Concert for March 8 titles original

Scenario of the holiday concert "Thousand and one wishes"
Musical screensaver "Spring is coming". Presenter's exit - Viktor Kasperovich (middle age):
- Good afternoon dear friends! Hello our lovely, charming, gentle, beloved, women. Surely all of you have felt how something has changed in nature and mood. And everything is very simple. Spring has come - a time that gives us all a lot of sun, warmth, love and one of the most beautiful holidays of the year! A holiday that all men are waiting for with special excitement ... And why do I have men written here, after all, a holiday for women? It turns out illogical. Is the text mixed up? Uff ... (wipes himself with a handkerchief) They thought up one man to congratulate, but where are we without women, without their leading role and the right direction? Nowhere! Tanya!!!
Exit Tatyana Sharubina (middle age).
Dear readers, I bring to your attention a site where you can find many interesting books, including novelties by Darya Dontsova 2012. Welcome!
T: Hello, dear guests of our program! What happened?
Q: Everything is bad for me, probably in the text of the error. Or maybe ... I'm just afraid. (Takes her by the hand) You will help me, won't you go anywhere?
T: Calm down, of course not. When we women left you without help.
Q: Thank you.
T: We are starting our holiday concert! (driving) For congratulations, the head of the Kandalaksha district Shambir Vasily Nikolaevich is invited to the stage
Q: Vasily Nikolaevich! Sorry, today our women are waiting for the most unusual, unpredictable congratulations from men! In general, what we can tell them only on this day!
V.N. Shambir tells a parable about women.
Q: Our concert program is continued by the head…
T: Wait. You're talking wrong. The concert is continued by the one who sings or dances, and you announce the official. It should be declared like this. For congratulations, we invite you to the stage ...
Q: Can he sing?
T: Or dance. This has not happened yet, so we will not be distracted. (driving) For congratulations, the head of the city of Kandalaksha Senchenko Vladimir Nikolayevich is invited to the stage
Q: Excuse me, are you by any chance dancing? (answer) Then for the sake of male solidarity help me out.
The melody of a waltz sounds. Senchenko is dancing a waltz.
Q: Did you see? And you say it can't be. We are for you ... wow, how we can do everything! And a galloping horse, and we will enter a burning hut!
T: Actually, these words are addressed to women, but thanks anyway.
Q: And how many good words we want to tell you!
T: Talk.
Q: Me?… Can I be better on the script. (driving)
The head of the city administration Ivanov Andrey Nikolaevich is invited to the stage.
Q: Andrey Nikolaevich...
T: Shut up.
B: And we will not be silent! Really, Andrey Nikolaevich? We will sing!
T: You will sing!
B: Well, not me. Sergey!
(Sergey Lopintsev, soloist of the Shock Variety Theater comes out) Sergei, you are now congratulating women with Andrei Nikolaevich.
T: Viktor! (chases him, runs backstage)
“One cannot live in the world without women” performed by A.N. Ivanova and S.V. Lopintseva
V: Well, how? Who is our next congratulatory?
T: I don't know.
Q: So tell me, what will happen next? So, say.
T: What could you do without us women.
V: Yes, everything!
T: Okay, let's check. Who prepares food for you, chooses clothes?
B: Wife..
T: So, a woman! Who brings up children, runs on parents' meetings?
B: Well… basically… Okay, woman.
T: Who warns against bad deeds?
B: Police.
T: Let's do it. And who creates comfort in the house, maintains cleanliness and order?
B: Vacuum cleaner. Okay, the woman with the vacuum cleaner.
T: And what remains for men?
B: Like what! Only sing for you women.
Vocal group VIA "Veronika" "To be honest"
T: Are you ready to continue the program?
Q: With each congratulation I feel more and more confident! Look. Dear women! Let smiles bloom on your beautiful faces, and let worries and sorrows disappear forever! At least one day a year take a break from your daily problems - from laundry, cleaning, kitchen chores ...
T: Then from men too.
Q: What do you mean?
T: Thank you, of course, for the kind words, but it turns out that you freed all the women of Kandalaksha from everyday affairs for only one day. Did you make a resolution? Free. Why? Because even on their holiday, women take the stage ...
Q: To bring people good, valuable...
T: And most importantly - beautiful!
(They go to different backstage)
Dance "Irish"
T: Have you forgotten that the name of our concert is “A Thousand and One Confessions”?
Q: What are you up to? In my opinion, if we take into account the female population of our city, it will turn out much more!
T: There are never many confessions, you always want: well - one more! More!
B (backstage): Men, do you hear?
(backstage) Listen! For what age is congratulations?
T: For everyone!
"Belle" performed by the soloists of VIA "Veronica"
Q: By the way, I didn't waste my time backstage. Do you know what I found out?
The very first woman - Eve,
The most beautiful is Cleopatra,
The smartest - George Sand!
T: As I understand it, men are preparing for the performance in that backstage. And I was on the other side, among women, and they have a completely different view on this topic.
The very first woman is the one next to you!
The most beautiful is the one next to you!
And the smartest woman...
B: This is the one next to me. Now you are next to me, so you have a word, and I went.
T: Got out. OK then. Very well!!!
Song. "Good"
"Mom's Heart"
B: I agreed!
T: I see that you have already agreed that you cannot announce the next number.
B: You don't understand. I agreed with the next participant in the program that he would congratulate the women instead of me.
T: And what did he promise him for it? (in whispers)
T: Okay, but only after the concert!
A. Toporin "King-Orange Summer"
B: Beautiful ladies! We are ready to carry you in our arms 365 days a year!
T: And in a leap year, I held back one day.
Q: We must rest sometime! But for the rest of the time, we promise to love you tenderly and passionately, read poetry to you, sing songs!
T: And we, women, hear these promises for some reason in these March days. Although ... I guess I'm underestimating, we hear them much more often, that's why we love our men, because they are just there and even without poems and songs.
Q: Men, did you hear? And today, when we come home, let's read poems to our close women. Or we'll sing a song. And it doesn’t matter that there are problems with the musical ear, but from the verses we remember only “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. What can you do for women to make them just smile. And yet ... Let's make our men's calendar, where each sheet will be written: today I love you even more! And there will be not 365 days, but much more.
T: It doesn't.
Q: Everything happens if you really want it.
D. Pimyanov "730 days"
T: Lovely women! It's no secret that we are sentimental.
B: Yes, a million scarlet roses, morning coffee in bed, kissing in the rain and, of course, music. Delicate, romantic…
T: And definitely about love. Only this can be given to loved ones on holiday! And for her we will forgive the absence of a million scarlet roses and bring ourselves coffee in bed ...
V: Tanya, I brought you coffee, backstage ...
T: And the music?
B: It already sounds. For you and all women.
T: Well done, is the coffee even hotter?
Q: The coffee is already cold, but the song is hot.
V. Petrashov "Man is an eccentric"
B: And you danced great backstage.
T: What are you talking about! Forgot where you are? And she didn’t dance, but created the appropriate mood for the performer.
Q: You always say the right thing! You choose such words!
T: It all depends on the experience. What experience do you have?
Q: 15 years in aluminum factory.
T: And I have 25 years on stage.
B: I wouldn't give that much. I'm what - you teach me to speak, sing and dance!
T: Well, okay. The first dance and vocal master classes will be shown by the following participants.
"Match" - dance composition
S. Gerasimov "Romance"
B: I wrote everything down. You can continue the concert program! What were you thinking about?
T: Oh, I wish I could turn back time! How many mistakes could have been avoided, how many wonderful days have passed unnoticed!
B: Well, you fantasized! Unfortunately this is not possible.
T: Just imagine. You are young again, I am just as beautiful! Time... time...
(The lights are completely extinguished in the hall, voices are heard)
T: What's going on?
Q: I don't know, maybe with electricity?
Voice of Tanya Gavrilova: Oh, I somehow feel strangely myself ...
Sasha Boytsov's voice: And it's not clear what's going on with me.
(light in the hall, on the stage T. Gavrilova and A. Boytsov - students of the 5th grade, in the images of adult presenters)
T.G.: They fantasized about it.
AB: I like it. It was decided that after the concert I would first go to the disco, then…
T.G.: And the wife, children?
AB: Indeed, I am saying something wrong.
T.G.: That's all men. Rejoiced. You better think about what we're going to do.
A.B.: Let's guess again. I want to be an adult!
T.G.: It doesn't work. Apparently, up there, they don’t believe that we are adults!
AB: Let's talk about what children don't talk about.
T.G.: What are you doing! The people around us will not understand.
AB: Then let's sing! Adult song! About love!
T.G.: Let's try.
T. Gavrilova and A. Boytsov "I love you"
T.G.: It didn't work. Maybe we should still act like children.
A.B.: And our concert should correspond.
T.G.: Then we invite a children's vocal group.
T.G.: I already somehow feel uncomfortable. What if we're not going back! Oh mommies!
AB: Stop whining. I take the initiative in my own hands. Let's continue the concert, and we'll see.
T.G.: Yes… And in the script the words are adults…
AB: Then we will improvise. T: I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our beloved mothers on the holiday, wish them good health, worry less about us and more often let's say words of love to them. Just go up to your mom, so tired and busy, press your cheek against your hand and whisper so that only she hears ...
T.G.: Mommy! I really love you very much! I want to mom! (runs away)
(Sasha is left alone)
AB: Do you know what I want most now? I want to tell my grandmother not to be angry with me when I forgot to help her, sometimes I even said things that were not what I felt. He acted like a childish fool. But you know that understanding of this comes later, with age. Forgive me, grandmother, you are the most beloved and kind, even when you are angry. I love you very much and I want you to never be sad.
The song "My Mom's Mom" ​​performed by A. Boytsov
T.G.: Something needs to be done! Mother!
A.B.: Grandmother!
(lights go out)
T.G.: It seems we succeeded!
A.B.: Great! Back! Back!
(The lights go out, the bells, the voices of Z. Pelz and A. Popov are participants in the amateur performances of the older age)
Z: In my opinion, we missed again!
A: Let's see.
(lights on, Z. Peltz and A. Popov on stage)
Z: It seems like it will never end. What will happen to us next?
A: Let's not talk about sad things. Still a holiday!
Z: Why don't you congratulate me then!
A: I express my admiration and only now I realized how beautiful a woman is at any age!
Z: Especially if you look at her without glasses.
A: Not true. Even through a magnifying glass you look amazing! And all the women in the hall are so beautiful that ... I have no words.
Z: And this age suits you very well. Became wiser. But still, what are we going to do next?
A: Let's go along the knurled track.
(A. Popov looks backstage)
Z: What are you looking at?
A: The girls there are… pretty. We should congratulate them too! I instantly!
(runs away, changes clothes)
Z: Here it is! Well, okay. But now I can address the guests of our evening.
Dear women, today, by right, we are in the spotlight! And the words uttered by our men are very important for us. Their congratulations sometimes fit in one word. But what is the word! The rest we can imagine ourselves. After all, our notebook - our memory - is always with us. In it we will find memories of the first meeting, awkward explanations, passionate confessions. It captures the most precious minutes of our life, its brightest moments. Therefore, if on a holiday, our men do not have beautiful words, then we will definitely find them in our notebook and will certainly finish them for men.
And to you, men, we have a simple request - try to keep our memory as many wonderful memories as possible. Deal?
Voice A: Agreed. Won't you help me? I don't have a button fastening here?
Z: What's another button? What are you doing there?
"Four Yards" - the ensemble "Tary-Bary" (A. Popov - soloist of the group)
Z: Did you dance?
A: Oh, how good!
Z: I think we all showed great ...
A: That there is no age for women. (takes Z. under the elbow)
(T. Gavrilova and A. Boitsov exit)
T.G.: That our mothers are the most beautiful.
AB: And grandmothers are the kindest and most patient. (hold hands)
(Tanya and Victor exit)
T: Let a child's voice filled with peace and warmth always sound in your house.
V. Hugs T. by the shoulders.
Q: And your whole life, dear women, will be sunny and beautiful, joyful and happy. This is what we promise, guys! Men! Promise? Then sing along!
(leave, music "For our ladies")
"For Our Ladies" performed by VIA "Veronika". The curtain closes. Phonogram "Spring is coming"

The script was prepared by Elena Vishnevskaya

"Gentlemen Congratulate" is written for college students, but could be the basis for, or standalone episodes of, it. The script was written to congratulate the girls, full of concert numbers, humorous moments and compliments to the heroes of the occasion.

Introduction to the concert program "Gentlemen congratulate"

The musical beat from the movie "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" sounds.
The presenters come out - a team of gentlemen in tuxedos and bow ties (or symbolic white scarves).

1st gentleman:
While the snows are still whitening in the fields
And the river depth is hidden under the ice,
But winter leaves in all calendars
Already torn off ... Spring has come to the country!

2nd gentleman:
Did you notice
What happens to people in the spring?
Women have all become unusual -
Glorious, gentle, one and all!

Dear women, what happened?
Maybe a hint to the stronger sex:
Like, on a par with you, I worked hard,
Do you want to be weak for at least a day? ..

3rd gentleman:
And men have inspired faces,
Pride in posture, confident look.
In each of them a knight wakes up,
An ardent poet and a fearless soldier.

He goes to the shops for breakthroughs,
In the queues he storms the flowers,
Like a sapper, despite the explosions,
Bridges the heart.

4th gentleman:
In March, the apartment becomes a paradise:
Peace ... silence ... the beat of consonant hearts ...
The husband, like Stirlitz, picks up the words:
Say something wrong and ... the end!

In March, the eighth, a man hardly
A woman's whim will not be taken into account.
It can be seen that the attention is so indebted,
What are the calculations for the year.

5th gentleman:
Even a scholarship is in a hurry to give out ...
In March the eighth it happens!
It's a short matriarchy
So it's good for men!

We do not understand yet, what is the secret?
Dear women, we wish you -
Be like this in April and May
Today, and tomorrow, and a thousand years!

6th gentleman:
Be like that! And it might happen
From this day forward and for years to come
Every man will have a knight
An ardent poet and a fearless soldier!

7th gentleman:
Grandmothers, sisters, girls, mothers,
To all to whom the holiday of spring is dedicated,
Your knights - men of the program -
Send congratulations and low bow!

6th Gentleman:
It is known that the Russian language is great and powerful, but how difficult, incredibly difficult it is to find those words that would express all the measure of love and respect for you, dear girls.
7th Gentleman: Inventions, initiatives, records - everything is within the reach of our women! We know what responsibility lies on fragile shoulders: after all, more than half of all workers in our country are women!
6th Gentleman:
True, in recent years, more and more often they are offering to free women from work - let them, they say, have March 8 all year round.
7th Gentleman:
Can you imagine? Men work every day, nurse children, milk cows, do manicures, cook dinner.
6th Gentleman:
No, such a picture is not even possible to imagine! Do you women ever agree to such a proposal? I think never. You don't have the character to stay out of work.
7th Gentleman: Our mothers, girls, wives, sisters, our beautiful and affectionate, attentive and smart! We, men, bow low to you for your patience and give our hearts. (Bow.)

The song "My Heart" is performed.

1st Gentleman:
"Studio of good mood" offers you the following type of service - a win-win lottery. Played: rose-colored glasses and a blue stocking, inflated figures and fake cases, a fly in the ointment and a eaten egg, an awl in a sack and a needle in a haystack, a long box and a lying stone, an unkilled bear's skin and sleeves from a vest, holes from a donut, last year's snow.

2nd Gentleman:
The first win goes to (such and such a number) - this is what a girl in love marks her fan with (pomade).

Other prizes:

1st Gentleman:
"love indicator" (pack of salt
- "remedy for the common cold" (handkerchief), initial price...
- "weightloss remedy" (jump rope)...
- dandruff remedy (shampoo)...
- Philips vacuum cleaner (broom)...
- "a means of attracting the fair sex" (bouquet)… etc.

2nd Gentleman:
Sir, don't you think that our guests are sad, it's time to announce the next number.
1st Gentleman:
On the stage... Meet!


2nd Gentleman:
Gentlemen. A note came from the hall (takes out notes). “Vasya, I love you. Wave to me. 4 row. 12th place. Sorry, not that one. And here: "Vasya, do not forget to buy bread, milk and three dozen eggs." No no. This is not it again. Here!
1st Gentleman:“Gentlemen, be vigilant. The girls are already backstage. Well, let's see what kind of girls they are.

A scene plays out.

3rd Gentleman: Sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that the mood, according to scientists, has its own color, its own shade. If a person is excited, his mood is red, purple, scarlet. If calm - blue, purple. And if the next number of our concert is waiting - what do you think, what color is his mood?
4th Gentleman:
Well, I do not know. Maybe ask our viewers (answers from the audience).
3rd Gentleman: I hope that there is not a single person among us whose mood is black. So let's this evening bring all the colors of our moods into one big multi-colored rainbow. In a rainbow of good mood. And so that my words do not disagree with the deed, I invite you to the stage ...

(Musical number.)

5th Gentleman: You know, sir, pop songs used to be called serenades. How they sang, you probably know. A young man at midnight came under the balcony to his beloved and sang to her about his love by the light of the moon. She, as tradition required then, pulled a flower out of the pot and threw it to her beloved. I think it's great.
6th Gentleman: And if it came to our days! Can you imagine? He comes at midnight under the balcony of a sixteen-story building, behind him is a rock band that performs a rock serenade. There will certainly be no applause. Well, flowers will surely fly, only together with pots ... from the beloved's neighbors. I think that the next composition (dance) will not cause you such a reaction.
7th Gentleman: I would like to congratulate our female teachers. It may not be easy for them to work with us, even if things at home are not always good, but on this very day, let your worries and anxieties leave you.

1st Gentleman:
A star falls from midnight skies
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But stays with you forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
7th Gentleman:
From heart to heart, from dream to dream
The light of a woman will pave the way invisible,
Open only to eternal goodness,
Truth and unrepeatable love...
1st Gentleman:
The dews sparkle, the clouds melt,
A new day usually comes
And the universe shines while
The light of a woman is splashed in the Universe!
2nd Gentleman:
On a short but such a beautiful day, poems are dedicated to women that speak of love and fidelity. Poets and artists praise a woman whose name is Mother, whose name is Love, whose destiny is to give Life, Joy and Dream!
3rd Gentleman: And we join the poets and artists and praise our girls. For you, dear, gentle, our beloved ...
4th Gentleman: The ringing of the guitar, the sound of the violin, the bonfires across the steppe and the knock. A song, a dashing dance, here on the stage he is a gypsy.

A dance is being performed. All presenters and speakers are on stage.

5th Gentleman: This concludes our evening. And we say to you again: happy holiday to you, dear women! And may not leave you patience, which is so necessary now for all of you.
6th Gentleman: May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your house, the music of love and kindness.
7th Gentleman: And let everyone admire your beauty. After all, you are the most beautiful thing there is. You are the most beautiful, delicate and fragrant flower in the world.
Goodbye! See you soon!

Proshina Vera Ivanovna - teacher of MADOU CRR No. 60 "Fairy Tale", Likino-Dulyovo, Moscow region.
I bring to your attention the script of the festive concert dedicated to the Day of March 8.
This event can be organized at school, in the Palace of Culture, in the House of Celebrations.
Students of grades 1-11 of the city's schools, musical groups, participants in the reading contest, song contest, young talents, music directors, teachers, parents, kindergarten students can take part in the concert program.
The musical repertoire can be selected independently, depending on the capabilities of the program participants.
The script will be of interest to class teachers of grades 10-11, teachers-organizers, music directors, teachers of additional education, active high school students, parents and everyone who is interested in the moments of this event.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere during the event "I believe that all women are beautiful."
1.Create a festive atmosphere at the event.
2. In preparing and holding the holiday, use the creative potential of children and adults, develop the desire to participate in the organization of the holiday dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8.
3. Cultivate respect for a woman, love for a mother.
Hall decoration: festive arrangement of large flowers or flowers from balloons. On the screen - the title "I believe that all women are beautiful!"
Before the beginning of the evening, recordings of songs about mother, about women are heard in the hall.
Holding an event.
The lights dim in the hall, a portrait of a woman appears on the screen.

A woman's voice is heard behind the scenes.
I am a Woman ... and, therefore, I am Fate,
Capricious, vulnerable, dear ...
And I'm the only one in the whole world...
Can't replace me...
I am a Woman… with love and longing…
She sometimes flashes in my eyes ...
The Lord designed me like this
And he is responsible for me in life ...
I am a Woman... hope and dream...
I am someone's torment ... someone's adoration ...
I'm different... all the time and always...
And I'm waiting for someone for a long time ...
I am a Woman... and, therefore, I am Destiny...
I'm a sinner... but still a saint...
And I'm the only one in the whole world...
Another one will not be able to replace me... Galina Volenberg.
(A bright light comes on in the hall)
The hosts come on stage - a boy and a girl.
(Musical background to the words of the presenters "Ave Maria")
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests!
Leading: Good afternoon!
Presenter: We gathered on the eve of the brightest, kindest and most beloved holiday - March 8th.
Leading: And it is no coincidence that he is met in the spring. After all, only a woman can warm and bestow warmth of the soul and affection, the light of kindness and tenderness, and be as radiant as the spring sun.
Presenter: We dedicate this evening to you, our kind and patient, gentle and caring, loving and understanding!
Leading: To you, our dear women, the first smiles of spring nature, tender March flowers, wonderful poems and songs.

Reader (11th grade student ……….)
May your day be sunny, beautiful
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening starry, clean, clear
Oh, woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial power,
This world was created by mother nature,
She in you, oh woman, has contained
All your beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.
In you nature is all its art
Captured to say: “Praise!”
And for you later in a fit of feeling
Created a man in love. (Author unknown)

(“I am grateful to the woman for everything” Dear women, you are welcomed by the head of the city education department …………

(The song "Mama" - there is no dearer and dearer word in the world ..., Words and music. Anna Petryashova, performed by the children's choir of school No. ... ... ....)
Presenter: Woman is a great word.
Leading: In the world there is no person dearer and closer to a woman-mother.

Presenter: Mom ... How much warmth this magic word conceals, which is called the person of the closest, dearest, only one.
Leading: Dear mothers, please accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes of good health, peace, happiness and prosperity from the smallest participants of our concert.

(A child runs onto the stage to the cheerful tune “Smile”)
Child: Listen, listen, listen!
Everything from the first to the last row
Children welcome you
Our kindergarten!
(The child runs away to the sound of the same melody.)
Kindergarten pupils come out and read poetry.
1. Dear mothers,
Good, good, in this bright hour
Happy March 8

2. Go around the whole world around,
Just know in advance
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
3. You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
4. One hundred ways, one hundred roads
Go around the world
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother.

5. Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness
All: "Thank you" for everything I tell you.
6. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
What else can we say?
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health.
7. Do not get sick,
Don't get old
Never get angry
All: So young
Stay forever!

(To the tune of "Smile children leave the stage alone remains)
1. And now for all our mothers
We will dance a cheerful dance!
(Children perform a cheerful dance …………)

Presenter: Motherhood is a great joy for a woman. There is probably no holier meaning of existence in the world than to raise a loved one next to you.
Leading: Every child, whether in the future a great figure, scientist, poet, he begins life in the good hands of his mother.

Presenter: There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries.
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.
(Background music increases.)
A young woman takes the stage with a baby in her arms.)

Leading: Most recently in the family ………. firstborn was born. Here is a happy young mother. And today, at our holiday, she will be awarded the very first document that a citizen who has been born receives - this is the “Birth Certificate”.
Presenter: This honorable mission will be performed by the chairman of the city council of women …………..
(Speech by the chairman of the city council of women …………..
Presentation of the "Birth Certificate and a gift to a young mother.)

(The song “Mom is the first word, the main word in our destiny” - the author of the words Yuri Entin, composer Gerard Bourgeois, performs …… ……………)
Leading: Mom's voice is so kind and gentle. The kid immediately recognizes him among many.
Presenter: Every mother has her own lullaby. She puts all her love and tenderness into gentle tunes.
(Sounds "Lullaby" by R. Pauls from the TV movie "Long Road in the Dunes". Words by Aspasia, performed by …………)
Leading: May the sun applaud her forever,
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.

(A young mother leaves the stage) (Song MAMA! Dedicated to all mothers.
Author and composer Dina Migdal Children sing.)
Presenter: Today our guests are mothers of many children who, despite life's difficulties, find the strength and courage to carefully raise their children.

(There is a listing of mothers with many children.
One of them is given the floor.)
Leading: A woman is a mother who, even invisibly, is always with us ... This is a person whose care we feel every minute. A woman's life is alive, her love for us and ours for her.
Presenter: From a lullaby to the last breath, the mother gives each of us love, care and affection.
(A reader enters the stage. The poem “Mom” sounds
against the backdrop of a piece of music)

Reader (11th grade student …………):
How many people dedicated poems to mothers!
How many gentle and affectionate words have been said!
I had my doubts at first,
That in verse I can not make my new.
But, after thinking a little, I decided: “Come what may,
Let not a new idea. Am I to blame
That all mothers love children equally,
Do all poets look with the same eyes?
How we hurt you, moms, sometimes upset,
Don't think about how hard it is for you.
We take your love for granted
Knowing that it could not be otherwise.
We are growing up. And mothers step aside.
Merciless times are always like this.
I can love more than life girl
I won't love anyone more than my mother.
How I want, mom, to read my verse,
You said with a smile, "Thank you, son."
For me, your praise is simple -
The best gift
For the work of my lines.)

(The song “Mother’s Eyes” sounds. The author of the poems is the poet and composer Simon Osiashvili. Performed by ………………)

Presenter: Mother! Kind, gentle, caring!
Leading: The light and warmth emanating from the mother is that life-giving force, without which it would be so difficult to live.
Presenter: Nobody knows how to love like that
How selflessly mother cherishes.
And for such love children
Always in debt, all life in the answer.

(“Mom”, author Skorokhod Alexander, a 11th grade student reads a poem ……………):
You are a mother
Not just to remember
you should
Always remember mother.
Mother gave you love
And shared everything with you:
Yourself, health, kindness,
Both life and your dreams.
You are a mother
Not just to remember
you should
Always remember mother...

(Song of a Chechen schoolgirl about her mother. Composer Zhanna Kolmagorova, performs ……………..)
The song "Parental House", Women, like no one else, know the value of the world. Indeed, in our entire history, they have experienced so much, so much heroic accomplishment, that, probably, no most majestic monument can be worthy of their feat.

Presenter: More than one generation has experienced a sense of reverent amazement and admiration for women - veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Today, our holiday is attended by the most honored guests - women veterans of the Great Patriotic War. It …………. (list names of veterans)
Leading: I suggest you greet them standing up.

The floor is given to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War ………………
Presenter: Dear women, on this glorious holiday, please accept our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations. You deserve great gratitude, respect and love for your loyalty to the Motherland, mercy and courage.

Leading: For you, dear veterans, your favorite songs will now be played.
(Potpourri on the theme of military songs performs ……..)

(Children of the senior choreographic group of the House of Culture perform "Waltz")
Presenter: We express our boundless love and deepest respect for the veteran woman, who occupies a special place in society as a symbol of human life.
Leading: The woman gives us life. Woman and life are synonymous words. (Schoolchildren give flowers to veterans)
Young readers (5 high school students) enter the stage.
1. It's nice to see a woman with flowers,

Her face shines with kindness,
And a lot depends on you and me,
To see, we could like this.
2.Give women flowers!

Give on holidays and on weekdays,
'Cause it's not that hard to do
And how much kindness in this!
3.Give women flowers.

Not only on holidays, -
As usual,
And in the midst of worries and fuss
Give women flowers
Brides, wives,
Young fashionistas.

4.Give women flowers,
To make life even brighter.
So that weekdays are not empty,
Give women flowers.
How much this little means!

5.Give women flowers.
And the years won't age them...
Among worries and vanity
Give women flowers
How they give us smiles. (Author unknown)

Song "March 8, flowers and gifts" Author: Konstantin Derr, performs ………….
(The song “For the Women of All” sounds. Lyricist and composer Stas Mikhailov
in execution…………)
Young readers (5 high school students) again take the stage.

1. A woman is with us when we are born,
2. A woman is with us in our last hour.
3. A woman is a banner when we fight,
4. A woman is the joy of opened eyes.

5. Our first love and happiness,

" Heartily"

Two presenters come on stage and talk to each other.

2 Good afternoon!


    In the yard is a young March and the first spring holiday of the beautiful half of humanity, a holiday of tenderness, beauty, warmth.

    How many congratulations, flowers and gifts, how many declarations of love women of all ages receive on this day.

    We have already received the first congratulations.

Why is this day called Women's Day?

2 And let's turn to the audience. (Ask a question)

1. Let me remind you. And I'll take you on a tour of the day's history.

On March 8, 1911, rallies were held in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark demanding that women be given equal rights with men. And this day went down in history as International Women's Day.

2. History was forgotten, but the day remained.

1. Everything connected with a woman - everything is fine. Even feminine words are beautiful: spring, love, business trip.

2. You are right, not like masculine words: order, boss, reprimand.

1 That's for sure, but still we can't live without them either.

And we will sing about it…….

2 You know, I am tormented by questions that arose in preparation for the holiday.

1 We gathered all holiday to talk about women, and you with your questions ..

2 but my questions are about women.

    Okay, come on.

    who feeds, waters, clothes everyone?


    who is raising the children?


    who creates comfort and cleanliness in the house?


    Who keeps the vacuum cleaner?


    Who gives up her seat to a woman on a bus?

    the male

2 are you sure?

1 Of course.

    1. And here I am, getting to work, I saw how a young woman gave way to a woman. Who builds houses, asphalts roads?

    you want me to answer women? I'd rather talk about it in verse.

Oh women! In all ages

We were called the weaker sex.

They dedicated serenades to us,

And they carried us in their arms.

Because of our beautiful eyes

Musketeers broke their swords.

Poets spent on us

Tens of thousands of tons of paper.

Time passed in eternal turmoil

And now we are no longer the same:

Well, do we have a reason

Call us the weaker sex?

After all, we have long been men

They didn't give up on anything.

2 I propose to put an end to this historical injustice from now on.

1 I'm all for it.

2 Now I will introduce you to the commitments for women on this day.

Commitment for women.

On this day you must

Be beautiful and smart.

To joke, joke and dance-

Never get bored

And loudly, joyfully laugh!

Everything is quickly smart to notice,

Joyfully surrender to fun.

1 and I will introduce you to the obligations of men on this day:

On this day you must

To be only attached to a woman,

Pay attention to her

Forget football, hockey.

Fill the room with humor

To make everyone laugh.

Shine with wit,

Above women do not seem

In which we ask you to subscribe!

2 And I would like to add one more obligation for our men - to perform on stage at least once a year on the holiday of March 8! There is already an example of this!

1 I think I know who can congratulate us, I see it right in the eyes. And I want to invite you to our stage ……….

2 Girls and women in life need to be diplomats in order to put out the burning fire of a quarrel in time. They can surprise us with their feminine original mind.

1 As in a joke about a spouse's birthday, when a wife gives her husband a fur coat for her birthday: herself. Do you know this joke? Not? Well then, let's tell.

I want there to be no war

So that we trust each other

For more kindness

Well, in general, you want ... a fur coat!

I want not to destroy the forest,

And so that there is no disassembly

And for progress to win

And that she was from a mink!

I want everyone to be more tolerant

And to be nicer

So that we love each other

And so that the fur coat is more authentic!

I want no one to be sad

And he and I and all of us too

So that everything is light, warm,

And - ... so that the fur coat is more expensive!

I want children to be born

So that there are bows on the gifts,

So that there are no sick people in the world

Well, in general, you want ... diamonds!

I want there to be no hostility

And so that the holidays are longer

And so that the world does not know trouble

And so that there were more diamonds!

2 Yes, a truly diplomatic move.

And we want to wish you:

Let spring come to the house to everyone.

To every family in the world,

On the most romantic, best day -

Day of beautiful women on the planet!

And today on our stage …….. with the song “Clouds”.

1 I want to remind everyone that men love with their eyes and women with their ears.

2 yes, as it turns out we are easy to conquer ...

1 is actually not the case.

2 What is loved at first with the eyes, I know that. Of course, I also know what men want from women, but I won’t say. But I can tell you what a woman wants from a man.

1 tell.

2 when a woman is 20, she wants him to be handsome, attentive, witty, stylishly dressed, romantic in good physical shape and plentiful in love.

When a woman is 30, she wants a man to always open her door, carry bags from the market, laugh at her jokes at will, remember birthdays, listen more than talk, and be in good shape.

When a woman is 40, she wants a man to be only with her, so that he does not drive off until she is completely in the car, is loaded with work, nods her head when talking, can move furniture, wear shirts that would cover his stomach, do not forget shave and was similarly in good shape.

When a woman is 50, she wants a man not to fall asleep when his thoughts are expressed to him, to be able to appreciate the dinner, remember her name, and be in good shape.

When a woman is 60, she wants a man not to confuse the names of children, to snore a little in his sleep, to remember why he laughs, to love soft foods and always remember where he left his glasses and teeth. And of course he was in good shape.

1 is understandable, so at 70, 80 you need to be in good physical shape.

2 turns out so. And in order to be in good physical shape, you need to feel an order of magnitude or 2-3 orders of magnitude younger, be optimistic by the same number of orders.

An old man enters the stage

Wow, who is this! Grandpa are you looking for someone?

S - es?

Q - do you see badly?

S - thanks, I'll post!

B - so he is also deaf

C - dashing, dashing but how! When Kolchak came, I was just a kid. So my mother ordered me to hide our stallion in the forest

Q- What did you want grandfather?

S is a girl? And how not alone! I remember once in a hayfield with three!

B - don't talk about it

C - herd? There was a big herd! We ourselves had three cows: nochka, Mike ...

Q - what's with the cows?

C - healthy, healthy. Only the legs fail a little. And thank God, I'm not complaining. But my grandmother is very sick. That's what I came here for, I'll have a right to look after a woman.

B - here is the holiday of grandfather.

S - Dusya? Come on Dusya! If only there was something to hold on to. After all, it is not in vain that they say that the most beautiful women work in the orphanage.

B - well, what are you grandfather here, all the ladies are serious, married.

S means you can't hold on?

B - by no means!

C - well, at least you can congratulate?

B - and here it is please.

C - so that you always have

And clothes and food

So that you live richly

Like great gentlemen.

So that the forest is full of mushrooms,

And in the village - peasants! ... etc.

1 Thank you grandfather for the wishes! (we see grandfather off the stage)

Not for nothing they say that gray hair in the head, demon in the rib ...

Well, here we are again at work talking about men, and at home, as always, about work

    1. and now there are cameras everywhere, talking with a sound effect. So you have to talk all the time about work.

1 that's for sure ... and for this I propose to continue our concert

we want to wish you:

May the first snowdrop

will give you tenderness

the spring sun will give warmth,

and Nadezhda Belova gives you a song

about happiness, and joy and about goodness!

2 Among the first days of spring

We still can't hear the drops

All over the earth, for all people

Do not spare your palms -

Let's meet the "babies" collective

Dance "Baby"

2 We became second mothers to our children.

And I'll tell you honestly, without prejudice:

There is no better people in the world than you

Than those who are sitting here in front of me.

Bow to you low, our dear

For all the love, patience, warmth.

For the fact that you are soft and strict with children,

For what you give kindness.

For the fact that you are with them in joy and in sorrow

ready to thank you a hundred times

Talents, hobbies of our children,

Manage you to develop even stronger.

So let your strength rise

And the work will be just as fruitful

'Cause the new kids are coming

And looking forward to meeting you!

And today, on our stage, meet a group of kids from the Yagodka kindergarten!

1 There is a main person in everyone's life,

Each of us here agrees with this.

Of course, dear mother...

A song about her will be performed for us now ......

Happy spring holiday!

Let ringing fun flow everywhere!

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go!

Let the winter drive away

Mimosa branch!

It seems to me that with their incendiary dance, Victoria and Ksyusha will definitely drive away the winter. Meet!

1 "Woman"

May your day be sunny, beautiful,

And your path will be strewn with roses.

And every evening - starry, clean, clear,

Oh, woman always be happy!

When playing with primordial strength

Mother nature created this world,

She is in you, oh woman, has contained

All beauty and grace.

You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,

The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,

A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,

Through you the world and man are eternal.

In you nature is all its art

Captured to say "Praise!"

And for you later in a fit of feeling

Created a man in love.

    1. dear women:

I wish they gave you flowers

more often complements said

and there was at least one

you are boundlessly devoted to gray hair!

1 let the heart beat drops to the beat,

let the blizzards sink into the past,

and let in spring round dances

forget the heart of adversity.

There will be no new wounds in the heart

Like in a marvelous song by gypsies

"Sing guitar sing"

At the end of the song, all the participants come out.

1 happy holiday dear women!

2 let there always be loving men with you,

1 May your faces often be illuminated by a sunny smile, like today on this spring day!

Everyone: be happy!!!

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