A neurologist that treats. When to contact a neurologist. Pathologies of the autonomic nervous system

There are many branches and specialties in medicine. And it is not always clear to an ordinary patient which doctor treats what. The easiest way is with a therapist who deals with almost all diseases at once, or with an operating surgeon. And what does a neuropathologist treat, because this specialist is in any clinic?


Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with the problems nervous system person. Specialist doctors of this profile are called neuropathologists. AT last years they were renamed neurologists.

Nerve diseases can be caused by the most various reasons. Inflammatory processes - neuritis - are often provoked by hypothermia, infection, infringement nerve root as a result of osteochondrosis or injury.

In addition to a pronounced pain syndrome, with such a pathology, the function of the damaged nerve will be significantly impaired or even fall out. A prime example is inflammation. facial nerve, when a person not only experiences severe pain, but he still has significant facial asymmetry due to disruption of the facial muscles.

Radiculopathy is an infringement of the nerve roots. Previously, this pathology was called sciatica. The cause of the infringement is degenerative lesions of the spine. Most often it is osteochondrosis, which can be detected even in young people. In middle age, osteochondrosis occurs in two-thirds of the population, and among the elderly - in almost everyone. In most cases, it is accompanied by severe pain, motor and sensory disorders. This pathology is the most common cause referral to a neurologist.

Complication of degenerative processes in spinal column are protrusions of fibrous discs - and intervertebral hernias. They are also one of the main causes of nerve root entrapment.

Polyneuropathies, as a rule, are of an exchange or toxic nature. Metabolic polyneuropathies include damage to the peripheral nervous system in diabetes mellitus. It is first manifested by paresthesia - a feeling of numbness or crawling. Later, burning pains in the arms and legs may join, or, on the contrary, the gradual disappearance of sensitivity.

Pathologies of the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system controls many reactions and processes in human body. Most often, neuropathologists in their practice are faced with neurogenic disorders functions pelvic organs. These include neurogenic bladder and enuresis in children.

This problem causes serious suffering for both adults and young patients. And its solution is one of the important tasks of neuropathologists.

Vascular disorders

Unfortunately, vascular disorders in the practice of neuropathologists are increasingly encountered and in recent years they are getting younger. The most formidable diseases are strokes - ischemic and hemorrhagic.

This is a violation of blood circulation in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain (usually the brain) due to spasm or narrowing of the vessel, blocking it with a thrombus or rupture with bleeding. The outcome of all these processes is the necrosis of a part of the brain - its necrosis. The larger the area of ​​necrosis, the heavier consequences because recover the lost brain functions almost impossible.

Vascular aneurysm of the brain dangerous disease, in which there is an expansion of the vessel. For the patient, this is the every second risk of rupture of the formation with heavy bleeding and stroke.

The most common are chronic cerebrovascular diseases, or CVDs. At the same time, atherosclerotic plaques are deposited in the walls of the vessels, which makes it difficult for blood flow. CVD leads to progressive forgetfulness, loss of intellectual functions.

Degenerative lesions of the nervous system

These are diseases that are based on degeneration and dystrophy. brain structures, that is, their gradual destruction and restructuring. Until now, it is not known exactly what serves as a signal for the launch of these serious diseases.

Most often, neuropathologists are faced with pathologies such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. Clinical manifestations degenerative lesions is the almost complete loss of intellectual-mnestic functions and motor activity.

Infectious lesions

Some pathogens are very fond of the nervous system. So, the most common viral infection is herpetic. A disease in which herpes settles in ganglions, plexuses and roots, is called herpes zoster. His hallmark is stinging, at times unbearable pain along the nerves, often intercostal.

hard shell of the brain can be affected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or meningococcus with the development of meningitis - dangerous disease, often with poor prognosis or serious health consequences.

Infectious pathology The nervous system is treated by neurologists along with infectious disease specialists and neurosurgeons.

Neuromuscular diseases

Increasing muscle weakness requires immediate consultation with a neurologist.

Neuromuscular diseases often proceed with an unfavorable prognosis and are difficult to treat. They are congenital, hereditary, or arising under the influence of external factors such as inflammation. The latter variant is usually reversible with appropriate therapy.

You should not postpone a visit to a neurologist if there are complaints of weakness in the arms or legs, significant reduction muscle strength. On the early stages the chances of slowing down the development of the disease are higher.

Pathology of consciousness and sleep

A variety of disorders of consciousness and sleep is an interesting but least understood part of neuroscience. First of all, we are talking about pre-coma and coma. As you know, in this case, all life processes function in a person, but consciousness is completely or partially absent. It is almost impossible to predict when a person will come out of this state.

To study sleep disorders, there is separate industry- somnology, which is part of neurology. And such doctors are called somnologists.

Traumatic brain injury

In terms of severity of outcomes and consequences, craniocerebral injuries are comparable to strokes and often exceed them. This is usually the prerogative of neurosurgeons, but in their absence, TBI is treated by neuropathologists with traumatologists.

You should consult this doctor after any serious injury head, especially if it is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, headaches and sleep disturbance.

What other complaints can serve as a reason for contacting a neurologist?

Neurological complaints

What complaints are usually called neurological? What manifestations should alert in relation to the pathology of the nervous system? You need to contact a neurologist if there are the following symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Vertigo.
  • Instability.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Disorientation in time and space.
  • Loss of consciousness or memory lapses.
  • Seizures.
  • muscle weakness.
  • Various violations sensitivity.
  • The appearance of unusual sensations in the body.
  • Disorders of coordination and balance.
  • Pain in the spine or along the ribs.
  • burning pains in different departments body.

Neurologist appointment

To get an appointment with a neurologist, usually in a state clinic, you first need to visit a local therapist or family doctor. It is he who will conduct an initial examination and determine whether the patient needs to consult a specialist. In private medical centers As a rule, the patient himself chooses which doctor he wants to see.

What does a consultation with a neurologist involve? First of all, this doctor conducts a general examination of the patient - with the study of complaints, assessment of reflexes, research various kinds sensitivity and motor activity of muscles.

If necessary, the neuropathologist sends for examination. These may be general and biochemical analyzes blood, radiography, CT, MRI of the head and spine, special methods muscle research.

Based on the results of the examination, the final diagnosis is established and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

In his practice, a neuropathologist should be able to: find out the cause of the pathological process of the nerves, assess clinical course disease, using specific diagnostics to determine the essence of nosology, develop an effective treatment plan and carry out preventive measures.

The term "neuropathologist" is an outdated formulation of such a specialist as a neurologist. Therefore, many people confuse the names of the same doctor, looking for a non-existent difference between them. Patients must understand that a neuropathologist is a doctor who treats problems of the nervous system in the same way as a neurologist. These specialties do not differ from each other, just the term "neuropathologist" is outdated and is used less frequently.

What diseases does a neuropathologist treat?

Determining what a neuropathologist treats, patients often cannot remember anything except back pain, which is not always caused by pathology of the nerves or the osteoarticular apparatus. The competence of the neuropathologist includes the following nosologies:

  • various forms of meningitis (an inflammatory process in meninges, which can be caused by any microorganism that can cross the brain barrier);
  • encephalitis (severe damage, which is accompanied by severe focal symptoms with signs of disruption of certain centers of the cortex);
  • congenital anomalies in the development of the nervous system (medical examination should be carried out from childhood);
  • hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes (characterized by acute violation cerebral circulation with the formation of zones of necrosis);
  • transient ischemic attack(stroke clinic without the formation of necrotic areas and independent return to normal);
  • Alzheimer's disease (in adults, a neurologist treats this specific pathology, in which degeneration of the cerebral cortex occurs);
  • Parkinson's disease (a specific pathology in which there is a tremor of the limbs and demyelination of the fibers);
  • sciatica (inflammation of the nerve roots coming out of spinal cord);
  • pathology of the joints of the spine, including: osteochondrosis, hernia, osteoporosis and others;
  • various variations of neuropathies (most often they are idiopathic nerve lesions);
  • neuralgia (local problem in nerve fiber, which is accompanied by soreness);
  • symptomatic lesions of the nervous system (for example, a neurologist treats nerve problems associated with anemic syndrome, diabetes, avitaminosis of group B and so on);
  • various neuritis ( inflammatory processes, for example, in the sciatic nerve);
  • oncological neoplasms of the brain and (or) spinal cord (together with an oncologist);
  • migraine (a disease specific to women, which is accompanied by attacks of headache of unknown etiology);
  • vegetovascular dystonia (functional diagnosis for the nervous, cardiovascular systems);
  • sleep disorders and syndrome chronic fatigue.

To the list pathological processes There are many more diseases that a neuropathologist must know and remember about in order to make a correct diagnosis.

When to contact a neurologist?

It is not enough to understand who a neuropathologist is and what nosologies he deals with in order to contact him in time. It can be quite difficult to determine disorders in the nervous system, so patients long time remain unqualified medical care. It is useless to engage in self-diagnosis in the presence of problems of the central nervous system, since specific studies are required to make a diagnosis.

Patients see a neurologist with the following symptoms:

  • headache(it can hurt any area, and the nature of the pain often does not differ);
  • dorsalgia ( pain syndrome, localized in the back);
  • sleep disturbances (insomnia or excessive sleepiness, the nature of sleep, problems with falling asleep are also important);
  • speech disorders, asymmetry of facial expressions and unilateral paralysis (a neuropathologist checks the stroke clinic and confirms the diagnosis with the help of instrumental studies);
  • convulsive syndrome (epilepsy is mainly dealt with by psychiatrists, but there are different reasons seizures);
  • unmotivated impairment of cognitive functions (depression of emotions, memory, deterioration of perception, and so on);
  • problems with motor activity (for example, with problems with the spine);
  • violations of coordination;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakening of muscle tone;
  • sensitivity disorders in the form of paresthesia (numbness, burning), hypesthesia (decrease in tactile and pain) or hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity).

If you have even one of the listed signs for a week or more, you should contact a neurologist.

A typical stroke clinic requires an immediate emergency call.

How is the appointment with the doctor?

At the appointment with a neuropathologist, first of all, the patient's complaints and anamnesis are studied. Their specificity is usually sufficient to determine the direction of the lesion and its possible causes. During the initial examination, the neuropathologist examines the following features:

  • muscle tone (using a special apparatus or a simple handshake);
  • active and passive movements in the limbs;
  • coordination (the patient alternately with eyes closed touches index fingers to the tip of the nose)
  • superficial and deep reflexes (a special hammer is used);
  • movements eyeballs(their presence, symmetry, correspondence to each other);
  • cognitive functions (some tests borrowed from psychiatry are used);
  • sensitivity (by pressing, acupuncture);
  • meningeal signs (stiff neck, Kerneg's and Brudzinski's symptoms) for diagnosing meningitis;
  • specific signs of encephalitis, strokes.

During the examination, the neuropathologist makes assumptions about the diagnosis, after which he directs the patient to additional research. These may include: definition laboratory indicators(blood, urine, biochemistry, proteins, coagulograms), puncture cerebrospinal fluid with its subsequent study, an electroencephalogram (determination of the activity of individual parts of the brain), MRI (visualization of tumors, ischemic lesions), angiography of cerebral vessels and other specific studies that are prescribed depending on the nosology (for example, the determination of thyroid hormones).

After staging clinical diagnosis, a neuropathologist is developing a complex medical measures. Therapy may include lifestyle modifications, medications , the use of physiotherapy and manual treatment, surgery.

A neurologist is a specialist who deals with problems of the brain. An obsolete title is a neuropathologist. The specialty is subdivided into several profiles, for example, into a neurologist and a neurologist-epileptologist.

A neurologist specializes in the treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.

What is the competence of a doctor

The doctor examines the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, nervous and peripheral systems. The services of a neurologist include solving problems such as:

  • Recovery of patients after heart attacks, strokes and heart attacks.
  • Diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system and the appointment of therapeutic therapy.
  • Recovery normal functioning brain.
  • Restoration of nutrition and blood circulation of the brain.
  • Appointment of sanitary-resort treatment.

A pediatric neurologist examines children up to a year old at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months. An appointment with a neurologist in the first months of life is not needed.

A pediatric neurologist conducts preventive examination every 3 months

Neurologist services include massage, reflexology and therapeutic exercises.

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

An adult and pediatric neurologist fixes such diagnoses as:

  • Headache.
  • Migraine.
  • facial pain, including nervous tick, trembling in the muscles.
  • Neuritis of the nerve of the face.
  • Neuralgia trigeminal nerve.
  • Pain in the cervical region (for example, a herniated disc).

You should consult a neurologist if you experience pain in the cervical spine

  • Pain in thoracic region.
  • Heart attack, stroke and postoperative recovery.
  • Back pain (osteochondrosis, hernia, sciatica).
  • Diseases of the spine (lumbalgia, lumbago, pinched sciatic nerve).
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Epilepsy.
  • various neuroses.
  • Head injuries, craniocerebral injuries, concussion and brain bruises.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), dystonic syndrome.

The competence of the neurologist includes the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Polyneuropathy.
  • Depression.
  • Feelings of anxiety, panic attacks.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Insomnia.
  • Scoliosis.

Neurologist treats pinched sciatic nerve

A pediatric neurologist often treats juvenile and childhood scoliosis, childhood cerebral palsy, epilepsy, Tourette's syndrome, teenage depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, perinatal posthypoxic encephalopathy in newborns.

In what cases it is necessary to apply

An adult patient and children over 14 years of age can make an appointment with a neurologist if the following symptoms are detected:

  • Noise in ears.
  • Aching drawing pain in spine.
  • Insomnia, accompanied by awakenings more than three times a night.
  • Loss of coordination during movement.
  • Fingers and/or toes become numb and tingle.

Tingling fingers - a symptom of a malfunction of the nervous system

  • Frequent tics and spasms of the limbs.
  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, migraines.
  • Weakness and lethargy.
  • Memory disorders.
  • Deterioration of the sense organs, such as hearing and smell.

You should immediately make an appointment with a doctor if even a single fainting has occurred. Such signs can indicate many diseases.

Loss of consciousness in history requires consultation with a neurologist

You need to make an appointment with a pediatric specialist if you have the following symptoms:

  • Sleep disturbed.
  • Cases of twitching of the limbs (especially with an increase in temperature) have become more frequent.
  • Light sleep, insomnia, frequent awakenings (especially at night).
  • General distraction.
  • The child gets tired quickly.
  • There are complaints of dizziness.
  • There was irritation.
  • Frequent regurgitation in the chest.
  • The baby's chin and limbs are shaking.
  • Pinching fingers.

Inspection pediatric neurologist required if the child does not sleep well and gets tired quickly

What tests and diagnostic methods does

After a consultation with a neurologist is received, a specialist gives a referral for examinations to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the results of the reception, this may be:

  • Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the arms and legs.
  • Doppler ultrasound of the veins of the arms and legs.
  • Ultrasound duplex scanning of the cervical vessels.
  • Ultrasound duplex transcranial scanning of the cervical and head vessels.
  • Ultrasound of the brain (often used by a pediatric neurologist for patients under one year old).
  • Neuroorthopedic examination.
  • Orthopedic diagnostics.
  • Electroneuromyography of the upper and lower extremities.

To diagnose diseases, a neurologist may prescribe dopplerography of the veins of the legs.

  • Electroencephalography of the brain.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • CT scan.
  • Radiography.
  • Neurosonography.
  • Ultrasound of the cervical lumbar spine.

A pediatric neurologist often uses the stem auditory evoked potential method. It is often necessary to sign up for examinations 1-2 weeks in advance.

For diagnostic purposes, a neurologist prescribes an ultrasound cervical spine

How is the reception

When making an appointment with a neurologist, you must request your medical card. First of all, the doctor will get acquainted with previous diagnoses and complaints.

The standard reception scheme is as follows:

The reception of a pediatric neurologist is as follows: the baby is placed on the changing table. The specialist pays attention to the condition of the skin, the shape and size of the head, the position in which the baby is comfortable. The doctor fixes the reaction to sound and light, the activity of the child.

Pediatric neurologist at the reception reveals the degree of activity of the child

Where does the specialist take? You can go through a neurologist at the clinic at the place of residence (it is necessary to make an appointment). Also, the services of a neurologist are provided in private clinics (a doctor can accept without an appointment).

In order to less often seek the advice of a specialist, the following rules should be observed:

  • Refuse to take any alcohol and tobacco. Such bad habits adversely affect the state of the nervous system.
  • Sleep and wakefulness should be observed. Optimal Mode sleep is 9 hours.
  • Every day after waking up, you should do gymnastics.

To prevent the development of diseases of the nervous system, morning exercises should be performed daily.

  • It is necessary to limit TV viewing and computer work. Breaks of 10-15 minutes should be taken every hour.
  • Turn on day mode hiking for 40-60 minutes.
  • Efforts should be made to reduce the emotional mental load avoid stressful situations.
  • To strengthen the nervous system, you need to use fresh vegetables and fruits, take vitamins.

What diseases are within the competence of a neurologist, you will learn from the video:

The science of neurology appeared more than 150 years ago. Its main subject of study is the nervous system, both in pathological and in normal conditions. Specialists in this field of medicine are called neurologists, they deal with issues related to diseases of the peripheral and central parts nervous system, explore the mechanisms of their occurrence, methods of prevention and treatment.

In contact with

Doctor's specialization

In adult patients, the main organs of examination are the brain and spinal cord. Important elements study become nerves and nerve plexuses.

If the brain is damaged or pathological, others may suffer important organs and parts of the human body, therefore it is believed that neurology is closely related to endocrine system, activities gastrointestinal tract and sense organs.

A doctor is worth a visit when pain is felt in the back, neck and head, in the chest and abdomen. In addition, a neurologist should be consulted if depression has begun and neuroses have appeared, obsessive states and anxiety.

Neurological disorders may manifest as limbs and tics, which also becomes an important reason for a quick referral to a specialist.

Referral to a specialist is required in case of manifestation of attention deficit disorder, a constant feeling of fear. Such conditions contribute to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain and the disruption of its normal activity.

Neurological examination

An appointment with a neurologist begins with a visual examination and identification of patient complaints. To help the specialist correctly diagnose the disease and find out its causes, the patient should be told in detail about the state of health and symptoms, their severity, frequency of manifestation.

How is the reception. It is carried out on an individual basis with each patient separately, it all depends on the type of disease.

AT without fail being studied medical card, references and test results. If there is not enough data, then the doctor prescribes additional tests and tests to make an accurate diagnosis.

The main purpose of the examination is to determine the state of the nervous system, to obtain accurate information about its functioning.

A neurological examination is based on an examination of the parts of the nervous system, from the muscles to the brain. The doctor analyzes the victim's gait, coordination of movements and reflexes, cranial nerves. Appointment with a neurologist may also be accompanied by palpation, that is, by feeling the patient's body to detect pathological changes.

Diagnostic studies

After being carried out neurological examination, for an accurate diagnosis, the patient can be sent for examination.

Types of research carried out:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • (CT) of the brain and spinal cord;
  • electroencephalography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the back, brain;
  • duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head (DS MAG).

Also, various laboratory methods body research(general and detailed blood test, urinalysis, etc.). When and what tests are prescribed depends only on the state of health of the patient.

Symptoms of pathologies

A neurologist helps to cope with neurological diseases that are characterized by specific symptoms.

Many physicians are within the scope of neurological symptoms, which most often not paying due attention in everyday life.

What complaints do patients make to a specialist:

  • headaches and muscle weakness;
  • speech disorders;
  • , frequent waking up, poor sleep;
  • pain in the back and head;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • sudden loss of consciousness;
  • loss of sensation, numbness of fingers and toes, soft tissues;
  • tingling in the limbs;
  • general weakness of the body, fatigue;
  • impaired coordination, gait;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment, perception.

With neurological diseases, either several symptoms can appear at the same time, or only one of the above signs. Untimely appeal may lead to a neurologist to a rapid deterioration organism and disruption of the habitual rhythm of life.

Types of diseases

Such diseases are considered the most common in the world, they can develop literally at any age and with untimely treatment turn into pathology.

Advice! Neurological diseases cannot be diagnosed and treated independently by the patient; this can only lead to a deterioration in well-being and the rapid progression of the disease.

Only qualified specialists determine the type of disease and its stage of development.

For today allocate such neurological diseases, how:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • headache different nature, duration (migraine, trembling, nervous tic, etc.);
  • and its consequences;
  • back and head injuries, as well as their consequences;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • convulsions in different parts body;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral protrusions, hernias;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sciatica;
  • hysteria;
  • stroke and its consequences;
  • neuralgia of a different nature;
  • epilepsy, etc.

Vascular treatment

An angioneurologist is a doctor who specializes in the detection vascular diseases brain as well as their treatment.

The competence of a specialist includes improvement preventive measures people of working age.

In addition, the angioneurologist actively works with other specialties.

Specialist promotes proper nutrition refraining from alcohol abuse and maintaining active image life.

What does an angioneurologist treat?:

  • neurological syndrome Parkinsonism;
  • pathological changes in the spine;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • definition of repeated, primary risk of manifestation of a stroke;
  • violation brain activity with arterial hypertension;
  • stroke, its consequences;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • cerebral venous dysfunction;
  • violations of the vascular network of the brain, spinal circulation;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • and etc.

Note! Angioneurologist or vascular neurologist can assign a passage additional surveys: coagulogram (detection of the degree of blood clotting), lipidogram (an indicator of cholesterol in the blood), X-ray of blood vessels.

Difference from a neurologist

The concept of "neuropathologist" was actively used in the 80s in relation to a specialist who was trained at a medical university in the specialized field of neurology. AT modern medicine such a doctor is usually called a "neurologist", and the difference in the performance of functional duties, in comparison with a neuropathologist, has not been identified. It can be considered that neurologist and neuropathologist are synonymous words.

Depending on what complaints the patient addresses to a specialist, the initial examination depends. Only a neurologist can put accurate diagnosis and appoint effective treatment. Specialists will help to cope with many diseases that hamper movement and cause considerable discomfort.

Video: what diseases does a neurologist treat

He is engaged in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system - both the spinal cord and brain, and peripheral nerves.

A neurologist is consulted for strokes, osteochondrosis, headaches, incoming (coming from time to time) visual, hearing and sensitivity disorders, epilepsy, neuralgia and other diseases.

What is the competence of a neuropathologist

To understand the cause of such disorders as frequent dizziness, frequent headache, sleep disturbance, noise in the ears or head, memory loss, deterioration of vision, hearing, smell and to establish the lesion, to assess the degree of damage to the nervous system in case of disease of other organs - these are the primary tasks of a qualified neuropathologist.

What diseases does a neuropathologist deal with?

Insomnia, lumbalgia, lumbago, dizziness, vegetative-vascular dystonia, sciatica, sciatica treatment, migraine, neuralgia, hernia intervertebral disc, headache, osteochondrosis, pinching of the sciatic nerve, tinnitus, sleep disturbances, consequences of cranial brain injury(post-traumatic encephalopathy), facial pain (trigeminal neuralgia, etc.) chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency (dyscirculatory encephalopathy), memory impairment, hypertensive encephalopathy, chronic fatigue syndrome, dizziness, trigeminal neuralgia, tumors of the brain and spinal cord, neuritis, neurological complications osteochondrosis of the spine, neuropathy of the facial nerve, various polyneuropathies, seizures of epilepsy and walking disorders, falls, encephalitis, back pain of various origins, strokes and other circulatory disorders of the brain.

What organs does a neurologist deal with?

- spinal cord;
- brain;
- thalamus;
- spine;
- nerves.

When to Contact a Neurologist

- Chronic fatigue;
- Instability of blood pressure;
- Decreased concentration;
- Low blood pressure;
- Violations of the heart rhythm;
- Load intolerance;
- Frequent headache;
- Pain in the left side of the chest;
- Disorders of sweating hyperhidrosis;
- Hyperventilation disorders (intolerance to stuffiness);
- Decreased mood, irritability;
- Sleep disturbances, anxiety;
- Fainting and pre-fainting states, dizziness, "tinnitus", "noise in the head".

When and what tests should be done

- general analysis blood;
- general urine analysis.

What are the main types of diagnostics usually performed by a neuropathologist

- Electroneuromyography;
- Electroencephalography;
- Rheoencephalography;
- echoencephaloscopy;
- Radiography of the skull (craniography), spine (spondylography);
- Spondylogram;
- Myelography;
- Pneumoencephalography;
- CT;
- MRI;
- Positron emission tomography;
- Angiography. Information about the meaning of 8 hours of sleep, flying into our ear, usually immediately flies out through the other. We simply cannot afford to relax, because things do not wait. Nevertheless, cutting down on the required 8 hours of sleep for each of us, we thereby bring our old age closer. Because exactly how constant lack of sleep leads to fatigue appearance, pallor of the skin, bruises under the eyes, and also, strange as it may seem, the formation of excess weight.

Another constant lack of sleep necessarily leads to a subsequent sleep disturbance, which, you know, is not comforting at all. While a healthy, long sleep is a guarantee, if not eternal, then a very long youth.

As you know, a person has two types of sleep - slow and fast.

A person, falling asleep, first falls into a slow sleep (when brain activity decreases, and breathing becomes slow and deep), gradually reaching its deepest stage - this lasts an hour and a half. Then comes the phase of REM sleep (at this time it is believed that we dream) - for 10-15 minutes, then - again slow. Each such cycle lasts from one and a half to two hours. As a result, we wake up not only fresh and rested, but also look at evening problems from a slightly different perspective.

In the event that sleep is disturbed for some reason, then its cycle is also disrupted. And then at first the person falls asleep with difficulty, sleeps not soundly, after a short slow sleep wakes up fast sleep comes too late or does not come at all. And in the morning it seems to a person that he has not closed his eyes all night. But that's not all. Violations normal structure sleep leads to chronic fatigue, depression, irritability.

The problems of sleep disturbance can have many sources: these are our anxieties, the wrong mode, too intense rhythm of life, some diseases (both mental and physical), stress and psychological trauma. All these disorders lead to the fact that a person experiences painful drowsiness during the day, which prevents him from leading his usual way of life. However, if diseases that interfere with normal sleep, then the situation with sleep disturbance is quite fixable.

The easiest way to deal with insomnia is to change the stereotypes of going to bed. Let's say you are used to falling asleep to the sound of the TV - then try turning it off and spending the evening in complete silence. No need to lie in bed in front of the TV, type on your "laptop" the text of tomorrow's speech or play computer games, or lead long telephone conversations. Draw the curtains, open the window, take a warm shower - and sleep! Remember: your bedroom is for sleeping only.

Someone who has slept under one sheet since childhood should not be wrapped in a duvet, and vice versa. Under the blanket you should not sweat, so choose which one suits you best - down, flannelette or wool. Sleepwear lovers should prefer comfortable and made from natural fibers, such as cotton.

It is better to sleep with the window ajar, because the more oxygen the body receives, the more it relaxes. Just remember that the air temperature in the bedroom should be within 20 degrees Celsius. In the event that the air in the room where you sleep is dry, it is advisable to soften it a little. To do this, it is enough to put a jug filled with water near the radiator. For lovers of flora, regularly watered plants are quite suitable. houseplants, which should not be too much, because at night they tend to release carbon dioxide in a fair amount.

At one time there was an opinion that it is useful to sleep without a pillow. In fact, its absence leads to wrong position heads. For people with cardiovascular and respiratory systems it is generally contraindicated.

At the same time, you should not torture yourself by sleeping on hard surfaces - this is unlikely to save you from problems with the spine. On the contrary, on a soft surface that takes the shape of the body, the muscles do not tense up, and the pain recedes. In addition, try to sleep only on your left side (you don’t have to worry, the heart does not suffer at all, since it will be located almost in the center).

Get rid of the habit of sleeping on your back or on your stomach, especially if you had a heavy dinner before going to bed. As for the location of the bed, the person resting on it should lie with his head to the east.

For those who like to drown out the heaviness of the past day with a glass or two of strong liquor before going to bed, such an addiction can also go sideways. The potion taken at night negatively affects digestive system, activity of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby disrupting healthy sleep. Do not drink at night and strong coffee. But a glass of table red wine drunk at dinner will not harm your dreams at all.

Avoid fatty, salty and overly spiced foods in evening time. And if there is no strength to resist the temptation, eat a few hours before bedtime. In the event that before going to bed you still want to eat, drink a glass of kefir or milk.

And here's something else. Do you know how it should be correct transition from sleep to wakefulness? It's about not about the annoying trill of an alarm clock and an icy shower jet to wake up.

It turns out that our favorite way: open your eyes, stretch and lie around for another fifteen minutes - is absolutely right! Meeting the dawn every day in this way, we can easily protect ourselves from many physical and nervous ailments, and look much better.

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The diagnosis of glioblastoma is perceived by patients as a death sentence, but doctors are now able to extend the life of patients with this aggressive type of brain tumor.

During the period of mastering the physical world, the child has a need to do everything himself, which, naturally, he does not do it the way it is “correct”, but experimenting and making mistakes. Adults either forbid independent actions, or interrupt them before the child ...

Many pregnant women do not realize that cosmetics, or rather some of its components, can adversely affect the unborn child.

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