Erosive gastritis is an acute erosion of the stomach. Erosive gastritis of the stomach. Treatment of the disease with medicines and folk remedies

In contrast to PUD (gastric ulcer), the depth of the lesion of the stomach wall from the inside is small and usually does not reach the muscle layer. The process is reversible, amenable to complete cure in case of elimination of the causes that caused erosion, with the correct, adequate, timely therapy of chronic erosive gastritis. The mucous membrane regenerates without the formation of scar tissue.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The etiology and causes of this type of gastritis have not been reliably studied to date. Very often this type of gastritis occurs against the background of a stressful situation for the body - postoperative complications, shock, burn disease, septic condition.

Long-term alcohol consumption leads to the development of cirrhosis, which increases the pressure in the internal organs and disrupts their blood supply. Diabetes mellitus, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system cause changes in the vessels of all organs and systems and provoke the development of erosions in the gastric mucosa.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs have many side effects, among them - the ability to cause damage to the gastric mucosa, manifested by erosive gastritis.

A certain role in the occurrence of this disease belongs to HP (Helicobacter pylori).

The pathogenesis of acute and chronic erosive gastritis is somewhat different.

In the first case, the mucosa is exposed to the aggressive action of acids, alkalis, alcohol-containing substances, drugs, as well as poor-quality food products containing pathogenic microorganisms and toxins produced by them. Most often, acute erosive gastritis develops in the antrum of the stomach.

The basis of the pathogenesis of exacerbation of chronic erosive gastritis is a failure in the secretory function of the stomach. Its cause often lies in a violation of the nature of nutrition, as well as in immunological, humoral or endocrinological changes in the body. As a result, there is a change in microcirculation processes, which leads to secondary inflammation and the formation of erosions.


The main clinical symptoms of erosive gastritis differ from any form of gastritis only in severity and persistence:

  1. The pain symptom in the epigastric zone can be so intense that it may be necessary to administer strong analgesics.
  2. Heartburn is characteristic of gastritis with altered motility and reflux (reverse reflux) of acidic contents into the esophagus.
  3. Dryness, bitterness in the mouth, belching rotten or sour, as well as heaviness in the stomach and impaired stools are symptoms that are very characteristic of an exacerbation of chronic erosive gastritis.
  4. The relationship of pain with the time of eating - on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. This is explained by the fact that acidic gastric juice irritates the receptors of the eroded mucosa.


Chronic gastritis, especially untreated, usually proceeds for a long time and leads to very serious complications.

First of all, this is gastric bleeding from an eroded mucosa.

Here it is important: area of ​​eroded mucosa, its localization and depth.

The most dangerous location is the region of the lesser curvature of the stomach due to the intensity of blood flow there and the location of large vessels. The antrum of the stomach is also a dangerous department, since with a complication of erosive gastritis - GU, cicatricial deformity of the antrum of the stomach occurs.

At risk are patients who take drugs that reduce blood clotting for a long time (warfarin and cardiomagnyl, for example), as well as patients suffering from arterial hypertension and diseases of the blood coagulation system.

Symptoms of the transition of erosive gastritis to erosive - hemorrhagic are as follows:

  1. Reducing the pain symptom due to the destruction of sensitive receptors.
  2. Vomiting, the intensity of which depends on the number of bleeding vessels, as well as their diameter.
  3. Anemia, the severity of which depends on the volume of blood loss.
  4. Blood elements destroyed by acid, entering the intestines, stain the feces black.
  5. Signs of vitamin deficiency (dry skin, brittle nails and hair), a very characteristic symptom: a perversion of taste and smell.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of chronic erosive gastritis is based on the conclusion of a gastroendoscopic examination, the results of a biopsy, which makes it possible to differentiate it from other diseases of the stomach, and also to test for HP.

Treatment should be timely, it lasts for a sufficiently long period, followed by endoscopic control. This examination in dynamics is necessary to control possible complications.

Therapy of chronic erosive gastritis is consonant with the treatment of gastric ulcer.

In the treatment regimen - the following drugs:

  1. Blockers of histamine receptors or proton pump. Kvamatel is a modern representative of the first group, and the second group is represented by the following: control, omez, proxium.
  2. When HP is confirmed as the etiological cause of erosive gastritis, anti-Helicobacter drugs should be present in the treatment regimen: pylobact neo, for example. The prerogative of prescribing drugs in the treatment of gastritis belongs to the gastroenterologist. Self-medication is dangerous!
  3. In order to reduce the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid, antacid preparations are connected to the treatment: Maalox, Almagel, Venter, Rennie. The protective film formed by them envelops the inflammatory mucosa and contributes to its rapid regeneration.
  4. In connection with a violation of the normal motility of the stomach and duodenum, motilium, cerucal, domperidone are added to the scheme.
  5. Panzinorm, pangrol, creon are modern enzyme preparations that are necessary to improve digestion due to the artificially created drug blocking of gastric secretion.
  6. Drugs that have a hemostatic effect are used only in the treatment of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis. Dicynon, vikasol, etamzilat are administered parenterally.

It is impossible not to mention the benefits and effectiveness of folk remedies used to treat erosive gastritis. Evidence-based medicine confirms the effectiveness of bee pollen, sea buckthorn oil, flax seeds, as well as carrot, potato and cabbage juice.

Their healing power is undeniable and convincing. Indeed, thanks to them, thousands of people got rid of the symptoms of exacerbation of erosive gastritis and returned health to their stomach.

Erosive gastritis (an alternative name is “stress”) is a disease of the gastric mucosa, characterized by inflammatory processes, sometimes erasing the inner membrane and the formation of erosive defects on the walls of the organ as a result of bleeding. This is one of the most common types of gastritis with high acidity. In rare cases, it is possible to develop erosive gastritis with low acidity.

Features of erosive gastritis:

  • it is usually difficult for the patient to independently determine that he is already ill, since the symptoms are mild;
  • due to the slow and latent course, the disease manages to affect most of the inner lining of the stomach;
  • in case of illness, several or many erosive lesions form on the mucosa;
  • poorly amenable to therapy, there are no universal remedies for it, only an integrated approach to treatment gives a result;
  • often the disease is accompanied by hemorrhagic imbibition (blood soaking of the affected areas of the mucosa), since bleeding of varying severity is a common feature in this type of gastritis;
  • if the mucosal lesions are multiple, then bleeding can occur from the entire eroded area of ​​the stomach, in which case it will be impossible to do without surgical intervention;
  • most often this disease is diagnosed in middle-aged women and older men.

Etiological factors

There are many causes of external and internal nature that can provoke the disease. Often the disorder is treated for a long time because many factors act simultaneously. In order to effectively and without complications cure gastritis when it occurs, you need to know about the factors provoking the disease and try to avoid them:

  • frequent use of too spicy and / or hot food;
  • constant stress, depression or nervous breakdown;
  • extensive body burns, head injuries of varying severity, large blood loss for a variety of reasons;
  • long-term use of any medication that can neutralize the protective function of the mucosa;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • intoxication with toxic substances, drugs;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • unbalanced regime of work and rest;
  • harmful and dangerous living and/or working conditions;
  • uncontrolled reproduction of microbes (for example, streptococci, herpes viruses, helicobacteria);
  • reflux;
  • various septic conditions;
  • malignant neoplasms in the stomach.

The specificity of the types of erosive gastritis and their symptoms

The symptoms of erosive gastritis and the treatment of this disease are directly related, since each subspecies of erosive gastritis has its own specifics, causes of development and therapy.

Depending on the provoking factors, erosive gastritis is divided into 2 types:

  1. Primary, which can be cured in a fairly short time. It occurs, as a rule, due to the stressful state of a person and an unfavorable environmental situation. Common among quite healthy middle-aged people.
  2. Secondary, which is difficult to cure quickly, since it arises and develops against the background of any chronic disorders of the patient.

Types of erosive gastritis according to the nature of the course:

  • acute erosive gastritis;
  • chronic erosive gastritis.

The most common types of erosive gastritis according to the mechanism of development:

  • atrophic erosive gastritis;
  • focal erosive gastritis.

Specificity of erosive disorder of acute and chronic nature

Direct contact of the gastric mucosa with aggressive factors (for example, spicy food, medicine and other irritants) causes a burn. It is the inflammation during the healing of this burn that causes all the symptoms of the disorder.

Signs of acute erosive gastritis:

  • dull or sharp pain in the stomach, radiating to the chest area and occurring after eating;
  • spasms of the stomach muscles;
  • frequent vomiting with a lot of mucus and blood;
  • blood in the stool;
  • loose stool.

The basis of chronic gastritis is the erosion of the mucous membrane of the inner lining of the stomach, which occurs as a result of circulatory disorders and the release of high concentration of gastric juice. Aggressive substances contained in the gastric fluid disrupt microcirculatory processes and ulcerate the walls of the stomach.

With erosive gastritis of the stomach of a chronic nature, the symptoms are mild, but some are worth paying attention to:

  • severe flatulence;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite.

Important! You can not ignore the combination of these symptoms. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination at the slightest suspicion. If this is not done, then erosion of the mucosa can asymptomatically affect large areas of the stomach, which is much more difficult to treat.

Erosive antral and focal gastritis

Erosive gastritis that develops in the lower part of the stomach (antrum), the symptoms of which are caused by Helicobacter pylori, is called antral.

Symptoms of erosive antral gastritis:

  • pain in the epigastric region that occurs regardless of food intake;
  • in the chronic stage causes severe pain on an empty stomach;
  • severe heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting - usually after eating;
  • periodic sensations of dryness and bitterness in the mouth.

What is erosive gastritis of focal nature? Bulbitis (an alternative name for the disease) is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of mucosal lesions in several places of the stomach. Wounds (defects, erosions) can affect both the distal (upper) part of the organ (actually the lower part of the esophagus), and any other part of it.

There are no deep ulcers with this type of gastritis, only the upper layers of the mucosa are damaged, erosive gastropathy is characteristic.

Symptoms of erosive focal gastritis are similar to those already described above.

Erosive gastritis of atrophic nature

Atrophic gastritis with the formation of erosion has the following features:

  • the development of the disease is possible in the presence of an autoimmune factor: the body itself produces cells that destroy healthy stomach tissues;
  • the mucous membrane is very deeply affected;
  • The course of the disease is aggravated by vitamin B deficiency.

Consequences of erosive atrophic gastritis:

  • thinning of the mucous membrane of the stomach;
  • the number of cells capable of fully performing the function of the mucosa decreases;
  • insufficient amount of gastric juice is produced;
  • food consumed is not handled properly;
  • B-deficiency anemia develops.

Complications of erosive disorder

If erosive gastritis is not diagnosed in time and treated carelessly, then the following consequences are possible:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • internal bleeding;
  • deformation of the stomach;
  • infection with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stomach cancer;
  • anorexia.

With frequent gastric bleeding from the mucosa affected by erosion, another significant complication may develop - erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis.

Risk groups for the occurrence and development of erosive hemorrhagic gastritis:

  • suffering from arterial hypertension;
  • patients with;
  • patients taking anticoagulants and any anti-inflammatory agent.

Symptoms of erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis:

  1. The pain is reduced. This is due to the fact that erosive defects destroy the receptors responsible for sensitivity.
  2. . It is a mandatory symptom.
  3. The manifestation of all the symptoms of anemia: pallor of the skin, weakness, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, dizziness.
  4. Dark stools are a must.

Diagnostic measures to identify an erosive disorder

No specialist will make a diagnosis based only on the symptoms. It is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic measures in order to draw serious conclusions.

The attending physician (gastroenterologist) should:

  • collect detailed information about the development, symptoms of the disease and possible causes of its occurrence so that the patient's medical history is complete;
  • refer the patient to a general and biochemical blood test, a study of feces for the presence of blood;
  • appoint a bacteriological study of feces and vomit;
  • make an endoscopy to the patient to determine if the patient has erosive gastropathy (the formation of defective erosions);
  • take x-rays (gastrography) of the patient.

After a complete examination and diagnosis, a specialist can treat erosive gastritis of the stomach.

Treatment of the disease with medicines and folk remedies

The key to success in the treatment of gastritis with the formation of erosions is an integrated approach, consisting of:

  • the use of drugs;
  • use of traditional medicine recipes;
  • adherence to a special diet.

Although symptoms and treatment are related, and different forms are treated with different drugs, but in medicine there is a principled approach to the treatment of gastritis, regardless of its type.

So, drug treatment of erosive gastritis includes:

  • means to eliminate excess production of gastric juice (for example, the drug Pariet - the active substance rabeprazole);
  • neutralization of aggressive hydrochloric acid with the help of antacids;
  • preparations for the treatment, restoration and normalization of the motility of the stomach and duodenum 12;
  • enzymes to facilitate digestion;
  • medicines to stop the blood;
  • painkillers;
  • agents for the fight against Helicobacter pylori.

Important! The treatment regimen for erosive gastritis can only be prescribed by a specialist (gastroenterologist or therapist). Self-medication is dangerous to health!

There will be more chances to cure erosive gastritis if folk recipes are used along with medicines. Suitable for this:

  • propolis tincture;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • egg whites;
  • decoction of mint, chamomile;
  • rosehip and fennel tea.

How to treat at home erosive gastritis of the stomach in the acute stage? Reviews of the following traditional medicine recipes claim that it is calendula-based products, as well as fresh potato juice, that are indispensable help in the fight against gastritis in the acute phase:

  1. Drink raw potato juice 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 150-200 ml. The course of admission is 30 days, but every 10 days it is necessary to take a break for 10 days too.
  2. A decoction of calendula. Pour 3-4 tsp. dry flowers of calendula 300 ml of boiling water. After 12 hours, strain the broth and drink 80-100 ml on an empty stomach. The remaining broth to drink during the day in small portions.

Important! Even knowing how to cure the acute phase of erosive gastritis at home with the help of folk remedies cannot guarantee complete relief from the disease.

How to eat with erosive gastritis

How to treat erosive gastritis with a diet? There are several fundamentally important points regarding nutrition that must be observed:

  1. Refuse food that increases the production of gastric juice: sausages and meat products, smoked meats, fried, fatty, spicy, rich, chocolate.
  2. Eat only boiled and/or steamed foods.
  3. Pay attention to how much you eat. Portions should be small, and food should be consumed at least 7 times a day.
  4. Do not overeat, but do not starve, so as not to cause an upset stomach and / or intestines.
  5. Everything consumed should be in the form of a puree or heavily crushed.
  6. The temperature of food should be medium - cold and hot are best avoided.
  7. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
  • wheat "yesterday's" bread;
  • soups on vegetable broths;
  • chicken and rabbit meat;
  • boiled fish;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge (except barley and millet);
  • vegetables and soft fruits.

Important! Proper nutrition without treatment with medications and folk recipes will not give any result.

Forecast and preventive measures

Can gastritis be cured permanently? It is possible under several conditions:

  1. The mucosa has not yet undergone irreversible changes;
  2. If the patient has a “favorable” age: in adults, the disease is more difficult. The younger the person, the greater the chance of a full recovery.
  3. The patient is a responsible person who is ready to fully follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.
  4. There are no associated chronic diseases.
  5. The patient follows a healthy lifestyle.

Preventive measures include several important recommendations:

  • keep track of how much, what and how you eat;
  • consume the required amount of vitamins and other nutrients;
  • observe the regime of work and rest;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not injure the digestive tract;
  • treat any chronic pathologies in a timely manner;
  • avoid stress;
  • undergo periodic preventive examinations.

It is possible to cure gastritis forever, but it is a difficult and long way. And remember that it is always better to prevent a disease than to fight it.

Published: July 1, 2015 at 13:42

Such an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, like gastritis, has a lot of varieties. All of them differ both in the form of damage to the digestive organ and the duration of the course of the disease, and in their location in certain sections of it.

This form of gastritis is an inflammatory injury that occurs in the furthest, distal portions of the stomach. According to medical statistics, this type of disease most often affects residents of megacities, predominantly the male part of the population.

The reason for this is the abuse of strong alcoholic beverages, smoking, often psycho-emotional overstrain, poor nutrition with a predominance of spicy, fatty, salty foods in food, a tendency to self-medicate instead of visiting a doctor with the appointment of a large number of antibiotics and nonsteroidal drugs. In order to timely recognize the onset of the disease and take the necessary measures, you should know the main signs that accompany distal gastritis:

  • After eating, pain may either appear or disappear in the epigastric region;
  • Often there is a sharp weight loss;
  • Appetite is significantly reduced;
  • Depending on the background of what acidity (increased or decreased) distal gastritis occurred, the eructation that always accompanies it can have a rotten or sour taste;
  • Constant bloating, accompanied by excessive flatulence;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, constant nausea and often vomiting.

These alarming signs make it possible to suspect an incipient distal gastritis and urgently contact a specialist for a confirmatory diagnosis.

Erosive distal gastritis

If in this inflammatory disease of the stomach on the mucous membrane of its distal section during EGD, numerous defects with an ulcer-like structure and bleeding-prone defects are found, this means that the disease has taken on a more complex and more difficult to treat form - erosive gastritis.

According to the degree of complexity, the erosive variety of this disease can be equated to a peptic ulcer. The only difference will be that in this case, when these lesions heal, no scars form. In the event that timely treatment is not started, bloody discharge appears in the vomit and feces of a sick person, which indicates internal bleeding.

Chronic distal gastritis

The disease can occur in 2 forms: chronic and acute. The chronic stage is the most dangerous and more difficult to treat for a person. With it, periods of remission of the disease are replaced by frequent exacerbations.

Distal gastritis in the case of being in the chronic stage should be constantly monitored by a specialist in order to start timely treatment as soon as possible when an exacerbation begins and prevent the progression of the disease.

Treatment of the distal form of this inflammatory disease of the stomach is prescribed only by a specialist after confirmation of the presence of this particular form of the disease has been obtained using a special diagnostic study. Only in this case there is a chance to permanently save the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

And although many people have a habit of following the advice of friends and acquaintances who have had this disease, it is worth remembering that any self-medication with this type of gastritis will not only not bring the desired results, but can also cause significant harm to the entire digestive system, as well as lead to irreparable consequences in form of incurable diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is dangerous erosive gastritis and how should it be treated?

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by the formation of erosive areas, is called erosive gastritis. Erosions are shallow wounds affecting only the upper layer of the mucosa.

The reasons that can provoke the development of the disease are quite numerous. It can be Helicobacter pylori infection, alcohol abuse, endocrine system disorders and others. Treatment of pathology is most often carried out permanently.

General symptoms of pathology

The symptoms that characterize all subspecies of erosive gastritis are quite diverse:

  • pain, determined in the epigastric region (occur most often after eating);
  • exacerbations in autumn/spring are typical for a chronic form of pathology;
  • bouts of severe heartburn;
  • discomfort in the upper abdomen (this is the most common complaint);
  • blood impurities in the vomit (a sign of an exacerbation of a chronic disease).

Advice! It is possible to draw conclusions about the development or absence of erosive gastritis only after a complete diagnosis.

Acute form of erosive inflammation of the stomach

As a rule, acute erosive gastritis occurs as a result of ingestion (accidental or intentional) of chemicals or acids. The disease typically has a rapid onset and a vivid clinical picture. It is almost impossible to confuse the symptoms of pathology with other types of the disease:

  • constant severe pain localized in the epigastric region;
  • heartburn (sometimes very severe);
  • increased pain after eating;
  • nausea ending in vomiting (vomit may contain mucus, blood clots and gastric juice);
  • diarrhea (feces can also contain blood veins).

Advice! A typical sign of erosive gastritis is that the pains calm down after a glass of drunk milk.

Treatment of acute erosive gastritis

Treatment of this type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa at home is unacceptable. The person needs urgent hospitalization. Pathology treatment includes the following activities:

  • If the causes of occurrence are the ingestion of aggressive substances, then gastric lavage is performed. So, when alkali enters the body, citric acid is added to the water for the procedure. If it was an acid, then a soda solution can act as a neutralizer.
  • With severe vomiting, the patient is prescribed a plentiful drink - plain water or solutions containing electrolytes - to restore the body's water balance.

Advice! In acute erosive gastritis, the first two days, complete fasting is desirable. After that, a strict sparing diet is prescribed.

Erosive distal gastritis

The pathology is characterized by the formation of erosions in the distal part of the stomach (here mechanical processing of food takes place). Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using laboratory tests, as well as the EFGDS procedure (internal examination of the stomach with a gastroscope).

Erosive distal gastritis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of fullness and a burning sensation, determined in the epigastric region;
  • pain (aching / dull) after eating, localized in the epigastric region;
  • bouts of nausea that occur when the stomach is empty;
  • loss of appetite;
  • an unpleasant taste in the mouth, combined with a putrid smell of breath;
  • heartburn after drinking alcohol, flour and fatty foods;
  • pain on palpation of the epigastric region (upper abdomen).

Treatment of inflammation is carried out taking into account the degree of acidity. In the case when the cause of distal gastritis was the intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therapy is carried out with drugs of the prostaglandin series.

Erosive inflammation of the antrum of the stomach

This type of disease is also called erosive antrum gastritis, since the antrum of the stomach becomes the site of localization of inflammation. The reasons for the development of pathology are infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is able to survive in the most aggressive conditions.

Almost all varieties of antral gastritis are accompanied by high acidity. Normal pH values ​​of gastric juice are diagnosed in about ¼ of all diagnosed cases. There are no typical symptoms for this type of inflammation. And complaints can only be received:

  • for mild recurrent pain in the epigastric region;
  • frequent belching.

Treatment at home is acceptable, but should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Chronic erosive inflammation of the mucosa

Prolonged inflammation of the gastric mucosa with the formation of erosions, interspersed with periods of exacerbation and remission, is called chronic erosive gastritis.

Symptoms of the chronic form

A vivid clinical picture is typical only for the beginning of the formation of pathology. But most often, chronic gastritis develops gradually and the person is not even aware of his illness. The symptoms of the chronic form depend on the level of acidity of the gastric juice. So, for gastritis with high acidity are typical:

  • "hungry" and "night" pains;
  • belching with a sour taste;
  • heartburn;
  • pain in the epigastric region with a serious violation of the diet.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa with low acidity is accompanied by:

  • dull / aching pain in the epigastric region;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • discomfort;
  • increased formation of gases and bloating;
  • frequent rumblings;
  • stool disorders (alternating constipation/diarrhea);
  • foul-smelling breath.

Diagnosis of pathology

For the disease, in addition to the formation of erosions, a change in the surface of the mucosa is characteristic. To make a diagnosis, a specialized study is prescribed - the procedure of fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Simultaneously with the examination of the mucosa, biological material is taken. The study allows you to determine the following indicators:

  • the degree of mucosal atrophy;
  • signs of dysplasia and metaplasia (a kind of precancerous condition);
  • the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is released (most often it causes inflammation).

Erosive hemorrhagic gastritis

This is one of the severe varieties of chronic erosive gastritis, characterized by periodic / regular internal bleeding. The causes of the pathology are quite serious. And these are vascular disorders, determined in the thickness of the mucous surface of the stomach. Hemorrhagic gastritis is treated in a hospital setting. Treatment at home is unacceptable, because there is a real threat to human life.

Symptoms of the disease

For the hemorrhagic form of erosive gastritis in the acute stage (with internal bleeding), the following symptoms are typical:

  • vomiting blood;
  • severe pain in the epigastric region of the abdomen;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.

The chronic form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain that develops after eating;
  • dyspeptic syndrome - attacks of nausea and heartburn, belching;
  • the presence of blood in the vomit;
  • dark stool (a sign of bleeding);
  • pale skin;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • anemia of varying degrees;
  • absence of Helicobacter pylori infection.

Most often, hemorrhagic gastritis is accompanied by increased or normal acidity. Treatment during the period of exacerbation is carried out in a hospital. And in addition to drug therapy, it also includes adherence to a strict diet.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

At home, erosive gastritis in most cases is not treated, and if a disease is detected, it is recommended to go to the hospital. Almost always, erosive inflammation of the gastric mucosa is accompanied by increased acidity, which contributes to the transition of gastritis to a more severe form of the disease - gastric ulcer.

Advice! Erosions during adequate therapy heal quickly enough without leaving scars.

Medical treatment

So, how to treat erosive gastritis? The scheme of therapy is selected after carrying out diagnostic measures. The standard for diagnosing pathology, both with increased and decreased acidity, is the procedure of endoscopy of the stomach with the taking of material for subsequent histology.

Advice! Most often, erosive inflammation of the stomach, accompanied by high acidity, is caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

The treatment regimen may include the following categories of drugs:

  • Medicines from the category of antibiotics are prescribed when a Helicobacter pylori infection is detected.
  • Drugs that can normalize the motor function of the stomach.
  • Antacids. Widely used for erosive inflammation with high acidity.
  • Drugs that improve the processes of supplying oxygen to tissues. They contribute to faster recovery of damaged tissues.
  • Enzymes. They are prescribed for inflammation of the mucosa, accompanied by increased acidity, simultaneously with antacids.
  • Drugs that help restore damaged tissue of the gastric mucosa.
  • Proton pump inhibitors are indicated for use in erosive gastritis with high acidity.

The danger of erosive gastritis is that, in the absence of adequate therapy, it can transform into ulcerative gastritis. It is almost impossible to cure ulcerative gastritis to the end. And you shouldn't forget about it.

Erosive gastritis: symptoms, signs and drug treatment

Erosive gastritis is one of the most common pathological conditions affecting the digestive system. It is characterized by the development of erosions on the surface of the gastric mucosa. This form, its symptoms and treatment, has a number of significant distinguishing features compared to the usual superficial form of gastritis. The main difference is the development of erosions, foci of severe inflammation with petechial hemorrhages.

The course of erosive gastritis can be both acute and chronic. Acute disease can occur as a result of exposure to the mucous membrane of poor-quality food. As another cause of acute gastritis, there may be exposure to toxic and toxic substances. Chronic course may be due to a violation of the functions of the epithelium of the stomach.

The course of such a chronic disease as gastritis with erosions is usually protracted and prolonged. Treatment of erosive gastritis with medicines is a very long process. The most common erosive or ulcerative process affects the antrum of the stomach. Gradually growing, erosive processes can affect the entire body of the stomach and all layers of its walls. At the same time, clinical symptoms begin to grow rapidly. Most often, erosive gastritis of the stomach is chronic. If the distal stomach is affected, inflammation can spread to the duodenum.

According to statistics, this disease is more common in men than in women. In children, for the most part, superficial gastritis occurs, and the erosive form is not typical for childhood and adolescence.

Every third patient develops bleeding from damaged gastric vessels. Usually such a picture develops at the stage of exacerbation of the inflammatory process. In some cases, bleeding can be so intense that the patient dies from hemorrhagic shock.

Main etiological factors

The etiology and mechanism of development of the erosive form of gastritis include a number of provoking factors. These causes of erosive gastritis can be both external and internal and create favorable conditions for the development of the pathological process.

  1. Long-term use of certain drugs. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid hormones, thyroid hormones. Based on this, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for the use of drugs. You should not take drugs on your own, without a prescription from your doctor.
  2. Abuse of alcohol, including beer and weak alcoholic beverages.
  3. Long-term stressful conditions or acute traumatic situations.
  4. Some metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus, disorders of the thyroid gland.
  5. Drug addiction.
  6. Chronic disorders and diseases of the liver or kidneys.
  7. Unbalanced and malnutrition - eating excessively spicy and heavy foods, strong coffee, alcohol, fast food. Violation of the diet, irregular meals, prolonged fasting, overeating at night.
  8. The presence in the stomach of the causative agent of Helicobacter pylori infection or other infectious agents.
  9. Reflux of bile from the duodenum.
  10. Harmful working or permanent living conditions.

Types of erosive gastritis

Chronic gastritis with erosions can be divided according to the type of pathogen that caused it.

Primary and secondary gastritis

Primary erosive gastritis sometimes occurs in middle-aged people who have had little to no ailment. Its appearance may be due to long-term psychological trauma or adverse conditions. Secondary gastritis can develop against the background of developed infectious diseases.

Acute and chronic forms

An acute ulcerative or erosive pathological process in the stomach can develop as a result of injuries or severe extensive burns. In the acute period with erosive gastritis, blood appears in the vomit and feces.

Chronic erosive gastritis can occur as a complication of chronic diseases. In this case, periods of exacerbation and remission replace each other.

Certain types of gastritis

Most often, chronic erosive gastritis can be localized in the antrum of the stomach. This form is the most common. The most severe form downstream is considered to be reflux-erosive gastritis. In this case, there is a reverse reflux of bile into the stomach from the duodenum and the formation of extensive ulcerative lesions on the mucosa. With advanced forms of the disease, detachment of the mucous membrane occurs, its release to the outside along with vomit.

Clinical manifestations

According to its clinical manifestations, the erosive form differs little from any other form of this inflammatory disease. A distinctive feature may be the appearance of blood impurities in the feces or vomit.

The main symptoms of an erosive lesion of the gastric mucosa are the following:

  1. The initial stages of the disease do not manifest themselves. However, the further the process develops, the more erosive and ulcerative lesions can be in the stomach.
  2. Over time, the patient begins to increase pain. The pain is disturbing in the epigastrium and may be acute cutting or burning. Symptoms of erosive gastritis gradually increase.
  3. Heartburn appears. It is not always associated with food intake.
  4. Due to malnutrition, the patient's body weight begins to progressively decrease. The patient's skin becomes greyish-pale, the hair grows dull and falls out, the nails break.
  5. There is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  6. The patient's stool is also disturbed. Diarrhea alternates with constipation and vice versa.
  7. A characteristic clinical sign is the appearance of blood impurities in the feces. Blood streaks may also appear in the vomit.
  8. Another characteristic sign that characterizes the exacerbation of erosive gastritis is belching with an unpleasant odor and taste. The patient feels dryness and bitterness in the mouth.
  9. After eating, the patient has increased pain and heaviness in the stomach. In the absence of regular nutrition, pain may also appear.
  10. The patient's appetite begins to decline rapidly.

The most serious clinical symptom may be bleeding from the stomach.

In some cases, signs of erosive gastritis may not be detected, and its course may be asymptomatic. The patient can contact a specialist when he detects blood impurities in the stool.


If the patient does not seek medical help in a timely manner, he may develop serious complications.

  1. Bleeding that can lead to the development of hemorrhagic shock in a short time.
  2. Anemia due to acute or chronic blood loss.
  3. Development of gastric ulcer.
  4. Deformation and formation of cicatricial changes in the mucous and submucosal layers of the stomach wall.
  5. Accession of a secondary infection.

Differential Diagnosis

Carrying out the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of erosive gastritis, it must be remembered that acute erosive gastritis should be distinguished from a number of other diseases. Then it will become reliably understood what erosive gastritis is. They may also be characterized by bleeding from damaged vessels of the stomach. The most characteristic are the following symptom complexes and diseases with which differential diagnosis is carried out. If such diseases are suspected, it is necessary to carefully approach the examination of the patient.

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the stomach.
  • Varicose veins that supply blood to the esophagus.
  • Burns and various injuries lead to the formation of an eroded surface in the stomach and the development of clinical signs of gastritis.

The diagnostic algorithm in this case should look like this:

  1. A thorough examination and questioning of the patient's complaints is carried out. Anamnestic data are collected in detail. With the help of anamnestic data, it is possible to find out the possible causes of the disease and how much they could affect the development of the pathological process. The presence of addictions, previous diseases, dietary disorders are specified in detail.
  2. The attending physician prescribes a fecal occult blood test to the patient.
  3. Fecal and vomit masses are sent for bacteriological examination.
  4. FGDS - this method allows you to evaluate the mucous membrane. A flexible probe with LED equipment is inserted into the patient's stomach. If necessary, a tissue sample can be taken for histological examination.
  5. Radiography of the stomach with the introduction of a contrast agent.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of erosive gastritis with drugs should include a set of measures aimed at eliminating the bacterial pathogen, removing signs of inflammation and pain. The treatment regimen in this case consists of prescribing medications to the patient, special dietary nutrition.

In the complex treatment of erosive gastritis, you can use the means recommended by alternative medicine. On the first day of exacerbation, the patient needs to create complete rest and bed rest. During this period, you can put him on a starvation diet.

Treatment with medications is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease if it was caused by a bacterial infection, as well as eliminating the symptoms of the disease. The attending physician gives the patient detailed recommendations on how to treat erosive gastritis. Each medicine has its own characteristics of use and a number of contraindications.

The following groups of medications are most often prescribed.

  1. Antimicrobials - antibiotics of the penicillin series, metronidazole, derivatives of the nitrofuran series.
  2. Antispasmodics that reduce spasm of the smooth muscles of the stomach and relieve pain. These include papaverine, no-shpa, halidor, spazmalgon.
  3. Drugs that normalize the acidity of gastric juice - this category includes several chemical groups that have different mechanisms of action and provide drug treatment. These can be proton pump inhibitors - omez, omeprazole or omeprol. In addition, drugs that block histamine receptors can reduce acidity. The most common agents are ranitidine and famotidine. The attending physician should answer the question of how many days and at what dose to take certain drugs.
  4. Antacids are drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice by reacting with hydrochloric acid. Maalox, Almagel, Phospholugel are used.
  5. Wound healing drugs - solcoseryl, methiulracil.
  6. Hemostatic drugs - vikasol, dicynone, calcium gluconate, vitamin K.

If the attending physician permits, it is possible to include folk remedies in the complex of therapeutic measures. However, treatment should not be limited to using only folk remedies. Effective treatment requires an integrated approach.

The patient is assigned a special regimen and diet. It includes dishes that are rich in vitamins and proteins. Food should be fractional and sparing. Strong drinks, coffee, fatty and spicy foods are excluded from the diet. All products must be boiled or steamed. Food should not be too hot or cold. To achieve a stable remission, the diet will have to be followed for a long time.

Treatment of erosive gastritis by different methods

Erosive gastritis is a lesion of the stomach, in which flat and superficial defects up to 3 mm in diameter are formed on its mucous membrane.

The acute form of the disease develops rapidly and is characterized by a predominant lesion of the distal parts of the stomach. If a patient is diagnosed with erosive gastritis, the treatment should be complex, the therapy should eliminate the symptoms and complications of the disease.

In the chronic course of this disease, a large number of erosions are formed on the mucosa, which are at different stages of healing, therefore, the menu for erosive gastritis is formed in such a way that food does not irritate the affected areas and does not disrupt the regeneration process. Chronic erosions look like raised areas with a diameter of 3-8 mm, which in appearance somewhat resemble papules with a central depression. Sometimes such lesions of the gastric mucosa are located in chains and develop from a month to three years, so the treatment of erosive gastritis often begins only in the later stages of its development.

Etiology of erosive gastritis

This gastritis is the most common, but at the same time, the least studied pathology of the digestive system. So far, the true cause of the formation of erosive defects, which are zones of necrosis in the stomach, has not been established. I must say that with any damage to the stomach, irritating factors act, therefore, all pharmacological and folk remedies for erosive gastritis should be aimed at eliminating the effects of these negative factors, as well as protecting the mucous membrane from further damage.

There are the following types of erosive gastritis:

  • primary - occurs more often in young people who do not have concomitant diseases;
  • secondary - occurs as a systemic lesion of the stomach, when the body is subjected to severe stress, massive burns or severe injuries.

Modern doctors do not determine a single etiology for the development of this pathology, so the treatment regimen for erosive gastritis may differ, depending on the pathogenesis of the disease. We can name only provoking factors that can increase the risk of erosion in the stomach:

  • reflux of bile and bile acids into the stomach from the duodenum, which leads to disruption of the movement of food boluses along the gastrointestinal tract, which causes erosions;
  • Helicobacter pylori infection. The presence of these bacteria in the stomach leads to the fact that the treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies is ineffective. There is no direct evidence of the influence of these microorganisms on the formation of erosions, but only against the background of antibiotic therapy, the duration of treatment is reduced;
  • the direct cause of this disease can be considered constant stress and nervous strain, which are accompanied by excessive formation of adrenaline, cortisol and thyroxine, which leads to erosion on the gastric mucosa against the background of complete well-being from the side of health. Given this, it is important not only to treat erosive gastritis with medication, but also to provide patients with complete physical and psychological rest, which helps to prevent relapses;
  • long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, aspirin, paracetamol or diclofenac).

Clinical manifestations of erosive gastritis

Acute erosive lesions of the stomach can be suspected when there are complaints of sudden heartburn, sour belching, abdominal pain that appear on an empty stomach. If such symptoms occur, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, because folk remedies do not have valuable therapeutic value if they are used in isolation without drug therapy.

It should be said that in 30-90% of cases of erosive gastritis, clinical manifestations are hardly noticeable. Already with the formation of chronic erosions, patients begin to notice a pronounced pain syndrome in the upper abdomen, as well as various digestive disorders. So, they complain of heaviness in the stomach, belching and heartburn, flatulence, constipation.

In this case, patients feel dull or paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, radiating to the spine. To eliminate disturbances in the work of the stomach, a special diet is prescribed - acute erosive gastritis is thus treated more effectively.

So, patients need to eat only pureed and semi-liquid food, you need to monitor the temperature of the dishes. Also, you can not overeat, eat fried, spicy and fatty foods, alcohol, coffee, freshly squeezed juices. Since the disease does not have a specific clinical picture, drugs for the treatment of erosive gastritis are prescribed individually, taking into account the patient's complaints.

Diagnosis of this pathology

Today, modern diagnostic methods make it possible to obtain clear examination results and evaluate them correctly. With erosive gastritis, gastroscopy is often used. This technique allows you to identify any defects in the stomach, their number and exact location, which allows the doctor to make appropriate predictions and determine how to treat erosive gastritis.

Principles of therapy

Since this disease, in its clinical manifestations, is similar to the initial stages of peptic ulcer, treatment is carried out according to general rules. If a patient is diagnosed with erosive gastritis, medications are prescribed taking into account the acidity of the stomach, the severity of the course of this disease, and the presence of other concomitant pathologies. In most cases, antibiotics, acidity regulators, as well as drugs that contribute to the faster recovery of damaged mucosa are prescribed.

In a patient diagnosed with erosive gastritis, treatment should include not only pharmacological therapy, but also alternative medicine. An excellent remedy is sea buckthorn oil, which has a protective effect on the lining of the stomach and promotes rapid healing of erosions. It can be used both with the appearance of pain, and for the purpose of prevention. Aloe juice is also widely used, but it must be said that sea buckthorn oil with erosive gastritis exhibits a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Regarding localization, erosive reflux esophagitis exists in distal, total and proximal forms. The total form is characterized by the defeat of the entire esophagus, during the proximal form, the lesion occurs only in the upper section. The distal form of this disease affects the lowest part of the esophagus, which connects to the stomach.

Meanwhile, chronic erosive reflux esophagitis (like gastritis) is characterized by prolonged inflammation of the walls of the esophagus with the appearance of erosions on them. This form develops over a long period of illness, which leads to irreversible pathologies in the functioning and structure of the esophagus.

Distal erosive reflux esophagitis

With erosive distal reflux esophagitis, the inflammation process penetrates into the deeper layers of the esophageal mucosa, and therefore, ulcers and erosions form. This form of the disease requires urgent treatment. Particles of exfoliated mucous membrane are able to come out during vomiting. In addition, healed ulcers subsequently lead to stenosis or simply narrowing of the esophageal tube.

During the onset of symptoms of erosive reflux esophagitis, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist in order to clarify the diagnosis.

Distal erosive reflux esophagitis is often associated with gastritis, diaphragmatic hernia, and gastric ulcer.

The main causes of such reflux esophagitis are stomach overflow, decreased immunity, chemical burns, and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The main clinical manifestations of the disease are severe burning sensation that occurs immediately after eating, in the supine position, soreness during swallowing, nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness in the abdomen, night cough, hoarse voice.

The distal form of reflux esophagitis is superficial, as in gastritis. In this case, the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane occurs without pathological destruction of the epithelium. If in this case you undergo a course of treatment in a timely manner, then the disease will go away completely and will not pose a threat to the body.

Erosive-ulcerative reflux esophagitis is diagnosed very quickly, depending on external signs, as well as the results of esophagoscopy, as well as x-ray studies.

If this diagnosis is confirmed, then a special diet is prescribed, which is aimed at eliminating the causes, treating the disease and alleviating the symptoms. This diet is prescribed by a specialist at the first contact.

The most common complication of the disease (grade 2) is a peptic ulcer in the esophagus (grade 3 - perforated). At grade 1, only deep defects in the walls of the esophagus are formed, which entail complex scarring, as well as possible shortening of the esophageal tube.

Chronic erosive reflux esophagitis

The chronic form of erosive-ulcerative reflux esophagitis implies the course of the disease for more than 6 months. In this case, as a rule, the signs of the disease are less pronounced. However, the treatment is more complex.

In addition, the distal form may also have a chronic course. Immediate signs are expressed in less soreness and the rarer occurrence of heartburn. As for the appearance of erosions in such a course, their prevalence is no less than in the acute form. Often this form is combined with gastritis, but not necessarily. As a rule, in 80% of cases this form occurs only 1 degree.

Also, the chronic form of the disease has periodic exacerbations. Exacerbations are characterized by severe pain and aggravation of general symptoms. During this period, a two-day fast is necessary, followed by a diet.

Treatment of erosive reflux esophagitis

In most cases, reflux esophagitis does not need serious treatment. As a rule, the recovery of patients occurs immediately after the normalization of the diet. The diet implies the exclusion of the main factors of irritation (including spicy and fatty foods, as well as bad habits, etc.). If the damage to the esophagus is more severe, then it is necessary to comply with the specialist prescribed antacids and analgesics. In addition, in some cases, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of reflux esophagitis, this will avoid many consequences. However, only a gastroenterologist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Basically, this is the appointment of antacids to get rid of heartburn, painkillers, and prohistamines to reduce acid secretion of gastric juice. In general, drugs for the treatment of this disease are not much different from those used in the case of reflux gastritis.

Degrees of erosive reflux esophagitis

According to the classification, this disease has several degrees. The 1st is characterized by manifestations of separate, non-merging erosions in the lower esophagus. With the 2nd erosive lesions, a large area of ​​the esophageal mucosa is captured. In the third case, peptic ulcer of the esophagus develops, accompanied by gastritis.

In medicine, the degree of the disease is determined in relation to the morphological changes that are detected during an endoscopic examination.

Erosive reflux esophagitis of the 1st degree is characterized by focal and mild erythema. That is, the mucous membrane of the esophagus with it is loose. At the same time, the folds of the mucosa are slightly smoothed. Treatment with drugs is not necessary, but requires a doctor's consultation.

Stage 2 disease involves the formation of single or multiple defects, usually of an elongated shape. Exudate may also be present. Erosions are located mainly on the very surface of the folds. However, the area of ​​such lesions is no more than 10% of the total surface of the esophagus. Treatment is required.

At the third, unlike the second, degree of reflux esophagitis, erosions begin to merge, as a rule, the entire surface is covered with exudate. The area of ​​defects in comparison with stage 2 is 40% larger. Treatment is urgently needed.

In the fourth, most difficult stage, the erosions merge, exudative-necrotic pathologies are already formed, the defects are arranged circularly, and this lesion extends more than 5 cm from the sphincter. Treatment should be urgent and in a hospital.

Distal gastritis, its erosive and chronic forms

Such an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, like gastritis, has a lot of varieties. All of them differ both in the form of damage to the digestive organ and the duration of the course of the disease, and in their location in certain sections of it.

This form of gastritis is an inflammatory injury that occurs in the furthest, distal portions of the stomach. According to medical statistics, this type of disease most often affects residents of megacities, predominantly the male part of the population.

The reason for this is the abuse of strong alcoholic beverages, smoking, often psycho-emotional overstrain, poor nutrition with a predominance of spicy, fatty, salty foods in food, a tendency to self-medicate instead of visiting a doctor with the appointment of a large number of antibiotics and nonsteroidal drugs. In order to timely recognize the onset of the disease and take the necessary measures, you should know the main signs that accompany distal gastritis:

  • After eating, pain may either appear or disappear in the epigastric region;
  • Often there is a sharp weight loss;
  • Appetite is significantly reduced;
  • Depending on the background of what acidity (increased or decreased) distal gastritis occurred, the eructation that always accompanies it can have a rotten or sour taste;
  • Constant bloating, accompanied by excessive flatulence;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, constant nausea and often vomiting.
  • These alarming signs make it possible to suspect an incipient distal gastritis and urgently contact a specialist for a confirmatory diagnosis.

    Erosive distal gastritis

    If in this inflammatory disease of the stomach on the mucous membrane of its distal section during FGDS, numerous defects with an ulcer-like structure and bleeding-prone defects are found, this means that the disease has taken on a more complex and more difficult to treat form - erosive gastritis.

    According to the degree of complexity, the erosive variety of this disease can be equated to a peptic ulcer. The only difference will be that in this case, when these lesions heal, no scars form. In the event that timely treatment is not started, bloody discharge appears in the vomit and feces of a sick person, which indicates internal bleeding.

    Chronic distal gastritis

    The disease can occur in 2 forms: chronic and acute. The chronic stage is the most dangerous and more difficult to treat for a person. With it, periods of remission of the disease are replaced by frequent exacerbations.

    Distal gastritis in the case of being in the chronic stage should be constantly monitored by a specialist in order to start timely treatment as soon as possible when an exacerbation begins and prevent the progression of the disease.

    Treatment of the distal form of this inflammatory disease of the stomach is prescribed only by a specialist after confirmation of the presence of this particular form of the disease has been obtained using a special diagnostic study. Only in this case there is a chance to permanently save the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

    And although many people have a habit of following the advice of friends and acquaintances who have had this disease, it is worth remembering that any self-medication with this type of gastritis will not only not bring the desired results, but can also cause significant harm to the entire digestive system, as well as lead to irreparable consequences in form of incurable diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Erosive gastritis

    Acute erosive gastritis

    Acute erosive gastritis is a superficial lesion of the gastric mucosa. It develops very quickly, especially provoked by various stresses. The acute stage of the disease requires increased attention, since it develops quite intensively. Erosions look like small wounds, while the distal stomach is more affected. In diameter, as a rule, small - from 1 to 3 mm.

    Chronic erosive gastritis

    Chronic erosive gastritis is characterized by multiple erosions of the gastric mucosa at various stages of healing. The chronic stage of the disease is the most dangerous for the state of human health in general. There can be many foci of damage to the mucosa, they can differ from each other not only in size, but also in the degree of healing. In the stomach, they look like small islands raised above the surface of the mucosa. On the tops, small ulcers are quite possible, outwardly similar to the manifestation of a stomach ulcer.

    Causes of erosive gastritis

    The main cause of erosive gastritis is considered to be untimely access to specialists. The patient is trying to self-medicate, using third-party advice, which brings his condition into a neglected form. Usually, patients do not know that an advanced form of erosive gastritis can be fatal.

    The situation is aggravated by the presence of bad habits, such as cigarettes. Smoking is generally harmful to the stomach, even if the form of gastritis is mild and quickly curable. But a cigarette on an empty stomach is a sure way not just to cancer, but to death. Doctors say that even poisons and chemicals do not always react as negatively to the gastric mucosa as it does to a cigarette or alcohol on an empty stomach.

    Taking certain medications can also lead to the development of erosive gastritis. For example, prolonged, often uncontrolled, taking Diclofenac or Paracetamol can cause a very rapid development of the disease and cause it to degenerate into cancer. Especially if a person takes such strong drugs with an already sick stomach, and even on an empty stomach.

    The presence of the pathogenic bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the stomach often leads to the development of the disease. Despite the fact that there is not yet sufficient evidence that it destroys the walls of the stomach and causes erosion. However, it has been observed that the treatment of bacterial gastritis in most cases prevents further development of gastric membrane defects.

    Erosive gastritis is divided into two types, the symptoms of which each have their own.

    Symptoms of acute erosive gastritis:

  • With an exacerbation of the disease, constant or paroxysmal pains in the abdomen appear, which can intensify after eating;
  • Heartburn or nausea after eating;
  • Vomiting, in which, in addition to the contents of the stomach, there is gastric juice, mucus and even blood clots;
  • The appearance of loose stools with an admixture of blood may indicate the onset of internal bleeding.
  • Symptoms of chronic erosive gastritis:

  • Discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea;
  • Unstable stool - frequent change from diarrhea to constipation and vice versa;
  • Belching;
  • The appearance of gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • At endoscopic examination, erosions are found on the walls of the gastric mucosa.
  • Diagnosis of erosive gastritis

    The main method for diagnosing the stomach, including erosive gastritis, is endoscopic examination. This procedure is extremely unpleasant, but necessary. Its essence is that the doctor inserts an endoscope into the stomach through the oral cavity and esophagus - a hollow tube with a light bulb and a camera at the end. Through it, he assesses the condition of the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Then the doctor makes a scraping - takes a small area of ​​the mucosa for a biopsy.

    X-ray examination is also used to detect erosions, ulcers, tumors. At the same time, the patient is given to drink a barium solution, which passes through the gastrointestinal tract, stains it, and allows you to carefully see the pathology. Complete the picture of the disease analysis data. For this, a stool and blood test is taken. The presence of red blood cells in the feces is a sign of gastric bleeding. A complete blood count reveals anemia, which also very often accompanies chronic gastric bleeding.

    Treatment of erosive gastritis

    The first stage of treatment is the elimination of the cause of gastritis. If the disease is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, then the treatment of erosive gastritis is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Most often, the patient is prescribed drugs tetracycline, levofloxacin, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, which require long-term administration. If the course of antibiotics is interrupted, then Helicobacter pylori very actively renews its colony in the stomach.

    The second stage of treatment is the normalization of the acidity of gastric juice. The gastric mucosa affected by erosion should be protected from the aggressive effects of gastric juice, sometimes even a correction of its chemical composition is required. The patient is prescribed antacids and acid blockers - Rennie, Maalox, Almagel, magnesium hydroxide, nizatidine and others. And although all these drugs belong to the group of antacids, each of the drugs has its own mechanism of action. Therefore, you should not replace one medicine with another without consulting a doctor.

    Since antacids suppress the action of gastric juice, additional enzymes are required for better digestion of food. Strengthen the secretory function of drugs Mezim, Digestal. Also at this stage of treatment, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodic drugs to the patient to eliminate stomach pain - Papaverine, No-shpa.

    The third stage of treatment of erosive gastritis is the restoration of the gastric mucosa. Iberogast, Trental drugs do an excellent job with this task - they increase the supply of oxygen to the affected tissues and regeneration occurs faster.

    Alternative treatment of erosive gastritis

    Remember that even treatment with folk remedies can be dangerous. Before you start treating erosive gastritis, you need to consult with your doctor. All actions of the patient must be coordinated and directed by them. Only under the guidance of a professional can you conduct competent treatment and cure erosive gastritis. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself. Here are a few folk recipes that are quite accessible to every ballroom person. They will not cause you any particular difficulty and will help you live on and cure this disease.

  • Take a cup of wheat grains and fill them with water, put them on the windowsill. After a few days, the wheat will sprout, they should be washed. The resulting sprouts, turn through a meat grinder or finely chop with a knife. Drink this mixture of sprouts in a tablespoon on an empty stomach.
  • Aloe is taken, which is more than three years old and put in the freezer for an hour. Then the juice is squeezed out of the plant and a spoonful of juice is taken before meals. The course of such treatment is from 1-2 months.
  • Sea buckthorn juice is diluted with water one to one. Drink half a glass before meals. Juice envelops and restores the gastric mucosa.
  • Take linden honey and mix it with Aloe juice 1x1. A tablespoon three times a day before meals. Photo: honey and apples
  • Mix milk with mummy. Consume one tablespoon at bedtime for three months.
  • Take propolis tincture or prepare it in advance. 3 parts propolis to 10 parts vodka. Dilute twenty drops of this tincture in a glass of water, take a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months, then a break. The course must be repeated twice a year.
  • Mix 250 g of buckwheat honey with 0.5 liters of olive oil. Take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
  • Drink pineapple juice half a glass before meals three times a day. The course is 3 weeks. But here you need to be careful, since pineapple can increase acidity, and with gastritis with erosion, this is dangerous.
  • There is a scheme of treatment with green apples. You need to take unripe green apples and grate them. Two tablespoons of honey are added to the resulting slurry. Do not eat 5 hours before and 5 hours after taking such a remedy. You need to take such a medicine for the first week every day, the second week three times, the third week once and then again as in the first week and repeat. So you must drink the medicine according to the scheme for three months.
  • We take in equal proportions: plantain leaves, yarrow, flax seeds, peppermint, St. John's wort, horsetail, sage. Mix this mixture in a single bowl and take a spoon. We place this spoon in a glass of boiling water and insist for three hours. Ten minutes before a meal, a cup of the resulting herbal tea is drunk.
  • Diet for erosive gastritis

    Diet is an integral part of therapy for any form of gastritis. The patient is shown fractional nutrition, food is prepared from fresh products. These products include:

  • lean meat and fish, steamed or boiled;
  • low-fat dairy products, eggs, vegetable oil;
  • buckwheat, millet, brown rice, which are a source of vegetable fiber and contribute to the restoration of the digestive system;
  • Questions and answers on the topic "Erosive gastritis"

    Question: Good afternoon! What is the diet for antral erosive gastritis, what is possible and what is not?

    Answer: Exclusion of hot food, spicy spices, fractional meals are required up to 6-8 times a day. Food should be fractional, thermally and chemically sparing.

    Question: I recently had an endoscopy, my doctor said that I have erosive gastritis. He could not give me an answer to what caused him to appear. I don't drink alcohol often and I don't take NSAIDs. I had no injuries or surgeries. Are there other causes of erosive gastritis? Can erosive gastritis be cured? What autoimmune diseases can cause erosive gastritis?

    Answer: Acute erosive gastritis can occur as a result of exposure to various substances or factors, it is also known as reactive gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). These agents/factors include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (most commonly aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen), alcohol, cocaine, stress, radiation, bile reflux, and ischemia (reduced blood supply). The gastric mucosa displays a characteristic pattern including bleeding, erosion, and ulcers. Due to the severity, these pathogens lie on the greater curvature of the stomach, and this partly explains the development of acute gastritis or a number of problems with the greater curvature of the stomach. However, the main mechanism of injury is a decrease in prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins are chemicals responsible for protecting the stomach lining from the harmful effects of stomach acid. Treatment is aimed at identifying the underlying causes and avoiding them in the future, with proton pump inhibitors and antacids.

    Question: Hello, I have Erosive gastritis, I was diagnosed with such a diagnosis after an EGD study. I have a question for you: is it possible to take honey on an empty stomach in the morning, they told me that it helps and is it possible to recover from this disease in general? Thank you.

    Answer: Hello! Honey is possible, but in the absence of diabetes and allergies to honey. To be cured, or rather to make sure that this disease does not remind of itself, is possible by following a diet and undergoing a dispensary examination by a therapist or gastroenterologist every six months. In case of exacerbations, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the appointment of a specific treatment.

    Question: Hello! I am 22 years old, I suffered from stomach pains for a long time, then I had problems with the intestines (bloating) - then I went to the doctor and underwent an examination. The biopsy showed that I have chronic atrophic erosive gastritis. Helicobacter was not found in the sample. I was prescribed de-nol 4 times a day, esolong 2 times a day, mebsin 2 times a day, festal with meals. So, the course is coming to an end, but I don’t see any improvement, rather, on the contrary, there was a sharp pain in the stomach after eating, all the same problems with the intestines, although I eat strictly on a diet. Please tell me if antibiotics are needed to treat my form of gastritis? Is acute pain after eating evidence of a deterioration in my condition?

    Answer: Antibiotics for gastritis are prescribed only if a Helicobacter pylori infection is detected. In your situation, a repeated consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary. After the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the necessary correction of the treatment.

    Question: Hello, I was diagnosed with superficial erosive gastritis. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment. At the moment there are no erosions, only swelling of the mucosa remains. Please tell me, how fast do duodenal erosions develop in time? And one more thing: now for the rest of my life I have to refuse to drink alcohol in moderation, eat fried food? Can I hope that when it finally passes, then I will be able to deny myself nothing, of course, in moderation? Or can this disease return again?

    Answer: Good afternoon! The timing of the onset of erosive lesions of the mucosa is different for everyone. If the therapy is correctly selected and the terms of treatment are correctly observed, there should not be any special problems in the future. If the condition is stable, stable remission has been achieved, a lifelong diet is not required.

    Question: Hello, I am 20 years old. For half a year I have been suffering from constipation, belching with air, recently I began to notice slight pains in my stomach. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity revealed a functional inflection of the gallbladder. FGS results: erosive gastritis, pronounced duodenogastric reflux, mucus and bile are present in the stomach. Analysis for dysbacteriosis is negative. I went to an appointment with a gastroenterologist, who literally prescribed treatment in a hurry in three minutes. I am concerned about the issue of proper nutrition in my diagnosis. Is this gastritis acidic? What foods should you eat and which should you avoid?

    Answer: Hello! With the current state of medicine, diet in the treatment of gastroenterological diseases is not given much space. With biliary dyskinesia and gastritis, it is recommended to adhere to diet No. 5A (you can see it on the Internet) and then only with an exacerbation.

    Symptoms and treatment of erosive gastritis

    Erosive gastritis is a disease in which destruction (erosion) of the gastric mucosa occurs. At the initial stage of the disease, erosive lesions can be minor and localized mainly on the outer shell of the stomach. As the disease progresses, erosion spreads over a large area, which causes the appearance of pronounced symptoms of gastritis.

    Types of erosive gastritis

    Gastritis can be classified into several types. The defining feature in this case is the localization of erosion and the stage of development of the disease.

  • Acute gastritis - the disease develops rapidly, it is characterized by shallow, superficial lesions on the entire surface of the gastric mucosa. Acute erosive gastritis of the stomach is the most severe form of the disease, but it is rare in patients. The disease can be detected after accidental or deliberate use of poisons, chemicals, concentrated acids.
  • Hemorrhagic or chronic erosive gastritis occurs most often in patients. The disease is characterized by the presence of large erosions (from 3 to 7 mm) on the gastric mucosa, inflammation of the internal lining of the digestive organ. The most common cause of chronic erosive gastritis is an unhealthy lifestyle (improper diet, alcohol abuse), long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as surgical interventions on the stomach.
  • Also very common is erosive antral gastritis caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori). Microorganisms live in the lower part of the stomach, under the mucus in an alkaline environment. Bacteria cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and the damaged tissue is practically unable to regenerate.
  • Another type of disease is erosive reflux gastritis. The disease develops due to the reflux of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach. Edema can be observed on the gastric mucosa, ulcers gradually appear, which rapidly increase in size. In the last stage of gastritis, the destroyed tissues of the stomach can flake off and come out with vomiting.
  • Symptoms of erosive gastritis

    Acute erosive gastritis may present with the following symptoms:

  • heartburn;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting, sometimes with blood;
  • unstable stool, most often with an admixture of blood;
  • dull pain in stomach, worse after eating.
  • In acute erosive gastritis, symptoms appear suddenly, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, so the disease cannot be overlooked. Otherwise, it happens if the disease is in the chronic stage. Chronic or erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis is asymptomatic for a long time, the patient begins to sound the alarm only when blood appears in the stool or vomiting with blood. However, before that, the following symptoms may indicate chronic gastritis:

  • heaviness in the stomach, discomfort;
  • flatulence;
  • loss of appetite.
  • Diagnosis of the disease

    If the patient has found signs of erosive gastritis, then you should prepare for the endoscopy procedure. An endoscope is inserted into the stomach - a tube with a camera, with which the doctor examines the surface of the mucosa, revealing erosive ulcers. During an endoscopy, the doctor may perform a biopsy, that is, taking a piece of tissue. This will reveal the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which can be the cause of antral gastritis.

    The patient also submits:

    1. complete blood count - anemia often indicates bleeding during an exacerbation of gastritis;
    2. analysis of feces for occult blood;
    3. X-ray examination may be required.

    How to treat erosive gastritis?

    Medical methods of treatment

    The first stage of treatment is the elimination of the cause of gastritis. If the disease is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, then the treatment of chronic erosive gastritis is impossible without the use of antibiotics. Most often, the patient is prescribed drugs tetracycline, levofloxacin, clarithromycin, amoxicillin, which require long-term administration. If the course of antibiotics is interrupted, then Helicobacter pylori very actively renews its colony in the stomach.

    The third stage of treatment is the restoration of the gastric mucosa. Iberogast, Trental drugs do an excellent job with this task - they increase the supply of oxygen to the affected tissues and regeneration occurs faster.

    diet disease

    Diet is the key to successful treatment of chronic erosive gastritis. The patient should completely exclude fried, pickled and canned foods, spices, pickles and smoked meats from the diet. You should also give up sweets, yeast pastries, chocolate, coffee, strong tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks, natural fresh juices, lemons and other citrus fruits.

    The diet should consist of light soups - vegetable with the addition of meat, cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, mashed potatoes without oil, vegetable stew and other dietary products. In unlimited quantities, you can use fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, but they should not be too acidic. It is better to exclude milk, it causes increased gas formation.

    The source of protein on the diet will be boiled lean fish and eggs. Eggs can be steamed into an omelette, or even eaten raw at the start of a meal. The egg gently envelops the gastric mucosa and protects it from the effects of products.

    Particular attention should be paid to the diet. It is best to eat 5 times a day, and portions should be small. Food must be chewed thoroughly so that coarse pieces do not injure the walls of the stomach.

    Rejection of bad habits

    Giving up bad habits is another component of the successful treatment of erosive gastritis. Even after recovery, it is recommended to exclude alcohol - because it corrodes the gastric mucosa, alcohol on an empty stomach is especially harmful. Smoking is also undesirable - nicotine provokes vasoconstriction, so the stomach is not sufficiently supplied with blood.


    This is a rare case in medicine when the attending physician can recommend traditional medicine recipes for use. With chronic erosive gastritis, there is often a deterioration in appetite, and folk remedies can eliminate this. To improve appetite, you need to use bitter non-alcoholic tinctures, for example, decoction of calamus, infusion of oak bark and others.

    Erosive gastritis

    Erosive gastritis is a frequently diagnosed type of inflammatory lesion of the gastric mucosa with the formation of single or multiple erosions on it. The main cause of this type of disease is considered to be stress. The psychological state of a person, as you know, affects the state of physical health. Even with proper nutrition, frequent mental stress can provoke the development of various diseases.

    Erosive gastritis is more often diagnosed in older people, mainly in men.

    The reasons

  • Stress, mental exhaustion;
  • Wrong lifestyle: smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • Infections - Helicobacter pylori, rotavirus
  • In certain cases, erosive gastritis may be a consequence of mononucleosis.
  • The initial stage of development of erosive gastritis (it is also called erosive gastropathy) may be accompanied by symptoms such as: unpleasant belching or bloating, constipation or softening of the stool or diarrhea, flatulence. Symptoms in most cases at the initial stage are quite erased. With an exacerbation of the disease, a person’s well-being quickly deteriorates, the patient seeks help from doctors.

    Acute erosive gastritis(symptoms):

  • constant pain in the abdomen, accompanied by seizures. After eating, the symptoms of pain are markedly increased;
  • heartburn or nausea that occurs after eating;
  • vomit. The patient vomits, the stomach is completely emptied, and then mucus and gastric juice come out. Vomiting may be with blood clots;
  • diarrhea also passes with blood impurities and indicates the presence of internal bleeding.
  • Chronic erosive gastritis often occurs without symptoms, which is why an error in its diagnosis is possible. The patient may sometimes be disturbed by nausea, abdominal discomfort or flatulence. Sometimes signs of erosive gastritis can manifest as a permanent unstable stool.

    It is important not to confuse - patients often confuse the symptoms of erosive gastritis with the following diseases:

  • cholecystitis
  • pancreatitis
  • giardiasis
  • proctitis
  • duodenitis
  • atrophic gastritis
  • These ailments have similar symptoms, so you should definitely consult a doctor for a diagnosis. Otherwise, you risk applying the wrong treatment and only exacerbate your disease.

    Therapy of diseases of the digestive system includes:

  • taking medications;
  • dieting;
  • lifestyle changes (giving up bad habits, hard physical work, regular meals - a sample menu is described at the end of the article).
  • Drug treatment of erosive gastritis involves taking certain drugs. If erosion began with infections, then the patient is prescribed antibiotics, symptomatic agents, acidity regulators and other drugs that are aimed at restoring the gastric mucosa. In the event that the disease is provoked by taking nonsteroidal drugs, then they are replaced with less aggressive drugs. Treatment plan for erosive gastritis in each case, a specialist gastroenterologist develops, taking into account various indicators of the patient's health (age, the presence of chronic diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, contraindications to taking certain drugs, etc.).

    About, how to treat erosive gastritis at home. without contacting a specialist, there should be no question. You should consult a doctor for any symptoms of the disease and immediately. Medicine knows cases of death in the event of complications of erosive gastritis. Non-traditional methods of treatment in this case are used as adjuvant therapy.

    In acute phases of the disease, which are accompanied by bleeding, surgical intervention is necessary.

    Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies

    Traditional medicine suggests treating erosive gastritis using natural remedies - propolis, potato juice, aloe, sea buckthorn oil, etc.

    Aloe juice has a wound-healing effect, effectively relieves inflammation. Its reception helps to eliminate erosion from the surface of the stomach. Propolis is used as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, used as an adjuvant therapy for gastritis and peptic ulcer. The use of sea buckthorn oil and potato juice for erosive gastritis is indicated for increased acidity of the stomach. Both drugs have a mild analgesic and wound-healing effect, they should be taken regularly, 1 teaspoon half an hour before eating.

    Chronic erosive gastritis

    Chronic erosive gastritis is diagnosed quite often during the examination of the patient's stomach for the presence of any other pathology. The main cause of the development of the disease is considered to be the intake of non-steroidal drugs, a viral infection, Crohn's disease. As a rule, a person does not pay attention to such symptoms of the disease as bloating, sour belching, constipation and diarrhea, while they may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the stomach. And only a rapid deterioration in well-being due to an exacerbation of an erosive disease becomes the reason for seeking medical help.

    Chronic erosive gastritis is asymptomatic in remission or is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • heaviness in the stomach, mainly after eating;
  • flatulence, sour belching in the morning;
  • pain in the stomach, instability of the stool.
  • If left untreated, this form of the disease can lead to stomach ulcers, causing internal bleeding. It is also possible to develop esophagitis.

    Nutrition for erosive gastritis

    Diet is an integral part of therapy for any form of gastritis. The patient is shown fractional nutrition, the menu should consist of fresh products. These products include:

  • lean protein meat and fish dishes, steamed or boiled;
  • buckwheat, millet, brown rice, which are a source of vegetable fiber and contribute to the restoration of the digestive system. Buckwheat porridge is especially useful;
  • low acid fruits and vegetables. For example, apples, carrots, celery, peaches, bananas, pumpkins, pears, greens. At the same time, broccoli, onions, legumes and other foods, the use of which is accompanied by excessive gas formation in the intestines, are contraindicated for the patient.
  • With inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and even more so if there is erosion on it, it is necessary to exclude heavy, fatty, indigestible foods (pork, beef, fried potatoes), highly carbonated drinks, and alcohol from your diet.

    Erosive gastritis is a single or multiple defects in the gastric mucosa. At the initial stage, the disease is manifested by microscopic wounds that form only on the surface of the mucosa. In the international classification, it has the ICD code 10 (K00-K93).


    Erosive gastritis can occur in chronic or acute form. The first option generates a violation of the digestive organs, the second when using low-quality products or chemicals.

    According to statistics, men are more susceptible to erosive gastritis than women; in children, the manifestation of the disease is rare.

    Erosive gastritis can have not only external causes for occurrence, but also internal ones.

    • Prolonged, uncontrolled use of drugs;
    • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
    • Prolonged stress;
    • Insufficiency of the hormone insulin;
    • Taking drugs;
    • Disorders in the thyroid gland;
    • Chronic diseases of all body systems;
    • Binge eating;
    • Starvation;
    • Poor quality food;
    • The influence of Helicobacter pylori, and other pathogens;
    • Reflux (ingression of stomach acid into the esophagus);
    • Living in an unfavorable area;
    • Work in hazardous production;
    • Failure of the hormonal system;
    • Violation of the blood circulation of the gastric walls;
    • Oncology.


    Depending on the cause of erosive gastritis, it is divided into:

    • Primary erosive gastritis. It is observed in the majority of older people living in places with unfavorable ecology;
    • Secondary erosive gastritis. Develops subsequently chronic diseases;

    There are also several types of manifestation of the disease

    • Acute ulcerative erosive gastritis. The cause for its occurrence is often mechanical damage to the walls of the stomach or chemical burns. It is characterized by the content of blood in vomit and feces;
    • Chronic erosive gastritis. Occurs with a complication of chronic diseases. It is characterized by a change in exacerbations and a weakening of symptoms. Erosions can reach up to 5 mm in diameter;
    • Erosive antral gastritis. The most common type, excited by harmful microbes;
    • Erosive reflux gastritis. Severe type of disease. It is characterized by the formation of large ulcers. In a neglected form, detachment of mucosal tissues and their exit with vomit is possible;
    • Erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis. A complication of pathology causing heavy bleeding. In severe cases, it can lead to death.


    The main clinical signs of erosive gastritis may appear a few hours after the influence of external factors. They are expressed

    • Heaviness and discomfort in the left hypochondrium;
    • Fast fatiguability;
    • nausea;
    • Violation of the vestibular apparatus;
    • Vomit;
    • Liquefaction of the stool.

    The general condition of the patient worsens, there is increased sweating, dry mouth or profuse salivation. The tongue becomes covered with a grayish coating, and the skin and mucous membranes become icteric.

    Manifestations of acute erosive gastritis are characterized by sharp pain in the stomach. Increased discomfort occurs after eating, or after a short time. Pain is associated with damage to the deep layers of the mucosa and muscle mass of the gastric walls.

    The attack is often accompanied by vomiting with blood content, and the feces because of this become almost black.

    Symptoms of erosive gastritis of the stomach often go unnoticed. Patients complain of increased gas formation and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Uncomfortable sensations in the esophagus, heaviness after eating and frequent stools.


    Making the correct diagnosis depends on a careful history taking. A significant loss of body weight in a short period of time, uncontrolled medication and alcohol consumption speak volumes.

    Where does it hurt

    The chronic form of erosive gastritis can be painless. Acute is characterized by cutting pains in the stomach and sternum.

    What hurts

    Painful spasmodic attacks hold down the abdominal cavity. In some cases, it can give in the back and under the left shoulder blade.

    What needs to be examined

    To diagnose erosive gastritis of the stomach, first of all, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out. A blood sample is taken for a general analysis to confirm (refute) anemia. Fecal masses for blood content.

    Blood biochemistry reveals complications and concomitant diseases.

    To identify the pathogen that provoked erosive gastritis of the stomach, a bacteriological analysis of the contents of the stomach, released with vomiting and feces, is carried out.

    • Of the instrumental methods, esophagogastrodoudenoscopy with biopsy sampling is most often used. During the procedure, the degree of destruction of the mucosa, the depth and extent of erosion and the place of bleeding are assessed. With abundant blood loss, the manipulation should be carried out immediately, with the patient's steady state within 12-20 hours.
    • If EGDS is not possible, the fluoroscopy method is used. The procedure can be carried out both through conventional gastrography and with the introduction of a dye into the organ. On x-rays, swelling and an increase in the thickness of the folds of the gastric mucosa can be seen. Double contrasting of the gastric walls is more informative. With such a study, you can see linear, or extended defects in the shell and visualize torn edges.
    • pH meter. Allows you to determine the content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

    Important! The study of gastric juice is impossible after surgery and with stenosis.

    Who to contact

    When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to contact the district clinic to a gastroenterologist to determine the diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.


    Treatment of erosive gastritis must be carried out by a complex method. The priority measures include the elimination of anemia and the elimination of blood flow disorders by blood transfusion.

    Note! The treatment regimen for erosive gastritis is complex and only a specialist can make the correct appointment.


    Symptoms and treatment of the disease depends on the form of its manifestation.

    • Antibiotics. It is used when Helicobacter pylori is detected. A combination of several antibacterial drugs is prescribed. Therapy lasts 7-10 days;
    • Drugs that restore gastrointestinal motility. Appointed when reflux is detected. Recently, preparations containing domperidone (Motilium) have been widely used for this purpose;
    • Antacids are prescribed for a disease with significant mucosal defects and increased acidity of gastric juice. It is recommended to take non-absorbable antacids, which contain aluminum and magnesium salts (Maalox);
    • Means regenerating tissues and improving their saturation with oxygen (Iberogast).
    • Enzymes are needed when taking antacids, which significantly reduce digestive function (Mezim);
    • Restorative drugs form a protective film on the surface of the gastric walls, prevent their further destruction and protect against irritating effects (Venter);
    • Proton pump inhibitors are indicated for patients with hyperacidity, they inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid (Omeprazole, Omez).

    Folk remedies

    As an auxiliary therapy, treatment with folk remedies has also proven itself.

    Important! You can not replace drugs with decoctions and infusions of herbs without first consulting a doctor.

    • Sea buckthorn fruit oil is a wound healing and anti-inflammatory property. For treatment, you can use a pharmacy product or prepared yourself. To prepare it, you need an equal amount of sea buckthorn juice and high-quality olive oil. The products are carefully combined and let infuse for 3-4 days. The resulting mixture should be taken on an empty stomach, in the morning, 25 ml. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks.
    • Propolis tincture will help reduce pain. Dilute 15 drops of alcohol tincture in 150 ml of cool water and drink before each meal. Course 3 weeks.
    • Milk and chamomile. In a glass of boiling milk put 5 tbsp. spoons of chamomile inflorescences, boil and leave for 1 hour. Drink 1 glass on an empty stomach. The course is 5-7 days.

    Important! Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of the recipes.

    Nutrition for erosive gastritis

    Treatment of erosive gastritis is impossible without dietary restrictions. In the first hours of exacerbation, the patient is prescribed complete fasting. Fasting therapy can last from 6 to 24 hours, depending on the severity of the condition. A day later, dishes cooked in a double boiler or boiled are introduced into the menu. Nutrition for erosive gastritis of the stomach must be fractional (often in small portions).

    Properly selected treatment and diet can alleviate the patient's condition in a short time.

    What is prohibited

    Erosive gastritis requires adherence to a certain diet, many ingredients are under the strictest ban.

    • Muffin, freshly baked bread;
    • Saturated meat and fish broths;
    • Mushrooms;
    • Spicy and sour soups;
    • Greasy varieties of meat and fish;
    • Canned, pickled, spicy and salty foods;
    • Barley, barley, and corn grits;
    • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat and acid;
    • Cabbage, radish, tomato;
    • Beans, peas;
    • Alcohol-containing liquids;
    • Concentrated coffee and tea;
    • Chocolate products.

    A diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach should reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, therefore, it limits the intake of protein and fatty foods. Meat can be eaten 1 p. per day in small quantities.

    Reference! After strict restrictions on food, the usual menu should be switched gradually. After recovery, the attending physician advises the patient what to eat and in what quantities.

    What can

    • Dried wheat bread;
    • Grated cereal soups in milk, or vegetable broth;
    • Milk;
    • Protein omelet;
    • banana puree;
    • Kissels from berries with a neutral taste;
    • Semolina, buckwheat and rice;
    • Ground poultry or beef meat in a meat grinder;
    • Mashed potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower;
    • Pasta.

    Nutrition for erosive gastritis of the stomach should be balanced. The list of allowed products allows you to develop a fairly diverse menu for erosive gastritis. Eating scalding or icy food is not recommended. Diet for erosive gastritis of the stomach excludes the use of "fast foods".

    Approximate diet

    • Morning. Well boiled rice in milk with butter. Long loaf cracker, jelly;
    • Snack. Dried loaf sandwich with cheese, weak tea;
    • Day. Grated vegetable soup of cauliflower with buckwheat, mashed potatoes with meat soufflé, compote, wheat croutons;
    • Snack. Biscuits with milk, banana;
    • Evening. Low-fat cottage cheese casserole, cracker with rosehip tea.

    Desserts should be replaced with baked fruits with a low sugar content.

    Note! The diet prescribed for erosive gastritis is also not bad.

    Complications and consequences

    If you ignore erosive gastritis of the stomach and do not consult a doctor in time, the consequences of the disease can become dangerous.

    • Profuse internal bleeding;
    • state of shock;
    • Decrease in red blood cells in the blood;

    With long-term exposure to destructive factors on the gastric mucosa,

    • Ulcer disease. The cause is focal erosive gastritis. Inflammation captures not only the mucous, but also the muscle tissue of the organ. This is done due to the influence of sulfuric acid and large pieces of swallowed food. An ulcer is dangerous with the possibility of perforation (breakthrough) of the gastric wall and transformation into oncology.
    • Oncology. Permanent inflammatory processes of the mucosa with erosive gastritis can degenerate into a malignant tumor. If gastric cancer is detected, its partial or complete removal is carried out, followed by the appointment of chemotherapy.


    Prevention of erosive gastritis should be carried out in two directions:

    • Public events include sanitary supervision of catering establishments. Control is exercised over the quality of food, cleanliness of kitchen linen and utensils. All kitchen workers must undergo a regular hygienic examination and an annual medical examination.
    • An important role in the prevention of erosive gastritis of the stomach is played by sanitary and educational work with people, which explains the importance of observing food hygiene.
    • Individual preventive measures include the organization of the diet. The menu should be complete and include all the necessary substances. Food preparation must comply with the rules of hygiene. Vegetables should be washed well under running water and avoid eating half-baked meat and fish. Compliance with the rules of storage of products will protect them from infection with harmful bacteria.

    All patients with erosive gastritis should be examined 2 p. in year.

    Each patient with erosive gastritis of the stomach should have a doctor he trusts. It is with him that issues related to treatment, nutrition and disease prevention should be discussed.

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