Congenital high myopia in children prognosis. Treatment of childhood myopia in newborns and schoolchildren, the causes of the disease. The causes of a strong spasm of the ciliary, or ciliary muscles, are, as a rule, a number of points

Nearsightedness (or myopia) is a pathology in which a person has trouble seeing distant objects. The disease can manifest itself at any age. At the first signs of the development of the disease, you should consult a doctor.

Why does the disease occur in children

Vision problems occur in every second person.

With myopia, the eye has an elongated shape, and the image is formed in front of the retina (in people with good vision, the image is focused in the retina).

The development of the disease is said when visual acuity is below 1.

In medicine It is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of myopia:

  • weak (up to 3 diopters);
  • medium (up to 6 days);
  • strong (more than 6 days).

The exact reasons why the disease manifests itself have not yet been clarified. Experts name the risk factors contributing to the development of myopia. In newborns it is:

  • heredity (at risk - children whose parents wear glasses);
  • prematurity (eye diseases develop in 50% of cases);
  • congenital anomaly of the eyes (reasons - the presence of serious diseases in the mother during pregnancy, fetal hypoxia, lack of nutrients during the development of the fetus);
  • infectious diseases;
  • malnutrition;
  • reduced immunity.

Myopia (nearsightedness) in a child at 1, 2, or 3 years old may appear due to:

  • constant overstrain of vision (poor lighting, etc.);
  • heredity;
  • infections;
  • improper daily routine (inadequate sleep, lack of walks in the fresh air).

If one of the parents wears glasses, then the children may develop myopia. It should be borne in mind that it is not the disease that is inherited, but the predisposition to its manifestation. It is important to teach your child to take care of their eyes from childhood.

How to detect nearsightedness in babies

Young children are born farsighted (in 90% of cases), but as they grow older, vision returns to normal.

The development of pathology is possible from birth, so parents should know what signs indicate a problem.

If there is a hereditary risk factor for maternal myopia it is necessary to monitor the eyes of the newborn or baby: are there any suspicious discharges, redness, strabismus. By the end of 4 months, the baby is able to hold his eyes in one place.

If he does not respond to a bright toy that his mother holds out to him (does not smile, does not try to take it, etc.), this is a reason to see a doctor.

While the baby cannot speak, it is difficult for the mother to understand what worries him. However, if he is restless all the time, afraid to be alone, inactive (does not seek to learn about the world around him), this may indicate the presence of myopia (he does not see well what surrounds him).

At an older age (2-3 years), children may complain of constant eye fatigue. If the baby squints when looking into the distance - this is the first sign of pathology. Parents can watch him bring a book close to his eyes or sit down near the TV. This is an occasion to visit an ophthalmologist.

There are methods for checking eyesight from six months of age. To do this, you should contact a special clinic, where, in addition to the ophthalmologist, there is a psychologist.

Before starting inspection, the doctor will consult the parents For all questions. The sooner parents notice eye problems in children, the easier it will be to correct vision, find out the cause and, possibly, cure the disease. The older the children, the more difficult it is to stop the development of myopia.

The danger of the disease is that with constant progression, myopia can lead to irreversible consequences, up to disability. It is important to detect the problem in time and take all necessary measures.

Diagnosis and treatment

An ophthalmologist can detect myopia during a routine examination, which is prescribed by a pediatrician. The first appointment with an ophthalmologist is at three months, the second is a year, etc., every six months.

When diagnosing a disease, a doctor can ask the mother about pregnancy and childbirth, previous diseases, the presence of a hereditary factor, etc.

At the appointment, the doctor will conduct an external examination, determine the position and shape of the eyeball, the size of the cornea, assess the condition of the lens, the fundus.

During the examination, the oculist can detect pigmentation and hemorrhage in the eye, atrophic changes, retinal detachment (with a high degree of myopia), etc. At each subsequent appointment, old and new indicators are compared.

The main task of the doctor is to stop the development of myopia and reduce the risk of complications.

There are the following methods to save vision:

  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • correction;
  • medication use;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical treatment.

One of the effective methods of maintaining and preventing vision is gymnastics. There are several types of eye exercises, including those designed for preschoolers, with poetry reading.

Such gymnastics can be repeated up to 5 times a day. Performing exercises relieves fatigue and tension from the eyes, promotes muscle training. The optometrist should choose the gymnastics.

Vision correction involves the selection of glasses. With a weak degree of myopia, glasses are not prescribed, with an average degree they are used only for distance, with a high degree, doctors prescribe two pairs of glasses: for distance and for near work.

It is worth remembering that glasses do not cure the disease and can be harmful if chosen incorrectly. They do not contribute to the progression of myopia.

At their discretion, the doctor may prescribe eye drops (such as Atropine) to reduce tension in the eye muscles. With myopia, it is useful to take complex vitamins (basic vitamins - A, D, calcium, carotene). They help maintain vision, children are less likely to complain of eye fatigue.

In each case, the causes of myopia and the rate of development of the disease are individual. If the disease progresses rapidly, the doctor may recommend surgical treatments.

Forecasts and preventive measures

When myopia is detected in children, parents ask the question: what is the likelihood of disease progression? If mild or moderate myopia persists, this is a good prognosis: it is easily corrected with glasses.

If myopia progresses or is congenital, complications may occur - this can lead to a severe decrease in vision.

Preventive measures must be taken in the absence of problems and with illness. These include:

  • walks in the open air;
  • balanced diet;
  • active physical exercises;
  • exercise for the eyes;
  • full sleep;
  • observance of the distance from the eyes to the book (desk, etc.) - 40 cm.

It is recommended to engage with preschoolers for no more than 30 minutes in a row, then a change of activity is required. To relieve eye strain, you can ask the baby to look out the window (3-5 minutes) or sit with his eyes closed (press his palms against them) - 1-2 minutes.

When he draws, you need to make sure that he sits upright (this is good both for vision and for the formation of correct posture). The table and chair must be appropriate for his height.

Children should be forbidden to look at the monitor for a long time - their eyes should rest, relax. An excellent measure of maintaining healthy vision is swimming.

You will learn about the causes and methods of diagnosing myopia in children under 3 years of age and older from the following video clip:

The main task of parents is from the first year of a baby's life to pay special attention to his eyes, to try to teach him to follow preventive measures to preserve vision. If a problem is found, immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

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Hello dear readers! Did you know that about 75% of children are born with? When the eyeball grows, there is a gradual decrease in farsightedness, which in many children transforms into myopia. It is about the treatment of myopia in children that will be discussed in our article today.

A feature of ocular pathology is visual impairment: a person can easily see objects located near, and those that are at the farthest distance seem blurry and fuzzy to him.

This is due to the focusing of parallel light rays directly in front of the retina, at the same time as in normal vision they are focused directly on it.

Myopia is one of the most common childhood ailments. In most cases, it is diagnosed at 8-11 years old, and school myopia, which is observed in adolescents 14-16 years old, occurs in approximately 25% of cases.

Important! Very often, myopia develops due to too long anterior posterior axis of the eye. As a result, the eyeball becomes elongated - this leads to incorrect refraction and a decrease in visual acuity, mainly in the distance.

There are 3 degrees of this disease:

  • weak (up to 3.0 D);
  • medium (3.25-6.0 D);
  • high (6 D and more).

Ophthalmologists prescribe glasses for myopic children for far vision, and if the degree of the disease is high (more than 5-6 D), then for near vision. I note that with the help of corrective optics it is not always possible to achieve

This is due to the fact that dystrophic and other changes occur in the membranes of the eye damaged by myopia. In such a situation, the eye doctor prescribes more cardinal methods of correction.

Why does myopia develop in children?

The causes of this disease in childhood can be due to the following and at the same time the main factors:

  1. hereditary factor. Myopia is not inherited, but the child may be predisposed to this disease. If both parents suffer from myopia, the likelihood that the child will be diagnosed with it increases.
  2. Congenital anomalies of the eye. Very often in newborns, various defects of the lens or cornea are detected. As a result of such disorders, congenital myopia may occur. As a rule, it has a stable character, but sometimes myopia from birth can progress. In this case, optical correction should be assigned as early as possible.
  3. Prematurity. As statistics show, babies who were born prematurely often become carriers of myopia.
  4. Excessive visual exercise. Frequent and prolonged tension of the muscles of the eyes leads to a change in the very shape of the eyeball and soon the development of myopia.
  5. Inadequate nutrition. Visual acuity is reduced when the body lacks calcium, zinc, magnesium and vitamins. To prevent the development of myopia, it is necessary to include foods containing these beneficial substances in the diet.

How does myopia manifest itself in childhood?

Speaking about the symptoms of the development of myopia, I note that in the case of the manifestation of the disease in early childhood, the kids do not always understand this. That is why parents should closely monitor the behavior of their babies in order to recognize the first signs of myopia in time. Let's see what they mean:

  1. 3 months. The child cannot look at bright objects or toys for a long time. At such an early age, myopia can only be detected by an eye doctor after an examination.
  2. 6 months. At 5-6 months, strabismus, which often accompanies eye pathology in babies, will tell about the development of myopia.
  3. 1 year. Around the age of one, children begin to squint their eyes in the process of examining objects that are at a distance. Signs of nearsightedness at this age also include frequent blinking, a wrinkled forehead (with myopia in young children, a similar habit is often observed), and bringing toys too close to the face.
  4. 3-7 years. Children of preschool age can already report vision problems themselves, which are expressed in difficult viewing of distant objects, increased visual fatigue and frequent headaches. In addition, at this age, children often tilt their heads when they read, write, or draw.

The main task of parents is to identify and start treatment in time. Only in this case it will be possible to prevent the progression of the disease, improve the general condition and restore vision.

How to cure childhood myopia?

Correction of vision in childhood myopia depends directly on the degree of the disease. I must say right away that the treatment is carried out. When a weak degree of pathology is observed (no more than 0.5 D), correction can be delayed. If moderate myopia is diagnosed, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  1. optical correction. The attending physician selects corrective glasses or lenses for the child (after 9 years). If the degree of myopia is weak or medium, glasses are prescribed that are intended only for long distances. When the degree of the disease is high or myopia progresses, a constant is necessary.
  2. Medical therapy. Often, children with myopia are prescribed vitamin complexes to improve vision, drugs to expand blood vessels, and special drops that improve the nutrition of the conjunctiva of the eyeball.
  3. Physiotherapy. Myopia correction is performed with the help of vacuum massage, training of the accommodative ability of the eyes, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, massage of the cervical-collar zone, etc.
  4. Folk remedies. Often assigned. One of the most effective is blueberry juice. This berry has a positive effect on retinal trophism, stimulating its microcirculation. To prepare healing juice, you need to take 0.5 kg of blueberries and squeeze the juice out of it. Then it is diluted with 1 liter of water and the solution is thoroughly mixed. Every morning, 5 drops should be dripped into both eyes.

Myopia in children and adolescents is one of the most common childhood pathologies. Basically, myopia occurs in school-age children, but sometimes congenital myopia also occurs.

In this disease, the visual image of an object is projected not on the retina, but in front of it, which occurs due to the elongation of the eyeball compared to the norm. There is a myopia of varying severity: from mild to high. Timely and properly selected treatment and prevention can help in the fight against the disease.

Myopia is of three types:

  • hereditary;
  • congenital;
  • Acquired.

The hereditary type in a baby is diagnosed if one or both of his parents suffer from this disease.

Congenital myopia is diagnosed by specialists during the 1st year of a baby's life. The risk of this type of myopia always increases the weak sclera and its high extensibility. Due to the combination of these two features, constantly progressive myopia appears. The risk of such a pathology is widespread in children who were born prematurely.

Myopia is often accompanied by:

  • Congenital pathology of the cornea, lens;
  • and other pathological conditions.

Sometimes congenital myopia does not develop further. The disease is not dangerous for children who do not have a genetic predisposition to it. But in most young patients, these two conditions are combined and progressive myopia is steadily increasing in the absence of the necessary treatment.

Often, progressive myopia is accompanied by a lack of focus, wandering eyes. A patient with astigmatism sees several image foci on the retina at once, while the eye of a healthy person sees only one of them.

Sometimes newborns develop temporary myopia. However, the vast majority (90%) of babies are born with 3.0-3.5 diopters, which is the absolute norm. The eye of a newborn child is small, its anteroposterior axis is only about 18 mm, while in a 3-year-old it reaches a length of 23 mm, and in an adult it is 24 mm.

The eye grows fastest in children under 3 years of age, and is finally formed before 9–10 years of age. During this period, farsightedness, wisely provided for by nature, is completely consumed, giving way to normal refraction. When a child is born with farsightedness of 2–2.5 diopters or less, the risk and possible causes of myopia increase dramatically, since such a “reserve” is clearly not enough for the normal growth of children's eyes.

Acquired progressive myopia appears and develops mainly with the onset of school age.

The reasons are quite simple: there is a sharp increase in the visual load on the eyes of school-age children, also possible reasons are insufficient visual hygiene, uncontrolled pastime by the child behind and on the TV screen, deficiency of the necessary substances in food and constant growth of the body.

Common causes of progressive childhood myopia:

  • Spinal injuries that occurred during childbirth;
  • Transferred ;
  • Various infections that affected the child (for example, sinusitis or scarlet fever);
  • existing diseases in the baby (diabetes, etc.),
  • Existing disorders in the musculoskeletal system (such as flat feet).


If the pathology was transmitted from the parents to the baby, you can find out about it only when undergoing a routine examination by an ophthalmologist. If we are talking about a child of school age (sometimes acquired myopia is also found in preschoolers), the following signs can indicate pathology:

  • Squinting of the eyes of a child;
  • Constant wrinkling of the forehead;
  • Too frequent blinking;
  • Examination by a young child of toys at a very close distance;
  • Low tilt of the head when working with books or drawing.
  • Parents can also identify eye problems in a child by such complaints as:
  • The eye sees objects located near, clearly, and more distant objects are blurry;
  • There is an unpleasant pain and tangible eye discomfort;
  • There comes a very rapid fatigue of the eyes;
  • Headache is often bothersome.

With mild myopia, a gradual decrease in image clarity at long distances appears. This condition does not have serious consequences, but it is worth correcting it in order to prevent the further development of the disease. There is no need to constantly wear glasses with this degree.

In children suffering from moderate myopia, there is impaired vision of distant objects. As the disease progresses, the distance decreases. With this degree, it is already necessary to wear glasses.

When the degree of myopia in a child is high, the visibility of distant objects decreases very sharply, sometimes the size of the eyes themselves in children increases. Children also have false myopia, which is called accommodation spasm. This type differs from true myopia in that it can be reversed. However, if this is not done on time, false myopia will gradually develop into true.


There are three degrees of myopia: weak - up to 3 diopters, average is considered to be 3.25-6.0 diopters, while high implies 6.25 diopters or more.

Examining the eyes of a child up to a year old, an ophthalmologist determines their shape, size, as well as the position of the eyeballs, looks at whether the child fixes bright toys with his eyes. There is an assessment of the condition of the cornea of ​​the eyes, the anterior chamber, the lens and the fundus. Starting from the age of 3, the presence of myopia is clarified in a child by checking his visual acuity, corrective glasses are also used everywhere.

One of the important stages is skiascopy, or in other words, a shadow test. In this case, the ophthalmologist determines the degree of refraction, existing myopia, with the help of which the correct diagnosis is made. In the first year of life, Tropicamide 0.5% is instilled into the eyes of children, this procedure is carried out 15 minutes before diagnosis.

Also, the diagnosis of myopia includes:

  • Examination with the use of plus and minus lenses;
  • ultrasound of the eye;
  • Determining the volume, as well as the existing stock of accommodation.

If a spasm of accommodation is detected, a small patient is necessarily referred to a pediatric neurologist. This condition is very typical for children suffering from asthenia, as well as high nervous excitability.


To effectively treat myopia, various methods are used depending on the age of the child and the degree of the disease. If vision decreases by no more than 0.5 diopters per year, conservative treatment helps a lot:

  • Properly selected glasses either;
  • Gymnastics for children's eyes;
  • Strictly observed hygiene of vision;
  • Healthy food;
  • Properly selected mode of exercise and rest.

Glasses are a proven method for correcting moderate myopia. For young children, goggles are designed that are securely attached to the head, since the baby can break the device by accidentally dropping it or deliberately dropping it.

Calcium in tablets, Nicotinic acid, will help to start treating the child correctly and stop the further development of the disease. If hemorrhages occur, vasodilators are contraindicated. In the case of initial dystrophy, the child is prescribed Vikasol, Emoksipin and other drugs that improve blood circulation in the retina.

If the child has complications or the disease progresses rapidly, the young patient undergoes scleroplasty. Laser surgery, which is widespread today, is also possible, preventing retinal detachment.


Myopia can be successfully prevented, the usual prevention will help here:

  • Exercise eye strain only with the right lighting: a table lamp with a power of 60–100 W or with an overhead light;
  • Constantly exercise for both eyes, this is a very effective prevention;
  • Do not overwork the eyes, intersperse heavy loads with rest;
  • Balance the child's diet and provide the necessary amount of time spent on the street;
  • Limit the time spent by the child at the computer or TV, as this is very harmful to the eyes.

Every parent should remember that it is quite difficult for a small child to notice visual impairment in himself. Prevention plays an extremely important role here, but it is also worth showing the child to the doctor at least once a year, especially if there is a genetic predisposition.

Myopia is called the disease of civilization. With the advent of computers and high technologies, which put a serious strain on the organs of vision, myopia has become much younger, and more and more children are diagnosed by ophthalmologists at a very early age. Why this happens and whether it is possible to cure myopia in a child, we will tell in this article.

What it is

Myopia is an abnormal change in visual function, in which the image that the child sees does not focus directly on the retina, as it should be normal, but in front of it. Visual images do not reach the retina for a number of reasons - the eyeball is too elongated, the light rays are refracted more intensively. Regardless of the root cause, the child perceives the world as somewhat vague, because the image does not fall on the retina itself. He sees worse at a distance than at close range.

However, if the child brings the object closer to the eyes or uses negative optical lenses, the image begins to form directly on the retina, and the object becomes clearly visible. Myopia can be classified differently, but almost always it is a disease, to some extent genetically determined. The main types of eye disease:

  • congenital myopia. It occurs very rarely, it is associated with pathologies in the development of visual analyzers that occurred at the stage of laying organs in utero.
  • High myopia. With such an eye disease, the severity of visual impairment is at a level above 6.25 diopters.

  • combination myopia. Usually this is myopia of a slight degree, but with it the usual refraction of rays does not occur due to the fact that the refractive abilities of the eye are out of balance.
  • Spasmodic myopia. This vision disorder is also called false or pseudomyopia. The child begins to see the image blurry due to the fact that the ciliary muscle comes into increased tone.
  • Transient myopia. This condition is one of the types of false myopia, occurs against the background of the use of certain drugs, as well as diabetes.
  • Nocturnal transient myopia. With such a visual disorder, the baby sees everything absolutely normally during the day, and with the onset of darkness, refraction is disturbed.

  • Axial myopia. This is a pathology in which refraction develops due to a violation of the length of the axis of the eyes in a large direction.
  • Complicated myopia. With this disorder of visual function, due to anatomical defects in the organs of vision, a violation of refraction occurs.
  • Progressive myopia. With this pathology, the degree of visual impairment is constantly increasing, since the back of the eye is overstretched.
  • optical myopia. This vision disorder is also called refractive error. With it, there are no disturbances in the eye itself, but there are pathologies in the optical system of the eye, in which the refraction of rays becomes excessive.

Despite the abundance of types of pathology, pathological and physiological visual impairments are distinguished in ophthalmology. So, axial and refractive myopia are considered physiological types, and only axial is considered a pathological disorder.

Physiological problems are caused by the active growth of the eyeball, the formation and improvement of visual function. Pathological problems without timely treatment can lead the child to disability.

Children's myopia in most cases is curable. But the time and effort that will have to be spent on this is directly proportional to the degree of the disease. In total, there are three degrees of myopia in medicine:

  • mild myopia: loss of vision up to - 3 diopters;
  • average myopia: loss of vision from - 3.25 diopters to - 6 diopters;
  • high myopia: loss of vision more than 6 diopters.

Unilateral myopia is less common than bilateral when refractive problems affect both eyes.

Age features

Almost all newborn babies have a shorter eyeball than adults, and therefore congenital farsightedness is a physiological norm. The baby's eye is growing, and doctors often call this farsightedness "farsightedness margin". This reserve is expressed in specific numerical values ​​- from 3 to 3.5 diopters. This stock will be useful to the child during the period of increased growth of the eyeball. This growth occurs mainly before the age of 3, and the complete formation of the structures of the visual analyzers is completed approximately by the primary school age - at the age of 7-9 years.

The stock of farsightedness is consumed gradually, as the eyes grow, and normally the child ceases to be farsighted by the end of kindergarten. However, if at birth this “reserve”, given by nature, is insufficient in a child and is approximately 2.0-2.5 diopters, then doctors talk about a possible risk of developing myopia, the so-called threat of myopia.


The disease can be inherited if mom or dad, or both parents, suffer from myopia. It is the genetic predisposition that is considered to be the main cause of the development of the deviation. It is not necessary that a child will have myopia at birth, but it will most likely begin to make itself felt even at preschool age.

If you do nothing, do not provide correction and assistance to the child, myopia will progress, which may one day cause loss of vision. It should be understood that the decline in vision is always due not only to genetic factors, but also to external factors. Unfavorable factors are considered to be an excessive load on the organs of vision.

Such a load is given by long-term viewing of TV, playing at the computer, improper seating at the table during creativity, as well as insufficient distance from the eyes to the object.

In premature babies born before the appointed obstetric term, the risk of developing myopia is several times higher, since the baby’s vision does not have time to “ripen” in utero. If at the same time there is a genetic predisposition to poor vision, myopia is almost inevitable. Congenital pathology can be combined with weak scleral abilities and increased intraocular pressure. Without a genetic factor, such a disease rarely progresses, but such a possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, myopia develops by school age, and not only heredity and unfavorable external factors, but also malnutrition, rich in calcium, magnesium, and zinc, affect the occurrence of visual impairment.

Concomitant diseases can also affect the development of myopia. Such ailments include diabetes mellitus, Down's syndrome, frequent acute respiratory diseases, scoliosis, rickets, spinal injuries, tuberculosis, scarlet fever and measles, pyelonephritis and many others.


Pay attention to the fact that the child began to see worse, parents should as early as possible. After all, early correction brings positive results. The child will not have complaints, even if his visual function has deteriorated, and it is almost impossible for babies to formulate the problem in words. However, mom and dad can pay attention to some features of the child's behavior, because if the function of the visual analyzer, which gives the lion's share of ideas about the world, is disrupted, the behavior changes dramatically.

The kid can often complain of a headache, fatigue. He cannot draw, sculpt, or assemble the constructor for a long time, because he is tired from the need to constantly concentrate his vision. If the child sees something interesting for himself, he may begin to squint. This is the main sign of myopia. Older children, in order to make their task easier, begin to pull the outer corner of the eye to the side or down with their hands.

Toddlers who began to see worse lean very low over a book or sketchbook, trying to "bring" an image or text closer to them.

A child under one year old ceases to be interested in silent toys, which are removed from them by a meter or more. Since the baby cannot see them normally, and motivation at this age is not yet enough. Any suspicions of parents are worthy of being checked by an ophthalmologist at an unscheduled examination.


Initially, the eyes of the child are examined in the maternity hospital. Such an examination allows you to establish the fact of gross congenital malformations of the organs of vision, such as congenital cataracts or glaucoma. But it is not possible to establish a predisposition to myopia or its very fact at this first examination.

Myopia, if it is not associated with congenital malformations of the visual analyzer, is characterized by a gradual development, and therefore it is so important to show the child to the ophthalmologist within the allotted time. Planned visits should be carried out at 1 month, half a year and a year. Premature babies are recommended to visit an ophthalmologist even at 3 months.

It is possible to detect myopia starting from six months, since at this time the doctor gets the opportunity to more fully assess the ability of children's organs of vision to normal refraction.

Visual and test check

Diagnosis begins with an external examination. In both the infant and the older child, the doctor evaluates the position and size parameters of the eyeballs, their shape. After that, the doctor establishes the baby's ability to carefully follow a fixed and moving object, fix his eyes on a bright toy, gradually moving away from the little one, and assessing from what distance the baby stops perceiving the toy.

For children from one and a half years use Orlova's table. It does not contain letters that a preschool child does not yet know, there are no complex images. It consists of familiar and simple symbols - an elephant, a horse, a duck, a car, an airplane, a fungus, an asterisk.

In total there are 12 rows in the table, in each subsequent row from top to bottom, the size of the pictures decreases. On the left in each row of the Latin "D" is the distance from which the baby should normally see pictures, and on the right, the Latin "V" indicates visual acuity in conventional units.

Normal vision is considered if the child sees from a distance of 5 meters the picture in the tenth line from the top. A decrease in this distance may indicate myopia. The smaller the distance from the child's eyes to the sheet with the table, at which he sees and names the pictures, the stronger and more pronounced myopia.

You can also check your eyesight using the Orlova table at home, for this it is enough to print it on an A4 sheet and hang it at eye level in a room with good lighting. Before testing or going to an appointment with an ophthalmologist, be sure to show the child this table and tell the name of all the objects depicted on it, so that the baby can easily name what he sees.

If the child is too small to be able to check his vision with the help of tables, or some abnormalities were found during testing, the doctor will definitely examine the child's organs of vision using an ophthalmoscope.

He will carefully examine the condition of the cornea and the anterior chamber of the eyeball, as well as the lens, vitreous body, and fundus. Many forms of myopia are characterized by certain visual changes in the anatomy of the eye, the doctor will definitely notice them.

Separately, it must be said about strabismus. Myopia is often accompanied by such a well-defined pathology as exotropia. A slight strabismus may be a variant of the physiological norm in young children, but if the symptoms have not gone away by six months, the child should definitely be examined by an eye doctor for myopia.

Samples and ultrasound

Skiascopy or shadow test is carried out using the main tool of the ophthalmologist - an ophthalmoscope. The doctor is placed at a distance of one meter from a small patient and, using the device, illuminates his pupil with a red beam. During the movements of the ophthalmoscope, a shadow appears on the pupil illuminated with red light. When sorting through lenses with different optical properties, the doctor determines with great accuracy the presence, nature and severity of myopia.

Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) allows you to make all the necessary measurements - the length of the eyeball, anteroposterior size, and also to establish whether there are retinal detachments and other complicating pathologies.


Treatment for myopia should be prescribed as soon as possible, since the disease tends to progress. By itself, visual impairment does not go away, the situation must be under the control of doctors and parents. Myopia of a slight mild degree is well corrected even with home treatment, which is only a set of recommendations - massage, gymnastics for the eyes, wearing medical glasses.

More complex forms and stages of myopia require additional therapy. Doctors' forecasts are quite optimistic - even serious forms of myopia can be corrected, vision loss can be stopped and even the child's normal ability to see can be restored. True, this becomes possible only if the treatment began as early as possible, until the structures of the eye have undergone irreversible changes.

The choice of a therapeutic measure is the doctor's business, especially since there is plenty to choose from - today there are several ways to correct myopia.

Rarely, doctors stop at only one method, since only complex treatment shows the best results. You can restore vision, correct the violation by wearing glasses and contact lenses, using laser correction methods. In some cases, doctors have to resort to refractive lens replacement and implantation of phakic lenses, surgical alignment of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye (keratotomy operation) and replacement of part of the affected cornea with a transplant (keratoplasty). Treatment on special simulators is also effective.

Hardware treatment

Hardware treatment in some cases avoids surgical intervention. It is shrouded in a halo of rumors and various opinions: from enthusiastic to skeptical. Reviews of such methods are also very different. However, the harm of this method of correction has not been officially proven by anyone, and even ophthalmologists themselves are increasingly talking about the benefits.

The essence of hardware treatment is to activate the body's own capabilities and restore lost vision through the impact on the affected parts of the eye.

Hardware therapy does not cause pain to small patients. It is acceptable from a security point of view. This is a complex of physiotherapy procedures that a baby with myopia will undergo in several courses on special devices. In this case, the impact will be different:

  • magnetic stimulation;
  • stimulation with electrical impulses;
  • stimulation with laser beams;
  • photostimulation;
  • optical accommodation training;
  • training of the eye muscles and optic nerve;
  • massage and reflexology.

It is clear that gross malformations of the organs of vision, serious diseases, such as cataracts or glaucoma, are not treated with the hardware method, since a mandatory surgical operation is required. But myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism lend themselves well to correction in this way. Moreover, it is the treatment of myopia that is considered the most successful with the use of special devices.

For therapy, several main types of devices are used. These are macular stimulators, vacuum massagers for the eyes, the Kovalenko ruler, the Synoptofor apparatus, devices for stimulation with color photo spots and a laser.

Numerous reviews about hardware treatment relate mainly to the cost of such procedures and the duration of the effect. All parents repeat that sessions are an expensive pleasure, as well as that a lasting effect from hardware treatment is achieved only with systematic repetitions of treatment courses.

After one or two courses, the improvement effect that has appeared may disappear after a couple of months.

Medical treatment

Treatment of myopia with medications is prescribed when the child is in the postoperative period after surgery on the eyes, as well as to eliminate false or transient myopia. Commonly used eye drops Tropicamide" or " scopolamine". These drugs act on the ciliary muscle, almost paralyzing it. Due to this, the spasm of accommodation decreases, the eye relaxes.

While the treatment is going on, the child begins to see even worse at close range, it will be quite difficult for him to read, write, and work at a computer. But the course usually lasts about a week, no more.

These drugs also have one more unpleasant effect - they increase intraocular pressure, which is undesirable for children with glaucoma. Therefore, the independent use of such drops is unacceptable, the appointment of the attending ophthalmologist is required.

To improve the nutrition of the environments of the eye, as part of complex treatment, the drug " Taufon". Despite the fact that manufacturers indicate the minimum age for use is 18 years, these eye drops have become quite widespread in pediatric practice. Doctors prescribe calcium supplements to almost all children with myopia (usually " Calcium gluconate”), agents that improve microcirculation in tissues (“ Trental”), as well as vitamins, especially vitamins A, B 1, B 2, C, PP.

Glasses and lenses for myopia

Glasses for myopia help to normalize refraction. But they are prescribed to children only with mild and moderate degrees of the disease. At a high stage of myopia, glasses are ineffective. Glasses of glasses for myopia are indicated by a number with a “-” sign.

The ophthalmologist is responsible for the selection of glasses. He will bring various glasses to the child until the child sees the tenth line of the test chart from a distance of 5 meters. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor recommends wearing glasses at a certain time. If the child has a weak degree, then glasses should be worn only when you need to consider objects and objects located in the distance. The rest of the time they don't wear glasses. If you neglect this rule, myopia will only progress.

With an average degree of myopia, glasses are prescribed to be worn while studying, reading, drawing. Quite often, doctors recommend that these children wear bifocals with the upper part of the lens a few diopters higher than the lower part of the lens, so as not to aggravate the loss of vision from the constant use of medical glasses. Thus, when looking up and into the distance, the child looks through "therapeutic" diopters, and reads and draws through lenses that have lower numerical values.

Contact lenses

Contact lenses are more comfortable than glasses. Psychologically, wearing them is more easily perceived by children than wearing glasses. With the help of lenses, it is possible to correct not only mild and moderate visual impairment, but also high myopia. The lenses fit more tightly to the cornea, which reduces the possible errors in light refraction that occur when wearing glasses, when the child's eyes can move away from the glass lens.

Often parents are puzzled by the question at what age children can wear lenses. It is usually recommended to do this when the child reaches the age of 8 years. Soft day or hard night lenses should be prescribed by a doctor. Best suited for children are disposable lenses that do not need thorough hygienic treatment before reuse.

When choosing reusable lenses, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will require very close care so as not to infect the baby's organs of vision.

Rigid night lenses are not worn during the day, they are used only at night when the child is sleeping. At the same time, they are removed in the morning. The mechanical pressure exerted on the cornea by the lenses during the night helps the cornea to "straighten" and the child sees almost or normally during the day. Night lenses have quite a few contraindications, and doctors still do not agree on whether such correction tools are useful for the child's body.

Laser correction

This is a fairly widely used method for myopia. With a weak and medium stages of the disease, as well as with a high degree with loss of vision up to 15 diopters, the procedure gives visible positive results. However, it should be well understood that the correction does not cure vision, but only allows you to compensate for its loss.

The procedure takes only a few minutes. Pain relief is achieved with the use of eye drops. During the correction, a part of the curved cornea will be removed, this will allow to align its layer, and bring the optical ability of the eye to refract rays to normal values. After correction, the child is forbidden to rub his eyes with his hands, wash himself with dirty water, strain his eyesight and exercise.

Surgical operations

Surgical treatment of myopia is indicated for complex and severe forms of ocular pathology. An important condition in order to offer parents an operation for a child is the progress of the violation. If the baby loses about 1 diopter per year, then this is an unconditional indication for surgery.

The most common intervention is lens replacement. The child's own affected lens is replaced under local anesthesia with a lens that is implanted into the lens capsule. Any surgery that is performed on the organs of vision for myopia has one goal - to strengthen the back of the eye in order to stop the fall in vision. Using a curved needle, a special gel or softened cartilage tissue is injected into the back of the eye to prevent the sclera from stretching.

Scleroplasty can stop the decline in visual function in about 70% of operated babies. They are shown further complex treatment, including wearing glasses, hardware treatment (at the request of the parents), medications that the doctor will prescribe.

Eye exercises for myopia

In many forms of myopia, doctors recommend teaching children daily eye exercises. It includes exercises for circular and axial movements of the eyeballs, examination of close and distant objects. The most interesting and effective for children, in which visual impairment is corrected, is gymnastics in Professor Zhdanov's method.

It is not necessary to do the full range of exercises provided by the methodology every day. Just 10-15 minutes a day is enough to do 2-3 exercises with a child in a playful way. With mild myopia, such gymnastics allows you to stop a further drop in vision and even correct it without any other treatment.


The World Health Organization believes that there is no specific prevention of myopia. After all, with the existing hereditary predisposition, the disease sometimes develops regardless of external factors.

However, it is still possible to save the eyesight of most children and avoid a high degree of myopia.

You also need to follow simple and important rules:

  • Children up to one year of age no need to hang toys too close to the face. The distance to the rattles and the mobile should be at least 45-50 cm.
  • Children from one and a half years you need to instill a useful habit of keeping all objects that need to be looked at (books, drawings, toys) at a distance of at least 30 centimeters from the eyes. You can’t read while lying down, as well as use a mobile phone, looking at something on its screen while walking or while traveling by transport.

  • Preschoolers, schoolchildren and teenagers it is necessary to ensure proper lighting of the workspace where the child plays, reads, draws, and does homework. To do this, you need not only to buy a good table lamp, but also take care of the background lighting of the entire room.

  • The eyes of the child should not be overworked. In a healthy baby, when sitting at a computer for a long time, visual analyzers experience fatigue after two hours. In children with myopia, this time period is even shorter - it is only 35-45 minutes. It is clear that it will not be possible to completely avoid strain on the eyes, especially for a schoolchild. But when reading or writing, as well as while working in front of a computer monitor, you need to pause every 20-30 minutes for 5-10 minutes to switch to another activity that does not require significant visual concentration.
  • The child's diet should be rich in vitamins., balanced.

  • The child must sit correctly during work and watch your posture.

Why does a child's eyes "spoil"? This video will help you figure it out.

One of the most common diseases in children is myopia, or nearsightedness. Most often, it manifests itself in the child's school age, which is usually associated with increased eye strain.

In the first year of life, myopia appears in 4-6% of children. Due to the growth of the eyeball in preschool children, myopia is less common, but in children 11-13 years old, myopia is noted in 14% of cases.

Causes of myopia

Myopia can be congenital or acquired.

The immediate cause of the development of myopia is a violation of the proportion between the power of refraction (refraction) and the length of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye.

Due to a violation of the ratio of the size of the eye and refraction, the image of objects does not fall on the retina (as it should), but in front of it. Therefore, this image will be blurry. And only negative lenses or bringing an object closer to the eye can give an image on the retina, that is, a clear one.

Risk factors for the development of myopia are:

  • heredity;
  • prematurity of the fetus;
  • congenital anomaly of the eyeball, lens or cornea;
  • congenital glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure);
  • increased visual load;
  • visual hygiene disorders;
  • infectious diseases (including frequent, pneumonia);
  • poor nutrition of the child;
  • some common diseases (diabetes mellitus, Down's disease, etc.).

The hereditary factor is of great importance for the development of myopia, but it is not the disease itself that is inherited, but the predisposition to it. Moreover, it increases significantly if both parents have myopia.

Congenital myopia may not progress if there is no hereditary predisposition (weakness or high extensibility of the sclera). But, as a rule, they are combined and lead to severe loss of vision and constant progression. These irreversible changes in the eye can even cause disability. Myopia also develops in the case of a combination of glaucoma and weakness of the sclera.

In rare cases, babies have temporary, transient myopia. 90% of full-term children have "farsightedness with a margin" of 3-3.5 diopters. Farsightedness is therefore the norm for babies. This is due to the small size of the eye: the anterior-posterior axis of the eye in an infant is 17-18 mm, by the age of 3 it reaches 23 mm, in adults - 24 mm.

It can be seen that the greatest growth of the eyeball occurs before 3 years, and its full formation is achieved at 9-10 years. During this period, the "reserve" of farsightedness is consumed, and eventually normal refraction is formed.

But, if at birth there is farsightedness of 2.5 diopters (and less) or generally normal refraction, then the likelihood of developing myopia in a child is very high: such a “reserve” is not enough for the growth of the eyeball with age.

In premature babies, myopia develops in 30-50% of cases.

But still, more often, children develop acquired myopia, which progresses during the years of study at school.

This is facilitated by:

  • posture disorders;
  • improper organization of the workplace for the child;
  • poor nutrition (lack of vitamins, magnesium, and);
  • excessive passion for computers and TV shows.
  • Some parents mistakenly believe that the glasses prescribed to the child contribute to the progression of myopia. This is wrong. Myopia will increase only with incorrectly selected glasses.


    A child with myopia has reduced visual acuity, it is difficult for him to see objects that are far away.

    The first sign of myopia in a child is reduced distance visual acuity, which causes the child to squint. Sometimes such visual impairment is temporary, transient, reversible.

    A symptom of myopia is also rapidly onset eye fatigue when reading, when looking at any objects close up. Children may try to bring their eyes closer to the text while reading or writing.

    The myopia detected at this stage can be stopped, which is why it is so important to show the child to the ophthalmologist regularly, regardless of whether he has complaints.

    Divergent strabismus in a 6-month-old baby (or older) can also be a manifestation of myopia. In this case, it is also necessary to consult an ophthalmologist.

    After a year, evidence of myopia may be the frequent blinking of the baby and his desire to bring any object closer to the eyes for consideration.

    At school age, children may not see the text written on the board, but from the first desk they can see better. Near vision remains normal. The guys also note rapid eye fatigue.

    Such a condition can cause not only myopia, but also a spasm of accommodation (that is, with a spasm of the intraocular muscles that regulate the refractive power of the eye). Spasm can be a manifestation of increased nervous excitability or appear when the rules are violated while reading (insufficient lighting, incorrect posture, etc.).

    The appearance of "floating flies" before the eyes may indicate a complication of myopia - destructive changes in the vitreous body.

    There are two types of myopia:

    • physiological: appears during the growth of the eye;
    • pathological: is actually a myopic disease; differs from physiological myopia in a progressive course;
    • lenticular: associated with a large refractive power of the lens when it is damaged due to congenital cataracts or exposure to certain drugs.

    Along the course, myopia is non-progressive and progressive.

    According to the severity of myopia is:

    • weak (up to 3 diopters);
    • medium (3-6 diopters);
    • strong (above 6 diopters).


    • Questioning the child and parents: allows you to find out the presence of complaints and the timing of their occurrence, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, previous and concomitant diseases, family or hereditary factors, changes in visual acuity in dynamics, etc.
    • The child's examination includes:
    1. external eye examination: allows determine the position and shape of the eyeballs;
    2. examination with an ophthalmoscope: determination of the shape and size of the cornea, assessment of the anterior chamber of the eye, lens and vitreous body, examination of the fundus; with myopia, a myopic cone is found around the optic nerve head, atrophic changes in the fundus, pigmentation and hemorrhages, and even retinal detachment with high myopia may be noted;
    3. skiascopy (using an ophthalmoscope and a skiascopic ruler) to determine the type of refraction and the degree of myopia;
    4. Ultrasound helps to determine the size of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye, to identify the presence of complications;

    Up to 3 years, only the named methods are used, but the results are compared with previous data (at 3 and 6 months).

    From the age of 3, visual acuity is additionally checked according to special tables. With reduced visual acuity, lenses are selected to correct distance vision: this allows you to determine the degree of myopia.

    It is possible to replace skiascopy with autorefractometry: after a 5-day atropinization of the eyes (instillation of an atropine solution into the eyes), examination with a slit lamp. 2 weeks after the atropinization, the necessary corrective lenses are re-determined.

    Schoolchildren are at risk for developing myopia, so their visual acuity should be checked annually. Reduced visual acuity in them can be both a manifestation of myopia and a spasm of accommodation.

    Therefore, re-determination of both visual acuity and refraction is carried out after a 5-day atropinization. In the case of spasm of accommodation, normal refraction and visual acuity are found. In this case, treatment is prescribed and an examination by a neurologist is recommended.

    With myopia, a second examination will again reveal a violation of refraction and visual acuity, and correction is achieved only with the help of negative lenses. Myopia in schoolchildren is often weak or medium. It usually does not progress and does not lead to complications.

    But such children should be observed by an ophthalmologist every 6 months in order not to miss the progression of the process and the development of complications (atrophic changes in the retina and even its detachment). Therefore, the results of each regular inspection should be compared with previous data.

    An increase in myopia by 0.5-1 diopter per year indicates a slow progression of the process, and more than 1 diopter - a fast one. It can lead to a sharp decrease and even complete loss of vision, irreversible complications in the retina (hemorrhages, tears, detachment, destructive changes). Usually progression is noted from 6 to 18 years.


    Proper selection of glasses and their constant use helps slow the progression of the disease.

    There is no cure for myopia in childhood. You can get rid of it after 18-20 years. Treatment depends on the degree of myopia, type (progressive or non-progressive), existing complications.

    Goals of treating myopia in childhood:

    • slowing down or stopping progression;
    • prevention of complications;
    • vision correction.

    With progressive myopia, the sooner treatment begins, the greater the opportunity to save the child's vision. An increase in myopia of less than 0.5 diopters per year is acceptable.

    In the treatment of myopia, the following methods are used:

    • eye gymnastics;
    • vision correction;
    • orthokeratological method;
    • drug treatment;
    • physiotherapy treatment;
    • general strengthening of the body and correction of posture disorders;
    • surgical treatment.

    At the initial stage of the development of myopia, a good effect is given by daily exercises of a special eye gymnastics which relieves eye strain and fatigue. There are many techniques for strengthening the intraocular muscle. An optometrist will help you choose a specific set of exercises. Such exercises are not difficult, they must be performed at home for at least 2 p. in a day.

    Some doctors train the ciliary muscle in the eye office: negative and positive lenses are alternately inserted into special glasses.

    With mild myopia, sometimes the doctor selects "relaxing" glasses with weakly positive lenses. Computer programs are also used to relax accommodation at home.

    Special laser vision glasses (Laser Vision) are also used. These perforated glasses are called "trainer glasses": they give the necessary exercise to weakened eye muscles and relaxation to overly tense ones. You need to use them for 30 minutes a day. They can also be used as a preventive measure for teenagers who spend a lot of time at the computer.

    With the aim of vision correction the optometrist selects glasses for the child - a traditional and common method of correction. Although they do not have a curative effect, the child should be encouraged to wear glasses (or contact lenses for older children). Studies by specialists in the US and Europe show that it is the non-wearing of glasses that leads to the worst variants of the course of myopic disease.

    Glasses not only create comfort for the child, but also reduce eye strain, which reduces the progression of the disease. In the case of congenital myopia, glasses should be prescribed as soon as possible. With a weak and moderate degree of myopia, glasses are prescribed only for the distance.

    The constant wearing of glasses is necessary with high myopia and with progressive myopia. Wearing glasses is also necessary for divergent strabismus.

    Wearing contact lenses is recommended for older children in case of significant (above 2 diopters) refractive difference in both eyes, i.e. in case of anisometropia. The selection of lenses should be carried out by a specialist, as poor-quality optics and correction can aggravate myopia.

    With myopia, it is necessary to change glasses in a timely manner, because excessive accommodation stress will contribute to the progression of myopia. The disadvantages of vision correction with glasses are: inconvenience when playing sports, limited peripheral vision, impaired spatial perception, injury hazard.

    Correction with lenses is more convenient, but the use of lenses is contraindicated in case of infectious diseases. The disadvantage is also the possibility of injury to the eyes if used improperly or infection when putting on non-sterile lenses.

    Currently applied lens correction in night mode - orthokeratological method, or refractive therapy of the cornea - the use of special lenses for 6-8 hours that cause a change in the shape of the cornea (flatten it) for up to 2 days. During this period, 100% vision without glasses is achieved. Lenses are used at night, during sleep, so this method is called night vision correction. Then the shape of the cornea is restored again.

    The result of the night correction is close to the laser one (it changes the refractive power of the cornea) and differs only in the short duration of the effect, which is associated with the constant renewal of corneal cells.

    A safe method of night correction can be used in children from 6 years of age. These special lenses not only completely remove the spasm of accommodation in children, but also restrain the development of myopia and its progression.

    To reduce the tension of the intraocular muscles, eye drops (usually Atropine) are sometimes prescribed for a 7-10-day course. But self-apply drug treatment do not do it. In addition, with mild myopia, vitamin complexes containing lutein (Vitrum-Vision, Okuvayt Lutein, Lutein Complex for Children, etc.) can be used.

    To prevent complications and progression of the process, nicotinic acid, Trental, and calcium preparations are prescribed. At the initial manifestations of dystrophy, Emoksipin, Dicinon, Askorutin are used. In some cases, it is advisable to use absorbable drugs (Lidase, Fibrinolysin, Collalizin).

    Of the physiotherapeutic methods, the use of Dibazol in the form of electrophoresis gives a good effect. In the same way, the so-called "myopic mixture" can be administered: Diphenhydramine, Novocaine and calcium chloride. In some cases, reflexology is effective.

    Physiotherapy devices for treatment at home are also used to improve vision. The principle of their action is different: “pupil massage” (constriction and expansion of it), improvement of blood supply to the tissues of the eye, electrical stimulation, magnetotherapy, ultrasound therapy, etc. It is possible to alternate treatment using various devices.

    One of the effective devices approved for use for children over 3 years old is called Sidorenko Glasses. The device combines such methods of influencing the eye: pneumomassage, phonophoresis, color therapy and infrasound. It has no side effects, and in many children it allows you to avoid surgery with progressive myopia. The device is widely used in the complex treatment of children.

    As restorative treatment it is recommended to observe the daily regimen, dosing visual loads (including the regulated time for watching TV programs and classes on the computer), fortified balanced nutrition of the child, daily walks in the fresh air, swimming. With a high degree of myopia, and even more so with the appearance of complications, active sports (running, jumping, etc.) are contraindicated. Children with such a pathology should be selected a special set of exercises.

    The indications for it are:

    • myopia 4 diopters or more;
    • rapid progression of the process (more than 1 diopter per year);
    • rapid growth of the anterior-posterior axis of the eyeball;
    • no ocular complications.

    During the operation, the posterior pole of the eye is strengthened, which does not allow the eye to grow further. To improve the blood supply to the sclera, 2 intervention options are possible: suturing a transplant from a donor sclera (silicone or collagen) or introducing a liquid suspension of crushed tissue behind the posterior pole of the eyeball. The operation does not lead to a cure, it only reduces the progression of the disease.

    Laser vision correction is the safest type of surgery for myopia, which lasts about 60 seconds under local anesthesia, and provides a life-long effect, eliminating the need for glasses or lenses. But, unfortunately, such operations are contraindicated for children (up to 18 years).

    The best result in myopia is given by the use of all methods of conservative treatment in combination, and with rapid progression - in combination with surgery.


    Weak and moderate myopia in schoolchildren has a favorable course: it does not progress and does not give complications, it is well corrected with glasses.

    A high degree of myopia leads to a decrease in visual acuity even with corrective lenses.

    Lack of correction of myopia can be fraught with the appearance of divergent strabismus.

    With progressive and congenital myopia, in the event of complications, especially from the retina, the prognosis is unfavorable, there is a significant decrease in visual acuity.


    From a very early age, you need to teach your child to follow a few simple rules when reading:

    • the distance from the book to the eyes is not less than 30 cm;
    • monitor the correct posture at the table;
    • do not read lying down;
    • read only in sufficient light.

    Care should be taken to match the table (desk) to the height of the child. It is necessary to pay attention to the chair: legs bent at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees should reach the floor. Light when reading, drawing and writing should always fall on the left for a right-hander and on the right for a left-hander. Even in the children's playroom, good lighting should be provided.

    Before starting school, you should get a consultation with an ophthalmologist and clarify which desk the child should sit at, whether he needs vision correction.

    You should reasonably limit the time you watch TV and play games on your computer. Do not allow TV programs to be watched in the dark.

    A balanced diet and the periodic use of vitamin complexes for the eyes will help not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of myopia in children.

    Summary for parents

    Myopia in a child can lead to the development of a persistent decrease in visual acuity and the occurrence of serious complications. Much depends on the timely correction of vision and treatment. Therefore, it is so important to visit an ophthalmologist with the child annually (and for children at risk 2 times a year).

    In case of detection of myopia, it is necessary to immediately follow all the recommendations of the doctor in order to exclude the rapid progression of the disease, to do without surgical intervention.

    There are several methods of conservative treatment of myopia. Even gymnastics for the eyes can have a good effect if used regularly.

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