Self-massage of the foot. Foot massage at home. Feet, calf, thighs. Foot massage allows

It is difficult to name such a business, such a profession, in which one could do without footwork. Whether the activity is static or dynamic, there is still a big load on the muscles of the legs.

For example, almost all the muscles of the body take part in walking, although the main load, of course, falls on the musculoskeletal system. Human legs are also subject to various injuries (industrial, domestic) and diseases. It goes without saying that for active life a person needs a high tone of the leg muscles. Its weakening inevitably leads to one degree or another of venous stasis, especially if a person sits (or stands) at work or at work for a long time, and from here it is not far to the development of such diseases as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, etc. Therefore Maintaining a high tone of the leg muscles with massage is an important measure for the prevention of many diseases.

In this regard, in hygienic, medical and sports practice, much attention is paid to massage of the lower extremities. The Japanese firm "Slot Corporation" has developed a curious device for foot massage- a special boot, the action of which is based on the use of vibration waves. Vibration stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the recovery process, relieves fatigue. This device also has a heating device and is a good tool for people who have to be on their feet for a long time.

In Vienna, in the Exhibition and Leisure Park, special vibration devices are installed on the main routes. A person who is tired from a long walk puts his feet on a vibration platform, lowers a coin and receives a massage. In recent years, similar vibration devices have also been used in our country.

Foot massage should start with the hips. This is justified both physiologically and practically.

. The thigh is massaged in various positions, the choice of which depends on the situation and conditions. If, for example, you are at home and are going to do a general self-massage, then it is best to sit sideways on the bed (or sofa), put a straight leg on it, with which you decided to start the massage, and lower the other to the floor.

presents no difficulty. The following techniques are carried out: stroking with two hands (circular), rubbing, active movements. Finish self-massage of the knee joint by stroking with both hands.

start with the calf muscle. It can be carried out in several positions. In the first sitting position, the lower outer part of the lower leg is placed on the thigh of the other leg at the knee. In the second position, also sitting, the massaged leg is bent and rests on something with the heel.

. For greater convenience, the lower leg is shifted down, freeing the Achilles tendon. Rubbing techniques are used.

Self-massage of the heel. Massaged in the position shown on . The following rubs are applied:

  • a) "tongs" are straight;
  • b) rectilinear and circular rubbing with fingertips - the thumb is on top, and the other four are on the bottom;
  • c) rectilinear and circular rubbing with combs of fingers bent into a fist.

. Caring for the face, hands, we forget and do not attach importance to the feet, and our health largely depends on their condition.

. The massage is carried out with the same hand, the opposite hand fixes the leg in the knee joint. Finish the massage, I remind you, stroking.

. (You can first massage the ankle joint, and then the foot.). Massage begins with stroking the instep of the foot - from the fingers to the ankle joint - 2-3 times.

Self-massage of one leg with the help of the other. We have already said that massage is widely used as a remedy. For the same purpose, doctors often prescribe self-massage to patients. Unfortunately, it also happens that it is not so easy for a physically weakened elderly or very full person to do self-massage of the lower leg and foot. Given this circumstance, we have developed a method of self-massage of one leg with the help of the other. The complex of his techniques was offered to a number of hospitals and sports dispensaries for testing, which gave good results.

Rice. 53

The methodology for such foot massage pretty simple. The massaged leg is placed on the floor, on a rug or on a piece of foam rubber, and the fingers and instep of the foot are rubbed with the heel of the other leg - straight, across and in a circle. Rubbing can be done with the outer and inner edge of the foot ( rice. 53).

One or the other leg is massaged alternately. It should be noted that with this form of self-massage, not only foot defects (flat feet, the consequences of gout) are eliminated, but it also acquires increased strength.

In the same position, the ankle joint and the Achilles tendon are massaged. Rubbing is carried out with the heel, Achilles tendon and other parts of the foot in various directions.

When massaging the lower leg in the indicated position, it can also be straightened.

The calf muscle is massaged by lifting the foot ( rice. 54) and sole. You can perform light stroking, and with stronger pressure - squeezing. Kneading is carried out in a circular manner.

Every day, our feet endure a colossal load and need special care. legs- the best way to relieve fatigue, but not only. It is also an effective treatment and prophylactic procedure that fights edema, varicose veins, flat feet (they will not be drafted into the army in 2018 with flat feet) and joint diseases.

Types of foot massage and their benefits

The usual self-massage of the legs, done after a hard day, helps to quickly bring tired limbs back to normal. Thanks to stroking, rubbing and kneading, lymph flow is activated, blood circulation improves, and muscles relax. As a result, swelling, heaviness, discomfort disappear, strength and working capacity are restored.

It has been scientifically proven that massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles, bone and ligament apparatus, nervous system - not only locally, but also systemically. A mass of receptors associated with various tissues and organs is concentrated on the surface of the feet. Ancient Chinese healers even developed a special map with the projection of internal organs and functions on the soles of the feet. In total, about 72,000 nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, the impact on which causes reflex reactions in the corresponding areas of the body.

Specialists practicing acupuncture methods continue to use the old maps of bioactive zones, massaging those points that are responsible for the work of diseased organs. In parallel, reflexology stimulates the immune system, calms the nervous system, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and normalizes hormonal levels. However, it is difficult to do acupressure on your own without special knowledge and skills. So, the Chinese procedure according to all the rules lasts 2.5 hours and covers 62 reflex zones of the legs.

At home, such a massage can be done in a simplified version, using the principles of Chinese, Indian or Thai medicine. It is enough to master the basic movements and remember the right points.

In addition to relaxing and restorative foot massage, there is also a therapeutic one. We are talking about the treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies: joint diseases, injuries, flat feet, valgus. These problems require a professional approach, and it is better to entrust the procedures to an experienced specialist.

To summarize, foot massage:

  • stimulates lymph and blood flow;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • tones muscles, skin and blood vessels;
  • eliminates tension, pain, spasms;
  • calms, improves mood;
  • normalizes sleep and appetite;
  • prevents stress;
  • activates the immune system;
  • trains cardiovascular activity;
  • gives strength, restores performance;
  • rejuvenates the body.

Video: How to do a foot massage

Whether to treat diseases of internal organs with foot massage is a matter of trust in alternative methods. As an adjuvant in addition to official medicine - why not. The main thing is to find a competent specialist who has the necessary knowledge and unshakably adheres to the principle of “do no harm”.

Foot massage for relaxation and prevention can and should be done by everyone (in the absence of contraindications), both independent and professional. It is recommended for nervous overstrain, stress, overwork, work "on your feet", intense physical exertion, sedentary lifestyle to avoid congestion and swelling.

To correct orthopedic disorders and diseases of the joints, a special massage is done. Main indications:

  • flat feet;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • valgus foot;
  • rehabilitation after injury;
  • pain in the legs.

Regular procedures performed by the hands of an experienced massage therapist help to eliminate pathological disorders in the legs:

  • normalize blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • training supporting muscles;
  • develop a ligamentous-articular apparatus;
  • restore mobility;
  • correct the position of the bones.

Foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system. Healthy muscular and orthopedic apparatus of the foot contributes to the correct posture, reduces the risk of osteochondrosis, pinching.

Foot massage contraindications

Like any medical procedure, massage has contraindications:

  • damaged skin;
  • dermatological diseases out of remission;
  • acute infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hyperthermia;
  • high pressure;
  • severe varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bleeding;
  • menstruation;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • mental disorders.

There are special movements and massage lines for kneading the legs. If you ignore them, apply excessive force, you can damage the joints and ligaments. The motor mechanism of the feet can withstand heavy loads, but at the same time it is quite fragile: it consists of many small bones, tendons and joints, due to which it provides shock absorption.

With the wrong massage technique, there is a risk of pinching, displacing, tearing one of the structural elements of the foot. This can result in a dislocation, a fracture, a crack. The injury does not necessarily manifest itself as pain and swelling, but in the future it can lead to leg deformity, the appearance of salt growths on damaged bones.

To avoid such troubles, independent procedures are performed with light movements without effort, and complex techniques are performed by a competent specialist.

How to do foot massage

Self-massage is a simple and affordable technique for relaxing the legs. It is better to do it in the evening, after a warming bath. Feet are dried by vigorous rubbing with a towel, then with hands.

To begin, take a sitting position with outstretched limbs. Bend the leg at the knee and place it on the thigh of the other leg. Lubricate your hands with lotion or oil. Do massage according to the following scheme:

  1. Knead your shin. Rub the calf muscles in the direction from the bottom up, massage the front part with stroking circular movements.
  2. Take care of your ankle. Rub the surface of the ankle in a clockwise direction.
  3. Smooth out the Achilles tendon. With your thumb and forefinger, stroke the tendon area from the heel to the ankle.
  4. Warm up your foot. Start stroking from the top of the fingertips to the ankle. After 5 - 6 movements, repeat the same with the sole.
  5. Relax your muscles and joints. Fix the heel with your palm, grab your fingers with your free hand and gently rotate the foot, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, 5 times back and forth.
  6. Extend your fingers. Grab the arch of the foot with your hand, press the thumb of the second hand to the base of the big toe and try to gently pull it up. Then rotate your finger to the right and left, bend and unbend. Move on to the rest of the fingers.
  7. Treat the interdigital space. Lock the heel, insert the fingers of the free hand between the toes and make several sliding movements.
  8. Stretch the lift. Hold the heel with one hand, with the other, press the base of the palm on the middle part of the foot, moving to the sides.

Massaging the sole, in addition to the fingers, use the edge of the palm, knuckles. Treat the ankles and legs with all the methods of classical massage along the lines of lymph outflow. Put your foot in heat and proceed to the second. When you are done, do not rush to get up - lie down calmly or immediately go to bed.

To apply the principles of reflexology at home, it is enough to know which parts of the body are responsible for different zones of the foot:

  • head, neck - fingers;
  • hands, chest - the area between the fingers and the center;
  • legs, abdominal cavity - heel and middle of the foot.

Pay special attention to these points if you feel unwell in the corresponding organs.

Features of reflex foot massage

Turned massage is the second most popular foot massage technique after the classical one. In order not to harm your health, you should apply for such a procedure to a certified reflexologist, avoiding dubious centers of oriental medicine.

Before starting the session, the specialist conducts diagnostics, determines the active zones that will be involved in the massage, and the duration of the course. Acupressure, depending on the brevity and strength, can have a relaxing and tonic effect. Soothing procedures are scheduled for the evening, exciting - for the first half of the day. Unlike classical massage, reflex massage is not recommended for infants and the elderly.

Therapeutic foot massage

Leg diseases cause constant discomfort: heaviness, pain, fatigue, calluses and corns. But the main thing is that they violate posture, cause spinal pathologies and displacement of internal organs. Massage is the basis of conservative therapy for flat feet and x-shaped deformity (valgus foot) in children and adults.

Flat feet are corrected by two main methods:

  1. Relaxing foot massage from knee to foot and back. The calf muscles, the Achilles tendon, the ankle, the arch of the foot are carefully rubbed, then in the opposite order.
  2. Step-by-step processing of the lower leg, foot, and last but not least, the foot. The entire area is preheated with rubbing movements.

For adult patients, the lower back is additionally kneaded, for children - the entire back. Competent massage can stop the development of pathology, and in children - restore the normal anatomy of the foot.

With hallux valgus, a more intense effect is used, aimed at increasing the tone and strengthening the muscles, ligamentous apparatus. Rubbing, thorough kneading, pinching, vigorous patting of the legs from the heels to the popliteal fossa, back of the thigh, buttocks, sacro-lumbar and soles helps to restore the correct position of the feet.

With arthrosis, classic foot massage performs an auxiliary function:

  • activates blood circulation;
  • improves tissue trophism;
  • enhances mobility;
  • relieves pain;
  • prevents muscle hypertrophy.

Before using medical and reflexotherapy techniques, be sure to consult a doctor, and trust the procedures themselves in the hands of experienced massage therapists who have undergone special training.

The main load of the body during the day is carried by the legs, so fatigue in the evening is felt most of all in them. It is recommended to massage daily at home to give the body a rest. How to properly carry out the procedure for the benefit of the body, we will consider in more detail.

Many beauty spas offer massage services. It includes a procedure for the whole body and individual parts: back, legs, arms, shoulders. The benefits of mechanical action on the tissues of the lower extremities are invaluable:

  1. Elimination of congestion and muscle spasms.
  2. When tired.
  3. Beneficial effect on joints and lymphatic system.

Diseases such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis are formed due to blockage of the veins, poor circulation of fluid in the tissues. Massage helps: activate and improve blood flow, avoid stagnant fluid processes, relieve swelling, remove lactic and organic acids from the body.

Also, regular massage of the lower extremities: relieves tension, removes numbness, cramps, relaxes tight muscles. Performing massage at home, you can quickly relieve fatigue of the whole body. The person will feel more alert, more active.

For the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, injuries of the back, lower extremities, with paresis of the lower extremities and paralysis, doctors prescribe therapeutic massage. It can be performed both in specialized clinics and at home. Thanks to it, the strength and elasticity of the ligaments increases, the amount of synovial fluid in the joint bag increases (friction between the joints decreases). Lymph is involved in the removal of toxins from the body, ensures the uninterrupted supply of useful trace elements and vitamins. Stagnation of lymph can be avoided by performing massage for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Features of the procedure - preparation

For a successful massage, you need to prepare for it. How to do the procedure at home:

  1. Take a relaxing bath. You can add a few drops of flavored essential oils, soothing herbal tea, sea salt to the water.
  2. Trim your nails and apply cream to your skin.
  3. Massage is carried out with clean, washed hands, while in a comfortable body position (lying or sitting).

The procedure should not cause discomfort, pain, tickling or discomfort.

It is important to completely relax and enjoy, then the effect will be maximum. One session on average lasts approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on the degree of tension and the ultimate goal. Massage from fatigue can last 10-15 minutes.

Basic Rules

Before starting the procedure, place a small pillow or a rolled towel under your knees. The temperature in the room should be optimal. The second leg can be covered with a towel so as not to feel the cold.

The human foot is endowed with unique properties - there are points on it that are responsible for the entire body. Influencing them, you can influence a certain organ, improve well-being and even get a therapeutic effect.

When tired

  1. Massage begins with warming up the tissues. With two straight palms, stroking the foot with light rubbing is performed.
  2. Start on the inside of the foot from the center. Press lightly with your hand, moving smoothly to the fingers, then to the heel and ankle.
  3. Squeeze your hand into a fist and move from the center of the foot with pressure to the fingers.
  4. Massage each finger separately, lightly pressing on it, stretching the phalanges and performing a circular rotation.
  5. Take the heel area in your hand and lightly massage with circular motions.
  6. Finish the session with stretching of the ligaments. First, the toes are squeezed and unclenched, then the foot is squeezed and unclenched as much as possible, the socks are pulled out.

In this technique, the main emphasis is on the fingers. They need to be washed, sipped, made circular rotations.

Repeat the procedure for 10-15 minutes. The effect comes immediately, there should be a feeling of lightness.

Therapeutic foot massage

On the foot of each person there are many bioactive points. They are responsible both for the general well-being of a person, and specifically for each internal organ. By acting on them, you can not only relieve fatigue, but also improve your health. If you don’t know exactly which points are responsible for what, do a classic massage. Technique of classical therapeutic massage:

  1. To warm up, take your foot in your hand and perform light tapping from top to bottom.
  2. With your fingers, press down on the inside of the foot, starting from the toes and down to the heel.
  3. Repeat the exercises slowly, with each approach increasing the pressure.

The appearance of pain at any point indicates a problem with the organ with which it correlates. In this case, the force of pressure should be reduced, or completely stopped and proceed to stroking. A massage session performed for the first time should be carried out slowly, smoothly, and can last from 40 to 60 minutes.

Chinese foot massage

The Chinese massage technique is distinguished by its execution. The session is carried out with the edge of the palm and knuckles for 30 minutes.

  1. Begin and end the massage with a warm rubbing of the foot.
  2. With the knuckles, carry out pressing movements from the fingers down to the heel zone.
  3. With the thumb and middle fingers, you need to press on the same points on the legs and lightly shake with a vibrating effect.
  4. With the index or thumb, make several injections in the foot, pressing on certain points.

Only a specialist who knows the map of the foot and where each point of influence is located can perform Chinese massage.

Thai foot massage

Massage performed according to Thai technique activates the protective functions of the body, increases blood flow to the limbs. A special feature is the use of a special wooden stick, rounded at the end. With its help, pressure is applied to the bioactive points on the foot, the massage is more useful. The technique begins and ends with stroking, kneading, rubbing the foot.

Foot to knee massage

It is used for medicinal purposes, for example, for varicose veins, paralysis, numbness of the legs or if a spasm is felt.

Relaxing massage

You can conduct a relaxing foot massage on your own to improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue. You need to lie down so that it is comfortable to relax, put a roller under your knees.

  1. Massage movements start stroking from the ankle towards the knee.
  2. Alternate stroking and rubbing. Perform slowly, slowly rising up the leg.
  3. The massage ends with kneading the entire surface from the ankle to the knee.

Thus, blood circulation is restored, nerve endings are affected, and fatigue is relieved. Repeat the procedure on the second leg.


The technique of massage for therapeutic purposes is slightly different from the classic relaxing one. It is based on the impact on the back of the calf. An alternation of light and intense tingling of this area is carried out.

  1. Start with warming movements from the bottom from the lower leg up to the knee cavity.
  2. The transition from stroking to energetic movements of the knuckles of the compressed phalanges of the fingers. You can use your fists.
  3. Grab the caviar with a wide movement and discard with vibration. Repeat the exercise until the calf is completely relaxed.
  4. Then light tapping is performed with claps over the entire surface of the lower leg and foot.

As a result, puffiness is removed, the movement of lymphatic fluid improves, and blood circulation in the veins is restored. With the regular implementation of this technique, the surface of the skin noticeably improves, stretching disappears, the elasticity and firmness of the calves increase. A specialist can tell you how to do a foot massage correctly; therapeutic foot massage at home should be carried out very carefully.

With numbness

To relieve numbness syndrome, several different massage techniques are used. The simplest is classic with a relaxing effect. They also use general vacuum massage, acupressure or lymphatic drainage. Already after the first session, you can feel the beneficial effect. Regular courses will help to forget about the problem forever.

With convulsions

Sudden cramps in the calf are relieved with acupressure.

  • Stand on your toes so that the calf muscle rises slightly.
  • Mentally draw a line from the knee to the heel and find the middle.

By acting pointwise on the central point, you can quickly get rid of cramps. Massage for leg cramps is carried out daily for prevention in order to avoid the repetition of unpleasant sensations in the future.

Thigh area massage

It will not be possible to massage the femoral part completely at one time, so it is divided into two stages. First, work out the front part, then go to the back of the thigh. The technique is as follows:

  1. Start with light rubbing from the knee area, moving up to the thigh.
  2. The edge of the hand performs a smooth kneading up and down.
  3. Compress the skin with a pinch, start with light and move to intense action.
  4. Finish with relaxing rubbing and pressure.

This technique of execution helps to fight cellulite, stretch marks, improves the appearance and condition of the skin, helps to relieve fatigue and tension, blood microcirculation in the capillaries. Massage of the femoral part is recommended to be performed using cans, spoons, use honey.

Self massage

At home, the procedure can be carried out independently. To do this, it is better to use special massagers or learn a special technique.

  1. To begin with, stroking and light patting are performed, kneading movements with the thumbs, starting from the lower leg and foot and moving up. Also finish.
  2. Make wave-like movements with both hands, hold up along the lymphatic system.

Perform exercises every week in order to prevent the occurrence of varicose veins, cellulite, for muscle relaxation. It has a good effect on the lymph, relieves puffiness and fatigue.

End of procedure

After the session, do not rush to get up immediately. Lie down for 20-30 minutes, enjoying the calm and relaxation. A good result if the skin is slightly red. At the end of the procedure, lift the body on toes 10-15 times. Make several alternate shaking movements with your legs


Despite all the usefulness, not everyone can do this procedure. Fungus on the nails, any disease in the acute stage, oncology are the main contraindications for massage. It should also not be done when:

  • pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diseases of the small joints.

Properly done massage will bring only lightness, help cure diseases.

With it, you can strengthen blood vessels, increase muscle tone and restore the functioning of internal organs. Whether it is possible to do foot massage should be confirmed by a therapist or specialist.

Most of the day we get tired legs and back. We'll talk about the back next time, and today's story is about our legs. They are incredibly tired both from excessive walking, standing and sitting, and from the scourge of many women - high heels. In the evening, we often do not look comme il faut precisely because of tired legs. Experienced women know this, and their beauty secret lies in proper foot care.

Foot care at home includes - leg gymnastics, baths, pedicure, masks, scrubs, peeling, and of course!

All these procedures can not only improve the appearance of your legs, but are also very beneficial for our entire body as a whole.

In terms of health benefits, self-massage of the feet is unparalleled. Proper self-massage of the legs will strengthen muscles and ligaments, help prevent varicose veins, swelling of the legs, cellulite, arthritis, etc. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend studying the technique of self-massage of the legs. How to do self-massage of the legs we will tell in this article.

Foot massage carried out in the morning or evening. Morning foot massage will help you cheer up if you do it vigorously and quickly. Evening massage will give rest to the legs if done slowly in a comfortable relaxing position.

Foot massage we always start with the feet, massaging first one, then the other foot. Then the lower leg and thigh of one leg, followed by the lower leg and thigh of the second leg.

The position should be very comfortable, the massaged leg is as relaxed as possible, you should easily reach the massaged area with your hands.

And so, grease your palms with massage or other oil, or your favorite cream and proceed to foot massage!

Foot self-massage

Foot massage begins with a foot massage, do it sitting or lying down - as you like.

1. First, slightly warm up the foot by rubbing the hands from top to bottom and vice versa. Rub this for about half a minute to a minute and the sole and outer instep of the foot.

2. Then grasp the foot with both hands so that the thumbs are on the instep and the rest of the fingers are on the sole. Knead your feet from bottom to top and top to bottom. Time is about a minute.

3. Then knead and rub each toe. Do this until you feel a pleasant warmth (but no more than 3 minutes).

4. Massage your heels separately. Grasp the heel from all sides with a brush and knead and rub it in all directions for about a minute.

5. Then, with two fingers (thumb and forefinger), kneading for half a minute, massage the Achilles tendon.

Self-massage of legs

Continue lying on your back, bend your knees. Place one of the legs with the ankle (or heel) on the knee of the second leg.

If it is more convenient for you to do this massage in a sitting position, then do what is more convenient for you.

1. We preheat the shins. Start stroking with your palms from the foot to the popliteal cup, first the calf muscle, then the front surface of the lower leg. Time - half a minute-minute.

2. Then we begin to knead the calf muscle. Grasp the calf muscle with your hand and begin to knead it in the direction from the ankle to the knee. Do this for half a minute.

3. Then pull the calf muscle away from the bone. Do this movement along the entire length from the foot to the knee.

4. The next movement is shaking. Shake the relaxed calf muscle in different directions with your hands. Time is half a minute.

5. We complete the self-massage of the legs with strokes.

Self-massage of the knees

1. We massage the knees with light rubbing movements of the palms. About half a minute.

2. Then grasp the knee with two hands, as in the figure and lightly squeeze it with your thumbs.

Attention! The popliteal cavity does not need to be massaged!

Self-massage of the thighs

It is most convenient to perform self-massage of the thighs of the legs in a sitting position on the edge of a chair.

1. First, we make stroking movements with the palms from the knee to the groin. We do 1-2 minutes. For this self-massage of the thighs, you can use a special mitt!

2. Then we knead the thigh muscles with the hands of both hands. Time 2-3 min.

3. After that, “pull” the thigh muscles from the bone along the entire length.

4. Then, with the combs of your fingers clenched into a fist, again stretch the muscles of the thighs along the entire length. Time 2-3 min.

5. The next movement is to hit the muscle with the edge of the palm.

6. We complete the self-massage of the thighs with stroking movements of the palms.

Foot massage contraindications

Foot massage contraindicated in leg wounds, dilated veins in the legs, leg skin diseases, skin infections, inflammation of the joints, edema and thrombophlebitis. Fever and feverish conditions are also a contraindication to foot massage. When using and reprinting the material, an active link to the site is required.

Not only to relax and provide a therapeutic effect, foot massage is done. It is also useful for improving the general condition of the body. You can learn foot massage from videos on your own.

Regular foot massage has a beneficial effect on various body systems and its general condition.


  • normalization of sleep patterns;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • elimination of stress and nervousness, gradual complete relaxation;
  • a significant decrease in blood pressure, a drop in the level of triglycerides in the blood;
  • elimination of the problem of persistent migraines;
  • improvement in performance during the rehabilitation period after injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • a positive effect in mild neurological disorders, anxiety;
  • analgesic effect with the right effect on the reflex points located on the foot;
  • immediate improvement in the condition of the legs, skin and nails, removal of edema and spasms, treatment of fungal infections (in conjunction with topical antifungal drugs);
  • improvement in arthritis, arthrosis and flat feet;
  • relaxation, relieving pain and discomfort in plantar fasciitis.

Foot reflexology (zones)

Massage of the foot, legs (training - see video - which should include the study of the location of bioactive points and their relationship with body systems) is effective due to the large accumulation of nerve endings in this area. A clear outline of the zones allows you to influence specific organs without affecting the rest.

When massaging, beginners can use the foot maps compiled by reflexologists, in which the relationship points are indicated in detail.

Examples of the location of zones on the foot:

Important! When probing the foot in some places, there may be a feeling of discomfort or pain. This is the first signal that the internal organ (for which this zone or point is responsible) is not in order. With timely access to a doctor, it is possible to prevent serious diseases.

Reflex massage technique

Massage of the foot, legs (training - see video - helps to master the correct technique for its implementation) technically consists in applying pressure to the fingers on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foot (which is considered problematic after initial palpation).

In this case, during a reflex massage, you must adhere to several rules:

Important! The therapeutic effect of reflex massage is achieved by improving the nutrition and blood circulation of the specific organ that was affected.


Relaxing massage does not have a significant therapeutic effect. It is aimed at eliminating signs of fatigue, swelling and discomfort. Before starting the session, it is necessary to prepare the feet: clean them of dirt, wipe dry. The person is in a comfortable position. It is advisable to put a pillow or roller under the knee and ankle.

The masseur applies massage oil to his hands and begins the session with strokes. Gradually, the intensity of movements increases, the foot is rubbed from the toes to the heel with the fingertips. Special attention is paid to the fingers. They need to be kneaded, stretched, scrolled.

Do not forget about the heel zone, as it has a significant load during the day. It is kneaded in a circular motion. Relaxing massage should not be overly hard, fast. Finishing the procedure, you need to make a few strokes.

After the massage, it is recommended to remain in the same relaxed position for another 10-15 minutes to achieve the maximum effect. This procedure can be performed both in the salon and at home. The cost of one session with a specialist is estimated at 400-1000 rubles.


Massage of the foot, legs (training - video below - possibly on video materials) according to the Chinese method helps in healing the body. By acting on the feet with the edge of the palm, its back and knuckles for half an hour, positive results can be achieved.


  • prevention of lymph stagnation;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • body cleansing;
  • prevention of diseases of various organs and organ systems;
  • increased blood circulation in internal organs.

The main techniques of Chinese massage are:

The Chinese massage technique is complex, as it is necessary to know the reflex map of the feet well. The best solution is to find a competent specialist, and not self-treatment.

The cost of one session is from 1000 rubles.


High-quality Thai foot massage activates the protective functions of the body, affects the energy flows of the body, relaxes and gives strength.
The treatment begins with a soak in aromatic oils and exfoliating the skin of the legs to completely soften it. Special creams or massage oils are applied to dried feet.

Directly massage consists of alternating slow and intense exposure. These are classic stroking, squeezing, rubbing, stretching.
A distinctive feature of the technique is the use of a wooden stick for a more detailed study of the feet and a pleasant relaxing tingling in the legs.

Important! Thai massage, despite the sufficient intensity, with a highly qualified specialist does not cause discomfort or pain. It promotes maximum relaxation of the whole body.

The cost of this type of massage starts from 1500 rubles.

Therapeutic for flat feet

Foot massage with flat feet stimulates blood circulation, tones the ligaments and muscles of the legs. With each subsequent session, the intensity of pain at the end of the day becomes less. Having mastered massage techniques with the help of video training and performing it in conjunction with special gymnastics, you can positively influence the pathology and minimize the severity of its manifestations.

Massage should begin with stroking the foot and leg to the middle of the calf. Thus, there is a warming up and preparation directly for the massage. First, time is given to the fingers. Starting with the little finger, they must be lowered and raised alternately. The action is carried out for 3-5 minutes. Manipulation should be smooth and not cause discomfort or pain.

At the end, it is necessary to raise and lower all fingers at once, grabbing them with the palm of your hand. The next action is rubbing in the direction from the fingers to the heel and above, up to the knee. They must be alternated - from the back and outside 5-7 times. The action lasts for 15-20 minutes.

With the pads of the fingers, rub each finger one by one, alternately the upper and lower surfaces. They should be given 4-5 minutes. The last action is kneading. With both hands, you need to grab the foot and gently knead it with a little pressure for 3-5 minutes. At the end of the massage, stroking is carried out, starting from the foot up, up to the knee or mid-thigh.

For arthritis

Arthritis is accompanied by inflammation of the joints and severe pain in their area. During the period of the acute course of the disease, massage is not recommended, as it can additionally injure the muscles and blood vessels.

In the chronic course of the disease, massage is carried out around the affected areas.

It starts with the calf muscles, smoothly descending to the foot. The main massage movements for arthritis are stroking, light rubbing and pinching around the inflamed areas.

Important! Foot massage for arthritis should exclude strong pressure and should not bring pain, only then it will give a positive result.

With arthrosis

Arthrosis is manifested by severe pain in the joints and limitation of their mobility.

Foot massage allows you to:

  • eliminate muscle hypertrophy;
  • improve lymph flow in the legs;
  • eliminate pain during movement;
  • increase the amplitude of flexion-extension of the feet;
  • improve tissue trophism.

Foot massage is performed in a supine position (on the back). For greater relaxation of the limb, a pillow is placed under the knee. You should start with the least painful areas of the feet. Special attention is paid to the fingers: they are stroked, rubbed in a circular motion with the thumb and forefinger, bent and unbent. The force of pressure depends on the sensations and the stage of the disease.

The main techniques for massaging the foot are as follows:

Foot massage for back pain

Massage of the foot, legs (training - see video - helps to master the technique and get rid of pain not only in the legs, but also in the back) helps after the first session from pain in the spine. The back zone on the foot is located along the inner side of the sole, starting from the big toe and ending towards the middle of the heel.

By massaging and relaxing this area along the nerve endings, back spasms are relieved, the pain goes away.

The main methods of this massage are:

  1. Rubbing. The back of the hand is drawn from the fingers to the heel strictly along the inner edge of the foot. You should alternately change the degree of pressure from light to more intense.
  2. Punching. The thumbs of both hands should slowly pass along the line of the spinal zone with the same degree of pressure. The pressure step is 0.5 cm.
  3. Spiral strokes. With your thumbs, it is necessary to smooth the spinal area in a spiral, starting from the thumb and ending with the heel.

How to do self-massage

For self-massage of the feet in the absence of knowledge of reflexology, you can use a relaxing technique.

Features of self-massage are:

It is useful to learn the technique of massaging the legs and feet in order to independently use techniques to relax muscles and treat diseases. Video materials will help to consider the features of the technique in great detail.

Article formatting: Oksana Grivina

foot massage video

Reflex massage technique:

How to massage the lower extremities:

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