Eye reshaping surgery. Eye augmentation surgery before and after. Preliminary analyzes and examinations


For change incision a eye apply proper makeup. There is no single rule for everyone, but shadows, eyeliner, mascara can correct very much. Experiment with colors and application methods. Eyeliner Brown color emphasizes well eye, make it at an angle to visually change the shape. Black eyeliner and mascara eye but more expressive.

Consult a beautician for corrective makeup. With the help of cosmetics, he can make eye and more distant or closely planted, increase, decrease. If you wish, you can do makeup in an oriental style, then eye ki will appear narrower. Possible variations exist great amount. The main thing is to discuss with the master how to independently similar make-up, what nuances.

Make a correction of the shape of the eyebrows. For example, to visually enlarge eye and, you need to paint on the eyebrows, making them more convex and wide. Good shape brow opens eye and, hides signs of fatigue, makes the look younger. On the selection of the form, contact the beauty salon, they will do everything the best way.

Use false or extended eyelashes. They will give your look extraordinary depth and expressiveness. The length of the cilia can be corrected, for example, make a little at the bridge of the nose, and outside- longer. Such adjustments give the effect of "wide open", increase and emphasize the outer contours.

Change incision eye possible with the help of surgeons. In most cases, canthoplasty is an operation to lengthen and expand eye gap, due to birth defects, illnesses and injuries. But today it is also popular for aesthetic purposes. It is carried out under general anesthesia. Traces of intervention after a couple of months, and the result is saved for the whole.

Consult your doctor about cantoplexy - this is a surgical correction of the eyelids. Such operations are carried out for aesthetic purposes, allow you to remove bulging eye a, overhanging bags, correct the omission of the corner eye a and incision. The operation has a number of contraindications.


How to change the shape of the eyes? - everyone asks themselves this question more people. Particularly interested in how to change the shape of the eyes, representatives of Asian peoples. How to change the shape of the eyes. If a person is not satisfied with the color of the eyes, then there is nothing easier than changing it by simply putting on colored contact lenses. The situation is much more complicated with the size and shape of the palpebral fissure.

Useful advice

Aesthetic blepharoplasty of the eyes solves all these emerging problems. The performed eye plastic surgery (changing the shape of the eyes, removing bags under the eyes) is completely painless, the scar is almost invisible as a result of minimal intervention in the tissues, and the effect of the operation will amaze you and exceed your wildest expectations. Desire to change the shape of the eyes or shape.


  • change in the shape of the eyes

Any woman, using cosmetics, corrects form eyebrows, eye, lips or complexion using various means. To date, cosmetologists offer several options for shape correction. eye using shadows, ink and pencil.

You will need

  • Shadows of various colors, black and brown mascara, dark brown, light brown and black eyebrow pencil, powder, glitter eyeshadow, black or brown eyeliner, eye shadow brush, applicator, brow tweezers.


To do eye or less, apply shadows of a matte consistency in a muted color on everything upper eyelid up to the eyebrows. Then, directly under the eyebrow, apply the same shadow, only a lighter shade. You can't use shadows. dark colors or shiny. Take a pencil, circle the upper and lower eyelids, blend lightly. Finish by putting several layers of mascara on top and lower lashes.

To enlarge small or deep-set eye and focus on the eyebrows. Gently pluck excess hairs, give them lightness with the help of the form. Adjust form pencil . Then apply light shadows on the eyelids (you can and) and a pencil for eye light shade. Here you can use several layers of voluminous mascara or false eyelashes.

To eye and visually become round, paint the upper eyelid in such a way that central part was higher than the sides. Under the eyebrows, put shadows of a lighter shade, make eyeliner eye dark pencil or ink colors, rub. Color your eyelashes very thickly.

close set eye and can also be adjusted with

Canthoplasty is one of the types of modern aesthetic operations aimed at changing the shape of the eye, namely its expansion. Unlike, such an intervention not only tightens the upper eyelid, but also changes the location of its corner. Because of this, the appearance of a person can change a lot.

Possibilities of modern canthoplasty

The operation received its name from the word "canthus" (canthos) - this is the name of the corner of the palpebral fissure, which is subjected to intervention. Canthoplasty is especially popular today in Japan, where girls make their eyes more rounded, wanting to look like anime characters. But not only the aesthetic side of the issue makes people (especially Europeans and Russians) turn to plastic surgeons. Some people need this surgery for medical reasons.

Canthoplasty is able to solve a variety of problems associated with the pathology of the eye:

  • bulging eyes due to myopia;
  • elevated intraocular pressure associated with inflammatory processes;
  • omission of the corners of the eyes associated with weakening of the tendons and muscles (age-related ptosis);
  • congenital partial fusion of the eyelids (ankyloblepharon);
  • injury to the eyelids and violation of the natural location of the canthus;
  • shortening of the palpebral fissure (blepharophimosis);
  • inversion of the eyelids, which developed due to frequent conjunctivitis.

Attention! Do not confuse canthoplasty with canthopexy. The second operation involves tightening only lower eyelids and their fixation, rather than changing the shape and shape of the eye.

The main contingent of clinic patients plastic surgery eyes are women. It is they who are more often concerned about their imperfect appearance, associated with a change in the location of the corners of the eyes. After all, the look immediately becomes heavy and gloomy, and sometimes vision, or rather, visibility, partially disappears. Canthoplasty makes it possible to restore self-confidence and lose a few years, because along with the restoration of the canthus, some wrinkles are also tightened.

Ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the eye

The appearance of a person largely depends on the slope outer corner eyes. This is easy to check: just stand in front of a mirror, put index fingers on the corners of the eyes and gently pull, up, down or to the sides. And you can even flatten your eyes a little. Result - new person despite the invariance of the rest of the facial features.

For the elasticity of the external canthus, the lateral ligaments and circular muscles are responsible, the weakening of which leads to the overhang of the upper eyelid and the formation of bags under the eyes. The main circular muscle - periorbital - is responsible for closing the eyelid. And because this process occurs constantly (blinking, closing the eyes), the skin is overstretched, and wrinkles appear. But some people mean individual features the stretching of the skin of the eyelids is too strong, and therefore, for example, ptosis develops.

By the way! not always able to reach desired results, because it only allows you to eliminate the crease. Canthoplasty, on the other hand, eliminates the defect of the collapse of the corner, restoring it to its place and returning the eyes to their former or even better appearance.

Under the periorbital circular muscle are cartilaginous plates connected by ligaments and tendons. And it is the tendons (upper and lower) that form the corners of the eyes. The degree of eye opening depends on the elasticity of the tendons. In some people, the corners of the eyes are set too low from birth, which is due to genetics. And in adulthood, they can do an operation to change the level of the canthus. canthoplasty

Contraindications for surgery

When indications (medical or aesthetic) are determined, the patient is examined for the absence of contraindications. To do this, he needs to donate blood, urine and feces for tests, do an ECG and fluorography, consult with a general practitioner and an ophthalmologist surgeon. Canthoplasty is not done or temporarily postponed for the following health problems:

Also, canthoplasty is not done for pregnant and lactating women.

The operation itself consists of several regular stages. First, anesthesia. It may be common, although it is not excluded and local anesthesia. The skin of the face is disinfected; a centimeter incision is made in the natural fold of the upper eyelid with special instruments for microsurgery. The tendons are separated from the periosteum, and then, depending on the desired result, they are shortened or stretched and fixed. Excess skin is removed; the wound is sutured.

Despite the apparent simplicity, the operation takes from 1 to 2 hours. This is due to the utmost accuracy of the ophthalmologist surgeon. He does truly amazing work. It is important not to hurt nerve endings so as not to create problems with closing the eyes, squinting and other manipulations. The sutures should be located strictly in the crease of the eyelid so that they are invisible after canthoplasty.

By the way! Patients Mongoloid race more often they resort to medial canthoplasty - correction of the internal canthus. This helps to make the look more open, increasing the visible lash line and, in general, qualitatively change the shape of the eyes.

Rehabilitation after canthoplasty

The first 10 days the patient spends with a sealed eye. It is allowed to remove the bandage only after a day, and this should be done with clean hands and with an antiseptic at hand. The doctor will tell you in detail how to do dressings at home, because after canthoplasty, you usually do not need to stay in the hospital.

In addition to regular dressings, some other conditions must be observed. For example, you will have to sleep only on your back. Lying on your side can lead to stretching of tendons that are not fully strengthened, and then the result can be disastrous. For the same reason, physical activity is not recommended after canthoplasty and thermal treatments(bath, sauna). Reading, knitting, working at a monitor, or otherwise straining your eyes should not be done either. It is better to give preference to auditory entertainment such as radio.

10 days after the canthoplasty, the patient comes to remove the stitches. At the same time, you can already see the initial result. The shape of the eyes is no longer the same as before. The overhang of the eyelid or bulging eyes disappeared. Gone is the eversion of the century. Edema also subsides by this time, which allows us to evaluate the work of the surgeon.

On average, canthoplasty surgery, which changes the shape and shape of the eyes, allows you to achieve the effect of rejuvenation for 8-10 years, regardless of the specifics and indications. The main disadvantage is the cost. Canthoplasty is not done for free, but it costs at least 30 thousand rubles. But many are willing to give even a lot of money to get rid of their aesthetic problem.

The technique for increasing the shape of the eyes originates in countries rising sun, whose residents dreamed of being like big-eyed cartoon anime heroines. In addition, according to psychologists, people with "open" eyes attract interlocutors, inspire confidence and interest in them.

This procedure, if performed by a professional, does not require repeated interventions. Average duration the operation is 2 hours, and often surgeons are limited to the use of local anesthetics.

How to correct Asian eye type

Since Russia is considered an international country where they live, including? and oriental women, the procedure in question is quite popular here.

Such an operation is very complex in technique, which requires appropriate qualifications from the plastic surgeon. Therefore, the choice of a specialist for such plastic surgery must be approached scrupulously.

The goal of correcting the Asian section of the eyes is creation of a crease on the upper eyelid and elimination skin fold in the corners of the eyes.

This state can be achieved in two ways:

1) Suture method

It is also referred to as the "No Cuts" method. This manipulation is suitable for patients whose skin on the eyelids is too thin, and drooping of the eyelids is not too pronounced.

The upper part of the eyelid is pierced, but not cut, and the shape of the desired fold is obtained by suturing the area between the skin and the aponeurosis.

If the patient wishes, the doctor can also eliminate fatty hernias, by excision of excess soft tissues in the area of ​​eyelash growth.

The procedure ends with the application of a bandage, which can be removed after 3-4 hours. With seams parted already on the 5th day, hematomas and swelling in the area of ​​operation will remain for about 8 days.

Repeated surgical intervention is not required - the effect is always present.

However, we should not forget about temporary changes that negatively affect the quality of the skin. In some cases, to eliminate wrinkles under the eyes, additional surgical procedures to restore the aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of the suture method:

  • The duration of the procedure is limited to 20 minutes.
  • After 3 days, the patient will be able to return to her usual lifestyle and even apply makeup.
  • No seams, natural look.
  • If necessary, the formed line is easy to correct.

Disadvantages of the "No cuts" method:

  1. The thread that is in the tissues is quite easy to feel.
  2. Liquidate at the same time adipose tissue and excess skin is impossible.
  3. There is a risk of the opposite effect.

2) Open method

It is sometimes referred to as the "With cuts" method.

During this manipulation, the surgeon cuts the upper eyelid, after which it eliminates certain areas of the skin, adipose tissue. The created fold of the upper eyelid is sutured to the muscle aponeurosis.

Operation time(30-120 minutes) will depend on the complexity of the work being done.

The algorithm of the considered procedure is as follows:

  1. Determination of the degree of resection of the upper eyelid by means of a simple test. The patient's eyelid is fixed with a clamp. His eyes should open and close without effort. The excised part of the skin can vary between 3-10 mm, but the age of the patient and the condition of her skin are also taken into account.
  2. Marking , due to which a fold will be formed.
  3. Excision of excess skin , soft tissues, removal of periorbital fat. Depending on how deep the fold needs to be created, the specified fat may not be affected at all, or completely removed from the lateral portions.
  4. Elimination of a small segment (2-3 mm wide) muscle tissue that is close to the eye.
  5. Stitching of the operating site.
  6. Stitching the edges of the incisions and aponeurosis.
  7. Suturing to be worn for a maximum of 7 days. During the specified period, bruises and swelling will occur in the manipulation area.

At the end, the doctor imposes on the operated area antibacterial bandage for 2-3 hours.

Advantages of the considered technique:

  • There is no risk of the opposite effect.
  • The surgeon can reduce the thickness of the eyelids, eliminate their sagging.
  • Possibility of making other corrections during this operation.

The disadvantages of this technique:

  1. The operation takes a long time.
  2. The rehabilitation period lasts quite a long time.
  3. The desired effect can be seen only after at least 2 months.

Operation to create the effect of wide eyes - canthoplasty

Through this procedure, it is possible to change the angle of the palpebral fissure and the shape of the eyes.

Depending on the angle with which the plastic surgeon will work, canthoplasty is divided into two types:

1) Internal (medial)

As a separate procedure, in practice it is used very rarely: often this species canthoplasty is combined with. The purpose of the manipulation is the dissection of the so-called Mongolian fold, which hangs over inside corner eyes.

Thanks to modern technologies, to get a beautiful cut of the eyes, you do not need to make large cuts. This minimizes the risk of future scars. If the scars still remain, after a certain period of time you can get rid of them with the help of.

This manipulation lasts about 30 minutes, and before it is used local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

2) External (lateral)

This operation favors the lengthening of the incision of the eyes, increasing the angle between the adhesions of the eyes. The length of the incision is limited to 2-5 mm, which practically does not leave scars.

During the manipulation, the doctor removes part of the canthal tendon, and the tissue of the lower eyelid is attached to bone tissue eye sockets. To mask the resulting defect, the conjunctiva is used: it is stretched and moved. In the future, this affects its sensitivity, but negative effect will be present for a maximum of 14 days.

Lateral canthoplasty lasts 1-2 hours on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting.

The recovery period is 7-14 days, and is characterized by the appearance of swelling, bruising, lacrimation.

Operations to achieve the eastern incision of the eyes - canthopexy

Through this manipulation, narrow the eyes, giving them an almond-shaped ("cat") shape.

Canthopexy is relevant for those who have lower eyelid sagging problems which affects the shape of the eyes.

The technique for performing canthopexy is similar to that used for canthoplasty, but the tendon is in this case remains in its original place.

The operation is often under local anesthesia. AT rare cases, according to the special characteristics of the patient, they resort to general anesthesia.

The duration of a canthopexy may vary, but on average, the procedure lasts 1-2 hours.

Patients will be able to see the results of the operation after 8-10 days. During this period, hematomas and slight swelling will be present.

The effect of canthopexy is not eternal: after 5-10 years, the procedure must be repeated if there are no contraindications for this.

Indications and contraindications for plastic surgery of the incision of the eyes - who should not have the operation?

Plastic surgery to increase the circumference of the eyes can be prescribed in such situations:

  • Under the upper and lower eyelids is a large number of adipose tissue. The elimination of fatty hernias will not only improve the appearance, but will also have a positive effect on vision.
  • The presence of "bags" in the region of the lower eyelid, which are constantly present. The area near the eyes is dotted with many wrinkles.
  • The double fold on the upper eyelid is weakly expressed / not expressed at all.
  • The upper eyelid, due to its massiveness, covers lacrimal gland hanging over the eye.
  • The patient wants to improve the shape of the eyes, make them more "open".
  • There are congenital / acquired anomalies that can be eliminated with the help of plastic surgery.
  • Re-plasty, aimed at eliminating the visible consequences of the previous procedure.

Surgery to reduce the circumference of the eyes (canthopexy) is resorted to in the following cases:

  • The tone of the lower eyelid is significantly reduced.
  • The patient wishes to change the shape of the eyes from round to almond-shaped.
  • There was an eversion of the lower eyelid, due to unsuccessful previous manipulations.

Asian eyelid surgery, as well as canthopexy, have a number of contraindications:

  1. Poor blood clotting. Such a phenomenon may lead to heavy bleeding during plastic surgery. In addition, problems may arise in the postoperative period.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Pathologies of the organs of vision, their infection (conjunctivitis).
  4. Diabetes mellitus at the time of exacerbation. Although not all specialists agree to perform the operation even with the passive course of this disease.
  5. Venereal diseases.
  6. Pregnancy period. A woman can correct the incision of the eyes after the birth of the baby.
  7. Errors in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  8. The period of exacerbation of serious chronic pathologies.

Postoperative period and possible complications after plastic surgery of the eye incision

After plastic surgery on the eyes, patients should be prepared for the following phenomena:

  • Small bruises, hematomas, swelling around the eyelids. Depending on the complexity of the manipulation, all this will go away in 7-14 days. To quickly remove swelling immediately after plastic surgery, the patient is given special compresses.
  • Irritation of the conjunctiva, lacrimation. Lasts the first 10 days, then disappears on its own. To avoid infection, the doctor prescribes antibacterial eye drops.
  • Pain, pain in the eyes, a feeling of dryness.
  • Using general anesthesia The operated patient stays in the hospital for a day. If local anesthesia was used, the patient is allowed to go home within a couple of hours after the procedure.
  • The healing of the surgical site is accompanied by the appearance of a small scar, which eventually turns pale and disappears. In some cases, the scar persists and can be seen when the patient's eyes are closed. In such cases, surgeons are advised to turn to a laser - it will help smooth out this drawback.

The maximum effect of plastic surgery on the eyes occurs 2 months later.

  1. Use when going outside Sunglasses. Ideally, walk fresh air after the Sunset.
  2. Factors to be excluded decorative cosmetics, lenses, etc.) that can irritate the conjunctiva.
  3. From reading books physical activity, reception alcoholic beverages should refrain for a certain period.
  4. Ice will help reduce swelling. And it is best to prepare a decoction of chamomile, and freeze it in special molds for ice. As you know, chamomile is a natural antiseptic.

Possible postoperative exacerbations include:

  • Wound infection.
  • The formation of a rough scar. Often a similar phenomenon occurs with plastic surgery of Asian eyelids. suture method: the incisions here are more extensive than with other types of plastic surgery.
  • Excessive lifting of the corners of the eyes, their bulge. It is a consequence of the unprofessionalism of the doctor. This defect can be eliminated only by a repeated procedure.

Is it possible to change the shape of the eyes with makeup?

How to enlarge small eyes?

If the girl's eyes are too small, then they can be visually made larger. To do this, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

Use eye shadow for makeup light shades. Dark colors can only be applied above the crease of the eyelid. However, contrasting shades should not stand out too much, as this will make the makeup look unnatural.

Light shadows should be applied under the eyebrows, which will give expressiveness to the eyes.

· But you should not use eyeliner for small eyes, as this will make them seem even smaller.

Bulging eyes correction

Girls with bulging eyes often wonder how to change the shape of the eyes? After all, such a deficiency can lead to the development of various complexes. But you just need to convert it to dignity. For makeup, only matte shadows are used. Need to give preference dark colors. A little light shadow is applied under the eyebrow to visually reduce the bulging eyelid.

Makeup artists advise eyeliner. Its color should match the shade of the shadows. But the use of mascara is undesirable. If you can’t do without it, then you need to take mascara of a brown or gray shade.

Change the section of the "eastern" eyes

Even girls with an oriental type of face dream of changing the shape of their eyes. As a rule, their eyes are very narrow, so they tend to make them rounder. Proper makeup will also help with this. First of all, you need to slightly bend the eyelashes up. Arrows will help visually enlarge the eyes. The eyeliner line should run along the entire upper eyelid. In addition, you need to highlight the eyebrows to distract from the flat eyelid.

Eyes with hanging eyelids

Due to the impending eyelid, the look seems gloomy, and the eyes look too small. To fix this, you need to emphasize the lower eyelid. To do this, you can bring it with a dark pencil. Light shadows are applied to the corners of the eyes.

Thus, it is possible to correct the incision of the eyes without surgery. It’s just worth learning how to paint correctly in order to correct some of the flaws in your face.

According to population surveys, more than 85% of people aged 17 to 55 are dissatisfied with their appearance. And about half of them are ready to change it with the help of plastic surgery. Eye enlargement surgery, incision reshaping, upper and lower eyelid lift are the second most popular and most frequently performed surgery after rhinoplasty (nose correction). For most patients, the motivation is the desire to be more attractive, to look younger. But sometimes plastic is required to eliminate the consequences surgical correction vision, trauma, congenital defects in the development of ocular and periocular structures.

What is actually blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), what types are practiced today, indications and contraindications for plastic surgery on the eyes, features of the procedure and helpful tips doctors and experienced patients - in this article below.

What is the essence of the procedure

So, blepharoplasty is an operation during which the skin around the eyes is tightened, bags, hernias, wrinkles are eliminated, the shape of the eyes changes. In one session, the doctor will try to eliminate all defects. But this is not always possible, so if several tasks are set, for example, skin tightening and the subsequent change in the shape of the eyes, several consecutive operations may be required.

The most popular operation is the elimination of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid)

The main goal of the procedure is facial rejuvenation, giving the look freshness, brightness and attractiveness. Often deal with age-related changes sensitive skin around the eyes is possible only with the help of blepharoplasty. Cosmetics, exercises and physiotherapy are ineffective after 50 years or in case of injury to the eye and the face area around it. At the same time, the mechanical impact on the tissues and their trauma during blepharoplasty are minimal, due to which the recovery takes place in a short time, with a minimum of complications and side effects.

During the operation, the doctor excised the skin of the lower, upper or both eyelids, removes part of the fat subcutaneous tissue, corrects the shape and size of the cut of the eyes. Used for this or a scalpel for classical surgical operation, or laser ray in a more modern and safer version.

The total duration of the procedure does not exceed one and a half hours (depending on the complexity of the task). The operation is simple, hundreds are performed daily. such interventions worldwide. According to official statistics, complications are noted only in 3% of cases. Increase the risk of unwanted side effects non-compliance with the postoperative regimen recommended by doctors may.

Who is eyelid surgery for?

Plastic surgeons are most often treated by women aged 26 to 46, but recently among clients plastic surgeons everything is celebrated more men. The main complaints of potential patients are at the same time indications for plastic surgery on the eyelids:

  • decreased muscle tone around the eyes natural aging organism, as a result of which the shape and contour of the eyes change;
  • ptosis - drooping of the upper eyelid as a consequence of a congenital anomaly, injury, infectious disease, other surgical intervention on the organs of vision. In this case, the person takes on a tired look older than his age;
  • age or facial wrinkles around the eyes, "crow's feet";
  • bags under the eyes, fatty hernia;
  • excess adipose tissue on the upper and lower eyelids.

Bags under the eyes, circles, folds and wrinkles - all this will be eliminated by the doctor in forty-five minutes using a scalpel or a laser beam

Also, the operation is performed if the patient is not satisfied with the shape and shape of his eyes: some women want to make them bigger, others like slanted, Asian eyes.

Attention! Although the operation is considered simple, the doctor may refuse to perform it in certain cases. There are a number of pathologies and physiological conditions for which blepharoplasty is contraindicated.

When Not to Have Blepharoplasty

There are absolute and relative contraindications to the operation to correct the shape of the eyes. The absolute limits are:

  • diabetes mellitus of any form (any intervention is contraindicated, since tissues do not regenerate well and are prone to suppuration);
  • pathologically low blood clotting (danger of bleeding during and after surgery);
  • oncological diseases of any form and stage (any mechanical effect can be an impetus to active growth mutated cells and tumor metastasis);
  • HIV infection, hepatitis of any subspecies, AIDS (with extremely low immunity, the tissues will not be able to recover and the person will die).

Pregnancy is a temporary contraindication for most beauty procedures.

To relative contraindications relate:

  • the period of bearing and feeding a child (in women reduced immunity, inability to use anesthesia and many anti-inflammatory drugs after surgery);
  • monthly menstruation (risk of bleeding);
  • infectious diseases at any stage (lowered immunity, risk of infection spreading to other organs);
  • exacerbation chronic diseases(the reasons are the same as in the previous paragraph);
  • progressive ophthalmic pathologies - blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc.;
  • children's and adolescence up to 16 years, if there are no serious indications for a surgical operation (damage to the organs of vision and skull due to injuries and accidents, congenital anomalies in the development of eye structures in which visual functions are impaired, etc.)

The doctor may not agree to perform the operation in such conditions of the patient, but will perform it after the temporary ailments have been eliminated.

For the sake of beauty, each patient will have to go through a rather painful recovery period.

What types of blepharoplasty are available

Most patients, when they come to the doctor, have only a vague idea of ​​what they would really like to improve in their appearance, and can only in general terms describe what the result should look like. Only a few know that there are different kinds interventions on the eyelids, each of which has its own characteristics of conduct, indications and contraindications. The doctor will acquaint the client with possible options procedures and help you choose the best one.

To date, the following types of blepharoplasty are offered:

  1. Classic or transdermal. The essence of the procedure is the excision of sagging skin that has lost its elasticity on the lower or upper eyelid. If the muscles around the eyes are also sagging, the surgeon opens the periorbital septum and cuts off part of the circular muscle along with subcutaneous fat.
  2. Circular – during one operation, the doctor simultaneously tightens the upper and lower eyelids and corrects the shape of the eye incision.
  3. Plastic upper eyelids- the incision is made along the way natural crease skin, thanks to which the seam after the operation is virtually invisible, the look becomes open, and the make-up falls naturally and beautifully.
  4. Plastic surgery of the lower eyelids requires special skill and qualification of the surgeon, since the thinnest incision is made along the eyelash growth line.
  5. Oriental - blepharoplasty asian eyes. With the help of tightening and excision of skin and muscle tissues, the surgeon gives the eyes a characteristic, "cat" shape.
  6. Transconjunctival plasty is the most innovative method, which allows you to get rid of hernias and bags around the eyes without excising the skin. But in this way it is impossible to remove sagging tissues, moreover, the method has a number of contraindications, mainly from ophthalmology.
  7. Laser correction - without invasive intervention, the doctor removes excess skin tissue, fatty deposits, smoothes out noticeable wrinkles. The main advantages of this method: no pain, no blood, fast recovery. Cons: Enough high price, not all clinics perform such operations, there are a number of contraindications to laser therapy.

Important: blepharoplasty solves only cosmetic defects in a person's appearance, it can never solve the problem of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and other disorders visual functions. An exception is the operation to eliminate ptosis, when the overhanging upper eyelid causes strabismus and reduced visual acuity. But even in this case, additional correction of the eye structures directly is required, in addition to correcting the shape of the eyelid.

The photo shows how the patient looks before and after the operation to increase the incision of the eyes. But it is not shown what kind of face it has immediately after surgery: you should prepare for severe swelling, hematomas, subcutaneous hemorrhages

Features of preparation for surgery

As with any surgical intervention, for blepharoplasty, too, should be prepared with all care and responsibility. Fulfillment of all doctor's recommendations significantly reduces the risk of developing complications in postoperative period. The main stages of preparation are as follows:

  • Initial consultation. The client and doctor jointly determine existing problems that need to be solved and select the optimal type of operation depending on the patient’s health status, age and physiological features. The lifestyle of a person and his financial capabilities are also taken into account.
  • The patient goes through necessary examinations to exclude contraindications. Mandatory minimumclinical tests blood and urine, ECG, fluorography, biochemical analysis blood for HIV venereal diseases, hepatitis and examination by an ophthalmologist.
  • 7 days before surgery, you should stop taking hormonal, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal and antithrombotic drugs.
  • It is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking 3 days before the intervention.
  • 12 hours before the procedure, stop eating, 3-4 hours before the procedure - drinking fluids, since the operation requires the use of anesthesia.

The required scope of procedures and the method of their implementation is determined only by the doctor at the preliminary consultation.

If the operation is scheduled for the first half of the day, then usually the patient arrives at the clinic the night before in order to calmly and properly prepare for it. You should take documents with you medical card, pajamas, bathrobe, slippers, mobile phone, personal hygiene products.

How the operation is performed

Before the intervention, you should take a shower and remove all cosmetics from the face, remove contact lenses, remove jewelry and change into special clothes. The procedure algorithm is as follows:

  1. The patient lies on his back on the couch, the doctor marks the incision lines on the skin with a marker. The assistant treats the face and neck of the operated antiseptic solution, after which the entire body and face of the patient is covered with a sheet so that only the eye area remains open.
  2. Next, anesthesia is performed, local or general, after which the doctor proceeds to eliminate defects.
  3. At the end of the operation, sutures are applied, if necessary, a sterile dressing or plaster.

Plastic surgery today is accessible to everyone, reliable and safe way solve the problem of early aging skin around the eyes

The recovery period after blepharoplasty lasts from several days to several weeks, depending on the age of the patient and the nature of the interventions. How to behave after the operation, the doctor will tell you in detail. Non-compliance with the rules of the postoperative regimen can lead to serious consequences which may not always be corrected.

Summary: Blepharoplasty is the most effective and modern method getting rid of bags, wrinkles around the eyes, ptosis and others cosmetic defects eye. It is the second most requested Plastic surgery after rhinoplasty. The procedure is not considered complicated and is currently performed in many clinics in large Russian cities. Nevertheless, there are a number of circumstances and diseases in which the operation cannot be performed. And in the postoperative period, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor in order to prevent complications.

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