Pine extract. The use of coniferous extract

Coniferous bath extract is extremely useful for people with diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory system. The needles are rich in B and C vitamins, microelements, tannins, anthocyanins, alkaloids and essential oils.

When using baths with needles, the body is strengthened, immunity is increased, skin condition improves and work normalizes. nervous system.

Release form

The tool can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. The most famous extract is the Gold of the Forest - it is produced in two forms at once: in briquettes and in liquid form.

This product is especially popular among mothers. This is due to the fact that the calming properties of pine needles help with childhood insomnia and in case of increased excitability. It can be used to prevent rickets and malnutrition.

Features of the use of funds

Coniferous bath extract can be used not only for children, but also for adults - it helps to restore and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Therapeutic baths are used in courses of 12-20 procedures, depending on the state of health and the doctor's prescription.

Main indications for use:

  • neurasthenia;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, polyarthritis);
  • overwork;
  • neuritis;
  • arterial hypertension I and II degree.

In spite of useful material in the composition, the use of such baths is not shown to everyone.

The tool has certain contraindications for use:

  • diseases of the heart vascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • bleeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic heart failure II-III degree;
  • hypersensitivity and allergic reaction on the components of the tool.


Instructions for use

Depending on the form of release, application coniferous extract baths may vary. The liquid extract is available in 500 ml bottles and is used at a rate of 100 ml. liquid extract for 200 liters of water.

In briquettes, it is produced in packs of 5 pieces and is used at the rate of 100 g of dry extract per 200 liters of water.

It should be dissolved in water with a temperature of 35-37 degrees and the duration of the bath should not exceed 15 minutes.

Important: while taking a bath, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart should not be under water.

In the case of using baths for children, the concentration of the product is reduced to 20 ml of liquid extract per 100 liters of water or, if the extract is in briquettes, 2/3 of the briquette for the same amount of liquid.

Children should take such baths no earlier than one hour after eating and only in evening time. The duration of the bath should not exceed 10 minutes.

For children, baths can be prescribed, in which sea salt with an extract from pine needles is added.

This method of application can be prescribed to children for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • rickets;
  • nervousness;
  • insomnia;
  • eczema;
  • joint diseases;
  • pathology of the nervous system.

Adults can use this sea ​​salt for relaxing baths. Such baths improve mood, reduce fatigue and soothe.

How can you prepare a useful tool yourself

It is far from always possible to find coniferous extract in pharmacies, and the rapid consumption of funds requires frequent purchases. Find out how to make it at home.

The manufacturing recipe is quite simple, and various raw materials can be used for it:

  • pine;
  • fir;
  • juniper.

Depending on the expected shelf life, there are two recipes for making an extract from needles: water and alcohol. Water is stored no more than 3 days.

For cooking aqueous extract required:

  1. Take one young branch coniferous tree, rinse it thoroughly, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Cook over low heat for approximately 30-40 minutes.
  3. The liquid can be used within 3 days after preparation, then it loses its medicinal properties.

The alcoholic extract can be stored long time and is more preferable because it penetrates the skin more quickly and begins to act.

For cooking you need:

  1. Grind young branches of a coniferous tree in a meat grinder or coffee grinder.
  2. It is required to fill 3/4 of the container with raw materials and fill the container completely with alcohol or vodka.
  3. In a tightly closed container, you need to infuse the extract in a dark, dark place for 2 weeks, then the product is ready for use.

Use in beekeeping

Of all industries, perhaps, beekeeping can be called the most productive, because the resulting products and components are widely used in many industries including:

  • chemical;
  • pharmacological;
  • cosmetic.

The effective productivity of bees can depend not only on the yield of honey crops, but also on the health of the bees. The main diseases that reduce the efficiency of beekeeping are ascopherosis and varroatosis.

Varroatosis is a disease caused by mites that affects workers, brood, drones and queens. Ascopherosis is called fungal disease that affects the larvae and pupae of bees. These diseases increase the mortality of the bee colony, which reduces its productivity.

The use of coniferous extract for bees is carried out in the form of regular feeding, which is carried out about 6 times (every 5-8 days) for the honey collection cycle.

  1. It is used as an additive to pasty feed. It can be added to sugar syrup and honey.
  2. As part of a doughy food, the extract can be stored for up to 5 months if it is stored in the refrigerator, packaged in cling film. Coniferous bath extract4.7 (93.68%) 19 votes

Natural pine needle extract is made from pine and spruce by water extraction. herbal product contains a number of vitamins, mainly C, as well as B1, B2, B6, nicotinic acid, H, folic acid, phenolic and nitrogen-containing compounds, carbohydrates; serves as a source of micro- and macroelements (Zn, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cu, Co, Mn, Fe, Se) and phytohormones.

Baths made from natural extract needles, have a thermal and mechanical effect on the body. Active ingredients, penetrate through the layers of the skin, irritating the receptors and causing reflex changes in the human body. Coniferous extract tannins are natural antiseptic compounds and coagulants, which, due to their unique properties, cleanse the mucous membranes and the surface layer of the skin from pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms, and are also able to stop minor bleeding and participate in the healing of small cracks, abrasions and the formation of a healthy epidermis.

Vitamins, polysaccharides and amino acids of pine needles moisturize and nourish the skin, restore protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism giving it softness, elasticity and velvety. Pine extract flavonoids strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. Pine phytoncides are natural natural antibiotics from the leaves of pine and spruce, which have a beneficial effect not only on skin covering but also on the mucous membranes of the ear, throat, nose.

That is why this extract is excellent prophylactic during an influenza epidemic and other infectious diseases. Coniferous extract has a beneficial effect on the state of the vegetative-vascular nervous system, has a general strengthening and tonic effect, stimulates the function of the cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolic processes, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, fungicidal action.

Pine needle extract normalizes sleep, soothes, improves performance and increases the body's resistance to exposure. adverse factors environment. The use of coniferous extract is recommended not only for adults, but even for children of any age, in order to relieve nervous excitement and improve sleep.

The drug can be bought at a pharmacy, but the preparation of coniferous extract at home is a very simple and fragrant task. To do this, you need a branch of a coniferous tree (preferably young) with cones and buds. It must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, boil for about 40 minutes and let it brew overnight.

Use as follows: for 200 liters of water 100 ml active substance. Take a bath at a comfortable temperature of 35 - 37 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes every other day for a month. The course is repeated several times a year. Coniferous extract for children during the procedure should be diluted at a lower concentration: 30 ml per 200 liters of water.


Use the extract for bathing with physical and mental overstrain, with neurasthenia, with skin problems, if there are small cracks and abrasions. Baths with pine needles extract help with colds upper respiratory, with pain associated, with polyarthritis,.

To prepare a therapeutic bath, dissolve 100 g of the finished extract in a 200-liter bath. The water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes. For one treatment or preventive course, take 10-15 daily procedures.

If you want to prepare a coniferous extract yourself, fill a 10-liter bucket with fresh pine needles, pour boiling water over it, leave for 6 hours. To prepare a bath, you can strain the resulting extract or pour everything in the bucket into the bath. This method is suitable for you only if you have the opportunity to collect needles, for example, while in the country.

Atropine also has a depressing effect on the function of the glandular organs - it reduces perspiration and salivation, reduces the formation of pancreatic juice and gastric juice. This substance also affects the brain and heart. For example, in overdose, atropine contributes to a strong mental arousal. As a result, a person becomes more active, his emotions “overwhelm”, in some cases the body starts to have convulsions.

How to use

In medicine, belladonna preparations are widely used due to pharmacological properties its highly active alkaloid atropine. Both pure preparations based on plant extracts and total and complex means.

With and 12-colon, a 0.1% solution of belladonna is prescribed two to three times a day for half an hour before meals or an hour after it. The dose is selected individually depending on the sensitivity to atropine and can be 6-15 drops.

To expand the pupil in the study of the fundus, to detect true refraction and for other diagnostic purposes, a 0.5-1% solution or ointment is used.

In case of poisoning with carbacholine, acetylcholine, various acetylcholinesterase and cholinomimetic substances, a 0.1% solution of atropine is injected into a vein, 0.001 g each.

To heal cracks anus, for and treatment of hemorrhoids, belladonna extract is prescribed - one candle several times a day. Maximum daily dose- 150 ml. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

The belladonna extract is often prescribed for irritability, neurosis and vegetative dystonia. With a total dose of belladonna alkaloids in the preparation in the amount of 0.001 g, 1-2 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day.

Specialists in various fields doctors agree on the extraordinary benefits coniferous baths for the body. Such a procedure, proper conduct, affects many systems and organs, allowing you to eliminate certain health problems or cosmetic defects. For the preparation of baths, fragrant coniferous extract is used.

Consider who really needs such a method of treatment, as well as what features of the use of the extract exist.

The composition and useful properties of the extract from the needles

A natural extract is made from pine or spruce twigs, fir or juniper needles, subjecting them to a water extraction process. The concentrate contains:

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, E, K, P and PP (it is proved that pine needles differs in their high content);
  • carotene;
  • phytohormones;
  • antioxidants;
  • minerals - iron, copper, aluminum, manganese, cobalt;
  • essential oils.

Aggregate natural ingredients has an effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, improves blood circulation, regulates metabolic processes in the body. As a result, the following positive impact is noted:

  • activation of the work of internal organs;
  • calming the nervous system - normalizing sleep, eliminating fatigue or irritability;
  • elimination of toxic substances;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial effect;
  • reduction of soreness and heaviness in the legs, elimination of swelling, as well as strengthening vascular walls in vascular diseases ( varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • rapid healing of damaged skin;
  • toning, softening, smoothing the skin;
  • improving the condition of the hair;
  • general improvement of the body, which is manifested by an improvement in well-being.

Note! Baths based on extracts from needles are also useful for those people who are actively losing weight, while adhering to proper nutrition and with some physical effort. In this situation, the needles do not so much help in weight loss, but rather alleviate the psychological discomfort associated with some restrictions.

Indications for use

  • nervous disorders - depression, asthenia, insomnia, neurasthenia, neuroses, excessive irritability, vegetovascular dystonia, chronic overwork and other disorders;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • decline defensive forces organism, frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory diseases from reproductive system, urinary organs, joints;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • arterial or venous insufficiency, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • skin problems - neurodermatitis, dermatitis, eczema, abscesses, long-term non-healing ulcers or wounds, cracks or calluses, frostbite;
  • obese.

Additional Information. A prolonged illness or a period of rehabilitation after a serious illness is also an indication for the use of coniferous baths, since the high regenerative properties of the substance contribute to quick recovery organism.

But in every individual case this procedure requires discussion with the physician treating the underlying pathology.

The cost and form of release of coniferous extract

AT pharmacy network coniferous extract can be purchased in various dosage forms. So, the natural coniferous extract "Gold of the Forest" is available in the form of:

  1. Liquid concentrated substance. average price for 500 ml is 360 rubles.
  2. Briquettes, which can be purchased for 107 rubles per package - 2 briquettes of 50 grams.

You can also make a decoction of needles yourself: pour 1 kg of fresh needles with six liters of water, then boil for 10 minutes and leave for about 4 hours. If the needles are collected in an environmentally friendly place, then the benefits of a homemade extract will be no less than those of a pharmacy.

Mode of application

Before taking therapeutic bath you should take a shower, thoroughly cleaning the body of dust and skin secretions. Dissolve the agent in water (36–37 ° C) (per 200 liters of water):

  • liquid extract 100 ml;
  • in the form of briquettes - 100 g;
  • decoction - 7-8 liters.

Then they are immersed in the bath so that the heart area is not involved and remains above the surface of the water. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, after which it is recommended to lie down quietly for half an hour. The course of treatment is 15-20 baths every other day. AT preventive purposes It is useful to carry out the procedure once a week.

The use of coniferous baths for children

Baths with pine needles extract are useful for children with:

  • frequent respiratory diseases;
  • dermatitis or eczema;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hyperactivity;
  • muscle hypotrophy;
  • rickets.

There are several binding rules coniferous baths for small patients:

  1. Only a doctor should prescribe such procedures, especially for infants.
  2. It is best to purchase needle extract in a pharmacy, which guarantees the quality of the product and compliance with the expiration date.
  3. The time of the procedure should be planned in such a way that the child does not eat 30–60 minutes before and after the bath, but at the same time is not hungry.
  4. It is preferable to take a bath while sitting (unless, of course, the baby already knows how to sit), using a special chair for this.
  5. You do not need to fill the bath completely - allowable level water should not be higher than the child's waist, and its temperature should not exceed 35 ° C.
  6. The duration of the procedure is 7 minutes. At the same time, the baby should be in a good mood. If the child began to act up, then the procedure should be stopped ahead of schedule.
  7. After the bath, the baby should be rinsed clean water from the soul.

The dosage of the extract for children (based on 10 liters of water) looks like this:

  • decoction of natural needles - 400 ml;
  • in briquettes - 2/3 briquettes;
  • pharmacy concentrate - 2 ml.

The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures carried out every other day, and is regulated by the attending doctor.


In spite of huge list positive qualities, needle extract has a number of restrictions for use, which include:

  • individual intolerance to funds based on needles;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • serious pathologies of the heart;
  • bleeding of various origins;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • oncological processes in the body.

Attention! Patients with a tendency to low blood pressure should take such baths with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor.

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