Quit smoking calendar. Parent survey results. A report that can be offered to one of the students

In the world. In Russia, about 400 thousand people die from this addiction every year, and according to statistics, around the world - 6 million people. The disappointing data prompted WHO to create a special day aimed at - World No Tobacco Day. It was planned that thanks to this event, the number people who smoke will be significantly reduced.

The abundance of smokers in Russia is due to the low cost tobacco products, their availability in comparison with other countries of the world. Despite all the restrictions on the sale, the age of smokers has become "younger" - more and more often you can meet teenagers with a cigarette in their mouths on the streets.


Initially, it was decided in the West to organize an anti-tobacco day. In 1977, the American Cancer Society introduced a bill that designated the third Tuesday in November as World No Tobacco Day. Due to the fact that the number of smokers around the planet began to grow, 11 years later, at the 42nd WHO Congress, a resolution was issued on new date marking World No Tobacco Day. Thanks to ongoing promotions, every year anyone can quit smoking, having received support from like-minded people.

Date of World No Tobacco Day

The last day of spring is a great time for dramatic changes in life. Summer is coming, nature is blooming and fragrant, I want to breathe full chest. May 31 was not in vain chosen as the date for the celebration of the annual day of refusal tobacco addiction, because it is at this time that everyone especially wants to throw off the shackles of an aggravating bad habit.

The danger of smoking

Sad statistics show that Russia is one of the most smoking countries. According to indicators and observations of experts, the percentage of deaths from tobacco use far exceeds the number of deaths from chronic and acquired diseases. greatest danger tobacco smoke represents for children and pregnant women. Substances included in its composition provoke the development oxygen starvation, asthma, allergic reactions, prematurity, intrauterine fetal death, early birth, mental and physical handicaps. Babies whose mothers smoked throughout pregnancy were underweight, developmental, and predisposed to viral diseases and weak immune defenses.

Tobacco use, predominantly in women, causes the development early menopause, infertility, and also provokes skin aging: the smoker's face has more wrinkles and age spots than a non-smoking woman. World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year to save the current generation and secure the future from nicotine addiction. First of all, women and children, since the health of the nation directly depends on the health of the weak half of humanity.

Diseases caused by smoking

Nicotine and others harmful substances included in have a rapid absorption. They have a depressing effect on the nervous system, respiratory organs, hematopoiesis and vision. Tobacco smoking causes the following diseases: cancer of the larynx and lungs, asthma, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart attack, glaucoma. Among smoking men noted significant reduction libido and, consequently, impotence.

World No Tobacco Day. Events

Every year on May 31 around the world are held special promotions, providing people with visual information about the dangers of smoking and the consequences of World No Tobacco Day has several goals - to help smokers quit and support them, and to prevent smoking among children and adolescents.

On this day, the media inform people about the start of events, the authorities organize and control various mass relay races and crosses. According to the instructions of the WHO, doctors appear on radio and television with information about diseases caused by smoking. Leaflets are also distributed to those who wish, which clearly depict the consequences of tobacco use. World No Tobacco Day is held in the library, in every educational and medical institution. Special schools and clinics are created where everyone can get acquainted with the structure respiratory system of a person, as well as to find out exactly how nicotine affects the body.

The name of the event "World No Tobacco Day" implies not only the fight against smoking, but also the improvement of the nation, support for youth and children's sports, as well as helping people who are faced with nicotine addiction and those who want to get rid of it. On the basis of medical institutions, "hot lines" are being created, by calling which a person can receive free consultation about getting rid of the craving for smoking. Calls are made anonymously.

The quitter's calendar contains those possible symptoms, sensations, complaints that accompany the process of quitting smoking by day. It should be remembered that each person is so unique that it is impossible to accurately predict how his body will behave even in the most typical situation. Symptoms collected a year ahead. The first days are scheduled literally by the hour. In fact, this moon calendar quitting smoking, but much cooler. A little later, a table painted by day will appear.

90% of those who quit smoking relapse within one year. 96% if they quit on their own. This is a statistic and you can't get away from it. To increase your chances of finally quitting smoking, subscribe to our Instagram channel, there you will always find motivation to quit smoking and support every day.

And even more so, it is impossible to guess how the process of quitting smoking will take place - after all, nicotine and the smoking process itself are literally built into the physiology of the body, its mental state and processes.

Physiology and human psychology are not a standard set of established parameters, but individual life processes that are not repeated in anyone else.

Well, let's see what awaits you if you decide to quit smoking.

The structure of the smoker's calendar

First week

First day without cigarettes

What happens in the body

The number of carbon monoxide in the blood, the transport function of red blood cells improves. The oxygen content in the tissues increases.

Emotions, thoughts

Joy, pride, confidence. Pride in oneself, joy in one's desire to quit, and confidence in the final decision to do so.

There is no craving for a cigarette or it is very weak, easily interrupted by a mental suggestion in the style of “I quit smoking!”. It is easy to be distracted by some business, cravings are mainly associated with the usual rituals.

Physiological sensations

Perhaps dizziness, loss of appetite, weakness, moderate anxiety. Difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep.

You should not rush to treat nervousness or anxiety: they are now transient, not very pronounced, caused - most likely - by an emotional upsurge. Moreover, for such minor violations emotional state and there are no drugs.

Do not stop taking medicines that have been prescribed by your doctor for another reason, whether chronic or acute illness. Strictly speaking, quit smoking during an exacerbation chronic disease severe acute is quite difficult. But practice shows that it is the disease that often becomes the first step towards failure, and severe symptoms does not contribute to the desire to smoke.

If the process of quitting smoking makes you nervous, make yourself blackberry tea, eat blackberry jam. For tea, brew 2 tbsp. l. crushed blackberry leaves in a thermos in two cups of boiling water, soak for 2 hours, add honey to taste and drink half a cup of warm infusion 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Two or three tablespoons of jam per day is enough.

Movement is life

It's time to start playing sports - the first three or four days are the same eternal "tomorrows" when it is planned to start running, dancing, and joining the pool anyway. After the fourth or fifth day of refusal, it will be difficult to start exercising - the state of health will let you down.

For those who are already engaged, you need to follow the sensations: it is possible that bending, jumping and turning the head and torso will cause nausea and dizziness. We'll have to do without these elements for now.

A difficult and long road lies ahead. Be there. Don't force yourself with sympathy. But don’t cross the line of humor either: don’t remind about Twain’s famous joke about “I quit smoking a thousand times” or casually brush it off, in the spirit of “Churchill smoked and lived long and even happily.”

Second day without cigarettes

What happens in the body

The production of mucus in the lungs decreases, the work of the ciliated epithelium of the lungs improves. The first signs of nicotine starvation appear. The cells of the intestinal mucosa begin to be replaced by new ones.

Emotions, thoughts

The euphoria of the first day continues, but the appearance of irritability and nervousness is already possible. By the power of self-hypnosis, cravings for cigarettes can be reduced. Drowsiness, followed by a surge of energy.

Physiological state

Decreased appetite or cravings for foods with a pronounced taste, shortness of breath, increased cough. Moderate abdominal pain, frequent urination. Falling asleep is difficult, sleep is superficial. Available pruritus, feeling of tightness of the skin.

This day feels similar to the previous one, there is no obsessive desire to smoke yet, but irritation may appear a little stronger. Irritability is easily suppressed, a slight desire to smoke is also amenable to willpower. Do not forget about the motives that prompted you to give up cigarettes! In sufficient sleep, the normalization of the psycho-emotional environment is a salvation from the unpleasant sensations of this day.

It's good to start taking the solution apple cider vinegar. For this, 3 tsp. apple cider vinegar mixed with 150 g of honey. Take at bedtime 2 tsp. at strong irritability, fatigue and weakness. In the middle of the night, you can repeat the reception of this herbal sedative and sleeping pill.

If you start to worry about coughing, then ethnoscience advises to take half a glass of fresh cabbage juice and honey, mix well. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Movement is life

May appear discomfort behind the sternum - the recovery processes always proceed in such a way that it seems as if it has become even worse. Breathing is difficult, especially when lying down and lifting. Periodically disturbed by pain in the abdomen - harbingers of future (possibly!) Problems with the stool. It will be better if from the complex morning exercises you exclude exercises that increase intra-abdominal pressure. It:

  • active jumping;
  • leaning forward (while you can lean to the side);
  • flexion of the body in the prone position;
  • hoop twist.

Those who go in for sports and fitness will be able to evaluate the usefulness/harmfulness of certain exercises for a long time, and it is better for beginners and lovers to work out from time to time to be more careful.

Be patient - this is just the beginning. Yesterday and today, your thrower is full of hope and faith, and probably constantly shares this with others, and maybe - obviously or not - waiting for confirmation of what a great person he is. Waiting - give, share - listen. At the same time, think over the tactics of your behavior and help in the near future.

Third day

What happens in the body

The process of repair (recovery) of the ciliated epithelium and bronchial mucosa begins. The level of alkaline fractions of the pancreas rises, the secretion of trypsin decreases, and the production of mucus in the stomach decreases at the same time. Increases blood flow to the heart and brain. The tone is stabilized blood vessels. Reduced physical attraction to nicotine at the cellular level.

Emotions, thoughts

Nervousness is on the rise. The symptoms of psychological dependence have become brighter, a person literally does not know what to do with himself, what to do with thoughts, how to get distracted - all these are signs of "". Difficulty falling asleep, sleep with frequent breaks, anxious.

Physiological state

Appetite sharply increases, "pulls" for sweets. There is heartburn, belching. Often there is dizziness, especially aggravated by bending over, a feeling of "squeezing" of the heart, tinnitus.

Peeling, small dry pimples may appear on the skin.

We do not recommend stocking up on pills "for nerves." Firstly, those that are really from the nerves are sold by prescription, and those that are available over the counter are either placebo or with unproven effectiveness. Secondly, do you want to jump from tobacco addiction to pharmacological addiction? Shower with dry skin gel after water procedures lubricate the skin of the body with cream - even the simplest "Children's" will do. Ask your doctor: he can prescribe aspirin - 1⁄4 tablets of the usual acetylsalicylic acid 1 time per day at night. Blood thinning with aspirin will help relieve dizziness, tinnitus. Aspirin has contraindications: you should not start drinking it without consulting a doctor.

When dizzy, take immortelle, St. John's wort, chamomile (dry) - all herbs 100 g each. Measure 1 tbsp. l. collection and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist under the lid for 20 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion warm before going to bed and in the morning in a glass with the addition of 1 tsp. honey.

For heartburn, dissolve honey in a glass of warm boiled water(dose of honey in the morning and evening 30-60 g, daily 40-80 g), take 1.5-2 hours before breakfast, lunch and 3 hours after dinner. Eliminates nausea, heartburn, and pain in the stomach.

Heartburn will also decrease or even disappear if you take 50 ml of apple cider vinegar immediately before meals, 1 time per day for 2-3 weeks. Pre-dilute the bite in a double volume of water. These two recipes can be completely replaced with the advice of the previous day, when vinegar is mixed with honey, only take it according to the scheme for 1.5 - 2 before breakfast and at night.

Movement is life

Do not stop playing sports, fitness or the usual small home workout. The movement will support the vessels - they now really need it, and to avoid unwanted effects very simple: listen to the sensations. Most quitters these days are complaining about this, the advice from last day is still relevant.

If you notice that the person quitting smoking has begun to lean on sweets, put sweets and cookies away, and if there are no sweet teeth in the house, then don’t buy at all yet. The peculiarity of the coming days is such that it draws in sweets, and the pancreas is very vulnerable - there is no need to provoke a failure of its work. Instead of sweets, dried fruits are suitable.

Fourth day

What happens in the body

Blood flow to the brain approaches the physiological normal level. The processes in the stomach and pancreas continue. Perhaps a decrease in intestinal motility - most often a decrease. Normalized production antidiuretic hormone. Reparative processes in the lungs continue, bronchial secretion normalizes. Bronchial tone is reduced.

Emotions, thoughts

Aggression decreases, irritability stops medicines. Many have an increase in mood or its lability - from euphoria to depression. Behavior somewhat confused. Sleep is superficial.

Physiological state

Possible increase in blood pressure, tinnitus. Dizziness is mild or absent. Constipation. Urination is normalized. Decreased appetite or a craving for certain products. There is a cough, a feeling of a viscous mucous lump in the throat. For many, on the third or fourth day, the face swells, fingers and ears swell slightly.

The main problem of this and the coming days is poor sleep and unstable psycho-emotional state. To combat sleep disorders, you can try using motherwort tincture, but it is better to refuse valerian - it has too strong sedative action In addition, there is evidence that it can cause depressed mood. sachet or aromatic oil lavender, mint, sandalwood will also help to cope with mood swings and bad dream. You can buy a patch at the pharmacy - a compress for insomnia "Extraplast" - a mild but effective remedy.

Take peppermint leaves, blood-red hawthorn fruits - 10 g each, white mistletoe grass, lemon balm leaves - 2 parts each. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture of 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup with honey to taste 3 times a day before meals. The collection is effective for headaches, insomnia, depressed mood.

Lingonberries effectively help fight coughs, including those that occur in people who quit smoking. You can use pureed lingonberries with sugar, and in season or if you can buy frozen lingonberries, you can make lingonberry juice. In crushed berries (juice with pulp), add honey to taste, leave for 3-4 hours. Take the finished composition for 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 4-5 times a day. Helps to alleviate cough, eliminates the feeling of a lump in the throat.

Movement is life

Add squats to your list of morning exercises or warm-ups before playing sports. Soft, but active stimulation of the intestines with their help will prevent constipation, improve bowel function. You need to squat correctly - there are many recommendations on this topic on the Internet. No need to compete with yourself for speed and time: due to excessive zeal or wrong breathing coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness may increase.

Constipation will now be a quitter's problem for nearly a month. Enter into the diet more products and foods that stimulate the bowels.

Today or in the coming days, a person quitting smoking may make the first phrases with doubt about the need to quit or with uncertainty about own forces. And in many respects it depends on your reaction whether he will continue to throw or break.

Try to build your leisure time in such a way that events that can lead to a breakdown do not fall out for the next month. For example, going to a party with alcohol (alcohol provokes a breakdown) or visiting friends who smoke.

Fifth day

What happens in the body

Heal microtrauma surface of the tongue. Changed in the absence of nicotine and its metabolites, vascular tone becomes habitual for the body. Recovery processes began in the distant segments of the broncho-pulmonary system. Intestinal tone is still disturbed.

Emotions, thoughts

A hard day - the euphoria of the first days passes, besides, the state of health becomes worse, “treacherous” thoughts appear. In this and the next few days, the probability of a breakdown is very high.

Physiological sensations

Food acquires a forgotten real taste (so far only foods with a pronounced taste - citrus fruits, cheeses, smoked meat). A loose, slimy lump is felt in the throat or behind the sternum, making it difficult to breathe; when coughing, thick, dark-colored mucus is released.

Many people these days are helped by the intake of enterosorbents - they actively remove toxins and at the same time normalize intestinal motility. On the advice of a doctor, choose the drug that is right for you.

If you are concerned about sores on the oral mucosa, you need to help them heal. Rinse with an alum solution or pharmaceutical preparations, used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, will help to quickly cope with this problem.

With stomatitis, a collection will help, which includes round eucalyptus leaves - 30 g, common flax seeds - 20 g, chamomile flowers, small-leaved linden - 25 g each. Measure 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 15 minutes with the lid closed, leave for 30 minutes. Strain, squeeze out raw materials, add 40 drops of 20% to a slightly cooled broth. alcohol tincture propolis. Rinse 4-5 times a day ulcerative stomatitis before complete cure. No less effective next remedy: mix 1 tbsp. l. 10% alcohol solution propolis with 2 tbsp. l. peach, olive or other vegetable oil. Apply this oil on sores in the mouth and on the tongue. Recovery comes quickly.

Movement is life

active movement - powerful remedy constipation prevention. If you walk at least 4 kilometers a day, then the intestines will work. Alas, in the conditions of modern life, such a distance sometimes accumulates in a week, so it is necessary to introduce additional load. Do these exercises for 10-15 minutes daily.

The first exercise is a well-known bicycle: you need to “twist” the pedals with your legs raised and bent at the knees, lying on your back with arms extended along the body.

Second exercise: lying on the floor, bend your leg at the knee. Now kneecap try to reach the area of ​​the floor, which is located on the outer edge of the knee of the other, outstretched leg. Repeat 10 times, change legs.

Third exercise. Kneel on the floor, place your feet as close to each other as possible (close), rest your palms on the floor. Lower slowly.

Try to convince yourself that this irritated, whimpering, or sullenly pursed-lips person is the same one who just recently jovially joked while holding a cigarette. All the negativity that can now splash out on loved ones is not from him. This painful attachment does not want to part with this person, it is very difficult to break the habitual. Remember how difficult it is to part with your favorite thing that was once fashionable and elegant, but today it is only suitable for a museum. Or worn out, so that it is a shame to send to the country. And then it was just a thing, and now your loved one is parting with part of his nature. Patience everyone...

Sixth day

What happens in the body

Increased secretion of mucus in the lower segments of the lungs. Bronchial cilia are active. The secretory activity of the stomach and pancreas is normalized. Possible temporary dyskinetic disorders of the gallbladder and duodenum due to lack of nicotine. On this day, for the first time, all cells of the "white" blood (granulocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, etc.) are grown without exposure to nicotine.

Emotions, thoughts

The withdrawal syndrome returns again, as well as irritability, tearfulness, and sleep disturbances. Aggression increases, actions are taken in search of cigarettes, it is rather difficult to restrain, although it is quite possible.

Physiological sensations

Are getting stronger autonomic disorders: excessive sweating, hand tremor, decreased appetite, after fatty meals. Bitterness appears in the mouth, sometimes pain in the right hypochondrium. Many have increased thirst, and - as a result - frequent urination. The coughing up of dark mucus continues, streaks of blood may appear in it, the feeling of a "lump" in the throat persists.

Seventh day

What happens in the body

The stage of physical addiction to nicotine is almost completed. The body was rebuilt to function without nicotine doping, a full-fledged recovery process began. Vessels and lungs will recover the longest, recovery is also delayed nervous system. The secretion of the gastrointestinal tract is still increased, in addition, in the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of a layer of new cells that are not familiar with the influence of nicotine has begun.

Emotions, thoughts

Emptiness is the main emotion of this day. It is clearly seen that smoking is more of a ritual than some kind of physical need. These days it is important to remove everything related to smoking from within reach. Refusal motivation and self-persuasion become effective again.

Physiological sensations

The secretion of mucus when coughing and the feeling of a lump in the throat continue. Normalizes intestinal tone, but possible episodic disorders chair. Appetite rises fatty food causes heartburn.

The skin is dry, flaky.

Second week.

eighth day

What happens in the body

Taste and olfactory receptors are activated. Restoration of tissue processes in the lungs continues. The tone of the cerebral vessels is still unstable.

Emotions, thoughts

Of course, emotionally the second week is easier. There is no or much less pronounced irritability, depression, aggression, it is easier to find a means to distract from thoughts about smoking. On the other hand, the symptoms of psychological dependence are still preserved, and in some cases are getting worse. This is causeless longing, loss, sleep disturbances, mood lability, a feeling of loss of something significant.

Physiological sensations

Food acquired taste and aroma without nicotine aftertaste, appetite increased (and physiological reasons and as a stress reliever. These days, for the first time, many people notice an increase in body weight. May cause dizziness, lowering blood pressure

Ninth day

What happens in the body

The state of the gastric mucosa is normalizing, the production of basic enzymes and substances, including gastromucoprotein, has returned to normal. Reparative processes began in the mucosa of the digestive tract and continue in the broncho-pulmonary system. The process of hematopoiesis improves, functions are restored shaped elements blood.

Emotions, thoughts

Difficulties continue due to the absence of the usual element of pastime - cigarettes. Those who are forced to be near smokers (at work, in a cafe) feel very painful. Disruptions during this period are possible precisely because of external influences.

Physiological sensations

Many at the beginning of the second week note that the smell tobacco smoke disgusts them. Abdominal pain, heartburn, alternating diarrhea and constipation are possible. Appetite increased. When conducting laboratory tests deviations may be found in leukocyte formula is a temporary phenomenon. These days, many dropouts easily develop ARVI, allergies, and herpes breaks out. Possible dizziness.

tenth day

What happens in the body

Those processes in the lungs that began on the third day of refusal will continue for six months, and for experienced smokers - even longer. The lungs and blood vessels continue to rebuild, and at the same time the process of restoring the immune system has begun.

Emotions, thoughts

Quitting smoking no longer causes painful thoughts, but it becomes more difficult to endure the presence of people who smoke nearby. Because the internal reserves self-motivation is coming to an end, in the next 10-15 days support from relatives or like-minded people is needed.

Physiological sensations

The cough continues. It is not related to the position of the body in bed, it becomes softer after hot food or drink, still coughing up mucus. Many people notice that when coughing, small lumps of light yellow or gray color, With bad smell. It can be plugs from the sinuses of the tonsils or desquamated epithelium of the bronchi. It is recommended to undergo an ENT consultation and fluorography these days to exclude pathological processes in the lungs.

Eleventh day

What happens in the body

In the second decade of quitting smoking, the tone normalizes small vessels(arterioles) that deliver arterial blood directly to tissues. These days, the effect of quitting smoking begins to manifest itself in the hormonal sphere, affecting the metabolism. This explains the change mental state, as well as a set (in some cases, a decrease) in body weight.

Emotions, thoughts

Increased excitability, in women - tearfulness, a feeling of uselessness, emptiness, in men - increased aggressiveness. The craving for cigarettes intensifies, masquerading as a desire to see if you like the taste of cigarettes and the smell of smoke.

Physiological sensations

Dizziness, finger tremor, feeling internal stress, often - headache. It is a mistake to attribute these sensations to the withdrawal syndrome - this is due to the oversaturation of the brain with oxygen. Appetite is increased, it is especially noticeable in the evening or under the influence of third-party stress factors.

Twelfth day

What happens in the body

Normalization of vascular activity leads to improved trophism (nutrition) of tissues, including skin. The active process of subsidence begins chronic inflammation in the lungs, gastrointestinal tract. The second generation of “white” blood cells “grew up” and began to work, which are able to fully perform the functions of protecting the body from bacteria and viruses.

Emotions, thoughts

The neuropsychic state is similar to the previous day, and outside support still plays a big role.

Physiological sensations

Short-term smokers, as well as young people under the age of 30, will hear (or notice for themselves) for the first time that their complexion has improved. The cough is not so severe, bowel function is almost completely restored.

Thirteenth day

What happens in the body

There is an active renewal of skin cells, for the time being, those cells that were laid during smoking have “come out” to the surface, but the cells of the deep layers of the skin are no longer “familiar” with nicotine. Vascular tone is unstable.

Emotions, thoughts

For many, it becomes an obsessive desire to quickly reach some day that seems to be a milestone for the thrower or which he himself designated as significant for himself. Usually this is the end of the second week - and among the emotions the desire to quickly achieve the cherished "14 days of no smoking" prevails. The desire to smoke has more to do with curiosity.

Physiological sensations

Malaise of unclear localization, weakness, feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, “jumps” in blood pressure are possible - all this is associated with a violation of neurohumoral regulation due to the nervous system that has not yet fully recovered.

fourteenth day

What happens in the body

Healing of the bronchial mucosa injured by soot is coming to an end. Platelets are practically renewed, red blood cells still "old", those that were formed in the conditions of nicotine aggression. The walls of the vessels receive sufficient nutrition, the restoration of their tissues, especially the endothelium, begins.

Emotions, thoughts

The day is difficult psychologically, as well as the next one - they are milestones, turning points. Some do not stand up and try a cigarette, citing the fact that they managed to hold out for quite some time. long time and one cigarette is unlikely to hurt ... and return to the ranks of smokers.

Physiological sensations

The cough begins to subside (with the exception of those whose smoking experience is 20 years or more).

The yellow color of the fingers that held the cigarette begins to fade, the complexion continues to improve. Possible vegetative-vascular disorders - weakness, drowsiness, lethargy.

First month

By the end of the first month, the foundations for the subsequent recovery of the body at the cellular level have been laid. Epithelial cells are updated, which allowed normalizing the processes of absorption and synthesis of building material for new cells - those that will function without nicotine and combustion products.

The month is quite difficult psychologically, and if at the beginning the enthusiasm and awareness of the need to quit smoking supported and gave strength, then by the end of the month two scenarios of development are possible. Some enjoy the fact that they managed to quit smoking and this gives additional strength, others count the days without cigarettes and are forced to fight the desire to smoke literally every minute. Both scenarios are natural and practically do not affect whether a person breaks down in the long term or not.

Second month

This and the following three months are the most pleasant for women who have quit smoking. Skin cells went through three or four cycles of renewal, and unhealthy yellowness was noticeably reduced, as was dry skin. While rosacea still persists - vascular network, and this is due to the fact that the vascular cells have not yet begun to be updated. Only the vascular endothelium in the second month consists of 50-70% of new cells and the renewal process continues.

In the lungs, recovery continues at the cellular level, but so far this process has not reached the acini - the smallest "bricks" from which it is "built" lung tissue. It is for this reason that the VC of a now ex-smoker has not yet returned to age norm, periodically disturb cough and dryness in the throat, mucus or sputum is released, and physical exercise cause coughing and fatigue.

There is practically no craving for cigarettes, but the craving for what constituted the ritual of smoking, for habits, for the environment, still remains. It has become easier to overcome, but it still requires willpower and support.

third month

From the third month, a full restoration of blood vessels begins. Until that time, their tone was easily disturbed. external causes as well as under stress. From the third month, the tone returns to normal, thanks to the plastic processes that have begun in the endothelium and other membranes of small vessels.

A critical period is coming to an end when many return to smoking. The physical craving for nicotine is long gone, declining psychological dependence. However, practically any attempt to “try”, “remember”, “test” is a step towards returning to the ranks of smokers.

Dizziness, headaches practically do not bother (if a person does not have any clinical significant diseases), sleep returned to normal, appetite normal or slightly increased.

fourth month

The skin cells have been renewed, and now the complexion has almost returned to normal, and the peeling and itching (especially disturbing in the first two weeks) have disappeared.

Stomach, pancreas, liver produce normal amount of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, thanks to which food is well absorbed. The intestines work "like clockwork", there will be no more stool disorders associated with nicotine starvation.

The milestone three months have been overcome. The need to “eat stress” is significantly reduced, and body weight, which increases in many in the first three months, stabilizes, diets become effective. Normally functioning organs of the gastrointestinal tract allow you to receive enough nutrients from medium-sized meals.

Fifth month

The smoker's liver cells had the hardest time. Only from the end of the fifth month, regeneration processes begin in individual liver cells, and healthy cells get the opportunity to take over some of the functions of dead hepatocytes.

The lung tissue continues to regenerate, sputum either does not come out, or there is very little of it and it no longer has a dark color. From the fifth month you can gradually start physical exercises are best suited for swimming, cycling. Run, strength exercises it is better to postpone - up to 8-9 months.

From time to time there is a desire to smoke a cigarette, but it must be resisted. The fewer situations that provoke smoking, the easier it will be to hold out until the next critical period at 9-10 months.

sixth month

Six months ago, the last cigarette was smoked. Now the body circulates blood, the cells of which have not been exposed to nicotine and its metabolites. They are fully functional, actively carry oxygen. Are normalized laboratory indicators blood pictures.

The regeneration of liver cells continues - over the next 4-6 months, it will go faster and faster, so that the liver will become more efficient.

The acini of the lungs were also included in the recovery process. Many note that during this period it became easier to breathe, as if the lungs expanded.

If you conduct spirometry, you can see a noticeable increase in VC, which indicates the active restoration of the broncho-pulmonary system and their effective purification.

The weight has stabilized. The desire to “eat instead of smoke” occurs less frequently, and if a person finds ways not to remember smoking, then it does not arise at all.

seventh month

Interestingly, after seven months without cigarettes, many people suddenly begin to distinguish subtle shades of smells. This is noticeable in the heightened perception of women's perfumes - if before they were divided into light and heavy, now the nose is able to distinguish the herbal smell from the smell of white flowers. Taste perception also intensifies - all receptors by this time, as a rule, are completely restored.

eighth month

Coughing up mucus is not observed in most ex-smokers. Yes, and the cough itself practically does not bother - the lungs "learned" to cope again with emerging problems. Those who have "smoked" to, also experience relief - the disease enters a stage of stable remission, which can continue indefinitely if all the doctor's recommendations are followed.

ninth month

It is considered the beginning of another critical period: the difficulties of the first days and weeks of quitting have already been forgotten, the smell of cigarettes does not evoke any personal associations, but at the same time, habits still remain automatic. Now it is important to start controlling yourself again and avoid situations when a cigarette is lit “on the machine”, mechanically. It can be a smoking room at work, a balcony or an entrance at home.

tenth month

Many have noticed that after 10 months without cigarettes, they begin to have dreams in which they smoke. At the same time, during the day you can safely do without cigarettes (unless, of course, you provoke yourself), and smoking in a dream feels very real and waking up is quite painful, and in the morning, almost “on the machine”, some smoke, but not everyone (fortunately) returns in the army of smokers.

An interesting observation this month: lovers of singing notice that it is easier to sing, vocal cords easier to manage.

Eleventh month

Run, race walking, gym classes, strength sports are allowed - now the lungs will cope with the load. Naturally, you need to start gradually so as not to disrupt the result of a rather long recovery period.

Do you want to smoke after almost a year? Most admit that yes, I want to. But this is not a craving for nicotine, this is a feeling of losing some elements of communication, in work, in everyday activities. At the same time, how hard it was to quit and what the smoker's body experienced has long been forgotten.

The risk of relapse is small - about 25% - but nonetheless real.

Twelve months. Year.

Frontier period. The hard work during the past year is worthy of praise: to overcome what has become a habit is a big deal!

Now the risk of developing a heart attack is reduced by 50% compared to the same day a year ago. The risk of stroke is 30%. Development risk oncological diseases also reduced: with the exclusion of other risk factors and the liver is reduced by almost 80-90%, the esophagus, stomach - by 60-70%, lip cancer - by almost 100%.

Is a breakdown possible? Quite. The risk of returning to smoking is not in the nicotine, it is said to be in the head of those who work on addiction problems. It is always necessary to work with harmful desires, habits - this is the key to success, longevity and health.


Then download the smoking cessation plan.
It will make quitting much easier.

Once a year, smokers all over the world become proud of themselves. And the thing is that every third Thursday of November is declared the International No Smoking Day. Well, as a refusal, so, an hour or two without a cigarette, and then you can take a smoke break. To endure one day without smoking, and then for the rest of the year you can smoke like a steam locomotive.

In fact, World No Tobacco Day has a completely different goal. All non-smokers or former smokers we hope that all those suffering from addiction will come to their senses and quit smoking not from Monday or the new year, but today, now, immediately. But miracles do not happen, after suffering a little and suffering a day without a cigarette, smokers again return to their habit. Or maybe instead of light convictions and conversations that smoking is bad, give a couple of facts of shocking statistics?

Smoking statistics: Quit before it's too late

Please, according to the WHO, 90% of smokers die from lung cancer, the remaining 10% lose their lives as a result chronic bronchitis, coronary disease heart disease and other diseases associated with smoking. Not very funny anymore, is it? According to the experts of the same WHO, in 6 years, one smoker will die every second in the world. Maybe it's time to change your mind and spend not a day without smoking, but more?

International No Smoking Day in Russia

In Russia, smoking has never been considered something prejudicial. On the contrary, smoking was a sign of wisdom, meaningfulness, "adulthood".

Meanwhile, almost a million people a year die as a result of smoking in Russia. Even the toughening of laws on smoking, the ban on smoking breaks in in public places, the publication of terrible photographs of the consequences of smoking on packs, are not able to convince persistent smokers.

For example, almost half of smokers consider smoking just a bad habit. Like, if I want to, I’ll quit, even tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow, but better in a month, but in fact next year. Others directly argue that smoking is a terrible, incurable disease. Therefore, you need to relax and have fun, anyway, nothing can be done about smoking, the disease is incurable.

Quitting smoking: why is it impossible?

According to another survey, more than 20% of smokers know nothing about harmful consequences tobacco. Well, just think, let the smoke in, but he's not in the body forever. Look, I breathed it out. Something like this is by no means stupid blondes, but adults, respectable uncles.

More than 40% of these same uncles and aunts believe that it is easy to quit smoking, so they will do it at any convenient moment without any problems. Well in last resort read Allen Carr's magic book, which has already helped all his friends. And if it does not help, then everything can be attributed to its own uniqueness. Doesn't take me, they say, this book, I'm not suggestible.

In fact, the secret of the book is that the person who reads it quits smoking, thanks to his strong desire, and not to the magic spells of Sir Carr.

In general, if you still smoke, then give up, turn International No Smoking Day into a lifetime.

When is World (International) No Tobacco Day 2019?

Traditionally, the official date of the celebration international day Smoking cessation is considered the third Thursday of November. In 2019, it will be November 21 - the same Day without smoking, and maybe not the last in life. Be healthy, friends!

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits that has entered into everyday life a large number population. The number of smokers who leave our world much earlier than we would like is growing every year.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, in the world 25% of the population dies from coronary heart disease, 90% from - 90%, and 75% from chronic heart disease. Every ten seconds, one smoker dies in the world. In this regard, in many countries, special actions of the "International and world day smoking cessation" that attract people to give up this addiction.

When is No Smoking Day celebrated?

There are two dates dedicated to the fight against this addiction: May 31 - World No Smoking Day, the third Thursday of November - International No Smoking Day, which is celebrated every year. The first date was established in 1988 by the World Health Organization, while the second was approved in 1977 by the American Cancer Society.

Purpose of World No Tobacco Day

Such days of protest are held in order to reduce the spread of tobacco addiction and involve in the fight against bad habits. most population. Doctors who prevent smoking and inform the public about the harmful effects of nicotine on human health take part in the “Smoking Day” campaign.

Benefits of quitting smoking

  • the state of health improves, more precisely, it returns to its normal condition;
  • there is a surge of energy and strength;
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • normalizes reproductive function in women, the chances of giving birth healthy child increase;
  • vision improves, as a few months after quitting smoking, partially clogged vessels of the fundus are restored.
  • the risk of impotence in men decreases, the viability of spermatozoa increases;
  • appearance a person becomes healthier, the skin does not experience oxygen starvation, it looks fresh and young. The vascular network on the face becomes less noticeable;
  • immunity increases, scratches and wounds heal easier and faster on the skin;
  • Sensitivity of taste and smell is exacerbated. The most ordinary food may seem surprisingly pleasant;
  • mood improves, optimism and cheerfulness appear;
  • increases self-confidence and respect from others;
  • non-smokers always receive a more positive assessment of management;
  • there is a significant savings in money;
  • no need to run to the store at any time of the day when the cigarettes suddenly ran out.

Apparently, we can say that quitting smoking enables a person to improve their health, lifestyle and position in society. Unfortunately, on the first attempt, less than 20% of those who want to quit smoking succeed. While the benefits of quitting smoking are enormous, many smokers simply can't take it and give up. Most of them succumb to temptation before they even last a week.

First day of quitting smoking

This is perhaps one of the most difficult periods in a career as a smoker. At this time, the body, not receiving the usual dose of nicotine, tries to restore its normal work, so it appears nicotine withdrawal, a person feels a great desire to smoke, there is a feeling of anxiety, tension and irritability, appetite increases.

On World No Tobacco Day, all participants of the action offer to forget about this at least for a moment. addiction and think about your health, because the benefits of quitting smoking are much greater than the harm.

Anna Kotovchikhina

November 17 commemorating the no smoking day. I had an idea to hold an action in the kindergarten dedicated to this day in order to prevent bad habits among preschoolers and attract the attention of adults to this topic. educators senior group Dyudyukina Elena Vladimirovna and Krashenninikova Olga Aaleksandrovna readily responded to my proposal. First, we determined the goals of our action, what would be included in the preliminary work, how, when and where the action itself would take place, and assigned responsibilities. And the work is in full swing!

Looking ahead a little, I would like to say that this form of work is new for us, but still, - THE ACTION IS SUCCESSFUL FOR US! All its participants received a lot of impressions, positive emotions, and it became clear to us (its organizers) that such events are interesting and useful for both children and adults. And already there were thoughts on carrying out new similar actions.

Well, now - what we got.

Action motto: Put out the cigarette, choose life!


To draw the attention of adults and children to the No Smoking Day and to this problem in general,

To bring to the consciousness of preschoolers that smoking is a bad habit,

To embody the motto of the action through the distribution of leaflets, the removal of the poster outside the group to familiarize others with it and the opportunity to vote for the motto for everyone.

Preliminary work:

conversation with children Bad habits(smoking)”, questioning parents “Smoking harms your lungs”, making leaflets, preparing a poster (with the motto of the action) and visual materials, a full house about the upcoming event.


1). On the day of the action in the morning, parents together with their children voted “for” the motto of the action - they depicted palms on the poster, wrote wishes in the palm of their hand.

2). In the middle of the day, teachers and children raided the kindergarten, during which they promoted NO SMOKING, handed out leaflets prepared earlier, and also offered to vote for the motto of the action.

3).Then the poster was posted in the lobby kindergarten in front of everyone around.


The goals of the action were achieved, excellent reviews were received, a lot of positive emotions were presented to each other. Many people supported the action, noted its usefulness and voted for our motto: “Put out the cigarette, Choose life!”

Photo report:

Conversation with children (Shorygin "Conversations about health").

Parent survey results.

Production of leaflets.

Preparation of a poster with the motto of the action.

We are visiting the guys of the senior group.

The teachers of the preparatory group "B" and the senior teacher are also "FOR".

We have collected a lot of votes, we invite you to join our action!

Prepared and delivered by:

educators: Dyudyukina E. V., Krashenninikova O. A., Kotovchikhina A. A.

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