Childbirth in dogs: signs, harbingers, the beginning, how to take birth in small and large breeds of dogs. How to prepare and take birth in a dog at home

Preparing for childbirth

Your dog is pregnant, and you should seriously prepare for pregnancy, which can last from 3 to 24 hours. Firstly, it is necessary to prepare in advance a place to accommodate the dog and puppies. It could be a box or something else. But one side should allow the mother to jump out, but not allow this for the puppies. It should be possible to heat, as the first 10-12 days the temperature will have to be maintained at 28 degrees Celsius. You also need a place where the puppies will wait for brothers and sisters, which the mother will give birth to for some time. It must be warm there. It's good if you can help a veterinarian with whom you agreed in advance. Secondly, you need to prepare any emergency items you may need and medication in case the bitch goes into labor prematurely before the veterinarian arrives.

Harbingers of childbirth in dogs

If you do not have experience, then you should at least theoretically prepare for how childbirth goes, learn all about the harbingers of childbirth in dogs. You are closely watching the expectant mother, so as not to miss the signs of the approaching birth of your beloved dog. 4-5 days before the birth, her stomach will drop due to the prolapse of the uterus, and the ridge will sort of separate. The dog will look thinner. This is especially evident in short-haired breeds. During pregnancy, the dog's nipples became enlarged and the mammary glands swelled. This is undoubtedly noticeable in the later stages. 5 days before delivery, colostrum production may begin. On the eve of childbirth, in 1-2 days, with pressure, you can understand that colostrum is a thick white-yellow liquid. One of the harbingers of childbirth in dogs is the increase and softening of the loop. This happens 48 hours before delivery. The discharge from it will become abundant. On the eve of childbirth, it is necessary to shave the dog's stomach, all around the loop and anus. If the coat is long, then you need to fix it with curlers.

Temperature in dogs before childbirth

One of the signs of an approaching birth is a change in temperature in dogs 12-24 hours before birth. It drops by 1-2 degrees, drops below 37 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is necessary to measure it 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening, when the dog is in a calm state. During childbirth, the temperature rises. Puppies before childbirth will calm down, stop moving. If you are closely monitoring the condition of the future woman in labor, then do not be afraid to miss the signs of the onset of labor in the dog. Don't worry and don't fuss. Pay attention to her behavior. The behavior of the dog before birth changes. She starts to worry, whine. Maybe even scrape the floor with your paws. Her breathing quickens. The contractions will begin, and the time of birth will come

You need to prepare for childbirth in advance, do everything correctly and accurately in the process, and then pay a lot of attention to both the dog and the puppies. Mistakes that people make when they want to help their pet can lead to serious illness.

How is the birth of a dog and how to help at home? More on this in a detailed review below.

Approaching childbirth in a dog requires the owner to prepare for the process. It is done like this:

  • it is necessary to prepare a place, lay a clean cloth there;
  • stock up on a piece of clean, natural cloth to wipe the baby, blunt scissors for cutting the umbilical cord, silk threads;
  • you can take care of a place for puppies: a small box is suitable, inside of which they lay a woolen cloth, put a heating pad - it must be warm there;
  • the day before the start of the process, the bitch is washed with a stomach, genital area, and the hair is cut off in these places.

Important! Both overheating and hypothermia are dangerous for dogs and puppies.

That's why the temperature at the place of birth is maintained around 28 degrees. And take care of it in advance!

Childbirth in a dog: signs of onset and the process of childbirth

Signals for the host

How to induce labor in a dog? If prenatal signs appear and last more than 24 hours, and the dog does not have contractions, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Attention! Own help of the owners in this situation is undesirable.

Stages of appearance of puppies

How long does a dog's birth take? Veterinarians divide the whole process into three basic stages.

1. Contractions. And its normal duration is equal to 6-12 hours. At this time, the dog's vaginal muscles relax, the cervix opens, the uterus itself begins to contract, but the abdominal muscles are not yet involved. During the stage, the rectal temperature of the woman in labor remains low.

Anxiety increases in the pet, she looks back at her stomach, breathes often and heavily, may begin to scratch the litter, and may vomit.

The end of the first stage of labor is considered to be an increase in the dog's uterine contractions and an increase in their intensity.

2. The birth of puppies. It starts when the waters come off. After that, the contractions intensify, the muscles of the peritoneum are already involved in them, and then the baby appears. For puppies, the norm is to appear both head and legs forward.

Important! Puppies come out at intervals of half an hour to three hours.

If the bitch begins to have greenish or brown discharge, but the puppy does not appear within 2 to 4 hours, if the waters have broken, however, childbirth has not begun within the same period, if after the appearance of the puppy the next one does not come out within 4 hours - call the veterinarian immediately!

3. Separation of the placenta. Normally, it happens after the release of the cub. The dog can eat them, this is normal, but it is worth making sure that she does not eat more than 2-3, otherwise diarrhea will begin. Maybe not eat.

The remains of the placenta can also come out in postpartum secretions. This happens at 1 week and the discharge itself is usually greenish in color.

Attention! The most important thing is that all afterbirths come out.

If at least one placenta remains inside, this can lead to purulent inflammation of the uterus.

If not all the afterbirths have departed, if purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor has appeared, if long bleeding from the genital organs has opened, if the temperature has risen - should contact your veterinarian immediately!

Features in small breeds

These dogs are at risk. the following reasons:

  • with a small body of a woman in labor, puppies often develop large, and this greatly complicates the process;
  • generic instincts in representatives are usually reduced;
  • their nervous system is more vulnerable.

These factors make childbirth difficult for a small breed dog, so it is desirable that they be taken by a qualified doctor.

What should the owner do?

How to take birth in a dog at home? At each of the above stages, certain actions will be required from the owner.

First stage:

  • the dog often needs the presence of the owner, his attention and affection, which means that you need to be close to her, you can talk, calming;
  • gentle, gentle stroking of the pet on the back and stomach can relieve pain;
  • helps and light massage in the form of tapping movements on the sides;
  • in no way try to speed up the process!

Second phase:

  • if the puppy came out, but the bitch did not break the umbilical cord and the amniotic sac, this is done by the owner;
  • the umbilical cord is tied with silk thread;
  • if the puppy did not breathe and did not make any sounds immediately, you need to check the mouth and nose, perhaps remove the mucus;
  • after this, the baby must be wiped and placed next to the dog so that he immediately begins to suck;
  • at the same time, his intestines should start, i.e. the first stools pass, usually black;
  • if this does not happen, you can gently massage his tummy;
  • after 5 or 10 minutes, the full baby is transferred to the box, but so that the mother can see him.

Third stage:

  • it is necessary to count the born puppies and the afterbirths - their number must match;
  • you need to be careful and count those afterbirths that the dog can eat too;
  • after the end of childbirth, the pet's litter needs to be changed and all the babies should be transferred to her - now she takes care of them herself.

First birth in a dog what to do? Dogs giving birth for the first time deserve special attention. They need to be carefully monitored, to control their actions, since they have no experience, and instincts are smoothed out. Otherwise, if everything is done correctly, the birth will be safe for both the bitch and the puppies.

Additionally, check out the video about childbirth in a dog:

If a dog is about to become a mother for the first time, the responsible owner is concerned that everything goes well. Yes, you can't do without anxiety, although the owners know that in most cases, healthy bitches themselves cope with an important mission. Usually dogs give birth without the help of veterinarians and owners. And yet, you need to know about the signs of an early delivery of a pet.

Features of bearing offspring

The responsible female owner should be aware that the gestation period lasts an average of 63 days. But this is an approximate period, and for many bitches it can change upwards or downwards. Earlier, those females who have many cubs (up to 8) and representatives of small breeds of dogs produce offspring. Their birth begins on the 58-60th day and is considered physiological. If the dog's pregnancy is the first, then she definitely does not face multiple pregnancies, and she can bear offspring for 72 days. By the way, it is with a small offspring, that is, the bearing of 1 or 2 puppies by the bitch, that overgrowth can be observed.

In general, veterinarians divide the pregnancy of females into the following stages:

  1. Early. This is a period of up to 3 weeks, when almost nothing changes in the life of the expectant mother. Pregnancy is difficult to suspect. The dog is active, playful, sociable. Some bitches may still experience early toxicosis and an increase in sleep duration.
  2. The average lasts from 3 weeks to 6. At this time, the expectant mother changes dramatically. She no longer plays, sleeps a lot and gets really lazy. The pet is cautious in everything, rounds, puts on weight. Up to 6 weeks, the most active growth and development of future offspring occurs. The mobility of the fetus can be felt by placing a hand on the belly of the expectant mother. They kick, move, if the gestation goes well.
  3. Late. The final stage lasts until childbirth, and the pet becomes anxious, very slow. She refuses to take long walks. Already on the 60-62nd day, signs of close delivery can be observed.

What will tell you about the approach of childbirth in a bitch?

So, the owner knows when his pet became pregnant, keeps counting. And when a week is left before the date of birth, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of your ward.

The separation of the mucous plug in the mother is evidenced by the discharge of white mucus from the genital tract after sleep or during urination. But it is not yet a signal of the onset of labor. This is only a harbinger, from the moment of which it appears to the contractions, 4-5 days can pass. Usually during this period, the dog begins to look for a "maternity hospital", that is, it prepares a place where it will give birth to offspring. The fact that 24-48 hours are left before the start of labor is evidenced by the leakage of colostrum with a slight pressure on the nipples of the dog and significant baldness of her tummy. The area around the nipples becomes completely bald.

The exact signs of approaching contractions is the anxiety of the bitch. Her body temperature drops by about one and a half degrees. In representatives of large breeds of dogs, it usually drops to 37 ° C, in small ones - up to 36.5 ° C. Anxiety and nervousness without five minutes of the mother is expressed in the fact that she begins to lick the genitals, digs on the floor, squeals plaintively, rubs against the owner, as if asking for help, looking into his eyes. Such symptoms indicate that a little less than 24 hours are left before the start of contractions. Pupils in pregnant females will dilate before full-fledged labor, because hormones enter the bloodstream.

If the expectant mother stoops, squats and often urinates, it means that the contractions are about to begin, within half an hour or an hour. When the dog no longer walks and is not nervous, but simply lies on its side and pushes, you can observe the contractions of its peritoneum. The birth has begun, and in just a couple of minutes the owner will hear the squeak of newborn dogs.

If your pet is not giving birth for the first time, then teach that she, like all females without exception, has a good genetic memory of behavior in childbirth. And if the first ones passed without complications, on their own, at the time of the second birth the pet is healthy, then there is nothing to worry about. They will go faster and easier. But when a dog is problematic in terms of breeding offspring, and the breeder warned you about this, it is better to play it safe and enlist the support of a veterinarian in advance.

Childbirth in dogs is a responsible and joyful event. The health of the mother and puppies directly depends on the actions of the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for childbirth in advance, to understand how to recognize their beginning. This will allow the person who has taken on the role of an obstetrician at a crucial moment, the animal - to be safely resolved, the babies - to be born healthy and strong.

Preparing for childbirth in dogs

What do you need to know about it? How to take birth in a dog? Pregnancy lasts approximately 59-63 days. It will be easy to calculate the estimated date if the mating day is known.

Already in two or three weeks, preparations for the birth of puppies should begin. This is when a veterinarian should be contacted if the owner plans to seek help from a specialist. It’s also good to know the doctor’s number if the owner of the animal will take birth on his own. It cannot be excluded that something will go wrong.

How to arrange a place

Suppose that the owner plans to personally deliver the dog. What to do, how to properly prepare for this? You should start by arranging the place where everything will happen. This should be done in about 1-1.5 weeks. The animal will have the opportunity to get used to the new place.

How to equip a "nest" for childbirth? You can take an old box that fits the size. Old magazines or books should be placed between the floor and the bottom, this will provide protection from drafts and cold. It is important that the dog fits freely in the box.

What you need

What else is required in order to take birth in a dog at home? The standard obstetric kit includes the following:

  • box for newborn puppies;
  • oilcloth and sheet;
  • thermometers (medical and room);
  • warmer;
  • syringes, tweezers, pipettes, scissors;
  • cotton wool;
  • tray;
  • gauze napkins;
  • soft diapers;
  • silk threads soaked in alcohol or vodka;
  • watch;
  • multi-colored woolen threads;
  • small scales;
  • notebook with a pen.


We must not forget about the necessary medicines. This list should include:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green;
  • "Traumel";
  • glucose 5% in ampoules;
  • medical alcohol or vodka.

A person who is going to take on the role of an obstetrician must definitely shorten his nails, wash and disinfect his hands.

Where does it all begin?

Inexperienced obstetricians are far from always able to determine the harbingers of childbirth in dogs. What are these "symptoms"?

  • Discharge of whitish mucus from the genital tract. This can happen after sleeping or while urinating. It can be assumed that there are 3-5 days left before the contractions.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands, leakage of colostrum when pressed. This indicates that 1-2 days are left before the contractions.
  • The abdomen is visibly bald. First of all, this manifests itself in the areas around the nipples. This also means that there are no more than 1-2 days left before contractions.

This is what the harbingers of childbirth look like in dogs. How to understand that the process has already begun?

Signs of the onset of labor

The "symptoms" described above make it clear that puppies will be born soon. What are the signs of childbirth in a dog?

  • It all starts with a drop in body temperature. As a rule, it goes down by one or two degrees.
  • The behavior of the pet changes dramatically. The dog experiences anxiety, which can manifest itself in different ways. The animal "digs" the floor, rushes from corner to corner, actively licks the genitals, does not leave the owner, and so on. All this indicates that about 12-24 hours are left before the contractions.
  • What signs of childbirth in a dog are observed 3-5 hours before labor? The pupils dilate, the heart rate increases, the animal trembles and breathes rapidly.
  • How to understand that there are 0.5-1.5 hours left before contractions? The dog hunches its back, often squats and urinates, but still walks.


So, the animal lies down and begins to push, you can see the contractions of the peritoneum. If the process takes place in a limited space, the pet can rest with its paws against one wall, and press its back against the other, this helps to endure contractions more easily. All this indicates that the appearance of puppies is left to wait quite a bit. How long does a dog birth take? You can count on the fact that the house will be filled with smacking and squeaking of babies in 3-12 hours.

Size matters

Will the pet need help from the owner? Childbirth in dogs of large breeds, as a rule, does not require intervention. Such individuals are quite capable of resolving on their own. It should be borne in mind that they usually have fewer puppies than representatives of the "compact" breeds. Assistance to the animal is necessary only if the birth is too long.

What about childbirth in small breed dogs? They are also able to cope on their own. Little is required from the owner - to accept the puppies. However, the process of childbirth can also be delayed, resulting in the need for intervention.

How to help?

How can the owner help? Intervention will be required if the mother did not release the puppy from the bubble in which he was born. This shell prevents the baby from breathing, so it must be quickly broken. If after that the puppy does not begin to breathe, does not move, you need to remove the liquid from the nose and mouth.

You need to help even if the dog did not gnaw the umbilical cord on its own. You should pinch the umbilical cord with your fingers at a distance of about 2-3 centimeters from the baby's abdomen, make a second grip at the same distance, and then tear it. For ligation of the umbilical cord, alcoholized silk thread is required, this is necessary when blood appears.

The smallest

Miniature Pinschers, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers and other representatives of the smallest breeds are not able to push puppies out of the birth canal on their own. In this case, the intervention of the owner is required. How to take birth in a dog?

  • With an attempt, a fetal bladder appears. The owner must seize the moment and fix the puppy in the birth loops. This must be done by holding the baby's head in the bubble. If the puppy is born feet first, you should hold it by the area above the hips. It is strictly forbidden to drag a newborn by the paws.
  • When pulling babies, it is necessary to do this in the direction of the birth canal. Careful and smooth “loosening” of the puppy from side to side is allowed.

What to do next?

If the dog is giving birth for the first time, she may not take any action regarding the puppies. What should the owner do in this case?

  • You need to take the baby and bring it to the face of the mother.
  • If the dog does not respond, it is necessary to open the bubble yourself, clear the mouth and nose of mucus. It is also important to make sure that the tongue is not sunk.
  • Next, you should tie the umbilical cord a couple of centimeters from the baby's abdomen, cut it off.
  • Then the puppy needs to be rubbed, to make sure that he is breathing. Next, the baby is applied to the mother's nipple.
  • When starting new attempts, you need to place the puppy in a box that is in full view of the female. It is important not to forget to put a heating pad in it.

Possible Complications

What else do you need to know about the birth process in dogs? The owner should also be aware of possible complications. This will help not to get confused in a critical situation and come to the aid of the animal in a timely manner.

  • Dead puppy. If during attempts you can see a baby who does not show signs of life, you need to pull him out during the next series of attempts. Otherwise, the rest of the puppies will suffocate in the birth canal.
  • Retention of the placenta. What to do if the afterbirth has not departed? In this case, two to five hours after birth, it is necessary to give the mother an injection of oxytocin. Then you need to put the dog in the bath on its hind legs, send a stream of warm water to the stomach. In parallel, it is necessary to do a light massage of the abdomen, moving from top to bottom.
  • A stuck puppy. Such a nuisance can occur as a result of spasms of the vaginal muscles. An injection of an antispasmodic drug given to the mother will help save the baby. Then you should wait for the complete relaxation of the muscles. If nothing changes, you need to insert a finger into the vagina during the next attempts (under the puppy or to the side of it).
  • Wrong walking puppy. The baby can come with his neck to the mother's pelvic opening if his head is wrapped inward. In this case, the dog will not be able to give birth on its own, the help of a veterinarian is needed.
  • Large puppy. If the baby is too big and does not move outward, you should stick your finger into the vagina and push it towards you during the next attempts. It is necessary to act along the so-called arc - first on yourself, and then down.
  • Weak labor activity. Weakening or cessation of contractions and attempts - what to do in this case? You can use a stimulator or have a caesarean section.

Animal care, feeding

Let's assume that the birth of the dog was successful. This process takes a lot of strength from the mother, so she needs rest and peace. It is important that the pet is in a dry and warm place, and the owner has the opportunity to look after him. The presence of strangers is not allowed. A new mother may be worried that someone is able to encroach on her babies.

During the first 6-8 hours after birth, the animal needs only clean water. Then you can start feeding the dog. Preference is given to light and soft food, 5-6 meals a day are welcome. It is important that the new mother's diet does not include high-calorie foods. This can lead to an excess of milk and inflammation of the mammary glands.

Discharge, diarrhea

During the first two weeks after birth, dogs have mucous discharge with blood impurities. Gradually they become colorless. If the owner finds that the pet has copious bloody or dark green discharge, be sure to take the new mother to the veterinarian. The former can be triggered by uterine bleeding, and the latter by an inflammatory process occurring in the abdominal cavity.

Diarrhea is considered normal after childbirth. It is observed during the first two or three days, passes on its own. To speed up this process, dairy products should be excluded. Bone meal will help strengthen the stool, while giving bones is not recommended.

Increased body temperature, heavy breathing, lack of appetite, exhausted appearance, weakness are alarming symptoms. Their combination is a good reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Newborn feeding

What else should the owner know, who will have to give birth to a dog for the first time? Puppies are born blind and deaf. However, this does not prevent babies from finding their mother's breasts from the first days of life. In the process of feeding, they push off the floor with their hind legs, massage the dog's stomach. This provides stimulation of the nipples, which is very important for milk production.

Nutrition with colostrum is the key to the health of newborn puppies. Thanks to this, nutrients and protein globulins will enter the body, preventing the development of infectious diseases.

It may happen that a new mother does not have milk or she does not allow puppies to come to her. In this case, a specially adapted mixture will come to the rescue, which is sold in a veterinary pharmacy in the form of powdered milk. Instructions for its preparation are on the package. You can also beat a chicken egg and mix with one hundred grams of fresh cow's milk, and then strain the mixture through several layers of clean gauze. If newborns are weakened, you need to add 3 ml of ascorbic acid, 20 ml of glucose and a little cream to this recipe. A special feeding bottle can also be purchased from a veterinary pharmacy. In extreme cases, an ordinary baby bottle will do. Newborns are fed every 2-3 hours. For babies who are already a month old, 5-6 meals a day are enough.

A dog during the birth of puppies really needs the help and support of a person. Don't rely on nature. Childbirth should be prepared in advance. If your pet will give birth for the first time, you must agree with the veterinarian so that he can come in case of an unusual situation.

Already a few days before the birth of babies, the behavior of the dog changes.

  1. The animal becomes restless.
  2. Begins to look for a place for offspring, periodically scratching the floor.
  3. Before the appearance of babies, colostrum begins to stand out from the nipples of the bitch.

A couple of days before giving birth, the dog's behavior begins to change.

Behavioral Features

You don't need to feed your dog a lot before giving birth.

  • Many dogs refuse food a day before the onset of labor. . Some dogs love to eat even before this responsible process. Heavy feeding is not recommended, as it may be difficult to have puppies.
  • A drooping belly, heavy breathing and throwing around the apartment talking about the beginning of the process. You can see how the bitch is trembling from periodic cramping pains.
  • A real harbinger of the onset of labor is the discharge of fetal waters . It seems that the dog is pissed, but at the same time she licks off this liquid. Already at this moment it is worth placing the dog in a place prepared for childbirth.

Choosing a place for childbirth

Choosing a place for childbirth can be quite difficult. A small dog can be placed in a large box, but for a large one it is better to provide an arena or even a sofa.

  • It is much more convenient for the owner if the woman in labor will lie on the bed or sofa. Childbirth can be delayed, and it is difficult for a person to be on the floor all the time. A table with the necessary accessories is placed near the sofa. Be sure to equip bright lighting, it can be shaded in between the appearance of offspring.
  • It is desirable to free the delivery room from carpets and unnecessary items. During the appearance of puppies, there will be a lot of dirt, so the place is covered with oilcloth, and on top with a clean, ironed rag of a suitable size.
  • It is necessary to put alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, streptocide powder, gauze napkins, diapers or clean, ironed old sheets on the table. Napkins will be needed for wiping the puppies, wiping the liquid. A clean sheet is covered in the box, and a heating pad wrapped in a diaper is placed on top. Newborn puppies will need to be placed in this box.

It will be convenient if a pregnant dog is placed on the sofa.

Start of labor

  1. At the initial stage, the dog begins to moan.
  2. The cramps become more frequent. This can be seen in the abdomen.
  3. You can see the tension and relaxation of the uterus, while the fruits move from the horn to the body, and then to the cervix.

Just before the birth, the dog will begin to moan.

The process may take from 12 hours to 1 day . Longer moving puppies life threatening , so you need to call the veterinarian at home.

The cork has gone, what should I do?

When opening the cervix, you can see the exit of the cork. Dog owners do not always see this clot, the animal tries to remove and lick all traces. The pet constantly licks the loop, can walk in circles and dig its bedding. The animal needs to be calmed, talked, stroked. Some dogs avoid being touched. It's not worth insisting.

When the cork has gone, the dog needs to be calmed and stroked.

childbirth process

A bowl of clean water should be placed near the birthing site.

After moving the fetus into the birth canal, the stage of breeding puppies begins. Usually, births in healthy dogs pass without any special deviations, but the help of the owner is very important.

  1. The puppy moved into the birth canal, and the woman in labor chose an acceptable position - the process of attempts began . At this stage, do not command. Let the animal decide for itself in which position it is more convenient for her to give birth. This process can take place sitting, standing or lying down - no need to interfere. During childbirth, the pet does not eat, but may want to drink. It is necessary to ensure the availability of clean water near the place of delivery. A large amount of water drunk provokes vomiting, so you should not give a lot to drink.
  2. If a dark bubble appears from the loop, then the puppy is already close . The bubble may appear and disappear, this is completely natural and should not be panicked. A few reinforced attempts - and here it is, baby. The dog gnaws the fetal bladder around it and bites the umbilical cord. Sometimes the animal does not respond to the appearance of the baby, in which case the bladder must be broken and the umbilical cord cut.

    You can see the birth bladder.

  3. We make sure that the baby breathes, wipe it with napkins and put it on the mother . She should lick the puppy, massage it, which will improve breathing and blood circulation. Usually puppies immediately find the nipples, if this does not happen, you can bring the newborn to the mother's nipple. Babies eat immediately after birth.

    Let the mother sniff the puppies.

  4. After the appearance of the baby, the last must come out . The placenta may come out after the puppy, and in some cases it is pushed out by the next newborn. Be sure to record the number of successions. If there are fewer of them than puppies, the help of a veterinarian will be required.

What to do with the afterbirth?

Many dog ​​breeders are interested in the question: is it possible to allow a dog to eat afterbirth?

To avoid diarrhea, it is better to remove part of the placenta.

The first puppy was born

  1. You can temporarily leave the baby with his mother until new attempts begin.
  2. Then the baby is moved to a box with a heating pad, and the dog pushes again.

It is very important to record the time of birth of the puppies. The break between the birth of each of them should not exceed 3 hours.

The break between the appearance of puppies should not be more than 3 hours.

How long does a dog give birth

Often you have to answer the question: "How long will the birth last?" It is impossible to answer unambiguously.

Every dog ​​goes into labor at a different time.

The more puppies, the longer it may take. If the birth has already lasted 8 hours, and not all puppies have appeared, it is better to call a veterinarian.

The dog's body is exhausted during labor and if everything is too long, it is likely that the dog will not be able to expel the remaining fetuses on its own.


Your veterinarian may prescribe drugs to induce labor. Without special need, such funds are not used.

It's believed that oxytocin not very effective in dogs. It is best used in combination with calcium gluconate intravenously. In case of an overdose, frequent uterine contractions may occur, and the fetus is unable to move forward. There is a violation of blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. Premature rejection of the placenta can cause fetal death in the womb. Veterinarians use another drug for stimulation - Travmatin. It has far fewer side effects.

The drug Travmatin is used for stimulation.

Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord

Amniotic fluid can be of various shades. Some owners are scared brown-green color fluids and begin to insist on the arrival of the veterinarian.

The dog must be wiped from amniotic fluid and other dirt.. Before the puppy starts looking for the nipple, hips, mother's stomach is wiped with a damp cloth dipped in warm boiled water.

Before you let the puppies to the nipples, the dog's stomach is wiped with a damp cloth.

How to understand if everything is fine?

Do not worry if the birth process is normal, the dog's body temperature does not exceed 39ºС, and the smell of amniotic fluid does not give off rot.

Not all dog breeders know what to do with an umbilical cord that the dog has not gnawed on its own. During the first birth, it is very often lost and leaves the umbilical cord intact. In this case, the dog owner must cut the umbilical cord himself..

The process is simple, but requires accuracy:

  1. The umbilical cord is clamped with the right hand at a distance of 15 mm from the puppy's belly.
  2. With the left hand, another area is squeezed, located 1.5 cm further from the right hand (closer to the dog).
  3. After holding the clamped umbilical cord for about 30 seconds, it is ruptured. With the right hand, pull the umbilical cord until it breaks. It is necessary to pull from the dog towards the puppy, but not vice versa, so as not to damage the baby's skin.

You need to break the umbilical cord yourself if the dog did not do it himself.


When the umbilical cord breaks, bleeding can begin. In this case, the edge of the umbilical cord is clamped and held for about 1 minute.

If the bleeding continues, you need to take a thread, treat it with alcohol and bandage the bleeding edge. The place where the umbilical cord is broken in a puppy is smeared with brilliant green or sprinkled with streptocide.

The breakage of the umbilical cord should be lubricated with brilliant green.

The kid should not climb with the afterbirth, in which case you can expect.

postpartum discharge

Babies were born, and the dog's body is being cleansed. The owner notices the discharge, which gradually turns from brown and thick to light, and then to transparent. This is a natural self-purification process.

If you notice that bleeding has opened, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor has appeared, your body temperature is elevated, you should contact your veterinarian.

If bleeding occurs after childbirth, then you need to call a veterinarian.

Video about the birth of a puppy

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