Why you can not sit down after birth stitches. Recommendations for patients undergoing surgery to remove a herniated disc

If external sutures were applied to the perineum, then during the stay in the maternity hospital, the sutures are processed twice a day. At the same time, doctors examine the seams of the woman in labor on the chair and treat them with a solution of brilliant green or a concentrated dark purple solution of potassium permanganate.

The perineum may be closed with absorbable or non-absorbable sutures. If these are absorbable sutures, the threads usually fall off on 4-5 days, just before discharge from the hospital, with non-absorbable sutures, the threads are removed on the fourth or fifth day before discharge from the hospital.

How to care for stitches after childbirth?

The presence of sutures imposes a number of restrictions on the behavior and care of the perineal area for the young mother to prevent complications, divergence of sutures and their infection.

When caring for perineal sutures, it is important to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to provide maximum access to the fresh air seam area, for this purpose, several times a day, mothers are recommended to lie on the bed without underwear with their legs apart. In some maternity hospitals, the practice is to refuse to wear using disposable panties with a lined diaper or special postpartum pads.

Every two hours, regardless of the amount of discharge, a change of diaper or pad is needed - lochia (postpartum discharge) is an excellent breeding ground for germs and the development of infection. If wearing is practiced, it should be strictly cotton or special postpartum panties. It is forbidden to wear synthetic, lace and slimming underwear, which will put pressure on the crotch area and seams, which will prevent healing and disrupt blood circulation.

It is important to wash yourself after every visit to the toilet, and that is how often you go to urinate, forcibly. When defecating, it is necessary to wash with soap and strictly in the direction from the perineum to the anus, so that dirty water with fecal particles does not get on the seams. In the morning and evening shower, be sure to wash the perineum with soap, during the day you can limit yourself to only water. No douching and penetration of fingers deep into the vagina - this is strictly prohibited!

The seam should be washed thoroughly, but delicately, directing a jet of water at the seam, gently wipe it with a sponge (intended only for the crotch). After washing, you need to blot the perineum with a towel allocated specifically for the perineum. It is changed daily, washed, dried and washed. Wipe the perineum by blotting, in the direction from front to back, towards the anus.

Unless the doctor says otherwise, no creams, ointments or suture solutions should be used!

In the case when the healing process goes without complications, 14 days after childbirth can be used.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics is possible only if the packaging is intact.

How long can you not sit with stitches after childbirth?

When suturing the perineum, both internal and external, a woman is highly discouraged from sitting on flat surfaces (chair, armchair, sofa, etc.) for one to two weeks, depending on the severity of tissue injury. But, on a special circle and a toilet, you can sit down from the first day after childbirth, but carefully so that the seams do not cut through and do not separate. Women have special doubts and questions about going to the toilet and defecation. Many of the women are afraid to push during bowel movements and hold back the urge, which impairs healing and recovery after childbirth. If you have difficulty with defecation in the first days in the hospital, you should consult a doctor to prescribe enemas or suppositories to relieve stools. Stool retention and constipation will increase the load on the perineum and pain in the suture area.

As the stitches heal and the threads are removed, you can gradually sit down on the buttock opposite the stitches from the fifth to seventh days, without transferring the entire body weight to the perineum. In this case, you need to sit down on a flat and hard surface. After two weeks, you can safely sit on your buttocks as usual. If there are seams, it is worth taking care of the trip home from the maternity hospital in advance, it is necessary to provide the woman with a recumbent or semi-sitting position. In this case, the child must be placed in, and not in the arms of the mother.

How long do stitches heal after childbirth?

In the presence of small superficial tears and abrasions in the vagina and small stitches on the cervix, healing occurs within two to four weeks. With deeper injuries and injuries, healing takes about a month or two. In the postpartum period, it is important to carefully observe all precautions and hygiene so that the seams do not open, there is no inflammation and suppuration, and repeated procedures and hospitalizations do not have to be carried out. With proper care of the seams, pain is reduced and healing is accelerated.

Stitches hurt after childbirth

Sometimes it happens that after the stitches have already gradually healed, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bforming scars can cause discomfort or pain. With such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor to check the condition of the scars and exclude granulations and inflammation. Often, to accelerate healing, physiotherapy or the use of lamps of different spectra - blue, quartz or infrared - are prescribed. The procedure is carried out no earlier than two weeks after the birth.

With the formation of dense scars and a feeling of discomfort, special gels or creams can be prescribed to stimulate healing. They are selected by the doctor based on the specific situation. The ointment is applied once or twice a day for several weeks. Usually, due to these procedures, scars are reduced, discomfort in the suture area and the feeling of tension are reduced.

Most often, the pain that causes postpartum sutures disappears after 1.5-2 months. But there are situations when it takes about half a year to heal the sutures.

Stitches after childbirth. Complications

Dangerous consequences of seams can be:

  • soreness in the area of ​​the scar;
  • redness, itching in the suture area;
  • discharge in the suture area (purulent, bloody, ichorus);
  • the appearance of holes between the threads;
  • divergence of threads, their strong cutting into tissues with a divergence of the edges of the wound.

Such manifestations indicate eruption or divergence of sutures, purulent complications, which requires an immediate examination by a doctor and a decision on treatment tactics. Usually, re-suturing is not required, local treatment is prescribed. In the presence of purulent or inflammatory phenomena, antibiotic ointments, synthomycin emulsion may be needed, as the wound is cleansed and healed, levomikol is prescribed. But the final decision on the management of a postoperative suture with complications belongs to the doctor. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous to spread the infection to the internal organs of the small pelvis and postpartum endometritis.

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We express our special gratitude for the preparation of this material to the pediatrician Alena Paretskaya.

First ban
You can not sit after suturing the perineum.

The stitches on the perineum are superimposed after its dissection, as well as in case of rupture of the perineum. If there are stitches on the perineum, it is not recommended to sit for 10-14 days after childbirth. The movements of the young mother must be careful and gentle to provide optimal conditions for the healing of the sutures. In order to form a full-fledged scar on the perineum, maximum rest is required for the skin and muscles of the perineum, as well as cleanliness in the area of ​​the postoperative wound.

Second ban
You can't take a bath.

Until the end of the discharge from the uterus (they usually stop after 4-6 weeks after birth), instead of a bath, you should use a shower. The fact is that after childbirth, the cervix remains ajar for several weeks, so the uterine cavity is poorly protected from the penetration of pathogens. Under these conditions, the bath is a risk factor for inflammation of the uterus.

Third ban
Do not delay emptying your bladder.

After childbirth, it is necessary to empty the bladder in a timely manner - every 2-4 hours. This contributes to the normal contraction of the uterus, the evacuation of the contents of the uterine cavity and its faster return to its original size. At the same time, there is also a more rapid cessation of bloody and sanious discharge from the genital tract.

Fourth ban
You can not eat foods prohibited during breastfeeding.

Eating certain foods can adversely affect the health of the baby, as well as the quality of breast milk. So, what can not a nursing mother eat?
First, you need to exclude from your diet foods that can cause various allergic reactions in a newborn. These include citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, strawberries, strawberries, red apples, eggs, whole cow's milk, sprats, tropical fruits (mango, avocado, etc.), honey, and gourmet fish.
Secondly, products that worsen the taste of breast milk (onions, garlic, peppers, smoked meats, pickles, lard) are not recommended.
Thirdly, products that increase gas formation in the baby are excluded (wholemeal bread, black bread, beans, peas, muffins, cabbage).
The nutrition of a young nursing mother should be complete and varied.

Fifth ban
You can not ignore the special drinking regime.

Before the arrival of milk, the liquid is limited to 600-800 ml per day. Restrictions in the amount of fluid consumed in the first days after childbirth are associated with the possibility of secreting a large amount of milk and the development of such complications as lactostasis. This is a condition characterized by a violation of the outflow of milk from the mammary glands, as a result of which the development of an inflammatory process in the mammary gland (mastitis) is possible. In the future, the drinking regimen is selected individually, depending on the lactation characteristics of each particular woman. In the following days, the volume of fluid consumed should be approximately 1.5-2 liters per day.

Drinks such as mineral water without gas, low-fat milk (1.5), compotes, tea with milk, green tea are recommended for a young mother. You can not drink very sweet and carbonated drinks, as this can adversely affect the quality of breast milk and cause increased gas formation in the newborn, become a source of allergic reactions.

Prohibition six
You can't go on a diet.

In the postpartum period, under no circumstances should the amount of food and its components be reduced below the recommended norms, but these norms should not be significantly exceeded. A lack of nutrients and vitamins can adversely affect the pace and quality of the recovery processes that occur in a woman's body after childbirth, as well as the composition of breast milk. The first 2 months after childbirth are very important for the full recovery of the woman's body after childbirth. It is at this time that all the main organs and systems of the body of a young mother rebuild their work after the pregnancy has ended.

Prohibition seventh
Do not take medicines that are prohibited during breastfeeding.

Particular attention in the postpartum period should be paid to taking medications, since many of them can penetrate into breast milk and affect the baby (cause drowsiness, increased gas formation, bloating, dysbacteriosis, decreased appetite, and also affect the functioning of the liver, heart and even on the vital functions of the body). Before taking any medication, be sure to consult your doctor. Such drugs, anticonvulsants, sedatives (sedatives), oral contraceptives and other hormone-containing drugs deserve special attention.

Eighth ban
You can not refuse the help of loved ones and try to redo all household chores.

A young mother must rest. This is necessary for the restoration of her body, and for normal lactation, as well as for the full care of the newborn. While the baby is sleeping, be sure to go to bed with him. If loved ones are able to help you with housework or caring for a newborn, you do not need to refuse their help. A cheerful, well-rested mother will give her baby much more attention and will have time to do much more useful things in a day. When doing housework, a woman needs to remember that lifting weights more than the weight of her own child is not recommended, washing floors, hand washing and squeezing heavy laundry is also undesirable. You can ask your relatives and close people for help in these matters.

Prohibition ninth
You can not have sex in the first 1.5-2 months after childbirth.

Firstly, the complete contraction of the uterus, the formation of the cervical canal, the healing of the wound surface in the uterine cavity occur only 1.5-2 months after birth. With an earlier resumption of sexual activity, there is always a possibility of infection of the uterus and appendages and the occurrence of inflammatory complications (endometril - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, adnexitis - inflammation of the uterine appendages, cervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal).

Secondly, after childbirth, there are various microtraumas on the skin and mucous membrane of the genital organs, and sometimes even sutures. The onset of sexual activity in the presence of such lesions in the genital area can cause significant soreness and discomfort in a woman. Also in this case, infection of the wounds and the formation of insolvency of the sutures on the perineum (for example, after an episiotomy) are possible.
In addition, the secretory function of the vaginal mucosa is also restored after 1.5-2 months after childbirth. At an earlier date, there is no release of vaginal lubrication in the amount necessary for comfortable sexual intercourse.

And finally, an important criterion that must be taken into account when resuming intimate relationships is the emotional state of the woman herself, the presence of her sexual desire. This factor is individual and variable for each woman. On average, a woman's libido is restored within 2 weeks to 6 months after childbirth.

Prohibition tenth
You can not actively engage in sports.

Active sports and intense physical activity within 2 months after childbirth are not recommended.

28-year-old singer Nyusha - the mother of an almost 5-month-old girl - admitted that motherhood greatly spoiled her figure: "For me, this is a special period in my life, with the advent of which everything has changed a lot. Many people say that I got better. And this, indeed, is so (After all, only cartoon characters do not change at all after giving birth)).But I work on myself, I get in shape." And then she advised the 5 best exercises for young mothers, which she does regularly. "After another workout, I collected for you my ...

How to remove the stomach after childbirth and tighten intimate muscles

First days after childbirth

The first days after childbirth After childbirth, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, which lasts about 6-8 weeks. This period is called postpartum. After separation of the placenta, the level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone decreases and the hormones necessary for lactation begin to be released in large quantities: oxytocin and prolactin. Well-being in the first days after childbirth depends on how the birth went: easy, difficult, naturally or by caesarean section. For...

[blank]. User blog on 7ya.ru

Girls who had ruptures in labor or episiotomy, and, accordingly, sutures. Did you have discharge at the suture site? I had a small gap according to the doctors, there is one seam in the side of the priests (external) and one internal in the side. So, at the place of the seam that goes towards the priests, there is a discharge. Like yellow. Almost 2 weeks have passed since the birth (I gave birth on Wednesday). The seams were not treated with anything, they said it was not necessary. On the 4th day after the birth, she began to insert terzhinan candles, only 6 days, as the doctor said. Generally not...


Why green stuff? We always treated with manganese before, and in the hospital they also treated us and everything healed. I had an incision during my first birth, when I gave birth to the second, they took out the placenta with my hands, the third was born normally, but there were internal tears.

02/22/2017 20:23:46, fisa

In the first there was a gap, it hurt for a long time, I could not sit for a month and a half, in the second, the incision healed in two weeks. There was no discharge from the seams for sure.

How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother?

How to survive the “stormy rush” of milk for a nursing mother? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It stands out in small quantities, and the mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of the 3rd, the beginning of the 4th day after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. Often they are accompanied by pain, a slight increase in local temperature ...


I had little milk after giving birth, as they did a caesarean section. Some of the tips from the article were needed when weaning the baby from the breast.

During the first pregnancy, she suffered for a very long time, she expressed herself. And when I gave birth to a son, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, much easier and very convenient!

How do I lose weight after giving birth? Ghe2000 user blog on 7ya.ru

Three years ago, the long-awaited replenishment finally took place in our family. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. However, during pregnancy I gained a few extra pounds. After giving birth, I still had 6 unnecessary kilos. And so I wanted to return to my weight and to my favorite clothes as soon as possible! At first, I had no time to take care of myself. But as soon as I introduced complementary foods, I decided to take care of myself. Proper nutrition I was smart enough not to go on a diet. I decided to choose the right diet. Who gave birth, those ...

postpartum hair loss and how to deal with it.

Now I will make an advertisement for enemy pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. But what to do if since the time of our grandmothers in Russia nothing new has been invented to improve the condition of the hair? So. During pregnancy, I became terribly prettier. In fact, during pregnancy, my hair almost did not fall out, I did not cut my hair, and by the time of the birth, my hair looked, frankly, as good as ever. But almost immediately after giving birth, her hair fell out in handfuls. The drain in the bathroom was constantly clogged and by two ol' months my...

Girls, share your experience, who after giving birth had ...

Girls, share your experience, who had problems with their legs after giving birth. All nine months she was leaving easily, and almost immediately after being discharged from the hospital, her veins began to come out and hurt. It was advised to use a cream for varicose veins, but I did not notice the effect of it at all. As it hurt, so it hurts. Mom said that a very good drug Phlebodia 600 has recently appeared. You need to take it once a day on an empty stomach, and this is very convenient, because the baby takes a lot of time and effort, and sometimes I forget about that ...


Well, I would not say that phlebodia is ideal. I personally do not like that it takes so long to drink. But it’s just that they haven’t come up with better drugs yet, I hope pharmacists understand in which direction they need to move :)

There are no cheap drugs on Diosmin at all. Cheap on the routine. even on horse chestnut they turn out to be more expensive than the same phlebodia, drank escusan, only had time to unfasten it.

7 golden rules for high temperatures. Reminder for yourself.

Do's and Don'ts for a child with a high fever (7 golden rules) Is there any benefit to having a high temperature? Undoubtedly! Fever is a response to infection, a protective mechanism that helps the body fight viruses, with an increase in body temperature, protective factors are produced in the body. 1. How and when to bring down the temperature in a child We bring down, if above 39 Your task is to reduce T to 38.9 C in the ass (38.5 C in the armpit). use paracetamol to lower T...

This is especially pronounced in the pubic articulation, it is it that diverges the most. This is a natural, physiological state that facilitates the process of childbirth, because it will be easier for the child to pass through a wide pelvis. After childbirth, when the level of hormones and relaxin reaches the pre-pregnancy state, all these changes disappear - the ligaments and joints become dense again. How to understand that you have symphysis? Most often, symphysitis manifests itself in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, when the action of the hormone relaxin reaches its maximum, and the child weighs more than 2 kg, which significantly increases the load on the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis. Symphysite is characterized by: ...
...obca appears significant swelling; if you press on the pubic joint, then pain or a characteristic click will appear; independent pain in the groin, sometimes in the coccyx, thigh; in a prone position it is impossible to raise straightened legs; characteristic "duck" (waddling) gait; when climbing stairs there is a sharp pain; over time, the pain can intensify and occurs not only when walking or moving, but also in a calm state - in a sitting or lying position. The diagnosis of "symphysitis" is usually made on the basis of the described complaints. In addition, the doctor must prescribe an ultrasound in order to determine the width of the divergence of the pubic joint. Depending on the degree of softening of the pubic symphysis and the size of the divergence of the pubic bones ...

Everything for the newborn: before or after birth?.

Do not buy anything for the baby in advance, because this is a bad omen! Heard that, right? Of course, there are many myths associated with the birth of a child. Let's put aside prejudice and think logically about when to buy things for a newborn and whether it is worth doing it in advance. When to buy things for a newborn BEFORE OR AFTER - THIS IS THE QUESTION All pregnant women are very sentimental. Expectant mothers enter the children's store with excitement, look with tenderness at tiny clothes, touch cribs, roll strollers. It's like that...

Paracetamol is safe for nursing mothers. If you need something stronger, try paracetamol with codeine (which is also safe), although it can cause constipation. Pain can be relieved by sitting on an ice pack, or by trying special rubber rings made for women in labor. Such rings can be bought in pharmacies. Hemorrhoids that appeared during childbirth can also be very painful, and if a woman had hemorrhoids before childbirth, then it only increased from attempts. The good news is that even large knots will disappear on their own within a few months after giving birth. In the meantime, avoid constipation and don't stand...
... Urination will probably sting for a couple of days. Try pouring warm water on yourself while you pee, or you can try peeing while sitting in a warm bath. If the discomfort continues for more than two days, talk to your nurse to rule out a urinary tract infection. The first bowel movement after childbirth can be painful, especially if you have stitches. But the best advice is to just deal with it: it's actually not as bad as you think, and the seams won't come apart. If you have not gone to the toilet for four days after giving birth, drink plenty of water and prune broth. Second week after giving birth There is a possibility that you may urinate unexpectedly. Don't worry, it happens to a lot of people...

How soon can you resume sexual life after childbirth.

As soon as a woman feels she wants sexual intimacy. Modern gynecology does not recognize restrictions in sexual life after childbirth, however, it is important to understand that sexual relations can be accompanied by pain, discomfort, and simply the fear of "that it will hurt a lot." Therefore, the first sexual intercourse is recommended to be carried out slowly, without the full introduction of the penis, so that the woman is not afraid and does not feel severe pain, especially if there are stitches on the perineum. After an episiotomy...

Let's talk about the timing of discharge from the hospital and what sometimes delays it. What determines the timing of discharge from the hospital The timing of the discharge of a woman with a child from the hospital, as a rule, depends on three main factors: the method of delivery; the state of mother and child; no postpartum complications. If the birth went well, the mother and baby are healthy and there were no complications after the birth, then the discharge takes place on the 3rd day after the birth of the child. After a caesarean section, a woman is discharged later - on the 7-9th day after childbirth. Everything here will depend on how the mother’s body recovers, how the postoperative period proceeds and how the stitches heal. While mother and baby are in the hospital, they are monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pediatrician (neonatologist). Obstetrician-gynecologist...
... After a caesarean section, a woman is discharged later - on the 7-9th day after childbirth. Everything here will depend on how the mother’s body recovers, how the postoperative period proceeds and how the stitches heal. While mother and baby are in the hospital, they are monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a pediatrician (neonatologist). An obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the course of the postpartum period in a woman, and a pediatrician monitors the condition and development of the baby. And it is these two doctors who jointly make the decision to discharge. If the mother has any complications after childbirth, then the child is left in the hospital until the mother becomes healthy. If the mother is healthy, and the baby is...


I was discharged from the CS on the 5th day. Everything was fine with me and the baby. All checks and analyzes were carried out and made.

Please tell me how long a baby and mother can be detained in the maternity hospital if the baby was born yellow with a diagnosis of HDN 16 days have already passed since birth with jaundice almost overcame. Doctors say that it remains to bring bilirubin back to normal. And so that hemoglobin either remains in place or grows a little. So how long can it take????

03/11/2019 08:38:08, Andrey6666666

After giving birth, I just can't get over it. I was discharged on the 3rd day, today a week has passed after the birth, and the stitches hurt as if they just sewed them up yesterday. At discharge, they said to treat with green paint. Maybe they can be lubricated with something else besides brilliant green?


Try the Rescuer balm, I have it for all occasions. Instead of brilliant green, you can divorced Malavit.

Zelenka is the last century, where did you give birth? Now they are prescribing healing suppositories, depantol. I remember after the episio, and the incision was not small, they discharged me, so after discharge, after 2 weeks, they allowed me to sit down. I would not sit at home in the hope that everything will go away on its own, I would go to a clinic or LCD for a consultation.

Girls, my sister gave birth to a son yesterday. She had an episiotomy, she says that the stitches are very painful. You can not sit, you can stand, lie down. Processed with greenery. Maybe you can additionally lubricate with an ointment to heal faster, or what other means are there?


I don’t know about ointments, we were prescribed depantol in the maternity hospital. Two days after the episio, we already felt much better. And so, in addition to candles, they also processed greenery. We were told that brilliant green dries, and candles heal. The stitches were removed on the day of discharge.

I healed Eplan liquid. Plus as much time as possible to lie without panties. I put a disposable liver and lay like that

Childbirth in Belgium is inexpensive!

Destroying myths about pregnancy, childbirth and children. Part 4

About life with a child in the house Myth №7. When a baby is born, there is not enough time for a manicure Probably everyone has heard that when a baby is in the house, everyone forgets what sleep is. People say that there is absolutely no time for themselves or for others. And although I admit that all children are different, I refute this myth! I am sure that if you plan your day correctly and teach your baby to stick to the established plan, then you will have enough time to write your own ...

My sister just called to say she had a baby girl. She was very happy for her and at the same time worried - she said that she was torn badly. For some reason, they didn't do an episiotomy. The birth was fast. Due in a week only. 8 stitches were applied. poor sister ((((I didn’t have any ruptures during childbirth, simply because they were caesarean. She cries into the tube, which hurts, and it’s still unknown how they sewed it up. While they were a little anesthetized, they said that the seam with brilliant green should also be treated under quartz. And what else can seams ...


Of course, seams with brilliant green can be processed, but this will be of little use. I was prescribed Depantol in the maternity hospital, because there were both external and internal tears. And candles have good healing properties and also have an antibacterial effect. Let him ask the doctor about them. In our ward, all the girls were prescribed them so that no infections were connected. The sutures healed quickly, at the time of discharge, out of 5 sutures, only one large one was left for me, which was removed 4 days after discharge.


I survived 2 cesareans, and I will say that the first is very different from the second. The first time I didn't know anything, and there were many mistakes, the result is a strong adhesive process and a long recovery. I won’t write about the first for a long time, I’ll only say that 2 months after the operation, the seam began to get wet, a fistula appeared, I had to go to the maternity hospital for an examination (there the seam was incised and processed). The procedure is unpleasant. The seam after childbirth hurt for a total of almost six months, for 2 months I could not sleep on my stomach and on my side ...

The most common causes of abdominal pain in schoolchildren.

At school age, more than half of the children complain of recurring abdominal pain. In some cases, pain disappears without a trace and does not require serious treatment, but in 50-70% they continue to bother patients, turning into chronic gastroenterological diseases. There are a large number of diseases that are accompanied by pain in the abdomen. By nature, acute, chronic and recurrent abdominal pain are distinguished. Acute abdominal pain may be due to acute ...

Is it possible to give birth after a caesarean?

QUESTION It has been 4 years since the first birth. It was a caesarean section. If I get pregnant a second time, will I be able to give birth on my own? ANSWER Olesya Tveritinova, head of the gynecological department of the Clinical Diagnostic Center MEDSI: - It is believed that planning the next pregnancy after a cesarean should be no earlier than 2 years, since the scar on the uterus should form properly. Otherwise, during the next pregnancy and after childbirth, it will disperse, which can lead to bleeding ...

In the first 4-5 days, it is necessary to urinate at least after 4-5 hours, even if it is unpleasant and there is no desire - the body gets rid of the accumulated fluid and nothing interferes with the correct uterine contractions. To stimulate urination, you can turn on the jet of water - the sound of a "falling drop" reflexively relaxes the sphincters of the bladder. If it hurts to urinate because of stitches, you can try urinating in the shower or under running warm water. Taking a bath in the postpartum period is unacceptable! If you are concerned about urinary incontinence, its involuntary separation when laughing, sneezing, do simple exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor daily - which ones, the attending physician in the maternity hospital will tell you. All urinary incontinence problems with regular exercise should go away...
...An enema is one of the options for stimulating the stool, but under no circumstances should it become a habit, it is a "one-time" procedure. Laxatives, even the most "innocent", as, indeed, all other drugs, during breastfeeding are prescribed only by a doctor. During pregnancy and after childbirth, hemorrhoidal veins quite often "come out". In the acute period, cold compresses (applying ice cubes) will help, stools - only with a softening candle with glycerin. Replace toilet paper with cotton. Be sure to rinse with cold water after every visit to the toilet. After the toilet in the anus, you can leave a cotton swab with olive or sea buckthorn oil...

How not to give birth 10 months after giving birth.

One of the most common myths among young mothers is the inability to get pregnant while breastfeeding. This misconception leads to a huge number of unplanned pregnancies within 2 years after the birth of the first child: 10% of Russian women have an abortion in the first year after giving birth! The opinion that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding really has its grounds, however, it is true only during the first 6 months after ...

Why do children die in the first days of life? One of the most...

All 9 months, a baby is growing under your heart, which is surrounded not only by your love and affection, but also by reliable protection from amniotic membranes and amniotic fluid. The fetal bladder forms a sealed reservoir with a sterile environment, thanks to which the child is protected from infection. Normally, the rupture of the membranes and the outflow of amniotic fluid occurs before childbirth (when the cervix is ​​​​fully open) or directly during childbirth. If the integrity of the bladder has been compromised before, it's...


11. When examining a doctor, can a doctor always make a diagnosis of premature rupture of water with certainty?
With a massive rupture, it is not difficult to make a diagnosis. But, unfortunately, in almost half of the cases, doctors even at leading clinics doubt the diagnosis if they rely only on examination data and old research methods.

12. Is it possible to make a diagnosis of premature rupture of water using ultrasound?
An ultrasound examination makes it possible to tell whether a woman has oligohydramnios or not. But the cause of oligohydramnios can be not only a rupture of the membranes, but also a violation of the function of the kidneys of the fetus and other conditions. On the other hand, there are cases when a small rupture of the membranes occurs against the background of polyhydramnios, for example, in the pathology of the kidneys of a pregnant woman. Ultrasound is an important method for monitoring the condition of a woman who has had a premature rupture of the membranes, but does not answer the question of whether the membranes are intact.

13. Is it possible to determine the leakage of water using litmus paper?
Indeed, there is such a method for determining amniotic fluid, based on determining the acidity of the vaginal environment. It is called the nitrazine test or amniotest. Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic, and the amniotic fluid is neutral. Therefore, the entry of amniotic fluid into the vagina leads to the fact that the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases. But, unfortunately, the acidity of the vaginal environment also decreases in other conditions, such as infection, urine, sperm. Therefore, unfortunately, a test based on determining the acidity of the vagina gives a lot of both false positive and false negative results.

14. In many antenatal clinics, a swab is taken for water, how accurate is this method for diagnosing premature outflow of water?
Vaginal discharge containing fetal water, when applied to a glass slide and dried, forms a pattern resembling fern leaves (fern phenomenon). Unfortunately, the test also gives a lot of inaccurate results. In addition, in many medical institutions, laboratories work only during the day and on weekdays.
15. What are the modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes?
Modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of the membranes are based on the determination of specific proteins, which are abundant in the amniotic fluid and are not normally found in the vaginal discharge and other body fluids. To detect these substances, an antibody system is developed, which is applied to the test strip. The principle of operation of such tests is similar to a pregnancy test. The most accurate test is a test based on the detection of a protein called placental alpha microglobulin. The commercial name is Amnishur (AmniSure®).

16. How accurate is the Amnishur test?
The accuracy of the Amnishur test is 98.7%.

17. Can a woman perform the Amnishur test on her own?
Yes, unlike all other research methods, the Amnishur test does not require examination in the mirrors and a woman can put it at home. Everything you need to set up the test is included in the kit. This is a tampon that is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm and held there for 1 minute, a test tube with a solvent, in which the tampon is washed for 1 minute and then a test strip is thrown out, which is inserted into the test tube. The result is read after 10 minutes. In the case of a positive result, as with a pregnancy test, 2 strips appear. With a negative result - one strip.

18. What if the test result is positive?
If the test turned out to be positive, you need to call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital if the pregnancy is more than 28 weeks and to the gynecological department of the hospital if the pregnancy is less than 28 weeks. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of avoiding complications.

19. What if the test is negative?
If the test is negative, you can stay at home, but at the next visit to the doctor, you need to talk about the disturbing symptoms.

20. If more than 12 hours have passed since the alleged rupture of the membranes, is it possible to test?
No, if more than 12 hours have passed since the alleged rupture and the signs of outflow of water have stopped, then the test may show an incorrect result.

Questions and answers about premature amniotic fluid leakage

1. How common is premature rupture of membranes?
True premature rupture of membranes occurs in about one in ten pregnant women. However, almost every fourth woman experiences some kind of symptoms that can be confused with premature rupture of the membranes. This is a physiological increase in vaginal secretion, and slight urinary incontinence in later pregnancy and profuse discharge during genital tract infections.

2. How does premature rupture of membranes manifest itself?
If a massive rupture of the membranes has occurred, then it cannot be confused with anything: a large amount of a clear, odorless and colorless liquid is immediately released. However, if the gap is small, which doctors also call a subclinical or high lateral gap, then it can be very difficult to make a diagnosis.

3. What is the danger of premature rupture of membranes?
There are 3 types of complications that can lead to premature rupture of the membranes. The most frequent and severe complication is the development of an ascending infection, up to sepsis of the newborn. In preterm pregnancy, premature rupture of the membranes can lead to premature birth with all the consequences of having a premature baby. With a massive outflow of water, mechanical injury to the fetus, prolapse of the umbilical cord, placental abruption is possible.

4. Who is more likely to rupture the membranes?
Risk factors for premature rupture of the membranes are infection of the genital organs, overstretching of the membranes due to polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies, abdominal trauma, incomplete closure of the uterine os. An important risk factor is premature rupture of the membranes during a previous pregnancy. However, in almost every 3rd woman, rupture of the membranes occurs in the absence of any significant risk factors.

5. How quickly does labor occur in case of premature rupture of the membranes?
This is largely determined by the duration of pregnancy. At full-term pregnancy, half of the women spontaneous labor occurs within 12 hours and more than 90% within 48 hours. With a premature pregnancy, it is possible to keep the pregnancy for a week or longer if the infection does not join.

6. Can a small amount of amniotic fluid be released normally?
Normally, the fetal membranes are airtight and no, even the smallest penetration of amniotic fluid into the vagina occurs. Women often mistake increased vaginal secretion or slight urinary incontinence for leakage of amniotic fluid.

7. Is it true that in case of premature rupture of water, pregnancy is terminated regardless of the term?
Premature rupture of the membranes is indeed a very dangerous complication of pregnancy, but with timely diagnosis, hospitalization and timely treatment, premature pregnancy can often be prolonged if no infection occurs. With a full-term pregnancy and close to full-term, as a rule, they stimulate the onset of labor. Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment in this case allow you to smoothly prepare a woman for childbirth.
8. If there was a premature rupture of the membranes, but the mucous plug did not come off, does it protect against infection?
The mucous plug does protect against infection, but if the membranes rupture, the protection of the mucous plug alone is not enough. If treatment is not started within 24 hours of the rupture, serious infectious complications may occur.

9. Is it true that the waters are divided into anterior and posterior, and the outpouring of the anterior waters is not dangerous, is it often normal?
The fetal waters are indeed divided into anterior and posterior, but no matter where the rupture occurs, it is a gateway for infection.

10. What precedes a breakup?
By itself, the rupture of the membranes occurs painlessly and without any precursors.

Nine months of preparation for the birth of a baby is inevitably accompanied by an exacerbation of "old" problems and the emergence of new ones.

""First time"" after childbirth. postpartum period

The child was born. Happy spouses are eager to return to "pre-pregnant" sex life.
... But even if these two conditions are met, I would recommend returning to sexual activity no earlier than six weeks after birth. And at first, it is worth giving preference to more tender sexual relationships and positions with the most lightweight input. So, a young mother needs to see a gynecologist? Necessarily! It is worth visiting a sexologist to prevent health problems and maintain harmonious relationships in a couple, since a woman who has recently given birth often completely switches her attention to the child. There is even such a thing as "cheating with a baby." Men sometimes say at the reception that they feel like they were just used to conceive and abandoned. The period after childbirth is a difficult stage in building new relationships.

If the suture was made with self-absorbable threads, then the discharge is made on the 6th day after childbirth, if the sutures are removable, on the 6-7th day I remove half of the sutures through one, and the next - the remaining ones. If all is well, they are discharged for 8-9 days. At home The maximum weight you can lift is the child's weight. You can take a shower a week after giving birth, but only standing up so that the water drains from the seam. You can process the seam in a day with hydrogen peroxide, and then with brilliant green for a week. It is best not to close the seam, open it heals faster. Try to keep your bowel movements regular. Any sexual relationship - only after the end of the discharge. By the way, after the operation, they can go longer than after ordinary r...

12/27/2018 00:07:42, Elena Zigarenko

There were 2 caesarean sections. None of them matched! Why so confuse and scare expectant mothers who are going to have a CS?!!!

12/31/2016 10:13:11 AM, Ina

Hello everyone :) we are moving here - mother Dasha and baby daughter 6 days old :) The third daughter, but I have new questions - tell me? Firstly, about the seam from the episiotomy - I'm worried about something ... if it suddenly starts to diverge - will I feel it or? yesterday from the hospital went 2! for more than an hour, as soon as I didn’t pervert to sit on my side, I was terribly tired: (and this thing is my first time, I just know what to do with the seam from the cop, and then ... And the second - I sweat terribly, sorry, but at night...


Congratulations! I also have a daughter born 13 days ago, and also a seam. I was discharged from the hospital - I bought myself an orthopedic pillow (it's a donut, with a hole in the middle). Now we do not bother each other with a seam)))

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!!!

Reported birth complications in the United States Rate per 1,000 births Cord prolapse 1.9 Fetal distress 39.2 Placental abruption 5.5 Source: CDC: NCHS: Births: Final Data for 2000 Of 100 women who give birth vaginally after cesarean, uterine rupture occurs on average in 0.09% - 0.8% of cases (data based on a worldwide systematic review of such births) 0.9 - 8 Source: Enkin et all 2000. A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth According to research...
... However, this method of delivering with a scar on the uterus does not have a serious evidence base that would allow this method to be applied everywhere. Distinguish threatening, begun and completed uterine rupture. There are a number of signs, with the appearance of which we can talk about the onset or occurred uterine rupture. With the clinical picture of the completed uterine rupture, a deterioration in the condition of the woman in labor is observed, severe pain appears, and vaginal bleeding may develop. Also, uterine rupture may indicate: sharp and severe pain between contractions; weakening contractions or reducing their intensity; pain in the peritoneum; regression in pr...

Restoring sexual relations after childbirth can sometimes be associated with various problems. One of them is dyspareunia - the discomfort or pain that a woman experiences during intercourse. What is the cause of these unpleasant sensations and how to deal with them? What is dyspareunia? It is recommended to resume sexual relations in a married couple no earlier than after the end of the postpartum period, which lasts 6-8 weeks.
... During this time, the normal size of the uterus is restored, the tone of the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic floor returns to its original state, bloody discharge from the genital tract stops. Also during this period, abrasions on the mucous membrane of the vagina and labia heal, the healing of the sutures on the cervix and perineum is completed, the formation of a scar after a caesarean section ends. However, even after the passage of the specified period during sexual intercourse after childbirth, many women experience discomfort or even pain. With prolonged existence, such symptoms can significantly reduce the quality of life, worsen relationships in a married couple. Data...


Very interesting and informative article, easy to read. My husband and I also had a similar situation after childbirth - there were pains during intercourse. The gynecologist first took swabs and it turned out that I had bacterial vaginosis. She prescribed metrogil invaginally in the form of a gel for 7 days. After the treatment, everything got better, there is no pain now.

Hygiene rules after childbirth. Choice of means for intimate hygiene. Hygiene prohibitions and delicate problems.
...After childbirth, a woman is very vulnerable to infections, because the internal genital organs are essentially one big wound. In order to avoid the threat of various kinds of complications, it is very important for the puerperal to follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Features of the body of a young mother The postpartum period, along with the periods of pregnancy and childbirth, plays an equally important role in the life of a woman, because at this time there is a reverse development (involution) of all organs and systems, ...
... With the advent of modern hygiene products, these requirements have been softened, but it will be useful if you take off your underwear when you are in bed to “ventilate” the perineum. In this case, you can use a disposable diaper. If there are stitches The presence of stitches on the cervix, vagina, labia and perineum indicates an additional "entrance gate" for infection, which dictates the need for particularly careful observance of intimate hygiene. Usually, absorbable sutures are placed on the cervix, vagina and labia, which do not require special treatment and are removed independently. If you have had stitches on your pr...


It is very correctly said, I myself used Lactacid on the advice of a gynecologist both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, and I am overjoyed, clean, comfortable, protection, super simple

Thank you for the article! It is absolutely true that hygiene is first of all, especially in such a period.
Is it possible to use gels and soap for intimate hygiene at this time? For example, ecofemin?

06/08/2012 01:08:05, u-la-la

Inspired by the theme of the seam. In our maternity hospital, those who gave birth with stitches are not allowed to eat flour - such as so that the stool is soft and does not have to push again. I'm wondering if this is the case everywhere? I myself honestly didn’t eat in the first birth, in the second - I ate little by little, it didn’t get worse. And you want to eat after giving birth, but you can’t eat up without bread ... :)

There is a suspicion that for the time being, for reasons unknown to me, I have a seam on the labia minora (torn when I gave birth to my daughter 4 years ago). I can’t see it myself - my stomach is in the way, but it looks like it to the touch. Even, sorry, I can’t linger in the toilet - pulling some frightening sensations. I was embarrassed to tell the doctor that week (I'm a fool), so now only next week I'll ask her to look at me on the armchair. But theoretically it can be?


I also have such pulling sensations (I want to hold it with my palm when I'm sitting in the toilet), although there are no seams. But there are varicose veins on my legs - I wear special tights, apparently the blood is now stagnant in the small pelvis. Even a seal is palpable - a clear varicose veins. Nothing out of the ordinary, though. Moral - a bandage is a must. PS If the seams were diverging, IMHO, there would be a burning sensation, at least. And here it is pulling, as you describe.

Tanya, 99.99% that the seams cannot open. A lot of time has passed, the scar has already formed a long time ago. Most likely, it’s just that the uterus has already greatly increased in size, and either presses the venous trunks, causing swelling, or this is how varicose veins manifest themselves. Maybe the walls of the vagina "drooped". It seems to me that it’s okay, but it’s worth it to see a doctor for your own reassurance

she gave birth a year ago - there were tears, everything healed neatly (which was confirmed by another doctor during examinations 2 and 8 months after childbirth). however, there is still discomfort and even pain with PA, plus almost constant pulling sensations. such impression, that took in too narrowly - such can be? when the doctor sewed up, he joked that the husband would not even notice that she had given birth 2 times. He may not notice, but I'm suffering. what to do?


maybe. it may also be that the seam is not in the best place and pulls (for example, on the side at the entrance, it sticks when inserted), it can be torn and altered, if you don’t like it, it can be worked out. that’s exactly what happened to me, the seam was grabbed from the side, everything is fine with the muscles, but I still feel this seam, now it really doesn’t hurt, but I grope with my finger at a time, and for a long time I pulled specifically. to the doctor:)

To the gynecologist. It is likely that they sewed it up like this - not narrowly, but the seam goes SO. You can redo the seam, for example.

Also in such cases it is good to water the genitals with warm water. If you cannot cope with the problem in these ways, be sure to tell the midwife about it - she will put a catheter. You need to empty your bladder as soon as possible, as a full bladder prevents normal uterine contractions. There may be no stool on the first day after childbirth, and if there are stitches on the perineum (which the woman is warned about immediately after childbirth), it is desirable that there is no stool for three days. The tension of the muscles of the pelvic floor during defecation can lead to divergence of the seams, which threatens in the future their inferior functioning and, as a result, the prolapse of the internal genital organs. It is possible to achieve stool retention with the help of a special di...
... Feeding is carried out at the first request of the newborn, without interruptions at night. The baby must be placed on an oilcloth or a sterile diaper so that during feeding it does not come into contact with the mother's bed. It is very important that both mother and baby are in comfortable positions during feeding. For the mother, this is usually a side-lying position (especially recommended for women with stitches in the perineum) or a sitting position so that the baby can be held close to the breast for a relatively long time. In a sitting position, under the arm on which the newborn will lie, you can put a pillow to relieve tension from it (the arm will quickly get tired on weight). The baby should grasp the nipple and areola. With the correct grip on the chest, the child's mouth is wide open, the tongue is deep at the bottom of the mouth, the lower lip ...

Pregnant driving has already been discussed. and then? who after a cesarean when he sat behind the wheel, share. I'm afraid of something for now ... but things are calling ...


by statement)

So it feels like. As soon as you can sit, you can also drive. After a severe abdominal operation, I sat behind the wheel a week after discharge. I had to go to the dressing somehow. It's better by car than by subway.

This is actually what we are interested in. What we have: the first birth - episiotomy due to the pelvic, small internal sutures, the second ordinary, the child 3450 - all the same have diverged. Now here are the third with the same interval (2 years), which, definitely, everything will disperse? ((Or does it depend on the skill of obstetricians \ correct technique of the birth process (turned in!) Does anyone have experience or at least examples, it’s interesting to know! Maybe there are places where such midwives or paid births take place without such problems? I would be grateful for all the answers :) ))

As for my suture, I was offered a perineal plasty. My questions about whether it is possible to do "without a scalpel", I was refused. To be honest, that's when I got worried. Although I trusted, I really trusted my doctor unconditionally. And it's not about the money. It still remains a mystery to me why in our country, even for decent money, it is not always possible to get qualified help? Why is the rule "more expensive means better" not respected? I was afraid to immediately decide on plastic surgery, I decided to find another doctor for consultation. After interrogating my acquaintances with prejudice, they told me that in one of the usual clinics there is a wonderful gynecologist. Payment for her services can be called purely symbolic (...

"I need to give birth and quickly go to work ...". sorry, but it sounds like you are doing a party task :) I thought that they were giving birth for themselves, and not ..... "quickly go to work"
Well, okay, that's your problem.
I, sobsno, recovery as such was not. She has always led an active lifestyle: before pregnancy, during and after childbirth (the child interferes with her). well, except that now you can’t go to any cafe there (only where they don’t smoke), and you won’t trample on the theater-cinema.

The first 5 days in the hospital was very good. hard, to be honest, I didn’t even imagine that there could be such a breakdown (although I gave birth without complications, though there were 3 stitches). Because of the stitches, it was impossible to walk normally or stand. It was hard to even lie down. And in general, at first I was in a state of euphoria, which is also morally difficult. I recovered (if you can call it that) somewhere within 2 weeks of staying at home.

Thorough hygiene helps to reduce pain (shower after each act of urination and defecation), applying ice to the perineum. Medications can be used as prescribed by a doctor. Problems with the stool Problems with the stool are also possible in the postpartum period. In the presence of stitches in the perineum, the first emptying after childbirth always causes the fear that the stitches may "disperse". This fear is unfounded, since the seams never diverge. During defecation, you can hold the area of ​​the seam of the perineum with a napkin, which will reduce the stretching of the tissues, defecation will be less painful. The chair usually happens on the 2-3rd day after childbirth. To make this process easier, include in your...
... Medications can be used as prescribed by a doctor. Problems with the stool Problems with the stool are also possible in the postpartum period. In the presence of stitches in the perineum, the first emptying after childbirth always causes the fear that the stitches may "disperse". This fear is unfounded, since the seams never diverge. During defecation, you can hold the area of ​​the seam of the perineum with a napkin, which will reduce the stretching of the tissues, defecation will be less painful. The chair usually happens on the 2-3rd day after childbirth. To facilitate this process, include dried apricots, prunes, drink mineral water in your diet. If there is no stool on the 4th day, then you can use a laxative with ...

After giving birth, it often seems to a woman that all the worries are over. But, alas, sometimes the first, happiest days or weeks of the life together of mother and baby are overshadowed by various complications, not least among which are postpartum purulent-septic diseases of the mother. Causes Postpartum inflammatory diseases are often caused by opportunistic microbes that inhabit ...


Oh, and I don't know what I would do without my gynecologist. A friend of such passions told, she could not sit normally for a month after giving birth, the stitches hurt and did not heal well. My son and I were discharged on the 4th day, everything was fine, they said that the stitches would resolve themselves. But they didn’t say how to care for and how to lubricate. After discharge, I came to the gynecologist, taught by experience. Oddly enough, nothing needed to be done. Only depantol set the course.

It is not advised to do this so early because after childbirth, the uterine cavity, as it were, is an open wound, which is why there is so much blood. And then you suddenly get an infection. Although on the other hand, orgasm makes the uterus contract, which is very good. :)
And about ovulation, probably, yes, as the discharge ends after that, it is better to protect yourself.

Immediately the question is - who was sitting after childbirth with stitches in general and on the Internet in particular? They say there is some kind of rubber circle with a hole in the middle, on which you can sit with seams. Can anyone tell me where to buy (I live in the Akademicheskaya area). And then I can’t stand anymore: ((And in general, how long can you not sit down with these damn stitches? :((The doctor at the maternity hospital said - 3 weeks, a week has already passed ... I can’t stand 2 more: so now I'll cut off the Internet - I can't stand ...

Most women, especially if there were ruptures of the birth canal, note the fear of sexual contact. Yes, yes, fear of pain and concern about the integrity of the stitches in the vagina. Inna, manager of a large company, mother of a three-month-old baby: After giving birth, there was a feeling that if my husband touched me, I would kill him: the vagina was sewn up from all sides, because I did not listen to the doctors, screamed, did not control myself; Irinka was almost four kilos, I was severely torn, the perineum was cut, then it turned out that the placenta did not separate ... Two months only to lie or stand, smear the seams with potassium permanganate ... what kind of sex could we talk about! The child took so much strength! .. When I realized that my husband was already ready to "go to the side", ...


I don’t know how anyone, we had sex almost every day (or even more often) during pregnancy until the very last day. But after giving birth .... I can’t get excited and that’s it ... I don’t want anything at all! But, I need ... and then I suffer for several days from pain (there were a lot of seams), and then I need it again.
Good for those who don't have problems.

10/22/2008 07:59:11, Galina

My husband and I have a very trusting and reverent relationship. Before pregnancy, sex was gentle, although I sometimes wanted "heavy artillery" (something like: by the hair and into the cave). I'm on the 7th month and for the entire period of pregnancy, you can count on the fingers how many times we had sex, but in mutual oral caresses, we pretty much succeeded. In addition, we often hug and kiss, make eyes at each other, and in general, all sorts of intimate little things have multiplied in our arsenal, which bring us together for real, and we’ll leave dashing jumps in bed for later. Girls, the main thing is not to get hung up on the increased size: pregnant women are amazingly feminine and sexy (men on the street are trying to get to know me all the time), besides, the processes of changing your body occur gradually and naturally for a loved one! My husband tells me almost every day how beautiful I am, I myself think so and wish you the same! Love and be loved in every sense of the word!

01/21/2008 03:46:22 PM, Tanya

It's been a week now, and the stitches after the episiotomy haven't healed in any way: you can't walk normally, you can't sit.. Who did they heal when? Maybe something needs to be done to make it faster.

The rehabilitation process takes from 3 months to 1 year after the operation, depending on its complexity. After 6 months, patients are recommended to continue exercising on rehabilitation equipment under the supervision of an exercise therapy doctor or instructor in order to prevent recurrence of a herniated disc, for which a set of exercises is individually selected to create a muscular corset and improve blood circulation in problem areas.

The recovery period takes place under the supervision of a neurologist, who prescribes a course of drug therapy, recommends consultations of other specialists for more effective treatment.

Early rehabilitation period (from 1 to 3 months).

  1. Do not sit for 3-6 weeks after the operation (depending on the severity of the operation).
  2. Do not make sharp and deep movements in the spine, bending forward, to the sides, twisting movements in the lumbar spine for 1-2 months after surgery.
  3. Do not drive and do not ride in a vehicle in a sitting position for 2-3 months after the operation (you can ride as a reclining passenger with the seat unfolded).
  4. Do not lift more than 3-5 kilograms for 3 months.
  5. Within 3 months after the operation, one should not ride a bicycle, play sports (football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, etc.).
  6. Periodically unload the spine (rest in the supine position for 20-30 minutes during the day).
  7. Wearing a postoperative corset for no more than 3 hours a day.
  8. It is advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol during the entire rehabilitation period. Intimate life is not contraindicated.


As soon as the patient is allowed to walk, he should consult with an exercise therapy doctor regarding the timing of the appointment and the complex of physiotherapy exercises, which depend on the volume and nature of the surgical intervention, as well as postoperative complications. A month after an uncomplicated operation, classes are shown in the gym (not in the gym!) Under the supervision of an exercise therapy doctor, without deadlifts. Beneficial swimming.

A month after the operation, in uncomplicated cases, you can start working (the question of the timing and specific work performed is decided in each case individually with the attending physician).

Late rehabilitation period (3-6 months).

  1. It is not recommended to lift more than 5-8 kilograms, especially without warming up and warming up the back muscles, jumping from a height, long car trips.
  2. When going outside in bad weather: wind, rain, low temperature, it is advisable to wear a warming belt on the lumbar region.
  3. Wearing a corset, especially for a long time, is not recommended in order to avoid atrophy of the long back muscles.


During this period, you can carefully, under the supervision of a physiotherapist, begin the formation of a muscle corset, doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back.

A healthy lifestyle, smoking cessation, regular exercise in the gym, swimming, sauna, limiting weight lifting significantly reduce the risk of developing herniated discs.

To prevent back pain, you should avoid: stress, hypothermia, prolonged monotonous work in a forced position, weight lifting, sudden movements on cold, not warmed up muscles, the appearance of excess body weight.

In addition, at any stage of rehabilitation, acupuncture and physiotherapy can be included in the complex of rehabilitation measures.

Recommended set of exercises (one month after surgery)

  • At first, do 1 to 5 repetitions of exercises 2 times a day, increasing to 10 repetitions of each exercise 2 times a day.
  • Perform exercises smoothly and slowly, without sudden movements. If during execution you feel discomfort or pain, then do not do this exercise for a while. If such sensations become persistent, you should consult a doctor.
  • The intensity of the load depends on how you feel. As soon as pain appears, reduce the intensity of exercise.

Exercise 1. Lie on your back. Slowly bend your knees and press to your chest, feel the tension in the gluteal muscles. Relax the gluteal muscles. Keep your legs bent for 45-60 seconds, then slowly straighten them.

Exercise 2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, hands on the floor in different directions. Raise your pelvis off the floor and hold for 10-15 seconds. Adjust the holding time to 60 seconds.

Exercise 3. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Turn your legs alternately, first to the right, then to the left, touching the floor with your knee; the upper body remains in a horizontal position. Hold your legs in a rotated position for up to 60 seconds.

Exercise 4. Lie on your back, bend your knees, cross your arms over your chest, press your chin to your chest. Tightening the abdominal muscles, bend forward and hold in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 to 15 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Exercise 5. Starting position on the hands and legs bent at the knees. At the same time, stretch the left leg and right arm horizontally and lock in this position for 10 to 60 seconds. Repeat by raising your right arm and left leg.

Exercise 6. Starting position: lying on the stomach, arms bent at the elbow joints, lie near the head. Straightening your arms, lift your upper body and head up, bending in the lumbar region, while keeping your hips off the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Get down on the floor and relax.

Exercise 7. Starting position lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Slowly, low, lift your straight leg up without lifting your pelvis off the floor. Slowly lower your leg and repeat with the other leg.

Exercise 8. Starting position: stand on one leg, the second, straightened, put on a chair. Leaning forward, bend the knee of the leg lying on the chair, and hold in this position for 30-45 seconds. Straighten up and return to the starting position.

If a woman gives birth naturally, then her body is subjected to very high stress. More than half of mothers have ruptures in the uterus or vagina. It is not uncommon for doctors to make an incision in the perineum if the fetus is too large. In case of damage to soft tissues by accident or by the actions of the surgeon, a suture is applied to the gap in order to exclude the possibility of bleeding and infections.

About how the recovery goes, why you can’t sit after childbirth and whether it is possible to go through the rehabilitation period at home, this article will be discussed.

Stitched wounds that remain after the birth of a child,. The outer ones are superimposed on the perineum, if during the process of childbirth it was necessary to make an incision so that the fetus comes out easier. They are made using coarse and durable threads that do not dissolve in the body. The woman needs to visit the surgeon a week after the operation so that he pulls out the remnants. This is usually done by nurses in a maternity hospital or clinic.

If you had to “patch” tears and incisions in the vagina or on the cervix, these are internal scars. They are superimposed with absorbable threads and when the wound heals, unnecessary pieces themselves fall off and exit through the vagina.

How to care

The main thing in caring for scars after childbirth is. It is important not to strain and disinfect the sore spot. The basic rules are:

  • Wash yourself after every visit to the toilet.
  • Wash the scar morning and evening with antibacterial soap.
  • Treat the internal cavity for 2-3 days with cotton wool soaked in a mild antiseptic.
  • Wear only cotton underwear, avoid arguments, change underwear every 3-4 hours or use special pads and renew them regularly.
  • Give up sexual activity for 1.5-2 months.
  • Do not use healing gels unless directed by a doctor.
  • Balance your diet so that there are no difficulties when going to the toilet.
  • Stitches on the perineum should be treated with peroxide 2 times a day.
  • You can sit after childbirth with sutures no earlier than when the tissues are half fused.

Sitting ban

If a woman gets stitches, doctors warn her of some of the difficulties that will arise during the recovery period. Therefore, a frequent question among mothers is how long “darned” women in labor cannot sit.

Remember that you can not sit down on flat and hard surfaces (bed, armchair, chair) for 10-14 days from the date of surgery. But if you have a special orthopedic pillow, you can put it on and sit comfortably on a car seat or a soft mattress. But even in this case, you must be very careful and not strain the sore spot, it is better to transfer the weight to the coccyx.

Girls are interested in when it is possible to sit on the toilet after childbirth. Usually, doctors allow you to do this already on the first day after the resolution of the burden, they only impose a ban on sudden movement and tension during defecation.

It is better to ride from the hospital reclining in order to minimize the load during shaking.

Your loved ones should take care of this in advance. If possible, it is helpful to arrange bed rest for the first 3 days after discharge from the hospital.

After a week, you can gently sit on a hard surface, transferring the weight to one buttock, but not to the perineum. After two weeks, you are allowed to sit down normally. Experts do not recommend sitting in armchairs or on sofas in the first month. In this position, the buttocks are not on the same line, part of the body may “fail”, and the other may be above the normal line, and this will put a load on the scar. If you really want to sit in a chair or you have no other way out (car seat) - put an orthopedic pillow for reinsurance.

The question of how long you can not sit with stitches you should discuss with your doctor. He knows the specifics of the operation and whether any complications may arise and prescribe you a stricter bed rest.

How long does recovery take?

If the gap in the cervix or in the vagina is small, doctors apply threads that are dissolved by the body. In this case, the recovery can be considered complete when there is no trace left of the threads. Practice shows that under normal conditions it takes from 3 weeks to a month.

Young mothers who have had their perineum sewn up are wondering how long it will take for the body to fully recover. After all, the threads with which the perineum was sewn up most often need to be removed and without the help of an experienced nurse you cannot get rid of them. Everything here is individual and depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the girl's body.

After the first childbirth and in women under 22 years of age, the edges of the incision grow together faster and recovery is easier.

If there are no complications, you can count on complete regeneration in 6-8 weeks, but for women after 30 it takes up to six months. Proper care speeds up healing and minimizes the risk of infection.

If the scar hurts

Girls face a problem when the wound is practically. In rare cases, this is just a nagging pain that will pass as soon as the tissues are completely fused, but more often the pain signals the danger of infection.

Check the area around the perineum. If you have any doubts about a healing tear, consult your obstetrician.

To speed up the regeneration process, experienced doctors prescribe physical procedures or quartz treatment to patients. But such therapy should not be prescribed earlier than 14 days after resolution of the burden.

If the wound does not heal very well and the scar turns out to be large, convex and stands out sharply against the background of smooth tissue, the gynecologist may advise special ointments for healing. They smear the surface in the morning and evening for 2-3 weeks. The result is not always very noticeable, but it is possible to alleviate the suffering of the patient a little in this way.

Remember that after childbirth you can not overstrain the genitals and you must carefully follow the rules of hygiene - then the pain will be minimal.


If a woman does not follow all the doctor's instructions or the surgeon makes a mistake when suturing, complications may arise. Here are the main problems that a mom can face:

  • The scar hurts, aching sensations appear.
  • The sutured wound itches, turns red.
  • From the sewn place comes ichor, pus, or any other discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  • The threads begin to diverge.

These are symptoms that the wound has not yet healed, and the threads are no longer securely holding its edges together.

If there is itching and redness, it is possible that the doctor introduced an infection during the operation, or you did not care for the incision site well and did not decontaminate it sufficiently. If there is pus or other discharge, topical antibiotics may be needed. In any case, when unpleasant symptoms appear, you should not hesitate - you need to urgently go to your gynecologist for a consultation, only he will be able to establish the true cause of the trouble and prescribe treatment, taking into account all factors.

You do not need to trust the advice of a pharmacist in a pharmacy or "grandmother's drugs", if an infection has got into the external genital tract, it can spread to the cervix. And this - and delivers the patient much more inconvenience, up to loss of working capacity for several days.

Remember that you need to worry about your health no less than about the well-being of the baby, and in some cases it is better to play it safe and turn out to be an alarmist than to miss the moment and start the disease to an extreme stage.

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