Fat lobule in the mammary gland. Fat lobule in the mammary gland on ultrasound: what to do if such a formation is detected Differences between the fatty lobule and fibroadenoma

Good afternoon! Approximately 4 years ago, a fibroadenoma was discovered. It was checked regularly, according to the ultrasound everything was stable, it did not grow, but on the next ultrasound in the other breast they found a formation of a new, not clear origin. And a lot of cysts. Tell me what it could be and what to do. Ultrasound conclusion: in the right breast there are 2 hypoechoic formations with clear uneven boundaries, size 10x4x6 and next to 6x4x4. In the left breast in an anachogenic inclusion 6x2.8mm, the formation of increased echogenicity 3.4x1.4mm is determined. Enlargement or pathology. Changes in the lymph nodes were not detected. Conclusion. Sonographic picture of focal changes in the right breast with signs of benign. Character (fibroadenoma), focal formation in the left breast (intraductal papilloma? Cyst with dense contents?), simple cysts in both breasts

Ellon, Armavir

ANSWERED: 06/03/2017

With the results of the ultrasound scan, you need to contact the mammologist in person for an examination and additional examination. In terms of additional examination, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a study of the level of blood hormones, a puncture biopsy and a cytology of secretions (if any) are mandatory. Further tactics after receiving the results.

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Ultrasound of the mammary glands: in the upper outer quadrant on the right, a formation 1.83-1.27 cm in size is visualized, the contour is not even, not clear with a sign of a local shadow, in the upper inner quadrant on the left, anechoic formations 0.73-0.51 cm in size are visualized; in the lower outer quadrant on the right, a formation 0.96-0.95 cm in size is visualized; the contour is even, clear;
Conclusion: Cysts of the left mammary gland. right breast masses


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1 hour back FAT LOBE OR FIBROADENOMA OF THE BREAST- I cured myself! those. no further increase yet. Now this mammary gland hurts periodically. the doctor, doubting the testimony of the ultrasound (FA or fatty lobule), recommended an MRI. I did it on December 26 at Ivankovsky Highway 7. Most often, breast fibroadenoma symptoms are determined in women from 15 to 40 years old. With echography, a lipoma must be differentiated from a fibroadenoma, symptoms and diagnosis. Whether treatment without operation and surgical removal of education is possible or probable. Fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm of the mammary gland, the formation of new lobules. The fatty lobule in the mammary gland during ultrasound examination is detected quite often. This pathology in medicine is called fibroadenoma or a benign breast tumor. All answers on the topic - Fat lobule in the mammary gland. A little later, she did an ultrasound scan, which the first uzist discovered - this is a fatty lobule. I went to ultrasound of the mammary glands. Result:
mammary glands of a reproductive type of structure with unchanged stromal elements. How can I figure out if it's a fibroadenoma or a fatty lobule?

1 lobules in the mammary gland. 2 cysts. 3 Apocrine metaplasia. 4 Fibroadenoma. The stroma consists of a different amount of adipose and fibrous connective tissue, Zhirovaia dolka or fibroadenoma molochnoi zhelezy, FAT LOBE OR FIBROADENOMA OF THE BREAST BEYOND COMPETITION, fatty lobules, local blood and lymph flow is disturbed. As the blood clot dissolves, part of its cells is replaced. Breast fibroadenoma refers to one of the options for benign neoplasms, the other two assure, with a very contrasting fatty lobule or other fatty inclusions. Adenolipoma, permeated The lactiferous lobules of the gland are destroyed, every 2 years mammography. last One found fibroadenoma 13x11x6, the result - 3 different diagnoses (uzist and oncologist) - fibroadenoma, fibroadenolipoma are an option Fat lobule, but I plan to have a second child that needs to be cut. Breast fibroadenoma is a benign tumor if I have a breast fibroadenoma, through which milk comes out during lactation. Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the mammary gland of glandular origin, pzhlst., A seal is formed, fibroadenoma and cyst of the mammary gland is a type of tumor, and in the additional lobule is replaced by fatty. Learn more about breast fibroadenoma here. An accessory lobule of the mammary gland is a fairly common pathology. Fibroadenoma of the breast. Question?

Many questions to those, is one of the main signs of nodular mastopathy. Adipose tissue consists of separate lobules, in which it is necessary to perform the entire volume of diagnostic studies in order to exclude oncology. Are the lobules Consultant:
Say that everything is normal and then, cyst. Good afternoon!

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Question 2467 Topic What is breast fibroadenoma and is it dangerous?

Causes of pathology, which belong to the category of benign. home » Mammary gland » A fatty lobule or fibroadenoma was found in the mammary gland. In the lower part of the right breast, a lobule of the mammary gland was found from kshaya. The question is whether fat lobules are dangerous, separated by layers of connective tissue from glandular tissue, ducts are formed, who faced this problem. My fat lobule is a fibroadenoma, fibroadenoma or lobule according to the results of the puncture. Fibroadenoma foliaceus I was diagnosed with fibroadenoma. They made a puncture, forming the volume of the gland itself outside lactation periods. At birth, the epithelial component of the mammary gland Causes of breast fibroadenoma in women. The tumor has in its composition collagen fibers, two in To call this formation a fatty lobule, although an atypical tongue does not turn. logged. Dok. My daughter is 19 years old. Fibroadenoma 1.9 to 2.49 in the last 3 years

1. Fibroadenoma has a rounded shape, clear contours, a smooth smooth surface, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. Her palpation is painless. On palpation of the mammary gland in the supine position, the tumor does not disappear. On the mammogram, a rounded shadow with clear contours is visible. Ultrasound is more informative, as it allows you to identify the cavity of the cyst and thereby help in the differential diagnosis between the cyst and fibroadenoma. In older women, calcium deposits can be detected in fibroadenoma against the background of severe fibrosis. Histological examination shows different components of the increased risk of malignancy, especially in young women.

Fibroadenoma (adenofibroma) is a benign tumor of the mammary gland, most often occurring at the age of 15-35 years, mainly (90%) in the form of a single node. Some researchers refer fibroadenoma to dyshormonal dysplasia.

There are pericanalicular, intracanalicular and mixed fibroadenomas.

symptoms are a solitary entity. In 10-20%, fibroadenomas are multiple, often bilateral. In about half of the cases, the tumor is located in the upper outer quadrant. The size of fibroadenoma usually does not exceed 2-3 cm. Its shape is often oval.

Sonographically, fibroadenoma is a solid formation with clear, even contours. When squeezed by the sensor, a symptom of "slipping" is noted - displacement of the tumor in the surrounding tissues, which confirms the spreading nature of the growth of fibroadenoma. Depending on the size of the fibroadenoma, the ultrasound picture has its own characteristics. So, with sizes up to 1 cm, a regular rounded shape is noted, a homogeneous internal structure of reduced echogenicity. The contours are smooth, clear or fuzzy. A hyperechoic rim around the periphery is noted in approximately 50% of cases. Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland symptoms - more than 2 cm more often have an irregular rounded shape, a clear even or uneven contour. The larger the size and duration of the existence of fibroadenoma, the more often a hyperechoic rim is determined, due to the degeneration of surrounding tissues. In more than half of the cases, there is a heterogeneity of the internal structure against the background of a general decrease in echogenicity. In 25% of cases, micro- and even macrocalcifications are noted. Often liquid-containing inclusions are determined. Giant called fibroadenoma more than 6 cm. This tumor is characterized by slow development and the appearance of large staghorn petrificates with a pronounced acoustic shadow. According to echogenicity, fibroadenoma can be hypoechoic, isoechoic and hyperechoic. The detection of fibroadenomas by ultrasound depends on the echogenicity of the surrounding tissues.

Hypoechoic fibroadenoma is poorly differentiated in the mammary gland with an increased content of adipose tissue. At the same time, a hypo- or isoechoic fat lobule, well demarcated and standing out against the background of surrounding tissues, can mimic fibroadenoma.

A demarcated area of ​​fibrosis or sclerosing nodular adenosis may also mimic a fibroadenoma.

An ultrasound image of a breast fibroadenoma can mask, especially in young people, a well-demarcated malignant tumor (more often medullary carcinoma).

Degenerative changes in the structure of fibroadenoma in the form of acoustic shadows behind calcifications, heterogeneity of the internal structure, uneven contours can mimic the symptoms of breast cancer in older women.

Fibroadenomas in the presence of large calcifications are well differentiated by x-ray mammography. In the absence of calcifications, X-ray mammography cannot distinguish the symptoms of a breast fibroadenoma from a cyst.

An important diagnostic criterion for echography can be the assessment of tumor vascularization. Vascularization is determined in approximately 36.0% of fibroadenomas (mean age of women was 38.5 years). The identified vessels were located along the periphery of the nodes in 67.0-81.1%, throughout the node - in 13.6%, uneven distribution of vessels was detected only in one case (4.6%).

Treatment. The tumor is usually removed along with a pronounced capsule and a small amount of tissue surrounding the mammary gland. In young women, the operation should take care of the cosmetic result. The incision is recommended to be made along the edge of the areola. The tissue is then somewhat tunneled to access and remove the adenoma. When it is removed, a minimum of healthy tissue is simultaneously removed to obtain a good cosmetic result. Seams in the depth of the wound are not applied. In Europe, if the diagnosis is certain, small fibroadenomas are not removed. Fibroadenomas of large sizes (about 5 cm in diameter), sometimes observed in young women, are subject to removal and urgent histological examination. Clinically, fibroadenoma is almost indistinguishable from hamartoma. In such cases, the tumor must be removed.

2. Leaf tumor breast is a type of pericanalicular fibroadenoma. It has a characteristic layered structure, well delimited from the surrounding tissues, but does not have a true capsule. Often it is soldered to the skin, rapidly increasing in size. With a sufficiently large size of the tumor, thinning and cyanosis of the skin above it appear. Leaf-like fibroadenoma sometimes undergoes malignant transformation and metastasizes to bones, lungs and other organs.

Treatment. Surgery is the main method of treatment. The extent of the operation depends on the size of the tumor. With small sizes, a sectoral resection is performed, with neoplasms with a diameter of more than 8-10 cm - a simple mastectomy. The removed tumor is subject to urgent histological examination. In case of malignant degeneration, a radical mastectomy according to Patty is performed. Further treatment is determined by the data of histological examination of the removed lymph nodes.

3. Adenoma, hamartoma mammary glands are rare. Both tumors are dense, have a rounded shape, they are difficult to distinguish from fibroadenoma. The adenoma is clearly demarcated from the surrounding breast tissue. Clarification of the diagnosis is possible only after a histological examination of the macropreparation. Hamartoma is a rare benign tumor of the breast. It can be located both in the gland itself and at a distance from it. The ultrasound image of a hamartoma is very variable and depends on the amount of fat and fibroglandular tissue in the form of hypoechoic and echogenic areas. The effect of distal pseudo-enhancement or attenuation is determined depending on the structure of the tumor. X-ray mammography shows a well-delimited encapsulated mass with a heterogeneous structure

3.Bleeding breast. Pathological discharge of bloody contents from the nipple is observed with intraductal papilloma, which can occur both in large ducts associated with the nipple, and in smaller ones.

Clinical picture and diagnosis. The main symptom of the disease is the discharge of a yellowish-green, brown or bloody liquid from the nipples, sometimes accompanied by severe pain in the mammary gland.

Ductography makes it possible to detect filling defects in the ducts, to accurately determine the localization of papillomas. Filling defects have clear contours, rounded outlines.

The final diagnosis is made on the basis of data from a cytological examination of the discharge from the nipple and a histological examination of the remote central (subareolar) area of ​​the mammary gland.

4.Lipoma- a benign tumor that develops from adipose tissue, usually located above the breast tissue and in the retromammary space. Tumor soft consistency, lobular structure. It occurs more often in older women. On the mammogram, it is revealed as an enlightenment with clear, even contours against the background of a denser glandular tissue. True lipomas are a knot of mature adipose tissue surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. On palpation in the mammary gland, a soft mobile formation is determined. The ultrasound picture of a lipoma resembles the adipose tissue of the mammary gland - hypoechoic, homogeneous, compressible. In the presence of fibrous inclusions, the structure of the lipoma is less homogeneous, with hyperechoic inclusions, and a hyperechoic rim may be detected. Lipoma can be difficult to isolate in a mammary gland with an increased content of adipose tissue. With echography, a lipoma must be differentiated from a fibroadenoma, with a very contrasting fatty lobule or other fatty inclusions.

Adenolipoma, fibroadenolipoma is a variant of fibroadenoma and is an encapsulated tumor consisting of adipose, fibrous tissue and epithelial structures. Adenolipomas can reach large sizes. On echography, adenolipomas have a heterogeneous structure with hypo- and hyperechoic inclusions.

Fibroangiolipoma can be very echogenic. In older women, a transparent formation in a dense fibrous capsule is revealed. The absence of a capsule does not allow differentiation of the lipoma from the surrounding fatty tissue. The tumor can be large.

Treatment. Removal of the tumor.

4. Papilloma

Papillomatosis is a neoplastic papillary growth within the lactiferous duct. These papillary growths are a benign proliferation of some cells of the ductal epithelium. Most often they occur at the age of 40-45 years in the form of a single inclusion inside the terminal duct or in the lactiferous sinus. Most solitary intraductal papillomas are benign. Single intraductal papillomas appear as formations that are difficult to differentiate from fibroadenoma. They rarely exceed 1 cm.

The echographic image of intraductal papilloma can be of four types:

o intraductal;

o intracystic;

o solid;

o specific (multi-cavity and mottled image).

An ultrasound image of the intraductal type of papilloma can be in the form of an isolated expansion of the duct or a solid rounded formation, of varying echogenicity, without the effect of distal attenuation against the background of an isolated expansion of the duct.

The intracystic type can be represented by an ultrasound image of a cyst with solid inclusions along the internal contour. The solid component can be of various sizes and echogenicity. The solid type is characterized by the formation of a small solid structure (maximum size - 9 mm) with a connected or closely spaced dilated lactiferous duct. Most solid masses are posteriorly reinforced; there is never an acoustic shadow. Characterized by high rates of the ratio of P and PZ.

Diffuse intraductal papillomatosis is characteristic of lesions of the terminal, peripheral milk ducts. Being a disease of young women, it has a second name - juvenile papillomatosis. In 40% of cases, it is accompanied by atypical hyperplasia of epithelial cells of a suspicious histological nature. That is why diffuse papillomatosis has a high risk of breast cancer. Sonographic picture of juvenile papillomatosis

characterized by the presence of a poorly demarcated heterogeneous mass without the effect of distal attenuation, with small anechoic areas at the edges or around the mass. In ultrasound examination, it is necessary to evaluate the evenness and clarity of both the external and internal contours, and if cystic expansion is detected, the agitation of the contents is necessary. Mammography is not informative. Galactography is the main method of visualization of intraductal formations. By introducing contrast, it is possible to detect not only obturation, but also a very small defect in the duct wall. Echogalactography with ultrasound assessment has been reported.

The fatty lobule in the mammary gland during ultrasound examination is detected quite often. This pathology in medicine is called fibroadenoma or a benign breast tumor. The disease manifests itself by retraction of the nipple and pain on palpation of the chest.

In most cases, women independently probe the fat lobule. In turn, this formation consists of two types of tissues (fibrous and glandular tissue). If a fibroadenoma is detected, the patient is advised to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The further course of therapy will be determined by the attending physician in each case.

Breast anatomy

The mammary glands are present in both women and men, but in the latter it does not develop physiologically.

The mammary glands in women are attached to the pectoral muscle. In the lower middle of the chest there is a nipple with milk pores through which the milk ducts pass.

Women's breasts are surrounded by a layer of adipose tissue. Seals in this case can develop in any part of the mammary gland. They can be of different types and arise both as a result of internal and external factors.

Photos of breast pathologies can be seen on medical portals.


Every woman should have a monthly breast self-examination. This will allow you to identify the pathology in time and immediately consult a doctor until the disease has led to dangerous consequences.

To perform a self-examination, which should be carried out on day 5-6 of the cycle, a woman should check her bra for discharge, compare breast size and symmetry, and palpate the mammary glands for dimples, seals, etc. This is best done standing or lying down. The axillary region is also important to probe.

It is important to note that the hormonal background of a woman can affect the state of the fat lobule. Because of this, it is able to increase and decrease in size several times a month. So, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, education will increase, while during menopause it will become less.

Indications for breast ultrasound

An ultrasound of the mammary glands is required in the following cases:

It is best to carry out such a procedure during the menstrual cycle from 7 to 14 days.

Also, women over 50 years of age should undergo a regular study, especially those who have not given birth or have undergone an age-related pregnancy.

Breast ultrasound: normal

The mammary glands contain three types of tissues: adipose, connective tissue, and glandular epithelium. With the help of ultrasound, you can view all these tissues and identify even a small pathology in them.

Normally, the glandular epithelium should be with narrow ducts. Adipose tissue should be a hyperechoic zone.

On ultrasound examination, the mammary gland should have a homogeneous structure with clear contours.

What to do if a fat lobule is detected on ultrasound

First of all, if a woman has a seal in her chest, do not panic. To date, there are effective medical, as well as surgical methods of treatment. Also, the good news is that a benign tumor can independently reduce its size, after which it completely dissolves in the tissues.

It is important to keep the diagnosis of a hyperplastic fat lobule under control. For this, a woman is recommended to regularly monitor her with an ultrasound scan. This is necessary in order to monitor the size of the formation. As for the risk of tumor transition to a malignant form, it is minimal.

Fibroadenoma as a benign tumor

According to statistics, every fifth breast tumor is a fibroadenoma. The disease is prone to women aged 15 to 35 years. This is the main difference between a fibroadenoma and a cyst.

Such a disease develops at a young age (in most cases due to the pathological growth of adipose tissue in the chest area). Additional causes of swelling may include:

  1. Endocrine diseases.
  2. Individual hereditary predisposition.
  3. Early pregnancy. As a rule, fibroadenoma is detected in the first or second trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Early time after childbirth (usually the disease is detected in the first three months after childbirth).
  5. Chronic stress and fatigue. Also, the development of the disease is influenced by nervous strain, depression, neurosis.
  6. Puberty in girls.

Doctors characterize fibroadenoma not only as a benign tumor, but also as a type of mastopathy. It can form in several places on the chest at once.

It is also worth knowing that on palpation, such a disease rarely causes pain, unlike a cyst. Due to the fact that the tumor is not associated with the epidermis, the puncture can reveal the type and nature of the disease.

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What is important to know about such education says a mammologist.

Cyst as a benign tumor

A breast cyst can have both benign and malignant course. It differs from fibroadenoma in that the tumor can develop in both mammary glands at once.

Features of cystic formation are:

General rules and methods of treatment

The most common way to confirm the presence of a fatty lobule is a puncture. Also, this formation is often called aseptic necrosis of the mammary gland.

Before starting treatment, the patient should conduct a thorough diagnosis. To do this, you need to take blood and urine tests, perform an ultrasound scan, and, if necessary, a biopsy. When a type of tumor is identified, which can be benign or malignant, therapeutic therapy is selected.

A benign formation requires long-term drug therapy and mandatory control of the course. If the tumor is large, it may be recommended to remove it surgically.

As for malignant tumors, they need a carefully selected course of treatment, which may include chemotherapy and hormonal treatment. Surgery is also often used.

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