The test shows negative and monthly. Reasons for delaying the next menstruation

If a girl has pain in the lower abdomen and at the same time there is no menstruation on time, naturally, thoughts appear that pregnancy has come. And then some are overwhelmed with joy and expectation of something wonderful, while others are afraid that they will soon have to become a mother. It is impossible to understand what is happening in the body without the help of specialists. Pain can occur at any time during the menstrual cycle and for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to know everything in more detail. If you have a stomach ache, but there is no monthly period, then you must immediately buy a test. This method will help you decide what to do next if your period is 6 days late. The test should already show two strips during pregnancy, but what if it is negative?

When to use the test

Any woman, regardless of age and status, should find out about her situation as early as possible. All the very first signs of pregnancy may appear even in the early stages, before the delay, but few people pay attention to them. Already when the delay is 6 days, you can go for an ultrasound scan or buy the most sensitive pregnancy test. Previously, it was possible to pass it only in the laboratory. Now any woman can do this at home on her own. If some early signs of an interesting situation became noticeable even before the delay, or you planned it, then you can get tested for the level of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the laboratory. But it's a completely different matter when you get a negative test with a delay.

The duration of the menstrual cycle

What is the menstrual cycle? This is the time that is counted from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next. The cycle should last from 25 to 35 days. It must be borne in mind that all women have different organisms and the terms can vary significantly. But when deviations from the norm appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The cycle time is considered ideal when it is 28 days. But, unfortunately, there are many factors that negatively affect our health, and for this reason, the cycle can be different. Everything is normal when failures occur no more than once or twice a year and the delay was no more than ten days. Otherwise, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. This, first of all, you need to exclude all kinds of diseases and neoplasms that can be malignant.

If the cycle is the first year, then a break of several months is possible between menstruation, and this is the norm. It may be that the opposite is true - the cycle is too short. It will take a little time, and everything will stabilize, but in the event that this does not happen, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Cycle length also changes after pregnancy or breastfeeding. Breastfeeding women should be aware that they should expect menstruation only after the end of lactation. And the restoration of the cycle will occur only after a few months.

The cycle also changes before such a state of the female body as menopause. It all starts with a few days and ends with months. It is safe to say that menopause has come, only in the case when menstruation is absent for more than a year.

When the delay is 6 days and the test is negative, this may be due to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. But not only those diseases that are related to gynecology can cause a delay or failure of the menstrual cycle. The culprits are often diabetes, thyroid problems, etc.

Reasons for the delay

When the delay of menstruation is 6 days, the reasons may be:

  • natural;
  • pathological.

The natural ones include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • puberty;
  • preclimax.

Types of causes

The unnatural ones are:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • gynecological diseases.

When a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome, the male hormone is produced, and if there is too much of it, this will lead not only to menstrual disorders, but also to infertility. And this can be called a serious complication of a gynecological disease. Polycystic ovary syndrome is easily identified by external signs. Women will have male pattern hair. But this is all fixable, just do not delay visiting a doctor.

With inflammation of the appendages, there are also violations in the production of hormones, and when the delay is 6 days, the test is negative, it pulls the lower abdomen, you just need to contact a gynecologist.

But do not forget that our lifestyle also plays a very important role. If intoxication of the body occurs, the woman's immune system weakens, and this can lead to hormonal failure.

There are other reasons for delayed periods. These include physical exertion that depletes the body, obesity or malnutrition, in both cases there may be a delay.

If the delay is 6 days, the test is negative, then there is nothing to worry about. But never hesitate to visit a doctor, and it is advisable to do it on time.

Highlights on Delay

Many women, when the delay is 6 days, the test is negative, there may be spotting. More often it happens that these are just a few drops of blood or marks on the linen, brown or reddish. Is it necessary to consult a doctor in such cases?

This kind of discharge can be a sign of both dangerous phenomena and normal ones. Therefore, treat them carefully. Although most often it turns out that everything is in perfect order and the unrest was in vain, the nature of this type of discharge should definitely be clarified.

White discharge

They can be both pathological and evidence that all physiological processes are proceeding normally, although there is a delay of 6 days. The main reasons for the appearance of this kind of discharge:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • stress;
  • pathology in the genital area;
  • pregnancy.

Hormonal disbalance

This is the most common cause of white discharge, when the delay is 6 days, the test is negative. White discharge may appear with hypothyroidism. Hormones start to rebel, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted, with white discharge often appearing. But there is another reason - the activation of pituitary tumors.


In this case, the reason is less grim. These types of symptoms may occur when pregnancy occurs. Whites simply close the channel to protect the uterus from various infections. The exact cause can be established only after the task of analysis. Be sure, after you do the test and visit the ultrasound room, go to a specialist. But what to do if the delay is 6 days, the test is negative, nothing hurts at the same time?


Think about whether you have been stressed lately. After all, a woman's body is very sensitive. The reasons for this kind of violations in the sexual sphere can be: mental work, crisis, situations at work and emotional exhaustion. In this case, the changes will not be permanent, and after a while everything will be restored, even if you have a monthly delay of 6 days. The main thing is to get enough rest and try to avoid stressful situations.

Other reasons

Other reasons for the appearance of whites include:

  • candidiasis, or thrush;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • allergies;
  • use of contraceptives;
  • poor quality linens.

The very first actions

If the delay is 6 days, the test is negative and there is pain, do not immediately panic. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the appearance of this kind of discharge by visiting the gynecologist's office. The most important thing is to know that there is no infection. It will be necessary to take tests and exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

You can not postpone a visit to the doctor if the discharge has an unpleasant odor, itching and burning have appeared, sores have formed.

How to carry out prevention

To avoid various kinds of problems, it is necessary to take preventive measures in time. The first thing every woman should know is the correct washing technique. This must be done from front to back. It is advisable to use clean running water and baby soap.

Linen should be of high quality. Everyone knows that synthetics provoke allergic reactions. Those people who have allergic reactions should be especially careful about everything.

Be sure to use condoms. Sex must be protected. And, first of all, a woman should take care of this.

The most important mistake of all - if this is not pregnancy, then you can go further and not go for a consultation with a gynecologist. Do not forget that if each delay is accompanied by discharge of whites, then this is a very good reason for going to the doctor. If you ignore all the symptoms, the problems will only get worse. And think about whether it's worth tempting fate.

Delay and chest pain

With a delay and a negative test, it is necessary to contact not only a gynecologist. After all, this can be a sign of mastopathy. This is not a rare disease. Also, the chest can respond with pain to diseases such as adnexitis and endometritis. Be sure to contact your mammologist to be sure that everything is in order.

Delayed menstruation in a woman is always a reason for unrest, for someone it is joyful, for someone not very much. In any case, it is very important to recognize the cause of such changes in the body. The first thing you can think about in this situation is the onset of pregnancy. However, there are other likely factors that could have caused the disturbances. What to do and what to think if there are no periods, and the pregnancy test is negative.

Is pregnancy possible with a negative test

It should be noted here that such a test works on the principle of detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus.

A negative test in the presence of pregnancy is considered to be a false negative. There are several reasons why the result might be incorrect:

  1. Incorrect use of the test. The main thing that is necessary to eliminate this reason is to study the instructions and make sure that the actions are correct. Although the principle of conducting tests is generally the same, there may be some differences and features, failure to comply with which may cause a negative result, despite the fact that fertilization has occurred.
  2. Early pregnancy. If the test is measured on one of the first days of the delay in menstruation, then the possibility of obtaining a negative result is high. The concentration of the hCG hormone, which is determined by the test, may not yet rise to the desired value, and the device will not recognize pregnancy.
  3. Taken shortly before drug testing. First of all, diuretics, as well as some others, can change the concentration in the urine of the hCG hormone necessary to determine pregnancy.
  4. pathology of pregnancy. With abnormal fetal development or complications, the test may be false negative. In this case, an urgent consultation with a specialist is needed for additional tests.
  5. Kidney problems. In case of violations of the kidneys, a urine test for the presence of hCG with a conventional test will also be indicative. In this case, to determine its presence, it is necessary to donate blood for an appropriate analysis at the clinic.

All of the above is the answer to the question of whether there can be a pregnancy if the test is negative and there is no menstruation.

If there is only one strip on the test in the first days of the delay, it is necessary to repeat it, after waiting a few more days.

For reliability, it is desirable to carry out the testing procedure in the morning, visiting the toilet for the first time in a day, since the earliest morning urine is more concentrated and indicative.

If the test shows a negative result after a week of waiting for the planned menstruation, you should contact your gynecologist to find out the reasons. It can be both problems with a possible pregnancy, and with the health of a woman.

Should I be concerned if there is a delay?

The menstrual cycle in a woman who does not have health problems should be constant and be within 26-32 days. If any changes or deviations occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination. Still, a single delay that lasts no more than a week should not necessarily be a cause for concern.

The following reasons may make it necessary to consult a specialist:

  • a decrease or increase in the duration of the cycle beyond the norm;
  • a single delay in menstrual bleeding for more than 7 days;
  • irregular periods, when the duration of the cycle is constantly changing.

When seeking medical help, your doctor will help identify the cause of a delayed or irregular cycle.

Possible health problems

Medical reasons for missed periods with a negative pregnancy test may include:

  1. early manifestation of menopause;
  2. polycystic ovaries;
  3. benign or cancerous growths in the uterus;
  4. ectopic pregnancy;
  5. adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries);
  6. restoration of the reproductive system after an abortion, childbirth or the abolition of oral contraceptives;
  7. hormonal disorders.

To detect a problem, the attending physician will refer the patient to:

  • urine and blood tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the internal genital organs and thyroid gland;
  • consultation with an endocrinologist.

Other studies are possible at the discretion of the doctor. After identifying the disease, a course of treatment is prescribed, and menstruation returns to normal after the cause of their failure is eliminated.

Non-medical reasons for delay

There are a number of non-medical factors that affect the menstrual cycle, causing it to be disturbed:

  • obesity;
  • lack of weight;
  • constant stress;
  • depression;
  • exorbitant physical activity;
  • climate change.

Any stress for a woman's body can affect the regularity of menstruation and ovulation. Anxiety, stress or serious changes are perceived by the body as a danger. During such periods, it seems to protect a woman from pregnancy, postponing the timing of ovulation and, as a result, menstruation.

If the menstrual cycle is disturbed due to the above reasons, you should try to eliminate them if possible. Depression and stressful conditions require the supervision of a psychologist if you cannot get rid of them on your own. Weight should be normalized, physical activity should be reduced. If the reason is a change in the place of permanent residence, time must pass for the body to adapt to new climatic conditions, and the cycle will recover on its own.


Having wondered why the pregnancy test is negative, but there are no periods, it is imperative to take into account the timing. If the delay is small, additional testing is carried out in a couple of days.

If menstruation does not come for a long time, and the test is negative, you need to study all possible factors and seek help from a specialist. Only a complete examination will reveal health problems or pregnancy. Self-medication, advice from friends, or ignoring the situation are inappropriate here.

    However, a negative pregnancy test is puzzling. One more check can be made. In addition, it should be borne in mind that sometimes the test shows a negative result, but pregnancy still occurs. This can happen if a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle. In addition, the test result is implausible with a large intake of fluid and kidney disease.

    What to do?

    In addition to the test, for any delay, you need to do an ultrasound and make an appointment with a gynecologist. For women, the question arises: when can an ultrasound examination show pregnancy? Experts say that from the 5th day. You should also take blood tests to establish or finally refute the very fact of pregnancy. If the delay is 10 days, the test is negative, you need to do an analysis for chorionic gonadotropin. They say about pregnancy if the concentration of hCG is more than 25 IU / l.

    There are factors that affect the increase in this indicator in the absence of pregnancy. If a woman has a kidney and genital tumor in her body, or she has taken hormonal drugs, the hCG level can be more than 25. The same picture is observed with cystic drift and a malignant tumor of the uterus.

    The result can be negative and in the presence of pregnancy. It is important not to take medication for 2-3 days before the analysis. Results may be inaccurate when analysis is done too early. For example, for 3-4 days of delay. You can do a re-analysis on the 7th day of delay. The second reason is an ectopic pregnancy. In order to exclude this (with a delay in menstruation), you must consult a doctor.

    Reasons for the delay

    With ovarian dysfunction, a violation of the menstrual cycle occurs . Any deviations from it, which are accompanied by nausea, cramping pains, irritability and discharge, are a reason to see a doctor.

    If there is no menstruation for several months, the doctor may diagnose amenorrhea. This disease is independent of age. It can affect both a 16-year-old girl and a 45-year-old woman. If this is due to pregnancy and feeding a child, there is no cause for concern. However, if a girl has not started her period for 3 weeks, she should consult a doctor.

    Any pathological process in the pituitary region can adversely affect women's health. Physical activity, stress, exams are all possible reasons for the delay. At the same time, a violation of the cycle is one of the first and earliest symptoms of chronic fatigue.

    Weight problems

    Weight problems also often affect the menstrual cycle. A sharp decrease or increase in body weight can cause hormonal imbalance. Overweight women often go to the doctor with statements like, “I haven't had my period in three months. Why?". This happens due to the accumulation of estrogen, which in turn leads to a delay in menstruation.

    If the decrease in body weight continues for a long time and reaches a critical level (45 kg), the cycle is disturbed, up to the complete cessation of secretions. Menstruation is restored with weight adjustment.

    In order to determine whether weight loss is associated with a change in body weight, some calculations can be made. Thus, it can be determined whether a delay of 5 days, 7 days or more is due to weight. The regularity of the cycle is restored when it is brought back to normal.

    Cycle disruption is possible when moving in different time zones and climatic zones. Often flight attendants also go to the doctor with something like this: “I have an unstable menstrual cycle. It's been a week of delay." Dysmenorrhea is often the case with flight attendants. Prolonged exposure to the sun can also cause irregular cycles.

    Intoxication and disease

    Nicotine, alcohol, drugs affect menstruation. ARVI, acute respiratory infections, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis and other diseases can cause cycle disorders. For example, a girl who was being treated for tuberculosis went to the doctor: “I haven’t had my period for two weeks now.” The reason lies in the intoxication of the body and the intake of anti-tuberculosis drugs. Antidepressants and diuretics may also affect the cycle .

    Hormone intake

    Birth control pills usually cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. However, menstrual irregularities do not occur on their own, but only if a woman stops taking her medications. As, for example, in this case: “I took Microgynon for 3 years. I decided to stop taking the drug, but my period did not start. I'm already 20 days late. I feel pain in my lower abdomen. I have constant nausea, white discharge, but the test is negative.” This also happens with emergency hormonal contraception (Escapel, Postinor).

    Here is another example of a common problem: “I took Lindinet 20. It's been 9 days now that I haven't had my period. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. The body after taking contraceptives adapts for some time. It is better to consult a doctor, do an ultrasound and take blood tests. If necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe symptomatic treatment.


    During the restructuring of the female body, there is a decrease in sexual function. Often patients come with the question: “I have not started my period for two weeks now. Why?". Early menopause is stressful for a woman. She wants to understand the reasons and, if possible, delay the menopause. For example, they come with this question: “I am already on the 20th day of delay. I am 37 years old. Could this indicate the onset of menopause?

    Cyclic changes in menstruation are also referred to as violations. In menopause and during puberty, bleeding is sometimes observed - metrorrhagia. It usually occurs 10-16 days after menstruation. Allocations can last from 12 hours to 3 days. As a rule, they are observed in women and adolescents of a certain type of character. Psychosomatic reactions activate the production of stress hormones, and ovarian dysfunction occurs.

    Pathological causes

    Inflammatory diseases

    Any inflammation can cause a change in the cycle. The causative agents are streptococcus, thrush, staphylococcus, trichomonas and so on. With inflammation of the ovaries, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • white, serous and bloody discharge;
  • violation of menstruation;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • infertility.


With this disease, the ovaries suffer and changes occur in the female body. The delay in cystitis can be two days or several weeks. This happens due to the inflammatory process. Women come to see a gynecologist for a check-up. Even after a complete cure, the cycle may not recover. In the body of a woman, pathology can develop. Therefore, it is important to do an ultrasound scan, take blood tests, identify the cause of the disease and undergo timely treatment.

pituitary adenoma

With this disease, visible changes occur. Women say: "My nose is getting bigger, my brow ridges and bite are changing." However, the first symptom of this disease is a violation of menstruation. In addition, the patient has rashes on his face; he suffers from headaches, weakness and nausea.

polycystic ovary syndrome

With polycystic ovary syndrome, a delay of 12 days is characteristic, the test is negative. With this pathology, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle. The characteristic symptoms of PCOS are as follows:

  • delay in the menstrual cycle;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • amenorrhea;
  • high levels of male sex hormones;
  • hirsutism;
  • infertility;
  • obesity.

Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and tests.

Ovarian cyst

A mass that occurs in the ovary can cause a delay of a week or more, or uterine bleeding. The cyst can be functional or pathological. Follicular cysts do not require surgery. Benign tumors should be operated on.

In the absence of menstruation, women come for examination to a gynecologist: “I have a delay in menstruation for 2 weeks. The pregnancy test shows a negative result. However, for 14 days I feel nausea, severe pain in the ovaries. I also had a fever." For all these striking signs, the doctor may suggest an ovarian cyst. Moreover, these symptoms indicate that the leg of the cyst is twisted.


The reasons that cause a large delay are different. Often the gynecologist prescribes hormonal treatment. The doctor prescribes oral contraceptive pills or progestogens. There are several strategies for treating infertility in PCOS. First of all, drugs that stimulate ovulation are used. There is still no consensus on how long conservative treatment should take. At what stage should surgery begin? Here the opinions of doctors differ.

With a pituitary tumor, different treatment tactics are chosen. The prognosis directly depends on the size of the tumor and its hormonal function. If the concentration of prolactin is more than 500 ng / ml, drug therapy is prescribed. If it is less, then the operation is performed.

When cycle disorders are not associated with diseases, it is enough to establish the right lifestyle. The doctor will help eliminate the cause that caused the delay in menstruation. With a large weight loss, you should balance the diet. When obese, it is necessary to exclude fats and easily digestible carbohydrates from the menu. This is where a nutritionist comes in.

For psychological problems and stress, you should make an appointment with a psychiatrist. Proper diet, adherence to the daily routine, quitting smoking, alcohol, coffee will correct your health, and the menstrual cycle will be restored. Modern medicine does not exclude treatment with homeopathic medicines. Also, acupuncture can give good results with a delay in menstruation.

If a woman has a delay of two days, three days, then there is no particular reason for concern. Several pregnancy tests can be done. As a rule, you have to wait a few more days. A cycle failure of 5-7 days is considered acceptable. But if menstruation does not start for more than a week, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Any woman, regardless of whether she dreams of getting pregnant or not, worries when menstruation should begin, but does not come for a long time. Then she buys a pregnancy test at the pharmacy, but sometimes it shows a negative result. Why don't menstruation come on time, what could be the reason for the delay? This issue needs to be sorted out, since the situation may indicate serious health problems in the reproductive sphere or the entire female body as a whole.

The absence of menstruation with a negative pregnancy test may indicate health problems

Menstrual cycle, features

The menstrual cycle is a monthly physiological process in which bloody discharge comes from the woman's vagina. Responsibility for its regular course lies with:

  • uterus and ovaries;
  • nervous system;
  • brain;
  • endocrine glands.

The cycle is a kind of litmus test of the body: as soon as a complex system fails, this affects the regularity of menstruation, they may not start for a long time.

It is normal if the cycle duration is about 21-28 days. Pathology - when there are no periods for more than 2 weeks.

If the situation occurs frequently, menstruation does not go for a long time, starting, accompanied by pain and deterioration, the woman should definitely consult a doctor.

A serious deterioration in well-being during menstruation should make you see a doctor

When does it make sense to take a test?

Any woman can suspect that she is pregnant when her period is not on time, if there were prerequisites for this:

  • It is worth remembering whether there was unprotected intercourse and whether it occurred during the period of ovulation. This time falls in the middle of the cycle and lasts about five days. If the answer is positive, the chance of getting pregnant is high, and it will not hurt to take a test.
  • You should listen to your body, if there are signs of pregnancy - nausea in the morning or chest pain. Is the answer positive? But this is also not 100% likely, sometimes such sensations occur in women who dream of becoming pregnant, and this is a psychosomatic state and is called a “false pregnancy”.

When a girl has a regular cycle, she monitors it constantly and knows for sure that menstruation should not begin, because pregnancy is present, this is understandable even without a test. If the calendar of menstruation is not kept, they go irregularly, then maybe their time has not come yet, and they will soon begin.

If menstruation does not start, but the test is negative, then too little time may have passed, the concentration of hormones in the urine has not reached a sufficient level, which is why the test results are unreliable. It is worth waiting another two days and trying again, carefully following the instructions.

Breast tenderness often accompanies the early stages of pregnancy.

Reasons for the delay

If, with a regular and floating cycle, the girl is protected, the test gives a negative result, but menstruation does not begin, this means that the origins of the delay do not lie in pregnancy. Factors influencing the situation may be different.

endocrine problems

Menstruation should begin, but did not come on time, and the test is negative, this happens when disruptions in the endocrine sphere are the culprit of the problem. Thyroid disease can cause ovarian dysfunction. So when the delay is followed by:

  • a sharp increase or decrease in weight;
  • feeling tired;
  • constant irritability;
  • palpitations and tearfulness.

A woman must visit an endocrinologist, as well as take tests to figure out why menstruation does not come.

Constant feeling of fatigue indicates endocrine diseases

Gynecological diseases

The reason for the delay, in addition to pregnancy, very often lies in diseases of the reproductive sphere of the female body:

  • benign and malignant formations: fibroids, cysts or cervical cancer;
  • endometritis and endometriosis.
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital area.
  • polycystic ovaries.

If menstruation should begin, but do not go, it is important to diagnose the pathology at an early stage, especially for tumor formations, otherwise there is a risk of losing not only health, but also life.


Abortion is the grossest invasion of a woman's body. Abortion causes chaos in the hormonal system, damages the integrity of the uterine mucosa.

Sometimes recovery can take a long time, which is why inflammatory processes develop, so menstruation does not start in a timely manner, and the test results are negative.

Taking medications

Sometimes hormonal drugs become the reason that menstruation does not go for a long time. The situation develops more often if a woman begins to take them on her own, without the recommendation of a gynecologist. It happens that the female body reacts sharply to the synthesized hormones, therefore, before using contraceptives, it is worth consulting with a specialist and choosing other methods of contraception.

Medications taken without doctor's approval may cause delays


A woman's reproductive health is inextricably linked to her hormonal status. If she often experiences psychological stress, this negatively affects her hormonal system, and as a result, her periods are delayed or do not go at all, and the test shows the absence of pregnancy.

How to behave in this situation:

  • do not dwell on problems;
  • communicate more with people;
  • more often to be in the fresh air, unhurried evening walks have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • fully rest, an exhausted body is especially necessary;
  • high-quality rational nutrition is an integral part of good health;
  • taking vitamin preparations and trace elements, a special role is given to magnesium and group B;
  • relaxing procedures help: massage, sessions in the spa, relaxation classes.

Climate change also refers to stress, often a woman on vacation, away from home, notices that menstruation seems to start, but does not go, the cycle changes.

Walking outdoors will reduce stress levels

Increased body weight

Sometimes overweight women have a negative test with a delay, but there is no menstruation, why does this happen? Excess adipose tissue leads to hormonal imbalance, this prevents menstruation from starting on time. To restore the balance of hormones, it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet and increase physical activity. But do not exhaust yourself with exercises too much, the cause of obesity may lie in the disease, therefore, before visiting the gym, you should undergo a medical examination. Based on its results, an acceptable set of physical activities is selected, corresponding to the state of health.


Lack of body fat in women can also cause problems with hormones. As a result of violations, a failure occurs in the menstrual cycle, the test gives a negative result, but menstruation does not go. This applies to ladies who practice strict diets, bringing the body to exhaustion.

When compiling a diet for weight loss, you need to balance it correctly in order to get the necessary components for the normal operation of all systems.

Breastfeeding a baby is accompanied by the absence of menstruation, often they can begin in the sixth month after birth. Sometimes the duration of this period is extended to a year. At this time, there is a lot of progesterone in the body - the “maternity hormone”, which postpones ovulation, menstruation does not go during this period. The cycle recovery process is often accompanied by delays, but the test is negative, the woman is not pregnant.

Breastfeeding naturally delays menstruation

What to do when menstruation never came

What to do if there is no menstruation? You should not listen to the recommendations of relatives and friends, you should not drink herbal decoctions and try to cause bleeding with pills, this is dangerous. If the test showed a negative result, menstruation should begin, but has not come for a week, there is no point in pulling further, you need to go to the gynecologist, why there are no periods, only a doctor can say for sure.

The specialist will examine the patient, send her to an ultrasound, provided that the reason for the delay lies in gynecological problems, and prescribe treatment.

If during the examination it turns out that there is no pathology in the reproductive organs, then menstruation is delayed due to hormonal disorders. In this case, the gynecologist should refer the woman to an endocrinologist.

The specialist will need a wide range of detailed analyzes and studies:

  • blood for sugar and hormones:
  • biochemical analysis;
  • detailed urinalysis;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, as well as the kidneys and adrenal glands.

The doctor will find out why menstruation does not start for a long time, prescribe drugs, and the cycle will gradually recover if the woman follows all the doctor's instructions.

Often, treatment is carried out with the help of oral contraceptives, their action is aimed at reducing the excessive amount of the male hormone testosterone. Hormonal balance returns to normal, the menstrual cycle is restored.

The timing of taking the drug depends on the severity of the problem, the duration of the course can last about six months.

A woman should not allow a repetition of the situation when menstruation does not start on time, with negative test results, because her beauty and youth are directly dependent on reproductive health, the normal state of the hormonal system.

Sometimes girls, having found out that menstruation does not start due to a reason not related to pregnancy, calmly exhaling, continue to live without thinking about the consequences of a cycle failure. But such an attitude towards oneself is unacceptable, in the future it is fraught with serious health problems.

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