Can a hemangioma resolve or turn into a malignant tumor? Causes of hemangioma in adults

Facts about hemangiomas:

  • Often they are found literally immediately after the birth of a baby or in the first weeks or months of life;
  • Hemangiomas are more often recorded in girls;
  • Hemangiomas can be of completely different sizes: from a small dot to a large spot.

The development of hemangioma in children

A characteristic sign of a hemangioma is a change in its size. There are three stages in the development of hemangioma:

  1. Period of intensive growth;
  2. Growth stop period;
  3. Regression period.

It is quite difficult to predict how actively the hemangioma will increase in size. Sometimes the tumor grows even a few centimeters a week. It is reliably known that in premature infants, hemangiomas grow much faster than in full-term ones. Hemangiomas actively grow in the first months of a baby's life. When a child reaches six months of age, the growth of the neoplasm slows down. This stage is called the period of growth arrest and it lasts for several years.

It is difficult to predict the further development of hemangioma. Often there is a reverse development (regression) of the neoplasm. The brightness of the spot gradually decreases, white areas are visible on it. After six to eight months, the hemangioma is already pale pink and smooth. By the third or fourth year of a child's life, only a depigmentation area on the skin reminds of the neoplasm. It should be noted that regression is possible only in the case of simple hemangiomas. Cavernous and combined hemangiomas never regress.

Types of hemangiomas

Hemangiomas are most often localized on the skin, but can also occur in the internal organs. What are the different types of hemangiomas?:

  1. Simple (capillary);
  2. Cavernous (cavernous);
  3. mixed;
  4. Combined.

Hemangioma on the skin

Hemangiomas have their favorite places. Most often they occur in the face, scalp, neck, mouth, hands. Much less often - on the external genitalia, legs.

Simple hemangiomas

In the structure of all hemangiomas, simple hemangiomas make up approximately 95%. A simple hemangioma is a layer of small, tightly fitting capillary vessels. Sometimes the vessels are collected in lobules. The lumen of the vessels is filled with blood. Simple hemangiomas are localized on the skin and do not penetrate into the subcutaneous fat. The surface of capillary hemangiomas may be flat or nodular-tuberous.

A simple hemangioma looks like a raised red spot on the skin, which can be of various sizes. If you press on the edge of the spot, you can see how it gradually turns pale. This is due to the clamping of the vessel and the expulsion of blood from it. But as soon as you let go of the skin, the spot immediately turns red. The spot has clear edges and is delimited from the surrounding healthy tissue. There may be one or more of these neoplasms on the skin.

Cavernous (cavernous) hemangiomas

Cavernous hemangioma consists of many cavities separated by partitions. This type of hemangiomas is located in the subcutaneous tissue. Cavernous hemangiomas account for about 3% of all hemangiomas.

Outwardly, a cavernous hemangioma looks like a volumetric formation that rises noticeably above the skin. The surface of the formation is rough. Skin with cavernous hemangioma is not changed. But under the skin, a tumor-like formation of a bluish color is visualized. To the touch it is soft-elastic consistency. If you press on it, the tumor decreases somewhat. But soon he regains his former form again. It is characteristic that when straining, crying, and even, the tumor briefly increases in size due to blood flow to it.

Mixed hemangiomas

Mixed called such hemangiomas, which are combined with other neoplasms, such as lymphangioma, lipoma. Such hemangiomas are very rare, in approximately 0.6% of all cases of hemangiomas.

The color, consistency, appearance of the tumor will depend on the tissues that make up the neoplasm.

Combined hemangiomas

In the structure of all hemangiomas, combined hemangiomas account for only 2%, but at the same time they represent the greatest difficulty in treatment. Combined hemangiomas have supracutaneous and subcutaneous parts. External manifestations will depend on which of the components of the hemangioma prevails: capillary or cavernous.


Hemangioma grows quite quickly, and it is very difficult to predict its further impact on the body. Among the main complications of hemangioma are:

  • Bleeding. It develops when the tumor tissue is injured. Especially dangerous is bleeding in hemangioma of the liver, since the amount of blood loss can be very massive.
  • ulceration. It develops mainly with the localization of hemangioma in the lips, perineum, large folds of the skin. It is characterized by the development of an ulcer at the site of the tumor.
  • Blood clotting disorder. This is due to the fact that hemangioma, roughly speaking, is perceived by the body as a damaged vessel, which is why platelets actively enter this area. Over time, the number of platelets in the blood decreases, which is fraught with poor blood clotting.
  • Inflammation and suppuration. Often associated with trauma to the tumor.
  • Dysfunction of organs affected by hemangioma(violation of vision with hemangioma of the eyelid, hearing with hemangioma of the ear).

Hemangioma of internal organs

Hemangioma can form in the internal organs: the brain, uterus, lungs, kidneys. The most common hemangioma of the liver. The tumor is usually solitary and small in size. Liver hemangiomas are simple (capillary) and cavernous. Capillary hemangiomas are usually small and do not exceed a few centimeters. Cavernous reach ten centimeters.

It is noteworthy that often the tumor does not bring any discomfort. So a person lives with an illness for a long time. Approximately by the age of fifty, the size of the tumor increases and then the symptoms of the disease already appear: dull pain in the right hypochondrium, impaired stool, jaundice.

Bone hemangioma

Bone hemangioma is a slowly growing benign tumor. More often the tumor is located in the spine, somewhat less often in the bones of the skull and pelvis, tubular bones.

Bone hemangiomas are usually asymptomatic, and therefore are discovered by chance during a routine examination. Only in 1-1.5% of all cases, bone hemangioma is accompanied by pain. Bone hemangiomas do not always require active treatment, but constant medical supervision is necessary. The thing is that an increasing hemangioma of the spine, for example, pushes the bone elements apart, which can cause vertebral fractures.


A doctor can suspect a hemangioma during an external examination of the neoplasm. First, the presence of a raised red spot testifies in favor of a hemangioma. Secondly, with a hemangioma, the spot turns pale when pressed on it and restores its shape and color after the pressure stops.

To confirm the diagnosis, as well as to clarify the degree of skin damage, certain studies can be carried out:

Ultrasound is performed in the study of cavernous hemangiomas, as well as neoplasms of internal organs. This diagnostic method allows you to study the structure, depth, size of the hemangioma.

If hemangiomas of internal organs are suspected, computed or magnetic resonance imaging is performed. These methods allow to reveal neoplasms of the smallest sizes. In addition, only with the help of tomography it is possible to determine the presence of hemangiomas in the bones.

A clinical blood test is performed to determine complications and monitor the patient's condition during the course of treatment. Characteristic changes in the blood in hemangiomas are a decrease in the number of platelets, and in addition, red blood cells with hemoglobin.

Hemangioma treatment

Treatment issues must be approached individually, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease in a particular child. You can often hear such a point of view that hemangiomas do not need to be treated, because they can disappear on their own when the child grows up. However, this opinion is too frivolous. Indeed, simple hemangiomas can regress, but this does not happen in every case. In addition, cavernous and mixed hemangiomas are not at all able to regress. Thus, an expectant strategy may be applicable only in the case of simple uncomplicated hemangiomas with signs of regression.

There are certain indications according to which the treatment of hemangioma should begin as soon as possible:

  • Hemangiomas located in the head and neck, in the mouth, anogenital region;
  • Fast-growing tumors (doubling its area in a week);
  • Complicated hemangiomas.

Surgical treatment: removal of hemangiomas

Surgical excision of the skin of the tumor is a common technique for the treatment of hemangiomas. However, at present, surgical intervention is rarely resorted to. First of all, due to the fact that surgery must be carried out under general anesthesia. Surgical excision of the skin may be accompanied by blood loss, and a scar remains after the operation. However, surgical excision is preferred for deep hemangiomas, as well as for mature forms of the tumor. That is, when other methods of treatment are not possible.

Removal of hemangiomas by laser, cryodestruction

Modern physical methods of removing hemangiomas (cryodestruction, laser removal) have a lot of advantages compared to surgical treatment. Such manipulations are carried out on an outpatient basis, because the duration of the procedure is only 15-20 minutes, and besides, it is not necessary to administer anesthesia to the child.

During cryodestruction, the skin is exposed to liquid nitrogen, which has a low temperature. The method itself is quite simple, it does not require special preparation at all, it is carried out without anesthesia. Hemangiomas located on the skin are treated with liquid nitrogen for 20-30 seconds, hemangiomas on the mucous membranes - for 7-15 seconds. On the third or fourth day, a crust forms on the treated area of ​​the skin, a month later the skin is completely healed. For large hemangiomas, treatment is carried out in several stages.

In the fight against hemangiomas, laser removal is successfully used. This method is used for tumors up to two centimeters in diameter. Under the action of the laser, thermal destruction of the tumor occurs. The advantages of the method are that the likelihood of bleeding is excluded, since the laser beam cauterizes the vessels. A crust forms in the affected area, which disappears after two to three weeks. In its place, a small scar is exposed.

Conservative treatment

Hemangiomas can be treated conservatively. One of the methods used in the fight against cavernous and combined hemangiomas is sclerosing therapy. A sclerosing agent, 70% alcohol, is injected into the tumor. This leads to an inflammatory reaction and thrombosis of the vessel, due to which the blood supply to the hemangioma stops. Soon the hemangioma is able to regress. Usually several repetitions of procedures are required to achieve the desired result.

In the fight against extensive hemangiomas, hormonal therapy is also used. For this purpose, the child is prescribed Prednisolone. By the end of hormone therapy, the volume of the angioma decreases, and growth stops, whitish areas of healthy skin appear on the surface of the hemangioma. If necessary, the course of hormone therapy can be continued after one to two months. However, with the help of such treatment, it will not be possible to achieve the desired cosmetic effect, that is, the complete disappearance of the hemangioma. Therefore, you will have to resort to other methods of treatment.

In the treatment of hemangiomas, the beta-blocker Propranolol can also be used. The drug leads to a narrowing of the tumor vessels, stimulating the replacement of the vascular wall with scar tissue.

With angiomas with complex localization, for example, in the region of the orbit or occupying a fairly large area, radiation therapy is used.

In any case, the decision on the need for dynamic monitoring or active treatment is made by a pediatric surgeon. Therefore, in the presence of a hemangioma in a baby, you need to see a doctor and not wait for self-healing.

Grigorova Valeria, medical commentator

The resulting hemangioma on the lip is a benign formation, which consists of blood vessels. Sometimes it causes aesthetic discomfort to the owner, so a person wants to get rid of it. To do this, you should contact a medical institution, where the cause of the appearance of a hemangioma will be established and the required treatment or removal of the formation will be prescribed.

The appearance of a hemangioma on the lip is an unpleasant aesthetic phenomenon that can also bring pain.

Types of hemangiomas on the lip

capillaryThe most common type of neoplasm. Consists of small capillaries. The growth covers only the tissue of the epidermis.
cavernousIt has another name - cavernous hemangioma. It is located in the subcutaneous tissue. Sometimes a neoplasm of this type grows.
AngioleiomyomaOccurs in muscle tissue. When growing, the neoplasm is intertwined with the vessels of the lips.
mixedIn its composition it has not only blood vessels, but also other tissues.
Pyogenic granulomaOften occurs with damage. It is localized on the outer and inner parts of the lip and has a size of up to 1 centimeter.

Causes of appearance in adults

Hemangioma on the lip in adults occurs due to damage or the development of a blood clot. The appearance resembles a speck of a reddish hue or purple, has jagged edges. The neoplasm can have both a smooth surface and rise above the skin. The reasons for the formation of growth are:

  • heredity;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • diseases of the internal organs that provoke vascular failures.

The appearance of a hemangioma on the lip can be caused by UV rays, health problems and a genetic predisposition.

In older people, formations can occur in the corners of the lips, on the lips, on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, on the inside of the cheeks, and even on the tongue. Since hemangiomas often appear with age, over time, formations sometimes germinate and affect not only the epidermis, but also reach the muscles and subcutaneous tissue.

Causes of the child

The hemangioma of the lip in a child has not been fully studied, therefore, reliable reasons why it is formed have not been found. However, health workers are convinced that infectious and inflammatory diseases that a pregnant woman has suffered are reflected in the occurrence of education. This is due to the fact that in the early stages of pregnancy, the circulatory system is formed in the fetus, which, under the influence of infectious diseases, may not be developed to the end or with violations. Therefore, hemangiomas are formed on the skin.

However, neoplasm is not only congenital. In newborn babies, in the first days of life, small red spots sometimes form on the lips. It is important to note that you should not worry about this, since most often education passes on its own over time. It is enough just to monitor the build-up and its size. If the neoplasm grows, bleeds or changes shape, this is a serious reason to take the baby to the doctor.

Hemangiomas on the lip are rough, when pressed, they brighten, and do not always provoke pain.


Lip hemangioma often causes discomfort to a person during communication, eating and hygiene procedures. In this case, sometimes neoplasms are injured, which is unsafe. In this case, bleeding may develop, which is not easy to stop, since the growth consists of blood vessels. You can independently determine whether a hemangioma has arisen on the lip using the following visual signs:

  • When pressing on the formation, it brightens, after which it takes on its former shade.
  • The surface of the growth is rough.
  • The color varies from purple to bright red. Sometimes it can also be brown.
  • Sometimes the formation rises above the skin.

Is there a danger?

Given that the lip is a place that is often damaged, even a hemangioma that does not grow and does not cause discomfort can be dangerous because there is a risk of injury. Subsequently, damage to the surface of the formation is broken and an infection penetrates the wound, which is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes and suppuration.

The danger of a hemangioma on the lip lies in unwanted injury and the transition to a cancerous form.

The appearance of a hemangioma in an elderly person is dangerous because sometimes such a neoplasm transforms into melanoma (skin cancer). Sometimes the hemangioma of the lower lip spreads and passes into the oral cavity, where it affects the tongue, penetrating into its thickness. Subsequently, this language increases in size and over time may not fit in the mouth at all.

Diagnostic Measures

When contacting a doctor, a visual examination is first performed, then the patient is sent for an ultrasound examination. This method allows you to establish the exact boundaries of the hemangioma and the depth to which it penetrated the epidermis. When the doctor doubts the diagnosis, he additionally prescribes an x-ray of the vessels in the area where the neoplasm is located. They also resort to the help of X-ray examination. If there are suspicions of the degeneration of education from benign to malignant, then a number of additional examinations and analyzes are carried out.

Hemangioma treatment

When a capillary hemangioma occurs in an infant, there is a chance that it will go away on its own before 2 years of age. Therefore, until this age, doctors do not recommend removing or treating the neoplasm. If the growth is on the upper or lower lip in an adult, then the following methods of therapy are resorted to:

Getting rid of hemangioma on the lip is possible with radical measures or drugs.
  • removal of education;
  • cauterization;
  • injections;
  • medicines.

Hemangioma is a congenital benign tumor, hyperplasia of vascular tissue. It does not metastasize, but often has infiltration growth, which is characteristic of malignant neoplasms. This pathology is found in childhood, is located on the skin or inside the body. However, from the age of five, hemangiomas can undergo regression without the use of drugs. This feature of the tumor allows not to manipulate its treatment, it is carried out only in case of a pronounced cosmetic defect, or when the work of the internal organs and the musculoskeletal system is disturbed.

Features of the course of the disease

Features of the development of hemangioma is that in adults without the congenital presence of a tumor, it does not develop. This means that there can be no primary neoplasms, and if they appear where they were not there before, then the existing tumor that has grown makes itself felt. Often they cannot be seen, as they are located inside the body. Hemangioma in adults also manifests itself on the skin if it was not treated in childhood. Such neoplasms are not dangerous, because the place of their localization is far from the main organs.

Damage to internal organs

Hemangioma in adults can also be found in the internal organs. This disease is often asymptomatic, which allows a person to feel completely healthy. However, there are cases when localization is in the area of ​​the liver, muscles and spine, so various disorders occur. They have a name called complications, as they are caused by exposure to a tumor and manifest themselves dysfunction of organs.

If the hemangioma grows in the liver, then the symptoms of its presence may not be observed for a long time. But they can manifest themselves during a blunt injury, when an adult hits his stomach. Since the vessels of the tumor are weak, in this case, a rupture of the hemangioma may occur, which will entail severe bleeding, often leading to death.

For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a general examination at any age. Thanks to ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, a volumetric neoplasm can be detected, which can be surgically removed from the body without much harm to the body. This method is used for relatively large tumors, but if the hemangioma is small, then conservative treatment is most often used to stop its development and reduce its size.

Differences between adult and pediatric hemangioma

In terms of structure, the tumor of an adult is practically no different from a child's tumor. Consists of vascular tissue located in various parts of the body. Depending on the histological structure, there are:

Types of tumors such as cavernous, capillary and mixed are equally common in both children and adults. Moreover, in girls and women, this disease occurs 7 times more often, they find red and pink neoplasms on their bodies. If there are hemangiomas in hidden places, then diagnostic procedures come to the rescue, which reveal them due to their characteristic symptoms.

An adult's tumor can differ from a child's tumor only in the focus of its localization. In a child, a vascular hemangioma is removed from places visible to others before the child enters school. In adults, a tumor is often found under clothing. Previously, there was no treatment, as the doctors staged an involution. If the hemangioma does not interfere with the person, is not injured and does not show signs of growth, does not become inflamed, then it cannot be touched. Which tumor is not dangerous, it does not become malignant and does not metastasize. This allows us to conclude that the degree of cell differentiation is the same as in the neonatal period.

Classification of hemangiomas

Depending on location There are different types of neoplasm:

In open areas of the body, for example, on the skull, genitals, neck, face, elbow cavities in adults, hemangiomas cannot be seen. More often they are located in areas that not subject to injury or covered with clothing. Today you can see a noticeable hemangioma only in antisocial people or in those who did not receive medical care during childhood. But, as a rule, such people are almost impossible to find these days. Therefore, hemangiomas on the skin are almost always cured or removed in childhood.

But medicine has not touched the internal localization of tumors. Their presence is known only in cases when an injury is received, comorbidities occur, or surgery is performed. In newborns, a life-threatening hemangioma is usually not diagnosed. If, with age, its development is observed, leading to a violation of the growth of bones or internal organs, then they resort to treatment. Before the age of majority, as a rule, all tumors that can cause complications in the future are removed. Therefore, in adults, this disease is less common. But there are species that do not appear until old age, when new symptoms appear with concomitant diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, systemic sclerosis, and so on.

Such a picture is observed with spinal hemangioma. This localization is difficult in the case of surgical treatment. The tumor can be located outside and inside the spinal column. Since it is practically inaccessible, it is difficult to remove it completely, although it does not begin to grow from the remaining parts. Therefore, during the surgical treatment of vertebral hemangioma, the openings of the spine are released from pressure on the nerve roots with the most complete removal of the tumor.

Treatment with folk remedies with hemangioma of the spine is impossible, since any plant substance is not able to penetrate in the required concentration to the site of the pathology.

Hemangioma: causes in the spine and symptoms

If the tumor is located in the spine, then it manifests itself extremely rarely, which is often associated with its large size. At the same time, it is located in the body of the vertebra, that is, where the greatest loads occur, because the spinal column holds the entire weight of the body. The causes of such a tumor are not yet fully understood. Doctors suggest that the development of hemangioma is associated with disorders of vascular involution in the focus of hematopoiesis in the life of the mother's fetus.

All spongy bones contain red bone marrow. It is a proliferation of blood vessels, and next to them are cells of hematopoietic germs. The emergence of a tumor occurs through a violation of their utilization, because they become unnecessary to the body.

The symptoms are not specific. As a rule, they are explained by age-related changes in the bones. It is worth mentioning the feeling of soreness in the spine, which occurs with prolonged standing or an uncomfortable posture. But this sign has no basis for diagnostic importance, since it is devoid of objectivity. These signs can be observed in every healthy person who complains of pain in the spine.

A complication of spinal hemangioma is breaking it in a weak spot. The tumor does not show good indicators of strength, like bone, therefore, if there was an injury, its existence can be suspected. This means that if a tumor of the spine is found, then one should limit physical activity and refrain from physical exertion, which consists in playing sports, including various types of gymnastics. Since the presence of a hemangioma in the spine can lead to fractures at the site of its localization. However, one should not limit oneself in all cases due to the fact that a vascular tumor in the spine is a rare disease. The incidence rate is 1-3 people per 10,000 people.


Methods applied to establish the diagnosis of the presence of hemangioma:

The course of most hemangiomas is benign, which is a favorable prognosis. Simple tumors may regress, many species do not develop. In cases where a hemangioma negatively affects neighboring organs, disrupting their functions, then the optimal method of treatment is selected that restores all indicators and the functioning of organs.

(haemangioma) is a common benign tumor-like growth consisting of vascular tissue. Outwardly, it looks like a flat or tuberous vascular tumor of an uneven shape of pink, reddish-crimson, purple or cyanotic color rising above the surface of the skin.

Hemangiomas can appear in a person of any age, but they are most common in children.. The most common congenital hemangiomas detected in newborns, arising from the pathology of the development of blood vessels in the embryonic period. In children, it is the most common benign vascular tumor, accounting for approximately 50% of the total number of all soft tissue formations. Girls are found 5-7 times more often than boys.

The tumor does not provoke obvious disorders and in most cases does not show any symptoms, although it all depends on its location and size. A large hemangioma located on parenchymal organs, for example, in the kidney or liver, most likely can lead to mechanical compression of this and / or neighboring organs or their individual areas, as well as a violation of their functional activity. When localized in the region of the auricle, the hemangioma, when it grows, can damage the eardrum, which will result in hearing loss for the child.

Although this tumor is benign, but in children it manifests itself as a progressive infiltrative growth without metastasis, increasing in size both in breadth and deep into the tissue.

Classification of hemangiomas

ICD-10 code (International Classification of Diseases) - D-18.0

Types of hemangiomas depending on location:

Cutaneous hemangioma located in the upper layer of the skin. An integumentary vascular tumor is the least dangerous, does not require treatment and does not lead to complications, with the exception of hemangiomas in the eye, ear and genital area. Skin hemangiomas are located on the head, even capturing the scalp, as well as on any part of the face, for example, on the nose, lower or upper eyelid. Superficial hemangioma in adults can appear on any part of the body - on the arm, leg, or even on the finger. Multiple vascular tumors of small sizes are possible in different parts of the body.

Mucosal hemangioma. Such a tumor is localized on the mucous membrane, for example, lips, tongue, genitals.

Internal hemangioma, that is, a tumor of parenchymal organs - the spleen, sex glands, exocrine and endocrine glands, the brain, and so on. Control is limited to small hemangioma without a tendency to increase. If the tumor is large, then the doctor selects a conservative treatment that prevents its further development. There is an atypical form of parenchymal hemangioma, more often diagnosed in the liver.

Hemangioma of the musculoskeletal system. Although it is less dangerous than parenchymal, it can lead to skeletal deformity due to rapid growth that outpaces the growth of the child's bones.

This category includes such a common disease of the spine as vertebral hemangioma. The tumor in this case is localized in the back, more specifically near the lumbar or cervical spine. A vascular tumor of the vertebral body is especially dangerous, destroying it and leading to severe back pain. The spinal region is the most common location for bone hemangioma, less often it is found in the bones of the pelvis or skull.

Division of hemangiomas depending on the histological structure:

capillary or juvenile hemangioma. Consists of capillaries that are lined with a single layer of endothelial cells. Located on the surface of the skin. It is the juvenile (superficial) hemangioma that has a tendency to rapid infiltrative growth.

Cavernous or cavernous vascular tumor- This is a subcutaneous hemangioma, consisting of vascular cavities of various sizes and shapes, separated by a septum. The blood in the cavities usually coagulates, forming clots. There is an organization of blood clots due to the germination of the thrombotic mass by connective tissue.

Racemic hemangioma- a rare tumor of thick-walled convoluted venous or arterial vessels. Outwardly, it looks like a congenital deformity. It is localized mainly in the neck and head.

Combined hemangioma. Has signs of a simple and cavernous hemangioma. It spreads both on the surface of the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue at the same time. The clinic depends on the predominance of the cavernous or capillary component.

Mixed capillary-cavernous hemangioma differs in the complexity of the structure. It contains elements of various tissues: vascular, lymphoid, nervous, connective. Angioneuroma, angiofibroma, gemlymphangioma and others are all mixed type hemangiomas. Their appearance, consistency and color depend on the tissues that make up the tumor. This type of hemangioma is often found in adults.

Etiology of hemangiomas

The causes of hemangiomas are not fully understood. Experts are inclined to believe that congenital hemangiomas appear due to impaired development and growth of vascular tissue in the prenatal period.

The tumor is also called vascular hyperplasia. This concept somewhat explains the reason for the formation of hemangioma. The process is based on the pathology of the development of vascular tissue, leading to an increase in its number. It is not possible to more accurately determine at what stage of intrauterine development a failure occurs, since medicine does not yet have the necessary tracking equipment. At the moment, the only substrate for research are the corpses of newborns or stillborn babies, as well as fetuses extracted as a result of abortions.

Perhaps a violation of vasculogenesis leads to the intake of certain medications by a pregnant woman, as well as viral or bacterial infections transferred during this period, unfavorable environmental conditions, the hormonal specificity of the baby born prematurely.

Other putative factors for the appearance of vascular tumors in adults:

hereditary predisposition.
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light (sun exposure).
Diseases of the internal organs leading to vascular disorders.

Clinical picture of hemangiomas of different types

Congenital vascular tumors are detected immediately after the birth of a baby, less often - in the first months of life. In the first six months, an intensive growth of the tumor is noted, but in the future, growth stops or slows down sharply. A large tumor can lead to functional and cosmetic defects of the face.

The clinic of tumors depends on its type and location. Skin hemangiomas are localized mainly on the scalp and face, less often found on the limbs or trunk.

In children, simple hemangiomas may spontaneously regress. There are three stages of self-disappearance of the tumor:

Stage I - in the first year of life;
Stage II - early evolution (during the first 1–5 years);
Stage III - late evolution (end of puberty).

signs flat hemangioma- a smooth formation with clear edges of pink, red or bluish-purple color, may rise slightly above the level of the skin. Tumors with an uneven, bumpy surface are less common. Often, a vascular spot represents a center with small dilated vessels radially diverging from it, such a hemangioma is called stellate. When pressing on the hemangioma, it turns pale, after which it restores its original color. Bleeding from the tumor caused by injury is possible.

Cavernous tumor is under the skin in the form of a nodular formation, consisting of different sizes of cavities filled with blood. It has a soft elastic texture and a bluish color. As the tumor grows, the color changes to blue-purple. Such hemangiomas in most cases are found in newborn babies. When they cry, cough, the tumor is more filled with blood, protruding. If you press on it, then due to the outflow of blood, it turns pale and falls off.

From 1 to 3% of newborns are born with hemangiomas, in 10% of children vascular tumors are found during the first year of life. One of the rarest tumors is bone hemangioma, accounting for up to 1% of the total number of all benign bone neoplasms. Liver hemangioma is diagnosed in 7% of the adult healthy population, and women are 3 to 6 times more likely than men.

Combined hemangiomas may look like a simple vascular tumor or like a cavernous one, depending on the predominance of one or another tissue.

Mixed type of tumor is made up of different types of fabric. Depending on which tissue the growth consists to a greater extent, its consistency and color depend.

Symptoms of a tumor of parenchymal organs depends on its location and size. Pain in the organ, violation of its functionality, cell hypoxia up to necrosis are not uncommon in hemangioma, which has reached a significant size. These manifestations arise due to mechanical compression of both the organ itself, on which vascular growth is found, and those adjacent to it.

Clinical picture spinal hemangiomas are severe pain at the site of localization, with irradiation to other parts of the back. If the tumor is prone to increase, then this may result in a restriction of the person's motor activity.

Diagnosis of hemangiomas

Superficial congenital hemangiomas do not require diagnosis, as they are immediately visible, however, additional measures are needed for differential diagnosis with congenital dysplasia.

Diagnostic methods required to establish a diagnosis:

Physical examination with history taking, examination, palpation.

Laboratory diagnostics.

Informative non-invasive methods:
a) Ultrasound in combination with Dopplerography of the hemangioma itself or abdominal organs in case of its internal localization;
b) MRI or CT;
c) radiography of the spine, pelvic bones, skull, and so on.

Invasive methods:
a) angiography;
b) hemangioma puncture followed by morphological examination.

Treatment of hemangiomas

Tumors in children of the first months of life, localized in the angeogenital region, the face, head, eyes, and oral cavity, require early treatment.

Actively growing hemangiomas, non-regressing cavernous and tumors complicated by infection, bleeding, necrosis are subject to treatment. With regard to simple hemangiomas that do not grow, do not give complications or regress, wait tactics are chosen. If in children a vascular tumor localized on the face has not gone away on its own, then it must be treated with one of the methods.

Treatment methods:

Radiation therapy. It is used for simple tumors that have spread over a large area, also for hard-to-reach hemangiomas and in cases where another method of treatment is excluded, for example, for hemangioma in the orbit.
Laser therapy. Coagulation of overgrown vessels with a laser.
Diathermoelectrocoagulation. Used for small point vascular formations. The essence of the method is cauterization of vessels with electric current.
Cryodestruction- removal of vascular growth with liquid nitrogen.
Sclerosis by injection with a special sclerosing agent.
hormone therapy. It is used to stop the growth of hemangioma in children.
Operation. Surgical removal is indicated for internal hemangiomas that cannot be removed otherwise.

Combined treatment gives good results: hemangioma resection followed by cryodestruction or a combination of surgery with radiation exposure, hormone therapy with X-ray therapy.

Treatment of hemangioma with traditional medicine

Usually folk remedies are used only for the treatment of tumors in adults. A good effect is given by a compress on the area of ​​vascular growth from the infusion of kombucha. The bandage is applied for the whole day. The course is three weeks.

Treatment with copper sulphate is common. For this, a tablespoon of vitriol is mixed with half a glass of water and the tumor is wiped with a cotton pad moistened with the resulting solution. Treatment lasts up to 10 days. At the same time, a hot bath with baking soda is made at night (a pack of soda per bath). Then compresses are made from finely grated onions, also for 10 days.

You can try to lubricate the hemangioma with fresh celandine juice.

Other methods used at home include treatment with tincture of fly agaric, bitter wormwood; infusion of oats or a collection of various herbs: coltsfoot, St. John's wort, celandine, yarrow, calendula, and so on.

Complications and consequences of hemangiomas

external and internal bleeding,
accession of infection,
decrease in organ functions.


The course of most tumors is benign, the prognosis is favorable. Simple vascular tumors are able to regress, some types are not prone to growth. If a hemangioma disrupts the functioning of organs, then the optimal method of its treatment is selected, which allows you to restore all indicators and functions.

All photos from the article

Hemangioma is an infrequent neoplasm that is not dangerous in itself, but carries cosmetic discomfort and the likelihood of some complications. Where it occurs, the causes of growth, what treatment is prescribed, and how it is removed, we will consider below.

What it is?

A hemangioma is a benign tumor that develops from a vascular structure, and the causes of which have not been fully investigated. Usually hemangioma is formed in children and newborns from the moment of birth or some time after them. Growth in size does not depend on the increase in age in children, heredity and changes in hormonal levels are of greater importance.

The most natural place of occurrence is the subcutaneous fatty tissue, sometimes the formation occurs in the liver or kidneys, in some cases the vertebrae of the spine or other bone elements are affected.

Photo 1. What does a hemangioma of different types look like

Symptoms appear after the neoplasm grow to a significant size before they show up. The treatment is carried out with the help of a surgical operation, sometimes with a laser. In some situations, the hemangioma itself regresses and disappears, as often happens in children under the age of 6 years.

Where does hemangioma occur in adults?

In four out of five cases, tumor pathology manifests itself singly, multiplicity is a rarer phenomenon. The most frequent places of localization in adults differ little from those in children, usually head:

  • Hairy part of the head
  • Above and around the nose
  • Cheeks, including from the inside

In adults, swelling rarely appears around the ears.

After the head, the most common site of occurrence is the zone external genitalia. Because of this location, the hemangioma is often infected, ulcerated, and bleeds. Does not bypass the tumor and limbs, lesions hands and feet also not rare. In some cases, pathology occurs in the tissues of internal organs and bone structures. In such a situation, various methods are used for diagnosis, from ultrasound and x-rays to MRI.

In general, hemangioma of the skin in most cases occurs in childhood, in adults this is not a frequent occurrence. Consider the reasons why it occurs.

The reasons

Why does hemangioma appear in children and adults not fully established. Usually this pathology is considered congenital, it occurs due to abnormalities in the development of the vascular system of the embryo, when the vascular tissue grows excessively. It is important to remember that the formation of the vascular system occurs in the first trimester, so the expectant mother should monitor her health and well-being from the very beginning of pregnancy.

Medicine is not able to more accurately determine the period at which the causes leading to hemangioma in the future arise.

To summarize, the causes of hemangioma formation in adults are as follows:

  • Diseases of the internal organs leading to vascular dysfunction
  • Factor heredity and congenital
  • Increased exposure ultraviolet rays

Symptoms in adults

As we indicated above, hemangioma in an adult is mainly manifested on the skin. As a rule, initially it looks like a red or bluish spot, which has an irregular shape and is located slightly above the level of the skin. Sometimes a network of diverging small vessels can be observed from the center.

Photo 2. Hemangioma on the face of a man

Often, the hemangioma progresses very quickly in size, occupying an increasing area, which causes significant cosmetic discomfort in the patient.

Symptoms and what a hemangioma looks like in adults depends on its type and location, the main ones are:

  • Simple or capillary called a tumor, consisting of many small capillaries, located on the surface of the skin
  • Cavernous called hemangioma, consisting of a collection of vascular cavities located subcutaneously
  • Combined consists of both supracutaneous and subcutaneous elements
  • mixed differs in that it contains heterogeneous tissues

Let us consider in more detail the various structures of hemangioma

Based on capillaries lies a network of capillary vessels, which are lined with a single layer of cellular structure (which forms the inner choroid). The state of some capillary groups may be normal, while others may be collapsed. In appearance, hemangioma is a soft tumor that has a red or blue-purple hue and clear boundaries. Probably germination in tissue under pathology. When pressed, blanching occurs, if further released, the color returns to the original. Capillary hemangioma in children resolves on its own in every twentieth case.

Cavernous hemangioma in adults, there are vascular cavities, of various configurations, separated from each other by partitions. Often they are filled with clotted blood and a thrombus that has grown into the connective tissue. In this case, the color of the pathology will not be pale, but red. The general appearance is "multi-lobed", the most common localization is the head and neck. With various kinds of stress, for example, as a result of a cry or cough, the tumor grows and further returns to its original form, after the stress is removed.

Cellular called neoplasms, the basis of which are stem cells. Such a hemangioma is immature and has a tendency to grow deep, as well as peripheral growth. It is soft to the touch, the color shade is red. In addition to the skin, it also affects the mucous membranes.

Combined contain structures of capillary and cavernous pathologies. The basis is cavernous cavities, in which underdeveloped capillary structures are observed.

Muscular vascular tumor called hemangioma in adults, of various types, originally formed in the cells of a muscle or tendon. However, then it grows from the depths and manifests itself on the skin.

Photo 3. Manifestation on the face

In addition to skin manifestations, there are also formations on the mucous membranes. They are able to grow deep into the tissues and increase in volume. There are cases of hemangioma of the tongue, when the tumor has grown so much that the tongue did not fit in the oral cavity. At the same time, naturally, there were a fair number of accompanying symptoms, for example, the impossibility of normal swallowing, breathing, bleeding.

If the hemangioma in adults affects internal organs and bones, then most often the disease proceeds secretly. It is usually detected by chance, or if the tumor is aggressive and has led to the onset of symptoms. In the case of the spine, this will be pain in the vertebra as a result of compression of the spinal canal, damage to the rectum may begin to bleed through the anus, and the stomach may cause vomiting with red blood impurities.

Not so rare in adults, hemangioma of the liver occurs, in such a situation, due to internal bleeding, there are signs of compression of the bile ducts, which will cause the patient symptoms of cholelithiasis or cholecystitis. The discovery of a tumor usually occurs when a person sees a doctor suspecting a different disease.

Why is a hemangioma dangerous?

Hemangioma in adults or children, although it is a tumor, the causes of which are not fully understood, but not dangerous in and of itself.. It does not have the ability to form metastases, it does not degenerate into cancerous neoplasms. However, a significant increase in the size of the pathology can carry health consequences. Specific complications will depend on the location where the occurrence occurred.

Consider the main hazards:

  • While inside likely to build up over time pressure on neighboring organs. For example, if an adult's hemangioma is on the neck and has grown deep enough, this can lead to difficulty breathing. The same with the eyes, when in the eyelid area, vision deterioration is likely. If we consider the internal localization, then the occurrence on the bones or vessels can threaten, respectively, with bone fractures due to the weakening and deterioration of blood flow, respectively. In the latter case, hemangioma can even threaten life.
  • If the neoplasm is located in a place that often comes into contact with something, such as the edge of clothing or household items, when placed in the palm area, then there is a high probability infections due to damage to its integrity. In addition, their independent ulceration periodically occurs, for example, in immunodeficient states or in diabetes mellitus. As a result, an infectious agent is introduced and the course of the disease is aggravated.
  • The development of the previous factor is a serious injury to the hemangioma, which turns into a large blood loss. This situation is most dangerous with internal placement, when it is very difficult to identify and promptly stop the bleeding. The most severe in this case will be damage to the liver tumor. Such bleeding will be very profuse, and it can only be stopped by treatment with a surgical operation.
  • Weak blood clotting occurs due to the constant struggle of the body with hemangioma. To do this, he regularly supplies the damaged area with platelets and clotting proteins. If the affected area is large enough, then there is a risk of platelet deficiency, which can result in poor blood clotting.

Treatment of hemangioma in adults

For the treatment of adults, various surgical techniques are used. In this case, the indication for removal is a neoplasm in the genital area or face. In addition, the removal is carried out with a significant increase in size in a short period of time, for example, twice in 10-15 days.

The main methods of treatment and removal of hemangioma in adults are:

  • Sclerosing treatment. It is prescribed if the tumor is cavernous, located in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or near the ears. The essence of the method consists in introducing a special solution into the neoplasm, sometimes based on ethyl alcohol, as a result of which a burn is provoked and the inflammatory process gradually subsides and leads to healing of the lesion.
  • Cryodestruction, as freezing with liquid nitrogen is called, they are used to remove capillary pathologies.
  • Diathermocoagulation, or cauterization by means of an electric current and an electrode, small tumors are removed
  • Low voltage X-ray therapy on the contrary, treatment is carried out to remove large hemagiomas in adults, mainly located on the face.
  • X-ray endovascular occlusion is called a technique when the hemangioma is deprived of blood supply, due to blockage of the vessel responsible for this.
  • Hyperthermia by electromagnetic field involves breaking molecular bonds inside tumor cells, which changes their structure and makes it impossible to synthesize new tissues.
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