Surgical removal of the chalazion. What to do if a child has a chalazion in the upper eyelid: effective methods of treatment How is a chalazion operation performed in children

Eye diseases in childhood are quite common, and the most common among them are problems of an inflammatory nature. It is to this kind of disease that chalazion belongs. This inflammation can occur both on the upper and lower eyelids, and outwardly it is a skin seal, an outgrowth in this area. In the article, we will consider the features of this eye disease in children: we will find out why chalazion occurs, what are its signs, how to treat the disease with different methods. Methods of treatment of the disease will be considered in the article.

What is a chalazion in a child

Chalazion is an inflammatory process that occurs in the upper or lower eyelid of a child. Outwardly, the disease resembles barley, but it cannot pass on its own, unlike the latter. The word "chalazion" is translated as "hailstone" and, indeed, the formation looks like a ball.

The problem of a chalazion is associated with a blockage of the sebaceous gland: as a result of this blockage, an inflammatory process develops, the manifestation of which we observe on the child’s eyelid (but you can see what it looks like in this article). The disease can develop both in one eye and simultaneously in both.

Children from 5 to 10 years of age are especially at risk of getting sick with chalazion. This pathology can be both independent and a complication of other diseases. Note that blockage of the sebaceous gland is a serious matter, sometimes leading to serious and painful drying of the eye. The fact is that the gland produces a secret that absorbs friction on the eyeball of the eyelid mucosa during blinking. Therefore, the treatment of chalazion in a child should not be delayed, so that more serious problems with the eyes do not arise.

But how the operation to remove the chalazion of the upper eyelid takes place, this will help to understand


Children may develop chalazion of both the upper and lower eyelids. The differences between these two types are mainly only in the location of the inflammation: the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment are similar. In both cases, inflammation of the cartilaginous tissue surrounding the sebaceous gland along the edge of the eyelid occurs: as a result of inflammation, the iron becomes clogged, and the fluid that has not found a way out accumulates, and outwardly looks like a seal on the eyelid. However, there are some differences - we will talk about them below.

It may also be useful for you to learn more about what it looks like and how it should be treated.

upper eyelid

This type of inflammation outwardly looks like a rather dense and rounded knot located on the upper eyelid. The cause of this type of disease is a direct blockage of the sebaceous gland.

upper eyelid

lower eyelid

Note that in this case, the early stage of the disease has practically no symptoms, and the compaction is hardly noticeable. The lower chalazion develops not outside the eyelid, but on its inner side: that is, the eyelid must be turned out to notice the tumor. The chalazion of the lower eyelid can independently decrease in size, and even disappear for a while, but if left untreated, then it will appear again.

lower eyelid

Note that in this case, the child's vision is seriously affected - he sees the world around him as cloudy, blurry. But what medicine should be used for clouding of the cornea. will help to understand this


The first and main reason is the infection in the eyelid area. An infection gets from the outside in the most direct way: a child can scratch his eye with dirty hands, try to get a speck out of it, etc. Sometimes this alone is enough to develop inflammation.

The transferred infectious and catarrhal diseases, which give, are very conducive to the development of chalazion. Against the background of these diseases, children's immunity strongly "sits down", so inflammation can occur quickly.

On the video - the reasons for the appearance:

Diabetes mellitus in a child is a factor provoking the occurrence of chalazion. In addition, excessive secretions of the sebaceous glands can also provoke blockage.


The development of chalazion in a child is slow. At first, you can see only the swelling of the eyelid (lower or upper), then the skin of the eyelids begins to redden, swell. The child may experience itching and burning of the eyelid skin at the initial stage of the disease. After a few days, the edema transforms into a compacted capsule located on the mucous membrane of the affected area.

Thickening of the eyelid with a chalazion is not too painful: rather, it causes inconvenience due to the fact that it closes the view and prevents you from seeing normally.

But you should not wait for the chalazion to resolve on its own - you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. In an advanced stage, chalazion can also degenerate into conjunctivitis, and also lead to serious visual impairment.

How to treat

In the treatment of chalazion in children, the following methods are used:

  • conservative therapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • folk medicine.

Let's take a closer look at these methods.

On the video - the treatment of chalazion in a child:

Conservative treatment

This method of therapy is effective at the initial stage of the disease, and can do little to help when the chalazion has already formed a dense capsule. Drops and ointments help to disinfect the affected area, contribute to the breakthrough of the capsule, and the outflow of contents from it, restore the adequate functioning of the sebaceous glands. Note that the course of conservative treatment should be prescribed by a doctor strictly on an individual basis.

Among the most commonly used agents in this case is mercury yellow ointment, as well as special drops with a disinfectant effect. If you start using these funds as early as possible, you can get rid of the chalazion in a non-operative way. In addition to the listed drugs, chalazion in children is also treated with the famous Vishnevsky ointment ( Vishnevsky ointment can also be used), which has the ability to stop inflammatory processes, as well as a hydrocartized ointment with a disinfectant effect. But how to use Floksal ointment from chalazion and what are the reviews about such an ointment, set out

Vishnevsky ointment

If the stage of the disease is already more advanced, the doctor usually prescribes corticosteroids: in this case, the drugs are administered locally. As a result of exposure to steroids, the chalazion can resolve completely

Surgical intervention - removal of the chalazion

If conservative treatment does not bring a positive result, the doctor decides on surgical intervention. Note that the operation to remove a chalazion in children is not associated with strong risks and dangers. This is a fairly simple, elementary and streamlined procedure, and takes very little time.

The operation is an incision in the mucous membrane of the affected eyelid, and then a thorough drainage of the resulting cavity.

The intervention is carried out under general anesthesia, and the seam after it is not applied to the eye - just a sterile bandage, which is removed after two days. Thanks to the latter circumstance, after the wound heals, no traces of the operation remain on the eyelid.

Now, more and more often, high-precision laser technologies are used to eliminate chalazion: we note the painlessness, efficiency and short time of this procedure. The wound heals very quickly after laser intervention. In addition, in this case, you can use not general anesthesia, but local anesthesia, which has a positive effect on the rehabilitation period of the baby.

The laser is able to cope with a chalazion even at an extremely advanced stage and with the formation of an impressive size. There are much fewer complications after such an intervention, as well as relapses of the disease. It should be noted that more often relapses of chalazion after surgery occur in children suffering from diabetes mellitus or chronic dysbacteriosis.


In order to eliminate the chalazion and alleviate the condition of the child, alternative methods of treatment can also be used: however, only as an additional method, and not the main one. It is recommended that before applying alternative methods, consult a doctor about their appropriateness and safety. Next, consider a few simple but effective methods of dealing with chalazion in children using folk remedies.


In addition to aloe juice, a cabbage compress can also help with a disease, which relieves inflammation well. To prepare a compress, white cabbage is finely chopped, mixed with egg white (raw). Then the mass should be wrapped in gauze, and can be applied to the affected eyelid.

A compress of dill seeds can also have a positive effect. To prepare it, you need to boil 2 tbsp. tablespoons of seeds over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the resulting mess is cooled, wrapped in gauze or bandage, and applied to the eyelid. But why the eye twitches the lower eyelid, this will help to understand

There are many different types of rashes that can form on a baby's eye. If a child has a chalazion, Komarovsky, a well-known children's doctor trusted by many young mothers, recommends starting the fight against the phenomenon as soon as possible.

If this is not done, the baby's vision may deteriorate, and the development of concomitant diseases of the organs of vision is not excluded.

Insidious Education

Outwardly, chalazion is similar to barley, so parents sometimes confuse them. Due to the fact that barley is considered a practically safe phenomenon, in most cases receding on its own, parents do not always start timely treatment of chalazion.

This disease is understood as an inflammatory disease of the eyelids, which develops due to the fact that the sebaceous gland is clogged. At the same time, pus accumulates under the eyelid.

The name of the disease is translated as "hailstone", but its very formation reminds when it forms - it is convex, solid.

A chalazion can appear both on one eyelid and on both. When the "hailstone" is still small, it practically does not interfere with the patient, does not bring pain. But it increases over time, begins to put pressure on the cornea, and then not only discomfort and pain can appear, but also a drop in visual acuity. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by conjunctivitis.

Symptoms of the disease

They appear as the disease progresses:

  • First, a slight swelling appears on the child's eye, which is the result of blockage of the sebaceous gland;
  • In the part of the eyelids where the formation has formed, reddening of the skin is usually observed;
  • Often, swelling with redness covers the entire area around the eyes;
  • Often the disease is accompanied by skin irritation in the affected area, the appearance of itching;
  • In some cases, the disease leads to constant tearing.

Barley is characterized by the same features, due to which these two phenomena can be confused. But barley breaks through within a few days, while swelling, swelling, redness are eliminated, and soon there will be no trace of it.

In both cases, when pressed, the child does not feel significant discomfort, pain, but in the case of a chalazion, these signs may reveal themselves later.

A completely different picture is observed with the further development of the chalazion:

  • The swelling becomes firm;
  • Due to the rounded shape of the formation, the eyelid of the child acquires a convex shape in the place where it appeared.

Large "hailstones" interfere with the child, he feels discomfort while closing and opening his eyes.

The disease, unlike barley, may not recede for several months. In rare cases, over time, it is eliminated on its own (in about 25% of cases), but it is absolutely impossible to expect this to happen. Moreover, Dr. Komarovsky, however, like all doctors, insists that treatment should begin immediately, as soon as the disease is detected.

Causes of the disease

Chalazion, as a rule, is a consequence of other diseases and problems in the body, which is another good reason to pay attention to it in time.

Provocateurs of the disease can be:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • Frequent respiratory diseases;
  • The child has diabetes;
  • Increased oiliness of the skin;
  • Infectious diseases of the eyes;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • Infectious diseases of the body as a whole.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the rules of hygiene are strictly followed, and if this does not happen, inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelids may occur due to the accumulation of impurities in the eyes of the child, which provokes the appearance of a chalazion.

Treatment of the disease

Parents should not determine on their own whether a fight against an illness is required or whether it is capable of eliminating itself in this particular case. This is decided only by a doctor, and you can seek help with a chalazion from a pediatrician or an ophthalmologist.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the disease can be successfully treated with mercury ointment, as well as recinol emulsion. Along with these drugs, antibacterial drugs are usually used.

In severe cases, surgical removal of the mass may be prescribed. This operation is not complicated, it is performed quickly, and there are no scars or any other traces after it. Removing a chalazion by surgery significantly increases the chances that the disease will not recur. True, there is one caveat - children suffering from dysbacteriosis, diabetes, are more likely to encounter the disease again.

One of the modern, painless methods of eliminating the problem is a laser. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. The laser can be used at any stage of the disease development, and the risk of recurrence in this case also tends to zero.

As for drug treatment, it can be carried out with the help of such drugs.

  • Mercury yellow ointment. The composition of the drug, in addition to the main substance (mercury ointment), includes components such as anhydrous lanolin, purified bovine fat, purified pork fat. The tool has an antiseptic effect, it is used externally by applying an ointment to the place where the formation appeared. The tool can be used several times / day, but the frequency and dosage in which the drug should be used should be indicated by the doctor. A contraindication to treatment with mercury ointment is only the child's personal intolerance to its components;
  • "Torbex". The drug is available in the form of drops and ointments, and in ophthalmology they are used in both of them. For the treatment of halation, children are often prescribed Torbex drops. The tool has an antibacterial effect, and it can be used for treatment even for newborns. The composition of the drug includes components such as tobramycin (active substance), sodium sulfate, tilaxopol, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, boric acid, benzalkonium chloride. The dosage and frequency of use should be determined by the doctor, but usually the drug is prescribed in the amount of 1-2 drops with a frequency of use several times / day. A contraindication to the use of the drug is personal intolerance to tobramycin and aminoglycosides in general;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. The active component of the drug is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, helps relieve itching. Apply the ointment twice or three times / day with a thin layer. The duration of treatment with hydrocortisone ointment is determined by the doctor. He will also give more accurate recommendations regarding dosages and frequency of application of the ointment, which are indicated in accordance with the stage of the disease. A contraindication to the external use of hydrocortisone ointment is an individual intolerance to hydrocortisone.

In addition to these drugs, glucocorticosteroids administered by injection into the formation cavity can be prescribed.

Only a doctor should determine which of the drugs in this group will be used. The procedure for administering the drug should be performed exclusively by medical professionals.

homemade recipes

To eliminate halation, some mothers use folk remedies.

The most popular of them are:

  • Aloe juice. It is instilled about 5 times / day in the amount of 4 drops / one eye. Aloe disinfects, helps relieve inflammation;
  • Cabbage. Washed leaves of the vegetable are recommended to be applied to the eye. You can grind them, combine with egg white and apply as a compress, wrapping the ingredients in a cloth. Cabbage is known for its disinfecting effect, as well as the ability to draw out pus.

If you decide to treat folk remedies, remember that they can only be used as a temporary method for symptomatic treatment. You still need to see a doctor without fail.

On the Internet and literary sources, you can find other names for the disease. The disease is often called a chalazion or a chalazion. All these words refer to the same pathology. Let's see what a chalazion is in a child's eye and why it appears.


Chalazion in children develops due to blockage of one or more sebaceous glands, which are located in the thickness of the eyelids. This leads to the accumulation of sebaceous secretion and the subsequent development of the inflammatory process. Most often, children aged 5-10 years are sick.

Chalazion on the eye of a child can also appear due to infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can get into the eye with unwashed hands, dirty linen or shared towels. The causative agent of the disease can be staphylococci, streptococci or other bacteria.

The development of the disease in children contribute to:

  • chronic inflammation of the edges of the eyelids;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • weakened immunity;
  • recent SARS or flu;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • excess production of sebum.

Frequent chalazions in a child indicate chronic diseases and serious health problems. Therefore, with the reappearance of the formation of the baby, you need to carefully examine.

How to distinguish a disease from barley


The chalazion of the lower eyelid in a child can also be removed using a diode laser. In this case, the incision is made with an ultrathin laser beam. Naturally, the wound after such an operation heals much faster. The chalazion cured in this way recurs much less frequently. This means that the risk of re-development of the disease in this case is minimized.


A healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene will help to avoid illness. Parents should ensure that the child does not rub his eyes with dirty hands. The baby should eat right, and his diet should have enough vitamins.

Every day, the child needs to wash himself thoroughly, using baby soap. He should wash his hands at least 4-5 times a day. He must dry himself with an individual towel allocated to him by his parents. In no case should you rub your face with dirty laundry! In kindergarten or school, the baby should only use a personal towel.

Chalazion is an inflammatory disease that develops due to blockage of the sebaceous glands or infection. Outwardly, the formation resembles a tumor in the thickness of the eyelid. A sick child is worried about itching, discomfort, tearing and pain in the affected eye.

The disease can be treated conservatively or surgically. In the first case, the child is prescribed eye ointments and drops that relieve inflammation and kill the infection, in the second case, surgical intervention is performed. Removal of the formation is performed on an outpatient basis. After the operation is completed, a bandage is applied to the baby's eye and he is released home.

Useful video about chalazion in children

Conservative treatment with drugs is used only in the initial stages of the disease. If medical therapy is no longer able to help, the best way out is to use surgical intervention. The operation is applied if the chalazion has become more than five millimeters and does not go away for quite a long time.

The operation to remove the chalazion is performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. This is necessary because the excision of the neoplasm is perceived as difficult, both in adults and in children. Local anesthesia guarantees complete loss of sensation. The child and adult will not feel any pain. The chalazion is removed in several stages:

  1. The focus of inflammation is treated with a special antiseptic preparation.
  2. An anesthetic is injected with a thin needle into the affected visual organ.
  3. A special clip is attached to the lower and upper eyelids. This is necessary to prevent hemorrhage and separate healthy and inflamed eye cells.
  4. A small incision is made in the neoplasm.
  5. The liquid and suppuration that have formed inside the chalazion and capsule are removed.
  6. Iodine treatment of the wound that remained after the removal of the chalazion.
  7. Apply a clean gauze bandage to the operated area.

Surgery can take twenty to thirty minutes. It must be performed by an experienced surgeon. The outcome of the operational impact, no doubt, is very important. But also after the operation to remove the chalazion, it is necessary to take preventive measures so that a relapse does not occur. Follow strictly all the recommendations of the treating specialist.

Be sure to read the article about a more modern method for removing pathology, namely.

Operation with a laser

Laser removal of the inflammatory process is an innovative method of surgical treatment of the disease. This technique is accurate, fast, aseptic and practically does not cause injury to healthy cells.

After elimination of the focus of inflammation by laser, the recurrence of the disease will not occur. This is due to the fact that the laser beam completely eliminates the chalazion capsule, since it contributes to the disintegration of the formed capsule. Be sure to follow all the rules and recommendations after the operation.

Prevention of inflammation

What can be done to prevent a recurrence of the inflammatory process? There is always a risk that the neoplasm will appear again in the same lesion. To prevent relapse, it is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • blood for an immunogram, having gone to an immunologist;
  • blood for sugar by contacting an endocrinologist;
  • feces on the eggs of worms, come to the gastroenterologist.

In order for the wound to begin to heal after surgery, not a small amount of time must pass. It is necessary to comply with the requirements of personal and household hygiene. An important point is that hygiene must be observed not only in the postoperative period, but also to remain clean until the end of life.

As soon as you have reasons to worry about a relapse (redness, pus), immediately contact a medical institution for qualified help. You can not perform any therapeutic actions on your own. You can only aggravate the disease. The sooner you contact an experienced ophthalmologist, the more likely it is to avoid serious consequences.


  • If the operation is performed incorrectly, too late, or if the patient did not follow the recommendations of the attending specialist, vision may deteriorate sharply. Redness and swelling have a negative effect on the visual organ, as a result, the patient may develop (an eye disease in which the picture does not focus on the retina).
  • Sometimes patients may develop keratitis.
  • A chalazion can develop into a cyst, inside of which there is a purulent fluid.
  • In addition, after laser therapy, the cornea of ​​​​the eyeball can be deformed. After conventional surgery, a scar or scar may remain.


As mentioned earlier, after surgical exposure, sutures and a sterile gauze bandage with pressure are immediately applied. During the entire recovery period, you need to instill special preparations daily and apply ointments that the doctor will prescribe. All these recommendations, as a rule, last about five to seven days. Usually the ophthalmologist prescribes Taufon, Floksal, Erythromycin ointment.

The next day after surgery, the specialist invites the patient to an appointment. And conducts a full examination to exclude the possibility of complications and relapses.

If everything is fine, the development of complications is not observed, you can start healing the scar. An effective remedy for this is the juice of a plant such as aloe. A few days after the surgical exposure, you can not be in the fresh air. This is especially true in frosty, windy and wet weather. Even a well-performed surgical intervention performed by an experienced surgeon cannot be a guarantee that a relapse will not occur. That is why during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to follow all the recommendations and appointments of the treating specialist.

A chalazion is a small formation on the inner surface of the eyelid. It can appear at any age and is a blockage of the meibomian gland. Most often, the process is chronic. It can be managed with conservative means, but in the absence of an effect, surgical removal of the chalazion of the eyelid is recommended.

What is a chalazion?

Chalazion occurs for various reasons, for example:
  • inflammatory diseases of the eyes and eyelids;
  • hypothermia;
  • low immunity;
  • SARS;
  • excessive production of fat by the glands;
  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • stress, etc.
Due to a violation of the outflow of sebaceous secretion, the gland increases, and a dense capsule forms around it. A small chalazion does not cause discomfort, but with a significant increase, the formation begins to put pressure on the cornea, changing its shape. This is especially dangerous in childhood, as it can provoke visual impairment.

In some cases, the contents of the formation become inflamed. Suppuration can spread to other parts of the eye, causing styes, conjunctivitis, and other problems.

Methods of treatment

With a small size, conservative treatment is allowed. Special drops and ointments relieve inflammation and promote resorption of the formation. If there is no effect, the help of a surgeon is needed.

Removal of a chalazion on the upper and lower eyelids is a simple eye surgery that can be performed with a laser or in the classical way. After using anesthetic drops, the doctor makes a small incision in the mucosa and carefully removes the gland along with the capsule. Stitches are not applied, and the eye is closed with a sterile protective bandage, which must be worn for a week. Antibacterial agents are prescribed to prevent inflammation.

Advantages of the SM-Doctor clinic

Removing a chalazion is a simple operation, but when it comes to a child, it is fraught with difficulties. It is not always possible to explain to small children that it will not hurt, so our doctors use short-term safe anesthesia.

In the clinic "SM-Doctor"

  • experienced doctors and modern equipment;
  • high-quality local anesthesia or anesthesia, depending on the age of the child;
  • carrying out the operation in the mode of "one day";
  • the possibility of hospitalization in a hospital with parents if necessary;
  • consultations of all relevant specialists in one place.
Chalazion is a problem that is very easy to get rid of at any age. Sign up for a consultation at the SM-Doctor clinic now and see for yourself.

For more information and to make an appointment with a specialist, please call

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