Horoscopes by month and date of birth. New zodiac signs by month: what astrologers and nasa say

Many argue that our fate is predetermined and much can be predicted using horoscope by zodiac signs. Some, on the contrary, contradict, because they are sure that we ourselves forge our own destiny with our thoughts and decisive actions. Everyone has their own opinion, which can be confirmed or denied by facts from life. But one thing is undeniable - the Universe has its own laws, which, if understood, you can easily go through life.

This law is the same for all times and generations. It is on it that our planet is built, hence its development. As for the signs of the zodiac, even in the past, people have proven that they have a certain influence on the life and destiny of a person. Yes, of course, they do not change it fundamentally. But if we talk about character, then they already play a role.

What is the sign of the zodiac? Dates by month:

Depending on the year and place of birth, the date of transitions from one sign to another may vary slightly (up to a day).

Aries- from March 21 to April 20 (03/21 - 04/20)
Taurus- from April 20 to May 20 (20.04 - 20.05)
Twins- from May 21 to June 21 (21.05 - 21.06)
Crayfish- from June 22 to July 22 (22.06 - 22.07)
a lion- from July 23 to August 22 (23.07 - 22.08)
Virgo- from August 23 to September 22 (23.08 - 22.09)
Scales- from September 23 to October 23 (23.09 - 20.10)
Scorpion- from October 24 to November 22 (24.10 - 22.11)
Sagittarius- from 23 November to 21 December (23.11 - 21.12)
Capricorn- from December 22 to January 20 (22.12 - 20.01)
Aquarius- from January 21 to February 18 (21.01 - 18.02)
Fish- from February 19 to March 20 (19.02 - 20.03)

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

If a person was born under a certain zodiac sign, then when he reads his description years later, he will be surprised. Because he will get the impression that everything written is very similar to him. As if just someone decided to write about his character. Let's look into the future with the help of astrology. Astrology is not a specific science, but it beckons like a magnet in the hope of seeing something distant and secret from our lives.

Knowledge about celestial bodies will be of interest to many generations, more than once we will turn to the stars for advice. Of particular interest to us are the signs of the zodiac, by which people try to find out what awaits them. Many people believe horoscopes by zodiac sign, especially if they promise something good.

The influence of stars on people

According to astrology, our life is formed under the influence of stars and planets, events are formed depending on how the stars turn towards us. This is how our preferences, character, life position are formed. If you know a person well, the sharp turns of his life, you can easily read fate. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, in accordance with 12 individual types of people.

For drawing up a horoscope, not only the date of birth is important, but also the place. No one pays attention to social factors such as education, upbringing, the environment in which you grow up and the people with whom you communicate. But by the characteristics of the sign, you can easily recognize a person. Astrology allows us to recognize in advance what will happen to us. With such knowledge, no circumstances will take us by surprise, we will be ready for any turn of fate.

We will be able to choose the right friends or life partner, know what to do and what is better to leave. Knowing the Universe, we will discover the secrets of the future, and we will be able to adjust it for ourselves. It is for this reason that it is better to read horoscopes. You may not find a clear answer there, but what awaits you in life and how to act in a given situation, the horoscope will tell.

But, on the other hand, the horoscope will give you the right advice and parting words, which will help you not only make the right decision, but also guide you on the right path in life. Reading horoscopes does not mean believing every word they say. This means listening and drawing certain conclusions for yourself, which can help you a lot in the future.

Today, almost everyone knows about their belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac. Fashion is to some extent “to blame” for the extraordinary popularity of these symbols. However, it is unlikely that people will ever lose interest in knowledge that has been tested for thousands of years and continues to work to this day.

The word "Zodiac" is of ancient Greek origin, translated as "circle of animals" and denotes a kind of heavenly ribbon encircling the Earth. The Sun, Moon and some planets make their way along this route, bypassing the constellations that have received the names of the zodiac. The same sectors of this "belt" are the signs of the Zodiac - a key element of astrology.

Once upon a time there were 8, and 10, and even 17 zodiac signs. However, today we proceed from the fact that there are 12 of them: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Aquarius, Fish. They are combined according to the elements, divided into southern and northern, female and male, dry and wet, melancholic and violent, etc. But most importantly, each of the 12 signs has a certain set of qualities that they endow people born under them.

Aries birth dates

Aries is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. Aries is a pioneer in both thought and action, very open to new ideas, a freedom-loving person. Such people welcome the challenges of fate, and will not deviate from the intended goal.

Aries are natural, courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they lead, yet they won't hesitate to use subordinates to further their own goals. As subordinates, Aries can cause their leaders a lot of trouble, such people are prone to rash acts, immoderate in expressing their thoughts and emotions. The great energy of the Aries sign owners makes them aggressive and restless, stubborn and quick in business, and capable of clearly showing their displeasure if they feel offended.

Taurus Birth Dates

Beneath their cool and collected exterior, Taurus is very different from all other zodiac signs. Tauruses know how to move away from the crowd and remain above public opinion, and despite the fact that they have a well-deserved reputation for sociable and pleasant people in conversation. People born in the sign of Taurus generously allow others to be in their presence, but do not let anyone near them who could truly penetrate their soul.

Taurus feel much more comfortable, remaining a mystery to their surroundings. When communicating with such people, it is very easy to detect some degree of alienation on their part or a complete unwillingness to perceive other people's ideas - it's like talking to a tree, you say, argue in support of your theory, but Taurus, like a rock, does not give the slightest sign of the credibility of your monologue.

Gemini birth dates

In ancient Greek mythology, the ruler of Gemini - Hermes (Mercury), was the messenger of the gods, able to cross the heavens in the blink of an eye, perhaps this explains why those born under the sign of Gemini are always on the move, exhausted by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and new events. Terminally curious, and sometimes even mischievous and capricious, Geminis are multifaceted natures who like to know a little about everything, but generally not too much about one particular topic, in fact, only diversity is their goal in life.

In astrology, the Gemini have gained a reputation as irrepressible talkers capable of continuing their monologue for hours, the same Gemini who are deprived of such a gift usually become excellent writers or have a special talent for comprehending foreign languages, etc. In love, Geminis prefer a partner who can keep up with them either spiritually or physically.

Cancer Birth Dates

People born under the sign of Cancer, ruled by the mysterious Moon, are one of the mysteries of the zodiac. It's fair to say that most Cancers are a whole bunch of unimaginable contradictions. Compassionate and caring for friends, family, and their loved ones, Cancers can still bring anyone to a nervous breakdown with their zealous remarks and almost never-ending whims.

Attractively eccentric on the one hand, Cancers are extremely jealous of how they look in society and in the eyes of others. Like their astrological symbol, Cancers can appear hard, callous, and insensitive to their surroundings, however, underneath their thick shell lies a soft, sensual, and gentle creature. In the end, all Cancers are children of the Moon, the patroness of all lovers.

Leo Birth Dates

Charismatic, always positive, unwilling to be led by others, Leo attracts not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but also knows how to survive the turbulent times of life with his own style and good mood. Every Leo is born with luck in their hands, just as love conquers all adversity. Leo, which is controlled by the heart, is able to overcome any life difficulties and, having reached the goal, move even further, like all born leaders, they do not know peace.

As soon as Leo enters into a relationship with another person whom he completely trusts, he is completely dedicated and devoted to him. It is difficult to get along with such people, but if you have achieved their favor, you should not test your relationship for strength, if Leo suspects deceit or is betrayed, he will never forget the offense, will take revenge at the first opportunity, and he rarely changes his mind about a person who once showed his true self.

Virgo Birth Dates

In the classical understanding of astrology, Virgo is described as a mercantile, fussy and limited person. But when Virgo shines, there is virtually no other zodiac sign that can match their inner light in any way. Pleasure dwells in the melody of the soul of the Virgin, happiness and peace are prepared for the weary traveler.

When Virgo is confident in her abilities and feels the power of her abilities, such people become the most successful and creative of all the signs. If you set a goal, you can easily find many people born under the sign of Virgo working in the service industry, in charity, many of them will be teachers and doctors, and perhaps healers specializing in massage or herbal medicine.

Libra Birth Dates

In the imagination of every teenager born in the sign of Libra, the picture is drawn that he or she must find a prince or princess. In adulthood, many unfortunate events, personal dramas, heartbreaks and disappointments unfold, which further makes them search for their ideal, formed in childhood in the most extraordinary manner, for some it becomes an obsession as the search for the holy grail. Always passionate love, changeable relationships and a constant search for truth, sharply distinguish the owners of the sign of Libra, but only the search for balance is the purpose of their existence.

Sooner or later, any storms subside, and Libra, fortunately, finds the balance that they were looking for, perhaps this balance of power does not apply to all areas of life, but for the most part it satisfies them. Often such people find themselves in business, where they devote themselves completely to what they love, often this makes them extremely successful business people.

Scorpio Birth Dates

Described as the most powerful sign of the zodiac, Scorpio has a leader's destiny, an intense life filled with dramatic relationships and events of truly epic proportions. Even in childhood, the owners of this sign have a high intelligence, developed beyond their years. Many astrologers refer to this zodiac sign as the sign of the "oldest souls". A wise Scorpio often knows all the answers to all questions, however, as often happens, he does not know what he needs to do for his own happiness.

Passion, desire and power, hand in hand, lead Scorpio along the path of life. The biggest challenge of fate for Scorpio is the choice between the power of love and the love of power. Being in power, with their extraordinary, deep emotional processes and sensitivity, often becomes a difficult test for their inner circle. Scorpios are different from all other signs of the Zodiac, and this difference can manifest itself in everything, in their work, in love, in everyday life, everything that such people do and do is very different from others.

Sagittarius Birth Dates

Ruled by the beneficial planet Jupiter, Sagittarians have a natural exuberance of the lust for adventure in love and life, probably making them one of the most optimistic of all zodiac signs. Like their astrological symbol - Sagittarius - people born during this period are known for aiming their eyes at everything that they think is attractive or simply a necessary attribute of life - a loved one, an interesting job, a luxurious vacation, a beautiful property. - everything that Sagittarians need, sooner or later ends up in their hands.

Sagittarians believe that nothing is impossible for a person, you just need to make a little effort towards the desired goal, for the most part because of this belief, many of these people become real experts in finding happiness, they know how to be born in a shirt and how to catch the bird of luck by the tail.

Capricorn Birth Dates

The sign of Capricorn is regarded as the pinnacle of the zodiacal circle, living its quiet life, but capable, however, of achieving amazing success, both in life and in business. However, it is worth separating the two types of this zodiac sign. The first type is represented by mountain Capricorn, always rising higher and higher, he never stops and does not restrain his impulses until he reaches the top.

The second type is the domesticated Capricorn, lacking a great deal of adventurousness, with very modest ambitions and often content with what he has, this type will not budge of his own accord until he is nudged. And yet, any type of Capricorn has incredible patience and perseverance. They always achieve their goal because they know that even the longest journey starts with a single small step and that the first step is always the hardest.

Aquarius Birth Dates

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Those born in the sign of Aquarius are ruled by the energy of the independent planet Uranus, people who were born during this period have an excellent ability to plan the development of events in their own unique way, inherent only to them, inaccessible to understanding by other representatives of the zodiac.

No one is able to tell Aquarius how to live, because from an early age they are broad in knowledge, and even at a young age they are able to determine the weak link in the chain of future events. Most likely, a typical Aquarius would prefer to see himself as an autonomous and independent person, rather than wallow in the abyss of other people's doubts.

Pisces Birth Dates

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, indicating the final stage of development in man. Being born under the sign of Pisces, a person is at the stage of completion of his inner development, such people have a strong spiritual beginning and are able to perceive things and events according to their inner content. Compassion and a spiritual approach underlies most of the actions of such people, the sensitive nature of Pisces is always ready to help anyone in need.

Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, which also indicates your emotional depths and sensitivity at every level of life. Pisces instinctively desire to help others, and are capable of sacrificing their ambitions for the benefit of others they care about, especially close friends and family members. One of the most important life lessons for many Pisces is the dilemma of balancing their own needs with the needs of others.

Zodiac signs

The horoscope with its zodiac circle came to us from time immemorial as a cultural heritage of our ancestors. In the traditional pre-industrial cultures of the ancient peoples, society had a simpler and at the same time more clear order understandable to the common man. The roles of men and women were clearly defined by birth, family support and ancestor worship helped people to associate themselves with something more than their own needs and requirements. Modern society has gone far from these primitive dogmas, in our time the role of a man and a woman has long been unlimited by their love relationship, it is no longer enough just to love your partner and do the daily work of maintaining your household, a modern couple are also business partners and best friends.

However, despite all our achievements in recent years, as before, a person experiences an irresistible desire to know himself as a person, lift the veil of time and understand his future path and his destiny. He longs to know the meaning of his existence in this world, looking for answers to questions that science is not able to answer.

On the day of our birth, the planets described in the horoscope line up in the sky in a unique order for each of us, leaving a unique imprint peculiar only to a certain person. However, each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics common to all, allowing to some extent to judge the capabilities of a particular person. To find out such features, you need to read the descriptions of the signs of the zodiac located on this page by going to the appropriate section of the horoscope.

Horoscopes surround us every day: we read them in newspapers, listen to them on radio and TV. Nowadays, it is important to know not only your zodiac sign, but also the signs of friends, relatives, colleagues. Thanks to astrology, we better understand another person, we can find the right approach, choose a good gift for the holiday, and much more.

First, let's find out what is the sign of the zodiac? Here are a few facts that will give a complete answer:

FORECAST FOR 2019 - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will also receive an individual calendar of good and bad days of 2019.

  1. There are only 12 signs in the zodiac circle - these are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
  2. To put it simply, they are parts of the celestial sphere equal in size. And they have no direct relation to the constellations in the sky.
  3. Ophiucus is a constellation, not a zodiac sign, which is why it's not on the list.
  4. When we talk about “our” zodiac sign, we mean the sign of the Sun. It makes a journey during the year - it seems to us as if it revolves around the Earth. So, depending on what stage the annual movement of the Sun is at, this is our zodiac sign.
  5. Since the Sun completes its cycle in exactly one year (while the seasons change on Earth), it repeats its position on the same days of each year.
  6. Therefore, we can determine the signs of the zodiac by the months and dates of the year.
  7. Below you will find a table that indicates from what date to what date the Sun is in different signs.

It should be noted that, in addition to the Sun, astrologers analyze the position of the Moon and planets in the sky at the time of a person's birth. Each of these celestial bodies is in any sign of the zodiac. But these signs and their mutual influence are taken into account only in individual horoscopes, which are built personally for a particular person.

Table of zodiac signs by month and date

Sign Period Element
Aries 21.03 — 19.04 Fire
Taurus 20.04 — 20.05 Earth
Twins 21.05 — 21.06 Air
Crayfish 22.06 — 22.07 Water
a lion 23.07 — 22.08 Fire
Virgo 23.08 — 22.09 Earth
Scales 23.09 — 23.10 Air
Scorpion 24.10 — 22.11 Water
Sagittarius 23.11 — 21.12 Fire
Capricorn 22.12 — 20.01 Earth
Aquarius 21.01 — 18.02 Air
Fish 19.02 — 20.03 Water

Please note that the change of signs of the zodiac does not occur exactly at midnight, but in different years at different times. Similarities in my article about .

Planets by horoscope

Each zodiac sign has a patron planet. She conveys her qualities to the sign and endows with specific energy. Consider the planets in the table.

Zodiac signs calendar

In this article, I propose to consider a calendar by months. It will help in determining the sign of any person, based on his birthday.

Aries month

  • In what month are Aries born?
  • At the end of March and April.
  • From what to what number?
  • From March 21st to April 19th.

Aries are active and adventurous from birth. They often become pioneers in various areas of life. Many of them find themselves in business.

By nature, they are quick-tempered and self-confident. They often insist on being right even when others argue and prove the opposite.

Aries are impatient, but determined. They will not spend a week thinking about how to start a business. They just take and do, so they achieve a lot. Yes, they have mistakes and unsuccessful projects, but Aries do not give up. They try again and again until they find their way.

This zodiac sign does not like compromises. He achieves the realization of his desires and pays little attention to the desires of other people. In a sense, Aries is selfish. But he is so positive and sincere that he is forgiven.

As they grow up, Aries learn to listen to other people, learn from their experience and sometimes even agree to a compromise, but not to the detriment of themselves and their ideals.

Taurus Month

  • Taurus are born at the end of April and in May.
  • From what to what number?
  • From April 20th to May 20th.

Taurus from birth are peaceful, calm and prudent. They do not like haste, they act prudently and leisurely. Thanks to this, they often achieve stable results both in work and in personal life.

This zodiac sign is distinguished by love for beauty. Taurus appreciates art and beauty in a variety of ways. It can be found in an art gallery or in a philharmonic society.

Practicality Taurus helps them to manage the household, save and save money for large purchases. They are sure that money loves an account. Almost all representatives of this sign have a bank deposit or investments of a different kind.

Taurus are sensual natures. They love delicious food and good wine. Appreciate comfort and life's blessings. Many of them know how to cook wonderfully, even men.

Creativity occupies an important place in the life of Taurus. Some of them sing, others draw, others embroider. They want to surround themselves with beautiful things, including those created by their own hands.

Month of Gemini

  • Twins are born at the end of May and in June.
  • What numbers?
  • From May 21st to June 21st.

Gemini are considered the main scholars of the zodiac. They grasp on the fly any information, aware of all the latest events. They have a strong intellectual curiosity.

Therefore, Gemini love to learn and learn something new. So they, firstly, get rid of boredom and, secondly, replenish the treasury of knowledge. Their abilities and interests are versatile.

It is pleasant to communicate with Gemini, they will support a conversation on any topic. At the same time, they will be polite, friendly and pleasant. These are great friends. However, the mood of this sign often changes, so sometimes they become harmful and caustic.

The work of Gemini is also often associated with communication. Many of them find themselves in sales or public relations. However, they can handle any intellectual activities. And Gemini often go to work in a school or kindergarten.

Gemini is always young at heart, regardless of their passport age. They are curious and full of enthusiasm. They like to chat on the phone and communicate on social networks.

Month of Cancer

  • Crayfish are born at the end of June and in July.
  • What days of the year?
  • June 22 to July 22.

Cancers are emotional and impressionable from birth. They are characterized by caution and shyness, which are smoothed out as life experience accumulates.

This zodiac sign has a need to take care and patronize. Cancers make the most devoted and caring parents who intuitively feel what a child needs.

Cancers are great hosts in their home. They know how to put things in order, create a cozy atmosphere and cook a lot of delicious food. And not only women, but also men. Some of them even become chefs.

Those born under the sign of Cancer are sensitive and imaginative. Therefore, creativity is important for them, where you can throw out the accumulated emotions. Cancers are suited to work in the arts, but more often in search of security, they become accountants or choose another "reliable" profession. The need to care leads some of them to medicine.

This zodiac sign is also associated with collecting. They can collect stamps, figurines, paintings and anything. The main thing is that it resonates in the gentle soul of Cancer.

Month of the Lion

  • In what month are Leos born?
  • At the end of July and in August.
  • More precisely, from July 23 to August 22.

Leos are generous and kind to others. They demonstrate self-confidence and love to be the center of attention. They are flattered by the interested looks and admiration of other people.

This zodiac sign pays a lot of attention to appearance. Leos pick up elegant, stylish clothes that make them stand out in the crowd. Create spectacular hairstyles. Lionesses skillfully use cosmetics.

Leos are cheerful, but do not like criticism. They would rather have others keep silent about their shortcomings than openly declare. At the same time, the Lions themselves often criticize others without a twinge of conscience.

However, their warm disposition and friendliness make Leos favorites in any team. It is pleasant to be friends with them, they are honest and open. They love fun and parties. Always ready to go out to have a good time.

For Leo, love is of great importance. They are rarely happy when they are not in love. For joy, they need these wonderful feelings. Lions love both moonlight walks and romantic evenings.

Virgo Month

  • Virgos are born at the end of August and in September.
  • What numbers?
  • From August 23 to September 22.

Virgos are hardworking and efficient. In everyday life and in work, they prefer order and method, clarity and strict performance of duties. Clutter infuriates and irritates them.

This zodiac sign has a developed analytical mind. They are excellent at scientific work. But their abilities don't end there. They make excellent craftsmen working with their hands. These are woodcarvers, and needlewomen, etc.

Virgos are extremely attentive to details. They will notice a speck of dust on the interlocutor's suit or a drop of wine that has fallen on the tablecloth. Therefore, in household use they prefer perfect cleanliness and order, because they cannot bear to look at dust and scattered things.

Representatives of the Virgo sign are restrained in their manifestations. They do not like anything flashy: neither clothes, nor behavior, nor things. They hate vulgarity.

Another important trait of Virgo is the love of criticism. She is critical of herself, but also of those around her, setting her own high standards for them. Of course, rarely anyone manages to match them. Therefore, sometimes Virgos become grumps. However, life experience teaches them optimism and the ability to turn a blind eye to minor flaws.

Month of Libra

  • For Libra, this is the end of September and October.
  • What days of the year?
  • September 23 to October 23.

Libras are diplomatic and charming. They do not like quarrels and conflicts, they prefer peace and harmony. Therefore, in order to maintain good relations with other people, they often agree to compromises.

This sign of the zodiac loves communication, Libra loves small talk and interesting society. In communication, they try to be fair and impartial. They often remain neutral, being able to understand both sides of the conflict.

Libras are sensitive to beauty. They love beautiful things, elegant clothes. They care about their appearance and strive to look well-groomed. They also love art, including good movies, music, and photography.

Representatives of this sign love to give and receive gifts. They are especially pleased with the choice of gifts for friends. And when it turns out that they guessed the desire of a friend, Libra experiences special joy and pride.

They can open up fully in partnership with another person. Therefore, Libra seeks to marry or organize a business partnership.

Month of Scorpio

  • Scorpions are born at the end of October and in November.
  • From what to what number?
  • From October 24 to November 22.

Scorpios are naturally determined and energetic. They are passionate in all manifestations. If work, then with full dedication. If love, then to the depths of the soul. For this they are loved and for this they are hated. It is simply impossible to treat Scorpio neutrally.

This zodiac sign seeks to get to the bottom of things. If there is a mystery in front of him, he will not stop until he finds the truth. If he has a difficult task in front of him, he will not calm down until he achieves a result.

At the same time, Scorpios are very emotional and sensitive. It is easy to hurt and offend them, but they will not give a look. However, they will remember the offender for a long time and, if possible, will repay him with the same coin.

Scorpios are perceptive, they perfectly feel the moods of other people. At the same time, lies are distinguished from the truth. It is almost impossible to fool them. Therefore, Scorpios become excellent psychologists.

This is a sign of will. They are willing to put in a lot of effort, to the point of being able to achieve what they want. And their desires are very strong and passionate. They are one of those who are able to work day and night to achieve the goal. But they won’t even lift a finger when they are not interested in the matter.

Sagittarius Month

  • In what month are Sagittarians born?
  • Late November and December.
  • More precisely, from November 23 to December 21.

Sagittarians are the idealists of the zodiac, they are independent and freedom-loving. Freedom for them is perhaps the most important thing in life. They do not like circumstances where increased responsibility is required of them or where they are forced to do something.

Sagittarius also highly value the truth and are ready to carry it to people. Even in cases where these people would prefer sweet lies. Sagittarius hates gossip, innuendo and intrigue behind their backs. He is direct and honest with others.

Representatives of this sign have a passion for travel. Sagittarius dreams of traveling around the world, visiting different countries and learning their culture. Such trips enrich his worldview.

Sagittarians love to learn. They are very inquisitive and want to know about everything in the world in order to better understand the structure of the world in which we live. And after they have gained knowledge, Sagittarians are happy to share it with others. Therefore, they are considered excellent teachers.

Friends love Sagittarians for their cordiality, directness, enthusiasm and moral principles. This sign is an enthusiastic nature, can achieve a lot in those areas that are really interesting to him.

Month of Capricorn

  • Capricorns are born at the end of December and in January.
  • What days of the year?
  • From December 22 to January 20.

Capricorns are hardworking, persistent and diligent. From childhood, they set goals for themselves, which they achieve step by step. This sign does not like haste, it achieves its goal gradually, but moreover, it often overtakes competitors who, due to haste, forget something important.

Representatives of the Capricorn sign love to plan. They schedule their time by the clock, they know how to organize activities so that they can do everything.

Sometimes it seems that Capricorns are cold and insensitive people who have only business on their minds. But this is completely false. They sincerely love and value family and friends.

But Capricorn's care is different from Cancer's. He will not show unnecessary emotions, will not sympathize. On the contrary, it will immediately begin to provide practical assistance. Husband Capricorn is unlikely to confess his love for his wife every day. But by his actions he will prove his feelings to her.

The behavior of Capricorn is restrained and even a little constrained. Over the years, it opens up, excessive coldness disappears, and pleasant warmth appears in the character.

Month of Aquarius

  • In what month are Aquarians born?
  • At the end of January and February.
  • More precisely, from January 21 to February 18.

Aquarius is an original and independent person. He does not accept conventions and is interested in the latest achievements of science and technology. He is also fascinated by the social sciences, he wants to understand the laws by which society develops.

This sign is very objective. He is able to step back from emotions and from his own opinion in order to express an impartial assessment of the event. It is difficult for others to understand this, because they do not know how.

Aquarians do not like when someone commands them. They have their own view on any issue and their own understanding of what should be done and how. Often they prefer not to go into disputes, proving their case, but simply act according to their own understanding.

This is the intellectual sign of the zodiac. Many scientists are Aquarius. They find themselves in science, technology, public relations, and also where you need to communicate with a wide variety of people. Aquarians think broadly, so they won't judge anyone.

Aquarians are the originals. They love unusual clothes, do unusual things. They are not easy to guess because they are unpredictable. They enjoy surprising people.

Month of Pisces

  • For Pisces, this is the end of February and March.
  • What days of the year?
  • From February 19th to March 20th.

Pisces are compassionate, sensitive and dreamy. They have a developed inner world, which is replenished with impressions through films, music, books and other works of art.

The nature of this sign is changeable. Then they are passive, lethargic, melancholy. Then suddenly they become energetic, punctual and efficient. They need inspiration to work effectively.

Pisces are generous, their compassion is manifested in the desire to help other people and all living beings. They participate in charitable projects, are arranged by volunteers. Helping animal shelters.

This sacrificial nature sometimes leads Pisces to dissolve into other people, into their desires, needs and joys. They should keep the boundaries of their own personality.

Representatives of the Pisces sign are not inclined to judge other people. They have a broad outlook, and they are ready to accept any oddities and peculiarities of their neighbor. For this, they are loved by friends, and relatives consider them too soft-bodied.

Thus, the signs of the zodiac are distributed according to the months of the year. Their numbers are fixed and constant, they shift only slightly every year, the shift is especially noticeable in leap years.

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Zodiac sign - Pisces

21.02 - 20.03

The symbol of Pisces is two fish connected by tails, striving in different directions, wandering in the expanses of the ocean. This symbolizes life after death; the struggle of the soul and body, the suppression of self-expression. Water sign, changeable, nocturnal, cold, negative.

Year of the zodiac - pig

Basically in nature, the zodiac Pigs are shy, and they have to be so, because they have many enemies, and they themselves are a desirable prey for any predator. Pigs are not completely defenseless, as many inexperienced hunters believe, for despite the fact that they often flee, all pigs, including people born in the year of the Pig, are capable of a desperate fight, if it comes down to it, and it is unlikely willing to give up.

The Pig is probably the sign that we most often underestimate, and this is quite difficult to understand. The character of the Pig is full of obvious paradoxes: she is shy and shy, but strong and stubborn; in unfamiliar company, she can hide in a corner, but if you need to act, she shows swiftness and frightening confidence.

Usually the sign of the zodiac Pig is good-natured in nature, although they have earned a reputation as rather gloomy and mysterious creatures. They are distinguished by great sensuality and are able to love, forgetting about everything else. They like to be at home, they strive for a happy family life, in which they find the greatest joy for themselves.

Element year of birth - earth

This element belongs to the afternoon and the hottest summer days. The main qualities of the Earth element are fertility and endurance, diligence and strategic thinking. The earth also represents realism and hard work, the elements of a businessman.

Many people have heard about the Signs of the Zodiac, but there are those who do not know how to determine their Sign by date of birth. This topic can be interesting since people have been doing research in this area for several thousand years.

By the way, the Sign is determined only on the basis of the date of birth of each individual person. There is no other way to do this - there is no alternative. The reason for this is extremely simple, because there are only 12 months in a year, as you know. Each of them makes up 30 degrees of the night sky out of a total of 360.

There are constellations in the sky, which in ancient times were named after what they roughly look like. And so from year to year the starry sky changes in exactly the same way, so each Zodiac Sign has certain rigid time frames equal to about a month.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

If you were born during this period of time, then you are Aries. Your energy aura is very strong, because you are used to always going ahead of your goals. Your element is fire.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Since ancient times, children born during this period of time have been destined for a great future. The element of earth gives you the strongest logical skills and craving for justice, loyalty.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini is ruled by air. You are windy, but at the same time very calm and not impulsive. Your true face is unknown to anyone, as you are masked by emotions, charm and high intelligence.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

If you were born during this period of time, then you are a Cancer. water. And your main character trait is caring, kindness and honesty. Water Signs adapt to their environment, so difficult tasks are easy for you.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Those born under the sign of Leo lead a special way of life. From the outside, nothing special, but inside you have a constantly raging fire that needs someone to support. You are a typical representative of the fiery Signs.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

Virgo is the brightest representative of the earth element. Your analytical skills and unconventional intelligence can impress almost anyone.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Libra is an air sign of the zodiac, which is able to kindle a fire in anyone or, conversely, calm an unbridled personality. Libra loves harmony, beauty, therefore they radiate success and peace.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Scorpions are typical representatives of the elements of water. The main strength of this Zodiac Sign lies in its resilience and ability to adapt to any conditions in all areas of life.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Fire Signs are usually impulsive, but Sagittarians are often reserved and calm. They are lucky and love to travel, despising an amorphous lifestyle.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Your strength is wisdom and an incredible desire for stability. Capricorns usually do not take caution, because the earth element teaches them to learn from their own and others' mistakes.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 20)

Incredible mind, charm, intuition - it's all about you. Air endows you with a desire for self-improvement that prevails over all other desires. You are very lucky and smart, which is not always to everyone's liking.

Pisces (February 21 - March 20)

The water element helps you to dissolve in problems and surround yourself with only the essentials. Pisces are very smart, although they hide it under a thick layer of laziness and insecurity.

As you can see, finding out your Zodiac Sign is quite simple. To do this, you only need to know your date of birth. Now that you are familiar with your Sign, you can find out more information - for example, compatibility in love or the secrets of different Signs. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.04.2016 00:20

The energy connection between people and animals was noticed in antiquity. Each sign of the zodiac is ruled by...

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