Niche Doctor Nutrition System. Educational and research work in the course of physical culture


If a person takes care of his own health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better for his health than he does.


The highest good is achieved against the backdrop of complete physical and mental health.

Mark Tullius Cicero

Hans Mol is a commentator for German television. He developed a number of health programs: nutrition, physical activity, combating alcoholism and smoking, preventing diseases and accidents, mental health. His work is widely published, and you can get acquainted with his concept and apply his programs for yourself. Let's talk briefly about these wonderful programs.

Program 1.


The role of nutrition in human life is enormous. Even Hippocrates said: "Your food should become your medicine, and your medicines should become your food." It turns out that you can change your life for the better if you adjust the formula of our nutrition. “Believe it or not, but a cell can become truly happy,” said one American biochemist, “for this you need to supply it with everything necessary for life.” Great doctor of the Ming Dynasty, which ruled China in 1368-1644, Li Shizhen said that drinks and food are the vessel of human life and irregular and malnutrition can lead to the development of diseases, and a properly selected diet can be a powerful tool and means of maintaining health and healing the body.

The first work on diet therapy appeared during the Tang Dynasty. This is Mastery medical nutrition»Zan Yin, consisting of 13 parts, which describes the diet for internal, women's and children's diseases. All subsequent works on this topic emphasize the enormous role proper nutrition to preserve human health.

Proper, balanced and harmonious nutrition is the key to health and longevity. Unfortunately, a modern person is forced to purchase those products that the market offers him. Often these are processed products with high content unnecessary, and sometimes harmful substances leading to a wide range of diseases. That's why main formula health modern man should be: “Don't kill yourself with a knife and fork! Eat smart! Find power errors!

Doctor Mole points to 10 food mistakes.

1. WE EAT A LOT consuming extra calories (Table 2). Nutrition does not meet the needs of the body: our nutrition with minimal physical exertion remains the same in terms of calories as with the hardest work of barge haulers. Overweight affects 10% of children and 30% of adults.

2. WE EAT TOO FAT. On average, a person consumes 140 g of fat daily at a rate of 80 g. The food is poor in vitamins and fiber. We eat too much flour products, white bread, pastries and cakes. Our diet is low natural products, a lot of canned and frozen foods, semi-finished products. Hence error 3 - WRONG CHOICE.

4. WE DRINK TOO MUCH alcohol, sugary drinks. Each adult "drinks" on average 330 kcal.

5. WE EAT WRONGLY: irregularly, quickly, uncontrollably. Instead of 5 times a day, we eat 2-3 times, in huge portions.


7. WE INCORRECTLY STORE MANY PRODUCTS. In addition, we preparing incorrectly. We abuse salt, hot spices, fry, although it would be better not to do this.


9. WE KNOW TOO LITTLE ABOUT NUTRITION: about the calorie content of food, about the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements in it.


As a result most of population suffers from overweight, which leads to the following consequences:

- too much stress on the joints, their premature wear;

- predisposition to the formation of hernias, to heart failure;

- an increased tendency to infectious diseases;

- risk of complications deaths at surgical operations;

- the appearance of cirrhosis of the liver due to its obesity;

- complications during childbirth;

- metabolic disorders;

– increase in pressure;

- the occurrence of diabetes;

- kidney disease, the formation of stones in them and in gallbladder;

- the occurrence of gout;

- an increase in the amount of adipose tissue in children;

- reduced life expectancy.


You need to check the weight daily in the morning, before breakfast.

The normal weight is equal to the figure obtained as a result of a simple arithmetic operation: human height minus 100. Ideal weight less than the norm by 10-15%. Overweight exceeds the norm by 10-20%. If a we are talking about a figure greater than 20%, this is already obesity.


You need to keep a diary, writing down everything that is boiled, fried, baked, and then eaten. Analyze why you eat too much: because of the persuasion of relatives, bad mood boredom or for any other reason.


1. Drink coffee without milk and cream.

2. Eat bread without butter.

3. Do not eat sauces and gravies during lunch.

4. Do not eat bread for breakfast.

5. Don't eat cake.

6. Do not consume sugar at all.

7. Do not eat potatoes and rice.

8. Do not eat jam and sweets.

9. Give up eggs.

10. Do not take extra portions.

11. Refuse sandwiches.

12. Refuse ice cream.

13. Don't eat cheese.

14. Try to eat only half of what is on the plate.

15. Eat raw vegetables and fruits.

16. Refuse fried foods.


Cook little, and take large plates: it will seem that there is more food.

Repeat every time: “I control my diet!”

Write down the weight. Rejoice if it decreases.

Do not eat after 19:00.

When choosing a dish, give preference to low-calorie foods.

Eat slowly, increase the meal time constantly by 5-10 minutes.

Take breaks while eating.

Chew your writing carefully.

Do not combine eating with watching TV, with talking.

Don't finish your portion.

Eat low-fat, refuse starchy foods.

Eat raw (vegetables, fruits).

Arrange fasting days: for example, Wednesday, Friday, like Christians.

Follow the posts.

How many kilocalories should be “absorbed” with food per day depends on many reasons: age, type of work, health status, etc.

Men with light work 2250 kcal (from 25 years old), 2400 (from 45 years old), 2250 (from 65 years old) are needed. At work moderate an additional 75-150 kcal per hour of work, with heavy work - another 150-225 kcal per hour of work. For very hard work, an additional 225 kcal per hour of work.

Women with light work 2200 kcal (from 25 years old), 2100 (from 45 years old), 2000 (from 60 years old). At vigorous activity add another 500-600 kcal, with an increase in load - 60-120 kcal per hour.

Program 2.

Physical activity

Insufficient physical activity undermines health, ages a person, brings death closer. This is known to everyone and everyone. Here is a list of diseases caused by lack of movement:

- myocardial infarction

– diseases blood vessels,

– diseases digestive system,

- metabolic diseases,

- weakening of the immune system

- violation of posture,

– diseases nervous system,

- weakening of ligaments and muscles,

- diseases of the joints.

According to experts, for people who have passed the age of forty, physical training it could be considered the only possibility resist natural processes aging.

First you need to develop an individual program to increase activity. Select the areas of your activity: home, commuting to and from work, work, weekends, vacation.

Assess your activity within each sphere: minimal - 3 points, very weak - 2 points, and these points are with a minus sign. With an increase in activity, points are given with a plus sign. If the pluses and minuses are equal, you have normal physical activity, if there are more minuses, you need physical education and sports.

X. Mole offers weakened people to perform a set of 10 exercises in the morning for 5 minutes.

You can record your achievements in a special notebook.

Program 3.

Smoking cessation

Smoking causes:

- lungs' cancer,

- calcification of blood vessels

- hypertension,

- myocardial infarction.

Smoking is one of the factors causing disability (at least a million diseases a year).

Every puff shortens our lives by one breath.

According to conservative estimates, a smoker shortens his life by 8 years.

Each smoker must decide for himself what is more important for him - to smoke and die, getting sick, or to start fighting the disease. Having decided to quit smoking, he makes a program for himself and adheres to the following rules.

1. I will not smoke!

2. I will wean gradually, because I won’t be able to quit at once!

3. I will wean myself in the company of like-minded people or I will resort to the help of a doctor.

And perhaps the program will be like this: I will still smoke, I won’t be able to quit!

Dr. Mole gives a lot of advice, but the main one is: quit smoking immediately, once and for all!

However, not everyone has enough will, so he developed programs to combat smoking, including SMALL STEPS PROGRAM. You can get acquainted with it in the books of Dr. X. Mol.

Program 4.

Anti-alcohol program

Diseases associated with alcoholism are injuries of the gastric mucosa, destruction of the pancreas, destruction of the vessels of the heart, brain, mental diseases, and nervous diseases.

Life expectancy for female alcoholics is less than usual by 10%, and for male alcoholics - by 15%.

Diseases of chronic alcoholics:

fatty degeneration liver, cirrhosis;

- diseases of the pancreas;

- inflammation of the gastric mucosa, ulcer;

- disorders of the autonomic nervous system;

- polyneurosis;

- sleep disturbance;

- impaired speech;

- distraction of attention, weakening of memory;

- disturbance of mental balance, depression;

- egocentrism;

- loss of moral principles, degradation of personality;

- weakening of the will, loss of self-respect, loss of responsibility for actions.

Who can be considered an alcoholic? Someone who is drunk at least four times a week, someone who goes to work drunk, someone who must drink to be able to work, someone who drives after drinking, someone who gets injured while intoxicated, someone who, when drunk, does what he never does when sober.

X. Mole describes how to create a personal program for the fight against alcoholism and strongly follow it.

Program 5.

Disease prevention

This program is described in great detail by Dr. Mole and contains a set of measures to prevent diseases. It lists signs of impending disease that should alert anyone who notices them. For example, signs of cancer:

non-healing wounds, tumor;

- nodes, lumps on the skin or under the skin, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, neck, armpits, groin;

– changes from birthmarks;

prolonged pain in the stomach, intestines, esophagus;

- persistent cough, hoarseness;

- shape changes mammary glands in women, cracked nipples, hardening, swelling, swollen lymph nodes.

Ability to provide first first aid- the main thing for which a first-aid kit is needed in every home. It should have everything you need. Personal hygiene is also very important to prevent various diseases.

Program 6.

Accident prevention

Issues of prevention in everyday life and at work have always been and are being given great attention. But everyone must develop an individual accident prevention program for himself: the main thing is to follow the rules for handling electrical appliances, household appliances and be careful on the roads.

Any holiday should be safe. Swimming, hiking, climbing - all this can lead to force majeure, so the main thing is not to flaunt your ability, but to be careful. Auto-training will help you with this.

Program 7.

mental stability

Relationship issues should be given great attention to both people working in a team, and lonely elderly people, pensioners. There are different programs psychological help, but the individual should work for everyone.

These are Dr. Mole's seven programs to keep in mind and take advantage of.

symbolic aspect. Against the backdrop of Arkan is a room, in the middle is a table. There is an alcoholic at the table, there is smoke around him, the table is filled with bottles. A painful picture! The color of the Arcana field is dirty gray, lead.

predictive aspect. When this Arcana appears in the layout, you should think about which of the seven programs you need to apply.

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State budget educational institution

"Ivanovo State Medical Academy"

Abstract: “The art of being healthy. Wellness system H. Molya"

Prepared by: 2nd year student

Faculty of Pediatrics

Khakimov D.Kh.

Ivanovo, 2014

Introduction 3

Main components healthy way life 5

Stress and coping 6

Prevention of normal physical condition person 9

Tempering 10

Wellness system Hans Mol 11

Program 1.11

Nutrition 11

Program 2.14

Physical activity 14

Program 3.15

Anti-smoking 15

Program 4.16

Anti-alcohol program 16

Program 5.17

Disease prevention 17

Program 6.17

Accident prevention 17

Program 7.18

Mental stability. eighteen


Human health is based on the sum genetic factors, lifestyle and environmental conditions. However, to a certain extent, it also depends on the conscious attitude of a person towards himself and environment. Human health is a state of complete socio-biological comfort, when the functions of all organs and systems of the body are balanced with the natural and social environment, there are no disturbances, painful conditions and physical defects. The criterion of health is determined by a set of indicators. However, for the most common features The health of an individual can be defined as the natural state of the body, which is characterized by the complete balance of any pronounced painful changes. It should be remembered that health depends on many factors that are combined into one integral concept - a healthy lifestyle. Its purpose is to teach a person to reasonably treat his health, physical and mental culture, temper his body, skillfully organize work and rest.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle

1. Lifestyle. It is of great importance for human health and consists of four categories:

Economic (standard of living)

Sociological (quality of life)

Socio-psychological (lifestyle)

Socio-economic (way of life)

2. Level of culture. It should be remembered that a person is a subject and at the same time - main result its activities. Culture, from this point of view, is a self-conscious attitude towards oneself. However, people very often neglect their health, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, do not adhere to the regime, overeat, smoke. Therefore, for health, the necessary knowledge that would be included in the daily habit of a person, that is, everyone should learn the art of being healthy.

3. Health in the hierarchy of needs. Health does not always take first place in a person's life compared to things and other material goods. As a result, this leads to harm not only to their own health, but also to the health of future generations. Therefore, health should take first place in the hierarchy of human needs.

4. Motivation. Unfortunately, most people realize the price of health only when it has already been significantly lost. Only then arises the desire to cure the disease, to become healthy. And having mastered the methods of a healthy lifestyle, a person will be able to devote much more time to his health, and will be able to prevent diseases.

5. Backlinks - a stupid and long test of the resistance of your body with an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, nicotine). Only through certain time a person's backlinks are triggered when she quits bad habits, but it's often too late.

6. An institution for a long healthy life. AT Everyday life a person must skillfully mobilize the reserves of his body to overcome life failures, to reduce the risk of diseases, which contributes to longevity

7. Teaching a healthy lifestyle. The source of skills on this issue is primarily the example of fathers, sanitary education also helps. An important factor that determines a person’s response to an extreme situation is his psychophysical qualities and general state. They manifest themselves through the sensitivity of a person to identify danger signals, before reacting to these signals. The indicators that predetermine a person's ability to identify a dangerous situation and adequately respond to it depend on individual characteristics, in particular, on his nervous system. The behavior of a person in a dangerous situation is also affected by his mental and physical state.

8. Mental condition. A modern person is faced with many risk factors that negatively affect the state of both the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and reduces the body's resistance. This creates a stress response in the body. So, for example, a mental trauma resulting from a conflict takes a person out of a normal mental state, which can lead to significant changes in the performance of professional functions and the general functional state.

Stress and overcoming it

In translation, "stress" means "tension", that is, the body's response to the problem posed to it.

Stress is a set of general non-specific biochemical, physiological and psychological reactions of the body as a result of the action of extreme stimuli of a different nature and nature, which cause dysfunction of organs.

Complete release from stress means death, therefore a slight stress is a normal phenomenon in life and is necessary for the realization of human fullness. However, if it is intense and long-term, it can become the basis for the development of diseases or cause death.

Medical and sociological studies among different categories of the population show that people react differently to emergencies. There are people who are resistant to stress and everyday troubles, but very stress-reactive to family problems and failures in love, others painfully perceive failures at work, still others - the loss of social status.

It is known that in persons under 30 years of age, vital needs are much greater than in older people, and therefore stressful conditions prevail in them.

Behavior in extreme conditions (accident, criminal situation, natural disaster) is of great importance for the development of a stressful state. Wrong behavior in such situations is most often the cause of the harmful effects of stress. It determines the outcome of stress more than environmental factors. In these cases, stress can be in the form of panic, fuss, hysteria.

The body's resistance to a variety of stressful conditions is very individual. Some people endure extremely difficult extreme situations without any consequences, never lose control, do not lose willpower, psychological balance. Others already in minor extreme situations lose their restraint and faith in themselves. What does it depend on?

First, individual sensitivity to extreme situations is determined by the type of higher nervous activity. Four types of temperaments: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. Choleric - characterized by the speed of action, strong feelings and passions that quickly arise. This is clearly expressed in language, gestures, facial expressions. Choleric always considers himself right, it is hard to admit his mistakes.

Sanguine - characterized by agility, quick excitability and a slight change in emotions. The sanguine is comradely, but is not permanent, it cannot be assigned to him in a difficult moment.

Phlegmatic - characterized by moderation, not in a hurry to solve problems, reliable, not irritable, does not complain, but is indifferent to others.

Melancholic - characterized by a tendency to depression, depression. Indulges in despair in emergency extreme situations, becomes unable to overcome difficulties. Belonging to one or another type depends on the ability to control oneself, one's will, feelings and passions in extreme conditions.

To harden the mental state, a person needs to use physical labor, playing sports, walking on fresh air and other natural factors.

Secondly, the ability to control oneself, manage emotions, psycho-emotional stress. This means constantly controlling your actions, deeds, remaining balanced even in the most stressful circumstances.

It should be noted that there are various psychological means of relieving nervous tension in order to resume working capacity, which include: psychotherapy, psychoprophylaxis, and psychohygiene.

Psychotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis when it is curative without putting the patient at any risk. Psychotherapy can be used for neurotic disorders that have occurred as a result of emergencies to alleviate fear and anxiety.

Psychoprophylaxis is an autogenic psychomuscular training, which aims to teach a person to consciously correct some processes in the body that make it possible to protect the human psyche from harmful actions and "tune" it to overcome difficulties and stressful conditions. It can be used to renew strength before a working day, during breaks, and also after a working day.

To relieve feelings of anxiety, fear, there are certain tests, formulas. For a faster resumption of strength after fatigue, it is recommended to use inspired sleep, that is, learn to put yourself into sleep for a certain time and wake up alert on your own. The duration of the inspired sleep is 30 - 40 minutes.

Psychohygiene - includes the art of relationships between people, the harmony of man and nature, comfortable living conditions, various types of recreation.

Prevention of the normal physical condition of a person

The most important thing for a person is his physical state of health, which depends both on biological factors (heredity) and on a complex set of social, economic, hygienic, climatic, geographical and other environmental conditions.

Under the influence of adverse factors, the level of physical health is reduced, and the improvement of conditions contributes to its increase.

Coming out of the concept of physical health, its main criterion should be considered the energy potential of the biosystem, since the vital activity of any living organism depends on the accumulation and mobilization of energy to ensure physical functions. Proceeding from this, the state of a person's physical development is characterized by his anthropometric data: - growth is a process of increasing the number and size of cells and tissues of the body. Human growth is basically completed before the age of 23, for girls - up to 18, for boys - up to 20. The simplest method for determining the optimal body weight is that the ideal weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100; - other data: the shape of the chest, muscles.

Human health, the resistance of his body to adverse environmental conditions, performance largely depend on nutrition. Proper and rational nutrition is an important factor in ensuring human life, growth and development of the body, prevention and treatment of diseases, including those that occurred as a result of emergencies.


An important factor in physical health is hardening of the body.

Hardening is an increase in the body's resistance to adverse conditions of certain environmental factors (for example, low and high temperatures) through a systematic dosed effect of these factors on the body.

Hardening is based on the ability of the human body to adapt to changing environmental conditions. A person is undergoing a process of adaptation of the body to new conditions of existence - adaptation occurs.

Cold hardening is practically the most important, since hypothermia contributes to the occurrence of respiratory viral diseases. In an organism resistant to low temperatures, heat is generated more intensively, which promotes better blood circulation and reduces the possibility of infectious diseases and frostbite.

Other means of improving health are morning hygienic exercises, being in nature - in the forest, park, by the sea, in the mountains, etc.

Wellness system by Hans Mol

Hans Mol is a German television commentator. He developed a number of health programs: nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and smoking control, disease and accident prevention, and mental health. His work is widely published, and you can get acquainted with his concept and apply his programs for yourself. Let's talk briefly about these wonderful programs.

Program 1.


The role of nutrition in human life is enormous. Even Hippocrates said: "Your food should become your medicine, and your medicines should become your food." It turns out that you can change your life for the better if you adjust the formula of our nutrition. “Believe it or not, but a cell can become truly happy,” said one American biochemist, “for this you need to supply it with everything necessary for life.” The great physician of the Ming Dynasty, which ruled China in 1368-1644, Li Shizhen said that drinks and food are the vessel of human life and irregular and improper nutrition can lead to the development of diseases, and a properly selected diet can become a powerful tool and means of maintaining health and body healing.

Work description

Human health is based on the sum of genetic factors, lifestyle and environmental conditions. However, to a certain extent, it also depends on the conscious attitude of a person towards himself and the environment. Human health is a state of complete socio-biological comfort, when the functions of all organs and systems of the body are balanced with the natural and social environment, there are no unrest, disease states and physical defects. The criterion of health is determined by a set of indicators. However, behind the most general features of an individual's health, it can be defined as the natural state of the body, which is characterized by the complete balance of any pronounced painful changes.

The content of the work

Introduction 3
The main components of a healthy lifestyle 5
Stress and coping 6
Prevention of the normal physical condition of a person 9
Tempering 10
Wellness system Hans Mol 11
Program 1.11
Nutrition 11
Program 2.14
Physical activity 14
Program 3.15
Anti-smoking 15
Program 4.16
Anti-alcohol program 16
Program 5.17
Disease prevention 17
Program 6.17
Accident prevention 17
Program 7.18
Mental stability. eighteen
Conclusion 19

78 tarot tips. How to maintain health, youth and beauty Vera Sklyarova



If a person takes care of his own health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better for his health than he does.

The highest good is achieved against the backdrop of complete physical and mental health.

Mark Tullius Cicero

Hans Mol- commentator for German television. He developed a number of health programs: nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and smoking control, disease and accident prevention, and mental health. His work is widely published, and you can get acquainted with his concept and apply his programs for yourself. Let's talk briefly about these wonderful programs.

Program 1.


The role of nutrition in human life is enormous. Even Hippocrates said: "Your food should become your medicine, and your medicines should become your food." It turns out that you can change your life for the better if you adjust the formula of our nutrition. “Believe it or not, but a cell can become truly happy,” said one American biochemist, “for this you need to supply it with everything necessary for life.” The great physician of the Ming Dynasty, which ruled China in 1368-1644, Li Shizhen said that drinks and food are the vessel of human life and irregular and improper nutrition can lead to the development of diseases, and a properly selected diet can become a powerful tool and means of maintaining health and body healing.

The first work on diet therapy appeared during the Tang Dynasty. This is Zan Yin's Mastery of Healing Nutrition, which consists of 13 parts, which describes the diet for internal, women's and children's diseases. All subsequent works on this topic emphasize the huge role of proper nutrition in maintaining human health.

Proper, balanced and harmonious nutrition is the key to health and longevity. Unfortunately, a modern person is forced to purchase those products that the market offers him. Often these are processed foods with a high content of unnecessary, and sometimes harmful substances, leading to a huge range of diseases. Therefore, the main formula for the health of a modern person should be this: “Do not kill yourself with a knife and fork! Eat smart! Find power errors!

Doctor Mole points to 10 food mistakes.

1. WE EAT A LOT consuming extra calories (Table 2). Nutrition does not meet the needs of the body: our nutrition with minimal physical exertion remains the same in terms of calories as with the hardest work of barge haulers. Overweight affects 10% of children and 30% of adults.

2. WE EAT TOO FAT. On average, a person consumes 140 g of fat daily at a rate of 80 g. The food is poor in vitamins and fiber. We eat too many flour products, white bread, pastries and cakes. There are few natural products in our diet, a lot of canned and frozen foods, semi-finished products. Hence error 3 - WRONG CHOICE.

4. WE DRINK TOO MUCH alcohol, sugary drinks. Each adult "drinks" on average 330 kcal.

5. WE EAT INCORRECTLY: irregularly, quickly, uncontrollably. Instead of 5 times a day, we eat 2-3 times, in huge portions.


7. WE INCORRECTLY STORE MANY PRODUCTS. In addition, we preparing incorrectly. We abuse salt, hot spices, fry, although it would be better not to do this.


9. WE KNOW TOO LITTLE ABOUT NUTRITION: about the calorie content of food, about the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements in it.


As a result, a large part of the population suffers from overweight, which leads to the following consequences:

- too much stress on the joints, their premature wear;

- predisposition to the formation of hernias, to heart failure;

- increased susceptibility to infectious diseases;

- the risk of complications, deaths during surgical operations;

- the appearance of cirrhosis of the liver due to its obesity;

- complications during childbirth;

- metabolic disorders;

– increase in pressure;

- the occurrence of diabetes;

- kidney disease, the formation of stones in them and in the gallbladder;

- the occurrence of gout;

- an increase in the amount of adipose tissue in children;

- reduced life expectancy.


You need to check the weight daily in the morning, before breakfast.

The normal weight is equal to the figure obtained as a result of a simple arithmetic operation: a person’s height minus 100. The ideal weight is 10–15% less than the norm. Excess weight exceeds the norm by 10-20%. If we are talking about a figure greater than 20%, this is already obesity.


You need to keep a diary, writing down everything that is boiled, fried, baked, and then eaten. Analyze why you eat too much: because of the persuasion of relatives, bad mood, boredom, or for another reason.


1. Drink coffee without milk and cream.

2. Eat bread without butter.

3. Do not eat sauces and gravies during lunch.

4. Do not eat bread for breakfast.

5. Don't eat cake.

6. Do not consume sugar at all.

7. Do not eat potatoes and rice.

8. Do not eat jam and sweets.

9. Give up eggs.

10. Do not take extra portions.

11. Refuse sandwiches.

12. Refuse ice cream.

13. Don't eat cheese.

14. Try to eat only half of what is on the plate.

15. Eat raw vegetables and fruits.

16. Refuse fried foods.


Cook little, and take large plates: it will seem that there is more food.

Repeat every time: “I control my diet!”

Write down the weight. Rejoice if it decreases.

Do not eat after 19:00.

When choosing a dish, give preference to low-calorie foods.

Eat slowly, increase the meal time constantly by 5-10 minutes.

Take breaks while eating.

Chew your writing carefully.

Do not combine eating with watching TV, with talking.

Don't finish your portion.

Eat low-fat, refuse starchy foods.

Eat raw (vegetables, fruits).

Arrange fasting days: for example, Wednesday, Friday, like Christians.

Follow the posts.

How many kilocalories should be “absorbed” with food per day depends on many reasons: age, type of work, health status, etc.

Men with light work need 2250 kcal (from 25 years old), 2400 (from 45 years old), 2250 (from 65 years old). With moderate work, an additional 75-150 kcal per hour of work, with heavy work - another 150-225 kcal per hour of work. For very hard work, an additional 225 kcal per hour of work.

Women with light work 2200 kcal (from 25 years old), 2100 (from 45 years old), 2000 (from 60 years old). With vigorous activity, add another 500-600 kcal, with an increase in load - 60-120 kcal per hour.

Program 2.

Physical activity

Insufficient physical activity undermines health, ages a person, brings death closer. This is known to everyone and everyone. Here is a list of diseases caused by lack of movement:

- myocardial infarction

- diseases of the blood vessels,

- diseases of the digestive system,

- metabolic diseases,

- weakening of the immune system

- violation of posture,

- diseases of the nervous system,

- weakening of ligaments and muscles,

- diseases of the joints.

According to experts, for people who have passed the age of forty, physical training can be considered the only way to resist the natural aging process.

First you need to develop an individual program to increase activity. Select the areas of your activity: home, commuting to and from work, work, weekends, vacation.

Assess your activity within each sphere: minimal - 3 points, very weak - 2 points, and these points are with a minus sign. With an increase in activity, points are given with a plus sign. If the pluses and minuses are equal, you have normal physical activity, if there are more minuses, you need physical education and sports.

X. Mole offers weakened people to perform a set of 10 exercises in the morning for 5 minutes.

You can record your achievements in a special notebook.

Program 3.

Smoking cessation

Smoking causes:

- lungs' cancer,

- calcification of blood vessels

- hypertension,

- myocardial infarction.

Smoking is one of the factors causing disability (at least a million diseases a year).

Every puff shortens our lives by one breath.

According to conservative estimates, a smoker shortens his life by 8 years.

Each smoker must decide for himself what is more important for him - to smoke and die, getting sick, or to start fighting the disease. Having decided to quit smoking, he makes a program for himself and adheres to the following rules.

1. I will not smoke!

2. I will wean gradually, because I won’t be able to quit at once!

3. I will wean myself in the company of like-minded people or I will resort to the help of a doctor.

And perhaps the program will be like this: I will still smoke, I won’t be able to quit!

Dr. Mole gives a lot of advice, but the main one is: quit smoking immediately, once and for all!

However, not everyone has enough will, so he developed programs to combat smoking, including SMALL STEPS PROGRAM. You can get acquainted with it in the books of Dr. X. Mol.

Program 4.

Anti-alcohol program

Diseases associated with alcoholism are injuries of the gastric mucosa, destruction of the pancreas, destruction of the vessels of the heart, brain, mental diseases, and nervous diseases.

Life expectancy for female alcoholics is less than usual by 10%, and for male alcoholics - by 15%.

Diseases of chronic alcoholics:

- fatty degeneration of the liver, cirrhosis;

- diseases of the pancreas;

- inflammation of the gastric mucosa, ulcer;

- disorders of the autonomic nervous system;

- polyneurosis;

- sleep disturbance;

- impaired speech;

- distraction of attention, weakening of memory;

- disturbance of mental balance, depression;

- egocentrism;

- loss of moral principles, degradation of personality;

- weakening of the will, loss of self-respect, loss of responsibility for actions.

Who can be considered an alcoholic? Someone who is drunk at least four times a week, someone who goes to work drunk, someone who must drink to be able to work, someone who drives after drinking, someone who gets injured while intoxicated, someone who, when drunk, does what he never does when sober.

X. Mole describes how to create a personal program for the fight against alcoholism and strongly follow it.

Program 5.

Disease prevention

This program is described in great detail by Dr. Mole and contains a set of measures to prevent diseases. It lists signs of impending disease that should alert anyone who notices them. For example, signs of cancer:

- non-healing wounds, swelling;

- nodes, seals on the skin or under the skin, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, neck, armpits, groin;

- changes with birthmarks;

- prolonged pain in the stomach, intestines, esophagus;

- persistent cough, hoarseness;

- changes in the shape of the mammary glands in women, cracks in the nipples, hardening, swelling, enlarged lymph nodes.

The ability to provide first aid is the main thing for which a first-aid kit is needed in every home. It should have everything you need. Personal hygiene is also very important for the prevention of various diseases.

Program 6.

Accident prevention

Issues of prevention in everyday life and at work have always been and are being given great attention. But everyone must develop an individual accident prevention program for themselves: the main thing is to follow the rules for handling electrical appliances, household appliances, as well as caution on the roads.

Any holiday should be safe. Swimming, hiking, climbing - all this can lead to force majeure, so the main thing is not to flaunt your ability, but to be careful. Auto-training will help you with this.

Program 7.

mental stability

Relationship issues should be given great attention to both people working in a team, and lonely elderly people, pensioners. There are different programs of psychological assistance, but individual should work for everyone.

These are Dr. Mole's seven programs to keep in mind and take advantage of.

symbolic aspect. Against the backdrop of Arkan is a room, in the middle is a table. There is an alcoholic at the table, there is smoke around him, the table is filled with bottles. A painful picture! The color of the Arcana field is dirty gray, lead.

predictive aspect. When this Arcana appears in the layout, you should think about which of the seven programs you need to apply.

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Thematic sections of abstracts:

1. Sociological and general theoretical problems physical culture and sports:

Topic 1. History of physical culture and sports.

Topic 2. Sport, economics, politics in modern society.

Topic 3. Religion and physical culture.

Topic 4. Olympic Games– the largest sport competitions modernity.

Topic 5. Valeology as a science, the concept of health and factors of a healthy lifestyle.

Topic 6. healthy image life is the path to longevity.

Topic 7. Moral education of students in the process of physical culture and sports.

Topic 8. Results of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Participation of Volgograd athletes in them.

2. Physical culture and sports - in the service of health protection

Topic 1. Biomedical and social risk factors in modern society.

Topic 2. Optimal motor mode - important factor strengthening and maintaining health.

Topic 3. Organization of independent physical culture and sports.

Topic 4. Physical culture and sports in the family.

Topic 5. Modern views about gender aspects in sport.

Topic 6. Modern simulators, technical means for physical education and sports.

3. The use of means of therapeutic physical culture (LFK) in the process of rehabilitation after various diseases and injuries

Topic 1. Exercise therapy for posture disorders.

Topic 2. Exercise therapy for cardiovascular diseases.

Topic 3. Correction of vision by means of exercise therapy.

Topic 4. Exercise therapy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Topic 6. Exercise therapy for neuroses.

Topic 7. Exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Topic 8. Exercise therapy for diseases of the endocrine system.

4. Physical education of children and adolescents

Topic 1. Optimal motor mode in various terms pregnancy.

Topic 2. Physical training in the postpartum period.

Topic 3. Health for life. Massage and hardening of children under 1 year old; up to 3 years; preschooler (optional).

Topic 4. Physical culture - the basis of development healthy child up to 1 year; up to 3 years; preschooler; student (optional).

Topic 5. Outdoor gamesimportant tool physical education of children and teenagers.

Topic 6. Problems of training young athletes.

5. Medical aspects sports activities

Topic 1. Physiological processes during exercise.

Topic 2. Means of restoring physical performance.

Topic 3. Injuries in physical culture and sports.

Topic 4. Self-control in physical culture and sports.

Topic 5. "Pathological" and "sports" heart.

Topic 6. Adaptation and reserves of the human body.

6. Professional and applied orientation of physical culture and sports

Topic 1. Professional and applied physical training doctor-surgeon.

Topic 2. Professional and applied physical training of a dentist.

Topic 3. Professional and applied physical training of a pediatrician.

Topic 4. Professional-applied physical training of a pharmacist.

Topic 5. Professional and applied physical training of a biochemist.

Topic 6. Professional and applied physical training of a social work specialist.

Topic 7. Professional and applied physical training of a psychologist.

Topic 8. Professional and applied physical training of a paramedic.

Topic 9. Professional and applied physical training of a dental technician.

Topic 10. Professional and applied physical training of a dental hygienist.

Topic 11. Professional and applied physical training of a pharmacist.

Topic 12. Industrial physical culture of a doctor, pharmacist

7. Medico-biological bases of mass physical culture and sports

Topic 1. The main directions of the influence of physical exercises of the training regime on the human body.

Topic 2. Ideal weight, ideal figure.

Topic 3. Using the method of biological feedback in medicine and sports.

Topic 4. Methodology for the development of physical quality "strength".

Topic 5. Methodology for the development of physical quality "endurance".

Topic 6. Methodology for the development of physical quality "quickness".

Topic 7. Methods of development of coordination abilities.

8. Propulsion and health systems

Topic 1. K. Cooper's health system.

Topic 2. The system of maintaining "active longevity" according to.

Topic 3. Health system "1000 movements" by.

Topic 4. The art of being healthy. Health system H. Mol.

Topic 5. Health system "Baby".

Topic 6. G. Shelton's health system.

Topic 7. P. Bragg's health system.

Topic 8. Paradoxical gymnastics.

Topic 9. Volitional liquidation deep breathing on.

Topic 10. Flexibility - youthfulness of muscles and joints. Stretching.

Topic 11. Bodybuilding.

Topic 12. Fitness and its varieties.

Topic 13. Hatha - yoga - the path to health.

Topic 14. The role of physical culture in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

9. Correction of the psychophysiological state of a person

Topic 1. Fundamentals of psychological correction.

Topic 2. "The golden light of meditation."

Topic 3. Fundamentals of bioenergy training.

Topic 4. Autogenic training.

Topic 5. The impact of stress on the human body.

Topic 6. Qigong therapy.

Topic 7. "Healing mudras."

10 Modern unconventional methods maintaining health

Topic 1. Hydrotherapy according to the S. Kneipp system.

Topic 2. Recovery according to the method of A. Zalmanov.

Topic 3. Modern approaches in prevention various violations musculoskeletal system.

Topic 4. Functional music - an assistant in labor, sports, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Topic 5. Modern respiratory systems and breathing exercises.

Topic 6. Modern approaches to the use of physical culture in the prevention of ophthalmic diseases.

Topic 7. The use of non-pharmacological agents for the prevention of diseases and improving efficiency.

Topic 8. The use of the bath for health and treatment purposes.

Topic 9. Different kinds massage - in the service of health.

11. Adaptive physical education

Topic 1. The problem of social and physical rehabilitation disabled people in Russia.

Topic 2. History of the Paralympic Movement and state of the art sports for the disabled.

Topic 3. Animal therapy in complex rehabilitation disabled people.

Topic 4. Physical culture and sports as a sphere of maintaining the health of persons with disabilities.

We bring to your attention the work of Hans Mol "Seven Health Programs", which used research materials from scientists and scientific institutions Germany and USA. The problematic issues raised by Hans Mol are not new: about a balanced diet, about motor activity human in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, about bad habits, injury prevention, etc.

In a complex system hygiene measures aimed at the service of public health, one of the most important places belongs to the organization of rational nutrition. Nutrition is the main factor optimal growth and development human body, his ability to work, physical activity, adaptation to different conditions environment, resistance to extreme influences. The main role in rational nutrition plays the principle of a balanced diet both in terms of the quantitative composition of protein, fats, carbohydrates, in their ratio, and in the content of amino acids in proteins, the fatty acid formula of the diet, the spectrum minerals, optimal ratio vitamins and microelements. ... We bring to your attention the work of Hans Mol "Seven Health Programs", which used research materials from scientists and scientific institutions in Germany and the USA. The problematic issues raised by Hans Mol are not new: about a balanced diet, about human physical activity in the conditions of scientific and technological progress, about harmful habits, prevention traumatism, etc.

In the complex system of hygienic measures aimed at protecting public health, one of the most important places belongs to the organization of rational nutrition. Nutrition is the main factor in the optimal growth and development of the human body, its ability to work, physical activity, adaptation to various environmental conditions, resistance to extreme influences. The main role in rational nutrition is played by the principle of balanced nutrition both in terms of the quantitative composition of protein, fats, carbohydrates, their ratio, and the content of amino acids in proteins, the fatty acid formula of the diet, the spectrum of minerals, the optimal ratio of vitamins and microelements.

In the "Meal program" section, the problem balanced nutrition not fully disclosed, but it can be found a lot useful tips and recommendations: how to protect yourself from overeating, get rid of excess weight how to control yourself keeping normal weight how to organize and streamline your regimen and diet. Physical inactivity against the background of informative, emotional overstrain and stressful situations is one of the provoking factors of a number of deviations in the state of health. However, X. Mol's presentation of the causes of hypodynamia is given somewhat unambiguously, without sufficient justification. In the Physical Activity Diagnosis section, physical activity scores are not objectified. The assessment is given purely subjectively, without a quantitative measurement of physical activity.

Unfortunately, passionately campaigning for physical activity, the author underestimates the possible negative consequences forced physical activity against the background of physical inactivity, especially for middle-aged and elderly people. After all, one should take into account the fact that beginners, as a rule, are untrained people. That's why physical exercises for middle-aged and elderly people with a pulse rate of 140-150 beats per minute seem risky. Increase physical activity after medical examination and recommendations of a sports doctor about the nature and volume of motor modes.

Despite some shortcomings, the works of Hans Mol are attractive in that they bring together and cover the most actual problems related to human health in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution. X. Mol himself considered drawing people's attention to mistakes and blunders in relation to his health.

Hans Mol: “Before writing a book, I ... told it. Yes, it was a story, or rather, a series of television programs I cited, devoted to the main problems of recovery. This topic aroused great interest among German viewers, and I decided to repeat it in the book.
I would like people, getting acquainted with individual sections, first of all pay attention to own mistakes. Only by fixing the mistakes, you can take on their elimination. The second step is constructive. It will help to improve health, make life more complete and meaningful.
Of course, not all of my advice will work for everyone. Nevertheless, most of the recommendations are an urgent practical need, and the implementation of these recommendations in life will provide everyone optimal level reliable health."

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