Genital size. Normal penis size. What to do with insufficient sizes

The period of puberty in boys is marked by an awakened interest in the opposite sex and in their own body, and especially in the size of their main manhood. Few teenagers are satisfied with the available length or thickness of the penis.

Especially if you compare it with a photo from the network or more successful peers in this regard. What should be the penis size at 15-16 years old, and in what cases does dissatisfaction with centimeters really require a visit to a doctor?

Interest in his body arises in a boy at preschool age. It is rather psychological - what is this thing and what can be done with it? The first measurements and comparisons begin with adolescence, which usually falls on 12-14 years. For some boys, this can start a little earlier if the guy goes to sections where there is a common dressing room or shower.

In both cases, interest in the penis is the norm. If such thoughts do not visit the child by the age of majority, parents should think about the correctness of their son's sexual development. Sexual infantilism is already a pathology.

Both young men and their parents need to think about the length of the penis. If the child's concern is still justified, it is impossible to do without a confidential conversation and psychological support prior to treatment. Therefore, the only way to understand how the situation is real or far-fetched is the measurement of the penis.

The average at 16 years old should reach 13-17 cm in an erect state or 7-8 cm in a calm state. A deviation from the indicated length by 3 cm up or down is considered a healthy variant of the norm.

How to measure and at what age

The active growth of the intimate organ in boys begins from the moment of maturation, that is, from 12-13. From this moment on, doctors have age norms for lengths, which increase by an average of 1 cm every year. The average length of the penis at 15 years old is 6-7 cm (in a fully erect state 12-16). At the age of fourteen 5-6 cm (11-15 cm), at 13 about 5 cm (10-13 cm).

For the calculations to be correct, the organ must be measured correctly:

  1. The first measurement is carried out at rest. For this, a centimeter tape is better suited, and not one that has a larger percentage of errors.
  2. The member must be fixed (without stretching!) Parallel to the floor and attach the edge of the meter to its very root.
  3. The length corresponding to the end of the head is equal to the length of the penis in a calm position.
  4. The procedure is repeated, having achieved a complete and stable erection, while continuing to fix the penis in an even, parallel to the floor position.

In the presence of "unsatisfactory" results, repeated measurements should be taken, but not earlier than after 3-4 months. The procedure is carried out 1 time in 6 months and preferably with a male parent.

How important is length?

Measuring sizes for a child and parents has different sides. For a guy at sixteen, it is important to have a “cool device”, this is a sign of strength, power and sexuality. No one will ever laugh at such a teenager, and the opportunity to show off non-standard sizes will give confidence in their own sexual abilities and increase self-esteem.

For parents, the correct length is a confirmation of the correct and healthy development of the son. The ability to conceive a child, give offspring and become happy in family life, realizing oneself.

The genital organs, like all body systems, begin to develop even before the birth of the baby. After the birth, the baby must be examined by a doctor, paying attention to the presence of testicles in the scrotum and the initial size of the penis. In a newborn, they should be equal to 1.5-2 cm.

The primary examination reveals intrauterine pathologies and makes it possible to eliminate them at the very beginning of the boy's life. An alarming sign of problems with the genitourinary system is crying crumbs when urinating.

The average length of the penis largely depends on the age at which the maturation of a teenager began. The earlier the puberty period comes, the more impressive the young man will have. The following manifestations will tell about the onset of adolescence:

  • changes in the psycho-emotional state, irritability, nervousness, or vice versa, apathy and infantilism;
  • breaking voice;
  • the appearance of acne and pimples;
  • hair growth in the groin and under the arms;
  • penis enlargement.

Stages of organ development

Penis growth goes through several stages. The first comes from birth and lasts until about fourteen. Its important stage is the disappearance of physiological phimosis, that is, the opening of the head. It occurs in all boys at different ages, on average from 4 to 7 years. If this did not happen before 8, the help of surgeons will be required to eliminate a delicate problem. On average, over the years, the penis increases by 4-6 cm.

The second stage occurs with the onset of puberty - the testicles completely descend into the scrotum, subcutaneous fat disappears, the penis begins to change slightly in volume. At the third stage, which falls in the middle of the transitional age, the growth of the organ can reach 1.5-2 cm per year. She also has all the "charms" of these years, arising under the influence of the active synthesis of sex hormones.

The fourth stage is characterized by the growth of the penis not only in length, but also in width - approximately 0.5-1 cm per year. Continues growth and development, but in a lighter version up to 18-22. From this age, the reproductive system of a young man is considered completely ready for procreation.

What can affect the proper development

Various factors can affect the proper development of an intimate organ. The first of them is the non-observance by the expectant mother of the rules of a healthy lifestyle during the period of bearing a baby. Smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs, working in hazardous industries can lead to anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs.

The next stage is the baby's diet during its active growth and development, from birth to 7-8 years. It is necessary that the baby regularly consume the products necessary for men's health. They will help to properly form the vital organs and components of the reproductive system.

Physical development and sports will help to avoid problems with being overweight and will contribute to the proper synthesis of hormones. This will protect against obesity and endocrine disorders, which can cause future infertility and growth retardation of intimate organs.

Bad habits are the most destructive factor for men's health. Adolescents are very early acquainted with alcohol and cigarettes, and usually this falls precisely at the age of active development.


The responsibility for the health of the child lies with his parents, their task is to instill in him a love for a proper, healthy lifestyle. If violations are found, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. The sooner an accurate diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the greater the chances for a full recovery of health and a full sexual life in the future.

The size of manhood excited the minds of the fair half at all times. Many myths and stereotypes about manhood have been born among women, and some are sure that this can be determined by the external signs of a man. But is it really so?

Stereotypes about male dignity

It is believed that the size of the reproductive organ of a man depends on his race. And this is true: according to studies, the average size of male dignity has the most impressive size among representatives of the Negroid race - the leaders in this indicator are the inhabitants of the Congo and Ghana (18 and 17.7 cm, respectively).

Latin Americans are located nearby, for example, the average penis size of the male population of Ecuador is 17.5 cm.

As for European men, in this part of the world the spread is simply enormous. The most "worthy" men in Europe are Icelanders and Hungarians - 16.5 and 16.2 cm, respectively, but men from Romania cannot boast of their size - their average size does not exceed 13 cm.

The situation for other Europeans is as follows:

  1. Italians - 15.9 cm;
  2. Swedes - 15.4 cm.
  3. Germans - 14.5 cm;
  4. British - 14 cm;
  5. French - 13.5 cm;

Among the men of the CIS countries, Georgians have the greatest dignity - 16.7 cm, Russians and Ukrainians confirm their brotherhood in this - their average size is 15.7 cm, but the Belarusian brothers are a little behind - 15.4 cm. The Balts have something to be proud of: Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians have an average size of dignity - 16 cm.

The men of Southeast Asia, on the other hand, are the owners of the smallest penises: for the Chinese, it is 11 cm, for Thais and Indians, 10 cm each, and, finally, the smallest male dignity for Koreans is 9.8 cm.

In addition, scientists have calculated the average size of male dignity - 13.1 cm. This figure is derived from the calculation of the entire male population on the planet.

Myths about male dignity

As for the myths that some women believe in, the situation is not so clear-cut. Almost all myths about male dignity have been scientifically dispelled. We will discuss only the most famous of them.

Shoe size

Many argue that the size of the "pepper" directly depends on the size of the man's legs. Say, you can estimate the size of the foot in any person.

Some adherents of this theory even have formulas in their arsenal: the length of the foot is subjected to arithmetic operations, the result of which is supposedly the most accurate size of manhood. However, studies have shown that the relationship between the size of the foot and penis is almost completely absent.

Distance between thumb and forefinger

Another myth says that the size of the penis is equal to the distance between the tips of the thumb and forefinger, which are spread out so that the hand forms the letter L.

This method of determining the size was invented by a well-known sexologist, and it is quite accurate. It is not known how seriously that sexologist took his "discovery", but research has dispelled this myth. In fact, the distance between the fingers in most men does not differ much, and it is approximately equal to the normal size of the male organ.


Surely many people compare the height of a person and the size of his penis, believing that lanky guys have an impressive device. As with shoe size, this is nothing more than another myth. Studies have shown that tall men have the dignity of medium size.

The penis size is determined by its length and width both at rest and during arousal. These indicators are important during sexual intercourse and for a man to feel his own usefulness. For functions such as urination and reproduction, penis size is not responsible.

Measurement technique

It is worth determining the indicator of the length and width of the phallus at room temperature, in a state of psychological comfort, since with a decrease in ambient temperature, stress or excitement, the size of the penis decreases. The average is measured with a ruler from the pubic region (the ruler should not be strongly pressed into it) to the tip of the head of the phallus. If a man weighs a lot, which means that the subcutaneous fat is excessively expressed, the functional dimensions decrease.

To determine the length of the penis, it is necessary to reject it parallel to the floor and attach a ruler. The width of the penis is measured using a centimeter ruler, which is wrapped around the erect organ of a man exactly in the middle.

Average parameters

Optimal length indicator

What indicator of the length of the penis in an unexcited state is considered normal? The average size of the male sexual organ in a calm state varies from 7 to 10 cm. You should not judge the state of the phallus at the time of erection by these indicators. It is believed that a modest penis length can show a significantly greater increase in arousal than a penis that has a large or normal indicator at rest.

How many centimeters should be the length of the erect organ of men?

The normal length in an erect state ranges from 12–18 cm. The length of 15 cm is considered optimal.

In a newborn, the penis has an average of 2.5 to 3.5 cm, in a stretched state - about 3.5 cm.
The size of the penis of European men without an erection is about 8.5-10.5 cm, and in an erect state 12-18 cm (average 15 cm).

Normal width borders

The width plays a more important role than the length and thickness of the penis, because it provides tight contact with the walls of the vagina, greatly enhancing the sensations of men. Therefore, it is the average of this size that should be measured in the first place.

How wide should the male organ be? Its average is 8–18 cm. The optimal diameter is 14 cm.

Thickness standards

This indicator varies from 3 to 4.5 cm. However, how many centimeters the normal thickness of the penis has is not exactly defined.

Deviations and what affects them

An erect penis less than 10 cm is called a micropenis, from 10 to 12 cm - small, more than 18 cm - large.
In men younger than 12 years, due to the fact that the period of hormonal maturation continues, measuring the parameters of the penis does not make sense, since this organ is in the stage of active growth. How long does this process take? It continues until the age of 15. The average size can increase up to 25 years.

Indicators characterizing the largest penis size in history: 30 cm long and 15 cm diameter.

Factors Affecting Normal Penis Size

  • endocrine changes.

They are manifested by a decrease in the production of testosterone, which determines the development of both primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The cause of this pathology is most often hypogonadism, characterized by a decrease in the parameters of the testicles. Its most severe manifestation is a micropenis (less than 10 cm in size), which requires medical attention. In addition, if a man weighs a lot, this also negatively affects the production of testosterone.

  • hereditary predisposition.

An example is the dependence of indicators on race. The smallest parameters of the penis are observed in Asian men (average size: length less than 15 cm, width less than 14 cm), and the largest - in African Americans.

  • Congenital diseases:
  1. Anorchism - the absence of testicles, prostate, seminiferous tubules, underdevelopment of the phallus.
  2. Cryptorchidism is the absence of the testicles in the scrotum due to undescended.
  3. del Castillo syndrome - a decrease in the volume of the testicles due to a violation of the seminiferous tubules.
  4. Pasculani's syndrome is a decrease in testosterone secretion.
  • Acquired diseases:
  1. Injuries to the testicles, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Tumors of the adrenal glands. This disease leads to the development of a giant penis, the average size of which is much larger than 14 cm.
  4. arterial hypertension. It refers to a pathology that causes not only a decrease in the male organ, but also its curvature. This disease usually occurs in men over 40 years of age.
  5. Tumor of the interstitial cells of the testis.
  6. Injuries and pathological erection of the phallus itself, leading to an increase in its length by more than 15 cm and a thickness of more than 14 cm.
  7. Lymphostasis (elephantiasis). This pathology is also manifested by an increase in the parameters of the penis.
  8. Age. It has been proven that after about 30 years from the onset of maturation, the penis decreases by 2-3 cm from the average value of 15 cm.
  9. Excessively developed subcutaneous fat in the pubic area. Due to the large fat layer, the functional part of the phallus may decrease. Weight loss easily solves this problem.

Contrary to popular belief, height cannot be an indicator of the size of the phallus. Despite the importance of the parameters of the penis, a man, no matter how old he is, should not forget about the importance of sexual abilities and the nature of intersexual relations.

Who understands this, he will never get hung up on the size of his penis. Conclusion: the normal size of the penis is a rather vague indicator. Scientists believe that the normal size of an erect penis lies in the range of 12 to 20 centimeters. What penis size is normal? The thickness of the penis is more important than its length.

The question of the average size of manhood has always worried many men, especially in adolescence and middle age. Practically each of the representatives of the stronger sex was interested in what the normal penis size is, and compared with their own parameters. There was a lot of discussion around this topic at one time, but now it's time to look into this issue and put an end to this topic.

Currently, regarding the size of the penis, there are such concepts:

  1. micropenis- if the length of the stretched penis is not more than 2 cm
  2. small penis- penis less than 9.5 cm long when erect
  3. normal penis- statistically average size of 9.5 cm or more in erection

The length of the penis is closely related to the anthropometric characteristics of a man - a positive correlation was found with height and a negative correlation with the weight of a man.

In the course of numerous world studies in this area, scientists have not found any relationship between the size of the penis in a relaxed state and in a state of erection.

The size of the penis must be measured according to 3 parameters:

  • at rest
  • at maximum stretch
  • erection

The measurement is taken along the dorsal surface, from the peno-pubic angle (the angle formed by the base of the penis and the anterior abdominal wall) to the edge of the head. The penopubic angle should be 90 degrees.

By shape three main types prevail. The first is cylindrical, when the base and tip of the penis are up to about the same diameter. The second type is pointed, when the opposite is clearly wider, then the third type is mushroom-shaped, with a wide head and a narrow base.

By lenght male organs are also significantly different from each other. All those that reach 24 centimeters during an erection are included in the group giant. To the Commonwealth standard include penises from 16 to 22 centimeters. strong men organs are named from 8 to 16 centimeters long. Of course, there are unique ones - huge, more than 25 centimeters, and very small ones shorter than 2.5 centimeters, these are included in the extreme group, which is of interest to surgeons, endocrinologists and sex therapists.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy of Surgery recently decided to clarify and determine the normal penis size of the average man. The results of the studies showed that the average length of the object of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in an erect state - 10-10.5 cm.

Also, the experts of the academy came to the general opinion that the penis enlargement surgery is very often unreasonable. According to French surgeons, men insist on such an intervention, considering that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of those who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that the existing methods of penis size correction are very limited in terms of effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common methods of surgical intervention - dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause erectile dysfunction. And the increase in size with the help of fat implantation gives only a temporary and insignificant cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that such a method should be banned altogether.

The use of these techniques can be justified only when there is a congenital anomaly of the genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences of oncological diseases and injuries. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the groundlessness of such requirements and notify him of the possible consequences.

Curious facts

According to a sociological survey of Russian women, the majority believe that the normal length of a penis is 15 cm and its thickness is not important, but its length.

Women will be interested to know that a man's sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least that's what Camilla Ferdenzi, a sexologist at the University of Geneva, made. And the popular publication Men's Health, in one of its articles, reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, at rest, the size is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in sizes in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of a penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be attributed to the first type and only 21% to the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protection products LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast a penis length equal to or greater than 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest subject of male pride was 34.3 cm.

"How long should a penis be?" - the question is rather vague. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the length of the penis in most men ranges from 10 to 15 cm, while.

Men about penis length

The size of the penis is an exciting and almost the first question of every man during puberty. Almost every teenager was interested in what a penis should be, compared his dignity with the given parameters.

It is because of the many discussions that studies are being carried out to show men and women the true normal parameters of manhood.

Now such parameters have been derived that the man himself, as well as specialists, can navigate before prescribing a prompt solution to the problem of a small penis:

  1. Micropenis. A rare occurrence when the penis does not exceed 2 cm in length in a stretched state. According to some sources, this length is slightly longer - during an erection no more than 6-8 cm.
  2. Small penis, which in a state of arousal does not exceed 9.5 cm in length.
  3. Normal, that is, average, penis sizes in length are from 9.5 cm in a state of erection.

A slight correlation was found between penis size and height (positive), and a negative correlation was found between the length of the dignity and excess weight.

Experts say that you need to carry out in three different states:

  • at rest;
  • at full stretch;
  • during an erection.

Measurements are taken from a standing position, from the so-called peno-pubic angle, which should be equal to 90 degrees. This angle is located between the penis (from the pubis) to the end of the organ. At the same time, the shape of the penis is also noticed, which may differ in men:

  1. Cylindrical. When the penis is approximately the same thickness from base to tip.
  2. pointed a form when the end is slightly or narrower than the base.
  3. mushroom form when the opposite is true. That is, the base is thinner than the end.

What size should the penis be? These measurements are different for everyone. Researchers believe that a penis that reaches 24 cm belongs to the “giant” category, a large size is from 16 to 22 cm, members from 12 to 16 cm long are classified as robust. Extreme are two parameters that are too far from the norm. These are penises less than 2.5 cm and more than 25 cm, which are already of scientific interest to sexologists, endocrinologists, and surgeons.

What is the length of the penis - the results of the study

Similar measurements and surveys were carried out more than once, but the latest data from scientists from the Academy of Surgery in France showed what size should be:

  1. at rest from 9 to 9.5 cm.
  2. During an erection, the penis "grows" up to 13-14.5 cm.
  3. Thickness at rest ranges from 8.5 to 9 cm.
  4. Girth after excitation up to 10-10.5 cm.

Interestingly, about 85% of referrals due to a small penis to specialists belong to men who are just fine. Such patients believe that the parameters of their dignity cannot correspond to the norms of anatomy.

And due to the fact that any can lead to complications, doctors strongly recommend abandoning such an undertaking. Also, the types of surgical correction are quite limited, and some of them are accompanied by dissection of the ligament (suspensory ligament of the penis), which sometimes negatively affects the state of erection.

How big should a man's penis be for a doctor to perform an operation? These are cases with a micropenis, as well as too large organ parameters, when intercourse with a partner does not bring pleasure, threatens with injuries and combat syndrome. Sometimes, at the request of the patient, corrective surgeries are performed. Also, surgical methods are justified when there are congenital defects of the genital organs, deformities after trauma, as well as the consequences of oncological diseases.

Women's score

What should be? And this question has been asked many times. On average, the girls indicated a length of 15 cm, but they gave more importance to the thickness of the organ. Still, little depends on the original size. So, there are men in whom the length and width of the penis increases slightly compared to the original size, and vice versa, in almost 80% of men, the penis grows significantly after arousal, having initially small parameters. Also, it should be noted that often women "threw" their partners 1-2 centimeters from the actual length.

In order for your woman to feel complete satisfaction with you, you must be able to use what nature has given you, and drugs that support an erection will come to the rescue, and may also slightly affect penis size.

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For those cases when the erection is in order, but you want new vivid sensations and slightly increase the size of the penis, the Cream is suitable for penis enlargement, Penon also affects orgasm, the duration of sexual intercourse, and restrains premature ejaculation.

What should be the length of the penis is not as important as the ability to use it. All the research done on this topic leads to the same result: too much is also bad.

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