How to make it so that you have a dream: preparation for sleep, psychological attitude, the right thoughts before going to bed. How to get the dream you want

A person spends a third of his life in a dream. Agree, it would be great if at that time we observed only the most positive dreams. There is a generally accepted opinion that dreams are nothing more than the work of our subconscious, it is difficult to influence it, but it turns out that it is possible. Today we, dear readers of our online magazine, will learn how to order dreams.

The field of study of dreams is still unknown, but, nevertheless, more and more often lately they talk about the so-called lucid dreams. If you want to get an answer in a dream to a question that worries you in real life, or if you want to meet someone, then nothing is impossible. You can order a dream. However, keep in mind that such skill will come only after long training, so be patient and follow the recommendations below.

1. Proper sleep preparation

If you want to order a dream, then you need to start with the right going to bed. Before you go to bed, you need to relax as much as possible, discard all problems, do not expose yourself to physical exertion, for this you can soak in the bath or do your favorite thing - read, knit something and so on. Do not forget also that it is not advisable to overeat before going to bed, since it is unlikely that in this case you will have pleasant dreams.

2. Formulate the dream

The second step in ordering sleep is its correct formulation. However, you should not assume that you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, no, it’s enough just to determine the general plot, design a situation that will help you find the answer to an exciting question, or imagine the person you expect to meet in a dream.

3. Remember the plot

After you have presented an approximate plot of a dream, you need to scroll through it a couple of times in your imagination. If you wish, you can even write it down in a notepad, this will make the effect even better.

4. Tune in to remember sleep

In many ways, your mastery of ordering dreams will depend on the ability to remember dreams. That is why you should not only formulate a dream, but also try to remember what you dreamed in great detail. For this purpose, we suggest placing a notepad with a pen on the bedside table, this will allow you to wake up in the morning, write down the dream you had, and isolate from it those moments that will help resolve the problem situation that has developed in real life.

5. We program ourselves to wake up immediately after we see the ordered dream

As a rule, during the night a person sees about 4-5 dreams, most of them we forget in the morning, only fragments of the last dream remain. That is why it is very important to wake up immediately after you saw the ordered dream, because otherwise you risk forgetting important details of it, and all your efforts will be minimized.

6. Learning to smoothly transition from one state to another

It has been proven that the boundary states, i.e. then when we move from the stage of wakefulness to sleep and vice versa, they help to remove information from our subconscious. That is why experts advise not to fall asleep immediately after going to bed, but to relax a little in bed, to remember the pleasant moments of the passing day. After waking up, it is also highly undesirable to jump off with the ringing of an alarm clock, allow yourself to lie in a warm bed for several minutes, relive the emotions that you dreamed of in a dream, recreate the details of the dream.

During sleep, a person sees dreams that can be pleasant, exciting, or, conversely, terrible. It is impossible to completely control this process. There is a special technique that can help anyone who wants to establish contact with their subconscious. She will tell you what to do to have a dream with a certain plot.

Sleep to order

Dreams are the remnants of emotions that a person experiences during the day. The subconscious is trying to tell a person a way out of certain situations and give answers to many questions. So, let's try to figure out what to do so that the dream is the way it should be.

  1. Learn to remember all your dreams. To do this, you need to write them down daily. Dreams are dreamed by absolutely all people, but many simply do not remember them. The use of meditation and relaxation will help a person learn to manage all his dreams.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to mentally formulate a question that you want to get an answer to. You can also imagine a person you really want to see.
  3. Concentrate on getting the answer you need. It is in the gap between deep sleep and the waking state that you can see what you want and get many answers.

Learning how to manage your dreams is impossible in one day. This takes practice and time. By learning to communicate with your subconscious, a person will be able to get the desired result.

Prophetic dream

A large number of people dream of looking into the future and finding out what awaits them. Prophetic dreams are able to provide the necessary information and knowledge. In order to see them, you must first prepare.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the moon. In order to have a prophetic dream, it must be in the last stage of growth. Without this condition, it is impossible to get the desired result.

Before going to bed, a warm bath is necessarily taken, in which lavender and rosemary oil is added. It is also necessary to tie a knot on an ordinary thick rope, but do not tighten it to the end. They put it under the pillow. If you have a good dream, the knot is tightened, and a bad one is unraveled.

Bay leaves are placed under the legs of the bed before going to bed, and a mirror is placed under the pillow. At the same time, you need to say: “I want to have a true and prophetic dream. As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so my future will be reflected in it. In a dream, you should dream of a mirror in which you can see the future.

Erotic dreams

Quite often people have erotic dreams. They may have nothing to do with real life. It turns out that erotic dreams help relieve stress and strong tension that accumulates in the body during the day.

Each person in a dream can independently choose a partner and a place of action. With the help of constant training, you can order yourself a certain dream with a sexual bias.

When preparing, you need to stop drinking alcohol and coffee, and try to drink more water. Dinner should be light. The room should maintain the optimum temperature and observe absolute silence. It is better to sleep on your back, and your head should be low enough.

In order to have an erotic dream, you need to close your eyes and imagine a piquant situation. It is necessary to imagine all the gestures and movements in the smallest detail. In this state, it is worth being at least 10 minutes. Initially, the person may fall asleep very quickly. It is important to learn how to prolong the state of being between sleep and wakefulness. In this case, a person can enjoy the whole night.

Dream Interpretation how to make a dream

It is believed that once a person falls asleep, he will definitely see a dream.. But will the sleeping person remember it at the moment of awakening?

How to make a dream come true, how to force yourself to remember what appeared in a night vision?

different dreams

What causes night dreams

When a person sleeps, he may have various visions. They can be pleasant, leave joyful emotions, or they can scare, make you wake up in a cold sweat.

How to book a dream

People are often interested in how to do it in order to order a certain vision for themselves. Is it possible to get the dream you want to see?

Method number 1

Oddly enough, but in order to see a dream, you must first fall asleep. In principle, it is clear to anyone. True, not all people know how to do it right. Doctors advise you to take a walk before going to bed, ventilate the room. The air in the room where you sleep should be cool and preferably humid.

It is believed that the person who is tired during the day falls asleep well. But it must be remembered that excessive fatigue can lead to the exact opposite result. This is especially true of the case when you are too tired mentally.

Method number 2

Proper sleep is essential

Both doctors and psychologists advise to make falling asleep smooth. You should slowly enter a state of rest, and also smoothly exit it.

When you lie down to rest, do not fall asleep immediately, read a pleasant book. Limit yourself from negative emotions, do not watch the news. It is better for many to watch a pleasant movie, listen to a positive story, relaxing music.

Positive emotions received during the day are half the success. There is a high probability that the dream that will appear to you at night will be positive.

What does sleep mean

There is an opinion that when we fall asleep, we experience a small death. Our soul goes to a completely different level, and the subconscious can see things that are not available at the moment of wakefulness.

Smooth awakening contributes to the memorization of what he saw

Visions can reflect moments experienced, give clues, even provide us with new ideas. Do not forget about such an example as the periodic table. It was at the moment of sleep that she came to the head of the great scientist.

To have dreams, there is no need to perform certain rituals. They will appear to you anyway. The dreamer does not remember anything and believes that he dreamed absolutely nothing? According to scientists, he simply wakes up incorrectly. When a person woke up incorrectly, the dream simply irrevocably leaves his head, and he remembers absolutely nothing.

There are different phases of sleep, and memorization directly depends on what phase the person was in when the awakening occurred.

Your orders

You can often find advice about putting paper and a pen near you. As soon as you wake up, you can write down what appeared before your eyes at the moment of sleep.

It is worth before going to bed, mentally formulate a question. Think carefully about what you would like to know, focus on it, and then there is a high probability that you will be able to get a hint.

Images written down on paper are easier to interpret.

It is quite difficult for a person himself to interpret his dreams, because the clue is often encrypted. In such cases, you can act in several ways:

  • seek help from a psychotherapist who will be able to help in solving this problem;
  • look through the interpreters of dreams and choose a prediction regarding the symbol from the dream;
  • again, write down your dreams, learn to decipher them yourself.

To be able to order the right dreams, you need quite a lot of time. You cannot learn this in one week. But if you set a goal for yourself, you will definitely achieve it.

The dream will come true

It is necessary to take into account the influence of the lunar phases

Often a person does not pay attention to the fact that dreams come true. Of course, not all dreams are prophetic, but often we can see a certain symbol, which, if correctly deciphered, can tell you how to proceed, indicate events that will happen soon.

Scientists believe that the moon influences our dreams quite strongly. It has been scientifically proven that when the moon reaches its full height, dreams come true much more often. Take advantage of this, try to "order" your dream at the very moment when the moon is close to the full moon.

There is advice that before you lie down and fall asleep, you must definitely take a warm bath or stand under a relaxing shower at a pleasant temperature. In this way, you will relax your body and wash away all the load of the previous day.

On the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to invoke prophetic and pleasant night vision. You can simply enter in the search engine how to make this or that image dream.

Do not drink alcohol before bed, do not drink tea or coffee. An assistant can be warm milk or a non-hot decoction of chamomile, mint, lemon balm. The main thing is to go to bed with positive emotions, not to think about the bad, to concentrate on your inner world.

After waking up, do not jump out of bed immediately. Lie down for a few minutes, try to remember all possible information, only then get up. This can be done if you set the alarm ten minutes ahead of schedule.

And the last main condition - you must get enough sleep. After all, if a person gets very tired and constantly does not allocate the right time for sleep, then dreams can be chaotic, awakening can be abrupt and, as a result, you will not remember anything.

In order to see a prophetic dream, you just need to correctly program your dreams for the desired task. Contrary to popular belief, sleep is easily controlled by the mind if approached correctly. It is in the preliminary sleep methods of creating a plot that all the techniques lie. There are several of them, but they are all based on one very simple point: before falling asleep, you must concentrate your attention on the question you want the answer to. Back in the 20th century, somnologists proved that the plots of dreams are often determined by thoughts before falling asleep.

If you are not in the know yet, then we will tell you how to see a prophetic dream by programming the mind:

1. Mental concentration

The simplest method does not require any auxiliary tools. It lies in the fact that before every sleep, until falling asleep, you must figuratively imagine your question or think about it and everything connected with it. Thus, the dream is programmed on a specific topic, and at least one dream will be dedicated to it after some time. It is likely that it will immediately contain the answer to your question.

Programming thoughts before going to bed must necessarily be combined with an analysis of what you saw in a dream when you wake up. At this time, at first you should simply remember everything you saw during the period of sleep and look for what you need in it. If you do not do this, then the probability of missing the desired prophetic dream is too high.

2. Physical fixation of mental concentration

Since we are by nature all the same materialists, the second technique is to symbolically attach the necessary goal to a completely physical object that can be touched by hands. This allows us to better believe in ourselves and adds chances for seeing a prophetic dream. This method is more effective in relation to the previous one, because here there is a double concentration on the goal. Firstly, is it otherwise, you still have to think about the necessary question when falling asleep. Secondly, to this is added a tangible physical hook, which gives meaning to actions.

In practice, virtually any object can be used as a physical hook. In a separate section on folk methods for obtaining a prophetic dream, it is not in vain that such mechanisms are pointed out, which are personified by stones, silver rings, combs, etc. In fact, you are faced with the task of endowing some object with pseudo magical power. In this case, you can simply take the most expensive thing for yourself in a small size and put it under your pillow, thinking about its connection with you and your desires before falling asleep. Surprisingly, this greatly helps to achieve the goal. If you want to learn something about a person and you have things related to him, even a photograph, then these items are best suited.

An even more powerful assistant will be any objects to which you, without anything else, attach a particularly religious or mystical meaning. Such items can be crosses on chains and without, icons, church candles, magic pentagrams, books of magic, photographs of the unknown, photographs of deceased relatives or clairvoyants, etc. In general, in this choice, everything rests on your personal belief in a particular attribute. We will not now discuss the presence of real power in any of the listed items, but we will only note that even from a pragmatic point of view (suggestion) they still provide significant assistance in achieving a prophetic dream. Even if you don't believe in anything like that, it's still better for you to use these same things than to give "power" to others, because, despite your skepticism, somewhere in the corners of your subconscious there are doubts about your own opinion, shaped by the environment.

3. Written fixation of mental concentration

The most powerful way to induce a prophetic dream is to combine at least partial concentration with a physical presentation of thoughts and desires on a piece of paper. In this case, your thought clings to reality not figuratively, as with the help of objects, but physically. In addition, this method allows you to better formulate your desire to know the answer to a particular question. Sometimes, this can be a major problem that is not recognized.

How to see a prophetic dream using this technique? In practice, before going to bed, briefly, in a maximum of one paragraph, state your question, to which you want to see the answer in a prophetic dream. Then this sheet should be placed on a pillow or mattress. Each next time you need to either just re-read this paper, or write it again, which is even better, but always on the same topic.

Probably, if point 2 of these techniques is also connected to the 3rd method, then the result will be even higher.

Note: Under no circumstances should you set yourself different goals in the storyline each time you perform a technique. If you, for example, want to know if your spouse is cheating on you, then all attempts up to the achievement of a real prophetic dream should only be with this setting. If you change them, then it may not really work.

Problems while trying to see a prophetic dream

In conclusion, it is worth noting what problems you may have during the execution of the technique:

Firstly, despite the daily settings of the dream plot, you still may not see anything like that. There may be a completely different factor involved in this issue than one might think. For example, it may seem to you that the problem is in non-working equipment or in yourself. In fact, the problem can only be that you just do not remember the desired dream. Once again, we note that during the night there can easily be under a hundred, but we remember very few of them. However, the more often you remember your dreams in the morning, the more you will remember them.

Secondly, you can see many times a dream on a given topic, but something new and unknown will not appear there, as well as truly prophetic. In this case, the problem clearly lies in the fact that you do not quite clearly imagine the purpose of the prophetic dream before going to bed. Perhaps you yourself can imagine her badly. The trouble is that such a problem may not be obvious and it is very difficult to detect it on your own. To avoid this, just imagine your task and possible solutions to it more specifically, thinking specifically about them.

Thirdly, you stubbornly and meticulously follow the necessary technical recommendations, remember many dreams, but they all do not fall into the topic. It is worth noting here that this is not a magic pill, swallowing which you will get an unambiguous result in a certain period of time. When working with the brain and its logical functions that are not controlled by us, we should always expect possible difficulties and unforeseen problems. Perhaps they will be caused only by your personal natural data, which barely allow you to see a prophetic dream in practice. Perhaps the degree of your understanding and execution of the techniques plays a role. Perhaps you are just too zealous to achieve the goal. If the latter, then always remember the main rule of practicing highly altered states of consciousness: any hysterical desire to master something as quickly and urgently as possible necessarily leads to a complete failure, since everything should happen smoothly and without nerves.

The dreams we have are of great importance to us, even if we do not believe in them. Sometimes the mood for the whole day depends on the dream we had, sometimes it seems to us that all this happened to us in reality. The dreamed places seem familiar to us, although we have never been there. And it's no secret that sometimes dreams do come true. Of course, given all these circumstances, sorting out your dreams is a very tempting idea. And even more tempting is to program your mind for a certain dream. Is it possible?

What are we dreaming about?

First of all, you need to know something about what sleep is, why sometimes we don’t see any dreams at all, and what it depends on. In fact, the "plot" of the dream, which seems to us quite long, in reality takes only a few seconds. During the night we may have several dreams, but we remember one, and here's why.

Sleep is usually divided into two phases - deep and superficial. It is easier to get out of the deep sleep phase, but in this case we cannot remember dreams. Superficial sleep, on the contrary, is distinguished by a clear memorization of the “picture”, but waking up in this phase is more difficult. Most often, a person leaves the phase of superficial sleep under the influence of an external irritating influence, for example, an alarm clock, a sharp sound, muscle cramps, etc. Waking up, in the first seconds we are still in the “scenario” that we just saw. However, after a few minutes, some of the circumstances of what he saw are erased, and after a couple of hours most of it is forgotten.

This is how the human mind works. However, if you repeat mentally, and preferably also aloud, what happened to be seen in a dream, you can remember the dream for a very long time. Some dreams amaze us so much that we remember them all our lives without any repetition. If you can’t remember what the dream was about, even immediately after waking up, you can evaluate your condition after it, thus determining whether it was good or bad. Listen to your mood, how do you feel? Joy? Or maybe anxiety, even horror?

The "plot" of our dreams is influenced by external factors, since everything seen is the fruit of our consciousness, which is part of ourselves. The following conditions play a role:

  • seen during the day; what our attention is focused on;
  • thoughts about upcoming or completed deeds that are important to us;
  • the state of the body, including pain, difficulty breathing, etc.;
  • comfortable or, conversely, uncomfortable body position;
  • indoor air (it is desirable to ventilate the room well);
  • our fears and anxieties, experienced unrest, upheavals;
  • state of the nervous system;
  • nutrition (both quality and quantity, as well as the mode of eating);
  • sounds, smells and other phenomena that surround us while we sleep.

And this is not a complete list of factors that shape our dreams. As for "prophetic" dreams, this issue has not yet been investigated and, perhaps, will never be investigated. However, some scientists explain the deja vu effect precisely by the fact that the circumstances that happen to us in reality for the first time in our lives seem familiar to us precisely because we once saw them in a dream, we simply forgot about it. But then you have to agree that prophetic dreams do exist.

Is it possible to "program" sleep?

It would be simply amazing if we could "order" ourselves a dream for the coming night. However, unfortunately, we are not given control over our consciousness to such an extent. You can, of course, try to tune in a certain way, thinking, for example, about warm countries or a fun holiday. But this does not mean at all that we will dream about it. Moreover, if during our sleep, for example, construction equipment will work outside the window (and by some miracle we will not wake up), we may dream of military operations. Or the smell of burnt food coming from somewhere is quite capable of inspiring us with dreams about a fire, etc.

However, we can still do something. It is in our power to influence the fact that dreams are at least not bad or scary, but pleasant or at least neutral, not spoiling the mood for the next day. To do this, you need to follow some tips, namely:

  • Do not drink tonic drinks such as black tea or coffee before bed. Green tea is also better not to drink, because it has a diuretic effect. It is better to drink milk or chamomile tea with cinnamon - it calms.
  • Do not eat before bed, especially hard-to-digest food. But you shouldn't go to bed on an empty stomach either. Have a light snack.
  • Do not analyze the past day before going to bed and do not plan the next day. Better dream of something pleasant.
  • Make sure your bed is as comfortable as possible. During sleep, the body should be completely relaxed.
  • Air out your bedroom before going to bed. It should be fresh, but not cold, the ventilation of the room will avoid not only bad dreams, but also headaches.
  • If during the day you were nervous, worried, or even in a state of permanent stress, first of all help calm your nervous system. In this state, you will not dream of anything good.

If you have nightmares, don't rush to believe them. Even if you dreamed of someone close under difficult circumstances, you may just need to communicate with this person, do something for him, and sometimes just see each other. Still, dreams project our reality, therefore the only way to influence their “quality” is to put things in order in your life and feelings.

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