What is a diet plan? Approximate menu for a one-year-old child. Power mode value. Human behavior while eating

The time of meals and the intervals between them.

Diet distribution according to energy value(calories), chemical composition, by weight and food set for individual meals.

A person's behavior or behavior while eating.

The number of meals and the intervals between them:

The earliest people, due to failures in hunting, ate about three to four times a week.

The ancient Greeks, like the ancient Romans, two meals a day.

As time went on, the number of meals increased. For the first time, breakfast appeared with noble ladies who took chocolate in bed.

The practice of feeding rest homes, sanatoriums, pioneer camps uses four meals a day.


Due to not rational nutrition and limited motor activity more than half of the adult population of our country is overweight, and more than 30% are obese. As a result, after 30-40 years, and for some - much earlier (especially after the birth of children or with a predisposition to fullness), the figure deteriorates. This fact can also affect the psyche, causing in the depths of the soul a feeling of physical inferiority. Of particular concern is the excessive fatness of children: 30-40% of them are overweight, and 22-28% are prone to obesity.

Statistics show that overweight people are 6 times more likely than thin people to have kidney stones, 4 times more likely to have kidney stones. gallbladder and atherosclerosis leading to myocardial infarction is 3 times more likely to develop diabetes. Atherosclerosis in obese people occurs 20 years earlier than in people with normal body weight. If a man has a ratio of waist to hips greater than 2, then this is already dangerous to health. Women whose ratio exceeds 0.9 also urgently need to lose weight. Values ​​greater than 1.1 - 1.2 indicate obesity.

What is obesity?

Obesity is serious illness, due to profound violations metabolic processes in the body. Only 5 kg of excess weight increases the risk of disease: the function is suppressed thyroid gland which leads to atherosclerosis; the immune system begins to decline. By the age of 50, the protective capabilities of the latter are reduced by 2 times due to an excess of cholesterol in lymphocytes and a decrease in their activity. The sad result of this is high morbidity and mortality at the most productive age. The following pattern was found: the more overweight, the higher the mortality (obesity shortens a person's life by an average of 10-12 years). However, it is possible to fight obesity if you know the causes of the appearance. overweight.

AT recent times there has been an increase in the number of overweight and obese people among young people and children. Given that the predisposition to obesity is inherited, and fat cells laid in early age as a result of overfeeding infants, then it is possible with highly likely predict our future: if we do not fundamentally change the situation, then we are threatened, among other things, with extinction from diseases, one of the main causes of which is obesity - this is a pre-diabetic condition.

Causes of obesity

Consider the main causes leading to overweight and obesity, and consequently, to disease and early aging. Just do not rush to follow the recommendations below immediately: switch to new mode nutrition is needed gradually.

The first reason is that we use too much high-calorie foods, the excess of which turns into fat. In terms of the calorie content of the food eaten, Russia occupies one of the first places in the world - an average of 3443 kcal per person per day. For comparison: in the countries Western Europe an average of 3378 kcal is consumed, and only 1933 kcal per inhabitant of the Himalayas (Hunza people). The average life expectancy of the latter is 92 years. Among the representatives of this nationality there are many centenarians, physical performance which lasts up to 100-120 years.

With obesity and overweight, it is enough to consume 1200-1700 kcal. Many eat until the walls of the stomach stretch and give a distress signal. With such a diet, the pattern "he who eats a lot, he eats little" applies. The body stores fat and works hard to "eject". Therefore, a person who has eaten a lot, after a while again feels strong feeling hunger. There is a kind of training of the stomach in the processing of a large amount of food. The feeling of hunger increases especially when switching to low calorie food. Don't be upset! You will have to endure only the first time, until the stomach returns to normal, that is, it decreases in size.

The second reason for overweight and obesity is that we do not eat what the body needs, but what we like, or what is on store shelves. As a result, an artificial deficiency of any vitamins or microelements is created in the body, and a person experiences a feeling of hunger even with a large amount of food eaten, but useless in food. this moment food.

And the third reason is the low physical activity of both adults and children, which leads to insignificant energy consumption. Only 5-7% of the adult population of Russia is engaged in physical culture in the amount necessary to maintain health. For comparison: in the USA, Japan and other developed countries leading in medium duration life, this figure is 40-80%. Yes, only health walking in the USA 52 million are fond of running, 30 million and cycling 20.2 million people. In total, 120 million people in this country go in for sports at least 3-4 times a week for an hour or more. And the point here is not in equipping our cities and villages with an insufficient number of swimming pools and other sports facilities, but in the absence physical culture in children and their parents. In order to do exercises, run or walk at a fast pace, no sports facilities are needed.

It has been found that even those few who systematically exercise, often they are not done in the way that would be necessary to normalize body weight, and in the wrong volume. As a result, the opposite effect is also possible; for example, with intense exercise, body weight not only does not decrease, but sometimes increases.

Body weight control

To estimate body weight, height (in cm) is divided by weight (in kg). Indices within 2.3-2.8 correspond to normal weight body, 2.5-2.6 - ideal (regardless of age).

At higher or more low rates there is an increase in the risk of diseases (cardiovascular, oncological, etc.) and more early attack body aging.

To reduce body weight to normal, try to follow these recommendations.

During the entire period of transition to a new, low-calorie diet, develop the habit of eating slowly, and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. Remember that saturation through the blood occurs approximately 30 minutes after the start of a meal. After some time (1-2 years) there will be a restructuring in the body, digestive processes will begin to flow more efficiently, and you will no longer be able to eat differently, since saturation will occur from a small amount of food.

Eliminate useless foods with so-called "empty" calories (sugar, sweets, cakes, alcohol) from the diet and sharply limit the intake of salt, cream, sour cream, milk with high content fat, butter and other animal fats, flour and pasta, potatoes, cereals, jams. You will need only 4-5 g of salt per day (and not 25-30 g). That is, it is not at all necessary to salt everything in a row - required amount sodium the body will receive from natural products. Don't be afraid it won't taste good. Some time after such a limited use of salt, even lightly salted food will seem salty and tasteless to you, and healthy habit will stay with you for life. Salt-free diet helps to lose weight in a very short time.

Get used to drinking tea only without sugar. After some time, you will feel its real taste and aroma.

Salads try to season a small amount vegetable oil, and cook porridge from whole grains without milk and salt.

Try to eat as much of the same food as possible at one meal. With such nutrition, saturation occurs faster, and the assimilation of food proceeds much more efficiently. To do this, separate in time the use of foods that are better absorbed separately - bread, milk, grapes, apples and other fruits (except pears). In a one-time diet, include foods that go well together and complement each other: for example, protein food(meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese) with any herbs and vegetables, except potatoes; starchy foods (bread, porridge, potatoes, pasta) with greens and vegetables (but not proteins).

Sweet desserts are especially harmful to digestion: while the first and second courses are digested, sweets in the body are fermented, turning into alcohol and vinegar. Therefore, it is advisable to single out the use of fruits and honey in a separate meal. If this rule is not observed, then a significant part of the food will decompose, cause irritation of the stomach, as a result of which you will constantly experience false feeling hunger, frequent meals and constant overeating.

Variety in nutrition with such a diet should be ensured by including in the menu various products during the day, week and month.

Try to eat daily foods that contribute to the expenditure of fats from the body's reserves: cabbage, carrots, beets, green salad. Prefer vegetable oil, and bread - only coarse grinding.

If possible, include red pepper (paprika) in your diet. It contains the substance capsaicin, from which the blood in the veins "boils". As a result, all excess fat is burned in the cells. If red pepper is not available, use another spicy food.

Eating should not be on schedule, but when there is a feeling of hunger. The habit of eating at the same time leads to the fact that, due to the development of a temporary food reflex, you have to eat extra portions, not at all. needed by the body. For the same reason, do not eat breakfast immediately after sleep, wait for the feeling of hunger to appear. This may take several hours.

The last meal should be no later than 18-19 hours. It has been proven that products that enter the body in daytime hours, are spent on the energy supply of human life, in the evening they are deposited in the form of fat. Hunger, which is especially strongly felt in evening time quench raw vegetables. It is better to eat less, but more often.

It is difficult for a person to distinguish between hunger and thirst. Don't eat all the time, just try to drink.

For those who are difficult to tolerate the restriction in the amount of food and cannot sleep without eating at night, the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) experts will help to lose weight. Their essence is that it does not matter how much food you take and at what time, but it is important in what proportions you eat various groups products ("Product Pyramid").

The first group - flour products(bread, cereals), from 6 to 11 shares.

The second group - vegetables of three types (cabbage, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, radishes, pumpkins, zucchini, etc.), from 3 to 5 shares.

The third group - fruits, berries, dried fruits, from 2 to 4 shares.

The fourth group - protein products(fish, skinless chicken, etc.), 3 shares, but not more than 150-170 g per day.

The fifth group is dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.) with a low fat content, from 2 to 3 shares.

Average daily ration in the indicated proportions, it will be approximately as follows: a thick piece of black bread or 100 g of boiled rice with 100 g of vegetables - at the first meal; 50-60 g fish or chicken, or one boiled egg with greens - in the second meal. Separately, instead of breakfast or in between meals, satisfy your hunger with products of the third group (for example, a medium-sized apple).

Mono diet. This method is also recommended for those who can hardly tolerate fasting. His "secret" is that during the week you eat only one type of food per meal, and in total, no more than two foods per week. For example, kefir and apples, rice and grapes, oatmeal and oranges, cabbage and apples, etc. Measure your body weight and you will be surprised what the results will be.

Weight loss without dietary restrictions, without fasting and without physical activity. Some people categorically refuse to restrict themselves in food and starve, others cannot force themselves to exercise. For them, Japanese nutritionists have come up with a way that allows you not to limit the amount of food, and the weight is reduced even without physical activity.

Mix 200 g of unrefined flour with finely chopped vegetables (50 g each of cabbage, onion and bean sprouts) and salt to taste. You can add yeast for fermentation. Pour some water into the mixture and stir. Cover the dough with a dry cloth and leave for 6-8 hours in a warm place. Bake pancakes for olive oil from two sides.

With such a diet, after a month, body weight is reduced by 4 kg, and after 3 months - by 7 kg. If satiety occurs, then the dough should be added green onion, at the next stage - fish, on final stage- pork.

Eliminate hunger and lose weight naturally also helps the use of beet cake in the amount of up to 3 tablespoons before meals. This happens due to the sorption of gastric juices by oil cakes and their removal from the stomach. When hunger disappears, then try not to eat until it appears again. Try using the cake again to pluck it. If it was not possible to eliminate hunger again, then start eating.

The use of even small doses of gray jaundice I (0.001-0.1 g of fresh or dry grass with flowers 3 times a day) allows, as Academician B.V. Bolotov, reduce the mass of adipose tissue by 2-3 kg within a month.

Similar action other bitter plants also have: yarrow, water pepper (mustard), wormwood, mustard, pepper, horseradish, dandelion, hawkweed, Japanese Sophora, etc. These additives will make you up to old age people who do not know what diseases are.

Diet for emergency reduction body weight: in the morning - a cup of coffee, 12 hours - 200 g of dry wine with a piece of cheese, 15 hours - 200 g of dry wine, in the evening - 200 g of kefir. This diet allows for a loss in body weight of up to 9 kg per week. We recommend using this food only in emergency cases because the faster you get rid of excess weight, the more difficult it will be to keep it normal.

For a stable reduction in body weight and maintaining it within the normal range, use continuous aerobic physical activity (running, walking, swimming, rowing, skiing, cycling, sports dancing, rhythmic gymnastics) with an intensity of 50% of the maximum. In this case, when performing the load, fats are used.

If the body weight exceeds the norm by 20 kg or more, at first, it is recommended to engage only in walking according to a special program, carefully following the nutritional recommendations.

The recommended intensity of the load is achieved at a heart rate in the range of 100-120 beats / min. Fat burning at a heart rate of 150-160 beats / min is sharply reduced, and with an anaerobic load with a heart rate of 170 beats / min and above it stops completely.

Exercise stress should be long enough, since during the first 20 minutes of continuous work of medium intensity, energy consumption is provided mainly due to the average intensity of substances (fats and carbohydrates) in the blood. When their supply is gradually depleted, the burning of body fat begins. So, only 1 hour of running with the recommended intensity leads to a one-time loss in mass only due to the combustion of body fat within the range of 25-30 g. Knowing these figures, it is easy to calculate the time during which you can bring your body weight back to normal.

Great value for physical health as well as a good thought process has a normal regular meals. This immediately raises an interesting question about the optimal mode of eating foods. Today social conditions dictate right attitude to your health.

Meaning of power mode

Experts have long recognized that regular nutrition has a beneficial effect on the body. If the meal schedule is disturbed, then the digestive organs cease to function normally. Even the mood from this state of affairs worsens. The frantic rhythm of life makes us turn a blind eye to maintaining health. A large number of bad habits they lure workaholics into their nets who do not have the opportunity to stop for a minute and think about things not related to work.

In general, the correct ordering of the flow of food entering the stomach leads to good results. rhythmic and effective work will be provided only by digestion, which is built according to a certain system. Universal remedy in this situation does not exist, since each person is individual. Here it is necessary to take into account both age, and gender and the specifics of the activity. Diet promotes the secretion of saliva, digestive juices.

The key to a healthy diet is not only the distribution of products over time, but also accounting for calorie content, the duration of meals, and the intervals between meals. All the energy that helps us move and live comes from food. Supported by the body certain temperature body, right job internal organs, metabolic processes.

Most importantly, the diet allows you to protect the body from overeating. You should always consume as much food as you need to satisfy your hunger. Excess quantity food leads to obesity, the development of ulcers and more serious complications such as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • Physiologists talk about the mandatory presence in the diet of fish, meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. AT certain time some elements from this set are excluded, it all depends on the prescribed diet.
  • During the experiments, it was found that the most optimal nutrition is a meal four times a day at intervals of four hours. There is no longer a feeling of hunger, there is good health, the protein begins to be absorbed by 80 percent.
  • Although it is possible to increase the number of meals to six in case of a heart attack, during the recovery period after operations, during diets and during diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Now nutritionists are talking about the extreme usefulness of two meals a day. Meals break the day into breakfast at 11 am and dinner, which includes lunch, at 5 pm.
  • If we talk about the importance of four meals a day, then the main task of such a regimen is to reduce the overall load on the stomach. With this approach, sleepiness after eating, which occurs so often in everyday life, is reduced.
  • How to make a diet

    Calorie content of food should be considered with national characteristics and traditions. If the diet is about three times a day, and energy costs do not go beyond the usual norms, then Special attention It is worth paying attention to the meal during breakfast.

    Breakfast always have to be full. It should contain 40 percent of all calories a person takes in a day. 'Cause all the power to work for the day human body draws from breakfast. Dinner is the main point of the meal, it should contain about 40 percent of calories from daily allowance. It is easy to calculate that dinner the remaining 20 percent of the total daily allowance. If you switch to four meals a day, then 10 percent of breakfast and lunch just need to be taken to afternoon tea. Each meal should be chewed thoroughly for 25 minutes.

    The diet should be such that a person's performance does not decrease after meals. With exception useful substances from the name of the products consumed for food, apathy appears and fast fatiguability. That's why it's so important to include different products in my daily nutrition. During the adoption of meat, fish and dairy products, the body receives protein. Such substances are necessary for the creation of new body cells and the maintenance of existing ones. Vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps to remove acids, speed up the process of removing toxins.

    Carbohydrates are equally important for normal operation all vital important systems. You should eat bread, pasta, brown rice, mushrooms. To prevent obesity, you need to count total calories consumed per day.

    The liquid helps to cleanse the body. Carbonated drinks can cause some discomfort. Drinking liquids during a meal does not have negative effects.

    There are rules healthy eating affecting the quality of meals.

    • Firstly diet should be strictly adhered to. Only a systematic approach will nice results. The body will get used to the fact that food arrives at a certain time, after which it will be ready for its most efficient processing.
    • Secondly, should not take food during breaks between meals. The proper interval is at least four hours. If you take food with various snacks, then digestive system will start to work incorrectly and malfunction, as it will be loaded all day.
    • Thirdly should only be eaten when hungry. In order not to be deceived once again, you need to take 200 grams of water inside 30 minutes before the start of the meal. Here you get rid of unnecessary calories.
    • Fourth, do not eat food with ailments, temperature and other physical weaknesses. It is better to replace food with water. The food taken during illness will take away the body's resources to fight.

As a result of a questionnaire survey of 514 children from 7 to 18 years old, studying in different types educational institutions Tashkent city ( comprehensive school, academic lyceum and vocational college) it was determined that the diet in children according to the frequency of meals was rational. Three and, much less often, four hot meals a day are typical only for 25% of students. A significant number of children prefer fried, salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods in their diet. Constantly and often take biologically active food supplements (BAA) 15% of students, and vitamins - 39%, most of whom are children adolescence involved in any sport.

frequency and eating habits


biologically active food supplements (BAA).

1. Barenboim G.M., Malenkov A.G. Biologically active substances. New principles of search. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – 368 p.

2. Baturin A.K. Development of a system for assessing and the nature of the nutrition of the population of Russia: abstract of the thesis. dis. … Dr. med. Sciences. - M., 1998. - 47 p.

3. Vrzhesinskaya O.A. The value of enriched food products and vitamin-mineral complexes in providing the body of children with vitamins and minerals// Questions of children's dietology. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 19-27.

4. Gorelova Zh.Yu. and others. To the question of the state of nutrition of adolescents // Modern teenager. - M., 2001. - S. 44-52.

5. Kamilova R.T., Abdusamatova B.E., Isakova L.I., Basharova L.M. Hygienic principles of organizing healthy nutrition for children: a method. recommendations. - Tashkent, 2015. - 30 p.

6. Lavrinenko G.V. Sanitary and hygienic control over catering in institutions for children and adolescents: a method. recommendations. - Minsk: BSMU, 2005. - 24 p.

7. Lear D.N. Eating behavior of children school age // Actual problems food: mater. scientific-practical. conf. - Perm, 2008. - S. 106-108.

8. Spirichev V.B., Shotnyuk L.N., Poznyakovsky V.M. Enrichment of food products with vitamins and minerals // Science and technology. - Novosibirsk, 2004. - 548 p.

9. Khudaiberganov A.S. To the study of the vitamin usefulness of some food products in Uzbekistan, taking into account the conditions of their production // Actual problems of food hygiene in Uzbekistan: coll. scientific tr. - Tashkent, 1991. - S. 76-78.

10. Chernova E.G. Identification of risk factors and principles for the prevention of malnutrition in adolescent children aged 15-17 years in Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic: author. dis. … cand. honey. Sciences. - M., 2008. - 24 p.

The correct diet is integral part the general daily routine of the child. The diet of children should be in harmony with the mode of study, work and rest. For child's body importance It has proper nutrition contributing to harmonious growth and development, high efficiency, increased adaptive capacity, prevention of the development of alimentary-dependent diseases, resistance to infections and others adverse factors external environment.

One of the factors that significantly negative impact on the health of children is improperly organized eating behavior and poor nutrition, due to low level knowledge of the rules of rational nutrition: balanced diet; diet, including the frequency of meals during the day, certain intervals between meals and proper distribution daily ration(stages of nutrition); foods rich in essential nutrients and necessary for good nutrition; drinks and drinking regimen. In this regard, eating behavior, in the form of regular and rational nutrition, must be formed from early childhood, because. it characterizes not only the attitude of children to their health, but also the desire to comply with the principles healthy lifestyle life. Violation eating behavior, in the form of overeating some and undereating other foods, uncontrolled intake of biologically active additives(dietary supplement) to food and vitamins, can also cause various kinds health deviations. By international standards Dietary supplements are natural (or identical to natural) biologically active substances (BAS) intended for consumption simultaneously with food or incorporation into food products. In the diet, the lack of the most important elements for ensuring health is an inevitable pattern, which, in turn, requires adjustments to the usual diets, in the form additional reception vitamins and microelements. In view of the foregoing, the main aim of this work was comparative evaluation compliance with the diet and eating behavior of children involved and not involved in sports.

Materials and methods of research

The frequency and some habits of nutrition, the frequency of consumption of dietary supplements and vitamins were studied by the method of questionnaire survey. 514 students from 7 to 18 years old (237 girls and 277 boys) studying in various types of educational institutions in Tashkent (comprehensive school, academic lyceum and vocational college) were surveyed. Depending on the level of physical activity, all the examined children were divided into 2 groups: the 1st group - student-athletes and the 2nd group - children not involved in sports.

Statistical processing of the obtained material was carried out using the Excel software package, the arithmetic means (M) and the errors of the arithmetic mean values ​​(m) were calculated. The assessment of the reliability of the compared values ​​was carried out with the calculation of the coefficient t-Student.

The work was carried out within the framework of the State grant project ADSS-15.17.1 “Development of a system for hygienic regulation of conditions and organization learning activities, physical activity and nutrition with tracking the social gradient and health status of children in Uzbekistan involved in physical education and sports.

Research results and discussion

It was revealed that the diet of all the examined children was quite rational: in 94.2% of the students of the 1st group and, to a somewhat lesser extent, in the children of the 2nd group (93.1%) total number meals ranged from 3 to 5 times a day. But on average, only 27.6% of student athletes and 24% of children in the 2nd group consumed hot meals 3-4 times a day. For more than 60% of the students surveyed, the frequency of admission hot food was only 2 times a day, as a rule, it was lunch and dinner (Table 1). The number of children whose number of meals was 1 time per day was somewhat less in the 1st group than in the 2nd (9.9±2.09 versus 16.4±2.18%). AT this case the difference between the indicators of the compared groups was significant (P<0,05). Основной причиной неупотребления горячего питания, в подавляющем большинстве случаев, учащиеся указывали на отсутствие времени и условий в учебном заведении.

Table 1

The frequency of hot meals and some eating habits of students


number of hot meals per day, %

preferred food, % of cases


Among the examined children, there was a tendency to not comply with the rules of healthy eating. So, on average, in 52.5% of cases, student athletes and children who do not go in for sports prefer to have fried food in their diet, in 10.8% - sweet, in 9.3% - fatty, in 8.3% - smoked and in 7.7% of cases - spicy food, as well as in 9.8% of cases - pickles. A comparative analysis of the number of students in the 1st and 2nd groups showed that children who do not go in for sports prefer foods high in fat, sugar, salt and hot spices to a greater extent.

More than 65% of high school, high school and college girls have tried or followed various diets to lose weight. Moreover, the number of such girls in the 2nd group was 1.2 times more than among their peers involved in sports. Approximately 4% of students adhered to a diet recommended by a doctor. In the vast majority of cases, the diet was prescribed for overweight, anemia and food-related allergies, as well as after past illnesses (infectious hepatitis, diseases of the digestive system or the genitourinary system).

To the question of the questionnaire “How often do you use vitamins and biologically active food supplements?” 24.8% of children answered that they do not take vitamins and 60.7% do not take dietary supplements (Table 2). At the same time, "constantly" and "often" take vitamins - 39% of the students surveyed and dietary supplements - 14.9%; the rest of the children occasionally consume these drugs. It was determined that children involved in sports are 1.1 times more likely to take vitamins and 1.2 times more likely to take dietary supplements, but there were no significant differences between the quantitative composition of children involved in and not involved in sports, consuming vitamins and dietary supplements.

It was determined that the reasons that form the consumption of dietary supplements and vitamins practically did not differ among the students surveyed. So, the main purpose of their use by student-athletes was to "increase physical performance", "improve health", "improve the functioning of the respiratory system" and "improve the functioning of the nervous system". Pupils of the 2nd group used dietary supplements for the same purpose as their peer athletes, as well as in order to increase muscle mass (Table 3).

The data obtained during the survey also indicate that vitamins, to a much greater extent, were consumed by frequently ill children from among students who do not go in for sports. Often, taking vitamins was an additional treatment to antibiotic therapy, i. were prescribed by a doctor while taking anti-inflammatory drugs, usually for acute respiratory and intestinal infections or exacerbations of a chronic disease.

table 2

Frequency of consumption of vitamins and dietary supplements, %


vitamin intake


does not use

dietary supplement consumption


does not use

Table 3

Reasons why students consume dietary supplements, %


purpose of dietary supplement consumption

reduce body weight

increase body weight

build muscle mass

improve health

increase physical performance

improve respiratory function

improve cardiovascular function

improve the function of the nervous system

remove toxins

other reasons

I don't know, it's hard to answer


I don't know, it's hard to answer

In this regard, the question of who prescribed dietary supplements and vitamins for children was considered important. An analysis of the answers to this question showed that in 50% of cases the consumption of dietary supplements and vitamins was carried out according to the recommendations of doctors, and almost 15% of parents independently chose dietary supplements and vitamin complexes for their children.

An analysis of the quantitative composition of children by age group showed that most often children took vitamins and dietary supplements at the age of 11-15, i.e. during the period of intensive growth and development of the organism.

It is known that one of the properties of the effectiveness of the impact of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes is the dose, frequency and duration of their administration. An analysis of the survey results showed that in the vast majority of cases, children involved and not involved in sports consumed dietary supplements and vitamins under the supervision of their parents, and on average 88% of them - only as prescribed by a doctor, and about 6% - according to the instructions for use.

1. For 95% of students, the diet is rational, because. the frequency of meals they had was from 3 to 5 times a day, but hot meals 3-4 times a day were typical for an average of 25% of students. Due to the fact that a large number of children prefer fried, salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods in their diet, the attention of parents should be drawn to a sparing way of cooking (restriction of fried and fatty foods) and the chemical composition of food consumed (restriction of salt , spices and sugar).

2. Almost 15% of students “constantly” and “often” take dietary supplements, and 39% take vitamins, and student-athletes take them 1.2 times more often than children who do not go in for sports. The greatest number of children take dietary supplements and vitamins during adolescence, i.e. during the period of active growth and hormonal changes in the body. Of the students who consume dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, the majority observe the dosage, frequency and duration of administration.

3. The results of the research were the basis for the development of guidelines for organizing a healthy diet for school-age children.

Bibliographic link

Kamilova R.T., Abdusamatova B.E., Kamilov Zh.A. FREQUENCY AND NUTRITIONAL HABITS OF CHILDREN GOING IN AND NOT GOING INTO SPORT // Rational nutrition, nutritional supplements and biostimulants. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 51-55;
URL: http://journal-nutrition.ru/ru/article/view?id=35738 (date of access: 03/12/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The concept of "diet" includes:

    1) the number of meals during the day (the frequency of meals);

    2) the distribution of the daily ration according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into separate meals;

    3) the time of meals during the day;

    4) intervals between meals;

    5) the time spent on eating.

Proper diet ensures the efficiency of the digestive system, the normal absorption of food and the course of metabolism, and good health. For healthy people, 3-4 meals a day with 4-5 hour intervals are recommended. 4 meals a day is most conducive to mental and physical work. Intervals between small meals can be 2-3 hours. Eating earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal is not advisable. Eating in the intervals between the main meals "interrupts" the appetite and disrupts the rhythmic activity of the digestive organs. With fast food, food is poorly chewed and crushed, insufficiently processed by saliva. This leads to an excessive load on the stomach, deterioration of digestion and assimilation of food. When eating in a hurry, the feeling of fullness comes more slowly, which contributes to overeating. The duration of the meal during lunch is at least 30 minutes. In the first hour after taking a heavy meal, drowsiness occurs, working capacity decreases. Therefore, during a break in work, the food consumed should not exceed 35% of the energy value and mass of the daily diet, and should not include indigestible meals (fatty meat, legumes, etc.). Dinner should not contain foods that burden the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, causing increased gas formation, bloating (flatulence) and nocturnal secretion of the stomach (fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, extractives, sodium chloride - table salt). The last meal should be taken no later than 1½ - 2 hours before bedtime. It should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, sour-milk drinks, fruits, juices, bakery products.

Systematic violations of the diet (dry food, rare and plentiful meals, erratic food, etc.) impair metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis. A large meal at night increases the possibility (serves as a risk factor) of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer and other diseases.

7.30 - 8.00 - breakfast;
10.00 - 10.30 - school breakfast;
13.00 - 13.30 - lunch;
16.00 - 16.30 - afternoon tea;
19.00 - 19.30

One of the main requirements for the preparation of hot breakfasts is the variety of menus and products.
The menu for hot breakfasts is recommended to be compiled for the week and posted so that the children will rewrite it for parents who can combine the home menu with the meals the children receive at school.

In order for you to pay attention to your diet, you should understand what proper nutrition means and what a regime is. Scientists have been “breaking” their heads over this issue for a long time, developing various diets, regimens, and systems for rational food intake. At the same time, it is clear to everyone that in order to ensure mental and physical activity, rhythmic and efficient digestion, the body must maintain a certain diet. What exactly should be the diet of a healthy person, let's take a look at the importance of the diet today on our website www.site.

Unfortunately, there is no diet plan suitable for everyone. Each person adjusts to his individual meal schedule depending on gender, age, nature of work, lifestyle and other factors. If he adheres to a diet every day, then the processes of digestion and assimilation of food proceed normally. This mode adjusts the body to salivation, separation of digestive juices and metabolic processes for a certain time.

But the concept of a diet is not only food by the hour, but also the distribution of the number of calories, food by meal time, the duration of the meal itself, the time intervals between meals and, of course, the number of meals.

We take vital energy for ourselves from the food we take, and spend it on maintaining body temperature, on the work of internal organs, muscles, on various metabolic processes occurring in our body. Take note of some rules of rational "regime" nutrition:

1. Remember that our energy costs should not exceed energy receipts, respectively, and in the opposite direction too.
2. It is necessary to accurately determine the need for nutrients, the qualitative and quantitative composition of food.
3. It is necessary to give the body time for digestion, rest.

By adhering to the diet, we can prevent overeating. It is always important to remember that you need to eat exactly how much in order not to be hungry, and no more than that. This approach should become the norm of eating. Overeating, as you know, leads to obesity, poor health, the development of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and myocardial infarction.

The energy that enters our body is taken from solid food and liquid. Physiologists insist that fish, meat, eggs, vegetable oils, fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals be included in this list of products. Sometimes, some of them are excluded, which is associated with a prescribed diet due to some kind of disease, or due to religious fasts. Also forming your diet to unload the body.

Scientists, during the experiment, proved that the most optimal is three to four meals a day with intervals of about 4-5 hours. In this case, a person has no feeling of hunger, good health, and protein digestibility at the level of 80-85%. However, there may be more feedings (up to 6 times a day) with myocardial infarction, after operations, during diets, and with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The distribution of calories by meals depends on national characteristics, food traditions of the people. When eating three times a day, people with average energy costs should pay special attention to breakfast. It should be satisfying (25-30% of total calories per day). Such a breakfast is the key to the health of the body. Lunch is the main meal time, and therefore it should also be satisfying (35-40% of calories). In this case, dinner accounts for 15-20% of the daily calorie content of food.

The value of nutrition on a four-time regimen is to reduce the load on the stomach. With four meals a day, 10-15% of the diet is separated from lunch and breakfast and redistributed to an afternoon snack or second breakfast. Reducing the load on digestion relieves afternoon drowsiness, increases efficiency after dinner. At the same time, it is important that each meal lasts about 25 minutes due to thorough chewing. During this time, the brain and from a smaller amount of food will begin to send satiety signals.

The diet must be designed in such a way that our performance does not decrease, resistance to various diseases does not worsen. An imbalance of nutrients leads to fatigue, apathy, as a result of which beriberi, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and protein-energy deficiency may develop.

Including a variety of products in the daily menu, we provide ourselves with all the microelements, vitamins, amino acids we need.

When eating meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and dairy products, we get the necessary protein (participates in metabolism, cell renewal); a protein involved in the formation and growth of muscles. In addition, fish contains not only proteins, but also fatty acids that reduce inflammation in the body, these are Omega-3 and Omega-6 .; They contain vitamins A, B, E, various fatty acids. With their help, the body can absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals from the intestines.

Fiber - is needed in order to remove bile acids from the body, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent constipation, and speed up the process of removing toxins. Contained in vegetables - asparagus, zucchini, cauliflower, garlic, germinated seeds; in fruits - apples, grapes, pears, peaches, plums, watermelon.

In order not to disturb the metabolism of proteins and fats, we need carbohydrates. In tandem with proteins, they form enzymes, hormones. These are bran bread, oatmeal, wholemeal pasta, green vegetables, brown rice, dark chocolate, mushrooms. In order not to get obese, do not overdo it with extra calories.

Regarding fluid intake. In order for the body to be cleansed, drink herbal decoctions, those that will give you pleasure. Healthy teas, non-carbonated mineral water (gases can swell, discomfort appears), natural juices. Concerning drinking during meals, allegedly harmful. This fact has not been proven. Even in ancient India, it was believed that if you drink before a meal, your appetite will decrease, while eating, digestion will improve, and if you drink after a meal, it will weaken. The question is how much?

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