Biting biting in horses - signs, symptoms and treatment. Diseases of horses: treatment with folk remedies Ointment for biting midges in horses

Among non-contagious gastrointestinal diseases, horses most often suffer from colic, diarrhea, constipation, and even volvulus.
Colds and cardiovascular diseases are similar to those in humans.
Most often, foals suffer from bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, and leg disease.
Since ancient times, all these diseases have been cured by traditional medicine methods. It is no coincidence that one of the proverbs on this occasion says: "There is great power in herbs and words."

Traditional healers recommend some plants (anise, horse sorrel roots, oak bark) as additives to the main feed, other medicinal herbs are best steamed.
Important, collection time and drying rules are important. For example, flowering plants are best harvested during their flowering period, and it is more advisable to dry in the shade. Even natural conditions matter. So, on the full moon, the upper part of the plants is harvested, while on the new moon, the rhizomes are collected. The bark and buds should be harvested in the spring. All roots are harvested in autumn.

It is best to prepare infusions, decoctions, ointments, potions, powders and juices from raw materials.
For example, to prepare a decoction or infusion, the raw materials are crushed, poured with water at a ratio of 1: 10, closed with a lid and heated in a water bath with stirring for 15-30 minutes. Then cool and store in the refrigerator. All tinctures are prepared with alcohol or vodka (40-70%) at the rate of 1:10. Infusion lasts for 7-8 days in a cool place. Then filtered through cheesecloth and also stored in the refrigerator.

Ointments can be prepared from medicinal plants on petroleum jelly, cream or vegetable oil.
Pills are prepared from powders crushed in a mortar, kneading the mass on boiled water, flour in the form of a dough, and then shaping them, depending on the purpose.
Powders - from dry plants crushed in a mortar, they are used to powder wounds, ulcers, and other lesions.
Juices are obtained by squeezing the crushed raw materials using a juicer.
Depending on the age, type of plant, state of health of the horse, herbal remedies are given in the following doses: leaves, flowers, herbs - 4-5 g each; roots, rhizomes, bark - up to 7-10 g.

Medicinal plants used in cardiovascular diseases
Valerian (pharmacy valerian, forest incense, cat grass). The root is usually used, it is stored dry for up to 3 years. Affects the cardiovascular system as a sedative. Infusions are prepared in a ratio of 1:30. It also helps with spasms, colic. Doses: from 3-6 g - for young animals and 30-40 g - for adult horses 2-3 times a day.

Hawthorn (boyarka). Dried fruits can be stored for 2-3 years. It is used for strong heartbeat, heart weakness, the need to regulate blood circulation. Used as a tincture (60%). Dose for young animals - 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Motherwort (heart herb). Stored dry for 2-3 years. Regulates the work of the heart, also acts as a diuretic. Infusions 1:20 on vodka or alcohol (1:40, 1:70). Dose for foals - 50-60 ml 1 hour before feeding, for adult horses - 1 glass per bucket of water.

Medicinal plants used in diseases of the respiratory tract
Ledum marsh (fragrant bagun). Leaves and young branches are used as an infusion. The dose for adult horses is 3-4 g, for young horses - 0.2-0.3 g at a time. An infusion or decoction can also be used to treat scabies or other skin conditions.

Birch buds. The infusion is used for shortness of breath, adding to water 2-3 times a day. Take 10 g of crushed kidneys per 200 ml of water (a teaspoon per 1 cup).

Red clover (red clover, white clover, stable, honeydew). A decoction is a good remedy for colds, inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, laryngitis, cough; young animals are given a decoction of clover heads (1:10) 0.5-1 cup before feeding 2-3 times a day, for adult horses the dose should be increased 3-4 times. It also helps with nosebleeds caused by a lack of vitamins that affect blood clotting.

Mother and stepmother (butterbur, water burdock, stepmother). In dry form, the leaves are stored for 2-3 years. In general, it is a very old remedy for coughs, high fevers, respiratory diseases and diarrhea. Give in the form of infusion (1:10) or decoction, foals - 200-300 ml in 30 minutes. before feeding 2-3 times a day. For adult horses, the dose can be increased to 400 ml.
Medicinal plants acting on the digestive organs

Aloe tree. A good laxative for heavy drinking. Dose - 20-30 g. In addition, it increases appetite, improves digestion.

Calamus marsh (calamus root, sweet calamus, sycamore). Rhizomes are stored for 2 years. It is used in the form of infusions for bloating, and also as a diuretic. Infusion 1:20. 10 g (2 tablespoons) of crushed rhizome is taken per glass of water. Give warm before feeding.
Elder black. Good astringent and antidiarrheal agent. Give in the form of an infusion of flowers (1:10). Dose - 15-30 g, it is good to give in a mixture with chamomile.

Oak ordinary. In the treatment, dried bark is used, it is stored for up to 5 years. A decoction (1:10) is good for inflammation of the oral mucosa, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, and bleeding. Dose for adult horses - 30-50 g, for foals - 10-15 g, 3 times a day.

Origanum ordinary (forest mint). Collected during flowering. A good remedy for bloating, bronchitis, abscesses, furunculosis and eczema. Infusions (1:10), the norm for foals is 10-15 g of dry matter per dose.

Acorns. Roasted acorn flour is used as a decoction for gastrointestinal disorders in foals, the norm is 50-60 ml per dose, 2-3 times a day before feeding. Good astringent and anti-inflammatory. For 1 liter of decoction, take 30 g of ground acorns, boil for 40-50 minutes, filter, cool, dilute with boiled water (1: 2) and drink 2-3 times a day.

St. John's wort ordinary. Infusion of herbs (1:10) is given orally for inflammation of the stomach and intestines, dyspepsia, bloating, for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, treatment of ulcers and wounds. The oral dose for adult horses is 30-50 g of dry weight, for foals - 2-3 g, 3 times a day.

Dandelion officinalis (field chicory, milkweed, tooth grass). Dry roots are stored for up to 8 years. It is used in the form of a decoction to improve digestion, a choleretic agent and a laxative. Young animals are given in the form of a warm decoction of 60-80 ml 3 times a day at a concentration of 1:20.

Large plantain (grandmother, cutter, rannik). Infusion of leaves (1:20) is used as a good antidiarrheal agent, as well as for gastritis, colic, bronchitis. Give foals 1 tablespoon (25-30 ml) 3 times a day before feeding. In addition, infusion and juice contribute to the healing of wounds, bruises, fistulas, boils and ulcers. To prepare the infusion, crushed leaves are poured with a solution of table salt (1: 5), filtered, applied externally. The shelf life of dry leaves is up to 3 years.

Wormwood (wild pepper, wormwood field). In practice, leaves and stems are used. An infusion of boiled water and an alcoholic tincture can be used by young animals as a means of improving digestion, as well as an antihelminthic. Dose for young animals - 2-3 g of dry raw material per dose, for adult horses - 15-20 g inside.

Chamomile (chamomile officinalis, bathing suit, blush). Inflorescences and stems are used in the form of an infusion (1:10) as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and also an anesthetic for inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract, bloating of the stomach and intestines. The dose for young animals is 2-3 ml per kilogram of body weight before feeding, 2-3 times a day, and in case of indigestion, the dose can be increased to 100-200 ml, given 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of hay (hay infusion). The most valuable - from herbs, which has a green color. Serves as a good tool to increase appetite, prevent gastrointestinal diseases. The preparation method is simple: for 1 kg of hay, 2-3 liters of boiled water (85-90 ° C). The mixture is infused for 24 hours, filtered, add 5-6 g of salt per 1 liter of water and drink it warm. Young animals - 200-300 g between feedings 3-4 times a day.

Dill garden. Infusions and decoctions of seeds and stems are used for bloating of the stomach and intestines, as well as for respiratory diseases. Dose - 10-30 g of raw materials or 200-300 g of decoction 2-3 times a day.

Horse sorrel (horse sorrel). It can be successfully used in the form of infusions and decoctions from different parts of the plant (stems, roots, seeds). Good remedy for diarrhea. Take 20-30 g of rhizomes, seeds or stems per 1 liter of water (infusion 1:20), young animals - 10 mg per 1 kg of live weight 30 minutes before feeding, 2-3 times a day. In large doses, it can cause poisoning. In such cases, it is necessary to drink young animals with milk with the addition of chalk.

Needles. It is used as an infusion, it is a good remedy for enteritis, dyspepsia, beriberi. Dose of infusion - 20-25 ml mixed with warm water 2-3 times a day. It is best to harvest pine needles in winter, as it contains more vitamin C. Prepare the infusion with hot water in a ratio of 1:3, after 2 hours the infusion is ready for use. It is better to store in a cool place for 2-3 days.

Bird cherry. It is also a good remedy for dyspepsia, digestive disorders, enteritis, colic. Seeds are used in the form of infusion or decoction (1:20), the dose is 1-2 cups for young animals. Stored in a cool place for 2-3 days.

In general, the practice of horse breeding shows that among all non-contagious diseases of horses, the most dangerous are gastrointestinal diseases, among which colic is a particular danger. Basically, they manifest themselves from improper feeding, care and maintenance. The horse is restless, sweating, looking back at his belly, and then sits on his hind legs ("dog seat") and lies down. First aid consists in actively massaging the abdomen with a tourniquet moistened with alcohol or vodka, in addition, you can inject 250-300 ml of vodka into your mouth, make an enema, continuously drive in a rein or drive until the first discharge appears. You can also use a laxative. Sunflower oil helps well - 200-250 ml and oatmeal broth. In addition, laxatives are caste of wormwood, a decoction of flax seed. Pain in the stomach relieves well infusion of chamomile. In general, at the first sign of colic, you should call a veterinarian.

Medicinal plants used for skin diseases
Bodyak - freshly applied to the wound.
Birch (or birch tar) - used for scabies, hoof disease.
Bindweed - fresh leaves, as a good remedy for wound healing.
Burdock - leaves reduce inflammation, infusion of roots - a good remedy for furunculosis.
Onion heals wounds, burns, frostbite. It is better to dilute fresh gruel (1:100) with a solution of common salt.
Sea buckthorn - oil - a good remedy for wounds, burns, frostbite, eczema.
Plantain - baths from rhizomes for skin diseases.
Horsetail is used in the form of lotions for wounds and ulcers.

Medicinal plants that act on blood clotting

Barberry is used as a tincture with 70% alcohol, 10-50 drops inside.
Periwinkle - in the form of grass inside at 0.02-0.05 kg per 1 kg of live weight.
Knotweed (highlander) is used for bleeding in the form of tincture of 40-50 drops inside.
Shepherd's purse - use the herb in the form of an infusion inside. Dose - 20-50 g.
Plantain - you can use juice, infusion - externally.
Wormwood - fresh juice is used externally.
Horse sorrel - in the form of juice - externally.

Medicinal plants acting on the urinary tract
Birch - infusion of leaves or buds inside (1:20).
Cowberry - infusion of leaves (1:10) or (1:20) inside.
Black elderberry - infusion of flowers (1: 10) inside.
Nettle - 30-40 g infusion of dried leaves inside.
Burdock large - infusion of roots 10-20 g inside.
Juniper - 30-40 berries per reception.
Wormwood - infusion of herbs inside for 20-25 g.
Rowan - an infusion of berries (1: 10) for 100-150 g.
Horsetail - decoction or infusion (1:10), 20-30 g of dry matter inside.

Medicinal plants that reduce fever

Birch - infusion of the kidneys inside (1:10) 2-3 times a day.
Linden - in the form of an infusion of flowers (1:20) 2-3 times a day.
Coltsfoot - infusion of flowers (1:10) 2-3 times.
Chamomile - in the form of an infusion of flowers (1:10) 2-3 times.

The most common ways to treat the most common diseases.

Purulent abscesses. The leading cause is a complication after colds, as well as skin damage. It is most correct to grease the abscess with gruel from a mixture of garlic and onions with salt. You can attach plantain leaves. Good results are obtained from a decoction of fresh or dried rosemary leaves and branches, after which it can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Worms. Good results are obtained by the use of grated horseradish, sauerkraut, red beets, onions and garlic. In this case, beets are given in the form of top dressing, and others can be given in a mixture with the main feed. The dose is 20-50 g 2-3 times a day. In addition, you can use the powder of the rhizome of the male fern, tansy, sabur. Norm - for 1 time, 15-30 g in the form of a powder or solution (water, salt).

Constipation. The best remedy is the use of an enema, soapy in warm water with salt, as well as a decoction of chamomile flowers. For 2-3 liters, add 200-300 g of vegetable oil, 10-15 g of Glauber's salt and 0.5 liters of potato juice. Give after 2-3 hours.
Good results are also given by an enema from a simple laundry soap.

Diarrhea. Various methods are applied. A decoction of wormwood with calamus root powder mixed with tincture of capsicum. Good results are obtained by a mixture of barley and rhubarb root (20 g per cottage).

Impotence. It is good to give stallions 2-3 times a day a mixture of juniper powder (30 g), flour and water, as well as pepper and cumin with wine or vodka (150-200 g), beer with chicken eggs. In summer, up to 60% of the diet should be green grass or pastures.

Ringworm, scabies, eczema, warts. Apply juice, decoction, infusions of celandine. Subsequent lubrication with glycerin, vegetable oil. Washing with a decoction of leaf tobacco (for 10-12 liters - up to 0.3-0.4 kg of tobacco), add 20-25 g of sublimate and 2 tablespoons of salt.

Push arrows. Remove the rotting layer with a hoof knife, rinse and disinfect the wound, smear with tar, if it doesn’t help, make baths from 3% carbolic acid or creolin. After that, sprinkle with copper sulfate powder, oak bark, or rinse with a 10% solution of copper sulfate, turpentine, tincture of iodine, formalin (1: 5), grease again with tar. In case of improper forging and decay of the arrow, the horse should be unchained, the hoof should be cleared, the wound should be poured with tincture of iodine, plantain leaves can be applied, and a bandage should be made.

Tumor of the mucous membrane of the hard palate most often caused by rough stale food. Periodic disinfection of the mouth is carried out, and the affected areas are rubbed with coarse salt.

Nose bleed. Ergot (20-25 g) is administered inside the nasal cavity in the form of a powder or 10-15 g in the form of an extract.

Cold. Apply rubbing (massage), rubbing turpentine with alcohol, mustard oil, ammonia or camphor.

Opoy. Unchain the horse, put it on cold clay, practice water baths. Rub from hoof to shoulder with camphor alcohol, giving mullein grass.

Edema. Apply dressings of clay and acetic lead (12-15 g), alcohol (30 g), water (500 g). Lotions of alcohol infusion of arnica, compresses from cold water with alcohol and salt, periodic bandages with ice. Then you need a tight bandage with a canvas.

Biting midges. Cover the feet with warm bran poultices.

Abscesses in the mouth can be treated with pomegranate peel powder, sprinkled on the mouth for 5-7 days, lubricated with honey or olive oil in between.

Rheumatism it is better to treat with tincture of alcohol or vodka, infused with birch buds, by daily rubbing into diseased joints.

Skin damage lubricate with a solution of creolin, carbolic acid, zinc ointment. When healing, use Vaseline or vegetable oil.

Tail comb. The main reason is the presence of worms. Good results are obtained by washing the root of the tail with green soap 2-3 times a day, lubricating with carbolic acid and glycerin (1:10), as well as rubbing with sublimate (1:500). All this should be accompanied by treatment with anthelmintics prescribed by a veterinarian.

Mastitis- inflammation of the udder in mares. Warm compresses from chamomile flowers 2-3 times a day, lubrication with camphor oil, help well. In case of a purulent process, invite a veterinarian to open the abscess and subsequent treatment.

Inflammation of the eyes. Rinse with cool tea leaves or chamomile decoction. Keep the horse in good conditions with a darkened stall.

Pneumonia. Steam inhalation of malt, flaxseed, chamomile and elderberry is used. Let the horse inhale over a bucket 2-3 times a day.

Avitaminosis- lack of one or more vitamins. The best remedy in the summer is a pasture, and in the stall period - the use of infusions and decoctions of rose hips, lingonberries, mountain ash, as well as needles, raspberry leaves, currants, nettles.

Rhinitis- inflammation or catarrh of the nasal cavity. Well helps inhalation of water vapor with creolin or carbolic acid (1-2%), infusion of hay (rot) with turpentine or birch tar. It is better to use a sack made of waterproof fabric, treat 2-3 times a day.

Pharyngitis- inflammation of the larynx (tonsillitis). Include only soft foods in the form of swill or porridge in the diet. Rinse your mouth with a solution of creolin and distilled water (5:200), rub in tincture of iodine (5%), turpentine, mercury ointment with camphor. All this should be accompanied by warming compresses, which are prepared with vodka, camphor alcohol, 2% carbolic acid. When treating, wrap the horse's neck with a flannel or other soft material, apply an oilcloth and tie it. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day.

Dryness of hooves. With this disease, an ointment made from vegetable oil, wax, goat fat, as well as a decoction of turnip seed with fresh lard or oil, helps well. Warm ointments are applied to the hooves and tied with gauze or other cloth.

Cracked hooves. The main reason is poor housing conditions, untimely clearing, as well as work on a hard surface of roads (pavement, asphalt). The best remedy is the use of ointments: goat fat, vegetable oil mixed with egg white. For large cracks, metal plates and paper clips should be applied.

Tendon injury. A long-tested good remedy is an ointment made from lard, goose and duck fat, which should be rubbed 2-3 times a day when warm, and then kept in a warm bandage. In case of a prick or a splinter, it is necessary to treat the wound, pour warm lard, tincture of iodine or brilliant green (brilliant green) into the place.

Biting midges (podsaddy) also caused by poor conditions in a dirty, damp environment. Appear most often on the limbs under the brushes. For successful treatment, it is necessary to keep the horse in a dry, light stall. Rinse the affected area with a solution of creolin or carbolic acid, cut off the hair, apply a bandage with synthomycin. Bran poultices, powdering with pure coal powder, as well as a solution of copper sulphate (2 teaspoons per 500 g of boiled water) also help well. Terms of treatment - 3-5 days. All methods of treatment should be accompanied by lubrication of the lesions with vegetable oil.

When inflating (reminding) the soles or arrows in the form of bruises, it is necessary to clean off the affected layer, wash the wound with diluted alcohol, lubricate with birch tar for disinfection and bandage clean birch bark; wash the hoof with infusion of chamomile, make lotions out of it. When the arrow rots, clear it as deep as possible, baths from a 3% solution of carbolic acid or creolin, or lysol; dry the arrow and pour alum powder, or oak bark, copper sulfate into the groove. You can first pour tar, and then pour blue vitriol, plug it with cotton wool or tow.

When forging - unchain, clear the place, pour in tincture of iodine, apply fresh or steamed dried plantain leaf and bandage the hoof, refreshing the bandage with plantain 3-4 times a day. The place of the forging can also be washed with table salt, poured with linseed oil and melted wax and tarred on top or boiled millet and applied hot.

To soften a dry hoof horn, you can put the horse for seven days in a row in a pit with cow dung covering the hooves. Boiled turnip seed mixed with fresh lard or unsalted butter also helps; a warm mixture is applied to the hooves and tied with a clean cloth. You can prepare a mixture of wood oil and melted wax and goat fat - rub the warm mixture into the hoof.

With cracked hooves, if they are from below, it is necessary to remove the horn as much as possible, mix sulfur with goat fat, heat it up and fill the crack with this hot composition. Shoe a leg by pouring hemp oil mixed with egg white under the horseshoe. Cracks coming from the top of the rim are cauterized with red-hot, poured with melted sulfur and covered with lard or resin. From cracks, crushed hemp or psyllium seed boiled in goat or mutton fat helps, which is smeared around the hoof in a warm form.

An ointment made from a mixture of old lard and goat fat, vegetable oil and wax helps to grow a hoof. If, when cleaning the sole of the hoof, a prick or a splinter (glass, a piece of iron) is noticeable, then the foreign object should be immediately pulled out, the place should be filled with bacon, tincture of iodine, brilliant green and the hoof should be bandaged.

In lactating mares, inflammation of the udder (mastitis) may occur, which is expressed in the hardening of soreness, heat. In this case, you need to make a warm poultice of chamomile flowers boiled in boiling water on the udder; poultices are made 2-4 times a day, and in the intervals between them, the udder is smeared with camphor oil.

Some horses have profuse hair loss from the tail and mane. For their growth, an ointment of juicy spruce cones is boiled in butter (1: 3) and the hair roots are thickly smeared along the crest of the neck and on the tip of the tail.

Text: M.V. Zhukov,
head of the veterinary service of KSK Izmailovo,
FEI Veterinary Delegate.

Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) in the putty area, or colloquially, biting midges, squats is an extremely common skin disease of horses in all equestrian clubs, and especially in the wet season. The disease at first glance is not too serious, however, it is worth knowing that for a horse it is quite painful and requires mandatory treatment.

However, no matter how hard we try to continue the list of such obvious “medical” problems, it will still lose to reasons related to the maintenance and work of the horse, because even at ultra-modern complexes there are still enough “favorable” factors for the development of biting midges - at least moisture and dirt in walking levadas.

Excessive zeal in washing the legs of the horse by the owners several times a day with brushes and shampoos leads to consequences much worse than not washing off the dirt. The thin and elastic skin of the back of the put has a protective lipid (fatty) layer, which is removed with frequent washing, and the skin dries out and cracks. At the same time, with dry skin, the horse goes to work every day on coatings with abrasive material (arena, parade ground), actually undergoing additional peeling. The skin weakens from such contact, and infection with a banal microflora from the environment will not take long. Problems will be added if, in addition, the horse's legs are constantly smeared with cosmetic and medicinal products, most of which cause swelling and inflammation when they get on damaged skin.

Diagnostics. With superficial dermatitis, the skin of the affected area turns red, flaky, cracked and crusted, and the hairline may even fall out in places. If there are few such foci in the area of ​​the put and they are not more than 1 cm in diameter, then there is usually no edema of the limb and lameness, and therefore, this stage of biting midges is not always detected and treated in a timely manner. In advanced cases, ignoring biting midges becomes almost impossible. When skin cracks are so deep and extensive and affect almost the entire flexor surface of the fetlock, it causes severe pain in the horse, and he necessarily begins to limp.

The affected areas, and sometimes almost the entire limb, swell and become covered with dense crusts, from under which sticky exudate periodically oozes, sometimes even with an admixture of pus and blood. In the future, if this stage is also left without due attention, the skin around the pathological focus thickens, becomes inactive, various growths and calluses appear, which is a characteristic sign of verrucous dermatitis.

Treatment. The approach to treatment, in general, comes down to the fact that it is necessary to remove the root cause. If it is an infection - for example, lichen, then a vaccine is required at a therapeutic dose, as well as topical application of antifungal agents. If the problem of biting midges is related to the conditions of keeping and working of the horse, then first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the soil on which it works and the bedding in the stall. Sometimes, for the duration of the treatment, it will be better to transfer the horse from work in the arena to walks along dry forest paths, and in the absence of such conditions, just a step on the asphalt. As for the stall, it is important to consider that some sawdust may contain paint compounds, fiberglass fragments, which can cause contact allergies. It is not difficult to check this, such sawdust has a characteristic smell, and when kneaded in the hand, it causes itching and tingling. Also, for the duration of treatment, it is necessary to stop washing with water and applying any medical and cosmetic gels, ointments, solutions for caring for tendons and hooves.

The duration of treatment is very variable and depends on the primary cause, duration and severity of the process. Some horses noticeably improve their condition already only with the correction of the environment, the abolition of irritating rubs and ointments, when other cases can take 2 or 3 months to heal. For autoimmune lesions, and especially on white limbs, ointments as well as topical injections of corticosteroids are effective, but such treatment should always be carried out only in conjunction with a specialist veterinarian.

Foot hygiene. If necessary, you can clean the limbs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe putative only with vaseline or baby oil. To painlessly remove dry crusts, they can also be pre-softened with oil.

In those cases, when biting midges, on the contrary, look more like weeping eczema, it is possible to clean the areas from crusts with aqueous solutions of drying and astringent agents - boric acid, drunk tea. Traditional disinfectant solutions are also suitable: 0.05% aqueous chlorhexidine and 0.5% povidone-iodine (1% concentration may be too aggressive for everyday application to the skin). Do not overdo it so as not to dry out the skin around the wounds. After cleansing, the surface of wounds and cracks is lubricated either with a softening ointment (Helosan, Zorka, etc.), if the dermatitis is mostly dry, or with a drying ointment (Zinc, Gamabiol, etc.), if exudative phenomena predominate on the leg.

The local use of antibacterial and fungal ointments should always be justified by previous laboratory studies, especially their systemic use. The frequency of treatments per day depends on the condition of the horse's limbs, but, as a rule, two times are enough, in the absence of contact with moisture and dirt. If this, for some reason, is difficult to achieve, it will have to be processed more often. Also, then it is necessary to think over protective dressings with gel substances or use special fatty creams, for example, "Zorka". A thick layer of cream applied to the cleaned surface 20 - 30 minutes before entering the arena or outdoors in most cases is a sufficient protective measure.

However, it is worth recalling that it is impossible to self-medicate with any infectious problem, since many diseases, including lichen, are dangerous for several species of animals and humans. With self-treatment in most animals, the problem does not disappear anywhere, but only catastrophically worsens!

Biting biting is a fairly common disease in horses that requires careful treatment. This disease brings suffering to the animal, and it occurs as a result of keeping the horse on a wet litter. Also biting midges can appear as a result of weakened immunity, injuries that the horse received earlier, profuse sweating. If the horse is washed with strong water pressure, the skin can dry out and this creates ideal conditions for biting biting. Biting midges can be transmitted to other horses if there is already an infected animal in the stall, or if the owner uses the same boots, bandages and other devices for healthy and sick animals.

How to understand that a horse has biting midges?

Biting midges are easy to recognize by the following features:

  • Scabs;
  • layered scales;
  • irritation, redness and swelling of tissues;
  • pain and honey color and consistency of fluid under the scabs.

How to treat biting midges?

First, if biting midges are found in a horse, it is necessary to move it to a clean and dry bedding. Do not wash the dirt off your feet with a strong pressure of water, you need to let your feet dry on their own, and then clean the dirt with a brush. In case of severe contamination, it is necessary to wash the feet with a sponge soaked in a special solution and wipe dry. On the advice of veterinarians, the treatment of biting midges in a horse should be divided into three stages: cleansing, removing scabs and thorough drying

One of the varieties of biting midges is a rain burn. With this type of disease, not only the limbs are affected, but the whole body. At first glance, a rain burn can be mistaken for ringworm, the burn causes bald spots that are similar to a lichen infection. The disease appears in immunocompromised horses, which cannot hide under a canopy during rain. The remaining signs of the disease are the same as in ordinary biting midges.

How to treat biting midges in horses?

To treat any disease, you need to know the causes of its occurrence, in order to eliminate them.

Mokrets, like any eczema, is a metabolic disease in the body. It is not difficult for anyone who deals with biting biting to be convinced of this, if only the metabolism is suppressed, the eczema will intensify, with the revival of the metabolism, the disease will weaken.

Therefore, only dietary treatment of biting biting is reasonable, all other methods cannot lead to the desired results.

When starting the treatment of biting biting, one should try to revive, strengthen the exchange.

If possible, the best way to do this is to let the horse out. Prolonged light exercise in light and clean air acts excellently in the desired direction, and easily digestible pasture enhances the action in the same direction, and biting midges disappear very quickly by themselves.

But since this method is very often inapplicable, for example, in winter and even in summer for city horses, especially stallions, etc., it is necessary to increase the exchange by other means.

First of all, it is necessary to provide the horse with clean air, and it is even better to keep the animal in an open place on the card, in a driveway, or at least on a leash in the yard.

Then you need to increase the exercise. If the horse is very lame, then lead it quietly on the leash. The pain is soon relieved by movement, and the horse can be placed in a light carriage. While the horse is lame, ride at a walk, and with further weakening, a pant. You can start with a short drive, 20-40 minutes, twice a day, and then increase to 1 1/2 hours in the morning and evening. At the same time, it is necessary to change the supply of feed, replace the difficult-to-digest with easily digestible and limit the amount. If the horse is full, and even more fat, it is better to leave it without intensive food for two to three weeks and give only hay in an amount depending on the size of the horse, dividing it into three equal cottages. It doesn't matter if this makes the horse thin. If possible, it is extremely useful to replace hay, or part of it, with grass and root crops - carrots, beets, etc. If the horse is skinny, then oats, barley, and grain feed in general must still be selected and replaced with wheat bran, flaxseed or hemp cake. Take about 800 g of cake or bran, stir it in water and put a piece of hay into the mash. Such a portion, given in the morning and in the evening, is perfectly sufficient even for a lean horse. In winter, if the horse did not receive roughage, it is good to give 1 to 2 kg of rye straw to revitalize the digestive organs. Salt is very useful, it enhances metabolism. If the horse has not received salt for a long time, then it is necessary, as a precaution, to give a little for the first two or three days, otherwise the horse will overeat and may not only fall ill, but even die. In practice, they give lump salt, a lick, which a horse cannot gnaw and absorb in large quantities at once.

You should not only abuse the regime and resort to rude methods. For example, if the pain in the leg is very strong and the horse is reluctant to follow the reins, it is better to patiently wait until he voluntarily takes several dozen steps without urging. Even such a slight movement quickly relieves the pain and the horse will follow the reins without much motivation, and after two or three wires, in most cases it can easily and freely walk, and each time it will limp less and less; this is an indicator that the midge is starting to heal.

Rough methods can damage the cause of healing. If, for example, instead of an easy ride, the horse is very tired, then the digestive organs of the tired animal will poorly absorb the food. Subject to a sensible, reasonable regimen, biting midges quickly begin to pass.

From the moment when the horse stops limping, even after a night of inactivity, it can be taken to work without expecting perfect wound healing and gradually, as needed, add food without overloading the body without any need, otherwise, biting biting can again pretend to be under the influence of the oppression of exchange.

Undoubtedly, it is desirable to keep the legs of the animal clean and tidy, but as sick as well as healthy. Excessive efforts to dry if the sore leg is wet, to wash out if it is somewhat dirty, are the absurd prejudices of those who think that biting appears from the untidy maintenance of the feet, from dampness, dust and dirt. They forget that biting midges do not occur in working horses, wandering through the mud for weeks, but whose metabolism is not suppressed, but appears in stall horses that stand on a clean floor. Dust and dirt cannot interfere with the healing of the biting biting because it does not heal from the outside, but from the inside, and all the dust and dirt that has not left behind before falls off with the scab when the biting biting completely passes.

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