How to properly prepare for fasting. Therapeutic water fasting: preparation, conduct and correct way out. The danger of self-medication with hunger

When all known diets have already been tried, but the desired result has not been achieved, you can experience the world-famous method that will help you lose weight and also cleanse your body. This method was proposed by the American naturopath Paul Bragg. Fasting is, according to the author, the key to the health of the body and fast weight loss. Paul Bragg promoted the use of his own technique for health purposes and successfully applied it to himself. His teachings spread throughout the world.

It has long been proven that a person is able to live without food for about one month, so do not worry - you are not threatened with death from starvation. Quite a lot has already been written about fasting on water (7 days). Reviews, results, it is worth saying, are impressive. In the same article, the information will be discussed in more detail for those who are ready to starve for the sake of gaining a slender figure.

What actually happens in a situation of refusing food with the human body? How to starve on the water? How long does this diet last? How to get out of it? We will answer your questions.

Fasting on water (7 days): reviews, results

Do not think that a day or two of fasting will immediately save you from extra pounds. With a short refusal of food, you can only lose a little weight. In this case, not fats will go away, but excess fluid, which is always in large quantities in the body of obese people.

Two or three days of fasting will not give the same effect as more prolonged failure from food (at least a week). Judging by the reviews, the weight goes off faster in the first two days, then the body adapts to new conditions, and the fat reserve is already spent more economically. The number of kilograms that you will be able to get rid of will not be possible to determine in advance. Each person is individual, besides, it all depends on how long you can withstand such a diet. According to the results of people who have tried this method on themselves, it is clear that about one kilogram is spent per day.

How much water to drink while fasting

Home fasting on the water requires special compliance. The minimum water intake per day is 1.5-2 liters. Thanks to this amount of incoming fluid, the body can easily cope with intoxication, and general well-being will remain at the right level. But you should not drink water through force, listen to yourself and to the needs of your body.

What can you drink besides water?

Nothing. You can only drink clean water, preferably spring. It is strictly forbidden to drink juices, herbal infusions, teas and other liquids, as they can interfere with the cleansing processes that occur in the body during fasting.

In hot weather, you can drink cool water, but in the cold season it is better to drink warm or slightly hot water. The thing is that a couple of days after the start of the hunger strike, the body begins to feel chilly, and cold water only intensifies the chills.

One day of water fasting

Before the first day of the hunger strike, a bowel cleansing procedure should be performed.

Way out of fasting

A very important point of this diet is to know how to get out of fasting correctly. You should return to the normal regime gradually, for about the same number of days as the hunger strike itself lasted. That is, if you practiced fasting on water for 7 days, reviews, the results of other people claim that the restoration of the diet should last exactly a week. The phased way out of starvation can be described as follows.

  1. On the first day after the end of the hunger strike, you can only eat natural juice. It is desirable that it be fruit and vegetable, diluted with water in a ratio of one to one.
  2. On the second day, the use of undiluted juice and vegetable and fruit purees in a small amount is allowed.
  3. On the third day, in addition to mashed fruits and vegetables, you can afford to eat porridge cooked in water with a little bread, as well as some dried fruits.
  4. On the fourth day, vegetarian soups using a small amount of vegetable oil are allowed to be consumed in addition to all of the above.
  5. On the fifth day, you can already afford some dairy products, for example, kefir or ryazhenka.
  6. On the sixth day, you can add sour cream, a little cheese and salt to yours.
  7. On the seventh day, low-fat cottage cheese and eggs are allowed.

After a week's recovery, you can gradually start eating chicken, fish and other foods.

As you can see, with such a diet as fasting on water, the way out turns out to be no less difficult for a person than the process of hunger strike itself.

Rules of conduct during fasting

If you are completely healthy, you will endure fasting quite well. But there are a number of conditions that must be met.

In addition to compliance drinking regime, it is also necessary to do cleansing enemas every day. This procedure helps to remove decay products from the rectum. If you refuse to do an enema, toxins will be absorbed into the blood, and this can cause self-poisoning of the body. An equally important point during fasting is a daily shower.

When refusing food, it is better to lead active image life, spend more time on the street, but in no case lie on the couch in enclosed space. And, as already mentioned above, do not forget that during fasting on the water, a person gets cold, so you should dress a little warmer than usual. Well, as with any other diet, stressful situations should be avoided if you practice water fasting.

7 days

Reviews, results and research in the field of therapeutic fasting made it possible to figure out how effective a seven-day fast on the water is, and whether it is worth following a diet for more than this time.

When the week of the hunger strike is over, and after the acidotic crisis of strength, there is more than enough, it seems to many that they can safely continue the hunger strike further. But especially if this is your first fast, it is better to start to get out of it, despite the fact that you have mastered the theory well and thoroughly prepared for a change in diet. You have enough time to properly exit the fast and evaluate the effectiveness of this method. How much did you manage to throw off, did you achieve the desired result? Based on your own experience, after some time you will again be able to dare to take this step, if, of course, it is still useful to you.

Healing effect

On the water increases immunity, promotes the improvement of intestinal microflora, relieves chronic diseases, rejuvenates. If you do everything according to the rules and in no case allow amateur performance, the result will be truly stunning. Improved well-being and health, as well as lost kilograms - a prize for the patience and willpower you showed during your hunger strike.


Important! Self-fasting at home is recommended to be practiced only by absolutely healthy people, regardless of the reasons for which it was decided to resort to this method: to improve well-being or to lose weight.

Therapeutic fasting completely contraindicated in people with diseases such as tuberculosis in active form, with severe pathologies of the heart, blood, with malignant tumors, type I diabetes mellitus, bronchiectasis, thyrotoxicosis, thrombophlebitis, underweight, in the post-infarction period, during pregnancy and during lactation.

Also, relative contraindications are people suffering from diabetes Type II, gout, cholelithiasis, hypotension, peptic ulcer, chronic venous insufficiency and are also in childhood or old age.

Negative and positive reviews about fasting

Even in ancient times, people knew about the unconditional benefits of fasting on the water. Doctors and specialists have studied and continue to study the mechanisms of this method. Considerable experience has been accumulated on the use of this diet to get rid of certain diseases and to normalize body weight. Judging by the feedback from people who have experienced this method, following the instructions for preparing for a change in diet, and knowing how to get out of fasting, they were more than satisfied with the result.

But there are also negative reviews. This is mainly due to the fact that mistakes were made during the diet, and the exit from fasting was carried out incorrectly. So before you experience the effect of this method on yourself, it is better to study the theory, which will help you to do everything right in the future.

Habitual pleasures in food, it is better not to force yourself, because the process can be painful and bring only suffering.

It is necessary to take this issue seriously, for which it is important to study various literature, in which people are given who have repeatedly resorted to fasting. There are many books written by people competent in this matter. It is better to consult a doctor before starting necessary tests, perhaps you have diseases in which you should not expose the body to such serious tests.

If you want to resort to fasting with the goal of getting rid of a small amount of extra pounds, then one-day fasting will be quite appropriate. It is not very difficult to transfer it, and the preparation will be easy and almost imperceptible. To do this, a couple of weeks before such a day, you should exclude all kinds of confectionery, spicy, fatty, fried foods, various canned food from your diet. The ideal option will be if you eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. That's why best time for such events - the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, when it is possible to purchase such products. You should also avoid tea and coffee. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

It is also very important to cleanse the intestines from the accumulated feces in it. For this, the usual one is quite suitable. Methods and purifications can be found in the specialized literature, where all the steps are described in great detail and clearly. As you know, even a simple one can solve many health problems, get rid of heaviness. After it, the appearance will change significantly: the skin will be cleansed, several kilograms will go away.

Need to visit more often fresh air, rest. The ideal option would be to arrange preparation for fasting and fasting itself on vacation, when there will be no temptation to snack on junk fast food.

Preparing for a week of fasting will make it easier to transfer the process itself. It is best to start preparing one and a half to two months before the planned weekly cycle without eating.

Weekly fasting is a rather serious test for a person, especially if it is done for the first time. Some argue that fasting and getting out of it are much more difficult than the process itself.

Proper preparation for therapeutic fasting will help soften the process, make it as useful as possible.

Internal preparation of the body

What is the internal preparation of the body?

First of all, it is necessary to conduct several courses. It is enough to not eat anything for 24-36 hours once a week in order to start a longer procedure in a month and a half or two.

It is best if you try once before a week of fasting. three day fast. This will help to understand the degree of the organism. Just on the third day, the removal of toxins from the body in large quantities begins. If at this moment there is no severe, headaches, drowsiness, we can say that you are ready for longer periods of being without food.


It is very important to follow a diet before a long period of fasting. It is necessary to exclude flour, sweet, refined foods. Some believe that you need to eat a lot before a fasting course - this is an erroneous opinion! On the contrary, you need to gradually and gently prepare the body, reducing the amount of food.

The body reacts very hard to fluctuations in food intake. Therefore, if you eat up before a week-long fast, the first two days will be very difficult.

Before a week-long fast, at least ten days you need to eat light food - vegetables, fruits, sprouted wheat, cereals.

Cleansing the body

Cleansing the body will help to avoid severe dizziness and weakness during fasting.

If you follow the advice Eastern practitioners, it would be nice to clean with . In this case, the body during fasting will not expend energy on removing fecal stones from the intestines. In addition, it will be good if you spend at least four. In this case, the body is easy to rebuild, as it gets rid of excess in the entire digestive tract.

Many fasting gurus claim that clean intestines help to endure long periods without food several times easier! Moreover, there will be much more from fasting, as the cleansing process will begin faster.

Psychological attitude

Without the right psychological mood Don't start fasting for the first time. Seven days without food is not only stress for the body, but also a big psychological work above oneself. A person often eats not because he is hungry, but out of habit, according to the daily routine. The first two days of the hunger strike will be especially hard. Then the cravings for food will begin to disappear. It is at this moment that it is important not to break loose, because there will be a change in attitude towards the process of eating.

Tune in to the fact that you will overcome seven days without problems, but take the fasting process lightly, do not make a feat out of this event. There are people who do not eat food at all - pranoeds.

Try not to spread anywhere about your intention to starve, so as not to be ridiculed or exhorted that all this will not lead to anything good. Starvation - lovely way normalize weight, restore and strengthen health, feel younger.

Today we will tell you about what fasting (therapeutic) is, why it is necessary and how to adhere to it. In addition, you will learn how to properly prepare for such a procedure, whether it can be done at home and how to get out of this state.

What is fasting?

Therapeutic fasting is a very powerful spiritual practice that has come to us from time immemorial. There is not a single religion that does not use a complete rejection of food for the purpose of self-purification.

According to experienced starving people, at such a time their body begins to work in an economical mode. And the longer the fast lasts, the stricter it is about energy costs.

Thus, deciding to use this technique to improve your body, you must be prepared for such difficulties and sensations.

Problems when coming out of fasting

What is the difference between home and inpatient therapeutic fasting? A sanatorium or clinic that uses these techniques is good because the patient is under strict control and supervision of specialists. After all, when leaving this state, there are also a lot of unpleasant moments. So, after 5-7 days complete failure from food, the human body is already completely switched to internal nutrition, and therefore the products taken may not be immediately absorbed and processed. In this regard, experts recommend that those who are fasting at home start eating small meals, chew solid foods well and dilute concentrated drinks. If you neglect these tips, then you are guaranteed indigestion. It should also be noted that with long periods of fasting, a sharp and voluminous consumption of food can be life-threatening.

Experienced starving people claim that the exit from purification should last the same period as the technique itself.

Recovery period

After completing the fasting process, human body does not immediately return to its original state. So, within 1-2 months it can occur various changes. It is this time that you need to be extremely careful and not violate the rules of nutrition, slipping into the usual gluttony. Indeed, otherwise, the useful thing that starvation gave a person can simply be lost. In this regard, it is recommended to make some efforts for self-control.

Weight loss by fasting

During fasting, the human body completely switches to reserve nutrition, the basis of which is its body fat. For a normal existence during the day, with a complete rejection of food, 300-400 grams of fat is enough for a person. With the breakdown of such an amount of accumulations, glucose is formed, which is the basis of the life of the body.

Let's take a look approximate values how the weight of a person will decrease during water starvation:

  • from 1 to 7 days - about 1 kg per day;
  • from 7 to 10 days - about 500 grams per day;
  • from day 10 and the entire subsequent period - about 300-350 grams per day.

Summing up

Starting the process of fasting, a person must clearly understand that this is not a simple entertainment procedure, but a very complex, difficult, and sometimes even unpleasant task, for which one should prepare in advance (both physically and mentally).

Despite all the difficulties that await the starving on such a path, this is a very worthwhile undertaking. If you are not afraid of difficult tasks and you have great willpower, then you can safely start fasting. After all, it is this technique that allows you to restore youth, beauty and health. The main thing to remember in the process of fasting is that all the good things in life only happen when people put all their effort into it.

To show important role I would like to tell you about the amazing Hunzu tribe. A tribe that lives in India in the Hunza Valley, called the "oasis of youth." The life expectancy of the inhabitants of this valley is 110–120 years. They almost never get sick, look young. One of the missionaries organized a hospital there and was at the same time discouraged - weeks, months went by, and there were no patients - and he was glad of such a discovery: it means that there is a certain way of life approaching the ideal, when people feel healthy, happy, do not age, as in other countries, already by the age of 40-50.

Hunza play for up to a hundred years outdoor games, women at this age still give birth to children. According to scientists who have studied the life of this tribe, they eat mainly raw fruit and sheep's cheese. One more thing is interesting: the inhabitants of the happy valley have a period when the fruits have not yet ripened - it is called "hungry spring" and lasts from two to four months. during these months they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink of dried apricots once a day. Apricots are the most honorable fruit there. the tribe even has a saying: "Your wife will not follow you where apricots do not bear fruit." It is curious that the diet in this tribe is elevated to a cult and is strictly observed. You need to eat less. It is in nutrition that the secret of the enviable health of the Hunza lies. They eat little, their food has few calories, but it fully meets the physiological needs of the body. The Hunza rarely eat meat and drink very little milk. Proteins they get mainly from bread, which is baked from wheat and barley, always with an admixture of bran. These cereals and their husks, in addition to proteins, contain calcium and mineral salts. The Hunza eat unpeeled rice, the husk of which contains the vitamin. in and mineral salts, as well as potatoes directly with the skin - it contains especially a lot of proteins and mineral salts. in large quantities, the Hunza consume beans and all kinds of greens, including common grass. But the main thing in their diet is fresh and dried fruits. Apples and apricots, which they eat with their pits, are more important to them than bread. Thanks to such a rigid diet, these people are exceptionally hardy. For example, walking 100-200 km in a few days is the same for them as an evening walk for us ... Hunza is always in good mood, never get angry and do not quarrel among themselves, calmly endure physical pain and any adversity. “The Hunza have strong nerves, like ropes, and a tender and responsive heart,” the scientist writes. As a result, McCarrison concluded that it is food that has a certain effect on both our physical health as well as state of mind. It's not malnutrition and calorie deficiency that cause's the quality that makes up what we eat. So, if the diet lacks certain nutrients that are found only in natural plant products, our psyche can be seriously affected in the first place ... Most people eat too much, not so much to satisfy hunger, but for gastronomic pleasures. The Hunza, on the other hand, work hard, but eat little and do not get sick. This means that the less a person eats and the simpler his food, the more chances he has to approach the ideal of health and happiness.

An interesting experience is McCarison, who is known in science as the "Konur Experiment" - at the location of his laboratory. The researcher divided thousands of experimental rats into three groups according to three population groups: "Whitechapel" (London area), "Hunza" and "Indians". All of them were kept in same conditions, but the Whitechapel group received the food that the inhabitants of London eat (that is, the one that Europeans eat), - White bread, white flour products, jam, meat, salt, canned food, eggs, sweets, boiled vegetables etc. Rats-"hunza" received the same food as the people of this tribe. Rats are "Hindu" food peculiar to the Hindus and the inhabitants of the East. McCarison examined the health status of an entire generation receiving three different diets, and discovered an interesting pattern.

Animals from the Whitechapel group have been ill with all the diseases that affect the inhabitants of London, ranging from childhood diseases to chronic and senile ailments. This group turned out to be quite nervous and belligerent, the rats bit each other and even bit their "compatriots" to death.

Rats - "Indians" for health reasons and general behavior turned out to be like that people who personified in this experiment. And the Hunza rats remained healthy and cheerful, spent time in games and relaxing.

What can be learned from these observations?

1. First of all: neither climate, nor religion, nor customs, nor race have a noticeable effect on health - only food matters.

2. Food, and nothing else, can turn healthy people into sick people: it is enough to remove from the diet some substances that are considered unimportant, according to most people, i.e. enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, which are only in flora and which are beneficial only when consumed in their natural form.

3. The amount of food and its high the energy value, i.e., calorie content, have nothing to do with health. The composition of food is important.

4. Even the morale of an individual can suffer if certain nutrients are lacking in the diet.

The rats, who lived in peace and friendship among themselves, became aggressive and devoured each other when they were deprived of whole food needed for health. This indicates that any social unrest, revolutions, wars depend on malnutrition of people.

Food that is not in accordance with human nature, and not its lack, according to politicians, is to blame for the poor state of society.

Thus, the quality of food, its composition, quantity, method of consumption and combinations affect the preservation of health, protect against diseases, and preserve youth.

Mental health, peace of mind, the absence of neuroses and mental disorders also depend on the quality of nutrition.

To get a very good quality healing effect from dry fasting, you need to ideally prepare for it. Good preliminary preparation is carried out 2-3 months before the start of fasting and is designed to free the human body from endotoxins. It consists in carrying out various cleansing procedures and changing the diet.

Good, high-quality nutrition will allow the body to store what it needs during fasting vital energy, to create conditions for a full-fledged, high-quality cleansing. Change the diet, cleanse the intestines and liver. If this is not done, then during hunger in the uncleaned large intestine, as a result of the enzymatic processes of decomposition of feces, a mass of toxic gases (indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide, and others) are formed, which, being absorbed into the blood, pass throughout the body, causing severe intoxication, and then in the form bad breath and odor are excreted through the lungs and skin. By spending hunger in this way, a person experiences only torment and weakness. There is no improvement in well-being during hunger. After pre-preparation, the endotoxin release on the fast will not be as strong and you can easily do several wet training fasts. And then you can do dry fasting.

How do you need to eat to be healthy? The answer is very simple: when choosing food, you need to take an example from centenarians.

To determine the "longevity diet", the researchers studied in detail and described the nutrition of centenarians from different regions of our planet. However, it was impossible to recommend any universal diet on the basis of the data obtained. The fact is that the nutrition of centenarians is associated with the region of residence and national traditions. For example, in Bulgaria, vegetable and dairy foods predominate, while in Yakutia, animal products predominate.

From whom to take an example and what products to choose: vegetable or animal? The answer is quite simple: you need to eat the food that is most available in vivo. in a cold climate (North and winter in the middle latitudes), it is better to use fatty animal food that warms the body, in the heat (tropics and summer) - cooling vegetable food. Therefore, it is quite natural that northern peoples For centuries, the Eskimos have been eating whale and walrus meat, adding seal fat to it, and among the inhabitants of the village of Vilcabamba located near the equator, animal fats account for only two percent of the total caloric content of food consumed, while average duration life in this village exceeds a hundred years! the famous Abkhaz centenarians observe the climatic seasonality of nutrition necessary in the middle latitudes: in autumn and especially in winter, meat products, from dairy - cheese and spoiled milk, In spring and summer - flour products, vegetables and dairy products.

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate the first rule of natural nutrition: when choosing food, a person must take into account those climatic conditions (temperature environment) in which it is located.

Indigenous peoples have genetically adapted to the natural diet and, when moving to other climatic conditions, they need food that is familiar to them. Why?

Researchers have found that the muscles of any person consist of two types of muscle fibers - white and red (hence the names of the opposing sides in civil war?), which differ significantly from each other.

In the muscles of the indigenous inhabitants of hot countries, white fibers predominate, using glucose from the blood as a “fuel”. The number of such fibers in the muscles individual people reaches 90%. Since the human body cannot store glucose in a significant amount, such people need regular (at least three times a day) consumption of plant foods that are quickly digested and replenish the blood with glucose necessary for muscle work.

When people with such muscles live in mid-latitudes, their performance in winter noticeably decreases, because they are forced to eat animal products that warm them, significantly reducing the amount of plant food that is natural for them. But the fats they regularly consume are used for muscle work only in a very small amount, and over time, a person develops obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetes (obese), ulcers and other diseases due to the increased acidity of the body.

In the muscles of the indigenous inhabitants of areas with a cold climate, the amount of red fibers that use not glucose, but fats for work, reaches 96%! The main part of the daily diet, necessarily (even in hot summer!) enough animal fats, it is advisable for such people to consume in the evening, since fats are stored in significant amounts in muscle fibers at night and then slowly used during the day.

When eating in a hot climate mainly plant foods, such people experience a clear weight loss, fast fatiguability and unwillingness to move, as well as nervous exhaustion due to a lack of fat and (as a result) excessive alkalinization of the blood, in which glucose practically not used by the muscles accumulates. The use of raw vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins in such a situation only worsens the situation, as it alkalizes the blood even more and, due to the intensive destruction of vitamins in an alkaline environment, increases vitamin deficiency and excites nervous system. At the same time, manifestations of irritability, nervousness, impulsiveness and haste in actions are characteristic, neurasthenia, hypertension, diabetes (thin), heart attacks are possible.

The indigenous inhabitants of the middle latitudes have approximately the same number of different fibers (although options are possible!), Therefore, “for all 100” is suitable for them seasonal meals, in which the muscles use both types of fibers: in winter - animal products, in summer - vegetable products.

Considering the genetic predisposition of a particular person to a certain type of nutrition, it is possible to formulate the second rule of natural nutrition: when choosing food other than climatic conditions people need to take into account their individual physiological features- the type of "fuel" that his muscles use. There are a lot of theories of nutrition and diets, but I want to talk about the most simple principles nutrition that is feasible in our conditions.

Natural nutrition should be varied.

Food products are arranged in descending order by preference and biological value. If you follow this rating, you can give the body the opportunity to heal itself and cleanse itself.

pollen 1 teaspoon 2 times a day on an empty stomach

Herbal tea with honey. as a basis, you can use linden, currant, rosehip, spiked veronica, thyme, oregano, chamomile, mint, nettle, Ivan tea.

Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices:

a) carrots 70%, beets - 30%. b) carrots 50%, pumpkin - 50%.

c) carrots 40%, pumpkin - 20%, beets - 20%, celery root - 20%. d) apple 50%, carrot - 30%, pumpkin - 20%.

Fresh fruits(without mixing families) 30-40 minutes before meals.

Dried fruits.

Vegetable salads.

Sprouted wheat.

Pumpkin seeds.

Dairy products.

Beans, soybeans, beans, peas.


Quail eggs.

It is best if a person, based on this list and what he loves, forms his own menu. A person gets so used to a certain food that it often becomes impossible for him to refuse it. I brought in these lists food that is alive and does not destroy the human body.

But people have moved away from such natural food. Much of what they eat now is not food, and the further a person moves away from eating natural products, the more diseases he acquires. Eating raw fruits and vegetables with added boiled vegetables, as well as unsalted nuts and seeds, he would enjoy longevity and excellent health. natural food is the one that brings true health. our entire digestive system is adapted to these products.

The more natural foods you eat, the better your health. You have a wide choice. By choosing these foods and following a fasting program, you will maintain excellent health. physical state for life.

Nutrition rules

1. Food must be alive (natural) and healthy (see food rating). Try to eat fruits and vegetables grown without the use of pesticides. Cook vegetables with a minimum amount of water, if possible, at a relatively low temperature, keeping them on fire as little as possible.

2. Eat young cereal grains, as they contain a lot of protein, all B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals and trace elements. The introduction of sprouted wheat into the diet has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body, as it contains a number of vitamins and various enzymes that stimulate the body's vital functions, optimize metabolism, and strengthen the nervous system. Sprouted wheat is used to restore vitality, for a faster exit from a state of malaise after past illness to strengthen organs respiratory system(and especially lungs), to strengthen the teeth, to improve the condition of the hair and restore their natural color. Use it

3 times a week. It is necessary to prepare wheat as follows: fill the wheat with water for a day, then drain the water, and cover the grains with a wet cloth until germination. As soon as the white dots of sprouts hatch, the wheat is ready. Wash it and eat. It can be raw, or you can pass it through a meat grinder along with vegetables and make cutlets. Lightly dry the cutlets on both sides in a frying pan without oil (they should be almost raw inside), and then sprinkle them with olive oil. Of vegetable oils, olive oil is preferable, but not more than 2-4 tablespoons per day.

Method of preparing porridge from sprouted wheat: 22-24 hours before preparing porridge or jelly, wheat grain at the rate of 50-100 g per person is thoroughly washed cold water. At the same time, debris and weeds, as lighter components, float up and are removed along with the water. Water is left to the washed wheat in such an amount that it is at the level of the top layer of the grain, but does not cover it from above. A vessel with wheat is placed in a warm place and covered with a not very thick linen or paper napkin. After the specified time, the germinated wheat grain (as judged by the presence of sprouts up to 1 mm long) is washed several times with cold water, and then passed through a meat grinder or ground in an electric mill and immediately poured into a vessel with freshly boiled milk, and when its absence - boiling water. Approximate proportion 1:1 or another, depending on the desired concentration. sugar is added to porridge or jelly to taste ( honey is better), a butter add 1 teaspoon per serving of wheat in 50-100 g. It is unacceptable to boil porridge. It only needs to be cooled to the desired temperature in a vessel covered with a lid, and then immediately eaten. Porridge can only be brewed in enameled, ceramic or glassware.

3. Try to replace meat with fish. Fish diet eliminates excess triglycerides in the blood, increases the amount of lipoproteins high density, preventing the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Recipes for rejuvenation of the body based on raw fish.

Fish is the only living creature that does not have the genes for aging. Fish don't die of old age. at the same time, even heat treatment of animal meat does not destroy the biofields of aging genes. The older the fish, the more complete it is as a source of minerals, vitamins, slag-removing components ... The conditions under which fish products are used to remove slags, is the absence heat treatment and the absence of refined sugars in food (jam, biscuits, rolls, ketchups and many other products containing refined sugar are also destroyers of substances that contribute to the removal of the corresponding toxins). Sugars contained in plant products do not have a decomposing effect, as they enter the body with substances that neutralize decomposition and also help to remove excess sugars that have entered the body with food, so fruits and vegetables can be eaten in any quantity. Sugar compounds (saccharates and saccharides) that leave the body within a few months (and sometimes up to 2-2 years), even if you refuse products containing refined sugar, reduce the effect of cleansing and rejuvenation.

When using the above fish recipes, the removal of toxins from the joints, bones, and spine sharply increases, the structure and quality of tissues, the condition of the skin improves, the physical and bioenergetic potential of the body increases, potency in men and sensuality in women increase. Work is underway in the body to replace the tissue structure with a more perfect one. Almost all types of slag are removed. Such food can be eaten for a very long time. Its digestibility is about 90%, you do not want to eat for a long time, the body receives everything necessary for its life. However, it requires an active exercise stress Otherwise it will do more harm than good. finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

Along with fish, you can eat other food, but not hot and, of course, not containing refined sugars. If such fish will be eaten by children, then you can reduce the amount of pepper and spices (pepper can be completely excluded) by increasing the dose of lemon juice.

You can use any kind of fish (cod, mackerel, argentina, etc.), but marine ones are better, because they have less pathogenic microbes and industrial waste. You can also use river fish, but freezing in this case is already mandatory (for 2-3 days) in order to kill or weaken microorganisms. For the treatment and cleansing of the spine, the most effective use of sturgeon.

Stroganina "from the north"

In frozen fish, cut off the head and tail, clean out the insides and blood from the spine. If the fish is hard-skinned, then it can be removed. Separate the fish from the bones, finely cut the fillet, or plan, or chop on a coarse grater. Then add salt, red and (or) black pepper, grated cloves, finely chopped onion and (or) green onion, minced garlic. You can add herbs and other spices and spices. Then add sunflower oil at the rate of 100–130 g per 600–700 g (depending on the fat content of the fish itself) of the cooked product and mix everything. You can eat almost immediately. If the fish is harsh, it is recommended to add the juice of 1-2 lemons or apple cider vinegar.

Marinated fish

Prepare the marinade: add to 1 liter of water Bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, peppercorns, coarse salt. Boil everything, cool, pour the cold marinade over the fish and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Cut the fish into pieces of 4-5 cm and put in a jar tightly, in layers, between which put chopped garlic. Put the jar in the refrigerator. After two days, the product is ready for use.


Wash the fish fillet, cut into plates, add salt, pepper, cinnamon, grated garlic inside the fillet and roll tightly into a tube. Then wrap it tightly in polyethylene, cellophane or waterproof paper and tie it on top so that it does not unfold. Put in the refrigerator at the very bottom for 12 hours on one side, and then on another

12 o'clock on the other side. Then put in the freezer for 2 days. After thawing, the product is ready for use.

When eating fish prepared according to these recipes, a lot of toxins will leave the body almost the next day. As a rule, the throat begins to hurt, stuffy nose, as with a runny nose. A person gets rid of such an integral part of his energy that no one needs, therefore, while eating this fish, practically no one sucks energy from this person.

It is advisable to use clean filtered water, ideally melted water.

How to cook melt water

Water retains the acquired structure for several hours, however, it loses it when heated. But freshly melted water has the greatest biological power, when separate pieces of ice are still floating in the dishes.

The easiest way.

This method makes it possible to completely remove the deuterium. When the water begins to freeze, remove the newly formed crust of ice. It's deuterium, it freezes first. After the bulk of the water freezes, rinse the frozen piece under the tap with a jet cold water. The piece should become transparent, as the water will remove harmful impurities from the ice. Next, melt the ice and drink the resulting melt water.

The second way.

Not a large number of liquids are heated to a temperature of 94-96

C. The water is not boiling yet, but bubbles are already rising in streams. at this point, the pan is removed and cooled rapidly, then the water is frozen and thawed. Melt water prepared in this way goes through all phases of its cycle in nature: it evaporates, cools, freezes and melts. This water is especially useful - it has a huge internal energy.

The third way.

Water (if tap water, then settled for several hours to free it from dissolved gases) is cooled in the refrigerator until the first ice appears. This ice is caught and discarded, as it concentrates those impurities that prefer the solid phase. The remaining water is further frozen until most (but not all) of it turns into ice. This ice is caught and used for its intended purpose. The remaining liquid is poured out, since impurities are concentrated in it, preferring the liquid phase. Losses are approximately 5% at the beginning and 10% at the end.

"Dew water"

If you put germinated wheat for a day in melt water, three tablespoons per liter, and stand for a day, you get “Dew Water” - water that is very close in composition to natural dew. This water is considered the most beneficial for the body, it perfectly cleanses and charges the cells of the body, it is better to use it at the exit from dry fasting.

Eat vegetable oils that have not undergone thermal processing during manufacture, which are also excellent sources of saturated fatty acids.

Very useful to use quail eggs before fasting and at the exit. After all, these are ideal natural stem cells, the most important thing is that there can be no salmonellosis in these eggs.

According to the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, one gram of colorful eggs contains five times more vitamins of groups A and B than the same amount of white ones. The eggs of small representatives of the chicken order are much richer in calcium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, many essential amino acids and minerals. Research scientists have shown that these products prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, pathological lesions of the liver and kidneys, the adverse effects of stress and overstrain, normalize vision, growth, sexual functions, promote full hematopoiesis and healing. skin body. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which inhibit the development of atherosclerosis and obesity, even when a significant amount of cholesterol is consumed with food. They should be consumed thirty minutes before meals, two eggs three times a day, before fasting and at the exit.

The consumption of proteins and carbohydrates should be diluted in time at 1.5–2 hours. Do not mix fruits and carbohydrate foods. Until 12 noon only take herbal teas with honey, juices, fruits. during this time, toxins are removed from the body. These products help with that. An acceptable option is fermented milk products, dried fruits with nuts.

From 12.00 to 19.00 you must take protein food(points 8-18 of the table "Foodstuffs") with fiber (greens, vegetables). Fruits, liquids to consume 2 hours after eating. For dinner, the body itself will tell you what it lacked for the day. After 19.00 - only what is before 12.00. Don't overeat. After eating, there should be a slight hint of hunger. " solid food you need to drink, and liquid - eat. With this approach, we will get the maximum amount of energy. It is obligatory to apply the scheme of therapeutic chewing. Liquids should be consumed before meals for 30 minutes, after meals - after 2 hours. Do not drink food.

A prerequisite in preparing for starvation is the use of fiber, it is consumed throughout the preparation period.

Fiber, which cleanses (or rather, “feeds” and “restores”) the intestines, is primarily bran and cake. Bran is a unique thing, and it's hard not to admire them.

With the help of bran, you can not only clean the intestines, but also throw off excess weight practically doing nothing else, without any sports, diets, bath procedures.

In general, bran (wheat, rye, soy) is by-product flour production. Bran consists of grain hulls and unsorted flour. Every grain processor knows that when grinding grain, one fifth of it turns into bran, which is considered waste.

And only recently they began to realize that bran is a valuable nutritious raw material. Nevertheless, our country has not yet fully realized the amazing value of this product, so the bulk of our bran goes abroad: through Ukraine to Turkey, Israel, Libya, Lebanon, etc.

The main value that is in bran is dietary fiber: an indigestible, insoluble hard and coarse carbohydrate. Dietary fiber contained in bran is a nutrient medium for normal intestinal microflora, so bran is used in the complex treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. In addition, intestinal bacteria, consuming fiber, secrete essential B vitamins.

Swelling under the action of water, dietary fiber forms a large volume of feces - more loose, which facilitates bowel movements and relieves constipation. Regular use of bran can relieve habitual constipation and prevent their occurrence in the future, after stopping the intake of bran (restoration of a normal bowel reflex).

It is fiber, and this is up to 30–40% of the volume of bran, that is used in the fight against overweight: food with a lot of fiber is absorbed more slowly and gives a feeling of fullness for more long time In addition, intestinal motility increases, which reduces the absorption of nutrients and, consequently, the calorie content of the food eaten.

Included in bran alimentary fiber bind cholesterol, so bran can be used to prevent atherosclerosis. Revealed positive action bran in diabetes mellitus, as they reduce blood sugar levels.

Protein-starch mucus helps to eliminate toxins. Due to the content of various fibers in them, bran particles are a universal biological substance that binds heavy metal ions, radionuclides, harmful products breakdown of nutrients.

The choleretic effect of bran is provided by their stimulating effect on the overall motor ability of the digestive tract (mechanical stimulation). in the form of a dietary supplement, bran is effective for violations of the function of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, chronic diseases stomach and intestines - gastritis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis during remission and weakening of acute inflammatory process(when expanding the diet).

Therefore, taking bran is indicated for dysbacteriosis, constipation, for the prevention cancer colon, with obesity, diabetes, and is also recommended for eating by all people interested in proper nutrition.

Modern scientific evidence suggests that diseases such as diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, and chronic colitis are associated with a lack of plant fibers in our diet.

In addition, bran contains up to 15% protein, as well as potassium, magnesium and other trace elements.

Potassium plays an important role in providing normal activities of cardio-vascular system in removing fluid from the body. Magnesium has a vasodilating property, which is why foods containing it are included in the diet for hypertension.

Contraindications: bran is not recommended for use in acute period with gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis and enteritis of infectious etiology. As the inflammatory process weakens, you can resume taking bran, starting with small doses.

Usually bran is used finely ground, in the form of flour. 15-20 minutes before each meal, i.e. usually 3 times a day, take 2 tbsp. spoons (10 g) of such ground bran and eat with water. Bran must be washed down with water (1-2 glasses), otherwise the whole point of their use is nullified.

Daily dose bran - no more than 30 g. Having shown immoderation in use, it would seem that healthy bran, we run the risk of exacerbating bowel diseases, bloating, flatulence, intestinal dysfunction and at least hypovitaminosis - nutrients and vitamins will leave our intestines so rapidly that little will have time to be absorbed by the body. Once again I draw your attention - bran does not work without water! Those fibrous nutrients, for which we eat bran, make sense only when they absorb water and swell.

But fiber is not only in bran, but also in many other plant foods. and open here endless possibilities not only for cleaning the intestines, restoring microflora, but also for the treatment various diseases. In order to isolate fiber from plant foods, you can use such a versatile device as a juicer. A vegetable, fruit or other plant is put into a juicer, the juice is squeezed out and drunk or thrown away, but we will use the vegetable residues of the squeeze - cake - to cleanse the intestines and treat certain diseases along the way.

First time on this unique property Zhmykhov drew the attention of academician, candidate of technical sciences B.V. Bolotov. According to his research, cakes have a negative potential, which lasts for several weeks, until the fibrous substances of cakes are drawn in by ionized air elements.

Due to the electrical potential at the level of about 10–30 eV, fresh cakes are able to draw from the walls of the stomach and bulb duodenum metals (including radionuclides and heavy metals). They can also scavenge carcinogens and free radicals. In addition, the cakes themselves sorb not only the remains of saline gastric fluids, but are also important fillers of the intestines, which can also restore the epithelium of the whole intestinal tract. In addition, cakes bind and remove from the intestines bile acids, formed in the liver, and reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines. Cakes bind and remove up to 25–30% saturated fat that enters the body with food, reduce general level blood cholesterol and carcinogens.

Consider the action of cakes from various plants.

For weight loss, beet cake is very effective. The fact is that beet pulp reduces appetite. If we eat a certain amount of cake before each meal, then, firstly, the body will not receive any calories from these cakes, since fiber is not digested while the stomach is full, and secondly, after taking beet cake, appetite. Thus, a person loses weight total absence desire for something. The procedure with beet pulp was named by B.V. Bolotov method of satiated starvation.

If we want not just to lose weight, but at the same time to recover from certain diseases, then the cake is of particular importance.

The same beet cakes are useful for hypertension - they reduce pressure. The pressure is also lowered by cakes from linden and raspberry leaves, flowers and leaves of coltsfoot, elder flowers.

When reduced pressure and great weakness, including low body temperature (especially of the limbs), it is advisable to use cake from cabbage, sorrel, plantain, tripoli, cow parsnip. The procedure of swallowing these cakes should be continued until the body warms up, the legs and arms stop getting cold in the cold, and the pressure is reference - 120/80.

If a person suffers from diabetes, then it is necessary to take cake from the leaves of water pepper (mustard), dandelion, chicory (petr's batogs), mustard (can be from colza leaves), hawk grass, aspen leaves (can be from poplar leaves), blueberry leaves, erect cinquefoil leaves, lemongrass leaves. In all cases, the amount of cake should be small and the dose selected according to the sensations, but it should not be more than three tablespoons.

If a person has heartburn, then it is removed with cakes from carrots or apples.

At lung diseases it is better to use cake from black radish. These cakes are also very useful in removing stones from the gallbladder and its ducts. Cakes from parsley, coltsfoot leaves, turnips, turnips have approximately the same properties.

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Proper fasting

Fasting is an effective way to bring your weight back to normal and cleanse the body. However, if you start it without preparing properly, you can get quite the opposite result. And you need to prepare not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, preparation for fasting is the most important stage of therapeutic fasting. The right attitude will help you freely endure the period of complete refusal of food, so you need to set a goal and firmly decide to achieve it without retreating from difficulties.

Fasting planning

First you need to decide on the amount of weight that you need to get rid of during the fasting period. To somehow structure the process, even before starting the procedure, make a table that reflects your current weight and figure parameters and those that you are striving to achieve. The main column, of course, will be the weight.

When preparing for fasting, it is necessary to determine the desired result, while taking into accountashi individual characteristics physique. It may be that the weight you want to have is not genetically possible for you. The goal must be real.

When should you fast?

It is easiest for the body to endure starvation in the summer: due to the heat, appetite decreases. But in winter, the body seeks to stock up on energy, and therefore the appetite of a person at this time is appropriate.

In addition, it is better to assign a fasting period during your vacation, because it is very difficult to combine work and fasting. It is also better that there are no holidays during this period, otherwise there will be a great temptation to “jump off” and try some interesting dish at the festival. And this will immediately return you to the initial stage.

How should fasting be started?

Starting fasting without preparation is very dangerous for the body: first it needs to be brought to this. Start by gradually reducing food portions.

About a week before the start of the fasting period, go to, replacing meat and fatty heavy meals with vegetables and fruits. They are high in fiber, which will prepare your intestines for fasting. It is also worth giving up spices, seasonings and alcohol, as they increase appetite.

During preparation for fasting, experts recommend. To do this, you can use the usual enemas. Such a procedure will make it easier for you to endure fasting, reduce intoxication and muffle the feeling of hunger.

And don't forget to be positive! It is from psychological readiness depends on the ease of achieving the goal.

The effect of curative fasting:

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