortunately, it will bloom in the second year of life. With patience, you can achieve this miracle on your site.

It happens that due to a mutation, the flowering of high-mountain varieties is shifted by years. Therefore, it is better to purchase the usual types of lumbago. They are less whimsical, there will be no problems with flowering.

Landing rules:

  1. Seed material is planted in summer - from June to July. Take fresh seeds must not be out of date.
  2. There are varieties that are sown in the fall, then they sprout in early spring.
  3. You can try to sow lumbago in the spring in containers. Until the moment of landing in the ground, keep them on the windowsill. The resulting seedlings are planted in the month of July.
  4. By experimenting with planting several varieties at once in a flower bed, you can get interesting shades and flower shapes.
  5. Needed to shoot peat soil and drainage.
  6. Seeds in open ground sown thickly. Depth of laying seeds 1.5 cm.
  7. Germination occurs after 3-3.5 weeks.
  8. Being a perennial flower lives in one place for decades. So that he pleases with his flowering every spring, he must not be disturbed (replanted).
  9. In hot summers, you need to monitor moderate watering. The soil must not be dry. Avoid excess moisture.
  10. Mixtures of lime and nitrogen are used as fertilizers. Several times during the season, fertilizers are required in the form of light top dressing with potassium and phosphorus.

Backaches are ornamental plants for the whole season, in early spring they bloom beautifully, during fruiting and in autumn they delight with orange-colored foliage.

Remember that backache does not tolerate transplantation well, there is a risk of plant death.

On your site, you can grow flowers that appear almost immediately after the snow melts, amazingly beautiful flowers. Plant exclusively hybrid varieties, do not collect them in the wild - this is prohibited by law.

Pulsatilla is a fairly common plant in the world, with many species (about 40) that differ colors during flowering, height, accuracy and other features. The range of its growth is also wide: from the middle latitudes of Siberia and Canada to the southern latitudes of the Crimea and Asia. However (despite the vastness of growth), populations of the lumbago are threatened with extinction, as a result of which they are all listed in the Red Book.

Further we will talk only about open lumbago (sleep-grass or anemone open (lat. Anemone patens) prevailing in our country. He, often called sleep-grass or open anemone, is a herbaceous perennial from the "Buttercups". He loves podzolic soils with sod, prevailing in sparse pine and mixed (pine, birch, oak) forests. lilac flowers with shades. Their incredibly attractive flowering immediately transforms the dull early spring natural landscape. Those wishing to transplant this wild-growing handsome man into their garden should be warned: flowering lumbago cannot withstand transplantation and die.

origin of name

The name "lumbago" appeared in Russia. According to legend, one day an evil spirit hid behind this grass. One of the archangels threw a lightning bolt at her, which shot through the plant. Since that time, all evil spirits shun him.

Sleep-grass: why is it called that

The name "sleep-grass" is associated with sleep. Perhaps the abundance of soft villi reminded people of blissful relaxation and peace. The historical literary collection "Pechersky Paterik" tells how the demon roams the church during all-night vigil and throws sleep-grass at the lazy monks, from which they immediately fall asleep. heroine Scandinavian mythology Brunnhilde (the work of the Edda) was put under the head of sleep-grass, which made her immediately fall asleep.

Backache in ancient times was used to perform various rituals, magical rites. They drove out the evil eye and spoilage, attracted wealth. It was believed that after sleeping in this grass, a person is given the gift of foresight. The monks rubbed the body with the juice of the plant to resist the temptations of the unclean. Sleep-grass personified the victoriousness of the weapon, for which the tips of arrows and spears were smeared with its juice. Wounds received in battles were also treated with this plant. Artists prepared green paint from it.

Sleep-grass: description

The plant feels great in moist and relatively dry places. Height depends on natural conditions and is 7–40 cm. brown. Pinnately dissected leaves grow at the base of the erect stem, and long and thin stem leaves are fused at the bases. All leaves are covered with soft fluff. The plant opens at the top of the stem one fairly large flower (up to 8 cm in diameter), consisting of six petals with sharp ends and resembling a small tulip in appearance. He loves very much sunlight That's why he's always drawn to him. Flower bowl, resembling a hemisphere, collects and accumulates solar energy, as a result of which sleep-grass can bloom even at 0º. Flowering lasts about three weeks.

It grows, as a rule, in clusters, in which up to 50 flowers can appear simultaneously. Fruits all summer. The fruit is a multi-seeded nut with elongated columns covered with hairs.

Reproduction occurs mainly by seeds dispersed by the wind, but vegetative reproduction is also possible. Leaf vegetation lasts until autumn frosts. Moreover, in winter, plants “leave” with green leaves, the life processes in which slow down. Seed germination remains good up to 2 years, then begins to fade.

Pulsatilla opened: procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes

Harvesting grass (more often use its aerial part) is carried out during flowering (April-May), when anemonin (poisonous substance) is the least in it. Dry in the shade and as quickly as possible. The toxicity of the dried herb decreases slowly and completely disappears only after six months. Therefore, after drying, the raw material must be in contact with air for a specified time. It is necessary to close access to it for children. After six months, you can pack the grass in a glass container with a tight closure. Storage lasts no more than 2 years.

For magical purposes

Collection takes place in May full moon(in the morning, when there is dew on the grass). This herb is placed under the pillow at night to see prophetic dreams. Carrying it with you will provide protection from all that is bad, it will attract good and good.

Healing application

Classical medicine does not use sleep-grass, and only traditional healers and phytotherapists. It abounds in alkaloids, saponins, tannins, tannins, camphor, various resins, ascorbic acid.

The plant has a bactericidal, antifungal, antipyretic, expectorant, diuretic, fungicidal action. It restores the activity of the liver. It is often used as a sleeping pill and depressant. Grass contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, the cure of skin inflammation. Vodka tincture and squeezed juice are rubbed with rheumatism. The grass has long been boiled in a Russian stove, and the resulting juice heals burns. Healers of Yakutia treat with herbal ointment sexual weakness and scabies. Fresh Juice treats glaucoma well. Backache stabilizes blood pressure, lowers the pulse, makes breathing easier.

Treatment prescriptions

Antimicrobial decoction

Dry grass is poured with boiling water (1:50 by weight), heated for 5 minutes over low heat, poured into a bath with warm water, take 10 minutes. The decoction also has an analgesic effect.

Decoction for skin inflammation

300 ml of boiling water is poured into 10 g of dried raw materials, infused for about half a day, filtered. The wounds are washed with the drug, lotions are put with it.

Tincture for rheumatism

Vodka is poured into dry raw materials 1:10, cleaned for a week in the dark. Squeeze, filter, rub the joints when pain occurs.

Decoction for insomnia

A glass of boiling water pour 5 flowers, give 20 minutes of infusion, filter. Drink daily 3 times a dose of 20 ml.

Tincture for nervousness

0.2 l of water (boiled and cooled) is poured into dry raw materials (5 g), insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Drink in 5 doses per day.

Tincture for impotence

5 buds are thrown into the water, after an hour they are taken out, the juice is squeezed out, poured into a glass of vodka, insisted for a week, filtered. Drink 30 ml per day (for 2 doses).

Decoction for female diseases

One flower (dry) is brewed with boiling water (200 ml), insisted for a third of an hour, drink 2 sips a day. After monthly treatment take a three week break.

Decoction for epilepsy in children

0.2 l of water is poured into dry raw materials (10 g), boiled for 5 minutes, infusion is given for 20 minutes. Give children 5 ml for convulsions after 3 hours with a mandatory drink warm milk, since the decoction can provoke irritation in the digestive organs.

Decoction for glaucoma

A liter of water is poured into dry raw materials (10 g), heated on a stove (at low heat) until half of the contents are evaporated. Drink 5 times a day (in a single dose of 20 ml) for 2 months. Then make a monthly break, and repeat the treatment.

Mask for inflamed skin and acne

3 g of raw material is poured into 100 ml warm water, cleaned in an infusion for 10 minutes, soaked with four-fold gauze, put it on the face, after 15 minutes they wash with water at normal temperature.

Washing to restore the smoothness of the skin of the face

Boiling water (400 ml) is poured into 3 g of crushed raw materials, removed for 10 minutes, filtered. Apply twice a day instead of washing.


They are due to the presence of the poisonous substance "anemonin" in the plant. Its content is low in early spring, but increases rapidly during growth and in summer reaches of great importance. At external influence herbs on skin covering a person turns out severe burn. At internal reception damage to the stomach, intestines, and other organs is possible. Therefore, any plant preparations cannot be used for gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, and other internal diseases during pregnancy and lactation.

Any treatment with lumbago must be preceded by a mandatory consultation with a competent healer. Treatment should also be carried out under control. Sleep-grass poisoning is eliminated by taking activated carbon, milk, raw eggs.

Family: ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae).


In nature, backache (sleep-grass) is common in areas with a temperate, cold, partly subtropical climate throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The genus includes about 40 species.

The form: perennial herbaceous plant.


Backache (sleep-grass) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a straight, hairy, erect stem from 5 to 40 cm tall. Basal leaves of the lumbago are petiolate, tripartite, with wedge-shaped, two- or three-cut leaves and incised, linear-oblong lobules, hairy, filigree, collected in a rosette. Sleep-grass flowers are bell-shaped, solitary, very large, wide open or drooping, with numerous stamens, densely pubescent outside, purple, light purple, yellow, rarely white or red, bloom before or simultaneously with leaves, in early spring, sometimes in early summer. The fruits of the lumbago are nuts covered with long hairs are also decorative. Sleep-grass is a plant listed in the Red Book.

In ancient times, it was believed that sleep-grass is a magical, magical flower. Plants also have medicinal properties.

(P. patens). Plant 10 to 50 cm tall. Young leaves are round-heart-shaped, strongly pubescent, appear after the blooming of the flowers. The flowers of the lumbago opened at blooming are widely bell-shaped, later opened, star-shaped, erect. Blooms open in April-May for 20-25 days.

Pulsatilla Turchaninov (P. turczaninovii). Plants from 5 to 35 cm tall. The leaves of Turchaninov's lumbago are dissected into long and narrow, linear and sharp segments, developing simultaneously with the flowers. The flowers of plants are almost erect, half-open, blue-violet. Turchaninov's backache blooms in April-May.

(P. vernalis). A plant up to 30 cm tall with a straight or somewhat curved stem and leathery leaves that appear after flowering. The flowers of the spring backache are snow-white inside, with a slight purple tint on the outside, bloom in the second half of May and bloom for 20-25 days.

Prostel multi-notch (R. multifida). Plants up to 10-30 cm high. Basal leaves are located on long petioles, covered with soft, standing hairs, appear at the end of flowering or after it. The flowers of the lumbago are blue-violet, initially widely bell-shaped, later wide open.

Meadow lumbago (P. pratensis). Plant up to 30 cm tall. The leaves of the meadow lumbago are strongly dissected into narrow lobes, appear during flowering or after it. The flowers of plants are lilac, purple. blooms meadow backache in April for 25-30 days.

Pulsatilla ordinary (P. vulgaris). Small plants up to 15-20 cm tall. The flowers of the common lumbago are blue, appear before the leaves, in April. The common backache has several very spectacular forms and varieties.

Crimean lumbago , or Haller's lumbago (P. halleri). Plants up to 30 cm high with densely pubescent stems. The flowers of the Crimean lumbago are all shades of purple, densely pubescent on the outside. Plants bloom in May for 25-30 days.

(P. flavescens). Plants up to 45-50 cm tall with a large basal rosette of leaves. All parts of the yellowing lumbago are densely covered with silver-gray hairs. The flowers of the plant are yellow.

Pulsatilla golden (P. aurea). Plant height up to 35-50 cm. The flowers of plants are wide open, golden yellow, bloom in June.

Backache bell-shaped (P. campanella). The height of plants is up to 30-35 cm.

Pulsatilla mountain (P. montana). Plant up to 20-30 cm tall with dark purple, almost black flowers. Mountain lumbago blooms in early May for 25-30 days.

Alpine backache (P. alpina). Plant up to 20 cm tall with white or yellow flowers. The flower petals of the alpine lumbago are slightly wavy, recurved. The species blooms for a very long time.

Growing conditions

Pasque (sleep-grass) is best planted in slightly shaded areas, although plants develop normally in open areas. Backache - a flower that prefers deeply cultivated, fertile, well, substrates, sand and gravel loams. Plants categorically cannot stand stagnant water, so you can not plant sleep-grass in or places where water accumulates; you can plant plants in areas sloping south to avoid flooding. Winter-hardy shot.


Sleep-grass is a very beautiful plant that will always find a place in the garden. Backaches are planted in groups on, in mixed, various compositions, in - and.


In hot, dry times, backache should be watered without flooding the flowers. Backache - a plant that develops better on fertile, seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers substrates, so it is necessary to make top dressing. Sleep-grass reacts positively to the presence of lime in the soil. Mature plants cannot be transplanted; backache does not tolerate transplantation very well. If it is still necessary to transplant the lumbago, then they do it in the fall or spring, digging up plants with big ball earth.

Pulsatilla is a plant listed in the Red Book, so you can not dig it up or pick its flowers. In addition, sleep-grass is a flower that does not last long in the cut. Also, dug out wild plants may not take root on the site, as adult specimens do not tolerate transplantation very well.


Pulsatilla is a plant that is propagated only by seeds. It is better to sow sleep-grass with freshly harvested seeds in June-July or in spring in warm soil. Seeds of lumbago close up to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, sown densely. Seedlings need to be watered abundantly (but not allowed to stagnate), they are also recommended. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, protects young backache from cold or overheating.

You can buy backache at. Pulsatilla seeds can also be ordered online.

Diseases and pests

Usually backache (sleep-grass) is not susceptible to disease and is not affected by pests.

Popular varieties

Varieties of common lumbago

    ‘Rote Glocke’. Very beautiful red backache with velvety, wide-open flowers that open in April.

    'Bells Red'. Another red shot. The flowers bloom before the leaves appear, often right out of the snow. The color of the petals is from wine-red to purple.

    ‘Mrs van der Elst’- a variety with pale pink flowers.

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