How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home. Features of the use of a syringe. Warmth against inflammation

It is difficult to find a person who has not at least ever "run out of his nose", and there are hardly any people who would like it. Sinusitis, allergies or a cold can cause a runny nose. One of the most successful methods a treatment that can significantly alleviate your condition is considered to be a nasal douche or nasal rinse. How to clear the sinuses, read further in the article.

This method widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. And in the direction of yoga called “hatha yoga”, the procedure for washing the sinuses is the same regular hygienic action as washing or brushing your teeth.

How to wash the sinuses in the nose at home?

Nasal lavage is the irrigation of the sinuses with water or certain solutions for the treatment and prevention various diseases. This procedure allows you to remove dust and pathological secretions containing harmful microorganisms, as well as allergens, from the surface of the nasal mucosa. After a nasal shower, the inflammation of the mucous membrane and its swelling decrease, the functioning of the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane improves, the tone of the capillaries in the sinuses increases. As a result, the movement of mucus in the nasal cavity increases, which increases the body's ability to fight against various infections.

Rinse the nose is desirable for such diseases:

Sinus lavage technique

The correct technique for the implementation of the nasal shower is very important. The method of washing the sinuses at home consists of the following steps:

Draw the solution into a washer or small teapot. The tool must be room temperature.

Pick up a container of solution and lean over the sink or tub.

Place the spout of the teapot or rinsing device against your nostril and slowly pour liquid into it so that it immediately comes out of the other nostril.

Do the same with the second nostril.

Blow the rest of the liquid.

It should be noted that after this procedure it is undesirable to immediately go out or go to bed. Otherwise, you will not only not get the desired effect, but you can earn yourself various complications.

How to clean the sinuses with Furacilin at home?

Furacilin is antimicrobial agent, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. In order to clear the nose with a solution of furacilin, follow next steps.

Use ready-made Furacilin powder to prepare the solution. If it was not possible to buy furatsilin in the form of a powder, it does not matter, grind half a tablet of the drug to a powder state and dissolve it in one liter of warm boiled water (37-38 degrees) until completely homogeneous. The color of the liquid should be a moderate yellow. With the resulting solution, fill a special teapot for washing the nose or a syringe. It is possible to use a large syringe without a needle for the purpose of washing the sinuses.

Lean over a bathtub or sink and turn your head to the side, making sure that your head does not fall down, otherwise the liquid may enter through eustachian tubes into the middle ear cavity and cause an inflammatory process in it.

Carefully enter the entire contents of the container with Furacilin solution into both nostrils - 0.5 liters each. If you perform sinus rinsing correctly, then the solution will pour into one nostril and pour out the other. If you accidentally get the solution in your mouth, spit it out, as this remedy intended for external use only.

After completing the procedure, do not immediately go to bed, especially on your side. If necessary, compliance bed rest you can give an elevated position to the headboard. All these measures are taken, again, to prevent fluid from entering the middle ear.

Rinse your nose in this way for at least 5 days. Prepare a new solution each time. This method should be used along with other sinus treatments, such as drops and inhalations.

After the first procedure, you will notice an improvement in your condition. This method is quite effective for the purpose of freeing the sinuses from various secretions and pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, it helps to restore the functions of the nasal mucosa.

How to rinse the sinuses with the Cuckoo method?

Traditional medicine offers treatment by the method of "moving liquids along the Proetz", scientifically speaking, or, as the people say, the "cuckoo" method. To wash the nose, the patient is placed on his back. A disinfectant solution is poured into one nostril (most often, a solution of Chlorhexidine or Furacilin), and liquid is removed from the other with a special suction. To prevent the solution from getting into the respiratory tract, during the procedure, a person must constantly say “cuckoo”, hence the strange name of the method.

How to clean the sinuses with decoctions and infusions prepared at home?

You can flush the sinuses with a variety of medicinal solutions, which you can cook yourself or buy at a pharmacy.

  • A solution of ordinary table salt. Dilute salt boiled water at the rate of: a third of a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.
  • Solution sea ​​salt. Such salt can be bought at any pharmacy. Before use, dilute sea salt according to the same principle as regular salt.
  • Medical solutions for washing the nasal cavity. You can buy at the pharmacy different solutions ready to use. Can be purchased and essential oils with a variety of properties and odors. How to use both those and other means, you can read in the instructions for them.
  • Herbal solutions. They usually use plants such as string, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus leaf, St. John's wort. These herbs are infused and filtered through gauze before washing the sinuses. How to prepare this or that solution, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Among the means traditional medicine perfectly proven infusion of calendula. Add a few drops to a warm solution of flowers eucalyptus oil. Salt the infusion a little and inhale it with both nostrils. Although this procedure and is quite unpleasant, its effectiveness has been tested by the experience of many generations.
  • In addition to these funds, you can use infusions of St. John's wort, chamomile, succession, decoction of oak bark; washing with sea salt helps a lot.

Inflammatory processes in the nasal passages are treated quite easily, since there is always access directly to the affected area. But, if the disease spreads deeper, then inflammation develops already in the paranasal sinuses. This appears much more serious condition patient, and also significantly complicates treatment. AND main task any therapeutic manipulation in this case is washing the sinuses, the most complete removal of mucus and purulent discharge from them.

What are nasal sinuses?

The paranasal sinuses, or sinuses, are cavities in the body of the bones of the facial part of the skull.

From the inside, they are lined with a mucous membrane, which normally produces mucus that slowly flows into the nasal cavities.

The sinuses are not hermetic formations, but they communicate with the external environment through just a few small openings - anastomoses.

The diameter of these holes does not exceed 1-2 mm, and they are located deep in the nasal cavities.

There are 4 groups of such sinuses:

  • maxillary, or maxillary, located in the maxillary bone under each of the orbits;
  • frontal, located above the eye sockets in the body of the frontal bone;
  • trellised, located behind the bridge of the nose;
  • sphenoid, located deep in the skull in the body of the sphenoid bone.

Due to this anatomical location and the narrowness of the excretory channels, there are, strictly speaking, no reliable ways to clear the sinuses at home. Directly inside the sinuses can only be penetrated with the help of medical manipulations. But it is quite possible to facilitate the removal of pus or mucus on your own.


The first task that needs to be solved to ensure the flushing of the sinuses is the release of the excretory tract. The swelling of the mucous membrane of both the paranasal sinuses and the nasopharynx leads to the fact that these already small openings completely overlap. Therefore, any other cleaning methods will not be effective if the purulent and mucous contents have nowhere to go, and medicinal substances unable to penetrate the sinus.

Edema is easiest to remove with the help of conventional pharmaceutical products that have a vasoconstrictive effect. These can be drugs such as naphthyzinum, galazolin, etc. By narrowing the diameter of the vessels, they reduce their permeability to fluid, which leads to a rapid decrease in the swelling of the surrounding tissues.

. But it will be effective only if all the mucus is previously removed from the nasal passages, and the sinus fistulas are open.

Important! Use these herbs only in the absence of an allergic reaction to them.

To prepare the infusion, mix 2 tablespoons of dry chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort and lavender, as well as 1 tablespoon of noble yarrow and succession.

Take 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture, place in an enamel or glass bowl and pour in 2 liters of boiling water. Close the dish with a lid, wrap in a large towel and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then cover your head with a towel, bend over the container and inhale the vapors herbal infusion nose.

In addition, you can also inhaled with a pair of calendula tincture, a few drops of which should be dissolved in boiling water. During such procedures, the couple medicinal herbs will penetrate into the nose and further - into the paranasal sinuses. As it cools, the vapor condenses on inner surface sinuses and thins mucus and pus, providing easier and simpler removal through fistulas. A pharmachologic effect herbal remedies helps to relieve inflammation and destroy pathogens, which most often cause pus.

Inhalations with propolis

The effect of this procedure when washing the sinuses at home is based on the effect of the volatile components of propolis, which can penetrate into the sinuses. You will need 2 teaspoons of a solution of propolis in alcohol, which is sold in pharmacies. Pour them into 2 liters of boiling water, and then immediately cover your head with a towel, lean over the pan and inhale the vapors. Another way to carry out inhalations with propolis is to soak it with ointment. cotton swabs, which should then be inserted for 5 minutes in both nostrils.

Remember that this method is best not used in children. early age, since almost all bee products have an increased allergenic effect and can provoke adverse reactions physiologically immature immune system child.

Saline solutions are widely used for cleaning the nasal cavities, but they can also be useful when removing contents from the paranasal sinuses.

Their action in this case will be based on the hygroscopic properties of salt - its ability to absorb and "pull" any liquid fractions onto itself.

The liquid itself, of course, will practically not get into the sinus, but on the other hand it will create specific chemical and physical conditions that enhance the excretion of mucus.

You can use any saline solutions:

  1. Isotonic sodium chloride solution, or saline (9 grams edible salt per 1 liter of water)
  2. Dry sea salt solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water)
  3. Concentrated saline solution (2 tablespoons of table salt per 0.5 liters of water)
  4. Ready-made salt mixtures purchased in pharmacies, etc.

Intensive washing

The essence of this method is to submit nasal cavity and nasopharynx a large number of medicinal substances in the hope that at least some of their volume will penetrate into the sinuses.

Of course, before washing the sinuses at home in this way, care should be taken to ensure that their fistulas are freed from mucus.

Take a rubber syringe bulb and fill it with antiseptic liquid. It can be:

  • infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula;
  • saline solutions;
  • furatsilin;
  • purchased medicines, for example, chlorophyllipt, etc.

Then insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril and squeeze the bulb tightly. The jet of solution should penetrate deep into the nasal cavity.

This method is very effective, but it can only be carried out in a hospital. Catheters are introduced into the patient's nostrils, one of which furatsilin is fed under pressure, and the liquid that has passed through the nasal passages is intensively aspirated by vacuum suction through the other. Strengthening the removal of pus and mucus from the sinuses is achieved here by creating a pressure difference in the sinus and nasal passages. For final cleaning, 5-7 procedures will be required.

The technique received an unusual name due to the fact that during its implementation, the patient should repeat the sound “cuckoo” all the time.

This prevents the pressurized pharmacological agent from flowing into the laryngeal cavity.

Sinus catheter "Yamik"

This device is also used in a hospital and works due to the pressure difference. One latex balloon, located on the back of the catheter, is inserted deep into lower part nasal canal, where it swells, blocking the nasopharynx. The second balloon hermetically seals the nostril and a syringe is inserted through it, pumping air out of the nasal cavity, creating a very low pressure in it. And normally, the pressure in the sinus, as it were, "pushes" the mucus and pus outward, where this discharge enters the syringe. This lavage of the sinuses is performed under local anesthesia.

Surgical methods

All of the following procedures are carried out only in a medical hospital.

Balloon sinusoplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. In its course, the fistulas expand by introducing a balloon catheter into them, which expands for no more than 5 seconds, and then deflates and is removed from the nose, leaving the sinus passages open. Then, through them, the sinuses are washed with antiseptics and injected into them. pharmacological preparations. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and endoscopic control.

A paranasal sinus puncture is a very reliable, but traumatic way to clear the sinuses.

It is applied mainly in emergency cases with extensive inflammation of the sinuses with copious excretion pus.

After puncturing the sinus wall with a needle under local anesthesia, all the contents are sucked out of it, and then injected medications. If the course of treatment requires several flushes, then a catheter may be left in the hole for a while. Finally, if all of the above methods are ineffective, the most viable option how to clear the sinuses of the nose from pus - direct surgical intervention with opening of the paranasal sinuses. It involves the removal of a section of the sinus wall, which provides direct access to it for instruments and medicines.

There are frequent cases when the peak of sinusitis is already behind, and thick, viscous, hard-to-remove mucus still remains in the nose. The usual blowing of the nose in this situation does not save, therefore, it is necessary to carry out cleansing, washing the sinuses. It allows you to get rid of mucus and restore normal nasal breathing.

For cleaning, you can do washing, warming up, consume products that remove thick mucus.

Result from sinus cleansing

Cleansing the sinuses, including the maxillary sinuses, has several beneficial properties:

  • Improves breathing through the nose;
  • Reduces swelling;
  • Helps to clear the sinuses from "uninvited guests" - viruses, bacteria and fungus;
  • Removes mucus;
  • Restores the immunity of the nose and sinuses;
  • Can be used to prevent recurrence of the disease.


Washing helps to clean the nose and sinuses perfectly. It not only mechanically cleans the nose, but also introduces medicinal substances into it. The procedure has practically no contraindications and can be used for a long time.

How to rinse your nose

Washing methods

You can rinse your nose in several ways:

  1. Pour the solution into a bowl or bowl. Then close one nostril by pressing a finger on the wing of the nose, bend over the pelvis and open nostril draw in the solution. For each nostril, 5-10 washes should be done, after which it is good to blow your nose.
  2. Instill the solution into the nose with a pipette. To do this, you need to tilt your head, drip 5 drops into each nasal passage and blow your nose well. For young children, preschoolers, the only safe and permitted method of washing is the injection of a pharmacy spray.
  3. Dial the solution into a medical pear (syringe), tilt your head to the side and pour it into the upper nostril. For the procedure at home, you can use a special Chinese teapot.
  4. With the help of steam inhalation. Inhalations contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and thin the purulent mucus even in the most secluded corners of the paranasal sinuses. Inhalation should be done for 10-15 minutes. After steam inhalation clearing the nasal cavity of mucus is much easier.


  • Allergy to the solution used for washing;
  • Tumor diseases of the nasal cavities;
  • Edema that is not relieved by rinsing or vasoconstrictor drops;
  • Significant curvature of the nasal septum;
  • Frequent nosebleeds;
  • Inflammation of the ear this moment, chronic otitis;
  • Hole of the tympanic membrane.

Folk remedies for washing the nose

Folk remedies are ideal for washing the sinuses and nose at home. These recipes have been tested by several generations of people, have proven efficacy and safety. Healing substances plants help relieve inflammation, kill viruses and bacteria, strengthen local immunity.

Decoctions from medicinal plants

When using decoctions from plants, you need to make sure that they do not cause allergies.

  • chamomile - relieves inflammation.
  • sage - the essential oils contained are anti-inflammatory and mild
  • bactericidal effect.
  • Kalanchoe - relieves inflammation, has an irritating effect.
  • eucalyptus - expectorant effect.
  • series - expectorant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • calendula - relieves inflammation and disinfects.

Recipe: brew a tablespoon of dry raw materials in one glass of boiling water. Hold for 10 minutes in a water bath and strain after half an hour.

Decoctions can be used to cleanse the sinuses by drawing water through the nostrils. Nose cleaning can be done up to 6 times a day.

vegetable juices

It is recommended to use freshly squeezed onion, carrot and beetroot juice. The juice, getting on the nasal mucosa, causes irritation, which reflexively leads to sneezing and promotes the excretion of mucus.
Juices can be instilled into the nose as drops. Onion is recommended to be diluted with water.

Medications for flushing

You can clear your nose with furacilin or soda. A solution of furacilin in silicone or glass packaging can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared from tablets. For this you need in one glass warm water dissolve 2 crushed tablets of furacilin. Stir the solution well before use and strain. It is possible to wash the maxillary sinuses with furatsilin up to three times a day for one week.

For cooking soda solution a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a glass of warm water. It is better to use not water, but a decoction from some medicinal plant(calendula, chamomile). If desired, sodium bicarbonate solution can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Soda does not replace salt, as it does not affect swelling and inflammation. Soda has a different mechanism of action - it is involved in the breakdown of bonds of thick, purulent mucus.

Saline solutions

Saline and preparations based on it are the most recognized and commonly used means for washing the sinuses at home. Weak concentrated solution suitable for use for preventive purposes, concentrated - for removal from maxillary sinuses pus.

Types of saline solutions:

  1. Saline. Available facility, contains a physiological concentration of salt. Liquefies mucus, soaks crusts, flushes out bacteria and viruses.
  2. Salt solution. You need to take sea salt. For use with preventive purpose dilute one teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water, to cleanse the maxillary sinuses from pus - a teaspoon of salt without a slide in a glass of water. Sea salt has a number useful properties helping to cope with inflammatory process in sinuses.
  3. Drops and sprays. There are many sinus lavage drops to choose from. suitable remedy according to their financial capacity.

In order to wash the sinuses from mucus, viruses, prevent colds, you can use isotonic solutions (0,6–0,9%):

  • Salin;
  • Rhinolux;
  • But-salt;
  • Humer isotonic;
  • Otrivin Baby. Otrivin Baby and Humer is perfect for even the smallest patients.

To clean the sinuses from purulent contents, eliminate nasal congestion and edema, it is necessary to use hypertonic solutions with salt concentration up to 2.6%:

  • Quicks is the sales leader;
  • Aqua Maris is the sales leader;
  • Aqualor - there are several varieties of the drug, each is selected according to the nature of the discharge;
  • Humer hypertonic;
  • Dolphin, in addition to a unique complex of minerals, contains extracts of medicinal plants.


A traditional Russian bath helps to clear the sinuses and strengthen the immune system. You are allowed to go to the bath normal temperature body. The high temperature and humidity of the bath air perfectly warm up the body, moisturize the respiratory tract. It is very easy to blow your nose after the bath, the nose breathes perfectly even without instillation of vasoconstrictor drops.

warming up

When sinusitis and heat behind, all symptoms are gone and only thick discharge- the nose can be warmed up. Warming up improves the separation of mucus from the nasal walls. For the procedure, it is recommended to use boiled eggs, potatoes in their skins, red-hot coarse salt and salt heaters. It is better to warm the nose before a night's sleep, keep the heat source until it cools down completely.

Nasal drops

Strengthen local immunity drops with cyclamen. As a result, the mucosa begins to work itself in an enhanced mode, and the mucus comes out spontaneously.

Astringent drops based on iodine - Protargol and Kollargol can remove thick residual snot.

You can try vasoconstrictor drugs, but they do not always help.


To clear the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses will help the use of horseradish, onions and garlic. They strengthen the immune system, help fight viruses and bacteria, are sources of vitamins and phytoncides. The use of onions, garlic and horseradish causes sneezing, and it contributes to a good separation of sputum.

  1. 2-3 times a day you need to eat chopped horseradish. Better yet, mix it with lemon.
  2. In the morning and evening, it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic or half a medium onion.
  3. Twice a day, consume 1-2 tablespoons of a mixture of onions with honey.

Also, to reduce the viscosity of the secret, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of flour and starchy foods, and give preference to vegetables and fruits.

Sinus cleansing is prerequisite recovery, prevention of congestion, an obstacle to the formation of cysts. Proven to be the most effective joint action several methods that can be combined or applied alternately.

With sinusitis, regular washing of the sinuses gives relief. You can gradually remove pathological contents using medical procedures carried out in a hospital setting. However, cleaning the maxillary sinuses at home is also not difficult. If the disease is in advanced stage, then in this case self-treatment is inappropriate. And here during periods of remission, clean the sinuses with antiseptic solutions and folk remedies very helpful.

Is it possible to wash the sinuses with sinusitis

Self-cleaning of the sinuses during exacerbations is possible, but this procedure must be approved by a doctor. It is very important to do the flushing correctly so that it gives relief, and does not lead to deterioration.

Rules for cleaning the nose with sinusitis

With sinusitis, the sinuses can be washed at home, but there is important nuances to pay attention to:

  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to completely remove the mucosal edema. To do this, it is enough to spray vasoconstrictor drops into the nose for 10-20 minutes. before washing. Breathing through the nose must be free, otherwise the saline solution may linger in the sinuses, and this will aggravate the stagnant process.
  2. It is better to rinse the nose with a 5-cc syringe or from a special teapot. Otolaryngologists do not recommend using rubber bulbs and syringes for this. These items are difficult to sterilize, and there is a risk of infection.
  3. After each washing, you need to blow your nose well, but do it without effort. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to tilt your head and sit for 5 minutes so that the remaining solution flows out freely.

Step-by-step instructions for washing the sinuses at home

How to wash the maxillary sinuses at home:

  1. First you need to warm up the saline so that it is warm, but in no case hot. Prepare salt water it is not recommended on its own - this requires sterile dishes, boiled water, calcined salt. It is much easier and more reliable to buy a bottle of saline.
  2. Then draw from a bottle of warm saline solution full 5cc syringe, tilt your head to the side and pour the contents of the syringe into the nostril. In this case, you need to say “ku-ku” or strain the palate so that the water does not flow down back wall pharynx, and freely exited from the other nostril.
  3. After that, you need to immediately blow your nose and do the same manipulations with the other nostril. In order to clear the nose, it is enough to pour 2-3 syringes into each nasal passage.

The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

Cleaning the sinuses at home can be carried out strictly on the recommendation of an otolaryngologist. At acute sinusitis this procedure can contribute to an increase in the accumulation of purulent contents in the sinus cavities, since the nasal passages are very narrow, and this does not allow fluid to flow out freely. Therefore, when severe swelling, which is not completely removed vasoconstrictor drugs, you can not wash your nose yourself.

Cleansing of stagnant mucus with cyclamen-based sprays

Sinus cleansing can be done with cyclamen products.. Most effective remedy, which uses good reviews This is Sinuforte. In order to clean the maxillary sinuses at home, the drug must be used as follows:

  • first of all, you need to blow your nose well and use vasoconstrictor drops;
  • when the swelling subsides, and the nose begins to breathe freely, you need to slightly tilt your head forward and make one or two injections of Sinuforte spray into each nostril;
  • after that, you should immediately throw your head back so that the tip of your nose looks at the ceiling, and sit like that for a minute;
  • when the drug begins to act, a burning sensation in the nose may be felt;
  • after a minute of sitting with your head thrown back has passed, you need to bend over the sink and blow your nose well. It is necessary to blow out the nostrils well, but without effort, closing them one by one.

As a rule, after the first use, yellow-green mucus begins to come out of the nose, which accumulates in the sinuses with sinusitis. Immediately after the procedure, the patient often begins to sneeze, as the mucosa is irritated due to exposure to cyclamen extract.

Homemade sinus lavage gives positive result with catarrhal and chronic form sinusitis. It is useful to do this when a person is healthy, as with the help of cleansing, pathogenic flora and local immunity is strengthened.

Acute sinusitis involves treatment within the walls of a hospital. The sinuses are cleared using the Proets flushing procedure, popularly called the "cuckoo", or Yamika catheter. It is enough to go through 5-7 procedures for washing the sinuses with these methods, and recovery occurs. If the disease is advanced, the patient is punctured and the mucus and pus are washed out of them directly with a solution of an antibiotic and an antiseptic.

Folk sinus cleaning methods

Folk methods treatment of chronic sinusitis is not welcomed by many otolaryngologists, however, according to reviews, regular washing of the maxillary sinuses with beetroot juice, cyclamen root, propolis, and other means.

beet juice

The main requirement for treatment with any folk remedy is the safety of the procedure. At chronic diseases top respiratory tract it is recommended to take courses of treatment at least 4 times a year.

To free the sinuses from pus and mucus, you can use beet juice. Cleaning goes like this:

  • It is necessary to peel one beet and grate it on a grater. Then squeeze the juice, boil and cool it, and then drip 5 drops into each nostril.
  • Beetroot juice can be combined with saline in a 50/50 ratio. Add a spoonful of honey to one glass of the resulting liquid. Boil the product and rinse the nose, as described in the instructions above.
  • Washing the maxillary sinuses can be done beetroot broth. For this, 1 kilogram of root crops needs to be washed and boiled well. The water in which the beets were boiled should be cooled, and then rinsed with her nose with a syringe or teapot.

Cyclamen juice slightly irritates the nasal mucosa, liquefies the contents of the sinuses and pulls it out. Therefore, this tool is used in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of drugs in pharmaceuticals.

Getting a cyclamen root is not easy - you either need to grow a flower yourself, or purchase it from trusted flower growers. When the tubers are already in your hands, you can treat sinusitis using the following recipes:

  1. Bury cyclamen juice diluted in a ratio of 1:5 into the nostrils. To do this, squeeze the juice and mix it with warm boiled water. Then you need to lie down, throw back your head and drip 5 drops of the product into each nasal passage. You can also make two wicks, moisten it in the prepared solution and put them in the nostrils for 10 minutes.
  2. Prepare an ointment based on Vishnevsky's ointment with the addition of aloe juice, Kalanchoe, onion and cyclamen. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Then cotton turundas are made, which are moistened in ointment and placed in the nasal passages for 20 minutes.

After the procedure starts frequent sneezing and discharge of stagnant mucus and pus from the nose.

Bath for the head according to Malakhov

Another method of cleansing the sinuses at home is the so-called head bath for sinusitis according to Malakhov. This method is more extreme, since a temperature difference is used to thin the mucus.

  1. First step: heat a pot of water and hold your head over the steam, covering yourself with a towel or blanket. Then you need to rinse your head lightly cool water. You need to alternate these two actions three times.
  2. The second stage: rinse the nose with saline, trying to draw it in through one nostril while closing the other. After each washing, you need to blow your nose well.

It is better to postpone any extreme procedures of traditional medicine until going to the doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment and give advice on the prevention of sinusitis.

Precautionary measures

In order not to harm yourself and not aggravate the course of the disease, but rather speed up recovery, you must adhere to the following warnings and recommendations:

  • do not warm up the sinuses and refuse any thermal procedures when elevated temperature, in the presence of yellow discharge and at the beginning respiratory disease. During an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, they are also prohibited;
  • monitor the humidity in the room - it should be at least 60%. To do this, it is advisable to purchase a hygrometer and a humidifier;
  • drink more liquid- at least 1.5 liters per day. This contributes to the thinning of the mucus and its release to the outside.

It is possible to wash the nose with sinusitis at home, but only with the permission of the attending otolaryngologist. To do this, there are a lot of folk remedies and recipes, but it is best to give preference to pharmacy saline. Sinus clearance is good remedy with catarrhal and chronic sinusitis. If we are talking about an exacerbation - you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses located in the maxillary region is accompanied by thick green-yellow purulent discharge, headaches, fever and general weakness. The patient is tormented by nasal congestion and a feeling of fullness in the area where they swell soft tissues. dock acute attack you need antibiotics and antiseptics, and you can treat the remaining symptoms of sinusitis at home.

Otolaryngologist: to go or not to go

People who do not have medical education, unable to supply correct diagnosis. Even if all signs point to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the disease should be confirmed by an otolaryngologist. The doctor takes a history and sends the patient for an x-ray to check if the pus is stagnant. If the sinuses are clogged and their contents cannot come out, the patient is prescribed a referral to the physiotherapy room, where the secretions are sucked off with a special apparatus. Additionally, antibiotics and antiseptic solutions for washing to remove inflammation, antifungal or antiseptic, if an infection was found in the maxillary sinuses.

Allergy disease is treated antihistamines. If necessary, the patient is prescribed painkillers. Alternative methods can relieve the symptoms of sinusitis, but decoctions and other recipes should be combined with antibiotics and physiotherapy.

Warmth against inflammation

When the disease is acute stage Do not use salt bags or eggs. Purulent discharge that are in the sinuses stagnate because swelling does not allow them to come out. Heat worsens the patient's well-being and contributes to the spread of infection to neighboring organs: ears, brain or membrane. The patient runs the risk of becoming the owner of otitis media, encephalitis or even meningitis.

You can warm up the maxillary sinuses when edema subsides, and pus will flow out without obstacles. Heat treatment is recommended for initial stage, or when the feeling of fullness disappears and the temperature returns to normal. There are several heating options:

  • quartz blue lamps;
  • hot boiled eggs;
  • sand, buckwheat or salt;
  • warm compresses;
  • clay or paraffin.

Black radish also has disinfecting and warming properties. Depending on the method, you will need from 10 and more procedures so that the disease recedes, and well-being improves.

eggs and salt

warming up quartz lamp carried out in a physiotherapy room. The alternative is to buy a mini appliance for home use which is suitable even for children. But spending money on an expensive device is not necessary when you have sand or salt and a frying pan at hand.

The dry ingredient should be enough for two small bags the size of the maxillary sinuses. Do not grease the pan with oil or water, heat it up, and then pour sand or buckwheat. Stir until product is hot. Salt should become brownish, and buckwheat almost black.

Pour the filler into bags or pieces of fabric, which are pulled together with ropes so that the dry substance does not spill out. If the salt is too hot, wrap it in terry towel. Apply to nose and hold for at least 15 minutes.

In a similar way, the maxillary sinuses are heated with boiled eggs. Pulled out of the pan, wrapped in a towel and applied. You can also cool the product a little, peel it and roll it on problem areas until they cool down. Either of the two options gives a good result.

Paraffin and radish
If after the usual warming up the state of health does not improve, it is recommended to try the option with paraffin. Melt the substance in a water bath and apply with a culinary brush to the maxillary sinuses. You should get a centimeter layer, which is covered with wax paper on top to make it easier to remove, and wrapped with a woolen scarf. Lie with such a mask for about an hour, repeat daily.

On the market for sale excellent tool from inflammation in the maxillary sinuses - black radish. The root crop is not cleaned, only the dirt is washed off under running water. Grate the product to get a uniform mass. Take two small pieces of cotton fabric and put 2 tablespoons of radish porridge on them. Tie in the form of bags and attach to the maxillary sinuses. Lubricate the skin with vegetable oil or baby cream beforehand, because the juice burns strongly and causes irritation. Cover the bags with parchment paper and a woolen scarf. It will be hard to breathe, but you need to pat for about 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is carried out before going to bed, because after the radish you can not go out into the cold and drafts. It is impossible for the juice to fall on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Washing and compresses

Nasal passages must be cleaned before heating. The most common recipe consists of a glass of boiled water, a teaspoon of table or sea salt, 3 drops of iodine and the same amount of propolis or calendula tincture. The solution is injected into the nasal passages with a syringe or a small pear, which is designed specifically for washing the maxillary sinuses.

One nostril is plugged and the other is sucked in. Rinse until the solution runs out. You can prepare a remedy for cleansing the maxillary sinuses from herbs. Recommend stocking up:

  • sage;
  • horsetail;
  • chamomile;
  • a mixture of tansy and plantain leaves;
  • St. John's wort or yarrow;
  • mint and lemon balm are suitable;
  • celandine and swamp cudweed.

Herbal decoctions can not be used for sinusitis, which has arisen on the background of allergies. First, they check how the body reacts to a particular plant, and then prepare tea for washing.

Other solution options
You can remove swelling and soothe inflamed mucous membranes with freshly squeezed carrot and beetroot juice. A weak solution of potassium permanganate has antimicrobial properties. No less effective is a mixture of boiled water with salt and soda: 10 g of each dry ingredient per glass of liquid.

Recommend to try water infusion calendula, to which 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil are added. Salt the solution and "inhale" 3 times a day. Propolis is used instead of calendula: 15 drops alcohol tincture for 200 ml of warm water. Plus a teaspoon of salt with 2 drops of iodine.

Furacilin can remove inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Crush half a tablet and dissolve in 500 ml of boiled water. The liquid should be cooled to 40–37 degrees. It is advisable to use the entire solution at a time.

Tip: Tilt your head to one side when rinsing so that the liquid does not flow into the middle ear. Pour the solution into the nostril, which turned out to be higher. It is impossible to lie down on a bed or sofa immediately after the procedure, it is better to walk around or sit a little.

We treat sinusitis with compresses
You will need a large or medium-sized bulb. Wrap the product together with the peel in a piece of cloth and beat it with a rocking chair or hammer until it becomes gruel. Lubricate the forehead with vegetable oil, put a bag of onions on it. Protect eyes from juice with cotton swabs. Keep the compress for 5 minutes. Approximately half an hour after the procedure, an intensive outflow of pus begins.

Cooking therapeutic compress from flour and baked pork fat. Fry a piece of unsalted fresh bacon in a pan. Sift flour and add to it liquid fat, form a thick cake from the ingredients. Put it on the maxillary sinuses, covering with plastic wrap. Leave all night.

The third option consists of 2 crushed garlic cloves and a teaspoon of real butter, melted in a water bath. You should get a thick slurry, which thin layer applied to the sinuses located under the eyes.
Fix the garlic on the face with plastic wrap, cover with a scarf and spend the whole night with such a bandage. In the morning, remove the gruel, boil a few potatoes in uniforms and breathe over the steam. Repeat the procedure for 3 days in a row, take a break for 4 days, repeat if necessary.

To stimulate the discharge of pus, it is advised to try an ointment from a tablespoon of honey, to which 10 g of fine table salt is added. The mass is applied in a thin layer to the maxillary sinuses, wrapped with polyethylene and a woolen scarf. Need to be accepted sitting position or walk around the room, lying is prohibited. Pus will begin to come out after 2-3 hours, then the honey compress is removed.

Drops and ointments from sinusitis

Rosehip oil has soothing and wound-healing properties, so it is instilled into the nasal passages 4-5 times a day. The tool is suitable even for babies over 2 years old. Instead of oil, homemade drops are also used, which are prepared from improvised ingredients.

We treat sinusitis with honey
You will need part of the celandine juice and 2 parts of aloe with melted honey. The components, brought to a homogeneous state, are instilled three times a day. Inject 8 drops into each nostril.

The second recipe consists of strong black tea and an alcohol tincture of eucalyptus. The components are mixed in equal proportions, the same amount of honey is added and poured into a darkened bottle. Twice a day, 3 drops.

Heat an enameled bowl in a water bath. Pour a teaspoon of oil, olive will do, and if not, sunflower. Add 10 ml of honey and stir gently. Pour 10 ml of warm mixture into each nostril. Repeat the procedure three times a day after each wash.

Onion, Birch tar and sunflower oil

Buy dried rosemary at the pharmacy, measure out 2 tablespoons and pour into glass jar. Pour 100 ml of warm sunflower oil. Instead of wild rosemary, use chopped bay leaves. Infuse the medicine for 10 days, use instead of pharmacy drops.

Sinusitis is also treated with purified birch tar: 3-4 times a day, 3 drops. The procedure is carried out every other day for 2-3 weeks.

Cooking medicinal drops from propolis. You will need a piece of the ingredient weighing 40–50 g. Boil 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, mix with propolis. Three times a day, 1 drop.

Heat 30 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath. Pour in a tablespoon of freshly squeezed onion juice. In each nostril, 5 drops of the cooled agent are instilled. The course lasts exactly 7 days.

Ointment for sinusitis
Mix 30 g of shavings from household or tar soap with a spoonful of milk and vegetable oil. Add 25 ml of honey and melt all ingredients on steam bath. Pour in 30 ml of medical alcohol and onion juice. The thickened mass is impregnated with cotton swabs, which are inserted into both nostrils for 15-20 minutes.

An alternative recipe consists of soda, honey and vegetable oil. The components are taken in equal proportions, and swabs soaked in the agent are injected into only one nostril. If the right turn has come, you need to lie on your left side, and then vice versa. Some natural remedies help with sinusitis butter. Cut off a piece the size of a pea, insert into one nostril and go to bed. The next night, treat another maxillary sinus. It will take 8 procedures.

Simultaneously with the treatment of sinusitis, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system so that the body can more easily deal with the problem. And after recovery, it is advisable to make an appointment with the dentist and seal everything carious teeth that can lead to relapse.

Video: how to forget about a runny nose and sinus forever

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