Treatment of hemorrhoids at home

Hello dear readers. Today I would like to touch on a topic that may not be very pleasant for many, this is the treatment of hemorrhoids at home, as well as in various other ways. Unfortunately, in our time, this disease is more and more progressing from our modern life.

So let's try to figure it out.

Hemorrhoids (from Latin - haemorrois) is a disease from the field of proctology. It occurs as a result of obstruction of normal blood circulation in the lower intestine - in the vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexus.

Manifestations of pathology are varicose veins and their thrombosis, as well as the formation of hemorrhoids. The disease can be accompanied by bleeding, pain, and complications such as iron deficiency anemia.

According to statistics, approximately one fifth of the world's population suffers from this pathology. At risk are, as a rule, mature people aged 45-50 years.

Unfortunately, there is a tendency to “rejuvenate” the disease, which means that people younger than this age are increasingly seeking medical help in connection with this problem.

Hemorrhoids are distinguished by the location of the hemorrhoids:

  1. External (anal), when hemorrhoids protrude outward in the form of seals.
  2. Internal - when hemorrhoids form in the depths of the rectum and are not amenable to visual detection.
  3. Combined - the nodes are located both inside and outside the opening of the rectum.

  • The primary symptoms are discomfort in the anus.

This is a feeling of heaviness (as if there is a foreign body in the rectum), burning, flushing of the skin in the anus, as well as itching, mucous discharge and pain (drawing or cutting pain), constipation is possible.

The complex of sensations both precedes defecation and continues after it, as a result of which the patient suffers even at rest.

  • An extremely alarming symptom is bleeding, which can occur regardless of defecation.

The reason for bleeding is that the walls of blood vessels are covered with micro-ruptures resulting from the expansion of hemorrhoids. Expansion occurs under the influence of stagnant blood in the nodes.

The consequence of the appearance of micro tears is the seepage of blood into them, and in especially severe cases, bleeding that can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

  • Bleeding is typical only for internal and combined forms of hemorrhoids. Edema is characteristic of the external form.
  • With the development of the disease, hemorrhoids go outside the anus - this process is called prolapse. The probability of falling out increases with physical exertion and even strong attempts during bowel movements. The process may be accompanied by acute pain and fever.

The development of the disease takes place in 4 stages with progressive symptoms:

  1. Mild symptoms: the appearance of the first nodes, a feeling of discomfort, which can periodically manifest itself and weaken. Diagnosing the disease at this stage is difficult because people often tend to ignore symptoms until a certain time.
  2. Hemorrhoids at this time begin to fall out, which is sometimes accompanied by minor bleeding. With timely medical intervention, the disease at this stage can be successfully treated.
  3. Significant fallout is recorded, which can be provoked by minimal physical activity. Edema, fever, heavy bleeding.
  4. Hemorrhoids protrude strongly outward, the patient experiences severe pain. All this is accompanied by intense bleeding, which can lead to even more serious complications.

Medical intervention needed

In addition to the four stages, the course of hemorrhoids can take place with different intensity and be either pronounced (acute hemorrhoids) or mild, when symptoms appear sporadically (chronic hemorrhoids).

Chronic pathology is dangerous because at any time the disease can turn into an acute form, so you should regularly conduct preventive examinations with a doctor and avoid excessive physical exertion.

Genesis factors

There are a number of factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure, contributing to the development of the disease.

The hereditary tendency of the body to the appearance of hemorrhoids significantly increases the risk of developing pathology. In this case, it is transmitted to the disease itself, as such, but to a certain genetic material that contains a tendency to hemorrhoids.

For example, genetic material can carry congenital vascular dysfunction and a tendency to form blood clots. As a result of over-intensive blood flow or its difficult passage and outflow through the cavernous veins, these veins are stretched, their walls are deformed and lose their elasticity.

They become thinner and blood penetrates into the gaps in the walls of blood vessels - bleeding occurs, which gradually increases as the disease develops.

A decrease in the level of physical activity, sedentary work for a long time, sedentary leisure at the computer - all these factors fully contribute to the genesis of the disease.

Particularly at risk are truck drivers, bank employees, civil servants who receive the population, and all groups of office workers in general.

The reason is that with minimal physical activity and hours of sitting, the temperature in the lower rectum gradually increases, vasodilation and blood stasis occur.

Excessive exercise

As a result of the impact on the body of excessive stress, such as prolonged standing and working with weights, hemorrhoidal inflammation can develop especially intensively.

Under heavy loads, there is an overstrain of the muscles and blood vessels in the anus, and with prolonged standing, the blood in the lower parts of the rectum stagnates.

The risk group includes both athletes and people of hard physical labor, as well as administrators of trading floors, security guards at the entrance to various establishments, teachers, bartenders, hairdressers, etc.

The situation becomes especially dangerous in the presence of excess weight. To prevent hemorrhoids, it is recommended to maintain physical activity at a normal level and not overexert.

Low level of food culture

Intestinal peristalsis, i.e. its ability to contract and push food is impaired as a result of insufficient fiber from plant foods.

Eating on the go, snacking "dry food" and eating fast food - all this impairs bowel function, contributing to the formation of hemorrhoids.

The frequent intake of spicy food is especially negative, because. it simultaneously contributes to the concentration of blood in the rectal area and negatively affects the intestinal mucosa, being a strong irritant.

One of the common causes of vasodilation with all the negative consequences can be the use of alcohol, both periodic and regular.

Alcohol can especially easily provoke the transition of hemorrhoidal inflammation from the chronic phase to the acute one.

Impaired defecation

This factor includes two types of disorders: constipation (especially chronic) and diarrhea.

In the first case, fecal masses accumulate in the intestinal cavity, gradually compressing and hardening. At the same time, the walls of the rectum experience their pressure, which results in impaired blood supply and the formation of hemorrhoids in this area.

Also, constipation makes people especially tense up during attempts, which contributes to the fall of the knots out. In the second case, diarrhea causes irritation of the rectal mucosa, stimulates the appearance of inflammatory processes.

This pathology is a frequent occurrence both during gestation, when the vessels of the abdominal cavity and in the intestinal region are subjected to especially intense pressure, and during childbirth, with super-strong vascular overvoltage as a result of expulsion of the fetus.

According to some reports, about half of women who have given birth have some degree of inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

Traditional medicines are widely used - they help well in the early stages, relieve pain and prevent the intensification of inflammatory processes, as well as tone and cleanse the body.

Often, folk remedies are used along with drug therapy, as additional methods. In any case, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner in order to prevent complications and the transition of hemorrhoids to the next stages.

Traditional medicine offers a variety of formulations and approaches to treatment. Herbs, oils, as well as some products, etc. are used.


One of the most popular ways to deal with hemorrhoids is to sit in bathtubs and there are many options here:

Baths are relevant in the prevention and counteraction of hemorrhoids in the early stages, and if the situation worsens, they will be a good addition to other remedies.

In the process of cooking, the crushed root is poured with a liter of water and, after the start of the boil, they are kept on fire for another quarter of an hour.

After insisting, the broth must be carefully filtered.

In addition to baths, you can successfully do compresses and washings.

Preparation includes the following steps: 50 g of chestnut bark is poured with a liter of water and boiled in a water bath for another half an hour.

A bath is preferably done after a bowel movement and is excellent for bleeding.

Two liters of boiling water are slowly poured into 4 tablespoons. herbs, and then boil over low heat for 5 minutes. You need to sit in the bath for ten minutes.

Four peeled onions are boiled in milk (it is better that the fat content of milk is higher). After straining, pure boiled water is added to the mixture - the resulting volume of liquid should be 2.5 liters.

A bath with this infusion is advised to take 1 time per week.

Bath with oak bark

The bark is mixed in equal proportions with other components - plantain leaves and chamomile, poured with boiling water, after which it is simmered for another half an hour.

Twice a day (ideally in the morning and before going to bed) you need to sit in a basin (bath) with cold water for 5 minutes - this will have an analgesic effect and help stop bleeding.

In addition to baths, washing regularly with cold water after each bowel movement and applying cold compresses for 1 minute will be helpful.

Washing and compresses are an additional remedy, they should be done regularly for 1 to 2 months.

Effective for external manifestations of hemorrhoids. Usually carried out in a ten-day course, sitting continues until the water cools and is repeated daily.

You will need finely grated garlic or onion peel - they need to be thrown into a hot bath.

You can also add various decoctions to the water - sage, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.

Baths for a couple

Steam baths are done once a week for 2 weeks or a little longer. After warming up, be sure to apply petroleum jelly to the anus, both outside and inside - this will prevent irritation and inflammation.

The essence of the procedure is to warm the anus over the steam. Boil 8 liters in a saucepan. water in which alum dissolves (slightly less than 500 g).

The pan is closed with a special wooden lid, in the center of which a hole has been made.

Pour 2 liters into a clay container. milk and put 4 large onions. Cover the container and put on a small fire.

It will take one tsp. pharmacy chamomile and a glass of water. Water is brought to a boil, after which flowers are poured into it. During the procedure, the anus should be kept above the steam, wrapping the lower part of the body with a towel or blanket to concentrate heat. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

smoke bath

A special type of heating when tin containers and ordinary bricks are used, which are heated on fire. After heating, the brick is placed in an iron container (for example, a can), and covered with chopped garlic.

While smoking, the hemorrhoid sufferer holds the anus vertically over a brick.


The next folk remedy is complex - these are compresses, various poultices and lotions. They help stop bleeding and heal knots. It is necessary to make compresses from 2 to 5 times a day.

Preparation: one tsp. dry tansy is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and infused for an hour. After careful straining, gauze soaked in infusion is placed on the site of inflammation.

For this procedure, it is necessary to purchase alcohol-based propolis tincture at the pharmacy - a gauze napkin is wetted in it, which is applied to hemorrhoidal bumps.

Especially effective when knots fall out. The procedure consists in applying grated beets wrapped in gauze to the inflammation sites. Alternatively, beets can be replaced with carrots, as long as the compress is cold.

The crushed pharmacy burdock is taken in the amount of 4 tsp. It is poured with 500 ml of boiling water, after which it is still infused for 5-10 minutes under the lid. It is applied after straining and cooling.

A glass of boiled water is cooled to room temperature, after which the water is poured into a container with crushed flowers. The container is closed and placed in heat for 2.5 hours. You need to filter through a dense cloth.

Take 4 tsp. herbs and poured with two glasses of water (you can take milk). The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes, after which it is filtered and applied to a cloth or gauze, previously soaked in cold water.

For cooking, you need 4 tsp. flowers brewed in a small amount of boiling water. The resulting slurry is applied to a swab, which is then placed in the inflamed area. The porridge should still be hot.

It is used when cones fall out. A plant without a root is crushed and placed in an opaque container so that one quarter of the volume remains empty - vodka is poured into it. The container is placed in a warm place without light and stays there for 2 weeks.

Complex lotion

It is necessary to mix equally chamomile inflorescences, marshmallow leaves, medicinal sweet clover and flax seeds - all this is crushed to a powder and poured into a linen bag or bag.

Soak the bag in hot water for 10 minutes before use.

Sweet clover herb poultice

It takes one tbsp to prepare. l. Pour boiling water over the herbs (about one glass) and insist for 120 minutes, and then strain thoroughly.


A good remedy is homemade ointments made from various herbs, oils, propolis, and an astringent component - petroleum jelly. Also, mummy can be applied to cracks.

Ointments give positive results not only with external hemorrhoids, but also with internal and combined. They are applied to a tampon, which is inserted into the anus at night before going to bed.

The course of treatment with ointments is 10 days.

The most potent ointment is obtained by combining oak bark, grated beets, pepper grass and toadflax.

The same amount of melted hot fat is added to this mass, while it is important to express fat in a timely manner.


Useful oils for hemorrhoids include corn oil, propolis oil, olive oil, narcissus oil, linseed oil, and grape oil. These types of oils are taken orally before or during meals.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, other oils are also used, applied both inside and out. These include stone and sea buckthorn oils.

Less popular than the rest, but more potent is stone oil.

This remedy came from the east and is a natural mineral, it prevents inflammation, can stop blood, and accelerates healing.

Stone oil is used both as an oral solution and as a microclyster.

The course of treatment is about 2 months.


In 2 l. water dissolves 2.5 g of the ingredient. It is taken orally in the morning, afternoon and evening 30 minutes before meals.

Microclysters with stone oil

2.5 g of the substance are dissolved in 2 glasses of warm water, plus 2 tsp. honey. One microclyster requires 100 ml of solution, they need to be carried out every day after defecation.

Sea buckthorn oil

Thanks to the properties of sea buckthorn, the development of hemorrhoids can be stopped. In addition, it promotes cell regeneration, and the collagen in its composition prevents the thinning of the walls of blood vessels.

Sea buckthorn oil is taken 30 minutes before meals, and is also used for lotions.

This category includes juices (including vegetable juices), vegetables, fruits, pickles, berries, honey, decoctions from plants (celandine, nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow, burnet, barley, dandelion, mullein and others).

Most products are consumed orally, with the exception of some - aspen leaves, for example, can not only be brewed, but also applied as a compress (without gauze).

A special group of plants are those that help strengthen blood vessels - these are rosehips, chestnuts, hazels, etc. They are used to prepare tinctures with or without alcohol, which are taken 30-60 minutes before meals.

Particularly well manifest themselves as a means of prevention.

Especially effective for internal hemorrhoids.

They are used both singly and in a course of 3-5 days. In some cases, enemas are given 2 to 3 times a day. The average enema volume is 250 ml.

Enemas are usually filled with decoctions and infusions: wormwood, chamomile, strawberry leaves, horse chestnut, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort and others.

Beetroot juice or mummy in the form of an aqueous extract can serve as a filler. Enemas are good for pain, bleeding, they cleanse and treat the rectal cavity.

Douching can be done every other day, the duration of the course is 10 procedures.

Candles (suppositories)

Candles are a more radical folk remedy. They are used rectally, by inserting a suppository into the anus. Before use, it is advisable to make a microclyster with boiled water.

Suppositories are made from bacon, honey, but potatoes and ice are especially popular.

The principle of manufacture is to fold a glass with a rounding out of paper, fill it, and then freeze it. Next, the paper is removed, and the end of the candle is wetted with cold water, so as not to be injured.

You can also use vegetable oil as a lubricant. Suppositories remain in the anus overnight.

Raw chopped potatoes are more commonly used, but you can do it differently: the potatoes are peeled, after which they are shaped into a cone.

Frozen in a paper cone or in a rubber finger, chamomile infusion is inserted into the anus. Procedure time: during the first 5 days, hold for 30 seconds, followed by an increase in time by 30 seconds with a three-day interval.

Suppositories with alternative filling

As such, garlic cloves smeared with petroleum jelly, chopped celandine with lard, raw peeled carrots (inserted for half an hour) act.

Candles are used from candied frozen honey, from a mixture of starch, mummy and milk in equal parts.

There are 2 key methods: conservative treatment (effective in the early stages of the disease) and surgical.


Antithrombotic measures - carried out through the use of anticoagulants (heparin ointment), and other drugs that prevent thrombosis.

Measures to strengthen blood vessels - phlebotropic agents (Flebodia, Detralex) are prescribed based on tribenoside and troxevasin with an analgesic effect.

These drugs restore blood microcirculation and increase lymph flow.


It is carried out at critical stages of pathology, with severe prolapse of nodes and bleeding. Includes a number of techniques:

Laser coagulation

The safest method, in which the laser beam burns out the internal nodes, and bevels the outer one. The advantage of the method is also in the absence of scars after healing.

Bipolar coagulation

A bipolar charge is used, as a result of which the veins are welded and closed. After the procedure, noticeable traces remain, but the effectiveness is high even at the last stage of hemorrhoids.


Two electrodes, forming a pair of tweezers, clamp the node, which is affected by the supplied alternating current.

The heat beam focuses on the hemorrhoidal formation for 1 second, in the vascular base of which, under the influence of high temperatures, sclerosis begins.


An injection is injected into the hemorrhoids with a special syringe using an anoscope, the action of which stimulates the formation of connective tissue in the places where the vessels grow.


Latex rings are put on the fallen nodes, under the pressure of which the node dies from lack of blood supply.


The nodes are no longer fed due to the ligation of the terminal arterial branches, as a result of which the nodes atrophy.

Operation Longo

At the point of concentration of nodes, a circular resection is performed using a medical stapler. Slightly above the base of the hemorrhoidal formations, special sutures are applied.

Surgical excision, in which hemorrhoids are removed with a scalpel. There is a high risk of injury, so the use of this technique is gradually reduced.

Hemorrhoids in men and women

Hemorrhoids in men, like hemorrhoids in women, are dangerous with possible complications, such as: the formation of malignant tumors (cancer), paraproctitis - suppuration in the rectal area, hemorrhoidal anemia - as a result of a decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood, nonspecific colitis - the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane around the rectum, fistula, cryptitis, thrombosis.

Less serious consequences will be a decrease in sexual desire, weakness, apathy, etc.

Ignoring the first symptoms can lead to serious consequences, so it is strongly recommended to contact specialists.

Even during pregnancy, preventive measures should not be neglected - regular exercise in a gentle mode, proper nutrition, complete abstinence from alcohol.

With the formation or exacerbation of hemorrhoids during gestation, sitz baths (both cold and hot and steam) are contraindicated.

However, during lactation, the use of certain decoctions and infusions, as well as medicines, is excluded - they can harm the child.

The possibility of using conservative medical methods, and even more so, the appropriateness of surgical interventions, is considered by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Hemorrhoids, the disease that will be discussed in our today's article, cannot be called otherwise than a delicate problem. Moreover, hemorrhoids, the symptoms of which we will consider today, in many cases, patients try to heal on their own, which, unfortunately, in no way favors its course and the consequences arising from such an attitude towards it.

general description

It may surprise you, but hemorrhoids is a fairly common disease, diagnosed on average in 10% of patients from the total population of the planet, the prevailing age group undergoing the development of this disease is determined by the range from 30 to 50 years. This group of patients, in turn, determines the approximate number within 28% of the entire group of patients with diseases in the field of proctology. Hemorrhoids in men are 4 times more common than hemorrhoids in women.

To understand what are the causes of the development of hemorrhoids, it is important to highlight some anatomical features that are relevant to the anus, which, in fact, is affected by this disease. These features consist, first of all, in the fact that the rectum from its own lower section is surrounded by a wide network of venous bodies, defined as cavernous bodies (or hemorrhoidal veins). These veins in some way "cover" the rectum along its entire circumference. The corpora cavernosa is superior and inferior, which indicates the corresponding location in the upper or lower part of the rectum. The maintenance of the corpora cavernosa is provided by connective tissue that is woven directly into the venous vessels (more precisely, into their walls), which, in turn, is designed to provide an obstacle to their excessive expansion. When filling the cavernous bodies with blood, additional assistance is also provided in the functions of the anal sphincter (the anal sphincter is the muscle due to which the anus is closed), which directly corresponds to them, that is, assistance is provided to retain stool.

Hemorrhoids develop due to hyperplasia of the cavernous rings of the rectum, leading to varicose veins, which, as can be understood from the specifics of the disease, occurs in the anus. Hemorrhoids, the causes of which have not been reliably determined, however, there are a number of factors on the basis of which some assumptions can be made about this.

So, it is quite possible that the matter lies in the weakness of the connective tissue, which is caused constitutionally. An important role is also played by vascular dysfunction in combination with such pathological processes as an increase in the inflow of arterial blood through the cochlear arteries with a decrease in outflow in the cavernous veins, against which, as we noted initially, cavernous bodies undergo an increase and hemorrhoids appear.

Due to the dystrophic processes occurring in the anatomical structures, due to which the formation of the fibromuscular skeleton of hemorrhoids is ensured, they gradually begin to shift in the distal direction. The laying of cavernous bodies in the human body occurs by 3-8 weeks of its embryonic development, they are located diffusely (scattered), thus concentrating from the side of the base of the anal columns. Meanwhile, their grouping into three main zones is more often noted: from the left lateral wall, the right posterolateral and right anterolateral walls of the anal canal. Hemorrhoids most often occur in these areas.

The difference between cavernous bodies and ordinary veins, concentrated within the framework of the submucosa of the considered region of the rectum, is that they contain a significant number of direct arteriovenous anastomoses. Due to this feature, by the way, the fact of the allocation of scarlet blood as one of the symptoms of hemorrhoids is explained, respectively, the bleeding is of an arterial nature.

As the reasons contributing to the development of hemorrhoids, the following number of factors are also distinguished:

  • hereditary predisposition. So, if the next of kin has the disease, it is a factor that increases the risk of a possible development of the disease.
  • Weight lifting. When lifting weights, especially if it is done abruptly and by an unprepared person, the ligamentous apparatus is damaged, which also determines the corresponding risk for the possible development of hemorrhoids. In addition to lifting weights, another kind of load (gymnastics, wrestling, etc.) can be considered as such a factor.
  • Prolonged sitting position. In particular, this applies to professional activities (drivers, computer operators, programmers, etc.). Also, in general terms, a sedentary lifestyle is also considered, against the background of which stagnation develops in the pelvic organs, and this, in turn, contributes to the violation of venous outflow.
  • Constipation. With frequent constipation, hemorrhoids also develop no less often, which, in addition, is accompanied by subsequent exacerbations in its own course. Straining during constipation leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, and the concomitant factor of this pathology is the expulsion of hemorrhoids from the anus.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnancy, oddly enough, also determines a significant risk of possible development of hemorrhoids. As you know, this period is accompanied by a systemic restructuring of the whole organism, and one of its features is a chronic increase in intra-abdominal pressure with simultaneous venous stasis. Already by the time of childbirth, these factors can reach an excess of critical values ​​for themselves, against which, in turn, irreducible knots are formed.
  • Local irritation. Here, in particular, we are talking about irritation to which the mucous membrane is directly exposed, and this is the use of laxatives, the use of enemas, too intense hygienic effects on the anus, anal sex, infection, etc.
  • Features of nutrition. The appearance of the disease we are considering, as well as the aggravation of its course, leads to the abuse of smoked, salty foods, spicy foods, stimulation of the functions of the rectum due to drinks (tea, coffee), addiction to alcoholic beverages, constant (chronic) overeating, etc. With an addiction to semi-finished products, an insufficient amount of fluid consumed, fruits and vegetables, the normal functioning of the intestines is also disrupted, against which constipation appears. Remarkably, frequent diarrhea is no less conducive to the development of the disease.
  • Hormonal factors. In this case, hormonal changes can be distinguished due to which exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs, they are relevant when using oral contraceptives, hormone therapy, menstruation, etc.
  • Some sports. When shaking, which is relevant when riding a motorcycle, cycling, with a hobby for equestrian sports, etc. there is also the possibility of developing hemorrhoids and its exacerbation.
  • Diseases of the liver. Considering that the rectum is drained of blood through veins, which, in turn, are connected to the liver, some of the diseases of the latter (for example, cirrhosis of the liver) provoke an increase in pressure in these veins. Due to the increase in pressure, there are corresponding difficulties in the outflow of blood. In equal positions with cirrhosis are already noted features of nutrition and alcohol consumption (including alcoholism), taking certain medications, which is explained by a similar negative effect on the liver.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs. In this case, the organs adjacent to the rectum are the prostate (in men) and the bladder, with inflammation of which the outflow of blood along the veins from the anus is disturbed. Hemorrhoids often appear with prostatitis (a disease in which the prostate gland becomes inflamed), as well as with cystitis (a disease that occurs in men and women with concomitant inflammation of the bladder).
  • The presence of tumor processes or inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  • Stress.

Signs of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are characterized by certain signs, in the presence of which, accordingly, there are grounds for considering it as a possible disease. The most characteristic of these signs is bleeding (possibly its manifestation in the form of smearing with blood), arising directly from the anus, it is considered in many cases as the first symptom of hemorrhoids. In more than half of the cases of the disease, bleeding occurs after the act of defecation (intestinal emptying). We have already noted that the blood in this case appears bright scarlet, which distinguishes this symptom of hemorrhoids from the state of gastrointestinal emptying, in which it is quite dark, almost black. Blood does not mix with feces, it covers its surface. In view of the possible intensity of hemorrhoidal bleeding and their duration, anemization of patients is possible.

The next, no less characteristic symptom of the disease is the prolapse of hemorrhoids, which, according to their location, occurs through the anus. The onset of the disease is accompanied by the manifestation of this symptom only during defecation and attempts to it, however, it is at this stage of its course that the nodes self-reduce, after which they become invisible. Meanwhile, the progression of the process leads to the fact that patients have to perform such a manipulation on their own more and more often, thereby adjusting the nodes. If the condition reaches edema and inflammation of the node, then it will be completely impossible to do this.

It should be noted that in general, the symptoms associated with diseases in the colon are extremely uniform, therefore bleeding may not be exclusively a symptom of hemorrhoids, indicating, for example, the relevance of polyps, ulcerative colitis, malignant tumors, etc. At the same time time and prolapse of hemorrhoids can be confused with such pathological conditions as prolapse of a villous tumor or rectum, with a fissure in the anus, etc. Considering this, it is important, regardless of the specifics of the manifestations of the actual disease, to seek help from an appropriate specialist for examination of the area of ​​the pathological process, as well as for other studies, with the help of which it will be possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

Further, in terms of the signs characteristic of hemorrhoids, one can note the soreness of the act of defecation, as well as the presence of soreness for some time from the moment it is completed. Soreness is noted in every tenth case of the disease, and, remarkably, during the later stages of its development, it occurs in a variety of conditions, that is, when walking, sitting, and even at rest. Pain is not a characteristic sign for the chronic form of the course, its occurrence indicates that the pathological process is accompanied by inflammation, infringement or thrombosis of the nodes, the formation of an anal fissure. The nature of the manifestation of pain can be different, ranging from a slight tingling with unpleasant pulling sensations and ending with very intense pain sensations of a “pulling” type (which is important for swelling of the node).

Also, in addition to these signs, there is itching of the skin, weeping, diaper rash and burning - all these manifestations are concentrated in the area surrounding the anus. Itching in particular occurs due to maceration of the skin, and therefore, with the appearance of additional mucous secretions coming from the intestine, eczema may subsequently develop. The appearance of a sensation of incomplete emptying of the intestine is not excluded (this sensation occurs after the act of defecation). In some cases, fecal incontinence occurs.

  • I stage. This stage is characterized by painlessness of hemorrhoids with their slight protrusion to the lumen of the anus. The possibility of bleeding that is not accompanied by pain is not ruled out. Anoscopic examination determines the presence of nodes, inflammation of the mucosa and the expanded state of the capillaries. The act of defecation in some cases may be accompanied by bleeding and discomfort.
  • II stage. This stage is characterized by the loss of nodes, occurs only when an act of defecation is performed, which is accompanied by their subsequent independent reduction. Bleeding and discomfort are often accompanied by itching and discharge.
  • III stage. As part of the course of this stage, patients experience prolapse of hemorrhoids not only during the act of defecation, but also with increased intra-abdominal pressure (physical overstrain). As already noted in the general description, when the nodes fall out, they can be set independently (their spontaneous reduction within the course of this period of the disease does not occur). The nodes are manually reduced, at first it is necessary when they fall out during defecation, however, as the disease progresses, such reduction is necessary in any situations that are accompanied by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (cough, weight lifting, etc.). In addition to the previously listed symptoms, in this case, contamination of clothing and the appearance of pain are added.
  • IV stage. This stage is the most dangerous in the course of the disease. Drop-down nodes are not set either spontaneously or when they are set manually. As already noted, within the framework of this stage, thrombosis of hemorrhoids is possible, as well as the development of anemia against the background of heavy bleeding.

Hemorrhoids: forms of the disease

In accordance with the nature of the course of the disease, hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic. Mostly in practice, there is a chronic form, characterized by the gradual development of the disease with an increase in its characteristic symptoms. As a rule, the determining chronic hemorrhoids a feature is the long-term postponing by patients of the need to go to the doctor, that is, the very cases when hemorrhoids are treated with folk remedies. Unfortunately, the alternative treatment of hemorrhoids often determines insignificant chances for its own effectiveness, which, meanwhile, does not prevent patients with this disease from continuing to experiment on themselves. In most cases, chronic hemorrhoids are subject to systematic exacerbation, which, as you can understand, implies an increase in the symptoms characteristic of the disease. Exacerbations occur against the background of physical exertion, stress, constipation, as well as against the background of changes associated with dietary habits.

Acute hemorrhoids , as already noted, develops less frequently. Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids (standard triad in the form of bleeding, itching and pain in the anus) are characterized by the speed of their own development in the patient, as a result of which the extreme degree of their severity is achieved as soon as possible. As a rule, in this case, patients are less prone to postponing a visit to the doctor for an indefinite future - the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms, one might say, leaves no choice in this matter.

In the case of hemorrhoids, the acute form can traditionally develop into a chronic form of the course, but the option is not excluded in which the acute form develops against the background of the chronic form. The chronic course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of periods of well-being, within which there are no manifestations of symptoms and causes for concern, however, such periods are replaced by exacerbations. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids occurs against the background of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, with which, in turn, inflammation develops. The exacerbation of hemorrhoids is characterized by the manifestation of all the symptoms characteristic of it, which we examined. Remarkably, the "calm" can last quite a long time, which in particular is facilitated by the absence of factors provoking the disease.

In addition to the form of the course (acute or chronic), hemorrhoids can also be internal and external. In accordance with the prevailing symptoms, its specific forms are distinguished, this bleeding hemorrhoids , in which the main manifestation is the discharge of blood from the anus. Also this painful form of hemorrhoids, characterized by pain that occurs at the time of defecation or pain of a permanent nature. And finally, such a form of the disease as weeping hemorrhoids, in which the main manifestations of the pathological process are mucous discharge from the anus and itching of varying degrees of intensity.

Internal hemorrhoids: symptoms

The symptoms of this form of the disease are directly determined by the actual stage for it and the size of the hemorrhoids. In addition, the presence of concomitant diseases of the rectum plays an important role.

As part of the early stage of this form of hemorrhoids, there are no special symptoms. The only manifestation may be a feeling of discomfort or a foreign body in the anus, which is possible when exposed to factors that provoke the disease in general. Soreness at this stage is absent, the nodes do not come out. The emerging blood discharges are insignificant and meager, which is why patients often simply ignore the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids.

In accordance with the course of the pathological process, with its actual development, there is also an increase in the symptoms that manifest themselves in the disease. So, the nodes increase in size, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the feeling of discomfort due to the narrowing of the intestinal lumen against this background. The passage of stool with a certain degree of density for this reason can lead to the appearance of severe pain. Surrounded by nodes, the mucosa begins to become inflamed, which leads to the release of inflammatory fluid from the intestines, which also provokes irritation in the anus and a burning sensation. Due to the aggravation of the overall picture of the course of the disease, the resulting bleeding also becomes more pronounced. The completion of the act of defecation is accompanied by a drain of blood, which occurs in the form of a trickle or drops.

In the case of a low localization area of ​​the nodes, the act of defecation can lead to their crawling out, after which they are independently drawn back. As you can see, this symptomatology corresponds to the second stage of the course of hemorrhoids, which we discussed above.

If the possibility of slowing down the growth of nodes is excluded, they increasingly impede the normal act of defecation. Because of this, the walls of the intestine are stretched, its mucous membrane bursts. Against the background of these processes, cracks form, defecation is accompanied by intense pain in combination with bleeding, due to which it develops. It also notes the correspondence of the third stage of the course of hemorrhoids, in which the nodes can crawl out under certain loads, but there is the possibility of their independent reduction.

Given the fact that the disease mainly manifests itself in a chronic form, the listed symptoms of hemorrhoids are relevant in manifestations at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. Remission, indicated by us as a stage of well-being, excludes the presence of certain sensations.

External hemorrhoids: symptoms

This form of hemorrhoids, unlike the internal form, almost always occurs in combination with some unpleasant symptomatology characteristic of it, its asymptomatic course is extremely rare. External hemorrhoids sometimes may not be accompanied by the appearance of enlarged nodes. Otherwise, initially, these knots may appear as small sizes of seals, and the seals are hardly noticeable. Meanwhile, the subsequent progression of the disease, without taking appropriate measures to treat hemorrhoids, leads to a noticeable increase in nodes, cyanosis of their hue and soreness that occurs when palpated.

We note some provisions regarding how hemorrhoids look in the case of a course of the disease without concomitant exacerbations.

  • Feeling of discomfort. This manifestation is relevant not only during the act of defecation and after it, but also in the normal state of the patient. Unpleasant sensations of this kind occur even at rest, sitting, sneezing, coughing and in other situations.
  • Mild bleeding. With small nodes, bleeding may not be present at all, or its manifestations may be marked by traces on toilet paper. This symptom, regardless of its severity, requires immediate action. Treatment of external hemorrhoids as an ignored action on the part of patients causes the development of the disease, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in nodes and to the appearance of even more pronounced and serious bleeding against the background of the impact exerted on them by the passage of feces. In addition, blood can appear not only from nodes, but also from anal fissures, which causes very severe pain.
  • Pain. Pain as a symptom of external hemorrhoids, manifests itself when the disease is running, which is accompanied by its transition to an acute form, against which inflammation of the hemorrhoids occurs, provoking pain. The nodes acquire pronounced swelling and soreness, going to the toilet to empty the intestines is accompanied by the greatest severity of sensations and general discomfort. At this stage, topical preparations are necessarily used in the treatment, aimed at eliminating symptoms and pain in particular.
  • Seals, formations surrounded by the anus. The patient can determine them independently when feeling the area. Seals can be of various sizes, they can also have a visible shape or be felt under the skin. Formations or seals always accompany external hemorrhoids, which determines the possibility of differentiating this form from the internal one.

The result of the course of external hemorrhoids is often thrombosed hemorrhoids, considered as a complication of the disease.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: symptoms

The disease develops during pregnancy against the background of the relevance of compression of the veins of the rectum by the uterus, increased in size during this period. Such an impact causes a violation of the outflow of blood from the rectum and perineum. Overflowing with blood, the veins of the rectum undergo a significant expansion and sagging in the form of painful knots.

An equally important role is played by constipation in pregnant women. With constipation, there is a strong expansion of the rectal mucosa in combination with the hemorrhoidal veins lying under it, as a result of which the passage of feces in their compacted form provokes their injury. A sedentary lifestyle in the later stages of pregnancy also becomes one of the reasons for the development of hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids after childbirth develops due to tension in the muscles of the perineal region when the hemorrhoids are stretched, which occurs directly during childbirth.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnant women correspond to the stages of the disease and the overall picture of this disease in other groups of patients. So, this includes pain that occurs during defecation, the presence of fresh scarlet blood on the feces, bleeding during defecation. Severe discomfort and itching appear in the anus, especially these manifestations intensify, again, with defecation, as well as with prolonged sitting and walking. Elastic knots appearing from the anus (sagging in the later stages of the disease) are also noted.

It should be noted that the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women after childbirth can often be confused with the manifestation of pain in terms of their localization. Patients believe that this is how pain in the perineum manifests itself due to childbirth, and, accordingly, do not assume that they are associated with hemorrhoids. Meanwhile, with prolonged persistence of pain after childbirth, the symptoms of which are further supplemented by other conditions characteristic of the disease, as a rule, does not determine the problems in establishing the disease, which is actually relevant in a particular case.

Complications of hemorrhoids

Having become acquainted with what symptoms of hemorrhoids occur in the first place, and how this disease progresses in general, the reader will probably be interested in what consequences this disease can lead to. It should be immediately noted here that hemorrhoids are not a deadly disease, however, complications of hemorrhoids are dangerous, to one degree or another.

So, most often against its background, thrombosis of hemorrhoids develops. This condition looks like this: stagnation of blood that occurs within the venous plexuses leads to the formation of blood clots, due to which the outflow of blood itself stops. The node in this case acquires a pronounced cyanosis, soreness and tension. In frequent cases, thrombosis is accompanied by fever, severe itching and pain in the anus. Thrombosis in its extensive form without the absence of treatment is followed by necrosis of the nodes, while the nodes begin to melt, as a result of which a secondary purulent infection also joins the general condition.

The accession of infection in any case occurs due to a decrease in the protective properties inherent in the body, which determines the possibility of infection of hemorrhoids, and then - areas in the immediate vicinity. The attachment of infection is accompanied by severe itching and pain that occurs in the anus, and often the temperature is added to this.

Bleeding of hemorrhoids, which, as a rule, are insignificant in manifestation and are considered as one of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, with their own increase, can soon enough cause the patient to develop anemia. Massive bleeding with hemorrhoids is extremely rare, but it becomes a direct threat to his life. We also note that bleeding cannot be left without the attention of a doctor. Although hemorrhoids cannot develop into cancer, however, similarly to the manifestation of hemorrhoids, cancer can also be accompanied by bleeding, and cancer, you see, is a much more serious diagnosis.

Also among the complications of hemorrhoids are considered difficulties in defecation and urination.


As a rule, the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is not associated with particular difficulties; the diagnosis is established as part of a patient survey and an initial outpatient examination. Examination helps to determine the degree of prolapse of the nodes from the anus, to assess the possibility of their reverse reduction, the condition of the skin, as well as the relevance and degree of bleeding.

In some cases, anoscopy is performed. This procedure consists in placing a small luminous ball (actually an anoscope) in the anus, due to which a more detailed examination of the anus and rectum is carried out. When carrying out manipulations in this procedure, a certain discomfort appears, however, it does not require anesthesia and is performed in the specialist's office.

The procedure of sigmoidoscopy helps to exclude the possible relevance of oncology, in which the areas of the sigmoid and rectum are examined with a concomitant examination of their mucosa.


General measures in the treatment of the disease are reduced to an increase in the intake of dietary fiber, as well as the treatment of constipation in patients. Dietary fiber is found in cereals, grains and fruits. It is also important to consume more fluids. It is not recommended to use laxatives often, because diarrhea (diarrhea), similar to constipation, only aggravates the course of the disease. In most cases, the treatment of hemorrhoids is conservative and carried out at home.

Treatment of acute hemorrhoids is carried out using local and general painkillers (Ketanol, Diclofenac, Nise, etc.), as well as ointment applications and anti-inflammatory drugs (Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, etc.), cleansing enemas (this measure is possible only for the early stages of the course diseases!). Phlebotonic agents are also used (in the acute and chronic form of the disease), the greatest efficiency is achieved when using the drug Detralex. With the relevance of bleeding, suppositories are used in the composition with adrenaline, hemostatic materials of a local type.

In the absence of the effectiveness of conservative treatment after the inflammation subsides, as a rule, minimally invasive methods of therapy or surgery are prescribed (which is determined by the stage of the disease). The operation is also necessary for prolonged bleeding, combined with the impossibility of repositioning the prolapsed nodes, severe pain and intense rectal itching.

In the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids in the early stages, such minimally invasive methods of therapy as ligation using latex rings, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, photocoagulation, laser therapy can be used. These measures are not applied in the event of thrombosis and the appearance of an anal fissure, with the development of an acute or chronic form of paraproctitis and other types of inflammatory diseases of the perineum and anal canal. These therapies generally do not require the use of general anesthesia and subsequent hospitalization, but laser therapy and the photocoagulation method are mainly performed under general anesthesia or spinal (epidural) anesthesia.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is used mainly only within the 3rd and 4th stages of the course of the disease. By itself, such an intervention implies a measure of excision of hemorrhoids with subsequent stitching of their legs. Hemorrhoids after surgery require hospitalization for a period of 7-10 days, in general, the period of disability is about 14 days. After discharge, additional therapy is required within the framework of home conditions. So, this includes the need to take those drugs that the doctor prescribed for hemorrhoids, as well as taking sitz baths three times a day, including after each act of defecation. Again, the emphasis is on dietary nutrition.

If symptoms appear that indicate the possible relevance of hemorrhoids, you should consult a proctologist.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Haemorrhoids- This is an ailment that affects the veins of the anus, in which vein extensions, nodes that become inflamed and fall out into the intestinal lumen or into the anus are formed. The disease appears when the blood flow in the veins of the rectum deteriorates. The disease causes ailments and painful phenomena in the anus, as well as periodic bleeding.

What is this disease?

This is a very common disease among older people. According to some reports, among adults, they suffer from forty to eighty percent. More prone to hemorrhoids are people from twenty to fifty years old. The disease is characterized by a painful increase in the diameter of the veins of the rectum. The veins increase in diameter, become inflamed and protrude into the internal cavity of the intestine in the form of knots.

What are the reasons?

In order for the mechanism of the disease to become clearer, you need to know the structure of the rectum and anus. The rectum in the lower segment is densely entwined with a powerful branching of the veins, also called cavernous bodies ( hemorrhoidal veins). These veins surround the intestine. A little lower is the lower cavernous ( cavernous) body, and a little higher - the upper. Cavernous bodies are intertwined with connective fibers that hold them within certain limits. The cavernous bodies are filled with blood, helping the orbicular muscle of the anus ( sphincter) do not let feces out.

Although hemorrhoids are a very common disease, scientists cannot yet accurately explain the cause of its development. There are a number of versions that clarify this ailment. The most reliable of them is the version of a genetic predisposition, which speaks of weak venous walls that are prone to expansion, as well as weakness of the fibers themselves, which should prevent the expansion of the veins. This factor can also explain the frequent family diseases with hemorrhoids, and often it develops in people who take an active life position and are completely unfamiliar with constipation. There are also a lot of other phenomena that do not cause hemorrhoids, but contribute to its development.

Phenomena that contribute to the occurrence of hemorrhoids

Increased intra-abdominal pressure: The abdominal cavity of each person is an airtight cavity and an increase in pressure in it leads to the “squeezing out” of softer tissues (including rectal veins). An increase in intra-abdominal pressure occurs with prolonged standing, lifting weights, with attempts during childbirth and defecation with constipation, as well as with severe coughing ( chronic inflammation of the bronchi, asthma). Chronic constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. In addition, the form of hemorrhoids that appeared after childbirth is very common.

Passive lifestyle. Often this ailment appears in persons who, by virtue of their profession, occupy a sitting position ( drivers, programmers). This is due to the fact that while sitting in the cavernous bodies, the blood flow worsens, they become inflamed and expand.

Liver diseases. The removal of blood from the rectum occurs through the veins that attach to the veins of the liver, in connection with this, a number of liver ailments ( such as cirrhosis) provokes an increase in pressure in the veins and a deterioration in blood drainage. Together with cirrhosis, an increase in pressure in these veins is often caused by addiction to fatty foods, alcohol, and the frequent use of a number of drugs, due to the fact that these phenomena disrupt the liver.

Diseases of the pelvic organs. Not far from the rectum are the prostate gland and bladder. Inflammatory processes in these organs provoke a worsening of blood flow from the entire anus.
Hemorrhoids are often found in cystitis ( cystitis) and prostate.

What forms of hemorrhoids exist?

The disease develops in external and internal form, depending on which of the cavernous bodies is affected. The internal form is the inflammatory process of the upper cavernous body, and the external form is the inflammation of the lower segment, which is located just under the skin around the anus. If you imagine that the anus is a clock, then usually the nodes are at the level of three, seven and eleven hours.

In addition, there are four stages in the development of hemorrhoids:

  • at the first stage the nodes become elastic and fall out only into the internal cavity of the intestine
  • second phase characterized by sagging knots from the anus during hard work. But they rise quickly on their own
  • third stage proceeds with sagging nodes, which can only be set manually
  • A at the fourth stage nodes do not retract at all.
Acute and chronic form of hemorrhoids
Along with other ailments, hemorrhoids pass in an acute or chronic form.

More common chronic hemorrhoids. This form of the disease develops slowly and worsens from time to time. In this case, the patient's condition gradually worsens.
Patients suffering from a chronic form of hemorrhoids usually do not seek the advice of a proctologist and try to heal themselves. In almost everyone, such treatment causes an exacerbation. Exacerbations are sometimes provoked by constipation, psychological stress, eating disorders, hard work.

Acute form of hemorrhoids occurs less frequently. The acute form is characterized by severe pain and burning in the anus, bleeding. Symptoms of the disease appear very quickly. This phenomenon pushes patients to an immediate visit to the doctor. Often, signs of an acute form of the disease appear with an already existing thrombosis or when an infection enters the hemorrhoid. If competent therapy is not carried out in time, the acute form flows into the chronic.

The main signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids

Symptoms of the disease vary at different stages of development, as well as with different courses of the disease.
The first signs are:
  • burning or itching in the anus, which in some cases is so severe that it causes scratching and bleeding, and sometimes bleeding during a bowel movement
  • discomfort in the anus, a feeling of pressure, burning, outflow of ichor or mucus. More often these unpleasant phenomena are found during movement, long sitting, hard work or bowel movements.
At this stage, the disease may not develop for a very long time. The appearance of these signs indicates the formation of internal nodes of the first or second stage. The vast majority of patients at this stage try not to visit a doctor, this causes a deterioration in the condition, manifested as follows:
  • prolapse from the anus of an inflamed, rather hard knot, which complicates bowel movements and causes pain. If the nodes are not under the skin, but in the intestines, then there may not be pain
  • discharge of blood from the anus. There may be different amounts of blood
  • at the last stage of the development of the disease, the anal sphincter completely stops working. This indicates the destruction of the muscles that close the anus. At this stage of the disease, the patient is unable to contain gases and feces.

What complications does hemorrhoids cause?

Hemorrhoids cannot cause death or serious conditions. Therefore, urgent medical intervention is not required. But this disease can cause dangerous complications:

The most common complication is thrombosis of hemorrhoids: in the cavernous bodies, due to poor blood flow, dense blood clots are formed that impede the flow of blood. The node acquires a blue color, touching it gives the patient a sharp pain, it is dense. Thrombosis often resolves with fever, itching, and acute pain in the anus.

Bleeding from knots may develop during a bowel movement or suddenly with an increase in blood pressure in the node. The most typical bleeding is weak, which are signs of the disease. But if such bleeding happens often enough, they lead to anemia. Rarely enough bleeding is so strong that it becomes life-threatening.

infection- during inflammation, the local immunity of the body decreases, which provokes the penetration of infection into the nodes and further into the tissues. Infection causes very severe itching and pain in the anus, and an increase in body temperature. Infection of the node is usually carried out immediately after thrombosis or with it.

Knot pinching- this is the compression of the node with the cessation of its power and

  • Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth
    • How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?
  • Causes of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and after childbirth (doctor's review) - video

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    Haemorrhoids- a disease in which there is an expansion of the veins in the anus and rectum.

    Hemorrhoids in numbers and facts:

    • Although hemorrhoids cause a lot of discomfort, most often they are easy to treat and prevent.
    • In men, the disease occurs 3-4 times more often than in women.
    • It is estimated that approximately 10% of the adult population worldwide suffers from hemorrhoids. It accounts for 40% of all diseases of the rectum.
    • According to the Mayo Clinic, about half of people by the age of 50 begin to experience itching, discomfort, bleeding in the rectal area. In most cases, these symptoms point to hemorrhoids.
    • Most often, the disease affects people aged 45-65 years.
    • Scientists believe that 75% of Europeans and Americans will experience hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.
    • According to statistics, only 4% of people experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids seek medical help.

    Features of the anatomy of the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins

    The rectum is the final section of the intestine. In humans, it begins at the level of the upper edge of the third sacral vertebra and ends at the anus. The main function of the rectum is the evacuation of feces.

    The outflow of blood from the rectum is carried out through the system of the inferior vena cava. The venous vessels around the intestine form hemorrhoidal plexus. There are three venous plexuses:

    • Subcutaneous. Located under the skin in the anus.
    • Submucosal. It is located under the mucous membrane of the rectum, it contains the lower, middle and upper sections.
    • Subfascial. It is located between the muscular layer of the intestinal wall and the fascia.

    What is the difference between external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids?

    Depending on which veins are dilated and where the hemorrhoid is located, there are four types of hemorrhoids:
    • Internal hemorrhoids. The veins that are inside the rectum under the mucous membrane are involved. Internal hemorrhoids usually do not cause pain, but painful bleeding can occur.
    • Prolapsed hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoid stretches so much that it falls out of the rectum and is outside. Usually, if you press it a little, it is set back.
    • External hemorrhoids. The node is located outside the anus, on the skin. Patients often experience pain and itching. The knots may crack and bleed.
    • Combined hemorrhoids. It is a combination of internal and external hemorrhoids. It occurs in about 40% of patients.

    Why does hemorrhoids occur?

    The disease occurs when the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus are stretched. The following factors may contribute to this:
    • Great straining during stool in chronic constipation.
    • Chronic diarrhea. It also leads to tension during bowel movements.
    • Obesity. The more fatty tissue accumulates in the body, the more difficult it is for the heart to push blood through it. As a result, stagnation of blood begins in the veins of the lower body.
    • Pregnancy. In pregnant women, the outflow of venous blood from the pelvic cavity is disturbed due to the enlarged uterus.
    • Anal sex. Frequent anal intercourse can lead to irritation of the rectal mucosa and inflammation, which contributes to the development of hemorrhoids.
    • hereditary predisposition. If the parents and close relatives of a person suffer from hemorrhoids, his risks also increase slightly.
    • Improper diet: low protein in the diet, frequent use of alcohol, coffee, spicy food.
    • Sedentary lifestyle. The development of hemorrhoids is facilitated by a long stay in a standing or sitting position, so the risks of the disease are increased in people of certain professions (office workers, surgeons who have to stand for a long time during operations).
    • Intense physical activity, which increases pressure in the abdominal cavity, veins.
    • Age. As we age, the walls of the veins weaken and stretch more easily.
    • Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
    • Frequent stress.


    Possible symptoms of hemorrhoids:
    • Painless bleeding. The patient may notice blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Sometimes the bleeding is quite strong. In this case, the blood is not mixed with feces, but covers it.
    • Irritation, itching in the anus. They arise as a result of exposure to the skin of mucus, which is secreted in large quantities by the mucous membrane of the rectum.
    • Knots protruding in the anal region.
    • Discomfort, pain in the anus.
    • Swelling in the anus.
    Symptoms depend on where the hemorrhoid is located. Internal hemorrhoids usually have no symptoms, cause no pain or discomfort, and cannot be seen or felt. When passing feces, the surface of the hemorrhoid can be damaged, bleeding occurs.

    Over time, the internal node begins to fall out of the anus. The prolapse is often accompanied by pain, discomfort, irritation.

    External hemorrhoids most often look like a bump in the anus. Often, patients are concerned about symptoms such as itching, pain, bleeding.


    There are four stages of hemorrhoids (stages of prolapse of hemorrhoids):
    Stage Description
    IThe nodes protrude into the lumen of the rectum, but their prolapse does not occur.
    IIDuring defecation, hemorrhoids prolapse, then their self-reposition occurs.
    IIIKnots fall out not only during bowel movements, but also with minor physical exertion. No self-repositioning of the nodes occurs: you have to set them back by hand.
    IVDropped knots cannot be set even by hand.

    Complications of hemorrhoids

    • Bleeding with hemorrhoids. Sometimes bleeding with hemorrhoids is so strong that it leads to anemia. There are symptoms such as pallor, weakness, fatigue, headaches, dizziness.
    • Thrombus formation. Blood clots (thrombi) can form inside the hemorrhoid, causing it to swell, become painful, and become inflamed.
    • Infringement of the hemorrhoid. A common complication in III-IV stages of the disease. The muscle pulp of the rectum pinches the knot, as a result, blood circulation is disturbed in it. There is severe pain in the anus, sensation of a foreign body, swelling. The color of the dropped node changes: from pink or red, it becomes cyanotic-burgundy, black. Ultimately, necrosis of the node may occur due to impaired blood circulation. Sometimes a blood clot in the hemorrhoid leads to such consequences.
    • Eczema. Sometimes this skin disease occurs as a result of constant irritation of the skin by mucus from the rectum.
    • Inflammation of hemorrhoids. A fairly common complication. Infection can penetrate through damaged hemorrhoids.

    What does a hemorrhoid look like?

    Which doctor deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids?

    Diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids are engaged in:
    • proctologists– specialists in diseases of the rectum;
    • coloproctologists– specialists in diseases of the colon and rectum.

    In what cases should you see a doctor?

    Often the first symptom of hemorrhoids that the patient notices is bleeding from the rectum. Many people do not go to the doctor, they believe that nothing serious is happening, they are treated with folk methods or on the advice of relatives and friends.

    When symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, you should always see a doctor. In most cases, bleeding during a bowel movement is actually due to hemorrhoids. But the reasons can be much more serious, up to rectal cancer. In this case, early diagnosis may help save a person's life.

    If your stool has become very dark, like tar, if clots and blood impurities have appeared in it, you need to go to the hospital to figure out which part of the intestine is bleeding.

    If you have been treating hemorrhoids for some time with folk remedies, and the disease does not go away, consult a doctor.

    An ambulance should be called if you have severe bleeding, weakness, dizziness, or general well-being.

    What questions should you ask your doctor?

    It is better to make a list of questions in advance so that you do not forget anything during a conversation with a doctor. You may want to know the answers to the following questions:
    • Why do I have these symptoms? What could possibly be the cause?
    • Is there a risk of complications?
    • What treatment will you give me? For what purpose? What effect is most likely to be expected?
    • If the treatment turns out to be ineffective, what are you going to prescribe to me in this case?
    • Is surgical treatment indicated in my case? Why is it shown/not shown?
    • What else can I do on my own to cope with the disease?
    • I have other health problems - will this affect the treatment of hemorrhoids?

    Questions your doctor may ask you

    The proctologist may ask you some questions:
    • When did you have symptoms?
    • How much inconvenience do they cause you?
    • How do you eat? What products do you use more often? How much fiber is in your diet?
    • How often do you drink coffee and alcohol?
    • What usually makes your symptoms worse?
    • What usually relieves your symptoms?
    • Has anyone in your family had hemorrhoids or rectal cancer?
    • Have you noticed other changes in your bowel function?
    • Have you noticed blood on toilet paper, in the toilet bowl?

    Patient examination

    If you suspect hemorrhoids, the doctor conducts a digital examination of the rectum. The procedure is as follows:
    1. The patient is asked to take off his clothes and take a knee-elbow position on the couch (standing on all fours, leaning on his knees and elbows).
    2. The doctor puts on latex gloves and wets his index finger with Vaseline.
    3. The doctor inserts his index finger into the rectum and feels it from the inside. At the same time, he can detect hemorrhoids and other pathological formations.

    Diagnosis of hemorrhoids

    Study title Description How is it carried out
    Anoscopy During the procedure, the doctor examines the patient's rectum with a special tool, - anoscope, - which is introduced to a depth of 12 cm.
    Indications for anoscopy:
    • stool disorders;
    • discharge from the anus of pus, mucus, blood;
    • hemorrhoids that cannot be felt during a digital examination of the rectum;
    • suspected rectal cancer;
    • warts, polyps and other formations;
    • inflammation of the rectum.
    An anoscope is a small rod or cone with a handle, hollow inside, with a plug. Anoscopes are reusable metal and disposable plastic. The doctor lubricates the anoscope with petroleum jelly and inserts it into the patient's rectum, examining its inner surface. The study makes it possible to detect not only hemorrhoids, but also other pathological processes in the intestine.
    Sigmoidoscopy A procedure during which a doctor, using a special instrument, sigmoidoscope, - examines the mucous membrane of the rectum and partially sigmoid colon. Inspection is possible to a depth of approximately 25-30 cm.
    A sigmoidoscope is a metal tube containing a light source and a device for pumping air.
    • The patient is asked to lie on the couch on his left side and pull his legs up to his stomach.
    • The procedure is practically painless, so in adults it can be performed without anesthesia. In children, general anesthesia is most often used.
    • The doctor lubricates the sigmoidoscope and inserts it into the patient's rectum.
    • During insertion of the instrument, the patient is asked to take a deep breath.
    • The doctor gradually advances the sigmoidoscope deeper, pumping air into the rectum with a pear. This helps to stretch the intestines and better examine it.
    • If pain occurs or the instrument begins to move with great difficulty, the study is stopped.
    Colonoscopy A type of endoscopic examination, during which they are injected into the rectum and large intestine colonoscope- a tool that is a flexible hose with a light source and a miniature video camera. During a colonoscopy, the doctor may examine the patient's entire large intestine (approximately 150 cm).
    Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids can be prescribed in the following cases:
    • suspicion of diseases of the large intestine;
    • the patient has risk factors for colon cancer;
    • the patient's age is more than 50 years, if he has not undergone this study for a long time.
    During the procedure, the doctor inserts the colonoscope into the patient's intestines through the anus. The procedure is painless, but may be accompanied by discomfort.
    Some clinics offer to undergo a study in a state of medical sleep. A person is given a drug that induces deep sleep. Its action lasts for about an hour. This time is enough to conduct a colonoscopy. The patient can usually leave the hospital and go home the same day.
    Biopsy A biopsy is a study during which the doctor receives a fragment of the intestinal mucosa and sends it to the laboratory for examination. This is necessary when cancer is suspected.A piece of mucous membrane for biopsy can be taken during an endoscopic examination.


    If the hemorrhoids are small and cause only minor discomfort to the patient, the doctor usually prescribes conservative treatment in the form of ointments, creams, and suppositories.

    Candles for hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoid suppositories may contain medicinal substances that have a vasoconstrictive effect, help to cope with inflammation, swelling, pain and itching, improve mucosal healing and prevent infection.

    The doctor may prescribe you suppositories Relief, Anuzol, Proctosedil, etc. Rectal suppositories with methyluracil are used to improve tissue regeneration. Usually candles are recommended to be used in the morning, in the evening and after each bowel movement. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

    Before using rectal suppositories, a thorough hygiene of the anus area should be carried out.


    Many ointments for hemorrhoids have the same healing effects as candles. The doctor may prescribe ointments, the main active ingredient of which is heparin (Heparin ointment, Hepatrombin G) - a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots.

    Ointments are applied to the skin in the area of ​​hemorrhoids. Sometimes ointments are produced in special tubes with screw caps - such a cap must be inserted into the rectum and squeezed out a small amount of ointment, like an enema. The kit may include a special applicator for easy application of the drug. The frequency of use and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.


    Tablets and capsules for hemorrhoids, such as Venoruton, Vasoket, Detralex, Venarus, Phlebodia 600, strengthen and tone the walls of the veins, improve microcirculation. Your doctor may also recommend that you use dietary supplements to improve bowel function and normalize stools, such as Proctonis.

    Laxatives for hemorrhoids

    Laxatives are available in the form of tablets, granules for dissolution in water, drops for oral administration, microclysters. They help to cope with constipation, which aggravates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

    Do not use laxatives often and for a long time, especially without medical supervision. A "rebound effect" may occur - over time, constipation intensifies, and a person can no longer go to the toilet on his own, without medication. In addition, frequent unreasonable use of laxatives leads to electrolyte imbalance.

    Operations for hemorrhoids

    Minimally invasive interventions

    Minimally invasive procedures are often resorted to when hemorrhoids are accompanied by pain and constant bleeding. They can be performed on an outpatient basis. They resort to the following methods of treatment:

    Surgical interventions

    The doctor may prescribe surgery if the hemorrhoids are large or other treatments have not helped. Sometimes surgical treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis, in other cases hospitalization is required.

    Types of operations for hemorrhoids:

    Hemorrhoids: risk groups, how the disease develops, symptoms, treatment methods - video

    Hemorrhoids: symptoms and complications, causes and mechanism of development, what diseases can lead to hemorrhoids, methods of diagnosis and treatment, the opinion of a coloproctologist - video

    Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids according to the Longo method - operation video

    How to deal with hemorrhoids at home?

    There are some things you can do on your own to help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, it is worth remembering that they will not help get rid of the disease:
    • Warm baths help with hemorrhoids. You can take a bath or just sit in a bowl of water. It is necessary to place the anus area in warm water for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.
    • Careful hygiene of the anal area. You need to take a bath or shower daily, wash the anus area thoroughly.
    • Do not use soap or other products on the anus that may cause irritation. Avoid using scented wet wipes that contain alcohol.
    • Don't use regular toilet paper. It is better to use wet wipes, but without alcohol.
    • Use cold. To relieve swelling in the anus, you can use cold heating pads, ice packs, a cloth soaked in cold water.

    Diet for hemorrhoids

    Diet for hemorrhoids has two goals: to prevent constipation and irritation in the rectal area. Key recommendations:
    • Drink enough fluids. This will help make the stool softer, making it easier to pass through the intestines.
    • Your diet should include more vegetables, fruits, grains. They contain plant fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
    • Alcohol, coffee, strong tea should be avoided.
    • Limit spicy foods, spices.
    • It is better to take food in small portions, 4-5 times a day.
    • Eat around the same time every day.
    • Physical activity also helps to normalize bowel function.

    Do I need to do enemas for hemorrhoids?

    With hemorrhoids, 4 types of enemas are used:
    • Cleansing. Used for constipation. Water at room temperature is injected into the rectum, which helps to get rid of feces. Also, cleansing enemas are used in preparation for diagnostic procedures, such as colonoscopy.
    • Oil. Helps ease the passage of stool. 100 ml of sunflower, olive or vaseline oil at a temperature of 37 o C is injected into the rectum.
    • Therapeutic. A solution of a medicinal substance is injected into the rectum, which helps to eliminate inflammation, bleeding. Often, folk remedies are used as therapeutic enemas: infusion of chestnut, wormwood, chamomile, oak bark.
    • Hypertensive. A concentrated salt solution is injected into the rectum, for example, 10% sodium chloride or 30% magnesia. Due to this, fluid enters the intestinal lumen, which dilutes the stool and facilitates their discharge.
    Before using any type of enemas, be sure to consult a doctor.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Herbal remedies for hemorrhoids and other traditional medicines can help relieve symptoms and improve the condition, but they will not address the cause. Before using them, you should consult your doctor. All information below is provided for informational purposes only.

    Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids

    Medicinal effects of sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids:

    • Strengthening the vascular wall due to vitamin C.
    • Reduction of the inflammatory process and the fight against infection due to organic acids, tannins.
    • Reduce swelling.
    • Acceleration of healing of the mucous membrane.
    For hemorrhoids, sea buckthorn oil and suppositories are used. They can be bought at pharmacies. Soak a piece of gauze with oil and make a bandage on the area of ​​​​external hemorrhoids at night.

    Propolis for hemorrhoids

    Medicinal effects of propolis for hemorrhoids:

    • Prevention of infection due to the content of natural natural antibiotics.
    • Blood thinning, preventing its stagnation in hemorrhoids and the formation of clots.
    • Reduction of edema in the anus.
    • Improving the healing of the skin, mucous membranes, preventing bleeding.
    • Fight against itching and pain due to drying and cauterizing action.

    Folk recipe for ointment with propolis:

    • Take 100 grams of butter (not salted) or animal fat. Place in a saucepan.
    • Put on fire, bring to a boil.
    • Add 10 grams of purified propolis.
    • To stir thoroughly. Infuse for 30 minutes, until completely cooled.
    Mode of application: apply to hemorrhoids in the morning and evening, as well as after each bowel movement, 2-3 times a day.

    Potato for hemorrhoids

    Folk recipes for the use of potatoes for hemorrhoids were common among Russian peasants of past centuries. Medicinal effects of raw potatoes in hemorrhoids:

    • Reducing pain, itching, irritation.
    • Improved mucosal healing.
    • Reduced swelling and inflammation.
    • Strengthening the vascular wall due to vitamin C.
    Ways to use raw potatoes for hemorrhoids:
    • Thoroughly wash the potato so that there is no dirt left on it, grate it on a fine grater. Squeeze juice from the resulting slurry, do microclysters of 30 ml at night for 10 days.
    • Make bandages with grated raw potatoes at night.
    Chamomile for hemorrhoids

    Medicinal effects of chamomile for hemorrhoids:

    • Reducing inflammation.
    • Pain reduction.
    • Antiseptic action - prevention of infection.
    With hemorrhoids, a decoction of chamomile is used. Cooking:
    • Pour two tablespoons of dried flowers with one glass of boiling water.
    • Put in a water bath for 20 minutes.
    • Cool, strain.
    The use of chamomile decoction for hemorrhoids:
    • For hygiene of the anus.
    • In the form of lotions for the night.
    • In the form of sitz baths - in this case, you will have to prepare more broth. It should be warm, but not hot. Baths are done within 10-15 minutes, the total duration of the course is 8-10 days.
    • Microclysters at night for 8-10 days, 40-50 ml of decoction.
    Chinese patches for hemorrhoids

    Currently, on the Internet you can often see Chinese patches and musky ointment for hemorrhoids for sale. Do they help to cope with the disease?

    Chinese patches most often contain medicinal plants. Thus, they are a means of traditional medicine. They may alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids in the early stages, but there is no reliable data on their effectiveness.

    Musk is widely used in oriental folk medicine. Its effectiveness has not been proven. In Western countries, this substance is mainly used in perfumery.

    Folk method for the treatment of hemorrhoids - video

    Exercise for hemorrhoids

    Physical activity can lead to increased symptoms of hemorrhoids, especially if they are associated with heavy lifting. Most often, the deterioration is temporary. If exercise does not make you feel worse or worsen your symptoms, there is no point in giving up.

    Disease prevention

    In most cases, the prevention of hemorrhoids is reduced to the prevention of constipation:
    • Eat more fiber-rich foods: vegetables, fruits, whole grains. This will help make the stool softer and increase its volume, improve discharge.
    • Use dietary fiber supplements. Consult your doctor first.
    • Drink more. 6-8 glasses of fluid daily will help soften the stool and improve its passage. But it is better to refuse alcoholic beverages altogether.
    • Don't be patient if you feel like going to the toilet. The longer you wait, the harder the stool becomes.
    • Be physically active. Regular exercise helps improve bowel function.
    • Don't sit too long. If you have a sedentary job, take breaks periodically, get up, walk around.

    Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth

    Among women haemorrhoids most often occurs during pregnancy, after childbirth . Causes:
    • An enlarged uterus compresses the veins, disrupting the outflow of blood from the rectum.
    • During pregnancy, women often experience constipation. This makes you push harder and longer in the toilet, increases blood pressure in the hemorrhoidal plexus.

    How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy and while breastfeeding?

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, not all drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be used. You need to see a doctor to prescribe treatment. In addition, you must follow the recommendations described in the paragraph "How to deal with hemorrhoids at home?".

    Causes of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and after childbirth (doctor's review) - video

    Can you have sex with hemorrhoids?

    Having sex with hemorrhoids is not contraindicated. But you need to remember some rules:
    • Anal sex is not worth it. It can lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa, increasing the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
    • In bed, you need to choose positions in which you do not experience increased stress.
    • Do not have sex for too long, remember about moderation.

    What is the code for hemorrhoids in the ICD?

    The general code for all types of hemorrhoids in the ICD-10 is I84. Codes for individual forms of the disease:
    • I84.0 Internal hemorrhoids with thrombosis;
    • I84.1 - strangulated, bleeding, ulcerated, prolapsing internal hemorrhoids;
    • I84.2 - uncomplicated internal hemorrhoids;
    • I84.3 - external hemorrhoids with thrombosis;
    • I84.4 - strangulated, bleeding, ulcerated, prolapsing external hemorrhoids;
    • I84.5 - uncomplicated external hemorrhoids;
    • I84.6 - residual hemorrhoidal marks on the skin;
    • I84.7 - unspecified hemorrhoids on the skin;
    • I84.8 Strangulated, bleeding, ulcerated, prolapsing hemorrhoids, unspecified;
    • I84.9 Uncomplicated hemorrhoids, unspecified.

    Do hemorrhoids increase the risk of cancer?

    No, hemorrhoids do not lead to cancer. But the symptoms of these diseases are often very similar. Therefore, in any case, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination.
    Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

    Among the common diseases of the rectum is hemorrhoids, which are equally common in both men and women. When the first signs appear, urgent treatment is indicated. This will avoid complications and the transition of the acute stage of the disease to the chronic one. A doctor will help you choose an effective remedy for hemorrhoids for men and women by examining the site of the lesion and listening to complaints.

    There are three types of hemorrhoids, each of which requires special treatment.

    1. Outer. A hemorrhoid appears under the skin around the anus. The bump brings pain, discomfort, bleeding is insignificant. Local preparations in the form of ointments, gels, lotions will be effective.
    2. Interior. The node is formed under the mucous surface of the final section of the rectum. Causes pain, bleeds heavily, may fall out. It is useful to accompany the treatment with suppositories, decoctions of medicinal herbs.
    3. Combined. A condition when two types of hemorrhoids are combined.

    Effective remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids are selected only after examination and determination of the location of the appearance of cones and the stage of the disease.

    Therapeutic measures in an acute condition

    There are various ways to solve the problem. Conservative, minimally invasive, operational. Experts do not prohibit the use of traditional medicine recipes. Often the combination of drug therapy with traditional medicine gives the best results.

    Proctologist Kolesova:

    Hemorrhoids is a serious disease that causes a lot of anxiety, fortunately, there are remedies that help both relieve symptoms and help heal. One of them...

    What remedies for hemorrhoids are most often prescribed by proctologists? The acute stage is characterized by swelling, inflammation and irritation of the affected area. This causes pain to the patient with any movement. You can use local and general drugs for pain, anti-inflammatory drugs, cleansing enemas, laxatives and phlebotonic drugs.

    Remedies for hemorrhoids in women can be divided into several types.

    • Coagulants, hemostatics are prescribed if bleeding is concerned.
    • Anticoagulants are able to relieve swelling, inflammation and dissolve the knot.
    • Preparations that tonic and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the muscles of the lower rectum.
    • Antispasmodics relieve pain and inflammation.
    • Immunomodulators increase the body's resistance to various infections.
    • Combined drugs can cope not only with pain and inflammation, but also with microbes.
    • Antiseptics.
    • Medicinal formulations that can dry the surface.

    Accepted by these means. What helps of them depends on each individual case.

    If pain is present, medications based on non-narcotic analgesics may be prescribed, for example: Diclofenac, Nise, Ketanol. It is best to cope with pain with complex topical preparations, for example, Gepatrombin, Ultraprokt. If puffiness and inflammation have spread to neighboring areas of the skin, then the method of applying gauze dressings with Vishnevsky ointment to the affected areas is used.

    Gels, ointments, creams will help cure. Ointments relieve tension, fever and inflammation, heal anal fissures. The most popular are the following ointments.

    1. Antihemorrhoidal agent - Heparin ointment. Quickly relieves inflammation and swelling. This is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids, which has a mild effect, therefore it is allowed to use pregnant women. Affordable price will be affordable for everyone.
    2. Troxevasin. In addition to reducing inflammation, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
    3. Relief. This ointment is most effective in the initial stages of the development of hemorrhoids.

    If thrombosis develops and an inflammatory process joins, ointments can be prescribed, which include an antibacterial component: Levomekol, Levosin.

    With hemorrhoids, the walls of blood vessels become thinner and weaker. Therefore, it is imperative to use products that can give tone and elasticity to the vessels. Well helps in this case, the drug Detralex, as well as Venoruton.

    What can be done to stop bleeding? If you are concerned about bleeding, then therapeutic suppositories are prescribed. They include adrenaline and hemostatic components that act locally. You can treat hemorrhoids with drugs such as Adroxon, Bireplast, Spongostan.

    Often the cause of hemorrhoids and the deterioration of its condition is constipation. Therefore, the appointment of laxatives is simply necessary. Dufalac syrup, Normaze or Regulax drops will help solve the problem.

    They can be drunk for a long time, they are not addictive and absolutely harmless to the body.

    In the case when conservative methods of treatment do not bring results or improvement occurs for a short period, it is necessary to proceed to minimally invasive methods. But in most cases they help only at the first signs of the disease. If it is running, then you can not do without an operation.

    Description of drugs

    Hemorrhoids are easier to treat at the initial stage than to eliminate the consequences of complications. There is a large list of drugs that are highly effective. Which one is the most effective? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Each prescribed drug performs its own function.

    1. The best remedy for hemorrhoids is Relief. The medicine is available in the form of ointments and suppositories. The wound heals faster, inflammation is removed, blood stops. The pain subsides at the same time. It is not recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids for women carrying a child, as well as for thrombosis.
    2. Proctosan. Can be found in the form of suppositories and ointments. Eliminates inflammation and pain. The wound dries up, shrinks, so it passes faster.
    3. Powerful drug Natalsid in the form of candles. Relieves inflammation, stops blood, heals wounds and cracks. The use is allowed even during pregnancy and lactation.
    4. Troxevasin. Produced in the form of capsules that fight from the inside. By acting on the veins and capillaries, they relieve swelling, pain, reduce itching and burning. You need to take one capsule three times a day. The course of treatment can last up to a month. The drug taken begins to act within a couple of days.
    5. Duphalac serves as a laxative. Assign at. Softening the stool, facilitates the process of defecation. You can take 45 ml for a month.

    Than - only the doctor decides. He, taking into account the condition, the severity of the disease, prescribes the appropriate medicine, duration of use and dosage.

    Depending on the location of the cones, it will be decided what is best to assign. Remedies for hemorrhoids in men with internal localization of cones are prescribed in the form of suppositories, systemic drugs for oral administration. If the hemorrhoids are outside, then it is useful to apply ointments, gels, compresses.

    Treatment of an old disease

    It is possible to cure hemorrhoids quickly with the help of minimally invasive methods. Male or female hemorrhoids can be cured by these methods at the first and second stages of the course of the disease.

    • Sclerotherapy. During the procedure, a special substance is injected into the affected area, and the vessels stick together. Node nutrition stops, and hemorrhoids disappear.
    • If the hemorrhoids are inside, then a more gentle method - ligation - will be effective. A latex ring is put on the knot, which prevents its nutrition.
    • During cryodestruction, the node is frozen within 2-3 minutes. As soon as the substance thaws, the knot falls off.

    The main disadvantage of these procedures is that they do not get rid of the root cause of the disease, only hemorrhoid nodes are removed. Strong blood flow continues to flow into the pelvic area, and the nodes may appear again. It is not recommended to carry out procedures in the presence of abrasions and cracks, thrombosis and paraproctitis.

    If the patient went to the doctor with advanced, third and fourth stages, then the disease is treated with the help of surgery - hemorrhoidectomy. During the operation, the hemorrhoid is excised. The entire node and the mucous surface on which it is located are removed. After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for up to 10 days.

    Accompanying folk medicine

    The advantage of traditional medicine is that you can choose a recipe that would be suitable for treatment. It can also be used as a preventive measure.

    The best and safest remedy is self-made candles. They can be cut, for example, from a potato tuber. Ice candles are very popular, which can be made from water with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, sage, or calendula. The blood stops, pain subsides, swelling and irritation are removed.

    Honey has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antimicrobial effects. You can soak a gauze bandage with honey, roll it up and insert it into the rectal area. It is allowed to form a candle, but for this you need to take a candied product that is at least a year old.

    Taking decoctions of medicinal chamomile inside is an effective way that helps to heal quickly and relieve inflammation. Based on the decoction, you can make sitz baths and lotions.

    You can treat hemorrhoids with oil and water enemas with the addition of salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs. They can cope with constipation and improve the natural functioning of intestinal motility. The main thing is not to injure the hemorrhoidal cones during the procedure.

    You can independently prepare a healing ointment. To reduce the size of the bumps, an ointment based on calendula is useful; ointment from narcissus or propolis oil will help to anesthetize and relieve inflammation. The most effective remedy for hemorrhoids is mummy.

    The product has a complex effect on the affected area and quickly copes with the problem.

    Not possible in any way. But thanks to timely access to a specialist and proper treatment, you can forget about the symptoms for a long time.

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