Vegetarianism and breastfeeding. The benefits and harms of vegetarianism during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Vegetable soup with rice

The topic of vegetarian breastfeeding is controversial even among experts. However, as practice shows, with a rationally composed and balanced menu, this type of nutrition not only does not harm, but even benefits lactation and the baby. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of vegetarianism in breastfeeding. We learn the principles of such nutrition during lactation. And find out if vegetarianism and breastfeeding are compatible.

Specificity and types of vegetarianism

Vegetarianism refers to a diet that excludes or restricts the intake of animal products and plant origin. As a rule, meat, gelatin, white sugar, alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise and ketchup, gelatin, cheese. In some cases, milk and dairy products, eggs, honey, fish and seafood should not be consumed. The final set of products depends on the type of vegetarianism.

The easiest and most sparing is lacto-ovo vegetarianism, which allows the consumption of plant foods, honey, dairy products and poultry eggs. With lacto-vegetarianism, the same products are allowed except for eggs. The diet for lacto-ovo vegetarians includes the same set of products as for lacto-ovo vegetarians, with the exception of milk.

Veganism is considered the strictest, which excludes any kind of animal meat, poultry and fish, seafood and eggs, milk and dairy products, honey. In addition, semi-vegetarians can be distinguished who eat poultry and fish, seafood and dairy products, and eggs. They exclude only animal meat from their diet.

Vegetarian nutrition includes over three hundred types of vegetables, six hundred types of fruits and two hundred types of nuts. The protein that meat provides this case replace nuts and legumes, spinach and cauliflower, Wheat groats. The source of fat is natural vegetable oils, including sunflower, olive, linseed, walnut, corn, etc. Thus, properly selected and balanced diet gives the necessary elements.

Principles of nutrition with HB and vegetarianism

When breastfeeding, the need for many nutrients ah is greatly increased. After all, a nursing mother must restore the body after childbirth. At the same time, the baby should also receive the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. In the first four months, a nursing woman needs to receive an additional 635 kcal per day, after the fourth - 525 kcal.

Both with breastfeeding and with vegetarianism, it is not recommended to use too spicy and fatty foods, products containing harmful chemical additives, aggressive and strongly allergenic products. It is important to include in the diet all the necessary vitamins and minerals, while the diet should be balanced, and the diet should not be strict.

The child must receive all the elements! In addition, with insufficient malnutrition lactation may be affected. Milk may decrease in volume or disappear completely. Read more about the principles of nutrition during breastfeeding. And then we will consider products with the content of elements that must be included in the diet of a nursing mother.

The composition of nutrition for HB and vegetarianism

  • Protein. The norm should be 56-63 grams. In the absence of meat and / or fish in the diet, a woman should correctly alternate various sources protein throughout the day. First of all, it is millet, and legumes, including soybeans, lentils, beans and peas. Also, a large amount of protein contains various cereals and bread;
  • Omega-3s are important polyunsaturated fatty acid, the volume of which in the body and milk of vegetarians decreases. This acid important for correct formation and development of the vision and brain of the newborn. She normalizes cerebral circulation. With vegetarianism, you can get this substance by using walnuts, seaweed and seafood, flax seeds and sesame oil, fatty and bold fish;
  • Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is recommended to be consumed in daily dosage at 1.6 mg. It is found in foods such as broccoli, spinach and sorrel, nuts and legumes. This vitamin effectively restores the body, normalizes material metabolism and ensures proper functioning internal organs. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • Vitamin B6 is recommended during lactation for use at a dosage of 1.9 mg per day. Pyridoxine is important in the formation and development of the brain, enhances performance and gives energy, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and soothes, develops memory and mindfulness. Lactating vegetarians are often deficient in this element, so it is important to include foods rich in vitamin B6 in the diet. These are bananas, legumes and walnuts, avocado, bran and wheat, spinach;
  • Vitamin B9 or folic acid is 600 micrograms of the daily requirement. This substance has a positive effect on the condition nerve cells and on the work of the heart, calms and stabilizes the emotional background, forms and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin B9 is found in asparagus, pumpkin and flaxseeds, nuts, parsley and spinach, most types of vegetables and fruits;
  • Vitamin B12 is important for newborns, since with a deficiency of this element, a child may experience various malformations. The daily norm of this substance is 4 mcg. The largest number Vitamin B12 is found in meat and meat products, eggs and fish, milk and cheese. Therefore, it is important for vegetarian mothers to find an alternative to this food. In this case, these are seaweed, barley sprouts, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;

  • - the most important element in the formation and development of the bone skeleton. It strengthens bones and muscles, is responsible for motor functions and coordination of movements, relieves inflammation and normalizes blood clotting. With calcium deficiency, the bones weaken, osteoporosis develops. This item can be obtained from mineral water, nuts and sesame, broccoli, soy products, eggs, milk and cheese, if allowed;
  • Iron should be consumed in the amount of 20 mg per day. This element restores the body, improves the condition of the blood and prevents the development of anemia, has a positive effect on work bone marrow, muscles and liver. Iron is found in dried fruits, legumes and grains, nuts, seaweed and apples, pears and spinach;
  • Magnesium in the milk of vegetarians is found in more than in the milk of a woman who eats meat. Sufficient daily rate of this substance is 390 mg. Magnesium is included in various kinds nuts and seeds, in bran, beans, dates and spinach;
  • Iodine during breastfeeding is recommended to be consumed in an increased volume up to 260 mcg per day. This item is required for proper operation. thyroid gland. The most amount of iodine is found in meat, fish and seafood, cheese and dairy products. Vegetarians can find this component in food iodized or sea ​​salt, seaweed, apples and potatoes, sorrel and spinach;
  • Zinc is responsible for the functioning of nerve cells, the heart and blood vessels. When breastfeeding, you need to consume only 11 mg of this substance per day. Therefore, zinc deficiency is extremely rare, including in vegetarianism. You can find this element in seafood and fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds, carrots and beets, garlic, legumes and cereals;
  • very important for newborns, because with a lack of this substance bone skeleton develops incorrectly, the baby's bones weaken, and the baby itself grows slowly. As a result, the child develops rickets, there are deviations in the physical and mental development. Vitamin D deficiency is the most dangerous premature babies. The norm of an element for a newborn is 700 IU per day, for premature babies - 1400 IU, for an infant older than a year - 500 IU;
  • The greatest amount of vitamin D can be obtained from the sun by regularly taking walks and taking sunbathing. In addition, this element is found in mushrooms and potatoes, parsley, oatmeal, dairy products, vegetable oils.

Vegetarianism with HB: harm or benefit

With a balanced and proper diet protein deficiency and other important elements with a vegetarian type of nutrition, it does not threaten either the nursing mother or the baby. According to medical research, breast milk vegetarians has adequate and normal composition. Sometimes with this type of nutrition, there may be insufficient. But, as a rule, this does not cause problems with breastfeeding.

The dangers of breastfeeding can be veganism, which excludes all types of meat, fish, poultry and dairy products. This leads to a decrease in calcium and magnesium, vitamins D, B2 and B12. An overly strict diet can harm both the mother and the baby, and lactation. If a nursing woman still adheres to this type of diet, it is recommended to additionally use vitamins in the form of solutions, tablets or supplements. In any case, you need to consult a doctor!

In traditional vegetarianism, studies show that the milk of vegetarians contains less harmful substances from environment than regular breast milk. Thus, semi-vegetarianism, lacto-ovo-vegetarianism and its forms do not pose a danger to a nursing mother and baby. When vegan, it is important to consult a doctor, choose the right diet and, if necessary, take additional vitamins.

If before the birth of the baby, the mother was not a vegetarian, when breastfeeding, switch to this mode nutrition should be gradual and extremely careful without sudden jumps, moving from one stage to another. It is important to carefully consider the diet. Further we offer vegetarian dishes that can be prepared and safely consumed while breastfeeding.

Vegetarian meals for breastfeeding mothers

Vegetable salad with ginger

  • Fresh cucumbers - 200 gr;
  • Carrots - 500 gr;
  • Fresh ginger - 3 cm;
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • Sesame oil - 40 ml;
  • Sesame - 20 gr..

It is important that the products are real and natural, especially soy sauce, as the modern market offers many fakes with the addition of dangerous chemical substances. Such a sauce can cause severe poisoning, allergies and serious problems in digestion.

To prepare the salad, wash and peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Wash cucumbers and cut into slices, rub on a fine grater. Add cucumbers to carrots, mix soy sauce separately, Sesame oil and grated ginger. Pour the resulting dressing into the salad and sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.

Zucchini puree soup

  • Water - 800 ml;
  • Zucchini - 2 medium fruits;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Grated ginger root - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Greens to taste.

Wash and peel the vegetables, cut into cubes, add water and cook until tender. Add chopped greens and ginger root to the finished soup, salt to taste and pass the mass through a blender. Put vegetable oil into the resulting puree. By the way, such a recipe without the addition of ginger and spices is also suitable for feeding babies.

Vegetable soup with rice

  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Rice - 3 cups;
  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Parsley to taste.

Wash the tomatoes and scald with boiling water, then cool in cold water and remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into slices, stew in vegetable oil along with chopped herbs. Add vegetables and washed rice to boiling water. Boil 15 minutes. It will turn out a very satisfying vegetarian soup for a nursing mother.

Broccoli with crispy crust

  • Broccoli - 6 heads;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Grated hard cheese- 1⁄4 cup;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Rinse and cut into two or four pieces. Put the cabbage in a pan with hot olive oil, salt and close the lid. Simmer for five minutes, then fry until crispy. Pepper the dish and sprinkle with grated cheese. This recipe use to prepare breakfast, dinner or a second course for lunch.

In the vegetarian menu of a nursing mother, you can safely include rice and cereals, vegetable stew and vegetable soups. By the way, it is vegetable soups and broths that are recommended to be eaten in in large numbers during the first month of lactation. These foods are safe for babies. They improve milk production and breastfeeding.

Is it possible to produce complete breast milk while following a vegetarian diet? Veganism (veganism) provides complete failure from eating animal proteins, and it is very difficult to balance such a diet, taking into account the nutritional characteristics of a nursing mother. Vegetarians who refuse to take cow's milk and eggs, nutritionists can easily choose the right diet for the period breastfeeding.

The main problem of lactating vegetarian mothers is vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to anemia in both the mother and the baby. During breastfeeding, a woman's need for vitamin B12 is approximately 2.9 g. It is difficult to obtain it in such quantities without the consumption of fish and meat products, and almost impossible without milk and eggs. Therefore, vegetarian mothers need an additional introduction of vitamin B12 into the body.

Without eating milk and products from it, a nursing mother will not be able to provide an adequate supply of calcium to her body. With a lack of calcium, the calcium contained in the mother's bones will go to milk synthesis, which, of course, will harm her health. Therefore, vegetarians are advised to drink at least 2-3 glasses of milk per day.

The need for iron during lactation is very high (10 mg per day), and getting it in such high amount only from plant foods is very difficult. Therefore, take foods containing iron (sprouted grains, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and others) should be taken simultaneously with food, rich in vitamin With (kiwi, citrus fruits, strawberries and so on).

Proteins obtained by a vegetarian mother from plant foods differ from animal proteins in an insufficiently complete amino acid composition. No plant product contains the amount necessary for the synthesis of breast milk. essential amino acids. Their deficiency can be compensated by a combination different products- cereals with legumes or milk, and it is not necessary to use these products together at one time, it is enough to eat them during the day. normal ratio amino acids will provide a combination of products from the following groups:

Because the herbal products have a lower calorie content than animal products, energy deficiency is another problem faced by lactating vegetarian mothers. Careful control of the calorie content of the diet will allow you to solve it.

  • cereals - 6 servings;
  • eggs, legumes, nuts, soy meat - 2-3 servings;
  • vegetables, including green leafy, - 3 servings;
  • fruits - 3-4 servings (including one serving of citrus fruits);
  • milk - 2-3 cups.

Additionally, supplements containing vitamin B12, D, zinc, folic acid are introduced into the diet. , iron, calcium.

Skeptics often claim that breastfeeding and vegetarianism are incompatible. And in confirmation they try to give “weighty arguments”. I put the word "weighty" in quotation marks because all these arguments are actually just myths. Both doctors and just supporters are misleading young mothers traditional system nutrition. Today we will refute all these arguments one by one, citing facts in support of the opposite point of view. And draw your own conclusions, since it is not difficult.

Myth 1. If the mother does not eat meat and fish, the child may not receive any substances necessary for his development.

Actually it is not. According to a study by scientists, the milk of a vegetarian mother and the milk of a mother who eats meat are completely identical and contain everything a child needs. If a woman does not eat a balanced diet, then her health may suffer, but not the health of the child. So that a nursing mother does not feel a lack of certain essential substances, her diet should contain foods rich in vitamins, trace elements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All these substances are present in sufficient quantities in plant foods. It has been proven that it can be absolutely complete.

Myth 2. If the mother’s diet does not contain animal protein, then she will not have enough milk.

To refute or confirm this statement, it is necessary to consider in detail the process of milk formation.

Per correct work female body In this case, two hormones are responsible:

  1. Prolactin(after childbirth - usually on the 3rd day) - contributes to the production of sufficient milk for the baby and the maintenance of lactation;
  2. Oxytocin Helps milk to flow easily from the mother's breast.

Both of these hormones are produced when stimulated nerve endings on the mother's nipples. This stimulation occurs while the infant is suckling or pumping. The impulses go to the brain and the pituitary gland begins to produce these hormones. As you can see, the mother’s diet has absolutely nothing to do with it, the main role is played by the frequency of pumping and applying the baby to the breast.

Myth 3. Without meat dishes, a nursing mother will not receive enough protein, vitamins, and trace elements.

This argument is made by absolutely all supporters of eating meat to absolutely all vegetarians, regardless of age, the presence of children, diseases and breastfeeding practices. You can safely write down this recommendation in the rank of relics of the past. Modern doctors in advanced maternity hospitals, women in labor are advised to eat as many cereals as possible and include them in the menu maximum amount greens - dill, parsley, celery, lettuce and so on. To obtain required amount amino acids, balanced diet when breastfeeding should also include nuts, fruits, vegetables, vegetable fats, cereals. By the way, we all know that many vitamins tend to break down during heat treatment. At the same time, no one will eat raw meat and fish. And this approach means that there are not so many useful substances. After all, half of these substances are destroyed in the process of cooking. At the same time, many vegetables and fruits can be consumed raw, fully preserving their usefulness for the body.

Myth 4. A vegetarian mom runs the risk of losing calcium.

If you consume dairy products, then this issue should not worry you at all - there is enough calcium in your diet. If milk is not included in the list of products you use, then we advise you to pay close attention to sesame. One hundred grams of this magical seed contains three times more calcium than a glass of milk. In addition to sesame, do not forget to also eat different types cabbage, almonds and brazil nuts. For better assimilation calcium can be included in the diet of the roots and grass of wheatgrass in the form of a decoction or flour.
Vegetarian diet while breastfeeding

Why is a vegetarian diet good for breastfeeding?

In general, a vegetarian diet is healthier for breastfeeding than a diet that includes animal products. And all because:

  1. The milk of vegetarian mothers contains less toxic substances and decay products.
  2. Modern technologies for raising animals for meat include the use of antibiotics and hormones, which meat dishes enter the blood of the mother, and with her milk and into the blood of the baby. These substances can interfere hormonal balance women and lead to unpleasant situations with the health of the child.
  3. The digestion and assimilation of plant foods requires less energy for the body than the assimilation of animal dishes. And this means that a vegetarian mother will be more vigorous and strong, which is especially important in the period we are discussing.

Don't change your diet drastically

Of course, if you have previously eaten meat and fish, then you should not switch to a vegetarian diet during breastfeeding. Such a change in diet is associated with stress for the body. You will have to go through some transitional period when the body will rebuild and get used to the new food. It is undesirable to tie this period to breastfeeding. It is desirable only to limit the consumption of meat. But if you've been a successful vegetarian, and now you've been bullied by all sorts of terrible "deficiencies" and "flaws," you don't have to worry about that. Just make sure you have all of them in your diet. necessary products. The basis of the menu of a nursing vegetarian mother should be cereals and whole grain cereals. Also, consume as much fresh vegetables and fruits that will provide you with the most essential vitamins. Be sure to include nuts and sesame seeds in the menu.

If you are afraid allergic reactions your baby, try to start typing again Pine nuts, almonds and hazelnuts. These three products very rarely cause allergies and are indicated for nursing mothers with any diet and any diet. If possible, add a variety of greens to dishes - parsley, nettle, dill, celery, basil, gout, and so on. Instead of tea, it is worth preparing dried fruit compote with the addition of raisins and apricots. Be healthy!

We have compiled sample menu lactating and pregnant vegetarian mothers, listed which foods are essential and safe, and which can cause allergies. A link to this material is given at the beginning of the article.

Is vegetarianism safe while breastfeeding? Of course it's safe if you eat a varied diet. wholesome food. See article:
When they ask me if I need special diet while breastfeeding, I can confidently answer - no, not needed. The nursing diet is a myth.

During the period of breastfeeding, the woman's body continues to work for the benefit of two - the woman herself and her baby. Lies on a woman huge pressure, her breasts must produce milk to provide all the nutritional needs of the baby. Where will the woman get these nutrients from? From your food, of course. So mom needs to eat well. Her diet must contain fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, nuts, cereals and cereals, legumes.

If you sit on strict diet and limit your diet(as recommended by old-school pediatricians), you will not be getting enough nutrients. Not enough for two. Nature is wise, it protects growing babies, so the child will receive its nutrients from your body's reserves. Everything will go into milk. And you will receive chronic fatigue and health problems.

Here is an excerpt about the nutrition of nursing mothers from WHO recommendations "Feeding and nutrition infants and children early age» (pp. 174-175).

“Produce enough milk of sufficient quality to ensure normal physical development baby can women with bad condition nutrition. However, the mother's nutrient stores will be depleted, and this can be detrimental if the intervals between pregnancies are short and there is not enough time to replenish the stores. In addition, there is evidence that if a mother has reduced fat stores, this may reduce the fat content of breast milk. Therefore, in order to ensure optimal quality and quantity of breast milk without compromising the health of the mother, it is important to optimize the nutritional status of the mother throughout pregnancy and lactation.”

So eat well. Do not deprive yourself of useful and right products! You can refer to .

You don't need to eat for two either.. During breastfeeding, you only need to slightly increase daily dose food: lactating mothers need about 500 kcal / day more than in the normal state. A few extra slices of bread (200-300 g) or 4-5 potatoes cover this need completely ( Training course WHO " Healthy food and nutrition of women and their families”, pp. 23-24). Of course, bread and potatoes can and should be replaced with any other products in appropriate quantities.

With a vegetarian type of diet, protein deficiency does not threaten neither you nor the baby. In accordance with scientific research, most women significantly exceed the norm of protein intake. According to WHO, a breastfeeding woman needs only 56 g of protein per day. An additional 100 g of bread per day to meet energy needs increases the protein component of the diet by 7 g in parallel (WHO Training Course on Healthy Food and Nutrition for Women and Their Families, page 31)

And in various cereals, legumes and nuts, there is much more protein than in bread. All in all, right amount A lactating vegetarian gains protein per day easily.

And do not be afraid of allergies in the baby. Contrary to the myth that old school pediatricians scare breastfeeding mothers with, babies are not allergic to the foods eaten by their mothers. The child eats milk - a product of the processing of mother's food. From mother's food, only nutrients remain there.
So if you eat a bean, the child cannot have a reaction to that bean. Read more about this below.

Mechanism of allergy in infants

What is breast milk? In fact, it is an extract from the mother's blood. Blood rushes to the mammary glands, and they convert the incoming blood into milk. If a child develops an allergy at full breastfeeding, it means that there are allergens in the mother's blood. How did they get there? To understand this, let's look at the mechanism of digestion in the mother's body.

The process of breaking down food begins in the mouth during chewing. Then the crushed food moistened with saliva enters the stomach. Food enters the intestines already partially processed. In the intestines, the process of excretion of nutrients must end: biopolymers must be broken down into monomers. In particular, protein molecules must be broken down into amino acids. It is amino acids that enter the blood, from which our body builds its own proteins.

But sometimes the digestion process is disturbed. And instead of amino acids, protein molecules are absorbed into the blood. Unsplit foreign protein molecules enter the blood! The body reacts to foreign proteins - this is an allergy. An allergy can be hidden, that is, outwardly it does not manifest itself in any way, but inside the body there is a “war”. A breastfeeding mother may not be aware of this. The composition of her blood changed, and along with the blood, the milk also changed. Foreign proteins do not pass through the filter of the mammary glands, but immunoglobulins pass into the milk - these substances help fight foreign proteins. FROM mother's milk enters the child's body loading dose immunoglobulins, which stimulate the baby's immune response, turning into a general inflammatory response. The child has symptoms of an allergy. It can be colic, bloating, redness of the skin and other symptoms.

Is the mechanism clear? The baby is not allergic to the food of the mother! Allergies he develops due to problems in maternal organism. Mom's problems are primary. Her digestion is disturbed, her intestines cannot cope with the breakdown of food. This means that a nursing mother should improve her digestion, and not just give up some foods!
Everything that is well absorbed by a nursing mother will not harm the baby. A mother should not eat only those foods that cause problems for herself.

How to improve digestion for a nursing mother

Eating is good for improving digestion. Vegans, don't be scared! You can make vegan yogurt. The main thing in yogurt - beneficial bacteria, and soy, coconut or nut milk is used as the base. Great for making vegan yogurt. The principle of preparation is the same as for regular yogurt.
Already in a couple of weeks daily use homemade yogurt digestion improves significantly.

Hormonal rash in a breastfed baby

Many babies develop a rash about three weeks after birth. The rash looks like small reddish pimples with a white head. Don't be scared! Is not food allergy. This is a hormonal rash that has nothing to do with your diet. The people say "the child blooms." Hormonal rash is external reaction the child's body on the process of getting rid of maternal hormones obtained in the womb. It is not required to treat the baby from this rash, it will pass by itself in a month and a half.

Personal Experience: Vegetarianism and Breastfeeding

I have been a vegetarian for about ten years.
At the time of this writing (August 2012) I have been breastfeeding for 3 years 3 months non-stop. Of these, 10 months I feed tandem (simultaneously) two children.
Each of my children was exclusively breastfed until almost 6 months, that is, without supplementary feeding, supplementation and complementary foods.
The weight, height and development of my children correspond to the norms.
My health is fine too. Just at the beginning of the month, I passed a driver's medical examination - I went around a bunch of doctors and passed tests. All indicators are normal.

During the entire period of breastfeeding, I never limited my diet, and the children did not have reactions to my milk. I eat seasonal vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries, cereals, cereals, nuts and seeds, legumes, mushrooms, I supplement the diet with various vegetable oils and dairy products, herbal teas(nettle, mate, etc.). I eat chocolate and other sweets in moderation.

For many nursing mothers, the topic of vegetarianism is relevant. Is it possible to combine vegetarianism and breastfeeding without harm to health? What is the best way to replace meat and fish in a nursing diet?

Breastfeeding is a kind of test of the female body for strength. Up to 800 calories are consumed daily to produce milk, and good lactation requires energy and nutrients. Balanced good nutrition nursing - a guarantee of mommy's health and high-quality breast milk for the baby.

Mother's diet for breastfeeding
A breastfeeding mom needs to carefully plan her diet to receive and pass through breast milk. enough nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Eat as healthy, fresh and quality products. Daily menu should include: dairy (preferably sour-milk), meat, fish products, cereals, bread, vegetables and fresh herbs. As a dessert, berries and fruits are best suited.

Under the ban alcohol - alcohol quickly penetrates into breast milk. It is necessary to limit the consumption of coffee, it washes calcium out of the body and irritates the nervous system of the crumbs.

Restrictions apply to food that brings the body more harm than good. long heat treatment negatively affects the quality of products. Avoid fried, smoked, fatty and spicy foods. Give up sugary sodas, chips, fast food.

Vegetarian mom - yes or no?
If you followed a vegetarian menu before and during pregnancy, then you can also observe vegetarian diet. Vegetarianism for your body in this case is quite familiar and natural, there is no need to change anything in the diet. Make sure that your menu is healthy and varied, including a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. Control daily calorie content food intake, because plant products have a lower calorie content than animal products.

You can not switch to a vegetarian diet immediately after childbirth, if before that you consumed meat and fish. Abrupt change diet - stress not only for you, but also for your baby. Due to the refusal of regular food, an incessant feeling of hunger may occur, the state of health will worsen, and general weakness. Food dissatisfaction will be displayed on emotional state, which can lead to depression (and even cessation of lactation). Postpone the transition to a vegetarian diet until the end of Guards.

If you do not tolerate meat well, if it is too heavy food for your stomach, then, of course, you do not need to eat it by force. Best Product, which can replace meat - this is fish, it is good source calcium and protein. If you tolerate and love fish well, then leave it on the menu for the time of Guards.

Convinced lactating vegetarian mothers who do not recognize meat, poultry, fish and seafood should compensate for the lack of protein for the body as much as possible. As a substitute for meat and fish, the following products are suitable: eggs, dairy products, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans). Protein is also present in mushrooms and nuts (walnuts contain the most proteins).

Cereals should be present in the diet of all vegetarians: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn. Of the cereals, buckwheat is considered the most useful and contains the most protein and vitamins.

To compensate for calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and B12, which are rich in animal products, vegetarian mothers are recommended to take complex vitamins for nursing.

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