Andrei Baryshev biography for elections. Andrei Baryshev: “This is how a community of caring people arises. Do not leave the "communal"

And again on the air "Big Edition" from "Garanada Press". State Duma deputy Andrey Viktorovich Baryshev visiting journalists. In the country's parliament, he works in several committees at once: agrarian, construction and transport, legislation, and a number of other committees. What is welcomed according to the State Duma orders - a person is eager to work. We agreed with Andrei Viktorovich right away: we ask uncomfortable questions. To which he cheerfully replied: "Let's go!".

photo by Andrey TKACHENKO

Do not leave the "communal"

- Andrei Viktorovich, what topics are the hottest for the population today?

The most urgent is the topic of housing and communal services, since 80% of citizens' and voters' applications today are connected in one way or another with housing and communal services. Literally at the last plenary meeting, in the first reading, we adopted a law according to which a direct contract for payment will be concluded between resource supplying organizations and apartment owners. In many regions, this happened through the Management Company (MC). We paid for water, electricity, heat. Then some companies went bankrupt. And people were in debt. Resources support this initiative. But the problem is different. Today, our courts are overflowing with appeals from the Criminal Code, Homeowners' associations regarding ODN (general house needs). Exceeding the ODN limit today falls on the shoulders of the Criminal Code. And in the end - on the shoulders of the inhabitants. Take into account the sum of the readings of individual meters and the reading of the common house meter. The difference between them is ODN. Who will pay? UK or HOA?

Here is an example. The pensioner says: “They brought me a receipt. There ODN - 4000 rubles! She lives in a small one-room apartment. “Three light bulbs in the entrance. What are they taking for?"

We have half of the Kulibins - they can make the counter spin more slowly or freeze altogether. And in the end, for the UK, this translates into huge losses. But the money is taken from the tenants. MCs begin to play the role of collectors.

Deputy Baryshev came up with an initiative at the expert council: all individual devices should be the property of resource workers. MRSK or Energosbyt must purchase individual devices at their own expense and install them in places of general accessibility. You can always take readings and understand the difference with general house readings. And we will also be relieved of the need to buy a new device every five years and deal with its verification. This is also true from the point of view of consumer law, civil and housing codes. Otherwise, the UK will go bankrupt.

- Andrei Viktorovich, they say that the cost of appliances will be sewn into the bills for residents?

This is pure blackmail. Today rates are growing exponentially. And the profitability, even with the proper operation of the management company, reaches 30%. These companies are not in poverty, they will just need to recapitalize. Otherwise, we will not get rid of many negative aspects.

State tariff policy

Today the tariff is already too high. They cannot substantiate it, - Andrey Baryshev says. - And to take thermal networks is a separate subject. We pay for their mismanagement out of our own pocket. For example, we take 550,000 cubic meters of water daily from the dam at Shershnya to the city. And for some reason, 330 thousand cubic meters go into the sewer. Don't see the paradox? These are network losses. Everything goes to the ground.

- With what orders did you go to work in the State Duma?

There is a set of priorities. Including orders. Public utilities, agriculture. My constituency includes five rural districts. For example, people are applying for changes to the 131st law on the Code of Administrative Offenses, because today local commissions do not have the authority to make simple decisions. For example, the problem of stray cattle. Questions about tariffs. A very serious moment. Today we set a tariff for an agricultural producer in the amount of 5.8. And we say that we have priorities in the development of agriculture, which shows sustainable growth. Sanctions have helped us in some way. But people are ready to work. However, since 2000, our milk has risen in price by 2.5 times. And the tariff for electricity - 30 times! Today diesel fuel costs 40 rubles. Milk - 22 rubles. And loans are given to villagers at 15%. The farmers say it's a humiliation. In fact, there should be normal state support. Need "long" money. But also tariffs. Why do we sell electricity to China cheaper than on the domestic market?

Tariff revolution. you say? We need a state tariff policy. Loans at 6%. And then there will be a real boom. Russia has not yet revealed its potential.

- What to do with the flow of migrants? Tightening policy or assimilation?

Migration is essentially a positive trend. Because people vote with their feet. That is, they come if there are good salaries, good social protection. They feel comfortable here. If they work, they pay taxes. This is positive for the country's economy. If we consider migration from this point of view, then this is an indicator of how far we have reached certain milestones today. These are not only guest workers, but also investors. We must be open to cooperation. This is being said at all levels. But there are also negative features of this phenomenon. When some laws do not work, when our notorious corruption manifests itself. Crime, illegal residence, etc. I am for integration with all countries. In general, Chelyabinsk would open more.

Don't put the city at risk

- What is your attitude to Tominsky GOK?

I had a suggestion: to take into account the situation with the water source when designing and building. We have Hornets - the only source of water supply. Now there is a lot of talk about the alternative. Therefore, it is necessary today either to continue the construction of an alternative channel so that we have a second source. We are talking about the Brodokalmak canal. Or close by artesian wells by 15%, at least with fan inclusions. The water in the Hornets also needs to be cleaned, and the bed of the reservoir itself. Our water is of poor quality. It's not a secret. Therefore, the construction of a mining and processing plant near the reservoir raises serious concerns. There were my proposals - to take out harmful production for 30 kilometers. We should discuss the project that is being done now. No wonder President Putin said: "We must not put the city at risk."

Call from "friend"

A certain Aleksey Kondobarov to deputy Baryshev: “You wrote two statements against me in the UK. I've been investigating. You are the organizer of a network of gambling halls in Chelyabinsk. How do you comment on this?

Alexei, I was told in the UK that you are not a journalist at all. You write that the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate Sergeyev, prosecutors and a number of high-ranking officials are involved there. And including me. If you have the facts, why don't you state them? In fact, I am extremely negative about such "gaming" establishments. People are being robbed there, anti-social elements are working. I would like the investigation to sort it out, not even from the point of view of punishing you for slander, but in order to clarify. Voters voted for me. And they may think: “What have we chosen?”. You undermine confidence not only in me, but in general in the authorities with your unsubstantiated statements. I invite you to my place for a conversation. If you have the facts, let's deal with all this together, let's turn to Bastrykin.

New receipts

- Andrey Viktorovich, from December we will all pay for heat from UTSK. Is it good for the citizens?

I am against any monopolization of the market. Today, UTSK, according to objective indicators, is the heat operator - the largest networks, its own generation. And today the company entered the market. We have not yet felt the tariffs. But the monopolist always starts dictating conditions, for joining, there may be consequences for the construction industry. While I can not say anything bad, but the trend itself is not good. I made a proposal to develop micro-energy. Several houses could be combined into one bush. Put the gas boiler on the roof. Five to seven houses will be heated. Networks are short, losses are minimal. We thought it was possible, while remaining in profit, to reduce tariffs by two and a half times. The payback of such a boiler house is five years. Again. This market cannot be monopolized - other excesses will arise.


- Are there too many officials for our athletes?

The structure can be made lighter. In the Soviet Union, competitions were held both zonal and in sports societies, both all-Russian and all-Union. There were many categories. Therefore, the sport was optimized. Going in for sports was prestigious, the work of a coach was considered respected. And the upbringing of the younger generation was not in words, but in deeds - a lot of people were engaged in sports sections. And the conditions for the athletes were provided. And then we thought that it was not enough. Today we are not allowed to the Olympics. Russia is a great country. We will survive this. I support what the president said. Athletes are not to blame, they prepared, calculated their training cycle, went to competitions, were brought to them. Maybe there will be no next Olympics for them. You never know - injuries or something else. Life in sport is short enough. If they have a desire to go, then, I think, let them go. And they will defend Russia under a colorless flag. We will cheer for them. Fully the fault lies with our functionaries from the sport.

Monument to the dog

You took part in the development of a bill that strengthens the responsibility for cruelty to animals. Why is this topic so close to you?

Russians treat animals in general normally. But we do not have a clear law in relation to some persons. Outrageous cases are known. And we need norms to put everything in the right direction. If we humanely treat our smaller brothers, we will treat each other better.

- Andrey Viktorovich, they say that a monument will be erected to the Chelyabinsk Khatiko? Do you support this project?

Yes, I participate in financing. The monument will be erected as soon as the snow melts. We decided on a place, near the office of Konstantin Strukov. This is the real story. Everything happened before our eyes. At the crossroads of the Highway of Metallurgists and 50 years of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, a dog lived for about three years. All the locals knew her, fed her. And here's what happened. A man was hit at this intersection. He died, and his dog was waiting for him at this place for several years. The dog was not tamed, although the people who fed it tried to do so. Such dog loyalty to his master. A touching story. And the monument will not be to the dog itself, but to an example of fidelity, love, devotion. Qualities, you see, are rare in our hectic time.


-What are Sotsgorod's plans for 2018?

We are twenty years old! Let's celebrate our anniversary. As there were four main programs, we will continue to work on them. “We believe in tomorrow”, “Everything starts from childhood”, “Live long”, “Our home is our city” - all these programs have not yet exhausted their potential. Of course, there are modern priorities, we pay more attention to them. I want to hold an anniversary evening, thank all the organizations, people who have been with us all these years, supported us in all our endeavors. Today, Sotsgorod has become a regional movement, covering nine rural areas and three urban ones.

Can the current State Duma deputies from the Chelyabinsk region be called a friendly team that persistently defends the interests of the inhabitants of the Southern Urals?

My colleagues are quite active. Litovchenko in agriculture. This topic is closest to him. Burmatov works according to party programs. And so on down the list. We have 10 deputies from the Chelyabinsk region. The team, I think, is normal, working. And the governor gathers us, setting priority tasks.

Andrey Baryshev was born on February 2, 1966 in the city of Chelyabinsk. The boy was born into a family of hereditary metallurgists. He received his secondary education in his native city at school number 61. From a young age he was engaged in weightlifting. More than once he became the winner of Russian competitions. The result of excellent performances and hard training was the title of master of sports in weightlifting. He served in the army in the special forces.

Having been demobilized, in 1986 Andrei got a job as a driver at the motor depot No. 1 of the Metallurgical District, where he worked during his student years. In 1991 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Physical Culture, after which he was assigned as a coach to the Palace of Culture of Builders.

In 1998, Baryshev founded the Sotsgorod Public Foundation in the Metallurgichesky District, which then expanded the scope of its activities and grew into the Sotsgorod Regional Public Movement. Andrei Viktorovich was the Chairman of the Council of the Public Movement. Under his leadership, the work of the foundation was recognized by the Blagovest International Charitable Organization. In 2007, the fund became the winner of the open competition of the President of Russia in the field of supporting socially vulnerable citizens.

Andrey Viktorovich in 1999 headed the Metar television center, established by the administration of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk. Five years later, Metar was merged with the Info-TV television company of the famous Chelyabinsk businessman Alexander Aristov into the STS-Chelyabinsk company.

Since 2000, for nine years, residents of the Metallurgical District have shown confidence in Andrey Baryshev three times, electing him as a deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma. During this period, he was deputy chairman of the standing commission on legality and city self-government. In 2004 he graduated from the branch of the Ural Academy of Public Administration of the Chelyabinsk Institute. A year later, he headed the permanent commission on urban planning and land use.

In 2010, Andrei Baryshev bought out his share of the STS-Chelyabinsk TV channel from Alexander Aristov and became its sole owner, becoming the general director of Info-TV Enterprise LLC.

In October of the same year, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, becoming deputy chairman of the construction policy committee, and was a member of the economic policy and entrepreneurship committee.

He was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk from the regional branch of the United Russia party in September 2014. He became a member of the Chelyabinsk City Duma of the first convocation. According to the amendments to the regulations, since 2004 the Duma has been formed according to a new principle: from among the district deputies. Baryshev again headed the permanent commission on urban planning and land use.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Andrei Viktorovich was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from the Chelyabinsk constituency 0189. He is a member of the All-Russian political party United Russia. He is a member of the State Duma Committee on the regulations and organization of the work of the State Duma. The date of commencement of office is September 18, 2016.

Andrei Viktorovich is also the founder of the public organization "People's Control Committee" of Chelyabinsk, the chairman of the city branch of the Chelyabinsk regional public organization "Committee to Combat Corruption". Member of the Board of Trustees of the Karate Federation, Vice President of the Motorcycle Federation of the Chelyabinsk Region, Chairman of the Board of the Chelyabinsk Federation of Hockey and Hockey Boots.

Baryshev owns a number of business assets in Chelyabinsk, including: the STS-Chelyabinsk TV channel, the Severnye Vorota bus station, the Venice restaurant, Remzhilzakazchik LLC of the Metallurgical District, retail space at the ChMZ turn, the Metallurg bath and recreation complex, a construction company "Domostroitel MK".

Only last night it became known that Andrey Barshev, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, was in fact expelled from United Russia in disgrace, which the Ural land will not remember for quite a long time, so the defendant received several more "parcels" in the load.

According to the posts, in the criminal world Andrei Baryshev is called Dryula.

The Internet community continues to discuss the customers of the war against the governor of the Chelyabinsk region. The blogosphere associates the raised hype with the name of the deputy of the ZSO Andrey Baryshev. The authors of the posts attribute the connection with crime to the head of the Sogorod movement and the owner of the STS-Chelyabinsk TV channel. They also call him Drulya.

The name of the 47-year-old deputy of the ZSO was mentioned more than once in the media in connection with a number of emergency situations from the 90s. Funny stories are told about Andrei and jokes are made up. Either Andrei Baryshev is called a participant in the shooting near the building of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the region in a dispute over land, then they attribute to him connections with the “brothers” who pierced the wheels of cars near the administration of the Metallurgical District, then they say that his people of strong physique prevent the demolition of illegal stalls in Chelyabinsk. The owner of retail space at the turn of the ChMZ, parking lots in the Metallurgical District, as well as facilities under construction, a restaurant, a bath and recreation complex, construction and utility companies, the Sotsgorod Foundation and the STS-Chelyabinsk TV channel and a sportsman himself in the past. In 1991, Baryshev graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Physical Culture with a degree in Physical Culture and Sports. He recently quit smoking, bought a motorcycle and is still does weightlifting. Among "his" he received a new name.

- The patron of the Sotsgorod movement Andrey Baryshev, known among local bandits under the urging of Dryul, assures that the entire movement is exclusively public, work for the idea and no no against power. It is hard to believe in this, in Chelyabinsk the whole business, with roots from 90s , is built on the fact that administrative methods hide harm from subordinate industries, and Baryshev is by no means one of small fish there?— blogger Ilya Linev wrote.

It is the Baryshev movement "Sotsgorod" that collects signatures against the authorities, puts forward the idea of ​​direct elections of the mayor and arranges pickets in a politically calm region. Rumor has it that Baryshev had ambitions to become the head of Chelyabinsk. Having learned about this, the bloggers discovered the connections of the "applicant" with a large organized criminal group - the "Kalinin family" and those who stand behind him.

- But it is pointless to simply undermine the positions of S. Davydov (head of the administration of Chelyabinsk - ed. note) by "forced assaults" and in the press controlled by the "family" - there is a need for a candidate to replace Davydov. The "family" has decided on a candidate - the current deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region A. Baryshev, authoritative in 90s years, an athlete who had the criminal nickname "Dryulya". AT 90s led a group of athletes, is a master of sports in weightlifting, - cited data from . - “Dryulya” was always eager for power, but Yurevich did not let him in, realizing that behind him was a trail of crime and he himself could be accused of having ties with him.

According to rumors, Drula is sponsored by a local oligarch, the owner of ChEMK, Alexander Aristov, who, it is believed, also fell under the “roof” of the “Kalinin family”. It was on the STS-Chelyabinsk channel controlled by him that a series of stories criticizing the governor of the Chelyabinsk region was released. Using the methods of the 90s, the entertainment channel was previously turned into an information tool in the fight against the authorities.

- In fact, it is Aristov who needs all this most of all, because for his mediocre management of the ChEMK and non-payment of taxes, the local authorities do not give him a descent. And having your own person in power, you can solve many issues , abusenko suggested.

According to information circulating on social networks, two major Moscow political technologists were hired to help Andrei Viktorovich. But so far, Baryshev, like his patron Aristov, does not develop relations with them. Therefore the owner

media resource recruits journalists. He has already recruited one insane master of alcohol, he writes about the deputy every day.

Can't wait for the "truth"

The Moscow restaurateur claims that the family of the deputy Baryshev did not pay him for the work

Andrey Baryshev says that he has no obligations to Andrey KopylovNail Fattakhov

The concept bar "Pravda" on Kirovka in Chelyabinsk will most likely remain a concept. The institution, focused on nostalgia for Soviet culture and the Soviet way of life, was preparing to open under the leadership of Moscow restaurateur Andrey Kopylov. However, not so long ago he was forced to leave Chelyabinsk - after the customer refused to pay thousands of dollars in salary debt. Its main payer, as Kopylov said, was the wife of State Duma deputy Andrei Baryshev, Svetlana. Baryshev himself denies his family's involvement in this story.

For 25 years in the restaurant business, Andrei Kopylov managed to implement order, including restaurants in the capital's theaters. He had already worked in Chelyabinsk before: at the beginning of the 2000s, he advised the creators of the Baden-Baden nightclub, and much later launched the Promenade restaurant. Throughout his career, Kopylov can remember, perhaps, only one case when the project did not live up to his expectations, it was in Astrakhan. True, he did not make a restaurant there as a finished business project, but only worked as a chef.

In May last year, Andrey Kopylov was offered to develop a new project in a room at 88 Kirova Street, opposite the Meet.point club.

They were going to make a crab bar, fast food. I thought that he would work in the red, and very, very negative ..

In June, he moved his family to Chelyabinsk and set to work. Since Kopylov was required to hand over the establishment on a turnkey basis, he did absolutely everything: from design to cuisine. With my own hands I stripped off the old drywall, under which, for example, a luxurious Soviet panel was found, which had to be restored. Arranging the room, Andrei brought his own typewriter there as one of the design elements. He collected items of Soviet life from acquaintances and friends so that Pravda would evoke nostalgia for all the best from the recent past.

Nail Fattakhov

During the day, Pravda was supposed to work as a family restaurant with a democratic price tag, and in the evening - as a drinking establishment for those who love noisy fun. A well-calculated business concept, coupled with the favorable location of Pravda, allowed Andrei to predict a fairly quick break-even point and a steady six-figure income. Kopylov worked with pleasure on the Pravda project.

Andrei stood at the stove in Venice, and worked out banquets before the New Year, ”Olga Kopylova talks about her husband (the Venice restaurant is also controlled by structures close to deputy Baryshev. - Note ed..). - Been missing for days.

At first, the payments went through regularly, however, in the fall, when the Kopylov children went to school, there were shortages of money. In response to a reminder of the debt, Svetlana Barysheva stopped picking up the phone.

Recently, she has been blaming everything on [husband] Andrey Viktorovich [Baryshev]: “I’m fine, we have a leader, go to him.” Although I had agreements with her, and it was she who hired me, - says Andrey Kopylov. - Yes, I really met with Baryshev, and he approved the amount of my monthly fee, but ...

from the Kopylov family archive

Beginning in the fall, the Baryshev family agreed to pay Kopylov about one-fifth of the agreed monthly fee. According to family accounting, not even all the debts for September last year to Kopylov were closed. Andrei and Olga Kopylova believe that at the moment the Baryshev family owes them an amount approximately equal to the monthly salary of a State Duma deputy.

In the restaurant business, as a rule, the project manager receives ten percent of the total cost of the project that he launches. But in the case of the Pravda bar, the price of Kopylov's services can be considered sparing.

I take less because I believe in this project, because it is very dear to me, - says Andrey. - I must be a fool for believing people. For me, a handshake is a lot. Maybe I'm old fashioned? Maybe I'm judging people by myself?

According to him, in the restaurant business very often they work by oral agreement, without concluding a formal contract. There are not many specialists of such a level as Andrey in the country, this is a small market where all key specialists know each other.

Nail Fattakhov

Restaurateurs, chefs - this is a small world, - explains Olga Kopylova. - Everyone who cooks in this little world knows each other. We know where our friends in Ufa work and who works in Vladivostok. True, when the debt began to approach two hundred thousand, we prepared documents and offered to sign them.

- Andrei Viktorovich agreed, said that Svetlana would sign everything and ... they disappear, - sums up Kopylov.

It all ended after the New Year, when the bar was almost ready to open. Andrei came to work and saw that someone had changed the locks on the front doors without even informing him. The next day, Andrey and Olga packed up and left Chelyabinsk.

Kopylov doubts that Pravda will be launched and made a profitable institution by the efforts of Chelyabinsk managers, even if they know the whole concept of the bar in detail: “I'm not just an ideological inspirer. I know what kind of kitchen there should be. I myself will get up to the stove and cook there. Plus, to manage the work of the hall, but there are no trifles. What music is playing? When and how does she play? At what volume does it sound at different times? Is it Wednesday, or, for example, Thursday? There are many such moments. How is food served? What and how does the waiter say? How do you treat guests? How do face control and security work? DJ? Everything is made up of little things. It's hard, but I know how to do it.

State Duma deputy Andrei Baryshev, meanwhile, told the site that he had no obligations to Andrei Kopylov and he had nothing to do with the Pravda bar.

“I don’t do business because I don’t have the right to do so under the law. All my business assets I have transferred and transferred not to my wife. This is another duck that my ill-wishers are launching. There is even nothing to comment on,” Andrey Baryshev said.

Andrey Kopylov admits that he encounters such behavior on the part of the customer for the first time in 25 years of work in the restaurant business. He has already consulted with lawyers to assess the prospects for a lawsuit and told the site correspondent that he would defend his rights by all methods within the framework of the law.

In 1991 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Institute of Physical Culture (now the Ural State University of Physical Culture; UralSUPC) with a degree in physical culture and sports, in 2004 - the Ural Academy of Public Administration with a degree in state and municipal management.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. In 2010, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Development of the readiness of students of the university of physical culture for the development of volitional qualities of young athletes" in UralGUPC.

He was engaged in weightlifting, was the winner of Russian competitions.
Since 1986 - the driver of the motor depot No. 1 of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk.
After graduation, he worked as a coach at the Central Club of Chelyabmetallurgstroy (now -
Palace of Culture of Builders).
In 1998, he founded the public fund "Sotsgorod" in the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk (later transformed into the regional public movement "Sotsgorod"). He is chairman of the board of the movement. In 2007, "Sotsgorod" became the winner of the state support competition for non-profit non-governmental organizations implementing projects in the field of protecting socially unprotected citizens.
In 1999, he headed the Metar television center, established by the administration of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk. In 2004, Metar was merged with the Info-TV television company of the well-known Chelyabinsk businessman Alexander Aristov into the STS-Chelyabinsk company.
From 2000 to 2009 - Deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma, elected in the Metallurgical District. In 2001-2005 was deputy chairman of the standing commission on legality and city self-government. Since 2005, he has headed the Standing Committee on Urban Planning and Land Use.
In 2010, Andrei Baryshev bought out his share of the STS-Chelyabinsk TV channel from Alexander Aristov and became the sole owner of the channel. He took the position of General Director of LLC "Enterprise" Info-TV ".
In October 2010, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region of the 5th convocation from the United Russia party in the Metallurgical constituency No. 16 (he performed deputy powers on a non-permanent basis). He was deputy chairman of the committee on construction policy, was a member of the committee on economic policy and entrepreneurship.
In September 2014, he was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk from the regional branch of United Russia and became a member of the Chelyabinsk City Duma of the first convocation (according to amendments to the regulations, since 2004 the Duma was formed according to a new principle - from among the district deputies) . He again headed the standing commission on urban planning and land use in the City Duma.
In 2016, he put forward his candidacy for the intra-party vote (primaries) of United Russia on the eve of the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. His main rival in the debate on the Chelyabinsk single-mandate constituency No. 189 was supposed to be the ex-governor of the region, Mikhail Yurevich, but he refused to participate in the primaries.
September 18, 2016 Andrey Baryshev was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation in the Chelyabinsk single-mandate constituency No. 189 (Chelyabinsk region). According to the voting results, he scored 39.37%, the second place in the district was taken by businessman Guzelia Voloshina from A Just Russia - 20.08%. In the Duma, Andrei Baryshev became a member of the party faction.

Founder of the public organization "Committee of People's Control" of Chelyabinsk, chairman of the city branch of the Chelyabinsk regional public organization "Committee to Combat Corruption".
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Karate Federation, Vice President of the Motorcycle Federation of the Chelyabinsk Region, Chairman of the Board of the Chelyabinsk Federation of Hockey and Hockey Boots.

The total amount of declared income for 2015 amounted to 2 million 528 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 5 million 192 thousand rubles. Among the real estate - an apartment in Spain with an area of ​​55 square meters. m.
The total amount of declared income for 2017 amounted to 4 million 491 thousand rubles. Among the real estate - an apartment in Spain with an area of ​​55 square meters. m.

In 2007, he was awarded the medal "National Treasure" of the International Charitable Foundation "Patrons of the Century" in the nomination "for the nobility of thoughts and deeds."

Has two daughters.

Master of sports in weightlifting.

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