Chinese transdermal patch for hemorrhoids: is it effective in treatment? chinese patch for hemorrhoids chinese patch for hemorrhoids

Recently, Chinese alternative medicine has been very popular among patients. Patients consider them safer, as they consist only of natural ingredients.

Such remedies include a transdermal Chinese patch for hemorrhoids (anti hemorrhoids), which affects such manifestations of the disease as pain, itching and swelling in the anus. In addition, when using this remedy, the root of the problem is affected, that is, blood circulation in the small pelvis is normalized.

We propose to consider what properties this miracle drug has, how to use it and where to buy it, as well as what specialists and patients say about it.

Healing composition

The Chinese hemorrhoid patch is an alternative medicine consisting mainly of ingredients of natural origin and one synthetic component - papaverine hydrochloride.

Among the natural components of the patch, one should single out such as borneol, burnet root, berberine hydrochloride and Chinese gall.

Go to the official site

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of the Chinese patch against hemorrhoids are due to its healing composition, so we will consider each component in more detail.

Borneol is a chemical compound of organic nature, which is obtained by processing camphor-containing plants.

According to Eastern healers, borneol activates the Yang vital energy and normalizes blood circulation in the human body.

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Borneol exhibits many useful properties that are used in medicine, namely:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • healing.

Borneol affects almost all manifestations of hemorrhoids, and also prevents bacterial complications, which are often associated with inflammation of hemorrhoids.

This substance can only be used externally, as it can cause poisoning.

Burnet root is a powerful natural hemostatic agent, which is very important for hemorrhoids. The active substances of this plant not only eliminate rectal bleeding, but also increase the regenerative capacity of affected tissues, accelerating the healing of tears, erosions and ulcers of the anus.

Chinese healers widely use this plant for bleeding from internal organs, as well as in the treatment of ulcers of the lower extremities, eczema, burns, frostbite, cuts and other wounds.

Berberine hydrochloride belongs to the group of plant alkaloids, which effectively eliminate the inflammatory process in tissues. In addition, this substance prevents cancerous transformation of cells and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Berberine stops swelling, redness, itching and pain, and also reduces the size of hemorrhoids.

No less important is the action of Chinese galls in hemorrhoids, because the plant contains a huge amount of tannin. Due to this, the plant has astringent, hemostatic, healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Galla chinensis quickly relieves irritation of the skin of the anorectal zone, stops the bleeding of hemorrhoids, stops itching and burning in the anus.

Papaverine hydrochloride is a synthetic antispasmodic derived from the poppy. The drug eliminates the spasm of the smooth muscle fibers of the rectum, stopping the pain caused by hemorrhoids.

The patch is glued to the skin near the navel. The active substances of the agent are absorbed into the blood and sent to the tissues of the rectum and hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum.

Thus, the Chinese plaster, thanks to the organically selected composition of active ingredients, helps to get rid of the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids. In addition, this remedy improves the functioning of almost all systems and organs of the body, accelerating recovery.


Anti hemorrhoids patch can be used both for treatment and for primary and secondary prevention of the disease.

This miracle remedy from Chinese manufacturers is effective for internal and external hemorrhoids with acute or chronic course, anus tears, anorectal eczema, varicose veins of the lower extremities and other diseases.

Chinese patch for hemorrhoids: instructions for use

The patch is glued to the skin of the umbilical zone. This place of application is explained by the fact that in this area there are points that are responsible for the work of vital organs, and also pass through energy paths.

All Chinese plasters operate on the basis of these laws.

The undoubted advantage of the transdermal patch is its simplicity and ease of use.

If there is hairiness on the skin, then it is recommended to remove it with a razor. Also, the area of ​​application must be washed with warm water without soap and dried with a towel or napkin.

After hygienic procedures, they begin to stick the patch itself. To do this, you need to release the patch from the packaging, remove the paper from the sticky side and stick it on the skin.

The patch is used once a day, as its action lasts 24 hours. The course of treatment is 9 days (8 patches).

After removing the patch, the skin must be washed again with warm water.

The next patch can be applied no earlier than 3 hours and no later than 24 hours.

In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, it will be enough to take 1 course, but in the later stages of the disease, 2 to 3 courses of treatment with a Chinese patch will be needed.

Judging by the feedback from patients, the effect of such therapy is noticeable after the first patch: pain in the anus decreases and hemorrhoidal bleeding stops.

Despite the claims of the manufacturers that the patch can be used as a monotherapy for hemorrhoids, it is still necessary to consult with your treating proctologist before use.

Side effects

In clinical studies, the only side effect of the patch was revealed - an allergy to its ingredients, which is manifested by hyperemia, swelling and itching in the area of ​​application, as well as dermatitis and urticarial rashes.

In the first minutes after sticking the patch, a slight tingling sensation may be felt. Such a reaction passes after 5-6 minutes and is considered the norm.

Application restrictions

To avoid negative effects on the body, it is strictly forbidden to use the patch for people who have a history of allergic manifestations to the ingredients of the product, as well as those who are prone to allergies.

When applying the patch, make sure that there is no damage to the skin in the area of ​​its sticking.

Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications to treatment with this remedy, but the patch can only be used under strict medical supervision.

During treatment, fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet, and it is also forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the patch.


The patch for hemorrhoids from China has a number of advantages, namely:

  • safety, as it practically does not cause adverse reactions and has a minimum number of contraindications;
  • convenience and ease of use - you just need to stick on the skin;
  • fast onset of the effect - relief comes literally after the first application of the patch;
  • the complexity of the action - the patch affects the symptoms and pathogenesis of hemorrhoids;
  • effectiveness at all stages and forms of hemorrhoids;
  • the patch is recognized by proctologists in all countries.


A hemorrhoid patch is sold in pharmacies in our country. Also, the tool can be bought in online stores. But it is best to order it on the official website of the manufacturer, as this will protect you from fakes.

The cost of the patch depends on the supplier and your region.

Expert opinion

Many proctologists and coloproctologists have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Experts consider this tool an excellent option when it is impossible to use local external medications. Doctors also note that the patch not only eliminates the manifestations of hemorrhoids, but also acts as a pathogenetic agent, which helps to completely get rid of the problem.

In addition, the patch can be prescribed not only for acute hemorrhoids, but also during remission to prevent exacerbation of the process.

Chinese transdermal patches for hemorrhoids are an innovative remedy made according to ancient Tibetan recipes, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, prevents complications of the disease, and also strengthens the body and activates the work of all organs of the body.

To be honest, this form of the drug did not inspire confidence in me. But I decided to give it a try anyway.

I glued the patch 1 time per day below the navel. Literally after the second application, I noticed that the pain was gone, and a few days later the bump disappeared. This is the miracle of Chinese medicine. I recommend to all!"

Dmitry, 43 years old: “I have been suffering from external hemorrhoids for more than 10 years. Despite treatment, exacerbation of the disease is observed 1-2 times a year.

Since I had already lost faith in the effectiveness of antihemorrhoidal drugs, I decided to look for an effective non-traditional remedy. My search led me to some forum, I don’t remember the name anymore, and there were a lot of positive reviews about transdermal patches, including those for hemorrhoids.

I ordered a Chinese antihemorrhoidal patch on the official website, it was cheaper that way. I immediately purchased 8 patches to complete the full course.

Applied as the instructions say. One course was enough for me: hemorrhoidal bumps decreased in size, cracks healed, pain and itching disappeared.

Marina, 37 years old: “I have known about hemorrhoids for a long time, since my mother suffers from them, so I did not rule out that this disease could be transmitted to me by heredity. To reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, I led an active and healthy lifestyle. But pregnancy and childbirth gave me not only joy, but also hemorrhoids.

Immediately after the hospital, I felt an unpleasant feeling in the rectum, and over time, pain and itching after a bowel movement. Suspecting that it was hemorrhoids, I turned to a specialist who recommended a Chinese patch to me.

Since caring for a child takes a lot of time and effort, it was very convenient to apply the patch - I stuck it on and forgot it for a day.

I went through a full course of treatment and still forgot about hemorrhoids, and this is already 3 whole years. I advise everyone!".

Beware of fakes! Original Chinese transdermal patches can be obtained at.

Go to the official site

A new remedy for the treatment of varicose hemorrhoidal veins has appeared on the pharmaceutical market - the Chinese Anti-hemorrhoids patch for hemorrhoids.

Anti-hemorrhoids patch

With its help, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and eliminate the causes of development. At the same time, the patch has no side effects and contraindications. It is not surprising that in such a short time, Anti-hemorrhoids has become popular throughout Europe.

How does the patch work?

The secret of effective treatment of hemorrhoids with the Anti-hemorrhoids patch lies in the unique manufacturing technology and composition.

All components are carefully processed, crushed, blocks are formed and placed in a special shell that can easily conduct medicinal ingredients. During the application of a therapeutic patch for hemorrhoids, the block heats up from body temperature, the active components easily pass the skin (transdermally) into the blood (at the same time, a constant normalized flow of nutrients is ensured).

The antihemorrhoidal patch quickly eliminates the pain syndrome caused by the development of inflammation of the rectal mucosa, improves blood microcirculation and strengthens the vascular walls, preventing the rupture of hemorrhoids.

The natural components that make up the patch have an antispasmodic effect, improve the healing process of anal fissures and prevent the recurrence of the disease in the future.

The effect of the drug becomes noticeable the very next day after the start of treatment. According to reviews on medical forums, the main symptoms of the disease disappear after using the first 3-4 patches.

Indications for use of the Anti-hemorrhoids transdermal patch:

  • external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • itching and pain during the act of defecation;
  • disorders of blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs;
  • anal fissures;
  • prevention of the development of hemorrhoids.

Composition of the ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS patch

The composition of the patch for the treatment of hemorrhoids includes the following components:

Where to buy hemorrhoid patch?

The manufacturer sells patches through the official website, click on the button below to go.
The manufacturer is fully responsible for the quality of the product, within two weeks you can make a return if the product does not suit you.

The antihemorrhoidal patch is considered an unconventional drug, so you can’t buy it in a pharmacy.

Price, payment and delivery

The official price of one pack of ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS hemorrhoid patches is 990 rubles.

You can order the product through the manufacturer's online store. Just fill out the application form, be sure to indicate a valid phone number in it, and send the data to the site. In a few minutes, the operator will call you back (5-25 minutes), clarify all the details of the order, report the exact total cost and approximate delivery date.

The goods are sent immediately after the application is made and the conversation with the operator, and you can receive it in 10-14 days at the nearest post office. Delivery time depends on where the buyer lives (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan).

Instructions for use

The instruction is simple, but pay close attention to the important information about where to stick the patch for hemorrhoids - the patch is placed in the umbilical region. Large blood vessels pass near the navel, thanks to which the medicinal components quickly penetrate into the blood and begin to act.

Instructions are on the back of the patch package. Click on the photo to enlarge.
  1. The skin near the navel must be thoroughly washed (the hair in this area is shaved off, since the patch should have maximum adhesion).
  2. Then you need to open the individual packaging, remove the protective film and stick the patch to the skin.
  3. The patch is removed exactly after 24 hours, after which the skin is thoroughly washed with warm water and the procedure is repeated.

The minimum course of treatment for hemorrhoids with the ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS patch lasts 8 days. People diagnosed with stage 3 and 4 hemorrhoids are recommended to go through it two to three times without a break.

In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, the manufacturer recommends repeating the course twice a year.

The antihemorrhoidal patch has no side effects, but some patients complain of itching or tingling in the umbilical region the first time they are applied. Usually after a few minutes, the sensations disappear, but if the itching intensifies, then the patch should be removed and make sure that there is no development of skin allergies.

There are no contraindications to the use of the patch. Pregnant women should use the patch with caution (before starting treatment, it is better to consult a doctor).

The ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS patch is produced in sealed vacuum bags of 8 pieces in one package. One package is designed for one course of treatment. Store in a dry, dark place.

Modern medicine offers some innovative remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Previously, pharmacies offered mainly ointments, creams and drugs for oral administration. Today, the hemorrhoid patch is widely used, and its use is considered by many to be convenient and effective.

Patches for hemorrhoids have not yet received recognition from official medicine and should be considered in the same way as any folk remedies. This development of Chinese medicine is indicated for the treatment of hemorrhoids and its prevention.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids, which, according to the manufacturer, the patch can cope with, include:

  1. the formation and prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  2. blood and / or mucous discharge from the anus;
  3. itching and burning;
  4. pain when sitting, especially during bowel movements;
  5. constipation and other bowel problems.

The indications for the use of hemorrhoid patches are based on the concept of a transdermal therapeutic system. This system involves the use of drugs in such a way that the active substances penetrate into the body gradually and in small quantities. Penetration into the vessels is through the skin.

Release form

Hemorrhoid patches are similar in shape to regular patches. They consist of several layers:

  • lining;
  • medicine department;
  • semi-permeable membrane;
  • binding liquid;
  • protective strip.

The plaster is sold individually, in a reliable package with thermal protection.

Anti hemorrhoids

The Chinese patch "ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS", which has already become known throughout the world, was developed not so long ago. The specialists who worked on the drug presented a copy ready for human testing in 2013. Then an experiment was conducted in the Netherlands, which was observed by doctors from different countries.

2,000 people who suffered from hemorrhoids were invited to participate, and the disease was at different stages, and it was both internal and external. All of them used the ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS patch for 10 days. The developers announced the results, according to which 95% of patients noticed effective results, the main of which was the resorption of hemorrhoids.

Doctors were skeptical about the use of "ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS", so the official medicine did not recognize the remedy.

Chinese transdermal patch

The transdermal patch is based on a Chinese philosophy that is often used in traditional Chinese medicine. The developers explain that the human body is a clot of energy mass and it is possible to influence the foci of the disease by regulating it. So the energy "Qi" is concentrated in the navel. Getting into this clot of energy, the active substances of drugs are immediately distributed throughout the body, while most of it is sent to those internal organs in which the inflammatory process has begun.

The Chinese transdermal patch "ANTI-HEMORRHOIDS" causes a lot of controversy and those who do not trust such treatments can be understood. Chinese traditional medicine is fundamentally different from what we are used to. The only similarity is that it is also based on the use of natural components, often these are plants. The same applies to the transdermal Chinese patch. Its composition is completely natural and, perhaps, this is the most often cited argument in favor of its use.


The hemorrhoid patch contains a tablet with active active ingredients, which provide a therapeutic effect. Under the influence of heat, they transform into a gel, and penetrate into the body.

It is noteworthy that most of them in our area are not even familiar. So, the active components of the drug are:

  1. Hemorrhagic root. Improves blood circulation, normalizes blood composition. Due to this effect, blood secretions stop and their resumption is prevented. Also, the root of the burnet accelerates the process of resorption of hemorrhoids.
  2. Galla Chinese. Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, heals the area affected by cracks, relieves the inflammatory process. The plant also has an antiseptic effect. Wounds are gradually dried and tightened.
  3. Berberine hydrochloride. It is considered one of the key components of the composition. Prevents the occurrence of complications and the transition of hemorrhoids to more severe stages. Prevents the formation of puffiness, tumors and acute inflammatory processes.
  4. papaverine hydrochloride. The main action is analgesic and spasmodic. The action of the substance is powerful and manifests itself immediately after entering the human body. Helps eliminate itching, burning, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, dramatically reduces pain.
  5. Borneol. It has a beneficial effect on the rectum: it accelerates the recovery processes in the tissues of the mucous membrane. Borneol also protects the affected area from infection and infection with staphylococci and streptococci.

Instructions for use

Instructions for using a transdermal hemorrhoid patch are simple, but require strict adherence. It is glued to the skin near the navel. Before gluing the patch, it is necessary to prepare the skin. To do this, wash it with warm water and baby soap. It is desirable that there is no hair in the desired area. If the hairline there is large, then you will have to eliminate it. Otherwise, the hairs will prevent the penetration of the drug inside.

The remedy keeps for a day. During this time, the active substances of the drug have their effect and are gradually absorbed, penetrating into the body. The patch is removed easily, without pain. The next one should be glued after 3 hours, having previously cleaned the skin again.

The manufacturer claims that the minimum duration of a course of treatment with a transdermal patch is 8 pieces. If the disease has progressed to stage 2 and above, then it is recommended to take several courses in a row.

Divorce or not?

Many of those who consider the treatment of hemorrhoids with a transdermal patch a divorce argue that the disease affects the rectum, and the patch is glued to the navel. The natural question is - where is the rectum, and where is the stomach?

The Chinese use human energy as the basis for all methods of treatment; among the inhabitants of our region, few people take seriously information about the energy of "Qi" and other subtleties of using the patch.

It is hardly reasonable to believe that a transdermal hemorrhoid patch can cure the disease of any stage. However, the positive reviews of those who have experienced its effect on themselves prove that the drug really allows you to get rid of the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids. The best option would be to use a patch to alleviate the condition, but it cannot be a complex therapy.

Reviews of doctors

Transdermal therapy has nothing to do with conventional medicine. My attitude to folk methods of treatment has always been and remains biased. This is partly because patients often do not see the line when it is still possible to use such methods, and when the disease has passed into a serious stage, where one cannot do without the intervention of specialists. Chinese patches for hemorrhoids are perceived by many as an innovative tool, while few people pay attention to the fact that you will not find them in any pharmacy. Why? Yes, because hemorrhoids are too dangerous a disease with which it is better not to experiment. It is always necessary to contact a proctologist who will establish the causes that provoked the disease, determine its stage, and only then select a complete therapy.

Valery Igorevich

Some of my patients who come to me with hemorrhoids ask about the advisability of using a Chinese transdermal patch. Moreover, in most cases it turns out that they have already bought it and now decided to consult for decency. I see no reason to dissuade them. Firstly, the basis of the patch is natural, that is, side effects should not occur. Secondly, no one canceled the placebo effect. Self-hypnosis is really a powerful thing, and it helps many people. If a person sticks a band-aid and sincerely believes in its effectiveness, why should I dissuade him. Of course, when I hear that some people treat hemorrhoids exclusively with a band-aid, I am shocked.

Andrey Vitalievich

Vladimir Yurievich

Average price in pharmacies

The Chinese transdermal patch is not sold in pharmacy chains. The cost when ordering via the Internet for 1 unit is about 150 rubles. Sometimes the patch can be found in some stores or from individuals, but the price there is usually overpriced several times.

Where can I buy

It is recommended to buy a Chinese transdermal patch on the official website of the manufacturer. To order, simply go to the site and leave a request, indicating the required number of pieces.

This way of buying attracts many. Some are simply embarrassed to go to the pharmacy with their delicate problem. Others don't have the time. It only takes a few minutes to place an order online.

In addition to the official website of the manufacturer, offers for the sale of a Chinese transdermal patch can also be found on other resources. However, in this case, there is no guarantee of purchasing the original product.


Contraindications to the use of a hemorrhoid patch are:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components that make up the composition;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • smoking and poor diet.

As for the diet, the use of the patch requires the exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried and spicy foods. This will get rid of toxins in the body, so the medicine will work more effectively.

Pros and cons of the patch

The main disadvantage of patches for hemorrhoids is doubtfulness. It is one thing to buy patented, certified drugs, and another thing non-drugs. Doubts about the effectiveness are causing some to abandon the idea of ​​ordering a Chinese transdermal patch. In addition, the drug does not eradicate the disease, but only eliminates the symptoms. At the same time, those who have already experienced its effect on themselves, highlight the following advantages:

  • performance. Painful symptoms of hemorrhoids disappear after the first few applications;
  • Convenience. The application of ointments, gels and the use of candles are intimate procedures that do not always have time and opportunity to perform;
  • Safety. The natural basis of the drug minimizes contraindications for use;
  • Complex impact. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and other effects of the patch have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Real reviews

When faced with hemorrhoids, I immediately went to the doctor, who prescribed a comprehensive treatment. I also decided to order a Chinese transdermal patch, I asked the proctologist, he said that he could not prescribe a non-drug, but if I decide to order it, he will not mind. Delivery is fast, in a few clicks I placed an order and in three days I had it. I figured out the instructions quickly, the patch is really very simple and easy to use. I went to the shower, wiped the area near the navel dry and glued the first patch. I glued it and forgot it, there was no discomfort or feeling of heaviness. A day later, I took it off, waited a few hours and glued a new one. There were no side effects, perhaps the use of the patch turned out to be the most pleasant procedure for treating hemorrhoids.

Faced with psoriasis at a young age and did not take the necessary measures in time. When I went to the doctor, it was too late, the disease passed into the third stage, and I had to endure a long course of treatment. All this time I reproached myself for frivolity, I had to endure so much pain and torment, itching, burning, I could not even just sit on a chair. After the completion of therapy, the doctor recommended that preventive measures be observed. To do this, I am on a diet and order a Chinese patch for hemorrhoids twice a year. Why him? Because of all the various means, it is the easiest to use. What could be easier than just sticking a band-aid on your stomach and forgetting about it for days. The disease has not returned, I will continue to use the patch.


I hear a lot of negative reviews about the patch for hemorrhoids. I myself use it when the first signs of the disease appear and recommend it to all my friends. Many simply do not have sufficient information about the energy capabilities of a person. As a person who has devoted all his life to esotericism, I can say that the navel area in our body is a unique area in which a clot of energy accumulates. When the active substances of the drug penetrate into it, they spread to all internal organs. This process occurs gradually, in contrast to taking conventional pills. Before abandoning such an easy way to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is better to weigh all the pros and cons. It may turn out that the Chinese hemorrhoid patch is the best treatment option for you.

I learned about Chinese patches for hemorrhoids and immediately became interested. Without even thinking, I decided to try. Do you know why? Yes, simply because this method of treatment seemed modern to me. The father suffers from hemorrhoids and regularly visits a proctologist. For a long time I persuaded my father, but when hemorrhoids appeared again, he agreed. I ordered 10 pieces of plasters on the official website, the delivery was quite fast. It turned out to be easy to use, dad glued a patch to the area near the navel and forgot about its existence. This procedure turned out to be much easier and more pleasant than using suppositories, ointments, etc. The product turned out to be really effective! Symptoms of hemorrhoids, especially severe itching and pain during defecation, disappeared immediately. Both he and I were satisfied. Do not believe the prejudices about the dangers of "pills from the Internet." Better try it first.


Negative Feedback

I finished “treating” with a Chinese patch for hemorrhoids a few weeks ago, but I still can’t move away. The fact that the effect of the use was zero, I will not even tell. But I ran into another problem - a burn. I kept the first patch for a day, when I took it off, the skin was red, but I thought that it was necessary. After 3 hours, as required by the instructions, I glued the next one, and went to bed. I woke up in the morning with a strong burning sensation in my stomach. She immediately took off the plaster and could not believe her eyes - it turned out to be a real burn. Naturally, no one returned the money, and the consultants of the official site did not really want to answer my questions. As a result, I went to the hospital and to the proctologist, and to the dermatologist. It’s better not to risk it, hemorrhoid patches are a real scam.

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Hemorrhoids (renal) is the most common disease of the rectum. It affects about 40% of people suffering from proctological diseases. The disease is an inflammation of the veins in the rectum with the subsequent formation of hemorrhoidal cones (nodules). If the treatment was not timely, the patient may experience complications such as internal bleeding, anemia.

Causing factors for hemorrhoids

Among the main causes of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  1. Wrong nutrition. Due to the wrong diet, a person is more prone to constipation. Pushing, the tension of the veins in the rectum increases, provoking pain and inflammation. Possible internal bleeding. Dysbacteriosis and flatulence are also a negative consequence of an improper diet and a provoking factor in the disease. Spicy, fatty and spicy foods irritate the intestinal mucosa, causing it to upset.
  2. Insufficient liquid. A person should drink 0-40 mg of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. If a person consumes fluids less than normal, toxins accumulate in the body, the digestive process is disrupted, and constipation occurs.
  3. Insufficient physical activity. Prolonged sitting or standing in one place leads to the fact that blood stasis occurs in the pelvic organs. Therefore, it is recommended to do a warm-up every 2 hours in order to disperse stagnant blood.
  4. Smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Bad habits provoke a decrease in the protective properties of the body, blood pressure rises, and the digestion process is disturbed. Alcoholic drinks cause irritation of the stomach lining.
  5. Hypothermia of the pelvic organs and the lumbar region. Hypothermia provokes the process of inflammation, as a result of which the elasticity of blood vessels, as well as mucous tissues, is disturbed. As a result of a violation of the thermal regime, the blood circulation process slows down, causing stagnation.
  6. Lifting heavy objects. In the course of scientific research, it has been proven that lifting objects up to 25 kg does not cause negative consequences. Otherwise, venous and arterial pressure in the pelvic and abdominal area increases.

Therapy of hemorrhoids

Treatment of the disease involves several ways. In the early stages of development, the disease can be cured at home using traditional medicine recipes. In the pharmacy you can buy rectal suppositories, ointments. The price for each drug is individual. Minimally invasive methods are used from 2 to 3 stages of the development of the disease. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is indispensable. This is a painful procedure that requires a recovery period. The price of surgical intervention is not affordable for every patient. Having entered the forum and read the reviews of people, it becomes clear that not every patient is ready to make such sacrifices. Moreover, in some cases, after surgery, a recurrence of the disease is possible.

Most therapies are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, and not at eliminating the root cause of the disease. Treatment involves other methods. One of them is a transdermal hemorrhoid patch.

Antihemorrhoidal agent

The plaster from hemorrhoids eliminates not only the external manifestations of the disease, but also eliminates the main provoking factors of the disease. It strengthens the protective properties of the body. A patch for hemorrhoids is attached to the navel. All vital points are located precisely in the navel. On the surface of this anti-poking agent, there is a circle in which the active substance and extracts of medicinal plants are concentrated. Through the skin, the active substances begin to gradually liquefy and are absorbed. The remedy for hemorrhoids begins a comprehensive effect on the organs. Hemorrhoid plaster restores blood circulation, stimulates the functioning of all systems in the human body. It can be used regardless of the stage of the disease.


The hemorrhoid patch consists of 5 main active ingredients:

  1. Medicinal hemorrhage. The component eliminates pain, stops bleeding, inflammation. When applied externally, it heals wounds. Hemorrhoids are reduced in size, and wounds heal more quickly.
  2. Galla Chinese. The component contains a lot of tannin, which has astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps accelerate the regeneration of the skin, dries the wound, eliminates swelling.
  3. Borneol. It has many medicinal properties - eliminates pain, spasms, promotes wound healing, has an antiseptic effect. Helps improve blood circulation.
  4. Berberine hydrochloride. The component is used against the process of inflammation, prevents complications. The component prevents the development of tumors and the transition of the disease to the acute stage. Eliminates even severe swelling.
  5. papaverine hydrochloride. Eliminates muscle spasm, pain, itching. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation.

medicinal properties

The hemorrhoid patch has the following medicinal properties:

  • effectively eliminates signs of exacerbation
  • prevents bleeding
  • helps reduce itching
  • eliminates puffiness and irritation
  • improves skin regeneration
  • restores blood circulation
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • prevents the development of complications
  • can be used for prevention
  • removes toxins and waste

How to apply

To cure an ailment, it is not enough just to buy an anti-poking agent, it is necessary to apply it correctly. In order for the hemorrhoid patch to justify its therapeutic properties, the instructions must be strictly followed by patients. Chinese patches for hemorrhoids are attached to clean, not wet skin in the navel. If there is hairline at the location of the patch, it is recommended to remove it first. This is necessary in order not to prevent the absorption of active ingredients through the skin.

One anti-poking patch provides its healing effect within 24 hours. Under the influence of temperature, the active substances of the agent are absorbed into the blood through the skin. After 24 hours, the agent is removed and the attachment site is cleaned. After 3-4 hours, the procedure is repeated. In order for the treatment to be successful, you need to complete a course that involves the use of 8 patches.


Negative feedback from people visiting the forum often arises from the fact that they do not know how to use this tool. For this reason, it is important to follow the instructions for use. The hemorrhoid patch is not recommended for use in case of an allergic reaction to one of the components. If treatment with Chinese innovative development is started, bad habits (smoking, drinking) should be forgotten. The diet should exclude spicy and fatty foods. It is allowed to use the remedy during the bearing of a child only under the close supervision of doctors.

Patients often feel a tingling sensation at the site where the active ingredient is located. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who visited the forum. According to the official manufacturer, a tingling sensation may occur in people with impaired blood microcirculation. After a few minutes, the tingling sensation disappears. If a person is concerned about severe itching, it is necessary to remove the remedy and make sure that there is no allergic reaction to one of the components.

Innovative development

Chinese transdermal patches for hemorrhoids are an innovative development of Chinese research doctors. In the course of research, it was found that 95% of people noticed an improvement in their condition, the symptoms of the disease disappeared, and the nodes began to dissolve. From 1 to 3 stages, the disease was completely cured. And the subjects with the last stage of the disease noticed a marked improvement in renal therapy. The hemorrhoid patch is an effective remedy, as evidenced by numerous reviews of grateful consumers. And its price remains reasonable. This is evidenced by the fact that the Anti Hemorrhoids hemorrhoid patch has become the most sold product in Europe. Ease of use, affordable price, efficiency - all these factors influenced the popularity of the product.

According to the manufacturers at the initial stages, the disease can be cured in a few days. In advanced stages, more time is needed. The course of therapy varies from 2 to 3 weeks.

Main advantages

Anti Hemorrhoids patch should be bought for the following reasons:

  1. Acts quickly. Positive changes are noticeable almost immediately.
  2. Convenient to use. Treatment involves following several recommendations. There is no need to change the usual rhythm of life, does not constrain movements.
  3. Wide range of influences. Anti Hemorrhoids patch not only eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also has an antiviral effect. Apply at any form and stage of the disease.
  4. Safety. Natural ingredients are not harmful. There are no restrictions on the age of the patient.
  5. Price. In comparison with other drugs, the price of the drug is acceptable. In terms of effectiveness, the drug is not inferior to drugs. You can order innovative development on the Internet.
  6. It is a certified product.

Hemorrhoid patch Anti Hemorrhoids is an innovative development that can not only eliminate clinical manifestations, but also cure the disease. This disease affects about 10% of the world's population. The widespread occurrence of the disease is associated with provoking factors: weakness of the walls of the veins, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, genetic predisposition.

The spread of the disease is associated with overweight

Description of the drug

The Chinese patch for hemorrhoids underwent clinical studies, during which it was found that out of 2000 subjects, 95% of the condition improved significantly, clinical manifestations disappeared, and the nodes resolved.

Patients diagnosed with stage 1 to 3 hemorrhoids after the treatment was completed cured the disease. At the last stage of development, the general condition of the patient improved. Chinese hemorrhoid patch received the best reviews. According to manufacturers, in the early stages, hemorrhoids can be cured in a few days, and at an advanced stage of development, treatment ranges from 14 to 21 days.

The tool is easy to use. It is enough to stick it on the stomach, and the active substances, as a result of exposure to body temperature, will begin to be absorbed through the skin into the blood. Nanoparticles of active substances allow to penetrate into hard-to-reach areas of the tissue, making the treatment as effective as possible.

Hemorrhoid patch Anti Hemorrhoids


The patch contains a tablet containing active substances. As a result of exposure to body temperature, the tablet turns into a gel and enters the bloodstream through the skin within a day. The transdermal patch for hemorrhoids consists of the following components:

  • Galla Chinese. Allows damaged skin to regenerate faster. The component eliminates inflammation and swelling. It is a powerful antiseptic that has an astringent effect and dries up wounds.
  • papaverine hydrochloride. It helps to reduce the feeling of itching, eliminates soreness, spasms. It normalizes blood flow, helps to strengthen the walls of the veins.
  • The root of the hemorrhagic pharmacy. Prevents the release of blood, stops bleeding in the last stages of the disease. The patient notices a decrease in nodes, and healing of cracks takes less time.
  • Borneol. Stimulates the restoration of the mucous membrane of the rectum affected by the disease. Eliminates infections and inflammation.
  • Berberine hydrochloride. Reduces the likelihood of complications at any stage of the disease. Prevents the formation of tumors and the development of inflammation, eliminates even severe swelling.


It is the active substances in the complex that have a positive effect on the body and contribute to the recovery of the patient in a short period of time. This is confirmed by the reviews of patients who were helped by the remedy.

In what cases to apply

Chinese hemorrhoid patch is used for all forms of hemorrhoids. As well as with concomitant diseases of the direct channel, such as:

  • anal fissure;
  • feeling of itching;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • violation of blood flow in the pelvis;
  • erosion in the anus.

Hemorrhoid patch is used for all forms of hemorrhoids

Negative consequences

Despite the positive reviews and high efficiency of the product. There are some contraindications:

  • not recommended for use during childbearing and lactation;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction, treatment must be discontinued;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • treatment with the drug can not be combined with the use of drinks containing alcohol, smoking, spicy and fatty foods.

If contraindications are not observed, treatment may not be as effective and may provoke negative consequences.

As a rule, the patient may feel a tingling sensation in the place where the remedy was attached. Such a reaction, according to manufacturers, occurs as a result of a violation of blood microcirculation. According to them, after a few minutes, the tingling sensation ceases to bother the patient. If the patient has a feeling of severe itching, the therapeutic course should be discontinued until the possibility of an allergic reaction is ruled out.

Individual intolerance to one of the components


The Chinese patch for hemorrhoids has a lot of advantages. The main ones are as follows:

  • Ease of use. During the course of therapy, there is no need to adjust the rhythm of life, the product does not constrain movements, it is not visible under clothing, it does not peel off.
  • Speed ​​of action. The positive effect appears almost after the 1st application. You can get rid of the disease in a short period of time.
  • Production according to ancient Chinese recipes on modern equipment.
  • The possibility of using for the treatment of any form of hemorrhoids.
  • The elimination of not only the clinical manifestations of the disease, but also the elimination of pain, the performance of an antiviral function.
  • Efficiency at any stage of the development of the disease, even in cases where conservative treatment does not bring results.
  • Safe for health. Components of plant origin do not harm the health of patients at any age.

A hemorrhoid patch has many benefits.
  • In a short period of time, it eliminates pathological pain, itching and burning.
  • The duration of the therapeutic effect of 1 patch is 24 hours.
  • It is a certified product.

Operating principle

The hemorrhoid patch is a transdermal agent - the active substances enter the bloodstream through the skin. With the help of blood flow, active substances enter the pelvic organs. The affected area is anesthetized, the inflammation is stopped, stopping the bleeding.

Manufacturers promise to achieve the following therapeutic goals after using the product:

  • the nodes become smaller, and then completely resolve;
  • the walls of the veins become toned;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • bleeding, swelling and soreness are eliminated;
  • anal fissure heals in a shorter period of time;
  • has a preventive effect;
  • prevents complications.

Chinese patch for hemorrhoids

How to apply

The patch is easy to use. It must be glued to the skin in the navel. It is in this area that the blood vessels are localized, providing blood flow to the small pelvis. According to Eastern medicine, the navel is the center of the intersection of energy meridians.

Before you start using the product, the patch attachment area must be prepared. It must be washed with warm water and dried. One patch is used throughout the day. Due to the fact that the active substances melt evenly and are absorbed into the skin, the hemorrhoid patch has a therapeutic effect within 24 hours.

After 24 hours, the patch is removed and the area to which it was attached is cleaned. After 3-4 hours, the procedure can be repeated. The best effect is achieved after the entire therapeutic course. The required amount of the drug for one therapeutic course is 8 pieces. At advanced stages, it is necessary to undergo 2-3 therapeutic courses. Often used for prevention purposes.

How to purchase

The drug is not sold in a pharmacy. It can only be bought online. In order not to encounter a fake, it is recommended to carefully study the reviews and be sure to make a purchase on the manufacturer's website.

Specialization: diagnostics and treatment of hemorrhoids (conservative and vacuum latex ligation of internal hemorrhoids), anal fissure; paraproctitis; anal and perianal warts. Research: anoscopy; sigmoidoscopy. Education Moscow…

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