Monthly after cesarean after how much. When the cycle is restored after caesarean. When to See a Doctor

After childbirth, women experience the so-called amenorrhea, when there is no maturation of the egg and menstruation does not occur. But every mother knows that this is a temporary process. What are the terms of arrival and features of postpartum menstruation during cesarean section, we will consider in more detail.

Menstruation after caesarean section while breastfeeding

There is an opinion that when breastfeeding, menstruation comes much later than during artificial feeding. Let's figure out when menstruation occurs after cesarean section in nursing mothers and what nature of their course is considered the norm.

The timing of the onset of the first menstruation during lactation

On average, menstruation when breastfeeding comes 8-9 months after childbirth. But these figures are individual for each, and the difference is quite large - for some they begin at 2-3 months after childbirth, for others it may take more than a year before the cycle improves. The rate of onset of menstruation ranges from 2-14 months.

The following factors influence the resumption of menstruation:

  • frequency of attachment of the baby - the more often the baby sucks the breast, the later the menstruation will come;
  • the use of breast substitutes (nipples, pacifiers) - their absence prolongs the period of amenorrhea;
  • the number of night feedings - the more often the baby feeds at night, the longer the woman will not ovulate and, therefore, menstruation;
  • hormonal fluctuations of an individual nature can either accelerate or delay the resumption of the cycle, depending on the dominant hormones.

For the arrival of menstruation, you can mistakenly take lochia - postpartum discharge. But they are not a symptom of the resumption of the cycle and should end in a month and a half after cesarean.

What is the duration of menstruation after cesarean section is considered the norm

If menstruation lasts 3-7 days before childbirth, then in the postpartum period their duration may decrease or, conversely, increase. This happens the first 2-3 months after the resumption of menstruation, when the cycle is being established.

The fact of a caesarean section during breastfeeding does not affect the timing of the arrival of menstruation, but with a high probability it will cause them to proceed differently from the norm.

Abundant periods after caesarean section

When postpartum periods occur in a different way from the usual woman, “not like before,” this often causes anxiety in the mother. But not all changes in the course of menstruation are pathological.

Abundant periods during breastfeeding should not alarm a nursing mother. This is a normal cycle recovery process. The following factors influence the abundance of secretions:

  • the fact of a cesarean section plus the complications that arose during the operation lead to the fact that the reproductive system is getting better longer than with natural delivery;
  • chronic diseases not treated before pregnancy can also cause heavy menstruation;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, especially sexually transmitted diseases, affect the duration of menstruation, significantly prolonging the recovery period;
  • the installed uterine spiral increases the amount of menstrual flow.

Scanty periods after caesarean section

Menstruation with blood loss below the norm of 50 ml (about 3 tablespoons) is considered scanty.

A small amount of discharge is often accompanied by a short cycle. But it also happens vice versa, when bleeding becomes protracted. In the case when several months of menstruation are long and meager, this may indicate the addition of inflammation or infection, and also indicate hormonal disorders.

If scanty periods are observed for more than two cycles and last longer than 10 days, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

In addition, scanty periods can indicate a re-pregnancy.

Irregular periods while breastfeeding after cesarean - causes

The regularity of menstrual bleeding is not restored immediately after childbirth and even longer in the case of a caesarean section. On average, it takes several months to adapt and adjust the regularity.

If one menstruation has already passed, and the next does not occur, the first step is to do an hCG test to exclude pregnancy. This is especially true for mothers who are sexually active and at the same time choose unreliable means of protection, such as unfinished intercourse or the calendar method.

Irregular menstruation, observed for more than three months, is not the norm and requires a visit to a specialist to find out the cause. Often, such pathologies are based on serious disorders in the hormonal system or diseases of the uterus and appendages.

Long periods after caesarean section

Long periods are considered to be periods that last 8 or more days. Such a duration is permissible only in the first 2-3 months - the period of adaptation.

Prolonged menstruation, starting from the fourth month after childbirth, occurs as a result of experienced stress, endocrine diseases, or pathologies of the uterus or ovaries.

At the same time, the limit of the duration of menstruation, even in the first cycles, is 10 days. If the period lasts more than 10 days, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

Consequences of long periods

Since too abundant discharge during menstruation entails iron deficiency, it is necessary not only to consult a doctor to eliminate the cause, but also to replenish the lost “reserves” in parallel. It is recommended, in consultation with the attending gynecologist, to start taking iron-containing preparations.

In addition, you can get the missing element from fruits and vegetables, not forgetting the diet when breastfeeding:

  • dried fruits - plum, apricot;
  • fish;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • buckwheat;
  • cereals.

With a lot of blood loss, you need to drink plenty of fluids. There are also many drugs that allow you to adjust the level of iron, it is recommended to take them in combination with manganese and copper, then iron will be absorbed better.

Menstruation or bleeding - how to distinguish

The postpartum process, especially in the case of surgery, for a woman is a time of careful observation not only of the baby, but also of her condition. A key role in the treatment of bleeding that has arisen is played by an early visit to the doctor.

There can be several reasons for the bleeding that has opened:

  • undiagnosed violations of the integrity of the birth canal and uterus;
  • remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity;
  • violation of the contractile activity of the uterus.

A number of signs will help distinguish bleeding from menstruation.

  1. The first menstruation, which began at 4-5 weeks after birth in the presence of active breastfeeding, characterized by an abundance of discharge. Most likely, this is a newly opened bleeding.
  2. Severe pain in the abdomen. Pain from contraction of the uterus and healing of stitches is natural and appears immediately after childbirth. When pain appears a week or later after childbirth, this is a dangerous symptom.
  3. Profuse discharge may also indicate bleeding. The pathological amount can be determined by means of hygiene: the norm is one pad for 2 hours. If it is not enough, most likely it is not menstruation.
  4. The duration of the withdrawals. If the blood goes for more than 10 days, consult a doctor urgently, since it is likely that this is real bleeding and treatment or hospitalization is necessary.
  5. Another “bell” will be the color of the discharge: a bright red hue can be a sign of bleeding that has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle.

As soon as you have any doubts about the normality of your condition, consult a doctor. Do not delve into the Internet, do not rely on chance - believe me, then it will be much more difficult to treat you.

Elena Ivanovna Kaverzina, obstetrician of the highest category

What can clots in menstruation mean, causes, treatment

The appearance of clots in menstruation can be both a variant of the norm and indicate a pathology.

There are only a few main reasons for the appearance of clots.

  1. Congenital or acquired pathology of the uterus. After the birth of a child, a septum may appear on it, which covers the neck. This is what prevents the outflow of menstrual blood, which, being in this septum, coagulates. And after a while we can observe clots in the secretions. This pathology is diagnosed by ultrasound.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. Long menstruation, accompanied by blood clots, will “tell” about this. The source of the problem is a malfunction of the thyroid gland or ovaries. Hormonal imbalance provokes the growth of tissues of the inner layer of the uterus, which over time are rejected and come out with the blood in the form of clots. Diagnosed by hormonal analysis.
  3. As in the case of heavy periods, the intrauterine device can be the cause of clots. Contrary to manufacturers' claims safety, this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is not at all harmless, because:
    • the spiral can be rejected by the uterus, as it is a foreign body for it;
    • referring to abortive contraceptives, the spiral does not prevent conception, but causes an early miscarriage, and if clots appear in the menstruation after installation, the embryo may come out.
  4. Endometriosis. In this case, blood clots are accompanied by painful menstruation. This disease is quite difficult to diagnose, so if you constantly feel discomfort on critical days, accompanied by profuse bleeding with clots, contact a specialist for a detailed examination.

How to determine that clots in menstruation are not the norm

You can determine the nature of the origin of clots by their appearance and accompanying sensations. If in shape they resemble flakes with torn, sloppy edges, are painted scarlet, brown or brown and are accompanied by painful spasms, this is an indicator of a pathology that requires immediate contact with a gynecologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

When does menstruation begin after caesarean section with artificial feeding

With artificial feeding, menstruation can come as early as 40 days after birth

In the absence of breastfeedingafter a month or two, the ovaries fully resume their function. Thus, the period for the appearance of menstruation after a cesarean section is a period of 40 days to two months. It is noteworthy that it was at this time that cases of unplanned re-pregnancy are not uncommon. This happens due to the fact that, due to the lack of menstruation, a woman may not be aware of the occurrence of ovulation and not take care of the means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. This should be remembered, because it is difficult to bear another child in such a short period of time after the first pregnancy, and in the case of a caesarean section, it is dangerous for the life of the mother and fetus.

Despite the usually earlier appearance, menstruation with artificial feeding by a woman of a child also has its limits.It is important to remember that menstruation a month after birth is impossible.

If you observe blood for up to 40 days, although the lochia is over, contact your gynecologist to rule out postpartum complications .

Thus, menstruation while breastfeeding is a very individual process. The frequency, nature of the discharge and abundance in each woman may not proceed in the same way as in others, and even in a completely different way than in her before childbirth. Therefore, it is so important to carefully monitor your condition after childbirth in order to notice emerging complications and eliminate them in time. Then the postpartum period will not be overshadowed and the woman will be able to fully enjoy the joy of motherhood.

The resumption of the menstrual cycle after childbirth indicates the possibility of conceiving a child. When do periods usually start after a caesarean section?

Resumption of menstruation

The recovery of the body after childbirth begins from the moment when the afterbirth is separated from the uterus. At the same time, a bleeding wound is formed on the surface - the main cause of lochia (postpartum discharge). Then the reproductive organ decreases in size, its bottom drops by about 1 cm daily.

By 6-8 weeks after childbirth (natural or surgical), the uterus returns to its previous size. By this time, lochia has completely stopped, which should not be confused with menstruation. The cessation of lochia will mark a new period when menstruation can begin. In this case, the first cycle can pass without ovulation.

After a caesarean section, recovery takes longer than after a natural birth. Involution of the uterus takes place at a slower pace. Since a cesarean is performed according to certain indications, this in itself indicates that the body is weakened or the birth took place with pathologies or disorders. If an infectious inflammatory process has become a consequence of a cesarean or a suture prevents a full contraction of the uterus, then this can also extend the period of rehabilitation of the reproductive system.

Why menstruation occurs at different times

The resumption of menstruation is an individual matter, depending on various factors, among which the method of delivery itself plays far from the first role. The timing of the appearance of menstruation after a cesarean or natural childbirth may depend on the following reasons:

  • lactation;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • mother's age and lifestyle;
  • quality of food and rest;
  • the presence of chronic diseases and psycho-emotional background;
  • physiological characteristics of the organism.

As with natural childbirth, lactation is the main factor in determining when menstruation begins after a caesarean. The hormone prolactin, due to which breast milk is produced, suppresses the maturation of eggs, and with it the onset of menstruation.

If the mother is actively breastfeeding, then menstruation may not appear for at least a year or even longer, or the cycle will be extremely irregular. And it often happens that menstruation occurs when formula or complementary foods are first introduced into the child's diet. With mixed feeding, menstruation can come 3-4 months after childbirth, and with artificial feeding - already for 2-3 months.

When to beware

So, the first menstruation can come both after 2 months, and linger for six months or longer, and this will also be a variant of the norm. But sometimes their delay or absence is a reason to contact a gynecologist. You need to do this in the following cases:

  • there is no breastfeeding, but within 3 months after cesarean, menstruation did not begin;
  • menstruation has resumed, but lasts less than 3 or more than 6 days;
  • discharge is scanty or too abundant;
  • menstruation constantly begins or ends with spotting;
  • if six months after the first menstruation, the cycle has not become regular.

If you have had a caesarean, remember that this is quite a lot of stress for the body. Recovery can be accelerated if you eat a varied and proper diet, get enough sleep, maintain moderate physical activity, and avoid unrest. All this will contribute to lactation and the resumption of all body functions. Carefully monitor your well-being and follow all the instructions of the gynecologist.

The resumption of the monthly cycle after pregnancy is associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background of a woman. Experts believe that the way the baby is removed has the least effect on when menstruation begins after a cesarean.

Surgical intervention for the extraction of the child is accompanied by excision of the walls of the uterus. This is due to the long recovery period after cesarean. After the operation, the uterus contracts slowly compared to natural delivery, gradually acquiring its normal size and position. On average, the recovery process lasts about one and a half months. Complete healing of the incision area occurs only two years after the operation. It is at this time that you can plan your next pregnancy.

How much postpartum discharge from the vagina goes, is due to the specifics of a particular female body. On average, lochia (vaginal discharge) lasts up to six weeks. Their number and composition changes throughout this period. At first, lochia looks like spotting, then they darken and contain clots of clotted blood. Then their volume decreases, they brighten and after a while become transparent. The operation performed may slightly prolong this process.

A young mother should carefully and carefully treat her health, listen to the symptoms of the body. A woman should not confuse lochia with the onset of menstruation. It is important to choose an acceptable method of contraception for pregnancy, especially if breastfeeding is not used. And when pain appears in the lower abdomen, abundant discharge is observed, or it suddenly stops, an unpleasant odor is felt - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Resumption of the menstrual cycle

The question of when they come worries many operated patients. And although the main recovery processes follow the same pattern as after a normal birth, the operation has some effect on the menstrual cycle. Surgical intervention takes place under anesthesia, plus the body expends vital resources on wound healing, which affects the woman's well-being. For these reasons, menstruation after caesarean may begin later.

The restructuring of the body occurs already during uterine contractions immediately after childbirth. The discharge that appears in this case is a kind of preparation for the normal state, as before pregnancy.

Breastfeeding plays a huge role in when menstruation begins.

Milk production occurs under the action of the hormone prolactin. This substance inhibits ovarian function, so menstruation, even if it was a caesarean, may be completely absent during breastfeeding. If the baby suckles constantly, there is enough milk, menstruation may not come for a year. When the child begins to receive complementary foods, lactation gradually decreases, and menstruation after caesarean section resumes, as after natural childbirth, after 5-6 months.

If the baby is transferred to artificial feeding from the first days, menstruation can appear at any time after 8-12 weeks. When, with too long an absence of lactation (more than six months), you need to consult a doctor.

Reasons for the absence of menstruation

Sometimes a woman does not observe menstruation up to a year. If your health is not disturbed, you do not need to worry too much. The menstrual cycle is restored within about 3 months, counting from the first menstruation. The following factors influence the period of formation of the cycle:

  • complications and deviations during pregnancy;
  • psychological and emotional state;
  • age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • food.

The cycle recovers faster at a young age, in women under 30 years old. Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, good rest and feasible physical activity will accelerate the return of the body to normal.

It is impossible to determine the exact time of the onset of menstruation. Surgery is stressful, the body must completely return to normal. For the proper functioning of the reproductive organs, the restoration of the central nervous system is necessary.

The formation of the cycle is negatively affected by postpartum depression, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

An intrauterine device can bring the onset of menstruation closer, but gynecologists recommend placing it no earlier than six months after delivery. Contraceptives restore the hormonal background, but along with the stimulation of progesterone production, their use reduces the amount of prolactin.

Features of menstruation after surgery

Menstruation after caesarean section may be in violation of the cycle. Its normalization lasts for 3-4 months from the first onset of menstruation. In this case, the interval between “critical” periods should be no less than 21 days and no more than 35. The parameters of the duration of the menstruation itself vary normally from 3 to 7 days. In this case, one should not forget about contraception. In the absence of menstruation and during breastfeeding, cases of re-pregnancy have been recorded many times.

The first menstruation may occur without ovulation, as ovarian function has not yet recovered. As the work of the hormonal system is getting better, the following month is characterized by the maturation of the egg and the presence of ovulation.

In the first month, menstruation can be very heavy. This condition is considered normal if the woman does not experience other alarming symptoms. After a caesarean section, a gynecologist's control is necessary after 1-2 months from the date of birth. Many women notice that after pregnancy, their periods are more regular, almost painless and do not cause discomfort.

Possible Complications

There are some signs that indicate abnormal menstruation. All violations must be analyzed by a doctor. So, the early cessation of the secreted lochia can occur due to the bending of the uterus, as a result of the discharge, they cannot go outside, which is fraught with the development of an infectious process. Congestion can be observed with insufficient contraction of the uterus due to the seam and meager periods.

Pathology is considered if it is longer than two periods in a row, or the duration of the menstruation itself is more than a week. A very dangerous condition is when a woman needs more than one pad for an hour.

With an infectious process in the genital organs, the discharge emits a very unpleasant odor, which a woman should pay attention to. Often, such a symptom appears in conjunction with fever and painful symptoms. This pathology occurs more often in women in connection with a caesarean section than during conventional childbirth.

Menstruation can be frequent, literally every 15-17 days. This situation is possible when the contractile function of the uterus fails. Violation can be caused by the postoperative period or the action of certain drugs. Despite the control by the specialist of the patient after cesarean, the woman needs to monitor the nature of the discharge on her own, and if necessary, contact her doctor in time.

  • Stages
  • Recovery
  • The issue of restoring the menstrual cycle after childbirth is always quite complex and ambiguous. Especially many questions arise in women who gave birth by caesarean section. Allocations take a long time, it is not always clear whether menstruation has already begun or not and when to expect them. In this article, we will talk about the features of the restoration of the menstrual cycle after a caesarean section.

    Recovery time

    During pregnancy, a woman's body produces a large amount of the hormone progesterone, which helps her bear the baby. After childbirth, progesterone decreases to a minimum, other hormones - oxytocin and prolactin - come out on top. The first helps the uterus to involute to its previous size, decrease, the second contributes to the formation of lactation for feeding the baby.

    The onset of menstruation is a 90% hormonal process, and only to a small extent it depends on the restoration of tissues and cells of the uterus, its epithelium. As soon as the hormonal background returns to normal, the ovaries will begin to work, which were suppressed by hormones during pregnancy and the maturation of new eggs did not occur, menstruation will definitely begin.

    No doctor can tell you the exact time of the onset of menstruation, since the process of hormonal regulation and the individual characteristics of one puerperal are completely different from those of another.

    Most often, in women who do not breastfeed for some reason and their babies are bottle-fed, prolactin does not have much effect on the body, and therefore their periods are more predictable. They come when the uterine cavity is cleared of lochia and hormones begin to be released according to the usual pattern: follicle-stimulating - luteal - progesterone - estrogen. Most often, the first menstruation in the absence of breastfeeding begins 2-3 months after the operation.

    With nursing mothers, everything is not so simple, and we will discuss this in more detail below.

    Discharge after surgery - what is it?

    What many women mistakenly call menstruation after childbirth is called “lochia” in the language of doctors. They are released from the moment of birth within 6-8 weeks, regardless of the type of birth - natural or surgical. After a caesarean section, however, lochia will usually stand out a little longer.

    Menstrual blood is epithelial cells that have grown in anticipation of implantation of the embryo, but in its absence are rejected by the body. In the monthly fluid there are a lot of enzymes, special substances, cervical mucus, intrauterine fluid. Lochia is the blood that is released from the placental wound. After separation of the placenta, fused with the uterus by blood vessels, the wound is inevitable, and unlike incisions, it cannot be sutured.

    Blood clots in the lochia are a sign of the beginning of the process of blood clotting on the wound surface. After 5-6 days, ichor appears in the discharge after the operation, after a week - mucus. As a rule, two months after a caesarean section, the discharge becomes normal.

    With the end of the withdrawal of lochia, the uterus decreases to its usual size and weighs about 50-70 grams. Her cavity is cleared. Theoretically, she is ready to conceive again, but this readiness is signaled by the arrival of regular menstruation. It is clear that in no case is it necessary to get pregnant right away, because the process of restoring the scar on the uterus is longer and very important for bearing the next baby. This is just a fact that is conceived by nature, and nothing more.

    Differences from normal menstruation

    It is impossible to confuse lochia and regular menstruation. Between them there is always a fairly large time gap. If the post-healing discharge is over, and after a couple of days it starts with renewed vigor, then this is not menstruation, but a possible postoperative complication, infection, inflammation, impaired uterine contractility, problems with scar healing.

    Menses usually come on spontaneously. The cycle will no longer be the same as before pregnancy, the day of menstruation will change. Allocations in the first menstruation may be more meager than it was before pregnancy. This is due to the physiological depletion of the inner functional layer of the uterus - the endometrium. The first menstruation may last a couple of days less for the same reason. But already a month after it, with repeated menstruation, the cycle will begin to gradually level off and return to the woman's usual parameters of duration, frequency, abundance of discharge and the presence or absence of premenstrual syndrome.

    What influences?

    In addition to hormonal and rehabilitation factors that affect the restoration of the menstrual cycle, other circumstances also affect the timing of the onset of menstruation.

    • The psychological state of the mother. In a depressed woman, in a state of postpartum depression, the cycle is restored much longer.
    • Age. In young girls, the menstrual cycle after a caesarean section is restored several times faster than in women who gave birth after 35 years.
    • Lifestyle. Chronic lack of sleep, malnutrition and vitamin deficiency in the body, anemia, smoking and alcohol intake can significantly delay the recovery of the female cycle.
    • Taking medication. If a woman, for various reasons, after the operation, was treated for a long time with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, took anticonvulsants, you should not count on the early arrival of menstruation.

    Breastfeeding women begin their periods later than non-breastfeeding women. This is due to the hormone prolactin, which is produced during lactation and is part of breast milk. And in this, women who gave birth themselves, and those who underwent a childbirth operation, are no different. Prolactin has a pronounced inhibitory effect on the production of progesterone, and without this hormone, the ovaries cannot function fully. Thus, maturation and release of the egg from the follicle does not occur, there is no menstruation.

    The more often the baby suckles, the more often the mother feeds the baby on demand, the more prolactin is produced and the longer the restoration of the menstrual cycle can be delayed.

    At about six months, the mother, on the advice of the pediatrician, begins to add complementary foods to the baby. Less breast milk is consumed, which leads to a decrease in its production and a decrease in prolactin. Progesterone begins to gradually recover in its rights, and about a couple of months after the start of introducing complementary foods, menstruation begins (the timing is rather arbitrary).

    In women whose babies are mixed-fed from birth (breast milk + adapted milk formula), menstruation begins earlier - up to six months after surgery. Those who are against complementary foods and prefer to breastfeed only for up to a year may not see menstruation for more than a year.

    When should you see a doctor?

    The reason for contacting a doctor and looking for the causes of violations may be the absence of menstruation for six months if the woman is not breastfeeding, or for a year if she is breastfeeding and using complementary foods for baby food.

    The first 2-3 cycles from the moment of the onset of menstruation may differ in some irregularity. But if within six months from the first menstruation the cycle has not become regular, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    You need to go to the doctor even if the menstruation after cesarean is very painful, it is difficult, with fever, deterioration of health, severe pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Unusual discharge should also alert - menstrual discharge with foam, a strong unpleasant odor, the presence of large blood clots - all this needs to be examined and treated.

    About contraception

    The absence of menstruation after a caesarean section during breastfeeding is not a method of contraception. The fact is that a woman cannot feel or notice the moment at which progesterone starts to be produced again due to a slight fluctuation in the level of prolactin. And it is at this moment that the maturation of the first egg after childbirth can begin. Lack of contraception at this point can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

    Women after caesarean section are advised to refrain from such situations. at least 2 years. This is important for the complete formation of a scar on the uterus, for the restoration of the whole organism as a whole. Even abortions during these two years will have an extremely negative impact on the state of the internal scar, and therefore it may be inconsistent, heterogeneous.

    With such a scar, it will then be more difficult to become pregnant, more difficult to carry a child, since the likelihood of miscarriage, low abnormal attachment of the placenta, placental insufficiency and fetal growth retardation increases. A thin and insolvent scar will not allow a woman to give birth to a second baby on her own after the first cesarean section, she will have to do a second operation. He can not stand it and disperse during the bearing of the crumbs, and this is fraught with a fatal outcome for both the fetus and the mother.

    Many women, after the birth of a baby, are wondering when menstruation should resume? Regardless of how the birth went, it takes a certain amount of time to restore the menstrual cycle. When menstruation begins after a caesarean depends on many factors. Let's find out what is considered the norm, and in which case it is worth sounding the alarm.

    Childbirth or caesarean section

    Currently, operative delivery is quite common. A caesarean section is performed in cases where natural childbirth is not possible or can lead to the death of the mother and child. But do not forget that this intervention can cause certain postpartum complications, and the risk to a woman's health increases several times.

    Women also quite often experience psychological discomfort about childbirth that did not take place naturally. Many argue that after a caesarean, women have much less milk than those who gave birth on their own, in fact, this is not the case. The body, in principle, perceives this operation quite naturally.

    Of course, if there is a possibility of choosing how the birth will take place, then it is worth giving preference to the natural method of childbirth, if an operation is necessary, a woman should prepare in advance for the upcoming event, first of all, mentally.

    When to expect periods after caesarean

    After the baby is born, the process of involution, that is, reverse development, begins in the woman's body. During this period, all systems and functions of the body begin to return to normal rhythm. Normalization of menstruation in the postpartum period occurs when when the reproductive function of the body is restored. When the delivery was by caesarean section

    A caesarean section is an abdominal operation that can somewhat weaken a woman's health. For this reason, menstruation after it may be slightly delayed, but lactation has a stronger effect on their arrival.

    When do you get your first period after a caesarean section?

    The resumption of the monthly cycle after pregnancy is associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background of a woman. Experts believe that the way the baby is removed has the least effect on when menstruation begins after a cesarean.

    Characteristics of the postoperative period

    Surgical intervention for the extraction of the child is accompanied by excision of the walls of the uterus. This is due to the long recovery period after cesarean. After the operation, the uterus contracts slowly compared to natural delivery, gradually acquiring its normal size and position. On average, the recovery process lasts about one and a half months. Complete healing of the incision area occurs only two years after the operation. It is at this time that you can plan your next pregnancy.

    How much postpartum discharge from the vagina goes, is due to the specifics of a particular female body. On average, lochia (vaginal discharge) lasts up to six weeks. Their number and composition changes throughout this period. At first, lochia looks like spotting, then they darken and contain clots of clotted blood. Then their volume decreases, they brighten and after a while become transparent. The operation performed may slightly prolong this process.

    A young mother should carefully and carefully treat her health, listen to the symptoms of the body. A woman should not confuse lochia with the onset of menstruation. It is important to choose an acceptable method of contraception for pregnancy, especially if breastfeeding is not used. And when there is pain in the lower abdomen, there are about

    Every month, a woman's body prepares for the onset of a probable pregnancy. This is accompanied by changes in the cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous, digestive and other systems. When pregnancy does occur, these processes work purposefully and ensure the normal development of the fetus. The body of a pregnant woman begins to work in a completely different way.

    After the birth of the baby, involution occurs in the body. Involution is a process of reverse development. All functions and systems of the body begin to return to normal rhythm. When the childbearing function returns to normal, menstruation is restored. You don't need to plan your next pregnancy right away. You need to give your body a little rest. If a woman gave birth not naturally, but by caesarean section, then the next pregnancy should be planned no earlier than in three years. Previously, this is not worth doing, as this can be dangerous to the body. Be sure to think about contraception, even without waiting for the onset of menstruation.

    Many women wonder when menstruation occurs after a caesarean section. You need to understand that each organism is very individual, and can react differently to surgery after a cesarean section. For different women, this may be different terms. Basically, a caesarean section is not displayed for the onset of normal periods of menstruation after pregnancy. Just like with natural childbirth, it comes on time. After the birth is over, and the afterbirth has come out, the processes of restoring the body begin. From this moment, changes in the body begin in the opposite direction. Uterine contractions occur, it begins to normal size. The uterus begins to become the same size, position and mass as before pregnancy. It goes down every day by 1 cm

    if the first menstruation after cesarean is 7 days

    When do periods come after caesarean?

    After a caesarean section, young mothers worry when the first menstruation begins and get nervous if they are absent for a long time. The healing of cut tissues after cesarean takes time, which means that the onset of critical days may be delayed. However, every woman who has survived a cesarean should monitor her own discharge in order to identify endometritis or other diseases in the early stages and consult a gynecologist in time.

    In almost all aspects, after a cesarean, the body recovers, like a normal body after childbirth. The production of hormones is normalized, the uterus returns to its former normal size, the ovaries function again, preparing for the appearance of new offspring.

    It is important that a woman after childbirth in most cases feeds her baby with milk. The duration of breastfeeding of the baby is also a factor in determining the onset of menstruation.

    While the uterus returns to its normal state, decreasing in size, it contracts and the wound that is on it begins to bleed. This is evidenced by reddish discharge, which is called lochia. Moreover, lochia, unlike menstruation, appears immediately after the birth of the baby and lasts 6-8 weeks. During this time, they change in nature: at first, the number of lochia per day can be up to 0.5 liters of blood, while containing clots and having a specific smell. Over time, there are more clots, the blood darkens, the discharge decreases in quantity. In order for recovery after a caesarean section to be faster and lochia not to linger for a long time, you need to follow a number of rules:

    Prompt emptying of the bladder. In this case, it is impossible to endure because the overflowing bladder presses on m

    Menstruation after caesarean section

    Every month, the female body undergoes colossal changes aimed at preparing for a possible pregnancy. The sexual, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems are susceptible to multiple cyclic metamorphoses, which marks the onset of the next menstruation, and all for the sake of future offspring. If in one of the next cycles conception takes place and pregnancy occurs, then all these processes will continue, ensuring the safety of the fetus and its development. The body of the expectant mother will completely rebuild and begin to work in a different mode.

    After the birth of a child, many of the changes that happened to the female body in 9 months come back - involution, reverse development occurs. And when the childbearing function is restored, then menstruation will resume. But this does not mean at all that a woman can already become pregnant and give birth again, especially if she had a caesarean section. More precisely, she can, but such an outcome is highly undesirable and even dangerous. Doctors recommend planning the next pregnancy no earlier than 3 years later. Therefore, you should think about contraception immediately after cesarean, without waiting for the first menstruation. However, this is a completely different topic - back to ours.

    Women are interested in the question of when menstruation begins after a cesarean section. But two points need to be clarified here:

    caesarean section practically does not affect the timing of the onset of the first menstruation after childbirth, it occurs as with natural delivery.

    duphaston and metipred how to get pregnant
    Today, G. prescribed metipred 1/4 tons per day (17-hydroxyprogesterone is slightly overestimated) and duphaston from 16 to 25 DC. Girls who took these drugs? .. How quickly did you manage to get pregnant?

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