No urination. Neurogenic urinary disorders

false urination is a condition in which a person feels the urge to urinate, but no urine output occurs. The same condition can occur in practice under the name of false urge to urinate. The condition may be accompanied by total absence urine after the urge, and its excretion in a small amount.

False urination can occur in children due to insufficient formation neural connections. In adults and the elderly, this condition can be regarded as independent disease, a symptom of urological pathology or other disease.

Causes of false urge to urinate

Feeling the urge to urinate is a common condition for healthy person. Thanks to the formation of a desire to empty the bladder, a person can regulate the act of urination. If such a system of regulation is violated, serious problems arise.

The manifestation of urination disorders can manifest itself as follows:

  • frequent urination
  • involuntary urination

The reasons for the formation false urination can be:

  • active effect on the walls Bladder irritants
  • infections genitourinary system especially cystitis.
  • sexually transmitted infections
  • disruption of neural connections between bladder and brain receptors
  • urolithiasis disease with obstruction of the ureter
  • severe stress shock

Diagnosis in identifying complaints of false urination

The main task in the treatment of false urination is to eliminate the causes that caused this pathology. Treatment begins with an attempt to psychologically get rid of the problem and turn off the perception of the urge. In parallel with this, the doctor prescribes drugs that allow you to sanitize the focus of chronic infection.

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AT normal conditions urge to urinate in women can be observed 10-15 times a day. At the same time, the amount of excreted urethra and its composition does not change. If the number of false urges has increased, and the volume of fluid has remained unchanged, you should contact a urologist who can determine the cause of the pathology. The number of reasons is huge: it can be both a consequence of an infection and a pathology of the development of the pelvic organs.

False urge to urinate in women

False urge to urinate in women occurs as a result of the influence of certain factors on the receptors of the bladder neck. Normally, such irritation causes an enlarged bladder, which puts pressure on the neck and on urethra. Signals are sent by receptors to the brain, which is transmitted to us. If there is a developmental pathology internal organs pelvis, or an infection develops inside the bladder itself, then a false desire to empty the bladder may occur, regardless of its filling.

Urge to urinate without pain

special physiological structure the urethra contributes to the fact that this disease (pollakiuria) is most often diagnosed in the fairer sex. This irritation is usually caused by developing infection urinary system. A false desire to defecate without pain in women can be provoked by:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, cystitis, mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis);
  • Venereal infectious diseases (chlamydia, trichomonas, herpes, gonorrhea);
  • Developing coli(Klebsiella, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Proteus);
  • Chronic kidney disease (pyelonephritis);
  • Diabetes;
  • Tumors of the internal genital organs;
  • Omission of the uterus and appendages;
  • Abnormal development and structure of internal organs (congenital);
  • Inflammation of the appendages, uterus.

What to do if frequent urge to urinate?

An abnormal number of times and an imaginary urge to empty is a reason to seek the advice of a doctor who can prescribe qualified treatment. Ignore diseases and anxiety symptoms means to expose oneself big risk. Many inflammatory processes can turn into chronic condition causing complex clinical complications.

Often advanced stages inflammatory process will require surgical intervention. reproductive function women may also suffer: the impossibility of fertilization and gestation with improper treatment observed in more than 90% of patients.

Urge to urinate and burning

Frequent false alarms and simultaneous pain women have a sign acute development infectious disease. Burning and aching pain in the lower abdomen - a sign of the development of cystitis. AT this case receptors in the bladder neck respond to inflammatory processes. At the same time, inflammation of the internal genital organs in women develops.

Against the background of the development of infection, such clinical symptoms, as the development of thrush, severe itching vaginal and abundant curdled discharge. Pain - sharp, cutting, pulling, localized in the lower back, abdomen.

False urge to urinate in women during pregnancy

Causes of false urges without pain in pregnant women - change hormonal background in early pregnancy, and fetal pressure on the bladder in late pregnancy. Early dates Pregnancy is associated with the active production of the hormone prolactin, which in parallel affects almost all organs of the small pelvis. The bladder increases in volume, the receptors react sharply to the slightest changes, there is a feeling of fullness, false urge to urinate.

This situation typical for 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. After the specified period, everything returns to normal without taking drugs. Late dates Pregnancy is also associated with hormonal changes. However, in most cases, imaginary signals of fullness occur against the background of the pressure exerted by the fetus on all organs of the small pelvis. In the period from 36 weeks to birth resolution, imaginary urge to empty is the norm.

Treatment of false urge to urinate

Treatment depends on the factor provoking such anomalies. If the cause is an infection, then treatment is only medication, often with antibiotics and antifungal drugs. With anomalies in the development of internal organs, the problem is solved at this level by surgery or medication. It also depends on the diagnosis and the degree of complexity of the disease. When feeling full of the bladder without pain in pregnant women, no specific actions are taken.

Diagnosis and treatment of causes is possible only within the walls medical institution. Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of such a delicate violation and prescribe the correct and effective treatment. Often, treatment is based on taking drugs, a group of antibiotics. If there are parallel kidney diseases, diuretics are also prescribed, which, together with the urethra, remove stones and sand, while simultaneously relieving inflammation.

  • If, despite a strong urge to urinate, a relatively a small amount of urine or urine is not excreted at all.
  • If the urge to urinate is accompanied by pain, burning sensation or other unpleasant phenomena.

What do your symptoms say

The urge to urinate is as natural as the desire to sleep or the feeling of hunger. But sometimes the appearance of the urge to urinate does not get the proper completion - there is no release of a sufficient amount of urine, or such a volume is released that clearly does not correspond to the strength of the urge. Usually the reason lies in the presence of some kind of obstacle or annoying factors urinary tract.

In a normal urinary tract, your bladder is responsible for regulating the urge to urinate. It is a hollow, bag-like formation with muscular walls. It receives urine from the kidneys. When the bladder is filled to the brim with urine, its walls begin to contract and it is emptied. Corresponding signals go to the brain that cause a feeling of urge to urinate.

Substances with irritating and stimulating effects on the urinary tract often confuse the bladder. Alcohol and drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee or tea, stimulate the bladder. Newtrasvit - one of the sugar substitutes - is one of the substances that cause false urge to urinate. In some people, it has an extremely irritating effect on the bladder.

In a state of normal stress or anxiety, there may be disturbances in the chain nerve cells responsible for the need to empty the bladder.

Urinary tract infections are also common cause similar disorders. At the same time, the stimulating effect on the process of urine formation or the occurrence of urge to urinate does not depend on the location of the infection. This may be damage to the kidneys, bladder, urethra, vagina, or prostate gland. Infectious diseases, in addition, can cause a burning sensation during urination. Exists infection bladder, called interstitial cystitis, the causes of which are not entirely clear. But with him there is an almost incessant urge to urinate.

Sources of information:

  • Disease symptoms and treatment. Causes and prevention. KRON-PRESS, 1997.

Urination is a complex reflex process. In order for it to happen, the coordinated work of receptors in the bladder, neurons spinal cord and urinary control centers in the brain.

The bladder is located in the small pelvis. In men, it is located next to.

Normally, the filling and emptying of the bladder occurs several times a day and mainly in daytime. Nighttime trips to the toilet may occur, but are rare in a healthy adult.

Two situations can take place:

  1. Together with frequent urges the volume of urine also increased;
  2. The urge is false, that is, a single portion during urination is tiny.

If a man suffers from frequent urge to urinate, his anatomy must be taken into account to identify the cause.

Possible causes of frequent urge to urinate.

Disorders in the excretory system

  1. The first diagnosis doctors think of when they mention frequent urination, is cystitis. This disease, due to the peculiarities of the anatomy, is more typical for women (short urethra), but it is quite possible for men. In this case, the bladder neck receptors are irritated due to inflammation.
  2. Cystitis can indeed be in a man, but more often it is chlamydia cystitis or cystitis caused by mycoplasma. These are sexually transmitted infections. Often these symptoms are accompanied by joint damage.
  3. In addition to inflammation, the urethral wall can irritate the tracts.
  4. Similar symptoms may disturb a man for a short time when changing diet and eating a large number meat or spices. In this case, the composition of urine changes and its acidic reaction can irritate the bladder mucosa.
  5. Iron deficiency anemia makes the mucous membranes tender and sensitive. With a long-term anemia, other symptoms may be joined by a constant urge to urinate.
  6. Radiation cystitis develops in the treatment of tumors of the genitourinary system with X-ray irradiation.

Disorders outside the excretory system

  1. In men, the closest organ to the bladder is prostate. With its inflammation, the area of ​​​​the bladder, which is adjacent to the prostate gland, also reacts. The urge to urinate is irresistible, but the result is only a few drops. In order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary rectal examination prostate gland, ultrasound and study of its secret.
  2. A prostate adenoma usually makes it difficult to urinate, but if the gland enlarges unevenly, if the adenoma grows in an area where the prostate gland is located close to the bladder, then the receptors of the latter can react and send signals about the need to urinate.
  3. Spinal cord injury as well possible reason urinary disorders.

If frequent urge to urinate is accompanied by pain during urination or outside of this process, it is necessary to inform the doctor at the first appointment.

But the urge to urinate can be quite justified. That is, every time you urinate enough urine. There are several most likely reasons:

  1. Debut. With an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood, it begins to be excreted in the urine. And once there, sugar “pulls” water along with it. The amount of urine is greatly increased.
  2. Diabetes insipidus. It is too endocrine disease, but more rare and the mechanism of occurrence is different.
  3. Drinking coffee or diuretics, increasing the amount of fluid you drink.

Urination regulates the condition internal environment organism. The fact that there was a violation of this process indicates serious violations and requires immediate medical attention.

In men, it means that it speaks of a developing or hidden pathological process which should be identified and treated as soon as possible. false urges to urination can manifest itself as an independent symptom, and in combination with other unpleasant symptoms in the genitourinary system in men.

If suddenly there is a false urge to urinate in men, this indicates a developing or hidden pathological process.

For example, this disorder urination can be deceptive, that is, the patient went to the toilet, the urge was weakened, but the feeling of a full bladder after urination remained. With such symptoms, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor and quickly identify the cause of the disease. Also, often in men, among urinary disorders, very frequent urges can occur, but at the same time, very little urine will be released. You should know what diseases can provoke similar states.

Reasons for false calls

First of all, attention should be paid to the possible presence of genital infections in men. If nothing suspicious is found during the diagnosis of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), then you should be examined for the presence of diseases such as inflammation of the prostate gland or its hyperplasia, as well as inflammatory process in the kidneys, urethra, bladder. The inflammatory process in these organs can manifest itself in a similar way in the form of false urges to the toilet or too rapid with weak urine output.

You should also pay attention Special attention for two diseases such as urethritis and prostate adenoma. Urethritis can occur in both men and women, but due to anatomical features it is in males that it is more acute and harder due to the longer and narrower urinary canal. Urethritis is infectious and non-infectious origin. Usually it is caused by chlamydia, gonococci, viruses.

The most common causes of urethritis in men:

  • Chronic or single, but very severe hypothermia;
  • Promiscuity in sexual relations;
  • Various kinds of STDs;
  • Alcohol abuse and malnutrition(preference for spicy, sour and salty foods that can irritate the urinary canal when urinating);
  • Chronic immunodeficiency, frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • The presence of urolithiasis.
  1. False and sudden urge to go to the toilet, especially at night;
  2. The presence of a sluggish stream and residual urine (incomplete emptying of the bladder);
  3. Difficulty urinating, especially at first.

Reasons for frequent urination

Frequent visits to the outhouse are considered 10-15 times per day or 2 times per hour in the absence of limited drinking and food. If such manifestations suddenly began, then you should pay attention to the amount of urine excreted, its smell and color, as well as possible discomfort. Also, along with frequent urges, there may be a feeling of a full bladder, even if the patient has just left the toilet room.

Usually, increased desire to defecate are signs of:

    1. Cystitis, urethritis or chlamydia. These diseases carry an inflammatory process due to the multiplication of harmful pathogens, as a result of which the mucous membrane of the bladder begins to irritate, so this unpleasant symptom occurs.
    2. Diabetes. Due to malfunctions of the pancreas and a violation in the production of insulin, there is a violation water-salt metabolism and significantly increased diuresis. Due to this disease, a man runs to the toilet constantly. Other negative manifestations while in the urogenital area does not occur.
    3. Diabetes insipidus has similar manifestations in terms of urination, but the diagnosis is somewhat different.
    4. Urolithiasis disease. Due to the deposition of stones and salts in the kidneys, which can easily enter the urinary canal, the ureter is blocked and urine is delayed. At the same time, going to the toilet itself becomes very uncomfortable and painful, there is a feeling incomplete emptying bubble. Often, in parallel with the release of urine, hematuria can be observed due to injuries with ureteral salt crystals.
    5. Prostatitis is statistically the most common cause frequent trips to the latrine with unpleasant symptoms, especially if the man is already over 40-50 years old. When an inflammatory process occurs in the prostate, the gland begins to put pressure on the canal and there is pain in the urethra and frequent false urges.

A neurogenic disorder in the form of memory impairment can make you want to have a bowel movement, even if the bladder is almost empty.

  1. Prostate adenoma and urination disorders have a common nature with inflammation of the prostate gland. There is a violation of the outflow of urine from the bladder, and the urge begins to disturb most often in the middle of the night.

Neurogenic urinary disorders

Neurogenic disorders in the urogenital area are now becoming more common and can occur in people of any age, regardless of gender. As is known from anatomy, the bladder is a container for urine, which constantly accumulates there, after which the urge follows and the person empties the bladder. The act of urination itself is a process consisting of two main points - contraction of the muscles of the bladder and relaxation of the external sphincter. Neurogenic disorders involve a violation in these two components of the act, which causes problems.

There are two forms of neurogenic disorders - hypertonic and hypotonic. In the hypotonic form, the desire to empty the bladder is almost completely absent, despite the fact that it is full. There may be at least a liter of urine, but the stream will be very sluggish. When the bladder is already too full, the urine itself involuntarily begins to flow out drop by drop.

Neurogenic disorder of hypertensive nature has a completely opposite picture. That is, even if the bubble is almost empty, then desire emptying it practically does not leave the patient. Danger given state is that in addition to the development of urinary incontinence, it can be thrown back to the kidney (reflux), and this threatens the development of pyelonephritis.

Possible causes provoking this pathogenic condition, regardless of its type (hypotonic or hypertensive):

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Any oncological diseases;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Memory disorders;
  • Organic disorders in the brain;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Ischemic state of the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Previously transferred surgical interventions in the pelvic organs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Causes of unknown etiology.

If the patient discovers that he has obvious problems with urination, it is recommended to seek help from a qualified specialist.

If the patient has found signs of a neurogenic disorder, then you should not hesitate and you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the neurogenic disorder is hypertensive, then autogenic training, muscle electrical stimulation pelvic floor and LFC. They may also assign medications to reduce bladder activity. With hypotonic neurogenic disorder exercise therapy and physiotherapy are also prescribed, but with inefficiency in extreme cases a catheter is placed to artificially drain urine.

If the patient has obvious problems with urination, such as urinary incontinence, a false desire to empty the bladder, or any other similar symptoms of the urogenital area, it is recommended to seek help qualified specialist, because such symptoms do not bode well and indicate an already existing disorder in the body. The sooner the patient goes to the hospital, the easier it will be to cure the disease.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

Do you have PROSTATITIS? Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.
The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. Prostatitis is POSSIBLE to cure! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...
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