How to cure white lichen at home. Treatment of depriving folk remedies with garlic. Pink deprive - deprive Zhibera

Photo of lichen under a microscope: is it possible to treat lichen in a person at home?

Treatment of depriving a person at home

After tactile communication with a sick animal, lichen may appear only after 15-40 days. Skin lichen can be transferred in the first two days, so during this period you should not allow touching healthy skin. Avoiding the disease is very easy - you just need to be hygienic, wash your hands thoroughly, avoid contact with sick animals, wear gloves on your hands, etc.

Trichophytosis - foci of lichen on the scalp, which appear 2 weeks after contact with the carrier. Often, lichen is confused with ringworm, psoriasis, herpes zoster, called herpes zoster in medicine. For an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a dermatologist and conduct a study.

It is worth understanding how to treat lichen at home. You need to clearly know the signs of the disease, namely:

  • Circular lesions, moist, scaly or dry;
  • Peeling of the soles, growths appear between the fingers and on the feet;
  • Cracks between fingers, on palms;
  • The appearance of red scaly spots on the face;
  • Pain, irritation in the groin, rash;
  • Formation on the skin of flat plaques with clear edges;
  • Uneven, soft and crumbling yellow nails.

How to treat ringworm at home?

At home, the treatment of lichen is quite possible, especially since in pharmacies you can buy effective and affordable drugs.

Creams and pharmaceutical ointments for lichen

Any pharmaceutical substances can be purchased without a prescription. They are applied externally to the affected area, in order to enhance the effect, they should be smeared 2 times a day.

Treatment of lichen at home folk remedies

  • Birch

Birch buds insist on alcohol or vodka, make lotions in places where lichen spots appear. The infusion is made from the ratio of 30 grams of kidneys per liter of vodka.

Put birch buds in boiling water at a ratio of 1: 1, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool the broth, strain through gauze and apply to the foci.

  • Garlic

An excellent recipe that is used in the fight against lichen in Hungary. In half a liter of apple cider vinegar, insist 4 cloves of garlic. Store in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks, after which you can use the solution. Moisten a cotton pad or gauze and apply to the affected areas.

  • Sulfuric ointment

Dermatophytosis, keratomycosis, candidiasis, deep mycosis - all these are varieties of ringworm or simply "lichen", a fungal infection that affects the skin. Conducting treatment of depriving a person at home means using a whole range of means, both medical and non-traditional.

Ring rash, redness, growths, itching, peeling, cracks, characteristic plaques (spots) - all these are unpleasant and unaesthetic signs of the disease. To get rid of this specific ailment, it will take a lot of time and effort.

Since all varieties of ringworm are provoked by one or another fungus, treatment, first of all, should be aimed at destroying this fungus: suitable recipes are used for each type. But some methods are universal and help with all types of damage.

Important! Before starting self-treatment, you need to make sure the diagnosis is accurate: a visit to a dermatologist will help determine whether the symptoms are caused by a fungus or a virus. This will help you choose the right method of therapy.

How to cure ringworm at home

Unpleasant symptoms of the disease are well cured by decoctions and infusions used as local baths or compresses. For cooking, plants are used that have a bactericidal and healing effect.

Ringworm is quite common in people of all ages and genders. The disease is characterized by the formation of rashes on the skin of various shapes and colors, which are accompanied by peeling and itching. Such manifestations are not only unpleasant for others with their appearance, but also spoil the mood of their owner. Faced with such a problem, it is important for a person to quickly learn how to get rid of lichen on the body.

Causes of lichen

The disease is infectious. Its appearance is caused mainly by fungi and viruses, which can reside permanently in the body and do not manifest themselves in any way.

Experts in the field of medicine associate the occurrence of lichen with a violation of the protective function and a weakening of human immunity. Such provoking factors can be:

  1. Frequent stressful situations and emotional overstrain.
  2. Infection with various viruses.
  3. Hypothermia.
  4. Long-term use of antibiotics.

Types and symptoms of lichen

Such skin formations are classified as follows:

  1. Lichen pink, appearing on different parts of the body. It may be brown. First, one spot is formed, which is maternal and promotes the growth of the remaining daughter plaques.
  2. Flat red, characterized by severe itching and the appearance of bumps of the corresponding shade. Over time, the formations merge with each other into a single plaque.
  3. Shingles, activated by herpes. It affects the human nervous system. Lichen is localized along the location of the nerve trunks, causing pain, burning sensation and itching.
  4. Ringworm that forms on the scalp. Ringworm looks like a spot with uneven outlines. At the site of its formation, hair loss occurs, so the lichen becomes noticeable to others. The area with lichen is gradually covered with a white crust or scales and causes severe itching. Ringworm is contagious and has an incubation period of up to 42 days.
  5. Pityriasis versicolor, appearing in the form of colorless scaly spots.

Most often, the disease appears on the skin of the face, head, sometimes on the nails. Some types of lichen are difficult to diagnose, making them difficult to treat.

Lichen treatment

How to quickly get rid of lichen? The answer to this question is of interest to everyone, since such a skin defect causes discomfort to a person and spoils the appearance.

At the beginning of education therapy, it is necessary to determine the type of lichen in order to select the appropriate treatment. Only a dermatologist can correctly diagnose the disease by conducting an additional examination using modern equipment.

There are many drugs and methods for treating skin ailments. In pharmacies, you can buy various means to get rid of lichen.

These include:

  • tablets or injections for systemic therapy;
  • topical products, such as ointments, shampoos, creams, medicinal tinctures or sprays.

Such a variety and availability of drugs allows you to quickly get rid of a skin defect by conducting competent treatment. Self-therapy can aggravate the situation and contribute to the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which will be much more difficult to get rid of. This is due to the similarity of lichen with other pathological processes on the skin, so even long-term use of folk remedies will be ineffective and ineffective. Alternative methods are allowed to be used in combination with the main treatment after prior agreement with the doctor.

You can get rid of lichen after a course of recommended therapy and compliance with preventive measures. Lichen caused by a fungal pathogen called Trichophyton responds well to physiotherapy treatment. And multi-colored lichen is easy to remove with the help of solar ultraviolet rays. Serious problems are created by lichen planus, sometimes requiring treatment in a hospital stay.
After recovery, dermatologists recommend undergoing ultraviolet irradiation with a lamp and re-testing. You can talk about a complete cure after 3 studies with negative results of the presence of the disease.

Large lesions, on the recommendation of a doctor, may require treatment with antibiotics, which contribute to the destruction of fungal cells and stop their reproduction. It is important to understand that uncontrolled lichen therapy can lead to infection of other people even with the slightest contact.

Getting rid of lichen with ointments

You can cure ringworm on your own through the local use of drugs that have antifungal properties.

These include the following ointments:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Miconazole;
  • Lamisil;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Exoderil;
  • Zalain;
  • Acigerpin or Zovirac;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Sulfur and salicylic ointment;
  • Healing ointment called "Yam".

They act equally effectively, but the drug should be chosen only with a doctor, based on the patient's contraindications.
It is necessary to lubricate the affected area of ​​​​the skin three times a day, applying the agent with movements from the edge of the formation to its center in order to avoid the spread of infection to healthy areas. It is recommended to use additional iodine, which has an antifungal and disinfecting effect, or salicylic alcohol.

How to get rid of lichen on the face? Dermatologists may recommend using a hormonal cream and ointment in the fight against such an ailment, for example, Advantan, Lokoid or Beloderm, believing that their effectiveness will be noticeable after a few days.

Drug treatment does not give instant results, cleansing of the skin can occur in about 10 days. And hormonal drugs only relieve inflammation and suppress local immunity, but do not kill the infection. Fungi can continue to multiply and spread to healthy areas of the skin.

Shampoos against lichen

Specially designed shampoos perfectly help to cope with lichen on the scalp.

For example:

  • Nizoral containing ketoconazole (an antifungal component);
  • Keto plus, which contains zinc;
  • Exoderm;
  • Sebozol.

The product is applied in a circular motion to the affected scalp, then rinsed thoroughly. The recommended number of procedures is 2 times a day for a week.

How to get rid of lichen at home?

Some types of lichen can be cured with the help of folk recipes. These include tinctures from medicinal plants, decoctions, mixtures and homemade ointments.

Recipe examples:

  1. Sift rye flour. Pour on ringworm in a purified form.
  2. Wipe the affected areas on the skin with raisins.
  3. Mix a fly in the ointment and 1 egg white. Apply the ointment should be for the treatment of pink and red flat lichen.
  4. Freshly squeezed garlic juice mixed with castor oil, wipe the inflamed areas.
  5. Birch leaf tincture helps in the fight against red lichen. The agent should be applied several times a day to education. Remaining broth does not need to be removed.
  6. Honey with the addition of salt should be applied if lichen has formed around the oral cavity.
  7. Red dry lichen should be poured twice a day with hot water for three minutes. Improvements will come in 3 days, and the complete disappearance of education should be expected in two weeks.
  8. Lichen planus can be cured with Lassar paste, which is prepared from two parts of salicylic acid, 25 grams of zinc oxide, 25 parts of rice starch and 48 parts of yellow petroleum jelly.
  9. A red beet compress helps to get rid of lichen on the hands. To the site of the lesion, you need to apply a vegetable in a wiped form, periodically updating it.
  10. Treat the skin with saline solution. For cooking, you need 5 liters of ordinary water and 1 tablespoon of sea or table salt. After lubrication, the solution does not need to be washed off, it must be completely absorbed into the skin. This procedure will keep the damaged area dry and clean.
  11. Spread a cabbage leaf with white sour cream and apply lichen in place. Such a compress should be changed immediately after the sheet dries.
  12. Mix 3 spoons of fish oil with 1 spoon of tar. The mixture is applied at night to the inflamed area. In the absence of fat, you can use butter.
  13. Alcohol tincture from calendula flowers relieves lichen. The plant can also be used as an ointment.
  14. Wipe lichen with a decoction of buckwheat. It is prepared very simply: a glass of cereal is boiled in several glasses of water. The resulting decoction is filtered and used in the treatment of skin lesions.

Prevention of the appearance of lichen

It is quite difficult to find a suitable way to get rid of lichen. Therefore, it is better to follow a few simple preventive measures to reduce the risk of such an ailment.

  1. Avoid injury to the skin, for any damage to it, you should immediately use an antiseptic. Any open wound, even a small one, can lead to infection.
  2. Use only your personal hygiene products.
  3. Maintain immunity and prevent its weakening. It is enough to temper, eat well, exclude nervous and stressful situations.
  4. Eat more foods with antiviral properties. For example, lemons, garlic, carrots or beets.
  5. Use as a prevention of the formation of depriving folk recipes for tinctures or decoctions from medicinal plants.

Problems of skin disorders and damage require timely diagnosis and treatment with the help of a qualified doctor. This approach to your health allows you to avoid even minimal complications.

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Lichen is a common name for a group of dermatological diseases caused by a viral or fungal infection. The main manifestations are skin rashes, which are accompanied by itching and inflammation, can lead to tissue necrosis. Lichen looks like spots on the skin of a pinkish and whitish hue with smooth edges, sometimes with gray scales. The cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity, infection from stray animals or by household means when sharing towels, linen, and washcloths.

Lichen requires timely treatment in the very first stages, otherwise the disease becomes severe, and the patient runs the risk of transmitting the infection to others.

Due to the fact that lichen pathogens can be different microorganisms, therapeutic measures should be prescribed individually for each patient. If you use traditional methods of treatment, be prepared for the fact that some of the remedies used will not work - for example, if the pathogen is insensitive to iodine, then recipes based on it will not work for you. However, other folk remedies for lichen can help get rid of rashes and restore healthy skin. A complex treatment using several means gives a good effect: for example, after wiping the skin with 9% vinegar, when the skin dries, you can apply a healing ointment.

Lichen treatment includes the use of antifungal and antiviral ointments, immunomodulatory agents and antimycotic tablets.

Treatment for lichen with birch tar

Birch tar is an effective remedy for the treatment of dermatological diseases, it is used not only in folk recipes, but also in official medicine. On its basis, tar soap, Wilkinson's ointment is made. Studies show that the active substances in birch tar can stop the synthesis of DNA that has defects.

Lichen rashes often appear in children, as they are more likely to come into contact with animals, including street animals, so the treatment of lichen should be gentle, if possible without the use of antibiotics. Birch tar is an excellent solution to the problem, since it not only has antiseptic properties, inhibiting pathogenic microflora, but also promotes healing of the skin.

Recipes based on birch tar:

    The following mixture effectively works against pink lichen: birch tar and butter are taken in a one-to-one ratio and applied to the skin, a bandage is applied on top. The smell of birch tar is very characteristic, and not everyone likes it, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure at night. The butter in this recipe helps to further nourish and hydrate the skin;

    Scale lichen or psoriasis can also be treated with birch tar. A mixture for external use is prepared as follows: birch log ash (one part) and tar (three parts) are mixed, applied to the skin and left for several hours;

    Compresses with birch tar help with lichen rashes of viral and fungal etiology, lotions are prepared from tar and fish oil, mixed in equal proportions. The resulting agent is treated with gauze folded several times and a bandage is made on the affected areas. Observe the condition of the skin after you remove the compress - if it is reddened and wet to the touch, zinc ointment should be applied, but not earlier than two hours after the procedure;

    Highly concentrated raw tar with salicylic acid is an excellent treatment for lichen, inhibiting pathogens. But you can use it only if there is no allergy to the components of the treatment mixture.

Despite all the beneficial properties of birch tar, you should remember the rules for its use - it is not recommended to use the product inside because of the content of carcinogens in it. Before making tar compresses, make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to its components. To do this, you need to apply a little money on areas with delicate skin - the wrist or the bend of the elbow.

Tar soap. Among ready-made products based on birch tar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, tar soap copes best with pityriasis and pink lichen. When choosing a soap, pay attention to its color: the darker the shade, the higher the concentration of tar, respectively, and the effectiveness of the product.

The method of using tar soap in the treatment of lichen: the affected area is lathered, the foam is left on the skin until it dries completely. Repeat from several days to two weeks.

In addition, in folk medicine, 3 more types of pharmacy ointment are often used, which are inexpensive:

    Cream Candide 1%. Candide cream is an external agent effective for fungal and bacterial diseases, inhibits the reproduction of molds and yeasts, gram-negative bacteria. It is used in the treatment of dermatoses, thrush, microsporia, multi-colored lichen. The cream is applied to cleansed and dry skin, the course of treatment of dermatomycosis with Candide 1% is 2-3 weeks;

    Nitrofungin ointment for lichen. Nitrofungin is an effective antifungal drug for external use, available as a solution. It is used to treat dermatomycosis, inhibits pathogens of fungal and bacterial infections, candidiasis, microsporia, pityriasis versicolor and trichophytosis, can be used to prevent staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. The advantage of Nitrofungin in comparison with other antifungal drugs is a mild effect on the epidermis that does not cause sensitization. However, if redness, itching or discomfort occurs during application, the solution should be diluted with water to an acceptable concentration. Method of application: with a cotton swab, the solution is applied to areas with lichen rashes three times a day until they disappear completely. You should try to avoid direct sunlight on the skin at the site of application of the product;

Acetylsalicylic acid and furatsilin against lichen

Acetylsalicylic acid(regular aspirin tablets) - an excellent remedy for lichen rashes. It is used in this form: crush the tablets into gruel and mix with forty-degree alcohol until smooth, apply to the skin and stick a patch on top. It helps to get rid of lichen in three days.

But the recipe has contraindications - the product should not be applied to rashes in places where there is hair - the mixture can dry them out and make them brittle. It is also not recommended to use on sensitive skin, as this can provoke allergic rashes.

Furacilin is an antiseptic exclusively for external use, it is sold in tablet form at any pharmacy, it costs a penny. Effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms, destroying their cell walls.

For the treatment of lichen, a solution is prepared from seven tablets dissolved in 100 ml of water. This solution is applied to areas with skin rashes. Immediately after application, when the skin is dry, you can wipe it with a solution of potassium permanganate, this enhances the effect of the treatment procedure.

The best remedy for lichen

Yam-1 veterinary ointment is an effective remedy for the treatment of lichen, both in animals and in humans. Contains a complex of active substances with a fungicidal effect - tar, sulfur, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, turpentine and others. In addition to the antifungal action, the remedy actively counteracts bacterial infection and helps to reduce itching in lichen rashes. It does not cause sensitization and irritation on the skin, it is comfortable to apply due to the fatty base (lanolin, petroleum jelly). It gives good results in the treatment of trichophytosis, weeping lichen, ringworm.

Despite the fact that this ointment is intended for animals, this does not mean that it cannot be used by people. Even some doctors know about this ointment, but they will never tell you about it at the reception, since it is forbidden for them. But everyone who tries YM ointment gets a positive result, this is the best remedy for lichen that you can buy.

Treatment for lichen with raisins

When our children see a homeless cat or dog on the street, they immediately run to pet it. But then all this turns into the fact that the child becomes ill with lichen.

In such cases, you need to turn to dermatologists, but in our hospitals there is constant lawlessness: either the doctor is not in place, or the line to see him is simply huge. And there is no time to waste in such cases. From depriving a folk remedy can help.

You need to take dark seedless raisins and rub them on the affected areas and the skin around them.

A few cloves of garlic are ground on a grater and mixed with natural honey until smooth. The resulting mixture is distributed over skin areas with lichen plaques, which contributes to their disappearance. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

A similar recipe, but without honey in the composition - crushed garlic is rubbed into the affected areas, after which the skin cannot be wetted for several hours.

Garlic compresses on areas of skin with lichen allow it to return to its previous appearance in a few days. Chopped garlic is wrapped in gauze and applied to areas with lichen rashes for 10-15 minutes.

Lemon with garlic

With lichen lesions that are difficult to treat with antibiotics, the following recipe works effectively: garlic and lemon, crushed on a grater, are applied to the skin, and a compress is left for two hours. Three procedures are enough, and the causative agent of the disease is destroyed, and the skin is restored after lesions.

With lichen picked up from pets, a compress of fresh lemon slices helps - it is kept on the skin for several seconds, after three hours the procedure is repeated. The acid contained in the lemon inhibits the fungus, which contributes to recovery. It is necessary to continue treatment for 3-4 days to consolidate the result.

Unusual Methods

    Salt. An unconventional method of treating lichen using your own saliva and table salt. The middle finger of the hand is moistened with saliva and grains of salt are collected with it, the resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas. This unusual method of treating lichen gives results even after a single application. After using it, skin rashes and lichen spots disappear.

    Condensation method (when the windows in the house sweat). An ancient folk recipe for treating lichen: smear the affected areas with condensed moisture from a window glass. To collect drops of condensate, you need to breathe hot air on the window. The rashes caused by lichen disappear after three days of using this method.

    Iodine with vodka from depriving. Another folk recipe for a mixture for external use: ordinary iodine, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is mixed with vodka in a one-to-one ratio and applied to the affected skin.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Lichen is a common disease that every person faces at least once in a lifetime. Doctors attribute the onset of the disease to a decrease in the body's immune forces. How to get rid of lichen quickly and without a trace?

Ringworm: the nature of the disease

Lichen has been known since the time of Hippocrates. This is a group of skin diseases in which the epidermis is flaky, covered with itchy nodules and changes color. The disease lasts from several months to several years.

Many patients and doctors associate the appearance of lichen with the psychological state of the patient. Often, in difficult life moments, the skin becomes covered with a painful itchy rash.

Some types of lichen are contagious and are transmitted through personal contact (with a sick person or animal). Other types of lichen occur when the immune system fails for no apparent external cause.

What factors contribute to the onset of the disease?

  • Stressful situations, depression;
  • taking certain medications;
  • damage to the skin;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • infectious diseases;
  • decrease in immunity.

Types of lichen

Medicine knows many different types of lichen, each of which has several forms. Each group of lichen requires a separate type of therapy.

Lichens of an infectious nature

Herpes - appears when the virus is activated, which can “sleep” in the body for years. With a decrease in the protective mechanisms of immunity, the disease is manifested by rashes on the skin.

A viral disease that activates the herpes virus in the body. Painful small seals appear on the skin, in place of which bubbles soon form. Gradually, the blisters burst, and a dry, painful crust appears in their place.
Rashes appear at the location of the nerve endings, so the disease causes excruciating pain in the patient.

Trichophytosis - occurs on the head under the hair, on the back, chest or groin. Spots appear that begin to peel off and form a roller along the perimeter of the lichen. Rashes are accompanied by a general deterioration and itching. On the head, hair falls out in the affected areas.

Pityriasis versicolor
Small spots of pinkish or brownish color, which eventually begin to peel off. Causes versicolor fungal infection.

Non-contagious types of lichen

scaly lichen
With psoriasis, the skin is covered with large scaly spots that bleed when the keratinized skin is removed. Characteristic rashes appear on the knees and elbows, on the head under the hair and on the back.

Lichen planus
Small nodules that merge into large plaques. The disease is accompanied by unbearable itching. In some forms of red lichen, immediate hospitalization of the patient is required.

pink lichen
Pitiriasis - begins with the appearance of a pink rounded spot with a diameter of several centimeters. As the mother spot grows, small pinkish spots appear nearby.

weeping lichen
Eczema is manifested by an itchy rash - vesicles, after the maturation of which the epidermis dries up and cracks.

How is lichen treated?

Modern medicine does a good job of treating all types of lichen, although psoriasis, for example, is still considered an incurable disease.
How to get rid of lichen on the body? A complex disease requires constant medical supervision. The choice of medications should also be made by the attending physician, taking into account the condition and history of the patient.

Conservative therapy for lichen includes a whole range of therapeutic measures.

  • Isolation of a patient with an infectious form of the disease.
  • Treatment of rashes with ointments, creams and other external means.
  • Taking antifungal, antiviral drugs.
  • antibiotic therapy.
  • Reception of complexes of minerals - vitamins and medicines that increase immunity.
  • Taking antihistamines and sedatives.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Therapeutic diet.

External preparations for lichen

As a rule, rashes are treated up to 3 times a day. The ointment is applied with movements from the edges to the center to avoid the spread of the disease to nearby areas of the skin. Additionally, the area around the scab is treated with iodine or salicylic alcohol for disinfection.

What ointments help with lichen? The choice of ointment depends on the form of the disease, and each drug has many contraindications. Therefore, only the attending physician can prescribe the drug.

The following drugs are most often prescribed:

  • Lamisil;
  • Exoderil;
  • Zovirac;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Acigerpin;
  • Miconazole;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Zalain;
  • sulfuric ointment;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • ointment "Yam".

For external treatment of rashes on the face, hormonal ointments are often prescribed:

  • Advantan;
  • Beloderm;
  • Locoid.

Medicated shampoos

The following drugs are curative:

  • Exoderm;
  • Nizoral;
  • Sebosol;
  • Keto plus.

Home treatment for lichen

Patients are often concerned about the question: is it possible and how to get rid of lichen at home? Traditional medicine offers many proven recipes for the treatment of scab. You should know that for some types of lichen they are effective, for others they are useless. Experts recommend using home treatments in combination with drug therapy, having previously discussed them with your doctor. In this case, recovery will come faster, and the skin will soon take on a healthy appearance.

Some types of lichen require antibiotic therapy, hospital treatment, and even isolation of the patient. Therefore, treating lichen only with home remedies is dangerous and irresponsible.

Folk recipes for lichen


Ringworm is cleaned: soak and remove the crusts. The inflamed epidermis is sprinkled with sifted rye flour.

Pink and red lichen

Tar and protein

  • Tar - a spoon;
  • protein.

Thoroughly mix the ingredients. Places covered with crusts and rashes are smeared with this mass.

birch leaf

  • Birch leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • water is a glass.

The crushed leaf is poured with boiling water and kept for half an hour. The inflamed areas of the epidermis are washed several times a day with this infusion. You do not need to wipe the skin - let the liquid dry naturally.

Hot water
For the treatment of red lichen (dry), dousing with water is considered an effective method. The affected areas of the skin are poured with hot water for 3 minutes - as much as you can endure. Carry out the procedure twice a day. The result of the treatment will appear after 3 days, and after half a month you can expect a complete recovery.

Pasta Lassara

  • Salicylic acid - 2 measures;
  • zinc oxide - 25 measures;
  • rice starch - 25 measures;
  • vaseline - 48 measures.

It is used to treat lichen planus. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Rashes are treated with paste 2 times a day.


Honey and salt
Add a pinch of salt to a spoonful of honey. This mixture is used to rub the herpes rash around the mouth.

General Recipes

Pitted black raisins are crushed into gruel. This composition is lubricated with lichen.

Garlic and castor oil
Squeeze the garlic juice and immediately add an equal amount of castor oil.
The composition is used to treat the skin 2 times a day.

cabbage leaf
A leaf of white cabbage is crushed and smeared with a thin layer of sour cream. This phytocompress is tightly applied to damaged skin. As soon as the compress dries, it is replaced with a new one or removed.

Fish oil and tar

  • Fish oil - 3 parts;
  • tar - 1 part.

The mixture is prepared and a compress is made from it for the night.
Fish oil is sometimes replaced with fresh butter.

It is recommended to wipe the affected areas of the skin with an alcohol tincture of calendula.

Buckwheat decoction
Half a cup of buckwheat is boiled in 2 cups of water. The decoction is filtered and rubbed on the affected areas of the skin.

window dew
Traditional healers consider dew collected from window glass to be an effective remedy for lichen. Droplets are simply removed with a finger from the glass and lubricated with damaged skin.

Saline skin treatment
This procedure is used for weeping lichen - it helps to keep dry and clean on the inflamed skin.
A tablespoon of sea salt is added to 5 liters of cooled boiled water. It can be replaced with regular table salt. The solution is treated with the affected areas. There is no need to wipe off the liquid.

Deprive on hands

Red beets are rubbed and this mass is applied to the skin. The duration of the procedure is half an hour, during this time it is recommended to change the mass 3 times with fresh one.

Treatment of lichen requires the use of complex drug therapy, physiotherapy and treatment of the inflamed epidermis with drugs. Traditional medicine recipes are considered only as an addition to conservative treatment.

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