What vitamins to drink in the spring. Vitamins from a pharmacy: benefit or harm. What is spring beriberi? Symptoms and methods of struggle

After a long, lingering winter, we really want to finally breathe in the fresh spring air, hear the cheerful trills of birds in the trees, and look at the lush green grass! Indeed, with spring everything awakens to life, but the minuses also “emerge” outward. For example, a lack of vitamins in the body.

Avitaminosis, that is, with medical point vision is called a state of lack useful substances and minerals, “affects” almost every organism: young, elderly and children. If not prevented or at least not treated spring beriberi, then it can have much more serious consequences for the body and lead to cancers or cardiovascular problems .

How can you protect yourself from hidden threat carried by a seemingly harmless enemy? First you need to decide on the signs and symptoms of spring beriberi.

Signs and symptoms of beriberi in the spring

Each of us at least once in our lives felt the signs and symptoms of spring beriberi, even if we did not know their causes. Check how many of them you mentally check the box next to:

  • poor performance,
  • constant forgetfulness,
  • distracted attention,
  • lack of good mood
  • nervousness, unreasonable irritability,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • problems with nails and hair,
  • vision problems,
  • weight loss,
  • Problems gastrointestinal tract(vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence),
  • prolonged recovery period for respiratory viral diseases,
  • frequent complications after SARS, colds and runny nose,
  • severe skin dryness, accompanied by peeling,
  • long-lasting hematomas,
  • bleeding gums,
  • arrivals of the corners of the lips.

This list can be supplemented and supplemented, because everyone has vitamin deficiency expressed in different ways. . If you have noticed at least a few of them, then you should contact a specialist so that he can determine what deficiency your body suffers from and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Causes of spring beriberi

Yet why, when we talk about beriberi, then, if we don’t add it, then we definitely mean that it is “spring”? In short, because of the previous winter, which “pulled out” all the juices from the body. In the spring, we have to replenish the stocks of pantries of immunity.

Here's another several reasons notthe abundance of vitamins in our body:

  • greenhouse vegetables and fruits, which we eat in winter, do not replenish the nutrients in full;
  • the presence of foreign chemicals in other foods and drinks;
  • need heat treatment products that kill 70% of nutrients;
  • poor metabolism in the body;
  • diseases of the digestive system that interfere with the good absorption of minerals and vitamins;
  • existing imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • changes in age;
  • diseases in children, due to which the body cannot work well in the full sense;
  • taking many medications
  • special stresses on the immune system that the body experiences during pregnancy, after surgical operations and during hard training.

Knowing the causes of beriberi can lead to changes in daily routine or nutrition to prevent the main symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

Diseases with avitaminosis

Spring beriberi brings a whole bunch of diseases: some are cured quickly, while others can become chronic. Only a doctor, after conducting tests, will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Here is an incomplete list of diseases according to vitamin deficiency:

  • vitamin A (retinol): problems with vision, skin, immunity and nervous system,
  • B-group vitamins: problems with energy metabolism throughout the body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals), difficulty sleeping, digestion, irritability,
  • vitamin C: frequent incidence of respiratory viral diseases, decreased immunity, the appearance of internal bleeding,
  • vitamin D: problems with musculoskeletal system, bones, diabetes, tooth loss, hypertension,
  • vitamin E: infertility, lack of erection, cirrhosis.

Of course, you can't fix everything on your own. possible consequences beriberi, but something needs to be done to lead full image life.

Prevention and treatment of beriberi

Prevention - the best treatment. If you have ever dealt with it, then you know how true this folk wisdom. Especially since preventive measures simple enough to follow , and if you weave them into your daily routine, then you won’t feel any load at all.

  1. Diversify your diet: add more raw vegetables and fruits, preferably locally produced, eat legumes and nuts.
  2. Cook less or avoid heat treatment if possible.
  3. Eat less, but more often, make healthy snacks.
  4. Limit yourself to baked goods and sweets.

Treatment of spring vitamin deficiency occurs by taking vitamins of artificial origin. Entrust their frequency and composition to be determined by a specialist, because very popular today vitamin complexes in best case may not be useful, and in the worst case, they will aggravate the situation . Only a doctor knows which vitamins and minerals are best taken together and which are best taken separately.

Your health is only in your hands. So do your best to keep it as long as possible!

With enviable constancy at the beginning of spring, we are sleepy, weak, grow dull, our nails exfoliate. And usually we endure a couple of SARS in the spring. We also complain about heaviness in the legs, increased nervousness and poor appetite. And all this is a direct consequence of the traditional spring beriberi.

Actually, the term "avitaminosis" itself is not entirely correct in this case, because it means such an acute shortage of vitamins in the human body that it borders on a serious pathological condition and even death. Remember scurvy, which "mowed down" gold miners on the Klondike and sailors on long voyages? This is the most formidable "fellow traveler" of beriberi after long-term nutrition one corned beef. A modern city dweller has only a certain lack of vitamins and microelements, which are called hypomicroelementosis, respectively.

  • Bleeding gums when brushing teeth and appearing on their own small bruises
  • Reduced and, sleep and appetite disturbances
  • Cracks in the corners of the lips
  • Dry, pale, irritated skin with pimples
  • Increased response to any stimuli
  • or dull hair
  • Frequent colds
  • Aggravation chronic diseases(on the lips, candidiasis, disorders of the intestinal and vaginal flora)

A characteristic sign of hypovitaminosis is that it does not help symptomatic treatment: the cream does not nourish the skin, hair masks do not work, valerian does not provide sleep, and coffee does not invigorate. And all this is natural, because only replenishment of vitamins and microelements will help here. What kind?

What vitamins do we lack in spring?

In the spring, a person most often lacks vitamins A, all B vitamins, as well as C, D and E - that is, the most basic, vital important vitamins.

  • Vitamin A is needed for the growth and differentiation of cells in all our tissues, it provides normal condition and functions of the skin and blood vessels, maintains normal vision, sex hormones are involved.
  • The B vitamins provide normal work central and peripheral nervous system, (which means they remove and normalize), adjust correct work muscles, improve protein metabolism in the cells of all tissues, contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
  • - a well-known antioxidant that will help to cope with frequent SARS and other diseases. It also maintains vascular elasticity and connective tissue, protects other vitamins from destruction.
  • Vitamin E is an active participant in the general metabolism, and is also "responsible" for tissue regeneration, the condition vascular wall, is an antioxidant and contributes to normal functioning reproductive system person.

What trace elements are not enough in spring?

As a rule, spring lacks, first of all, the following macro- and microelements, which manifests itself in certain symptoms:

  • iron (weakness, lethargy, pale skin, hair)
  • iodine (memory impairment, edema,)
  • selenium (fatigue, hair, garlic taste in mouth)
  • calcium (exfoliating nails, dull)
  • magnesium ( increased nervousness tics, muscle cramps)
  • potassium (dizziness, weakness, convulsions)

Vitamin strategy and tactics

If you understand that spring has overtaken you, urgently work in two directions: change your diet and take multivitamin complexes.

Multivitamins. Despite the persistent opinion that synthetic vitamins“It won’t make any sense” and you only need to eat vegetables and fruits - this is not true. vitamins latest generation- these are high-quality, chemically pure compounds, they are balanced in exact therapeutic dose, practically do not cause any side effects. They are non-toxic, do not accumulate in the body, do not adversely affect the excretory organs - the liver and kidneys. But not everyone can afford to eat 2 kilograms of greens or vegetables, fruits, berries a day, and not everyone can afford it. Although, of course, the more foods in your diet in the spring plant origin, all the better. natural vitamins will be supplemented with synthetic ones. Agree, it is impossible to calculate your menu so accurately that absolutely all the microelements and vitamins you need are included every day. Taking a vitamin capsule will free you from calculations and the hassle of compiling proper diet.

diet . Be sure to try to have the following dishes and products on your table:

  • Any fresh herbs and lettuce leaves
  • Red lean meat and offal (liver, kidneys)
  • Fish (lightly salted or cooked on fire)
  • Eggs boiled in a bag
  • Sprouted sprouts of cereals and legumes
  • Unrefined and unrefined cereals
  • Fresh cottage cheese, kefir, milk
  • Any fresh vegetables and fruits just off the counter (they lose vitamins during storage)
  • Freshly squeezed juices (you can and should drink and vegetable juices eg celery)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Sour cabbage
  • Rosehip decoction

There are also some foods that contain the highest possible amount of vitamins and minerals. Remember, this is avocado, kiwi, coconut, sprouted grains of cereals.

For best result it will be useful to take care of your intestinal microflora and take within 3 weeks of drugs that contribute to its normalization. The digestibility of vitamins largely depends on the state of the intestine.

Little tricks for big things

As you know, almost all products in different conditions lose some of their vitamin value. To avoid this, you just need to follow some simple rules.

  • Do not keep vegetables and fruits in the sun and warm for a long time, store them in a cool and dark place.
  • Sauerkraut, cucumbers, etc. store in brine.
  • Do not keep fruits and greens for a long time in water, which washes away vitamins.
  • Do not store food sliced, chop them immediately before laying them in the pan or (if about a salad) - before serving.
  • Do not overcook or overcook foods, keep cooking time to a minimum. For example, the soup can be turned off half-finished, cover the pan with a lid and wait until it “reaches”: at a temperature below the boiling point, vitamins will remain 2 times more.
  • Prepare for one day, not for future use.
  • Defrost meat and fish in the refrigerator, never in water.
  • Steam food and bake on the grill.

Spring is on the calendar, but your health leaves much to be desired? Perhaps this is how signs of spring beriberi appear.

At the beginning of spring, many feel lethargy and drowsiness. They notice that the hair has become dull and brittle, and the skin is flaky. There is a tendency to catch colds. In everyday life, this condition is considered to be signs of spring beriberi. Let's see how serious this disease is and how to treat it.

Avitaminosis or lack of vitamins?

In fact, in the vast majority of cases we are talking not about beriberi, but about vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis). Avitaminosis is a disease that develops as a result of prolonged malnutrition and the complete absence of one or more vitamins. This is fraught with very serious consequences. For example, with an acute lack of vitamin C, scurvy develops. A critical deficiency of vitamin D leads to the appearance in children.

AT modern world beriberi - a rare event. Basically, it affects people whose vitamins for some reason are not absorbed by the body. In everyday life, hypovitaminosis is often found - a lack of vitamins. It develops when the body does not receive enough vitamins. It is hypovitaminosis that provokes ailments that often bother in early spring.

Not surprisingly, many people develop this disease state. After all, in winter our diet contains much less fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs than in summer and autumn. Moreover, by spring, the content of vitamins in the stocks of vegetables and fruits is significantly reduced. By the beginning of spring, the body reacts to this with external manifestations.

Manifestations of true beriberi depend on the vitamin that the body lacks. In particular, the symptoms of scurvy are bleeding gums and a hemorrhagic rash. For " night blindness"(Nyctalopia), caused by vitamin A deficiency, is characterized by a decrease in vision and orientation in space at dusk, narrowing of the visual fields.

In colloquial speech, doctors and patients call a lack of vitamins in the body spring beriberi. It is manifested by symptoms that occur in any combination.

A lack of vitamin A can be indicated by dandruff, peeling skin, brittle hair, exfoliating nails, white stripes on the nails, pustules on the skin. In addition, dryness and tearing of the eyes appear in the cold, sensitivity to pain increases.

Vitamin B1 deficiency is manifested by irritability, constant anxiety, insomnia, headaches, memory impairment, and impaired stool.

Lack of vitamin B2 is accompanied by weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss.

A lack of vitamin B3 can be indicated by rapid fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, insomnia, indigestion, appearance age spots, cracks and inflammation on the skin, pain in the limbs.

Signs of vitamin B5 deficiency include constant fatigue, fatigue, numbness of the toes, nausea, muscle pain.

B6 deficiency manifests itself increased anxiety, irritability, convulsions, dermatitis on the face, lethargy, stomatitis, conjunctivitis.

Signs of vitamin B9 deficiency are anxiety, memory problems, insomnia, and indigestion.

About the lack of vitamin B12 says fatigue, nervousness, numbness of the limbs, inflammation in the mouth.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Hello! My hair is dry, grows slowly, falls out. Please tell me, is it possible to rub vitamins (A, B, E) into pure form into the hair roots. How safe and effective is it?

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Vitamin C deficiency results in frequent colds, fragility of blood vessels, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Lack of vitamin D is manifested by insomnia, burning in the mouth, decreased vision, loss of appetite, brittle nails, caries.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency include dysbacteriosis, skin inflammation, dermatitis, impaired menstrual cycle, decreased vision, increased heart rate.

Insufficient levels of vitamin F are manifested by brittle nails and hair, the appearance of acne.

The consequence of a lack of vitamin H is hair loss, dandruff, pallor and inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, insomnia, and muscle pain.

Common signs of a lack of vitamins K and P are bleeding gums, bruising on the skin, and bleeding.

Where to look for vitamins?

You can make up for the lack of vitamins by buying pharmaceutical preparations(undevit, dekamevit, supradin, etc.). But without testing, you cannot know exactly which vitamins you are lacking. So don't buy pharmaceutical products without consulting a doctor. The best thing to do is to rethink your diet.

Depending on what signs of spring beriberi you found in yourself, pay attention to the following products:

  • Carrots, beets, beans, beef liver, pumpkin, butter rich in vitamin A.
  • Pork, buckwheat grain, boiled potatoes, risk, black bread, oatmeal, nuts - sources of vitamin B1.
  • Milk, pork, almonds are rich in vitamin B2.
  • Vitamin B3 is found in cheese, eggs, fish, milk, chicken meat, potatoes, beans, prunes, peanuts.
  • Meat, fish, nuts, whole wheat bread are sources of vitamin B5.
  • Bran, liver, sprouted wheat are sources of vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B9 can be found in leafy green vegetables and herbs, beets, peas, beans, carrots, cereals.
  • Dairy products and egg yolk rich in vitamin B12.
  • Spring sources of vitamin C - citrus fruits, rose hips, sauerkraut, kiwi, apples.
  • cottage cheese, butter, fish fat, mushrooms will help to fill the lack of vitamin D.
  • Vegetable oils contain vitamin F.
  • Beef liver, nuts, milk, egg yolk are also sources of vitamin H.

We usually have joyful and pleasant expectations associated with spring, but the reality often turns out to be completely different. It is difficult to enjoy life when you are overtaken by general lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, hair becomes dull and brittle, the skin begins to peel off. All these symptoms are signs of spring beriberi.

Causes of beriberi

In fact, what is called beriberi in everyday communication is not. Avitaminosis is a disease caused total absence in the body of one or another vital essential vitamin which can lead to very grave consequences. In the modern world, it is almost impossible to get such a lack of vitamins, except for cases when, for one reason or another, they are simply not absorbed by the body.

In everyday life, we are dealing with a different phenomenon - hypovitaminosis, that is, a condition caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is hypovitaminosis that causes various ailments, which are especially acute in the spring.

This is natural, because in winter period fresh fruits and greens are much less than in summer. And those that we eat do not contain so many vitamins. By spring, in vegetables and fruits, albeit fresh, but stored for a long time, the amount of vitamins is halved. As a result, the decrease in the level of vitamins and microelements in the body, which began in winter, by spring reaches the stage when it causes external manifestations- the same spring beriberi.

Manifestations of spring beriberi

The main symptoms of beriberi include:

  • increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased attention;
  • deterioration in the condition of hair and nails;
  • the appearance of poorly healing cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

All of these symptoms do not necessarily occur at the same time. These or other symptoms directly depend on which vitamin is lacking in the body.

So, redness, peeling, dermatitis, rashes and other signs of beriberi on the skin are most often associated with a lack of B vitamins (in particular, B2). Bleeding gums and poorly healing wounds indicate a lack of vitamin C in the first place, as well as vitamin E.

The appearance of beriberi on the face and skin can be caused by a lack of vitamin D. And a decrease in the amount of vitamins D, E, A, B2 and PP causes separation and increased fragility of nails and other signs of beriberi on the hands.

How to treat beriberi?

Avitaminosis is still a disease, and it needs to be treated. Many people think that in the summer, when a lot of vegetables and fruits appear in the diet, everything will go away on its own. Often, if vitamin deficiency does not appear on the hands or face in the form serious problems, people do not think at all about how to deal with beriberi in the spring.

But you can't let things go by themselves. After all, even with food we do not always get necessary complex vitamins and microelements. In addition, to obtain the required norm of vitamins, an average person must eat up to one and a half kilograms of various vegetables and fruits per day, which is unlikely.

Therefore, at the first signs of beriberi, you should drink a course of vitamins. Multivitamin complexes are sold at any pharmacy, but it is better if the choice is agreed with the doctor. On average, the course lasts a month, take vitamins better in the morning with water without gas.

Prevention of spring beriberi

In order not to lead to the onset of symptoms, it is worth thinking in advance about how to prevent spring beriberi. It will help here balanced diet with the use of those foods that contain the necessary vitamins.

The onset of spring is often accompanied by exhaustion of the body. The person feels constantly tired and lethargic. It is often weakened at the end of the cold season due to a lack of useful substances that can strengthen it - and minerals.

Reserve active components contributing to the normal functioning internal organs and systems, gradually depleted, contribute a lot to beriberi as well malnutrition, bad habits and past colds.


It is quite easy to recognize spring beriberi, but before choosing a way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and improve well-being, it is worth consulting a doctor: in some cases, similar signals indicate internal pathologies organism.

Symptoms of spring beriberi

As a rule, a specialist can easily recognize when a person is really suffering due to a lack of active substances in the body, and not because of destructive processes. Spring beriberi is determined by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • dry, ;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • constant irritability, nervousness;
  • insufficient;
  • appearance and hair;
  • frequent bacterial and viral diseases, including skin, provoked by hypothermia;
  • small cracks around the mouth;
  • violations of the processes of digestion and absorption: heartburn, belching, diarrhea, constipation;
  • tearfulness;
  • constant tearing, redness and eye fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • swelling of the face, joints, lymph nodes.

If the doctor observes similar symptoms in the patient who turned to him, he asks the patient to take several tests in order to exclude the risk of developing another, more dangerous pathology. After that, based on preferences and physiological features patient, he selects a method for restoring a tired body without active beneficial substances.

We recommend reading:

Ways to get rid of beriberi

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms and constant deterioration physical condition due to the lack of vitamins, it is worth taking measures to replenish in the body enough active substances. Most often, recommendations for treatment will be complex, therapy includes:

What vitamins are needed for spring beriberi

For any pathological condition, provoked by a lack of nutrients, the doctor can easily determine which component in the body is in short supply. Since spring beriberi is a whole complex adverse symptoms and signs modern specialists spent a lot of time figuring out what exactly organs and tissues need to continue normal functioning after the winter "vitamin hunger".

Most often, with the diagnosis of "spring beriberi", the patient's tests showed a lack of the following substances:

Eating a large amount of foods containing these vitamins will allow you to maintain immunity for a long time and get rid of mild symptoms spring beriberi. With more serious cases weakening of the body will be required additional reception vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

A dietary supplement containing high doses of these vitamins and additional essential minerals can be purchased at any pharmacy. Among the many brands as preventive drugs, as well as means for effective fight with spring beriberi, the following manufacturers and their pharmaceutical products have proven themselves best:

  • Supradin;
  • Alphabet in Cold Season;
  • Vitrum;
  • Complivit;
  • Solgar;
  • Superjacks;
  • Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus;
  • Duovit;
  • Doppel Hertz.

All these vitamin-mineral complexes are similar in composition, differ mainly in price category, taste and preferences for reception ( effervescent tablets, coated capsules or drinkable syrups). In some cases, the selected dietary supplement may cause allergies and other manifestations of individual intolerance. medicinal product. In this case, you should consult your doctor for the most rational replacement.

In addition, it is worth considering such conditions as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, lactation, active lifestyle. For the prevention of beriberi, you need a large number of vitamins and minerals, so it is better to give preference to a complex containing the highest doses of active substances.

When taking any kind of vitamins, the following rules should be observed:

  • Dietary supplements are best absorbed when taken in the morning, half an hour after a meal;
  • you can not drink vitamins with drinks containing caffeine and tannin (tea, coffee, even instant). Also, do not drink the drug with soda, juice or compote. Clean water is best;
  • vitamins should be taken regularly. The course of treatment and prevention is usually about 1-2 months with daily use funds;
  • it is imperative to follow the instructions of the doctor and follow the instructions attached to the medicinal product;
  • In order for vitamins to retain their properties for a long time, it is necessary to store them in a dark place at room temperature.

Proper use of dietary supplements in food helps to maximize the release of active substances, their rapid distribution to the right authorities and fabrics and effective impact health and weakened immune system.

Folk remedies for spring beriberi

Simple and effective home remedies, taken additionally, along with dietary supplements, will help to cope with spring beriberi. It is important to remember that many of them contain a large number of products that can provoke a lot of negative reactions body, such as heartburn or an allergy attack, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

The main source of vitamins in the old days were berries, vegetables and fruits, so most folk recipes based on their various applications in food and drink, for example:

Kuznetsova Irina, medical columnist

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