Massage for hip dysplasia in newborns. Therapeutic massage for hip dysplasia in newborns Massage for a child 3 months old dysplasia

Hip dysplasia, or congenital dislocation of the hip, is a common pathology in infants, which is congenital and consists in the underdevelopment of the structural elements of the hip joint at the time of birth. This in turn leads to mismatch of the articular surfaces and dislocation.

Despite the fact that this diagnosis is very widespread and terrifies parents, congenital dislocation of the hip is perfectly treatable, provided that the pathology is noticed in time and the parents have the time and patience to take care of the health of their baby.

In most cases, therapeutic exercises and massage will help with hip dysplasia. In more complex cases, they resort to the use of positional treatment (special fixing orthopedic devices for the child) and surgical correction of the dislocation.

How to suspect a problem in time?

The mother should be the first to understand that something is wrong with the baby, so we pay attention to the signs that indicate a congenital dislocation of the hip in a newborn:

  • the length of the legs of the child is not the same: if the lower limbs are bent at the knees of the baby lying on his back, and the heels are moved to the buttocks, then the knees should be at the same level, if this is not the case, the legs have different lengths;
  • asymmetric folds on the legs and buttocks, but this symptom is often found in healthy children who simply have an uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat;
  • incomplete dilution of the child's legs bent at the knees: in a healthy baby, the angle of such abduction reaches 80-90 degrees, with dysplasia it is limited, but we must not forget about the physiological hypertonicity of the muscles of the newborn up to 3-4 months, which can create pseudo-restriction of the dilution of the legs;
  • click symptom: when spreading the legs, the mother feels a characteristic click in the hip joints.

Asymmetry of skin folds in hip dysplasia

The signs described above are not those that confirm the diagnosis, therefore, if you find them in your child, do not panic - show the baby to the pediatrician and orthopedist. The diagnosis of hip dysplasia is confirmed by ultrasound up to 3 months of age, after three months it is necessary to perform an x-ray of the hip joints.

Massage for dysplasia

Massage for hip dysplasia is included in the complex treatment and is an integral part of it. Therapeutic massage, along with gymnastics, can achieve stabilization of the hip joint, reduction of dislocation, muscle strengthening, restoration of the full range of motion in the joint, harmonic physical development of the baby.

Massage should only be prescribed by a doctor (pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist), and can only be done by specially trained medical personnel, for example, a massage therapist who specializes in this disorder in children.

But parents can master not a special therapeutic massage, but a general developmental and restorative massage, which will only benefit both a child with dysplasia and an absolutely healthy one. It is recommended to perform it in the evening before going to bed.

For greater effectiveness of the massage, the child should be in a good mood during the session.

If the child is shown wearing special orthopedic structures, then massage can be performed without even removing them. In children, not all massage and movement techniques are used, but only stroking and rubbing.

  • the baby is placed on a flat and hard surface for the duration of the massage session, ideally - a changing table;
  • under the child you need to lay a special diaper that absorbs moisture, as massage movements can provoke urination;
  • massage is carried out once a day, the course includes 10-15 sessions;
  • massage is necessary only when the child is in a good mood, not hungry and does not want to sleep;
  • 2-3 massage courses are needed with 1-1.5 month intervals between them.

Scheme of general developmental massage for an infant

The position of the child is lying on his back. We begin to perform light stroking movements of the abdomen, chest, arms and legs. Then we move on to light rubbing of all these parts of the body. They also finish with stroking.

The position of the child is lying on the tummy with legs bent and divorced. We start by stroking the legs, rubbing them and alternately moving them to the sides. We massage the back and lower back. Next, we go down to the buttocks. Here, in addition to stroking and rubbing, you can apply light patting with your fingers. Next, massage the area of ​​the hip joint and the outer sides of the thighs.

Therapeutic gymnastics for the baby

Therapeutic exercises for dysplasia can and should be performed by the child's parents after they have been trained by a pediatrician or orthopedist. These are not difficult exercises that will quickly achieve positive results. You can do them throughout the day, when it is convenient for the child (you need to take into account that the baby is in a good mood, not hungry and does not want to sleep). You can repeat the complex 3-4 times a day. As a rule, children like such activities, especially when their mother conducts them.

Exercise therapy can be performed by parents themselves several times a day

Exercise therapy complex for hip dysplasia:

  1. The baby lies on the back. Mom or dad bend his legs at the knee and hip joints and slowly spread to the sides in a frog pose. Try to do the exercise so that the knee joints touch the surface of the table when spreading the legs.
  2. Position on the stomach. We repeat the previous exercise. We bend the legs at the knees and hip joints, spread them apart (as when crawling).
  3. Position - lying on the back. We perform bending of straight legs to the head of the child.
  4. Lying on your back, straighten the child's legs. We spread straight legs to the sides.
  5. We pull the straight legs of the child to the head and from this position we spread them to the sides.
  6. We fold the baby's legs into a half-lotus position, the left leg should be on top.
  7. Alternately bend the legs at the knee and hip joints.
  8. We turn the child on his stomach. Alternately we pull his legs to the level of the pelvis with the placement on the foot.
  9. The child lies on his back. We bend our legs at the knee joints and spread them apart, as we open a book.
  10. The child lies on his stomach. With the right hand we take the heels of the baby and press them to the buttocks, we perform the frog.

It is important to remember that any exercises in the sitting and squatting position should only be performed with the permission of a specialist, as such vertical loads can aggravate the dislocation.

Contraindications to massage and gymnastics

There are several contraindications when massage and gymnastics are prohibited:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • the presence of unreduced hernial protrusions in a child;
  • Congenital heart defect.

Treatment of dysplasia is mandatory, because in case of complications, the child will not only have a disturbed gait, but also may experience aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, which leads to severe disability and the inability to move independently. Engage in - and you will defeat dysplasia.

There is nothing more important to parents than the health of their newborn child. Dysplasia always requires immediate treatment. This is mainly a massage for hip dysplasia of the child's body. But, like any course of treatment, massage has a number of certain rules and contraindications. Indeed, in infancy, it is very easy for a child to damage health.

Who to entrust the role of a massage therapist

This procedure for your child should only be performed by a medical professional with the appropriate qualifications. Parents should not do any independent manipulations. There is a risk of aggravating the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Massage contraindications

If a small patient has at least one of the listed signs, then the procedure is impossible:

  • heart problems (congenital malformation and similar diagnoses when a cardiologist makes a decision about manual therapy);
  • hernias that do not reduce;
  • skin diseases (with active external manifestations);
  • increased body temperature of the baby.

The last point is temporary. Therefore, after complete recovery, you can return to the massage, if it is still able to help the dislocation of the joint.

Duration and frequency of the procedure

All appointments are made only by the attending physician! Directions may change as the joint improves and improves.

Approximate massage technique for dysplasia

The specialist will apply similar massage steps.

  1. The child lies on its back. Calm strokes, rubbing massage the entire body.
  2. The patient is turned over on the stomach. The same manipulations are carried out with the back of the legs. Finish with calm strokes. Next, the masseur moves the baby's legs a little, depicting how he crawls. In this case, the child's pelvis is fixed.
  3. After that, attention is switched to the back. Light fan-shaped tapping with fingers is added to the previous exercises.
  4. Change the position of the child. They put it on the back and repeat the manipulations of point No. 2 on the front of the legs. They replace the crawling exercise with another one: the legs are bent at the knee joints and slowly spread them apart. Do up to 15 times.
  5. Much attention is paid to the feet. Rubbing, kneading and stroking are also necessary.
  6. The final stage is massaging the chest with the same comprehensive approach.
  7. Also, with the baby’s legs, the specialist does a bicycle exercise, light tapping, spanking, manipulation along the spine is acceptable, the child’s thigh is rubbed with their palms, as if they are rolling a ball. It is permissible to lift the patient into the air. In this case, the breast and pelvis lie on the hands of the massage therapist.

How massage affects the disease

Medicine assures that massage for hip dysplasia cannot be overestimated. It has been observed that manual therapy:

  • strengthens muscle tone;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • guarantees full physical development;
  • has a calming and healing effect.

But massage alone cannot heal a child. The doctor prescribes parallel physiotherapy and other manipulations.

What to look out for

The masseur makes the manipulations easy and neat. This is the golden rule of newborn massage. There are absolutely no sudden movements, jerks, etc.! The child must feel comfortable. If the baby behaves restlessly, shows excitement, cries, then the procedure should be stopped. Perhaps the massage is painful or unpleasant for him. Show the child to the doctor and consult about further activities.

Care during the course of treatment and physical activity

It is important to provide the child's legs with peace and all kinds of loads. That is, it is forbidden to sit down, put the baby up until the doctor allows the patient to be active.

Joints and bones are very fragile at this age, and serious injury can be caused unintentionally. Such cases are not always treatable.

It is important for parents to remember that it is strictly forbidden to feel the dislocation with your fingers on your own. This also applies to a specialist who conducts a massage course.

Predisposition to dysplasia

During pregnancy, it is important to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and forget about bad habits. Regular monitoring of a young mother by a gynecologist will help doctors monitor the health of the fetus and its normal development.

If family members had dysplasia, the fetus is large enough, foot deformities are observed, pronounced toxicosis in a pregnant woman, then the likelihood of problems with the hip joints increases significantly.

What is the danger of a child being disabled

Dysplasia requires early diagnosis and immediate treatment. Until the joints and bones finally take a stable position in the pelvis, medicine has a great chance to restore the health of the child. The count goes on for weeks, sometimes even days. Therefore, at the first suspicions, consult a pediatrician.

After birth, newborns often have hip dysplasia. Diagnosis of such diseases is quite difficult. Parents will be able to suspect the first signs already in children up to a year. This disease is dangerous by the development of adverse complications that can significantly worsen the quality of life of the baby.

What it is?

This pathology of the musculoskeletal system arises from the influence of numerous causes that lead to a violation of the intrauterine laying of organs. These factors contribute to the underdevelopment of the hip joints, as well as all the articular elements that form the hip joints.

With severe pathology, the articulation between the femoral head and the acetabulum, which form the joint, is disrupted. Such violations lead to the appearance of adverse symptoms of the disease and even the appearance of complications.

Congenital underdevelopment of the hip joints is quite common. Almost every third out of hundreds of children born has this disease. It is important to note that the susceptibility to this disease is higher in girls, and boys get sick a little less often.

In European countries, dysplasia of large joints is more common than in African countries.

Usually there is a pathology on the left side, right-sided processes are recorded much less frequently, as well as cases of bilateral processes.


There are several dozen provoking factors that can lead to the development of physiological immaturity of large joints. Most of the impacts that lead to immaturity and disruption of the structure of large joints occur in the first 2 months of pregnancy from the moment the baby is conceived. It is at this time that the intrauterine structure of all elements of the child's musculoskeletal system passes.

The most common causes of the disease include:

  • Genetics. Usually, in families where there have been cases of this disease, the likelihood of a baby with pathologies of large joints increases by 40%. At the same time, girls have a higher risk of getting sick.
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy. This situation is most dangerous in the first trimester, when the intrauterine laying of the organs of the musculoskeletal system occurs.
  • Unfavorable ecological situation. Harmful environmental factors have a negative effect on the development of the unborn child. An insufficient amount of incoming oxygen and a high concentration of carbon dioxide can cause intrauterine fetal hypoxia and lead to a violation of the structure of the joints.
  • Expectant mother over 35 years old.
  • The weight of the child is more than 4 kilograms at birth.
  • The birth of a baby before the due date.
  • Breech presentation.

  • Bearing a large fetus with an initially small size of the uterus. In this case, the baby physically does not have enough space for active movements. Such forced inactivity during fetal development can lead to limited mobility or congenital dislocations after birth.
  • Infection with various infections of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, any viruses or bacteria easily pass through the placenta. Such infection in the early stages of a baby's development can lead to birth defects in the structure of large joints and ligaments.
  • Poor nutrition, lack of vital vitamins, which are needed for the full development of cartilage and ossification - the formation of bone tissue.
  • Excessive and very tight swaddling. Excessive pressing of the child's legs to the body can lead to the development of diverse variants of dysplasia.


Doctors classify various forms of the disease according to several main features. With dysplasia, such criteria are combined into two large groups: according to the anatomical level of the lesion and according to the severity of the disease.

According to the anatomical level of the lesion:

  • Acetabular. There is a violation in the structure of the main large elements that make up the hip joint. Basically, with this variant, the limbus and the marginal surface are affected. This greatly changes the architecture and structure of the joint. These injuries lead to a violation of the movements that should be performed by the hip joint normally.
  • epiphyseal. Characterized by a pronounced violation of mobility in the joint. In this case, the norm of the angles that are measured to assess the work of large joints is noticeably distorted.
  • Rotary. With this variant of the disease, a violation of the anatomical structure in the joints can occur. This is manifested by the deviation of the main structures that form the hip joint from the median plane. Most often, this form is manifested by a violation of gait.

By severity:

  • Easy degree. Doctors also call this form preluxation. Severe disorders that occur with this option and lead to disability, as a rule, do not occur.
  • Medium heavy. It may also be called a subluxation. In this variant, the femoral head usually extends beyond the articulation during active movements. This form of the disease leads to the development of adverse symptoms and even long-term negative consequences of the disease, which require more active treatment.
  • Severe current. Such congenital dislocation can lead to adductor contracture. With this form, there is a pronounced violation and deformation of the hip joint.


Identification of the first symptoms of anatomical defects of large joints of the joints is carried out already in the first months after the birth of the baby. You can suspect the disease already in the baby. When the first signs of the disease appear, the baby should be shown to the orthopedic doctor. The doctor will conduct all additional examinations that will clarify the diagnosis.

The most characteristic manifestations and signs of the disease include:

  • Asymmetry in the location of skin folds. Usually they are quite well defined in newborns and infants. Every mother can appreciate this symptom. All skin folds should be approximately at the same level. Pronounced asymmetry should alert parents and suggest that the child has signs of dysplasia.
  • The appearance of a characteristic sound resembling a click, during adduction of the hip joints. Also, this symptom can be determined with any movements in the joint, in which abduction or adduction occurs. This sound occurs due to the active movements of the femoral head along the articular surfaces.
  • Shortening of the lower limbs. It can occur on one side or both. With a bilateral process, the baby often has a growth retardation. If the pathology occurs only on one side, then the child may develop lameness and impaired gait. However, this symptom is determined somewhat less frequently, when trying to get the baby on his feet.
  • Pain in large joints. This symptom is aggravated when the child tries to stand on his feet. Increased pain occurs when performing various movements at a faster pace or with a wide amplitude.
  • Secondary signs of the disease: slight muscle atrophy in the lower extremities, as a compensatory reaction. When trying to determine the pulse on the femoral arteries, a slightly reduced impulse may be observed.


Dysplasia is dangerous by the development of adverse complications that can occur with a long course of the disease, as well as with insufficiently effective and well-chosen treatment of the disease in the initial stages.

With a long course of the disease, persistent gait disturbances may develop. In this case, surgical treatment is required. After such therapy, the baby may limp a little. However, further this unfavorable symptom completely disappears.

Also, if signs of the disease have been observed for a long time, then muscle atrophy may occur on the damaged lower limb. The muscles on a healthy leg, on the contrary, may be excessively hypertrophied.

Strong shortening also quite often leads to gait disturbance and severe lameness. In severe cases, this situation can even lead to the development of scoliosis and various postural disorders. This is due to the displacement of the supporting function of the damaged joints.

Large joint dysplasia can lead to various adverse effects in adulthood. Quite often, such people have cases of osteochondrosis, flat feet or dysplastic coxarthrosis.


As a rule, this pathology begins quite erased. Only a specialist can determine the first symptoms; it is quite difficult for parents to do it on their own at home.

The first step in establishing a diagnosis is a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon. Already in the first year of a child's life, the doctor determines the presence of predisposing factors, as well as the primary symptoms of the disease. Usually, the first orthopedic signs of the disease can be recognized during the first six months of a child's life. For accurate verification of the diagnosis, various types of additional examinations are prescribed.

The safest and most informative method that can be used in infants is ultrasound. Deciphering ultrasound allows you to establish various signs characteristic of the disease. Also, this method helps to establish the transient form of the disease and describe the specific changes that occur in the joint, characteristic of this variant. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine the timing of ossification of the nuclei of the hip joints.

Ultrasound diagnostics is also a highly informative method that clearly describes all the anatomical defects observed in various types of dysplasia. This study is absolutely safe, and is performed from the very first months after the birth of the baby. There is no pronounced radiation load on the joints during this examination.

X-ray diagnostics is used only in the most difficult cases of the disease. X-rays should not be performed on babies under one year old. The study allows you to accurately describe the various anatomical defects that have arisen after birth. Such diagnostics is also used in complex clinical cases in which the exclusion of concomitant diseases is required.

All surgical methods for examining large joints in newborn babies are not used. During arthroscopy, doctors use instrumental instruments to examine all the elements that make up the hip joint. During such studies, the risk of secondary infection increases several times.

Usually, magnetic resonance and computed tomography of large joints are performed before planning various surgical interventions. In difficult cases, orthopedic doctors may prescribe examination data to exclude various diseases that may occur with similar symptoms.


It is necessary to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system for a long time and with strict adherence to the recommendations. Only such therapy allows you to eliminate as much as possible all the adverse symptoms that occur with this pathology. A complex of orthopedic therapy is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor after an examination and examination of the baby.

Among the most effective and commonly used treatments are the following:

  • Use of wide swaddling. This option allows you to maintain the most comfortable position for the hip joints - they are in a somewhat divorced state. This type of swaddling can be used even in babies from the first days after birth. Becker pants are one of the options for wide swaddling.
  • The use of various technical means. The most commonly used are various tires and spacers. They can be of different stiffness and fixation. The selection of such technical means is carried out only on the recommendation of an orthopedic doctor.
  • Physical exercises and a complex of exercise therapy should be performed regularly. Usually such exercises are recommended to be done daily. The complexes should be performed under the guidance of the medical staff of the clinic, and later on independently.
  • Massage. It is prescribed from the first days after the birth of the baby. Conducted courses, several times a year. With this massage, the specialist works well on the legs and back of the baby. This method of treatment is perfectly perceived by the child and, if carried out correctly, does not cause him any pain.
  • Gymnastics. A special set of exercises must be performed daily. Abduction and adduction of the legs in a certain sequence allows you to improve movements in the hip joints and reduce the manifestations of stiffness in the joints.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. The baby can be ozokerite and electrophoresis. Also, various types of thermal treatment and inductotherapy are actively used for babies. It is possible to perform physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of dysplasia in a polyclinic or specialized children's hospitals.

  • Spa treatment. Helps to effectively cope with the adverse symptoms that have arisen with dysplasia. Staying in a sanatorium can significantly affect the course of the disease and even improve the well-being of the baby. For children with hip dysplasia, it is recommended to undergo spa treatment annually.
  • Complete nutrition with the mandatory inclusion of all necessary vitamins and minerals. Be sure to kids with disorders in the musculoskeletal system should eat a sufficient amount of fermented milk products. The calcium contained in them favorably affects the structure of bone tissue and improves the growth and physical development of the child.
  • Surgical treatment in newborns, as a rule, is not carried out. Such therapy is possible only in older children. Usually, before reaching the age of 3-5 years, doctors try to carry out all the necessary methods of treatment that do not require surgery.
  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief to eliminate severe pain syndrome. Such drugs are prescribed mainly in severe cases of the course of the disease. An orthopedic doctor or pediatrician prescribes an anesthetic after examining the child and identifying contraindications to such medications.
  • Plaster overlay. It is used quite rarely. In this case, the affected leg is fixed quite tightly with a plaster cast. After some time, the plaster is usually removed. The use of this method is quite limited and has a number of contraindications.


Even in the presence of a genetic predisposition to the disease, the risk of adverse signs with the development of dysplasia can be significantly reduced. Regular adherence to preventive measures will help to significantly improve the well-being of the child and reduce the possible onset of dangerous complications.

In order to reduce the risk of possible development of dysplasia, use the following tips:

  1. Try to choose a looser or wider swaddling if the child has several risk factors for the development of large joint dysplasia. This method of swaddling may reduce the risk of developing disorders in the hip joints.
  2. Maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Try to limit the impact of various toxic substances on the body of the expectant mother. Severe stress and various infections can cause various intrauterine malformations. The expectant mother must make sure to protect her body from contact with any sick or feverish acquaintances.
  3. Use of special car seats. In this case, the child's legs are in an anatomically correct position during the entire journey in the car.
  4. Try to hold the baby correctly. Do not press the baby's legs tightly to the body. Anatomically more favorable position is considered to be a more divorced position of the hip joints. Also remember this rule while breastfeeding.
  5. Preventive complex of gymnastic exercises. Such gymnastics can be performed from the first months after the birth of a child. The combination of exercises with massage significantly improves the prognosis of the course of the disease.
  6. Choose the right diapers. A smaller size can cause a forced reduced state of the legs in a child. Don't overfill diapers, change them often enough.
  7. Get regular check-ups with an orthopedic doctor. Every baby must attend such consultations before the age of six months. The doctor will be able to establish the first signs of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment complex.

With high-quality treatment, most of the negative manifestations of dysplasia can be eliminated almost completely. Medical supervision of a child who has been diagnosed with dysplasia should be for a long time. Such babies undergo regular examinations by a neurologist and an orthopedist. Controlling the course of the disease helps prevent the development of dangerous and adverse complications.

For information on what hip dysplasia is, how it is treated and at what age it is best to start treatment, see the following video.

For the treatment of hip dysplasia, a cuvette type of application is used. Manipulation is performed in a hospital or at home. The composition of the medicinal mixture includes:

  • cosmetic paraffin - 0.5 kg,
  • ozokerite - 0.25 kg,
  • vaseline oil - 1 pc.

In addition to the solution, the procedure requires a dense medical oilcloth to form a frozen mass in it.

Oilcloth for the formation of paraffin mass

Home treatment solution is prepared using two enameled containers of different sizes. In a large saucepan, pour less than half the total volume of water. Place the crushed main raw materials in another container, add vaseline oil and put in a container with water. Place the resulting structure for 60 minutes on a stove to melt over low heat. The tool must be systematically stirred with a wooden spatula.

While preparing a treatment solution for DTS therapy, you need to make a filler for the mixture. To do this, sides of the oilcloth are created from the ends, which are fixed along the edges with clothespins or other clips. For safety, the resulting form is placed on a metal baking sheet or a wide tray.

The melted mass is poured into an oilcloth blank to a level of 1 cm. After 10-15 minutes, it will thicken

To avoid burns, you should check the readiness of the product by carefully piercing it in the center with a toothpick. The frozen medicine is removed and used for its intended purpose.

In advance, you should take care of the place where the procedure is performed. A thick blanket or blanket is spread on a flat surface. A thin fabric is laid out on top, the resulting product is placed on it. You can put a chintz diaper on top.

How to apply

The course of paraffin therapy at home can be 30 procedures.

To carry out this method of treatment, you need to purchase paraffin in a pharmacy, where you can also buy special containers for its melting and use.

It is better to melt the product in a water bath. Then it must be cooled to a temperature not exceeding 55-60 ° C. You can use paraffin at home in the form of baths, compresses or applications, depending on the doctor's recommendations and the patient's condition.

Baths, applications

Effective use of the remedy for arthritis. Paraffin baths, applications are very easy to use

Melted paraffin is gently applied to the affected area. If the patient suffers from arthritis of the small joints of the arms or legs, place the hand or foot in the melted remedy for 7-10 minutes.

After removing the hardened paraffin layer from the surface of the skin, the feet or hands are dipped in decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs that the doctor will recommend. Sometimes it is allowed to use essential oils (thyme, wild rosemary, juniper, chamomile, calendula), which are added to herbal decoctions or rubbed into the skin of the affected area.

Arthritis responds well to treatment with paraffin packs. In this case, paraffin melted and cooled to a safe temperature is applied with a cotton swab or a flat brush to the skin in the area of ​​the diseased joint. This is done several times, since it is necessary to create a layer of a therapeutic substance about 1 cm thick. Then a plastic film is placed on the paraffin for the patient and the sore spot is wrapped with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure with good tolerance is about 1 hour.


Paraffin compresses in the treatment of arthritis are widely used due to their simplicity and effectiveness. The algorithm of the patient's actions:

  1. Melt the paraffin.
  2. Cool it down to 60°C.
  3. Apply with a cotton swab to the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased joint.
  4. Take a cotton fabric and fold it so that 10 layers are formed.
  5. Moisten the resulting napkin in the product used.
  6. Wring out, using tight rubber gloves or wooden planks.
  7. Apply to the affected area.
  8. Lay plastic wrap and a woolen blanket on top.
  9. Control the time of the procedure (should not exceed 1 hour).

Paraffin "boots"

Arthritis of the ankle joint responds well to treatment with the use of paraffin "boots". Paraffin heated to 50-60 ° C is poured into a specially sewn boot made of rubberized dense fabric, which is then put on the sore leg. Prior to this, the foot is smeared with melted, but not too hot paraffin. From above, the "boot" is tied with a woolen cloth. This procedure is good for severe pain syndrome.

Paraffin treatment for hip dysplasia

The procedure is indicated for fractures of the femur, femoral neck. It is well tolerated by patients and has a positive effect on bone regeneration processes.

The hip joint is characterized by incomplete formation of its structural components.

It is more often a congenital pathology, but sometimes it develops after injuries or against the background of inflammatory processes. If left untreated, the patient's motor activity is impaired due to pain and gradually increasing limitation of movement in the hip joints. Paraffin will help relieve pain, relax the thigh muscles, and facilitate movement in the affected area.

It is recommended to melt and mix paraffin and ozocerite in a ratio of 1:2, then pour the resulting mixture into a container lined with a rubberized cloth. Ozokerite-paraffin mixture should cool down to therapeutic temperature. When the thermometer fixes 60 ° C, you can carefully remove the mixture from the mold and apply it to the diseased area, fixing it on top with plastic wrap and a woolen blanket. The procedure should be carried out only after consulting a doctor and taking into account the patient's condition. In any case, the duration of the session should not exceed 50-60 minutes.

Paraffin therapy of joints at home

One session of paraffin therapy should not exceed one hour

If you decide to treat yourself with paraffin, then be sure to consult your doctor first and follow the instructions clearly.
One session of paraffin therapy should not exceed 60 minutes, half an hour for the desired result will be enough. The procedure is carried out once a day or every other day, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Be sure to let the body rest after the procedure for at least 30 minutes. This will start the active process of blood circulation. Treatment of joints with paraffin at home can give an instant effect and save you from unnecessary expenses and trips to special institutions.

Plus, this therapy is very pleasant. Getting on the skin, the therapeutic “mud” raises the body temperature by two degrees. Such a jump does not bring discomfort at all. The protective function of the body automatically produces sweat, which simply has nowhere to evaporate, creating the effect of a sauna.

Together with sweat, all toxins and harmful substances come out, moisture is subsequently absorbed, leaving slags unnecessary for the body on the surface.

There are several ways to use the tool.


First of all, melt the paraffin, this should always be done in a water bath

It is important that water does not get into the raw material.

First it must melt completely, and then heat up to 60-70 degrees. The whole process will take about an hour.

Melted paraffin is applied to the damaged area layer by layer until the height of the application will not reach 1-2 centimeters
. From above cover with a film and a woolen blanket.

How to do paraffin applications on the knee joints? It is enough after applying the wax to bend the knee at an angle of 90 degrees and fix it.

If venous stasis occurs in the joint area, then local heat will only harm and increase the pain syndrome. .

In such a case, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to warm the knee joint with paraffin will depend on the severity of the disease.

The removed layer of paraffin can be reused, but only after preliminary cleaning: dehydration and sterilization. An exception is paraffin, which was used to treat ulcers and open wounds, in which case the raw material must be disposed of.


Paraffin Bath

For warming up the legs or arms, this method will be the most effective. Paraffin baths for joints have a calming effect, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure an hour before bedtime.

Tightly squeezing your fingers, you need to smear the limbs with heated paraffin to 50-55 degrees, and lower them into an impromptu oilcloth bag in which paraffin is brought to 60 degrees, make a loose bandage and cover with a blanket.


In a number of diseases, the use of paraffin-ozocerite applications is prohibited. These include:

  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • all types of tumors;
  • kidney disease;
  • pronounced neuroses;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • tuberculosis;
  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain / heart;
  • active hepatitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cysts of any organs;
  • epilepsy.

Also, the procedures are not carried out during pregnancy and lactation. In case of skin diseases and inflammatory processes, applications are applied during the period of remission (in the acute period it is impossible). Procedures are not carried out

  • on skin with open wounds and scratches, rash, suppuration;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • in violation of thermosensitivity.

Applications are not applied in the first three days after injury or the onset of the disease.

Even if you are sure that there are no contraindications, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if you feel unwell after the procedure. As a rule, deterioration in well-being is a normal reaction of the body to thermal and chemical effects. And yet it is recommended to inform the doctor about any negative changes.

Scope and rules for the use of paraffin and ozokerite therapy in pediatric practice

Paraffin with ozokerite for children is used in newborns, infants, patients of preschool and school age. Treatment is prescribed for patients with cerebral palsy, in the presence of contractures, severe muscle spasms. Paraffin therapy for children is used for muscle hypertonicity, as well as torticollis. Application therapy is prescribed for cough, respiratory diseases.

Ozokerite for children is prescribed for the treatment of neuritis or nerve infringement. It allows you to restore the structure of the nerve fiber, accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses. Ozokerite therapy is also allowed to treat damage to nerve fibers after bruises and injuries.

For newborns and infants, paraffin therapy is prescribed for muscle hypertonicity. Take gauze fabric folded in several layers. It is moistened with melted paraffin. Polyethylene is applied to the gauze fabric. Woolen socks are put on top of the child.

When carrying out physiotherapy, it is imperative to monitor the temperature of the paraffin in order to prevent burns. The skin of infants is much softer than that of older children. Before physiotherapy, the temperature of the application mass is checked with an elbow or a thermometer.

A session in infants should last 7-10 minutes, in newborns - up to 5 minutes. Course therapy is 10 physiotherapy. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

You can apply ozocerite on the legs of a child. It retains heat better. Often it is used for cerebral palsy (ICP). The substance helps to reduce muscle spasm, accelerate the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers. The technique of physiotherapy is similar to paraffin therapy. Treatment greatly facilitates rehabilitation for cerebral palsy.

Paraffin and ozocerite applications can be applied to the entire leg, only up to the knee or on the feet, depending on the pathology. In case of valgus deformity of the knee joint, paraffin or ozocerite is applied to the leg with the capture of the knee joint, lower leg and foot. Applications are made on the arms and legs at the same time with cerebral palsy, speech delay and general development. Against the background of therapy, speech function improves significantly when therapy is carried out 2-3 times a year. Paraffin and ozokerite therapy is often prescribed by pediatricians and speech therapists.

For colds and diseases of the respiratory system, paraffin is applied to the legs and arms, upper back. Ozokerite when coughing for children is prescribed on the back, but only at the recovery stage. In the acute period of the disease, treatment can not be carried out.

Paraffin can be applied to the neck area. Treatment is used for severe torticollis. Against the background of physiotherapy, the spasm of the "nodding" muscle decreases. The temperature of the mass should be no more than 40-45 °C. The duration of therapy is 7-10 minutes (depending on age). Course therapy is 10 physiotherapy. If necessary, treatment can be extended.

The application technique is used for the treatment of hip dysplasia (HBS). Paraffin is applied to the area of ​​the thigh and hip joint. The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes. Course therapy is 20 sessions. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a month. The use of physiotherapy can improve the condition of the joint.

Application therapy can be done at home. To do this, you should consult a doctor to eliminate restrictions. You also need to clarify the sequence of the physiotherapy. For therapy, you need to purchase medical paraffin or ozocerite mass. Before using the application material, be sure to read the instructions. During therapy, the proportions of the application of the applicator must be observed. It should be heated in a water bath.

It is impossible to melt paraffin and ozocerite in a microwave oven and on direct fire.

You can buy ozocerite and paraffin mass in pharmacies, specialized stores. The price of an ozocerite-paraffin applicator is 164-290 rubles. Ozokerite costs from 120 rubles. Paraffin has a cost of 117 rubles. It is better to buy special children's applicators. They are more secure.


Electrophoresis is a device that treats various diseases through the administration of drugs using low voltage direct current. The substance accumulates in a localized manner and acts for about three weeks. The treatment provides the current itself, improving:

  • metabolism,
  • circulation,
  • lymph circulation,
  • tissue immunological resistance.

In addition, the action of direct current increases the effect of the drug even with small amounts. This makes it possible to achieve a therapeutic effect with minimal amounts of the drug. The main benefit of administering the drug with the help of electricity is a point effect, which prevents the occurrence of most complications. The effectiveness of a drug administered by electrophoresis directly depends on its constituents and solvent. Therefore, it is recommended to use products that were specially created for electrophoresis, for example, caripazim. Electrophoresis should be used for the following diseases:

  1. osteochondrosis,
  2. hernia in the lumbar or cervical spine,
  3. knee injury,
  4. hip dysplasia and others.

To administer the drug, you must first moisten a special sponge located under the electrode with it. The drug solution under the influence of an electric current decomposes into ions, which eventually transform into complexes that interact with water. Ions migrate in an electric field from the negative to the positive pole and vice versa.

After a certain period, they enter the microvessels (capillaries), being excreted from the human body in 18-25 days. Electrophoresis is carried out in courses, in each course there are 10-18 sessions.

In the process of electrophoresis, a person, as a rule, experiences slight tingling. If there are complaints of pain or a burning sensation in the area where the electrodes are applied, then the voltage of the electric current should be reduced. Since there are underlying tissues and skin on their way, the complexes pass through them, providing a therapeutic effect. To make electrophoresis more effective, thermal procedures are used, for example:

  • paraffin,
  • ozokerite.

Ozokerite is a waxy homogeneous mass of brown or black color. Applications are shown to children and adults. Like paraffin, ozokerite has a mechanical as well as thermal effect. Ozokerite has a certain chemical effect due to biologically active substances. Paraffin does not have such substances. As you know, white paraffin tends to warm the affected areas with dysplasia. Paraffin acts on the deepest skin layers. In addition, paraffin is also used as a rejuvenating substance. Paraffin has a lot of positive qualities. In the treatment of children, white paraffin is used, since it is environmentally friendly and does not have harmful impurities. When prescribing a medical complex for children, it is best to carry it out simultaneously in a certain medical facility. If the doctor has prescribed massage, paraffin and electrophoresis, then the procedures should be carried out every day in the following order.

  1. paraffin
  2. massage
  3. electrophoresis

If all of these procedures cannot be performed at the right time, some doctors suggest doing the procedures at home. In this case, electrophoresis is performed with a device similar to that found in clinics.

Indications for use

The use of paraffin applications allows you to quickly eliminate the painful manifestations of such dermatological diseases as skin rashes, dermatitis, eczema, fractures, trophic ulcers. With the help of paraffin applications, the following lesions of internal organs are cured:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • neuritis.

Depending on the age, location of the lesion, the degree of its neglect, the method of applying this physiotherapy may vary somewhat. This method is used in both women and men for diffuse neurodermatitis, dyshidrotic and tylotic eczema, exudative psoriasis.


  • face masks that eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, increase its elasticity, relieve inflammation. When performing a course of paraffin mask procedures, there is an acceleration of blood flow and lymph movement, toxins and toxins are removed from the skin faster, making it easier to breathe;
  • masks and baths for the limbs, which perfectly warm them up and allow useful substances to be more deeply absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • paraffin wraps: this technique has shown itself well in eliminating such defects as orange peel on the thighs, traces of cellulite.

The above methods of using paraffin applications allow women to maintain their youth, health and activity for a long time.


Paraffin applications are also used by men. Their main task for them is to cure such organic lesions as muscle pain, joint diseases - these manifestations are typical for people who receive significant physical activity, athletes.

Also, men use paraffin applications for manifestations of colds, SARS. In some cases, cosmetic paraffin is used to eliminate skin defects.

Children and newborns

In childhood, the use of paraffin is also indicated. The most commonly used is warming up the limbs with signs of a cold, acute respiratory infections.

For use in early childhood, paraffin packs should be used with extreme caution to prevent the possibility of burning the delicate skin of children: checking the temperature of the paraffin before applying it to the skin will avoid the risk of burning. .

Where in Russia you can get such treatment

Paraffin applications can be obtained in almost all medical centers that specialize in physiotherapy. For example, in the center "Mom, Dad and Me" in Moscow, paraffin therapy procedures are carried out, you can also contact the medical institutions of Yaroslavl ("Svetlana", "OlEral"), Rostov ("My Beauty"). In other large cities of Russia, paraffin therapy services are also offered both in medical units and in cosmetology ones.

Paraffin applications for children - the topic of the following video:

Let me introduce myself. My name is Vasiliy. I have been working as a masseur and chiropractor for more than 8 years. I consider that I am a professional in my field and I want to help all site visitors to solve their problems. All data for the site is collected and carefully processed in order to convey all the required information in an accessible form. Before using what is described on the site, a MANDATORY consultation with your specialist is always necessary.

What are paraffin applications for?

Heated paraffin gradually gives off heat to the skin, raising the local temperature by 1.5-2 °C. Such warming helps with muscle pain, osteochondrosis, myositis, joint pain and other problems. The effect of the sauna enhances perspiration on the warmed part of the body, as a result of which more salts, toxins and toxins are released. Such cleansing through the skin reduces the inflammatory process in the diseased organ and improves the appearance of the skin.

The cooling paraffin decreases in volume and mechanically slightly compresses the skin. Such a small massage effect has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. At the same time, nutrients or therapeutic substances added to heated paraffin are absorbed into the skin during the procedure and provide the necessary cosmetic or therapeutic effect.

At home paraffin baths good for hands and feet. After the procedure, the skin becomes smoother, softer and velvety. The effect of paraffin therapy is superior to that of conventional nourishing and moisturizing hand and foot creams. Paraffin can also be applied separately to the fingertips. This procedure nourishes and strengthens nails, reduces delamination and brittleness.

But paraffin treatments help not only solve cosmetic problems or relieve pain in a specific area of ​​the body.

Soft heat relaxes and relieves nervous tension, which is very important for people who periodically experience stress.

If the paraffin application is not used for cosmetic purposes, but for medicinal purposes, then before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Not all diseases can be treated with warm paraffin.

Why do we need paraffin applications with ozocerite

In medicine, the substance is often used during physiotherapy as a warming agent that has a slight irritant effect, increases blood flow and optimizes metabolism. Ozokerite also helps to reduce pain, resolves areas of inflammation. Paraffin applications with the addition of ozocerite are especially often prescribed for dysplasia.

Often, such manipulations are practiced in the treatment of hip dysplasia in a child. In this case, it is recommended to make a "boot".

For him you will need:

  • 500 g of purified medical paraffin;
  • 250 g of ozocerite;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • thick adhesive.

The preparation of the ingredients is practically no different from how to make paraffin applications.

Melt the components in a water bath, adding a little vaseline oil:

  • The form for the "boot" is made of thick oilcloth. It is better to use oilcloth, made according to Soviet standards. It can still be purchased at pharmacies today;
  • You need to put a "boot" on the baby's ass. Therefore, the oilcloth should be a little wider in order to capture not only the ass itself, but also the sides;
  • The corners of the oilcloth are fastened with clamps. You can use clothespins. The result is something like an improvised baking sheet with fairly high sides;
  • Molten paraffin with ozocerite is poured into a mold and evenly distributed. The layer thickness is not less than 1 cm. After 5-10 minutes, you need to check the temperature of the mass by lowering your elbow. If the temperature has dropped to a tolerable level, you can begin to manipulate;
  • A warm blanket is laid out on the bed, then a sheet and a “boot” on top. The child is placed on a paraffin mass booty. So that the product does not move and warms up the desired part of the body, wrap the ass tightly. It is impossible to warm the body higher, since the kidneys are located in the lumbar region. Also, the genitals should not be heated;
  • The duration of the procedure for a newborn child is 5-7 minutes. Children older than 6 months can increase the manipulation time to 10 minutes. It is recommended to do 20 procedures, after which a foot massage is mandatory.

After such an application, the child's ass will turn red and may sweat. However, this is a natural reaction.

By following the basic rules for the preparation and application of paraffin, you can significantly reduce the symptoms of diseases and even improve the functionality of the joints. Before using paraffin, you should consult your doctor.

How is the procedure carried out

Treatment of hip dysplasia is successful if started from the first days of a child's life. This is possible with timely diagnosis using an X-ray machine (more precisely than ultrasound). The doctor, in addition to wearing special devices, will immediately prescribe a number of medical procedures. Paraffin therapy is painless, even pleasant for the baby.

For applications with hip dysplasia, the cuvette method is used. And at home and in medical institutions.

The child is placed with buttocks on a warm mixture, and in the center. Not higher, otherwise the kidneys will warm up. The genitals should also not be heated. The layer fits the hips with the letter "C". Next, you need to tightly wrap the heated area with a warm diaper so that the paraffin does not move.

If the baby is under 6 months old, the procedure should be carried out no more than 6-7 minutes. After six months, bring to 10 minutes. Many parents do 20, the doctor can regulate the duration. Usually prescribe 10-20 sessions (every other day), then a month break.

The skin after removing the paraffin will be slightly moist and reddened - this is a normal reaction. It is permissible to treat with a special oil or lotion.

Children tolerate manipulation calmly, some excitement is possible in the first 2 minutes. During the process of warming up the child, try to distract with the game, shake on your hands, without provoking unnecessary movements.

After the session, it is useful to do a massage or light therapeutic exercises. Warmed joints and ligaments are capable of a large range of motion, which helps the articular head to take the correct position.

At the end of the procedure, the paraffin is collected in a lump, placed in a container with a lid. It is permissible to use several times, warming up in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. In case of loss of elasticity, 20% of fresh substance is added. It is recommended to periodically strain the hot mixture through a cotton cloth.

Hip massage

Before use, paraffin should be melted in a water bath, for which it is placed in a container that is heated in a saucepan with water. Paraffin melts when the temperature rises above 45°C.

Now molten paraffin is applied to the cleansed skin, for which a spatula, a wooden stick, can be used. The application of the substance should be carried out in several layers, and then allow the paraffin to harden. While retaining heat for a long time, paraffin warms up the skin without causing burns or skin irritation - heat transfer is carried out gradually and does not have a negative effect on the body.

The duration of the procedure can vary from 15 minutes for children to 30-45 minutes for adults.

In special institutions

Medical institutions providing services in the form of physiotherapy may offer paraffin applications. The conditions for performing the procedure are identical to how it is carried out at home.

Paraffin is heated in special tanks, after which the warm substance is applied to the surface of the skin. At the same time, the temperature of heating of the substance is controlled, skin cleansing after the procedure is also carried out professionally.

At home

At home, applying applications to the skin is also quite simple. Warming up of paraffin is carried out on a steam bath, it is applied in molten form to previously cleansed skin.

During the selected time, there is a gradual and soft penetration of heat into the epidermis and adjacent tissues, which allows you to warm up the desired area and get the necessary positive therapeutic effect. The course of procedures averages 8-12 repetitions.

Paraffin therapy as an addition to the main treatment

This is not a panacea, paraffin will have its positive effect only against the background of drugs, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, spa treatment. Starting this type of therapy at home, you need to be guided only by medical recommendations.

The remedy for diseases of the joints can be used in different ways. Apply:

  • baths;
  • wraps;
  • applications;
  • compresses.

Effective use in very young children with hip dysplasia and inflammatory changes in the joints at any age.

Paraffin properties

The positive impact of this treatment method is largely determined by the physical qualities of paraffin:

  • melting point - +52 ° C, therefore, when applied to the skin, burns are practically excluded;
  • high heat capacity;
  • low thermal conductivity (the substance accumulates and retains heat well, but slowly releases it).

Features of the mechanism of action:

  • softening of the upper layers of the skin;
  • opening of skin pores;
  • increased sweat secretion;
  • absorption of toxic substances released with sweat;

Hip dysplasia in children and newborns is a congenital dislocation of the hip, accompanied by problems with the development of the hip bone, as well as the ligamentous-muscular apparatus in this area. Pathology is characterized by a progressive course and, as it develops, leads to the destruction of bone and cartilage tissues.
Consider how massage and exercise therapy help with hip dysplasia.


Massage for hip dysplasia in newborns is not only part of complex therapy, but, along with exercise therapy, is an essential component of it. Aimed at stabilizing the state of the articulation, returning it to its place, strengthening the musculoskeletal system and eliminating the limitation of movements, it contributes to the harmonious development of the baby and strengthens his health.

Attention! Before doing a massage for hip dysplasia in newborns, the baby should be shown to a specialist who can diagnose the disease and assess the severity of the pathology.

Preparation and frequency of massage for hip dysplasia

First of all, it is worth noting that massage of the pathology of the hip joints in infants is prescribed exclusively by a doctor and is performed by a massage therapist specializing in this pathology.

The baby (it is desirable that he was in high spirits, did not want to eat and sleep) in this case is laid out on a smooth, hard surface, for example, on a changing table.

An absorbent diaper is placed under the child, necessary in case of urination.

The procedure is performed once a day, and the therapeutic course includes from 10 to 15 sessions (to achieve a stable result, as a rule, 2-3 courses are enough, conducted with an interval of one and a half months).

What are they doing?

As a rule, massage for hip dysplasia in children is performed as follows.

At first, the massage therapist does everything so that the baby can relax. As a rule, this is achieved by light strokes of the body and limbs. Then the little patient is turned over on his stomach and begin to develop the legs.

Moreover, with hip dysplasia in infants, it will be the following.

First, the specialist will stroke the baby's legs, then rub in such a way that the inner muscle layer is involved in the process. At the end of these actions, the masseur will take the legs of the baby in his hands, bend and spread apart. The pelvis will remain motionless.

Then the baby will be laid out on the tummy and the doctor will begin to develop the back, stroking, rubbing, tapping with a finger and pinching the skin. Upon completion of these actions, the masseur will begin to work directly with the joint, stroking and rubbing it with rotational, spiral movements (the exercise is performed for 3 minutes, after which rubbing and stroking continue).

At the next stage, the doctor will turn the child on its back, stroke and rub the legs, and then gently bend them at an angle of 90 degrees at the knees and spread them apart several times and return them back.

In order to relax the thigh muscles, the doctor may perform a children's massage for hip dysplasia, which includes the following actions:

  • pressure with fingertips on the damaged area;

  • alternate breeding of the legs;

  • development of the feet and chest.

You can learn how massage is treated in newborns in the video.

Therapeutic exercises for dysplasia in children

Exercise therapy includes simple and very effective exercises performed throughout the day (usually 3-4 sessions are performed per day). Let's consider the main ones.

On the tummy

The baby is laid out on the tummy and proceed to the following exercises:

  • bending of the legs and their breeding;

  • pulling the legs to the buttocks and placing them on the foot;

  • pressing the heels to the buttocks.


Contraindications to procedures are:

  • infections;

  • hernias that cannot be reduced;

  • congenital heart disease.

On the back

The baby is given a half-lottos pose.

For this purpose, the left leg of the baby is placed on the right. After that, proceed to the following exercises:

  • flexion of the knees and hips;

  • bending the knees and spreading them as far as possible, so that the baby takes the frog pose;

  • alternately lifting the legs straightened at the knees to the head;

  • simultaneous breeding of legs straightened at the knees;

  • simultaneous lifting to the head and breeding of the legs, straightened at the knees.

Engage or not?

Due to the fact that the procedures significantly speed up the healing process, it is undoubtedly worth using them. However, they should be performed under the strict supervision of a doctor - only in this case it will be possible to hope for a positive result.

You can study exercise therapy and massage for hip dysplasia on video.

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