Fasting preparation. How to conduct therapeutic fasting on the water. Exit from a three-day fasting on the water

The water-only diet is a world-famous method that helps not only to lose weight from the body overweight and cleanse the body. In addition, the technique is also used in recreational purposes to keep youth and restore health.

Benefits of water fasting

Refusal to eat food in any form has a positive effect on many functions of the body. So, the benefits of fasting on water are undeniable, because during this period the intestinal microflora improves, the skin rejuvenates, and you get rid of a lot of chronic diseases. If you do everything according to the recommendations, then you will get an excellent result: the frequent need for food and night snoring, your health, well-being will improve, and most importantly, you will quickly say goodbye to the hated kilograms.

This method therapeutic fasting can even change the work of human hormones: for example, fat is burned due to the fact that when drinking water alone, the level of insulin drops very sharply. It is also worth noting that during the fasting period, the level of growth hormone can increase up to 5 times, which also helps to reduce body fat.

How long can you starve on the water

When fasting, frequent headaches, nausea, weakness, dizziness may occur, and may still be observed. abrupt change mood or appear bad smell body or mouth. Most of the symptoms will disappear if you regularly, but properly fast on the water, strictly following all recommendations for preparing and exiting the diet. In general, hunger strike cleansing can be carried out both for 1 day and for a month - the doctor will draw up a regimen for you individually.

How to endure fasting on the water

When fasting, the basis is water, and you need to drink it constantly and in the amount you want. It is worth noting that it will be even easier to endure fasting on water than when you would consume minimal amount calories - not eating at all is easier than eating a little. When you start to break loose and try to eat something, remember your main incentive - to lose weight and help the body cleanse itself, so change your activity: walk, listen to music, read.

Preparing for fasting on the water

This stage is even more important than how many days you will starve. So, preparation for fasting on the water should be thorough, and not immediately after a plentiful feast. A week before the diet, it is recommended to give up meat, and start eating only fruits and vegetables three days before the diet. Immediately before the start of a medical hunger strike, it is better to skip dinner, and in the morning put an enema or drink a laxative.

One day water fast

Reduction of the abdomen - this is the result that you will notice after a hunger strike, lasting a day. After you start practicing one-day fasting on the water regularly for a couple of months, you will also get a healing effect: the body will be cleansed, rejuvenated, immunity will increase, and the intestinal microflora will improve. In addition, the periodic refusal of food for a day is an excellent preparation for a longer hunger strike on the water.

Exit from one-day fasting on the water

Even after one day, when you used only pure water, it is necessary to correctly switch to a regular diet. Yes, out of one day fast on the water is no less responsible business than the preparation and adherence to the diet itself. At the end of the hunger strike, you need to drink juices diluted with water, then replace them with whole fresh juices. On the 3rd day, you can introduce fruits, salads, vegetables, and then start eating your usual food, but for a few more days exclude salty, sweet and fried foods.

3 day water fast

If you want to start the internal mechanism of burning fat, then during a hunger strike, drink water without additives in the form of honey, sugar or juice. Three day water fast The best way cleansing the body for beginners. The liquid must be consumed all three days every hour for 1 glass - only in this way the process will benefit. Be sure to do an enema the night before, which will remove from the intestines all the secretions that can poison the body.

On the 2nd day, the acidity of the products remaining in the stomach increases, so it must be rinsed with water in the morning. When discomfort or with belching with a smell, washing can be done more. If on the 3rd day you want much less liquid, then do not force yourself, but drink as needed. With a three-day therapeutic diet, you can do daily work, but from hard work worth giving up.

Exit from a three-day fasting on the water

It is recommended to take a drug in advance that helps restore the intestinal microflora. In general, the exit from a three-day fast on the water is twice as long, while the portion and variety will increase every day:

  1. On the first day, every hour you need to drink juices: two servings diluted with water, all subsequent servings should be made 100 ml without water.
  2. Breakfast on the 2nd day will be 100-200 ml of juice. You need to drink it every hour before lunch, which will be liquid unsalted oatmeal, or bananas, or raw grated vegetables or fruits (except carrots, oranges). For an afternoon snack, you can drink juice or eat an apple. If you want to eat, then make it for dinner vegetable stew, soup, boil potatoes. You can add a little to any of the dishes sunflower oil.
  3. On the 3rd-4th day, limit yourself to fats, salt, sweets, animal foods and orange-colored fruits.
  4. On the 5-6th day of exit, observe fruit and vegetable diet, avoid confectionery, alcohol and animal food.

Fasting on water 7 days

In order not to endanger the body, before a week-long hunger strike, it is important to accustom the body to the fact that it knows how to eat little by sitting on a diet 1, and then 2-3 days a week. In addition to preparation, fasting on water for 7 days includes two more stages - the process itself and the exit:

  1. On the 1st day, only water is allowed, the total volume of which will be about 2.5 liters. Remember that the body will begin to feel cold, so it is better if the liquid is warm. You need to do an enema.
  2. Daily diet on the 2nd and 3rd day it does not differ from the 1st day, but it is no longer recommended to brush your teeth with a toothpaste: you can only use gauze. In the evening it is worth repeating the enema.

Exit from a 7-day water fast

Fourth day - start last stage therapeutic diet. So, the exit from the 7-day fasting on the water should be gradual:

  1. After spending 3 days on a diet, you can start drinking unsweetened juices, which are diluted in equal proportions with water. The total volume of liquids drunk (together with plain water) should be 2.5 liters.
  2. On the 5th day, the diet should also include undiluted natural juices, decoctions of chamomile or mint.
  3. On the 6-7th day, liquid cereals and a little boiled or baked vegetables (except cabbage) can be included in the lunch menu. The amount of water cannot be reduced.

Fasting on water 21 days

The main purpose of fasting is to treat certain diseases and regulate the chemical balance in the body. naturally, and the use of food or even vitamins can contribute to the disruption of this process. Fasting on water for 21 days is not an easy way to lose weight and, as experience shows individual people, such a prolonged hunger strike can lead to mental disorders(bulimia or anorexia), exhaustion and many other problems.

You need to carefully prepare for a three-week fast, even if you have already practiced it. For beginners, it is strictly forbidden to switch immediately to day 21. A week before the diet, give up harmful products, give preference to light salads, fresh juices. When you decide to flatly refuse food for 21 days, remember that for this time you still need to forget about smoking, alcohol and coffee.

All three weeks you need to drink only water, and it should be clean, preferably distilled. At first, you may have an irresistible desire to eat at least something, but if you endure a few days, then the body will understand that it will not see food yet and will begin to use internal resources, enriching you with energy obtained from your own fat reserves.

Way out of fasting

The transition from such a long fast on the water should be equal to or greater than the diet itself was. Right way out from fasting on the water is a gradual recovery food regimen:

  1. Drink from day 1 to day 3 apple juices or from carrots, but in a diluted form.
  2. For 4-5, also drink only juices, but undiluted.
  3. On day 6-7, eat vegetables, introduce fruits.
  4. From 8 to 10, add more porridge with walnuts and seeds, puree.
  5. From 10 to 21 days, start introducing dairy products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

Video: water fasting

To get a very good quality healing effect from drystarvation you need to be perfectly prepared for it. It is necessary to carry out a good quality cleansing of the body, which is carried out 2-3 months before the start of fasting and is designed to free the human body from .

It consists in carrying out various cleansing procedures and changing the diet. Good quality nutrition will allow the body to store what it needs during fasting vital energy, to create conditions for high - quality cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract . By changing the diet, you need to clean. If this is not done, then during hunger in the uncleaned large intestine, as a result of the enzymatic processes of decomposition of feces, a mass of toxic gases (indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide and others) are formed, which, being absorbed into the blood, pass throughout the body, causing severe intoxication, and then in the form bad breath and odor are excreted through the lungs and skin. The release of endotoxins through the skin is the main reason for and. Through such a hunger, a person experiences only torment and weakness. There is no improvement in well-being during hunger. After pre-preparation, the endotoxin release on the fast will not be as strong, and you can easily do several wet training fasts. And then you can carry out dry fasting.


  • Never start cleansing the intestines and liver without changing the regimen and quality of nutrition.
  • Do not start any fast without cleansing the intestines and liver.
  • Don't do a dry fast without trying a wet fast.
  • To receive you need to maximum benefit from fasting, fasting should be regular, and the duration of fasting should be increased gradually.
  • Exit from starvation is 70% therapeutic result, it must be carried out especially carefully and accurately.

The scheme is designed for three months

  • 14 days natural proper nutrition.
  • 7 days cleansing of the intestines and liver.
  • 7 days of fasting on buckwheat porridge or, who can not, one day of wet fasting.
  • 1st week - 1 day of wet fasting
  • 2nd week - 2 days of wet fasting
  • 3rd week - 3 days SH
  • 4th week - 5 - 7 days SH for all.

3rd month:

  • 1st week - 1 day SG.
  • 2nd week - 2 days SG.
  • 3rd week - 3 days SG.
  • 4th week - 4-5 days SG.
    For those who endured all types of fasting, you can do this - it's much more effective
  • 1 day hunger - 2 days out.
  • 2 days hunger - 3 days exit.
  • 3 days hunger - 4 days exit.
  • 4 days hunger - 5 days exit.
  • 5 days hunger - exit from the SG.

To reinforce the effect therapeutic fasting recommended the following schemes maintenance therapy:

  • Cleanse the liver and intestines once a quarter before the change of seasons.
  • At the end of February, at the beginning of May (the most effective), at the end of August, at the end of November.
  • Do a 24-36 hour dry fast once a week. In this case, preliminary cleansing of the intestine is not necessary. But the days before and after fasting should be “semi-starved”, with a reduced total calorie content.
  • Conduct a 3-day fast once a month, no preparation is needed.
  • Once a quarter - dry five-day fasting, preferably after cleansing the intestines and liver.


The realities of modern life are such that, with extraordinary high level development of technologies in medicine, the level of morbidity of the population is steadily increasing.

Every third inhabitant of our country suffers from obesity, every second dies from cardiovascular diseases.

Medicine is not able to influence such negative factors, as a way of life and human nutrition, polluted air and poor quality water, technogenic load and stress.

You are reading this article, which means you have already realized that it is time to take matters into your own hands. Let's figure out together how to restore health with simple things like food and water.

The first thing to start the process of restoring health is CLEARING THE ORGANISM in the following sequence:


Cleansing the liver, lymph, kidneys, etc.

All this happens against the background of constant, daily washing with water. Because 80% of toxins are water soluble. Compliance with the drinking regime, daily use his physiological norm water is one of critical factors health recovery.

Now let's figure out how to therapeutic fasting to cleanse the body so that it is safe for health.


Preparing for therapeutic fasting at home is extremely important. Preparation and exit from fasting is 50% success.

You can't just suddenly decide tomorrow I don't eat anything for a week. Such fasting is fraught not only with headaches, nausea, unbearable weakness, but can also significantly worsen general state health.

So we need to fix drinking regimen to ensure the regular elimination of toxicants, to accustom the body to absorb enough water.


The norm of water for a person of any age is 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight

If a overweight more than 20 kg, then we calculate approximately the ideal body weight

Morning after cleansing oral cavity we wash the body with water - 2-3 glasses on an empty stomach in several doses. Water at room temperature or warm.

We drink water 15-20 minutes before meals, an hour and a half after. We drink the main volume in the morning

This is really healthy water. It is structured, has a slightly alkaline reaction, negative potential, low surface tension. Easily absorbed by the body, gives energy, normalizes acid-base balance protects cells from free radicals(slowing down the aging process)

If you are just starting to get used to drinking water, start with a smaller volume.

Get into the habit of drinking a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, a glass before every meal, a glass before bed. Then bring the daily volume to the required norm.

This is extremely important measure in preparation for fasting at home if you really want it to be safe.

Our task is to create unbearable conditions for uninvited guests so that they leave the body in a natural way. And this is the use of bitterness, as well as alkalization of the internal environment.

Feel free to ask a specialist a question, we will help you choose supplements specifically for your needs.
Just contact us in any convenient way.


We minimize the amount of synthetic food that contains preservatives, dyes, thickeners, etc. These are fast food, semi-finished products, various sweets (pastries, sweets, cakes, pastries, ice cream, sweet soda, tetra-pack juices, yoghurts with fillings, etc.)

Reduce the amount of animal proteins and fats, eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals from whole grain cereals. You can also eggs, fish, dairy products. In general - the most natural food.

We eat in small portions 3-4 times a day. Be guided by the fact that there is a slight feeling of hunger, such sensations as if you were full of 80%.


2. Getting out of therapeutic fasting is no less important than preparation. Introduce products gradually, do not gorge on the first day to satiety, fresh fruits and start eating vegetables from the 3rd day of recovery, meat - at least from 4-5 days. No fried, greasy, spicy food during the first few days of recovery.

3. Don't make it your goal to fast for a week right away. This is a very serious burden on nervous system and for health in general. Start with 24 hours, follow the principles of preparation and exit from therapeutic fasting on the water.

4. Don't drink ice water. Cold water narrows pores and blood vessels, hinders hydration, impairs digestion. Plus, the body expends energy to bring water to body temperature.


During these 3-4 weeks, noticeable improvements in health should already occur. There is more energy, a feeling of cheerfulness even in the evening after have a hard day, lightness in the abdominal area, sleep improves, headaches go away, swelling decreases, skin condition improves.

Now, when the body is sufficiently cleansed, you can proceed directly to therapeutic fasting on the water.

I must say right away that I am not a supporter of dry fasting. Because to secure the majority chemical reactions the body needs water. Cell cleansing and interstitial fluid is due to clean water. Water dissolves into itself nutrients and oxygen and carries them to every cell of our body.


Significantly reduce portions.

We use boiled / stewed food, mainly vegetables, whole grains.

Increase the amount of water you drink by about 0.5 liters. Focus on your feelings.


The duration of this stage, everyone chooses for himself. Start from 24 hours.

Then, each time, try to prolong therapeutic starvation for another 24 hours. Choose the frequency according to your feelings - in a week, in a month. Earlier than a week later, fasting is not necessary, let the body recover.

The amount of water during this period can be increased, but do not overdo it. Drink approximately 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Wash down the feeling of hunger, it will be quite active.

By the way, coral water helps to neutralize the feeling of hunger, because it is slightly alkaline, neutralizes gastric juice.

On days of fasting, intoxication of the body occurs, so headaches, weakness, and nausea may appear.

Out of habit, it will be unbearably drawn to food. Try to isolate it as much as possible so that the food does not “irritate the eyes”. Spend more time on fresh air go to the sauna for better cleansing, engage yourself in training (Pilates, yoga, breathing exercises) or any other activity that will distract from dull thoughts.

If the weakness is very strong - drink warm water with half a teaspoon of honey. Or just dissolve the honey with warm water.


The worst thing you can do is to pounce on food on the first day.

The exit from fasting should be gradual. We eat in small portions, food boiled / stewed.

On the first day - cooked vegetables and fruits, freshly washed juices. Next, we introduce porridge without adding salt. From the third day, you can add cottage cheese, eggs, fish, broth to the diet.

We do not use fresh vegetables and fruits in the first 2-3 days, this is coarse fiber.

With a fasting duration of more than 7 days, it is better to introduce meat into the diet at least a week later.


Therapeutic starvation will help to cope with overeating, and taste preferences will also gradually change. There will be less cravings for junk food.

Fasting on water triggers the process of autophagy, self-purification of cells. There is a utilization of defective proteins, or rather their splitting and reuse.

The functions of the organs responsible for cleansing the body are restored: kidneys, liver, gallbladder, intestines

The condition of the skin, hair and nails will improve. On further follow simple principles Health concept, full recovery will gradually occur

If you are doing therapeutic fasting for weight loss, then keep in mind that body weight will decrease by about 1-2 kg per day. But not only due to adipose tissue, in the process of autophagy, proteins are first of all broken down. Do not overdo it.

Therapeutic starvation is effective not only for healing the body, it is also for strengthening discipline, tempering character. Even more comfortable option fasting program Colo Vada Plus still requires endurance and compliance with all recommendations. This is spiritual growth.

A great way to lose weight is water fasting. For many, this method alternative medicine taken as a diet. Scientists have long established that hunger not only helps to improve the human body, but also to lose some extra pounds. There are many ways to lose weight on the water, which differ in duration and procedures. For those who decide to try this technique for the first time, a short course is recommended. After all, it is not easy for beginners to withstand starvation on the water.

Basic principles of water fasting

When drinking large amounts of water and refusing to eat, the body is cleansed of harmful substances that pollute it. Such fasting is indicated in the treatment of pancreatitis, as well as some other diseases. digestive system. It is also used in the period of preparation for surgery or after it.

Basic principles water starvation the following:

  • since during therapeutic fasting a lot of fluid enters the body, this technique can be used to prevent dehydration;
  • with a large volume of water, decay products of salts are excreted from the kidneys;
  • when water enters the stomach, a satiety signal is sent to the brain, so the feeling of hunger recedes for a while;
  • fasting on water does not lead to sagging skin, which occurs when losing weight too quickly.

Thus, fasting on water, like a diet, helps to lose weight. excess weight and at the same time cleanse the body of harmful substances.

On a note! Since therapeutic fasting on water has not only advantages, but also has contraindications, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Benefit and harm

Like all diets, water fasting causes stress in the human body. Therefore, in addition to benefit, it is necessary to consider and probable harm of this technique.

The benefits of fasting on water are as follows:

  • weight reduction;
  • increased immunity, which occurs as a result of cleansing the body of harmful components;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • elimination of snoring at night;
  • improvement of the condition of hair and nails, as well as skin integuments;
  • restoration of functions reproductive system, which is carried out by improving the condition of the pancreas and normalizing blood sugar levels.

Despite the obvious advantages, in some cases, a water fast can harm the human body. As a result, there are following states and symptoms:

  • anemia;
  • deficiency of valuable components, which adversely affects the development of the central nervous system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • anorexia;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • general malaise.

If the state of health worsens during the period of water fasting, it should be stopped. If there is no improvement, you will need to see a doctor.

On a note! It is not recommended to stick to the water diet for too long. A long period of fasting should be combined with the usual diet. That is, adhere to the so-called cascade diet, when periods of fasting and regular meals alternate.

Types of water fasting

Depending on the duration, the following types of water diet are distinguished:

  • one-day;
  • for a week;
  • for 21 days.

For beginners, you should try the first option of fasting on the water, since it will be difficult for the body to withstand a long period of lack of food.

With one-day fasting, it is worth removing all foods from the diet. Its basis is ordinary water, but without gas. Moreover, the greatest efficiency will be achieved when using natural rather than distilled water. During periods of famine, the body requires trace elements that are present in springs and other natural sources.

Long-term fasting is suitable for people who have tried the short-term water diet. It is desirable to carry out under the supervision of a physician.

On a note! If withstand complete failure from food is difficult, you can introduce decoctions or infusions of herbs into the diet, adding to them lemon juice and honey.

In order to get exclusively benefit from water fasting and avoid harm, you must follow all the recommendations, as well as enter and exit the diet correctly.

Proper water fasting

The course of therapeutic fasting on the water consists of three main stages:

  • input;
  • the fasting procedure itself;
  • exit.

Preparation for fasting, which is carried out at the first stage, is very important. Without it, the body will not be able to avoid stress. Preparing for fasting allows you to adjust the gastrointestinal tract to a diet and not harm it. No less important is the final stage, which helps to properly exit the diet and maintain weight.


Events on initial stage fasting makes it possible to reduce the volume of the stomach, which in the future will help to be saturated in small portions. It is worth noting that entry into the diet is required even if its duration is only 1 day.

Preparation for therapeutic fasting on the water consists of the following activities

  • exclusion of meat products;
  • avoiding fried and other heavy foods;
  • limited consumption of vegetables, fruits and dairy products is allowed;
  • it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed.

The duration of the first stage is several days. You don't have to eat on the last day. Should be done in the morning cleansing enema, which will help remove toxins from the body without obstruction through the intestines.


The duration of the next stage depends on the desired result, well-being and the recommendations of the doctor. During this period, the use of any food is prohibited. You need to drink only pure non-carbonated water.

On a note! Useful properties melt water is different. It is easy to prepare it at home. To do this, you need to collect water in a container and put it in freezer. When it freezes, you need to get it and leave it at room temperature until completely thawed. A small ice cube forms in the center of the liquid white color. It must be thrown in because it contains salts and other impurities.

Drinking water during therapeutic fasting is necessary in accordance with the following rules:

  • drink water in small sips only at those moments when the body is thirsty;
  • drink hot water in winter warm water, in summer it can be at room temperature;
  • the exact volume of water has not been established, but it is required to drink at least 1.5 liters per day.

It is advisable to drink water without the addition of honey and lemon juice.

Getting out of the diet

To keep the results and not gain extra weight for short term, you need to properly get out of the diet. Duration this stage depends on the length of the fasting period. For example, it will take three days to get out of a one-day fast. First, they begin to consume liquid foods (vegetable and fruit juices), then fresh juices are introduced into the diet, then they gradually switch to eating solid foods. However, it is advisable to refuse fried, salted, smoked and flour products altogether or limit the consumption of such products.

Additionally, you will need to take a drug containing beneficial microflora. It restores bowel function.

The correct scheme for exiting water fasting is presented in the table.

Weekly fasting results: before and after photos

After a week of fasting on water, the body is cleansed, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves, excess weight disappears, and lightness is felt throughout the body. The fact that the diet has benefited is also evidenced by the absence of bad breath.

After 7 days of fasting on the water, you can achieve the following results:

  • extra pounds disappear;
  • the body is partially healed by cleansing from toxins and toxins;
  • the work of internal organs is restored;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • meshes of small blood vessels disappear on the body;
  • signs of flatulence are eliminated;
  • snoring disappears at night.

The results of a week of fasting on the water are clearly shown in the photo.


Before proceeding with the cleansing of the body according to this method, it is necessary to carefully study the list of contraindications so as not to harm yourself. Water fasting is prohibited in the presence of the following conditions:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • low body weight, severe wasting;
  • diseases of an infectious nature occurring in the acute stage;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • endocrine ailments;
  • malignant formations.

It is forbidden to starve during pregnancy and lactation, when the development of the child depends on good nutrition mother. It is contraindicated to sit on such a diet for children under the age of 18 years.

Thus, fasting on water is highly effective if all the recommendations of experts are followed exactly. However, it is important to first study the list of contraindications so as not to harm your own health.

Video: how to fast on the water

To get acquainted with the features of fasting on the water, you should watch the following videos.

Preparing for fasting

First you need to unload your body from the most obvious toxins with the help of various cleansing procedures.

With the help of enemas clear colon from fecal stones and other pathologies. When fasting will no longer occur powerful emissions of it, which will save you energy for other healing work in the body

Liver cleanse will allow you to avoid crisis states during fasting, when pebbles, old bile, can come out as a result of a powerful choleretic effect. The use of paired procedures will remove most toxins located in body fluids.

Juice therapy will consolidate this success, additionally flush connective tissue and heal kidneys.

I recommend changing your diet towards plant foods. Refuse artificial (cakes, pastries, chocolate, sweets, etc.) and mixed foods (sandwiches, pizza, potatoes with meat, etc.). Make it a rule not to eat at night and not to drink after meals. Then the release of toxins during fasting will not be so powerful and you will easily endure hunger, immediately begin to cleanse your body at the cellular level.

Now let's talk about how you need to gain your own experience in fasting. Here I will refer to Paul Bragg's fifty years of fasting experience, supplemented by some comments from my own ten years of practice. Here is what Bragg writes:

“I often observed how people began fasting for a period that I roughly determined at 21-25 days. But in the first six days, so many toxic substances that I immediately interrupted the fast. The starving person was then transferred to a natural diet, and after a few weeks the attempt was repeated. But if again too many poisons were released, then fasting again had to be interrupted. I will name one more reason why I am against long-term fasting if it is carried out without the supervision of a specialist. Average person infected not only with toxic poisons as a result not proper nutrition, pollution of the air and water with chemical waste and salt, but also the remains of many drugs he has taken, which are deposited in his tissues for a long time. That's why prolonged fasting in theory it’s good for cleansing the body, but in practice it’s not ...

…In my practice, I have had the most success with short courses of fasting. With 24-36 hours of fasting per week, I found a cleansing of the body. Following a nutritional program natural products, a person who wants to gain vitality and longevity can prepare himself for a 3-4 day fast in a few months. After four months of weekly fasts and several 3-4 day fasts, a person is ready for a 7-day fast. By this time a large number of toxic substances have already been removed from the body.

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21.1. Preparation - The Tiger basically consists of three parts: the front part, the back part, and this, comrades, is the tail! "Striped Flight" For starters, you should find time - five minutes in the morning and evening - every day. Considering that we do not watch TV now, the time should be

From the book All about the spine for those who ... author Anatoly Sitel

Strengthening the body's ability to withstand cold and oxygen starvation Sprouted grains of wheat have unique property enrich the blood with oxygen. Due to this, the endurance of the body increases dramatically. This is especially important for those who are in

From the author's book

Preparation Before you start using the IHD method, you need to do a deep breathing test to find out how deep your breathing is. The essence of the test is to reduce the depth of breathing and see if

From the author's book

Hand preparation Before performing therapeutic postures, you need to learn to feel your

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