How people die from cancer - symptoms and stages of death. We are in social networks. Failure of life support systems

Thanks to many years of observation, it is estimated that over the past decade, 15% of cancer patients have increased in the country. The World Health Organization publishes data that suggests that at least 300,000 patients die in one year, and gradually this figure is only increasing. Despite the rise in quality diagnostic measures and the frequency of their implementation, as well as the provision of all necessary medical care for cancer patients, mortality rates remain critically high. In this article, we will tell you how a cancer patient dies, what symptoms accompany it. last days.

Common causes of death from cancer

One of the main reasons cancer patients die is late diagnosis of the disease. There is a consensus among physicians that early stages Cancer development can be stopped. Scientists have found and proved that in order for the tumor to grow to the size and stage when it begins to metastasize, several years must pass. Therefore, often patients do not have a clue about the presence of a pathological process in their body. Every third cancer patient is diagnosed at the most severe stages.

When a cancerous tumor is already "in color" and gives a lot of metastases, destroying organs, causing bleeding and tissue breakdown, pathological process becomes irreversible. Doctors can only slow down the course by holding symptomatic treatment and provide the patient with psychological comfort. After all, many patients know how much from cancer, and fall into severe depression.

Important! It is important to know how cancer patients die, not only for specialists, but also for the relatives of the patient. After all, the family is the main people in the environment of the patient who can help him cope with a difficult condition.

Another reason why cancer patients die is the failure of organs due to the germination of cancer cells in them. This process proceeds for a long time and newly formed ones join the already existing symptoms. Gradually, patients lose weight, refuse to eat. This is due to an increase in the area of ​​germination of old tumors and the rapid development of new ones. Such dynamics causes a decrease in nutrient reserves and a decrease in immunity, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition and lack of strength in the fight against cancer.

Patients and their relatives must be informed that the process of disintegration of tumors is always painful from cancer.

Symptoms of the patient before death

There are general symptomatic picture, which describes how a cancer patient dies.

  • Fatigue. Patients often suffer great weakness and constant sleepiness. Every day they communicate less with loved ones, sleep a lot, refuse to do any physical activity. This is due to a slowdown in blood circulation and the extinction of vital processes.
  • Refusal to eat. By the end of life, cancer patients are severely malnourished, as they refuse to eat. This happens to almost everyone due to a decrease in appetite, since the body simply does not need calories, because a person does not perform any physical activity. Refusal is also connected with the depressive state of the martyr.
  • Oppression respiratory center causes a feeling of lack of air and the appearance of wheezing, accompanied by heavy breathing.
  • Development physiological changes. There is a decrease in the amount of blood in the periphery and an increase in the flow to the vital important bodies(lungs, heart, brain, liver). That is why on the eve of death, the patient's arms and legs turn blue and often acquire a slightly purple hue.
  • Change of consciousness. This leads to disorientation in place, time, and even self. Patients often cannot tell who they are and do not recognize relatives. Usually than closer death, the more oppressed mental condition. Arise

The psychological state of the patient before death

During the fight against the disease changes psychological condition not only the patient, but also his relatives. Relationships between family members often become tense and affect behavior and communication. About how a cancer patient dies and what tactics of behavior need to be developed, doctors try to tell relatives in advance so that the family is ready for the changes that will soon occur.

Changes in the personality of a cancer patient depend on age, character and temperament. Before death, a person tries to remember his life and rethink it. Gradually, the patient goes more and more into his own thoughts and experiences, losing interest in everything that happens around him. Patients close in as they try to accept their fate and understand that the end is inevitable and no one can help them.

Knowing the answer to the question of whether it hurts to die from cancer, people fear severe physical suffering, as well as the fact that they will seriously complicate the lives of their loved ones. The most the main task relatives at the same time - to provide any support and not show how hard it is for them to care for a cancer patient.

How do patients with various types of cancer die?

Symptoms and the rate of development of tumors depends on the location of the process and stage. The table provides information on the mortality rate of different types of oncology:

Type of oncology Men Women
26,9% 7,2%
8,6% 11%
-- 18%
7% 4,8%
22,5% 12,8%

Doctors must tell relatives how cancer patients die and what exactly happens in their body, depending on the location of the pathological focus.

It has been established that brain tumors are the most aggressive and fast-flowing of all oncological formations. The peculiarity of such malignant neoplasms in that they do not metastasize and the pathological process occurs only in the brain. Patients with this disease can die out in just a few months, or even weeks. Let's take a closer look at how a person with brain cancer dies. Soreness of symptoms increases as the tumor grows, it grows into the brain tissue and the general condition of the human body. The very first symptom is headache and dizziness. Often patients do not turn to specialists, but drown out the symptoms with analgesics. This behavior leads to the fact that cancer is detected at those stages when it is no longer possible to eliminate it. The existing symptoms are accompanied by impaired coordination of movements, paralysis.

Death occurs due to, as well as when the systems that are responsible for vitality stop working. important features organism (heartbeat, respiration). Before death, patients with brain cancer experience clouding of consciousness, delirium, hallucinations, and coma. Often the patient dies without regaining consciousness.

The main symptom of lung cancer is respiratory failure. Those suffering from grade 4 lung cancer are on a ventilator ( artificial ventilation lungs), as they simply cannot breathe on their own. Due to the breakdown of lung tissue and the accumulation of fluid in them (pleurisy), the body does not receive normal amount oxygen and others essential substances. Thus, the body accumulates carbon dioxide, and all tissues of the body are in oxygen deficiency. metabolic processes in cells are violated, some chemical processes are completely impossible. In such patients in the terminal stage of cancer, cyanosis (cyanosis) of the hands and feet is observed. This is what lung cancer patients die from.

Mammary cancer

The peculiarity of metastasis of this type of tumor is its penetration into the bone tissue. Much less often, breast cancer affects the brain and lung tissue. Due to the aggressiveness of the treatment and strong decline immunity, what such cancer patients die from is any infectious complications(even a common cold can be fatal).

When diagnosing breast cancer, stage 4 is prescribed only symptomatic therapy. It includes strong analgesics, since bone metastases cause severe pain and suffering to the patient. Women often ask if it hurts to die from this type of cancer. Doctors warn and discuss pain therapy in advance, since in the final stage of cancer, the symptoms are extremely painful.

One of the main causes of liver cancer is cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by a virus. In the last stage of liver cancer, patients have the following symptomatic picture:

  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • large hematomas at injection sites;
  • slow blood clotting: any abrasions or cuts continue to bleed for a long time.

Apart from hemolytic symptoms the patient is observed general weakness and weakness, as well as significant pain localized in the liver. Death from liver cancer is very painful, but at the same time the disease progresses quite quickly, which reduces the time of suffering.

This is one of the most dangerous species oncological lesions of organs, since with the growth of a tumor in the esophagus, the risk of its penetration into nearby organs is extremely high. AT medical practice often there are giant tumors of the esophagus, which, when growing, form a single malignant system.

Patients with end-stage cancer experience severe discomfort, because due to the location of the tumors they cannot normally receive food. To feed them, use a nasogastric tube, gastrastomy, parenteral. In this case, the patient is tormented by severe pain, dyspeptic disorders and severe exhaustion.

Stages of death of cancer patients

With any type of cancer, a person fades away in a certain sequence, in which the affected organs and their systems gradually stop working in the body. Often sufferers experience severe pain, exhaustion and weakness. But fatal outcome doesn't come right away. Before this, a person has to go through certain stages that lead to biological, irreversible death. The following are the stages of how a person with cancer dies:

Predagony Agony clinical death biological death
There is cyanosis of the skin and a decrease in pressure. The patient is sharply inhibited function of the nervous system. There is a fading of physical and emotional functions. The patient is in the stage of stun. With its onset, the patient worsens respiratory function, which leads to severe oxygen starvation in organs and tissues. The process of blood circulation is greatly slowed down until it stops completely. The person is in an unconscious state (stupor, coma). All organs and organ systems abruptly cease to function. The circulation stops completely. It occurs at the moment when the brain stops working and the body completely dies.

Relief of pain before death

When a person was given terrible diagnosis, most frequently asked question, which sounds in the oncologist's office - will it hurt to die from cancer. This topic is necessarily discussed, since patients in the terminal stage of cancer have severe pain that is not stopped by conventional analgesics.

Mortality due to cancer remains high worldwide. Lung cancer is one of the most common manifestations of oncology.

In order for a person to accurately understand the danger of the disease, it is necessary to explain the fact how patients die from lung cancer and that death from it is inevitable. After all, the presented pathology is accompanied by suffering, severe pain, as well as a general disruption of the internal organs.

Often, this starts as early as late stages, as a result, a person begins to fade away, morally ceasing to fight for own life. It is important to study the previous symptoms and manifestations of oncological pathology in order to consult a doctor in time for help.

Pre-death symptoms

According to the localization of the tumor, two forms of cancerous lesions of organs are distinguished - central and peripheral. Despite the forms of pathology, lethal outcomes occur precisely from lung cancer. The lack of qualified treatment already in the first year of the disease ends in death in 90% of cases. This is due to the lack of symptoms of cancer at an early stage.

Cancer cells at the beginning of the development of the disease can only be found in sputum, which no smoker will go to donate voluntarily. Since any oncology is already diagnosed in a neglected state, the patient suffers terrible torment. Here allocate the following symptoms before death:

  1. A dry cough appears, which torments the patient at night. Then it becomes paroxysmal with sputum. This condition is similar to a cold, so the patient is treated for acute respiratory infections, thereby giving the cancer a chance for further progression.
  2. There is a change in the structure of the mucus - purulent inclusions are noticeable in it, and over time, blood streaks. Only in this case, the patient can go to the doctor for examination. Often it is too late because similar symptoms indicate stage 2-3 lung cancer. There may not be any discharge, so the patient does not go for examination at all.
  3. With the development of metastases in the vocal cords, the voice strongly sits down, it becomes hoarse.
  4. Advanced cancer also affects the esophagus, resulting in difficulty in swallowing food.
  5. In the last stages, cancer affects the brain - the patient suffers from headaches, partially or completely may lose his sight. If metastases have reached the brain, there may be a loss of sensitivity in some parts of the human body.
  6. There are severe pains similar to intercostal neuralgia. It is possible to exclude the disease of pinched nerves by pain syndrome - in the case of oncology, the pain constantly bothers the patient, even a change in position and a long rest does not lead to its elimination.

Experts still cannot explain why lung cancer occurs. Smoking is considered one of the main causes, but the disease also affects non-smokers. It also remains unclear how the death of the patient occurs.

Stories of relatives of patients

We have collected several stories from relatives of patients in which they describe the process in detail. It's hard, but you should read them to prepare yourself and your loved ones.

First story from user Xu:

The second story, from the user Ekaterina:

It would seem that this story has not yet come to an end ... User Natashenka writes:

But two days later, bad news comes from her. After the previous message, the father lived only a day.

Causes of death from lung cancer

How people die from lung cancer is not clear exactly, since this happens for various reasons. Several main prerequisites for death from oncological pathology of the main respiratory organ are presented.


This is the main cause of death, since the progression of the disease leads to heavy bleeding. But if we take into account that bleeding is not the main symptom of lung cancer, and blood is only in the sputum, then such death occurs in 50% of cases. If the patient progresses oncology, then ulcers appear on the bronchial mucosa, gradually destroying their walls. Therefore, only blood appears in the discharge. The walls of blood vessels are also destroyed, which provokes profuse bleeding - as a result, this precedes death.

There are also fatal asphyxial hemorrhages, characterized by the filling of the tracheobronchial tree with blood. In this case, resuscitation actions become ineffective. Death occurs within minutes.

Hemorrhages in the brain, leading to death, also occur. In this case, with the timely provision of medical care to a person, it is possible to slightly extend the time of life, as a rule, this is a coma or a vegetative state.

Consequences of chemotherapy

This method of treatment cancer effective on early stages. Chemotherapy slows down uncontrolled cell division, thereby inhibiting the development of the disease.

But for the treatment, chemical components are used that greatly undermine the health of the patient. They reduce immunity, as a result of which the patient becomes weaker with each session. As a result, having caught the virus, a cancer patient may not cope with it and die. It's pretty common cause death of cancer patients.

Chemotherapy often leads to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs - along with cancer cells, healthy ones also partially die. Therefore, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and other pathologies leading to death often occur.


Suffocation is due to the accumulation a large number fluid in the body secreted by cancer cells - infiltrate. If the lungs are affected in a large volume, then a lot of fluid is released. At the beginning, shortness of breath occurs in the patient, over time it turns into suffocation.

It is impossible to save a person from this - the patient quickly dies. This death is easy and not so terrible when compared with others - no matter how blasphemous it may look.

Other reasons

When the tumor moves into the lung tissue, it begins to decompose under the influence of cancer cells. An enlarged neoplasm blocks the flow of oxygen to the lungs. All this hinders normal operation respiratory system, decrease protective functions human body - the patient dies.

The advanced stage of cancer brings the patient to the stage of cachexia - this is a big loss of weight and muscle mass patient. Symptoms of this condition: anorexia, anemia, fever and general weakness. At this stage of the disease, the patient loses the moral strength to resist and stops fighting, so he quickly "fades out."

There are patients who commit suicide, tired of suffering and pain - they no longer see the meaning in their ruined existence. Avoiding the unbearable agony of the last stage of lung cancer, people, even strong in spirit, lay hands on themselves.

So that death does not come quickly, it is worth fighting for your recovery at any stage of the disease. The patient must have a desire to fight the disease and strong support from relatives and friends.

It is essential for advanced cancer patients and caregivers to know How do people die of cancer and signs of an approaching death, in order to alleviate the condition of the cancer patient as much as possible and mentally prepare for his departure.

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How do people die of cancer and what are the signs of approaching retirement?

From a malignant neoplasm or metastasis occurs for various reasons, but there are some common precursors to care:

Increased drowsiness and progressive general weakness

With the approach of death, a person's periods of wakefulness are shortened. The duration of sleep increases, which becomes deeper every day. In some clinical cases such a state is transformed into a coma. A patient in a coma requires constant third-party care. The function of specialized nurses is to fulfill the physiological needs of cancer patients (nutrition, urination, turning, washing, etc.).

General muscle weakness is considered a fairly common symptom before death, which manifests itself in the patient's difficulty in moving. To make life easier for such people, it is recommended to use orthopedic walkers, wheelchairs and special medical couches. Great importance during this period, there is the presence next to the sick person who is able to help in everyday life.

Respiratory disorders

Regardless of, How does a person die from cancer?, in all patients in the terminal period of life, periods of respiratory arrest are observed. Such cancer patients have heavy and wet (hoarse) breathing, which is a consequence of stagnation of fluid in the lungs. Wet masses cannot be removed from the respiratory system. To improve the person's well-being, the doctor may prescribe oxygen therapy or recommend frequent turning of the patient. Such measures can only temporarily alleviate the condition and suffering of the patient.

How much does cancer treatment cost in Russia today? You can evaluate the final check amount and consider alternative options for dealing with the disease.

The approach of death is accompanied by dysfunction of vision and hearing

In the last few days before death, a person very often observes visual images and sound signals that others don't feel. This condition is called hallucinations. For example, dying of cancer a woman can see and hear long-dead relatives. In such cases, people caring for the patient should not argue and convince the patient about the presence of a hallucination.

Disorders of appetite and eating

The approach of death is accompanied by a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body. In this regard, the cancer patient does not require large volumes of food and liquid. In the near-death state, a small amount of food is enough for a person to satisfy physiological needs. In some cases, it becomes impossible for a cancer patient to swallow food, and then it will be enough for him to moisten his lips with a damp swab.

Disorders in the work of the urinary and intestinal systems

Most people who die of cancer develop acute kidney failure which is accompanied by the cessation of urine filtration. In such patients, the discharge becomes brown or red. From the side gastrointestinal tract in the vast majority of cancer patients, constipation and a sharp decrease in the amount of feces are observed, which is considered the result of a limited intake of food and water.

Hypo- and hyperthermia

Regardless of, How do people die of cancer, in patients before death, there is a change in body temperature both upward and downward. and its fluctuations are associated with disruption of the brain centers that control thermoregulation.

Emotional disorders

Depending on the temperament and nature of the patient, in the terminal stage of life, the patient may become isolated or be in a state of psychosis. Excessive excitability and visual hallucinations can be caused by taking narcotic analeptics. Most cancer patients begin to communicate with long-dead relatives or with non-existent persons.

Such unusual human behavior alarms and frightens people who are nearby. Doctors recommend treating such manifestations with understanding and not trying to bring the sufferer back to reality.

Why do people die of cancer?

Late stages of oncological lesions are characterized by the development of cancer intoxication, in which all internal organs suffer from low oxygen content and high concentrations of toxic products. Oxygen starvation ultimately leads to acute respiratory, cardiac, renal failure. In the terminal phases of the cancer process, oncologists carry out exclusively palliative treatment, which is aimed at maximizing possible elimination symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of the remaining life of the patient.

Cancer is the scourge of humanity in the 21st century. At the time of 2018, there are a great many substances that can cause cancer (pesticides, nitrates, preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, spices, smoked meats, air pollution from car exhaust, and the like). The worst thing is that malignant tumors are most often detected at the terminal stage 4.

Symptoms of an approaching imminent death from cancer of the 4th degree of various localization

Cancer can affect absolutely any organs and, accordingly, the symptoms of a malignant tumor will be different.


At the final stage of the disease, all the symptoms of the pathology appear intensely and vividly.

Main manifestations:

  • Worst dyspnea. The patient suffocates even in complete physical rest. The accumulated exudate interferes with the patient's breathing, making it intermittent;
  • With the defeat of the cervical group of lymph nodes, it is difficult for the patient to speak;
  • Paralysis due to lung cancer metastases vocal cords. It manifests itself in hoarseness of voice;
  • The patient begins to eat poorly due to a decrease or complete lack of appetite;
  • The patient is almost constantly asleep. This condition is explained by a violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • The patient becomes lethargic;
  • Psychiatric disorders appear various kinds amnesia, incoherence of speech, disorientation in space and time, and the appearance of hallucinations, both visual and auditory;
  • With compression of the veins by metastatic foci in the mediastinum, swelling of the face and neck appears;
  • Development of a renal failure is possible;
  • Unbearable pain syndrome. This condition is explained by multiple metastasis of various organs. Such pain can only be relieved with narcotic analgesics. And sometimes even they are not able to completely relieve the patient from pain.


The clinical picture, which is typical for people with the final stage of stomach cancer, is quite bright.

In stomach cancer, the most common symptoms are:

  • Constantly present signs of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: heartburn, nausea, belching, vomiting, diarrhea, stool retention;
  • The patient feels the fullness of the stomach after eating a small amount of food;
  • All amazed lymphatic system sick. Lymph nodes become large and tender (pain on palpation);
  • Gastric cancer often bleeds, so the patient is characterized by vomiting like coffee grounds and melena. Such manifestations are characteristic of gastric bleeding, since in the stomach the hemoglobin of the blood is exposed to the hydrochloric acid of gastric shock, which gives the blood a black color.
  • Pain syndrome caused by multiple organ metastasis of cancer. Gastric cancer has metastases specific to it, which will also disrupt organ function and lead to severe pain. These are metastases to structures such as the ovaries (Krukenberg metastasis), pararectal tissue (Schnitzler metastasis), to the navel (metastasis of Sister Maria Joseph), to the axillary The lymph nodes(Iris metastasis) and supraclavicular lymph nodes on the left side (Virchow metastasis).

Reference. Melena is a liquid black stool, indicating stomach bleeding. The closer the source of bleeding to the terminal gastrointestinal tract, the brighter the color of the blood. Bleeding from the rectum is characterized by an admixture of scarlet blood in the stool.


Esophageal cancer grade 4 severe course and is already poorly amenable to radical methods of treatment.

Manifestations before death, disturbing a patient with stage 4 esophageal cancer:

  • Inability to swallow food due to tumor growth and the formation of multiple adhesions;
  • Constant vomiting due to difficulty in passing food;
  • Enlarged painful lymph nodes;
  • At the last stage, the tumor often grows into the trachea, which causes severe shortness of breath and hemoptysis;
  • A distinct hoarseness appears in the voice;
  • Pain syndrome.

Metastases in the brain

Use of the term "brain cancer" with medical point vision is unacceptable, since cancer suspects a malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells, while the brain and its structures consist of nerve cells– neurons that are not epithelial. Therefore, it is correct to say "malignant brain tumor".

Clinic for advanced brain tumors of the 4th degree of a malignant nature:

  • Terrible headaches;
  • Violation of consciousness up to the patient's falling into a deep coma;
  • Neurological manifestations characteristic of the area of ​​brain damage.


For 1, 2, and sometimes 3 stages of laryngeal cancer serious symptoms development of a malignant tumor, as a rule, are expressed extremely weakly. Absence symptomatic manifestations is a consequence of the fact that the tumor that develops in the larynx is small in size in the early stages, and therefore does not affect the functioning of the organ.

To characteristic manifestations Stage 4 laryngeal cancer includes:

  • Inability to speak normally. The voice becomes extremely hoarse. Speech is difficult;
  • The mouth smells very unpleasant;
  • There is hemoptysis;
  • The patient is tormented by a constant cough;
  • The patient is worried about soreness in the ears;
  • Because of the sore throat, the patient tries to reduce the amount of food consumed;
  • There comes exhaustion, loss of body weight, characteristic of oncological patients;
  • There are constant headaches and weakness. The patient tries to sleep more.


The last degree of liver oncology is determined when a person has secondary foci throughout the body.

In stage 4 liver cancer, the following disorders are observed:

  • Complete violation of the digestive function;
  • Jaundice;
  • Severe anemia;
  • Constant drowsiness, fatigue;
  • Hepatic encephalopathy develops;
  • Ascites;
  • Frequent bleeding. It's caused by decay tumor tissue, violation of the synthesis in the liver of blood coagulation factors and the formation of platelets;
  • The functions of the organs where metastasis has occurred are impaired.

Reference. No liver parenchyma nerve endings, therefore, if the tumor does not affect the liver capsule, then the liver will not hurt.

How not to miss cancer? What can help detect cancer at an early stage? You will learn about it in this video:

How a person dies of cancer - 4 stages

When dying, a person goes through 4 stages: pre-agonal state, agony, clinical death and biological death.

Predagonal state

This condition is characterized by the patient's lethargy. This is due to the inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system, circulatory system and breathing. Breathing becomes shallow and frequent. Because of this, the blood is not saturated enough oxygen, and therefore cannot deliver it to the organs that need oxygen, and especially the brain.

Coming oxygen starvation. The pulse becomes frequent. It has a weak content. In the future, it becomes threadlike. The skin becomes pale with an earthy tint. Systolic pressure decreases to 60 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic is not determined at all.

Terminal pause

This stage does not always happen. During the terminal pause, breathing and heartbeat are depressed for a while.

However, after it there is a flash of life - agony.

death agony

This state is the last spark of life before dying. In this stage, the higher centers of the central nervous system are switched off. Vital activity is supported by the bulbar structures of the brain and some centers spinal cord. Breathing becomes pathological and acquires the following types:

  • Cheyne-Stokes breathingperiodic breathing. Characterized by the beginning in the form shallow breathing. Then respiratory movements gradually increase in depth and reach their maximum depth by the seventh breath. Then the depth decreases as gradually as it increased. After superficial respiratory movements, there is a short pause. Then the cycle repeats again;

  • Kussmaul's breath. It is characterized by constant rhythmic deep respiratory movements;

  • Breath of Biot- this is pathological appearance breathing, characterized by episodes of deep rhythmic breathing, separated by long (up to 30 seconds) pauses.

Such breathing is provided by the contraction of the muscles that provide respiratory movements. chest. Nervous regulation no more breathing. In the end, the muscles that regulate the phase of inhalation and exhalation begin to contract synchronously and breathing stops.

Heart restores normal sinus rhythm. On the large arteries you can feel the pulse. Arterial pressure begins to be determined again.

clinical death

With the complete shutdown of respiratory and cardiac activity, a transitional state occurs - clinical death. Its main difference from biological is reversibility, since the central nervous system is not subject to necrotic changes.

The main characteristics of clinical death:

  • Heart failure;
  • Absence of pulsation in large arteries;
  • Respiratory movements are not determined;
  • Blood pressure cannot be measured;
  • There is no reflex activity;
  • The pupil of the eyes expands as much as possible and does not respond to light irritation;
  • The skin is pale in color.

With inefficiency resuscitation, which in the case of oncological pathologies are rarely effective, the next stage of dying begins.

biological death

This stage is irreversible. main reason its onset is the death of the most important organ of the human body - the brain. At the stage of clinical death, brain cells still maintained their vital activity in conditions of terrifying hypoxia.

But every cell has its own limit. By the time of the onset biological death brain cells are no longer able to perform their functions and they die.

Pathogmonic signs of biological death:

  • "Cat's eye". The pupil takes on a slit-like shape, like that of a cat;
  • The appearance of cadaveric spots;
  • Rigor mortis;
  • Critical drop in body temperature.

Watch a video that details the 4 stages of human death:

The psycho-emotional state of a cancer patient

During the prevalence of the Internet, all people, even those who do not even have a hint of medical education, it is known that stage 4 cancer is almost a death sentence. This is a big blow to the psyche of the patient. The appearance of deep depressive states is natural. Patients often "go into the disease."

They lose interest in life. Their condition is quite understandable. With the fourth stage of oncology, life becomes very short and painful in the end. In such a situation, the support of loved ones is very important. It is necessary to help solve other pressing problems of the patient, take him on a trip to those places where he has dreamed of going all his life.

You can please him with a trip to the festival, where his favorite performers perform, if the condition remains relatively satisfactory. The bottom line is that you need to make it clear to a person with oncology that he is still alive and has unfinished business here.

Important! There is no need to feel sorry for the patient. On a subconscious level, he himself understands the feelings of people close to him. Also, one should not be attached to happy memories of the past. They can make a cancer patient smile for a few minutes, but then he will become even more depressed and may even commit suicide.

Signs of agony before death

The clinical component of the agonal state has been described above. But after all, a person can regain consciousness during this outbreak of vital activity. It happens very a short time. A person can no longer realize what is happening to him.

Him complete absence psyche. He will no longer understand the words spoken by the people around him, or even who is next to him. For relatives, this is a small ray of hope, but it quickly fades when death occurs.

In conclusion, I would like to note that stage 4 cancer is very often not treatable. However, there are rare cases when you manage to beat cancer. As a rule, the person who does not give up and holds on to life will live longer.

Of course, such a life will not be as long as that of people without an illness, but still, the longer an oncological patient can live, the more he will have time to do in the life allotted to him.

Signs of impending death are different for each person, and not all of the symptoms listed below are "mandatory." But there is still something in common.

1. Loss of appetite

The body's need for energy becomes less and less. A person may begin to resist eating and drinking, or eating only certain foods (for example, cereals). First of all, a dying person refuses meat, since it is difficult for a weakened body to digest it. And then the most favorite foods no longer cause any appetite. At the end of a patient's life, it happens that even physically he is not able to swallow what is in his mouth.

It is impossible to force-feed a dying person, no matter how much you worry about the fact that he does not eat. You can periodically offer the patient some water, ice or ice cream. And so that his lips do not dry out, moisten them with a damp cloth or moisturize with lip balm.

2. Excessive fatigue and drowsiness

On the threshold of death, a person begins to sleep atypically a lot, and it becomes more and more difficult to wake him up. Metabolism slows down and insufficient intake food and water contribute to dehydration, which includes defense mechanism and goes into hibernation. This patient should not be denied - let him sleep. Don't push him to wake him up. What you will say to a person in this state, he may well hear and remember, no matter how deep the dream may seem. In the end, even in a coma, patients hear and realize those words that are addressed to them.

3. Physical weakness

Due to the loss of appetite and the resulting lack of energy, the dying person cannot do even the simplest things - for example, he cannot roll over on his side, raise his head, or draw juice through a straw. All you can do is try to make him as comfortable as possible.

4. Cloudy mind and disorientation

Organs begin to fail, including the brain. A person may no longer understand where he is and who is next to him, start talking nonsense or thrashing about in bed. At the same time, you need to remain calm. Every time you approach a dying person, you should call yourself by name and speak to him as gently as possible.

5. Difficulty breathing

The breath of the dying becomes erratic and uneven. Often they have the so-called Cheyne-Stokes breathing: superficial and rare respiratory movements gradually become deeper and longer, weaken and slow down again, then a pause follows, after which the cycle repeats. Sometimes the dying person wheezes or breathes louder than usual. You can help in such a situation by raising his head, putting an extra pillow or seating him in a reclining position so that the person does not fall on his side.

6. Self-isolation

As the vitality fades away, a person loses interest in what is happening around. He may stop talking, answer questions, or simply turn away from everyone. This is a natural part of the dying process, not your fault. Show the dying person that you are there by simply touching him or taking his hand in yours if he does not mind, and talk to him, even if this conversation is your monologue.

7. Violation of urination

Since there is little water in the body, and the kidneys are working worse, the dying person “walks small” really little, and concentrated urine has a brownish or reddish tint. That is why in hospices in the last days of life the terminally ill often put a catheter. Due to kidney failure, the amount of toxins in the blood increases, which contributes to the quiet flow of the dying into a coma and a peaceful death.

8. Swelling of the legs

When the kidneys fail biological fluids instead of being excreted, they accumulate in the body - most often in the legs. Because of this, before death, many swell. Nothing can be done here, and it does not make sense: edema is side effect impending death, not its cause.

9. "Icing" of the tips of the fingers and toes

A few hours or even minutes before death, blood drains from peripheral organs to support vital ones. For this reason, the limbs become noticeably colder than the rest of the body, and the nails may become pale or bluish. Provide comfort to the dying will help a warm blanket who need to cover him more freely so as not to create a feeling of swaddling.

10. Venous spots

On pale skin, a characteristic "pattern" of purple, reddish or bluish spots appears - the result of poor circulation and uneven filling of the veins with blood. These spots usually appear first on the soles and feet.

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How Cancer Patients Die

Thanks to many years of observation, it is estimated that over the past decade, 15% of cancer patients have increased in the country. The World Health Organization publishes data that suggests that at least 300,000 patients die in one year, and gradually this figure is only increasing. Despite the increase in the quality of diagnostic measures and the frequency of their implementation, as well as the provision of all necessary medical care for cancer patients, mortality rates remain critically high. In this article, we will tell you how a cancer patient dies, what symptoms accompany his last days.

Common causes of death from cancer

One of the main reasons cancer patients die is late diagnosis of the disease. There is a unanimous opinion of doctors that the development of cancer can be stopped in the early stages. Scientists have found and proved that in order for the tumor to grow to the size and stage when it begins to metastasize, several years must pass. Therefore, often patients do not have a clue about the presence of a pathological process in their body. Every third cancer patient is diagnosed at the most severe stages.

When a cancerous tumor is already “in color” and gives many metastases, destroying organs, causing bleeding and tissue breakdown, the pathological process becomes irreversible. Doctors can only slow down the course of the disease by providing symptomatic treatment, as well as provide the patient with psychological comfort. After all, many patients know how painful it is to die from cancer, and fall into severe depression.

Important! It is important to know how cancer patients die, not only for specialists, but also for the relatives of the patient. After all, the family is the main people in the environment of the patient who can help him cope with a difficult condition.

Another reason why cancer patients die is the failure of organs due to the germination of cancer cells in them. This process takes a long time and newly formed ones join the already existing symptoms. Gradually, patients lose weight, refuse to eat. This is due to an increase in the area of ​​germination of old tumors and the rapid development of new ones. Such dynamics causes a decrease in nutrient reserves and a decrease in immunity, which leads to a deterioration in the general condition and lack of strength in the fight against cancer.

Patients and their relatives must be informed that the process of decay of tumors is always painful and how painful it is to die from cancer.

Symptoms of the patient before death

There is a common symptomatic picture that describes how a cancer patient dies.

  • Fatigue. Patients are often tormented by severe weakness and constant drowsiness. Every day they communicate less with loved ones, sleep a lot, refuse to do any physical activity. This is due to a slowdown in blood circulation and the extinction of vital processes.
  • Refusal to eat. By the end of life, cancer patients are severely malnourished, as they refuse to eat. This happens to almost everyone due to a decrease in appetite, since the body simply does not need calories, because a person does not perform any physical activity. Refusal to eat is also associated with the depressive state of the martyr.
  • Depression of the respiratory center causes a feeling of lack of air and the appearance of wheezing, accompanied by heavy breathing.
  • Development of physiological changes. There is a decrease in the amount of blood in the periphery and an increase in the flow to vital organs (lungs, heart, brain, liver). That is why on the eve of death, the patient's arms and legs turn blue and often acquire a slightly purple hue.
  • Change of consciousness. This leads to disorientation in place, time, and even self. Patients often cannot tell who they are and do not recognize relatives. As a rule, the closer death is, the stronger the mental state is depressed. In addition to disorientation, patients often withdraw into themselves, do not want to talk and make any contact.

The psychological state of the patient before death

During the fight against the disease, the psychological state of not only the patient, but also his relatives changes. Relationships between family members often become tense and affect behavior and communication. About how a cancer patient dies and what tactics of behavior need to be developed, doctors try to tell relatives in advance so that the family is ready for the changes that will soon occur.

Changes in the personality of a cancer patient depend on age, character and temperament. Before death, a person tries to remember his life and rethink it. Gradually, the patient goes more and more into his own thoughts and experiences, losing interest in everything that happens around him. Patients close in as they try to accept their fate and understand that the end is inevitable and no one can help them.

Knowing the answer to the question of whether it hurts to die from cancer, people fear severe physical suffering, as well as the fact that they will seriously complicate the lives of their loved ones. The main task of relatives at the same time is to provide any support and not show how hard it is for them to care for cancer patients.

How do patients with various types of cancer die?

Symptoms and the rate of development of tumors depends on the location of the process and stage. The table provides information on the mortality rate of different types of oncology:

Doctors must tell relatives how cancer patients die and what exactly happens in their body, depending on the location of the pathological focus.

brain cancer

It has been established that brain tumors are the most aggressive and fast-flowing of all oncological formations. The peculiarity of such malignant neoplasms is that they do not metastasize and the pathological process occurs only in the brain. Patients with this disease can die out in just a few months, or even weeks. Let's take a closer look at how a person with brain cancer dies. Soreness of symptoms increases as the tumor grows, it grows into the brain tissue and the general condition of the human body. The very first symptom is headache and dizziness. Often patients do not turn to specialists, but drown out the symptoms with analgesics. This behavior leads to the fact that cancer is detected at those stages when it is no longer possible to eliminate it. The existing symptoms are accompanied by impaired coordination of movements, paralysis.

Death occurs due to cerebral edema, as well as when the systems that are responsible for the vital functions of the body (heartbeat, respiration) stop working. Before death, patients with brain cancer experience clouding of consciousness, delirium, hallucinations, and coma. Often the patient dies without regaining consciousness.

Lungs' cancer

The main symptom of lung cancer is respiratory failure. Those suffering from grade 4 lung cancer are on a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation), as they simply cannot breathe on their own. Due to the breakdown of lung tissue and the accumulation of fluid in them (pleurisy), the body does not receive a normal amount of oxygen and other necessary substances. Thus, carbon dioxide accumulates in the body, and all body tissues are in oxygen deficiency. Metabolic processes in cells are disturbed, some chemical processes are completely impossible. In such patients in the terminal stage of cancer, cyanosis (cyanosis) of the hands and feet is observed. This is what lung cancer patients die from.

Mammary cancer

The peculiarity of metastasis of this type of tumor is its penetration into the bone tissue. Much less commonly, breast cancer affects the brain and lung tissue. Due to the aggressiveness of the treatment and the severe decrease in immunity, what such cancer patients die from is any infectious complications (even a common cold can be fatal).

When diagnosing stage 4 breast cancer, only symptomatic therapy is prescribed. It includes strong analgesics, since bone metastases cause severe pain and suffering to the patient. Women often ask if it hurts to die from this type of cancer. Doctors warn and discuss pain therapy in advance, since in the final stage of cancer, the symptoms are extremely painful.

Liver cancer

One of the main causes of liver cancer is cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by a virus. In the last stage of liver cancer, patients have the following symptomatic picture:

  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • large hematomas at injection sites;
  • slow blood clotting: any abrasions or cuts continue to bleed for a long time.

In addition to hemolytic symptoms, the patient has nausea, general weakness and fatigue, as well as significant pain localized in the liver. Death from liver cancer is very painful, but at the same time the disease progresses quite quickly, which reduces the time of suffering.

Esophageal carcinoma

This is one of the most dangerous types of oncological lesions of organs, since with the growth of a tumor in the esophagus, the risk of its penetration into nearby organs is extremely high. In medical practice, there are often giant tumors of the esophagus, which, when growing, form a single malignant system.

Patients with end-stage cancer experience severe discomfort, because due to the location of the tumor, they cannot normally receive food. To feed them, use a nasogastric tube, gastrastoma, parenteral nutrition. In this case, the patient is tormented by severe pain, dyspeptic disorders and severe exhaustion.

Stages of death of cancer patients

With any type of cancer, a person fades away in a certain sequence, in which the affected organs and their systems gradually stop working in the body. Often sufferers experience severe pain, exhaustion and weakness. But death does not occur immediately. Before this, a person has to go through certain stages that lead to biological, irreversible death. The following are the stages of how a person with cancer dies:

Relief of pain before death

When a person was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis, the most common question that sounds in the office of an oncologist is whether it will hurt to die from cancer. This topic is necessarily discussed, since patients in the terminal stage of cancer have severe pain that is not stopped by conventional analgesics.

To reduce them, they are issued narcotic drugs, greatly alleviate the condition.

Note! If the prescribed medicine does not completely eliminate the pain syndrome and the person complains of constant pain, you should definitely contact your doctor to change the remedy. In no case should you prescribe drugs yourself or change the dosage without the knowledge of the doctor.

When appointing such drug therapy it is much easier for the patient to endure the procedures, fall asleep and live out the rest of his days. Medications are prescribed for life, since with an increase in the tumor process, the pain intensifies and almost never subsides on its own.


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Signs of death from cancer

As is known, cancerous tumors can affect various organs of the human body. This is largely due to the wrong lifestyle, alcohol abuse, smoking, unfavorable environmental conditions in cities and metropolitan areas. Modern medicine is looking for ways to combat this terrible disease, scientific progress does not stand still. Perhaps in the near future, a cure will be found that will save many lives from such an ailment as cancer. However, now this terrible disease in the last stages leads to death. Cancer patients suffer and die, and, unfortunately, cancer can make a person suffer before death.

Symptoms of death

There are some signs by which you can determine the imminent death of the patient. Of course, metastases in various organs cause different symptoms. For example, tumors in the brain can cause hallucinations and memory loss, stomach cancer can vomit blood, etc.

However, in addition to the mandatory medical symptoms There are other signs of death from malignant tumors:

  1. Drowsiness and fatigue. This symptom is most common before death from cancer. The patient becomes very difficult to wake up. He wants to sleep a lot, he does not have the strength to stay awake. This is due to a slowdown in metabolism. The body receives less required amount water and food, so he goes into hibernation. This is how you can describe the desire of a patient with cancer to sleep all the time. The patient, despite his condition, is able to hear everything that happens around. Therefore, if the patient sleeps a lot, do not interfere with him. It is better to tell him something pleasant, especially since the patient, even in a coma, can hear you.
  2. Before death, a cancer patient may lose interest in food. This is directly related to the fact that the patient's body requires less and less energy, so he does not want to eat. Cancer makes patients resist even drinking. Before death, it is very difficult to make them eat. For example, many people stop eating foods such as meat because the stomach cannot digest food that is so heavy for it. It happens that even the most favorite products cease to arouse interest in the patient. Under no circumstances should a person dying of cancer be forced to eat. You can simply offer him a drink, lubricate his lips with ice, etc. Moreover, the patient may simply physically lose the ability to chew food.
  3. Difficulty breathing, like other symptoms of death, is common. A person dying of cancer may begin to wheeze or breathe too loudly. This rhythm was called Cheyne-Stokes breathing. The patient's breathing becomes intermittent, at first the movements are superficial, then they turn into deep shape. After a pause, the cycle repeats again. Patients with labored and irregular breathing are usually seated or placed under the head with a pillow.
  4. Physical weakness. Before death, cancer patients lose strength, this is due to loss of appetite and the development of the disease. The patient sometimes does not have enough strength to turn on the other side. In such situations, one should be as attentive as possible to the patient, if possible, anticipate his desires and help.
  5. Disorientation. Symptoms such as clouding of consciousness, confused speech, disorientation indicate the imminent death of the patient. Organs cease to function properly, the brain fails. The patient may forget his name, what his relatives look like. But do not panic, you need to try to calm down and be patient as much as possible. You can stroke the patient's hand, call him by name, maybe the confusion of consciousness will pass for a while.
  6. The tips of the fingers and toes may become cold. In patients who die of cancer, such a sign may indicate an imminent death. Before the onset of death, blood rushes to the vital organs, moving away from the peripheral ones. The patient's legs and arms may become pale or even blue. In such situations, you need to cover the patient with a blanket.
  7. Before death, a cancer patient begins to fail organs, almost including. Therefore, body fluid begins to accumulate, most often the legs become such a place. Before death, the patient may swell limbs. Nothing can be done about the biological processes in the body.
  8. When the patient feels the approach of death, everything around him becomes uninteresting. Some patients who are being treated for cancer are isolated from the outside world. You need to be more tolerant of the patient, even if he turned away from you. Before death, the patient may come to the realization that he will no longer be in this world, so everything ceases to make sense to him.
  9. Another sign of approaching death is the appearance of venous spots on the legs. The patient's blood circulation worsens, the veins fill with blood unevenly. If such spots appeared on the feet and soles, then the end is near.
  10. The process of urination in patients dying of cancer is disturbed. These patients are often catheterized because they do not go to the toilet often. The color of the urine of patients before death begins to have a reddish tint.

How do people who die of cancer feel?

The symptoms of impending death are about the same for various diseases. However, in patients who die of bowel, stomach, or brain cancer, they are specific:

  • if the patient has metastases in bone tissue then he feels very severe pain in the bones;
  • when the bile ducts are blocked, the patient may notice signs of jaundice;
  • some cancer patients develop gangrene of the legs;
  • poor blood clotting can lead to a stroke;
  • patients who die of cancer often experience paralysis of the limbs.
  • hematopoietic function bone marrow stops working, so patients have a pronounced anemia before death.

In addition to the above symptoms, in patients with cancer of the intestine, brain, blood of the 4th degree, causeless vomiting, intestinal obstruction, and hallucinations may occur. Death can occur due to hemorrhage, it has different character. Patients with cancer of the intestine, stomach, leukemia die of cerebral hemorrhage, some have bleeding from the rectum. Many patients vomit blood. Patients who die of cancer often feel exhausted. Doctors call this cachexia. In patients, physiological processes in the body slow down, weakness appears. Such patients begin to lose body weight before death.

Relief measures

Blood transfusion for cancer

Cancer patients often receive blood transfusions, as patients' bodies can lose a lot of blood. Platelets are needed for clotting, but donated blood unable to save the patient the immune system starts fighting cells healthy blood, mistaking them for malicious. To prevent frequent bouts of vomiting, patients are given a probe, which is removed by gastric juice. And this is not the whole list of terrible events that the terminally ill must go through.

Some stop believing in medicine and turn to charlatans and traditional healers. Often this happens when painkillers do not help cancer patients. Many understand that death is inevitable, but they want to save themselves from suffering and die healthy. Unfortunately, miracles do not happen. Only medical preparations capable of at least a little drowning out the strongest pains that appear in the last stages of the disease.

It is regrettable to write about it, but in Russia it is much more difficult to fight cancer than abroad. Surgery, chemotherapy and painkillers cost a lot of money. And to get drugs for free, you need to stand in more than one queue and walk around the offices. I would like to believe that in the near future everything will change, and all cancer patients will have access to treatment and the necessary medicines.

The symptoms and signs of approaching death listed above cannot be called mandatory, everything is purely individual. If the doctor diagnosed you with cancer, then you need to pull yourself together and fight for your life. Modern medicine is constantly looking for ways to combat this disease. Do not lose hope, try all the methods of treatment and therapy. If it happens that your loved one or native person sick with cancer and the doctor gave a disappointing prognosis, then gain strength and patience, be close to the patient, support him to the end. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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You need to contact a dermatologist and a surgeon. Treatment options may vary depending on your case. Usually such rashes are treated with cauterization, surgical excision or irradiation. .

Cancer - treatment and prevention can take any attendance thanks to WP Super Cache

Stage 4 lung cancer and symptoms before death

Lungs' cancer - oncological disease, which smokers most often suffer from. Often, in the first stages, cancer develops asymptomatically and the person does not even suspect that he is already sick. When the malaise becomes permanent, the person goes to the doctor, but it's too late. Not many people know how sick people die from lung cancer. This is a real tragedy not only for the dying person himself, but also for his family and friends.

The disease does not develop by gender, both men and women can get sick equally.

The main symptoms of the terminal stage

The terminal stage of cancer is the last (fourth) irreparable stage of the disease, when tumor cells grow uncontrollably and spread throughout the body. Death from lung cancer is inevitable at this stage.

AT modern medicine No effective therapy malignant lung tumors. If in the early stages there is still a chance for recovery, then at stages 3 and 4 the disease progresses so rapidly that it is already impossible to stop it.

Existing therapies are only capable of little time prolong the life of the patient and alleviate suffering. Lung cancer grade 4 is characterized by certain symptoms appearing before death:

  1. Drowsiness and fatigue even with small physical activity. This is due to a slowdown in metabolism against the background of dehydration. The patient often sleeps for a long time. You shouldn't worry him.
  2. Decreased appetite. It happens due to the fact that the body needs less and less energy. It becomes difficult for him to digest heavy food, such as meat, so the patient refuses to eat it, demanding a simple porridge. Before death, a person is so weak that he physically cannot swallow food. In this case, the patient should often drink water and moisten parched lips. You can't force feed.
  3. Weakness. Occurs due to lack of power. The patient eats little and therefore receives little energy. He is incapable of elementary things - to raise his head, turn on his side. Relatives should be nearby and provide him with comfort.
  4. Apathy. Comes with fading vitality. The patient ceases to be interested in surrounding events, withdraws into himself and becomes isolated - this is natural for a dying person. Try to just be there, talk to the patient, hold the hand.

Disorientation and hallucinations. Arise due to disruption of the organs and the brain in particular (oxygen starvation). The patient may experience memory lapses, speech become incoherent and meaningless.

You need to be patient, address him calmly and gently, each time calling your name.

  • Venous spots. Appear against the background of impaired blood circulation. Blood fills the vessels unevenly. Burgundy or cyanotic spots, contrasting with pale skin, begin to appear first in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. They usually appear in the last days or hours of death.
  • Shortness of breath and shortness of breath. Accompany the dying to the very end. Sometimes breathing becomes hoarse and loud - then the patient needs to raise his head and put another pillow or sit in a semi-sitting position. Breathing is difficult due to an increase in the size of the tumor and the accumulation of exudate in the lungs.
  • Violation of urination. Appears due to poor kidney function. The patient drinks little, urine becomes saturated with a brown or reddish tint. Kidney failure occurs, toxins enter the bloodstream, the patient falls into a coma, and then dies.
  • Edema lower extremities. Appears as a result of kidney failure. Instead of being excreted, body fluids accumulate in the body, namely in the legs. It speaks of imminent death.
  • Sudden change in body temperature. Cold hands and feet. This is due to impaired blood circulation. AT last moments life, the blood drains from the periphery to the vital organs. Nails become bluish. The patient should be covered with a warm blanket.
  • Excruciating pains. Occur when organs are damaged by a tumor (metastases). They are so strong that only narcotic drugs help.
  • Symptoms appear differently in each patient. It depends on the individual characteristics organism and the severity of the disease (localization of foci). The condition of a terminally ill person is steadily deteriorating every day.

    How do terminal cancer patients die?

    It is impossible to determine how long a person with stage IV cancer will live. One can only speculate based on specific signs. The process of dying from lung cancer is similar to dying from other diseases.

    The person is already aware that they are dying and is ready to accept it. In the last days of their lives, cancer patients are mostly constantly immersed in sleep, but for some, on the contrary, psychosis may begin and last for a long time.

    Death comes gradually and in stages:

    1. Predagonia. Observed severe violations central nervous system, emotional and physical activity oppressed arterial pressure drops sharply, skin turn pale. The patient can be in this state for a long time if special assistance is provided.
    2. Agony. It is characterized by circulatory and respiratory arrest against the background of imbalance vital functions when tissues are unequally saturated with oxygen. This is what causes death. This stage lasts about 2-3 hours.
    3. clinical death. A person is considered dead because all body functions stop, except for metabolic processes in cells. In other cases, the patient can be resuscitated within 5-7 minutes, but with stage 4 cancer, this stage is irreversible and clinical death always turns into biological.
    4. biological death. Final stage, characterized by the complete completion of the life of the whole organism (tissues and brain).

    The process of dying is individual and is different for each patient. At this moment, for the dying, it is necessary to create conditions for a calm departure from life. It is important to remember that in the last moments of life, relatives should be nearby and provide comfortable conditions for a terminally ill person.

    Causes of death in patients with grade 4 lung cancer

    With lung cancer, metastases quickly occur, penetrating the bones, neighboring organs and the brain.

    When a tumor affects the lung tissue, and tumor cells actively multiply, either the complete destruction of this tissue or oxygen blockage occurs - which in both cases reduces the vitality of the body and leads to death. Causes of death in lung cancer can be:


    Bleeding in 30-60% of cases is the cause of death of cancer patients. It all starts with the appearance of blood in the sputum, the amount of which increases over time. This is due to an increase in the tumor and the appearance of ulcers on the bronchial mucosa. An abscess or pneumonia may develop. Bronchial vessels are damaged, followed by profuse bleeding, which leads to death.

    Pulmonary bleeding is considered the most dangerous:

    • Asphyxic (lungs filled with blood) - resuscitation is ineffective, death can occur within 5 minutes;
    • Wave-like continuous - blood flows into the lungs.

    Complications caused by lung cancer (penetration of metastases to other organs) can cause bleeding in the intestines, hemorrhages in the brain, due to which the patient can also die.

    Complications after chemotherapy

    This method of treatment is used to destroy and stop the growth of tumor cells in the initial stages of the disease and as an additional measure (preparation of the patient for surgical treatment).

    A cancerous tumor with metastases greatly lowers the immune system. Chemotherapy drugs destroy cancer cells, but significantly reduce the protective functions of a weakened body.

    Therefore, immediately after therapy, the patient may feel relief for a while, but then comes sharp deterioration conditions, loss of strength and progression of the disease with a fatal outcome.


    Fluid of cancerous infiltrates gradually accumulates in the lungs and causes suffocation. The patient begins to choke and dies. Medicine does not yet know how to alleviate this condition of the patient. The torment that stage 4 lung cancer patients are doomed to is difficult to describe, but, unfortunately, they all experience it.

    Medical management of pain

    Cancer patients are saved from suffering by painkillers, of which there are many, but only a doctor can choose the most suitable one for a particular patient. Pain comes in different intensities, so the task of the doctor is to determine the individual dosage.

    Pain therapy involves the use of follow-up medications:

    • strong opiates with a high content narcotic substances(Morphine, Fentanyl, Oxycodone, Methadone, Diamorphine, Buprenorphine, Hydromorphone);
    • weak opiates with low content narcotic substances (Tramadol, Codeine);
    • auxiliary drugs:
    • Dexamethasone, Prednisolone - to relieve swelling;
    • Topiramate, Gabalentin - against seizures;
    • Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Aspirin - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • local anesthetics and antidepressants.

    For acute pain, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers, which are sold at the pharmacy. Usually these are oral medicines with a low price. If the pain becomes persistent, your doctor may prescribe Tramadol (prescription) tablets or injections. The patient should keep a log of drug intake by time, describe pain. Based on these data, the doctor will adjust the frequency of administration and the dose of drugs per day.

    Important! You should strictly follow the schedule of taking painkillers "ahead" of the pain. Treatment will be ineffective if the medication is taken irregularly.

    When the medications used no longer help, the oncologist will prescribe strong narcotic medications, such as Morphine or Oxycodone.

    They work well with antidepressants. For patients with impaired swallowing function or severe nausea fit such dosage forms, how rectal suppositories, drops under the tongue (one dose is 2-3 drops), patches (pasted every 2-3 days), injections and droppers.

    Many cancer patients are afraid of becoming addicted to pain medications, but this is extremely rare. If the condition improves during treatment, you can gradually reduce the dose medicinal product. Painkillers cause drowsiness, if the patient is not satisfied with this, the doctor may lower the dosage to a tolerable pain limit.

    Nutrition and patient care

    The more the disease progresses, the more the patient begins to depend on the help of others. He himself cannot move, go to the toilet, bathe, and eventually even turn over in bed.

    Walkers are available to move patients in hospices. wheelchairs, hopelessly ill patients are recommended to communicate with a psychologist who will morally prepare them for the impending death.

    If the patient began to rarely empty the intestines (a break of more than three days), and the stool became hard, he is prescribed enemas or laxatives. Violations occur in the urinary system. Often an indwelling catheter is required. With the fading of vitality, the patient's appetite also dies. With each meal and water portions become smaller. When problems with swallowing begin, relatives can only moisten their mouth and lips.

    The last days of a person's life with stage 4 cancer should pass in calm atmosphere relatives and friends. You can talk to him, read books to him or turn on soothing music. But sometimes it happens that the patient no longer wants to live and thinks about suicide, despite all the efforts and care of relatives.

    AT modern society there are disputes about euthanasia (translated from Greek - “ good death”) - is the procedure a humane way to end the life of terminally ill people and why, at the request of the patient, the doctor cannot stop his suffering by introducing lethal dose drug.

    The only place where euthanasia is legal is Oregon. Over the past few centuries, medical ethics has undergone a number of changes. If earlier it was believed that only the sick should be dealt with, now a lot of attention is paid to the dying.

    The death statistics for cancer patients are disappointing. Everything is complicated by the fact that in the early stages, cancer may not manifest itself in any way, and in the absence of specific treatment during the first year, about 90% of patients die.

    Reveal cancer cells in the lungs, you can only pass a sputum test, but often debilitating nocturnal cough(one of the signs of lung cancer) are simply attributed to colds. Therefore, everyone should undergo preventive medical examinations in a timely and regular manner.

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