Menu without meat for a week recipes. Vegetarian dishes. Vegetarian recipes for every day. Vegetarian menu

If you decide to go vegan, there are two important rules to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to switch to such a diet very gradually. It is almost impossible to immediately give up harmful foods that you have been using for years. By gradually changing your menu and adding vegan recipes to it, you will make the transition to a new diet easy and enjoyable.

The second rule will help avoid a very common mistake made by beginner vegans, namely the elimination of all animal products from their diet without replacing them with anything. If you do not find an alternative to the usual products and leave only cereals, vegetables and fruits in your diet, then you can bring your body to beriberi and other harmful consequences.

In this article, we will tell you what foods a vegan diet should contain in order to switch to it to become not only tasty but also healthy!

Vegan breakfast - hearty and healthy

Breakfast is a very important meal that energizes you and gives you strength for the day ahead. A good choice for breakfast is a light meal, such as porridge boiled in water. You can use various cereals and add to porridge nuts and dried fruits. Fruit and berry and fruit and vegetable smoothies are great for breakfast. You can experiment with a set of smoothie ingredients yourself or choose. Instead of an egg omelet, try making an omelet with tofu, a staple in the vegan diet.. By the way, tofu is a versatile ingredient. It can be prepared in many different ways and included in a wide variety of dishes.

Another perfect choice for breakfast is fruit salad, and the number of different recipes will allow you to try a new combination every morning. Vegan recipes for very appetizing dishes deserve a special recommendation - lean pancakes and French toast.

Such food will provide you with vitamins and carbohydrates for the whole day.

As a first course, it is useful to eat soup. Vegan soup is cooked in vegetable broth with the addition of vegetable oil. There are countless soup recipes that vegan cuisine has: vegetable soups with cereals, mushroom soup, puree soup and many others. And to add flavor to the dish, spices and seasonings are used - herbs, seeds and inflorescences.

For the second, a vegetable salad, savory dumplings or a side dish with beetroot or carrot cutlets would be a good choice. As a side dish, you can use rice, pasta and potatoes cooked in any way.

Vegan burgers are a very satisfying dish.. For their preparation, you will need buns baked without milk and eggs. But the filling of such a burger can be completely different and include tofu, different vegetables and sauces.

Good meat alternatives are cabbage rolls and stuffed peppers, which are cooked with rice and vegetables.

The right snack for a vegan

An afternoon snack is a light snack that should not completely satisfy your hunger. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and salads from them are perfect. If you grind several different fruits into a puree and add seeds, you get a very tasty, and most importantly, an afternoon snack enriched with vitamins. Also don't forget nut mixes with dried fruits, soy yogurt and various smoothies.

Can you eat sweets?

It is fundamentally wrong that vegans try not to eat sweets. The main thing is that they are healthy and do not contain eggs, milk and other products that vegan cuisine excludes. For those with a sweet tooth going vegan, there will be plenty to choose from! White sugar can be replaced with maple syrup, corn syrup, stevia, or agave syrup. The most popular and delicious option is palm sugar.

Regular chocolate can be substituted for milk-free dark chocolate. Or make carob chocolate right at home. There are vegan recipes for making delicious chocolate spreads with nuts and coconut oil.

There are also cookies, pies, sweets and even ice cream waiting for you - all this can be prepared at home and combine sweet with healthy.

Beginning vegans do not always know how to replace their usual and favorite drinks - tea, coffee and milk. After all, you want to drink all the most natural. Isn't it limited to just water? Of course not! Milk is replaced with vegetable milk, which is not only healthy, but also very diverse, everyone can find something to their taste. You can make sesame and nut milk at home.

An alternative to store-bought tea is herbal tea, such as mint, chamomile, or calendula. These teas are not only tasty, but also have healing properties. Instead of your usual coffee, try the same drink, only made from barley or chicory.

Smoothies occupy a special place in the diet of every vegan. This thick drink, which will retain all the vitamins of its ingredients, can be prepared from various fruits, berries and herbs. Here you can find a whole for both lacto-vegans and those who do not consume dairy products.

What else can you drink? Freshly squeezed juices, kvass, compotes, everything is the same that non-vegans drink!

Vegan recipes: menu for the week


Breakfast: rice porridge with raisins, carrot-orange smoothie;

Dinner: vegetable soup with lentils, white cabbage salad, tea;

afternoon tea: bananas;

Dinner: cabbage rolls with mushrooms, ginger tea.


Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit pieces, banana-berry smoothie;

Dinner: pea soup, crispbread, mint tea;

afternoon tea: apple and pumpkin seeds;

Dinner: vegetable salad, tea.


Breakfast: pumpkin puree, a slice of whole grain bread, juice;

Dinner: carrot, cabbage and parsnip stew;

afternoon tea: fruit salad with tofu;

Dinner: boiled beans with tomato sauce, mint tea.


Breakfast: barley porridge, green smoothie;

Dinner: squash soup, tea;

afternoon tea: baked apple;

Dinner: buckwheat with mushrooms, vegetable salad, ginger tea.


Breakfast: zucchini pancakes, soy milk, banana;

Dinner: chickpea soup, boiled beetroot salad;

afternoon tea: nut-fruit mixture;

Dinner: stuffed peppers, apricot juice.


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, dried fruit smoothies;

Dinner: cauliflower soup, salad with arugula and radish;

afternoon tea: pomegranate;

Dinner: rice with green peas and almonds, cranberry tea.


Breakfast: tofu scrambled eggs, cabbage-cucumber salad;

Dinner: bean and pasta soup, rolls with vegetables;

afternoon tea: fruit and vegetable smoothie;

Dinner: dumplings with potatoes, mint tea.

The menu is given as an example, but in reality you can experiment with a huge number of dishes, we will replenish the collection of recipes for vegans. Plus, you can always adapt non-vegan dishes by substituting ingredients with similar flavors and textures! Make your diet varied and healthy!

People become vegetarians for many reasons. You may decide to eliminate meat, seafood, dairy and/or eggs from your diet in order to improve your health; for ethical or religious reasons; to cut costs; or just experiment and try something new. Vegetarianism reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and cancer. However, it should be understood that a vegetarian diet is not just about eliminating meat from your diet. If you decide to become a vegetarian, you will have to completely change your lifestyle. With an improperly planned diet, vegetarians can be deficient in iron, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and riboflavin. After reading this article, you will learn how to make up for nutritional deficiencies as a vegetarian.


Part 1

If you are planning to become a vegetarian

    Think about the need to change your lifestyle. What attracts you to a vegetarian diet? Do you want to improve your health? Do you feel sorry for the animals? Is your desire dictated by religious beliefs? The first step towards change is to identify and understand the reasons why you want this change. This will give you the right motivation.

    Decide what kind of vegetarian you want to be. Not everyone knows that there are actually different types of vegetarianism. Vegetarian diets can vary greatly. The main types of vegetarianism are listed below. Read this information carefully and decide for yourself what kind of vegetarian you want to become. So, the main types of vegetarianism:

    • Veganism. This is the strictest diet. Vegans eliminate animal products from their diet completely. They do not eat meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs and gelatin. Many also do not eat honey. In addition, adherents of this lifestyle refuse fur, leather, wool and silk in clothes, and also avoid certain cosmetics.
    • lacto vegetarianism. Representatives of this lifestyle consume dairy products, but do not eat meat, poultry, fish and eggs.
    • Ovo Vegetarianism. This is a type of vegetarianism that allows you to include eggs and honey in your diet, but at the same time forbids any kind of dairy products, meat and fish.
    • Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. Lacto-ovo vegetarians exclude meat, poultry and fish from their diet, but do not refuse dairy products and eggs. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is one of the most popular vegetarian diets.
    • Pescovegetarianism. Pesco-vegetarianism allows the consumption of fish, eggs, and dairy products, but prohibits the consumption of meat and poultry.
    • Flexitarianism Representatives of this species try not to eat animal products, but sometimes they still eat meat, poultry and fish.
  1. Find a support group. Discuss your intentions with friends and family and ask them to support you. Thanks to this, it will be easier for you to stick to your chosen nutrition system. Also, join the vegetarian community, participate in Internet forums, and read magazines or blogs on the subject.

    Part 2

    Consider the needs of the body
    1. Learn about your body's needs. If you talk to vegetarians, chances are you will get a lot of advice on how to make a balanced diet. To stay healthy and get everything you need, you must understand the needs of your body. The daily amount of calories and nutrients that the body should receive differs depending on age, gender (nutrition requirements differ not only in men and women, but also in pregnant women) and lifestyle (for example, if you lead an active lifestyle, your needs will be higher.

      • So choose information that is relevant to your age group, gender, health status, and your lifestyle.
      • Use the vegetarian food pyramid. The Vegetarian Food Pyramid includes various food groups that form the foundation of a healthy vegetarian diet.
      • Consult a doctor or nutritionist. Be sure to consult with a qualified physician or dietitian.
    2. Include a variety of foods in your diet. No matter which diet you follow, variety is the key to a healthy, well-balanced diet. Regardless of the type of vegetarian diet you choose to follow, remember that you need to get all the nutrients you need every day. Otherwise, you are putting your health at great risk. Vegans, who have a more restricted diet than other vegetarians, put their health at great risk.

      Include enough protein in your diet. Protein is the main "building" material for the body. Therefore, it is essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy organs, bones, and muscles.

      Include foods rich in calcium in your diet. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Calcium is essential for healthy teeth and bones.

      Include foods rich in vitamin B-12 in your diet. This vitamin is essential for the production of red blood cells and the prevention of anemia.

      • Unfortunately, vitamin B-12 is found exclusively in animal products. Vegetarians can include dairy products, eggs, vitamin-fortified foods, including breakfast cereals, nutritional yeast, and soy products, as well as vitamin supplements in their diet.
      • Because a vegetarian diet is rich in folic acid, it successfully masks vitamin B12 deficiency, making it difficult to diagnose. Therefore, especially vegans need to take this danger seriously.
    3. Include foods that contain riboflavin in your diet. Riboflavin is essential for the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, for cell respiration and growth. Because riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin, the body cannot store it; therefore, every day you should get enough vitamin B12 from food.

      Include enough iron in your diet. Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, the substance found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues.

      Include foods rich in zinc in your diet. Zinc strengthens the immune system, is involved in cell division, growth and repair.

      Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Their function is vital and, without exaggeration, exceptional. They support heart health and help reduce cardiovascular disease. Unlike other fats, omega-3 fatty acids come from the foods we eat.

      Take vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D is an important factor in determining calcium absorption. We get vitamin D from certain foods and from exposure to sunlight.

      Pay attention to your portion sizes. To get the required amount of nutrients, you need to include a variety of foods in your diet. However, just because you don't eat meat doesn't mean you can eat huge fries and a big pizza.

Vegetarianism is a very common diet throughout the world. It is based on only two main considerations, which we will discuss later.

The principle of non-violence, the ethical principle

In fact, this is a 100% conviction that killing for the sake of getting food is unacceptable.

In addition, in recent years, more and more vegans have been ditching not only animal foods, but also natural-based wardrobe items, cosmetics, and other chemicals supplied by companies that test their products on animals.

The principle of non-violence is a 100% conviction that killing for the sake of obtaining food is unacceptable

This principle helps people to be convinced that their daily activities do not cause any harm to the animal world.

The second principle is the so-called principle of health.

This refers to both the physical aspect of health and the spiritual. This principle can be illustrated by the well-known aphorism which says: you should eat to live, not the other way around.

Adhering to the principle of health, adherents of the vegetarian diet observe certain rules regarding the choice, method of preparation and use of food; and besides, they pay attention to their psychological comfort.

How to switch to vegetarianism

Note! Switching to a vegetarian diet should not harm the body. Therefore, you should draw up a balanced menu, choosing a full-fledged replacement for the products that you have to give up when switching to vegetarianism. A new, unusual menu for every day should ensure a safe transition to a new nutrition system, without causing harm to the body.

Sources of vegetable protein

So, where should a person start who has realized that it is vegetarianism that is the best way of life for him? Such a beginner needs to remember that the body will not immediately adjust to a new diet. The rebuild will take at least 3 weeks.

Therefore, the transition to a complete rejection of meat products during these 3 weeks should be smooth, since a sharp transition “from tomorrow” can cause significant harm to the pancreas. To begin with, you should simply make fewer days with meat food per week; and the missing replace part of the meat with fish.

In the future, gradually refusing meat and fish, you should not just exclude them, but replace them with other products containing a sufficient amount of protein - for example, soy products, cottage cheese, cereals, nuts, mushrooms, legumes.

Foods rich in iodine and phosphorus should be added to the diet, because these elements will no longer be supplied with fish.

Products containing iodine

It is advisable to replace butter with peanut butter. Bread and pastries should not be completely excluded. So, there are recipes that do not involve the use of eggs.

What to exclude from the diet

So, the decision to switch to a vegetarian diet has been made. What diet are you following now?

Vegetarianism means exclusion from the diet the following products:

  • meat;
  • bird;
  • fish;
  • seafood of animal origin.

Some vegetarians also do not use:

  • dairy;
  • eggs.

You should create a balanced menu, choosing a complete replacement for the products that you have to refuse.

In doing so, one should distinguish between:

  • veganism- adherents consume only plant-based products;
  • lacto vegetarianism involves the consumption of dairy products, which are products of animal origin;
  • ovo-vegetarianism- this menu provides for the consumption of eggs every day;
  • lacto-ovo vegetarianism allows the consumption of both dairy products and eggs.

Advantages over diets

Vegetarian food for weight loss

Why Vegetarian Diet Helps You Lose Weight?

The reasons are as follows:

  1. Regular intake of a sufficient amount of vegetable fiber in the body, which improves the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Low calorie plant foods.
  3. Substances contained in plant foods remove toxins from the body.
  4. Plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Delicious recipes (approximate menu for 5-7 days)

Vegetarianism is also a reason to dream up in the kitchen. The menu for every day can be diversified due to modifications of both previously familiar dishes, and due to new ones that can be gleaned from numerous culinary manuals, or invented by yourself.

zucchini soup

This is a very easy to prepare dish containing very few calories.

zucchini soup

Zucchini should be cut into cubes and placed in boiling water. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, then add 1 tablespoon of flour and vegetable oil. And after 5 minutes - fresh herbs. Ready zucchini soup should brew a little, so it will be more aromatic.

Stuffed bell pepper

Vegetables should be freed from seeds and stuffed with minced meat. As a filling, put a finely chopped mixture of asparagus beans, cabbage and lettuce leaves and fresh herbs.

You can steam stuffed peppers, or you can stew them in a saucepan

If you want to be spicier, you can make a filling of boiled beans and Korean carrots. You can steam stuffed peppers, or you can stew them in a saucepan. Serve on the table, after sprinkling with fresh herbs.

Grated and squeezed from the juice of raw potatoes mixed with 1 tbsp. l. flour, finely chopped onion and 1 egg; salt. Stir, form not too thick cakes (cutlets) from the resulting mass and fry until golden brown in a small amount of oil.

Draniki can be served with vegetarian sour cream and herbs

A small amount of garlic or grated ginger will add spiciness and piquancy to dishes.

Vegetarian Sausage Recipe

Meat of different varieties is considered, in principle, an indispensable product for a modern person, since it contains animal proteins and other essential elements, without which the full operation of the internal systems of the human body is simply impossible.

There are many different recipes for "sausage" products from fruits and vegetables, which can also be prepared at home.

At the same time, for certain reasons, people sometimes have to refuse such a product, moreover, someone refuses meat products consciously for some “ideological” reasons, and someone is temporarily not recommended by doctors to eat meat food.

In all the above cases, you have to look for an alternative to meat dishes, and this is not easy to do. True, now a way out has been found, and manufacturers, who constantly listen to the wishes of consumers, are increasingly offering "sausage" products that do not contain a single gram of meat.

A wide variety of recipes for "sausage" products from fruits and vegetables have also appeared in the depths of the Internet, which can also be prepared at home without any difficulty.

So, housewives can please their family with a vegetable "sausage" of their own production, and You can prepare it from the following foods:

  • medium-sized beets (one piece);
  • sesame or some other vegetable oil (52 g);
  • peas of the highest quality (190 g);
  • chopped dried marjoram (half a teaspoon);
  • filtered water (620 ml);
  • table salt;
  • large garlic cloves (three pieces);
  • cardamom (half a teaspoon);
  • freshly ground black pepper (half a teaspoon);
  • grated nutmeg (half a teaspoon).

To begin with, you should prepare a full glass of peas of the highest quality., then it should be poured into a frying pan and calcined for five minutes without using oil.

Grind the calcined peas into fine flour, then pour three glasses of filtered water into this loose mixture, mix everything and cook the porridge for seven minutes on a fairly low heat.

Roast peas without oil

On a grater with the smallest compartments, wipe the previously peeled beets, then squeeze the juice out of it through nylon or gauze in the amount of one tablespoon. Cool the cooked pea porridge, then chop the garlic very finely, then mix it with spices.

Add all the spices in the required amount to the cooled mashed peas, add sesame or other vegetable oil, as well as freshly squeezed beet juice, and then beat all these components with a blender until smooth.

In a plastic bottle from under some kind of soda, in which the neck was previously cut off, put pale pink pea puree.

A good example of how to put pea puree in a plastic bottle

Tamp the vegetable mass in a bottle, then additionally wrap this container in cling film so that the puree does not become covered with a hard crust, and then place the cooked sausage product all night in the refrigerator.

A healthy menu is what many people switch to a vegetarian diet for.

The menu for each day might look like this:

1 day

Morning: 25-30 g oatmeal flakes, fresh fruit salad.
Dinner: boiled potatoes (in uniform).
Dinner: vegetable stew (150 g), fresh fruit.

2 day

Morning: salad of fresh vegetables, sprinkled with vegetable oil, diet bread.
Dinner: Pasta (preferably from coarse flour), canned green peas or corn.
Dinner: boiled rice with stewed vegetables.

3 day

Morning: Porridge, baked apples.
Dinner: Fruit salad, diet bread.
Dinner: Spaghetti with herbs and garlic (or ginger).

Day 4

Morning: Fresh vegetables baked in the oven or on an electric grill.
Dinner: Boiled rice or buckwheat with zucchini caviar.
Dinner: Vegetable salad with boiled red or white beans.

Day 5

Morning: Vegetable (for example, carrot) casserole.
Day: Braised cabbage.
Evening: Spaghetti with canned peas (or corn).

Day 6

Dinner: Seasonal grilled vegetables.
Dinner: Fruit salad.

Day 7

Morning: Baked apples, with honey or jam.
Dinner: Zucchini soup with fresh herbs.
Dinner: fresh vegetables, fruits.

Effects of vegetarianism on the body

Vegetable products contain a large number of substances useful for the body.

This is due to the beneficial effect of such products on the body:

    • ensuring optimal blood glucose levels;
    • promotes the elimination of toxins from the body;
    • normalization of blood pressure;
    • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
Plant products contain a large number of substances useful for the body

What results can be expected:

  • establishing the optimal level of blood pressure;
  • due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation is relieved, the symptoms of chronic diseases of the digestive system disappear;
  • beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • getting rid of excess weight and congestion;

Important to remember that achieving positive results after switching to a vegetarian diet can only be expected with a balanced diet. That is, all products of animal origin excluded from the menu should be replaced with equivalent vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The menu for every day with vegetarianism should be compiled taking into account all the needs of the body and daily energy consumption.

What to do to not eat too much

Some simple rules can help:

  1. Sufficient fluid intake should be consumed throughout the day; it is better if it is plain water.
  2. It is necessary to calculate the required number of calories so that the diet has the “correct” energy value. Keeping a food diary can help you keep track of your calorie intake.
  3. The reason for eating should be only the feeling of hunger, and not boredom, stress, other emotions, or just free time.
  4. Let one serving be the amount of food that fits on one small plate; more frequent meals in small portions will contribute to the optimal mode of digestion.

How to diversify food

It is in order to improve their diet that most people switch to vegetarianism. The menu for every day should be healthy and varied and include the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The menu for every day with vegetarianism should be made taking into account all the needs of the body and daily energy consumption.
  1. Having abandoned the stereotypical “hot + garnish” scheme, you should prefer independent dishes - stews, casseroles.
  2. The use of a variety of sauces in cooking.
  3. Use when cooking as many different fruits and vegetables as possible, including exotic ones; Do not limit yourself to the usual zucchini with potatoes.

How not to break loose at the holiday table

Everything will depend on how strong the convictions of each particular vegetarian are. If he has sufficient motivation, and Diet is varied and nutritious, such problems should not arise. If the menu for every day is compiled correctly, then vegetarianism will not cause discomfort, and, accordingly, there will be no “breakdowns”.

Important to remember! Regardless of the views that a person prefers to adhere to, the menu for every day should be complete and balanced, no matter if he adheres to vegetarianism, or some other diet. Only then can nutrition be considered healthy.

Whatever nutrition system you choose, we wish you good health and good mood!

In this video you can get acquainted with vegetarian dishes:

This video will help you diversify your diet:

Step by step recipes for vegetarians in this video:

It is difficult for novice vegetarians to figure out what to make up their diet from so that it is the most balanced. When switching to a plant-based menu, it is necessary to have complete information about your health, as some diseases can be aggravated as a result of eating certain foods in larger quantities than usual.

Correctly form a vegetarian menu

The diet will depend on the nutritional value of the products and the content of the necessary vitamins, amino acids and trace elements in them. As you know, fish, eggs and meat contain protein, phosphorus, as well as vitamin B12. Based on this, you should choose the appropriate plant foods.

Squirrels- these are the "bricks" for our body, we are all built from them. For the normal functioning of cells, a daily intake of protein is necessary. Suitable meat substitutes are legumes such as lentils, beans, peas and soybeans. But there is one moment. Amino acids are required for protein synthesis, and legumes have few of them. Therefore, it is important to observe the correct combination of herbal products. And beans are best eaten with wholemeal bread.

Phosphorus important for brain cells, teeth and bone skeleton. It is found in cereals, apricots, berries, nuts and milk. Contain phosphorus and vegetables: tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, cabbage. However, this element is absorbed worse from plant foods than from meat. Therefore, vegetarians should be careful about the abundance of phosphorus.

Vitamin B12 is an important participant in the formation of blood. In plant foods, it is found only in greens, lettuce, soy and green onions. Other products include fermented milk, raw yolk, baker's and brewer's yeast.

You can start compiling a menu with a simple one, and then, studying combinations of flavors, move on to dishes of greater complexity. Below is a simple menu option for the week.

First day

For breakfast:

  • oatmeal mixed with a tablespoon of flax seeds;
  • toast with a slice of cheese;
  • orange.
  • bean soup with vegetables;
  • bread from flour 2 grades, two slices;
  • cauliflower (in the form of a salad);
  • a glass of pineapple juice.
  • potatoes baked in the oven;
  • fruit salad with pumpkin slices;
  • a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Second day

For breakfast:

  • dumplings with berries (strawberries, cherries) or cottage cheese;
  • some sour cream or yogurt.
  • buckwheat porridge with vegetable gravy;
  • beetroot salad with raisins and walnut kernels;
  • one apple.
  • vegetable pizza;
  • lettuce greens.

Third day

For breakfast:

  • rice porridge;
  • sandwich with eggplant caviar.
  • soup of vegetables and cheese;
  • homemade crackers;
  • carrot salad with raisins.
  • vegetable stew with cheese;
  • pear.

Fourth day

For breakfast:

  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • ryazhenka or yogurt;
  • kiwi and banana.
  • steamed vegetables;
  • rice with chickpeas.
  • Brussels sprouts with tofu pieces;
  • vegetable salad with sesame oil dressing.

Fifth day

For breakfast:

  • millet porridge with pieces of pumpkin;
  • cucumber salad with herbs;
  • kefir.
  • green cabbage soup;
  • mung bean cakes;
  • asparagus salad.
  • braised cabbage;
  • apple salad;
  • vegetable juice.

Sixth day

For breakfast:

  • fat-free cottage cheese with prunes and nuts;
  • bran bread.
  • mushroom soup;
  • salad with radish;
  • fruit juice.
  • cucumbers and tomatoes in a salad;
  • a couple of sandwiches with zucchini caviar.

Seventh day

For breakfast:

  • muesli with fruits;
  • kefir.
  • vegetable borscht with tofu pieces;
  • apple salad with celery and cheese dressed with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • orange.
  • potato casserole with asparagus;
  • vegetable juice.

The menu for the next week can be varied by replacing drinks with milk, barley coffee or making green smoothies. There are many more delicious recipes, for example, vegetarian pilaf, vegetable cutlets, barley pickle and others. Cooked fruit salads will taste better if they are seasoned with yogurt. Seeds, fruit bars, nuts will serve as a light snack. Do not be afraid to experiment with tastes - you can find fresh ideas for dishes.

Vegan Diet - Lose Weight with Plant Based Foods

Real vegans, who not only adhere to a vegan diet, but also lead an appropriate lifestyle, promote their value system. The motives for switching to such a diet may be different, but the essence is the same - vegetarianism, and veganism as well, makes it possible to lose weight by eating healthy food.

Diet Features

A vegan diet helps you lose weight by eating low-calorie plant foods (similar to). But at the same time, food habitual in everyday use is severely limited.

This food system is based on complete exclusion range of products , such as:

  • meat of any animal;
  • fish - river, sea, seafood;
  • bird, game;
  • dairy, sour-milk products - cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.;
  • bird eggs;
  • coffee;
  • black tea;
  • any junk food - fast food, soda, chips, instant cereals;
  • all dishes prepared with egg powder, dairy products;
  • sugar is not used, instead you can take stevia, white sugar beets, dates, someone uses honey. But real vegans do not even use honey in their diet.

Products that are used in such a diet:

  • legumes, as a source of vegetable protein - peas, beans, lentils;
  • cereals - wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal (Hercules), millet, semolina, rice;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • various types of vegetables - potatoes, beets, cabbage, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • various greens - cultivated and wild herbs;
  • berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • soy products - as a meat substitute, as well as soy-based dairy products - tofu cheese, soy milk;
  • many different spices and seasonings
  • be sure to drink 1-2 liters of clean water.

The composition of the diet, as can be seen from the list, includes a large number of different products, from which many dishes can be prepared. Products are only useful, which has a good effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and, accordingly, on the entire body.

Menu for the week

Food is taken 5 times a day. The volume of dishes does not exceed 250 grams - this is the volume of an average plate or glass. Juices or herbal teas are taken one hour after a meal.

First day

  • Breakfast : cornmeal pancakes with soy milk; melissa tea.
  • Lunch (first snack) - 2 bananas.
  • Dinner : vegetarian pilaf with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack (second snack) - pear, apple or any fruit.
  • Dinner : dumplings stuffed with lentils and mushrooms, mint tea.

Second day

  • Breakfast : oatmeal oatmeal porridge with pieces of fruit (apples, pears), tea with juice.
  • Lunch : pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
  • Dinner : stew with baked vegetables - pumpkin, potatoes, eggplant with spices; pear juice.
  • afternoon tea : any fruit.
  • Dinner : tofu.

Third day

  • Breakfast : buckwheat with the addition of soy milk, rosehip broth.
  • Lunch : a handful of nuts (cashews, hazelnuts).
  • Dinner : vegetarian borscht.
  • afternoon tea : green smoothie of fruits and leafy greens on the water.
  • Dinner : fruit salad.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast : boiled beans with tomato sauce, juice.
  • Lunch : soy milk.
  • Dinner : cabbage schnitzels, tomato juice.
  • afternoon tea : fruits of your choice.
  • Dinner : vegetarian "sausage" made from pea flour with spices.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast : homemade muesli with dried fruits and nuts.
  • Lunch : baked apple.
  • Dinner : mushroom soup, soy milk.
  • afternoon tea : apple mousse.
  • Dinner : vinaigrette, ginger tea.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast : millet porridge with nuts, mint tea.
  • Lunch : baked apples.
  • Dinner : vegetable soup, coleslaw.
  • afternoon tea : mannik with sunflower seeds.
  • Dinner : banana-grain crispy bread, beetroot salad, tea.

Seventh day

  • Breakfast : cauliflower pie, carrot juice.
  • Lunch : soy yogurt with fruit.
  • Dinner : beans stewed in a pot.
  • afternoon tea : grapefruit.
  • Dinner : beet and apple casserole, fruit cocktail.

The vegan diet is easy to use, but it is best to start using it in the summer-autumn period. Firstly, every day the range of fruits and vegetables is expanding. Secondly, any changes in nutrition are easier to start with the summer season. And thirdly, the incentive to lose weight in the summer becomes very strong.

Vegan diet for 22 days

It owes its name to the famous singer Björk, who used this diet with her husband. The results inspired them so much that Björk opened a food delivery business based on the principles of such nutrition. It is unlikely that you will be able to use ready-made meals from a famous diva, but it is quite possible to create your own menu.

It is best to immediately draw up a menu for all 3 weeks. Choose from the proposed options for dishes a list for a week, and then for the remaining two.

Vegan breakfasts

For breakfast, it does not have to be only porridge, which can be served with fruits and cereals.

There are other options, for example:

  • tofu omelette without eggs;
  • frozen fruit smoothies with soy yogurt;
  • pancakes made from whole grain flour with bananas and walnuts;
  • banana ice cream;
  • homemade muesli bars;
  • fruit salad with prunes and nuts;
  • smoothies made from soy milk, cottage cheese, nuts and banana;
  • salad of orange (grapefruit), tofu and nuts;
  • salad of green beans, sweet peppers and tomatoes;
  • apples baked with Hercules;
  • semolina pudding without eggs;
  • pancakes on soy milk with fruits;

  • salad of carrots, tangerines, apples and nuts;
  • buckwheat porridge with vegetables and mushrooms;
  • lentil salad with tomatoes and corn;
  • corn cutlets with soy sour cream;
  • nut cheese;
  • pumpkin baked with millet porridge, raisins and walnuts;
  • bell pepper rolls with tofu and spices;
  • cheesecakes vegetarian with sesame;
  • pasta with beans and cheese;
  • cabbage rolls with buckwheat and potatoes.


Particularly suitable for lunches:

  • mushroom soup puree;
  • soup with corn and green peas on soy milk;
  • borscht with beans and beetroot chard;
  • tomato soup with rice and garlic;
  • vegetarian pickle with pearl barley;
  • tomato gazpacho.


Salads can be a variety of raw vegetables and fruits, depending on the season. Fruit salads are also good.

Afternoons and lunches

The following types of snacks are suitable:

  • freshly squeezed juices from fruits, vegetables;
  • various vegetable cocktails;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • berries and fruits;
  • tofu cheese and soy milk.

Cake "Potato" vegan oatmeal

When you want to please yourself, you can cook something sweet and tasty, but also vegan, without sugar:

  1. Grind half a glass of Hercules in a coffee grinder;
  2. Add a few tablespoons of cocoa and half a glass of coconut;
  3. Peel and mash a very ripe banana;
  4. Mix banana puree with cocoa-coconut-hercules mixture;
  5. Fashion small sausages or balls;
  6. If the mixture is thin, add more coconut flakes;
  7. Put the resulting cakes in the refrigerator overnight;
  8. The oatmeal will get a little soaked and soaked with all the ingredients;
  9. The next morning the cakes are ready. You can sprinkle them with more coconut flakes or serve with almonds.

fruit mousse

You will need a mango (half a fruit), a banana and a pear. All fruits are peeled and individually crushed into a puree state using a blender. Then puree is laid out in layers in a glass or bowl in turn. Below - the first layer - a banana. It is the thickest and heaviest. Then liquid and light mango puree. Topped with pear juice. Very tasty and sweet, although there is no sugar at all.

Persimmon, pumpkin and cinnamon smoothie

Take a ripe juicy persimmon, peel and remove the seeds. Pumpkin, ripe, orange, juicy, peel, cut into cubes. Put the pumpkin and persimmon in a blender, add cinnamon, to taste. Grind everything to a smooth puree. A delicious and healthy drink is ready.

Diet Disadvantages

The disadvantages of this diet are:

  • With a sharp exclusion of animal proteins, it can be difficult for a person to adjust to unusual food.
  • Pregnant women, children and people with chronic diseases should use this diet with caution. According to doctors, the lack of animal protein is harmful to these categories of people.
  • Some fruits have a rather high cost, and even those brought from overseas countries are already deprived of many vitamins. It is better to use more "native" fruits, especially in season.

Vegan Diet Results

With a short-term use of the diet - for a week - there is an active cleansing of toxins and toxins (as with), and as a result, you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms. As a bonus - the skin looks much fresher, and there is no constant feeling of hunger.

A vegan diet for 22 days will allow you to lose weight from 10 kilograms. But this will work out if a person does not abuse animal food and a large amount of dairy products. Otherwise, with a sharp decrease in familiar foods, and even replacing them with unusual soy or other plant foods, a breakdown may simply occur.

Useful video about the vegan diet

In the next video, a fitness trainer will talk about Megan Fox's diet, which the actress followed on a vegan diet.

The diet is not suitable for those who cannot imagine their diet without meat, but if this is not a problem for you, you can choose a vegan diet. It is recommended to start with a 6-day variation, and only then, after a few months, try a 22-day diet.

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