Treatment of seals in the mammary gland. What causes the formation of a ball in the chest. Inflammatory processes - mastitis, abscess

Small lumps in the breasts in women can be associated with menstruation and completely disappear after they end. In other cases, the detection of bumps or other changes in the breast should be the reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Breast cancer is an extremely dangerous disease, but, fortunately, it is very rare. Much more often, in approximately 90% of cases, a non-cancerous neoplasm becomes the cause of compaction in the breast, many of which also require timely treatment.

There are several types of benign breast tumors, most of which are harmless and are formed under the influence of hormonal changes, for example, during menstrual cycle. Such formations can be: fibroadenoma or cyst. Sometimes the cause of a lump in the chest is infection mammary gland - mastitis or abscess.

In order to notice any changes as early as possible, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the breast. You need to know how the chest looks in normal condition and check it regularly. Over the age of 50, it is necessary to undergo a mammogram every three years - an X-ray examination of the breast. In more young age used ultrasound diagnostics. Both tests help identify signs of breast cancer, if any.

You should also consult a doctor if you find the following changes in the mammary gland:

  • discharge from the nipple, possibly with blood;
  • change in the size or shape of the breast;
  • the appearance of dimples on the skin of the chest;
  • rash on or around the nipple;
  • change appearance nipple, for example, it becomes sunken;
  • constant pain in the chest or armpits;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit.

Do not be afraid if you are referred for additional examinations, this does not mean that the doctor suspects you have breast cancer. In most cases, it turns out that the seal is benign.

Seal (bump) in the chest: possible causes

In most cases, seals in the mammary gland are benign in nature, that is, they are not associated with a malignant disease - cancer. As a rule, they are not dangerous, and do not require treatment.

Fibrocystic mastopathy or fibroadenosis - common name groups benign formations in the mammary gland, which are accompanied by pain (mastodynia or mastalgia) and an increase in breast size. Most clearly, the symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy are noticeable before or during menstruation. The intensity of manifestations of fibroadenosis varies from barely noticeable to severe and painful. In some women, seals are formed in only one mammary gland, in others - in both. With the end of menstruation, the bumps in the breast usually disappear or are significantly reduced. It is believed that one of the causes of mastopathy is an abnormal reaction of breast tissue to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

Fibroadenoma- smooth, rounded benign tumor from breast tissue that forms outside of the milk ducts. To the touch, fibroadenoma is a pea or bump in the chest, which is not soldered to the surrounding tissues and is easily displaced. More often, fibroadenoma is single, rarely multiple, or is found in both mammary glands. It usually doesn't disappear after the end. next menstruation and requires treatment, although in some cases it can eventually go away on its own.

The reason for the appearance of fibroadenoma is not completely clear, but it is believed that its growth and development are associated with an atypical influence of the hormone estrogen. The tumor forms predominantly in young women, when the level of this hormone in the blood is highest or after menopause, but only in those women who use replacement hormone therapy, that is, estrogen is received in the form of tablets.

Cyst in the breast is a fluid-filled vesicle that forms in the tissues of the mammary gland, which can cause a smooth appearance in the breast hard seal. Most common in women aged 30-60 years. The size of the cysts can be different: very tiny or reaching several centimeters in diameter. There may be several cysts, in one or both mammary glands.

Often, these breast cysts are asymptomatic, although some women experience pain. As with fibroadenomas, hormones are thought to be involved in the formation of cysts, as pre-menopausal women or those on hormone replacement therapy most often suffer from the disease.

breast abscess- accumulation of pus in the tissues of the chest, which is accompanied by high fever and inflammatory changes skin over the affected area. The most common cause abscess - bacterial infection. Usually, bacteria enter the breast through microcracks or wounds on the skin of the nipple, sometimes formed during breastfeeding.

Other benign causes lumps in the chest:

  • mastitis- soreness and inflammation of the breast tissue;
  • fat necrosis- a hard, uneven bump, often resulting from trauma or bruising of the chest, for example, after surgical operation on the mammary gland;
  • lipoma - fatty formation in the form of a cone;
  • intraductal papilloma- a wart-like growth inside milk duct, which can also cause nipple discharge.

breast cancer- rare but extremely dangerous reason seals in one of the mammary glands, which can appear not only in women, but also in men. Likely signs of malignant cause bumps in the chest are as follows:

  • dense to the touch;
  • does not move, soldered to surrounding tissues;
  • does not decrease after the end of the next menstruation;
  • the skin above the bump is deformed or when the mammary gland is displaced, a hole appears on the skin;
  • discharge from the nipple;
  • increase lymph nodes armpit
  • onset in older women after menopause.

Breast cancer may also have other symptoms. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age, in most cases the disease is diagnosed in women and men over 50 years of age. The predisposition to this disease can also be increased if it occurs in relatives.

Seal (tumor) in the chest: diagnosis

It is important to study well the appearance of your chest and the sensations that arise when you feel it in a normal state, in order to immediately notice any unusual changes in it. See your gynecologist if you notice a lump in your breast or a change in its appearance or shape.

For preliminary diagnosis Your doctor will need the following additional information:

  • When did you first notice the induration?
  • Are there other symptoms such as pain or discharge from the nipple?
  • Do symptoms depend on the menstrual cycle?
  • Have you had a chest injury?
  • Are you exposed to risk factors for breast cancer, for example, do you have a close relative who has had the disease?
  • What medications are you currently taking?
  • Have you ever breastfed?

After finding out the symptoms, examining and probing the mammary glands, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to finally determine the diagnosis. In this case, do not worry prematurely. The examination is necessary for precise research the nature of education in the chest and is included in the diagnostic standard.

Direction to additional research does not mean that the doctor suspects that you have breast cancer. In most cases, tests and tests help rule out malignancy and prove that the lump is benign (non-cancerous). The most commonly prescribed examination methods are described below.

Mammography is a simple procedure in which x-ray radiation receive an image internal structure chest. This allows for early stage detect changes in breast tissue. During the procedure, the breast is placed on the plate of the X-ray machine and pressed down from above with the second plate. Then an x-ray is taken and the study is repeated on the second breast.

Mammography takes only a few minutes, but due to the pressure on the mammary glands of the machine's plates, it can be unpleasant and even slightly painful. After completion of the study x-rays is carefully studied and described by a radiologist in order to find and identify in time possible signs any breast disease.

Mammography is usually ordered after the age of 40. In younger women, this study is not so revealing, because the breasts are more dense, small formations in it are less visible on the pictures, which makes diagnosis difficult. As alternative research recommended for young patients ultrasound procedure mammary glands.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) based on the use of high frequency sound waves to create an image of the mammary glands from the inside. An ultrasonic probe or sensor is placed on the chest, which transmits the image to the monitor. Any existing seals or developmental deviations will be clearly visible on it.

An ultrasound of the mammary glands may be ordered after a mammogram to find out if a lump found in the breast is a solid tumor or contains fluid. If it was not possible to diagnose the cause of the lump in the breast either with the help of mammography or ultrasound, a breast biopsy may be prescribed.

Biopsy involves taking a tissue sample from the tumor for analysis. The sample is taken with a hollow needle, which is inserted through the skin into the area to be examined. To insert the needle into the right place, the doctor will be guided by the image obtained during the ultrasound or x-ray. When the needle is in the right place, the tissue sample is "sucked out". The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia to avoid pain or discomfort.


Seal in the chest: is it necessary to treat?

Often, a benign breast lump requires treatment only when it reaches large sizes or causes pain. Some types of breast lumps, such as fibroadenomas, breast cysts, and fat necrosis, may resolve over time without treatment. If treatment is not required, the doctor may ask you to come back for an examination after some time to monitor the size of the bumps in the breast, as well as if any changes appear in the mammary glands. Described below general principles treatment of benign seals in the breast.

Drug therapy is prescribed if the induration is causing pain or the cause of the disease is an infection. The following drugs may be recommended:

  • pain relievers, such as paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • tamoxifen, danazol, or bromocriptine are sometimes prescribed for chest pain;
  • antibiotics to treat mastitis or breast abscesses resulting from a bacterial infection.

For some women, pain relief is as simple as cutting down on saturated fat and wearing a fitting bra.

Sometimes it is necessary to pump out fluid from a cyst in the mammary gland. This is called a puncture. After local anesthesia under the control of ultrasound, a needle is inserted into the cyst and the contents are removed with it. The fluid sample may then be sent for analysis to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes, after the procedure, the cyst refills with fluid. If you have any complaints after the puncture, you should definitely consult a doctor. Fluid can be drained repeatedly, but if the cyst continues to fill, it may be surgically removed.

If the benign lump in the breast is very large or continues to grow, it can be removed with surgery. Most often surgery required for fibroadenomas, cysts in the mammary gland, fat necrosis and intraductal papillomas. Surgical removal breast tumors are usually performed under general anesthesia. Neoplasm can be cut out with a sharp surgical instrument or removed with a special suction. The resulting surgical material must be sent to the laboratory to confirm the diagnosis and exclude malignant neoplasm. You can usually go home on the day of surgery or a day later. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks side effects: hematoma formation, swelling or bleeding, as well as infectious complications.

If the lump in the breast is malignant, special methods treatment. You can read more about breast cancer treatment.

Which doctor should I contact if a lump appears in the chest?

Any formation in the breast that does not disappear after the end of the next menstruation or appears in a woman after menopause must be shown to the doctor. To do this, you need to find a good gynecologist. Primary diagnostics breast diseases are also carried out by a doctor or nurse viewing room. A narrower specialist who deals with the treatment of benign and malignant diseases mammary glands, is a doctor mammologist. It is worth contacting him in cases where you already know your diagnosis and need serious treatment.

Pain and seals in the mammary gland are quite common, but they are not always signs of a very serious illnesses. Some of these formations are a kind of variant of the norm, while others are subject to serious research and treatment.

Norm variant

The mammary glands are inextricably linked with the processes that occur in female body. Each period associated with hormonal changes can affect the breasts and even cause nodules in the mammary gland. Their presence does not always indicate conditions that indicate diseases. For example, the appearance of seals in the mammary glands may occur before menstruation or indicate puberty in girls, which is a variant of the norm. After the end of menstruation, swelling, soreness and neoplasms disappear. Similar symptoms arise due to high production female hormones in this period.

The climatic period can also cause formations in the mammary gland in women, which is due to involutive processes, a violation hormonal background or neuroendocrine regulation. They are not scary, but you need to carefully monitor them.

Possible pathologies

There are several main problems, which can be discomfort or painful induration in the mammary gland.


A disease that is familiar to many women. One of the main symptoms is small lumps in the mammary gland.

He is being treated conservative methods, however, you should carefully monitor the condition of the breast, as these changes can lead to malignant formation.

Benign formation - fibroadenoma, cyst

They appear as painless small nodular formations in the mammary gland, which are separate from tissues and skin. They have round shape, usually do not grow and do not go away. They are removed in a minimally invasive way.

Quite common are cysts that are similar in symptoms to fibroadenoma. They appear on various reasons: gynecological diseases, disorders of the neuroendocrine system, etc.

In the treatment of other types of benign formations, conservative or surgical treatment is chosen.

Inflammatory processes - mastitis, abscess

The mammary gland can become inflamed due to a bacterial or fungal infection - this is mastitis. Symptoms will be: fever, weakness, breast redness and swelling, pain.

Treatment is with antibiotics. If such a process is not cured in time, it will turn into a dangerous abscess, for the opening of which an operation is performed.

Malignant neoplasm of the breast and metastases of other organs

Most dangerous view education. The effect of treatment directly depends on the stage at which the diagnosis will be made. For successful treatment should be diagnosed early.

The most noticeable symptoms: the mass is dense, irregularly shaped, bumpy, and may be located deep in the tissue. Peeling, discoloration of the skin, etc. may appear on the skin above the surface of the seal. Nipples can become deformed and change shape.

Depending on the symptoms

Each type of disease can be preliminarily identified by the main symptoms.

  1. The seal is oval in shape, it is mobile under the skin and is not attached to the tissues - often these are signs fibroadenomas. Mostly this disease affects young women aged 20 to 30 years. It consists of connective and glandular tissues. Basically, such a seal is formed in the upper part of the mammary gland.
  2. A hard lump in the breast that occurs after a bruise - the cause may be lipogranuloma, oleogranuloma, steatogranuloma. This is fatty necrosis of the mammary gland, i.e. adipose tissue damage. It can occur after an injury, stroke, as a consequence radiotherapy etc. The seal does not hurt, while the skin may be bruised and dimpled.
  3. A soft, painful lump in the chest that has clear edges is a sign cysts. It looks like a sac that is filled with liquid. It can move under the skin. The reason is usually hormonal changes or violations, and most often appears in women after 40 years. Most often, no treatment is required.
  4. Mobile, painless compaction of a small size - may develop lipomas. This is a benign tumor that consists of ordinary fat cells. This type of tumor can occur throughout the body, where there is adipose tissue. Small similar tumors do not require intervention, a large lump in the mammary gland can cause pain and then it is removed.
  5. The seal in the mammary gland hurts, it is red and hot, arose during the period breastfeeding- possibly the reason abscess. it acute condition, characterized by the presence of a cavity filled with pus. It occurs when an infection enters through a crack in the nipple or skin into the breast. In this case, mastitis occurs, which, if not properly treated, turns into an abscess. It is removed with a syringe or, with great inflammation, is used surgical intervention.
  6. Round seal, movable under the skin - can be phyllodes tumor. They can be benign or malignant, and are made up of connective and glandular tissue, resembling fibroadenomas. It is removed with a surgical operation.
  7. Under the nipple is a small, hard lump - maybe adenoma. This is an accumulation of glandular tissue in the nipple area, which is motionless. It grows rapidly or vice versa for a long time to stop in size. For a detailed diagnosis of the formation, a biopsy is performed.

The reasons

The causes of compaction in the mammary gland can be many diseases, where they act as symptoms.

The main factors in their development are:

  1. Injury to the breast or uterus. Up to 50% of seals in the mammary glands in women occur for this reason.
  2. Inappropriate underwear squeezes the chest, which provokes problems.
  3. The period of breastfeeding is “saturated” with blockages of the ducts, irregular application and the development of inflammatory processes.
  4. Violation of the level of hormones - then seals can disappear on their own, for example, the appearance of seals in the chest before menstruation.


The first way to determine the presence of nodules in the breast in women is an independent examination of the breast. Most women find them on their own. What to do if a node is found in the mammary gland? The doctor, most often a mammologist, conducts an examination using palpation. For further diagnosis, examinations are prescribed in the form of ultrasound for young women, and x-rays (mammography) for women over 40.

Most often, this diagnosis is sufficient, but some types of diseases cannot be distinguished from cancer by these studies. Therefore, a biopsy may be additionally prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. It is carried out under local anesthesia when a doctor, using a special needle, takes a piece of tissue or fluid from a neoplasm for analysis.

A similar procedure can be carried out during surgery, when deciding to remove nodes in the mammary gland.

anxiety symptoms

Most women are not defined dangerous diseases. But still, the sooner you go to the doctor when nodes are found in the chest, the safer it is.

Most anxiety symptoms for urgent diagnostics the following:

  • hardening in the mammary gland increases rapidly;
  • the formation is motionless and seems to have grown to the skin or tissues;
  • obvious discomfort is detected;
  • the skin over the formation changes, turns red, flakes, etc.;
  • nipples are deformed, there may be discharge from them;
  • the lymph nodes in the armpit are enlarged and sore.

If at least one of these symptoms is detected, it is urgent to contact a mammologist. Only 10% of women, when contacting a doctor with complaints of nodules in the breast, are diagnosed with a malignant tumor.


How to do breast self-examination? You will learn about it from our video.

Appearance in the mammary gland of any seal, similar to a pea, cherry, plum, etc. - an excuse to see a doctor. First of all, this may be therapist or gynecologist. These specialists will refer, if necessary, to an oncologist or mammologist, with a visit to which in no case should be delayed. If you are worried about the situation with an incomprehensible compaction, and the gynecologist advises "just to be observed", contact to an oncologist or mammologist on your own. Still we are talking about your health and peace, which is likely to be disturbed until the situation is fully clarified. You can drive yourself to the oncology dispensary, where no one will definitely refuse to be examined.

Self-examination is the first and very important thing that every woman of any age can do for herself. However, once a year you need to see a specialist - the same gynecologist - even if you have not revealed anything in yourself and nothing is alarming you. Specific species examinations are used by specialists to confirm the diagnosis, and therefore ultrasound and mammography studies It is better to follow the doctor's prescription. In general, an ultrasound examination of the breast can be performed in women of any age, although at an older age it is less informative. Ultrasound allows you to see the state of the supraclavicular sphere, changes in which may indicate the same cancer. Somewhere after 40 years, mammologists advise to undergo an annual mammogram examination which is performed free of charge in the direction of a doctor. It has been proven that the annual performance of mammography after 50 years reduces mortality from breast cancer within 20-30 years by 25-30 percent.

Over the past 15 years, we have significantly decreased incidence of breast cancer. At stages 3-4, only 20 percent of cancer is detected. It can be argued that the diagnosis of this disease in Belarus - the best post-Soviet space . And this was achieved thanks to large-scale educational work among Belarusian women and medical staff. This work was started some time ago and continues today by the head of the department of oncomammology of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N. N. Alexandrov, doctor medical sciences, Professor Leonid Putyrsky, who answered your questions during our latest medical hotline.

Hardening and induration in the chest

- Brest, Margarita Iosifovna. I have found hardening in the chest. did ultrasound examination. The doctor said that this hardening is not attached to anything and, most likely, you should not worry. Is it so?

Women should not take the advice of diagnosticians about what to do with this or that education. These specialists should only find something or not find it. And then the question of treatment tactics decided by the oncologist. Contact him. Most likely, the neoplasm will need to be removed.

- Minsk, Svetlana. At the end of September, I had an operation due to focal mastopathy . Hardenings inside that appeared after the operation still do not resolve. Is it normal?

It could be one of norm options. The mammary gland, as a rule, swells after the operation, hardening appears in it. But over the next few months, they usually resolve. Sometimes they can stay up to six months. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid. The woman who has up to three months hardening in the area of ​​the scar does not resolve you need to see a specialist. It may be necessary to do an ultrasound examination to make sure that nothing new has appeared there.

- Mogilev, Nadezhda. Six months ago I had bruised chest. Recently, hardening has appeared in this place. Could it be dangerous?

Maybe. 5 to 45 percent of breast tumors reappear in the place where it used to be injury. Another thing is that we do not always know whether the tumor appeared as a result of an injury or it was there before, and the injury only provoked its faster growth. But the fact remains: trauma is one of the causes of breast cancer. Therefore, you should definitely seek advice from an oncologist. And it is better to do a small operation to remove the hardening. Let there be nothing wrong with it, but it is better to do it than to waste time and then regret it.

- Minsk, Vera. How seriously should breast lumps be taken? How long - weeks, months - can you wait until the situation returns to normal?

A woman who herself discovered a lump in her breast has only time to find a good doctor, and search must start on the same day. The presence of a seal makes a woman think of the worst, but you never need to self-diagnose. 95 percent of breast problems are not related to cancer. Therefore, first of all, you should think that everything will be fine with you, and there is no cancer, and secondly, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. There are two reasons for this: if cancer is still expected, then the sooner treatment begins, the higher the chances of achieving positive result. Secondly, if a woman delays a visit to the doctor, she still will not get rid of anxious thoughts. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Actually every third woman in our country today is operated on with preservation of the mammary glands.


- Brest, Tatyana Ivanovna. I'm 40 years old. AT antenatal clinic diagnosed - focal mastopathy. How dangerous is this and what should I do?

Mastopathy is diffuse and focal. With diffuse mastopathy, there are no foci in the chest, but nevertheless, certain changes occur. With focal mastopathy, there is a more or less clear focus, which can be determined by hand. By itself, mastopathy is not life threatening. But the danger may be that sometimes breast cancer is disguised as mastopathy. Therefore, any focal formation- a reason to visit an oncologist and additional examination, up to needle biopsy . And if there is hardening, it is usually removed.

- Dzerzhinsky district, Tatyana Nikolaevna, 38 years old. The diagnosis was made. She was treated for two months, the cysts were cauterized. But now they have grown again. How to be?

Cysts, as a rule, do not operate. The liquid is removed from them with a syringe. And then treated conservatively. However, if cysts reappear, then, first of all, you need to determine the cause of their appearance. Cysts do not appear in an empty place.
- And what could be the reasons?

There are three groups of such reasons. And the more of them, the higher the risk of cysts, tumors, etc. The first group of reasons is associated with nerves. Back in the 19th century, Americans called mastopathy " hysterical chest", noting that those women who are a lot of nervous, as a rule, are various changes in the mammary gland.

The second group of reasons are hormonal disorders . It matters when the periods began and ended. If menopause does not occur before the age of 52, then the risk of breast disease increases. A woman who gave birth for the first time at age 20 has about a 1.5 times lower risk of breast cancer compared to a woman who gave birth after 30 and even more so after 40. more woman had an abortion, the higher the risk of the disease. But the more children she has, the less likely she is to get breast cancer. Function matters thyroid gland, liver.

The third group of reasons is related to ecology, motor activity, lifestyle. Of course, bad habits also do not add health. Large doses alcohol - for example, three glasses of wine a day or 50 g of vodka - increase the risk of breast cancer. Smoking is one of these risk factors. There are a lot of carcinogens in the smoke, which are absorbed into the bloodstream and can affect the state of any organ.

- Oshmyany, Oksana. 44 years old. What does the diagnosis mean? fibrous cysts"? What is the best way to get rid of them?

There is no such diagnosis - fibrous cysts, but there is fibrocystic mastopathy . it metabolic changes in the mammary gland. More fibrous tissues are formed, and among them, cysts can form in the ducts. If they exist long time, then their walls can be compacted, and then they are removed. Just a puncture will not save here, since liquid will collect again and again in the dense walls. Usually soft-walled cysts are removed by puncture. If after this the examination shows that everything is in order, then only a conservative one is prescribed, drug treatment. If the cyst is filled, then it must be removed surgically.

Other questions and answers of this direct line:

  • Mammologist's answers: benign and malignant breast tumors

Prepared based on the materials of the direct line of the newspaper "Zvyazda" (December 21-24, 2010):

Seal in the mammary gland is a common occurrence in women. They can call him different reasons. Some formations are very dangerous and require immediate treatment, others are dangerous only if appropriate measures are not taken. It is important to know the causes that cause seals in the chest, to study diagnostic methods and ways to eliminate the disease.

Seal in the mammary gland is a common occurrence in women

The reasons why seals can occur are varied. The most common of them are:

  1. uterine injury or mammary gland. Half of breast tumors in women develop from strong pressure, hit. The adipose tissue cells change, resulting in a painful compaction. As for uterine injuries, it can be gynecological manipulation or abortion.
  2. Tight underwear. At prolonged squeezing a tight bra in women may develop a formation in the breast.
  3. Lactation. Lactation increases the risk of various bumps and formations in the mammary gland. When breastfeeding, blockage of the milk ducts can occur, resulting in slight seal. If a woman ignores this phenomenon, then this can lead to an inflammatory process.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. Often, a painful seal in the mammary gland is observed before or during menstruation, arising due to hormonal changes, such phenomena are not dangerous and do not require treatment, they disappear after the end of menstruation.
  5. Endocrine disorders in women can also lead to hormonal imbalance, which is the cause of breast tumors. It can be diseases of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland.
  6. Thrombophlebitis. AT armpit there is a vein, when a blood clot forms in it, inflammation begins, which leads to the appearance of compaction.
  7. early menopause, frequent stressful situations, sleep disturbances, overwork can also cause the appearance of neoplasms in the chest area.

Seal in the chest (video)

Signs of pathology

Breast tissue is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the hormonal background of a woman; if a seal occurs, a consultation with a mammologist is recommended. Diagnosis is necessary if:

  • hardening, which is not like other fabrics;
  • changes in breast size and shape;
  • discharge from the nipples;
  • redness and peeling of the skin;
  • pits appeared on the chest or the nipple was retracted.

Anxiety manifestations

Symptoms of seals in various diseases:

  1. Mastopathy. Despite the fact that the diagnosis sounds frightening, mastopathy can occur in women in different periods life, and does not always lead to cancer. There are many forms of the disease, and some of them can be dangerous. When the pain is not very intense, it occurs about a week before the onset of menstruation. If the disease progresses, then the intensity of the pain will gradually increase and will be constant regardless of menstruation. Discharge appears from the nipples. As for the foci of compaction, they are small and located throughout the gland. With nodular mastopathy on initial stage pain also occurs only before menstruation, and then it is constantly present - it is dull and aching, but sometimes it can be so pronounced that a woman cannot even touch her breasts. Discharge from the nipples is slight at first, but may increase over time. The knots are dense, can be from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Cystic mastopathy characterized by the presence of cysts, it is accompanied by pain of varying intensity, transparent, brown or purulent secretions from the nipple. The mammary gland (one or both) increase in size, the tissues around the lymph nodes swell, the lymph nodes themselves also increase. The formations are elastic, the boundaries are clear, the sizes of the formations are different. With fibrocystic, there will be both cystic and fibrous types.
  2. Mastitis. Already at the initial stage, this disease manifests itself quite clearly. The temperature rises, weakness appears, headache, chills, the skin on the chest is hot, the pain is acute. If left untreated, the symptoms become more pronounced, which indicates that an inflammatory process has begun, as a result of which, after a few days, a very painful tumor can be felt in the chest.
  3. Abscess. Everything starts with high temperature and fever, the mammary gland is painful, seals are felt closer to the source of infection. The skin is inflamed, there is swelling. Redness and swelling disappear after a large abscess appears. The temperature drops only after the opening of the abscess.
  4. Laktostasis. A painful hardening appears in the mammary gland, the chest becomes heavy, there is a feeling of fullness. With prolonged flow, the temperature rises.
  5. malignant education. It is solid, when probing pain does not occur, the foci of education can be different sizes from tiny to large. If the tumor has grown into chest wall, then both the formation itself and the mammary gland will be motionless. If the tumor grows on the skin, the skin can ulcerate, retract, swell, peel off. The nipple becomes tight and may retract. Discharge from the nipple is bloody. There may be a feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Usually a woman herself finds a seal in her chest.

Seal diagnostics

Usually a woman herself finds a seal in her chest. It is necessary to learn how to competently conduct self-examination, inept actions can cause injuries. The procedure has several stages:

  1. visual inspection. You need to undress to the waist, at the mirror and put your hands down. Normally, the mammary glands may differ slightly from each other in size, but if the difference has become larger, then this can be a cause for concern. The mammary glands should be located symmetrically. When grasping and placing hands behind the head, bending the torso, both breasts should move evenly. It is important to pay attention to whether there is a fixation of one breast when raising the arms.
  2. State skin. It is necessary to check whether the skin is well folded, whether there are redness, diaper rash, rash, “ lemon peel". Whether the pattern of veins has intensified, whether there is wrinkling of the skin, tubercles, retraction, dimples.
  3. Palpation of the mammary gland. For examination right chest necessary right hand lift it up and over the head. With your left hand, you need to lightly press on the chest, avoiding pain. It is advisable to use a greasy cream to prevent injury to the skin. Probing is carried out only with fingertips, it is better to do circular motions, centimeter by centimeter, exploring the whole mammary gland. Start from the nipple area and gradually move up to the armpit.
  4. Nipple examination. It is necessary to pay attention to whether they have changed color, shape, whether they are retracted, cracked, after gentle pressure, see if there are discharges from them.
  5. Breast examination in the supine position. To do this, lie on your back, put a small pillow or towel roll under your left shoulder blade. Each mammary gland must be felt in 3 positions: the hand lies along the body, the hand is laid aside, the hand is wound behind the head. Visually divide the mammary gland into 4 sectors and feel them in a spiral.

Self-examination should become a habit and be done regularly, it can be done while taking a shower. Fingers will glide well over soapy skin, and the examination will be of better quality.

If a seal is found in the mammary gland, a woman should immediately sign up for a consultation with a mammologist. At the first appointment, the doctor will interview the patient, find out the symptoms that bother her, and visual inspection and palpation.

It is necessary to learn how to properly conduct self-examination, inept actions can cause injury

If necessary, the specialist will refer the patient for additional studies to clarify the diagnosis. It could be:

  • breast ultrasound;
  • mammography;
  • blood test: general, for hormones, for tumor markers;
  • puncture and histological examination received material.

How to recognize breast cancer (video)

Principles of treatment

Treatment of seals depends on the stage of the process and on the diagnosis. In this case, both conservative and surgical treatment can be used.

All seals of a benign nature are treated with medication. If they were provoked by a hormonal imbalance, then they are prescribed hormonal agents, in inflammatory processes, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. It is very important to eliminate provoking factors, eat right, use vitamin complexes. If a drug therapy does not bring a positive result, then surgical intervention is prescribed. Concerning malignant formations, the treatment in this case is complex.

The first step is to remove the tumor. What method this will be done, the doctor decides, given the location and size of the formation. It could be either a complete amputation. Chemotherapy is required.

After the tumor is removed, it is necessary to take immunomodulators, hormonal preparations, vitamins. This is necessary to prevent relapse.

As for methods traditional medicine, then they can be used only with the permission of a doctor. In this case apply herbal preparations, compresses, tinctures, ointments, oils. Most often, a string, burdock, celandine, motherwort, Kalanchoe, yarrow are used.

  1. Burdock relieves swelling and pain very well, so it is used as a compress. The juice of the plant is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  2. Celandine, ground into powder, mixed with butter(1:2) and put on water bath for 7-10 minutes. The ointment is applied to painful areas.
  3. Kalanchoe juice is mixed with honey and garlic juice in equal proportions. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning and at night.
  4. The most popular remedy is cabbage leaf. It is applied to the chest to relieve pain, swelling and to eliminate discharge.

To keep the mammary gland healthy, it is necessary to conduct correct image life, give up bad habits, learn how to deal with stress, protect yourself from direct sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, be regularly examined by a mammologist and examine your breasts on your own.

Attention, only TODAY!

Most women pay enough attention to the condition of their breasts, more often to their size. But it must also be remembered possible diseases mammary glands, which may manifest some symptoms (or not appear).

Among the main possible such symptoms, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • pain
  • Allocations
  • Seal

Below we will consider why there are seals in the chest and how to behave correctly when you find yourself in some unusual or painful formation.

Hardening of the mammary glands can be related to several factors. The reason for their appearance during lactation is due to blockage of the milk ducts. This phenomenon occurs due to incomplete or irregular emptying of the gland. If it is accompanied by an increase in temperature, painful sensations and redness of the skin, there is a possibility of mastitis - an inflammatory process in its tissue.

In some girls and teenage girls, soreness and lumps in the chest (balls) appear before menstruation. In this case, similar areas can form, which periodically change their location and size. AT this case it's about mastopathy - benign neoplasm. This disease is considered one of the most common in mammology. The appearance of nodes is sometimes accompanied by discharge from the nipples. If the mucus becomes bloody or brownish, there is a risk of developing cancer.

The appearance of a seal in the breast in women may indicate the onset of the tumor process. However, most of these neoplasms are usually benign.


Often, having discovered a seal in the mammary gland and having heard the diagnosis "mastopathy" from a mammologist, a woman does not give it special significance, because according to statistics, mastopathy occurs in 60-90% of women. Is it worth worrying about the presence of seals in the mammary gland, painful, in the form of a ball? Undoubtedly. About diseases of the mammary glands, diagnostic methods in the presence of seals in the mammary gland and their treatment will be discussed in this article.

Cysts and tumor abscesses

Fatty breast tumors



    Blood clots in the veins (thrombophlebitis) may feel like a lump in the breast. Phlebitis affects a large vein that normally crosses the chest in the armpit (armpit). Symptoms include pain, redness, warmth, and swelling along the path of the vein.


Seals in the mammary gland have a soft or denser consistency, sometimes they are displaced. Pain from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bseals in the mammary gland can radiate to armpit that a woman often mistaken for symptoms of osteochondrosis. Along with seals and pain in the mammary glands (mastodynia), discharge from the nipples is often white (galactorrhea), yellowish or green (secreting mammary gland).

Which doctor should be consulted by a woman who wants to undergo a breast examination in the presence of soreness, "balls", seals in the mammary gland? Both a gynecologist and a surgeon can identify the disease. But only a mammologist-oncologist will conduct the most full examination, which includes, according to indications, ultrasound of the mammary glands, mammography, ductography, pneumocystography, cytological and histological examination.

Our mammologist treats not only mastopathy, but also postpartum mastitis, cracked nipples, helps to cope with the problem of hypogalactia (not enough milk for breastfeeding), using such modern methods treatments, such as magnetotherapy, laser therapy, the latest physiotherapy complexes.


If you are concerned about discharge and pain in the mammary gland, lumps or other problems, a specialist of our center will give you qualified advice. In our clinic, a doctor's appointment takes place daily, by appointment.

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