Sensation of fermentation in the stomach. What foods cause gas and fermentation in the intestines? How best to solve the problem

Discomfort and pain in the intestines after eating different reasons. Fermentation in the stomach is a common condition that occurs in adults and children. It is accompanied by unpleasant processes, such as increased gas formation and frequent, sometimes difficult stools. Such a problem is dangerous to health, at the first manifestations of symptoms it is worth contacting a gastroenterologist.

Symptoms and Causes

The manifestations of this disease include:

  • bloating (after eating);
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • nagging pain;
  • decreased appetite.

Sometimes the symptoms of fermentation are mild, the patient experiences only general malaise.

Excess food is poorly digested and rots.

The main cause of stomach discomfort is excess and unbalanced diet. As a result, the body does not digest and absorb food well. Accelerated food promotion digestive tract contributes to the fact that food is not processed in the intestines, this contributes to frequent stool and active gassing. The consequence can be putrefaction and fermentation, while toxins are released that are absorbed into the blood, and this, in turn, leads to poisoning and sharp deterioration well-being.

Foods that cause fermentation

This is a food rich in proteins and carbohydrates (bread, pastries, buns). Excessive consumption of sugar and sweets, such as jams, compotes, sweets, etc. is undesirable. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of all of the above. Legumes, potatoes and cabbage increase intestinal motility, promoting fermentation in the stomach. These foods are excluded from the diet, as are carbonated drinks, alcohol, strong tea and coffee, preservation with vinegar, as they contribute to active gas formation.

How to treat?

During the day it is recommended to use only easily digestible food.

The treatment of fermentation is effective with the help of such groups of drugs and means as:

  • laxatives;
  • adsorbents;
  • herbal tinctures.

However, if the process is not already running, you can arrange fasting days. This should be done over a long period, at least twice a week. On certain days, the patient drinks water and eats foods that have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, for example, buckwheat porridge. Such a diet helps cleanse the intestines and effectively removes toxins.

Medical treatment

For therapy, drugs are prescribed that contain beneficial bacteria:

  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Lactobacterin";
  • "Omniflor";
  • "Baktisubtil";
  • "Mutaflor".

Normalization of the microflora of the stomach prevents the fermenting process. The doctor selects a regimen for taking drugs and their dosage. In therapy, adsorbents are often used. Common are Activated carbon, Karbosorb, Sorbeks. To relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract, antispasmodics are prescribed, such as No-shpa, Drotaverin.

Improper nutrition provokes abundant gas formation.
  • Eat more often and in small portions, every 2-3 hours.
  • It is undesirable to overeat before going to bed. It is advisable to eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  • Do not eat dry foods. The solid product should be washed down with water or tea.
  • You need to chew your food thoroughly.

When the stomach wanders, it is desirable to exclude or reduce the consumption of foods that contribute to this process. Need to eat healthier and light food. The diet should include broths cooked on lean fish and meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals. Also useful and effective dairy products, but on early stages treatment is to stop eating such food.

Something inside shimmers and rumbles, the stool is more frequent than usual, and after eating, the feeling of fullness does not let go for a long time? Your diet probably includes foods fermenting in the intestines, and the balance is shifted towards acidic or alkaline environment. Rational menu will help to cope with discomfort if you pay a little more attention to the choice of dishes.

Digestion is a surprisingly complex process, the analysis of which cannot be approached without taking into account individual characteristics. Some people absorb tons of hot spices, while others suffer from heartburn, even if there is a grain in the plate hot pepper. Compound gastric juice, the amount of certain enzymes, bacterial flora - everything is individual. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is influenced by a hereditary factor, general state health, age and even mood. A common cold can cause frustration, although the food was familiar and did not previously lead to discomfort. Before you exclude from the diet foods that cause fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, a feeling of heaviness or flatulence, remember this. Listen to your inner feelings: your own reaction to a particular product is more eloquent than any list or table.

Majority Menu modern people is sour. This does not mean that everyone eats acidic foods. For example, lemon, although its taste is brightly sour, has an alkalizing effect. And chicken, which is not sour in any way, is one of the most oxidizing foods. As a rule, an excess of alkaline or acidic products provokes fermentation. Someone is too "oxidized", while the other does not have enough acidity in the diet. Finding out the "shift" is not difficult through gastronomic experiments.

Alkaline food:

  • almost all dried, whole or juiced berries and fruits;

  • almost all root crops and vegetables, greens;

  • fresh milk (not heated);

  • coconut, almond;

  • string beans.

As you can see the list alkaline foods, enhancing fermentation in the intestines, is quite modest. All the tastiest in the "sour" category. But alkaline foods can also cause trouble. The most striking examples are passion raw vegetables and fruits, vegetarianism, raw food, long-term vegetable or fruit diets.

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High fiber content is a definite plus, but only when there is a balance. If the diet is poor in protein, coarse fiber fibers stay in the large intestine for too long, swell and begin to rot. Food waste processed by enzymes and bacteria releases toxins and gases, increasing fermentation.

Sour food:

  • butter, shop milk, all fermented milk products;

  • fried, spicy, smoked, marinated, sausages;

  • sweets, marshmallows, cakes and almost all sweets, sugar itself;
  • alcohol, coffee, tea;

  • eggs, meat, fish;

  • legumes;

  • corn, wheat, polished rice, any flour, bakery products, cakes and muffins.

Most usual reception food is a piece of meat / fish with pasta, buckwheat or rice. That is, immediately two categories of acidic foods that cause fermentation. Over time, the balance in the intestines and stomach is disturbed - an overabundance of some enzymes and a lack of others. The bacterial flora also undergoes changes. And if we add to this a long and complex process of splitting the so-called. "heavy" food, discomfort is inevitable. That is why it is important that the menu includes as many sources of proteins and carbohydrates as possible - these elements balance each other, not allowing the gastrointestinal tract to be lazy or, conversely, overloaded.

As you know, the whole process of digestion is quite long and multi-stage. It starts at oral cavity, under the action of saliva enzymes, then enters the stomach, is processed by enzymes there, and only then enters the small intestine. There already food boluses are processed by the secrets of the pancreas and bile, which contribute to their further grinding, and after that they are absorbed by the villi duodenum and other parts of the small intestine. Next, chyme (food masses that have undergone various biochemical processing) are sent to colon, where further processing occurs under the action of bacterial enzymes, the absorption of water and the breakdown of a small amount of fiber. Then the undigested food remains accumulate, compact (mainly in sigmoid colon and taken out).

As mentioned above, all digestive processes From beginning to end, they depend not only on the nutrient substrate and the action of the glands of the human gastrointestinal tract, but also on the intestinal microflora, which exhibits a certain metabolic activity. It is she who is to blame for the fermentation processes (some physiologists call this process rotting, which is basically correct).

Regarding how much fermentation in the intestine is a physiological process, we can say unequivocally - in the norm, in absolutely healthy person, this process is running. This is how it should be and it's completely normal. However, the issue is that the intensity of this process can be completely different. This is due to many factors, the main ones are the following:

  • The nature of the digested products. The thing is that only those substances (nutrient substrates) that were not absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract at a certain stage are subjected to decay. That is, if, while passing through the small intestine, the food masses were not properly processed for some reason, or the content of certain substances exceeded the required limit, then these substrates linger in the digestive system and begin to rot, which is quite natural and natural. To make it easier for you to understand this process, draw an analogy with the refrigerator that is in your apartment. You put the food that you eat every day there. In the event that for any reason you put in the refrigerator more product than you need, it will be quite logical that the excess will not be consumed by you. They lie down, of course, for some time, and then they begin to rot under the action of certain microorganisms - everything also happens in the intestines. Not digested nutrients decompose under the action of fermentation bacteria;

  • The nature of the microflora. It is reliably known that the microflora of the small intestine differs significantly from (just like pH, the anatomical structure, physiological features and much more). In the event that any dysbacteriosis occurs (a quantitative and qualitative violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora), then, accordingly, the function assigned to it will undergo changes that will not slow down to affect the general state of health of the human body;
  • The duration of stay of food masses in the human body. Let's go back to the refrigerator example above. Presumably, the food lingered in it for some reason longer than expected. It is logical that through certain time food is rotting. The same is true in the intestines - there is a violation of peristalsis (contractions of smooth muscle cells, due to which the movement through the intestines is carried out), for this reason, food masses linger longer than expected. This causes fermentation in the intestines.

In what part of the gastrointestinal tract does this process take place?

What is most interesting, despite how different the large and small intestines are from each other in anatomical and functional terms, the fermentation process takes place in both sections. Naturally, in view of the characteristics of the microflora (different bacteria inhabit these anatomical structures), as well as the fact that food masses are in the large intestine for a much longer time than in the small intestine, many times more often all putrefactive processes take place in the large intestine. However, in small intestine also fermentation (putrefactive processes) is also noted. Although this moment clinical manifestations(features of symptoms) or the choice of tactics for managing the patient does not matter.

Indeed, in fact, fermentation (even if enhanced) cannot be called a disease - it is nothing more than one of physiological mechanisms which, by definition, cannot be pathogenic. Moreover, it is carried out by bacteria normal microflora. Enhanced gas formation, flatulence is just one of the manifestations dyspeptic syndrome. Considering that it is characterized by much more unpleasant processes, no one will talk about fermentation as a pathology. Although, be that as it may, this question remains relevant, and it is necessary to prevent excessive fermentation in order to get rid of unnecessary discomfort.

Factors (or immediate causes) that provoke the occurrence of fermentation

As with all cases of gastrointestinal disease, the key important reason, meaning) in the development of all fermentation processes has the character of nutrition. AT this case provoking factors (causes) is the use of a large amount meat food(more correctly, protein, since vegetable or any other protein also contributes to the development of the processes in question). In cases where fermentation and flatulence are especially pronounced, protein often predominates in the human diet (as a rule, this kind of situation occurs in athletes who seek to increase muscle mass and strive to consume as much protein as possible). That is, it becomes clear that it is the processing of proteins by bacteria that leads to fermentation processes. The more substrate, the more intense the process will be, that's right.

In addition, risk factors are those processes that lead to a problem with peristaltic movements (violation of their strength and rhythm). Naturally, these include stress, nervous strain, malnutrition, with a reduced content of insoluble fiber, and many others. So even if the food is with a normal protein content, but “stays” in the intestine longer than normal metabolism requires, then the processes of decay are guaranteed to increase.

It will also lead to an increase in fermentation processes. uncontrolled intake antibacterial drugs or any other factor leading to dysbacteriosis (common causes). The thing is that far from all bacteria that are part of the intestinal microflora stimulate putrefactive processes, and under the action of antibiotics, these bacteria, as a rule, do not die and replace other bacteria.

There are other reasons that lead to an increase in the process of putrefaction in the human intestine, but they are quite rare. First of all, the conversation is about those diseases that are accompanied by intestinal obstruction, complete or partial (that is, blocking the intestinal lumen). This condition is usually caused by cancer postoperative scar or atony of a certain part of the intestine. Sometimes severe helminthiases lead to it.

A separate topic is the process of fermentation in children younger age. The reason for its sharp increase may simply be a change in diet. It happens especially often when switching from breastfeeding mixtures, or substitution of one mixture for another. Required with the help of drugs to make essential bacteria into the child's intestines.

A few words about symptoms

As already mentioned, the most pronounced manifestation of fermentation processes is increased gas formation, flatulence. Rarely enough, there are other signs of dyspeptic syndrome, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or nausea. It should be noted that in children this symptomatology is much more pronounced than in adults - due to the failure of the gastrointestinal tract.

How should these symptoms be stopped, what should be the most justified treatment?

Naturally, all treatment begins with the correction of the diet - some foods can increase fermentation (it will even be possible to do without a single medicine). First of all, it will be necessary to reduce the amount of protein food consumed (in this case, we mean meat products and various legumes - soy, peas, spinach). In addition, you should use as much as possible more food containing insoluble vegetable fiber ( healthy foods(list) - oatmeal, whole wheat bread).

Oddly enough, increased fermentation is one of a small number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which alcohol is allowed (meaning medical alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, beer and wine are excluded). True, the effectiveness of alcohol intake has not yet been proven at the molecular level in any way; in practice, most people use just such a treatment in the event that they encounter increased rumbling in the stomach.

In addition to correcting the diet (meaning to start consuming other, healthy food products), it will also be necessary to restore the normal intestinal microflora. This treatment will already be considered medical. For this, probiotics (Lines, Laktovit or Bifidum-bacterin) and prebiotics (drugs based on lactulose) will be quite enough.

Do not forget about sorbents - atoxil or white coal. They will help remove dissolved toxins from the human body. This is called detoxification treatment.


Fermentation (putrefactive phenomena) in the intestines is a completely physiological process, but normally it should not proceed very intensively (that is, so that it is in no way noted by a person, does not “manifest itself”). In the event that, for certain reasons, fermentation (rotting, in other words) begins to be carried out too intensively, it is necessary to think about the advisability of correcting nutrition and using some medications, carrying out sparing treatment.

However, it should be remembered that especially pronounced manifestation pathology associated with the processes of fermentation (rotting) will not cause dyspeptic syndrome. This is due to the lack of a morphological substrate that will become key reason to the development of any more serious pathology.

A rare disease is not accompanied by incomprehensible symptoms. Those associated with gastrointestinal disease often suggest fermentation as well. We propose to discuss stomach fermentation treatment and diseases accompanied by this unpleasant symptom.

Causes of fermentation in the stomach

Fermentation in the stomach brings quite significant discomfort to a person's life. And the symptoms can be quite vague.

  • Feeling fermentation in the stomach, a person may also feel pulling pain in epigastric region,
  • he gets heaviness
  • , pressure,
  • bloating after eating
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • heartburn,
  • loss of appetite
  • and bad smell from mouth.

But all this is rather arbitrary, since in some people fermentation in the stomach does not manifest itself at all, except for a general malaise.

The main causes of fermentation in the stomach are malnutrition, as a result of which food is poorly processed and absorbed. Moreover, the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract is accelerated, resulting in an increase in stool. Food that is not digested in the intestines undergoes fermentation and a putrefactive process. Both of these processes form a large amount of toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause dangerous poisoning body, resulting in general malaise, and then obesity.

Also, fermentation in the stomach becomes the reason that suffers nervous system. Not only the general condition is disturbed, but working capacity also decreases, there is a decrease muscle mass, due to which there is a desire to consume large quantity food. But from this fermentation in the stomach only intensifies. And it turns out some vicious circle, as a result of which the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole are in serious danger.

Treatment of fermentation in the stomach

As a therapy, doctors can offer an effective drug treatment fermentation in the stomach and a number of special preparations. But if this process is not running for you, you can try to make fasting days for yourself. At least twice a week for several months. For example, to eliminate the causes of fermentation in the stomach, you can choose a day during which you will drink only water, or eat cabbage, buckwheat porridge, or some other food that is favorable for the gastrointestinal tract. Keep in mind that they should have a brushing effect, cleansing the intestines and removing all toxins from it.

Treatment of fermentation in the stomach with dietary modification

To forget about fermentation in the stomach, you should carefully review your diet:

Eat lighter and healthy food.

Include vitamins and as many cereals as possible in your meal.

Don't forget to use fresh vegetables and fruits.

Fermented milk products will also help to make the treatment of fermentation in the stomach more effective, but on early stages it is better to limit yourself from their consumption.

What drugs can treat fermentation in the stomach

To optimize the composition of the microflora in the stomach, special preparations can be prescribed, which contain beneficial bacteria. For example: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Mutaflor, Baktisuptil, and Omniflor. The dosage of the drug and the scheme of its use is selected by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Absorbent preparations often help to stop fermentation in the stomach. The most famous of them is activated carbon. To eliminate unpleasant pain prescribe antispasmodics, for example, No-shpu.

If fermentation occurs in the intestines - the reasons; treatment must be timely this problem brings not only severe discomfort to its owner, but also has an extremely negative effect on general well-being and human health. Fermentation in the intestines is a common problem that occurs when the organ does not fully digest the food that enters it.

1 Causes of an unpleasant symptom

most main reason, provoking fermentation and gas formation in the intestines, is an unhealthy diet that causes many health problems.

Food will not be fully digested if it does not have enough alkali. Accordingly, a sufficient amount of gastric juice is not produced. Especially often this problem is observed if a person eats a lot of acidic foods.

Foods that remain in the intestines and are not digested eventually begin to rot and thus cause fermentation. At the same time, there may be other reasons for the development of such an unpleasant process: too much protein, carbohydrates in the body, or a person eats a lot of sweets.

In addition, symptoms of fermentation may occur after a person consumes fried foods. If there is too much of it in the diet, then it begins to irritate the mucous membrane digestive system. If we talk about drinks, then kvass, beer and any other drink that contains yeast can cause a similar problem.

To products that cause gas formation in the intestines and fermentation, experts include:

  • a variety of spices and spices, especially cumin, pepper, vinegar or rosemary;
  • purchased sausage;
  • starch, sugar;
  • legumes, peas and lentils;
  • cabbage;
  • raw vegetable matter.

It is worth noting that if you eat these products in not in large numbers, then they do not cause any pathological abnormalities in the body and in the intestines, treatment, respectively, is not required. If you eat food in large quantities, especially at night, this can lead to extremely negative consequences. It is important to remember that at night the human intestines work much more slowly, and all processes are not so active.

When food in the human body begins to rot, it gradually decomposes into such toxic substances as phenol, cresol, skatole and alcohols, such as methanol. At the same time, a lot of gases are released in the intestines, which leads to extremely unpleasant sensations. Then a person has not only fermentation, but also flatulence. Due to the fact that there is a gradual expansion of gases, there is pressure on the walls of the intestine. It all ends with the appearance of colic, rumbling and very unpleasant excitement in a person, discomfort.

Fermentation and the formation of gases in the intestines leads to more serious consequences. Gradually, the body begins to inflame, and then narrows. In the place where it has become narrower, you can see some “plugs” that will greatly stretch the rest of the intestine.

When a person is very often worried about fermentation in the intestines, other problems with the digestive system also arise. These include the following:

  • very frequent constipation;
  • the stool looks like gruel;
  • pain in the form of colic;
  • increased formation of gases, respectively - flatulence.

If you do not pay attention to unpleasant symptoms fermentation in the intestines of no attention, then this can lead to very serious consequences. The walls of the intestines begin to become contaminated, the mucous film ceases to be produced, which plays a protective role in the body. Gradually activated pathogenic bacteria, and under the heavy weight of unprocessed food, which is in the intestines of a person, the stomach begins to sag down. In especially difficult situations, even fecal stones can begin to form.

In order to avoid gas in the intestines and fermentation does not begin, it is necessary to consume the following products:

  • food, which contains a lot of alkalis: fruits, vegetables, berries, coconut, almonds and dairy products;
  • food plant origin in a small amount, but at the same time it is very important to chew it thoroughly and eat only in the morning;
  • mineral waters, preferably non-carbonated.

These products will help remove the fermentation processes, especially if they are not running. At the same time, it is important to determine true reason the formation of gases in the intestines and fermentation processes, because it needs to be eliminated and only then treatment can begin. It is necessary to additionally put in order the balance of acid and alkali, but at the same time make sure not to go from one extreme to another.

2 Methods of treatment

The treatment of fermentation and gases in the intestines is subject to the same rule as all other diseases: it is necessary to eliminate, first of all, the cause of the problem, and only then the symptoms.

The very first thing a person needs to do is to review their diet and change it as much as possible so that the food is healthy and healthy.

At the same time, specialists can prescribe medicines to sick people that are aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora and generally strengthen the human body and immunity. Such means are:

  1. "Omniflora".
  2. "Bactisubtil".
  3. "Mutaflor".
  4. "Lactobacterin".
  5. "Bifidumbacterin".

You can also get rid of gases in the intestines and fermentation using a more radical method: it is enough to thoroughly clean this organ.

To get rid of the problem with stool, they need to be removed. To do this, you can use laxatives, which contain salt. Some time after such cleansing, the intestinal walls will again be able to produce a sufficient amount of a protective film, and food passes without any obstacles and does not cause discomfort. If any discomfort arose quite abruptly, and such cases are repeated infrequently, then you can not go to the doctor.

In order to remove all possible discomfort, you need to drink only activated charcoal and exclude the following products from your diet for several days:

  • pastry and bread;
  • ryazhenka, milk, cheese and kefir;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • roast;
  • semi-finished products.

If we talk about the treatment of gases in the intestines and fermentation in small child, then it must be carried out by diet food throughout the week, the child's diet should contain minimal amount carbohydrates. If there is too much diarrhea, then it is worth giving up food altogether for several days and drinking only plenty of fluids so that dehydration does not occur.

3 Traditional medicine

In order to solve such unpleasant problem, it is possible to apply effective folk remedies. In the event that there are too many acids in the body of a sick person, then you can additionally take alkali in the form of a powder. It's not only effective treatment gas formation, but also help eliminate fermentation in the intestines, cleanse it and eliminate the cause of the development of the disease.

If a person is worried about very strong flatulence, then special medicinal plants which will fix the problem:

  • pharmacy dill;
  • walnut leaves;
  • pomegranate peel;
  • Melissa;
  • medicinal chamomile;
  • peppermint.

These remedies are especially effective when taken in the form warm tea or infusion. Of course, ethnoscience does not offer to be treated exclusively with decoctions or teas. Experts recommend using other folk methods. For example, you can do warm compresses which are applied directly to the abdomen. Then it needs to be well, but very gently massaged. With the help of massage, you can make the pain less intense in a few minutes, and the gases will leave several times faster. Especially often similar treatment used to eliminate fermentation in the intestines in adults.

At the same time, you can use physical exercises, which will help to significantly improve bowel function in a sick person. The following exercise helps very well against bloating: bend your knees slightly, then pull in and release your stomach sharply enough. You need to repeat the exercise several times.

To general advice traditional healers include the following: a person should not overeat; no need to eat a lot at night; all food must be chewed very carefully; washed down with food enough liquids.

If the digestive system will be observed enough serious violations, this can cause permanent discomfort and pain in a person. A person who suffers from fermentation in the intestines cannot fully work and rest, everything irritates him.

Quite often, flatulence can disturb, as a consequence of fermentation in the intestines. Of course, the most different factors, but there are numerous drugs that will help eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the immediate cause. It is necessary to diagnose and establish the cause in time, then choose the right treatment.

4 How best to solve the problem

In the event that fermentation in the intestine occurs along with enough severe flatulence, then you can not use pharmaceutical preparations. It is quite possible to solve the problem only thanks to traditional medicine. It's also much safer and cheaper. If you do not know how to treat fermentation in the intestines, then you need to contact a specialist in without fail. He will tell you exactly what remedies from traditional and traditional medicine can help in such an unpleasant and delicate situation. Considered to be very effective carminatives which will help solve numerous problems with gastrointestinal tract and quickly restore its functionality and mucous membrane.

Take very good care of your health. Adjust your diet and avoid harmful products, which do not bring any benefit to the body. It is always worth remembering that well-being and health depend on a person’s nutrition and the state of the digestive system. If you use junk food, then this can lead to the development of very serious problems which will bring a lot of discomfort.

Fermentation in the intestines is a very common problem that affects every second person. Because of this, the patient not only feels pain in the abdomen all the time, but also feels extremely uncomfortable, because there is a symptom of fermentation. severe swelling and flatulence. In addition, constipation can be observed, which are replaced by diarrhea, which also brings a lot of trouble and inconvenience, especially during working hours.

People who suffer from fermentation in the intestines cannot fully work, relax and enjoy life, because they are constantly distracted by heaviness in the stomach and discomfort. As soon as you notice the first unpleasant symptoms, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible in order to diagnose the problem and try to fix it on initial stage development. Otherwise, traditional medicine may not fully cope with the complications, it will be impossible to do without complex surgical intervention.

Be wary of bloating and flatulence, because these may be the first signs that food begins to rot in your intestines, it does not leave the body and becomes an excellent environment for the life of pathogenic microflora. If you do not treat the problem and do not monitor your lifestyle, then they may well begin to develop inflammatory processes, neoplasms, etc., which will lead to grave consequences or even to death.

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