Acupuncture. The essence of the technique, indications, contraindications. Acupuncture - effective treatment or nonsense? Possibilities of acupuncture

Acupuncture (acupuncture) has been used for medicinal purposes for more than three and a half millennia. It is widely distributed and recognized as official medicine in most developed countries of the world. The impact of thin needles on the so-called acupuncture points contributes to the normalization of metabolism and hormonal levels, activates the body's defenses, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and stabilizes the state of the psyche.

Despite the recognized effectiveness of the method, many people have a misconception about it and are afraid to follow the recommendations of doctors who prescribe courses of acupuncture for them. It is worth debunking the most persistent myths about acupuncture in order to remove unfounded fears and draw the attention of patients to a unique medical and health-improving procedure.


Needle treatment causes severe pain

This is not true. The specialist performs the procedure almost imperceptibly for the patient. At the time of the injection, a slight pain may be felt, which immediately disappears.

For an experienced reflexologist, the process of setting the needles to the desired depth is not difficult. If the patient is afraid of the procedure and is in a state of tension, discomfort may increase. To avoid stress, you need to take a course of acupuncture from a doctor who has a good reputation and has earned the trust of patients.

Official medicine does not recognize acupuncture

In our country, acupuncture has been officially used for more than half a century. The programs of many medical universities include relevant courses. Specialists in the field of acupuncture work in hospitals, district clinics and sanatoriums.

Acupuncture is incompatible with conventional therapy

Courses of acupuncture perfectly complement drug treatment. There is no official information about any cases of incompatibility of the method with taking medications or treatment with other methods of physiotherapy.

Acupuncture only helps with pain

The procedures do have a strong analgesic effect, but this is not all that acupuncture is capable of. Courses of treatment are prescribed:

  • with allergies (itching, skin rashes);
  • with diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, bile stasis, constipation);
  • with disorders of the nervous system (neuritis, migraines, hysteria, nervous tics, enuresis);
  • with lesions of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, tracheitis and tonsillitis);
  • with inflammatory diseases of the joints (myositis, bursitis, arthritis);
  • with injuries (fractures, sprains, etc.);
  • with cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias, hypotension, arterial hypertension);
  • with problems with the excretory system (chronic cystitis, nephritis, prostatitis);
  • with gynecological pathologies (menstrual irregularities, hormonal infertility, ovarian dysfunction, severe cases of menopausal syndrome);
  • with diseases of the organs of vision (oculomotor disorders, strabismus, etc.);
  • with malfunctions of the endocrine glands.

In addition, acupuncture helps to get rid of excess weight and bad habits (alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction).

Acupuncture has negative consequences

In a person who has no contraindications, the procedures do not contribute to the appearance of any side effects. It should be remembered that acupuncture should not be used in the treatment of:

  • children under the age of 1 year;
  • cancer patients;
  • patients suffering from blood pathologies;
  • patients with acute mental disorders;
  • patients with elevated body temperature;
  • people diagnosed with purulent inflammatory processes or infectious diseases;
  • pregnant women, if the process of gestation proceeds with complications.

With caution, acupuncture is prescribed for uncomplicated pregnancy, the patient's advanced age (over 70 years), severe exhaustion, a state of serious nervous or physical overwork, multiple sclerosis, and cerebrovascular accidents.

Acupuncture is addictive

It is widely believed that patients, once having undergone a course of acupuncture, subsequently feel bad if they cannot resort to this procedure again for a long time. This is not true. Perhaps the misconception has arisen due to the fact that some chronic patients have to be treated repeatedly, because acupuncture sessions bring them temporary relief, relieving unpleasant symptoms, but not eliminating the disease itself.

Acupuncture as a way to deal with many ailments has long been successfully practiced in many clinics in Russia and foreign countries. It has enough both supporters and opponents, so it would be nice to understand what the essence of the procedure is and how it affects the work of a particular body.

Acupuncture, or as it is also called acupuncture, “stinging needle”, is an ancient Chinese practice that dates back more than one thousand years. As you know, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire explain a lot from the point of view of ancient philosophy.

So, they believe that the human body is controlled by the vital energy Qi. For its movement, it uses certain energy channels - meridians that have a connection with specific internal organs.

If the energy circulates freely, then the person feels good and does not complain about anything. When any channels are blocked, the energy stagnates and its current weakens, which immediately affects the state of health.

Acupuncture helps to break these congestions and restore the movement of Qi energy. This is made possible by targeting specific points under the skin where Qi passes close to the surface of the body.

With a needle, the healer can influence its movement - speed up, slow down, reverse. Chinese traditional healers identify 12 channels and thousands of acupuncture points. At the same time, an excess of energy is often blamed for inflammation and pain, but with its lack, the body, as it were, “withers”, ceases to fully cope with its task.

The benefit of acupuncture is precisely to restore the normal function of a diseased or weakened organ and return it to the ability to work as before.

Acupuncture Methods:

  1. Acupuncture. It involves the introduction of a stabbing instrument into biologically active points of the body.
  2. micro acupuncture. For this procedure, very small needles, the so-called "buttons", are used. Often they are left under the skin for a long time - up to several days.
  3. Auriculotherapy. In this case, the needles are inserted into the auricles, thus acting on the active points that are located in them.

Well helps acupuncture with osteochondrosis. As practice shows, this ailment is difficult to treat with traditional medicines and makes a person suffer from pain, especially in certain positions of the body.

Acupuncture affects the deep layers of tissues and can reduce pain, eliminate swelling and improve blood microcirculation. In its process, hormones such as cortisol and serotonin are synthesized, which makes it possible to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect.

Those who have any bad habits know well how difficult it is to get rid of them. Often, suffering people turn to specialists for help when they have already tried all other methods and could not get rid of their addiction.

Acupuncture eliminates smoking much better than all kinds of plasters, herbal preparations, coding. By influencing certain points, it is possible to change the activity of brain structures and influence the craving for smoking, reducing it. As practice shows, the results are visible after 7-14 sessions.

Contraindications and harm of acupuncture

Of course, such a specific procedure cannot but have pitfalls and, first of all, they are related to the qualifications and skill level of the specialist himself. With a lack of knowledge, the effect can be zero, or even give the opposite result.

Another danger and harm of acupuncture is ignoring hygiene and sterility measures. Through untreated needles, viruses of AIDS, hepatitis and other infections can enter the body.

In general, the negative aspects of the procedure include:

  • struggle not with the very cause of the disease, but with its consequence;
  • in some cases, acupuncture gives only a short-term result, and if a person suffers from a chronic illness, he will have to regularly seek help from such specialists;
  • high cost.

Acupuncture is one of the healing methods, still surrounded by multiple legends. Some people believe that with the help of needles it is possible to cure even the most serious diseases. The rest do not believe at least in this or that usefulness of this procedure.

Today, acupuncture is a generally accepted treatment that has specific indications and limitations.

Features of acupuncture

Acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupuncture are all names for the same treatment. Its essence is reduced to the action of thin needles on specific biological energy points on the patient's torso. When exactly acupuncture originated is unclear.

According to some scholars, acupuncture with pointed pebbles has been practiced since the Neolithic. The hieroglyphs that tell about this method of therapy are dated approximately to 1600-1100 BC. Nowadays, acupuncture is widespread far beyond the borders of China, it is used in Asia and Europe.

The acupuncture procedure can last for an hour, depending on the type of points, the art of placing the needle, the ailment itself. Feelings during procedures, as a rule, differ even in the same person. Needle insertion often leaks completely painless, and periodically there is a feeling of pressure, slight pain, skin irritation. Such a reaction is considered completely normal.

In most cases, patients tolerate acupuncture procedures excellently. Some patients even fall asleep at the time of the session, so this type of cure should not be feared.

What is needed for

Acupuncture, according to its supporters, is considered a panacea for healing all sorts of disorders, promotes relaxation, boosts immunity, healing and rejuvenation. The procedure of acupuncture makes it possible to achieve such effects as:

  • CNS regeneration.
  • Relieve tension from muscles and blood vessels.
  • Removal of allergies.
  • Support for gynecological diseases.
  • Fight bad habits.
  • Rapid fusion of bones after fractures.
  • Correction of the state of the immune system.
  • Establishing the activity of the pituitary gland.
  • Stabilization of metabolism and activity of the circulatory system.
  • Removal of edema.
  • Relief from excess weight.


Almost everyone has seen in medical transmissions people whose parts of the body are covered with countless finest needles. For our countrymen, such a process is considered an exotic oddity. The benefit of acupuncture is to restore the typical functionality of a diseased or debilitated organ, returning it to its original working capacity.

Acupuncture appears as the main or auxiliary treatment for a number of diseases. Acupuncture is classified into 3 types: corporal, auricular, acupuncture disease through the feet. In the first case, they affect some important points on the body, in the second - on various parts of the auricle. A large number of points similar to the auricle are concentrated on the feet.

Indications and contraindications

The bulk of medical workers look at folk practices with skepticism and wariness, but acupuncture is recognized as a relatively harmless and effective procedure. If the cure is carried out by a pro who observes the rules of hygiene, the risk of side effects is shifted to a minimum amount.

Often, acupuncture is resorted to at a time when conservative therapy does not provide positive results. The scope of acupuncture on the body is extremely wide, it makes it possible to cope with numerous difficulties:

  1. In neurology. Acupuncture helps to eliminate depression, osteochondrosis, insomnia, neuralgia and neuritis. Also, the procedures relieve prolonged exhaustion, fight alcoholism, smoking, and eliminate the consequences of pathologies of cerebral blood supply.
  2. In gynecology and urology. Acupuncture is effective in solving the complications of frigidity, sexual dysfunction, and has the ability to cure infertility.
  3. In ophthalmology. Acupuncture copes with a whole ensemble of ophthalmic diseases: atrophy of the optic nerve, glaucoma, myopia, thrombosis.
  4. In pulmonology. Acupuncture is effective against such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial shortness of breath.

Acupuncture is used to eliminate protracted ailments with arthritis, migraines, and injuries. A similar method cures diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder. With the help of acupuncture, the results of a heart attack, heart palpitations, coronary disease are eliminated.

Acupuncture is an effective means of combating endocrine system disorders, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands.

Contraindications to the use of acupuncture are the following indications:

  • Pregnancy in the second half of the term.
  • Elderly, less than one year of age.
  • Acute infections.
  • Feverish state.
  • Weakness.
  • Acute surgical pathology.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • active form of tuberculosis.
  • Heart, kidney, liver failure.
  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Addiction to drugs.
  • Acute form of nervousness.
  • Condition after physical exertion, taking a warm bath.

How is it carried out

The acupuncture room is equipped so that patients feel psychological comfort. If several visitors are being received, then a separate booth or a fenced-off couch should be equipped for each. At the end of the disinfection procedure, the physiotherapist, with careful movements, screws the needles into the acupuncture points.

In recent years, acupuncture has become more and more popular. It is prescribed by therapists as an additional treatment.

This is an alternative medicine method that came to us from Asia. Namely, from ancient China. This procedure has many different names, one of them is Acupuncture. Acupuncture refers to manual therapy. Its essence lies in the setting of special needles on the surface of human skin. The location of each needle is not random.

According to Chinese healers, there are many active points on the human body, each of which is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ or organ system. If you put the needle at a certain point, this organ will begin to function better. In China, such therapy is considered traditional, but we still argue about its benefits and harms.

Features of the procedure of acupuncture

The acupuncture procedure is carried out every day or every other day in courses. Most often, the course of treatment lasts 10-20 sessions. Such courses can be repeated in 3-4 weeks. The number of sessions, the time they are held, the duration of the session depends on the person's health problems, his illnesses, age, gender, etc. Interestingly, if a person has pathological weakness, loss of strength, energy, it is best to conduct therapy sessions in the morning to wake up the body, and if, on the contrary, a person is overexcited, he is tormented by insomnia and overstrain, then in the evening.

What are acupuncture techniques?

There are different types of acupuncture procedures:

  1. Sedative, or the second name is inhibitory. Its features are as follows: needles are placed at 4-6 points to a depth of 11 centimeters. It is recommended to carry it out in diseases that are accompanied by convulsions and pain. The needles last from 20 minutes, up to an hour in special cases.
  2. Tonic or stimulating acupuncture technique. During the implementation of this technique, 9-10 sensitive points are involved. The depth of placement of the needle does not exceed 0.6-0.8 centimeters. Well, this technique is suitable for paralysis, after a stroke, with reduced sensitivity of the limbs.

As you can see, the methods differ from each other, carry different purposes.

Benefits of acupuncture for the body

Beneficial effect on human health:

  • vasopressor action;
  • improvement of the process of peripheral circulation;
  • pain relief;
  • fight against seizures; spasms, insensitivity of certain parts of the body;
  • improvement of protective and adaptive reactions of the human body;
  • beneficial effect on the female and male reproductive systems;
  • helps fight sciatica. Considered one of the most effective treatments;
  • effective for headaches, high blood pressure, hypertension and the cardiovascular system.

Therapy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, sleep. If a person often has insomnia, has terrible dreams, or sleep paralysis occurs, it is a direct indication to take a course of sessions. After a full cycle of procedures, the patient becomes emotionally balanced, calm.

If the problem is the opposite - constant fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, depression - acupuncture will cope with this. For all these states, certain points are responsible, which will be affected.

Pros and cons of acupuncture procedure

Advantages of acupuncture:

  • accessibility of the method;
  • high efficiency of therapy;
  • medicines and medicines are not required;
  • simplicity of the procedure;
  • low risk of side effects.

Cons of acupuncture:

  • a significant minus is the risk of contracting infectious diseases, including HIV;
  • soreness of the procedure;
  • bruises, hematomas and bruises at the injection sites of needles;
  • there is a possibility of damaging a nerve or tendon.

It all depends on the doctor who performs the procedure and the medical institution, which must be carefully selected before going to the procedure.

When are needles prescribed?

The acupuncture procedure is often prescribed for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease);

  • with ailments of the respiratory system (asthma, bronchitis);
  • in diseases of the ENT organs (ear-nose-throat) - namely laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes;
  • with problems with bones and joints;
  • during pancreatitis, colitis and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • after strokes, during paralysis;
  • effective in Parkinson's disease;
  • neurosis, depression, unstable mental state;
  • helps with diseases of the urinary-genital system (various cystitis, prostatitis, etc.);
  • with sciatica, pain in the lower back and back.

Also popular is cosmetic acupuncture, which helps to relax facial muscles and start the rejuvenation process.

How does an acupuncture session work?

The procedure itself looks like this: the patient is located on the couch, the doctor slowly places the needles at different depths. Such needles can be made of silver, gold, steel. You can get them immediately or after a while. They get it in a variety of ways. You can get them quickly, or slowly, gradually rotating them. The setting can be symmetrical. The arrangement, the time spent in the body, the thickness of the needle, the way they are pulled out directly depends on the disease and the patient's complaints.

In the office where acupuncture is performed, there is a calm, peaceful atmosphere. She instantly relaxes the client. It is the moment of relaxation that is important for a painless procedure.

What does the patient feel when setting needles

When the specialist correctly positioned the needles, the patient begins to feel special sensations. Often this is a feeling of warmth, numbness, microcurrent exposure. When setting the needles, there is a slight pain from the injection. The pain is usually not severe and is not difficult to bear. In order to avoid sharp painful sensations, it is necessary to completely relax the muscles and not think about pain.

How many sessions will be needed

As mentioned above, 10 to 20 therapy sessions are recommended. With a single passage, the effect will not be achieved. Sens lasts 20-30 minutes depending on the disease and its degree. It is best to repeat courses in 1-2 months to maintain the effect.

Important Notes

Initially, you need to read the literature on the topic of acupuncture, to understand its principles, features. It is advisable to talk with a person who has already experienced the course of treatment. When choosing a specialist, one should take into account his work experience, patient reviews, medical education (in priority).

It is also recommended to go to a polyclinic or medical center, and not to a private office. If a person has a clear reluctance or fear of injections, then you should not undergo this procedure. Be sure to pay attention to the needles that the doctor uses. They must be individual, sealed and opened only before the start of the session with the patient.

Before starting acupuncture, you need to come to a consultation with a therapist and clarify if there are any contraindications.

Can acupuncture have a negative effect on the human body?
Any therapy will have a negative impact on human health if it is not properly performed or overdo it. That is why it is important to find a good specialist in this field of medicine and not self-medicate. After all, you can harm your health.

If you do not know the location of the energy points, there is a chance that the needle will touch the nerve, which will cause severe pain and discomfort. Negative consequences are possible if the patient had contraindications to the procedure. And there are not enough of them in this therapy.

Contraindications for acupuncture

Acupuncture has a number of contraindications:

  • People over the age of 65;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period in women. Especially in the second half of pregnancy. Acupuncture can harm the woman and child;
  • In case of fear of injections;
  • Patients with tuberculosis;
  • If the patient has oncology;
  • With renal, hepatic, heart failure;
  • In acute infectious diseases .;
  • With causeless pain;
  • If the patient has HIV disease;
  • With fever;
  • Anorexia, exhaustion;
  • With mental illness, disorders.

Side effects of needle insertion

Side effects as such are almost non-existent. Only dizziness or bruising, bruising, bruising may appear after the acupuncture procedure. Damage to the skin does not last long - 1-2 days. Side effects include inflammation of the nerve. This happens when the needles are placed incorrectly.

The undoubted advantage of acupuncture is a very small probability of various complications or side effects. According to statistics, about 90% of patients get rid of diseases and unpleasant symptoms thanks to this ancient oriental technique.

Where can I put needles and how much does it cost

Prices for the procedure vary depending on the city. You can find specialists who will conduct a session for 400-1200 rubles. This is the price of one session. Sessions of acupuncture are held in clinics, sanatoriums, health centers, private offices. It is preferable to go to a certified, highly qualified specialist who works in a clinic or health center. He must have a medical education and certificates of training, courses. You should not trust your health to people who have only completed courses, do not have knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etc. So there is only a chance to harm the body. As an option - to go to the homeland of acupuncture, to China, to have a couple of sessions with local masters.

Types of acupuncture in acupuncture

In the acupuncture system, you can find various types of techniques that have been formed over the past years. The main, most famous types of techniques:

  1. Chinese acupuncture is considered the most common and popular type. Its distinguishing feature is quite painful sensations in patients during the session. This is due to the thicker needles that are used. No wonder Chinese acupuncture is referred to as the most aggressive, painful variety of acupuncture.
  2. Japanese acupuncture. Japanese acupuncture is considered more comfortable, enjoyable and no less effective for patients. It is ideal for children, teenagers and women. After all, this group of people has sensitive skin. In addition, children are often afraid of injections and everything connected with them. Often in this technique, the doctor acts on energy points without damaging the skin. In other words, without puncturing the skin with needles. For those who have not previously undergone acupuncture sessions, this technique is the most suitable and favorable.
  3. Korean school. This technique involves the impact on special points of the brushes. According to the followers of this trend, the hands are a kind of reflection of the whole organism. It is on the hands that there are a large number of energy points.
  4. Head acupuncture. It is an effective method of recovery and treatment after strokes, paralysis, injuries, spinal cord and brain injuries. Also, acupuncture of the head has a positive effect on the functions of memory, attention, accuracy of movement. This technique consists in the location of needles on the surface of the scalp, where the points are located.
  5. Acupuncture on 5 elements. Treatment takes place not only on the physical, but also on the energy, spiritual level. Blocks are removed from the patient, which cause many diseases. The needles are usually thin and do not cause pain when injected.

Can you do acupuncture at home?

Those who have tried the effect of acupuncture on themselves are often interested in whether it is possible to do acupuncture at home. Yes, you can. But for this it is recommended to take training courses or at least thoroughly study the special literature on a given topic, atlases, which show in detail the location of all points. Needles can be picked up and purchased at a pharmacy or special massage stores; they are also sold in various oriental shops. The disadvantage of independent home acupuncture is the inability to perform the procedure on the back.

Is it possible to combine massage and acupuncture?

Yes, you can. It is recommended to combine therapeutic massage and acupuncture procedures for osteochondrosis and other back diseases. This combination will help you achieve the desired result faster. Healing will come many times faster. These 2 methods complement each other. Therefore, therapists often prescribe massage and acupuncture at the same time.


Acupuncture or acupuncture is the oldest method of treating various diseases, based on knowledge about the structure of the human body and the location of nerve endings that end with corresponding points on the human body. They are called acupuncture. Acupuncture is considered an alternative treatment for pain, chronic respiratory diseases, eye diseases and eliminates drug addiction.

Acupuncture originates in China two and a half millennia ago, but in Western countries it has become known only since the early 70s of the 20th century. With the help of acupuncture or acupuncture, you can relieve pain from injuries, arthritis, menstruation, certain types of sciatica, migraines. Also, with the help of acupuncture, nervous strain is well removed. The range of possibilities of acupuncture is very wide. This comes from the fact that its principle is based not on the cure of diseases, but on the stabilization and balancing of the processes occurring in the body. And where there is harmony, there is health. The basic postulate of ancient Chinese medicine: vital energy flows through certain channels of the body, which are called meridians. Ki energy moves through them to different organs of the body, ensuring their normal functioning. Each channel is connected to the external organ system. If the uniform flow of Ki energy is disturbed, this or that disease occurs. The system of meridians passing through the human body has more than a thousand acupuncture points. By influencing these points, the flow of Ki energy improves. With the help of acupuncture, the clogging of the meridian can be determined and cleared.

The technique of acupuncture is based on the introduction of a thin metal needle under the skin. This procedure can only be carried out by a medical specialist. Initially, acupuncture was done by hand. Modern professionals use electrical devices. Acupuncture uses very sharp and thin needles that are inserted into certain acupuncture points under the skin. To stimulate and restore the balance of energy movement in the body, you need to apply pressure. Modern acupuncture involves the use of sterile stainless steel needles. Acupuncture is often combined with laser therapy and electrical stimulation.

The International Health Organization recommends treating the following diseases with acupuncture:

The benefits and harms of acupuncture

The benefits of acupuncture are enormous. Unlike painkillers, acupuncture is completely safe for the patient and does not cause unnecessary side effects.

Doctors treat acupuncture differently.
Some are extremely skeptical and do not recognize the possibility of using needles in medicine. Others, on the contrary, welcome and recommend complementing traditional therapeutic methods. If a reflexologist is experienced and qualified, then acupuncture in his hands will become the most recognized non-traditional and safe method of treatment. Quality acupuncture will only bring benefits.

There is only one danger in acupuncture: you can bring the infection with non-sterile needles. But even this danger is minimized, since acupuncturists everywhere use disposable needles. Of course, there is a risk that the specialist will not have sufficient qualifications, this can be avoided by contacting doctors who have the appropriate diploma for completing specialized acupuncture courses at the department of a higher medical institution. As a rule, after receiving a diploma of completion of courses, such specialists continue to improve their skills. There are doctors who have been trained in China itself. The courses of this country are recognized as the best and most difficult.

Acupuncture needles

The main goal of acupuncture is to restore lost health and alleviate pain and suffering. Although this method of treatment seems rather unusual and mysterious, it has withstood the test of time with honor.

Acupuncture needles are inserted under the skin at certain points to restore the energy balance of the body. Compared to the original technique, the modern one has been significantly improved and improved. Today, a small electrical impulse is passed through the needles, designed to increase the stimulation of the point. An electrical impulse is produced by a small device powered by batteries. The frequency and intensity of the pulses are adjusted as needed. After the needle penetrates the skin, a slight tingling sensation is created. This suggests that the impulse is passed through the skin. After a while, you may feel a surge of some warmth, a slight numbness, dull pain or tickling in the area where the needle was inserted. In time, acupuncture needles should be no more than half an hour. The needles can be rotated by a specialist manualist on their own, or they rotate by themselves under the influence of heat or electricity.

Side effects of acupuncture are very minor and are temporary. The most common side effects are dizziness and slight bleeding at the skin puncture site after the needles are removed. In a ratio of 1:100 cases, accidental lung puncture or infection may occur. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to check the sterility of acupuncture needles. Thus, you will insure against contracting any infection, such as hepatitis or AIDS.

An acupuncturist or acupuncturist will measure vital energy, energy balance or imbalance of the body, evaluate your energy flows and distribution of vital energy along the meridians. By stimulating various parts of the body, corresponding to the location of the meridians, the acupuncturist affects your body. In European countries, an acupuncture specialist must have a medical education; otherwise, he will not be able to obtain a license for his activities and open a private practice. In the East and Asia, acupuncture is practiced by people who do not have a medical education, which is allowed by local law.

The effectiveness of acupuncture

It is not possible to present evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture using generally accepted scientific methods. Its effectiveness can be tracked only by the results of the studies.
For example, the Christian Albrechts University in Germany has provided evidence that acupuncture is much faster and better at relieving migraine pain compared to a placebo effect. American researchers say that during acupuncture of the ear, the majority of volunteers increased their pain threshold.

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