Dedication to the modern dvoechnik. A.P. Chekhov and education. Dedication to the Modern Loser The Image of the Loser in Russian Literature

In fact, we are not all divided into whites and blacks, men and women, or Jews and anti-Semites. We are divided into excellent students and losers. And the class struggle has been going on between us for centuries.

Excellent students get up early, and not always because they are larks. They get up early because they have to. If they do not accidentally get up early, they get up late. Late is ten in the morning. Okay, eleven. The very edge - at twelve, with the words "how much you can sleep." Excellent students generally tend to ask themselves and others rhetorical questions. For example, "when, if not today, will I do this?", "how long can your idleness continue?" and "don't you understand that ...". "Do not you understand?" - the key question of excellent students. They don't understand how you can not understand.

Twins don't understand.

Excellent students work in systems. It matters to them. At the same time, it is important for them that they are valued in the system where they work. If they are not valued in the system where they work, excellent students look for a new system. The greatest reward for an excellent student is when the system did not appreciate them at first, but now it does. The worst punishment is to fail in the eyes of the system. If you ask an excellent student "who are you", he will honestly answer: "engineer-technologist".

If you ask "who are you" a loser, he will answer "Vasya".

The main reason for all the actions of an excellent student is the conviction that this is how it should be. You need to study well, you need to get good grades in exams, you need to find a good job (how else?), and in this good job you need to make a career, because you need to make a career. Yes, for the same reason they wash dirty dishes.

Losers also wash dirty dishes. When clean ends.

Primary stratification occurs at school. It is easy to recognize an excellent student, and not at all by glasses or by an intelligent face. An excellent student is one who does homework. Every day. He comes home after school, changes into home clothes, warms up dinner, has lunch - and sits down. Another excellent student is quick and easy, so he sits down for half an hour, and in half an hour everything is ready for him. Another excellent student is thorough and stubborn, so his lessons are done all evening. There are even those who do the Lessons for the Day After Tomorrow every day - but this is a special category of humanity, and we are not talking about them now.

Having done his homework, the excellent student smiles and stretches. If he is a True A student, he can also collect a portfolio after that. However, this is not necessary - I knew one real honors student, for whom my mother collected the portfolio for all ten school years.

Now quickly raise your hand, those who regularly scribbled home math on the windowsill in the toilet opposite the chemistry room on the fifth floor. Everything is clear with you. You probably still remember that for medium-sized homework, you need a regular break (ten minutes) in the fifth grade, and a large one (twenty) in the eighth. What? Didn't "scribble", but "blew off"? You yourself "blew away". To quietly write off an assignment in any subject, no change is needed. We need the last desk and a biology lesson. Maybe literature.

But blowing away is kindergarten. The aerobatics of a loser is to do your homework yourself, and at the very lesson for which it is assigned. Preferably sitting not on the last, but on the first desk. To do it brilliantly, with fiction, with a twist, and, having done it, immediately volunteer to answer. Answer in such a way that the teacher will cry with delight, get a legitimate five with a bow and, sitting down, finally delve into reading the second volume of Oswald Spengler's work "The Decline of Europe". For the sake of which it was necessary to answer voluntarily, so that later they would not pull. Only a true, deep, I'm not afraid of this word, spiritual loser is capable of this. Which, in general, does not care what to do, as long as it is interesting and not pulled. Unfortunately, the combination of "interesting" and "not pulled" at school (and in life) is rare, so for the sake of his meaning of life, a loser has to work much harder than an excellent student. If he is, of course, hardworking enough to do it.

Ratings don't tell us anything. On the "Pride of the School" board, both portraits of excellent students and portraits of losers hang mixed up. The latter have no less high marks, commendations and victories at physics and mathematics Olympiads, and among the former there are a lot of gloomy middle peasants. It's not about points, it's about approach.

Excellence in any
- Why?
- Necessary!

Double for any
- Necessary!
- Why?

At the end of school, excellent students and losers roll out into a big life. It’s easy for excellent students there, the word “must” leads them along. Losers are more difficult: they have to struggle to think how to get out so as not to give up anything. Doubles do not like to compromise. This is perhaps the second essential difference between the two classes: an excellent student knows for sure what is necessary and must be sacrificed in order to achieve what must be achieved. The Loser is absolutely sure that it makes no sense to give up anything, therefore he only gives up what does not matter to him. He doesn't care much. Actually, it is still important for him only to be interesting and not particularly pulled. The word "special" reveals the last concession that a loser makes to society.

An excellent student works like a plow: he plows evenly, leaving a deep furrow behind him.
The double works like an explosion. Empty, empty, empty, poker.

Both excellent students and losers are talented. Both losers and excellent students are brilliant. Brilliant honors students make millionaires and presidents of corporations, and brilliant losers make writers-poets, programmers-engineers and other creative salt of the earth, not burdened by excessive socialization.

Normal capable excellent students make good specialists with a decent salary. From normal capable losers, people of free professions are obtained, working for themselves and receiving either a piece a day, or a fig a month. In addition, in any system, a fairly large number of losers regularly feed, who from time to time give more or less brilliant ideas, for which they are forgiven through gritted teeth for constant delays, vacations at the most inopportune moment and the continuous death of their beloved relatives at all other times.

Unsuccessful honors students still make good specialists with normal salaries - simply because there are no absolutely unsuccessful honors students. Excellent students are arranged in such a way: they are not able to work poorly.
But what happens from unsuccessful losers, no one knows. Because which of the proud losers admits even to himself that he is the unsuccessful one?

Two classes, as expected, experience class hatred for each other. Honors students consider losers to be lucky loafers who receive gifts from life for beautiful eyes. If, at the same time, a particular loser is at least unsuccessful in the area that seems to be the most important for an excellent student (say, he constantly has no money, because he is not ready to work in the system, or he is deprived of his personal life, because who will go for such happiness) , excellent students are ready to treat him condescendingly. But if a loser lives as he sees fit, works as he likes, has a lot of money for it and is happily in love - any excellent student will experience legitimate indignation at the sight of him. It is best for a loser to be a drunkard - then excellent students will love him. Because they themselves, of course, never.

Losers, for their part, are convinced that excellent students are primitive bores who cannot get up without an alarm clock and live without orders. Their attitude can be softened, for example, by the obvious disgust of an excellent student for his own work. Or a slight clinical depression, and even better - a nervous breakdown. Or at least an honor student's awareness of the poverty of his gray path in front of the peaks of the mountain path of a free loser. If an excellent student is busy with an important and interesting business, receives a lot of money, is healthy and, for the life of him, does not understand why his life is worse than Van Gogh's life without ears, the proud bird of a loser will despise him. This contempt is akin to the one that a freckled kid with a hole in his pants and fingers in ink pours over a neat boy with bangs and a handkerchief.

But the one with freckles can run through puddles and kick tin cans. But this, with a bang, is constantly set as an example to him. In the depths of their souls, both classes are vaguely jealous of each other - because that other side knows what this one does not know.
An excellent student knows for sure that there should be food in the house, food in the refrigerator, and the floors in the apartment should be washed at least once a week.
The twin believes that there should be equality between a man and a woman. Equality is expressed in the fact that she marries him, and he does everything else for her.
An excellent student has children because she is a woman, brings them up because she is a mother, and helps her parents because she is a daughter.
A Loser girl has children because she wonders what faces they will have, does not bring them up at all, because it will do, and helps her parents, because otherwise they will not be left behind.
An excellent student will never let her husband go to work in a dirty shirt.
The Loser student does not consider it necessary to check whether he put on a shirt at all.
An excellent student would rather hang herself than serve sausages to the family for dinner.
A Loser would rather hang herself than think about dinner.
Yes, and even excellent students know how to iron. Lingerie. iron. Losers tend to think that "clean" means "beautiful", and most often they stroke bare skin. hand. However, excellent students also know how to do this - when they find time free from work.

But an excellent student follows fashion, figure, overweight and family reputation.
But the loser does not know that the word "orgasms" exists in the singular.

It would be logical to assume that interclass marriages almost never happen, but this is not so. Losers often love excellent students - because the order in the house and without question it is clear who we have in a pair of pancake creative personality. Excellent students sometimes fall in love with losers - because washing socks is not a great art, but not everyone knows how to smile so sincerely, asking "dear, what's for dinner?"

Of course, ideal couples are also created. Two straight-A students living together can achieve unprecedented career heights, earn millions, build a huge house, and raise a bunch of rosy kids. And the lovebirds are able to invent a perpetual motion machine, build an eroplane out of it and fly somewhere to such and such a mother and everyone's satisfaction.

But at the same time, two excellent students are often unbearably bored with each other.
And a couple of losers will get covered in mud up to their ears and die of hunger, because not one of them will agree to get up early to go and get a patent for a perpetual motion machine. More precisely, one will agree, but oversleep. And the second promises to wake him up, but forgets.

Do you think I'm exaggerating?

Well, yes. I myself think so.

But try to remember what time you got up yesterday. And who was lying next to you. And what did he do. And what did you think of it.

And why didn't you tell him that.

Once Seryozha decided to please two teachers at once - in Russian and in singing.

At 8.27, with a guitar, he stood under the windows of the school and sang exercise No. 43. Then Seryozha sang: exercises 44, 45, 46, presentation, dictation, and finally - an essay on the topic: "The image of a loser in the fiction of the second half of the twentieth century." The teachers looked out of the windows and seemed pleased.

Inspired by the fact that they don't shout at him, Seryozha sang the English alphabet. Then he sang paragraph No. 18 - "The slave system in ancient Rome", "The animal and plant world of the middle zone", periodic tables, multiplications, the structure of the cell.

And when Seryozha sang everything, satisfied teachers came out of the school and gave him five. In addition to physical education and labor teachers, who came out very dissatisfied and gave two marks.

"You can't please everyone," Seryozha thought.

Seryozha usually copied

Usually Seryozha copied the lessons from Serebertseva and took it calmly: "So what? Nonsense. She loves me." But sometimes something happened to Seryozha, and bad thoughts - what if Serebertseva stops loving me? didn't let him sleep.

And then he got out of bed at night, sat down at his desk and tried to solve a math problem or memorize a poem. But he didn't succeed.

Then Seryozha began to worry and called Serebertseva.

“Hello,” Serebertseva’s dad said in a hoarse voice.

– Can Lena? Serezha asked.

- What?! Again?! At four in the morning?! - shouted dad Serebertseva. - I'll show you Lena! Ugliness! - and hung up.

After such conversations, Seryozha became even worse. Fortunately, these bad thoughts did not come every day, but only on Sundays and Thursdays.

How a physics teacher wanted to put an A

“Listen, Seryozha,” a physics teacher once said, “I'm not a beast. If you know anything in physics, tell me, I'll give you a five.

- What can I say? Seryozha asked.

- Well, for example, that gravity acts on all bodies. Tell. Come on... repeat. On all bodies-ah-ah-ah ...

“I can’t,” Seryozha muttered. I can't repeat what I don't believe in.

- How can you not believe! the physics teacher was surprised. “Well, if you don’t believe me, don’t,” she smiled. - You just repeat, and I'll give you five in the magazine right away, huh? And let me go home, huh? I'll give you a hundred rubles, eh?

“I can’t,” Seryozha said firmly, “I don’t believe it.

– What do you believe in? the teacher screamed.

“I believe in goblin, in Baba Yaga, in Koshchei the Immortal, in Ereke-Dyereke, in flying desks,” Seryozha said calmly.

After that, his desk rose above the floor and flew towards the exit.

“Sit down, Gavrilov,” said the physics teacher, “two!”

Seryozha caught the desk and sat down.

Teachers can't stand

Everyone knows that teachers hate each other - they only pretend to love - because everyone considers their subject the most important. And the Russian language teacher considers her subject to be the most important. Therefore, she asked an essay on the topic "The most important subject." It was enough to write just one sentence: "The most important subject is the Russian language," even with mistakes, and you will get an A. And everyone did just that, except for Seryozha, because Seryozha did not understand what kind of subjects they were talking about. He thought the object was something solid and wrote about a lighter.

- "The most important thing," the teacher read Serezha's essay aloud, "is a lighter. You can't light a cigarette without a lighter." Just think, - she stopped, - you won’t light it. I asked a passer-by for a light, and that's it.

What if it's in the desert? Seryozha calmly objected.

- In the desert and from the sand you can light a cigarette, - the teacher answered calmly. - In the desert - hot sand.

- Well, - Seryozha agreed calmly, - and in the tundra, at minus fifty?

“In the tundra, yes,” the Russian language teacher agreed.

"Then why two?" Seryozha asked.

“Because we are not in the tundra,” the Russian language teacher calmly sighed. “And not in the tundra,” she suddenly shouted, “the most important subject is the great and mighty Russian language!”

Once, the teachers invited an outstanding loser, three times a student of the 4th grade "B" Gavrilov Seryozha, to speak at the teachers' council with a report: "Why children do not want to study and do not do their homework."

“There is nothing in the Celestial Empire that can be compared with the benefits of inaction. This is the law of the heavenly Dao,” Seryozha began. “When learning is destroyed, then there will be no sadness,” said Seryozha and sighed deeply.

– What about physics? the physics teacher shouted from her seat. - Without physics, Gavrilov, you would not even know that the Earth is round!

- How round is it? Serezha was surprised.

- How what! - the geography teacher could not stand it and took out a cast-iron globe from her purse, which she always carried with her as a means of self-defense. - It's like a globe!

“Well, well,” Seryozha grinned and pointed to the ocean, “why doesn’t the water pour out then?”

- And the Earth attracts it like a magnet! the physics teacher, flushed with excitement, jumped up again.

“A magnet does not attract water,” Seryozha said and wearily closed his eyes. “I knew this when I was in kindergarten.

- What do you think, Sergey Sergeevich, - the director of the school politely addressed Seryozha, - the scientists were mistaken, and all the victims were in vain?

- Errare humanum est - to err - human property. Cicero, - said Seryozha and spread his hands. “I understand you, and believe me, I’m sorry.

- How how? the history teacher asked. - Repeat again, I did not have time to write down. - Errare humanum who?

“Est,” said Seryozha.

Talked in class

Once Seryozha read in a book about scouts that one must be able to divert the attention of the enemy.

Well, mom and dad, of course, are good and not quite enemies, but it is necessary to learn how to divert their attention. For example, from the diary, when it says: "TALKED IN THE LESSON!".

Seryozha came from school and, before my mother had time to ask about the diary, he began to mop the floor. And so much diverted my mother's attention that she even pinched her leg, because she thought she was sleeping.

And then Seryozha washed the dishes and climbed to whitewash the ceiling, and the parents completely forgot about the diary. They even forgot what date it is today and what their names are.

And Seryozha made repairs in the apartment and in the entrance in a month, planted twenty-two Christmas trees under the windows ... Because he talked in class every day - first on one, then on the other.

And then the teachers found out about the repair and also began to ask: who needed to paint the kitchen, and who needed the roof in the country house ... For this, the teachers promised not to write down "talking in class" anymore. True, Seryozha no longer talked, but slept, because he was very tired - at work.

How the director saved Seryozha

Once Seryozha asked to leave the class. He went out into the corridor, looked around and thought: "Well, how! Quiet! Not like at recess!" And so he did not want to return to the classroom that he decided to stay in the corridor until the end of the lesson. I lay down under the battery, closed my eyes and imagined myself on the beach.

"Oh, I need to go out more often," thought Seryozha and turned over to the other side.

And at this time, the principal of the school was walking down the corridor.

Suddenly the director sees that some boy is lying on the floor with his eyes closed and barely breathing. The director was frightened that something had happened to the boy at his school, ran up and began to beat Seryozha on the cheeks and pour ammonia on him.

Seryozha screamed in surprise, jumped up and ran. And the director behind him to do artificial respiration.

They ran around the school for half an hour until the director got tired.

But since then, Seryozha has never left the classroom during the lesson.

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A typical sign of a loser is frequent deuces in a diary

Loser student- an underachieving student of a school, technical school or university who has at least one or more academic subjects passed for an "unsatisfactory" grade. A deuce is given for failure to complete a training task. In order to continue their education, a loser is often forced to repeat the course again in the next academic year (for school), and thus he becomes a repeater.

The term "loser" is common on the territory of the former USSR, since the assessment of "unsatisfactory" corresponded to the assessment of "2" on a five-point system.

Ushakov's dictionary refers the term loser to Argo and considers it obsolete. However, this term is widely used both in everyday life and in scientific articles on psychology and pedagogy.

Much attention has been paid to the socio-psychological aspects of teaching underachievers (losers) in science and journalism. In most scientific works on this topic, instead of the word loser the term is applied underachievement. Some scholars consider it more correct to use the term failure.

Sometimes the term "loser" is used in a figurative sense: this is the name of people or objects that are significantly behind others in some indicators.

Classification of Losers

In pedagogy, there are different types of underachieving students. The signs of classification are the attitude to learning and the quality of the student's mental activity.

Causes of failure

The reasons why students become underachieving, "losers" are quite diverse.

Social causes

  • The social environment in which the student is brought up. Most often, losers are children from dysfunctional families.
  • Low standard of living of parents. Parents are forced to devote all their time to earning a living, and they have no time left to raise and educate their own children.
  • Difficult socio-psychological situation at school, class, negative attitude from teachers.
  • Features of home education. Children who were allowed to do everything at home cannot adapt to school discipline.
  • Systematic absenteeism.
  • Laziness. The most common cause of laziness, according to Ushinsky, is "a direct dislike for the activity that adults encourage the child to do."
  • The lack of the possibility of an individual approach to the personality of the student. (see also Teaching with Passion)


Diseases leading to exclusion from the educational process

  • Lag in development from their peers. It is difficult for such students to meet the requirements for an “average” student.
  • Poor health. Chronic diseases, visual impairments, diseases of the central nervous system make it difficult for a student to adapt to school, reduce motivation to improve academic performance. The cause of poor grades may be beriberi.


The data of sociological research in Russia show that male students become losers almost 3 times more often than female students (see table).

According to the same studies, the children of parents who have received incomplete secondary or only primary education most often become losers. Losers are 24% of children of parents with incomplete secondary education and below, 19% of children of parents with secondary education, 7% of children of parents with higher education.

Methods of influence on losers

Calling parents to school, expulsion for poor progress are used as methods of influencing poor students.

To improve the performance of losers, additional classes can also be arranged for them, attaching successful students to them. In Russia, this practice was typical mainly for the Soviet times.

In pedagogy, methodological approaches are developed that take into account the individual characteristics, interests and abilities of students and allow everyone to study well. Their implementation requires special efforts on the part of the teacher, constant attention, and a personal approach to such a student. In Russia, the implementation of such approaches is not being implemented sufficiently.

Sometimes campaigns to improve academic performance and eliminate such a category as losers are carried out at the level of state programs - for example, the well-known program "No child left behind" in the USA. As part of the program, schools are required to provide tutors for Losers.

Losers in the higher education system

File:Test (student assessment).jpeg

Students take an exam

It is assumed that losers should not study in a higher educational institution. In Russia, applicants who received an unsatisfactory mark at the entrance exam are not allowed to continue to pass other entrance exams. If a student of a higher educational institution receives an “unsatisfactory” mark during the examination session, he is obliged to retake this exam as soon as possible. With three "unsatisfactory" grades, the student is expelled from a higher educational institution with the wording "for academic failure." Students who receive an A in the state exam or in the defense of their final qualification work do not receive a diploma of higher education. However, they have the opportunity to retake the final certification tests within a period of at least 3 months and no more than 5 years.

Attitude towards twins

The attitude in society towards losers is generally negative, some consider them outcasts. Often the lifestyle of a loser is associated with drinking alcohol, smoking and drug use.

In addition, some educators believe that poor students in the classroom are necessary for the full development of students in the entire class.

The image of a loser in culture


Often meets. Soviet literature was characterized by the image of a "corrected loser".

  • Loser Vitya Perestukin - the main character of the fairy tale by Geraskina L. "In the country of unlearned lessons."
  • In the story of the Soviet writer Yevgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time", students with two students turn into old people.
  • Loser Barankin - the main character of the book by Valery Medvedev "Barankin, be a man!"
  • Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin are the main characters of Nikolay Nosov's book "Vitya Maleev at school and at home".
  • The book of the Russian writer Artur Givargizov is called Notes of an Outstanding Loser.


  • Painting by Fedor Reshetnikov “Again a deuce? »


Loser is a common type in cinema, cartoons and anime:

  • Loser Ganzha - one of the main characters of the Soviet television series " Big change".
  • Loser Kolya - one of the main characters of the Soviet cartoon Boris Stepantsev and Evgeny Raikovsky "Again deuce".
  • Loser Noboru Yoshikawa is one of the characters in the anime series Cool Teacher Onizuka.


Losers, as well as excellent students, often become the heroes of school and student jokes. For example:

- How are you doing at school, son?
- I don't talk to the father of a loser!

see also

  • Troechnik (Average, State assessment)
  • horoshist
  • excellent student
  • Jonah


  1. Dvoechnik // Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov.
  2. Khoreva N. A. Causes of school failure // Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson" 2004-2005 academic year
  3. V.Slastenin, I.Isaev, E.Shiyanov

Slide Good afternoon, dear jury, participants!

I present my work "The image of a loser in the literature of the 20th century."

The main works that are considered in the work are:

Slide "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" N. Nosov,

"Barankin, be a man!" V.Medvedev,

"In the country of unlearned lessons" L. Geraskina,

B. Zakhoder's cycle "On the back desk",

“About one student and six units” and “The Cat and the Loafers” by S. Marshak,

"The Tale of Lost Time" by E. Schwartz,

story by L. Davydychev "The Life of Ivan Semenov".

Slide Purpose of this work: consideration of the image of a loser in each workstudying the causes of poor learning..

Subject isrelevant in modern life. The practical significance is thatserious research themes "The image of a loser in Russian fiction"did not meet no critical literature.

In these works, the word "deuce" becomes the key, and the motive for correcting school performance comes to the fore.

Slide Tasks of this work:

    Explain the lexical meaning of the words "two", "two";

    Formulate reasons for failure;

    Consider the image of a loser in these works.

    Conduct a sociological survey among classmates, teachers to find out what they think about this problem;

    To study various sources containing information on the problem of student failure;

Object of study: the most popular texts of children's literature, the main one in which is a loser, biographical facts from the lives of famous people.

Subject of study : the attitude of the protagonist of the text and the attitude of classmates to the problem put forward.

Hypothesis: being a loser is not ashamed, and sometimes honorable.

I believe that the gradual solution of the tasks set will lead to the achievement of the goal.

Slide Scientists distinguish several types of losers:

    The lazy student constantly yawns, does not even want to open the textbook, endlessly looks at his watch. He is not interested.

    Doppelgänger bully. This character brings a lot of trouble to the whole school with his behavior.

    Creative - a common type of boy - not an excellent student, inventing various things, devices, tricks and jokes.

    A pro is such a loser who looks like a classic excellent student, but he has a pathological A in literature and the same pathological A in mathematics.

Slide Losers can study well. They just need adequate help, writers seem to understand much better than teachers and parents what is going on in the heads and souls of losers and how they can be helped. (slide with heroes)

Among the same "ignoramuses" there are rich and famous people whose success and perseverance could be envied by everyone. Giftedness does not always manifest itself in high performance.

As a child, the future genius Albert Einstein studied so poorly, but in 1921 he became a Nobel laureate.

The future great writers Alexander Herzen, Byron, Edgar Poe, Honore de Balzac, Nikolai Gogol were considered incompetent students at school.

Isaac Newton was one of the most untalented at school, but decades later they began to say something else about him: “Nothing like this has ever been created by the forces of one person.”

Pushkin had a completely unreadable handwriting; in addition, Alexander Sergeevich was unsuccessful in mathematics.

Thus, not all famous people have been successful in the past.

Slide I conducted a study among students of the 5th grade of the Goldyrevskaya school and a team of school teachers.

It was revealed that 40% of students go to school without desire, study without mood. 85% of respondents rarely or infrequently get deuces. 80% of those surveyed said they were unfairly given bad grades. 20% of students believe that the requirements of teachers are too high. 100% noted that the reason for poor progress is laziness. To the question: “Why study well?” responded to get a good profession. And some would like to be teachers' pets.

Teachers were also asked to answer a series of questions. When asked if you like to bet deuces, 70% answered that they bet them as a last resort. The reasons for poor progress are laziness, lack of parental control, as well as impunity. Sooner or later, the deuce will be “closed” with another assessment. Teachers work with these students to improve their performance.

Thus, both teachers and students have their own attitude towards deuce and losers.

Slide The studied works allow us to conclude that in order to succeed in any kind of activity, it is necessary to work hard. Poor losers cannot bring themselves to start work, their thoughts scatter, notebooks are decorated with blots, there is a mess on the desktops. Everyone knows that success is 99% sweat and only 1% success.

But in the end they take up the mind themselves or with the help of magic. One Semyon Pantalykin did not get a miracle: “I stay in the class for the second year. My father will pull it out, I won’t get a gun, my mother won’t write “Around the World” ... ” And you can help them even without a miracle.

Success in life is not always associated with academic performance, and often depends on the personal qualities of a person. An unusual train of thought, the ability to make choices and adapt to a new environment are all rungs of the ladder that leads to success.Twins are not bornthey become.

Thus, being a loser is not ashamed, and sometimes honorable. Geniuses grow from losers!

Thus, the goal is achieved, the tasks are solved.

Adult comrades, don't you want to fool around? Suddenly you were serious as a child, excellent students were round, or maybe square? Suddenly you missed something very important, very important, childhood passed, and you still didn’t get up in the middle of the lesson on the desk and didn’t crow, and didn’t sing exercise No. 43 at 8:27 in the morning under the windows of the school, and then exercises No. 44, 45 , 46, presentation, dictation, and finally - an essay on the topic "The image of a loser in the fiction of the second half of the twentieth century", and then the multiplication table, Mendeleev and the structure of the cell. And in the bathroom, the ninth shaft was not satisfied, but by force of will the temperature on the thermometer was not raised to 39? What do you mean why? To not go to school. After all, teachers there are forced to repeat what you do not believe.

“Listen, Seryozha,” a physics teacher once said, “I'm not a beast. If you know anything in physics - tell me, I'll give you a five.
- What can I say? Serezha asked.
- Well, for example, that gravity acts on all bodies. Tell. Come on... repeat. For all bodies...
“I can’t,” Seryozha muttered. I can't repeat what I don't believe in.
- What do you believe in? the teacher screamed.
“I believe in goblin, in Baba Yaga, in Koshchei the Immortal, in Ereke-Dyereke, in flying desks,” Seryozha said calmly.
After that, his desk rose above the floor and flew towards the exit.
“Sit down, Gavrilov,” said the physics teacher, “two!”

So how do you go to school after that? It is better to read about the school life of Artur Givargizov's "Notes of an outstanding loser" and feel his sparkling, like lemonade in a glass, humor, a little prickly, but sweet and kind as a hedgehog irony, laugh at children's tricks, which are nothing more than a child's rebellion against forgetfulness adults. Yes, yes, adults sometimes forget the fact that they themselves were children, becoming too boring, preoccupied and very far from their beloved children. Only grandfather understands the lonely soul of a child:

- Grandpa, what is old age? Kolya once asked.
“It's like childhood,” grandfather replied, spraying Kolya with a water pistol, “only the lower back hurts.”
- Enough! Kolya got angry and took the pistol from his grandfather. Let's build a garage.
“Come on,” agreed grandfather: he didn’t care what to play. — When I was little, I didn’t have light plastic cubes, and I built everything from bricks.
- Great! Kolya was delighted. You must have been praised by your parents.
“No,” Grandpa sighed, “they scolded me. They said that the ceilings are low, the entrance hall is small, the bathroom is combined, linoleum, the wallpaper needs to be re-glued, the stairs to the second floor are narrow, the frames are poorly fitted ...
“Yeah,” Kolya shook his head, “I understand you, you can’t please your parents.
“You won’t please,” grandfather agreed, grabbed a water pistol and fired at Kolya.

In order not to become beech parents, picky parents and not turn sour in everyday life, it is recommended to read the prose of Arthur Givargizov together with your daughters and sons of school age every day. This writer can be trusted: as a guitar teacher, he knows about school life from the inside. It is advisable to discard skepticism, not to look for logic, but to relax, plunge into the absurdity, laugh, joke and draw wise conclusions. Short stories about school everyday life of ordinary boys and girls, their parents and teachers have amazing multidimensionality. Understandable and funny for children, they can open up to a thoughtful parent in all depth. The author in a short form, like a graphic artist, with strokes creates an extraordinary illustration of life, in which one wants to consider familiar phenomena from different angles, fantasize and maybe even take off the blinkers, look at reality in a new way, more joyfully, optimistically, leaving room jokes and fun.

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