The opinion of experts on vaccinations: arguments for and against vaccination. What about the negative consequences of not vaccinating? Don Hamilton on the benefits and harms of pet vaccinations

In the world of medicine there is everything some real wonders who changed our human world. These are antibiotics - with their appearance, people stopped dying en masse from infections and wounds, vaccinations - humanity received protection from infections that are not subject to antibiotics, and sildenafil - cures more than 80% of impotent people.

And now, someone encroaches on one of these miracles, claiming that vaccinations can be harmful. What would that mean? If you look closely, you can see that there is a real war against vaccines in the media and the Internet. It is easy to find a lot of publications that claim that:

  • vaccinations cause irreparable harm to children (this is scary);
  • do not protect against infections (that is, ineffective);
  • vaccines contain extremely harmful substances;
  • vaccine manufacturers make money on tears and disease.

Let's try to figure out what is really happening: are the knights in white clothes trying to save us from the insidious conspiracy of pharmacists, or is there a banal PR campaign designed to free up part of the market to increase the size of the competitive market?

Who benefits?

Let's try to consider the arguments of both sides and, first of all, get acquainted with the opponents of vaccinations. Among the names most often cited in this regard, the homeopath Alexander Kotok, the author of the book "Merciless Immunization" (it is easy to find on the Internet - Google gives 4600 links!), takes the first place! He is also listed among the inspirers of the creation documentary film"The Truth About Vaccinations" - all the same arguments are repeated in it, reinforced by a specially selected video sequence.

Perhaps this person is at the head of the anti-vaccination movement - who is he and what drives him? The doctoral thesis of the author of the book is devoted to the history of homeopathy in Russia, from which it can be concluded that the author is more of a historian than a practicing physician. By the way, in the preface to the book, the author calls himself a doctor of medicine and signs Ph.D. In fact, this is not entirely true - Ph.D. similar to our Candidate of Sciences and literally means "Doctor of Philosophy".

But this is not the main thing: literally on every page of the book you can find convincing arguments against vaccinations. There are so many of them that doubt involuntarily creeps in: is it really true? Most of the arguments given in the book cannot be verified by the reader, but many other arguments are clearly manipulative in nature.

For example: “... reliable information that this disease (smallpox) seriously disturbed the human community before new era, not available". But the historian of medicine forgets some facts, for example, about the smallpox pandemic of 1870-1874 (a pandemic is an epidemic that captured several countries), and about the smallpox epidemic in 1610 in Siberia, when people left their homes in panic, and also about that after the invasion of Cortes from smallpox 27 million Incas died. Since he is a historian, he probably still does not forget, but tries (not without success) to manipulate the reader.

Here is another quote: “The uniqueness of vaccinations as a medical intervention lies in the fact that they endanger healthy people and do not aim to improve their current state of health” is a clearly one-sided and distinctly biased coverage of the problem. Or even: “The vaccinated are required to expose themselves to a real risk of health problems and even death ...” - of course, such statements can scare.

And they scare - after all, most readers are unable to verify such information or subject it to critical analysis. It becomes especially scary if you imagine that all the troubles described threaten your child. It is the explicit orientation of the book to intimidate the reader that allows us to assume that it is part of a PR campaign aimed at discrediting vaccinations in the eyes of the public.

We asked an expert in the field of registration of pharmaceuticals, a real doctor of medical sciences and medical editor of several scientific publications(he asked not to be named) - he said with confidence that such propaganda is a crime. The author of the book actually proposes to throw humanity back - to the Middle Ages.

Dangerous Delusions

Having become convinced of the bias of one single homeopath regarding vaccinations, we will try to critically examine some of his most egregious statements. Mainly because these misconceptions are walking separately from their author and in fact seriously spoil the nerves of many parents and make them refuse vaccinations - and thereby cause harm.

Let us consider precisely those statements that seem to be the most terrible arguments of the opponents of vaccinations.

1. It is better to get sick with childhood infections than to be "artificially" vaccinated

What diseases are vaccinated against? - from severe, mass and socially significant diseases. No randomly included in this list. Consider one example: measles is one of the most contagious diseases known today. In 2006, according to official figures, 242,000 people died of measles worldwide, most of them children. Measles is terrible complications:

  • pneumonia (of viral and bacterial origin, prone to abscessing and difficult to treat) - the most common cause of death;
  • eye damage - conjunctivitis and keratitis (sometimes leading to blindness);
  • otitis and sinusitis;
  • encephalitis and meningoencephalitis (fatal and disabling complications).

The most common complications of measles develop in children under the age of five or adults over 20 years of age.

2. Vaccines do not help - that is, the vaccine does not protect against the disease

Such a statement can be found in the mentioned book, however - it is not substantiated in any way. That is, the discussion takes place at the level of argumentation "the fool himself." A search for publications regarding the confirmation / refutation of this information gave us an article in an authoritative Russian Medical Journal(BC), which claims that, for example, a flu shot can save 67% of older people from death (the study included people from the group high risk) - this seems to be a fairly weighty argument. This figure - the result of a meta-analysis - is the most reliable method evaluation results clinical trials medicines.

It needs to be clarified that this article is about the elderly, because they are most at risk of dying from complications of the flu. As for young people, the risk of death is much lower in the case of influenza, but the decision to get vaccinated should be made on an individual basis.

3 Vaccines Cause Autism

The first evidence of a possible link between measles vaccination and autism emerged in the late 1990s. In response to such serious allegations, WHO initiated an investigation, which was assigned to the Vaccine Safety Committee. Research has shown that no causation between MMR vaccine(measles-mumps-rubella) and the development of autism are official data, not fiction.

4. Mercury Vaccines Are Dangerous

In 1999, there were reports in the United States of the toxicity of vaccines containing thiomersal as a preservative (mercury-containing organic compound), he is also merthiolate. This substance has been associated with a developmental disorder nervous system in children, up to autism.

How true is this? Let's calculate: the amount of merthiolate in a milliliter of vaccine (25 micrograms) corresponds approximately to 12 micrograms of mercury. If we take into account that 0.5 ml is injected once, it will turn out to be about 6 mcg. WHO has established safe rate mercury intake in the human body - 5 mcg / kg per week. That is, if the baby weighs about 3-6 kg, then the dose of mercury does not exceed the safe one.

For comparison. According to WHO in 1 liter drinking water contains 1 µg of mercury, according to other sources in natural water contains 0.5 mg/l (i.e. 500 µg/l) of mercury.

That is, the amount of mercury that came from the introduction of the vaccine is much less than its intake from natural background pollutants.

5. Vaccines contain formaldehyde and phenol as preservatives.

Indeed, they do, and the book “Merciless Immunization” says the following about this: “Penetration of formaldehyde into digestive tract causes symptoms of severe poisoning - severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting of blood, the appearance of protein and blood in the urine, kidney damage, resulting in cessation of urine output, acidosis, dizziness, coma and death.

Feel your ears - have they grown in size? It seems that someone is trying to make us a donkey. This is a cynical and rather vile manipulation. Drink a glass of formaldehyde and get poisoned - it's true. But if you eat as much regular edible salt- you will die too. The author forgot to mention the dose - in the amount in which formaldehyde or phenol is contained in vaccines, they are easily utilized by the enzyme systems of the body. That is - absolutely harmless.

Compare: a diabetic is forced to inject himself daily with insulin, which uses formaldehyde as a preservative. And so - throughout life. And nothing...

Have we become smarter?

Let's talk about what we read.

The reason for the problem with vaccines is that black PR people exploit our fears. Half-knowledge is worse than complete ignorance: worried by rumors about the harmfulness of vaccinations, parents rush into the pool medical literature designed for a specialist. And what do they see? Lists side effects described in any reference book: allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, autoimmune processes, immunosuppression, even death ”- these words are written for a specialist and are intended to help and warn, not scare.

Readers do not know the main thing: what is the ratio of benefit and harm? Here's an example: according to statistics, every thousandth measles case will get a severe complication - encephalitis. Among those vaccinated, there is also a risk - one in a million! This means that for every million, 999 people will be saved. These data from the World Health Organization - the most authoritative international organization whose sole concern is our health.

True, these data are eloquent? But not everyone can get to the bottom of them, because for this you need to read scientific work and visit medical libraries- this is what black PR people are counting on. And for us ordinary people, much more affordable means mass disinformation, which, instead of the truth, seek to slip us another scarecrow - people hawala. Therefore, let's ask questions out loud, and not delve into our heads and then suffer from our own "near-scientific" conclusions.


We defeated smallpox - since 1978 no one has been vaccinated against smallpox. But the plan to eradicate measles by 2010 has already "failed" - due to the impossibility of full coverage of the population. According to some authors, to eliminate measles, it is necessary that the percentage of immune individuals be at least 90-95% - perhaps we have become less disciplined.

We hope that this article will help the reader understand the importance of trusting a doctor who recommends vaccination. Remember: what more people have been vaccinated, large quantity lives can be saved. Worldwide, immunization saves more than 3 million people every year, not to mention the fact that for many millions of people it helps to prevent disease and lifelong disability. And yet, we always have the right to choose.

Let's answer the last of the questions raised at the beginning of the article: do vaccine manufacturers profit from our diseases? Yes, they earn, however, we ourselves have the right to choose what to pay for: for vaccination or for treatment and a magnificent funeral in case of illness.

I worked as a pediatrician in kindergarten and vaccinated children.

At the institute, they literally explained to us how it works the immune system, and now I wonder why I was satisfied with these "explainers". If professors of immunology are perplexed about the complexity of immunity, discovering more and more new mechanisms in its functioning, admitting that they know very little about immunity, that vaccines are dangerous, then why did everything seem clear and simple to me?!

For example, here is what the doctor of medical sciences, professor, presenter writes Researcher laboratory of biotechnology at the Institute of Immunology of the State Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Ignatieva G.A.: "Vaccination is theoretically the most best method immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis. But there are problems, the most difficult of which we will outline.

The biggest of the difficult problems is the biohazard of the vaccine preparations themselves, regardless of the target antigen. The fact is that all modern vaccinating drugs are obtained by biotechnology using animal sera and cells. Animals, as it becomes known to us the further, the more, there are extremely dangerous infections for humans such as prion and retroviral. It is fundamentally impossible to purify the vaccine from impurities potentially containing these infections (without losing the actual vaccinating antigen). Such a serious concomitant phenomenon forces one to recognize that, by vaccinating the population, medicine unconsciously violates the basic principle - "do no harm."

And now, when I hear from pediatricians that vaccines "train" the immune system, what they protect against infectious diseases that vaccines are safe, it makes me sad and anxious, because the price of such miserable "explainers" - child health and children's lives.

When the reverse side of vaccination was revealed to me, which is not advertised and not presented at the institute, I became scared and ashamed. Scary, because I finally realized what I did with my own child, I understood where the "legs" of his sores grow from and what such "concern" for his health is fraught with.

And it's a shame - because I, being a doctor, bearing responsibility for the health of the children entrusted to me, treated vaccination so thoughtlessly and lightly, and in fact, according to Mr. Onishchenko (the country's chief sanitary doctor), it is a "serious immunobiological operation."

Here my colleagues pediatricians can reproach me: “It is clear that vaccination is not a game of spillikins, it is necessary individual approach!" It's all about the DEGREE of awareness of the depth of the problem. After all, I also very strictly selected children for vaccination - mandatory inspection, thermometry, anamnesis (and so that no one in the family gets sick, does not sneeze!), When necessary - tests, in a word, everything that can be done in a polyclinic ... But we must admit that these minimum data (and in a polyclinic they are - maximum), they say NOTHING about the state of immunity and health in general in a particular child.

And do not be deceived and deceive parents - even a detailed immunogram and consultation with an immunologist will not protect the child from the side effects of vaccines, will not guarantee that the vaccine will not provoke a serious autoimmune disease, that it will not disrupt the subtle mechanisms of self-regulation and the child will not develop diabetes, bronchial asthma, blood cancer or other incurable disease.

If parents really understood what kind of roulette they are playing, then many would think ...

I understood and thought.

It's almost impossible to diagnose right now. Post-vaccination complication". The doctor who did this signs his own sentence, so no one makes such diagnoses in order to avoid trouble. Therefore, WE DO NOT KNOW how many children actually affected by vaccination, and we think that very few (one in a million) will "carry" and this time...

I saw a child, six months old, who on the third day after vaccination had a clinical death. He was revived, but he will be an idiot because the cerebral cortex is dead. NONE of the doctors "remembered" that three days before clinical death he was vaccinated with DTP.

We have a lot of talk about the so-called concept informed consent on the medical intervention especially for vaccinations. In fact, this is an empty phrase.

A parent, wishing to vaccinate their child, should know that:

1. According to Russian law, HE HAS THE RIGHT to refuse vaccination (for any reasons, including religious ones) and this refusal will not entail ANY consequences in the form of non-admission to kindergarten, school, institute. And those citizens who obstruct such parents should deal with the prosecutor's office.

2. The parent must know that vaccines are not medicines, they are dangerous and grossly interfere with immunity; should know what they consist of, how they are tested and what complications of vaccination exist. Therefore, the parent must give WRITTEN consent to the vaccination and AFTER he has read and understood that the vaccines contain merthiolate, foreign DNA, that vaccination can provoke diabetes, crayfish, autoimmune diseases, cause death.

Therefore, I began to bring to the attention of parents the fact of the existence of the law "On Immunoprophylaxis", which gives the right to refuse. Many parents were surprised because they did not know that vaccination is voluntary. They told me that they did not want to vaccinate the child (or in general, or with some specific vaccine) or wanted to postpone vaccination, but they were threatened that they would not take them to the garden without vaccinations, they would not give food in the dairy kitchen, and they agreed.

I began to ask my parents if they knew about the composition of vaccines, about the methods of their production. After all, before giving a child some kind of medicine, everyone will look at its composition and possible side effects. It turns out that no one has ever seen annotations to vaccines before vaccination. No one has seen the usual annotations in which it is written in black and white what vaccines consist of and official complications for vaccination (for example, death).

One day the head physician of a private medical center and asked by what right I give this information to parents. I replied that it was my duty, first of all, to observe the principle of "do no harm", and the parent should know as much as possible in order to make an informed decision to vaccinate - not to vaccinate. The owner of this private center also "took care" and warned me that the center was working under the MINISTRY OF HEALTH program, so I should not give this information to my parents. The fact is that vaccination is also a profitable business, a dose of vaccine can be bought in bulk for a hundred rubles, and "injected" - for a thousand. And what businessman does not like quick profits?

They began to follow me, restricted access to documentation, motivating this with a "medical secret", I became disgusted and left.

I came to the children's polyclinic to work as a neurologist, thinking that now I would not be connected with vaccination as I was, working as a pediatrician in the garden and in the center. I immediately warned the head physician that I was wary of vaccination and considered it unacceptable to vaccinate children who were weakened, premature, with obvious neurological problems.

Chief Physician he agreed with me in many respects, said that he was always against vaccination, that the famous pediatrician Dombrovskaya (his teacher) sharply criticized vaccinations, but latest epidemic diphtheria shook his confidence. He said that he would gladly take me, but he would re-educate me.

The weekdays of a neurologist began. Neurologists are very cautious about vaccination, especially children with problems of the nervous system. It is known that the hidden overt pathology nervous system after vaccination can manifest as convulsive readiness. That is, vaccination can provoke epilepsy (the described complication of vaccination). I became difficult and doubtful cases give medical advice for a month or two from vaccination. Parents asked what to do with the pediatrician, he insists on vaccination. I said YOU DECIDE, the pediatrician can only recommend vaccination. She said that there is a law "On Immunoprophylaxis", on the basis of which it is possible to issue a refusal to vaccinate so that the pediatrician "lags behind".

Head the polyclinic warned: "Step on the throat of your own song." Once at a consultation was especially heavy child, threatened with cerebral palsy (in fact, already with cerebral palsy, but such a diagnosis will be made to him after a year), I forbade him to be vaccinated, because against her background, cerebral palsy is rapidly progressing. They did not listen to me, then I told the head physician that I disclaim responsibility for such patients. So what are games really? A neurologist, understanding the severity of the damage to the nervous system and poor prognosis, gives a medical tap, and the pediatrician brushes him off like an annoying fly and vaccinates ... In general, they failed to re-educate me and they fired me.

Pediatricians in a polyclinic spend five to ten minutes per appointment (in order to earn more on compulsory medical insurance), so a pediatrician is an assembly line worker, he has no time to think. Its main function is to vaccinate children, since other problems will be solved by narrow specialists, or by him himself with the help of Kalpols, Claritins, Flemoxins. Before vaccination, the examination is carried out "by eye". After vaccination, the child's condition is not monitored, so the pediatrician does not associate the deterioration in the child's health with a recent vaccination.

Neurologists are not in best position- the one who thinks about the consequences of vaccination for a particular child gives a medical disqualification, but the issue of vaccination is decided by a pediatrician, from whom "chips are removed for undercoverage" by vaccinations. Therefore, the neurologist receives next appointment more big problem in the state of health of the child, but the decision on next vaccination- back to the pediatrician.

break this vicious circle only parents who understand that vaccination is “a complex immunobiological operation” can and will not give permission to vaccinate their child if they think that they should wait or that vaccinations are harmful and they REFUSE to consciously do them. I have healthy unvaccinated children under my supervision - these are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT children ...

Emelyanova Nadezhda Borisovna, pediatric neurologist, Moscow


Scientist-immunologist and microbiologist: not vaccinations protect against infections, but natural immunity

09:49 23.04.2017 | ABOUT VACCINATIONS

A symposium of doctors and researchers took place in Yaroslavl, where the complex issues of vaccination were discussed. The forum was organized by the Office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Yaroslavl Region.

We bring to your attention the speech of the Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology of YSMU Andrey Tsvetkov.

Taking into account the existing list of reports in the conference program, in my speech, apparently, the scientific aspects of the issues under discussion as a representative of the scientific and medical community should be sounded. But I, as well as everyone present here, also relate to the community of parents. And all the issues discussed here are quite relevant for me, since I am the father of eight children and the grandfather of three grandchildren.

All contradictions, in my opinion, arise because of a one-sided attitude towards infectious pathology. When the word “microbe” is pronounced, the overwhelming majority of people first of all have an idea of ​​it as the causative agent of infectious diseases. But the infectious process is a complex multifaceted process of interaction of a microorganism with a macroorganism. The science of immunology arose precisely because, despite other equal conditions for the occurrence of an infectious disease, all people were sick in different ways, and some did not get sick at all. This made it possible to understand that much in infectious pathology depends on the resistance or stability of the human body. It is worth remembering and deciphering the meaning of the terms themselves: infection, infectious process, infectious disease. Infection - translated as "introduction, penetration", which may not be accompanied by interaction with the body (transient bacteria, transient flora - temporarily present, removed, aliminated). infectious process is already a process of interaction between micro- and macroorganism in certain conditions environment, which has two extreme degrees of manifestation: an infectious disease and asymptomatic carriage. Given the above, according to most infectious disease specialists, the leading role in the occurrence of pathology is given to the state of resistance of the human body, which is called species immunity.

Also, we forget about biological role microorganisms in nature and representatives normal microflora in the human body. The founder of immunology I.I. Mechnikov said that "the role of microorganisms should be considered in the dialectical unity of the benefits and harm they bring." There are over 100 trillion bacteria in the human body. , which is ten times more than the number of cells in the human body. With each kiss, more than 40,000 germs, with each breath in our lungs flies about 15,000 microorganisms. All representatives of the microbial community that are part of the inhabited biotopes exist in the form of formed complex multifaceted relationships, which are called "quorum sensing" (social or collective behavior of bacteria). They have their own language of communication based on a sensory mechanism through the release of micromolecular substances. This phenomenon was described by scientists more than 30 years ago.

We can talk for a long time about the biological role of the intestinal microflora (whose biomass is from 1.5 to 3 kilograms), which takes part in digestion, vitamin and mineral metabolism, which performs a protective and detoxifying function; about the role of skin microflora, upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. But the main thing that we must remember is that all microorganisms are genetically determined, that is, predetermined in the human body. In the human genome there are more than 67,000 sequences, gene regions homologous to specific regions of the bacterial genome. As the science of gnotobiology has proven, sterile organisms without microbes do not live long and die quickly. If we talk about environment, it must be remembered that the biomass of bacteria exceeds the biomass of all living things (plants and animals combined). If all microbes on the planet disappear, the Earth will turn into a lifeless desert. Given this, it may be worth it in the year of ecology to stand up for the inhabitants of the microcosm (microcosm), with whom we are so stubbornly, all possible ways we're trying to fight.

The founder of the science of microbiology, Louis Pasteur, wrote, "microbes are infinitely small creatures that play an infinitely large role in nature." Everything said about bacteria in the light modern achievements the same can be said about viruses, given the discoveries in genetics and research in virology. After deciphering the human genome, it turned out that our structural and functional genes make up only about 10%, and the rest of the genes turned out to be similar to the genome of worms, plants, animals, bacteria and viruses. All these genes, due to the obscurity of their presence in the human genome, have been called "genetic garbage". Up to 20% of the genome of most cells are inactive and, according to scientists, are the genome of a variety of integrated pro-viruses and not only herpes viruses that are present in all cells of the human body.

These scientific discoveries are confirmed by the study by geneticists of the model of the symbiotic existence of bacteriophages with bacteria. This model turned out to be very convenient and informative for the study of heredity and variability. It served as the basis for the formation of an evolutionary trend in genetics in the 1950s and 1960s. In addition, it turned out that each bacterium is lysogenic (that is, it is a carrier of a bunch of bacteriophages integrated into its genome).

Bacteriophages can cause bacterial lysis, that is, death, as a result of their reproduction (or multiplication). But if it were them biological role, then taking into account the speed of their reproduction (several hundreds or thousands of new phages in a few hours), there would be no bacteria left at all. In addition, the phages themselves would cease to exist, since without a cell they would not be able to multiply and would turn into from being to substance.

Others, no less important property bacterial viruses is the ability to transfer genetic information from one cell to another (recombinative variability). The study of this ability made it possible to implement these properties in genetic engineering and biotechnology. The tool by which genetic engineers transfer information from one cell to another are vector phages. Currently, geneticists are conducting research and experiments on the use of human viruses (for example, adenoviruses) as similar tools for entering the necessary information into the genome of human cells.

Thus, taking into account all of the above, the attitude towards viruses can change radically, and this is reflected in the articles of Professor K.G. Umansky: « The presumption of innocence of viruses » or "Killer - Nobel Prize» over 30 years ago. As head of the laboratory of hazardous viral infections, he fully agreed with G. Selye's statement that many diseases are actually adaptation diseases, that is, deviations of the general adaptation syndrome, rather than the result of a direct damaging effect of pathogenic agents.

Hence the question arises: how best to protect yourself from infection, if almost all infectious agents are predetermined in our body?

Apparently, it is worth taking care of maintaining the factors at the proper level nonspecific resistance species immunity , that is natural sustainability, which will help to exist in harmony with the microworld.

I understand that I am in conflict with the existing views and beliefs, which are supported by the prevailing stereotypes of rendering medical care, that is, the fight against manifestations of pathology, implemented in symptomatic therapy but, according to Descartes, “In order to assimilate the truth, everyone must, at least once in his life, free himself from the ideas he has assimilated and completely rebuild his system of views.”

Perhaps it is worth thinking about the principle of preventive medicine and an in-depth study of human health, and not his illnesses, in order to implement the order of the Ministry of Health No. 113 of 2003 "On approval of the concept of health care to preserve the health of the nation", which focuses on non-drug principles of healing and self-healing .

The urgency of this problem is confirmed by the fact that, according to the data of the center studying the demographic situation in the Russian Federation, trend towards worsening health our children. Every third child has a serious deviation from the norm. Most often this is associated with respiratory pathology and diabetes mellitus. We all understand perfectly well that human health is laid down and formed in childhood, being solid foundation for the next decades.

What prevents our children from growing up healthy? The frequency of children's oncopathology, autism, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, atopy and other serious pathologies. Autoimmune mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of most of these diseases. Where does autoimmune pathology in our children? A few years ago, the program " Accessible environment”, which helps children with disabilities adapt to society in the process of receiving education and labor activity. This program came about precisely because the number of children with disabilities is steadily increasing!

Of course, environmental degradation and the impact of other adverse factors do not contribute to improving the health of children, but do not forget about certain factors associated with medical intervention aimed at immunoprophylaxis of certain infectious diseases.

For reasons unknown to me, these events still begin from the first days of a child's life in a maternity hospital (!), although this is not included in the list of services of an obstetric hospital engaged in obstetric care.

Need to remember features of immunity in a newborn child. He is born with all the protective antibodies available in the mother's body to the main spectrum of circulating microorganisms. This passive natural immunity is supported by breastfeeding with mother's milk. Therefore, no additional protection during this period is required for the child. In addition, create artificial immunity the first six months is ineffective due to physiological tolerance associated with the lack of cytokine-mediator regulation.

Given this, the question arises as to the need for early prevention diseases such as hepatitis B (first 24 hours) and tuberculosis (first week after birth).

Numerous studies indicate that by the age of 3, post-vaccination immunity to hepatitis B is no longer 80-85% of children, and by the age of five it is no longer at all. Given the epidemiology of this disease, the need for such early application this vaccine.

Leading experts in the field of immunology have always said that it is necessary individual approach to immunoprophylaxis. Immunity in children varies over a very wide range. This must be taken into account before starting vaccination.

Vaccination, according to Pasteur, is minor illness, which may have its own complications, especially in the body of a weakened child. Side effects of vaccines may also be associated with their concomitant components. (mercury preparations, hydroxidealuminium, formalin etc.) Complications can also be associated with poor product quality and residual virulence of pathogens.

The situation with the prevention of poliomyelitis made it possible to exacerbate all the accumulated long years Problems. It is in relation to this disease that there is an officially recognized medical term VAPP (Vaccine Associated Polio). And in the 1990s, the frequency of VAPP with OPV could reach 15%. Of course, irreversible cases of pathology leading to disability associated with the introduction of live attenuated virus naturally(orally) were isolated, in many European countries they refused to use the OPV vaccine, and in our country they plan to switch to IPV by 2019.

There are other officially recognized nosologies that arise as a result of the use of certain vaccine preparations, for example "Kaposi's vaccinal pustulosis" after the vaccine DTP.

In the practice of children's TB hospitals and forensic doctors enough BCG infections and lesions of the lymph nodes after the use of a live BCG vaccine.

Formation mechanism autoimmune pathology underlying many serious pathologies, may be associated with excessive artificial antigenic stimulation with vaccines in a child whose immunity is just being formed. Excess circulating antibodies and sensitized lymphocytes in the absence of a target will sooner or later react with self antigens. This is especially true of viral antigens, which are similar or even completely complementary to the antigens of the cells in which they multiply.

I started working at the Department of Microbiology in 1982, 35 years is enough time to study the issues of infectious pathology in depth. The dissertation was completed in the specialty of rheumatology and immunology. In addition, in 1987, 30 years ago, I attended the defense of the doctoral dissertation of the head of the department on the topic “Side effects of vaccines”, which indicates the relevance of this problem already in those years.

The concern of the parent community across the country has caused the activation Federal Service Rospotrebnadzor regarding compliance with the SanPin in the part related to the prevention of poliomyelitis. Any sane parent, after studying the information letters about the procedure for dissociating during the period of OPV vaccination of unvaccinated children, will no longer do these vaccines under any pretext, because, having studied this issue, they understand that the risk of VAPP is 3 times higher in vaccinated children . Perhaps we will hear comments on this issue in the report of one of the speakers. In addition, it adds fuel to the fire that the parents’ receipt that they take responsibility for the consequences and will not have any claims, the leaders educational institutions not accepted. This plan raises the question of the degree of responsibility of parents for the health of their children. How ethical this issue can be discussed with parents and representatives of the Office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights. And all this in the background open information that there have been no cases of poliomyelitis in the Yaroslavl region since 1950, and that Russia has been certified as a polio-free country since 2002.

We are currently living in an age information technologies. Any information, including medical information, can be obtained without leaving home, if there is a desire. Social networks allow parents to unite in entire communities throughout the country, not limiting them to districts and regions. Federal channels show cases of serious post-vaccination complications (Yulia Samoilova).

For example officially recognized VAPP for polio (VAPP - vaccine-associated, those. caused by vaccinationpoliomyelitis - approx. REEF) can explain the post-vaccination complications when using other live virus vaccines. For example, used for preventioninfluenza, measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox. I would especially like to draw attention toparotitis, a complication of which isdiabetes. All of the above viruses have the ability to infect glandular tissue. The use of these vaccines according to the vaccination schedule falls at the same time during the first year of a child's life.

Considering that the specific post-vaccination immunity is not a 100% guarantee of protection against the corresponding infection need to pay more attention to maintaining natural non-specific resistance species immunity in the child.

Enough to spend simple statistical study general morbidity of vaccinated and unvaccinated children based on the study of their outpatient cards to understand how important it is to take into account an individual approach to the formation of health in each child.

There has never been an official attempt to compare the vaccinated population with the unvaccinated population to find out what effect vaccines have on children and society. Independent private studies (Dutch and German) found that vaccinated children get sick much more than their unvaccinated peers.

Of course, the easiest way is to introduce mandatory universal vaccination, but then voluntary informed consent will not be required and all consequences for complications will be assigned to the state, and most importantly, the result of this preventive direction should be achieved - improving the health of children and adults. But against the backdrop of a reverse trend, this is unlikely to be achieved.

It is impossible to completely deny the principle of immunotherapy andimmunoprophylaxis. In some cases this the only way exclude or prevent pathology. But the approach to it, as to any other method of medical intervention, should be justified, balanced and taking into account individual features each patient what the principle of personalization requires medical services according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

Nadezhda Emelyanova, a pediatric neurologist, Moscow, says: “I worked as a pediatrician in a kindergarten and vaccinated children. At the institute, they literally explained to us how the immune system works, and now it’s strange to me why I was satisfied with these “explainers”.

If professors of immunology are perplexed about the complexity of immunity, discovering more and more new mechanisms in its functioning, admitting that they know very little about immunity, that vaccines are dangerous, then why did everything seem clear and simple to me?!

For example, here is what a doctor of medical sciences, professor, leading researcher at the laboratory of biotechnology at the Institute of Immunology of the State Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation writes. Ignatieva G.A.:

“Vaccination is theoretically the best method of immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis. But there are problems, the most difficult of which we will outline. The biggest of the difficult problems is the biological hazard of the vaccine preparations themselves, regardless of the target antigen. biotechnologies using animal sera and cells.As we know more and more, animals have infections such as prion and retroviral infections that are extremely dangerous for humans.It is fundamentally impossible to purify the vaccine from impurities potentially containing these infections (without losing the actual vaccinating antigen ) Such a serious concomitant phenomenon forces us to admit that, by vaccinating the population, medicine unconsciously violates the basic principle - "do no harm."

And now, when I hear from pediatricians that vaccines "train" the immune system, that they protect against infectious diseases, that vaccines are safe, I feel sad and anxious, because the price of such miserable "explainers" is children's health and children's lives. WHEN THE REVERSE SIDE OF THE VACCINATION WHICH IS NOT ADVERTISED AND IS NOT GIVEN AT THE INSTITUTE IS OPENED TO ME, I WAS TERRIBLE AND SHAMED. It’s scary, because I finally understood what I did with my own child, I understood where the “legs” of his sores grow from and what such “concern” for his health is fraught with. And it's a shame - because I, being a doctor, bearing responsibility for the health of the children entrusted to me, treated vaccination so thoughtlessly and lightly, and in fact, according to Mr. Onishchenko (the country's chief sanitary doctor), it is a "serious immunobiological operation."

Fragment of the transmission, in which Gennady Onishchenko, at the end of his career as chief sanitary doctor, tells the truth about bribing state officials of the Ministry of Health, that Russia has become a testing ground for vaccines by transnational corporations, about experiments on our children, about tests dangerous vaccines against cervical cancer, which lead to further infertility, etc.

Occupying the chair of the head of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, G. Onishchenko stated the opposite.

Here my pediatrician colleagues can reproach me: "It is clear that vaccination is not a game of spillikins, an individual approach is needed!" It's all about understanding the depth of the problem. After all, I also very strictly selected children for vaccination - a mandatory examination, thermometry, anamnesis (and so that no one in the family was sick, sneezed!), When necessary - tests, in a word, everything that can be done in a polyclinic ... But it is necessary to admit that these minimum data (and in the conditions of a polyclinic they are also maximum) do not say anything about the state of immunity and health in general in a particular child. And you don’t have to be deceived and deceive parents - even the detailed immunogram and consultation of the immunologist will not protect the child from the side effects of vaccines, will not give a guarantee that the vaccine will not provoke a serious autoimmune disease, that it will not tear off the subtle self -regulation mechanisms and the child will not develop diabetes, bronchial asthma will not develop , BLOOD CANCER OR ANOTHER INCURED DISEASE If parents really understood what kind of roulette they play, then many would think.. I understood and thought.

Now it is almost impossible to diagnose "Post-vaccination complication". The doctor who did this signs his own sentence, so no one makes such diagnoses in order to avoid trouble. Therefore, WE DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY THE CHILDREN AFFECTED BY VACCINATION REALLY ARE, AND WE THINK VERY FEW (one in a million) will "carry" this time too ... I saw a child, six months old, with whom on the third day after vaccination clinical death occurred. He was revived, but he will be an idiot because the cerebral cortex is dead. None of the doctors "remembered" that three days before clinical death he was vaccinated with DTP.

We have a lot of talk about the so-called concept of informed consent for medical interventions, in particular, for vaccinations. In fact, this is an empty phrase. A parent, wishing to vaccinate their child, should know that:

1. According to Russian law, HE HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE VACCINATION (for any reasons, including religious ones) and this REFUSAL WILL NOT CAUSE ANY CONSEQUENCES IN THE FORM OF NOT ADMISSION TO KINDERGARTEN, SCHOOL, INSTITUTE. And those citizens who obstruct such parents should deal with the prosecutor's office.

2. The parent must know that VACCINES ARE NOT MEDICINES, THEY ARE DANGEROUS AND BADLY INTERFERE WITH IMMUNE; should know what they consist of, how they are tested and what complications of vaccination exist. Therefore, the parent must give written consent to the vaccination and after reading and understanding that vaccines contain merthiolate, foreign DNA, that VACCINATION CAN PROVOKE DIABETES MELLITUS, CANCER, AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, CAUSE DEATH.

Therefore, I began to bring to the attention of parents the fact of the existence of the law "On Immunoprophylaxis", which gives the right to refuse. Many parents were surprised because they did not know that VACCINATION IS VOLUNTARY. They told me that they did not want to vaccinate the child (or in general, or with some specific vaccine) or wanted to postpone vaccination, but they were threatened that they would not take them to the garden without vaccinations, they would not give food in the dairy kitchen, and they agreed. I began to ask my parents if they knew about the composition of vaccines, about the methods of their production. After all, before giving a child some kind of medicine, everyone will look at its composition and possible side effects. It turns out that no one has ever seen annotations to vaccines before vaccination. No one has seen the usual annotations in which it is written in black and white what vaccines consist of and official complications for vaccination (for example, death).

One day, the head physician of a private medical center approached me and asked what right I had to give this information to my parents. I replied that it was my duty, first of all, to observe the principle of "do no harm", and the parent should know as much as possible in order to make an informed decision to vaccinate - not to vaccinate. The owner of this private center also "took care" and warned me that the center was working under the program of the Ministry of Health, so I should not give this information to my parents. The fact is that VACCINATION IS ALSO A PROFITABLE BUSINESS, a dose of vaccine can be bought in bulk for a hundred rubles, and "injected" - for a thousand. And what businessman does not like quick profits? They began to follow me, restricted access to documentation, motivating this with a "medical secret", I became disgusted and left.

I came to the children's polyclinic to work as a neurologist, thinking that now I would not be connected with vaccination as I was, working as a pediatrician in the garden and in the center. I immediately warned the head physician that I was wary of vaccination and considered it unacceptable to vaccinate children who were weakened, premature, with obvious neurological problems. The chief doctor agreed with me in many respects, said that he had always been against vaccination, that the famous pediatrician Dombrovskaya (his teacher) sharply criticized vaccinations, but the last diphtheria epidemic shook his confidence. He said that he would gladly take me, but he would re-educate me. The weekdays of a neurologist began. Neurologists are very cautious about vaccination, especially children with problems of the nervous system. It is known that latent or overt pathology of the nervous system after vaccination can manifest itself in the form of convulsive readiness. That is, vaccination can provoke epilepsy (the described complication of vaccination). In difficult and doubtful cases, I began to give medical exemptions for a month or two from vaccination. Parents asked what to do with the pediatrician, he insists on vaccination. I said YOU DECIDE, THE PEDIATRIST CAN ONLY RECOMMEND VACCINATION. She said that there is a law "On Immunoprophylaxis", on the basis of which it is possible to issue a refusal to vaccinate so that the pediatrician "lags behind". Head the polyclinic warned: "Step on the throat of your own song."

Once, at a consultation, there was a particularly difficult child threatened with cerebral palsy (in fact, already with cerebral palsy, but he will be diagnosed with such a diagnosis after a year), I forbade him to vaccinate, because against her background, cerebral palsy progresses sharply. They did not listen to me, then I told the head physician that I disclaim responsibility for such patients. So what are games really? The neurologist, realizing the severity of the damage to the nervous system and the unfavorable prognosis, gives a medical disqualification, and the pediatrician brushes him off like an annoying fly and vaccinates ... In general, they failed to re-educate me and they fired me.

Pediatricians in the clinic spend five to ten minutes for an appointment (in order to earn more on compulsory medical insurance), so a PEDIATRIST IS A CONVEYOR WORKER, HE HAS NO TIME TO THINK. Its main function is to vaccinate children, as other problems will be solved by narrow specialists, or by itself with the help of Kalpols, Claritins, Flemoxins. Before vaccination, the examination is carried out "by eye". After vaccination, the child's condition is not monitored, so the pediatrician does not associate the deterioration in the child's health with a recent vaccination. Neurologists are not in the best position - the one who thinks about the consequences of vaccination for a particular child gives a medical challenge, but the question of vaccination is decided by the pediatrician, who is "removed chips for under-coverage" by vaccinations. Therefore, at the next appointment, the neurologist gets an even bigger problem in the state of the child's health, but the decision on the next vaccination is again up to the pediatrician.

ONLY PARENTS CAN BREAK THIS VICIOUS CIRCLE, who understand that vaccination is "a complex immunobiological operation" and will not give permission to vaccinate their child if they think that it is necessary to wait or that vaccinations are harmful and they REFUSE to do them consciously. I have healthy unvaccinated children under my supervision - these are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT children...

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