Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group “Sounds of the spring forest. Entertainment "Hello, Spring!" in the senior group

Children enter the hall to calm folk music and form a semicircle.


In the yard - spring is red.

Why is spring red and clear?

The sun is hot, the light is bright,

Sticky bud, first leaf.

Clear sky, red sun!

Hooray! Spring has already come

Drops can be heard in the street.

Cap-cap, car-car and chick-chirp.

Spring noise, and din, and scream.

Children perform a round dance "Oh, water runs like a stream." At the end of the song, they sit down.

Oh, the water is running

Music by A. Filippenko

Oh, the water runs like a stream,

No snow, no ice.

Oh water, oh water

No snow, no ice.

The cranes have arrived

And the nightingales are small

Cranes, cranes

And nightingales are small.

We sing spring

We call the red summer.

Oh, sing, oh, sing

We call red spring.


I invite you guys

Walk in the spring meadow.

Let's have fun together

Jump, run and play.

Grab your seats on the train guys! Train departs!

Everyone “goes around” the hall with a stomping step to the song “Train”


Music by N. Metlov

Here is our train

The wheels are rattling

And in our train

The guys are sitting.


The steam locomotive is running.

far, far away

He took the guys.

Leading. Here we come to the meadow. How good: the first grass is green, the sun is bright, the sky is blue! .. And here is the white birch.

1st child.

I love Russian birch

Either light or sad.

In a white sarafan

With handkerchiefs in my pocket.

With beautiful clasps

With green earrings.

2nd child.

We are around the birch

Let's get into a round dance.

Happy and loud

Everyone sings.

Children perform a round dance "Birch".


Words by V. Kuklovskaya, music by A. Filippenko

We stood around the birch in a round dance,

Bright handkerchiefs raised high.


You birch, look, look!

It's kids dancing, kids!

And now, birch, let's play hide and seek.

Guess, birch, where are all the guys?



Let's get closer to the birch,

We will read poetry to the birch tree.

Children read poetry (software, at the choice of the teacher).


White birch, go for a walk with us.

Go for a walk with us, call spring birds.

The teacher attaches an image of a sparrow to a birch branch.


And what kind of bird is this?

Growth is small.

On the birch of the village

Did you sing a song?

The children answer. The song "Winter has passed" by N. Metlov (solo singing) is performed.


Birch branches waving at the edge,

And send greetings to us, dear little animals!

Dramatization "Forest Musicians".


The musicians gathered on a green meadow,

The musicians brought - some harmonica, some horn.

How many musicians, so many talents.


Mouse on the hill

Dancing near the mink.

Ringing the bell

Everyone in the neighborhood is happy. (Rings a bell.)


Two funny cats

They took the spoons.

wooden, carved,

Voiced and painted. (Spoons.)


If a bear beats a tambourine,

How not to ring a tambourine!

A mosquito will start to beat him,

You won't hear anything! (Tambourine.)


Bom-bom, bam-bam!

The hare sat down at the drum!

Played, and at the same time

Everyone around started dancing. (Drum.)


All the animals sat side by side

They played well.

Come out, kids

Dance from the heart!

The "Free Dance" is performed to the accompaniment of a noise orchestra. Variations on the theme of Russian folk melodies.

presenter. We danced together, everyone needs a rest.

The play "Horse" sounds (music by D. Kabalevsky). Petrushka enters the hall on a toy stick-horse.


And here are the kids!

Hello guys!

Hello girls,


I am your friend Petrushka!

I've come to entertain and entertain you.

What if I have a good horse? (Shows.)

Leading and children praise.

Parsley. And to show you how I caught my horse, and then harnessed it?

The children answer in the affirmative.

Parsley. Well, where's my handkerchief?

Petrushka is blindfolding.

Parsley. That's how I caught her blindfolded.


Guys, let's joke with Petrushka!

We will clatter, jump

And play horses.

Let Petrushka try

Find your horse.

The game "Blind Man's Buff with Parsley".

At the end of the game, the Host gives Petrushka his horse.


Finally caught her!

Oh, out of breath, tired.

I will sit under a birch, I will rest

Let me hear the silence.

He sits under a birch tree, the children are on chairs.


Listen to the leaves rustling

How flowers grow.

Singing is heard from behind the door. Petrushka listens.


Someone sings a song

Someone is visiting us.

Matryoshka enters the hall.


Hello guys! Hello guests!

It's me, Matryoshka, singing a song,

It's me, Matryoshka, I'm coming to visit you!

I walk through the forest, collecting riddles.

Matryoshka invites children to solve riddles.

Matryoshka. Guys, do you like going to kindergarten?

Children. We love.

Matryoshka. Do your toys like to play with you? Children. Yes.

presenter. Matryoshka, do you know what happened once in our group with toys?

Matryoshka. No.

presenter. We will sing about it to you now.

Children sing the song "Toys"


Words by I. Ponomareva, music by L. Arstanova

Once in a group, toys were presented to kids

And until the morning they put them on a shelf to rest.

And at night they came to life, quarreled right now,

They began to bully each other and tease with a song:


Oh you hippo - mot-mot,

And you have such a belly

And you are a dog - byaka-byaka,

You are a big bully.

We won't live together

I don't want to be friends with you

And in the morning the children came to the garden, the toys reconciled.

They began to invite them to the games and they were very loved.

Toys are friendly now, they don’t want to fight,

And the children sing songs and love to laugh!


Oh you hippo - mot-mot,

And you have a big belly

And you are a dog - byaka-byaka,

You are a big bully.

We will live here with you

And we will be strong friends

And guard our kindergarten at night!

Matryoshka. It's good that the toys reconciled and now they are friendly.

I have, Matryoshka,

Sharp legs.

They don't want to stand still

Dance along with me!

D. M. Kabalevsky's "Little Poleka" is being performed. Children perform the dance "Steam Room" (music by D. M. Kabalevsky), and Matryoshka and Petrushka dance in the middle.

presenter. Now, guys, let's play hide-and-seek.

Surprise game "Hide and seek with a handkerchief."

At the end of the game, there is a treat under the scarf. Parsley and Matryoshka distribute it to the children, and then they say goodbye and leave.


It's time for us to say goodbye to the birch

And back to kindergarten.

To the Russian folk melody “There was a birch in the field”, they go around the birch again and go to the group.

Entertainment scenario "Spring - Red has come to us!"

Entertainment progress:
Children under the song "Spring" (composer S. Randa) enter the hall and sit on the chairs.
Hello dear guests and parents.
We invite you to the spring holiday.
Here comes spring again
She brought a holiday again
Accept our congratulations,
And look at the children's performance!
1 child
Spring came! Spring is red!
With green grass by the window.
She hung the earrings on a birch - white leg.
Spring is everywhere! Spring is everywhere!
In the animal mink and in the nest!
2 child
Spring has come bright
Red spring has come
With sticky buds
with the first leaves.
3 child
Spring came
Ringing drops
Everywhere you hear the birdsong
And the heavens were higher
You can see the beauty of the snowdrops.
4 Child
Spring has come to us - red has come
And brought joy
Grass turn green
Birds sing songs
Gardens bloom in spring
And we will grow faster.
5 Child
The sky turned bright blue
The sun warmed the earth.
Over the mountains, over the seas
Flocks of cranes rush.
The streams in the forest sing
And the snowdrops are in bloom.
Everyone woke up from sleep.
This came to us...
Children (together) Spring.
(To the music: Strauss' waltz "Voices of Spring" enters Spring)
I know they are waiting for me everywhere
Everyone in the world needs me.
I bring joy to people
My name is Spring!
Hello guys,
Hello dear guests!
So let's all together
Let's sing a song about spring. (Children sing "Song of Spring").
The soundtrack of the noise of the forest sounds.
Grandpa Echo lives in the forest,
Talking to him is just fun
If we all shout "ay"
We'll hear back
Echo (behind the door):
Let's all say "come here"
Echo answers
We shout to grandfather: “Where are you?”
Echo answers
Enough, grandfather, naughty,
If only you were joking.
Go here!
We are waiting for you!
(Echo enters with a basket in his hands)
I live in the forest
I scream all day.
I answer here and there
The most varied voices.
I only want to say
What I love to play
joke, pamper
Songs to sing and dance.
Hello Grandpa Echo! What do you have in your basket?
My forest animals
Submit your toys. (Takes out a bag of cones from the basket)
Here the squirrels gave me bumps,
Let's play with them here.
Game - attraction "Who will pick up more cones in the basket"
Children and parents are divided into 2-3 teams and collect cones in baskets while the music is playing. The team that completes the task faster wins.
Well guys, well done!
They played from the heart.
I have a picture
In the picture around the forest,
And there are snowdrifts too.
Only through a snowdrift, kids,
Flowers of unprecedented beauty break through.
Show children an unfinished picture
I don't understand anything. Where are the flowers - primroses?
I was in a hurry, did not have time to finish the picture. Can the guys help me decorate the picture with snowdrops?
Of course, Grandpa Echo, children and adults will draw your favorite spring flowers.
The thawed patches were warmed by the sun from above,
And the first spring flowers bloomed.
To our delight, the most delicate snowdrops flaunt.
Let only people do not tear them, but only admire them.
Against the background of the music "Snowdrop" by P. Tchaikovsky, all children and adults draw the collective work "Snowdrops in a Glade" in non-traditional ways. Parents trace snowdrop flowers according to the template, and children color them.
Echo, get some rest
Sit on a stump.
Children will not be bored
They will sing and dance.
Who's got a frown here?
The music is playing again!
Get it together, kids.
Now it's time to dance!
Dance with flowers (Collection. "Ring the song")
1. Flowers fled,
Bright bouquets. Children with flowers run around the room
Flickered here and there
And bloom under the sun.
2. Spin around, spin around
And show the kids. circling
Spin around, spin around
And show the kids.
3. Dance, flowers,
Bright bouquets. Make a spring
Sit down, sit down
And have fun guys.
4. Wind, fly in
And shake the flowers. swinging their hands,
Yes - yes - yes, come in which flowers are kept
And shake the flowers.
And I also prepared a surprise. I have greetings from Summer - A glorious flower, not easy.
When I touch lightly
To the bud of a sleeping flower,
By the wave of a hand
The flower will open its petals!
Spring touches a spring twig to a closed flower. The petals of the flower open.
What tasks are hidden in the flower,
Do you want to know, kids?
Then let's get started quickly!
Let's pick a petal and read the task!
A melody sounds. Spring plucks a petal, reads the task.
Spring 1 task (petal blue)
Question: Do you know what kind of birds fly to us in the spring? What are their names?
Answer: Starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows, rooks fly to us. These are migratory birds.
Spring is here, Spring is here
Spring has come to us,
The starlings have arrived
Sat down to clean the feathers.
I will go to the green garden
There the nightingales whistle
Cherries are blooming
The birds are waking up.
6 Child
Squid, fly in
Choose your house
On a high tree
With wide porch
Yes, fistula more often
Yes, louder doody
Bring out the songs loudly.
And here the starlings are flying,
All children are invited.
Who is smart here?
Let's play now.
An outdoor game with high chairs - birdhouses "Who will take the birdhouse faster."
Under the "Song of the Lark" of the composer, "birds" fly, and they try to occupy the "birdhouses".

Spring 2 task (petal red)
The game "Spring words" (characteristic signs of spring)
All players (adults and children) stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The one who catches the ball must name something spring, and immediately throw the ball to another child or adult.
Well guys, well done!
They played from the heart.
Spring 3 task (green petal)
And now, my children, solve riddles.
She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale
Waving a magic wand -
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.
blue handkerchief,
scarlet ball
Rolling across the sky
Smiling at people.
(sky, sun)
Palace on the tree
There is a singer in the palace.
What is this palace?
Lie down between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Quietly lay down
Then she suddenly ran away.
In a white sundress
She stood in the meadow.
The tits flew
Sat on pigtails.
And our guys know how to dance around a birch. And we have our own birch. Look how slim and beautiful she is. (Brings out a girl - “birch”).
Come on, play music!
Invite us to dance!
The round dance "At the birch" is performed
We dance and sing
We clap our hands
We don't get tired
With good music.
Spring 4 task (petal yellow)
Let's continue the holiday, let's have fun playing!
Relay "Collect a flower"
Created 2 teams of children and parents. 2 flowers from blue and red, yellow and white cardboard cut into petals and cores. Parts of the flowers are in disarray. After the signal, the participants of both teams, on the petal of a certain color, collect a flower. The team that completes the task faster wins.
2 girls run in - "butterflies". They fly to the collected flowers, their wings are not painted.

Spring 5 task (orange petal)
Color the wings of the butterflies
Teams of children and parents are formed. It is necessary to paint the wings of butterflies using an unconventional method (with a foam swab, “poke”, cotton swabs) as quickly and accurately as possible.

Butterfly (7th child)
We'll spread our wings
Nice pattern on them.
We're spinning, we're spinning
What space all around!
We flew to the meadow
And here we dance the waltz.
And it seems that with us
The whole meadow began to dance.
How the music plays
Collects all dancers.
Come on, everybody get up
Start the fun dance.
Plastic study "The most beautiful butterfly". Children and adults are invited to participate. To the music, all participants make smooth movements, similar to the flight of a butterfly. At the end of the music, they freeze in different positions. Spring chooses the most beautiful "butterfly".
What good fellows you all are: you sing, dance, you know a lot about birds, about plants.
Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?
Children and adults name the rules:
- Do not break tree branches.
- Do not damage the bark of trees.
- Don't touch the bird's nests.
- Don't make noise in the forest.
- Don't destroy anthills.
- Never throw garbage into bodies of water.
How much fun you have in kindergarten!
Thank you for inviting
I was amused.
But now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids! But before I leave, I will please you. A magic tree blossomed in the forest, and magic sweets grew on it. Whoever eats candy will hear the voices of the forest, and will never violate the rules of behavior in the forest.
A small tree is brought out on a stand, with sweets hanging on it. (Echo goes out)
You welcomed me well
Song, dance welcomed.
I will give everyone a gift
I won't cheat anyone!
A tray of cake is brought out…
Now it's time for me to go to the fields and forests.
Come visit my friends. (Spring is leaving).
We are finishing our story
What else can we say?
Allow me to say goodbye
Wish you good health!
Thank you for your attention! (parents)
Thank you for your efforts (children)
Our low bow to all of you!
Children leave the room to the music.

Program tasks:- to form the ability to express the emotional content of music in an artistic way;

- to develop a cognitive interest in sound reality through musical and sensory culture, vocal and choral skills;

- to cultivate a creative attitude to different types of musical activity.

Material and equipment: scenery for decorating forest and flower meadows, music center, audio recordings: instrumental music, rain, sounds of the forest, waltz "Voices of Spring" by I. Strauss, costumes of Spring, Forest Fairy, forest bird, medallions for droplets, animals, flowers, caps for frogs , rays, hoops with flowers, musical instruments: xylophone, metallophones, bells, triangles, noise instruments: paper sultans, nuts, paper, drum, an envelope with a letter from Spring, graphic diagrams with images of emotions (joy, calmness, anger), Magic wand.

Characters: Spring, Forest Fairy - adults, forest bird, rays - children.

Preliminary work: learning and conducting musical and didactic games, learning songs, poems, dance-rhythmic compositions, listening to the sounds of nature (rain, stream, droplets, birdsong), showing illustrations, playing musical and noise instruments.

The course of the musical entertainment

Instrumental music sounds, the children enter the hall and become a semicircle.

Musical director (M.r.).

What is beautiful in the world,

Everything music can convey to us:

And the sound of the waves, and the singing of birds,

And rain and wind -

She can tell us everything.

M. Sidorova

M.r.(suitable for children-droplets).

Raindrops are very mischievous

They love to have fun and dance.

There will be a spring concert in the meadow,

We invite you to meet Spring!

Droplets, settle down in the clearing.

Droplet children sit on chairs, the music director approaches the animal children and frog children.

M.r. Forest animals woke up, mischievous frogs, spring birds flew in. Hurry up for the spring concert! Hey, forest animals, mischievous frogs, here is your clearing! (They sit down on chairs.)

The music director addresses the flower children, points to the flower meadow.

M.r. Here is a flower meadow, the first spring flowers appeared on it: beautiful snowdrops, blueberries, tulips. Flowers, your clearing is the sunniest!

Miracles are waiting for you. Do you want to hear magical sounds? (Yes.) They live in a magical land, which you can get to with the help of a magical "guessing game". And the game will help us in this.

Instrumental music sounds, children take musical and noise instruments, sit on chairs.

Game "Forest Fantasy"

M.r. Spring has come! The sun became bright and warm, the first flowers appeared, the forest animals ran out into the clearing.

1st child. The hares danced merrily in the spring meadow. (Xylophone sounds.)

2nd child. The bears woke up, went for a walk from the den. (Paper rustles.)

3rd child. Forest boars frolic in a sunny clearing. (A drum sound is heard.)

4th child. Squirrels jumped out of the hollow and began to joyfully knock nuts. (There is a knock of nuts.)

5th child. The first snowdrops blossomed and sang songs.

6th and 7th child. Blue streams ran through the forest. (Metallophone sounds.)

8th and 9th child. The wind blew, the leaves rustled. (The sound of a paper sultan is heard.)

10th and 11th child. The sun hid behind the clouds, the first spring rain began to fall. (Sounds of triangles are heard.)

M.r. But the forest animals were not afraid of the rain, because it was warm, calm and affectionate.

An audio recording of the sound of rain sounds.

M.r. Now we know what sounds live in the spring forest, let's call them. (Children list.) Guys, leave musical instruments in the clearings and meet the guest. The Forest Fairy is hurrying to us, she will tell the spring news.

The waltz "Voices of Spring" by I. Strauss sounds.

The Forest Fairy appears in the clearing and spins around.

Wood Fairy. Hello! I am a Forest Fairy, a kind sorceress.

I've been going for a long time guys

Listen to music in the forest!

And a grasshopper, and a woodpecker,

Both the bee and the dragonfly.

Whistles, whistles...

And on the branches and in the bushes

famous artists

Hiding in different places.

T. Shorygina

Song "Forest song"(lyrics by P. Kachanova, music by V. Vitlin)

Wood Fairy.

I listen to drops at noon:

It murmurs like a bird's chirp.

Sounds like a crystal bell

Merry joyful messenger!

The drop murmurs, rings, sings,

She breaks snow and ice.

She doesn't care about a big snowdrift,

She runs like a living stream.

T. Shorygina

Song "Sunshine"(lyrics by I. Vakhrusheva, music by S. Sosnin)

Wood Fairy. Guys, look, there is an envelope in the clearing. Who is he from? (Examines it.) This is a letter from Spring! (Shows to children.) Let's read what is written in it. (Reads the letter.)

Magic forest, spring forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

The magic brook murmured,

Say hello to the sun.

The birds sing merrily

You are invited to visit.

T. Shorygina

Let's turn into a stream and go through the spring forest to meet Spring. I have a magic wand, it will help us. Magic wand, help, turn us into a stream.

Instrumental music sounds. Children join hands, run like a snake through the hall. They meet raindrops, they argue among themselves.

1st drop. I am the smartest and strongest droplet. I'll fly to the ground faster than you. As soon as the rain starts, I'll already be waiting for you in a puddle.

2nd drop. Don't ask! Let's see which one of us can fly faster! Time will tell.

Wood Fairy. While you were arguing, other droplets flew in and want to dance a fun dance.

Dance "Naughty Droplets"

Wood Fairy. These are the droplets: funny, mischievous, joyful. And what happens to the rain? (Playful, mischievous, quiet, calm, angry, loud.) Let's turn into rain. Magic wand, help, turn us into rain!

Game "Rain"

Children are invited to turn into a quiet, calm rain - they clap their hands, imitate its noise, saying in a whisper: “Klep-klep-klep”.

Then the children are invited to turn into a joyful, mischievous, cheerful rain - they clap their hands loudly, imitate the sound of rain, saying loudly: “Gag-gag-gag”.

To portray a loud, angry rain, children perform stomp, imitate the sound of rain, loudly pronouncing: “Top-top-tep”.

Then, according to the rhythmic sound gesture of the music director (stomp or clap), the children reproduce the sound of an angry, calm and cheerful rain.

The music director shows the children graphic diagrams depicting emotions, asks them to correlate the depicted emotion with the music.

Wood Fairy. Our journey continues, the brook murmurs, runs through the spring forest towards Spring.

Instrumental music sounds, children run like a stream, meet a forest bird.


Together with the young Spring,

We hurried to our native land.

Evil blizzards flew

They swirled, they flew.

Blocked the path of Spring.

Children, do you believe me?

T. Shorygina

Children. We believe!

Wood Fairy. I know how to help Spring. I have good friends - sunshine. They will help us.

Ray children put on hats, read poetry.


We are spring rays!

We are fast and hot!

1st ray.

We rush forward like arrows,

Let's quickly melt the white snow.

2nd beam.

We will drive away the evil blizzard

The blizzard will run away from us.

3rd beam.

And the icicle is their friend

Let's turn it into drops!

T. Shorygina

The song "Spring is Coming Again" (T. Borovik)

Instrumental music sounds, Spring enters the hall.


I love when gardens bloom

And the grasses are green.

Dragonflies glide by the water

Noisy oak foliage!

Then I touch lightly

To the bud of a sleeping flower -

And by the movement of the hand

The flower will open its petals.

T. Shorygina

Dance "Flower Fantasy"(performed by flower girls)


Musicians - forest talents!

Come out to the meadow

Cheer up all the guests!

For the sun to shine

To make it more fun!

You jumping frogs

Have fun until the morning!

The sun is laughing!

Spring came!!!

T. Shorygina

Song-dance "Funny Frogs" (T. Borovik)

Spring. Guys, what sounds live in the spring forest? (Sounds of a stream, singing of birds, sounds of rain, rustling of leaves, knocking of nuts, croaking of frogs, sounds of droplets, steps of a bear, trampling of wild boars.)

Instrumental music sounds.

Spring. I don't say goodbye to you! I'm glad we met in the spring forest.

Song "Song, the sun and you"(lyrics by E. Prikhodko, music by E. Zaritskaya)

Wood Fairy. So our trip to the spring forest ended. We learned where sounds live, what they are, how they sound.

A. Smerdova, N. Kuznetsova

Festive entertainment in the senior group “Spring is red, come! Educator: Efremova Zh.M. Musical director: Pyrgar S.V Purpose:    develop in children an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature; aesthetic feelings, experiences; Creative skills; to cultivate hospitality, the desire to be kind, generous; create a festive mood in children. Preliminary work: on the eve of the holiday, the teacher distributes invitation cards with the inscription “Come to the holiday of meeting Spring!”. Before the holiday, a spring-themed drawing competition is held among children, children draw a portrait of Spring. Parents of the children of the group are invited to the roles of Spring, the Sun, Baba Yaga. The hall is colorfully decorated with a spring landscape of a forest clearing. There are trees on both sides, the sun is on the wall. Entertainment script. Characters: presenter (educator), Spring (adult), Sunny (adult), Baba Yaga (adult). Props: Costumes of Baba Yaga, Spring, Sunshine. Artificial flowers according to the number of children with sweets glued to them. Children enter the hall to cheerful music. Leading: - Today is an unusual holiday! Today we will meet Spring in our forest glade. A stream gurgled in a ravine. The birds have arrived from the south The sun is warming in the morning Spring is coming to visit us! Everywhere you can hear the sound of drops, We are tired of snowstorms. Birds are hovering in the heights We will sing a sonorous song about spring. Children sing the song "Joy of Spring", words and music by Z. Root. Leading: If the blue river Awakened from sleep And runs in the fields, sparkling So, spring has come to us! If the sun blushes Our cheeks to red, It will become even more pleasant for us So, spring has come to us! Let's all call spring to our clearing together. Spring come! Children: Come spring! Spring enters under the phonogram. "Waltz of Flowers" music. P. Tchaikovsky. Spring: I know, they are waiting for me everywhere. Everyone in the world needs me. I bring joy to people, And my name is Spring! -Hello guys! How elegant and beautiful you all are! Can you solve riddles? (Yes). Well, then listen: Snow and ice melt in the sun, Birds fly in from the south, And the bear is not up to sleep. So, it came to us ... (spring) Fine days are not rare, Branches are basking in the sun. And, like small dots, They swelled on the branches ... (buds) All the people are having fun - Ice floes set off on a campaign! We are on the river every year We observe ... (ice drift) The blue icicle is crying, But it does not hide its nose from the sun. And all day long under the bird's trill Drip-drip-drip - rings ... (drops) Melt water rushes along the paths without difficulty. Snow from the sun's rays Turns into. .. (stream) Spring: The sun warmed merrily A stream ran from the mountain. He slept like a big, big snowdrift all winter until spring. A stream, a stream, a young boy, Ran into the kindergarten. To make the kids happy. Game: "Brook". The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands, a long corridor is obtained. The player who did not get a pair goes to the "source" of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the "brook". And passing under clasped hands, he takes away with him the one he likes. This is how the “stream” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, it is especially fun to play with music. Leading: Guys, Spring is a beautiful fairy, Walking through forests and fields. What she does not touch, It will immediately come to life, wake up. Spring walks around the guys, touches girls in butterfly costumes with a magic wand. Leading: -Look, butterflies came to life at our holiday! The Butterfly Waltz is performed. Music by M. Rahverger. Leading: - In the spring the sun shines brighter and warms hotter. Sunshine, show yourself! Red dress up! Come out soon, be kind to us. Sit on a stump, devote the whole day! An adult dressed as a sun enters. Sunshine: I, the radiant sun, bring warmth and light. I return smiles to you And I give joy to everyone. - Stand up, children in a circle and repeat after me. (Finger gymnastics "The Sun" is being carried out). Sunshine, sunshine! Take a walk by the river (Move the fingers of both hands). Sunshine, sunshine, scatter the rings. (Quickly clench and unclench fists). We will collect the rings, we will take the gilded ones. (Make grasping movements with a pinch). Let's roll, roll (rub palm on palm in a circular motion). And we'll give you back. (Raise hands up with fingers apart.) Spring: The sun does not frown, It does not take its eyes off us. Because the sun likes us. Leading: -Let's have fun with the sun so that it shines even brighter and play with it. The sun is rising, the game is on! The game "Sunshine. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and repeat three times the words: “Burn, sun, brighter - it will be hotter in summer!” At the end of the words, the children scatter, and the sun tries to catch up with them. Spring: -It's time for the sun to go to heaven in order to warm our earth. The sun says goodbye and leaves. Leading: Only the sun warmed, Everything around turned green. Arrived and sat on a bough A colorful, bright beetle. The song "Beetle", lyrics by Zh. Agadzhanova, music by V Ivannikov. Leading: -How good it is in the spring in the forest! Who flies to us from warm lands? Children: - Birds. Spring: What kind of birds? (starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows) Birds should not be offended, because they are small, and they are also of great benefit. Now guess another riddle. He was the first to get out of the earth On a thawed patch. He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (snowdrop) Spring: -I want to check if you know my favorite flowers - snowdrops? Game "Collect snowdrops". Pictures of flowers (indoor, garden, snowdrops) are laid out on the floor. Children choose snowdrops from them and bring them to Spring. Spring praises children. Leading: -Spring loves to have fun. Have fun and sing people! Get in the dance! Round dance: "Vesnyanka" by E. Shalamonova. Baba Yaga appears on a broomstick. Baba Yaga: -So, so, it means that you are celebrating, having fun, you woke me up with your song, but you don’t invite me to your place. And I love spring too. My broom, which is a thousand years old, and it blooms in spring! Yes, and I myself get younger in the spring, by a hundred years (preens). Spring: - We are glad to see all the guests at the festival. Leading: -And what did you, Baba Yaga, bring to the children as a gift? Baba Yaga: -And I know funny games. Let's play together? Game: Golden Gate. Three - four children stand in a circle with their hands raised, conditionally being a "gate". Another part of the children line up in a "chain" to the song. Golden Gate Come in, gentlemen, The first mother will pass All the children will spend The first time is said goodbye The second time is forbidden, And the third time We will not let you through. In front, standing in a chain, leads them to the "gate", As the song ends, the "gate" is lowered down by the hand and those who are caught in the circle join the "gate". The song is sung again and the remaining children in the "chain" do the same. They play until there are three or four players left, who, at will, become "gates", and those standing in the "gates" begin to walk in a "chain". The game continues in this case. Then everyone plays with Baba Yaga in the game “Burn-burn clearly” (“Burners”) Burn-burn clearly So that it does not go out Look at the sky Birds are flying Bells are ringing. Children join hands, forming pairs. Pairs stand one behind the other "brook". Ahead of the "brook", a few steps away, stands the leader with a handkerchief in his hands. At the end of the song, the children standing in the last pair open their arms and scatter along the "brook". They run one by one to the leader, trying to grab a handkerchief. The first one who managed to do this remains with the handkerchief as the leader, and the other two (the former leader and who did not have time to grab the handkerchief) form a pair and become the first in the stream. The game continues with the next pair of children. Spring: -Oh, thank you Baba Yaga for interesting and fun games. Leading: - And now the guys want to sing a song for you. The song "About friendship", lyrics by Y. Entin, music by E. Rybkin. Baba Yaga: -But for this, a special thank you, you respected your grandmother. Spring: -Time flew by quickly, but somehow it's embarrassing to leave you without giving you a gift. I am the Magical Spring! You girls and boys, Fidget-naughty. I want to give flowers of unprecedented beauty. To see them, first, you need to close your eyes! Children close their eyes, and Vesna arranges flowers with sweets glued to them. Once! Two! Three! Four! Five! You can open your eyes! Host: What a miracle! What an elegant meadow has become! Spring: -And these flowers are not simple, they are with a surprise! Come on! Come on! And pick your own flowers! Children collect flowers. Leading: -And we, Spring, will present our drawings to you. Spring: Thank you very much! The time has come to say goodbye to you And in a hurry to distant lands. Everywhere in the world they are waiting for me, Let everyone hear the music of the stream! - And now it's time for Baba Yaga and I to go to the forest. It is necessary to restore order there, so that the grass turns greener brighter, so that the flowers delight with their beauty, so that the leaves on the trees blossom as soon as possible. Spring and Baba Yaga say goodbye to the children and leave. Leading: - So our holiday has come to an end. Have fun from the heart! But it's time for us to say goodbye to our clearing. The children go to the group.

Scenario of parent-child entertainment Spring has come to us - Red has come!

(from the cycle of entertainment on the IZO Seasons)

P. Kamensk, Kabansky district, Buryatia.

Description: This script of the event can be useful for teachers and parents. The event is recommended to be held in the spring, together with children of senior preschool age and their parents. Conduct it in the form of entertainment or leisure. During the event, joint actions of children and parents are expected.

Target: Involving parents in the organization of leisure activities for children, joint cooperation.

Tasks: Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from the joint celebration of the event;

Continue to improve the ability to create collective compositions;

Develop the speech activity of children: activate the vocabulary of preschoolers on the topic Spring


To develop the creative imagination of children, the ability and ability to convey the image through various activities (musical-rhythmic and visual);

To cultivate curiosity, respect for art, respect for nature;

Encourage children and parents to be actively involved.

Preliminary work:

1. Selection of musical material ("Spring" by S. Rand, Strauss' waltz "Spring Voices", Song of Spring

Snowdrop by P. Tchaikovsky, Song of the Lark by P. I. Tchaikovsky, round dance At the birch.

2. Scenario development Spring has come to us!


3. Learning poems about spring: N. Zhelezkova Snowdrop

Spring has come T. Dmitriev, Elena Prikhodko Mother-and-stepmother, S. Yu. Lizunova Snowdrop.

4. Meeting with parents for the purpose of cooperation on entertainment.

5. Talking with children about the signs of spring, getting to know spring flowers, looking at pictures, listening to music, musical and rhythmic activities.

6. Decoration of the music hall for the upcoming holiday.

7. Visiting the gallery of spring reproductions by parents together with their children.

Hall decoration: On the central wall there are images of the sun, clouds, birds and flowers, on the floor there are stylized trees, artificial and natural flowers in pots and vases.

Characters: Adults: Leading, Spring, Echo; Children: Birds, butterflies.

Suits: Spring, Echo.

Materials and equipment: Flower with petals - tasks, snowdrop flower templates, tape recorder, audio recordings with spring themes, soft brushes, gouache paints (different colors), watercolor, foam swabs, poke

Cotton buds, an unfinished drawing with snowdrops on a piece of paper, cones, 2-3 baskets, flower branches for each child, a ball, flowers made of blue, red, yellow and white cardboard, cut into petals and cores.

Entertainment progress:

Children under the song "Spring" (composer S. Randa) enter the hall and sit on the chairs.


Hello dear guests and parents.

We invite you to the spring holiday.

Here comes spring again

She brought a holiday again

Accept our congratulations,

And look at the children's performance!

1 child

Spring came! Spring is red!

With green grass by the window.

She hung the earrings on a birch - white leg.

Spring is everywhere! Spring is everywhere!

In the animal mink and in the nest!

2 child

Spring has come bright

Red spring has come

With sticky buds

with the first leaves.

3 child

Spring came

Ringing drops

Everywhere you hear the birdsong

And the heavens were higher

You can see the beauty of the snowdrops.

4 Child

Spring has come to us - red has come

And brought joy

Grass turn green

Birds sing songs

Gardens bloom in spring

And we will grow faster.

5 Child

The sky turned bright blue

The sun warmed the earth.

Over the mountains, over the seas

Flocks of cranes rush.

The streams in the forest sing

And the snowdrops are in bloom.

Everyone woke up from sleep.

This came to us...

Children (together) Spring.


I know they are waiting for me everywhere

Everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people

My name is Spring!

Hello guys,

Hello dear guests!

So let's all together

Let's sing a song about spring. (Children perform Song about spring

The soundtrack of the noise of the forest sounds.


Grandpa Echo lives in the forest,

Talking to him is just fun

If we shout all ay


We'll hear back

Echo(behind the door):



Let's all say: Come here

Echo answers



Let's shout to grandfather: Where are you?

Echo answers



Enough, grandfather, naughty,

If only you were joking.

Go here!

We are waiting for you!

(Echo enters with a basket in his hands)

I live in the forest

I scream all day.

I only want to say

What I love to play

joke, pamper

Songs to sing and dance.


Hello Grandpa Echo! What do you have in your basket?

My forest animals

Submit your toys. (Takes out a bag of cones from the basket)

Here the squirrels gave me bumps,

Let's play with them here.

Game - attraction Who will pick up more cones in the basket

Children and parents are divided into 2-3 teams and collect cones in baskets while the music is playing. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Well guys, well done!

They played from the heart.

I have a picture

In the picture around the forest,

And there are snowdrifts too.

Only through a snowdrift, kids,

Flowers of unprecedented beauty break through.

Show children an unfinished picture


I don't understand anything. Where are the flowers - primroses?

I was in a hurry, did not have time to finish the picture. Can the guys help me decorate the picture with snowdrops?


Of course, Grandpa Echo, children and adults will draw your favorite spring flowers.

The thawed patches were warmed by the sun from above,

And the first spring flowers bloomed.

To our delight, the most delicate snowdrops flaunt.

Let only people do not tear them, but only admire them.

Against the background of music Snowdrop

P. Tchaikovsky, all children and adults draw in non-traditional ways the collective work of Snowdrops in a clearing. Parents trace snowdrop flowers according to the template, and children color them.


Echo, get some rest

Sit on a stump.

Children will not be bored

They will sing and dance.

Who's got a frown here?

The music is playing again!

Get it together, kids.

Now it's time to dance!

Dance with Flowers (Coll. Song ring

1. Flowers fled,

Bright bouquets. Children with flowers run in the hall

Flickered here and there

And bloom under the sun.

2. Spin around, spin around

And show the kids. circling

Spin around, spin around

And show the kids.

3. Dance, flowers,

Bright bouquets. Make a spring

Sit down, sit down

And have fun guys.

4. Wind, fly in

And shake the flowers. swinging their hands,

Yes - yes - yes, come in which flowers are kept

And shake the flowers.


And I also prepared a surprise. I have greetings from Summer - A glorious flower, not easy.

When I touch lightly

To the bud of a sleeping flower,

By the wave of a hand

The flower will open its petals!

Spring touches a spring twig to a closed flower. The petals of the flower open.

What tasks are hidden in a flower,

Do you want to know, kids?

Then let's get started quickly!

Let's pick a petal and read the task!

A melody sounds. Spring plucks a petal, reads the task.

Spring 1 task (petal blue)

Question: Do you know what kind of birds fly to us in the spring? What are their names?

Answer: Starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows, rooks fly to us. These are migratory birds.


Spring is here, Spring is here

Spring has come to us,

The starlings have arrived

Sat down to clean the feathers.

I will go to the green garden

There the nightingales whistle

Cherries are blooming

The birds are waking up.

6 Child

Squid, fly in

Choose your house

On a high tree

With wide porch

Yes, fistula more often

Yes, louder doody

Bring out the songs loudly.


And here the starlings are flying,

All children are invited.

Who is smart here?

Let's play now.

Outdoor game with high chairs - birdhouses Who will take the birdhouse faster


Under the song of the lark

Composer P. I. Tchaikovsky, birds fly and try to occupy birdhouses.

Spring2 task (petal red)

The game spring words

(characteristic signs of spring)

All players (adults and children) stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The one who catches the ball must name something spring, and immediately throw the ball to another child or adult.


Well guys, well done!

They played from the heart.

Spring 3 task (green petal)

And now, my children, solve riddles.

She comes with affection

And with my fairy tale

Waving a magic wand -

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.


blue handkerchief,

scarlet ball

Rolling across the sky

Smiling at people.

(sky, sun)

Palace on the tree

There is a singer in the palace.

What is this palace?


Lie down between the trees

Pillow with needles.

Quietly lay down

Then she suddenly ran away.


In a white sundress

She stood in the meadow.

The tits flew

Sat on pigtails.



And our guys know how to dance around a birch. And we have our own birch. Look how slim and beautiful she is. (Brings out the girl - birch


Come on, play music!

Invite us to dance!

A round dance is being performed By the birch


We dance and sing

We clap our hands

We don't get tired

With good music.

Spring 4 task (petal yellow)

Let's continue the holiday, let's have fun playing!

Relay race Pick a flower

Created 2 teams of children and parents. 2 flowers from blue and red, yellow and white cardboard cut into petals and cores. Parts of the flowers are in disarray. After the signal, the participants of both teams, on the petal of a certain color, collect a flower. The team that completes the task faster wins.

2 girls run in butterflies

They fly to the collected flowers, their wings are not painted.

Spring 5 task (orange petal)

Color the wings of the butterflies

Teams of children and parents are formed. It is necessary to paint the wings of butterflies using an unconventional method (with a foam swab, poke

Cotton swabs) as quickly and accurately as possible.


(7th child)

We'll spread our wings

Nice pattern on them.

We're spinning, we're spinning

What space all around!

We flew to the meadow

And here we dance the waltz.

And it seems that with us

The whole meadow began to dance.


How the music plays

Collects all dancers.

Come on, everybody get up

Start the fun dance.

plastic study The most beautiful butterfly

Children and adults are invited to participate. To the music, all participants make smooth movements, similar to the flight of a butterfly. At the end of the music, they freeze in different positions. Spring chooses the most beautiful butterfly.

What good fellows you all are: you sing, dance, you know a lot about birds, about plants.

Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?

Children and adults name the rules:

Don't break tree branches.

Do not damage tree bark.

Don't touch the bird nests.

Don't make noise in the forest.

Don't destroy anthills.

Never throw garbage into bodies of water.

How much fun you have in kindergarten!

Thank you for inviting

I was amused.

But now it's time for me to go to the forest,

Goodbye, kids! But before I leave, I will please you. A magic tree blossomed in the forest, and magic sweets grew on it. Whoever eats candy will hear the voices of the forest, and will never violate the rules of behavior in the forest.

A small tree is brought out on a stand, with sweets hanging on it. (Echo goes out)


You welcomed me well

Song, dance welcomed.

I will give everyone a gift

I won't cheat anyone!

A tray of cake is brought out…

Now it's time for me to go to the fields and forests.

Come visit my friends. (Spring is leaving).


We are finishing our story

What else can we say?

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish you good health!

Thank you for your attention! (parents)

Thank you for your efforts (children)

Our low bow to all of you!

Children leave the room to the music.

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