How to treat microbial eczema with medication and folk remedies. Microbial eczema. What is it and how to get rid of it? Varieties of microbial eczema

Microbial eczema is a fairly common variety, as it is diagnosed in 27% of cases among all patients diagnosed with eczema. It differs in that it is not an independent disease, but develops on lesions of the skin that were previously affected by any pathology.

Based on the name, it becomes clear that the main source of the disease is the pathological influence of pathogens, but there are a number of other predisposing factors.

The clinical picture will be somewhat different depending on the form in which the disease proceeds. The most characteristic sign is the appearance of itchy and weeping foci of inflammation.

A dermatologist diagnoses and prescribes treatment. To establish the correct diagnosis, data obtained during the physical examination and a wide range of laboratory tests will be required.

Treatment of microbial eczema directly depends on the etiological factor, but is often limited to conservative methods.

In the international classification of diseases, such a pathology belongs to the category of other dermatitis, which is why the ICD-10 code will be - L 20-L 30.


In the vast majority of cases, the causative agent of microbial eczema is:

  • beta hemolytic;
  • epidermal or;
  • Proteus and Klebsiella;
  • Neisseria causing or;
  • fungi of the genus Candida.

As a background pathological condition, in which there was a violation of the integrity of the skin, may be:

  • poorly healing wounds received during surgery or injuries;
  • lymphostasis;
  • a wide range of sluggish fungal diseases of the skin.

In addition, abrasions and fistulas, as well as other structural skin lesions, can contribute to the formation of the disease.

The pathogenesis of the disease lies in the fact that the underlying disease leads to a decrease in the barrier function of the skin, and the chronic influence of pathogenic agents causes sensitization of the human body. Against this background, the formation of autoimmune processes occurs, which actually cause such a disease.

Thus, the main risk group is made up of people who:

  • weakened immune system;
  • there are signs of allergic diathesis;
  • there are problems with digestion;
  • increased susceptibility to stressful situations;
  • allergic diseases occur;
  • a violation of the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system was diagnosed, which include the adrenal glands and pituitary gland, the thyroid gland and the ovaries;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene.

All of the above etiological factors are responsible for the development of microbial eczema in children and adults. From this it follows that the pathology has no restrictions regarding gender and age category.


Specialists in the field of dermatology, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties of such a disease:

  • nummular- has a second name - coin-shaped. It is characterized by the fact that it most often affects the skin of the hands, on which isolated eczematous foci appear, no more than three centimeters in volume. In addition, it is prone to spread and does not respond well to therapy;
  • varicose- is formed due to varicose veins, which means that it is often localized on the lower extremities;
  • paratraumatic;
  • mycotic- a similar variety develops against the background of already existing fungal lesions of the skin of both the upper and lower extremities;
  • sycosiform- differs in that the source of this variety is sycosis, which, in turn, is a pustular lesion of the skin. The most common causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus. Favorite places of defeat are the face and scalp, armpits and pubis.

Separately, microbial eczema of the nipples is isolated, which occurs as a result of their injury in the process of breastfeeding a baby. In addition, it is often diagnosed in persons infected with scabies.


Since there are several types of the disease, it is quite natural that each of them has its own clinical manifestations.

Varicose eczema or microbial eczema on the legs is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • moderate skin itching;
  • the presence of clear boundaries of the inflammatory focus;
  • rash polymorphism.

Nummular nummular or plaque eczema is characterized by:

  • the appearance of rounded lesions, the volume of which can vary from one to three centimeters;
  • the presence of clear edges separating healthy skin from the patient;
  • pathological redness;
  • swelling and weeping;
  • the appearance of a layer of serous-purulent crust.

This variety is also known as microbial eczema on the hands, since only this area is involved in the pathology.

Sycosiform eczema or microbial eczema on the face is accompanied by the appearance of foci on the skin, which are complemented by severe skin itching and weeping, i.e., the release of a specific fluid from the wound. The post-traumatic form of the disease has similar clinical signs, but is localized around wounds, scratches or abrasions.

  • the appearance of foci of inflammation of a bright red color;
  • crack formation;
  • wetting;
  • severe itching;
  • pronounced pain;
  • formation of crusts on the surface of wounds.

It is also advisable to attribute similar signs characteristic of a particular type of disease to the development of microbial eczema in a child.

The chronic form of the course of the disease is characterized by an extensive erosive lesion of the skin, which means that microbial eczema is transformed into a true one.


An integrated approach is needed to establish the cause of microbial eczema. Before prescribing laboratory tests, a dermatologist must independently perform several manipulations:

  • to study the patient's medical history - since such a disease has a pathological basis, this is often enough to establish the most characteristic etiological factor for a particular person;
  • perform a thorough physical examination of foci of inflammation, which can be localized on the arms and legs, in the armpits and pubic area, on the face or on the scalp;
  • conduct a detailed survey of the patient - this is necessary to determine the first time of appearance and the severity of the infectious process.

Laboratory studies are based on the implementation of:

  • bakposeva discharge or scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin - to identify the pathogen and evaluate its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • scraping for pathogenic fungi;
  • histological examination of the biopsy;
  • general clinical and biochemical blood tests.

During the diagnosis of microbial eczema in a child and an adult, they do not turn to the implementation of instrumental diagnostic measures.

All of the above diagnostic methods allow not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to differentiate the disease from:

  • others;
  • primary reticulosis of the skin;
  • familial, with a benign course.


The tactics of how to cure microbial eczema is directly dictated by the etiological factor, for example:

  • with fungal skin lesions, local or course treatment of the underlying ailment is carried out;
  • when taking medications, treating skin areas with antibacterial substances and therapeutic ointments is shown;
  • specific elimination of trophic ulcers and sycosis.

Directly in the treatment of microbial eczema, the following drugs are used:

  • antihistamines;
  • desensitizing drugs;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • sedatives;
  • antimicrobial ointments for topical use;
  • astringent and antibacterial drugs;
  • antiseptics.

Among the most effective physiotherapy procedures, it is worth highlighting:

It is also allowed to treat microbial eczema with the help of lotions from decoctions based on:

  • strings and nettles;
  • birch and calendula;
  • hypericum and yarrow.

It should be noted that the elimination of eczema in infants and young children is carried out by the most gentle methods.

In addition, therapy must necessarily include:

  • hypoallergenic diet for microbial eczema - sparing nutrition is compiled by the attending physician on an individual basis for each patient;
  • careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • a course of taking glucocorticoids - in cases of the transition of the disease to true eczema.

Prevention and prognosis

To prevent the development of bacterial eczema, you must:

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • prevent infection of wounds and other structural lesions of the skin;
  • treat in the early stages those ailments that lead to the development of eczema on the legs, hands, face and any other localization.

When establishing such a diagnosis, patients are concerned about the problem - is microbial eczema contagious or not? The disease is considered conditionally contagious, since it is possible to become infected with a significant increase in the number of pathogenic microflora and in the presence of one of the predisposing factors.

As for the prognosis of microbial eczema, it is favorable in the vast majority of cases. Long-term and persistent therapy is observed only in debilitated and elderly patients.

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But it can also spread to other parts of the body.

General medical treatment

Treatment of microbial eczema should be comprehensive. Usually it is carried out at home, but in severe cases, treatment in a hospital is indicated.

The treatment regimen is developed only by a narrow specialist - a dermatologist based on visual examination data, history taking and differential diagnosis based on laboratory tests, since the manifestations of the disease often resemble other types of eczema or dermatitis.

In addition, laboratory tests can identify the causative agent of microbial eczema and develop an adequate treatment regimen.

The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

This is what the affected areas of the skin look like with microbial dermatitis

In addition, the patient must be especially careful to observe hygiene measures and adhere to a certain diet.

Drug treatment is effectively supported by physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis with appropriate drugs; UHF and ultraviolet irradiation; laser, magnetic and ozone therapy. Physiotherapy helps to avoid unpleasant traces of microbial eczema on the affected areas of the skin.

Microbial eczema of the legs and feet often occurs with varicose veins of the lower extremities; in this case, it is required to simultaneously actively treat varicose veins.

Topical treatment of microbial eczema

Local treatment allows you to quickly remove such an unpleasant symptom as itching. This is especially true for those who are difficult to keep from scratching itchy skin. Antiseptic sprays (ingalipt, livian, cameton) help well to get rid of itching.

However, here, too, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to be guided by the data of bacteriological analysis and, along with ointments, lotions and creams of general anti-inflammatory action, use those drugs that have pronounced antibacterial properties in relation to a particular pathogen.

When a pathogen is detected, antibiotic ointments are used (bactroban, drapoene, dettol) or, in case of fungal etiology, antifungal ointments (exodril, bifonazole). A good effect is given by an ointment with tar, lotions with 1% resorcinol or lead water. The weeping affected surface of the skin is treated with Castellani liquid or diluted "brilliant green".

1-antibacterial, 2- antifungal drugs

In acute cases, solutions of aniline dyes are used, as well as naphthalene and ichthyol ointment and corticosteroid agents, especially with extensive skin lesions (elokom, advantan, celestoderm).

If the disease has become chronic, then during exacerbation corticosteroids are used for systemic use (triamcilone, prednisolone) or cytostatics (methotrexate, cyclosporine).

Good reviews about the drug dermovate from the group of glucocorticosteroids for external use: it relieves inflammation and swelling well, heals wound surfaces.

Traditional medicine recipes

Recipes of traditional medicine, based mainly on herbs and other plants, help get rid of itching and heal the affected skin surface faster, which is especially important for paratraumatic microbial eczema that occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Here are some of these recipes:

  • Lotion multicomponent . A string, nettle, birch buds, calendula, St. John's wort, yarrow (all this can be purchased at a pharmacy) - mix 20 g of each ingredient and use to prepare lotions: 1 tbsp. l. mix pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, after 2 hours strain and apply a lotion on the affected areas for half an hour. The same composition can be taken three times a day, 50 ml.
  • Decoction of pine needles and cones . Brew 100 g of dry needles and cones with 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour and then do 15-minute applications on the affected skin.
  • Decoction of walnut leaves . 100 g of fresh leaves pour 0.5 liters of cold water, boil for 5 minutes, let cool and brew. Use to wipe the affected areas.
  • Black elderberry leaf compress (fresh) . Rinse the leaves, lightly beat off with a knife, apply to the affected areas, cover with a film on top and hold for 10-15 minutes.

Pine cones are very rich in vitamin C and B1 and are good for the skin.

Therapeutic diet and other activities

The etiology of microbial eczema has been studied quite well, its pathogens and the conditions under which it develops are known.

These include weakened immunity and allergic reactions, that is, something that to a certain extent depends on our diet. That is why the complex is impossible without following a therapeutic diet.

However, from a medical point of view, such a diet can be considered the best option for a rational diet for people who simply care about their health and do not suffer from any diseases. In the presence of microbial eczema, its observance becomes not just one of the conditions for recovery, but also a way to prevent relapses.

The allergic component is included in the list of causes for the development of this disease, so everything that can provoke allergies and skin itching should be excluded from the diet: citrus fruits, allergenic berries (strawberries, etc.), smoked meats, spices, pickles, spicy and pickled foods, canned food, eggs, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, as well as sweets and convenience foods.

The diet for microbial eczema is based mainly on the consumption of plant foods, cereals and lactic acid products; meat only in boiled form. When compiling a diet, it is desirable to consult a dermatologist.

By plant food, we mean vegetables and fruits - it is thanks to them that the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the removal of toxins from the body that have a negative impact on its health and immunity are ensured.

The basis of nutrition is:

  • vegetable soups;
  • cereals boiled in water (preferably without salt);
  • boiled meat or meatballs or meatballs, steamed;
  • fresh, boiled, stewed or baked vegetables;
  • lactic acid products (kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yogurt, etc.);
  • fruit.

Such a menu is quite enough to meet the body's needs for energy, vitamins and trace elements, as well as to maintain its immune status at the proper level.

You should minimize your salt intake, or even better, avoid it altogether to reduce swelling. For the same reason, it is desirable to reduce the amount of fluid consumed.

In addition to the diet, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • protect the affected skin from injury and exposure to too low or too high temperatures;
  • exclude contact with household chemicals and other harmful substances;
  • refuse to use water and carry out regular hygiene measures by washing with antiseptic solutions; when the disease enters the remission stage, with the permission of a dermatologist, you can use neutral soap;
  • with microbial eczema of the legs, wear socks only from natural materials; if it arose against the background of varicose veins, it is necessary to wear compression underwear;
  • try to avoid stress, strong nervous and physical tension.

Skin diseases are unfortunately very common. One and the same disease can have many varieties. Each species has its own nuances in the treatment. Microbial eczema is no exception.

When the skin is weakened due to immune, nervous, allergic causes, it is susceptible to a number of diseases. In the emergence and development of microbial eczema, bacterial pathogens play an important role.


One of the varieties of eczema - bacterial or microbial - along with the general characteristics for this disease, has its own pronounced features and symptoms.

Eczema is a skin disease of an inflammatory nature, which is based on allergic reactions of the body, immune pathologies, and disorders of nervous activity.

The eczemotogenic areas themselves are non-contagious, but in this case, the risk of infection exists from the bacteria that cause the rash (fungus, staphylococcus aureus).

The disease has a high recurrence rate. People who have recovered from eczema and are prone to it are at risk of getting sick again with a high probability.

Bacterial eczema often becomes true with the wrong treatment.

The disease is accompanied by a rash (wet or dry), itching, burning, redness and inflammation of the skin. The microbial form is observed as a secondary condition on damaged areas of the skin.

Its causes are associated with bacterial factors. The disease is provoked by damage or primary disease of the epidermis.

Due to the weakening of the immune system, nervous tension, the level of skin protection and the effectiveness of the healing process are reduced.

Weakened areas near wounds, abrasions, ulcers become infected with microbes, which, with normal immunity, are absolutely harmless to the body.

This provokes a microbial form of the disease. A rash occurs near allergic skin reactions, chafing, chapping, diaper rash, varicose veins.

The reasons

There are several factors that provoke the disease. They are divided into common, characteristic for all types of this disease and inherent in microbial eczema. In all cases, the causes of the disease complement each other.


  • psychovegetative disorders;
  • neuroendocrine diseases;
  • immune disorders.

The following causes are characteristic of all types of disease, but in particular they provoke precisely the microbial variety:

  • high sensitivity to the ingress of pathogens of infection and inflammation on the skin;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin injuries: abrasions, ulcers, wounds, diaper rash, chafing, frostbite or burns;
  • fungal infections: mycosis, lymphostasis;
  • two groups of pathogens are often observed. First: streptococcal or staphylococcal infection. Second: a fungus of the genus Candida.


There are symptoms inherent in all types of the disease and characteristic of the bacterial type.

They often develop rapidly. Literally in a day you can see:

  1. skin redness;
  2. the formation of a rash, vesicles;
  3. death of the upper thin layer of the skin.

Symptoms covering all types:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin. The very first sign;
  • itching, burning. They have varying degrees of expression. In most cases, strongly pronounced. In severe forms of the disease, they are hard to endure, just like ordinary pain. Often the discomfort is so severe that the patient cannot sleep. It is in these cases that serious treatment is used up to intravenous injections of special sedatives (sedatives);
  • rash of several varieties. Dry or wet. In all cases, dead skin (white, yellow) is exfoliated, sometimes it resembles psoriasis;
  • when combing a wet rash, the top thin layer of skin peels off. Fluid (pus) oozes from the ulcer. It lasts a long time, the wound dries up hard;
  • eczematous areas have pronounced boundaries and a clear geometry;
  • sometimes after successful treatment, the areas where there was eczema change color (they become darker) or the skin remains deformed.

Characteristic features for the bacterial type:

  • preceded by skin lesions of various types. It develops around pyodermic (purulent) foci: near ulcers, areas of abrasions, fistulas, scratches;
  • sharply defined segments of inflammation with a dying layer of skin and cells;
  • in the center of the site - an accumulation of cavityless hills (papules) or blisters with serous fluid. Weeping segments, purulent crusts are formed, a thin top layer of skin easily peels off when touched;
  • accumulations of the rash are located next to each other at intervals affected by separate small formations that gradually grow;
  • asymmetric shape with jagged edges, coin-like or other;
  • severe burning and itching.

Types of this pathology:

  • nummular. It is in the form of plaques or coin-shaped. The foci are rounded, small in size, clear with intense blood flow, weeping, edematous. Microbial eczema on the hands is often of this type;
  • varicose. Accompanied by varicose veins, venous insufficiency. Ulcers sometimes form around diseased veins. An eczemotogenic area appears around them with swelling, inflammation and moderate itching;
  • post-traumatic. Occurs as a result of violations in wound healing after operations, injuries;
  • sycosiform. Reminds me of seborrheic. It is observed in patients with inflamed hair follicles. It has weeping, itchy red lesions. Localization: where hair grows, including the chin and upper lip in men. As it progresses, it spreads to other areas with hairline;
  • papillary. In women who are breastfeeding or who have scabies. Weeping cracks form around the nipple and on it.

Video: The nuances of the disease


Hands and feet are areas where eczematogenous areas most often occur. It is difficult to keep the limbs in a calm state and keep them constantly in sterile conditions. Together, these factors provoke the development of the disease.

On hands

  1. chemical agents;
  2. paints;
  3. varnishes;
  4. irritants;
  5. allergens.

Hands should be kept warm, do not expose them to hypothermia or sudden changes in temperature, chapping.

If microbial eczema on the hands occurs on the lower parts of the limbs and it is difficult to completely isolate the skin from irritants, it is necessary to treat the skin with disinfectant creams immediately after contact with them.

It is advisable to work with protective gloves. Jewelry on the fingers and hands must be removed.

There are special creams against itching:

  • Dermovate;
  • Advantan.

Water provokes the development of the disease, so contact with it should be minimized. The skin is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or alcohol.

Hands are washed with hypoallergenic hygiene products, neutral soap is chosen, herbal lotions (celandine), drying ointments (zinc) are allowed.

Make lotions from calendula, aloe. Drying powders are used, for example, a composition of zinc oxide (30 g), menthol (2 g), wheat starch (50 g), sulfur color (5 g).

On foot

For the legs use the same means as for the hands. If microbial eczema on the legs is accompanied by varicose veins, therapy is combined with the wearing of special compressor knitwear, preparations for toning blood flow.

Legs should not be loaded. When walking, excessive exercise may appear swelling, and inflammation will increase.

When the rash is located on the lower parts of the limbs, shoes should be well ventilated, socks should be worn only from natural fabrics. At night, it is recommended to make lotions, powders and sleep with your feet on a hill.


If microbial eczema is suspected, a bacteriological examination is performed first. The test material is scraped off from diseased areas of the skin.

As a rule, microscopy reveals mycosis (fungus) cells, and when placed in an appropriate environment in the laboratory, bacterial pathogens are detected.

The task of diagnosis in the described case is the exact determination of the type of organism that causes the microbial rash. This will help to apply exactly those drugs to which the pathogen is sensitive.

In acute forms of the disease, histological studies of the biomaterial from the subcutaneous layers of the foci of the rash are carried out.

This determines the degree of infection penetration into tissues, the level of plasma and other cells in the infiltrate.

Visual inspection allows you to note:

  1. puffiness;
  2. localization;
  3. characteristic external manifestations.

Sometimes a differential diagnosis is made with signs of psoriasis, other types of eczema, and dermatitis.

The microbial form of the disease often turns into true eczema.

In all cases, the doctor may prescribe:

  • general analyses;
  • studies of the level of immunoglobulins;
  • lymphocytes.

Treatment of microbial eczema

Complexity is an important characteristic of therapy. Its components: preparations externally or intravenously, systemic agents, diet therapy, hygiene measures.


External treatments include:

  • lotions;
  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • talkers.

The main attention is paid to drugs with pronounced antibacterial properties.

If it is established which bacterium is the cause of the disease, they use exactly those means that destroy it. Use highly targeted drugs and ointments of general anti-inflammatory action.

Commonly used outdoor products:

  • lotions with resorcinol (1%), lead water;
  • treatment with Castellani liquid, “brilliant green” (diluted), in acute cases - solutions of aniline dyes;
  • naphthalene, ichthyol ointment, tar preparations are used for slight weeping;
  • ointments with antibiotics for a specific pathogen: bactroban, drapoene, dettol;
  • antifungal ointments, if the corresponding etiology is identified (exodril, bifonazole);
  • in acute manifestations - corticosteroid agents (elokom, advantan, celestoderm);
  • with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage, calcineurin inhibitors are used: pimecrolimus, tacrolimus. They reduce itching and inflammation;
  • well relieve itching, irritation antiseptics in the form of sprays: inhalipt, livian, cameton.

With a particularly severe course, systemic treatment is used:

  • antibiotics: ampicillin, cefazolin, doxycycline;
  • antimycotics (fluconazole), if a fungal pathogen is present;
  • during exacerbation: corticosteroids for systemic use (triamcilone, prednisolone) or cytostatic agents (methotrexate, cyclosporine);
  • drugs for desensitization, antihistamines: lorotadine, suprastin, diazolin;
  • intravenously: calcium chloride, sodium thiosulfate;
  • sedative or hypnotic drugs (valerian, motherwort, bromine).

For this type of eczema, corticosteroid ointments and hormonal drugs are used less often if the initial treatment of a bacterial infection with antibiotics is correct.


  • exclusion of overheating or frostbite;
  • it is forbidden to expose the damaged area to loads, and even more so to injuries;
  • regular hygiene (washing with antiseptic agents, solutions);
  • exclusion of prolonged contact with moisture of eczematogenous areas;
  • clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • for varicose veins - appropriate compression underwear, leg bandaging and vein treatment;
  • diet. The diet is dairy and vegetable with cereals and the addition of boiled meat. Add more fiber, greens, fruits and vegetables, except for spicy, citrus and irritating (pepper, garlic, onion). Spicy, smoked, pickled, canned is prohibited;
  • fluid intake is limited, alcohol is prohibited;
  • vitamin therapy (vitamins A, B, D, calcium, zinc);
  • eliminate stress, nervous tension and strong physical exertion, leading to exhaustion.


Physiotherapy methods are especially effective together with the right diet and vitamin therapy.

The following treatment procedures are used:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • laser and ozone therapy.

In addition to the healing effect, these methods contribute to the disappearance of traces after the rash.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used as an addition to the main therapy.

Locally on diseased areas or internally, the following agents are used:

  • lotions from herbs or plants: celandine, calendula, aloe, coltsfoot;
  • effective lotion from the collection: 20 g each, nettle birch buds, calendula inflorescences, yarrow, St. John's wort;
  • the rash is moistened with a decoction of pine needles and cones: 100 g per liter of boiling water, pour an hour, apply for 15 minutes;
  • 100 g of freshly picked walnut leaves are poured with half a liter of water, boiled for 5 minutes and insisted for an hour. The agent wipes the affected areas;
  • elderberry leaves have a powerful antiseptic effect. They are washed, beaten off so that they let the juice flow, and applied to sore spots for 15 minutes, wrapped with cling film;
  • An infusion of dandelion root improves immunity, it is poured with boiling water, infused for 12 hours and drunk several times a day.


Microbial eczema on the hands, feet, and other parts of the body appears in people prone to skin diseases with a neuro-allergenic and immune nature, such as psoriasis, dermatitis.

Such people should especially pay attention to the following factors:

  • high-quality treatment of any pyoderma rash, allergic reactions, thermal, chemical or other damage;
  • care after dressings and removal of plaster;
  • try to use a dairy-vegetarian diet, include allergenic foods, minimize alcohol consumption, limit sweet, spicy foods;
  • chronic diseases, especially varicose veins, infectious diseases should be treated in a timely manner.
  1. It is strictly forbidden to comb the areas affected by the rash.
  2. In order to leave fewer traces after eczema, the skin should be periodically lubricated with antiseptic, softening creams.
  3. Contacts with water aggravate the situation, therefore they minimize water procedures, do not moisten the affected area or cover it with cling film.

Microbial eczema is not easy, but treatable. The main thing is to prevent it from flowing into its true form: this will complicate the therapy.

Microbial eczema on the hands or feet develops for obvious reasons. The provoking factor is damage to the skin, which is populated by pathological microorganisms.

The following microbes contribute to the development of microbial eczema:

  • staphylococci;
  • group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus;
  • klebsiella;
  • Proteus;
  • diplococci of the gonorrheal or meningeal type, etc.

In clinical practice, viral eczema also occurs. Often the causative agent is a fungus of the genus Candida, and then the disease remains infectious, but not bacterial, but fungal.

Provoking factors include decreased immunity, irrational use of ointments with glucocorticosteroids or antibiotics, exposure to adverse environmental factors.


Bacterial eczema has a rather pronounced clinical picture. On the skin, large foci can be noted, on which there is an active rejection of the stratum corneum of the epithelium.

Inflamed areas are affected by blisters containing an unpleasant serous fluid. The breakthrough of the bubble leads to the formation of a painful, itchy erosion of the weeping type. The foci are usually located asymmetrically, they can merge with each other.

Doctors distinguish several subspecies of the disease:

  • coin-shaped, characterized by lesions mainly of the hands, easily spreading throughout the body without timely treatment, difficult to treat;
  • varicose develops on the lower extremities and often acts as a precursor of trophic ulcers with a constant lack of venous blood flow;
  • paratraumatic - a consequence of infections of skin injuries, postoperative wounds, etc .;
  • mycotic occurs on the feet and palms with fungal contamination;
  • sycosiform, characterized by damage to the hairy areas of the body if the skin is inhabited by group A streptococcus;
  • eczema of the nipples is formed when breastfeeding children in women with improper care of the nipple area.

Eczema is just as common in adults as it is in children. Moreover, adults with strong immunity should not be afraid of infection, but a small child can catch an infection from a sick person.

Which doctor treats microbial eczema

Infected eczema is a serious skin disease that causes not only physical but also moral discomfort. Patients are advised to visit a doctor specializing in dermatology at the first sign of illness. The doctor will examine the skin, prescribe tests, and, based on their results, will give recommendations regarding therapy.

Doctors specializing in infectious diseases, immunology, and allergology can also take part in the treatment of microbial eczema. In some cases (for example, with gonorrheal skin lesions), the help of a venereologist may be needed.


Diagnosis of microbial eczema is not difficult in most cases. This is due to the secondary nature of the disease. The defeat of the skin on the background of injuries, varicose veins, streptoderma, candidiasis makes it possible to suspect the nature of the pathology.

However, it is not enough to determine the nature of the disease. It is necessary to understand which specific pathogen caused the development of symptoms. To establish the involvement of microorganisms, the method of sowing discharged from formations on the skin is used. The discharge is placed in a special environment, and the doctor monitors which colonies of microorganisms have sprouted. Antibiotic susceptibility testing can also be done at the time of culture.

If the case is considered complex, the doctor may recommend a histological examination. With its help, swelling of the dermis, the formation of blisters in the epidermis and a number of other characteristic changes in the skin.

An important stage of diagnosis is differentiation. It is necessary to distinguish those provoked by different types of pathogens from each other, as well as from eczema caused by other factors, and a number of other diseases.


Microbial eczema is treated comprehensively, under the supervision of a doctor specializing in skin diseases. The choice of therapy is recommended only after the diagnosis is established accurately and the pathogen is determined.

Therapy involves the use of both local and systemic drugs. It is necessary to eliminate the source of infection in the body, as well as promote the regeneration of the skin. For this use:

  • antibiotics (selected depending on the sensitivity of the pathogen, cephalosporins, macrolides, etc. can be used);
  • agents with antihistamine activity (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, etc.);
  • drugs that reduce excitability (valerian tincture, Adaptol);
  • antiviral agents to prevent secondary viral infection (Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, etc.);
  • antimicrobials (Clotrimazole, etc.).

The optimal combination of drugs for each patient is selected individually. The doctor takes into account tolerability, indications for use, individual characteristics of the patient.

Chronic microbial eczema is treated with the same drugs. The task is to reduce the frequency of relapses, their severity.


Microbial eczema is an unpleasant pathology that is easier to prevent than to treat it later. To do this, it is recommended to timely treat diseases that contribute to the development of skin infection (trauma, varicose veins, etc.), observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to carefully care for skin wounds, especially if a person has a tendency to reduce immunity. Treatment of acute infectious diseases is another mandatory step in prevention.

Infectious eczema requires careful management to avoid becoming chronic. At the first changes, you need to seek medical help.

Useful video about microbial eczema

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Such a disease as eczema became known long before the beginning of our era. However, initially this word was called all skin pathologies of an inflammatory nature. Progress in medicine and the emergence of differential diagnostic methods have made it possible to isolate eczema into a separate disease, which, in turn, is also divided into several types. One of them is microbial eczema, which develops at the site of foci of purulent skin lesions. It is about this type of disease that we will talk about.

What is microbial eczema

Microbial eczema is a dermatological disease that manifests itself in the form of a pustular rash on the skin. As the name implies, the pathology is microbial in nature. This type of eczema is considered secondary. The fact is that it is formed in places already affected by fungal, bacterial or viral pathology.

Microbial eczema is a dermatological disease

Often it is formed when microbes get inside open wounds. All this is accompanied by a weakened immune system, which cannot cope with the pathogen. Most often, microbial eczema is caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus and candida. The disease can be chronic or acute.

Experts give the following statistics on this disease: from 12 to 27% of patients suffering from eczema have a microbial form of pathology.

Causes and factors for the development of microbial eczema

Microbial eczema develops against the background of already existing infectious or fungal diseases. Due to the fall of immunity, the body becomes more susceptible to pathologies of this kind. The sensitivity of the skin increases, and foci of inflammation form on it.

Another common cause is the ingress of microbes into areas of injured skin. Deep scratches, abrasions, cuts, trophic ulcers, fistulas, surgical incisions and other types of wounds can be a gateway for bacteria to enter.

There are also internal provocateurs of microbial eczema. For example, the likelihood of getting sick with it becomes higher in the case of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys. If your endocrine or nervous system is unstable, your risk also increases. In addition, microbial eczema on the extremities can form as a result of lymphatic edema - lymphostasis.

According to doctors, there is a genetic predisposition to the disease. In other words, microbial eczema can be inherited.

Symptoms of the disease

There are the following symptoms that indicate the presence of microbial eczema:

  • on a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, many foci of inflammation are formed, which are combined with each other;
  • erosion begins to get wet;
  • healthy skin around the wound is very flaky;
  • crusts form on the surface of the pustules;
  • the surface area of ​​eczema increases;
  • the disease is accompanied by severe itching.

If you find yourself with one or more of the above symptoms, this means that you need to see a doctor to establish a more accurate diagnosis and choose a treatment method.

Video: features of microbial eczema


There are various classifications of microbial eczema. The first of them - at the location of the foci of inflammation. The disease is most often localized on the following parts of the body:

The disease can occur in other areas, but much less frequently.

According to the nature of the course, microbial eczema can be divided into the following types:

  • numular (or coin-shaped). The most common form of eczema. It is characterized by the appearance of round plaques of bright red color with a weeping surface. Usually their diameter is from 1 to 3 cm;
  • sycosiform. It occurs as a result of staphylococcus aureus entering the inflamed hair follicles. The disease is most typical for men, because it affects the areas of the cheeks, chin, as well as the pubis and armpits;
  • varicose. With varicose veins, cracks form on the skin, where the causative agent of microbial eczema enters. Situated on the legs.
  • paratraumatic. It is formed in places of violation of the integrity of the skin. Differs in a vague form and fuzzy boundaries. Separately, professional eczema should be highlighted. It occurs in people whose professional activities involve working with substances that cause allergies. These can include epoxy, synthetic adhesives, mercury and mercury compounds, and many other products used in manufacturing. The difference between this type of disease is that the allergen accumulates in the body for a long time, so the foci of inflammation do not form immediately, but gradually /

According to the duration of the course, the disease is divided into two forms:

  • acute, in which the disease proceeds quickly and does not return after a course of treatment;
  • chronic, in which relapses often occur due to insufficiently thorough therapy.

Types of disease - photo gallery

Varicose eczema occurs in areas of vasodilation Paratraumatic eczema occurs when microbes enter the wound Sycosiform eczema occurs at the location of the hair follicles
Coin-shaped eczema has a clear shape, borders and pronounced redness

Diagnosis of microbial eczema

Diagnosis of microbial eczema is handled by a dermatologist. He collects an anamnesis, finding out what diseases the patient already has, and also conducts a visual examination. If a person has fungal or infectious pathologies, varicose veins, or non-healing skin injuries, this increases the likelihood of microbial eczema.

However, these methods are not enough to restore the full picture of the disease. To make a diagnosis, bacteriological and histological examination is required, so the patient will have to undergo a number of special tests. Scraping from the affected area is examined under a microscope. This allows you to establish the presence of microbes and find out the pathogen. A biopsy is used if differential diagnosis is necessary to distinguish eczema from, and other dermatological diseases.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of microbial eczema is aimed primarily at eliminating the primary pathology. In other words, if you developed a disease against the background of a fungus or infection, you first need to get rid of them. Also during therapy, immunity is strengthened and nutrition is balanced. If varicose eczema is diagnosed, the patient must take medication to improve circulation.

Experts insist that the therapy of microbial eczema should be comprehensive. Only in this way it will give an acceptable result and will not allow the disease to take a chronic form. Therefore, drugs taken orally are combined with special ointments and supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. Doctors strongly recommend sticking to a special diet and eliminating the most allergenic foods from the diet.

Medical therapy

Medical therapy is one of the main forms of treatment for microbial eczema. To eliminate the initial disease, depending on its nature, the following types of drugs may be prescribed:

  • desensitizing and antihistamine;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • sedatives.

It also shows the use of B vitamins.

Antihistamines are considered effective for the treatment of microbial eczema. However, their use is associated with certain inconveniences. They cause drowsiness in a person, reduce concentration, therefore, during the period of taking the drugs, you should not drive a vehicle or perform work that requires attention. In some cases, patients may be transferred to inpatient treatment.

If the disease is acute, hormonal ointments are prescribed. They can have a lasting effect on the affected area of ​​the skin. As a rule, ointments are made on the basis of animal or vegetable fat. External preparations, which include lanolin, are considered especially high-quality. Due to the special consistency of the fatty base, they manage to nourish and moisturize the focus of inflammation, warm the skin and dilate blood vessels. As a result, the active ingredients penetrate the blood better and more effectively affect the body.

All hormonal ointments are divided into three groups:

  • strong (drugs such as Dexamethasone, Mometasone, etc.);
  • medium (drugs Fluocortonol, Prednikarbat);
  • weak (Hydrocortisone ointment).

The drug is prescribed by a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient, the causes and nature of the course of the disease.

In cases where the pathology does not require such active treatment, non-hormonal ointments can also be used. Thanks to them, the wounds formed on the skin are dried and disinfected, and inflammation is reduced. It also reduces itching and pain when touching the affected area. Such drugs include ointments with tar, ichthyol, zinc, glycerin, salicylic acid and other active ingredients.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy methods are not applied alone. They are necessarily accompanied by medication, as they enhance the effect of drugs. Most often, doctors prescribe the following procedures:

  • laser therapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • therapy with ultraviolet rays;
  • magnetic therapy.

Diet for microbial eczema

In order to reduce irritation on the skin, in the process of treating microbial eczema, doctors recommend adhering to a certain principle of nutrition. It excludes all products that can cause an allergic reaction.

So, limit yourself to the use of the following products:

  • canned food;
  • oranges, lemons, tangerines;
  • red berries;
  • red vegetables, especially tomatoes and sweet peppers;
  • red apples (but green ones, on the contrary, are recommended);
  • bananas;
  • potato dishes;
  • lamb and pork dishes;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • garlic and onions;
  • smoked meats;
  • seasonings;
  • dishes cooked with a lot of fat;
  • flour products;
  • various sweets;
  • tea and coffee;
  • concentrated juices;
  • alcohol.

Give preference to dishes prepared from boiled lean chicken or beef. Green (by color, not by degree of maturity) vegetables and fruits have a positive effect on the body. For breakfast, you should boil porridge in water. Lunch may include vegetable soups or weak meat broths. Stewed vegetables and lean meats are good for dinner. The diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and keep you in good condition. However, overeating even permitted foods can aggravate the situation.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can be an alternative to some non-hormonal ointments or supplement more effective drugs. Unfortunately, acute forms cannot be cured with decoctions and lotions alone. However, you can relieve itching and reduce inflammation on the skin.

The advantages of folk methods are the availability of components and their low price. Here are some proven recipes.

Video: how to treat eczema

Prognosis of treatment and prevention of complications

If the disease was diagnosed in a timely manner, and the treatment included all the necessary drugs, then it will be possible to get rid of microbial eczema quite quickly. Relapses are possible if the patient did not strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations: skipped medications, ignored the diet, or arbitrarily completed the treatment ahead of schedule.

Complications may occur in elderly patients or weakened by other diseases.

To avoid the recurrence of microbial eczema, follow these rules:

  • treat all damage to the skin with disinfectants;
  • If possible, wear cotton clothes, not synthetic ones;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • do not start already existing fungal and infectious diseases.

Features of microbial eczema in children

In children, microbial eczema is usually particularly acute. This is due to insufficient reserves of the immune system. According to statistics, this disease is quite common in children aged 2 to 6 months.

The tendency to develop microbial eczema is formed even in the womb. This happens when a pregnant woman consumes large amounts of food that causes allergies. If the mother had severe toxicosis, this may also indicate a predisposition to the disease.

Often the primary factor in the occurrence of microbial eczema in children is ordinary dermatitis. Moreover, food, baby creams and powders, diapers, and even the state of the environment can cause an allergic reaction. At the same time, children can comb the resulting rash, provoking the ingress of microbes that cause eczema. And at an early age it is quite difficult to explain to the child that this is not worth doing. Careless attitude to personal hygiene and even a tendency to bite your nails can also lead to the development of the disease. This is true for preschool children.

In adolescence, the risk of developing microbial eczema is caused by hormonal changes in the body. To protect yourself from this pathology, you should avoid skin damage and monitor immunity.

The treatment of children for microbial eczema differs from that of adults in the following ways:

  • physiotherapy procedures are excluded;
  • hormonal ointments and drugs are mostly replaced by immunomodulating and antihistamines;
  • drug dosages are reduced.

But the indications for the diet remain the same: proper nutrition restores the normal functioning of the body and helps eliminate microbial eczema.

In order to reduce the risk of the disease, doctors recommend following these rules.

  • maintain optimal air temperature in the house. Many parents believe that the warmer the house, the better for the baby. In fact, excessive sweating can provoke illness;
  • it is not worth wrapping the child too much during walks for the same reason;
  • wool and synthetics in the composition of clothing can cause an allergic reaction, on the basis of which microbial eczema will develop;
  • before swaddling the baby, give his skin the opportunity to "breathe" for 5-10 minutes;
  • Do not use harsh detergents on baby's skin. Ordinary shower gels or adult soaps are very drying to infant skin. Stop your choice on goods marked "children";
  • take baths with decoctions of herbs, they stimulate the immune system and soothe the skin;
  • after bathing, apply a small amount of baby cream or oil to the baby’s skin;
  • Watch for reactions to diapers. If the materials or substances included in their composition cause allergies, minimize their use, or rather refuse altogether;
  • at the first sign of illness, contact a specialist. He most accurately diagnoses the pathology and prescribes therapy. Treatment with folk methods without consulting a doctor can aggravate the course of the disease.

Is it possible to get microbial eczema

Doctors give a clear and precise answer to this question: no, you cannot get infected with microbial eczema! However, looking at the manifestations of the disease in other people, many treat the words of doctors with distrust. However, if at work or on public transport you meet a person with clear signs of microbial eczema, do not panic. The mechanism of the disease is such that it cannot be transmitted at the household level. Even if someone in your family suffers from this pathology, the likelihood that it will be found in you is extremely low.

It's all about the principle of the occurrence of this type of eczema. Despite the microbial nature, the initial cause is a weakened immune system and skin injuries. Even if an infectious element is transmitted to you from a patient with eczema, your body can easily cope with it. Most likely, you will not even notice any changes in your body.

You should be afraid only if you have serious problems with the immune system. Severe malaise, fever and the presence of other diseases can also play against you. But even with a combination of all these factors, the possibility of contracting microbial eczema is unlikely.

And yet, do not forget about personal safety. Microbial eczema is not contagious, but this is not the case for many other dermatological pathologies. If you are closely acquainted with someone whose body showed signs of a similar disease, it is better to ask him directly about the diagnosis. But if you do not have the opportunity to find out whether the person next to you is really sick with eczema, it is better to reduce the time of contact with him.

In the event that you yourself are a potential source of the disease, you should not limit your usual activity. You can continue to go to work or school, communicate with friends and family. If the eczema is located in an open area, someone may be wary of you. Some people may not know that eczema is not contagious, so feel free to talk about it. The only reason that can induce you to stay at home, in bed, is a deterioration in general well-being, a high fever, or other associated ailments. But even in this case, we are talking about the state of your health, and not about the danger to others.

Patient opinions

I went through the hospital, it all started with the phalanges of the fingers for 3-4 years, then spread to my feet. I share the recipe for treatment, the hands are completely gone, the legs are almost the same. Methods of treatment of microbial eczema.

Wet stage:

  • we treat wet with wet;
  • every 24 hours Ziomycin (3 pcs / 3 days);
  • while there are crusts, washing (steaming, removing crusts) with a solution of potassium permanganate (10 minutes);
  • lotion 10% solution of boric acid (powder 10 g) 1 hour lotion 1 hour break (repeat several times);
  • we smear with blue;
  • after the blue has dried, Imacort ointment (cream 20 g);

Dry stage:

  • we cancel lotions, wash the crusts with potassium permanganate;
  • blue, talker (ointment Cortomycetin and Delor);
  • before going to bed, an antihistamine drug (Aleron - 1 tablet at bedtime);
  • good to drink a diuretic;
  • quartz (2 hours before and after do not smear).

3 phase of recovery - chamomile or calendula cream. In addition, I drank with an antibiotic (Laktiv-ratiopharm). Be sure to iron all clothing adjacent to the wounds with a hot iron (especially in the wet stage).

When an exacerbation begins, I do not drink antiallergic drugs, I mix D-Panthenol with Elokom 1: 1 and smear my hands. I put on plastic gloves and do my business for about 15 minutes. I smear my hands 1-2 times a day, depending on the degree of damage. Basically, 2 days is enough for me, but I don’t delay the development of eczema either.

My child had eczema on his hands. The dermatologist prescribed this ointment: 1 teaspoon of Lorinden C ointment, 1 teaspoon of baby cream and 2 suprastin tablets (crush). Mix all this until smooth and smear. Helped.

Hello, I have had eczema since the age of 17, it was treated in all different ways, everything gave a short-term effect, mainly ointments and suprastin-type tablets. Donated blood results showed nothing, everything is normal. Eczema was microbial, after a small remission, I already knew for sure that it was due to nerves. My trip to the doctor was crowned with the discharge of diprospan, there was no limit to my happiness, the effect appeared from it the very next day! But it was only enough for 3 weeks, the doctor warned that there was no guarantee that everything would be removed once and for all, it was like in a fairy tale about Cinderella and at midnight your carriage will turn into a pumpkin, but for now enjoy what you have.


My son had eczema on his hands! Treated like this: of course, it is necessary to observe hygiene. Wash, but with gentle means (emollium, topical cream). Do not rub with a towel, blot. Then they were treated with miramistin (it disinfects, and the child does not hurt), these are always mandatory steps! Cream Triderm 2 times a day for 7 days, in the interval of cycloplast balm B5 (at night methyluracil ointment), then Lokoid cream + salicylic zinc paste for 7 days, then Elidel cream 2 times a day. Skin hydration is a must. Hypoallergenic Diet! Laktofiltrum 1/2 tab 2 r a day for 7 days on an empty stomach with water. Zyrtec 5 cap 1 time. The most important thing is to make sure you don't scratch it.


Treatment of microbial eczema primarily involves getting rid of the underlying problem. If you remove the source of inflammation, but do not get rid of the fungal or infectious disease, eczema will return again after a short time. This pathology is not the most dangerous for the body, but it causes discomfort, inconvenience when communicating with other people, and, in the end, an unaesthetic appearance. Therefore, obey the doctor in everything and watch your health.

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