Erosive gastritis complicated by bleeding. Features of the treatment of erosive gastritis. Drugs that inhibit secretion

Prerequisites for the emergence erosive gastritis many can be named. Lack of daily routine, promiscuity in food, stress and others adverse factors modern look lives are highly conducive to the emergence of a dangerous disease.

Erosive gastritis means destruction of the gastric mucosa. Progressive erosive gastritis tends to permanently spread over the area of ​​the gastric mucosa.

Distinguish three types of this gastrointestinal tract lesion:

  1. Acute erosive gastritis is the most severe and rare form diseases. Usually, it occurs after acids, poisons, toxins and other foreign chemicals enter the stomach. For acute form characterized by damage to the gastric mucosa over its entire area.
  2. Antral erosive gastritis. This variation of gastritis occurs due to being in the gastric mucosa Helicobacter bacteria pylori. The vital activity of this microfauna causes inflammation of the lower part of the gastric mucosa.
  3. Chronic erosive gastritis. The most frequent option. Appears for a reason malnutrition, alcohol abuse, medication or surgical operations on the stomach.
  4. Erosive reflux gastritis. Perhaps the most dangerous variation of the disease. The mucous membrane of the stomach begins to swell, resulting in ulcers. The tissues of the stomach begin to break down.


The following may indicate that erosive gastritis has settled in your stomach:

  • persistent heaviness in the stomach
  • dryness and bitterness in the mouth
  • putrid or sour belching
  • heartburn
  • stool disorders
  • pain in the stomach when eating

Also, erosive gastritis can have acute stage a course characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting with blood
  • stools are dark in color and contain blood

Diagnosis of the disease

The presence / absence of erosive gastritis in a patient is recorded using the endoscopy procedure. A tube will be inserted into the patient's stomach, and the doctor will examine the erosive zones. Also, if necessary, a fragment of gastric tissue will be taken to detect the presence of the last bacteria-causative agents of antral gastritis. Also, during the diagnostic process, the patient donates blood to general analysis, as well as feces (the presence of blood in the feces is checked). Further on how to treat an attack.


Erosive gastritis is treated folk remedies. As a rule, this course treatment means plant origin. Consider the most effective:

carrot juice

It is recommended to drink this vegetable juice for a month, 200 ml per day. It is believed that carrot juice has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and heals it. It will also be good to drink rosehip juice 50 ml per day in addition to block pain.


It is considered one of the most powerful fighters against erosive gastritis. Grind a small handful of the seed into a powder. The resulting powder is immersed in boiling water and boiled for ten minutes. Strain the resulting broth. Every day, take one spoonful of decoction inside and drink it with a glass of warm water (water temperature is not more than fifty degrees).

potato juice

Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze the juice so that you get 0.5 cups of juice. Drink potato juice daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

birch leaf

For the implementation of treatment in this way, young people will be needed. birch leaves. A handful of dried leaves you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink this decoction after each meal for about 12-16 days.

Various infusions

The following plants are suitable as raw materials for their preparation - St. John's wort, celery, oak bark.


Drink a teaspoon of it with a glass of warm water. Perform the procedure on an empty stomach.


Drug treatment is also successfully used in the fight against erosive gastritis. If erosive gastritis is caused by bacteria, then antibiotics are prescribed - tetracycline, amoxicillin, claritomycin, etc. The course of admission is usually very long and is determined by the attending physician.

In addition, antacids are used in the treatment, designed to normalize acidity. gastric juice. Well-known representatives of such drugs are Rennie, Almagel, Maalox. Enprostil and Omeprazole will reduce the secretion of gastric juice during its excess secretion. These drugs should be used in conjunction with drugs aimed at stimulating secretory function (for example, Mezim).

To combat reflux gastritis, use Motilac or Motilium, which stimulate motor function stomach, due to the content of domperidone in these preparations.

To restore damaged tissues of the gastric mucosa, use Iberogast and Trental preparations. Data medicines stimulate the saturation of the tissues of the stomach with oxygen and accelerate the regeneration of tissues that have been affected by erosive gastritis. In addition, for the regeneration of damaged walls of the stomach, use Sucralfate, which envelops the damaged areas with a protective shell and resists further death of the tissues of the digestive organ.


Erosive gastritis: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies and diet

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Erosive gastritis is an acute or chronic pathology, which is characterized by the formation of erosions on the inner wall of the stomach as a result of inflammatory process. The clinical picture of the disease is variable, but the main symptoms are most often nausea, pain in epigastric region bouts of vomiting, dyspeptic disorders after every meal. Before treating erosive gastritis, patients are diagnosed. The therapeutic regimen is drawn up after studying and evaluating the results of laboratory, endoscopic and instrumental research. As a rule, it includes antacids, antibiotics, inhibitors proton pump and drugs that stop stomach bleeding.

The right approach to treatment

Erosive gastritis is different from other forms gastric pathology the presence of erosions on the mucous membrane.

Such lesions precede the formation of ulcers, so anti-ulcer techniques are used in therapy. Acute erosive gastritis cannot be cured at home. The disease occurs after aggressive substances enter the stomach cavity. chemical compounds - heavy metals, acids, alkalis. They instantly corrode the mucous membrane and deeper layers, so you can help the victim only in stationary conditions. In some cases, patients undergo urgent surgery.

The chronic form of erosive gastritis develops according to different reasons, but the constant postponement of a visit to the doctor or neglect of his recommendations leads to the rapid progression of the pathology. The patient consults a gastroenterologist sharp deterioration well-being. It is provoked heavy bleeding and is expressed in the staining of feces black due to clotted blood. First of all, the doctor recommends excluding from the usual way of life the factor that provoked the development of erosive gastritis:

  • smoking and drinking alcohol. Toxic compounds found in tobacco and ethyl alcohol, damage blood vessels increase their permeability. This leads to increased stomach bleeding;
  • lack of stress resistance. People who tend to experience an ordinary household conflict strongly always suffer from gastritis. In these cases, gastroenterologists, together with the drugs of first choice, prescribe sedatives and sedatives to patients - tinctures of valerian and motherwort, Pesen, Tenoten, Deprim;
  • accompanying illnesses. Pathologies that occur against the background of metabolic disorders often cause the development of an erosive disease. Therefore, doctors simultaneous treatment gastritis, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;
  • irrational nutrition. Diet in the treatment of erosive gastritis is no less important than taking pharmacological drugs.

Some medications used in therapy chronic pathologies, with prolonged use, provoke degenerative-destructive changes in the mucous membrane. These include glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac), diuretics (Veroshpiron). The doctor cancels the drugs, replacing them with safer analogues.

Erosive gastritis can be cured only with complete failure from bad habits

Erosive gastritis, accompanied by severe bleeding, provokes the development iron deficiency anemia. A person is deteriorating not only general well-being, but also appearance- hair falls out, nails exfoliate, the skin becomes gray and dry. To replenish iron stores in the body and improve hematopoiesis, gastroenterologists can prescribe Fenyuls, Ferrum-Lek, Totem to patients.

Health food

If a patient is diagnosed with moderate to severe gastritis, then he already knows that many products are contraindicated for him. After their use, there are sharp pains in the stomach and dyspeptic disorders. Such symptoms develop if acidic, acute, hot food. Gastroenterologists recommend that patients with erosive gastritis permanently abandon following products food and drink:

  • fast food, chips, salty crackers and nuts;
  • rich borscht, soups;
  • fatty varieties of fish and meat;
  • puff pastry or pastry;
  • coffee, strong green and black tea.

You can eat dried bread, cereals, clear or pureed soups, non-acidic fruits, baked or boiled vegetables With butter. Preference should be given to fresh products stewed in a small amount of water or steamed. They don't have to be hot or cold the best option food will become room temperature. You need to eat fractionally - in small portions 6-7 times a day. This will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the healing of erosions.

Medical treatment

Before starting treatment for erosive gastritis of the stomach, endoscopic examination patient. It allows you to assess the degree of damage to the mucosa, to detect the number and location of inflammatory foci. The doctor also takes a biological sample for histological analysis tissues for the presence of pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori - common cause erosive gastritis. Based on the data obtained, the gastroenterologist draws up a therapeutic regimen that includes several groups of pharmacological drugs. When calculating dosages, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient, his general state health, the presence of pathologies of the organs of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, as well as the digestive tract.

The combination of Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is used to kill the bacteria that provoked erosive gastritis.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are prescribed for erosive gastritis with detection of Helicobacter pylori. The most commonly used drugs include:

  • Amoxicillin and its combinations with clavulanic acid - Panclav, Augmentin, Amoxiclav;
  • Cefalexin, Ciprofloxacin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Ofloxacin.

Typically, treatment begins with simultaneous reception Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin and the antimicrobial agent Metronidazole. If a pathogenic microorganisms have time to develop resistance before complete recovery, the gastroenterologist replaces one of the antibiotics.

Proton Pump Blockers

The increased acidity of gastric juice provokes the enlargement of the formed erosions and the formation of new lesions. Blockers proton pump hinder the development of hydrochloric acid, which allows them to be used for the treatment and prevention of erosive gastritis. The doctor may prescribe these drugs:

  • Omeprazole,
  • Rabeprazole
  • Lansoprazole,
  • pantoprazole,
  • Esomeprazole.

Proton pump blockers are taken throughout therapy, often taking several months. If the patient is at risk of developing erosive gastritis, then drugs can be prescribed in preventive purposes for life.


Perhaps no form of gastritis provokes the appearance of such severe pain as erosive. To eliminate and prevent them, the doctor recommends taking antispasmodics. Previously, the appointment of Drotaverin, No-shpa was widely practiced. But one of them side effects often there is a relaxation of the smooth muscle muscles of all internal organs. Such activity is highly undesirable if the patient has any chronic pathologies. Antispasmodics during pregnancy a wide range negatively affect the uterus. Therefore, more and more often to eliminate stomach pain are used:

  • Duspatalin,
  • Mebeverine.

They are selective and improve the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing long-term downtime of food, the development of rotting and fermentation processes.

Antispasmodics are used in the treatment of erosive gastritis to eliminate severe pain.


These drugs are prescribed by the attending physician for rapid decline acidity of gastric juice. Getting on erosion, hydrochloric acid provokes the development of strong acute pain. The antacid contains magnesium and aluminum hydroxides, which have alkaline properties. They neutralize the action of the acid in the process chemical reaction. Which antacids are most effective:

  • Maalox,
  • Gastal,
  • Phosphalugel,
  • Rennie,
  • Gastrocid.

Medicines also form a protective sheath on erosions that prevents penetration into open wounds. pathogenic bacteria, food and hydrochloric acid.

Digestive enzymes

In the process of treating erosive gastritis with antacids and proton pump blockers, the acidity of gastric juice is significantly reduced. This favorably affects the regeneration of the mucous membrane, but negatively affects digestion. To normalize the breakdown of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and their absorption, gastroenterologists prescribe to patients a course of such drugs:

  • Mezim forte,
  • Enzistal,
  • Festal,
  • Panzinorm,
  • Pancreatin.

These are balanced sets. digestive enzymes identical to enzymes produced by the pancreas. They are used only during the treatment of erosive gastritis, and after recovery are subject to cancellation.

In the treatment of erosive gastritis, drugs with domperidone are used to improve gastrointestinal motility.

Drugs that improve motor skills

Often, erosive gastritis is complicated by reflux, that is, the back reflux of contents into the stomach cavity. duodenum. This provokes the formation of new inflammatory foci and an increase in the severity of symptoms. The following medicines help to cure a form of erosive gastritis, accompanied by reflux:

  • motilium,
  • Passagex,
  • Motilac,
  • domperidone,
  • metoclopramide,
  • Cerucal.

The drugs promote food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating the absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances. This allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of erosive gastritis - nausea, vomiting, excessive gas formation.

Additional Treatment

When diagnosing erosive gastritis provoked by allergic agents, antihistamines are used in its treatment:

  • Loratadine,
  • Tavegil,
  • Suprastin.

also in therapeutic regimens drugs that promote rapid regeneration of erosions and other damage to the mucous membrane are included. The most effective are tablets whose active ingredient is bismuth tripotassium decitrate:

  • De-Nol,
  • Novobismol.

The drugs enhance the action of antibacterial and antimicrobial agents, form a protective shell on the inner wall of the stomach.

For the treatment of erosive gastritis, you should replace regular tea with chamomile infusion.

Traditional medicine recipes

Healers have accumulated rich experience in the treatment of gastritis, including erosive. They are used in therapy useful plants and bee products with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic and antiseptic properties. Treatment with folk remedies is carried out in rehabilitation period as an addition to a sparing diet. Healing herbs do not replace pharmacological preparations because they are incapable of destroying pathogenic bacteria and reduce gastric acidity.

After the main therapy, you can use the following traditional medicine recipes:

  • must be purchased at the pharmacy sea ​​buckthorn oil good quality(such a medicine will not cost less than 200 rubles). You should take 10 ml of oil before meals for a month. Same useful properties has freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice;
  • aloe juice exhibits powerful regenerative activity. You can buy it at a pharmacy or use a plant that is more than three years old. For the treatment of erosive gastritis, it is necessary to take a tablespoon of juice after meals. The duration of therapy is 2-3 months. With gastritis with low acidity traditional healers It is recommended to add an equal amount of honey to the bitter liquid.

What else can treat erosive pathology: fruit and vegetable juices, infusions of chamomile, marigold, succession and St. John's wort. The use of 30 mg of mumijo three times a day contributes to rapid healing damaged inner wall stomach.

Erosive gastritis can progress rapidly, especially with its bacterial and toxic etiology. How to treat it, only doctors know narrow specialization- gastroenterologists. Correctly and quickly carried out therapy will help to avoid irreversible complications, improve the quality of life of patients. How to treat chronic gastritis is described in detail in.

Erosive gastritis is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is characterized by the occurrence of erosions on the gastric mucosa. The main difference between this type of disease and ordinary gastritis is the presence of a large number erosion-prone areas of the mucosa, a change in its color, severe redness and inflammation.

Erosive gastritis can occur in acute or chronic form. In the first case unpleasant symptoms causes ingestion poor quality food or toxic substances, and the second form arises when normal functioning organs of the digestive system.

In addition, the erosive type differs from others in that it takes a long time, and more time is needed for its treatment. As they spread, erosive neoplasms can cover all parts of the gastric mucosa and thereby cause an intense manifestation of signs. The most common chronic or erosive antral gastritis.

According to medical statistics, this disease occurs several times more often in men than in women, and in childhood expressed very rarely. Bleeding is subject to every third patient, and in some cases, hemorrhages can be so strong that they cause lethal outcome. The main symptoms of erosive gastritis, in addition to constant nausea with bouts of vomiting, this is the presence blood impurities in vomit and feces. Diagnosis is carried out using a set of tools and hardware research sick. Treatment is carried out with medications and a specially formulated diet for erosive gastritis.


Erosive gastritis has many favorable factors for the emergence, which can be not only external, but also internal. The main reasons for the expression this disorder are:

Depending on what factors have become pathogens, erosive gastritis can be:

  • primary - manifests itself in practically healthy people middle-aged. Manifested due to psychological trauma, living in cities with polluted air or near factories;
  • secondary - formed against the background chronic diseases person.

There are several types in which this disease can be expressed:

  • spicy ulcerative gastritis- occurs due to injuries or burns. Differs in the presence of blood in the vomit and feces;
  • chronic erosive gastritis is a complication of chronic diseases. The course of this type is characterized by a change in exacerbations and retreats of the signs of the disorder. Neoplasms can reach up to 7 mm in length;
  • erosive antral gastritis - got its name from the lower part of the stomach and is the most common form of the disease caused by bacteria and microorganisms;
  • erosive reflux gastritis is the most severe form of the disease. It is characterized by the formation of large ulcers, and when the course is running, exfoliated tissues come out along with vomiting;
  • erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is a complicated course of the underlying disorder that causes bleeding, in rare cases they can be so strong that they lead to the death of a person.


Erosive gastritis in its characteristics is practically no different from other types of such an ailment - only the appearance of blood impurities in the vomit and feces speaks of this disease. The main symptoms of erosive gastritis:

  • painful cramps in the stomach initial stages manifestations may be minor, but the more ulcers form, the stronger the pain will be;
  • the appearance of a strong one, which may not always be associated with food intake;
  • a significant decrease in body weight of the patient;
  • constant heaviness in the stomach;
  • alternating with diarrhea or vice versa. characteristic feature there will be blood in the stool;
  • belching with an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • dryness and bitterness in the oral cavity;
  • gain pain after eating, or, conversely, during a period of prolonged fasting;
  • stomach bleeding - this will be evidenced by a change in the color of the stool, it will turn black;
  • decrease or total loss appetite.

Chronic erosive gastritis is asymptomatic. The first sign after which a person needs to see a specialist is the presence of blood in the stool and vomit.


If an untimely or incomplete treatment erosive gastritis, a person may develop the following consequences in the form of:

  • shock state;
  • decrease in blood levels;
  • bleeding;
  • the occurrence of peptic ulcer;
  • deformation of the structure of the mucous membrane of this organ;
  • infection with microorganisms.


When diagnosing erosive gastritis, it is very important to distinguish this particular disease from other disorders, which are also characterized by bleeding in the stomach. Among them:

  • the formation of ulcers;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • in the esophagus;
  • a wide range of injuries;
  • chemical burns.

Diagnostic measures for such a disease should be carried out especially carefully. They consist of:

After receiving all the results of tests and studies, the doctor determines the form of the disorder and how to treat erosive gastritis.


Therapy of this disorder should consist only of a complex of means, which consists of:

Treatment of erosive gastritis with medicines is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Often prescribed:

  • substances that relieve pain spasms;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medicines that bring the acidity of the stomach back to normal;
  • enzymes - to facilitate digestive processes;
  • drugs that help restore the integrity of the mucous membrane;
  • drugs that reduce the concentration of aggressive acid;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • hemostatic agents.

Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies combines:

  • tincture of propolis and sea buckthorn oil;
  • egg whites, which must be consumed inside;
  • a decoction of centaury and mint;
  • medicine from honey, aloe leaves, cocoa and animal fat;
  • a decoction of a mixture of calendula flowers and medicinal chamomile;
  • infusion of honey and olive oil;
  • rosehip and fennel tea.

enjoy folk methods therapy is possible only after prescription by the attending physician. Such funds should not be the only way treatment. Together with medicines, folk remedies will give results after a few weeks of use.

Diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach consists of:

  • balanced and vitamin-enriched nutrition;
  • eating small meals, six times a day;
  • refusal of salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • ban on alcoholic drinks, fresh, strong coffee;
  • eating restrictions bakery products. You can only eat dried bread;
  • eating only low-fat varieties meat or fish cooked without adding oil or boiled;
  • eating warm food - in no case should it be too hot;
  • cooking cereals and soups on water or vegetable broths;
  • reception in any number of compotes.

It should be noted that without following a special diet drug treatment will not give the expected result.


In order for a person to never have problems with the stomach in the form of erosive gastritis, it is necessary:

  • eat right and balanced. Consume products with great content vitamins and other nutrients;
  • clearly organize the daily routine, leave enough time for a quiet meal and good rest;
  • completely abandon bad habits;
  • avoid any impact or injury to the digestive tract;
  • treat chronic diseases in a timely manner;
  • avoid as much as possible stressful situations;
  • undergo a preventive examination medical institution several times a year.

Treatment of erosion of the stomach is aimed at eliminating clinical symptoms. The cause of the disease is cracks in the mucous membrane due to damage to blood vessels. Eliminate etiological factor rarely succeeds. The use of reparative agents is limited by the aggressive influence of gastric juice.

Erosion of the stomach: the right treatment

Treat erosion of the stomach should be complex. Medications have side effects. early degree erosive changes in the mucous membrane can be eliminated by diet, folk remedies, organization of the daily routine.

Dietary nutrition for erosive gastritis

The diet for erosive gastritis is based on the following principles:

  • Mechanical, thermal, chemical sparing of the gastric mucosa;
  • Refusal of fibrous, rough, hard food;
  • Do not eat baked, fried foods;
  • Priority is given to steamed food;
  • removed from the diet nutrients that increase gastric secretion;
  • Excluded hot, cold food;
  • Portion meals - 4-5 times a day.

Diet for erosion of the stomach involves the following diet:

  1. Steam omelets;
  2. Meatballs, steamed cutlets;
  3. Cooked porridge (oatmeal, semolina);
  4. Scrambled eggs;
  5. Pureed compote, soufflé, jelly, jelly;
  6. Soup with pureed vegetables;
  7. Butter, vegetable oil;
  8. Herbal decoctions;
  9. non-acidic juices;
  10. Unleavened pies with filling;
  11. Wheat bread;
  12. Boiled pasta;
  13. Kefir, curdled milk, cream, milk;
  14. Pastila, honey, jam, marshmallows;
  15. Sour cream.

What not to eat with erosive gastritis:

  1. Kvass;
  2. Confectionery;
  3. Raw vegetables;
  4. Fatty fish and meat;
  5. Mushrooms;
  6. Fish broths;
  7. bran bread;
  8. citrus juices;
  9. Strong tea;
  10. Coffee;
  11. Fried eggs;
  12. Spicy seasonings;
  13. Alcohol;
  14. Carbonated drinks;
  15. White cabbage, radish, swede, legumes, baking.
  16. Limit salt (no more than 7 grams daily).

It is optimal to dilute blood with liquid - about 1.5 liters should be drunk per day.

Diet for erosion of the stomach - the initial stage of treatment

Diet for erosive gastritis - starting treatment. Application pharmaceuticals complicates the course of nosology. The choice of drugs should be treated with extreme caution. Only when the diet does not bring effect, medicines for the stomach are prescribed.

With erosive gastritis, overeating is dangerous. Excessive stretching of the gastric wall leads to an increase in the size of erosion. Observe optimal mode sleep and rest, so as not to impair blood circulation. Smoking, frequent use alcohol - provoking factors, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer.

"Student nutrition" adversely affects digestion in the stomach. Periodic snacking on coarse food leads to the release of hydrochloric acid, which increases the size of erosion. Coarse food has a similar property.

  • Crackers;
  • Crisps;
  • fast food;
  • salted nuts;
  • Spicy snacks;
  • Spices.
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