How to prevent heart disease. Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Physical education is your main assistant

The heart is the engine of the whole organism. World ecological catastrophy, modern pace of life, unbalanced diet and elevated level daily stresses lead to disruption in the work of this vital important body. In most cases, heart disease leads to a deterioration in the standard of living, dependence on medical preparations or devices. And in some cases - to disability, in difficult situations - to the death of the patient. This article will focus on what heart diseases are known: a list and symptoms, modern methods treatment of official and traditional medicine.

General symptoms

We will tell you what heart diseases exist: a list and symptoms, treatment - nothing will be left without attention. There are many types and subspecies of heart disease. Each case has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. But for the convenience of defining the problem in medical circles, it is customary to classify heart disease based on common features. Therefore, it is possible to identify symptoms characteristic of most heart problems, in the presence of which a person should immediately contact a cardiologist for further examination:

  1. Fatigue and fast fatiguability. Unfortunately, this symptom occurs in almost every second person living in a metropolis. It is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to such a slight malaise. But if for you such a state was not previously the norm, but appeared completely unexpectedly and stretched for long time, this is serious occasion for concerns about heart health.
  2. and heartbeat. This condition is normally observed during physical exertion, experiences, fear or excitement. But if the arrhythmia manifests itself daily or even several times a day without visible reasons Get checked out by a specialist.
  3. Shortness of breath - difficult breathing, a feeling of lack of air. This symptom occurs in 90% of people suffering from one or another heart disease.
  4. Dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, sweating, swelling. Such signs in some patients appear regularly, while in others they are completely absent.
  5. Chest pain often warns of an approaching symptom. The symptom has various manifestations: the pain can be sharp, short-term or prolonged “squeezing”, there are sensations of heaviness, stiffness in the chest. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the shoulder girdle, left hand or leg.

It is worth noting the fact that people often do not pay attention to most body signals. Moreover, there is not always a pronounced pain syndrome some kind of heart disease. The list and symptoms in each case are individual. Neglect of one's own health worsens medical statistics: about 40% of all deaths are the result of heart disease.

The reasons

Why do heart diseases appear? The names, the list of such problems is getting longer every day. The causes of heart disease are varied. First of all, the hereditary factor influences, as well as various disorders of a woman's pregnancy, which contribute to the formation of pathologies in the development of the fetal heart muscle.

Acquired heart problems appear due to malnutrition. About which products lead to malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, doctors are discussing. Some believe that excessive consumption fatty foods and simple carbohydrates adversely affects health. While other luminaries of science argue that just the absence of animal fats, glut of the body polyunsaturated acids leads to heart problems. One way or another, we can conclude that for prevention, one should adhere to the golden mean in nutrition and saturate the body with various useful substances.

Lack of physical activity, alcohol and nicotine abuse adversely affect the health of our internal natural motor. Nervous heart disease is common. The list of such health problems is growing daily.

Concomitant ailments can also lead to heart disease. For example, metabolic disorders, hematopoiesis and blood flow.

Heart diseases: list

Syndrome of palpitations occurs in almost every third inhabitant of the planet. Jumps in the pulse and heart rate for no reason are called arrhythmia or a violation of the pace of the heartbeat. This condition is not a disease in itself, but unpleasant symptoms and is considered a pronounced sign of heart problems of various origins: from impaired blood supply to the toxic effects of drugs.

Arrhythmia treatment

To fix the problem, you need to identify the root cause and deal with it. There are also medications to reduce the rhythm of the heartbeat, for example, "Disopyramide", "Timolol", "Verapamil", "Magnesium Sulfate" and others. They differ in the method of action and have a number of adverse reactions, contraindications. Self-administration of drugs against arrhythmias is unsafe for health.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs are widely used to normalize the heart rate. You can learn more about them in the corresponding chapter.

Heart failure

A condition such as heart failure, like arrhythmia, is not considered a disease, but is a consequence of improper heart function. At the same time, a person is concerned about the symptoms of heart problems, most often shortness of breath and rapid unusual fatigue. There is also a cyanosis of the nail plates and the nasolabial triangle due to a violation of the blood supply to the tissues.

Inflammatory diseases: pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis

There are heart diseases, the list and symptoms of which are listed below, which are inflammatory in nature:

  1. Pericarditis- inflammation in the pericardial cavity. The cause of such a problem is other diseases of the body, in particular, autoimmune and infectious. Also, pericarditis can develop after an injury. There is a stagnation of fluid in the specified section of the heart, which leads to difficulty in contracting the muscle, disrupting its work. Such a complication within just a few hours develops to a serious form - cardiac tamponade. Pressure in the pericardial region caused by increased fluid and inflammation of the walls can limit the ability of the organ to contract, up to its complete stop. Pericarditis is not immediately symptomatic, which also adversely affects the medical prognosis for the patient. This disease is deadly.
  2. Myocarditis- inflammation of the myocardium. The disease develops under the influence of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Often passes without severe symptoms. Recovery in this case occurs independently. According to the indications, antiviral, antibacterial, immunomodulating therapy can be used. This disease is dangerous possible development cardiomyopathy (stretching inner region heart muscle).
  3. Endocarditis- inflammation of the endocardium, internal disease infectious origin. It can form even after a seemingly insignificant surgical intervention, for example, when a tooth is removed. Symptoms are quite pronounced:
  • fever;
  • high body temperature;
  • pain in the joints;
  • grayish color of the skin;
  • thickening of the phalanges of the fingers;
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen;
  • development of kidney problems;
  • heart murmurs when heard with a stethoscope.

The disease is dangerous not only because it violates, but also the possibility of developing complications in other organs. Eliminated with antibacterial agents a wide range actions such heart disease. Symptoms and treatment depend on the severity and general condition of the patient. The course of taking antibiotics is at least two weeks. With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis for the patient is 70% favorable. But deaths are regularly recorded from this disease. Moreover, often a fatal outcome occurs not only due to disruption of the heart, but also from the failure of the liver and kidneys.

Problems of an inflammatory nature in the tissues of the heart muscle lead to complications, hearts develop. The list of such pathologies is regularly updated.

Ischemic disease

Atherosclerotic heart disease is widespread. The list and methods of their treatment are determined depending on the symptoms. So, ischemic disease hearts are an extremely dangerous condition. characteristic feature is a violation of blood flow in large vessels body, including coronary arteries supplying blood to the myocardium. Ischemic disease accounts for 90% of all heart diseases. Contribute to the formation of such a problem genetic predisposition, elderly age patient, overweight, diabetes, taking certain medications, bad habits and wrong image life.

This disease is dangerous by the development of such pathological conditions which can lead to death:

  1. Heart failure.
  2. Arrhythmia.
  3. Angina.
  4. Myocardial infarction - necrosis of the inner lining of the heart muscle.
  5. Heart failure.

Treatment of coronary disease

Since this disease is a common problem, we turn Special attention to modern methods of treatment coronary disease heart muscle. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor selects adequate treatment, but general recommendations such:

  • reduction of physical activity;
  • diet (reducing the amount of water and salt consumed).

Medical preparations

These heart diseases are treated medically. List of drugs that help improve blood flow and promote splitting cholesterol plaques, next:

  • antiplatelet agents "Trombopol", "Clopidogrel";
  • adrenoblockers "Coronal", "Betalok", "Dilatrend";
  • nitrates;
  • anticoagulants;
  • diuretics.

Surgical methods

The following surgical methods are used:

  1. Coronary bypass.
  2. The introduction of a medical balloon.

Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to completely eliminate this disease. Treatment methods are used to prevent the development of complications, including heart attack and slow the progression of coronary disease.

congenital ailments

Meet congenital diseases hearts. Names, list, symptoms depend on the nature of the pathology. During the period of intrauterine development of the fetus in the presence of adverse factors the development of various disorders of the formation of the heart muscle and adjacent arteries is possible. Such birth defects are the main causes of death in newborns and infants. Often babies with birth defects hearts remain profoundly disabled.

The main risk factor is genetic. The secondary factors are the following: environmental, viral and infectious diseases, poisoning chemicals, abuse of nicotine, alcohol, drug use by the expectant mother.

When pathologies of the development of the heart muscle are detected in a newborn, it is often prescribed surgical intervention according to indications. But such a cardinal method has high level risk. Unfortunately, the forecasts are disappointing, the probability lethal outcome or disability is very high when diagnosing a serious pathology.

Folk remedies for the treatment of heart disease

Unpleasant symptoms of heart disease are also treated with folk remedies. The names (list) of herbs and fruits that will help normalize the pulse, reduce pressure on the heart muscle, remove stagnant fluid, improve blood flow and metabolism, soothe, improve sleep and increase immunity, are as follows:

  • peppermint;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • rose hip;
  • valerian;
  • calendula.

Prevention of heart disease

Unfortunately, no one is immune from genetic and hereditary factors. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent congenital heart disease. Everyone should know the list and symptoms of such diseases, and at the first suspicion, you should contact a cardiologist for a professional examination. This significantly increases the chance of a full recovery.

In addition, a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Adhere to proper nutrition, watch your weight, actively spend your leisure time, go regularly medical checkup pay special attention to the diagnosis blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Follow your body's signals - timely appeal Seeing a doctor can not only improve the quality of life, but in many cases save such a valuable gift.

  1. healthy eating. It implies a reduction in the daily diet of fatty and fried foods, confectionery fats, caffeine, salt, sugar, chicken eggs, and the introduction of sea fish, poultry meat low-fat varieties(without skin), legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and berries.
  2. Fighting overweight . All people should monitor their weight, with its increase, observe low calorie diet and exercise.
  3. The fight against hypodynamia. Hiking on the fresh air, sports and physical education with an adequate load, refusal from frequent use car or elevator - all this reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Rejection bad habits . It implies self-cessation of smoking, alcohol, drugs, or getting rid of these harmful addictions with the help of special treatment.
  5. Stress management. Ability to respond appropriately to minor problems nice talking with like-minded people and hobbies, correct mode work and leisure, normal sleep, music therapy and reception of natural sedatives- all these measures will reduce the number of stressful situations.
  6. Self-monitoring of blood pressure and its timely reduction. It implies regular measurement of blood pressure according to the recommendations European Society cardiologists or if anxiety symptoms, systematic intake of antihypertensive drugs prescribed by a doctor.
  7. Systematic preventive examination. People who are at risk for developing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels or who notice an increase in blood pressure when measuring it on their own should visit a doctor in a timely manner, follow his recommendations and conduct preventive examinations (measurement of blood pressure, pulse, ECG, Echo-KG, blood tests, etc. .).
  8. Regular monitoring of blood cholesterol levels. All people over the age of 30 should have an annual blood cholesterol test.
  9. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels. People over the age of 40-45 should have their blood tested for sugar annually.
  10. Taking blood thinners. It implies the use of blood thinners prescribed by a cardiologist by those people who are at risk for the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels have become the number one problem worldwide. Think about it! Every year in Russia, 1 million 300 people die due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system! And, unfortunately, Russia is one of the leaders in these indicators. 55% of deaths in the country are due to pathologies of the heart and blood vessels!

How to fight against cardiovascular diseases? Remember! The most best measure- Competent prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels!

The composition of the daily diet significantly affects the state of blood vessels and the heart. Frequent and excessive consumption of fatty and fried foods, coffee, eggs, salt and sugar - Right way to the deterioration of the state of blood vessels and the development of hypertension and other dangerous ailments.

The increased content of saturated fats, caffeine, salt and sugar increases the level of "bad" cholesterol and blood sugar. Under their influence vascular walls atherosclerotic plaques that calcify over time are formed. There is a narrowing of the lumen of the vessels, leading to their wear. This factor increases the load on the heart, develops. Hypertension, in turn, leads to the development of many serious illnesses which can lead to disability and death.

Useful for the heart and blood vessels:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • poultry meat;
  • vegetable oils;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries.

Harmful to the heart and blood vessels:

  • fat meat;
  • confectionery fat;
  • sugar and products with it;
  • chicken eggs (no more than 1-2 per week);
  • coffee (no more than 1 cup per day).

2. Weight loss

Obesity always increases the risk of vascular and heart pathologies - every extra 10 kg can increase blood pressure by 10-20 mm Hg. Art. All people need to be regularly weighed and measure the circumference of the abdomen to determine.

Norm indicators:

  • body mass index (according to Quetelet) - up to 28.0;
  • waist circumference - up to 88 cm for women, up to 102 cm for men.

If these indicators are exceeded, it is necessary to follow a low-calorie diet and be physically active.

3. Fight against hypodynamia

Hypodynamia is one of common causes diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is confirmed by the facts about the low physical activity of citizens and the elderly.

Physical education and frequent exposure to fresh air will allow you to:

  • activate blood circulation (see);
  • strengthen the myocardium and vascular walls;
  • accelerate the withdrawal of "bad" cholesterol;
  • saturate body tissues with oxygen;
  • normalize metabolic processes.

Remember! Physical activity should be age appropriate general condition health. Be sure to check with your doctor - do you have any contraindications for physical education, and what loads are acceptable for you!

4. Refusal of bad habits

All studies on the effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs point to one indisputable fact - giving up these bad habits can reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases by dozens of times. The intake of these toxic substances in the body leads to the following consequences:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • development of arrhythmia;
  • increased heart rate;
  • obesity;
  • increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • development of atherosclerosis;
  • fatty infiltration and toxic injury heart muscle;
  • deterioration of the condition of the myocardium and vascular walls.

If you cannot get rid of the addiction yourself, then to give up bad habits should use the following methods:

  • for smoking cessation - acupuncture, nicotine patches or chewing gums, hypnosis, author's methods of Zhdanov, Macken, Carr, Shichko, etc.;
  • to quit alcohol or drug addiction- a course of treatment and rehabilitation by a professional narcologist.

5. Stress management

Frequent stressful situations lead to wear of blood vessels and myocardium. During nervous strain increases the level of adrenaline. In response to its impact, the heart begins to beat faster, and the vessels are constricted by spasm. As a result, there is a jump in blood pressure, and the myocardium wears out much faster.

Here are some ways to deal with stress:

  • more often to be in the fresh air or in nature;
  • learn not to react violently to minor troubles or everyday difficulties;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • get enough sleep;
  • receive positive emotions from hobbies and communication with friends or relatives;
  • listen to relaxing classical music;
  • when nervous, take sedatives based on medicinal herbs.

6. Self-control of blood pressure and its timely reduction

According to statistics in Russia due to arterial hypertension about 100 thousand people die. An increase in blood pressure leads to the development of coronary artery disease, heart attacks, strokes and other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. That is why all people should regularly monitor pressure indicators.

  • if at the first measurement the indicators are below 140/90 - persons not in the risk group are measured 1 time per year, persons in the risk group are measured 3 times a year;
  • if, with two measurements, the indicators are 140-180 / 90-105 - they are measured at least 2 times a month;
  • if at two measurements the indicators are 180 and above / 105 and above, they are measured daily and only against the background of the initiated antihypertensive therapy.

The reason for the mandatory unscheduled measurement of blood pressure may be the following signs:

  • headache or dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • "flies" before the eyes;
  • heaviness or or heart.

When identifying increased performance BP method for lowering it with the help of medicines should be chosen by a doctor.

7. Systematic preventive examination

Scheduled preventive examinations and timely visits to a cardiologist should become the norm for people at risk for the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. The same applies to people who report an increase in blood pressure when measured independently. Do not neglect the recommendations of your doctor!

To plan regular examination may include the following activities:

  • listening to heart sounds;
  • measurement of blood pressure and pulse;
  • tests for cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • ergometry;
  • Echo-KG;

Which ones are right for you? The doctor will determine.

8. Controlling blood cholesterol levels

It is necessary to start annually to control the level of cholesterol in the blood after 30 years. At healthy people its level should not exceed 5 mmol / l, and in patients with diabetes - 4-4.5 mmol / l.

9. Blood sugar control

It is necessary to start monitoring blood sugar levels annually after 40-45 years. Its level should not exceed 3.3-5.5 mmol / l (in the blood from a finger), 4-6 mmol / l (in the blood from a vein).

10. Taking blood thinners

For people at risk, a cardiologist may recommend taking blood thinners. The choice of the drug, its dose, the duration of the course of administration is determined only by the doctor, guided by the data of analyzes and other examinations.

Compliance with these rules for prevention cordially- vascular diseases significantly reduce the risk of their development. Remember this and be healthy!

Cardiologist Petrova Yu.

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the population. Based on the forecasts of experts, by 2030, approximately 23.3 million people will die from this disease. Despite this, doctors say that almost all diseases of this type can be prevented in advance. Diseases of the cardiovascular system include heart disease, blood vessels, congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, peripheral arterial disease.

Causes of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • Constant nervous tension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Infections (enterococcus, myocarditis, Staphylococcus aureus, pericarditis).
  • Malfunctions in intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Improper nutrition (use in large quantities food containing table salt and animal fats).
  • Heredity (the presence of the disease in close relatives).
  • Obesity.
  • Wrong lifestyle (alcohol, smoking, sedentary image life).
  • Climax.
  • Cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, stomach diseases.
  • Production factors (vibrations, noise).

Prevention of the risk of cardiovascular diseases is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease are characterized individual characteristics that influence the development certain disease in a person. Based on studies, significantly increase the risk sudden death three factors: hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and smoking.

Most effective way reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease is a fundamental change in lifestyle, taking the necessary measures regarding risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, diabetes, as well as alcohol and tobacco use.

Developing features of prevention and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, professionals presented a program healthy lifestyle life.

Eat the right food

Healthy and proper food is the key to a healthy heart, so you should immediately give up junk food, fast foods and salt. Foods such as raisins, yogurt, legumes or whole grains have a beneficial effect on heart function. Food intake must be controlled: calories derived from fat should not exceed 30% of all calories consumed per day. Based on this, an adult needs to eat at least 60 grams of fat per day. If the cholesterol level is above normal, then it is worth adhering to a certain diet, which is based on reducing the level of caloric content of food, reducing the amount of animal fats, fiber, and fats. plant origin. In the summer, it is worth eating foods that have a significant amount of potassium in their composition. Such products include grapes, apricots, melons, tomatoes, green beans and sweet berries.

go in for sports

Physical exercise strengthens the heart effective work. American experts recommend doing sports at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

Give up cigarettes

Studies have shown that smokers are twice as likely to have heart attacks than non-smokers. Three years after quitting smoking, the likelihood of cardiovascular disease becomes like that of a non-smoker.

Constantly examined

Everyone needs to monitor their blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. With this information, you can prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Rest and relax

Fatigue, stress and nervous tension adversely affect the state of the human heart. To reduce the likelihood of problems, experts recommend resting more and taking only the good from life. Experiments show that music can not only stabilize the work of the heart, but also speed up the process of rehabilitation of the cores, since important hormones appear at the moment of listening to music. No less effective are massages and baths with essential oils.

During sleep, day or night, there is a decrease in the load on the heart, as a result of which it functions calmly.

Less adrenaline

A large amount of adrenaline contributes to vasospasm due to the accumulation of negative emotions.

Cardiologists prescribe medications that are aimed at normalizing the state of the cardiovascular system. Such drugs must be taken in a course, in certain doses. If you regularly use medications the therapy will be ineffective.

To the most effective drugs can be attributed:

  • acetylsalicylic acid - improves blood vessels;
  • calcium antagonists - effective in hypertension, reduce arrhythmia;
  • electrolytes - regulate the balance of macro - and microelements;
  • beta-blockers - contribute to the work of the heart in a sparing mode, which is very effective after a heart attack.

Taking medication, whether it be treatment or prevention, must be coordinated with a competent specialist!

A rapid change in lifestyle, mechanization, urbanization and industrialization have contributed to the fact that diseases of the cardiovascular system have become a mass phenomenon among residents of developed countries. Prevention of these diseases is primarily based on the elimination of risk factors. Studies that were carried out in our country, as well as abroad, showed that the preventive program helps to reduce the mortality rate. The main habits, lifestyle begin to be laid in childhood, adolescence, so it is worth educating children in order to prevent the development of habits that are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

If used daily as a preventive measure, you can reduce the likelihood of a heart attack by up to 85%. If you give up cigarettes, get rid of excess weight, keep your blood pressure and cholesterol normal, then the figure will already be 75%. Therefore, there is always something to strive for.

Heart disease is often attributed to genetics, however, as functional medicine proves, preventive approaches can change the potential trend of predisposition.

Today, heart disease is treated with drugs that eliminate the symptoms, while it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Food, physical activity, stress, toxins in environment- all these factors that affect cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and, of course, disruption of the heart. Numerous studies have proven that a healthy lifestyle is the best prevention of heart disease: cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart failure, heart attack, cancer.

If you have a genetic predisposition for heart disease, your lifestyle can change the expression of the gene without drugs that treat the symptoms. It goes without saying that medications are needed if the disease is already running and progressing, but this can be avoided by changing your habits and way of life. And this is not only the prevention of heart disease, but all diseases. What exactly does functional medicine advise to avoid heart disease?

Go in for sports

Heart failure is most common in sedentary people. Studies show that exercising for 30-45 minutes at least 5 times a week helps to avoid not only heart disease, but also other chronic diseases. The heart is a muscle, and all muscles need to be exercised. If health permits, good result provide intense interval training. They not only "pump" the heart muscle, but also effectively burn fat.

Learn to manage stress

Heart disease is often the result of stress. Stress provokes inflammatory processes in the body, increases the level of cholesterol and sugar, blood pressure. You must learn to control stress and relax - try yoga, meditation, herbal teas, breathing exercises.

Eat Right

To avoid high blood sugar and prevent heart failure, eat protein with every meal (nuts, legumes, seeds), and lean animal protein (fish, turkey, chicken). Combine protein, carbohydrates and fats in every meal. Eat more fiber, healthy vegetable oils (especially olive). Add flaxseeds to your food - they lower cholesterol. Also drink to lower your cholesterol. green tea, eat soy products.

Reduce alcohol, coffee, fast sugar, flour products. Eliminate fast food and hydrogenated fats (margarine, emulsifiers, processed oils). Do not let yourself go hungry - eat a little every 3-4 hours to keep insulin and sugar levels normal. Don't eat 3 hours before bed.

Fish oil - prevention of heart disease

Nutritional support combined with proper nutrition gives a very good effect and helps to cure not only heart disease, but also other ailments. Fish oil contains Omega-3 - polyunsaturated fatty acids that restore the elasticity of blood vessels, clear cholesterol, and reduce the risk of thrombosis. In addition, omega-3s improve blood circulation to the brain, metabolism, are beneficial for bones and joints, and for the skin.

Fish Oil Purity

Few people know, but in order for fish oil to really have an effect, it is necessary to choose it correctly. Most pay attention to indicators such as fat concentration, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). But an important mark of a product's quality is its purity.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) certificate. It is issued by an independent Canadian company that tests fish oil and products based on it for the presence of harmful impurities. The product is evaluated according to a five-star classification:

1 star - the product meets the requirements of the World Health Organization and the Association of Food Additives and Ingredients (CRN).

2 stars - the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA in the product is not lower than 60%.

3 stars - the level of oxidation is 75% below the permissible values ​​​​according to the CRN classification.

4 stars - Polychlorinated Buphenyls (a hazardous organic pollutant that often accumulates in fish) is 50% below CRN limits.

5 stars - levels of dioxins and furans are 50% below the acceptable standards of the World Health Organization.

Not all products are approved according to this classification. Five stars for Omega MonoPure® 1300 EC, a monoglyceride fish oil that has three times the absorption of EPA/DHA. The product has a high level of purity, stability and activity of fish oils, superior to others fish oils thanks to MaxSimil's patented Lipid Uptake Enhancement Technology (PLATform).

Based on materials

Greetings to all blog readers!

Currently, in the entire civilized world, cardiovascular diseases have come out on top. It is alarming that these diseases in recent times often occur at a young age and are the causes of severe outcomes.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases help prevent heart disease. To do this, you need to know what our heart does not love, but what it responds with gratitude to.

First, let's talk about what the heart likes.

In prevention cardiovascular diseases, nutrition should be the first priority. Eat wholemeal bread in which a large number of fiber. Fiber collects cholesterol and removes it from the body. This means that atherosclerotic phenomena will manifest themselves much more slowly.

Consume more vegetables and fruits, they contain important trace elements and vitamins for the heart.

It is better to refuse animal fats, and use vegetable oil. by the most best oil considered olive and linseed.

Don't forget about sea ​​fish and seafood that are rich in omega-3s fatty acids and Q-10. These substances contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Drink unboiled and high-quality raw water. In boiled water, there is little calcium, and this leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, it is good to carry out fasting days, for example, eat during the day only vegetables, fruits or drink kefir.

Eat four times a day, try to eat dinner no later than three hours before bedtime.

For cardiovascular diseases it is useful to take daily walks. If there is not enough time for walking, walk on the way to and from work. You need to leave the house early and try not to walk along busy highways. It's good to walk through parks where you can get some fresh air.

Engage in regular physical activity. They should be moderate, varied. They should be increased gradually.

For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, try a course of treatment with raisins. This recipe will help the heart, relieve weakness and pain in the heart.

Take 2 kilograms of pitted raisins. Rinse well first with warm water and then cold water. Let dry, sort out. Cooked raisins during the day, eat an even amount of 40 raisins in the morning on an empty stomach. Start eating breakfast no earlier than one hour later. According to this scheme, you need to eat 1 kilogram of raisins. Start taking the second kilogram in a decreasing pattern. Today 40 pieces, tomorrow 39, and so on. preventive treatment maybe 1-2 times a year.

In autumn, do not forget to prepare viburnum. Drink viburnum tea with honey or sugar for prevention.

In autumn, do not miss the opportunity and carry out a preventive course of treatment with a mixture of apple and beet juice.

The juice mixture recipe is prepared as follows:

Squeeze apple and beet juice through a juicer. Let stand 2 hours. Mix 5 parts apple cider and 1 part beetroot juice. Take 2 glasses a day.

It is good to prepare the juice of beets and honey in a ratio of 1: 2, add the juice of one lemon. Drink an hour after eating, half a glass. Store the juice mixture in the refrigerator.

Now let's talk about what the heart reacts badly to, what does it not like?

A large peak of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks occurs at the beginning of the summer period. People come to their dachas and try to immediately redo everything. We must not forget that you will never completely redo everything. It is better to engage in a slow pace, but you will avoid terrible consequences. All of the above can be recommended to people who decide to make repairs on their own.

Pay attention to sleep. Sleeping for a long time is bad, but lack of sleep is also harmful. A big risk for cardiovascular disease is working night shifts or overtime.

Avoid stress and conflict situations. You need to try to get away from them altogether or treat them with a bit of humor. Think about what is not ideal people and we are all so different.

Control your blood pressure. High blood pressure can lead to a heart attack, significantly increases the load on the heart. Every home should have a pressure gauge. The choice of tonometers is now really great, you can choose for every taste and price.

Pay attention to salt, try to salt less food, but it is not recommended to completely refuse salt.

Pay attention to your weight. Try to get rid of excess weight. Excess weight often leads to an increase blood pressure.

Keep track of your cholesterol levels, do not forget to donate blood for lipid composition. If the indicators are increased, try to take action and change your lifestyle and diet.

Ask your doctor to do a blood clotting test once a year. Viscous blood passes poorly through the vessels, blood microcirculation is disturbed. And to make the blood less viscous, do not forget the lemon and cranberries. Aspirin also thins the blood, in small doses it is prescribed by doctors. So you will be protected from thrombosis.

Magnesium and calcium deficiencies decrease significantly with age. This is especially true for women, in their body come hormonal changes. Deficiency of these important minerals leads to cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, every woman over 40 years of age should take magnesium and calcium supplements.

Such simple prevention cardiovascular disease will definitely help you cope with serious ailments.

Your health must be protected, for us it is priceless. Take preventive measures, lead a healthy lifestyle.

And I wish you good health! Do not forget that our heart is such a vulnerable and delicate organ!

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

AT Kirov region in the structure of mortality, diseases of the circulatory system account for more than half, as a result of cardiovascular diseases, about 2 thousand people under the age of 60 die annually, more than 400 thousand working days are lost annually due to temporary disability.

To minimize the risk of developing hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and, accordingly, such formidable complications these diseases such as myocardial infarction and acute disorder cerebral circulation(stroke), each person should know the risk factors, the elimination of which will increase life expectancy and make it more comfortable.

What are these risk factors?

  1. High blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg)
  2. Elevated blood cholesterol (upper limit of normal 5.0 mmol / l).
  3. Elevated fasting blood sugar (normal blood glucose is 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l).
  4. Smoking.
  5. Overweight. Most of the negative impact on health abdominal obesity, which can be determined by the circumference of the waist. For men, the waist circumference should not exceed 102 cm, and for women - 88 cm.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Alcohol abuse.
  8. Excess intake of fatty and salty foods. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats to a minimum (lard, little butter, sour cream, a lot of animal fats in sausages), and limit salt intake to 3-5 g per day (a teaspoon without a “hill”).

In terms of preventing cardiovascular accidents, it is especially necessary to highlight the need to control the level of blood pressure, since high blood pressure increases the risk of developing stroke and myocardial infarction several times. The optimal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg.

According to studies conducted in the Kirov region, the prevalence of arterial hypertension among the adult population of the region is 40.9%. 67.9% know their blood pressure level. Among those suffering from hypertension, more than half receive antihypertensive therapy, but only a seventh of them are treated effectively. Against the background of treatment, only every seventeenth among the patient population achieves and maintains normal blood pressure for a long time (years) arterial hypertension. The male part of the population is especially bad about their health.

The low effectiveness of treatment is primarily due to the fact that it is still common misconception about the course treatment of hypertension, when, upon reaching normal numbers of blood pressure, drugs are canceled. Hypertonic disease the disease is chronic, so the treatment should be daily and long-term, and normal blood pressure figures indicate that the treatment is chosen correctly and should be continued.

The World Heart Federation notes that it is critical that efforts to combat cardiovascular diseases go beyond political and medical workers. People around the world themselves can reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease in themselves and their loved ones. Household as the center of family and Everyday life each person is a great place to start taking steps to improve heart health. By slightly changing the norm of housekeeping and behavior at home, in order to prevent the development of heart disease and stroke, people around the world can live longer and better.

The World Heart Federation has identified four simple steps to follow in daily life:

  • Do not allow smoking in the house. By quitting smoking, you will improve your health and the health of your loved ones. Establish a rule: for each cigarette smoked, the smoker performs extra work at home.
  • Stick to principles healthy eating. Your diet should contain vegetables and fruits. Avoid fatty, fried and high-calorie foods.
  • Encourage physical activity. Limit the time you and your family members spend in front of the TV and computer. Organize family walks, hikes and outdoor games.
  • Know your numbers. Visit medical institution, for example, the Health Center, where your blood pressure will be measured, the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood will be determined, and the body mass index will be calculated. Knowing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, you can develop a specific action plan to improve heart health.

By adhering to these rules, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, not all heart disease is preventable. Over 70 percent of all heart attacks and strokes requiring emergency medical attention occur at home when there is a family member nearby who can help the patient. Therefore, it is important to know what measures to take if a heart attack or ischemic stroke develops at home. If you suspect that your family member has heart attack or stroke, seek immediate medical attention medical care. Always have emergency numbers handy.

Signs of a heart attack:

  • Discomfort in chest, including constricting pain in the chest or behind the sternum.
  • Discomfort and/or pain that radiates to other areas of the upper body, such as one or both arms, under the shoulder blades, back, neck, upper or lower jaw or in the stomach area.
  • Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
  • Other signs include: unexplained weakness or tiredness, restlessness or unusual nervousness, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting.

Signs of a stroke:

  • Sudden weakness in the face, arm, or leg, most often on one side of the body.
  • Sudden clouding of consciousness, problems with speech or with understanding speech.
  • Sudden vision problems in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause.

If you observe any of these signs, which may be transient, call an ambulance immediately. Remember, the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Celebrating World Heart Day, take responsibility for the health of your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. Make your home a place where you can healthy food where tobacco use is not allowed and where physical activity is encouraged to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is in your power to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle in your home!

Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Atherosclerosis. hypertension

Today we will continue to talk about modifying your lifestyle to reduce your individual risk. It will be about other measures of primary and secondary prevention, including individual medicines.

Start in all patients after MI and acute coronary syndrome. Continue taking indefinitely. Observe the usual contraindications. Use as needed to treat angina, arrhythmias, or hypertension in all other patients.

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure, ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme, Hemoglobin A1c, the largest fraction of adult hemoglobin (glycolized hemoglobin), MI, myocardial infarction, BMI, body mass index, HDL, high density lipoprotein, LDL, low density lipoprotein, INR, international normalized ratio, HNK - chronic insufficiency circulation, CRF - chronic renal failure.

* Resin use is relatively contraindicated when triglycerides< 200 мг/дл (5,2 ммоль/л).

† - not HDL cholesterol = total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol.

Information about some individual preparations which are shown in the table:

STATINS. The most studied statin to date is simvastatin (sold in pharmacies under the names: Zocor, Simvor, Vasilip, Simgal, etc.). Since December 2003, sold in the UK without a prescription. Starting dose 10 mg x 1 time per day at bedtime. Further, the dose is selected under the control of the level of LDL cholesterol (beta-lipoproteins, "bad" cholesterol). Two weeks after the start of treatment, it is advisable to perform biochemical analysis blood for the activity of ALT and CPK enzymes. Possible side effects of simvastatin are comparable in frequency to placebo. If you have had angina pectoris, then the intensity of pain on the background of statins should decrease, as a rule, there are no other sensations when taking simvastatin. Simvastatin has been shown to reduce mortality and the development of myocardial infarction and stroke in patients taking it.

Fibrates, niacin, resin are drugs that are prescribed and controlled only by a doctor!

Antithrombotics / Anticoagulants. The most studied drugs in this group are aspirin (sold in pharmacies under the names: aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, thrombo ACC, etc.) and warfarin. Aspirin is taken once a day at a dose of 75 to 325 mg. A contraindication to the use of aspirin is a predisposition to bleeding and/or ulceration. Aspirin in a protective shell causes stomach ulcers in the same way as uncoated aspirin, because. this action occurs through the bloodstream, by acting on the enzyme cyclooxygenase, and not at the point of contact on the gastric mucosa. Aspirin has been shown to reduce mortality and the development of myocardial infarction and stroke in patients taking it.

Warfarin is a drug that only a doctor prescribes and controls its action! The selection of the dose of warfarin is carried out under the control of blood coagulability indicators!

ACE inhibitors. The most studied drugs from this group are ramipril (sold in pharmacies under the names: tritace, korpril) and enalapril (sold in pharmacies under the names: renitek, enap, ednit, invoril, enam, etc.). The initial dose for ramipril is 2.5 mg x 1 time per day, for enalapril 5 mg x 2 times a day. Ramipril and enalapril are contraindicated in pregnancy, hyperkalemia, bilateral stenosis renal arteries and stenosis aortic valve. The dose is adjusted according to the level of blood pressure to the maximum tolerated. Ramipril or enlaril has been shown to reduce mortality and the development of myocardial infarction and stroke in patients taking one of these drugs.

Beta blockers. The most studied drug from this group is metoprolol (sold in pharmacies under the names: betalok, egilok, unilok, etc.). The initial dose is 12.5 mg x 2 times a day. Contraindications to metoprolol: bronchial asthma and other obstructive pulmonary diseases, bradycardia and AV block. The dose is selected according to the level of blood pressure. Metoprolol has been shown to reduce mortality and myocardial infarction in patients receiving it.

One of the diseases that can lead to the development of myocardial infarction is hypertension. This is why blood pressure control is so important.

First you need to decide: do you have hypertension?

Definition and classification of blood pressure levels

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