Allergy to cow protein as manifested. Allergy to milk in a child: symptoms, protein, cow, breast, photo. Causes of milk allergy in children

Allergy to cow protein in infants is an infrequent and, in principle, harmless phenomenon. However, babies with such an allergy constantly experience difficulties with feeding, parents must constantly look for some way out and solve the problem of feeding the baby.

The article considers the following questions:

Why and how does cow protein allergy manifest?

Cow's milk contains many components that can potentially cause an allergic reaction, but cow's protein is the most common allergy.

During the normal process of digestion, food that enters the stomach and then the intestines breaks down into enzymes, which are individually absorbed into the body. And the unformed digestive system of a newborn is sometimes not able to separate milk into enzymes. This situation is called "allergy to cow protein". The situation is also aggravated by the fact that the infant's digestive system is practically, since the walls of the gastrointestinal tract in the child have not yet formed and strengthened.

When does cow protein allergy occur?, At what age? Usually, infants aged from birth to one and a half years are susceptible to this disease. And, as a rule, the symptoms of cow protein allergy go away on their own when the child is 3-5 years old. At this time, the child's digestive system is sufficiently normalized and the body begins to produce necessary substances to resist pathogenic elements. Very rarely, allergies persist for life.

As usual, infants whose mothers had a difficult pregnancy or the course of pregnancy was constantly complicated by stress, poor ecology and other harmful influences are especially susceptible to the appearance of such an allergy.

Allergies can be caused by an early transition from breastfeeding to artificial, or improper introduction of complementary foods. It can also manifest itself due to the heredity of this disease.

It should be noted that Allergy to cow protein manifests itself in two types- true and pseudo-allergy. A true bovine protein allergy means that your baby's body cannot tolerate ANY amount of protein. Pseudo-allergy is a condition when an allergic reaction occurs only after the baby has “overeaten” milk, that is, a certain amount of milk enzymes is still normally digested in his tummy, but an excess amount of milk, his body no longer wants to accept.

Allergy to cow protein - symptoms

How to identify an allergy to cow protein? This allergy manifests itself in several ways:

Digestive organs. You can recognize an allergy to cow protein by the appearance of pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea in the baby. Also stool baby may contain undigested milk or blood. The child develops dysbacteriosis, the number of bacteria of Escherichia coli and enterococci grows in the body.

Skin. On the skin, an allergy to cow's milk protein is manifested by diathesis, eczema, redness, hives and the so-called "milk scab" - a thin white crust that appears on the child's head. Diathesis and eczema usually appear on the elbows and under the knees, as well as on the baby's face and cheeks. Severe itching and the appearance of blisters on the skin indicates eczema in a child. Urticaria is also characterized by the appearance of small blisters on the skin, which are similar to those that appear if you burn yourself with nettles. AT severe cases Quincke's edema may occur.

Respiratory system. These may be coughing or sneezing, a runny nose, wheezing in the child's chest, hoarse voice, occasionally swelling of the larynx. However, pediatricians say that an allergy to cow protein rarely manifests itself with such symptoms.

Signs of an allergy to cow protein can appear both immediately after the indigestible component enters the baby's body, and after a few days.

How to treat an allergy to cow protein

Before proceeding with treatment, you need to correctly diagnose. Even if the baby has the symptoms described above, parents should contact the pediatrician, as there are some childhood diseases that coincide in symptoms with an allergy to cow's milk protein, for example, lactose deficiency.

First of all, the pediatrician prescribes the refusal to feed the baby with products containing lactose for a week. As a rule, the disappearance of symptoms indicates that the child has lactose deficiency. One week of dairy-free eating is not enough to cure a protein allergy.

How to feed a baby with cow protein allergy

So what should you do if your child is allergic to cow protein?

Most allergy symptoms can be relieved by simply optimizing baby nutrition. If the child is breastfed, then all dairy products are excluded from the mother's diet, including condensed milk, butter and pastries based on it, cream, milk soup.

If the child is on, then it is necessary to find a mixture for him based on goat's milk, not cow's milk. But in this case, you must first do a test for the digestibility of goat's milk by the baby's body. Feed the baby baby(sometimes you have to switch to hydrolysates) you need at least six months. Then you can again introduce into the diet mixtures containing cow's milk and observe the reaction of the baby's body. If signs of allergy to cow protein reappear, then the child is again transferred to goat milk mixtures.

Milk- This is a fairly nutritious product for the body, which contains fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, calcium. But there are times when the drink has a detrimental effect on the children's body.

According to statistics, the number of children under 1 year old,

suffering from allergies to dairy products is about 10%.

Allergy- this is an atypical response to the appearance in the body of a foreign protein-antigen. Cow's milk contains 25 of these antigens. Among them, the most active in terms of influence on the body are casein, alpha-lactoglobulin, serum albumin, beta-lactoglobulin.

The structure of a protein resembles a chain in which the links are amino acids. When it enters the stomach and intestines, the influence of enzymes destroys the chain, and it breaks up into separate parts, which are individually absorbed by the body without problems.

The immature digestive system of young children may not have some enzymes, therefore, when the protein chain is split, the destruction does not affect individual groups of links. The resulting complex of links cannot be normally absorbed by the intestines and provokes the response of the body's immune system, which manifests itself as an allergy.

    Pseudo-allergy to milk - the body has a sufficient set of enzymes to break down the protein structure, but the amount of milk drunk is so large that the body cannot cope with it immediately. Excess quantity protein from the product in the body with normal functionality also leads to the development of allergies. In this case, the allergy does not appear due to the nature of the product, but through its quantity.

    A true allergy to dairy products - develops even with a small amount of milk drunk (and even obtaining cow's milk protein through breast milk), but through an immature enzymatic system, the body cannot cope with the protein load.

There is an allergy to the protein contained in cow's milk and intolerance to milk protein. Intolerance is the occurrence of difficulties with the digestion of milk, the immune system is not involved in this process, and allergy is the response of the body's immune system to a foreign protein.

Causes of milk allergy

Some sources see the cause of allergies in an inadequate response of the human immune system to milk protein, others consider lactose to be the cause ( milk sugar). At the same time, both will be right, since an allergic reaction when eating dairy products can be triggered by both lactose and milk protein.

Real photos of allergies to protein, milk in children

The body of a newborn can perceive without load only mother's milk, any mixture is rough food for the baby's intestines. mucous membrane digestive system babies are not mature, not protected by the inherent microflora, loose therefore easily passable for allergens. The walls of the intestines and stomach of a child acquire the ability to prevent the introduction of pathogenic agents only by the age of 2 years. In cases where:

    The mother of the child is prone to the development of allergic reactions;

    There was a pathological course of pregnancy - preeclampsia, the threat of interruption, fetal hypoxia, stress;

    Pregnancy was burdened by adverse environmental conditions - work for harmful production, living in a metropolis or an industrial city.

The risk of an allergic reaction in a child increases. That's why important factors to reduce the risk of allergies are: the course of pregnancy, the age and health of the mother, the presence bad habits parents, lifestyle, diet, ecology, heredity.

Manifestation of milk allergy

Given that the allergen constantly circulates in the blood, an allergic reaction can affect any system and organs of the body. Allergy to cow's milk protein can be exacerbated by poor environmental conditions, severe infectious diseases, colds, stress.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

For children under 1 year of age, a characteristic feature will be liquid stool caused by the fact that the digestive organs cannot cope with their duties:

    stool contains curdled milk, undigested residues food;

    for kids early age the appearance of frequent and profuse regurgitation is characteristic, in slightly older babies - vomiting.

The immune system, with the help of antibodies, attacks milk proteins, while along with antigens, the intestinal mucosa is damaged.

    Therefore, feces may contain red blood cells, which are visible to the naked eye as blood streaks or individually when special analysis. Such signs indicate severe course allergies.

    Damage to the intestinal mucosa is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, so young children become capricious, restless, cry a lot. This condition must be differentiated from colic. It is worth noting that the appearance of a reaction is possible only when a fermented milk mixture based on cow's milk or cow's milk itself enters the body. Breast milk cannot cause an allergic reaction (only in rare cases), but the foods that make up the mother's diet can.

    At permanent reception milk by children older than 1 year, the pain passes into chronic stage. It is localized near the navel and has a short-term character. There may also be symptoms of colitis, intestinal motility disorders, intestinal colic.

    Any allergic reaction of the body is accompanied by the release of histamine, which leads to an increase in the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This explains the occurrence of pain in the child in the epigastric region.

Not passing and existing long time milk allergy, may cause secondary insufficiency enzymes. The production of pancreatic enzymes decreases, the absorption of cereal gluten and lactose worsens.

The number of bifidobacteria characteristic of the intestine decreases, in their place they multiply pathogenic microbes: enterococci, coli. This development of events has an adverse effect on the health and well-being of the child.

Skin lesions

The skin is the second organ most affected by food allergies. The most common symptoms of cow's milk allergy are:

  • milk scab

This is the first signal that a failure has occurred in the child's body. Most often, milk scab occurs in infants who are bottle-fed. Such a symptom may also appear in a baby, but the cause of such a symptom will not be cow's milk protein, but a product that is included in the mother's diet. Gneiss, also known as a milk scab, appears on the head of a child in the form of a crust. Such a crust should be lubricated vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, and after softening - comb out with a comb.

  • baby eczema

In most cases, it appears on the cheeks, but it can affect any part of the baby's body. First, bubbles develop, which go into a state of erosion, producing clear liquid(exudate). Subsequently, the wounds begin to heal and turn into crusts and scales. The symptom occurs in children under 6 months of age.

  • Limited atopic dermatitis

The symptom manifests itself on the elbows and under the knees in the form of plaques that are covered with scales. The rash is very itchy and may occasionally get wet.

This is one of the acute allergic reactions of the body caused by taking dairy product. The manifestation of a symptom is characterized by the appearance of edema in places with developed subcutaneous tissue- genitals, eyelids, lips, oral mucosa, while itching of the skin is absent. The appearance of Quincke's edema on the mucous membrane of the larynx can lead to asphyxia, that is, suffocation of the child. This condition is considered an emergency and requires emergency care and administration of corticosteroids.

  • Hives

Another type of acute allergic reaction of the body to dairy products, however, it is less common and has less dangerous consequences than angioedema. characteristic feature hives are blisters with redness around them that are shaped like a nettle burn (hence the name), and are very itchy and itchy. When such a reaction develops, mandatory application antihistamines.

Respiratory damage

It occurs infrequently and is manifested by the reaction of the respiratory system:

    allergic rhinitis, sneezing;

    Difficulty breathing and the occurrence of wheezing, threatening the development of laryngospasm. it serious condition, which consists in swelling of the laryngeal ligaments. In this case, there is no way to inhale, and the child may suffocate.

    Bronchial asthma - one of the triggers for the development of the disease is an allergy to the protein contained in cow's milk.

Steps to Determine if You Have a Milk Allergy

The doctor collects anamnesis- the presence of atopic dermatitis, anemia, chronic diarrhea, allergic manifestations, poor weight gain.

Laboratory tests– in order to exclude other diseases and allergies to other food products from an allergy to cow's milk protein and intolerance to milk, the doctor will write a referral for testing: blood for allergens, skin test prick test, feces for dysbacteriosis, coprograms.

The symptoms of lactase deficiency can be very similar to those of a milk protein allergy: diarrhea, regurgitation, bloating, and colic. The child has frothy, watery stools, in some cases green, with a frequency of more than 8-10 times a day. There is also a combination of these two pathologies.

With lactase deficiency, it is the lack of the enzyme - lactase, that is the cause of the development of these symptoms. The function of the enzyme involves the breakdown of the disaccharide lactose into simple carbohydrates that are absorbed in the intestine. With a lack of enzyme, undigested lactase begins to accumulate in the intestine and leads to an influx of fluid and an increase osmotic pressure in him. Thus, flatulence and diarrhea appear, as well as other symptoms.

Test for lactase deficiency

In order to differentiate lactase deficiency from an allergic reaction to bovine protein, an examination is required. simple test, which consists in following a lactose-free diet for several days:

  • with artificial feeding, the child is transferred to a lactose-free mixture;
  • if the mother is breastfeeding, then she must follow a lactose-free diet;
  • if the child is older, they stop giving him dairy products and milk.

If the symptoms disappear in the near future, this confirms that the child has a lactose deficiency. The fact is that for the disappearance of symptoms in the presence of an allergy to protein, this time will not be enough.

In addition, allergy to cow's milk protein is more common in babies and in most cases disappears by the age of three. In turn, lactase deficiency is not only from birth, but also acquired. In such cases, it occurs against the background transferred by a child rotavirus infection or giardiasis of the intestine. In such cases, lactase deficiency is eliminated by diet.

Algorithm of actions for milk allergy in infants

Mother's milk is the ideal food for a baby. It contains in its composition unique enzymes that, once in the baby's body, are activated in the stomach and help to easily digest and assimilate food. Therefore, pediatricians recommend trying to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible, while observing a hypoallergenic diet.

All products containing milk itself and its traces should be excluded: dry cream and powdered milk, store-bought pastries, butter, dry soups, chocolate, ice cream, condensed milk, cream.

If the child has breastfeeding there are signs of an allergy to milk, it is necessary to change the diet of a nursing mother. Various sources allow the mother to consume from 100 ml to 400 ml of milk per day, however, if the child has an allergy to milk, milk should be completely excluded, if the allergy is not pronounced, you can try replacing milk with cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir. The child's condition should improve in 2-4 weeks, if this does not happen and there is 100% confirmation of milk allergy, the child should be switched to a formula with deep protein hydrolysis.

If a baby is allergic to cow's milk, an allergic reaction to goat's milk protein can also be observed. In the case of a severe allergy to milk protein in a baby, nuts, fish, and eggs should also be excluded from the diet of a nursing mother.

If a child has a milk intolerance, this is not an excuse to exclude fermented milk products from his diet. Complementary feeding of a child with fermented milk products must be carefully introduced from 7 one month old start with yogurt home cooking(from cow or goat milk) or kefir. From 9-10 months, you can start introducing cottage cheese into complementary foods, from 1 year - fish, eggs.

Fermented milk products should not provoke an allergic reaction because during processing they undergo hydrolysis, fermentation causes the milk protein to break down into amino acids that are better absorbed by the body and contain a minimum concentration of the allergen.

If the child has milk intolerance, dairy products should not provoke hives, bloating, disorders gastrointestinal tract. But these products must be used with caution.

Cottage cheese for a child at home

The use of store-bought cottage cheese by a child is allowed only if it is labeled “for children”, but such a product can also cause allergies (through the presence of additives), so the ideal solution would be to cook cottage cheese on your own. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream to a glass of milk and let the mixture brew for room temperature, after that, acidified milk must be poured into a saucepan and heated over low heat until the whey separates. After that, the resulting curd is collected and squeezed with gauze to separate excess fluid. It turns out a ready-to-eat product that needs to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day.

Algorithm of actions for an allergy to milk in an artificial person

Modern mixtures for artificial feeding are made on the basis of cow's milk, so the first step will be to change the mixture to an analogue, which is made on the basis of goat's milk, if that does not help, the mixture is changed to a hydrolyzate. After 6 months, you can try to switch to the usual formula, if the symptoms begin to return, you should return to the hydrolyzate formula and shift the introduction of complementary foods with dairy products in time by six months.

Mixtures "Goat" and "Nanny" are made on the basis of goat's milk. They are much better tolerated by children, but they are more expensive, and do not forget that an allergic reaction to goat milk protein is also possible.

Hydrolyzate mixtures are easily absorbed by the child's body and in most cases do not contain lactose. The proteins in this diet are broken down into dipeptides.

    On the Russian market such mixtures are represented by "NutrilonPepti TSC", "Nutrilak peptidy SCT", "Pregestimil", "Alfare", "Frisopep", "Pepticate", "Frisopep AS". Foreign analogues are used in severe cases of allergy to cow's milk protein, these are: " Critacare", "Vital", "Vivonex".

    To prevent allergies in a child with increased risk its occurrence, mixtures with partial protein hydrolysis are used: “NAN hypoallergenic 1 and hypoallergenic 2”, “Nutrilong hypoallergenic 1 and hypoallergenic 2”.

    With milk intolerance, as well as for the prevention of allergies: Humana GA1 and GA2, Nutrilak GA, Hipp GA1 and GA2.

Allergy to milk in children older than a year

With the final formation of the enzymatic and immune systems, the manifestation of allergies stops. If the rash or other allergic reactions have not completely disappeared, it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of milk. With a strong need, milk can be replaced with a vegetable analogue:

    rice milk- to obtain such milk, it is necessary to grind the cooked rice in a blender, and then filter the resulting mass.

    oat milk- is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Oats are washed directly in the husk, poured with water, and then boiled over low heat for more than an hour. The resulting product is filtered.

    Soy milk- a product rich in minerals and proteins, which is obtained from soybeans. To prepare such milk at home, it is necessary to soak the beans, then boil them, grind to a puree consistency and strain.

When following a lactase-free diet, these foods will help diversify your child's diet. Older children can be tried to switch to goat milk products.


Every year the number of children suffering from allergies increases. Modern diagnostic capabilities allow you to more accurately and easily determine the cause of allergies than ten years ago. Knowing exact reason allergies, it is easier to deal with it. According to statistics, about 40-50% of children cope with allergies in the first year of life, and 80-90% get better by the age of 5, and only in rare cases, allergies persist for life. In such cases, fermented milk products can replace milk.

Recently, American scientists conducted an experiment in which children with allergies increased the amount of milk consumed every day, this led to a decrease in the manifestations of allergies on the skin over time, and the immune system began to react less actively to the allergen.

The result of the experiment confirmed the theory that drinking milk trains the child's immunity, allowing, in the end, to cope with allergies on their own. Our medicine does not yet support this point of view.

And what will Dr. Komarovsky say about this problem? Watching video

Many parents are convinced healing power cow's milk. After all, it is also intended for nutrition, like breastfeeding. And it is true. Medicinal properties product are undeniable. But there are children who show signs severe allergies for this healing dish. Why does this happen and what are the symptoms of this disease?


Many people confuse intolerance and allergy. The second should be understood as a specific reaction of the immune system to the protein. And intolerance to immunity has nothing to do. This is just a feature of the body, it is difficult for him to digest certain products due to their immaturity.

Allergies, usually by the age of 4 - 5, go away in many babies. Great danger it does not bear, but treatment nevertheless demands. It is necessary to find out all the causes and diseases against which such a reaction may develop.

Symptoms in a child can appear in two ways: fast, within a few hours, and slow, over several days. What is typical:

  • Changes in the skin: redness, rashes on the cheeks, forearms, buttocks.
  • Difficult to work respiratory system: runny nose, sneezing, cough.
  • The work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed: flatulence, colic, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating.

Skin changes are the most clear sign that the baby has health problems. Often, redness resembles nettle burns, as in the photo. Also, the child can see the presence of eczema, this is the appearance of bubbles, which then, bursting, resemble erosion. Eczema can be seen in this photo.

It is difficult when such symptoms appear in a child in the first weeks of life. After drinking milk in the stool appears thick mucus as in the photo. The baby behaves restlessly, he starts flatulence or colic, appetite decreases, sleep becomes disturbing. But after stopping feeding him cow's milk, these signs fade away after 3 days. If you continue to feed the child against the background backlash, this can lead to bad results. In addition to dermatitis, there will be severe itching and the baby will comb it. Combed areas, as in the photo, provoke re-infection.

But the most deplorable is anaphylaxis in infants. When cow's milk protein enters the body, the child begins severe swelling throat, the muscles of the larynx spasm, the skin turns pale, as in the photo. Convulsions begin. Help is needed immediately.

The reasons

There are about 20 types of cow's milk protein. The most common is casein. For comparison, beef protein loses its properties when cooked. And babies who are allergic to beef do not risk anything by eating boiled meat. But milk does not lose its properties when boiled. After all, its protein will not collapse.

There are several reasons for the onset of allergy symptoms. Here is the complete list:

  1. The inheritance of the child. If parents have at least some predisposition to any allergic reactions: bronchial asthma, food allergies, hay fever and more.
  2. Incorrect dilution of the mixture. Each box has breeding instructions. There are exact proportions and there is a measuring spoon. It is required to strictly observe the ratio of water and powder in order to avoid trouble.
  3. Sudden transfer of a baby from breastfeeding to formula milk. Now most manufacturers make products based on cow's milk, which contains the cause of trouble - protein. With a sharp transition to such a product, the immature immune system of the baby may react with the appearance of a rash, as in the photo or a runny nose. The same with the rapid introduction of new complementary foods. You need to enter carefully, in small portions, increasing them from day to day.
  4. stressful situations. The introduction of complementary foods, the transition to the mixture should not fall on the period of illness of the baby, vaccinations, any situation, stressful. Even the correct and gradual introduction of complementary foods should not coincide with such situations.
  5. Lactase. Improper functioning of the immune system can provoke an allergy to cow's milk protein. But this concept must be shared with lactose deficiency (milk sugar intolerance). The symptoms are similar.

Only 3% of children are diagnosed with a food allergy. The most common cause is cow's milk protein. This problem occurs in 3 - 5% of children under one year of age who are bottle-fed. In babies on chest type nutrition, the disease is observed in only 0.5 - 1.5% of cases. Fortunately, in 85% of children this feature disappears by 3 years. But, despite such figures, cow protein allergy remains a serious problem in pediatrics. In addition, against this background, sensitivity to other allergens often occurs: dust, plants, etc.


It is quite difficult to make a diagnosis on your own. Symptoms may be the cause of other diseases. Only a doctor can determine this. To do this, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor during the manifestations of an allergic reaction. Pay attention to the hereditary factor, which very often causes a violation of the baby's immune system. The tendency of parents to bronchial asthma or hives will serve good reason for such deviations in the health of the child.

Be sure the specialist will pay attention to the weight gain of the baby. For accurate diagnosis, a prick test is performed or allergy tests are taken. The result of such studies is the determination of the presence in the blood of immunoglobulins E.

In certain cases, a provocative test is performed. But this type of research requires the presence in the hospital and the supervision of specialists.


One of the methods of treatment is to adjust the child's menu. With a natural type of feeding, the mother should not consume dairy products. In addition, it is best to exclude other allergens: citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs. This is especially true of the peak of the disease. When the baby is bottle-fed, you need to change the mixture. Sometimes a good option is the introduction of goat's milk into the diet. The thing is that with cow it has significant differences.

The main difference is in its easy digestibility. Due to this, it is digested faster without causing a negative reaction. There are even special food based on goat raw materials. But this is in case of intolerance to cow protein. If the cause of the rash in general is all dairy products, you will also have to refuse food on goat raw materials. A soy or hypoallergenic formula may be an option.

For the treatment of medicines are used:

  1. Enterosorbents that help speedy and effective withdrawal various toxins. The most famous: Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum, Activated carbon. But the use of other medicines permissible not less than 2.5 hours after taking enterosorbents.
  2. Antihistamine or anti-allergic, eliminating signs of allergies. Each baby has its own remedy, but the most commonly used are: Zirtek, Zodak, Claritin.
  3. Hormonal agents used in especially severe cases.
  4. Ointments are often used because skin rashes not uncommon in disease. Until a year old, a child is unable to understand and endure itching. Therefore, strong combing begins, wounds form, as in the photo. For their calm and speedy healing, Bepanten, Fenistil are recommended.

From traditional medicine, dill seed and a string are used. Irritated skin, as in the photo, itching and swelling perfectly helps to calm the sequence. Decoctions are used externally, making lotions and adding it when bathing in a bath. In addition, it is not forbidden to ingest, starting with a few drops.

Dill seed has a beneficial effect on the elimination of unpleasant symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for diarrhea, colic, frequent regurgitation. They also begin to give a few drops, gradually increasing the dose to a teaspoon.

But, it is worth remembering that the use of folk remedies along with medicines requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Only he can deliver accurate diagnosis and conduct appropriate analyses.

In this article, we will try to describe in detail the symptoms of an allergic reaction in baby and the reasons why they may occur. And we will also discuss the diet of a nursing mother, and how to avoid the manifestation of allergies in a child.

on food in a child develops precisely on its protein part, that is, on those proteins that are contained in this product

  • It is worth noting that during the heat treatment the product loses a significant part of the substances that can provoke an allergic reaction, but not all
  • And since the mother is breastfeeding the baby, the foods that she ate, reworked and splitting into proteins and amino acids will definitely get into her breast milk. Thus, causing an allergic reaction in the baby to proteins, for which he is not yet ready
  • Causes of food allergies

    • The very mechanism of the development of allergies in a child is no different from the development of a similar reaction in an adult. When a “foreign” protein enters the body for the first time, the baby’s immune system produces class E immunoglobulin, which subsequently launches a long series of immune reactions that respond to the allergenic protein as an “invasion” of a foreign agent into the body
    • From the point of view of medicine, this is quite simple, but from the point of view of an ordinary person, it is quite difficult to figure it out. If it is more simple and roughly to describe these processes, then it looks something like this
    • The child has never come across such a protein and his body, which has got the allergen, takes it for a kind of infection and with each new penetration it begins to fight the allergen even more actively.
    • Allergens serve as the reasons for the onset of the development of an allergic reaction in children, but the increased readiness of the immune system to respond can be inherited. That is, if there are allergies in the family, there is a possibility of developing allergies in the baby

    And so what else can lead to the development of an allergic reaction:

    As we have already mentioned, this heredity
    Increased permeability of the intestinal wall
    deficit digestive enzymes

    Let's discuss in more detail the lack of enzymes for digestion.

    The child's body is not yet sufficiently adapted to the outside world, and even more so to products (proteins) that require a large amount of digestive enzymes. Thus, such proteins are not digested enough and are perceived by the body not as food, but as a foreign element. Accordingly, the reaction of the body is manifested.

    It is worth noting that in the process of growth and maturation, most of the food allergic reactions pass on their own, and the body adapts to these protein elements.

    What does an allergy look like in babies?

    The manifestation of allergic reactions in babies can be accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms, and not look like we are all used to (runny nose, sneezing, rash). The spectrum of allergy symptoms in children is much wider than we are used to. The intensity of these symptoms can also vary from mild to violent reactions, depending on your baby's immune system.

    We will review the most common manifestations of food allergies in infants. At the same time, they are divided into three main categories of manifestation. These include:

    one . Respiratory system disorders
    2. Allergic manifestations on the skin
    3 . Violation of the digestive tract

    Let's take a closer look at all three options for the development of an allergic reaction.

    Respiratory problems may present with:
    Bronchial spasm (at the same time, wheezing wheezing can be heard, the baby’s breathing is difficult, and the process of inhalation and exhalation is involved auxiliary musculature)
    Rhinitis (this is a common manifestation, a runny nose also complicates the child's life, and especially the feeding process, while the discharge is transparent and liquid)

    Allergic manifestations on the skin are in the form of:
    Light flushing (redness)
    Increased peeling on the scalp and eyebrows (“lep”)
    The rash on the skin can be of various types.
    The manifestation of severe sweating, even if the child is not very overheated
    In the form of hives
    The skin itches and torments the child, flakes (manifestations of diathesis)
    Even with careful care and cleanliness, diaper rash does not go away
    The most severe cases may present with angioedema.

    3 . Violation of the gastrointestinal tract can manifest itself:
    elevated gas formation
    Strengthening or onset of colic in the abdomen (the result of flatulence)
    Violation of the stool in the form of constipation or diarrhea with admixtures of foamy secretions or greenery
    Frequent spitting up or vomiting

    Do not forget that these symptoms can exist both individually and in combination with each other.

    Symptoms of an allergy to milk, protein, mixtures

    Yes exactly . There are cases when even a child develops an allergic reaction to mother's milk (protein). Of course, we do not take a description of those cases when the baby has a congenital intolerance lactose.

    As a side note, congenital lactose intolerance is caused by a lack of certain enzymes to digest and absorb it. This condition is lifelong and not a temporary manifestation of an allergic immune reaction.

    • Many mats, like their mothers and grandmothers, often use cow's milk as a supplement. It contains the proteins lactoglobulin and casein, which are quite powerful allergens both individually and together. At the same time, lactoglobulin is destroyed during heat treatment, and is not capable of causing allergies, unlike casein.
    • As far as formulas are concerned, most of them are safe and formulas have been released to date that are basically free of milk proteins. However, many mixtures are based specifically on cow's milk and can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in a baby. Therefore, mothers should be attentive to the choice of mixture for the baby and the best option in this case will be age-adapted mixtures.
    • Let's not forget that an allergic reaction to the mixture can be caused not only by the milk component, but also by the additives that are used in its production.

    How does an allergy to red manifest itself?

    • What does red allergy mean? This is essentially an allergic reaction to those foods that are red in color.
    • In this case, an allergic reaction begins to develop on the protein that gives color to the product. At the same time, the list of such products is quite wide and rarely has exceptions.
    • Manifestations of an allergic reaction depend solely on the baby's immune system, as well as its intensity. We have listed the symptoms above, but remember that with each repeated use of the allergen product, the reaction will gain even more strength.

    In order to determine the list of products that provoke an allergic reaction and the cause of its occurrence, it is necessary to undergo a series of mandatory studies and analyzes.

    What foods do moms cause allergies in babies?

    If the child has predisposition to allergic reactions, then roughly speaking, any of the new products for the baby, which the mother ate, can cause an allergy in the baby.

    In this case, the mother should know, or ask her parents, which of the foods in childhood caused an allergic reaction in her. Because, most likely, these same products can become a provoking factor for her child. The same advice applies to dads.

    A number of products, of course, should be excluded until the end of feeding altogether. These are, of course, alcoholic drinks, exotic fruits, and a number of smoked products.

    Diet lactating mothers: what can, a what it is forbidden

    AT first 2 months after birth baby diet mothers must to be enough strict, excluding practically all possible products, which may provoke allergic reaction:
    Carbonated beverages
    Smoked meats
    Coffee and cocoa
    Sweets and chocolate
    Fresh vegetables and fruit

    By measure growing up baby mother maybe enter in mine diet some products, but in not big quantity. Necessarily need track per reaction child on the this product, after Togo how mother introduced his in mine diet.

    But food must to be full-fledged and energy. That's why, if at you healthy baby, then eat can in usual mode (in reasonable aisles), but at manifestation any symptoms allergies consult With doctor.

    Topic given section enough extensive and requires separate attention. Exactly on this reason we let's shine her separate article on the our website.

    Treatment drugs

    Costs understand, what reactions children's organism not predictable and on one's own heals manifestation allergies at chest child not costs. Per exception Togo case, when provoking factor was fast defined and eliminated, but effects So same require adequate therapy.

    We consider groups drugs, which the in most cases may be appointed at manifestations food allergies at child:

    For withdrawals allergic reactions use antihistamines drugs Suprastin, Fenistil, Diazolin, Erius, Eden
    For cleansing intestines from allergies apply sorbents Phosphalugel, Smecta
    For withdrawals reactions With skin covers apply antihistamines ointmentsFenistil, Gistal, Elidel
    For improvements digestion may be appointed enzymes digestion
    For recovery water balance appointed drinkRegidron

    Any therapy must to be appointed respectively occasion. At this well treatment and dose determined doctor, according to received data history and analyzes.

    More detail about medicinal antiallergic means for children you you can read in section our site « Preparations».

    Treatment allergies at chest children folk means

    Exclusively folk the medicine not will be able help to you fast and enough effectively, but maybe render help in combinations With main treatment.

    AT first turn, certainly costs eliminate reason allergies.
    At irritation skin covers and rashes at baby to you help baths With herbs and dues: chamomile and succession, to example.

    1 . Recipe: For cooking decoction for baths on 1 canteen spoon series and chamomile poured hot water and boil on the throughout 15 minutes. Then this decoction give cool down and add in bath baby at bathing

    2 . Recipe: at diathesis for skin covers getting ready ointment on the fir oil. For this take fir oil and mix With childish in ratio 1 :3 . lubricate rashes so cream before 3 once in day

    3 . Recipe: For reception inside cook infusion root dandelion. For this 1 st.l. dry root dandelion poured 1 glass boiling water and leave insist in flow 2 hours. By recommendations the infusion give drink in volume before 50 ml per 30 minutes before food before three once in day.

    Prevention allergies at children before of the year

    Prevention food allergies at child serves in first turn correct introduction complementary foods and diet lactating mothers (about which we let's talk in separate article).

    For prevention allergic reactions at baby costs remember following:
    Fruit or vegetables for first complementary foods not must have intensive coloration
    fruity juices and puree not introduce in food baby before 4 months, especially at inclinations to allergies
    Drinking mode must be respected for exceptions dehydration
    Volume food not must exceed recommended doses and interval between feeding must to be observed
    At cooking porridge costs exclude usage bovine or goat milk at allergic reactions on the them
    Costs eliminate available dysbacteriosis intestines, if he present
    Costs observe recommended terms introductions complementary foods in food baby

    Each child individual and not exists clear recommendations, which approached would to each in 100 % cases. That's why be attentive to yourself and his baby.

    BUT we wish to you health and joyful moments motherhood!!!

    Video: Allergy medicines - Dr. Komarovsky's School

    Allergy to cow's milk protein

    Allergy to cow's milk protein (another good article)

    Allergy to cow's milk protein occurs in 2 - 6% of children in the first year of life. The constant search for optimal approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology leads to the regular appearance of new reviews, guidelines (or guides, from the English guide) and other publications. This guideline, dedicated to the development of a clear algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of cow's milk allergy, was presented in 2009. working group in Pediatric Gastroenterology under Emilia-Romagna.

    Allergy to cow's milk protein (CMP) affects 2 to 6% of children under one year of age. About 50% of children recover from CMPA within the first year of life. 80-90% - during the first five years.

    At the same time, it should be noted that parents begin to suspect an allergy to cow's milk proteins in children approximately 4 times more often than it actually occurs. Thus, in many children, parents suspect CMPA, based on symptoms such as skin rashes, sleep disturbances, constant congestion nose, seborrheic dermatitis or positive results non-specific research. In addition, parents often prescribe an unnecessary diet to their children without adequate medical and dietary supervision.

    These incorrect dietary restrictions can cause nutritional imbalances, especially in the first year of a child's life. That's why accurate diagnosis Cow's milk protein allergy (CMP) is important not only to avoid the risk of rickets, decreased mineralization rate, anemia, growth retardation and hypoalbuminemia, but also due to immediate clinical reactions or severe gastroenteropathy leading to malabsorption.

    Allergy to cow's milk protein: when to suspect?

    Children with an allergy to cow's milk proteins are characterized by a burdened atopic history.

    An allergy to cow's milk should be suspected in children who have these allergic reactions. immediate type as: acute urticaria/angioedema, wheezing, rhinitis, dry cough, vomiting, laryngeal edema, acute asthma with severe respiratory failure, anaphylaxis.

    Allergic reactions of the delayed type (or the so-called late symptoms allergies), causing the need to diagnose for CMPA are: atopic dermatitis, chronic diarrhea, blood in the stool, iron deficiency anemia, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), constipation, chronic vomiting, colic, low weight gain (refusal to eat), enterocolitis syndrome, protein-losing enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia, eosinophilic esophagogastroenteropathy.

    The diagnosis of "allergy to cow's milk proteins" is based on the detailing of anamnestic signs (Fig. 1), the results of a skin allergy test (prick test) and the detection of serum specific IgE to cow's milk proteins, positive effect from the elimination diet and response to food provocative test.

    Clinical manifestations of cow's milk protein allergy (CMP) can be divided into IgE-mediated clinical reactions (symptoms appear within 30 minutes after ingestion of cow's milk) and non-IgE-mediated reactions (onset hours and days after protein ingestion). cow's milk), with a predominant reaction from the skin and gastrointestinal tract. However, immediate and delayed type allergic reactions can be combined in atopic dermatitis and in eosinophilic esophagogastroenteritis. (Fig. 1)

    Figure 1: Immediate and delayed allergic reactions in children with CMPA

    Allergic reactions of immediate type:

    • anaphylaxis
    • acute urticaria
    • spicy angioedema(angioedema)
    • wheezing
    • rhinitis
    • dry cough
    • vomit
    • laryngeal edema
    • acute asthma with severe shortness of breath

    Allergic reactions of the delayed type:

    • atopic dermatitis
    • chronic diarrhea, blood in the stool, iron deficiency anemia, constipation, chronic vomiting, infantile colic
    • growth retardation (refusal to eat)
    • protein-losing enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia
    • enterocolitic syndrome
    • eosinophilic esophagogastroenteropathy confirmed by biopsy

    Allergy to cow's milk protein: prick tests and food challenge

    Prick tests (skin tests) are one of the most accurate laboratory methods for confirming/ruling out cow's milk allergy: approximately 60% of children with positive prick tests are indeed allergic to cow's milk proteins. The value of negative skin test results is considered even higher: over 95%. Additionally, a prick test with a diagnostic preparation made from a cow's milk substitute can be applied.

    However, a small proportion of children with negative results of prick tests and serum IgE still develop clinical reactions characteristic of allergy to cow's milk proteins. Therefore, in such patients, despite a negative IgE test, with a strong suspicion of allergy to cow's milk protein, it is necessary to conduct a food provocative test to prove the absence of clinical allergy.

    Thus, the food challenge test, open or blind, remains the "gold standard" for verifying food allergies (including cow's milk protein allergy) when the diagnosis is in doubt. A food provocative test should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a ward intensive care, especially in the case of a positive prick test or serum IgE to cow's milk and in infants, due to the risk of immediate allergic reactions.

    Hydrolyzed formulas and other milk substitutes: diet for CMPA

    To replace cow's milk in the diet of children with allergies to its proteins, mixtures based on hydrolyzed protein, soy, rice, and milk from other domestic animals can be used. Unfortunately, any of the listed products can also cause allergies.

    Thus, about 10% of children with an allergy to cow's milk protein (CMP) react to mixtures prepared on the basis of hydrolyzed proteins (the so-called hydrolyzed mixtures).

    Even more often clinical manifestations Allergies in children under 6 months of age are caused by soy-based formulas (in older children, the incidence of allergic reactions to hydrolyzed protein and soy proteins is comparable). Soy mixtures provoke mainly gastrointestinal symptoms.

    Rice is also a fairly allergenic product and, according to available data from Australian researchers, often provokes enterocolitis syndrome in Australian infants. In addition to Australia, rice-based formulas for feeding children allergic to cow's milk have also been used in Italy. Extensive long-term research promises to bring definitive clarity to the question of whether rice-based formulas can be used for cow's milk allergy as a viable alternative to this product. To date, it is believed that rice mixtures can be used in individual cases, taking into account the taste and cost of the mixture.

    The milk of other mammals is insufficiently dietary adequate. In particular, goat milk causes clinical reactions in more than 90% of children allergic to cow's milk proteins. Donkey milk - 15%, and has a high cost.

    Homemade food as an alternative to milk can be allowed for children from 4 months.

    Separately, it should be noted mixtures based on amino acids. Amino acid-based mixtures do not cause allergies, however, their use is limited due to the high cost and extremely specific taste.

    Algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of suspected allergy to cow's milk proteins

    If an allergy to cow's milk proteins is suspected, pediatricians and parents are forced to solve the problem of not only confirming / excluding this diagnosis, but also the further nutrition of the child. To facilitate this task, the Emilia-Romagna group, according to the symptoms and type of infant diet, proposed three different algorithms for diagnosis and further management of patients. They are reflected in Fig. 2,3,4

    These approaches apply to children of the first year of life.

    Babies with mild to moderate allergy symptoms (cow's milk formula feeding)

    Rice. 2. Children with weak or moderate symptoms allergies (feeding with formulas based on cow's milk)

    Diagnosis and treatment algorithm for suspected allergy to cow's milk proteins: explanation for Fig. 2

    The pediatrician should suspect cow's milk protein allergy on a free diet only in the most severe cases. Mild allergic reactions can be difficult to interpret because they may be the result of causes unrelated to an allergy to cow's milk proteins.

    With a relatively late onset of gastrointestinal symptoms, other pathology (i.e. infections) must be ruled out before testing for allergic reactions is initiated. In moderate atopic dermatitis, the suspicion of cow's milk protein allergy is not justified in the absence of a clear relationship between cow's milk consumption and the onset of symptoms. However, if any of the above symptoms are clearly associated with cow's milk formula, then it is recommended to eliminate cow's milk from the diet and follow the course of action for severe reactions(Fig. 3)

    In infants with symptoms of allergic reactions of immediate type (vomiting, angioedema, wheezing, rhinitis, dry cough) or delayed type (moderate/severe atopic dermatitis, diarrhea, blood in the stool, iron deficiency anemia (IDA), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) , constipation), an allergy to cow's milk protein may be suspected. In addition, this diagnosis should be considered in infants not responding to therapy.

    If an allergy to cow's milk proteins is suspected, the infant is prescribed an elimination diet for 2-4 weeks, excluding cow's milk protein (for 4 weeks - in the presence of gastrointestinal signs). Infants should be fed hydrolyzed milk formulas or soy formulas (the last recommendation is for children over 6 months of age in the absence of gastrointestinal symptoms).

    If the allergy symptoms subside at the same time, a food provocative test (FPT) with cow's milk proteins is necessary to verify the diagnosis. If PPP is positive, the child must follow an elimination diet, after which the test can be repeated after 6 months (for GERD - more than short span), and in any case, after 9-12 months of age. If the food challenge test is negative, a free diet is prescribed.

    In the presence of high probability development of IgE-mediated reactions of the immediate type, in infants who do not respond to therapy with mixtures based on hydrolyzed protein (hydrolyzed formulas) or soy, a food challenge test can be performed after 14- daily diet amino acid mixtures.

    Cow's milk substitutes are used in children under 12 months of age. In older children allergic to cow's milk proteins, due to the availability of an adequate diet, formulas based on hydrolysed protein or amino acid formulas are rarely required.

    Infantile colic (more than 3 hours of crying per day, 3 days for three weeks) is definitely not considered as a consequence of an allergy to cow's milk.

    Children with severe cow's milk protein allergy (cow's milk formula feeding)

    Rice. 3. Children with severe cow's milk protein allergy (cow's milk formula feeding)

    Diagnosis and treatment algorithm for confirmed allergy to cow's milk proteins: explanations for Fig. 3

    Immediate allergic reactions include: laryngeal edema, acute dyspnea with severe respiratory failure, anaphylaxis.

    Delayed-type allergic reactions: chronic diarrhea or chronic vomiting with low growth, intestinal bleeding with iron deficiency anemia(IDA), protein-losing enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia, biopsy-proven eosinophilic gastroenteropathy.

    If any of these symptoms are due to a suspected allergy to cow's milk proteins, the infant is placed on a milk-free elimination diet. Soy formula (in children over 6 months of age), hydrolyzed formula, or amino acid formula can be used as a substitute. The initiation of treatment with hydrolyzed or soy mixtures should be under medical supervision, due to possible clinical reactions. If an amino acid formula is used, it should be used for 2 weeks, after which the infant should be switched to soy or hydrolysed formula.

    In children with late severe symptoms gastrointestinal disorders, with low height/weight, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, or eosinophilic esophagogastroenteropathy, it is recommended to start the elimination diet with an amino acid mixture, and then switch to a hydrolyzed mixture. The effect of the diet should be checked within 10 days for enterocolitis syndrome, 1-3 weeks for enteropathy and 6 weeks for eosinophilic esophagogastroenteropathy.

    In children with anaphylaxis and confirmed positive tests IgE or severe gastrointestinal reactions, a food challenge test is not needed to verify the diagnosis. It should be performed no earlier than 6-12 months from the last reaction. Children should follow an elimination diet until the age of 12 months, and with enterocolitis syndrome - up to 2-3 years.

    Children with severe allergic symptoms of any plan must be hospitalized in specialized hospital.

    Hydrolyzed protein formula or amino acid formula is used in children under 12 months of age and in older children with gastrointestinal symptoms. In children older than 12 months with anaphylaxis, the need to use cow's milk substitutes in the diet does not always arise.

    Breastfed baby and suspected allergy to cow's milk proteins

    (Fig. 4) Algorithm for dealing with suspected non-IgE mediated reactions to cow's milk proteins in breastfed infants

    Algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of breastfed children with suspected allergy to cow's milk proteins: explanation for Fig. 4

    In children who are fully breastfed, the symptoms of cow's milk protein allergy (atopic dermatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the stool, GERD, etc.) are almost always not IgE mediated. Therefore, with moderate symptoms of these disorders, it is not recommended to exclude milk from the mother's diet. To date, there is no evidence for the significance of eliminating eggs or cow's milk from the mother's diet, for example, in infants with blood in their stools (proctocolitis).

    From the diet of mothers whose children are observed moderate symptoms, cow's milk protein, eggs and other foods should be eliminated only if a clear clinical reaction is noted. In addition, the infant must be hospitalized in a specialized hospital. The maternal elimination diet should last for 4 weeks. If there is no improvement, the diet should be discontinued. If symptoms improve, it is recommended that the mother take a large number of cow's milk for 1 week. If symptoms return, the mother should continue the elimination diet with additional calcium intake.

    The infant can be weaned according to the recommendations common with healthy children, but cow's milk should be avoided until 9-12 months of age, and for at least 6 months from the start of the diet.

    If volume breast milk insufficient, a hydrolyzed protein formula or a soy-based formula (after 6 months of age) is used for supplementary feeding. If the symptoms do not worsen after the mother restarts cow's milk, the eliminated foods can be gradually introduced into the diet in turn.

    Allergy to cow's milk protein in children: a summary

    1. The definitive diagnosis of cow's milk protein allergy is based on a food challenge test performed after a 2-4 week elimination diet.
    2. Diagnostic food provocation test (DPT) is not performed when allergic reactions immediate-type or delayed-type allergic reactions (gastrointestinal symptoms with anemia, decreased growth gain or hypoalbuminemia), if the causative role of cow's milk is obvious. If it is necessary to conduct a food provocation test, it can be performed no earlier than 6-12 months after the reaction and no earlier than 12-24 months of life, according to the symptoms.
    3. Diets given in baby food(including maternal breastfeeding) should be balanced. Children who are allergic to cow's milk protein are given additional calcium.
    4. Children with moderate atopic dermatitis and a negative history of reactions to cow's milk diet is not required.
    5. Soy formula should not be used in infants less than 6 months of age with allergic symptoms and older infants with gastrointestinal symptoms.
    6. Children with gastrointestinal symptoms and anemia, short stature and hypoalbuminemia should receive amino acid based formulas followed by a switch to hydrolyzed formulas.
    7. Hydrolyzed protein formulas and amino acid formulas are used in infants up to 12 months of age and in older children with severe gastrointestinal symptoms.
    8. In children older than 12 months with anaphylaxis, it is not always necessary to use cow's milk substitutes.
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