Why do rough spots appear on the skin of a child. Red dry spots on the body of the baby

All parents want their child to grow up beautiful and healthy. Therefore, from the first days of a baby’s life, they learn the rules for caring for his tiny body and are very worried if there is any problem. Rough can appear suddenly, for no apparent reason in a child of any age, may be the result of an allergy, or an infectious disease. And most of all, fear, if the cause of the spots is not clear.

Any elements of a rash on the skin in children of the first two years of life are the first sign of disorders within the body. Therefore, in the first year of life, spots often appear with allergic and exudative-catarrhal diathesis, due to diaper rash. Later cause could be eczema contact dermatitis if the child attends Kindergarten and plays in sandboxes - worms. In older children and adolescents, lichen and psoriasis are often diagnosed.

They represent areas rough skin bright red color with clear edges. In more severe cases the skin begins to get wet and peel off, to which the child reacts extremely painfully, with strong screaming and crying.

If rough red spots appear in the diaper area, this indicates a neglected condition resulting from improper care of the baby. Irritation often occurs in response to baby skin care products - toilet soap, cream, powder, in rare cases on water, especially if it is of poor quality, leaves traces of rust.

With diaper rash, it is necessary to remove all cosmetics, make lotions from a series, lubricate boiled stains, use proven baby powder. The child must be without a diaper. The longer he lies with his bare booty, the faster the wounds will heal.

Exudative diathesis

Diaper rash is a sign of improper baby skin care. In most cases, dealing with them is easy.

The disease can manifest itself in the neonatal period, when rough areas appear near the crown, fontanel. They are red in color, with white scales and vesicles, difficult to separate from the skin. Later rough spots red color may appear on the cheeks of the baby. If the symptoms of diathesis are pronounced, spots appear periodically throughout the body, the doctor may diagnose "" or "diaper dermatitis".

If the child is on breastfeeding, then the mother should review her diet and remove all foods,. If the child is artificial, then the type of mixture should be changed to, in severe cases, the child is transferred to. Sometimes just changing the manufacturer of baby food helps.

It is necessary to make lotions with a decoction of string, chamomile, lubricate the affected areas with Bepanten-plus ointment. In the presence of weeping areas, it is necessary to use baby talc or powder. Important Component treatment - skin contact with fresh air.

Allergic diathesis

It occurs in 15% of children of the first year of life, appear in the first 2 months of life. Rashes first appear on the face, then spread throughout the body, can occur as a reaction to a mixture, any food, even to, itchy and greatly disturbs the baby.

In treatment important role plays balanced diet child. Such children should With artificial feeding, the intake is maximally reduced cow protein, mixtures must be highly adapted, a third daily allowance– . If symptoms persist, the child should be switched to soy mixtures. Further, the use of exotic foods is limited to children.

contact dermatitis

Or simple dermatitis, the appearance of which is associated with exposure to the skin of physical or chemical factors - soap, cold, strong heat, friction, chemicals, alkalis and acids. More often, rough areas appear on the hands, less often on the feet, if the child ran through the puddles in the summer. Appear at the site of contact, have clear boundaries, pain and burning. The skin is rough and rough to the touch, in some places there are peelings, redness in the folds.

The treatment is simple: moisturizing creams on the site of the lesion, avoiding contact with the irritant. Some doctors recommend adding an infusion to the bath when bathing a baby. bay leaf(3-4 sheets per glass of boiling water, brew, pour chilled).


Rashes with eczema are localized, as a rule, in open areas of the body.

It is a severe variant of chronic allergic or contact dermatitis of the skin. It can occur in adolescents and children who have suffered from allergic or allergic since childhood. Rashes in young children appear on open areas of the skin, it is more often the forehead and cheeks, they are itchy red spots different size. The borders of the spot are often indistinct. Very rarely, children can have coin-shaped eczema - these are very itchy round foci of inflammation: first, several spots appear on the legs, then they become much larger, they spread throughout the body.

The treatment is the same as for dermatitis: consists of external moisturizers, plus for eczema always prescribed hormonal ointments. Coin-shaped eczema is difficult to treat.


The rash is small, dotted pimples white color, allergic rash always accompanied by itching. They are usually located on the back, outer surface arms and legs, on the cheeks. Pass within a few days / weeks with a diet, taking antiallergic drugs, external agents. When slightly pronounced reaction the rash appears in the form of separate spots, if the child has eaten a lot of sweets, then they can cover and most body.

Allergic rashes are not dangerous, the child should not be isolated from healthy children.

On a note! The first signs of an allergy in a child are the reason for going to the doctor. Timely treatment will help stop the progression of the disease, prevent the development of complications, the transition of allergies to a more severe degree.


versicolor or pityriasis versicolor

The disease is fungal, it can appear after a vacation in hot countries, contact with homeless animals, a sick person. Spots appear on the shoulders, chest, abdomen and back, peel off, first have a pink color, then change it to yellow, brown. Peeling reminds.

Treatment with emollients and antifungal agents the doctor prescribes.

pink lichen

It also rarely occurs in children. Appears in the cold season or after hypothermia. The disease is not contagious. Until the moment of rashes, there is an increase in temperature, chills, pain in the joints, then one maternal spot 3–4 cm in size appears. After that, symmetrically over the body, in addition to the hands and feet, child spots appear. They may itch. Spots up to 2 cm in diameter, pink, with clear, brighter edges, their center sinks, and peeling is noted along the marginal "collar" zone. Appear on the abdomen, arms, legs, neck.

Feature: spots appear along the lines of the highest extensibility of the skin, the disease is not typical for children under 10 years old.

It is not necessary to treat the disease, within a month the spots will disappear on their own. For severe itching, sometimes prescribed antihistamines.

Psoriasis (scaly)

Chronic inflammatory disease skin that is inherited from close relatives is not contagious. In girls, psoriasis can be detected at the age of 16, in boys a little later. With age, the course of the disease worsens.

It manifests itself in the form of spots and plaques that are very itchy and flaky. Scaly patches, hands and elbows, knees, in the coccyx area. The spots are round, oval, annular and linear in shape, may not differ in color from the skin, sometimes they are pink or red.

Characteristic signs: with light scratching of the spot, increased peeling is observed; if all scales are removed, a shiny film appears on the surface of the spot.

Treatment is always complex, including antipsoriatic external agents, physiotherapy, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use.

Lyme borreliosis (tick-borne borreliosis, Lyme disease)

The disease can appear if the child was bitten by a tick in the forest, and the parents did not seek help and the child was not given antibiotic prophylaxis. The disease proceeds slowly in several stages. First, redness, burning and pain appear at the site of the tick bite, while the child often has a fever, complains of weakness, chills and headache. Then the stain at the site of the bite reaches large sizes and gradually turns into a ring, smaller child spots-rings begin to depart from it. The whole process can take several months.

Long-term treatment with mandatory use of antibiotics.

If your child has spots on his body
or other signs of a rash for no apparent reason, do not delay visiting a doctor, do not try to treat a child at home read on the Internet folk remedies, because the reason skin disease sometimes difficult to identify even a specialist. At improper treatment the rash may change, making it more difficult diagnostic search doctor.

About one of the reasons for the appearance of rough spots on the skin, neurofibromatosis, tells the program "Live healthy!":

More about rough spots on the skin of children in the program of Dr. Komarovsky:

With problems such as skin peeling, rashes, various spots and others skin changes, parents of young children often go to the doctor. If newborns often get sick, then this indicates a deterioration in the quality of life. Parents are sensitive to the health of the newborn and turn to the doctor for help, without self-medicating and without making the baby worse. What are the causes of rough spots on the body of a child?

This question should be asked even during pregnancy, during the formation of the fetus. If the mother was often sick while carrying the baby, she did not leave her bad habits, ate irregularly, insufficiently, or, conversely, excessively, consumed junk food or there was a threat of miscarriage, the child was born at the wrong time (he was either not informed or transferred), then, as a result, such spots may appear.

Red rough spots on the skin of a child may be an allergy to any food, conditions environment, external factors. And this is the most common reaction of children under 5 years old. What should be done in such a situation? Remove the allergen and avoid contact with it.

The reason for the red rough spots on the child's body, and in particular on the cheeks, can be very commonplace. For example, the baby just walked in the cold for a long time, and the delicate skin of his cheeks became weathered. In order to prevent such problems from arising again, you need to buy a protective cream at the pharmacy, which is produced specifically for children, and do not forget to smear the child’s face before walking in the cold season. Many adults, not to mention children, suffer from the problem of skin peeling in the cold. By the way, the lips of a child are also a risk zone, so you need to buy a hygienic moisturizing lipstick, even if the child is a boy.

2 Prevention methods

Prevention of the problem should be dealt with even during pregnancy. As soon as a woman finds out that she is expecting a baby, she will have to give up many habits for the sake of the health of the unborn baby. Smoking and drinking alcohol is not allowed. The mother should eat regularly and properly, and this should be exclusively healthy food. If she herself cannot make a diet, then a doctor should help her in this. Need to focus on fresh vegetables and fruits that will be good for the health of both mom and baby.

It is worth visiting the doctor regularly for consultations, and not only when there are some problems. Great importance have walks, sunbathing and air baths. Throughout pregnancy, a woman who is preparing to become a mother should not be nervous, be in stressful situation, and wait for the appearance of the baby only with joy and the most positive emotions.

Concerning allergic dermatitis, then it is of two types - contact, when the child comes into contact with some object, due to which irritation occurs on the skin, and food, when such problems appear from the fact that the child has eaten something wrong.

This does not mean at all that such problems will haunt the baby all his life, usually everything goes away when the child grows up and his body becomes stronger and more resilient. But while the child is small, you will have to take special care of the condition of his skin.

3 The effect of clothing on the skin of an infant

In order to avoid such manifestations on the skin of a child, you need to take care of what concerns his skin all the time. First of all, it is clothes and underwear. It must be clean, washed on time, and also sewn only from quality materials. If everything is in order with the child’s clothes, then you need to follow how it is washed. The child's underwear, especially in the first months of his life, should be washed either with baby soap or with a powder that is specially designed for children. The same applies to fabric softener, it should also not be aggressive, with high content chlorine and strong smell chemistry. The same applies to bed linen child.

If the baby still does not go to the potty on his own, he may be allergic to diapers. If there are such suspicions, especially when red rough spots appear on the legs and on intimate places, then diapers should no longer be used, but try to pick up others that will be designed for more sensitive skin baby. Do not allow the baby to crawl on carpets that lie on the floor. He may be allergic to lint. As for washing, it is not recommended to use soap, it dries the skin even of an adult. You only need to use special tool to cleanse baby's skin plant-based with moisturizing oils.

If parents notice that the child's skin is prone to dryness, then after each bath, apply on clean skin crumbs moisturizing lotion or oil, also intended for children. Some parents are unaware that their baby may be allergic to coloring pigment, added by manufacturers to various fabrics. Bright coloring of clothes with cheerful patterns can cause an allergic skin reaction. The towel and all the clothes of the child should be kept in the most light colors, and it is better if the clothes are white.

4 Food dermatitis

In the event that there is a suspicion of an allergy, it is necessary to exclude from the child's diet what, in the opinion of the parents, can lead to it. These are fish, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate and so on. If this does not help, then you need to see a doctor. If the child is bottle-fed, then this may be an allergic reaction to the mixture. If so, then the latter will have to be replaced with some other, more optimal for the baby.

What can not be done in the treatment of rough spots on the body of a child? The fact is that many parents continue to self-medicate, but they can make a number of mistakes, for which sooner or later they will have to pay with the health of their child.

In the treatment of rough spots on the body of the baby, hormonal ointments should not be used. This can have a toxic effect on the child himself and on his internal organs. In some cases, the ointment may work, but the result from this will be short-lived.

No need to indulge the child in his constant requests for something tasty. Sweets should be consumed in moderation. This must also be said to relatives who strive to disrupt the child’s diet and give him sweets in large quantities. And they are guided by the best motives. Red spots can appear precisely because the child has eaten sweets.

No need to rush into the introduction of complementary foods immediately in the first months of a child's life and think that he is starving, this is not so. The newborn will be fine breast milk up to a year, but unnecessary complementary foods can significantly harm him, cause premature allergies in the body and other health problems. After all, his digestive system until it is adapted to digest fruits, vegetables, meat and other foods that parents strongly try to feed the child.

Moms and dads should understand that rough, face, cheek and hands in a child do not appear just like that, it always speaks of a number of specific problems. Parents should eliminate the pathology and help the crumbs cope with it.

Any changes in the form of rashes on the skin indicate internal malfunctions in the body. The appearance of a red rough spot on the skin of a child can also indicate unnatural processes occurring inside.

The reasons

The causes of the appearance of rough spots on the skin of a child may be the following diseases:

Each disease has its own characteristic symptoms. Eczema, contact dermatitis, allergic and exudative diathesis have an allergic etiology. Lichens belong to infectious dermatoses.

Exudative diathesis

The appearance of a rough spot on the skin of a child may be the cause of development exudative diathesis. First, changes are observed on the scalp. Seborrheic scales are formed on the crown of the head, which are called gneiss.

Then diaper rash begins to appear on the body, which are difficult to treat. Red, rough areas form on the child's cheeks.
Exudative diathesis is characterized by a reduced resistance of the body to infections and increased vulnerability of the skin. The reasons for its appearance may be artificial feeding, inappropriate mixture, early complementary foods, allergic reaction for any given product. If the factor that provokes the disease is not established in time, then it will become chronic.

Allergic diathesis

The main symptoms of allergic diathesis include damage to the skin in the form of rough spots on the face, arms, legs and body of the child.

The causes of allergic diathesis are the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • an allergic reaction to a particular product;
  • infectious diseases;
  • reception medicines during pregnancy or lactation.

At timely detection diseases and elimination of the allergen, the symptoms quickly pass and the allergic diathesis subsides.

contact dermatitis

Such dermatological disease, like contact dermatitis, occurs when exposed to external stimulus on the skin. Act as an allergen cosmetics body care products, powders, synthetic clothing, etc.

Contact dermatitis manifests itself in the form of red crusts on the skin at the points of contact with the allergen. In the affected areas, itching and burning occurs.
If the irritant is not eliminated in a timely manner, the disease will acquire chronic form which will be more difficult to deal with.


One of the reasons for the appearance of red rough spots on the body of a child is eczema. The main symptoms are accompanied severe itching skin covers.

Dermatological disease can cause:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • food products;
  • pet hair;
  • synthetic clothing;
  • cold, heat.

The first signs of eczema in children appear on the face, elbows and feet. Then rough red spots begin to spread throughout the body.

In most cases, with appropriate treatment, eczema disappears without a trace in a child. Less commonly, the disease becomes chronic.

Diagnosis of allergic dermatitis

Identification of dermatitis allergic nature is engaged pediatric dermatologist and an allergist with the help of examination of the skin and differential diagnosis.

Treatment of allergic dermatitis

Therapy for allergic dermatitis includes dietary modification, elimination of the allergen, taking probiotics, antihistamines, and local funds to relieve symptoms.

Medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. To relieve itching and reduce the risk of secondary complications, you can take baths with a decoction of chamomile or oak.


A rough spot on the body of a child can also indicate the presence of infectious dermatosis - lichen.

In places of defeat we deprive it is observed:

  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • violation of skin pigmentation.

There are several types of infectious dermatoses:

  • pink;
  • pityriasis;
  • shingles;
  • red flat;
  • ringworm.

Lichens are of viral and fungal origin and affect, most often, children under the age of 14 years.

Pink deprive initially appears in the form of one rough pink spot with a diameter of 2 to 5 centimeters, which is called the maternal plaque. A week later, many secondary rashes appear. Peeling is observed in the center of the spots. Along the edges of the plaques there is a red border, free from roughness. A favorite place for the manifestation of pink lichen are natural folds skin.

Pityriasis versicolor usually affects hairy part head and upper part body. Spots of pink-yellow or yellow-brown color appear on the skin, which are covered with scales.

Shingles most commonly affects children over 10 years of age who have had chicken pox. Before rashes, the child may feel unwell, burning or numbness in places where future rashes will be localized. You may also experience chills and fever. A day after the above symptoms, small plaques appear that can be filled with fluid. After a few days, they dry out, forming crusts in the form of rough spots in their place.

Red lichen planus occurs in children infrequently. A rash appears on the skin in the form of red or bluish nodules. The nodules merge, forming small rough spots covered with scales. Dermatosis is localized on wrist joints, inner surface thighs, armpits and inguinal cavities.

Ringworm is one of the most common forms of lichen in children. Dermatosis of fungal etiology affects the skin, scalp, less often nails. The disease can manifest itself 1-6 weeks after infection. On the integument, oval, rough plaques of red color are formed. When the scalp is affected, foci of baldness are observed.

Diagnosis of depriving a child

Diagnosis and determination of the form of infectious dermatosis is carried out by a pediatric dermatologist or infectious disease specialist.

To make a diagnosis, a specialist examines the skin, takes special sample and prescribes luminescent diagnostics using a special apparatus.

Scraping is performed under a light microscope. In some cases, specialists perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and differentiate dermatosis.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, measles and rubella.

Treatment for lichen in a child

Therapy is prescribed by a dermatologist and depends on the type of lichen. Treatment is carried out antiviral drugs general and local impact. These include acyclovir, interferon and others. To prevent suppurative complications, the spots are lubricated with disinfectant solutions, for example, brilliant green. Also, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy. With severe burning, analgesics are taken.

Preventive measures for lichen include hygiene and limiting contact with stray animals.

Remember! Do not self-medicate and self-diagnose. If a red rough spot appears on the body of a child, seek medical advice immediately.


Red cheeks

dw! The child is 8.5 months old. , red cheeks, it all started with the fact that we ate the classic Agusha cottage cheese. Immediately after that, the child's face turned red and white spots appeared on a red background, the child began to itch, gave finesteel, after 15 minutes everything disappeared. (before that, I introduced cottage cheese, then we didn’t eat it for about 2 weeks, after which we continued, that is, there was no such reaction to small doses) It was already 2 times, the first time I didn’t connect with cottage cheese, that ...

Read completely...

Medications and foods to which we are allergic.

1. Lazolvan and syrup and inhalations caused red spots and peeling. 2. Elkar was appointed a month, then a year. I forgot that there was a reaction and gave again (((3. Acc. 4. Kudesan. 5. Augmentin. Vomited like a fountain! Food. 1. Watermelon. Even during pregnancy, I myself had an allergy to it in the form of a throat disease that did not and suddenly became aggravated after eating watermelon. The child also had an allergy, severe, her whole face burned simply. At first they thought that these were my chocolates for the night, but ...

Redness and skin rash, as a rule, occur against the background of allergization of the body, infectious diseases. Atopic dermatitis, eczema, measles- the list of diseases and conditions in which red spots appear on the face of a child includes several dozen names. The doctor prescribes treatment only after determining the underlying cause. AT different situations use antihistamines, disinfectant solutions and soothing ointments.

Infectious agents penetrate through the damaged epidermis. Red spots and vesicles appear in a child with chickenpox. The size and localization of the rash depends on the type of infectious agent. For example, chickenpox spots on the head, trunk and limbs evolve within 5 days: from slight redness to a vesicle and crusts.

Red spots on the face are a symptom of meningitis, scarlet fever and impetigo (bacterial infections).

Causes of red spots under the eyes of a child:

  • allergies to foods in the diet, plant pollen, excretion of household mites;
  • hearth chronic infection in the body;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • adenoids.

Eye redness occurs when allergic conjunctivitis . On the eyelid, a red spot may appear due to a reaction to the use of eye or nasal drops, even with antihistamine components in the composition. Allergy or hypersensitivity manifests itself as in relation to medicines, as well as when using certain products nutrition, the action of pollen and the juice of some plants.

Redness and enlargement of the area around the eyes or swollen lips are a symptom of Quincke's edema.

The allergic component is the leading one in the development of dermatoses. This is a group of diseases dangerous development angioedema, anaphylaxis, asphyxia. Scratching itchy spots often leads to bacterial infection.

Spots on the face - a symptom of dermatoses

The child's body overreacts to chemical substances, insect bites, other external factors. One hot spot or blister on the background of reddened skin is a local reaction to the poison and saliva of mosquitoes, bees, wasps and fleas. If parents notice red spots on the lips and around the mouth in a child, then a list of the most likely causes should be sought among allergic, viral and fungal diseases, beriberi.

Allergy is the most probable cause the appearance of a spotty rash, itchy blisters.

The name "dermatoses" is given to a group of diseases. The cause of negative processes in the dermis is usually external and internal factors. The first group includes infections, various injuries and physical influences. Inflammatory process occurs in response to the release of toxins by viruses, microbes, as well as substances in the saliva of stinging and biting animals.

Types of dermatoses

  • allergic - contact dermatitis, urticaria, toxidermia, atopic dermatitis, reactions to animal bites;
  • itchy - eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • bullous or cystic - herpes, impetigo, blistering dermatitis;
  • skin pathologies due to overstrain, strong emotions.

If a child has red rough spots on his face, then you should pay attention to a violation in his body. metabolic processes, reduced immunity. Endogenous factors the appearance of red spots and nodules - pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic systems.

Treatment of dermatosis in a child

Symptoms of the same disease in two children may differ. Similar outwardly dry red spots on the face of a child appear when various diseases. Doctors study the characteristic symptoms, send them for tests to put correct diagnosis and appoint adequate treatment. Experts pay attention to appearance and the location of the rash, changes in its elements, the presence of itching and flaking.

Comprehensive medical examination child, allowing to identify infectious agents, metabolic disorders, pathologies of internal organs.

Sick children are prescribed laboratory research blood, urine, feces. Diagnosis also includes ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity. Therapy is being carried out medicines for oral administration(1) and outdoor use (2).

1. Medical treatment drugs that eliminate the main causes of dermatosis:

  1. antibiotics (amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, azithromycin);
  2. antimycotic (natamycin, fluconazole, nystatin);
  3. anthelmintic (pyrantel, albendazole and others);
  4. antiviral (acyclovir, genciclovir);
  5. means for the treatment of metabolic disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. To reduce inflammation, itching and skin irritation, apply:

  1. systemic and local glucocorticosteroids (GCS);
  2. ointments with antifungal components(outwardly);
  3. antihistamines (by mouth);
  4. antibiotic ointments (topically).

Multifunctional products for external use: zinc ointment, creams "Elokom", "Kutiveit", ointment "Rederm".

A child whose face is covered with red spots is shown a sparing diet, the use of a phytotherapeutic agent in the form of a concentrated extract, infusion or decoction. Chamomile, string, calendula, celandine, mint have anti-inflammatory, restorative, anti-allergic properties. Aralia, ginseng, eleutherococcus, ginger increase immunity. Useful for getting rid of infection and inflammation propolis, honey.

Atopic and other dermatitis

If a red spot appears on the face, then this may be caused by a reaction to various chemical, physical and biological factors. In addition to redness of the skin area, dermatitis is usually accompanied by tissue swelling, burning, peeling and erosion. One of the leading causes is a hereditary predisposition to overreact to stimuli. play a negative role in the development of the disease metabolic disorders, improper care skin, poor environmental conditions and chemical additives in food products.

Dermatitis brings physical discomfort, limit the activity of the child.

Red spots around the mouth in a child - the main symptom atopic dermatitis . Therapy must begin from the moment when redness and irritation appear on the face of the baby. First, erythema appears on the site of the future rough spot on the skin. If you are late with treatment, then the skin on the head flakes off, fatty crusts and scabs appear.

Saliva, food irritates delicate skin, so red spots on the chin of a child may not heal for a long time. The appearance of painful papules and vesicles on the ears, on the neck is possible if the child has hypersensitivity to nickel in the composition of earrings, fasteners on clothes.

It is important to quickly reduce the effect of the allergen on the skin; without this, drug therapy will be ineffective.

Dermatitis develops upon contact with dyes, synthetic fibers in the composition of clothing. The appearance of red spots on the forehead of a child is due to sensitivity to the materials from which the headdress is made, or to the components in the shampoo. A common type of allergic dermatitis is urticaria. The disease is characterized rapid appearance severely itchy patches and blisters. After elimination of contact with the irritant and the use of antiallergic drugs, the urticaria quickly disappears.

Requires local and general treatment aimed at reducing the allergization of the body. The child is prescribed antihistamines for oral administration, corticosteroids in a dosage appropriate for age. External treatment is carried out with ointments with anti-inflammatory and soothing components. Funds with GCS are used in a short course, an average of 5 days.

"Many-faced" lichen

Peeling spots on the head and other parts of the body appear with diseases that have received the collective name "lichen". The reason for such varieties as ringworm and pityriasis - fungal infection. Ringworm is very contagious, quickly transmitted in children's groups. The fungus is also "guilty" of the appearance of mycotic eczema, microsporia. For ringworm characterized by the appearance of scaly spots, with microbial eczema weeping occurs.

After infection with a fungus, elements of a rash of a regular round or oval shape appear, with clear outlines. The spots are red or pink color(exception - white lichen). fungal diseases often become chronic with relapses within a year. If the child has red spots on the face, then an examination by a dermatologist is necessary.

External remedies for the treatment of lichen in children (fungal infection):

  • salicylic alcohol (2-3%);
  • cream with clotrimazole;
  • cream with terbinafine;
  • ointment "Mikoseptin";
  • ridoxol ointment;
  • tincture of iodine (5%).

Lichen planus and pink lichen occur as a result of allergization of the body in response to activity. viral infection. scaly lichen or psoriasis - a disease of autoimmune origin. Dense plaques appear on inflamed and thickened skin. In these cases, consultations of an allergist, an immunologist will be required.

Dots and extensive spots of red color on the face

Elevated patches of ruby ​​or red skin - angiomas ( vascular tumors). Itching is often felt in the area of ​​capillary angioma. Such neoplasms are considered benign. removed during normal surgical operation or laser. To avoid malignant degeneration of skin tumors, care should be taken skin covering from excess ultraviolet radiation, injuries, irritants.

characteristic manifestation systemic lupus erythematosus- a red spot on the cheeks in the form of a butterfly. The skin on the neck and on the hands is affected, the mucous membrane changes oral cavity. The symptoms of this disease are bright enough for doctors to diagnose it on early stages. drug therapy combined with diet.

Vegetovascular dystonia- a syndrome observed in almost 100% of children during puberty. A red spot appears on the face or neck of a teenager, although there is no temperature or other signs of the disease. The reason may be strong emotions, autonomic reactions nervous system for stress, alcohol intoxication. At the same time, there is excitement, rapid heartbeat.

Probable causes of redness and peeling of the skin when red spots appear on a child's face updated: October 27, 2016 4 votes, medium: 3,75 out of 5)

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