All about the healing properties of the peony root. What are the contraindications for women? Healing properties of flowers: Peony

Peony occupies a special place among other "healing" plants. It has also been known since the Middle Ages as "Marin's root". The flower gives not only aesthetic pleasure and a wonderful aroma. In this article, we will find out what medicinal properties a peony has and how to use it correctly.

Healing properties of peony

The peony root contains many different chemical compounds that are highly valued in the homeopathic environment. It is used to treat gout, to heal gastric ulcers, to fight rheumatism and malaria, as an anesthetic for toothache, and even to increase lactation in nursing mothers.

Did you know? The name "peony" comes from the name of the ancient doctor Pean, who treated people and gods from wounds received as a result of battles.

Scientists also became interested in this plant and determined that peony root, infused with alcohol, has various medicinal properties. In medicine, peony tinctures are prescribed for people with poor appetite and digestion, suffering from insomnia and nervous disorders. Also alcohol tincture from the peony root treats many diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Preparation of roots and petals

Peony petals can only be collected during the period of full flowering right before shedding. The roots can be dried when convenient. As a rule, this is done along with drying the leaves. The roots are dug up, washed well and cleaned. Then they need to be finely chopped and dried in the shade in a well-ventilated room or outdoors under a canopy. Peony seeds can also be harvested.

Peony Recipes

As it has already become clear, peony leaves and roots are used for the manufacture of homeopathic and medical preparations. To date, more than 5,000 varieties of this plant are known to have medicinal properties.

Did you know? The first who began to widely use the medicinal properties of the peony were the Chinese. It was during the reign of the Qin and Han dynasties, before 200 BC. e. He was worshiped there, and mere mortals had no right to grow him. From China, he came to Europe. Today in China, the peony is also considered a flower with divine powers.

Petal tincture

How to use peony petals in order to most effectively reveal their healing properties? One tablespoon of finely chopped fresh leaves of the plant should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and insisted for eight hours. Together with other peony preparations, it is possible to successfully cure epilepsy, hemorrhoids, crush kidney stones, restore metabolism and dissolve salt deposits. The indicated amount of this universal remedy is calculated for the daily rate of use.

Did you know? Peony symbolizes love and wealth.

Of course, you can find and buy peony tincture in the pharmacies of your city, but it has a limited shelf life. Such a drug can lie in warehouses for a long time, losing its useful qualities. Therefore, we advise you to cook it at home. This will be much more efficient.

The tincture will be more useful if you start preparing it before the beginning of autumn, when peonies begin to bloom. Dig up the plant, cut off the leaves, and thoroughly rinse and clean the peony root so as not to spoil its medicinal properties.

To prepare 500 ml of tincture, take 50 g of peony roots and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse for half a month in a dark place. The jar will need to be shaken periodically. From the resulting tincture, you need to remove all the pieces of the roots and strain it through cheesecloth. After that, pour the strained liquid into a clean container, close tightly and store in a cool, dark place. The healing properties of the drug will act for several months until all the alcohol is exhausted.

A decoction of the roots

Finely chop 100 g of roots, pour in a liter of water and simmer until the water has evaporated by half. Strain the decoction and refrigerate it. Add 100 ml of medical alcohol. Take 10 drops 4 times a day. As homeopaths assure, the spectrum of action of this drug is very wide: it treats metabolic disorders, eliminates digestive problems, and also eliminates internal bleeding.

The use of medicinal raw materials

All tinctures that can be bought in pharmacies are very convenient preparations. But it is better to prepare them yourself, especially since the recipe is basically different from mass-produced ones.

Peony for colds

If you have a cold, then traditional medicine recommends the following. You need to take the flowers of the evasive peony, licorice root, chamomile flowers, willow bark, linden flowers, elder flowers. Grind and mix in the ratio 1:1:3:2:2. 50 g of this mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and drink warm all day.

Did you know? Peony petals do not wither for about three weeks, so in China it is called the "flower of twenty days."

Peony for gastrointestinal diseases

Peony deviant has proven its medicinal properties in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, and contraindications, as such, have not been identified. A decoction of the roots is good as a fixing agent and is prescribed for the treatment of dysentery. One teaspoon of chopped peony roots should be poured with two cups of boiling water and boiled for five minutes. After straining, take half a glass three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Medical research confirms the effectiveness of peony treatment.

Peony and nervous system

If you suffer from insomnia or sudden panic attacks, it is recommended to drink 50 ml of peony tincture before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts half a month. The nervous system must come into order. If the situation has not improved, then you need to take a week break and repeat the course of taking the drug again. The tincture recipe is simple: pour three tablespoons of leaves into 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for a month. Take either three times a day for a teaspoon, or as described above.

Peony in cosmetology and dermatology

Beauty connoisseurs at all times have been partial to fragrant essential oils and extracts. To date, cosmetologists mainly use peony extracts. Cosmetics based on it:

  • Moisturizes the skin and nourishes with essential trace elements.
  • Deodorizes and refreshes;
  • Removes inflammation and relieves irritation.
  • Makes the skin supple and elastic.
  • Smoothes wrinkles.
  • Normalizes skin metabolism.
In addition, peony extract can restore tired and damaged hair. It stimulates their growth and reduces hair loss. Peony nourishes the skin under the hairline, deodorizes it and restores the hair structure. The shine returns to them, and they become very obedient.

The use of peony in veterinary medicine

A decoction of peony roots increases appetite in animals and improves the digestion process. Increases acidity and relieves pain. It copes well with bloating, diarrhea and liver diseases. A decoction of peony roots has a sedative effect. Approximate dose for large animals: 3-4 g in the form of a 1:100 decoction.


Peony|Paeonia officinalis, Paeonia albiflora, Paeonia suffruticosa|Peonies

● Peony is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching 60 to 80 cm in height, the roots of which are swollen and tuberous. The peony has large buds, they are placed at the ends of the branches and bloom in May-June.

Bright green, large leaves are divided into elongated lobes. The flowers are bright red with a purple hue, large, odorless or very faint odor. The leaflet-shaped fruit opens with a slit and contains many spherical seeds. On the site " Traditional medicine recipes" new information.

"It is interesting! According to legend, the healing properties of the peony were discovered by Peon, the Greek god of healing. Since ancient times, the peony has been cultivated in China and Japan as a medicinal and ornamental plant.

Peony flowers, due to the content of aromatic substances, are used in pharmacology to improve the taste of medicinal drinking solutions.

Parts used and content of active substances

● For therapeutic purposes in folk medicine, peony roots are used, which are usually harvested in autumn - in October-November in the second year of the plant's life. After drying, the roots are crushed and used to treat diseases in the form of decoctions and infusions.

● Peony roots contain about 0.5% monoterpene glycoside (peoniflorin), peonol and its glycosylated derivatives and suffructicosides.

Medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine

● Due to the content of peoniflorin, peony has powerful anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative properties.

In turn, the active substance - peonol is characterized by the ability to kill pathogenic microorganisms and prevent aggregation.

● Peony is used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic in the treatment. It is used to treat (painful menstruation) and (lack of menses), gastrointestinal cramps.

Peony has found wide application for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by excessive excitability of sympathetic nerve bundles.

● As a sedative and sedative, peony is included in many finished dosage forms in combination with other medicinal plants with similar properties.

Peony roots are used externally to treat rheumatic pain and atopic pain.

Precautions and contraindications for the use of peony

● In case of an overdose of the used peony preparations, a gastrointestinal disorder may occur. It is not recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women.

Traditional medicine recipes

- take one teaspoon of peony tincture (see preparation method above) three times a day for thirty days.

● Treatment of rheumatism, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and gastrointestinal spasms:

- drink one cup of peony decoction before meals (2-3 g of crushed roots per cup of water, boil for 15 minutes and strain).

● Treatment of nervous disorders:

- take three cups of peony infusion per day (one teaspoon of crushed roots per cup of boiling water, filter the infusion through gauze after 5-10 minutes).

● Treatment of rheumatic pains and atopic eczema

- apply 2-3 times a day to sore spots a cloth soaked in a decoction (see above for the method of preparing a decoction).

Treatment of neuritis, polyneuritis and:

- insist 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water 1.5 teaspoons of a mixture of the following composition of medicinal herbs: 10 g of peony and orange flowers, cones; 20 g each of Piscidia root bark and leaves. Take two cups of infusion daily until recovery.

More information about peony can be found on the Wikipedia page.

Stay healthy my dears and God bless you!!!

Peony or Maryin root is a spring-summer flower belonging to the ranunculus family. This plant has been known since ancient Greece, where it was used to treat wounds and rid the body of various infections.

Description of the medicinal plant

This herbaceous perennial plant grows to a height of no more than 1 m and is distinguished by a large number of stems and a well-developed rhizome, on which powerful brown roots are located.

Peony stems are thick and smooth, on which large leaves of complex shape are located. Marin root blooms in May-June and at this time bright flowers of pink, red, burgundy and other colors appear on the top of the stems, reaching 13-15 cm in diameter. Peony fruiting occurs at the end of summer and its fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet in which there are black seeds.

The peony is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The medicinal properties of peony roots and seeds explain the widespread use of this herbaceous bush in traditional and folk medicine.

At present, marin root is a rare plant and in many countries it is already listed in the Red Book, which is mostly due to the fact that its underground part is most often used for medicinal purposes. The peony grows in Mongolia, China, Southern Europe, Siberia, Asia and Kazakhstan.

Shrub types

All peonies contain special beneficial compounds, so these plants should have medicinal properties. But only the evasive peony, which is most often found in the forest area of ​​many countries, was officially recognized as a medicinal plant. But in folk medicine, other types of this shrub have also found wide application. For example, thin-leaved, tree-like, red and lactic-flowered, the seeds and roots of which are also used to prepare medicinal products. But before using a peony medicine, you need to consult a doctor and find out contraindications, as well as a treatment regimen if there are no contraindications.

Preparation of a medicinal product

For medicinal purposes, peony roots are harvested, starting in the second half of September, and it is best to take strong, healthy plants in the 4-5th year of their life. To do this, the dug roots are thoroughly washed under running water, cleaned and cut into pieces 10-14 mm long and 20-30 mm thick. Dry them in a well-ventilated place, for example, under a canopy.

After the plant becomes brittle, it can be dried in an automatic dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ̊С. The taste of the roots is sweet, slightly astringent and burning.

Maryin root - use in everyday life

In addition to the use of the plant for medicinal purposes for humans, it is also used in veterinary medicine. For example, a decoction of the roots is given to animals for indigestion.

Deer are very fond of eating it. The roots can also be added to meat, using them as a seasoning. In Mongolia, the leaves of this perennial shrub are brewed and drunk as tea.

Beneficial features

Before proceeding with treatment, you need to remember that the peony is a poisonous plant that requires prior medical consultation and careful adherence to the dosage. Peony roots include carbohydrates and essential oils, benzoic acid and sitosterol, as well as manganese, potassium, calcium and vitamin C. The aerial part contains tannins, glycosides and bioflavonoids, and the seeds contain fatty oils.

In official medicine, tinctures are prepared from the evasive peony, which are used for the aerial part, seeds and roots of the plant. In folk medicine, the peony root is used, as a result of which the medicinal preparations have the following medicinal properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • decongestant;
  • tonic;
  • painkiller;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antacid.

Medicinal substances included in marin root explain the widespread use of the plant for the prevention of neuroses and sleep disturbances, to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, to alleviate the condition in patients with impaired gastrointestinal tract and liver functions.

Maryin root is able to thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and stabilize blood pressure, so it is a popular remedy for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

What does it heal?

Depending on the type of peony, the medicinal properties of this plant are aimed at combating a variety of diseases. Therefore, the peony has been widely used both in official and in traditional medicine, where it helps to get rid of the following diseases.

One of the most beautiful flowering plants, which is observed not only in the wild, but also in many summer cottages, is a peony. Not everyone knows that it has long been used in folk medicine.

Moreover, peony roots are most often used. Now it is recognized even by official medicine as an adaptogen. Healing is considered to be an evasive peony, popularly called Mary's root.

The plant was nicknamed so for its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area.

Peony evasive: description

This plant has been known since ancient Greece. Even then, people believed in its healing properties. Now the deviating peony or Maryin root is distributed mainly in the Far East and Siberia.

In all other regions, it is cultivated as an ornamental plant or for the preparation of medicines.

Peony is a tall flowering plant with a branched rhizome with powerful thickenings, which are used as medicinal raw materials.

Procurement of raw materials

It is believed that only plants with purple flowers have healing properties. The roots must be dried for treatment, as they are very poisonous when fresh. Dug and washed rhizomes should be cut into strips no more than 3 centimeters thick.

Dry them under a canopy or in a dry room. When the roots become brittle, they are dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. How a properly harvested peony root looks like, the photo clearly demonstrates. At the break, it has a yellowish color.

The taste of dried roots is burning, and the smell is pungent, spicy.

What is in the peony root?

Why is this plant often used in folk and official medicine? This can be explained by its chemical composition. Modern research has determined that peony roots contain:

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • glycoside salicin;
  • minerals such as manganese, strontium, iron and potassium;
  • starch and other carbohydrates;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids.

Peony root: medicinal properties

Since ancient times, healing and even magical qualities have been attributed to this plant. For example, it was believed that a patient with epilepsy should carry dried Maryin root with him - this was supposed to save him from seizures.

Traditional healers used part of the plant for many diseases. And official medicine has confirmed that, indeed, in some cases, the peony root can be useful. Its properties have been studied and proven.

Maryin root has the following effect:

  • stops bleeding;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relaxes muscles and fights cramps;
  • relieves headaches, muscle or toothaches;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • improves blood composition;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • heals wounds and ulcers;
  • relieves spasms of the bronchi and intestines;
  • stimulates digestion and secretion of gastric juice.

What diseases is the plant used for?

The root of the evasive peony, as already noted, is used by both folk and official medicine. The range of its application is quite wide. Effective treatment with decoctions and tinctures based on it for such diseases:

  • neuroses, sleep disorders;
  • gout, myositis and rheumatism;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • violations of the liver;
  • concussion;
  • hypertension;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer, dyspepsia;
  • diseases of the female genital area;
  • with convulsions and muscle spasms, as well as with epilepsy.

Folk recipes using peony root

Official medicine mainly uses the tincture of this plant, identifying several cases when it may be necessary. Traditional healers use peony roots more frequently. There are many healing recipes based on it:

  • A decoction of a teaspoon of crushed roots and 2 cups of boiling water is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Raw materials need to boil for 10-15 minutes, and then insist for several hours. This medicine helps even with dysentery. You need to drink a strained broth half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The same drink is effective for edema and has a diuretic effect. Many healers recommend taking it for stomach cancer.
  • If you make an infusion, you can drink it to improve digestion and with menopause. Prepare it like this: pour a tablespoon of crushed roots with two cups of boiling water and leave for half an hour. You need to drink the infusion two tablespoons three times a day.
  • To treat joint pain and accelerate bone fusion, you can prepare an ointment. To do this, powdered peony roots are mixed with interior fat in a 1: 1 ratio and heated in a water bath for half an hour.
  • Such decoctions are often used in cosmetology. For these purposes, it should be brewed more concentrated, for example, 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water. This decoction helps with acne, hair loss and dandruff.

Peony root tincture: application features

This drug can be easily found in any pharmacy. Often it is prescribed by doctors for heart disease and as a sedative. Effective tincture for neuroses, insomnia and vegetovascular dystonia.

Drinking a teaspoon of it three times a day can relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and various types of paralysis. It is applied inside 25-40 drops 3 times a day before meals.

The required amount of the drug must be diluted in a quarter glass of water.

Peony tincture strengthens the body's defenses, protects a person from infections and speeds up recovery. It has been proven that peony root tincture can remove toxins, chemicals and radionuclides from the body. It is also considered the best remedy for overwork, insomnia and depression.

Contraindications and side effects

When using peony roots, it must be remembered that this plant is poisonous. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the recipe for preparing decoctions and try not to exceed the indicated dosage.

The use of drugs based on the peony root during pregnancy is contraindicated, as this can provoke a miscarriage. You can also not use the plant for the treatment of children under the age of 12 years, with severe violations of the liver and kidneys or individual intolerance.

Caution should be taken in tincture and decoctions for people with low blood pressure or high acidity of the stomach.

Usually preparations based on peony root are well tolerated. But if you do not follow the dosage or take them for more than a month, then the development of side effects is possible:

  • skin allergic reactions;
  • weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance;
  • severe drop in blood pressure.

Peony root, like most medicinal plants, requires caution when using. In order for it not to harm, but to benefit, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use and strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Source: http://.ru/article/253717/korni-piona-tselebnyie-svoystva

The healing properties of the peony root and its contraindications

Peony or Maryin root is a spring-summer flower belonging to the ranunculus family. This plant has been known since ancient Greece, where it was used to treat wounds and rid the body of various infections.

Description of the medicinal plant

This herbaceous perennial plant grows to a height of no more than 1 m and is distinguished by a large number of stems and a well-developed rhizome, on which powerful brown roots are located.

Peony stems are thick and smooth, on which large leaves of complex shape are located.

Marin root blooms in May-June and at this time bright flowers of pink, red, burgundy and other colors appear on the top of the stems, reaching 13-15 cm in diameter.

Peony fruiting occurs at the end of summer and its fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet in which there are black seeds.

The peony is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The medicinal properties of peony roots and seeds explain the widespread use of this herbaceous bush in traditional and folk medicine.

At present, marin root is a rare plant and in many countries it is already listed in the Red Book, which is mostly due to the fact that its underground part is most often used for medicinal purposes. The peony grows in Mongolia, China, Southern Europe, Siberia, Asia and Kazakhstan.

Shrub types

All peonies contain special beneficial compounds, so these plants should have medicinal properties.

But only the evasive peony, which is most often found in the forest area of ​​many countries, was officially recognized as a medicinal plant.

But in folk medicine, other types of this shrub have also found wide application. For example, thin-leaved, tree-like, red and lactic-flowered, the seeds and roots of which are also used to prepare medicinal products.

But before using a peony medicine, you need to consult a doctor and find out contraindications, as well as a treatment regimen if there are no contraindications.

Preparation of a medicinal product

For medicinal purposes, peony roots are harvested, starting in the second half of September, and it is best to take strong, healthy plants in the 4-5th year of their life.

To do this, the dug roots are thoroughly washed under running water, cleaned and cut into pieces 10-14 mm long and 20-30 mm thick.

Dry them in a well-ventilated place, for example, under a canopy.

After the plant becomes brittle, it can be dried in an automatic dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ̊С. The taste of the roots is sweet, slightly astringent and burning.

Maryin root - use in everyday life

In addition to the use of the plant for medicinal purposes for humans, it is also used in veterinary medicine. For example, a decoction of the roots is given to animals for indigestion.

Deer are very fond of eating it. The roots can also be added to meat, using them as a seasoning. In Mongolia, the leaves of this perennial shrub are brewed and drunk as tea.

Beneficial features

Before proceeding with treatment, you need to remember that the peony is a poisonous plant that requires prior medical consultation and careful adherence to the dosage.

Peony roots include carbohydrates and essential oils, benzoic acid and sitosterol, as well as manganese, potassium, calcium and vitamin C.

The aerial part contains tannins, glycosides and bioflavonoids, and the seeds contain fatty oils.

In official medicine, tinctures are prepared from the evasive peony, which are used for the aerial part, seeds and roots of the plant. In folk medicine, the peony root is used, as a result of which the medicinal preparations have the following medicinal properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • decongestant;
  • tonic;
  • painkiller;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antacid.

Medicinal substances included in marin root explain the widespread use of the plant for the prevention of neuroses and sleep disturbances, to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, to alleviate the condition in patients with impaired gastrointestinal tract and liver functions.

Maryin root is able to thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and stabilize blood pressure, so it is a popular remedy for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

What does it heal?

Depending on the type of peony, the medicinal properties of this plant are aimed at combating a variety of diseases. Therefore, the peony has been widely used both in official and in traditional medicine, where it helps to get rid of the following diseases:

  • headache;
  • concussion;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • cough;
  • coli;
  • amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea;
  • poisoning;
  • depression;
  • nose bleed;
  • migraine;
  • radiculitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • swelling;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypertension;
  • encephalitis;
  • gout.


The main advantage of preparations created on the basis of peony roots is their high effectiveness and a small number of contraindications.

Despite the beneficial properties of this plant, peony preparations should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

Although this drug does not have a significant effect on blood pressure, it should be used with extreme caution in cases of hypotension.

Individual intolerance and children under 12 years of age are two more contraindications to taking drugs based on peony roots.


In the article we discuss the deviating peony. You will learn how a peony is useful, what diseases it treats, and also how to properly prepare a tincture for the treatment of mastopathy, menopause, nerves and insomnia.

Peony evasive, extraordinary, or irregular. It is popular among the people under the following names: Maryin root or Peony Maryin-root (lat. Paeónia anómala).

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dal and the Botanical Dictionary of Annenkov mention several names of the plant - Maryina grass, heart berries, shegna (Tschegna).

Peony evasive is a species of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Peony, Peony family. Cultivated in gardens as an ornamental plant.

The specific name "evading" is translated from the Latin anomalia, from the Greek - ἀνωμᾰλία "deviation", "irregularity". It is believed that this is due to the autumn color of this species of peonies, which distinguishes it from other species.

What does it look like

Appearance of an evading peony Rhizome plant with several furrowed stems, about 1 m high. The root of the peony is brown with branched, thick spindle-shaped tubers, white in section. The taste of the rhizome is sweet, when broken it emits a strong odor.

Peony leaves are large, dissected, with segments divided into lanceolate lobes.

Flowers purple and pink, solitary, 10 cm in diameter. Perianth double. Flowering time May - June.

The fruit is a combined leaflet of three to five leaflets.

Where does it grow

The species is distributed in Russia in Siberia, occurs in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China.

In the European part of Russia, it can be found in the Perm Territory, the Komi Republic (in the upper reaches of the Vychegda, Ukhta, Pechora Pizhma, Pechora, Ilych rivers; in the river valleys along the Pechora Lowland and the Mezen-Vychegodskaya Lowland) and on the Tury Peninsula.

The plant grows in light mixed forests, meadows and edges, in river valleys. Prefers fertile, moderately moist rich soils, sunny places. In the mountains, you can meet a plant up to the subalpine belt. Does not tolerate grazing. The yield of rhizomes and roots reaches 5-10 q/ha.

It belongs to rare plant species, and in some regions it is considered endangered. The plant is noted in the Red Book of Animals and Plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Komi Republic.

Grass, rhizome and roots

Peony evasive - medicinal plant. Flowers, leaves and rhizomes of the plant are used as medicinal components.

To properly prepare parts of the plant for medicinal use, read the instructions for use from the evading peony.

In medicine, grass and peony roots are used.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • organic acids;
  • fatty oil;
  • ethers;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C.

The beneficial properties of the evading peony are inherent in all parts of the plant.

Medicinal properties

Peony pharmacological properties:

  • painkiller;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • sedative;
  • antitumor;
  • bactericidal.

What helps peony? The plant is used as a sedative for neurasthenia and stress. Peony tincture for insomnia helps improve sleep.

Peony with VVD is used in combination for the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, panic disorders, anxiety phobias. Peony from nerves gives good results in complex therapy.

Peony petals are used in the treatment of epilepsy.

Peony infusion is used for poisoning, as a fixing agent for diarrhea.

The plant activates the release of hydrochloric acid, which has a disinfecting effect. The components of the plant have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Peony normalizes metabolism. Removes toxins from the body.

How to collect

Collect different parts of the plant at different times of the year. Before collecting a plant, read about the evasive peony reviews, where and how to collect. So you can easily find the grass and you will know how to collect and store the plant.

Harvest the aerial part during the flowering period, in May - June. Sort the leaves after collection, rinse and leave to dry in the open air. Can be dried in a special dryer at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Store finished raw materials in a dry, cool place.

Collect roots at any time. Before drying, wash the roots, divide into small roots. Dry the roots along with the leaves.

Collect the petals during the flowering period before shedding.

How to apply

In order for the plant to give a positive result during treatment, you need to know how to take a peony. For application, the indications of an evading pion are different.

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from peony. Peony is mainly prescribed as an additional remedy for the treatment of epilepsy, sleep disorders, and mastopathy.

Peony tincture is sold in a pharmacy. You can also make your own tincture based on the plant. Peony goes well with valerian, motherwort, licorice and other sedative plants.

pressure tincture

Peony tincture at pressure has a complex effect, normalizes pressure, general condition. Tannins improve the elasticity of blood vessels.


  1. Dried peony root - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Fill the peony with alcohol, insist in a dark place for at least 3 weeks. Strain before use.

How to use: Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break for 10 days.

Result: Peony from pressure has a calming effect, improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure.

Tincture for nerves and insomnia

In order not to harm your body, consult your doctor before use and study the peony tinctures that avoid use.


  1. The crushed roots of a plant - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Mix the components of the plant with vodka, close the container with a lid and infuse in a dark place. Shake the tincture periodically. After 14 days, strain the mixture through 2-3 layers of gauze.

How to use: Take tincture at bedtime. Dilute 3 tsp. tincture in 50 ml of water.

Result: Relieves stress, helps to calm down, strengthens the body.

Tincture for mastopathy

Peony with mastopathy works very effectively. The presence of the disease provokes depression in women, which is well treated by peony tincture.


  1. Peony roots - 2 parts.
  2. Kopeck tea - 1 part.
  3. Licorice root - 1 part.
  4. Vodka - 1 liter.

How to cook: Mix plants, pour vodka and infuse for 14 days in a dark, cool place.

How to use: Filter before use, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Start treatment on the 4th day of menstruation and continue taking the tincture for 2 months.

Result: Relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, normalizes blood circulation in the mammary gland.

Tincture for menopause

Peony with menopause gives a positive result when used in the form of tincture. What helps the tincture of the evasive peony? With menopause, plant components have a sedative effect, eliminate inflammation, and fatigue.


  1. Dry peony flowers - 3 tbsp.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Fill the plant with vodka, leave for 3 weeks.

How to use: Take 25 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 month.

Result: Eliminates climatic tides, mood swings, normalizes hormonal and emotional background.

Peony during pregnancy

Peony is not taken during pregnancy. Under the action of the drug, the muscles of the uterus contract, a miscarriage occurs.

Plant components can adversely affect the development and growth of the fetus.


Before use, study the evading contraindications from the peony. The components of the plant as a whole do not have a negative effect on the body, but side effects are possible with an overdose.

Side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • pressure drop;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness.

During the period of application of tinctures or decoctions of peony, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require special attention and concentration. You should stop driving.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood.

Before using the plant, consult a doctor, study the evading peony medicinal properties and contraindications.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Department - Flowering.
  • Class - Dicotyledons.
  • Order - Stone-brittle.
  • Family - Peony.
  • Genus - Peony.
  • Kind - the Peony evading.


There are a lot of varieties of peony. Plant species are divided into tree-like and herbaceous. According to the shape of the bud, terry, Japanese and non-terry peonies are distinguished. The evasive peony belongs to the herbaceous varieties.

Peony varieties:

  • Paeonia anomala subsp. anomaly.
  • Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii.

For more information about peony, see the video:

Peony evasive infographic

Photo of an evasive peony, its useful properties and applications: Infographics on an evasive peony

What to remember

  1. Peony is a medicinal plant that is used to treat mastopathy, gynecological diseases, nerves and insomnia.
  2. Store harvested raw materials for no more than 2 years.
  3. Before use, read the instructions for use from the peony tincture.


Peony evasive, the medicinal properties of which are described below - a plant used since ancient times as a medicine, was named after the legendary healer Peon, who cured the god Pluto with it. The peony is revered in China and has been cultivated for many centuries. The Chinese worship the plant and consider it a symbol of nobility and prosperity.

The locals believe in the healing power of the plant and use it to get rid of nightmares and dark spots on the skin.

There are even legends according to which the deviating peony, or Mary's root, contributes to the expulsion of evil spirits from a person. In Western Europe, people apply the plant to the region of the heart to cure gout and suffocation.

Peony is also called marina grass, heart berries.

Maryina grass: botanical characteristics

The deviant peony is a fairly large herbaceous perennial of the peony family, reaching a height of seventy or more centimeters.

The plant is equipped with a short multi-headed rhizome with the presence of brown-brown fusiform fleshy adventitious roots, single-flowered ribbed erect leafy stems covered with leathery scales, bare regular large petiolate leaves, large regular red or pale pink flowers.

The fruits of the plant are multi-seeded three- or five-leaflets. The seeds of the plant are black, shiny.

The plant begins to bloom at the beginning of the spring period, and the fruits ripen by August. Southern and Central Europe is the birthplace of the plant.

Edges, clearings, light sparse coniferous, mixed and small-leaved forests are the places where peony grows.

Collection, preparation and storage of plant materials

For the preparation of medicinal preparations, the herb and the rhizome of the plant are used. It is recommended to harvest raw materials during the period of intensive flowering, in May-June.

It is important to take into account the fact that only peony with pink flowers is used for medical purposes. After separating the ground part of the plant from the underground, you need to rinse the rhizomes under running water, cut into pieces.

Dry the raw materials separately. You can lay out the roots on paper and leave to dry outside in the shade, or you can resort to using special dryers.

Rhizomes must be dried until they become brittle, brownish or yellowish-brown.

Properly prepared roots should have a sweetish-burning, slightly astringent and strong peculiar aroma.

The grass is dried in the open air. It is scattered on paper in a thin layer and turned over from time to time to dry evenly. Properly dried raw materials have a slightly bitter taste and a weak aroma. You can store harvested raw materials for three years.

Peony evading - medicinal properties, chemical composition

Peony evasive rich:

  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • starch;
  • sugars;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • glutamine;
  • resinous substances;
  • arginine;
  • ascorbic acid.

The plant has analgesic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diuretic, hemostatic, firming, disinfectant, tonic, antitumor, hemostatic, anticonvulsant, astringent, choleretic, expectorant, sedative and decongestant properties.

Plant preparations contribute to:

  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • increased secretion of glands;
  • reduction of fermentation in the intestine;
  • improving the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • strengthening the SSS;
  • increased insulin synthesis;
  • saturation of the body with energy;
  • removal of harmful cholesterol;
  • vasodilation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • removal of toxic substances and toxins from the body;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving sleep;
  • increase in working capacity.

Means based on this plant are used to treat: diarrhea, rheumatism, arthritis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, myositis, epilepsy, hypochondria, hypertension, fever, otitis media, ascites, gout, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, nephritis, poisoning.

Evasive peony preparations for the treatment of various pathologies

➡ Mastopathy: tincture therapy.

Take fifty grams of dried crushed peony rhizome and combine with twenty grams of dry, finely chopped licorice roots, mix and fill the raw material with medical alcohol or vodka - 500 ml. Place the composition in a dark place for fifteen days. Use thirty drops three times a day. The duration of the course is one and a half months.

➡ Uterine fibroids: the use of an effective remedy. Pour the crushed rhizome of the peony - 40 g with medical alcohol - 500 ml.

Refrigerate the container for two weeks. Shake the contents periodically. Take a spoonful of medicine four times a day.

The therapeutic course is fifty days.

➡ Infertility:application of the tincture. Take the dried peony roots, grind and pour one hundred grams of raw materials with medical alcohol - a liter. Put the composition in a dark place for half a month. Use twenty milliliters of the drug four times a day.

➡ Cold:marina root therapy. The medicine promotes sputum discharge and a quick cure for cough.

Mix in equal proportions peony flowers with licorice rhizome, willow bark, chamomile, linden and elderberry flowers. Grind the ingredients and fill the raw materials with boiled water.

Infuse the product in a thermos for two hours. It is recommended to take ½ cup of medicine twice a day.

➡ Preparation of a sedative. Pour fifty grams of dry, finely chopped rhizome of the plant with medical alcohol - 500 ml. Set aside the composition in the cold for a couple of weeks. It is recommended to use forty drops of the drug twice a day.

➡ Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: decoction therapy. Grind peony roots and pour twenty grams of raw material with boiling water. Boil and continue to simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Cool and drink half a glass of the drug four times a day.

➡ Salt deposition:application of the infusion.

Combine peony flowers in equal proportions with juniper fruits, calendula and cornflower flowers, crushed buckthorn bark, elder flowers, horsetail and birch leaves. Grind all ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Brew a couple of spoons of raw materials with boiled water - 300 milliliters. Set aside the composition for half an hour, then filter. Take half a glass of medicine every three hours.

➡ Skin ailments:treatment with peony evading. Steam thirty grams of dried crushed plant roots with 500 ml of boiling water. Place the composition in a water bath for half an hour, then cool and filter. Use the remedy as a lotion.

➡ Sciatica, joint pain:application of the tincture.

Fill a half-liter bottle with dry peony flowers, then fill to the top with medical alcohol.

Infuse the composition in a cold dark room for fifteen days. After a couple of weeks, filter the remedy and rub it into painful places.

➡ Jaundice: application of infusion. Pour the dried crushed roots with 500 ml of boiling water. Set aside the composition for an hour. Filter and consume a couple of spoons of medicine before each sitting at the table.

➡ A tool that helps strengthen the immune system. Brew dry flowers of the plant in 300 ml of boiling water. Let the tool sit for a while. Drink 50 ml of the miraculous drink four times a day.

➡ Preparation of healing ointment. This remedy will help in curing the inflammatory processes of the sciatic and trigeminal nerves, as well as in eliminating pain.

Grind dry peony roots with a fine grater and combine the raw materials with melted pork fat. Heat the composition in a water bath for half an hour. Refrigerate the product.

Lubricate the sore spots with the prepared ointment.


It is not advisable to use peony preparations during pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance, renal or hepatic insufficiency.

If weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, allergic reactions, a sharp decrease in pressure appear, it is necessary to immediately stop taking medicines based on the plant.

Peonies are beautiful spring-summer flowers from the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), whose bloom reminds high school students of upcoming exams. Like all representatives of the buttercup family, peonies contain specific chemical compounds, therefore, obviously, they must have medicinal properties. However, the only officially recognized medicinal plants include the evasive peony (Paeonia anomala), found in the forest zone of many countries. Maryin root (synonymous with evading peony) is often bred in household plots as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

In addition to the marya root, other types of peonies are also used in folk medicine in various countries, for example, tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) and thin-leaved peony (Paeonia tenuifolia), which are also often found in flower beds of garden lovers. The root of the lactiflora peony (Paeonia lactiflora) is known to adherents of oriental medicine under the Chinese name Bai Shao. The red or ornamental peony (Paeonia peregrina) is the most common species grown in flower gardens, and its roots are also used by traditional healers to treat various ailments.

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the roots of plants are harvested, dug in the fall from the second half of September. It is advisable to harvest the roots from plants of the 4th - 5th year of life. Raw materials washed from the ground are dried in thermal chambers at a temperature of about 40 ° C. In addition to the roots, coronal flower petals are also collected from peonies of some species, which, of course, are harvested during flowering. Petals can be dried both in dryers (t = 40 - 50 °C) and under sheds (in attics).

The chemical composition of medicinal raw materials

The chemical composition of the rhizomes of various types of peony is largely similar, and differs in most cases in the concentration of certain substances. The essential oil isolated from the roots (contains up to 2%) consists mostly of pineol. The roots also contain organic acids that have a biologically active effect on the body (salicylic and benzoic acids), as well as esters and glycosides of these acids. From carbohydrates, peony roots contain starch and sugar, respectively 78 and 10 percent in terms of dry matter.

Peony flower petals contain the dye peonin, which is characterized by specific toxicity.

Pharmacological properties of peony preparations

In the practice of scientific medicine, a tincture of peony roots is used, which, as noted by many researchers, has low toxicity, has sedative properties, stops seizures, prolongs the effect of hexenal and thiopental anesthesia. The dosage of taking the tincture of peony roots is determined by the doctor on an individual basis, guided by considerations of expediency (from 30 drops to 1 tsp per reception). Treatment using peony tincture is carried out in monthly courses, which can be repeated if necessary after a 10-day break.

Mary root tincture is prescribed as a sedative in case of neurasthenic conditions against the background of increased reflex excitability, as well as for the treatment of phobias, hypochondria, vegetative-vascular pathologies.

In scientific medicine, the tincture is prepared either only from the roots, or from a mixture of aboveground and underground parts in an equally proportional ratio. As an extractor, alcohol of 40% strength is used, the volume of which is taken 10 times greater than the amount of raw material. The infusion period is 1 week.

Contraindications and side effects

Peony preparations are not prescribed for pregnant women, as well as for children under the age of 12 years. Although marijuana root tincture does not have a significant effect on blood pressure, nevertheless, care must be taken when treating patients suffering from hypotension.

Practical recipes for using marina root

As for the preparation of medicinal tinctures, there are several recipes that differ from the official drug.

- Tincture of the aerial part of the peony. To prepare the tincture, fresh petals and leaves of the plant are used, which are crushed and mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, and then poured with alcohol of 70% strength, the volume of which is taken equal to the amount of raw materials used. Time of infusion - 2 weeks. The drug is recommended as an adjunct in the course treatment of epilepsy.

- Peony root tincture. Prepared using alcohol 70% strength and crushed peony roots in a ratio of 1:4 extractor. The infusion period is 21 days. Indications for the use of tincture are similar to the use of the official drug: neurasthenia, phobias, hypochondria, etc.

- seed tincture. Peony seeds collected during the ripening period, grind, pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 4 and keep in a dark place for 21 days. The drug is prescribed to stop uterine bleeding, and is also used in the treatment of gastritis. The dosage of the drug is up to 1 tsp. appointment; multiplicity of reception - 4 times a day.

- root decoction. For 1 liter of water - 100 g of crushed roots; cook over low heat until the original volume is reduced by 2 times. Add 100 ml of 96% alcohol to the filtered chilled broth for preservation. The drug is prescribed 10 drops per reception, up to four times a day. According to traditional healers, such a drug has a wide range of medicinal properties and is prescribed for metabolic disorders (gout, osteochondrosis), problems of the digestive tract (diseases of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea), in case of internal bleeding (gastric, intestinal, uterine, pulmonary) .

Recipes using decorative peony

- infusion of petals. For 300 ml of boiled chilled water - 1 tbsp. fresh petals. Insist for 8 hours. The infusion is used in conjunction with other peony preparations in the complex treatment of epilepsy, hemorrhoids, in the presence of kidney stones, metabolic disorders and salt deposition (gout, osteochondrosis, etc.). The specified amount of the drug is designed for a three-time intake during the day.

- root decoction. For half a liter of water - 1 tsp. raw materials; cook after boiling for 20 minutes. Take up to 4 times a day, 100 ml for gastric and intestinal colic, metabolic disorders, hemorrhoids, etc.

- seed decoction. Cook for 10 minutes 1 tbsp. peony seeds in 300 ml of water. Laxative.

- Powder from the rhizome. Peony root powder is taken for hemorrhoids three times a day, 2 g each.

Treatment with thin-leaved peony preparations

- Herb infusion. Fine-leaved peony is popularly called the heart herb, since the infusion of the aerial part of this species is used to treat heart diseases. The preparation is prepared by two-hour infusion of 1 tbsp. dry herbs in 300 ml of boiling water. Take up to 6 times a day, 2 tbsp.

- root decoction. This remedy is prepared from thickenings formed on the roots of the peony ("root cones"). For 300 ml of water - 1 tbsp. chopped raw materials, boil for 10 minutes, insist 2 hours. With anemia, the drug is prescribed up to 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. A decoction of the roots also helps in sobering up with severe alcohol intoxication.

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