A man with sharp teeth. Defect or piquancy? Long front teeth. Types of gaps between teeth

If you want to improve the appearance of your smile, if you don’t like something about it, but you can’t formulate exactly and correctly what it is, if you want to speak the same language with your dentist about the aesthetics of your smile, then the following note is just for you.

Nature (or God… depending on your outlook on life) has made us different. And in our originality and uniqueness there is a charm. But what to do when this uniqueness is too much out of our own ideas about beauty? How to formulate your claims to nature (and maybe to the previous intervention of dentists)? To assess the aesthetic component of our face, lips, teeth - all that what gives birth to a beautiful harmonious smile, it turns out that there are a lot of parameters. They are what dentists use (at least should use) when planning changes in your appearance. Since there are very, very many different nuances, and I do not have the task of each of you to make expert in aesthetic dentistry, then we will focus on the ten most simple and most important.

1. Parallelism of horizontal landmarks.

One of the most important signs of a harmonious smile is the parallelism of imaginary lines: the interpupillary line (in the figure, the blue line connecting the right and left pupil of the eye) and the line of the lips (in the figure, the red line drawn between the corners of the mouth).

Both of these lines should also be parallel to the lines connecting the edges of the central incisors (green) and the cutting cusps of the canines (blue)

2. Smile line.

The smile line runs along the cutting edges of the front upper teeth(shown as a solid line in the photo) and should ideally repeat the curve of the upper edge of the lower lip (shown as a dotted line in the photo), i.e. be convex.

3. Gingival level.

Attractive and more aesthetically pleasing smile, in which the line connecting the necks of the teeth (shown by a dotted line) repeats the line of the upper lip, and the level of the gum exposed when smiling is symmetrical on the right and left. At the same time, with the most open smile, only gingival “triangles” between the teeth and a small strip of gum above them (no more than 2-3 mm wide) should be visible.

Thus, the gum around the upper teeth, upper and lower lips form a kind of frame for your smile. If the “picture” is not visible outside the frame, then such a smile will not look attractive.

Excessive visualization of the gums (the so-called "gingival smile") is most often eliminated with the help of surgery, orthodontic treatment, as well as cosmetic interventions (eg Botox injections in the upper lip, upper lip augmentation, etc.).

4. Vertical symmetry and midline.

The line passing through the center of the face should run exactly between the central incisors of the upper jaw. The mismatch of these lines causes a feeling of disharmony even with a cursory glance at your smile from the side. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that it also pass between the central lower incisors. Firstly, a complete match is rare, and, secondly, this in no way affects aesthetic perception of your smile at a glance from the side.

5. "Golden proportion".

The principle of the golden ratio in relation to a smile in aesthetic dentistry is that when viewed from the front, strictly in the center, the ratio of the visible width of the front teeth should be approximately the same - 0.6 (canine width): 1 (lateral incisor width): 1.6 (central incisor width).

As you can see in the photo, the width of the visible part of the remaining teeth (4s, 5s) should gradually decrease, creating a sense of perspective.

6. Tooth proportions.

The central incisors of the upper jaw always attract special attention, because. best seen when talking and smiling. Therefore, it is very important that their proportions are correct. Teeth look the best, having a ratio of the width of the tooth to its length of approximately 0.7-0.8: 1

At the same time, this ratio may change at different ages. Due to the physiological abrasion of teeth at a more mature age, this ratio tends to a ratio of 1: 1. Therefore, if you want to “rejuvenate” your smile, you usually need to increase the length of the tooth.

7. Inter-incisal angles.

Inter-incisal angles are the gaps between the cutting edges of the anterior group of teeth.

With a harmonious construction of the teeth, these angles should consistently increase from the center to the periphery: from a small closed angle between the central incisors, to a more direct and even open angle between the 2nd and 3rd teeth.

Tooth wear leads to a decrease or complete absence of inter-incisal angles, which ages the patient when he smiles.

At the same time, “female” teeth are characterized by rounded corners of the incisors, while “male” teeth are more straight.

8. Zenith of the gingival contour.

The zenith of the gum is its most concave part around the neck of the tooth (indicated by dots in the photo).

The level of zeniths near different teeth in the smile zone should be at different levels. In the central incisors and canines - approximately at the same level (or slightly higher in the canines), in the lateral incisors - somewhat lower than both (as shown by the lines in the photo). At the same time, it is equally important that the zeniths on symmetrical teeth be at the same level. This is especially important to consider if this zone becomes noticeable when smiling. When even with the most open smile the gum is not exposed, then there is no serious need to expose the zeniths perfectly symmetrically.

In this case, attention is drawn to the too low level of the zenith on tooth 12, it is significantly lower than the symmetrical tooth 22. There is also a slight difference in the position of the zeniths on the central incisors (teeth 11 and 21). As a result of the treatment, these shortcomings were eliminated, as can be seen in the first photo.

9. The position of the cutting edges.

The cutting edges of the central group of teeth are also located at different levels. In the central incisors and canines - approximately at the same level, in the lateral incisors - a little higher (as indicated by the lines in the photo).

Again, due to the abrasion of the teeth with age, the cutting edges of the teeth become at the same level, the line connecting them takes on a straight, rather than convex, appearance, and sometimes (with increased pathological abrasion) even concave. Therefore, in order to make a smile more “young”, it is necessary to return the relationship of the cutting edges to a harmonious one.

It can also be noted that the dominance of the central incisors over the lateral incisors and canines also gives the smile a more youthful appearance.

The dominance of the fangs, their sharp prominent cutting tubercles make the smile more aggressive. This effect is based on the fact that in nature, long, sharp, well-developed fangs are characteristic of predators, the whole philosophy of existence of which is based on aggression towards their prey.

10. Interdental gingival papillae.

The gingival papilla is that part of the gum that fills the interdental space (marked with lines in the photo).

The location and appearance of the papillae is determined by the underlying bone, which has exactly the same contour. With the most optimal option, the tops of the gingival papillae are located as in the photo (marked with dots) - between the central incisors of the gingival papilla is the longest, and gradually its length decreases towards the periphery. At the same time, they should all have a healthy appearance - a triangular shape with a sharp top, pink color, no puffiness.

With various periodontal diseases, as well as with improperly performed restorations, the gingival papilla can become inflamed, acquiring a darker (or even cyanotic) color, losing its pointed shape, or even completely disappear. In this case, unaesthetic black spaces are formed between the teeth.

This is how the main, but still far from complete, list of those parameters that need to be evaluated and taken into account when planning and creating the perfect smile looks like. What does it do aesthetic dentistry. Now you can evaluate for yourself how close your smile is to the ideal one. And I hope that this note will help you better understand what exactly you would like to change and improve. After all, this will greatly facilitate mutual understanding between you and your dentist.


Large upper incisors speak of the determination of their owner. He is considered a stubborn and adamant person, but at the same time sincere and open. Diastema, or the gap between the incisors, gives out a desperate, intuitive, risky, explosive character. Such a citizen boasts excellent intuition and the ability to make lightning-fast decisions, the consequences of which, however, he does not care too much. And long incisors are the prerogative of a good-natured, sociable and often mocking person.


Prominent fangs, which stand out so well from the dentition, are associated with the aggressiveness of their owner. However, protruding fangs may also indicate a person’s pronounced love of love, as well as his purposefulness. In Japan, by the way, there is even a fashion for prominent upper fangs turned outward. There, men tend to see in a woman with such teeth an eternally young nymph.

Straight dentition

Perfectly straight teeth characterize a responsible, self-confident person who knows how to make competent decisions with the calmness of a Buddha. He has a mathematical mindset and a pronounced desire for success.

Crooked teeth may hint that their owner is an excellent debater., who is not going to give up his position one iota, does not like to make mistakes and is often overly demanding of himself. He is inclined to set super-difficult goals, which seem unattainable to many, and go stubbornly towards them. In addition, people with crooked teeth are credited with superior intuition and the ability to assess a question or problem from all angles.

small teeth

Small teeth go to people who are secretive, appreciating inner peace much more than communicating with friends. They are mysterious and often incomprehensible to others, while being very purposeful and full of ideas.

Dentition and character

Some researchers also consider the relationship between the position of the teeth and the ability to self-development. So, the left side of the upper dentition speaks of the ability (or inability) to reveal personal potential, the right side - about how easy it is for a person to find his place in life. The left side of the lower dentition, in turn, sheds light on family relationships, and the right side on the analytical abilities of the owner. Damage to the teeth in a particular sector indicates problems in the related area, and vice versa - difficulties in a particular area affect the health of the corresponding teeth.

Human teeth and organs

Adherents of psychosomatics, following the scientists who study it, are sure that a tooth disease indicates an ailment of the organ associated with it. So, pain in the lower fangs “screams” about problems in the liver, “five” reminds of itself if the pancreas suffers, as well as the lungs and small intestine, the incisors ache with arthritis or arthrosis, diseases of the kidneys, bladder and ears. Wisdom teeth are supposedly responsible for the heart and small intestine. There are many such "organ maps", and scientists are seriously studying them, although they stipulate that sometimes teeth can hurt due to poor oral hygiene or rare trips to the dentist.

To be fair, we note that all These inventions are still under investigation., and official science does not recognize physiognomy. So is it worth it to attribute irony to the owners of long teeth, and stinginess to people with small and rare teeth, it's up to you. But to experiment, agree, it is interesting.

We express our gratitude to the site startsmile.ru for their help in preparing the material.

Once upon a time, physiognomists determined the character of a person by the teeth as follows.

The shape of the teeth and the character of a person

  • Small, sharp, rare teeth mean malice and cunning, large gaps between the teeth - dementia and lack of will.
  • Large strong teeth - courage, kindness, strength, long life.
  • Long teeth speak of malice, gluttony, long, sharp, protruding teeth - of insatiability, stinginess.
  • Straight teeth mean eloquence, irritability, uneven teeth - a tendency to think, small black teeth - lust.

In the Eastern tradition, they have long known how to determine the character of a person by the teeth. It is believed that the teeth should be straight, long, white and flat, without gaps. They should not protrude forward or bend back. Yellowish or dark teeth, especially small and short ones, occur in people with a dishonest character or with a short life, the fate of such a person is difficult. In addition, it is important that the number of teeth is complete. If a person has much fewer teeth than expected, then his fate will turn out badly. If the teeth taper downward in shape, then this is a sign that the person is greedy or cruel. And if the narrow part of the tooth is upper, then this is a kind person.

Let's continue the definition of character by teeth. Particular attention is paid to the two anterior incisors of the upper jaw. Ideally, they should be even, wide and long, then this speaks of strength, courage and a good career. And if such incisors are short, crooked and sharp, then the person is dishonest, one cannot rely on him.

What can be learned from the condition of a person's teeth

  • Determining character by teeth is not a complicated process. So, if all the teeth fit snugly together, are large, white - these are the teeth of a horse. They happen to people who are lucky and healthy.
  • If the two front teeth are larger than the rest and all the teeth are even and tight, these are pomegranate teeth. They talk about a successful marriage and wealth.
  • If the teeth do not fit snugly together, this indicates a changeable fate, such a person has an unstable income.
  • If the teeth are crooked, they are called "devil's teeth". The owners of such teeth can be vindictive and envious, they are very prudent by nature and always seek their own benefit.
  • If the teeth are too short, then the person is not rewarded with a great mind.
  • If the teeth protrude forward, then their owner will have to achieve well-being for a long time and most likely he will make a career away from home.
  • If the teeth are very long and the incisors are sharp and protrude downward, these are dog teeth. Often such people become the culprits of the misfortune of other people.
  • If the teeth are too wide, then the character of a person is open, honest, noble, but due to ingenuity, he often falls for deception.

Now you know how to determine the character of a person by the teeth.

Every person whose teeth are rare, fangs are too small or, conversely, very large, dreams of a beautiful smile. Not everyone is naturally given to have a perfect dentition. You can often meet a person who has sharp teeth sticking out, or there is a gap between the front and side teeth. Dentists call it a diastema. Why does she appear? How to get rid of it? What do people mean sharp front teeth? What if the teeth are small? About everything in more detail in the article.

Types of gaps between teeth

Interdental gaps in humans are of two types:

  • false;
  • true.

During the period of change of milk teeth, a false diastema may appear. It got its name due to the fact that after the formation of a permanent dentition, it should disappear without a trace.

The true gap is called the gap between the molars. It will not disappear on its own, and therefore requires correction, which can only be carried out by a dentist.


The gap between the teeth may appear for the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • low location of the frenulum on the upper lip;
  • late appearance of permanent teeth;
  • improper development and laying of extra rudiments of teeth in the fetus during development in the womb;
  • prolonged use of the pacifier;
  • the habit of biting nails, pens, pencils, etc.;
  • abnormal shape and size of the lateral incisors.

How to get rid of the problem?

In modern dentistry, there are many methods that a dentist can offer to get rid of the gap between the teeth. In this case, the specialist must take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the dentition of each patient.

All ways to eliminate the interdental gap are divided into:

  1. artistic restoration;
  2. surgical plastic;
  3. surgical intervention;
  4. orthodontic methods (installation of braces or caps).

Aesthetic disguise of the defect

This method is also called artistic restoration. By technology, it resembles a filling. For treatment with this method, the dentist uses a special solution that tends to harden when exposed to ultraviolet light. The doctor creates a partition between the teeth, with the help of which it eliminates the gap. After each layer of the solution, grinding is performed, then ultraviolet is used. As a result of all these actions, the partition will become durable and acquire a natural color.


The method involves the installation of veneers or crowns. After such treatment, people can boast of all the splendor of an impeccable smile without sharp fangs and ugly cracks. The only pity is that the patient's own teeth have to suffer from this, because some of their front part needs to be turned.

The process of installing veneers is not accompanied by pronounced pain. These thin ceramic plates hide any imperfections in the dentition. In addition, they have a considerable service life - about 10 years.


Which method of surgical intervention to use (excision of the lips, frenulum or tongue) depends on the pathology of the dentition. In most cases, this method of solving the problem is used in children in whom the frenulum of the upper lip is too low.

Modern dentistry uses a laser to carry out such a manipulation, the patient is previously anesthetized the operated area. The rehabilitation period after surgical correction is very short. Further, to move the teeth and eliminate the gap, orthodontic structures are used, due to which the bite is corrected.

Braces and other orthodontic methods

Orthodontics has its pros and cons. The first is safety, the second is duration.

One of the methods of orthodontic treatment of diastema is the installation of braces. The design can cope with any tooth gap. The bite after such treatment will be perfect.

Mouthguards are another method in the fight against chapping. They are carefully put on the teeth and after a certain period of time they should align them. The method is effective only if the interdental gap is relatively small.

Other anomalies of growth and development of teeth

Classification of anomalies:

  • anomalies of an individual tooth: number, shape (spike-shaped, Pfluger, Fournier, Hutchinson teeth, etc.), size (small and large teeth), hard tissue structure (hypoplasia and hyperplasia), eruption timing (premature and late), position, color ( pigments on enamel or dentin);
  • anomalies of the dentition;
  • anomalies in the development of the jaws.


Types of abnormal teeth:

Sizes (small, large)

There are the following types of anomalies of dental sizes:

  • giant (macrodentia - upward deviations from the norm reach 6 mm; characteristic of the central or lateral upper incisors);
  • small (microdentia - teeth of the correct shape, but very small in size, there are large gaps between them; characteristic of the upper lateral incisors).

Is it possible to help at home?

It is believed that threads 30 cm long will help eliminate the interdental gap or deploy pointed fangs. All that needs to be done is to tie it up at night, and then tighten the incisors tightly.

The patient may experience discomfort. The procedure will have to be done for 1-1.5 years. In addition, the problem is only partially solved - it is impossible to do without the intervention of a dentist.

Signs: what does psychology say?

According to psychology and folk signs, if a person has:

  • one gap, then this means that he has a cheerful character;
  • several gaps between the teeth indicate a lack of willpower;
  • rare or small teeth indicate that he is stingy and cunning;
  • large front teeth mean that their owner is kind and with a broad soul;
  • long or bulging means that you have an aggressive and greedy owner in front of you;
  • sharp teeth (fangs) are a sign of energy and a caustic character.

The famous psychologist Dale Carnegie believed that a smile is the main component in creating an attractive image. "Hollywood smile" is a stable expression that came into use in the 50s of the twentieth century. These are not just literally beautiful teeth, but the image itself as a whole - the ability to look positive, energetically correct, relaxed, successful. ELLE has selected iconic models whose Hollywood smiles are the most compelling illustration of the theme.

According to a survey by Opinion Research Corporation for Crest SpinBrush, the main blonde of the 20th century had the most beautiful smile. Almost half of the respondents believe that it was she who was, is and will be not only the main beauty of all time, but the owner of the most charming smile. Monroe, being an unusually sensual and sexy woman, knew how to laugh brightly, lively, contagiously, like a child. Her biographers claim that Marilyn has undergone several plastic surgeries, from reshaping her nose and chin to serious work with her bite. Actually, her perfectly straight teeth are also the work of professional dentists. But even if you believe the most skeptical forecasts, the real miracle is that in the 50s of the twentieth century, undeveloped plastic surgery created such a miracle with the appearance of a girl who became the standard of aesthetic proportions. A beautiful curve of eyebrows, cat eyes, a small neat nose, slightly full lips and perfectly even white teeth, which Monroe skillfully demonstrated, throwing her head back in a wide smile.

She became the star of the first vechichina after the release of the film "Pretty Woman", and her special way of laughing directly, with all her teeth, could become a reliable armor from old complexes - the actress in her youth was very shy and whenever she was afraid to brecze stupidity, she smiled. And this smile worked wonders - luxurious, wide, natural, it was she who became the signature feature of the actress.

legendary singer , despite the dramatic events of the last years of her life, she entered the history of pop culture forever not only as a great singer, but also as a sincere and open person. Even in not the best times for her, a dazzling snow-white smile reminded the fans that in front of them was the brightest star of her time.

A gorgeous woman is the owner of flawlessly whitened teeth and a perfectly proportioned face. Her smile, as befits a femme fatale, is a little predatory, but no less seductive. In the ability to sell herself and look like a million dollars today, she has no equal.

The hallmark of the star of the comedy genre is a wide smile with all teeth - the benefit of openly demonstrating emotions and radiating positive is inimitable.

A girl who has a bright female charisma, a radiant look and a clean open smile. Thanks to the ability to smile, she remains a woman without age.

They say that the smile is the result of the work of the best dentists, who removed many of the actress's flaws - from fangs to protruding gums. Today, the restrained and beautiful smile of the actress is one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.

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